p2 pure revision ex 1 qss prelim 2016

Name: ____________________________ ( )Class: Sec 4 ( ) Pure Geog P2 Practice Ex 1 : Extracted from QSS 2016 Section A Answer ONE question from this section. 1 . (a ) Fig. 1A (INSERT) shows the distribution of volcanoes around the world. (i ) With reference to Fig.1A, describe the distribution of volcanoes around the world. [3 ] (i i) Explain how volcanoes can be a real threat to the communities living near its vicinity. Use examples to support your answer. [4 ] (b ) Fig.1B (INSERT) shows the formation of various landforms as a result of plate movement between the African Plate (Somolian) and African Plate (Nubian). With the help of a well labelled diagram, explain the formation of the landforms as a result of the movement of plates along the African Plate (Somolian) and the African Plate (Nubian). [5 ] (c ) Fig. 1C shows an extract from an online news article regarding an earthquake that hit Ecuador’s northwest coast on 10 Jul 2016. The quake was centered near the town of Esmeraldas, northwest of the capital Quito, at a shallow depth of about 35 km (22 miles), the USGS said. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did not issue a tsunami warning immediately after the quake. President Rafael Correa said authorities had not received any reports of casualties or material damage. "We must remain calm," Correa said during a telephone call to a state-run television station."These are normal replicas, though the fear that people feel is understandable - especially the victims of the April 16 quake." [Turn Over 1

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Name: ____________________________ ( ) Class: Sec 4 ( )

Pure Geog P2 Practice Ex 1 : Extracted from QSS 2016 Section A

Answer ONE question from this section.

1. (a) Fig. 1A (INSERT) shows the distribution of volcanoes around the world.

(i) With reference to Fig.1A, describe the distribution of volcanoes around the world. [3]

(ii) Explain how volcanoes can be a real threat to the communities living near its vicinity. Use examples to support your answer. [4]

(b) Fig.1B (INSERT) shows the formation of various landforms as a result of plate movement between the African Plate (Somolian) and African Plate (Nubian).

With the help of a well labelled diagram, explain the formation of the landforms as a result of the movement of plates along the African Plate (Somolian) and the African Plate (Nubian). [5]

(c) Fig. 1C shows an extract from an online news article regarding an earthquake that hit Ecuador’s northwest coast on 10 Jul 2016.

The quake was centered near the town of Esmeraldas, northwest of the capital Quito, at a shallow depth of about 35 km (22 miles), the USGS said. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center did not issue a tsunami warning immediately after the quake.

President Rafael Correa said authorities had not received any reports of casualties or material damage. "We must remain calm," Correa said during a telephone call to a state-run television station."These are normal replicas, though the fear that people feel is understandable - especially the victims of the April 16 quake."

The tremor was felt in Quito and the coastal business hub of Guayaquil, with residents streaming out of buildings into the streets, according to witnesses. The coastal region has been hit by a series of quakes since the April 7.8 tremor that killed more than 650 people, the nation's strongest quake in decades.

Fig.1CSource: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-quake-ecuador-idUSKCN0ZR067

Using examples from Fig. 1C and other studies you have made, explain two factors affecting the impact of an earthquake. [5]

(d) “Short term responses are more effective in reducing the damage caused by an earthquake than long term ones.” To what extent do you agree with the statement? Give reasons to support your answer. [8]

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2. (a) Fig. 2A (INSERT) shows the climograph of a country in the tropics.

(i) Identify the type of climate experienced in this country and describe the features of this climograph. [3]

(ii) Places such as those in Fig.2A typically experience a type of rainfall. With the help of a well-labelled diagram, explain the formation of this type of rainfall. [4]

(b) Fig. 2B (INSERT) shows some facts about global warming.

With reference to Fig.2B, explain two negative impacts that global warming will have on human settlements along the coasts. [5]

(c) Fig. 2C shows a news extract regarding an earthquake that took place in the south Taiwanese of Tainan, Taiwan on 5 Feb 2016.

