paciric mi': mnnmrrnt...ifore .hi.;e waioli. on i'ti'i.iylast, the following put was...

TUX! PACiriC TEE PACIFIC (Commercial bbcriiscr mi': f-- r Commcrrial bbrrfisfr is iTiiusu:r rxtXIMTIlNTGr orricu Is prepared ..r,-rut- e Vr Calv ll.sasf ! r i pi ion. vi. Vrnr. S4 . I'llitt Iiiu i i: -- I s.i-iit ion O.V KKASOXJIU K Tt RMS. t'orrijii ahM-riprioi- ih .( it I car. - : ' .Gir-&rr- "'r--- .3. ; mnnmrrnt IlntoH -- r yVclvortiMliit;. j., . ... ;.'en r .ir I I t'. a". V . irl .f A n in p , . s ,!.- f ii: i n. a'- 'i l II I - I , rn r , u ., .d :i IT lreit t ne. in. 2 in 3 m. I in. Urn Mi j j ' I r 1 !i ,ilTi f t r i, niM.r !' r!' tr-- . i - n iiC' . It 1 5 S M I I n. .i t - ::; vij!rnulli ; ' ( ! ., r.. ' p " r 5 1 mi 2 is' ,i "1 im o r4 lit on - . I P Y f r II 411 ' lf ('ivn.-lt- . YTV? t V i U Lines I ;si isi 4 lJ ,'i is. H tKti l i 141 j - " . Mm l in- i' e. .ii.l p if "I ll.e P. .il always la l.itK. INI 4 ll !U 10 U, 1 Ikl .0 Lines .' .'SI ! ! ' fr) It) (Ml II Ik). Is mi ell l.n.s .'. IHI I". HI 10 C) 111 tK 1 00; '.'I. 0 1 Columu H (KI 1.' Il In OJ (Ml :4 IM bO 0M I".IN AXla AN Y i Clntu- - ...itO o.i la to M 01 Js (Mi 4l IHI AH Od 4 Column ... lift U'l JU (U oO U0 40 U OU ( 1H0 (Nt COOK AND JOB PRINTING. ' While Column.... . . JO 00 40 Oai tAi OO 10 V0 1 JO OO MU ou f IS'i IM -- INK.- M Atli.'.r CAI:I ; t,iI f.:i i Vi:i' : ' if 1 I'r i:i the;i-.- i tj ie ,( tf,-- r nrt. Coinnien-ia- l Advertisers l.''H,T:-rf'- I' nfr of th? P. C. A-- v?rtiT, Tlic .llolokni Beeper Aain. MnM'KU, K;il n-- , :I-- t .Jatiiiiiry, lH'.T. ! Mr. V.mtiK : Ie.iiir: Living in t!i ii in- - : itjr f tfic r M'ttlun'-ii- t cn thi; !! mil of! yi !'k i, :irnl li:iviii h;i 1 rj.j,rtnnitiiT t' It tlr .iin.:, I fi-- it my J(tj t' f.jrr' t i i Hiimr stiti-im-nL- - wliii-t- i latt-l- ... ari--ur- 'J in t!. r f Vnur Tli-- J facts which I am j ulnHt t ct:it; I ! iii,t iu' j !xrli..-v-- , Iut know ; t!'-- t trui. j TIits ar; nw in all 71- - 70 man awl ( aii'l r.'i fcin;i!o?. 'J'h-r- arc ai 34 tiToiis not i i (iiii-i- , wiji.nn uml chiliir wini havo j gun-- ; tii rc t- - tak-- j care of their fri-n.- . Tlt; i liavi; Urn, tj pjui': t stclit, in the Iiatit of coUiin,; ! uml ''A- - N-- j iinri: have taken jlacc than the ot.t.:i-- T J Tde fir.-- t arriv-'i- l there on the Cth day of Fi hruary ami fr-jr- that daw till the lost i bhij ment, 1st .'thi r, J 0G. the total nuiiiher of l'ji-- r t th'-re- , amounts t 142; and of i the; 27 ( la ill's and 5 feiiiak-?- ) have died. ! The Biijicrinten lout always kejis a tiij-l- of mvliciite on hatid, which th-- receive w!i-- j nj-.i;.- fr. llo has likewise buar and tea fr the sick. j Of the original houe., which were on the l.ia I wh-- n the leju-r- s fir.-- t arrived, there are 1 1, t- - which nothing h;u lieen done, as not rcfjiiirin , it ; hut all the rcr-- t were ret hatched ; and 10 new j iie-- j were built ly the IJo.ird of Health ; and there is it-- doiiht that many of the h'l'cr.s are far laorj cotnfortahh; in tiie H.:ttleineiit than they ' i were in their former homes. i The jihy.-icia- n who went among them some time J ao, 8tat-- ti me that all tlnn--e who were t there a.s lepers had the disease with the exec tion of one liltle ;'r'- - When tiie liit ler-er- s arrived there, there were many acres of kalo, nweet jiotatiM.-s- , bananas and sugarcane, which the Hoard of Health had bought ! froiu the firmer inhabitants, tmflicietit to feed hundreds of jieoj.le for more than a j'ear, if the ! l 'r.s liad taken any care of it ; but the majority of them woul-- ' not do anything, and this causeii j a cearcity but n ) sUrvation, as the j lace is abundantly Mi(licd with wild fM.d, if they will take the troiibl-- s to edhct it. There are nun- - ' dre'U of acn-- s of wild lcaiis and ki root growing amuii I their hous-n- . There grows al. wild kalo, aj e, yams, and a great quantity of arrow- - j j,,t all tYis fiMxl i.s within easy reach without j neCe-.-eiiat- i d to idiiith up the inoun tainri. The lioard of II- - alth h;i-- s suj.-iliet- l them with 54 head of breeding Cattle, of which they ii.,w t il- - the milk, they received 100 bre--din- g g rat.s, poultry and igs, to g- -t a ttart. Tliey weri likewise furni-h- ci with a eaii. and li-- h j net t catch tsh, wiiii whicli the place in hue; weather aluu'ids. ; Th male of t'i (ttlernent, if able, are rxpe. t.rd to work fr their living, for which purp; thy are Mipplied witli They t liavc now plant.: 1 a coii.-id- er iMe quantity uf; kalo, potato- - and other thing-- , but they are supplied by the until their own food i.s ; rip ; t!iey li.ive als- - fxi-- n furn:iied with (ime cl.thin '. Of the 7'J, 12 are unable to Work, tiie rot cm work without any great in- -, Convciii.-nce- . ( I have m i'! n ',m-n- t to Dr. IIufchin that t!ie lexTs were itarting. but I nude a stat-IU- -lit to tie- - It MX 1 ex'!linilig the cms; of the already fpok n of. This wa. in October, j In a!iit tw. r three weeks aftir, I a letter fr..iii Ir. llutchisu, that a two month1 (iip-I- y if f.xxl was on tin- - way to the nt, at tic wiiue time rti'iiejiing me t supply them with f in the iie-u- time; but I could not do j io as I nor.e. The fnpply arrived one we.k after, and oni-- t d of It) bbls of very jjnod -- al- Iiiou, 2') bi.'-- S of beef, 21 IxiX.-- s of bread and 2" l'-- s rie"-- . The lcef, which 1 saw oj ned, ! was not g'-- d ; however, I cannot tay that it was totally unfit to eat, as I (and roi.ibiy many j others at-- o) have i.-e- natives cat meat a great ; deal w..r- - than fiat was. J.. . MfcVi.K The Ii.nlo .Tliirdrr on Iiauai. T' TIIK ?'.IMTiR THF. t'OIlr"R' I vL A lV f.KT I.- - tit St,': ; le-'i- i in tin." anil :ili-'i- t the lii. Lis: in-m- t I;. .r;itii.inj; w.iriliin; ir-ti- ci uiiJ niakiii; otlitr f rts fjr t!i" arrot uf the n --. I murii-.-r- t r cf Kaltl at Wuilii!i:i. :m l. Ii:ivirt at I t ai-in- ilNhetl tiiat il r ult, I taki: tin- - tir-- t I. iu iii lit tu make a fi w r" ni.irk uj-.ii- i an article; in jur isfu- - uf tin- - "th inst. ri ll ctin ui-- i llaw.iiian, fri4iiJ " IItlIii:lllitV.T 1 think t!i-- - writer uf that rtrticl-- ; lias ul.iwt:il hit "znl t run :w?y witli his jsj.iiin-nt,- f r 1 ! it was owino; t the itul li iict- - :iriJ j iliiiew uf iii;tn K.:lti w.ii a ii liui, lut the iiiiiin-.liat- of iiis ti atli w:i iiwirt to his own iiuj'tiMfity uipI iin-- j rinl-n- ce in insi.-tii-i ur m in alone t re: :i.nnit tiie ti lviiu of the constali'i-s,- " who " lliim iiiify " l- - avi s lialf a mile or more down the alh-- (on n r.artieular they j.rh.i'.!y l.ainej v. ry p.xnl rea-on- s for not S','"o too ar'y r a'irnii!y. At t tie j r. liniinnry of the stij-ris- -.l iiiuriti-rers- . Ifore .hi.;e Waioli. on I'ti'i.iy last, the following put was ilk-it-t- l frru Ninatil.Ki (k). a. witn s, t) wh.e Imu Kalti ran after l iii rut ainl wlere 'ie ltitl. his Ivxln m.iile a stuteim-nt- . of w!ii-i- i the f II.viri is a j.rt, ami whi h, as it r. laUs t the n.att. r in iin-ti.- n, 1 In re pivo, vi : Nu line i li l..u:i.- - my 1ml :nv--l- f. f ir if I li.i.l rui;..-.- l lii- - i.-- !' . .,.!'...'..'. t v. ait alt'I alt t.?.-T!n-- I sliniih! i"f have 1..-- . ti k;;:.-.i.- No, Mr. K.Iit'.r. I do - think the Mam- - s i...V on the of Hawaiian enixtatil Th.-r- i to io othtr at work, !i the I'.-iia- l C.,J.:iiiJ to lift the nativt 9 nil of the mural mire of thtir t ral wliicli thy teeni t- - ri-- t in wal-I-ivv- iti in, in f ite of the law or the Uosik-I- . I'r.v ii..,ii it I tt. r than inr.- - " in ti wry vl a l.i- -. Init tht-r- j are other a' that aro as aj.j liralile to this irt-?- . Vo ir.