p3 open tuition chat session question 2 rock bottom june 2009

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  • 8/8/2019 p3 Open Tuition Chat Session Question 2 ROCK BOTTOM JUNE 2009


    [23:06:53] --------------------------Paper P3--------------------------

    [23:07:34] nshashmi: does any1 ever bothers coming down here

    [23:07:50] nshashmi: when the gate will b opened for studies for P3

    [23:08:17] zara_n: hi everyone..

    [23:10:14] nshashmi: bloody paper 3

    [23:10:23] zara_n: my 2nd attempt..

    [23:10:31] Yashin: U shld have faith nshashmi.. D'ont discourage

    [23:10:50] nshashmi: there is a lot of PEE at this stage...isnt it

    [23:11:02] Yashin: Ya

    [23:11:13] nshashmi: yeppp yashin..true said

    [23:11:18] nshashmi: you cant fight faith

    [23:11:31] Yashin: U got it

    [23:26:30] linda4: Hey guys there would be a P3 session in the next hour...we

    would be doing the Rock Bottom- June 2009

    [23:26:39] linda4: join if u guys are interested

    [23:26:45] nshashmi: whats more important ...study or work

    [23:26:47] zara_n: next hour?

    [23:26:51] zara_n: my god

    [23:26:58] zara_n: its 10.30 pm..

    [23:27:04] zara_n: +1hr

    [23:27:04] Yashin: I agree 100% with Zara

    [23:27:08] zara_n: 11.30 pm..

    [23:27:14] nshashmi: linda what are you asking interested???????

    [23:27:23] zara_n: but am interested..

    [23:27:25] zara_n: lol

    [23:27:36] zara_n: p3 session in next hour..

    [23:27:37] linda4: yes we have a session at 7:30 PM uk TIME every week

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    [23:27:41] nshashmi: i am so bored that i will study even P3 at this time

    [23:27:45] linda4: on Wednesdays and Sundays

    [23:27:53] nshashmi: ok is it here in this room

    [23:28:00] linda4: yes

    [23:28:05] Yashin: Rigthly pointed out nshashmi

    [23:28:12] Yashin: time 2 relax

    [23:28:16] nshashmi: thats great LIN where where you before

    [23:28:18] linda4: u all can fall asleep if u like

    [23:28:26] nshashmi: sorry where was i before ...lols

    [23:28:49] linda4: I'm doing P3 and I know it can be boring

    [23:29:15] linda4: but I thought I'd just let u guys know about the session

    [23:29:21] nshashmi: 7:30 is in anhour

    [23:29:31] zara_n: hey linda thats nice thank you

    [23:29:32] nshashmi: thanks for that Lin

    [23:29:40] linda4: tomorrow is session with the tutor

    [23:29:42] Yashin: thks linda

    [23:29:49] zara_n: wat time?

    [23:29:50] linda4: that starts at 5pm UK time

    [23:29:58] nshashmi: hope you dont mind calling you LIN

    [23:30:02] linda4: so at least be for that session

    [23:30:10] zara_n: sure

    [23:30:15] linda4: {nshashmi} it doesn't matter

    [23:30:18] zara_n: have to be in that session..

    [23:30:21] Yashin: I.A

    [23:30:34] linda4: and come prepared with questions

    [23:30:47] nshashmi: ok who is the tutor

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    [23:30:48] linda4: to ask him

    [23:31:04] nshashmi: is it a teacher or some one who has already passed it

    [23:31:05] linda4: can't say exactly who

    [23:31:15] nshashmi: and what topic would it be

    [23:31:17] linda4: no he is a tutor

    [23:31:28] linda4: its general topics

    [23:31:44] linda4: whatever is worrying u and u need clearing up on

    [23:31:48] nshashmi: or we can throw question from any part of syllabi

    [23:31:58] linda4: yes

    [23:32:23] linda4: however don't ask him a solution to an entire exam question

    [23:32:25] linda4: lol

    [23:32:32] linda4: he's only here for an hour

    [23:32:32] nshashmi: problem is ...i have actually opened th book yet

    [23:32:54] linda4: {nshashmi} really

    [23:32:54] nshashmi: so i am quite confused

    [23:33:02] nshashmi: yep....

    [23:33:11] linda4: so what areas do u consider your strong parts

    [23:33:25] linda4: and what areas do u consider your weak ones

    [23:33:45] linda4: this question is for all of u guys

    [23:33:50] nshashmi: Lin the models are not problem but to apply and analyse

    using them is

    [23:34:02] zara_n: for me its change mgt

    [23:34:09] zara_n: n quality

    [23:34:14] linda4: okay

    [23:34:21] linda4: understandable

    [23:34:21] zara_n: bit of e-business

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    [23:34:51] linda4: the question we have to do today reminded me of some change


    [23:34:58] linda4: quality always come

    [23:35:07] linda4: so I suggest u learn

    [23:35:13] Yashin: See you later dear. Hv a nice chat

    [23:35:22] zara_n: oh

    [23:35:30] linda4: CMMI came in June

    [23:35:30] zara_n: ok yashin

    [23:35:33] zara_n: see ya then

    [23:35:36] Yashin: Bye Zara

    [23:35:39] linda4: {Yashin} Tc

    [23:35:49] Yashin: thks Linda

    [23:35:51] nshashmi: bye YASHIN

    [23:36:00] linda4: Six Sigma and V-models seems more likely

    [23:36:10] Yashin: Bye nshashmi, will pray 4 a job 4 u

    [23:36:27] nshashmi: thanks for that YASHIN

    [23:36:28] Yashin: patience is a gr8t thing

    [23:36:36] Yashin: capitalise on it

    [23:36:40] nshashmi: patience is a killer

    [23:36:49] zara_n: six sigma...

    [23:36:50] linda4: {zara_n} http://journal.acs-

    cam.org.uk/data/archive/2009/200901-article2.pdf try reading this and see if it


    [23:36:50] zara_n: DMAIC

    [23:37:05] zara_n: oh thanks!

    [23:37:09] linda4: that's for why change management fails

    [23:37:11] zara_n: sure will

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    [23:37:26] linda4: usually comes in exams

    [23:38:04] linda4: whether it be because of Culture, leadership etc

    [23:38:30] linda4: changes in these areas tend to not go well if not planned


    [23:39:27] linda4: Lewin Change model

    [23:39:49] linda4: can be used as a means of ensuring successful change

    [23:41:04] zara_n: unfreeze

    [23:41:07] zara_n: explain

    [23:41:09] zara_n: put in place

    [23:41:11] zara_n: refreeze..

    [23:41:19] zara_n: lewin's change model

    [23:42:18] linda4: do u want me to explain it?

