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Page 1: P275-279

International Journal of Science, Technology & Management www.ijstm.com

Volume No.04, Issue No. 03, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2394-1537

275 | P a g e


Akshat Narayan Singh1, Richa Thakur

2, Aakarshan Raj

3, Devasis Halder


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University (India)


This paper is totally dedicated to the common public in India, for new and future advancement. In this concept

it is possible for the people who are blind, deaf and the common public standing at the bus stop to check the

arrival of any bus on the bus stand with the help of voice playback system and also with the help of an LCD



A typical day at a street where number of people are busy with their lives trying to reach from one place to the

other without noticing there near happenings. They take bus, auto rickshaws etc as their local means of

transport. Suppose, in such a busy life if the bus transportation which is the cheapest and busiest modes of

transportation becomes automatic and human friendly with the common and physically disabled people.


In this model we provide a smart blind card to every bus stand. This card is equipped with the smart technology

having receiver circuit. Now when any bus come to the bus stand and send its code then bus stand receiver

receives this code and response it with a sound. Now, suppose when a blind person hears the sound then its

means that he is near the bus stand. Bus stand is also equipped with the rf receiver. One digital voice recording

and playback is also attached with the receiver circuit. As the signal is received on the receiver then receiver

responds with pre-recorded sound and the LCD display starts displaying the data of the bus, both the functions

happen simultaneously. Blind person listens bus arrival information by receiving a code from the transmitter.

Receiver checks this code and compare with the data base. If the code is ok then circuit respond with the

acknowledgement sound.

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International Journal of Science, Technology & Management www.ijstm.com

Volume No.04, Issue No. 03, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2394-1537

276 | P a g e

Now people at the bus stand wait for the bus to arrive. As the bus arrives on the bus stand, bus sends a serial

code from the transmitter. Transmitter code is again compare with the data base on receiver end , if the data base

is ok then bus stand respond with the voice .

Technology used in BUS:

2.1 ADAPTIVE BUS MODE: In this mode we have designed a circuit on bus which have different advance

feature in it such as :

Information provider system: In this mode bus have a circuit which transmit the code at the bus stand ,bus

stand system receive this code and compare with database and particular information give to all person such as

blind person.

Auto Guided System: In this case we use a special circuit in which we use plate which activates the circuit

before the accident is going to happen. It will have a fixed range. And with help of GSM system we will be

automatically be able to send the information to the responsible persons.

Fire protection system: In this case we use a fire sensor which senses the fire as soon as it occurs anywhere in

the BUS and provide the information to the responsible persons with help of GSM technology.


In this mode we attach a circuit in bus-stand area .this circuit have receiver which receive the signal on coming

the bus and compare the database and play the information to persons.

Main aspects of bus stand:

Apr 9600 IC : This ic have special feature such as: voice recording and replay the message.

Buzzer Indication.

Led Representation.

LCD Display: In LCD display system will give the full detail about the bus from where it is coming and

where it is going.

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International Journal of Science, Technology & Management www.ijstm.com

Volume No.04, Issue No. 03, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2394-1537

277 | P a g e

All the above advancement will be present in the Bus stand and Bus.

Transmitter Application Circuit

Transmitter circuit establish on bus that detect other type of problem such as accident avoiding ,fire problem.

And our location send wirelessly through rf module ,this circuit sends the information in form of frequency with

the help of ht-12e encoder ic that provide parallel to serial conversion and send information.

Receiver Application Circuit

But at receiving end we receive the signal in form of frequency that convert in voltage through module and ht-

12d converter serial to parallel and signal given to microcontroller and it will provide all information according

to the requirement.

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International Journal of Science, Technology & Management www.ijstm.com

Volume No.04, Issue No. 03, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2394-1537

278 | P a g e






With the help of this rf transmitter it is able to send the signal to the rf receiver of the Bus stand. It contains Bus

Code which has its unique id, microcontroller, an encoder which converts parallel to serial the signals coming

to it.







It receives the signal from the bus transmitter converts it to parallel to serial with the help of decoder so that it

can be in readable format for microcontroller. Than microcontroller compares the signal with the database

stored in it and after that produces an output after passing through the voice processor where it gets



To end on a positive note, Smart Bus can be pretty helpful in our daily life. It can help common people as well

as differently abled people and make their travel safer and smarter. It will make travel less time consuming and

problem free. However, there’s no denying with large scale implementation of this concept future of differently

abled travelers can change in a better way then it is now .

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International Journal of Science, Technology & Management www.ijstm.com

Volume No.04, Issue No. 03, March 2015 ISSN (online): 2394-1537

279 | P a g e


This can further be made more efficient by adding solar panels. This will save the electricity cost for LCD

and audio announcements.

Charging points can also be sourced through the solar energy.

Money changers can also be placed.

A CCTV camera would add to the security.


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[2]. World Health Organization 2009. Fact Sheet No. 282: Visual impairment and blindness. [Online]

http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs282/en/ [May 2009].

[3]. Dr. (Mrs.) Saylee Gharge, Manal Chhaya, Gaurav Chheda , Jitesh Deshpande , Niket Gajra, “Real time bus

monitoring system using GPS”, (IRACST – Engineering Science and Technology: An International Journal

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