- - I r my fiL. Tiik Shucii r i liti i. ili.Tili, K inui, January li7- fCT llnines Curls, wh. n rrtid for a wmr. are aHnwnl a uuvouid liotn thev rati-- , hh are .r tratscienl adurlia-luem- s When Mld r charged iplarlerly. l"t MMxH! i wk:ki,v uv MX DOLLARS KK ANM I. lIKMtli M. HI i NKV. ( HOXOLULLI, 1LAAVAIIAX ISLANDS. FKIUMJAliY !. IM7 VOL. XI. . 3tf. W llttl.K No. jj!) 'jcrlisriutnls. V. II l It TOW. Anr'.iitnri-r- , Snlr ItoAni (H-'i- i Slrrrl. un- - ilr Irmii 'e K.;.!.tiiu.i'el :r- t. Jy II. W. SKVKK .. K. .Imthtiver a:nl ( omi!iiitin Mrrrhaut, iiuk rn-iin- ' TlK:, In KobinMii'i l!uiliiii. I(iirrn Slrrrl, W ll r .i,;-,ii- nt 'h- - n- - r I. i ly W. X. I. A ll. Importrr anil liralrrin I'.irihirc h!!it, Mffhanlr-- - Tool-- , ami tzrlt it!lur;tl luqilciaeiit-.- , Wl Fort Mrril. Ij AI.KX. .1. lKTVlll(;ltT, f mmW-ioi- i Mrrr!i.uit anil SMpphii i'.l llonaluln. Oiihu. ly J A MUX. 4. KKK.V A: 0., I;iiirti'rs an. I (uiitiiiixiuit Mi'iTh.inN, In llir l"irrlrur llnililina. ((Hrrn Slrrrl. 5 :l ly I'KKD'K I'Kl.l (; V. It. Dealer III Slaiilr ami Knit- - lr Cowls Men's ( lutli-In- r. l'..M)t iiutl slmrs. and VauLrr ot:un. Slr- - on fori Slrrrt. nrnrlr ntuilr Mrr, SS .Kl-.l- t Jk ly E. C. M'C.VULH. Jon.N PATT. MrCAXni.ESS C"0.. I leal i in i'.rmt 1 it', l.rrnil iiinl l.;t:n.ii Mi rrhandi-e- , . K. Corner of Furl ami h'in lrerls. " 01J ly AKOXi; A. ACIIl'CK, Imjioitrrs. Wlidlp-al- c ami lietiiil l.-al--rs In Ourral ll.-- !i.indic Aiiii ( iiin.'e (iiotN. Fir--ro(- " Slorr, Xiiuhiiii Slir-I- . t'n.l r id.r I'ul iie liui!. 67 If c;lk;k c. howk. Dealer In nitii.p-- t t.n;i cr, Sliinlcs, Hour. Si-!- i, i;:iiiN. I'.ii.ils xr. Jit his Old Stand, Fart ilritt,uii the ii ly J. WOIl I'll. Prulcr in l.inrral .Mrrrhr.ntlisr, lit I.O. Ilmrnii . . ..S,iM sni I'l'd vit!i ri i rui'.H :it the shortest notice, uti r;uiualile tiTi.i-- . lfilli il wauteil. ly Ki. hoi t'o.. linjxiitrrsaiKl I umn.Nloii "lirrliant. ('rurr of Fori uml Mrr hnul Slrrrl. 0. ly K. I. AIAIS, Ship haiK.'Icr an.i ilcaler fa (.eiirral Men liandUc. lai luiifiii. f nui. Irish anil ?wtvt l'ol:i w:ili other lecruita, ojrist.inlly 011 hainl an.l for ale at rrtt-- . irld Gin II. V. Ll" U I Xl.TO X. Importrr anil U!iu!-.n- l le.i!i-- r in AViurs, Spirits, and )!.ilt l.iquur, Charlton Wharf, Honolulu. &- -C ly IIOLLK.S .V. CO.. Ship !i;ni.!l'i and (ani!iiihin 3I (J iren S'rrtt. 1'articular allent on pai.l 1.. thi- - ;ur.-li- a an.l sale ol Hawaiian I ef-- rs liy . rriiisstfiri in B. F. fii' ir M' .'rs. Al!.n. K. Co., M.rn. C. A. ilii uns o r-r I'. Hrrwer Vt.. M' rs. t':isl le 'o ,,,.,.. . M i 11. Ilaei. & I. I! Waterman.... M sr. C I.. Kiehanls A; Co. iM-- 1 y CUL.1i; HooS. Hil.Nt, MiboNU CIII'XO IIOOX Jt CO. f niiiml-lii- ri llcrtli.uil- - and J.r'ifral Aircnts, Apenf- for the Taukua au.l Ainnmihi Su--a- r I'l.ifitatinu Iis-ort- ers of Teas an.l oth'T t'huee and Kor.-itf- tiiKla an I w hoh's.ile 111 Hawaiian I'riMlue., la Nrr Sioiir Slorr. 1111auu Si., lie loir K in. 5J1-- 1 i A. S. CI.KCIKlK.N. Itealer in .i,in-ra- l Mi-r-r hatidi-- e, 1 ire-pro- of Store, Corarr K liiimn nu ntl Hut m Sl., I . i...4(t.r MaK-f'- l:lMk. Alio. Retail on ahove Kinp. 1 r Islnid Pr luee atnl sold. Inland orders eareinlly attend.-.- ! t.t 647 ly Till-- : XF.WSI'AI'KK lil OKOA, rnbli-hr- d Uo.LI in the Hawaiian Liinnae. It has th-- Iar'vt cireiil'iti .n in the .rroiip, aiol is rea.I Isith by 11 ... a. is and k on iL.-ri- Pne. jjiiyi-j- r in ad- - Vance. Iran. lateil into liawn i.all Ir-- if ch..rk'--- . I line ir c irtier .if Sa.' 'r II i.lie. 5. S. ti ll IX II A CM CO.. Irupirter mid Mlrilc.Ie Pt-al- n in ( lot! It in. Ilat. tap. SIopI- - and Slne, Anj every variety of i.e.-.i-'n- n Superior Kurni-diitii- : Goo.Is Stjre f riu-r- ly .'i npi.-- I y IV. A. Aldrieh, ill V ir' IShirli. fjurtn sr. ly M F.LCII KKS A. C O. Impr.rt.-- r and I o'tixi-im- i Mrrrliatits A'jmtt J-i- r tkr 1 A'.kh- i X Kike I Cn. Kahsiki Mian I'l n t t,.is, T"U StoAit Pl.VMHIo.H. G i stat C. M'L. nKrts. J. I). W:kk, K A. SrtiAKfKa, Itr-i- n- n. ll'.!i .!u; a. Ilou dulu. 6' ly ;i:o. ii. in m;Ksi. pouruur wit LiMiMvn: niMi;i:, fiIio. Rirhitrit trrit. n'nr Itrrttnnia. v-;:- . I t y t.- - f- - v Aiti.l.of th most fashion a'lle Pi I'raituie. r;nv Ik- at ta- - ti iM.-i- of Chi-- , lior. ir.-- d at the Ar;.t'-- i "tu lm. l;..-t- .r I rtr-t-t- or at the!..wr-ip- li..'. ry, nc r H the l:!le. 6:n THOM AS SI-K- lilt. Ship (hartti'rr, I.rut-ra- l ilrirliamli-r- . Ilaml I'roiliirr. r.. ami ( I'Pinii Ncnltabt. liirou' l.iiy. Ililo. S. I., W .11 r'lti.tan-i- ou ban I i of every ..f i.ts r- - .i:irel sin and oth-r- s. 1 fi- b:i:hi t pre-.- - n 1. md Pr'Mtuce. TT a..kaiK-.-i- i I r l..:i . r.eli iu-- at ie rales. ill lv cms. a. ui.h- r. C. BAU-ToS- . ItlSHOI A. CO.. l!nul.rr. O.Tirf, in llsr r.i-- f corner tif M;;kr-"- . lUurL, K.iitiunianu sir--t- Ib-:- iulu. Praw Bill- ! i ll The lttMi .1' iK- Pan Francisco. iniNNa I . M it & C'i., New V.-r- 1. :s IVinm, New York. HtNKV A. IViw k, ,v Co.. H. .toll. Ti. voT N ational I'im, . M.ts. li:; IAL lilM t .n:f l..Tn"S, In.iu. Will receive J divMUtit rlrst-clas- s bu..mrs paper, nnd att-ii- 'l to crob. .tine. etc. iJl ly I. N. FLITNF.R. Continues ..1-- business in tin hrepr-io- Imtldint, hiinlimiiiiiiil Mini, i'! r"ii'iii ter rat. I by x rvatii r.s of the sun an-- with a tr in-- it icc:ir-.:..- a Ijtisi.-- i the mi ridiau of Parti.-o'a- r utt- nt. on ir.-nt- line "a.-- xt..--- t and 'luadrant rlas-.'- sip :o.t ti l Charts an.l nauli.-a- l uii f,."tl ban I an. I br sab-- . ly l . WAI Kit.M VN A. CO.. itmri)i-i.i- : ,J.,rrh;o:l. Cupn-ia-l attention paul to 'li int. n t ot tb- - Wh ihtnr FM by the iuru.-l.:!:- ir inn-N- , jrefia..- and -- a!e of Lvl.aiurc, Oil, lton-- , O.-u- ral Ni. and ti.-- - procuring i f reight KKFKKKNCi:?. Messrs. '- II i iv:i Jk , C.).. New W . K P.'i . i:j.. .!. A I'-'- , rati Francisco. J. f. Mkki.::l C, do 631-l- y A LI. FN A. CON WAV,!i Il.iiaii. Wll! 1 tb ii- ! r il i. n h .nil.- in I Milj-pin- j biiin-- s at th.- v v.- p- rt. wti.r :b y Aft ;.repar--- to turnisb tiie ,utly K naili.i'- - P t..i ana sucti as are by -- hiJK. at not onth- - in..t r- - as- i: able terms. Iiroxvcorl c 3 x. Hand. o.l I si-S..aii'- . j. it. iriiiiT.-s- . ms ... ca vn.i: jk. oohi:. Impiirtrr. an I l.r'ieial Mrrrii.mts In Fir. pn-- r.. Kiri str- - :. - the S. s I'liaj l. V.l-slC- .'VsotltM 1V-i- r. Jvti. s I -- I. r .t- - 1 Fin. V l i.s. . '.I.,. mors, 1 i b M; r I i:. v. 1 ! N'v l.ici in I Mot in !.! hi.-ri- ei fompniy, Tl.e Nc Pi. .in. I.,rr.- i :. 'ur-iti."- i: Conpai.y. i-- j lv ii'smtss carts. A. f. HI t i l".M. M. !., Pii-iria- u ami ur'(ni. OPjc- - am! Bi I iio-- , A).!rici !! u . F. rt 521 ly l)K. KK.VNEKV. I'liiicixn. i4rei:u au.l irruui iicur. Fort "ii ir.i!-'"- . K. W iM hi Ktirnitar- - - rooms. S.! ljr K. llOflM AXX. M.I. Ill)-i-i:l- !l Mild urC-(iR- , lakr" Ii!'L. cr r- -. r Ha u .m:J K ititsm mu sts. oZl ly UK. J. MOTT S.MITII, li.'li!i-t- , OSre corni-- r c.f Fori au.l Il itrl Stn-rtf- . 612 ly V. II. It K II A KI)S. Delili-- i. Corner ff t anil :iiit IriH-m- , Honolulu. 511 ly IIK.XKV TlKtMI SOX, Atlorury a;u! (unnellnr t Law. Oifne on ijiK'tii Mn. t, i -- ir t!.c Court Ilou?o, up ft:ur!. .' ly JOHN II. IMTV. ular i''.i'..iir, , llonniuhi. 11. I. Oilir- - at ilif lUnk of .V Cn. 6111 A. F. JI'I)I. tttrirnpy a;:d ( niuirtlr at Law, Corner of Kort ami Merchant Mr-eta- . 513 ly JOHN TIIOS. WATKItUOrsK. Iiniirlrr and r in (.ciifral fi.'lO Q'l'-e- Mn-et- , linnolulu. Cm JOHN UITSOV. Dralrr in Viiiic-- . Sj iiilN Ale anj Porter. U'l liOMullllll. ly L 11. 