    [23:43:45] linda4: there is 3 stages in the process of change

    [23:43:53] linda4: I) Unfreezing

    [23:44:05] linda4: 2)Change

    [23:44:14] linda4: 3)Refreezing

    [23:50:39] nshashmi: thatsthe lewin model

    [23:51:01] linda4: yes Lewin change model

    [23:51:08] nshashmi: is there further complexity in that ...or thats all

    [23:51:19] nshashmi: cos i am coming across it for the first time

    [23:53:34] nshashmi: lin you got anything more to say on this model ..

    [23:54:03] linda4: {nshashmi} sorry I was going through unfreezing with Zara

    [23:54:07] nshashmi: can you show us in ilustraion

    [23:54:15] nshashmi: ok cool

    [23:54:22] linda4: let me use the same example I told her

    [23:54:28] linda4: ok

    [23:54:30] nshashmi: ok

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    [23:54:35] linda4: Lewin's change model

    [23:54:39] zara_n: thanks linda..

    [23:54:43] zara_n: that was great

    [23:54:44] zara_n: :)

    [23:54:54] linda4: np

    [23:54:58] linda4: now there is 3 stages in the process of change

    [23:55:09] nshashmi: i'm all ears

    [23:55:13] linda4: we start with (1) Unfreezing

    [23:55:28] linda4: now to illustrate this model better for me

    [23:55:49] linda4: I put it in perspective to students who continually fail the ACCAexams

    [23:56:04] nshashmi: ok

    [23:56:04] linda4: so at the first stage

    [23:56:11] nshashmi: talking about me ..huh

    [23:56:27] nshashmi: :)

    [23:56:35] linda4: lol

    [23:56:59] nshashmi: UNFREEZING......1st stage

    [23:57:05] linda4: at this stage a shake up is needed

    [23:57:14] nshashmi: ok

    [23:57:27] linda4: perhaps triggered by declining results at the ACCA exams

    [23:57:35] linda4: or continually failure

    [23:57:45] linda4: continual*

    [23:57:50] nshashmi: ok

    [23:58:21] linda4: the result is an acceptance that the existing structure and ways

    are not working

    [23:58:23] linda4: meaning

    [23:58:30] linda4: too much liming

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    [23:58:36] linda4: not studying enough hours

    [23:58:49] linda4: etc

    [23:59:34] linda4: so to get people ready for change it is necessary to develop an

    awareness of the necessity of change

    [23:59:41] linda4: nature of change needed

    [23:59:59] linda4: methods planned to achieve the change

    [00:00:31] linda4: Ways that the progress will be planned and monitored

    [00:00:31] nshashmi: like my mom telling me to wake up ...and dont waste time

    cos its costing me

    [00:00:35] linda4: yes

    [00:00:38] linda4: exactly

    [00:00:42] linda4: like Parents

    [00:00:48] linda4: true friends etc

    [00:00:50] nshashmi: ok

    [00:01:26] linda4: this model can be used not only for exams but for businesses

    [00:01:34] nshashmi: ok

    [00:01:37] linda4: I just used ACCA as an eg

    [00:01:41] linda4: so we can relate

    [00:01:44] nshashmi: i got LIN

    [00:02:05] linda4: the 2nd stage is the change

    [00:02:32] linda4: so the first stage was like an intervention stage

    [00:02:48] nshashmi: ok

    [00:02:52] linda4: {linda4} what do u think change would be about ?

    [00:03:01] linda4: {nshashmi} that was for u

    [00:03:03] linda4: lol

    [00:03:12] nshashmi: lols.....

    [00:03:17] linda4: or anybody else

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    [00:03:19] nshashmi: i am now aware

    [00:03:30] nshashmi: so i devise a plan for study

    [00:03:39] linda4: yes

    [00:03:41] nshashmi: but thats still first stage isnt it

    [00:03:55] linda4: devise and implement the change

    [00:03:55] nshashmi: method for a change

    [00:04:09] linda4: no method one was just a shake up

    [00:04:15] linda4: for instance

    [00:04:18] nshashmi: ok now i got a friend who is teaching me... and i open book

    [00:04:22] nshashmi: writes some notes

    [00:04:40] zara_n: thats the second stage

    [00:04:42] nshashmi: implementing that plan

    [00:04:45] zara_n: ur implementing the change

    [00:04:50] zara_n: yup

    [00:04:54] zara_n: thats it

    [00:04:56] linda4: {zara_n} yes

    [00:04:57] nshashmi: ok thats the CHANGE stage

    [00:05:02] linda4: {nshashmi} yes

    [00:05:08] linda4: in the first stage

    [00:05:20] linda4: think of an alarm

    [00:05:22] linda4: clock

    [00:05:30] nshashmi: hmm nice

    [00:05:38] linda4: its purpose is suppose to wake u up

    [00:05:46] nshashmi: abide by time...

    [00:05:54] nshashmi: change th habbits

    [00:05:58] linda4: u may not nessarily get up

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    [00:06:13] linda4: so your alarm is like your mother

    [00:06:19] nshashmi: ok

    [00:06:49] linda4: however at the second stage

    [00:07:04] nshashmi: would it be like 1st and 2nd stage getting a bit of mixd here

    [00:07:18] nshashmi: like i know i have to study

    [00:07:28] nshashmi: and i have a will to do it

    [00:07:47] linda4: don't let it confuse u

    [00:08:12] zara_n: hi amrita

    [00:08:17] nshashmi: but i need mom...or alarm continuously to be productive..to

    show some outcome

    [00:08:18] zara_n: hi jiedong

    [00:08:32] linda4: 1st stage is the shake up phase

    [00:08:37] nshashmi: ok

    [00:08:39] amrita: heyy zara

    [00:08:54] nshashmi: in 2nd its just implementation

    [00:08:58] linda4: that's stage is letting u know that u are doing sh**

    [00:09:07] nshashmi: lols

    [00:09:08] zara_n: linda

    [00:09:09] linda4: and why the change is needed

    [00:09:12] nshashmi: ok

    [00:09:17] zara_n: if we put that model in business

    [00:09:19] zara_n: 1st stage

    [00:09:20] zara_n: will be

    [00:09:23] zara_n: mgt

    [00:09:27] zara_n: shaking up everyone

    [00:09:31] zara_n: letting them kno

    [00:09:34] nshashmi: ok

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    [00:09:35] linda4: {zara_n} yes

    [00:09:35] zara_n: that wat they're doing

    [00:09:40] zara_n: is S***

    [00:09:42] linda4: is not working

    [00:09:45] zara_n: well not exactly

    [00:09:45] linda4: lol

    [00:09:49] nshashmi: ok

    [00:09:55] zara_n: lol

    [00:09:55] zara_n: ya

    [00:09:55] zara_n: dats it

    [00:09:58] linda4: {zara_n} yes

    [00:10:00] zara_n: u explain to them

    [00:10:07] zara_n: reason for change

    [00:10:12] zara_n: methods etc

    [00:10:14] linda4: yep

    [00:10:16] zara_n: 2nd stage

    [00:10:21] linda4: productivity is low

    [00:10:22] zara_n: u implement the change

    [00:10:22] linda4: etc

    [00:10:30] linda4: {zara_n} yes

    [00:10:37] nshashmi: ok

    [00:10:39] linda4: devise and implement

    [00:10:40] zara_n: 3rd?

