pachoumi epithets of greek magical papyri

Glotta 87, 155–158, ISSN 0017–1298 © Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen 2011 A List of epithets from the Greek Magical Papyri that are not recorded in the LSJ and LSJ Supplements By ELENI PACHOUMI, Thessaloniki In this paper I enclose a list of epithets which seem to be unique to the Greek Magical Papyri. 1 Particularly, it is a list of epithets in the PGM 2 that are not recorded at all in the LSJ and LSJ Supplements. 3 Most of these epithets that occur only in the PGM are included in the hymns. 4 They are mainly used to describe and define the multiple characteristics of the gods. The richness of the magicians’ religious thinking is suitably accompanied by rich linguistic inventiveness, above all in the invention of epithets for the various gods. __________ 1 I would like to thank David Jordan for his friendship and his kind advices. 2 Papyri Graecae Magicae, hereafter PGM; Preisendanz, K. and Henrichs, A. (ed.) (1973–1974) Papyri Graecae Magicae Die Griechischen Zauberpapyri. Vols. I–II. Stuttgart: Teubner. The dates of the papyri cited in this paper are: PGM I (iv/v AD), II (iv AD), III (iv AD), IV (iv AD), VII (iii/iv AD). 3 Liddell, H. G., Scott, R. and Jones, H. S. (eds.), hereafter LSJ, (1996) Greek-English Lexicon with a revised Supplement. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 4 Preisendanz has identified twenty six hymns in his second volume, 237–264. Of these I include epithets from Hymn 5: “To Helios and to the gods of all” (PGM III.198–229), Hymn 11: “To Apollo and to Apollo- Helios” (PGM II.81101, 133–140, 163–6), Hymn 12: “To Apollo and Daphne” (PGM III.234–258), Hymn 17: “To Hekate-Selene-Artemis” (PGM IV.2242–2417), Hymn 18: “To Hekate-Selene-Artemis” (PGM IV.27852870), Hymn 20: “To Hekate-Selene-Artemis” (PGM IV.2522–2567) and Hymn 21: “To Hekate-Selene-Artemis” (PGM IV.2714–2783). Most are written in dactylic hexameter, twenty one out twenty six hymns; but, hymns 6, 17 and 25 are in iambic trimeter, hymn 8 in iambic pentameter and hymn 19 in iambic tetrameter acatalectic; therefore, most of these epithets are metrically useful; Preisendanz (1974) vol.II, 237–264.

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Glotta 87, 155158, ISSN 00171298 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co. KG, Gttingen 2011 A List of epithets from the Greek Magical Papyri that are not recorded in the LSJ and LSJ Supplements By ELENI PACHOUMI, Thessaloniki In this paper I enclose a list of epithets which seem to be unique to the Greek Magical Papyri.1 Particularly, it is a list of epithets inthePGM2thatarenotrecordedatallintheLSJandLSJ Supplements.3 Most of these epithets that occur only in the PGM areincludedinthehymns.4Theyaremainlyusedtodescribe and define the multiple characteristics of the gods. The richness ofthemagiciansreligiousthinkingis suitablyaccompaniedby richlinguisticinventiveness,aboveallintheinventionof epithets for the various gods. __________ 1IwouldliketothankDavidJordanforhisfriendshipandhiskind advices. 2PapyriGraecaeMagicae,hereafterPGM;Preisendanz,K.and Henrichs,A.(ed.)(19731974)PapyriGraecaeMagicaeDieGriechischen Zauberpapyri. Vols. III. Stuttgart: Teubner. The dates of the papyri cited in thispaperare:PGMI(iv/vAD),II(ivAD),III(ivAD),IV(ivAD),VII (iii/iv AD). 3Liddell,H.G.,Scott,R.andJones,H.S.(eds.),hereafterLSJ,(1996) Greek-English Lexicon with a revised Supplement. Oxford: Clarendon Press. 4Preisendanzhasidentifiedtwentysixhymnsinhissecondvolume,237264.OftheseIincludeepithetsfromHymn5:ToHeliosandtothe godsofall(PGMIII.198229),Hymn11:ToApolloandtoApollo-Helios(PGMII.81101,133140,1636),Hymn12:ToApolloand Daphne (PGMIII.234258), Hymn 17: To Hekate-Selene-Artemis (PGM IV.22422417),Hymn18:ToHekate-Selene-Artemis(PGMIV.27852870),Hymn20:ToHekate-Selene-Artemis(PGMIV.25222567)and Hymn21:ToHekate-Selene-Artemis(PGMIV.27142783).Mostare writtenindactylichexameter,twentyoneouttwentysixhymns;but,hymns 6, 17 and 25 are in iambic trimeter, hymn 8 in iambic pentameter and hymn 19iniambictetrameteracatalectic;therefore,mostoftheseepithetsare metrically useful; Preisendanz (1974) vol.II, 237264. Eleni Pachoumi 156PGMepithetsthatarenotrecordedintheLSJandLSJ Supplements ,:gracious-minded;PGMIV.2547:5;in pap. and Hymn 20: ;6 , : improvident , : eternal; PGM I.200: 7