11 a ; k r 1:1. i) ii. o 4iit-ra- l ('imuNioii Aru;, J?'l iiuiiollllll. ly C. H. LKH KKS. ' J. o. KICK.SO.N. LKWKR.S DICKSON. Dtalfrs iu LnKiiior and Kuiltlinx JIateilals &j1 Korl Slrrrl. ly Til. I'. I! KI CK. CimmtjI (tfiiiiiK5iin .llrnh.ut, Krl Slrrrl. ly K. I'. KII LKKS. leal-- r In Dry (.nods Silks, r., 521 Fori Slrrrl. ly K. O. II A LL & SON. .liC( Importer Mini Drai.-.-- in liardwarr. Dry (iowN, j I'air.t, 0, unit Urnrrat Mrretlumtise. j 541 t;oruer r'uil an l ivinj JSU. ly C. I.. K1CIIAKOS CO.. Slilp ( !i.;inl!i'r anJ ('oinmNiitn Mrrrli:int, and De.iU rs iu Onrral Jlcit iiaiidi-.c- , " Keep constantly on han.l a fullassoituient of uierchanilie, for the 3 i.ply ol hal- -r anil Merchant vessels, j 613 iy NKVILLK IiAllIlKTT, Plantrr aatl Oncral Sturr krcjirrs, Kwpuka, N .r.h Kona, Hawaii, tinr K' alakeakua Pay. Tslnml rrxluiv Im,ii-I,- i. Willi Wm!, IVel anl other Agent at llonoluiu, A. S. CI.KCIIoRN. 514 ly SStUHAl f KC. IT. A. P. CAKTkR. I. BAIlTLtTT C. IIKKWKK Af. CO. Cuimiiivsioii and Si.tpi.iu!; .llrrt'iaiits, 1 1 00 ol I . Oiiliu, II. I. A'iKNTS Or Ihc II 01 on hikI Honolulu I'nckrl liur. AH KM 5 Fortlir Mnltrr, Wniliil.nX tliinn IMaillalioiiK AUK NTS For Ihr I'lirelm. uml Sale-o-f Klaii! l'roilurr. 11KI Kit TO Jonf M. I1ip, K i .. ....New York. ClIAS. liRKWFK, ii I'll J.vlliSNKWKi.i., Kl. i Boston- - J. C. M I KKII I. Co. K. II. Swak ."i Co. ..... .San Kraneir.o. Ca ts. Uuu'urr Hho.iks Ks.. 54S ly Wm. JOHNSON, Dralrr iu n I u i I la nf uml ollirr Tobnrro, Cinra. Piprs, .Vr,. anil A inrririin mili rliniirrv, X ul. Kn i ., Cn kra, 4c. I would nlS'i t ike ISismeth d of intormintr the Citizens of Honolulu and the is iren. rally that I have commenced the Tailorimf bu-in- in connection with Th atove, anil am pre-iar- ii execute all ord-T- in a f .hionahle and substantial t luanner. imiers from the oth r Nl itids pre:. iptly attended to. Miiffoii iii'Ui.u '. One iliHir tnUiir iiiiy. 55 Itm EUREKA RESTAURANT! lh!"i"'.l.h,':..'tl,Tp!d the signatures of the un.Kr.-iKia- d P. A. LOLLr'R, j. Collins; Honolulu. Auir. 25, ISoC. Kurcna Hotel ami l.csfaumiit ! S. A. I.OM.KII. ri:oii:iKToR, tVOfLD KKSPFCTFII.LV IXnKM T his friends ai-- tin- - public that le 19 fully prparid In earry on this biiHai-- .. m tie- - in".t approved style, and resiect-fi.P- a shar fif patr-.uaire- Neatly Il'ioms to let iijioii ihi 3i:i AO illf L LTU1AL I.M I'LE HEATS. HAVE ON HAND And For Sale at Low Rates ! E9Iovs FLOWS. No. 2, 1, ill. 7 I.S EAGl.t: PLOW?. Kb-- Ij A. Fa-'- le O, Ea-l- e II. Hit L PLOW.. A X... J. A No. r,. A No. 4, STFLL PLOW -- :, V. (1. 3; X 1. X 1 I". 1. Ixfrii Teetli for nhovr I'at'erii'. 1'I.tlWS, ith ami i h .ut W. .V C. C'cillivsfilor.oi STr.F.L It F V F Ul It LF. T F FT II, SI'A RK TKKTII. SI'AIti: TKKTII FOIt DITTO STF.KL, IRON' AND iV()(Ir..V 1()(TII HAKES r.l'SH AND IU1ASS SCYTHES AND SNATHES. TTiTfNn1toi-- e Vn ' V,. v.. XXcly i-- I . j ltl. J. itl. a-- I I : .v Ctil t ors Very lirpo ith puliy ati-- lmlnnCe wheel For Cutting soruliuiu 'aiu; Top-- , Vt-- . Vc. FAN MILLS. K')AD S RAl'LES. OX YOKI1, various iiiest. OX I'.iiWS. a-- st rtc l sizes. CANE KNIVES. OiLLAKS and IIAUXI-- S, WIIIFlLi: TREES, l'LANU:U"S HOES,'cl sizo. HORSE POWERS. LKATHLR lil'.LT IN fi. 3. I. nn ! .'. ,rcl,-- s. RFRRFR IIFLTI XU,2. 2.iX bn; i,3)t py m ii Vjirii-l- y ! Sniallrr Arl 'wW. 7 THE FAMILY LETTER SCALE. WFICIIIN; I.F.T TF.l:s S M I'LK. IIOR ap an l I'rirt-- , I . J lm l.ri.lely li. M Mllf.NLV PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANY Of San Francisco. California. Cash Capital, --- --- $750,000. Jonathan hi st,... ..rrvsM.-M- . 11. 11. HI iH.oW, . . . .lli'iivrnl Ai-nt- . J. M. flloTWKLI fivMary. A. LAX UN, .Marine iwrftary. rilllK fM)KltiIf.KI). TIIK AITIIOIt- - fl izt-i- i Arrnis ol' tliis cou.iiny are to inurr ri On Carjjo. Commissions and Fronts ! In itliiT iu lli-- j Kr ii;i it I itlei -- I.ln ul X rjnlc ti ana all par: s ui tiiv woii.l. Wet iuc Fire and ITarine Time Policies f'ovrrinir nk- on Puliiio ISiiiMiiiL--- , Mi n s. IViu-s- I'urnitur. ami Iio-mI- in si.. re, ami ia IjuIU of not ra'.in- - I .vvr th :a A. 'J. 7..s-- . wJi's'fl md I't't'l !n I' .S'. f ItrUl i o'. i. N. II. r.!rri-- farni.!.".' nt once wi:hout the lel;iy of ir Iiiik rt t K"r r.itt--- a ol ireitiium :iiil mily In il ly illcliiU' Co., Aleuts. 5 :Tssaii';.i3( Tio.iec! A tj i,f the II I 'ir-j-lt- i ' Fire hts'intitr? Cu Ilu:ioliiCi, J.mitarv 1,107. j rilllK rMKRSH;i:i ACHMS OK THK t I ahovo Co:n. any, j:ivc noliee that l!i.y are u uuthoriziil to Lake RISKS HiAlXST FIRE! In nnil ahout II in lulu at -- 1 1 .1 Th;' Atfrm-- of the ahove r,,ipany. Iiarinu et.ihl she.l 1.! litis 'i:iev it leu years 13 Known 10 insure 011 me uioai n- - voraiiii- - e.miiiuons. 61 Jin MKLfHKKS & C..., atr!it!. J. D. ViCKE, AC.KNT FOKT11K llltK.MKN r.OAUl) UK l'MKKW KIT KHS 4 LL A V r' It A CK LA I l S A U IN ST SA 1 ! A. I nili rwriti rs, o.vurrinr iu or about this Kingil"in. will have to he cerliti-- Iwlore him. 510-l- CALIF0P.NIA INSURANCE COMPANY. fSIIK I'NUKUSIIJXKO AIJKXTS OF TIIK t aimve l'oin;iany, have aiULiTi.- - il to insure risks on ;c.ici.o. nti:i:iiT una 7.'Ki:.siTitr.. hy CUA.TKliS from Honolulu t all lions of tin! Hawaiian (ironp, ami vice versa. uJ4-l- y 11 IIACKKKI.D lr CO. CALIFORNIA IN3UHANCE COMPANY, SAN t" It AX CI SCO. Mil K rXIK.ltSIIJNt:i HAVING i:ekx npiiointeil A.-n'- for the ahove company, hee: leave 10 Horrt! the the pulilie, that they are now prepared to issue M A II I N hi 1 X S V K A N C K I'O L1C1 KS on Cargo, Freight and Tivasure., to and all parts of the world. II. HACKFKi.T ft CO. Honolulu, April 2 W,2. 517-l- FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. National Insurance Company, Ol triii 11 li-nm-list-- Ofiicc, No. 40S Tilontgoiiii'i-- Stri-et- . m-.- tv CalitWrni i. RIP IXSl'IIAXCK ti.on IIiil!. - . u pic. Treasure, Coimnisions, Profits, and otlo r suly cts of Insurance, to anil frmu all iorts in the worid, inland Ki..ks. MAKIN'K RISKS on C.m-ier- s. Also, on Freight, Cariro, kc , to and from all mt. pints insured aaint. riiir: i.nm it ai t. upon itmiiiin?, .in rci anuise, ruriiTinre, Rents. Vessels iu Port and tie ir Cargoes, and other Insurable Property. U'lTAL, (!M!I) I I') )K MII.I.IOX IKH.LAi;. Lows ii'uiii)tly ai!jntetl and paid In l uited States Culil (olu. WILLIAM PIFItCK, Pr.sident. Ii. W. C. THOMPSON, W. W. W KiUIXS, S.retary, AMOS XOYKS, Marine Officer. Exiruth'f Committer : ALIIKRT MP.P.LKK. Chairman. ,luS. A. PoXOHOK. R. O. j SXKATII. JOHN (1. I: RAY. A Pit AM BLOCK. A". IS. Vitrt'ifnutr nlf-;)'i- to Hie Insuruiwe on I),r, Viinjs, Chiirrlts. Furnitiire. .t r. C. I.KKWF.U Ai Co., A Kri.i- -. dai) m Honolulu. the northern insurance comp-- OF LONDON. ri'HK t XDf'.l'SKiXKl). AGKNTS FOR TIIK j S above Company, have instructions to re- - j iitice the P.ateof Preniittin ou and Prick liuddiiu:s and on Men-liandi- storeil t'n'rein. and are now prepared to issue jsjli- - ci'-- s on more favorable lernis than heretofore. P.i-- taken on Huildiuirs Macbinerv. .. on Suirar l'lanta- - J AN ION', OKLhX V Co., 01 , ly Ar-- i ts. ' .M i: KC1I.V NTS 31 IT I'. V I. ; MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. I 1" Silll i rjiiiF, t M)KRSk;nki) n.tvixt; appointed s for tie- - a uvc t on, ne Kave to intorm the public that tln-- row prepared to issue MARIXK INSl'UAXCK I'OLICIFS ON CAKC.OKS, FKLMJHT mi.l 1KFASI It K. fk;7-l- WALK Fit. A I.I.KN Co. TIIK ItltlTISH AM) FOItr.KiN M.KLE l.NSl IM.M i: tOMIMXY, IJnilleil." CAPITAL, ONE MILLION STERLING. H'ad Olhce, M inchi su-- litiilditnts, Liv. rpisil AL'eiils at Honolulu. jA.rjioi'J', as Go. N". It. This Company takes risks on roods only and not on i vessels. o j" ot" UNION INSURANCE COMPANY! S4N FUANCISC. CALA. Stock, - $750,000. Capital -- - CALF.!! T. FAV PkKSI tlKNT, CI! AS. I. II A V FN il rAVE TLWCUAKD... ...Ma11IN 1'lKKCToH. rw-- r; l" l F.RSI ii X F.I) Ian r brrn n iiiitnl am s for th-- - ainive Cotiipaiiy and re prepared to injure CAIit;OF.S. FK I KG I IT AND TH KASl" II E. For rat.