    [00:11:03] linda4: at the 3rd stage

    [00:11:07] linda4: Refreezing

    [00:11:17] nshashmi: is it like locking in

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    [00:11:39] linda4: yes

    [00:11:45] linda4: this is the process of maintaining the momentum of change

    [00:11:51] zara_n: amrita we're talking abt lewin model

    [00:11:53] nshashmi: button up so that fragrance may stay longer and we can keepenjoying it

    [00:11:54] zara_n: change mgt

    [00:11:55] amrita: u guys discussing a paper or??

    [00:12:13] amrita: ohh aigght

    [00:12:19] linda4: {amrita} the question starts at in the next 15mins

    [00:12:25] linda4: Rock Bottom

    [00:12:31] nshashmi: so basically keep up the pace

    [00:12:33] amrita: which question??

    [00:12:36] nshashmi: and keeping it steady

    [00:12:42] linda4: {nshashmi} yep

    [00:12:47] nshashmi: ok ...

    [00:12:52] nshashmi: thanks LIN

    [00:13:06] linda4: making sure they don't go back to their old methods

    [00:13:12] linda4: which did not work

    [00:13:12] nshashmi: ok

    [00:13:24] linda4: stabilising the situation

    [00:13:25] nshashmi: but does this model explaing all change process

    [00:13:26] linda4: etc

    [00:13:44] linda4: {nshashmi} what do u mean by all?

    [00:13:52] nshashmi: i mean this only shows the planned changes

    [00:13:55] linda4: {amrita} Rock Bottom...June 2009

    [00:14:06] amrita: okayy.. thanks

    [00:14:14] amrita: let me go through it..

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    [00:14:17] nshashmi: i mean if there is a will then there is a way

    [00:14:21] linda4: {amrita} good

    [00:14:27] nshashmi: how about abrupt chages

    [00:14:43] zara_n: hmm

    [00:14:43] nshashmi: like catastrphoe

    [00:14:55] zara_n: dat can be one limitation of lewin model!

    [00:14:57] zara_n: ;)

    [00:15:14] linda4: lol

    [00:15:14] zara_n: it applies for the longterm

    [00:15:17] linda4: {zara_n} yes

    [00:15:30] nshashmi: got it zara

    [00:15:46] linda4: the question would have the answers in it

    [00:15:55] nshashmi: it has limitation but ...it can be used widely

    [00:16:07] nshashmi: to most of the situation

    [00:16:15] linda4: so always choose a model that is best suited to the question

    [00:16:19] linda4: {nshashmi} yes

    [00:16:27] zara_n: yes

    [00:16:37] zara_n: linda's rite

    [00:16:40] linda4: if when doing a question u realise it would not work don't use

    [00:16:42] linda4: it

    [00:16:52] linda4: choose another that is better suited

    [00:17:16] nshashmi: well that reminds me of planing it well in advance

    [00:17:29] nshashmi: thats where i loose it

    [00:17:36] nshashmi: ok CMMI

    [00:17:41] linda4: lol

    [00:17:44] amrita: do the examiners give us wat model we should use??

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    [00:17:44] linda4: CMMI

    [00:17:49] nshashmi: could you put some light on it

    [00:17:54] linda4: Sometimes

    [00:18:00] zara_n: not always

    [00:18:05] zara_n: sometimes it says

    [00:18:08] nshashmi: amrita examiner is cheeky

    [00:18:10] zara_n: use this or that model

    [00:18:14] zara_n: or sometimes

    [00:18:16] linda4: for instance the last June exam question 1 i

    [00:18:21] zara_n: just (use appropriate model)

    [00:18:25] linda4: they did not tell us which one to use

    [00:18:28] zara_n: any paper it stands like this!

    [00:18:32] amrita: okayy... thats tricky then...

    [00:18:36] zara_n: oh yes!

    [00:18:37] nshashmi: they give you model then say use something else if you think

    that gonna work better

    [00:18:39] zara_n: i did that paper!

    [00:18:41] zara_n: my god

    [00:18:44] linda4: lol

    [00:18:54] zara_n: that was freaky

    [00:19:01] zara_n: it said use all three

    [00:19:03] zara_n: isnt it

    [00:19:07] zara_n: i didnt get time to complete

    [00:19:09] amrita: lol..

    [00:19:14] zara_n: there was so much to write!

    [00:19:20] linda4: try it again

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    [00:19:33] nshashmi: and thats scary cos if you are a bit weak in preparation ....you

    got it 50 / 50

    [00:19:35] linda4: it tests a lot of areas

    [00:19:43] amrita: haev u guys tried the one for op to mark??

    [00:19:44] nshashmi: use right one....might get thorugh

    [00:19:52] linda4: plus practice reading case studies

    [00:19:57] linda4: under time constraint

    [00:20:02] nshashmi: use wrong one and you are dumped

    [00:20:07] linda4: time is an issue for P3

    [00:20:15] nshashmi: OK PLZZ one request

    [00:20:17] nshashmi: CMMI

    [00:20:19] linda4: {nshashmi} yes

    [00:20:24] nshashmi: C M M I plz

    [00:20:33] linda4: CMMI came in June 2010

    [00:20:45] linda4: so I think its very unlikely to come this Dec

    [00:21:03] nshashmi: so u think i can skip it...

    [00:21:04] linda4: {nshashmi} do u know why it is used

    [00:21:05] nshashmi: for now

    [00:21:14] nshashmi: nope.....

    [00:21:23] linda4: {nshashmi} no don't skip anything

    [00:21:24] nshashmi: like i told you about my situation

    [00:21:31] linda4: just prioritise wisely

    [00:21:37] nshashmi: i am not much prapared

    [00:21:45] nshashmi: ok

    [00:21:49] amrita: wat time we starting the Q

    [00:21:57] nshashmi: how about others

    [00:22:00] nshashmi: SIX SIGMA

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    [00:22:04] linda4: {amrita} in 9 mins

    [00:22:11] amrita: kk

    [00:22:13] linda4: {nshashmi} more likely to come

    [00:22:57] linda4: {nshashmi} do u know what is the purpose of six sigma

    [00:23:24] nshashmi: nope ...

    [00:23:37] nshashmi: LIN plz tell me

    [00:23:43] nshashmi: or gimme sth to read

    [00:23:56] linda4: Six Sigma is an approach to eliminate DEFECTS from products

    and operations and acheiving near perfection

    [00:24:18] nshashmi: ok...