A 35-year-old woman described how she and her two children were pulled from the rubble.

"Rescue workers broke through (the building) layer by layer. And they asked us to climb out but I said my children are too small to climb. So they dug a bigger hole. Then one rescue worker tried his best to climb in and take the children out. Then I slowly climbed out myself," she said.

There have also been at least five aftershocks. The quake was felt in the capital Taipei, 300 km away. Although the damage does not appear to be widespread, a number of tall buildings have been left leaning precariously.

There are also reports of power outages, and transport links have been disrupted on what is one of the busiest travelling days of the year ahead of the Chinese New Year holiday.

Fig.2CSource: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-35508475

Using examples from Fig. 2C and other studies you have made, explain two threats of staying in earthquake prone areas. [5]

(d) “Building design is the most effective form of preparedness that people can put in place to cope with earthquake.” To what extent do you agree with the statement? Explain your answer. [8]

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Section B

Answer ONE question from this section.

3. (a) Fig.3A (INSERT) shows a map illustrating the global distribution of malnutrition.

(i) Describe the global distribution of malnutrition as shown in Fig.3A. [3]

(ii) Explain two possible reasons for the distribution. [4]

Fig.3B shows a cycle of despair for the poor.

Fig.3BSource: https://home.snu.edu/~hculbert/despair.htm

(iii) With reference to Fig.3B and studies you have made, explain the economic impacts a country with a high malnourished population will face. Support your answers with examples. [5]

(b) Table 3C (INSERT) shows the amount of rice committed by each country to the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserves (APTERR).Explain how regional food policies, such as that seen in Table 3C, can help to address food shortages. [5]

(d) “Social factors such as rapid population growth pose the greatest challenge to overcoming food shortage.” To what extent do you agree? Explain your answer. [8]

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4. (a) Fig.4A (INSERT) shows a map illustrating the adoption of Genetically Modified (GM) crops around the world in 2006.

(i) Describe the variation in the adoption of GM crops around the world. [3]

(ii) Explain how health and environment concerns might have resulted in resistance in some farmers refusing to adopt GM crops. [4]

(b) Photograph 4B (INSERT) shows a problem arising from of over-use of fertilisers.

Identify and explain how this consequence can have negative impact on the marine life. [5]

(c) Fig.4C shows an article posted on aidsmap, an AIDS awareness website, about reasons on non-disclosure of HIV-positive individuals.

I just felt kind of dirty, I guess, by being rejected, and knowing that that'll probably happen again has turned me off [disclosing my HIV-positive status] more. (Gay man, Canada, 2008)

It's so easy to lose everything you’ve got because you disclose your information and then it goes like a domino ...and then what you gonna do? Can’t get a job, can’t get a girlfriend, can’t do nothing.(Heterosexual man, Michigan, United States, 2009)

I’d been openly taking my pills in front of this guy I’d been seeing for weeks. I assumed he knew my HIV status. When I said I was off to my HIV doctor that afternoon it suddenly became apparent that this was not the case. He thought it was not polite to ask what the pills were for... and hadn’t even thought they might be for HIV. (Gay man, Australia, 2005)

Fig.4CSource: http://www.aidsmap.com/Challenges-associated-with-disclosing-ones-HIV-positive-status/page/1442642/

Using information from Fig.4C and studies you have made, explain why it is difficult to manage the spread of HIV/AIDS. [5]

(d) “HIV/AIDS is a cause of concern mainly because of the impacts that it will have on the life expectancy of a country.” To what extent do you agree? Explain your answer. [8]

End of paper

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Fig. 1A for Question 1

Distribution of volcanoes around the world

Source: http://maggiesscienceconnection.weebly.com/plate-tectonics-earthquakes--volcanoes.html