-- i f premium, Hj.piy to 5;:;-ou- i WALK Kit, ALLEN Co., Agents. II A MItritCII-ItllK.MK.- N FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. rwlIF l Nl FRS I (i N FD Airents of th above Cm g - par.:il to insure risks acainsi fire in and about II- F jr particulars apply at the office. MKLCIILK5 A- - CO. Il .niiulu Oct.ll.ls5T. Wl-l- y Notice. rjMIF I" N I) K RHi N" F.D WILL CONTIXFK B the busiie- -s hitherto on I v the firm known as Ct.tttiL- - 111- ii ,i Co., anil si ttl-- all outstalu in-.- ' Jiv-im- due by )b- - .Id t.r-n- . C1II N; HOON. lbin hi!u. Nov. CO. 64'. Utu ALMANACS! riMI F. LONDON I I.LI STRAH FD A I.M A k X C. 7.-- , Craal.. Cliri.linia Fiaiiaily A I iiata lino, 2a Cfiil. Iltilc-hin- a i le Aliiaiaiinr. o Crnl. lm F-- at Ihe Pa ioKSTuU K. A .c-- :i nl Citoicc Assortment ;;. li:i:sk i:. CALL AND K IMINF.. I.M lm AT THK r...iK.T'!tK. THERMOMETERS. "1ALCI I.ATKH TO SCliKi: FROM till' h it "."a I il l HI ." lm lor :i:c I li M MIIUNha. ?tlifhj:;:nl. i GEORGE LEONARD, Manufacturer o FI'KMTl Ri: of all De- scriptions. PLANING, SAWING AN1 TURNING lONE. .If nulJiiiL's of al! kii:' ton-iaiii- lj on ll.uit!. V-l-i ly HAWAIIAN SOAP" WORKST llr WIM-IA- II. III DDV, at I.clco. RKCKIVKI) A LA K K AM FT" I 1. EJAVIMJ matt-riiil- . i vr'l':irril t- Li customi-- an 1 i!n' .ui.: r. with the l -- I Vvllutt. Iirnn iiutl IliK- - Mi ll". Al.t sorr ati on- - so.i, In Inn.'-- or smiill qiamit:-- s ti suit. H. S..Hp krri'ase nl.v.iys 54T ly i:9:!;::'i' aii'T," lloltl slrrrl. In! (Til nnil. J fori Mrrrl. Hoot mid SIku M:ule nnil repaireil in 3 vrorkrniinliki' mai.ner. 546 ly jas. a. in it, COOPER AND CAUCER, Continues the business At his Old Stand ou the Esplanade. w"r u"'t- - wll promi.Tiy aiicnmn 10. 545 Chahoks Mi.dkuatk. lv inUM ILIrtTTT S. - wwaiiv ivvsi vm. vv., Copper and Tin Smiths, Ornamental Iron .,. tK. I'LfMM KKI X A N XOCXt'l f5 TO the pulilie that they are prepared tu lurni-- h all kinds of Copja-- r Work, rot.iiiiii); in part of ."Til i.s, stkikk tass, sor-i;ii- i m I'A ss, vi ohms tie., i to. We would al.--o inviie ail' ntion to our patterns f,.r oksamkx-tai- . 1110N;, suil.ti'le f.r htiildini: or lots, which we can lurni-l- i at prices. Also, Hi-h- t and l;ft Hand Screwi for tihteuini; wire lence. Al l. KINPS of ItlpAIKlNO POSK WITIT SKATM!S. AND Pl.HATCB. Orders fp'iii the other liands will meet with prompt attention. Hiop on Kaahumnnu St., one d.K.r ahove Flitm r's. Oul " J AS La LE V I S ' OOOpor auct GnilgOl . ; At thf Old Stand, tOI-llc- r of XlBg and Bethfl Streets. A l ,r... SI.W.L- - r t!I. VllllltltrV :.n.l utl 5v4, kinds of Covperi ujj Mmrriiils COX- - vgnjv ON UANb. He hoi s l.y attention flW-- to business to merit a continuance of the pat ry.j. jj runaite which he has hitherto enjoyed, and for 11 wi,ic, ,(. now returns his thanks. blS O111 HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, ' . J. ItAWfjI.NS j f'.HR 1MIOIM11 F.TOIl OF TIIK AIIOVK A Works is prepareii ti supply his customers, and the puh-li- c in ral, with the Lest quality V DU.tlW SOA I. SOFT SOA I jilvvnys ou hnual. TUK Hll.HK.-- T I'lll' K PAID H'K S'AP HlliiSK. 542 1? .7. i. su i5t:s, I.M I'OUTF.Ii. MAXCFAC- - LJ .j Tl UKlt of all kind of Saddlery, Car- - C'vV-- f ri.'i-- e Trimmini;, .Mattress making .v. dL and repairing done with neatness and dispatch IT" A II orders promptly attended to Corner of Fort and Hotel street, Honolulu """ G. W. NORTON &. Co., cows-nil- s - i i:i:s, ; ON THF." ESPLANADE, li st DoOr abOVe the CustOm-llOUS- e, Honolulu. II. I. 5000 RARIt V.I.S At'lC AND OLD OIL CASKS. 520 ly ( ""pa c ifTc rE n ftss Toun d r y ; THK I ' N I) K IIS I li UOLI.I) RK- - speitlully infnrin the public that he is prepared lo cast l 'J 'I and finish all kinds of brass anil composition work with vts dpaich and at reasonable rates. XT All kinds tif ship and plantation worV furnished on short notice. XT Constantly on hand, hose coupl.nps of the following. iz.-- : , 3. 1, It, and AIo, oil cups and pauge ciks. JAMLS A. IIOPPKR, 5o4-l- iving streei. v. . fisiii:r, Cabinet rkerand French Polisher. Hotel Street, near th6 Iirus of J . .Molt isiiiith Co. b&!-l- y ii. i. it.vir.Mi-- ist i-- ii, TAILOR Has ti.keu the stand lately occupied by II. Fischer, on Xuuanu strei t, where he hopes the public will favor him Willi a share of their patronage. 6-- J Iiin ROBERT NEWCOMB, Street, opposite the Sailor's Home, IMniu iiikI Uriiiiinrnlnl ltiniliitu executiJ at short 5oi notice and reasonable teuns. ly ! ;i:olM.F, CLAItK, BOOT and SfiOZMjnER, Hotel street, between Nuurtnu and .llaunakea streots. 5.l-l- i ; i:olstTi77i a. i. , CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER, Shoji nu the t.sii'ittiatle, npptoitc the Court l!uce. oiy r c t&s if I I a M C i Mauufaitun-r- . Iiupoilcr and Healer in Furniture tJ Erri'il ! srr'-j-lorn- . Furniture Wan r.x in on Fort street, opposite It. I. Morgan's Family Market; Workshop at the old stand l stre-- t. near N. B. Orders froiu other isiauds promptly attended to. 530-l- J. 11. WICKK, ovitt.NTi-y- r ivivi:i, Al.AKKA STRKIT HKLOS- - THK THKATHK. Funiiturc made an-- r- - paired at reasonable pries. 515 ly IMVA!HN BARKKL FACTORY. fBMIF. I'M) F RICi N FD WOCLD llr.pirl- - Hilly iniorm tne mm tn-- v are now m furnish Siinr K- - aaaatl .Moliir Uitart-la- , at reaumble rat.-s- llavi:.L- - improved inach.nery th-- are pre- pared t i manufacture a sujienur article. Ail work and every Slave warrarit'-d- . All ord'-r- s filled with promptness aud dispatch. f,.M J. A. H'JPPKR 4- - Co. llioloi:iiliic IVoiicc. R K CK I A" K I) MYK X T I R K 2JAVINC STOCK OF Photographic Apparatus ! With all the recent itnprovemttits in the art, I wish toinfotra the resident of these Islands that it is n.y intention for th future to follow the Higher Itranuhcs of the I'rofpst-io- n only! Painting and P.ctom t.irnr Phof-raph- in my own rooms, where w ill be my constant study. Proofs will be sh"-- to persons silting f- r nejativs (if reiiuestedj. Particu- lar atienti.-- paid to injr old icturi s. Mr. It. is no- - cotnpl--ti:- i arraneenients to produce Iind-s.-a.- an-- Microscopic Pictures of any size. JT An elegant assortment of uval and Kosewsul fnmfi; Jenny Lin-- I and Velvet Cas.-- s coniit.iMly on han-1- a.;: Sin ClIAS. ULRiiFi.-1- , l'hot-raphi- Artist. 1000 Barrels of the following Icsii'ahle Itiiildin .UntcriaN ! HAND AND FOR SA LF IJV TIIE IX- - Oi Lit.-Ui- N KIi : .!l) Iltll-I- .''Si' Il'St ildt't f'tiltl-ht.- 2ii) IS-- si t'l'iftiritUt iVm'nl. loo ;(-;'- ' . 'Jon li'iri'ls Ffih t W.'i-'..)- -. 'n Th- - ab.n-- e CKM KNT ar. LI V K are partieulartv recornmendeil, of .f ijunhtij. an.l wnl be sold at I'iilCF.S MUCH l.nirr.k tl au ever here. 5io "cn v .sII.lLT ,t II KI CK. NOTICE. 'IMIK KX FCI'TI VF. COMMITTKK OF TIIK ll A rriiilttiral Si.-;--t- ii'Hitv the pu'.lic that a of IIMH.K and V ALL A 1:1. K PI.a'nT.S ra. si s.. lat-l- l y I r. Ilill.-tiran- from Chma. Java. Ceylon an t India, may W purchased fr-- Mr. C. PLUIiV. at the Th'-ite- r. l. 5:;5 bin j The Rebellion Hecord. rjMF. FIRST l: NI'MHKRS. COM I LFT- - 2 i:i'4 v.ilin.T- - 1. lev., ii..-- . ri This i l.kely to be on-- , of :1c in in p:.iti il au-- l st illut rat..-- l Hi, tones of the It. - lb in ;s-- u '. a i l th 'so iri-- a n: t- should wake ar!v aj . Iri.. lt m r v liinie of 11 niirnl-er-.- . 