    [00:25:10] linda4: there should be no more than 3.4 defects in every 1 million


    [00:25:25] zara_n: 3.4

    [00:25:28] zara_n: dats defined?

    [00:25:30] zara_n: ??

    [00:25:53] linda4: {nshashmi} now Six Sigma goes more indepth that this

    [00:26:08] linda4: {nshashmi} {zara_n} there are 5 steps

    [00:26:17] linda4: DMAIC

    [00:26:18] nshashmi: ok

    [00:26:47] zara_n: define

    [00:26:50] zara_n: measure

    [00:26:52] zara_n: analyse

    [00:26:53] amrita: yupp zara the 3.4 is defined

    [00:26:57] zara_n: improve

    [00:26:59] zara_n: control

    [00:27:18] linda4: {zara_n} yes

    [00:27:22] zara_n: okk

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    [00:27:42] linda4: this is used for incremental improvement in existing process

    [00:28:01] linda4: however DMADV

    [00:28:35] linda4: IS THE 6 Sigma approach to designing a new process or major


    [00:28:35] zara_n: dmadv?

    [00:28:36] zara_n: :s

    [00:28:53] zara_n: huh?

    [00:28:58] zara_n: didnt hear of this one!

    [00:29:04] linda4: {zara_n} the last 2 is Design and Verify

    [00:29:06] nshashmi: PLz explain DMAIC and DMADV

    [00:29:11] patrots269: hi everyone

    [00:29:15] nshashmi: hi

    [00:29:20] linda4: {zara_n} {nshashmi} P3 session is about to start

    [00:29:23] linda4: {patrots269} Hi

    [00:29:26] nshashmi: ok

    [00:29:28] amrita: hi

    [00:29:35] patrots269: {amrita} {linda4} {nshashmi} hi

    [00:29:44] amrita: hi

    [00:29:46] linda4: {nshashmi} {amrita} {nshashmi} patrots269 is the moderator

    [00:30:01] linda4: {zara_n} patrots269 is the moderator

    [00:30:02] patrots269: ok i will wipe the screen

    [00:30:14] amrita: wats that??

    [00:30:23] patrots269: ok June 09 Q2a

    [00:31:11] patrots269: firstly do we all know the stages of the PLC

    [00:31:48] jiedong: hi

    [00:31:58] patrots269: {jiedong} hi

    [00:32:16] nshashmi: pat plz explain this

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    [00:32:17] zara_n: yes we do

    [00:32:19] zara_n: well i do

    [00:32:20] jiedong: sorry I am not familor

    [00:32:36] amrita: PLC??

    [00:32:43] amrita: please explain...

    [00:32:45] zara_n: product life cycle

    [00:32:55] zara_n: introduction

    [00:32:56] patrots269: Product life cycle (PLC) made up of 4 stages introduction,

    growth, maturity, decline

    [00:33:00] nshashmi: ok got it

    [00:33:02] amrita: ohh thanks.. yess am familiar

    [00:33:14] zara_n: isnt it 5?

    [00:33:19] zara_n: there's development..

    [00:33:24] zara_n: before introduction

    [00:33:27] jiedong: i thought we were talking about leadership style

    [00:34:10] nshashmi: zara i guess development is before product is BORN

    [00:34:22] zara_n: yes

    [00:34:27] zara_n: dats it

    [00:34:29] zara_n: well

    [00:34:32] zara_n: in the plc

    [00:34:35] nshashmi: so may be that does not count

    [00:34:45] zara_n: it will be before the introduction stage

    [00:34:47] zara_n: ah

    [00:34:50] patrots269: in phase 1 what phase is Rock Bottom in

    [00:34:59] nshashmi: like i phone 5 means nothing to coonsumers now

    [00:35:11] patrots269: what stage of PLC

    [00:35:20] amrita: growth??

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    [00:35:20] zara_n: it went thru

    [00:35:24] zara_n: introduction

    [00:35:30] nshashmi: it will....only when it is on the shelf for sale

    [00:35:32] zara_n: then growth

    [00:35:40] patrots269: yes

    [00:36:03] zara_n: then came to marurity

    [00:36:04] patrots269: introduction stage tell me about it

    [00:36:09] zara_n: sales declined

    [00:36:24] zara_n: intro

    [00:36:30] amrita: so its going through introduction??

    [00:36:35] nshashmi: i would say Low sales

    [00:36:40] nshashmi: rather than decline

    [00:36:50] patrots269: was phase 1 it a successful period

    [00:37:03] patrots269: te

    [00:37:11] amrita: yess

    [00:37:18] patrots269: tell me more about phase 1

    [00:37:25] zara_n: it started as a successful one

    [00:37:29] nshashmi: yes sales kept creeping up .co got more orders

    [00:37:39] zara_n: then there was growth

    [00:37:47] amrita: there was a lot of advertising, increasing sales..

    [00:37:52] zara_n: rock bottom began specialising

    [00:37:54] nshashmi: so then we saw lots of i phones

    [00:38:21] patrots269: lets do one phase at a time phase 1

    [00:38:34] nshashmi: sorry pat plz define rock bottom

    [00:38:59] zara_n: rock bottom is the name of the question!

    [00:38:59] amrita: a lot of competition started..

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    [00:39:09] nshashmi: ok i dont have it

    [00:39:14] nshashmi: so let me find it out

    [00:39:21] zara_n: its june 2009!

    [00:39:23] zara_n: download it

    [00:39:26] amrita: its the june 2009

    [00:39:30] nshashmi: ok thanks'

    [00:40:10] amrita: its looks like rick was a risk taker

    [00:40:36] zara_n: i would say in phase 1 initially there was introduction stage

    [00:40:47] zara_n: where lots of ads

    [00:40:57] zara_n: sales grow

    [00:41:12] zara_n: in 1969

    [00:41:18] zara_n: it was growth stage

    [00:41:29] zara_n: rick developed high profile

    [00:41:33] zara_n: as a means to keep it going

    [00:41:37] zara_n: the business i mean

    [00:41:45] zara_n: it was succesful

    [00:41:46] zara_n: then

    [00:41:49] zara_n: in 1980

    [00:41:54] zara_n: competition

    [00:42:00] zara_n: sales decline

    [00:42:11] zara_n: rick didnt take action

    [00:42:18] zara_n: he let the dog die..

    [00:42:18] patrots269: what phase was it in then

    [00:42:29] amrita: in maturity stage

    [00:42:30] zara_n: the maturity

    [00:42:35] patrots269: yes

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    [00:42:43] zara_n: great :d

    [00:42:46] amrita: where there was high competition

    [00:43:32] patrots269: what was the management style in this phase 1

    [00:43:37] zara_n: does it stop there?

    [00:43:41] zara_n: t marurity

    [00:43:51] zara_n: maturity*

    [00:44:02] zara_n: phase 1 i mean

    [00:44:25] amrita: by management style u mean??

