pacific region issue identification 1 issue: renovation of teen centers issue description: teen...


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Pacific Region Issue Identification 1

Issue: Renovation of Teen Centers

Issue Description:Teen Centers throughout the Pacific require maintenance such as fixing leaks, general repairs, painting, new windows and repairing holes in the walls. Some Teen Centers do not have the luxury of kitchens, gyms or even adequate space for recreation.

Scope:Region Wide

Recommendations:Get teen volunteers to help with repairs. Send a letter through the chain of command of facility issues.

Pacific Region Issue Identification 2

Issue: There is a lack of community support addressing social issues such as bullying, poor sportsmanship, cultural differences, etc.

Issue Description:Youth are concerned about how bullying is being handled in the community. Procedures and actions taken to resolve problems are not effective.

Scope:Army wide

Recommendations:Use of conflict resolution programs such as peer counseling, and Teen counseling. Educate youth and families on bullying issues. Develop curriculum to confront the problem.

Pacific Region Issue Identification 3

Issue: Transportation for youth

Issue Description:Families living off post have no access to transportation. There is no military transportation system in place to take youth to and from school.

Scope:Region wide

Recommendations:Authorize and provide a transportation system for youth to and from events during parental deployments. Provide free taxi services. Have a motor pool pickup and designated drop off location.

Pacific Region Issue Identification 4

Issue: Inadequate youth sports facilities at many garrisons

Issue Description:Sports facilities vary greatly between garrisons. Some garrison facilities remain substandard.

Scope:Region Wide

Recommendations:Implement minimum standards for installations. Ensure standards include at least one sports field or gym in working condition. Create a staff position that acts as an outdoor/sports recreation aid position within the Youth Center specifically for youth. Create jobs for youth to maintain gyms and sports fields.

Pacific Region Issue Identification 5

Issue: Develop career experiences for youth

Issue Description:Most Garrisons lack adequate job opportunities for youth. Teens lack training and experience to qualify for existing employment opportunities. Teens living on non Army Installations do not receive the same opportunities as those on Army Installations.

Scope:Army Wide

Recommendations:Ask local businesses to provide teen employment opportunities. Expand the Hired! Program to all military branches. Provide youth job training.

Korea Region Issue Identification 1

Issue: Garrison youth are not informed about Youth Services

Issue Description:Building signs are not recognized by new comers. Coordination between schools, S2S& CYSS is inadequate. Publicity, advertising, newcomer orientation and Youth sponsorship requires improvement.

Scope:Region Wide

Recommendations:Make standard colorful Youth Center building signs. Improve newcomer orientation and sponsorship (S2S, school & CYSS). Provide better publicity/advertisement (including Social Networking, texting, etc).

Korea Region Issue Identification 2

Issue: Aging Youth Center Equipment

Issue Description:Malfunctioning, damaged and aging Youth Center equipment (electronic games, ping pong tables, etc.) is not being reported, repaired or replaced.

Scope:Region wide

Recommendations:Youth should have input to monitor checkups and repairs monthly. Youth Center staff should follow up & post progress on work order forms.

Korea Region Issue Identification 3

Issue: Youth input into Youth Center staff hiring process.

Issue Description:Current Youth Center staff hiring process involves CPO and an all adult team making hiring decisions. Youth would like an opportunity to voice opinions about choosing new Youth Center staff.

Scope:Region Wide

Recommendations:Allow youth to evaluate/interview candidates. Teens should be aware of staff employee probation periods, during which teens should voice concerns via ICE, suggestion box, etc. to CYSS Coordinator

Korea Region Issue Identification 4

Issue: Nutritional Youth Center Snack choices

Issue Description:Youth centers often offer snacks that lack nutritional quality (fruits, fiber, protein) or youth input into YC grocery shopping.

Scope:Army Wide

Recommendations:Educate both staff and Youth on reading food product labels for caloric and nutritional content. Give Youth input on choosing snacks. Allow youth input into the grocery list.

Korea Region Issue Identification 5

Issue: Youth Center Tech Lab Internet is too restricted

Issue Description:Current Army Youth Technology Lab network is VERY restricted. Social Networking is not allowed even though Army policy allows it. Many sites needed for homework research are blocked.

Scope:Army Wide

Recommendations:Provide commercial Internet service and funding for necessary equipment at Youth Centers. Allow monitored wifi access for Youth personal electronic devices.

Army Reserve Issue Identification 1

Issue: Youth residing off base feel alienated

Issue Description:Geographically dispersed youths do not have a teen network.

Scope:Army Reserve

Recommendations:Setup a line of communication between the geographically dispersed Army youth with the nearest military Teen Center to form a partnership and provide needed emotional support.

BEST PRACTICES Schofield Barracks Music Club

What has the Music Club accomplished in less than one year?

• They have grown from one staff and one youth to a group of 13-25 youth.

• They competed with a variety of bands in the local BATTLE OF THE BANDS and won!

• Opened for the band SMASHMOUTH at the Fourth of July Celebration on Schofield Barracks.

• They have developed a relationship with the local restaurant and once a week take care of their recycling.

• They have done several community shows at locations such as Child Development Centers, School Age Centers, and Deployment Ceremonies.

• They have completed Community Service projects to include Child Development Center beautifications.

• They are branching out to the other Youth Centers on the Island.

• They will be partnering with School Age Service on Schofield Barracks to teach the younger youth how to play instruments.

What began as one staff’ persons love of music has

grown into one of the most popular clubs at Schofield

Barracks Middle School and Teen Center

Natasha White is an Art Club member who won first place in the National Fine Arts Exhibit in the acrylic painting category

Teen Accomplishments

Youth learn skills to include sketching, digital photography, sculpting, acrylic painting, charcoal painting, pointillism. Artworks is then entered into local and national competitions.



1. Service Project

2. Rope Course

3. FOCUS Presentation

4. Cultural Night

5. Marketing/Facebook