611 :i.i l'..r tale by H. M HI f.N'KV. nv TI! SI LAST 1MI!KLT. List of Books received at the Bookstore. riMIF ANNCALCYCLOFFDI A FOR ISIt.a. M Ltvingst-.iu'- I.Hsl!i,oii 1 the Laiuln-s- i and its ir.bu lariiS. Rutedf-"'- s K. ry Hoy's Annual lStiT, illustiated, nL petroleum V. Nasby, illustrated. The Home of ashimtoii. (;) gilt. s of Lord Macauly in 2 vols. Mrs. ( au He's Cuitaiu Lectures, illustrated, ilt, I y Chas Kune. .o nd 11 llv. i:ilt. The Science of Weaah. by a.ker. Life and Letters of J. (Warlb Character and Characteristics of U n (W hippie). The Kounil iJoncs). J.ircal t ictor !lu:;o) U ttcr Days, by tiail ll uniiton. The Oc.iin Waifs, a St.y of by Ltn.l atxl rca (Cnpt. M iynr H.-i- illnstrattsl. Taken uiui Trust, a novel. Our irs iu the Conu r (T. S. Arihurl. HeU n C.iiuleuay's Piouiise. a The House by the Church .11 d, a novel. Hark (Mariwi llari ind). Kolnnson Crusoe, illustrat. d. Hound Hearts, by lite author of Btitledpe. P.ilow Paptis'. by James Husel I,.wli. . An American Katuily in tiermarv, (J- - Koss Browne). WiHMlward's Country Homes (Woodward). Kn-- e Homo, a Life of Christ. 11 iwer de I.u. e, illustrate 1 i l. 'tmfellow). Haste and Waste (Uliv.-- Optio). Hope an.l Have (dliv. r Optio) The Kuitthts of the t roz.-- -- sea, by the author of Harry Ijiw ton's . Josh lulling His lUnk. illutrate.l. lloyal Truths (Henry Warl !! rchf-r- The of St. J..)i;i (HavarJ T;.ylor). Winn an our Anp-- I (A. S. Roe.) Ulernian I'onular Tal.-- s (r.riimn), illustrate.1. 'a lm For S tle n m. wiiitfky. il BETTER LATE THAN NEVER ! XTKW liOOKS. IXTKXDF.I) FOR THE x lloliilays, hut which not having arrived in season. Will now be Sold at Cost! CALL cOON, IF VOL' WANT ANY. Poetry of the War, liowles across the Continent, l'arwin's OriRin of Sjwies, Terry's Political Kconomy, Uiuis from Tennyson, Artetnus Ward anew Tolunic. Ven cnfpl.e in one diamond edition. I hi Alftru. Svit..n Tlii. U.l l;t..r Woman our Anm-I- , I'ii ture of St. John, by Bayard Taylor Martyri. Kelix Holt, Uel n Kurd, The Kise and the Fall, or Origin of Marat Evil. Oregon and KI Dorado, a Komance of the Rivers; The Authorship of Shakesiieare, cm six m..i,. XXi,Hamutoat tlrillith Ojunt. hy Charles Itcade-- , Banci-oft'- s Vuluiiie 9, New Clerk's Assistant, Assortment of New Annals, Ura.v's Klegca illustrated, gilt; Waverly Novels, 1 sett complete; Kichardsou's Held and Duneon, Camp and Prison, Wives and Iiautthters, Inside, a Story of the Uelx-llion- . Aruiadall hy Wilkie Collins, Iletny Ward her bouk, P.r Morton Peto's Resources of the L'nited States, lteecher's I'nlpit Punpeneies, Josh llillines and his Wise Fayiugs, l!cccher's lioyal Truths, The Days of liruce. A variety ol i uremics. A I V lllllt'l'T ? M Vt'lV VIII1K 1 Oen. Grant and his Campaigns, complete; cheruian an.l his lain pa u:i8, complete; Anecdotes of the War. a ery readable liook. LossiugV History of the K' liellion, vol. 1; Sinntou's Army of the Potomac, V.n.r of Witr. Tiie Sunday Magazine bound, (jilt edjies. lhtii; U.hM Words boiiod, gilt edBes, IS6E; Tortt hir v illi nthcr N' W Houks too nunurous to f'triJ'J- - 554 lui For Sale at the BOOKSTORE. FINE WRITING PAPER ! rB-'IlF- . SUBSCUIHKR HAS LATF.LV RF.- - ceived from Boston and New York select invoices of Very Superior Writing Papers! Ailuplid llt'pres.sly to this Mirkxl, inc.l'tdbifj LETT i: It PAP Kill White Congress letter paier. ruled and unruled, ltlue letter paier, ruled and unruled. I!lue official do. do. ruled with margin. Thin white do. do. do. do. Thin white do. do. plain. Very thin white letter paper (for Kumpcan corresjioDdence). Water lined (barred) letter. Packet Post, plain, blue and white. Mourning letter paper, ruled and unruled. Ladies Bath nper, white and pink, ruled and plain. CAP PAP KItS ! Beat white Cap, ruled and unruled. Due laid cap, unruled. Heavy legal cap, ruled. Mourning cap, unruled. It st Knclith, white and blue laid, plain. noti: PA pi: KS ! Best heavy white commercial note, ruled and unruled. Best heavy blue commercial note, rub-- and unruied. Thick ivory mite, plain and r aled. Small billet pajier, plain and ruled. Water lined (barred j note paper, varioua l!ze Fancy pap-r- , plain. f?.i1nri'il r..,ii. ii'tir (jilt ed-- " note nar?r Monogram note par (with initial letter stamped oil it.) .m i s c i: 1. 1. a m : i s i a p i : it s i P.est broa.1 white bid paper. llcst lonjr-fol- d (narrow) bill paper, Thin white and blue account current paper. Thin white and blue account sales paper. Flat cap, white, ruled and plain. Deu.y white, ruled and plain. M.iliuni, white, ruled and plain. Hoyal white, ruled and plain. Choice drawing paper, various sizes. Fancy gold and silver paper, various patterns. French tissue papers, of all colors, very choice. Tracing paper, for drawing plans of machinery, c. Vellum tracing cl.h, for drawing plans of machinery, ic. tristol Board of various siz- - s. Perforated board. Crayon paer fur drawintr Rill hea.1 p PriDtinif news and k paier. Printer's cards of ail styles, sizes and patterns. Printer's card board, of all Colors. Hardware and Manila pupers. Ilest Envelope paper. Copying letter bock pijier. M'hite and red blotting paper. Totrctlier nitli ri?ry other kind of Fnprr la osf. K .N VK KOI' I. S Best heavy white letter envelopes. Best heavy canary, buff and straw letter cnvtloi-es- . Opaque colored cote and letter enve!os.s. All sizes of white note French oblong ladies letter envelopes. Oblonfr tnveloies, open at the end. Mourning letter, note and otlieial envelojies. Best heavy white, buff and canary official envelopes. Fine white, buff and blue cloth envelopes. Ami also rirry other Artit le required In the Station-fr- y Line. 515 0m ForSaloby II. M. W'llITXKV. DIARIES FOR 1867. ST R F. CK I VKD A M) FOR SA LR Jl I II LAP: Tocket, Cap, Quarto and Narrow Diaries, for 1867. j-- y IVrms wishing On ir n mi' s eintioss. d on their Ih'aries, w.ll be served at short imtice. 1T Orders fu.m the country promptly attended to. A I.S.J. ... ALMAYUS FOR IM;?, sia CETS EWII. &a0 lm 11. m. wnirxEY. a : it 1 : 1 : i r. nt i i i. k s . fLANK FOR M OK A C: R F F..M FN T K- - twe-- Masters and Servant the nn'j authorized form I'rat-- c SI, ' r llozni. I'...- - sale by 11 M. M niT.NEY t FOR SALE AT THE BOOKSTORE i .lll4v,- - ; HAWAIIAN DICTIONARY ! RICK UOI'ND IN CALF. i ; l'RICK ROIND IN 1- -2 .MOROCCO, 0. I.very one sh mid have this book by tro-- f.w reference. Send your onbr from the other islands and Cry will b promptly attende.1 lc. ! c snicl Tol PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Is acknowledged to kscss Ok best ausorttucot ol JOB PRINTING TYPE! Of auy other Office 1st the Sandwich lialnds. And Is Mfll adapted to thr Snprrior rrlntlns f POSTERS OF ANY SIZE ! Either in PLAIN OR FANCY COLORS. Business, Visiting and Wedding Cards, ON A YANKEE CAKD PRESS. HOTEL KILLS OF FAKE. BALL TICKETS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, LA IV BLANKS, RECEIPTS, O.N A IIUGC.LES PRESS. HOOK'S and rJIMTHLETS, MTA'ISTEItUL REPORTS. LEGISLATIVE REPORTS, LAWYERS' BRIEFS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES. JYEWSPAPERS, ftc, Ac., tfc. On an Adams' Power Press, in the best style. And at barely living Prices. NOW ON II AND, A STOCK OF CARDS and SHEET CARDS, of all kind and sizes, suitable for UlSIMlS WEDIUXG, AISITIVC, et'., ftf. Xjf Ilaving long cnjoyeJ the conSJencs &d J ptt-rona- ge of the public, in our business transactions, wt take the opportunity to return oar bert-fel- t thanks fur post favors, and respectfully ask a continuance of the same. HENRY M. WHITNEY. FloNOi.CLr, 1SG7.