    [00:44:35] patrots269: {zara_n} yes

    [00:44:42] zara_n: ok

    [00:44:44] zara_n: now

    [00:44:46] zara_n: mgt style

    [00:45:03] zara_n: definitely not autocratic!

    [00:45:25] amrita: he was a risk taker..\

    [00:46:07] patrots269: maybe entrepreneur

    [00:46:09] zara_n: democratic?

    [00:46:53] patrots269: tell me about entrepreneurs

    [00:47:08] amrita: they like investing...

    [00:47:17] amrita: risk takers..

    [00:47:18] zara_n: u mean the entrepreneurial style?

    [00:47:34] patrots269: yes

    [00:47:58] zara_n: eeuuhhh...

    [00:48:08] zara_n: ???

    [00:48:08] patrots269: fast decisions

    [00:48:32] patrots269: responsive to the market

    [00:49:19] zara_n: and?

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    [00:49:36] zara_n: consider opinions of staff

    [00:49:36] patrots269: took advantage of the bureaucratic (slow decision making)

    of competitors

    [00:49:45] zara_n: involve staff in decision making

    [00:49:55] zara_n: hmm

    [00:50:58] zara_n: if we read the scenario

    [00:51:00] zara_n: doesnt mention

    [00:51:10] zara_n: abt decision making and the managers

    [00:51:10] patrots269: His style was not a typical entrepreneur because he allowed

    autonomy and did not hold on to all the power

    [00:51:42] amrita: yupp

    [00:51:58] zara_n: so basically an entrepreneur

    [00:52:03] zara_n: would have kept his power

    [00:52:06] zara_n: and autonomy

    [00:52:08] zara_n: rite?

    [00:52:17] patrots269: yes

    [00:52:43] patrots269: what type of culture is an entrepreneur

    [00:53:10] zara_n: oops

    [00:53:14] zara_n: somebody help me?

    [00:53:45] patrots269: power culture. Rick realised that the power culture would

    not work

    [00:54:03] zara_n: power culture...

    [00:54:09] zara_n: illustrate more

    [00:54:11] zara_n: am lost..

    [00:54:23] patrots269: 4 types of culture

    [00:54:30] patrots269: power

    [00:54:34] patrots269: person

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    [00:54:38] patrots269: role

    [00:54:40] patrots269: task

    [00:54:40] zara_n: task

    [00:54:41] zara_n: role

    [00:54:47] zara_n: i remember

    [00:54:49] zara_n: yes

    [00:55:29] patrots269: rick was not power culture typical of entrepreneur

    [00:55:34] amrita: was he a person culture?

    [00:56:04] patrots269: i thought he was more task culture

    [00:56:25] zara_n: yes

    [00:56:27] zara_n: more

    [00:56:28] zara_n: like

    [00:56:30] amrita: y would u say that??

    [00:56:32] zara_n: lets get the job done

    [00:56:43] patrots269: involved giving young people at the shop front autonomy

    [00:57:08] nshashmi: ok

    [00:57:42] patrots269: Rick therefore employed highly motivated, eager to learn,

    flexible & adaptable workers

    [00:58:01] zara_n: ok..

    [00:58:15] zara_n: we get to phase 2?

    [00:58:31] amrita: but he also let them be independant as well..

    [00:59:17] patrots269: By 1980 what stage of PLC was industry in

    [00:59:41] zara_n: the indistry?

    [00:59:47] zara_n: industry?*

    [00:59:54] amrita: maturity..

    [00:59:58] patrots269: yes

    [01:00:03] zara_n: i wud say growth

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    [01:00:05] nshashmi: maturity

    [01:00:07] kolobok: Guys, sorry, are you discussing some particular question from

    previsou papers?

    [01:00:12] zara_n: maturity?

    [01:00:17] nshashmi: still in business but no new prospects

    [01:00:21] zara_n: y maturity?

    [01:00:29] linda4: Rock Bottom... June 2009

    [01:00:31] amrita: yes were are june 2009

    [01:00:43] patrots269: what happened to the products at this stage

    [01:00:51] amrita: because they are facing competition

    [01:01:11] zara_n: cheap and reliable

    [01:01:20] patrots269: they started to become similar with few differences

    [01:01:22] nshashmi: see zara the profitability declines ....mean becoming

    smoothand more players in the game

    [01:01:23] zara_n: ah i understand

    [01:01:28] zara_n: the market was saturated

    [01:01:35] nshashmi: so there might be price competiton

    [01:01:57] nshashmi: and no single stong player no monopoly

    [01:01:57] patrots269: profits began to decline, the products no longer being


    [01:02:12] nshashmi: no one getting high,, every one getting along

    [01:02:24] amrita: so less differentiation of products...

    [01:02:27] nshashmi: mean a stable condition.maturity

    [01:02:47] patrots269: this is when rick to survive needed to differentiate itself

    [01:02:47] zara_n: the market had

    [01:02:57] zara_n: yes

    [01:03:00] nshashmi: yes zara

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    [01:03:04] zara_n: but he didnt do it

    [01:03:13] zara_n: instead he let the dog die..

    [01:03:21] amrita: do wat?

    [01:03:28] zara_n: it was like a problem child

    [01:03:32] zara_n: lol

    [01:03:45] patrots269: it failed to offer the unique selling points the product once


    [01:03:48] zara_n: he didnt differentiate itself

    [01:04:00] zara_n: he did nothing

    [01:04:08] zara_n: when competitors started selling similar

    [01:04:10] nshashmi: i think its like cashcow

    [01:04:20] patrots269: what was the management style at this stage

    [01:04:21] zara_n: he should have taken actions

    [01:04:46] zara_n: didnt say anything abt mgt style

    [01:04:47] zara_n: did it?

    [01:04:50] zara_n: at this stage?

    [01:05:16] amrita: risk averse

    [01:05:25] zara_n: he somehow turned into the pure entrepreneur

    [01:05:34] zara_n: isnt it patrots?

    [01:05:38] patrots269: decentralised

    [01:05:49] zara_n: uh?

    [01:06:31] nshashmi: was he centralised before ...pat

    [01:06:33] zara_n: how decentralised?