Fig. 1B for Question 1

Tectonic landforms and features located between the African and Arabian Plates

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/

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Fig. 2A for Question 2

Climograph of a country located in the tropics

Source: https://moodle.thelangton.org.uk/gip/HTMLpages/c_trf.htm

Fig. 2B for Question 2

An article containing facts of global warming

Source: http://mrhsgirlslax.weebly.com/

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Fig. 3A for Question 3

Global distribution of malnutrition

Source: http://www.actionagainsthunger.org/hunger/global-malnutrition

Table 3C for Question 3

Amount of rice committed by various countries in the APTERR

Source: http://apterr2.sdee.co/index.php/resoures/faq.html

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0-0- 0-0-0-




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Fig.4A for Question 4

Proportion of GM crops against total amount of crop land

Source: http://www.homeopathyworldcommunity.com/profiles/blogs/15-million-voices-for-a-gefree

Photograph 4B for Question 4

Before and After photographs of a lake as a result of over-use of fertilisers

Source: http://www.theeutrophysolution.com/enzymatic-digestion/

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After Before

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Queenstown Secondary SchoolMid Year Examination 2016Geography Paper 2 (2236/2)Secondary Four Express

Suggested Mark Scheme

1. (a) Fig. 1A (INSERT) shows the distribution of volcanoes around the world.

(i) With reference to Fig.1A, describe the distribution of volcanoes around the world.

- Volcanoes are found near convergent and divergent plate boundaries.

- Most of the volcanoes are found near convergent plate boundaries, such as between the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates, and the Pacfic plate (Pacific Ring of Fire).

- Some volcanoes can also be found near divergent plate boundaries, such as between the African and North/South American plates.

- A few isolated volcanoes can be found away from plate boundaries, but on locations known as “Hot spots”, such as Kilauea and Mauna Loa, in the middle of the Pacific plate.


(ii) Explain how volcanoes can be a real threat to the communities living near its vicinity. Use examples to support your answer.

- Destruction by volcanic materialso Volcanic materials, such as lava and rock fragments,

produced by volcanic eruptions can lead to widespread damage of property when they burn the areas they flow through or fall on.

o An example is the ongoing eruption of Kilauea in Hawaii, USA since 1983, which have destroyed many homes and highways.

- Landslides- Pollution- Effects on Weather


(b) Fig.1B (INSERT) shows the formation of various landforms as a result of plate movement between the African Plate (Somolian) and African Plate (Nubian).

With the help of a well labelled diagram, explain the formation of the landforms as a result of the movement of plates along the African Plate (Somolian) and

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the African Plate (Nubian).

- When the African Plate (Somolian) and African Plate (Nubian) diverge or move apart, they are stretch, causing fractures to form at the plate boundary.

- The land in between the two continental crusts sinks, forming a linear depression known as a rift valley.

- Rising magma might escape from the fractures caused by the movement and erupts onto the Earth’s surface, and overtime, cools and accumulate to form volcanoes.

- In this case, the East African Rift Valley, along with a number of volcanoes and earthquake fractures, was formed.


(c) Fig. 1C shows an extract from an online news article regarding an earthquake that hit Ecuador’s northwest coast on 10 Jul 2016.

Using examples from Fig. 1C and other studies you have made, explain two factors affecting the impact of an earthquake.

- Magnitude of earthquakeo Magnitude of earthquake refers to the amount of energy

released and is often measured using the Ritcher Scale.o For each increasing magnitude on the Ritcher Scale, the

impact of the earthquake is 10 times greater than the previous one,

o thus with a magnitude of 7.8, the earthquake in Fig.1C is likely to cause severe damage.

- Population density- Level of preparedness- Distance from epicentre- Depth of focus- Time of occurrence- Type of soil


(d) “Short term responses are more effective in reducing the damage caused by an earthquake than long term ones.” To what extent do you agree with the statement? Give reasons to support your answer.

Possible Content:

Agree because- Short term responses are those that occur immediately and last for

weeks after the occurrence of an earthquake, and focuses on managing the impacts of an earthquake to minimise the casualties and damage.