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  • TUX! PACiriC TEE PACIFIC(Commercial bbcriiscr mi': f-- r Commcrrial bbrrfisfris iTiiusu:r rxtXIMTIlNTGr orricuIs prepared ..r,-rut- eVr

    Calv ll.sasf ! r i pi ion. vi. Vrnr. S4 . I'llitt Iiiu i i: -- I s.i-iit ionO.V KKASOXJIU K Tt RMS.t'orrijii ahM-riprioi- ih .( it I car. - : ' .Gir-&rr- "'r--- .3. ;mnnmrrnt IlntoH -- r yVclvortiMliit;.j., . ... ;.'en r .ir I I t'. a". V . irl .f A n inp , . s ,!.- f ii: i n. a'- 'i l II I - I , rn r , u ., .d :iIT

    lreit t ne. in. 2 in 3 m. I in. UrnMi j j' I r 1 !i ,ilTi f t r i, niM.r !' r!' tr-- .i - n iiC' . It 1 5 S M II n. .i t - ::; vij!rnulli ; ' ( !., r.. ' p " r 5 1 mi 2 is' ,i "1 im o r4 lit on- . I P Y f r II 411 ' lf ('ivn.-lt- . YTV? t V i U Lines I ;si isi 4 lJ ,'i is. H tKti l i 141j - " . Mm l in- i' e. .ii.l p if "I ll.e P. .il always la l.itK. INI 4 ll !U 10 U, 1 Ikl.0 Lines .' .'SI ! ! ' fr) It) (Ml II Ik). Is mi