    [01:06:37] zara_n: i dont get it

    [01:06:39] patrots269: what are the advantages of decentralised

    [01:06:55] zara_n: he was decentralised before

    [01:07:05] patrots269: centralised decisions at top

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    [01:07:21] patrots269: decentralise decisions at bottom

    [01:07:23] nshashmi: ok pat got it

    [01:07:40] amrita: reduces burdens of senior management

    [01:07:42] zara_n: adv of decentralised

    [01:07:46] patrots269: yes

    [01:07:48] zara_n: more closer to the action

    [01:07:51] patrots269: yes

    [01:07:56] zara_n: eg if have several shops

    [01:08:01] zara_n: in different parts

    [01:08:08] nshashmi: decsion with more market knowledge

    [01:08:11] amrita: provides subordinates with greater job satisfaction

    [01:08:15] patrots269: autonomy

    [01:08:19] patrots269: yes

    [01:08:19] zara_n: senior mgt concentrate on strategics

    [01:08:29] patrots269: ok Phase 2

    [01:08:39] zara_n: ok

    [01:08:44] amrita: k

    [01:08:51] patrots269: what stage of PLC is phase 2

    [01:09:15] zara_n: trying to turn maturity into growth

    [01:09:24] amrita: maturity

    [01:09:28] zara_n: like investing not to reach decline

    [01:09:35] patrots269: {amrita} mature stage yes

    [01:09:41] nshashmi: still maturity

    [01:09:55] zara_n: yes still maturity

    [01:10:05] patrots269: not decline as the case mentions the shops were still


    [01:10:05] zara_n: but finding solution not to reach decline

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    [01:10:06] zara_n: isnt it

    [01:10:45] patrots269: was it a successful phase

    [01:11:02] amrita: nope

    [01:11:15] zara_n: yes

    [01:11:26] zara_n: the co performance was solid..

    [01:11:43] patrots269: yes

    [01:11:52] nshashmi: continued success but at uniform rate

    [01:12:01] nshashmi: not flying high

    [01:12:01] patrots269: the co was then floated

    [01:12:34] patrots269: Rick became the CEO & chairman what does this tell you

    [01:12:39] nshashmi: became a plc for expansion and finance generation

    [01:12:45] zara_n: poor governance

    [01:12:49] nshashmi: power

    [01:12:54] amrita: governance issues

    [01:12:57] nshashmi: he wants to keep powers

    [01:13:01] patrots269: {zara_n} yes corporate governance

    [01:13:16] zara_n: yes

    [01:13:18] nshashmi: ok

    [01:13:49] patrots269: what style of leadership

    [01:14:06] patrots269: was imposed on him

    [01:14:09] zara_n: no idea

    [01:14:29] amrita: centralised

    [01:14:37] patrots269: {amrita} co then changed to centralised yes

    [01:14:52] zara_n: ohh

    [01:14:59] zara_n: coz he took the decisions?

    [01:15:05] zara_n: as ceo and chairman?

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    [01:15:09] zara_n: is that why?

    [01:15:29] patrots269: what does centralised decision making involve

    [01:15:38] linda4: also this means that the type of culture it has now is more Power


    [01:16:00] zara_n: all decision taken at

    [01:16:04] patrots269: loss of autonomy

    [01:16:06] amrita: up down management style

    [01:16:11] zara_n: no participation of bottom

    [01:16:21] patrots269: loss of motivation

    [01:16:53] patrots269: decisions made at top and bureaucratic

    [01:17:15] amrita: less job satisfaction

    [01:17:15] patrots269: Ok Phase 3

    [01:17:18] patrots269: yes

    [01:17:46] patrots269: What phase of the PLC are we at

    [01:17:55] amrita: decline

    [01:18:00] patrots269: yes

    [01:18:42] patrots269: mentioned before extend tail of PLC or let it die

    [01:19:18] patrots269: Rick could not find a unique way to differentiate his product

    [01:19:20] zara_n: he tried extending

    [01:19:22] amrita: extend

    [01:19:25] zara_n: by franchsing

    [01:19:33] zara_n: unsuccesfull

    [01:19:45] zara_n: he tries internet selling

    [01:19:50] zara_n: to no good

    [01:20:15] patrots269: Rick was no longer different from the system he once

    rebelled against

    [01:20:45] amrita: he didnt innovate

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    [01:20:45] patrots269: Rick became part of the establishment, which he resented

    [01:21:20] zara_n: rick wanted to differentiate as he always did

    [01:21:23] zara_n: but at this time

    [01:21:30] zara_n: he became part of the crowd

    [01:21:37] patrots269: Rick tried to recreate the success of phase 1, but his

    approach no longer attracted managers

    [01:21:51] zara_n: generation gap

    [01:21:53] zara_n: lol

    [01:22:20] nshashmi: lol

    [01:22:20] patrots269: he no longer could attract highly skilled and creative


    [01:22:25] amrita: as well as he didnt inheavilyvest in the compant

    [01:22:40] amrita: invest in the co heavily**

    [01:23:05] zara_n: yes yes

    [01:23:08] linda4: no longer had the advantage of low cost since technology has

    evelove resulting in changes in products and how they were purchase

    [01:23:09] zara_n: he celebrated

    [01:23:12] patrots269: no longer had the strong marketing skills that once made

    him adventurous

    [01:23:13] zara_n: insteas of investing!

    [01:23:43] amrita: he was becoming old i guess lol

    [01:23:45] zara_n: or maybe he had the skills

    [01:23:52] zara_n: but it no longer worked

    [01:23:58] linda4: cutomers no longer wanted conventional audio products fromspecialist shops if they can get products of higher reliability

    [01:23:59] zara_n: situation changed

    [01:24:00] patrots269: Gradually therefore Rick lost touch with both the customer

    base and the wider society

    [01:24:13] patrots269: {linda4} yes

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    [01:27:55] amrita: lol

    [01:27:57] amrita: :p

    [01:27:59] nshashmi: or antique shope

    [01:28:07] linda4: lol

    [01:28:09] zara_n: ok part B people!

    [01:28:11] nshashmi: or may be in granny's room

    [01:28:16] zara_n: the factors?

    [01:28:17] zara_n: i say

    [01:28:19] zara_n: in 1988

    [01:28:20] linda4: first though what is a franchise

    [01:28:24] zara_n: the business were profitable

    [01:28:27] zara_n: ohh

    [01:28:31] zara_n: a franchise..

    [01:28:59] zara_n: franchisor sells the right to operate under his name sell his

    product to the franchisee

    [01:29:00] linda4: if u tell the examiner what it is not only does he has a better

    understanding but also it helps u answer the question

    [01:29:26] nshashmi: LIN like a KFC or Mcdonal you open in your street

    [01:29:36] nshashmi: you pay KFC for using their name

    [01:29:56] zara_n: you have to follow the guidelines of kfc

    [01:30:02] zara_n: use their materials

    [01:30:08] zara_n: well ingredients

    [01:30:19] zara_n: pay a fee to kfc

    [01:30:24] zara_n: for using its name

    [01:30:31] linda4: A franchise is an agreement between 2 parties which allows one

    party (ie the franchisee) to market product or services using the TRADEMARK and

    OPERATING METHODS of the other party ( the Franchisor)

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    [01:30:34] nshashmi: so you saying LIN that we could get marks just by explaing

    these technical terms

    [01:30:45] nshashmi: defining terms

    [01:30:55] zara_n: yes do we get marks for them?

