p5(c) - m2- d2

P5(C)/M2/D2 Emma Fraser

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Post on 07-Jan-2017




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Page 1: P5(C) - M2- D2

P5(C)/M2/D2 Emma Fraser

Page 2: P5(C) - M2- D2

Gameplay – Get Trollied:

Throughout the game the user will control an animated ‘Trolley’ they will do this by pressing down on the accelerator/break pedals that will be situated on the bottom right hand side of the game screen. The direction of the Trolley will be controlled by the user tilting their device, a combination of pressing down on the accelerator image and the user tilting their device will allow the trolley to move throughout the store to crash into items and shelves in order to collect points.

The user plays as the cartoon trolley, Bert, with the aim of the game is to crash into and collect as many things you can within a limited amount of time, each item equates to 1 point, but if you can catch items in the trolley, you get a bonus of 5 points. However, the more items you crash into and collect, the more ‘trollied’ you become, making the screen blurry and disorientated as well as the controls switching from time to time, for example left will become right and right will become left. The gameplay will be simple, yet effective, with the gamer having to tilt their device in order to direct the trolley, whilst being given an accelerator and break button on the screen. When racing through the shopping aisles the gamer must collect bottles of water to enable Bert to sober up to be able to collect more points, the user will be given 1 minute 30 seconds to begin with in order to collect as much as they can, despite this when they collect the water bottles this doesn’t only sober them up but adds 10 seconds onto the timer to allow them to collect more items and beat their high score.

There will also be upgrades available within the game for the user to purchase, these upgrades include items such a power boosts, which, when activated, can allow Bert to increase his speed when driving through the store, in addition to this, it also increases the impact that is had on the shelves when the cart crashes into it, ultimately making more items falls, generating more points for the user.

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SKETCH OF LEVEL 1This sketch of Level 1 shows how at first the user will be given access to one aisle only in order to allow them to get used to how the game is played as well as initially introducing them to the game with speech bubbles to give them instructions on how to play the game. The level will include two rows of shelves which the user will be able to interact with. Upon these shelves will be products that are brightly coloured, in order to grab the users attention, hinting that they are to be interacted with. By only giving the user access to one aisle within the first level it allows them to understand the concept of the game before advancing to another level in which the difficultly will be increased. It also gives the user the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the controls before trying to complete a more difficult level. With the target audience being casual gamers who are aged 17+, completing a more simple level will be accessible for the casual gamers who play games ‘on the go’, giving them a chance to understand the game whilst not necessarily giving it their full attention.

Main character will be able to travel done this section of the aisle as well as crashing into

the shelves to interact with the products.

Each row will contain many shelves within

them containing products which can fall

off the shelves and interact with Bert.

Two rows of shelves either side of the aisle for the character to interact


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Level 2 is more advanced than Level 1in sense that it gives the gamer more places to explore and gain points within the level. The difficulty increases within this level as it doesn’t allow the user to only collect points easily by catching items in the trolley as they also have to tackle the lower shelved sections in the middle of the aisles in order to gain points. This will give the target audience a challenge, which will appeal to them since the target audience is aimed at those who are older and therefore potentially more experienced with gaming. The level will be brightly coloured in order to emphasise the innocence of the store before Bert rampages through to destroy the displays with this reckless behaviour. Level 2 will contain more depth and provide the gamer with more options and opportunities than level 1, such as the chance to use upgrades they may have purchased to smash through the lower middle sections which are separating the aisles. This level will appeal to the part of the target audience who may be playing the game casually but is still giving it their full attention in order to beat their friends high score, etc.

Level 2 will include both tall shelves and small sections to separate the two aisles, giving them more products to interact with and gain more points. This will appeal to the target audience, especially the

younger half, as it allows them to be more reckless to increase their high score when competing with friends/family. The aisle is also longer

which gives them more space to explore and gain points.

Two aisles for the gamer to access, results in more

mayhem, allowing them to establish a proper high score in order to compete with others.

Each row will contain many shelves within them containing products which can fall off the shelves and interact with Bert.

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Level 3 increases the difficulty again from level 2 whilst giving the gamer a chance to explore many aisles to increase their points and potentially advance their high score. The difficulty increases within this level as it doesn’t allow the user to only collect points easily by catching items in the trolley as they also have to tackle the lower shelved sections in the middle of the aisles in order to gain points. This will give the target audience a challenge, which will appeal to them since the target audience is aimed at those who are older and therefore potentially more experienced with gaming. The casual gamers who are more intrigued into the game at this point will utilise the space and gain more points to enhance their high score. The space that is available within the level is useful for the user to use the upgrades they purchase, it may also encourage other gamers to purchase upgrades to use within the level. The level will include rows of shelves which the user will be able to interact with. Upon these shelves will be products that are brightly coloured, in order to grab the users attention, hinting that they are to be interacted with. Level 3 will include both tall shelves within the aisles, as well as short

sections at the end of each aisle. This will appeal to the target audience, especially the younger half, as it allows them to be more

reckless to increase their high score when competing with friends/family. The aisle is also longer which gives them more space to

explore and gain points.

Each row will contain many shelves within them containing products which

can fall off the shelves and interact with Bert.

Level 3 will include three different aisles for the user to explore, this will increase the difficulty for the gamer to complete the level within the allotted time, as well as resulting in more mayhem, allowing them to establish a proper high score in

order to compete with others.

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The main character within my video game is Bert, Bert is a shopping cart however, in this cartoon world, he comes to life at night-time and can talk, move around and cause havoc all on his own. He is a very outspoken and angry shopping cart and by the end of the day needs to let lose a little bit. I feel as though the audience of my video game will like Bert and some may even relate to him as well, as an over-exaggerated version of themselves. For example, just like any human, Bert has to go to work in the day time, only Bert’s job is to be a trolley and hold customer’s items before they pay, therefore by the end of the day he’s tired and sometimes a little angry by what has happened during his day at work, much like many of the older people within the audience that will be downloading the ‘Get Trollied’ video game. Bert will have a colourful handle bar on his back, with silver railings and black wheels. When upgrades are activated, such as a super boost, fire will come out of the back of Bert as well as his wheel leaving marks on the floor from the increase in speed.

Bert, the Trolley, will be a traditional large shaped trolley which will

include some colour on the back handle bar, being red, the railings will be silver, as well as the wheels

being jet black.

Bert will also have a face, mainly including expressive eyes and

eyebrows which will emphasise his reactions whilst the user controls him throughout the game. From time to time, he will also have a

mouth which will allow him to speak throughout the game.