- Handling the status of the affected areao When


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- Searching and rescuing casualties- Providing medical aid, food and water- Setting up emergency shelters- Calling for humanitarian aid

Disagree because- Long term responses can stretch over months and years and

involve rebuilding an affected region.- Improving infrastructure

o With - Compensating people who lose their land and property- Ensuring the affected region recovers economically- Improving health options

Level 1 (0-3marks)At this level, answers are generalised or have minimum support, Reasoning is weak and expression is unclear Answers are basic with little developmentAnswers show little or no attempt to the question (L1/1)

Level 2 (4-6marks)Arrangement or/and disagreement is supported by appropriate detailSupport is patchy and the answer is not complete Good reasoning and logic in some parts Some examples or evidences are presented to support answers

Level 3 (7-8marks)Answers are comprehensive and supported by sound knowledgeBoth agreement and disagreement are considered and well-supported.Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of languageExamples or other evidence to support answer.

2. (a) Fig. 2A (INSERT) shows the climograph of a country in the tropics.

(i) Identify the type of climate experienced in this country and describe the features of this climograph.

- Tropical equatorial climate- The country experiences high mean annual temperature of

~26.5°C- The country experiences a small annual temperature range of

2°C- The country experiences high total annual precipitation of

2705mm- The country experiences precipitation that is evenly


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distributed throughout the year, with at least 120mm of precipitation recorded every month.

(ii) Places such as those in Fig.2A typically experience a type of rainfall. With the help of a well-labelled diagram, explain the formation of this type of rainfall.

- Convectional rain occurs when the earth’s surface is heated intensely, causing the air around the surface to be heated up. The air becomes unstable, expands and starts to rise.

- As the air rises, its temperature starts to drop and upon reaching dew point, starts to condense into cumulonimbus clouds.

- When the water droplets in the clouds become large and heavy enough, they fall to the ground as rain.


(b) Fig. 2B (INSERT) shows some facts about global warming.

With reference to Fig.2B, explain two negative impacts that global warming will have on human settlements along the coasts.

Negative impacts in Fig.2B:- Sea Level rise

o As a result of global warming, glaciers melt and introduce more water to the ocean system,

o coupled with the higher temperatures in the atmosphere causing water in seas and oceans to expand, thus resulting in an increase in sea level.

o As mentioned in Fig.2B, the occurrence of climate change has resulted in the Coral Triangle experiencing an increase in sea level of 30-60cm by 2100, this might result in coastal settlements being submerged under the sea.

- Low productivity - Increased occurrence of extreme weather events i.e. typhoons and

cyclones.- Acidified Oceans


(c) Fig. 2C shows a news extract regarding an earthquake that took place in the south Taiwanese of Tainan, Taiwan on 5 Feb 2016.

Using examples from Fig. 2C and other studies you have made, explain two threats of staying in earthquake prone areas.

Threat shown in Fig.2C- Destruction of properties- Destruction of infrastructure

Any one other threats


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- Tsunami- Disruption of services- Fire- Landslides- Loss of lives

(d) “Building design is the most effective form of preparedness that people can put in place to cope with earthquake.” To what extent do you agree with the statement? Explain your answer.

Possible Content:

Agree because- Effective building design can reduce the collapse of buildings and

minimise damage caused by an earthquakeo Steel and reinforced concreteo Damping deviceso Construction of buildings with wide and heavy baseso Base isolation bearings

Disagree because- Land use regulations- Infrastructure development- Emergency drills- Use of technology to provide early warning

Level 1 (0-3marks)At this level, answers are generalised or have minimum support, Reasoning is weak and expression is unclear Answers are basic with little developmentAnswers show little or no attempt to the question (L1/1)

Level 2 (4-6marks)Arrangement or/and disagreement is supported by appropriate detailSupport is patchy and the answer is not complete Good reasoning and logic in some parts Some examples or evidences are presented to support answers

Level 3 (7-8marks)Answers are comprehensive and supported by sound knowledgeBoth agreement and disagreement are considered and well-supported.Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of languageExamples or other evidence to support answer.


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Section B

3. (a) Fig.3A (INSERT) shows a map illustrating the global distribution of malnutrition.

(i) Describe the global distribution of malnutrition as shown in Fig.3A.