    [01:31:11] linda4: {nshashmi} not too sure about that but it helps answering

    [01:31:19] linda4: rather than devling right in

    [01:31:26] nshashmi: lets ask PAT

    [01:31:33] nshashmi: whadday say PAT

    [01:31:38] nshashmi: about it

    [01:31:54] patrots269: {linda4} is right it helps

    [01:32:06] nshashmi: ok

    [01:32:07] zara_n: hmmm ok

    [01:32:20] patrots269: Rock Bottom was a strong brand in the early period

    (essential for a franchise to be successful)

    [01:32:34] zara_n: dats factor no 1

    [01:32:38] zara_n: hmm

    [01:33:33] nshashmi: so thats why he realised in 3rd stage that franchisingwould'nt work

    [01:33:47] nshashmi: beacause it is no longer a strong brand

    [01:33:54] linda4: I laughed at this being an option to even begin with...who would

    even want to be a franchisee of an unsuccessful, outdated style Co.

    [01:34:28] linda4: you would have to follow their Operating methods

    [01:34:31] nshashmi: lols LIN

    [01:34:35] nshashmi: well pointed out

    [01:34:38] patrots269: still had a favourable reputation

    [01:34:40] linda4: which is presently not successful at all

    [01:35:00] linda4: yeah but there's this thing call COMPETITION

    [01:35:37] linda4: and they are doing it better...more efficient, reliable products etc

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    [01:35:44] linda4: just my opinion

    [01:35:49] patrots269: ok

    [01:35:53] zara_n: reputation?

    [01:36:15] patrots269: Rock Bottom had a ready made management team

    [01:36:32] nshashmi: explain plz

    [01:36:36] linda4: Turnover and profitability plummeted as well

    [01:36:44] zara_n: explain..

    [01:37:12] patrots269: who were both successful & financially could acquire their


    [01:37:18] linda4: {patrots269} would this be one of their Capabilities

    [01:37:59] linda4: for the point u made on ready made management

    [01:38:03] patrots269: we need to explain difference in 1988 & 207

    [01:38:10] patrots269: 2007

    [01:38:18] linda4: {patrots269} yes agree

    [01:38:44] zara_n: ah yes

    [01:38:44] linda4: I was talking 20x7 why it would be unlikely to be successful

    [01:38:45] zara_n: in 88

    [01:38:46] patrots269: above no longer existed in 2007

    [01:38:52] zara_n: had a successful mgt team

    [01:39:00] zara_n: yes

    [01:39:02] zara_n: agree

    [01:39:06] zara_n: now understood

    [01:39:09] zara_n: agree agree

    [01:39:17] zara_n: 2007 had nothing of these

    [01:39:35] linda4: lol

    [01:39:40] linda4: now at all

    [01:39:41] nshashmi: agree

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    [01:39:44] linda4: non8

    [01:39:46] linda4: non*

    [01:40:01] patrots269: in 1988 Rock Botto was ahead of its time

    [01:40:26] zara_n: in 2007 it was behind..

    [01:40:28] zara_n: lol

    [01:40:35] zara_n: yeah

    [01:40:49] zara_n: they would have agreed happily to the franchise

    [01:41:10] zara_n: it wud have been like managers owning their shop

    [01:41:11] patrots269: but in 2007 & the dot com era Rock Bottom failed to take

    advantage of this change in distribution channels

    [01:41:17] zara_n: profitable shops

    [01:41:49] zara_n: we said it all?

    [01:41:50] linda4: yes I wrote he didn't have a leader type strategy

    [01:41:56] patrots269: be right back

    [01:41:58] nshashmi: ok so to say....internet sale was no longer a unqiue method

    [01:42:17] zara_n: it was more like a must at this time

    [01:42:19] zara_n: u didnt have it

    [01:42:21] zara_n: u die

    [01:42:24] zara_n: well not literally

    [01:42:25] zara_n: lolz

    [01:42:34] nshashmi: {linda4} explaing your point plz

    [01:43:37] linda4: Leader strategy is where it would have high cost of R&D,

    potential high rewards

    [01:44:04] linda4: in other words Rick should have invested in technology

    [01:44:27] zara_n: leader type strategy?

    [01:44:31] zara_n: where does comes from?

    [01:44:39] zara_n: details lin?

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    [01:44:58] nshashmi: {linda4} please elaborate more on this

    [01:44:59] linda4: there is Leader strategy and Follower strategy

    [01:45:04] nshashmi: ok

    [01:45:11] zara_n: ok

    [01:45:30] linda4: one leads the other follows

    [01:45:37] nshashmi: ok

    [01:45:39] zara_n: sorry to interrupt

    [01:45:44] zara_n: what part it comes from?

    [01:45:49] linda4: however those that leads tends to take more risk

    [01:45:54] zara_n: under what title/chapter?

    [01:45:55] linda4: think of Apple

    [01:45:58] linda4: they lead

    [01:46:08] nshashmi: ok more risk more return

    [01:46:25] linda4: and then other follow suit

    [01:46:29] linda4: {nshashmi} yes

    [01:46:34] nshashmi: for a franchisee people would be risk averse

    [01:46:46] zara_n: they r followers

    [01:46:50] zara_n: franchise i mean

    [01:46:51] nshashmi: mean they want lest risk

    [01:46:56] nshashmi: less

    [01:47:01] zara_n: the franchisor was the leader

    [01:47:20] linda4: {zara_n} under the chapter Strategic capability

    [01:47:28] zara_n: ok thanks..

    [01:48:00] linda4: this is how strategy is approached

    [01:48:02] nshashmi: {linda4} let me get it straight ......its part b we are

    discussing now

    [01:48:21] nshashmi: why wwould franchising fail in 2007

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    [01:48:33] linda4: no no I was just talking about Rick/ Rock Bottom in general

    [01:48:50] nshashmi: aa ok

    [01:49:04] linda4: because he was not a leader in his approach

    [01:49:24] nshashmi: well i guess PAT made a few points for part b

    [01:49:27] zara_n: he was not?

    [01:49:28] linda4: it allowed other competitors to take adv. of opportunities before


    [01:49:33] zara_n: a leader?

    [01:49:38] zara_n: ah in 2007

    [01:49:42] zara_n: that yes

    [01:49:44] zara_n: agree

    [01:49:51] nshashmi: got it LIN

    [01:50:34] nshashmi: and that could be a point ....cos people wanted to follow

    leader in 1988 ..franchsing would work

    [01:50:37] linda4: {nshashmi} {zara_n} I just have to say I'm glad u guys came

    and you were so productive as well

    [01:50:45] nshashmi: but in 2007 his leader role was gone

    [01:50:58] nshashmi: so was oppertunity to franchise

    [01:51:30] nshashmi: {linda4} lols ...yu would hardly say that about me LIN

    [01:51:50] linda4: yes it would have worked in 1988 back then conventional audio

    was the it thing

    [01:51:59] nshashmi: shall we wait for PAT or do the part B

    [01:52:13] patrots269: ok i am back

    [01:52:15] zara_n: am glad i came too

    [01:52:17] linda4: but in 2007 ppl are no longer demanding this

    [01:52:23] zara_n: linda was of a great help

    [01:52:29] zara_n: n hashmi u too..