, : extreme; PGM IV.2277: ; in pap. and in Hymn 17: 8 () , : indivisible; PGM IV.32312: 9

, , : helper; PGM V.2281 (and Hymn 17): 10 [],:star-coursing;PGMIV.2559:[];in pap. and Hymn 20: ++; , : she who has stars , : infernal; PGM IV.2725 (and Hymn 21): ; Reitzensteinemendsitto,;11alsoinPGM IV.2855: ,-:theonewhohasaboat;PGMIV.2274(and Hymn 17): , : giant; PGM IV.2714 (and Hymn 21): ,:hewhosubduesbyforce;PGMII.1656 (and Hymn 11): 12

, : she who subdues by force; PGM IV.28501: (pap.); in Hymn 18: 13 __________ 5Recordedin:Jordan,D.(2008)Lexicalnotes,largelyfrommagical texts,2705;in:LichtundWrmeinMemoryofA.F.Christidis(eds.) (2008) Centre for the Greek Language. Thessaloniki. 6Preis.(1973)vol.I,152,(1974)vol.II,258.wasrecorded in DGE II (Diccionario Griego Espaol; Barcelona, 1959). 7 PGM I.195222: Protective spell. 8 Preis. (1973) vol.I, 142, (1974) vol.II, 251. 9PGMIV.320954:Aphroditessaucerdivination.was recorded in DGE II. 10 was recorded in DGE III; also recorded in Jordan (2008). 11Preis.(1973)vol.I,159;alsoBetz(1986)89;Betz,H.D.(ed.)(1986) TheGreekMagicalPapyriinTranslation.Chicago:TheUniversityof Chicago Press. 12 Recorded in DGE V. 13 Recorded in DGE V, fuerza dominadora. A List of epithets from the Greek Magical Papyri that are not recordedin the LSJ and LSJ Supplements 157 , : the one who shows forth, exhibitor; PGM IV.2274 (and Hymn 17): ,:ofDodona;PGMIV.2275(andHymn17): 14 , : ghostly; PGM IV.2272: ; in pap. and Hymn 17: , : she who is of a noble sire; PGM IV.2717 (and Hymn 21): ,-:wide-aimed;PGMV.22812(andHymn 17): ;15 in pap. ,:walkingthroughtheair;PGMVII.882: (pap.)16

,:withmuddywrinkles;17PGMIV.2185: 18 , -: the one who makes the graves to resound; PGMIV.2867(andHymn18):;inpap. - , -: bending down necks that show off;PGMIV.27189(andHymn21): ; in pap. ,:ofKlotho;PGMV.2280(andHymn17): : the one with a crest; PGM IV.2267 (and Hymn 17): , : ruler of the month; PGM IV.2664 pap. (and Hymn19):;Preis.emendsitto: 19 ,:withaheadband;PGMIV.22745(andHymn17): __________ 14 was recorded in DGE VI; in LSJ we find: ,-, -, -, , and -, . 15 Recorded in Jordan (2008). 16 Also recorded in Pachoumi, E. (2011) Divine Epiphanies of Paredroi in the Greek Magical Papyri, GRBS 51, 155165, esp. 160. 17Preisendanzalsosuggestsfrom-;Preis.(1973)vol.I, 139. 18 PGM IV.21452240: Tristych of Homer as assistant. 19 Preis. (1973) vol.I, 1567. Eleni Pachoumi 158,:theonewhodraws(swords);PGMIV.2267(and Hymn 17): () ,:cryinglikeashrillstormofrain;PGM IV.2185: 20 ,-:runningwithfairwind;PGMIII.255(and Hymn 12) ; Dillon and ONeil read and translate ,heavenssrunner; Himmelslufer21 , : holding the whole earth;PGM IV.2279: ; in Hymn 17: ,22 cf. Hsch. ,:mostsubordinate;PGMV.1370: 23

,:theonewhoeatseverything;PGMIV.2749 (and Hymn 21): [], : most high; PGM VII.700: []24

,:forethinking;PGMIV.2267:;(in LSJ the adverb: : shrewdly, warily); in pap. and Hymn 17: 25 ,:fieryatheart/inspirit;PGMIII.209: []; in Hymn 5: [ ,:withfourfaces;PGMIV.2560(and Hymn 20): , : destroying death; PGM IV.2852 (and Hymn 18): 26; in pap. [,:bringinglight;PGMIII.255(andHymn12) [;from27(,-28);inpap. [ __________ 20 PGM IV.21452240: Tristych of Homer as assistant. 21 Betz (1986) 25, n. 60; and Preis. (1973) vol.I, 43. 22 Recorded in Jordan (2008). 23PGMIV.133189:PoweroftheBearconstellationthataccomplishes everything; also recorded in Jordan (2008). 24 PGM VII.686702: Bear Charm. 25 Preis. (1973) vol.I, 142, (1974) vol.II, 251. 26Merkelbachalsotranslatesas,VernichterdesTodesloses; Merkelbach, R. (1982) , ZPE 47, 172. 27 Also Betz (1986) 25; and Preis. (1973) vol.I, 43. 28 Also in PGM IV 30478, 3069, V 175, 210 and LXXVIII 12.