- Acute malnutrition are generally found in LDCs such as South America and Africa, while absent in DCs such as North America and Europe.

- The highest concentration of countries with acute malnutrition population are found in the continent of Africa, ranging to as high as >20% in Burkina Faso.

- India and Sudan also experiences a high proportion of population with acute malnutrition (11-15%).

- Though having population facing acute malnutrition, it constitutes a much lower percentage of 0-5% in countries such as Brazil, Russa, Peru, and Thailand.


(ii) Explain two possible reasons for the distribution.

- Low Disposable Income- Pricing of food- Lack of stability of food supply due to civil war/natural

disasters- Rapid population growth


(iii) With reference to Fig.3B and studies you have made, explain the economic impacts a country with a high malnourished population will face. Support your answers with examples.



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- When the population is malnourished, they will have lower resistance to diseases and thus are weak and will fall sick more easily.

- When they fall sick, they will not be able to turn up to work or be less efficient while working, thus this will result in lower productivity, such as producing less food. With less food produced, there will not be enough to feed the family and the whole vicious cycle will repeat itself.

- An example is in countries such as Sierra Leone, India, Sri Lanka and Ethiopia, where low levels of nutrition intake have resulted in farmers being less innovative and unable to implement improvement to increase crop yield.

Higher public health expenditure:- With more people falling sick, there will be an increase in

demand for health services, which would in turn increase the overall costs of providing health care, putting a strain on the country’s budget.

- For many LDCs, the higher spending on health care means that limited financial resources are diverted from other areas such as education, which would further slowdown the country’s economic development and growth.

Long-term debt:- Food aid and financial aid can be given to help people and

countries cope with insufficient supply of food, however, due to the terms and conditions, this may result in the countries being faced with long-term debt problems.

- For example, of the food and financial aid provided by the USA, most of it requires the recipient to buy from USA’s suppliers and transporters, thus ultimately indebting the recipient to USA.

(b) Table 3C (INSERT) shows the amount of rice committed by each country to the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserves (APTERR).Explain how regional food policies, such as that seen in Table 3C, can help to address food shortages.

- Regional food policies are decisions made by a group of countries to ensure food security, such that in times of emergency, food will still be able to be supplied.

- In Table 3C, the ASEAN Plus Three Emergency Rice Reserves (APTERR), countries in ASEAN, together with China, Japan and South Korea pledge to ensure food security for its members.

- This agreement requires the big rice producers and each member country to supply rice for a reserve.

- For example, Brunei – 3,000tonnes, Philippines – 12,000, People’s Republic of China – 300,000tonnes, and Thailand – 15,000tonnes.


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- This reserve will then be used to provide rice to countries, who have signed the agreement, in times of disaster.

(d) “Social factors such as rapid population growth pose the greatest challenge to overcoming food shortage.” To what extent do you agree? Explain your answer.

Possible Content:

Agree because- Social

o Rapid population growtho Lack of accessibilityo Inadequate logistics of food distribution and storage

Disagree because- Economic

o Increased demand from emerging economieso Food policieso Soaring cost of fertilisers and transporto Conversion of farmland to industrial crop production

- Politicalo Civil Strifeo Poor Governance

- Physicalo Climate Changeo Extreme weather eventso Pests

Level 1 (0-3marks)At this level, answers are generalised or have minimum support, Reasoning is weak and expression is unclear Answers are basic with little developmentAnswers show little or no attempt to the question (L1/1)

Level 2 (4-6marks)Arrangement or/and disagreement is supported by appropriate detailSupport is patchy and the answer is not complete Good reasoning and logic in some parts Some examples or evidences are presented to support answers

Level 3 (7-8marks)Answers are comprehensive and supported by sound knowledgeBoth agreement and disagreement are considered and well-supported.Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of languageExamples or other evidence to support answer.


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4. (a) Fig.4A (INSERT) shows a map illustrating the adoption of Genetically Modified

(GM) crops around the world in 2006.