    [01:52:32] patrots269: good job

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    [01:52:35] nshashmi: ok WCB pat

    [01:52:52] nshashmi: reasons behind " unlikely to be successful in 2007.

    [01:53:24] linda4: {patrots269} I want to do another question like this ...with

    leadership style in it etc

    [01:54:54] patrots269: how about rewards and performance measures

    [01:55:03] linda4: yeah kool

    [01:55:19] linda4: all who say I?

    [01:55:21] nshashmi: in 2007 SPECIALIST SHOPS was not a value for sale.....

    [01:55:50] nshashmi: people would go to genreal stores to buy ...so franchshing

    would fail

    [01:55:51] linda4: {nshashmi} no it was not

    [01:56:02] zara_n: in 2007 RELIABILITY was the thing that sells..

    [01:56:20] linda4: yes

    [01:56:41] nshashmi: reliability ....how does that relates to franchising

    [01:56:51] zara_n: no

    [01:56:56] zara_n: not franchising!

    [01:57:00] zara_n: the products!

    [01:57:12] zara_n: customers required reliable products

    [01:57:16] nshashmi: i was thinking about part B....

    [01:57:32] zara_n: me too :/

    [01:57:52] zara_n: rock bottom sold specialist products

    [01:57:57] linda4: she making the point as to why the convential method would not

    be successful in turn franchising would not have an opportunity to be taken

    advantage of

    [01:58:02] zara_n: n wat was selling in 2007 was reliable products

    [01:58:11] zara_n: reason why franchise would have been to no good

    [01:58:14] linda4: conventional*

    [01:58:18] nshashmi: {zara_n} got it...rick should have introdued new product

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    [01:58:21] zara_n: noone would agree to it

    [01:58:21] nshashmi: reliable ones

    [01:58:29] nshashmi: at the 2007 time

    [01:58:53] zara_n: linda made my point!

    [01:59:06] zara_n: dats wat i was meaning lin..

    [01:59:15] zara_n: thanks for making it clearer!

    [01:59:15] nshashmi: so that makes 7 outta 7 for part B

    [01:59:41] linda4: {zara_n} {nshashmi} good job guys

    [01:59:47] linda4: u all are thinking

    [01:59:51] zara_n: the tutor has anything else to add?

    [02:00:03] patrots269: nope

    [02:00:05] zara_n: yup

    [02:00:18] linda4: {patrots269} Thanks for your time

    [02:00:21] nshashmi: ok whats next then

    [02:00:21] patrots269: ok for Sunday 28th Nov 7.30pm UK time Dec 2008 Q4


    [02:00:22] zara_n: all thanks to u linda! ;)

    [02:00:38] linda4: np

    [02:00:42] nshashmi: got it boss...

    [02:00:53] zara_n: got it tutor!

    [02:00:57] zara_n: thanks for ur time

    [02:00:57] nshashmi: pat tell us about this question if u have read it already

    [02:01:05] nshashmi: what its baout

    [02:01:31] patrots269: i do not want to spoil the surprise

    [02:01:35] linda4: lol

    [02:01:36] linda4: lol

    [02:01:47] nshashmi: ok you want me to open the book myself

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    [02:01:48] nshashmi: fine

    [02:01:51] nshashmi: lols

    [02:01:54] linda4: just come prepared

    [02:02:02] nshashmi: hopefully

    [02:02:11] linda4: don't forget tomorrow is session with the tutor

    [02:02:16] linda4: at 5pm UK time

    [02:02:17] zara_n: sure we will

    [02:02:24] zara_n: tomoro same time

    [02:02:24] nshashmi: 5pm gmt'

    [02:02:25] zara_n: ohh

    [02:02:26] linda4: for 1 hr

    [02:02:28] zara_n: 5pm

    [02:02:34] zara_n: that makes it

    [02:02:36] zara_n: 8pm for me

    [02:02:37] nshashmi: no zara not same time

    [02:02:39] zara_n: great

    [02:02:49] nshashmi: 5pm GMT

    [02:03:01] zara_n: 9!

    [02:03:05] zara_n: 9pm for me

    [02:03:10] zara_n: ok good

    [02:03:16] linda4: {zara_n} wow that's pretty late

    [02:03:22] linda4: now

    [02:03:23] zara_n: sure is!

    [02:03:26] nshashmi: anyone got something as a quick refresher guide

    [02:03:35] zara_n: now its 1 in the morning...

    [02:03:35] nshashmi: for P3

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    [02:03:51] zara_n: me got sumthing

    [02:03:54] zara_n: but left it at work

    [02:03:56] nshashmi: lols ZARA...its called late night

    [02:03:56] zara_n: the soft copy

    [02:03:57] linda4: 1;03am now

    [02:04:03] zara_n: i printed it and brought it home..

    [02:04:13] zara_n: haha

    [02:04:14] nshashmi: scan it n upload plz

    [02:04:15] zara_n: yeah rite..

    [02:04:21] nshashmi: plz

    [02:04:37] zara_n: sure

    [02:04:45] zara_n: not today though

    [02:04:48] nshashmi: {patrots269} you suggest something

    [02:04:48] zara_n: tomorrow..

    [02:04:50] zara_n: ok?

    [02:05:02] patrots269: see you all Sunday

    [02:05:03] nshashmi: like some handy notes...

    [02:05:08] nshashmi: or something for me

    [02:05:22] zara_n: opentui notes r good enuf!

    [02:05:28] zara_n: short concise

    [02:05:38] zara_n: love them :love:

    [02:07:06] patrots269: bye everyone

    [02:07:13] nshashmi: thanks PAT

    [02:07:16] zara_n: bye patrot

    [02:07:17] nshashmi: see you

    [02:07:20] zara_n: thanks again for ur time

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    [02:07:24] linda4: {patrots269} Bye

    [02:07:39] linda4: Take care u guys!

    [02:07:46] nshashmi: TC LIN

    [02:07:49] nshashmi: see you

    [02:08:03] linda4: Going to take a break from P3

    [02:08:23] linda4: P2 is even a bigger headache

    [02:08:33] zara_n: oh hell!

    [02:08:36] zara_n: it sure is!

    [02:08:37] linda4: so going to have a snack now

    [02:08:39] linda4: and relax

    [02:12:18] adnanakhtar: p3

    [02:12:45] zara_n: yes p3

    [02:13:14] adnanakhtar: just checking

    [02:13:18] adnanakhtar: so hows study

    [02:14:13] zara_n: just had a session with a tutor

    [02:14:21] zara_n: question june 2009

    [02:14:24] zara_n: rock bottom