p3b - week beginning monday 8th june 2020 (8/6/20) · i hope you enjoy your home learning this week...

P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) Can you practice writing the long date every day, just like I’ve done here? Buenos días P3b! How are you all? I hope you are all healthy and happy! I hope you’ve managed to see some family or friends outside. I have managed to visit my Mum and Dad in their garden and spend some time with them which has been lovely. I was sad to hear that a race I was meant to be taking part in has been postponed until next year. Although, I was secretly glad because I wasn’t sure I could run as fast as my brother who I was meant to be doing it with. I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school admin email address [email protected]. I look forward to seeing some of your fabulous work.

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Page 1: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) Can you practice writing the long date every day, just like I’ve done here?

Buenos días P3b! How are you all? I hope you are all healthy and happy! I hope you’ve managed to see some family or friends outside. I have managed to visit my Mum and Dad in their garden and spend some time with them which has been lovely.

I was sad to hear that a race I was meant to be taking part in has been postponed until next year. Although, I was secretly glad because I wasn’t sure I could run as fast as my brother who I was meant to be doing it with. I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school admin email address [email protected]. I look forward to seeing some of your fabulous work.

Page 2: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

Here is your work for this week: Literacy: Reading Comprehension: Spend 30 minutes completing activities on Read Theory. Remember you should read the passages and answer the questions without help. Reading for enjoyment: Try and tick off as many of these bingo tasks and you feel like!

Page 3: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

You can also read some books on epic.

You need to use the online version not the app.

Here are the login details for you …

https://www.getepic.com/sign-in Click on Students & Educators

At student login enter the following code mvq5832 then click on go. You can now enter your name and start reading.

Page 4: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

Log on to Oxford Owls. Read the book assigned to your group by clicking on the ebooks section of the website then do the activities that go with that book.


My class login: gilmertonp3b

Password: happyclass

Peck, Peck

Dragon Danger

Blast Off

Key Trouble

The Secret Garden

Page 5: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

Word of the Week:

Marvel Marvel means: to be filled with wonder or astonishment.

For example: Mrs Gibson and Mrs Clarke looked at Marvel at all of the wonderful work P3 did. Can you use the word marvel in a sentence? Listening for information: Ask your sibling or grown-up to blindfold you and then lead you around the room using instructions. Listen to their instructions to get safely from one place to another. Writing: We are going to use speech bubbles this week. Speech bubbles tell you what someone in a story is saying. They look like this: Thought bubbles tell us what a character is thinking. They look like this: Mr What: I can use speech bubbles to tell my audience what a character is saying. Miss How:

I have included capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in all my speech bubbles.

I have used adjectives and/or connectives in my speech bubbles.

I am able to complete speech bubbles and thought bubbles.

Page 6: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school
Page 7: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school
Page 8: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school
Page 9: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

Spelling: This week we are learning about the -nd sound at the end of a word! Practice spelling these words using the look, say, cover, write and check method.

Page 10: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

Handwriting: Practise writing our sound of the week -nd in neat cursive writing. Try to join your writing! When you have finished writing these in cursive, now write the capitals!

Try writing some of these tricky words in your neatest cursive handwriting!

Page 11: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

Health and Wellbeing:

Page 12: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school
Page 13: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school


Log on to Sum Dog as often as you can and complete challenges and questions.

Page 14: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school
Page 15: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school
Page 16: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

Log on to Sum Dog as often as you can and complete challenges and questions.

Page 17: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school
Page 18: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

Log on to Sum Dog as often as you can and complete challenges and questions.

Page 19: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school
Page 20: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school

Log on to Sum Dog as often as you can and complete challenges and questions.

Page 21: P3b - Week beginning Monday 8th June 2020 (8/6/20) · I hope you enjoy your home learning this week and remember that you can send me pictures of some of your work via the school