    ell l.n.s .'. IHI I". HI 10 C) 111 tK 1 00; '.'I. 01 Columu H (KI 1.' Il In OJ (Ml :4 IM bO 0MI".IN AXla AN Y i Clntu- - ...itO o.i la to M 01 Js (Mi 4l IHI AH Od4 Column ... lift U'l JU (U oO U0 40 U OU ( 1H0 (NtCOOK AND JOB PRINTING. 'While Column.... . . JO 00 40 Oai tAi OO 10 V0 1 JO OO MU ou

    f IS'i IM -- INK.- M Atli.'.r CAI:I ;t,iIf.:i i Vi:i' : ' if 1 I'r i:i the;i-.- i tj ie ,( tf,-- r nrt.

    Coinnien-ia- l Advertisersl.''H,T:-rf'- I' nfr of th? P. C. A-- v?rtiT,

    Tlic .llolokni Beeper Aain.MnM'KU, K;il n-- , :I-- t .Jatiiiiiry, lH'.T. !

    Mr. V.mtiK : Ie.iiir: Living in t!i ii in- - :itjr f tfic r M'ttlun'-ii- t cn thi; !!mil of!yi !'k i, :irnl li:iviii h;i 1 rj.j,rtnnitiiTt' It tlr .iin.:, I fi-- it my J(tj t' f.jrr' t iiHiimr stiti-im-nL- - wliii-t- i latt-l- ...ari--ur- 'J in t!.r f Vnur Tli-- J facts which I am julnHt t ct:it; I ! iii,t iu' j !xrli..-v--, Iut know ;t!'-- t trui. j

    TIits ar; nw in all 71- - 70 man awl (aii'l r.'i fcin;i!o?. 'J'h-r- arc ai 34 tiToiis not i


    (iiii-i- , wiji.nn uml chiliir wini havo jgun-- ; tii rc t- - tak-- j care of their fri-n.- . Tlt; iliavi; Urn, tj pjui': t stclit, in the Iiatit of coUiin,; !uml ''A- -

    N-- j iinri: have taken jlacc than theot.t.:i--T J

    Tde fir.--t arriv-'i- l there on the Cth day ofFi hruary ami fr-jr- that daw till the lost ibhij ment, 1st .'thi r, J 0G. the total nuiiiherof l'ji-- r t th'-re- , amounts t 142; and of ithe; 27 ( la ill's and 5 feiiiak-?- ) have died. !

    The Biijicrinten lout always kejis a tiij-l- ofmvliciite on hatid, which th-- receive w!i-- jnj-.i;.- fr. llo has likewise buar and tea f rthe sick. j

    Of the original houe., which were on thel.ia I wh-- n the leju-r- s fir.--t arrived, there are 1 1,t- - which nothing h;u lieen done, as not rcfjiiirin ,it ; hut all the rcr-- t were ret hatched ; and 10 new j

    iie-- j were built ly the IJo.ird of Health ; andthere is it-- doiiht that many of the h'l'cr.s are farlaorj cotnfortahh; in tiie H.:ttleineiit than they '


    were in their former homes. iThe jihy.-icia- n who went among them some time J

    ao, 8tat-- ti me that all tlnn--e who were tthere a.s lepers had the disease with the exec tionof one liltle ;'r'- -

    When tiie liit ler-er- s arrived there, there weremany acres of kalo, nweet jiotatiM.-s- , bananas andsugarcane, which the Hoard of Health had bought !

    froiu the firmer inhabitants, tmflicietit to feedhundreds of jieoj.le for more than a j'ear, if the !l 'r.s liad taken any care of it ; but the majorityof them woul-- ' not do anything, and this causeii ja cearcity but n ) sUrvation, as the j lace isabundantly Mi(licd with wild fM.d, if they willtake the troiibl-- s to edhct it. There are nun- - 'dre'U of acn-- s of wild lcaiis and ki root growingamuii I their hous-n- . There grows al. wildkalo, aj e, yams, and a great quantity of arrow- - jj,,t all tYis fiMxl i.s within easy reach without j

    neCe-.-eiiat- i d to idiiith up the inoun tainri.The lioard of II- - alth h;i-- s suj.-iliet- l them with

    54 head of breeding Cattle, of which they ii.,wt il- - the milk, they received 100 bre--din- g

    g rat.s, poultry and igs, to g--t a ttart. Tlieyweri likewise furni-h- ci with a eaii. and li-- h jnet t catch tsh, wiiii whicli the place in hue;weather aluu'ids. ;

    Th male of t'i (ttlernent, if able, arerxpe. t.rd to work fr their living, for whichpurp; thy are Mipplied witli They tliavc now plant.: 1 a coii.-id-er iMe quantity uf;kalo, potato- - and other thing-- , but they aresupplied by the until their own food i.s ;

    rip ; t!iey li.ive als-- fxi-- n furn:iied with (imecl.thin '. Of the 7'J, 12 are unable toWork, tiie rot cm work without any great in- -,Convciii.-nce- . (

    I have m i'! n ',m-n- t to Dr. IIufchinthat t!ie lexTs were itarting. but I nude a stat-IU- -lit

    to tie- - It MX 1 ex'!linilig the cms; of thealready fpok n of. This wa. in October, j

    In a!iit tw. r three weeks aftir, I aletter fr..iii Ir. llutchisu, that a two month1(iip-I-

    y if f.xxl was on tin- - way to the nt,at tic wiiue time rti'iiejiing me t supply themwith f in the iie-u- time; but I could not do jio as I nor.e. The fnpply arrived one we.kafter, and oni-- t d of It) bbls of very jjnod --al-

    Iiiou, 2') bi.'--S of beef, 21 IxiX.-- s of bread and2" l'-- s rie"-- . The lcef, which 1 saw oj ned, !was not g'-- d ; however, I cannot tay that it wastotally unfit to eat, as I (and roi.ibiy many jothers at-- o) have i.-e- natives cat meat a great ;deal w..r- - than fiat was. J.. . MfcVi.K

    The Ii.nlo .Tliirdrr on Iiauai.T' TIIK ?'.IMTiR THF. t'OIlr"R' I vL A lV f.KT I.-- titSt,': ; le-'i- i in tin." anil :ili-'i- t the

    lii. Lis: in-m- t I;. .r;itii.inj; w.iriliin; ir-ti- ciuiiJ niakiii; otlitr f rts fjr t!i" arrot uf the

    n --. I murii-.-r- t r cf Kaltl at Wuilii!i:i. :m l.Ii:ivirt at I t ai-in- ilNhetl tiiat il r ult,I taki: tin- - tir-- t I. iu iii lit tu make a fi w r"ni.irk uj-.ii- i an article; in jur isfu- - uf tin- - "thinst. ri ll ctin ui-- i llaw.iiian, fri4iiJ" IItlIii:lllitV.T

    1 think t!i-- - writer uf that rtrticl-- ; lias ul.iwt:ilhit "znl t run :w?y witli his jsj.iiin-nt,- f r 1! it was owino; t the itul li iict- - :iriJj iliiiew uf iii;tn K.:lti w.ii a

    ii liui, lut the iiiiiin-.liat- of iiisti atli w:i iiwirt to his own iiuj'tiMfity uipI iin--j

    rinl-n- ce in insi.-tii-i ur m in alone t re::i.nnit tiie ti lviiu of the constali'i-s,- "

    who " lliim iiiify " l- - avi s lialf a mile or moredown the alh-- (on n r.artieular theyj.rh.i'.!y l.ainej v. ry p.xnl rea-on- s for not S','"otoo ar'y r a'irnii!y.