(i) Describe the variation in the adoption of GM crops around the world.

- The adoption of GM crops around the world varied greatly from close to zero to almost half of the total crop land.

- It is most extensively adopted in the Paraguay, accounting for almost 50% of the total crop land.

- It is least adopted in Australia, where the proportion is less than 1%.


(ii) Explain how health and environment concerns might have resulted in resistance in some farmers refusing to adopt GM crops.

Health concerns:- Potential health risks

o There is a growing concern that incorporating foreign genes into plants may have adverse effect on human health, such as allergic reactions.

o For instance, a person who is allergic to lectin may unknowingly consume it in a GM crop such as soy beans and yet he is not aware of it due to the GM food not been labelled.

Environmental concerns:- Genetic pollution resulting in loss of biodiversity

o The process of genetic modification disrupts the biochemistry of the plant and may produce new toxins, allergens and anti-nutrients. This means that GM crops have the potential to harm other organisms.

o An example of a species negatively affected by GM food is the monarch butterfly, which feeds on milkweed. It has been found that nearly half of the monarch butterfly caterpillars died after eating mildewed dusted with pollen B+ corn

- Development of superweeds o Due to the transference of GM crop’s resistance to

herbicideso This will cause loss of natural species and may result in

farmers using more potent and lethal herbicides/pesticides in greater quantities, thus causing more damage to the environment, implicating the non-harmful species as well.


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(b) Photograph 4B (INSERT) shows a problem arising from of over-use of fertilisers.

Identify and explain how this consequence can have negative impact on the marine life.

- The overuse of fertilisers cause them to be concentrated in the soil and overtime, seep into groundwater or during rainfall, be washed into streams and rivers by surface runoff.

- The fertilizer then become nutrients for algae to grow on the surface of the water, resulting in eutrophication, which is the presence of excess nutrients in water, leading to algae bloom.

- The algae bloom will deplete the oxygen in the water and block off sunlight from reaching the aquatic plants, resulting in the death of these plants.

- Without the sunlight, aquatic plants will not be able to photosynthesis to replenish the oxygen level in the water, resulting in a build-up of carbon dioxide.

- As the aquatic plants and algae decompose, they further use up the oxygen in the water.

- Eventually the oxygen level in the water becomes depleted and leading to the death of marine life.


(c) Fig.4C shows an article posted on aidsmap, an AIDS awareness website, about reasons on non-disclosure of HIV-positive individuals.

Using information from Fig.4C and studies you have made, explain why it is difficult to manage the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Fig.4C:- Social Stigma

o HIV/AIDS patients may face various forms of discrimination, which may lead to reused access to health care facilities, rejection by family or community, and being expelled from school or denial from housing.

o Thus, due to these prejudices, people who are HIV/AIDS positive may be reluctant to disclose their status, resulting in the virus being spread further.

Other Studies made:- Difficulties in HIV detection

o As there are no visible signs of the disease for most of the period of infection, infected people may continue with their normal behavior without realizing they are infected.

o For example, in Congo, only 35.2 % of women with HIV knew they had HIV before the test.

- Lifestyle choices


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- Health care- Population Movement

(d) “HIV/AIDS is a cause of concern mainly because of the impacts that it will have on the life expectancy of a country.” To what extent do you agree? Explain your answer.

Possible Content:

Agree because- Life expectancy and infant mortality rate

Disagree because- Orphan crisis- Healthcare expenditure- Slower economic growth

Level 1 (0-3marks)At this level, answers are generalised or have minimum support, Reasoning is weak and expression is unclear Answers are basic with little developmentAnswers show little or no attempt to the question (L1/1)

Level 2 (4-6marks)Arrangement or/and disagreement is supported by appropriate detailSupport is patchy and the answer is not complete Good reasoning and logic in some parts Some examples or evidences are presented to support answers

Level 3 (7-8marks)Answers are comprehensive and supported by sound knowledgeBoth agreement and disagreement are considered and well-supported.Reasoning is clear and logical with good expression of languageExamples or other evidence to support answer.


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