    At t tie j r. liniinnry of the stij-ris- -.liiiuriti-rers- . Ifore .hi.;e Waioli.

    on I'ti'i.iy last, the following put was ilk-it-t- lfrru Ninatil.Ki (k). a. witn s, t) wh.e ImuKalti ran after l iii rut ainl wlere 'ie ltitl.

    his Ivxln m.iile a stuteim-nt- . of w!ii-i- i

    the f II.viri is a j.rt, ami whi h, as it r. laUst the n.att. r in iin-ti.- n, 1 In re pivo, vi :

    Nu line i l i l..u:i.- - my 1ml :nv--l- f.f ir if I li.i.l rui;..-.- l lii- - i.-- !' . .,.!'...'..'.t v. ait alt'I alt t.?.-T!n-- I sliniih! i"f have 1..-- . tik;;:.-.i.-

    No, Mr. K.Iit'.r. I do - think the Mam- - si...V on the of Hawaiian enixtatil

    Th.-r- i to io othtr at work,

    !i the I'.-iia- l C.,J.:iiiJ to lift thenativt 9 nil of the mural mire of thtir

    t ral wliicli thy teeni t- - ri-- t in wal-I-ivv- itiin, in f ite of the law or the Uosik-I- .

    I'r.v ii..,ii it I tt. r than inr.- - " in ti wryvl a l.i- -. Init tht-r- j are other a' that aro

    as aj.j liralile to this irt-?- .Vo ir.-- I r my fiL.

    Tiik Shucii r i liti i.ili.Tili, K inui, January li7-

    fCT llnines Curls, wh. n rrtid for a wmr. are aHnwnla uuvouid liotn thev rati-- , hh are .r tratscienl adurlia-luem- s

    When Mld r charged iplarlerly.

    l"t MMxH! i wk:ki,v uv MX DOLLARS KK ANM I.lIKMtli M. HI i NKV. ( HOXOLULLI, 1LAAVAIIAX ISLANDS. FKIUMJAliY !. IM7 VOL. XI. . 3tf. W llttl.K No. jj!) 'jcrlisriutnls.

    V. II l It TOW.Anr'.iitnri-r- ,

    Snlr ItoAni (H-'i- i Slrrrl. un- - ilr Irmii'e K.;.!.tiiu.i'el :r- t. JyII. W. SKVKK .. K.

    .Imthtiver a:nl ( omi!iiitin Mrrrhaut,iiuk rn-iin- ' TlK:,

    In KobinMii'i l!uiliiii. I(iirrn Slrrrl,W ll r .i,;-,ii- nt 'h- - n- - r I. i ly

    W. X. I. A ll.Importrr anil liralrrin I'.irihirc h!!it, Mffhanlr-- -Tool-- , ami tzrlt it!lur;tl luqilciaeiit-.- ,

    Wl Fort Mrril. IjAI.KX. .1. lKTVlll(;ltT,

    f mmW-ioi- i Mrrr!i.uit anil SMpphiii'.l llonaluln. Oiihu. ly

    J A MUX. 4. KKK.V A: 0.,I;iiirti'rs an. I (uiitiiiixiuit Mi'iTh.inN,

    In llir l"irrlrur llnililina. ((Hrrn Slrrrl.5 :l ly

    I'KKD'K I'Kl.l (; V. It.Dealer III Slaiilr ami Knit-- lr Cowls Men's ( lutli-In- r.

    l'..M)t iiutl slmrs. and VauLrr ot:un.Slr- - on fori Slrrrt. nrnrlr ntuilr Mrr,SS .Kl-.l- t Jk ly

    E. C. M'C.VULH. Jon.N PATT.MrCAXni.ESS C"0..

    I leal i in i'.rmt 1 it', l.rrnil iiinl l.;t:n.ii Mi rrhandi-e- ,. K. Corner of Furl ami h'in lrerls." 01J ly

    AKOXi; A. ACIIl'CK,Imjioitrrs. Wlidlp-al- c ami lietiiil l.-al--rs In Ourral

    ll.-- !i.indic Aiiii ( iiin.'e (iiotN.Fir--ro(- " Slorr, Xiiuhiiii Slir-I- .

    t'n.l r id.r I'ul iie liui!. 67 Ifc;lk;k c. howk.

    Dealer In nitii.p-- t t.n;i cr, Sliinlcs,Hour. Si-!- i, i;:iiiN. I'.ii.ils xr.

    Jit his Old Stand, Fart ilritt,uii theii ly

    J. WOIl I'll.Prulcr in l.inrral .Mrrrhr.ntlisr,

    lit I.O. Ilmrnii . . ..S,iM sni I'l'd vit!i ri i rui'.H :it the shortestnotice, uti r;uiualile tiTi.i-- . lfilli il wauteil.


    Ki. hoi t'o..linjxiitrrsaiKl I umn.Nloii "lirrliant.

    ('rurr of Fori uml Mrr hnul Slrrrl.0. lyK. I. AIAIS,

    Ship haiK.'Icr an.i ilcaler fa (.eiirral Men liandUc.lai luiifiii. f nui.

    Irish anil ?wtvt l'ol:i w:ili other lecruita, ojrist.inlly 011hainl an.l for ale at rrtt-- . irld Gin

    II. V. Ll" U I Xl.TO X.Importrr anil U!iu!-.n- l le.i!i-- r in AViurs, Spirits,

    and )!.ilt l.iquur,Charlton Wharf, Honolulu.

    &--C ly

    IIOLLK.S .V. CO..Ship !i;ni.!l'i and (ani!iiihin 3I

    (J iren S'rrtt.1'articular allent on pai.l 1.. thi- - ;ur.-li- a an.l sale ol Hawaiian

    I ef-- rs liy . rriiisstfiri inB. F. fii' ir M' .'rs. Al!.n. K. Co.,M.rn. C. A. ilii uns o r-r I'. Hrrwer Vt..M' rs. t':isl le 'o ,,,.,.. . M i 11. Ilaei. &

    I. I! Waterman.... M sr. C I.. Kiehanls A; Co.iM-- 1 y

    CUL.1i; HooS. Hil.Nt, MiboNUCIII'XO IIOOX Jt CO.

    f niiiml-lii- ri llcrtli.uil- - and J.r'ifral Aircnts,Apenf- for the Taukua au.l Ainnmihi Su--a- r I'l.ifitatinu Iis-ort- ers

    of Teas an.l oth'T t'huee and Kor.-itf- tiiKlaan I w hoh's.ile 111 Hawaiian I'riMlue.,

    la Nrr Sioiir Slorr. 1111auu Si., lie loir K in.5J1-- 1 i

    A. S. CI.KCIKlK.N.Itealer in .i,in-ra- l Mi-r-r hatidi-- e, 1 ire-pro- of Store,

    Corarr K liiimn nu ntl Hut m Sl.,I . i...4(t.r MaK-f'- l:lMk.

    Alio. Retail on ahove Kinp.1 r Islnid Pr luee atnl sold. Inland orders eareinlly

    attend.-.- ! t.t 647 ly

    Till-- : XF.WSI'AI'KK lil OKOA,rnbli-hr- d Uo.LI in the Hawaiian Liinnae.

    It has th-- Iar'vt cireiil'iti .n in the .rroiip, aiol is rea.I Isithby 11 ...a. is and k on iL.-ri- Pne. jjiiyi-j-r in ad- -

    Vance. Iran. lateil into liawni.all Ir-- if ch..rk'--- . I line ir

    c irtier .if Sa.' 'r II i.lie.

    5. S. ti ll I X II A CM CO..Irupirter mid Mlrilc.Ie Pt-al- n in

    ( lot! It in. Ilat. tap. SIopI- - and Slne,Anj every variety of i.e.-.i-'n- n Superior Kurni-diitii- : Goo.Is

    Stjre f riu-r- ly .'i npi.-- I y IV. A. Aldrieh,ill V ir' IShirli. fjurtn sr. ly

    M F.LCII KKS A. C O.Impr.rt.--r and I o'tixi-im- i Mrrrliatits

    A'jmtt J-i- r tkr 1 A'.kh- i X Kike I Cn.Kahsiki Mian I'l n t t,.is,T"U StoAit Pl.VMHIo.H.

    G i stat C. M'L. nKrts. J. I). W:kk, K A. SrtiAKfKa,Itr-i- n- n. ll'.!i .!u; a. Ilou dulu.

    6' ly;i:o. ii. inm;Ksi.pouruur wit LiMiMvn: niMi;i:,

    fiIio. Rirhitrit trrit. n'nr Itrrttnnia.v-;:- . I t y t.- - f-- v Aiti.l.of th most fashion

    a'lle Pi I'raituie. r;nv Ik- at ta-- ti iM.-i- ofChi-- , lior. ir.-- d at theAr;.t'-- i "tu lm. l;..-t- .r I rtr-t-t- or at

    the!..wr-ip- li..'. ry, nc rH the l:!le. 6:n

    THOM AS SI-K- lilt.Ship (hartti'rr, I.rut-ra- l ilrirliamli-r- . Ilaml

    I'roiliirr. r.. ami ( I'Pinii Ncnltabt.liirou' l.iiy. Ililo. S. I.,

    W .11 r'lti.tan-i- ou ban I i of every..f i.ts r- - .i:irel sin and oth-r- s.

    1 fi- b:i:hi t pre-.- - n 1. md Pr'Mtuce.TT a..kaiK-.-i- i I r l..:i . r.eli iu-- at ie rales.

    ill lvcms. a. ui.h- r. C. BAU-ToS- .

    ItlSHOI A. CO.. l!nul.rr.O.Tirf, in llsr r.i-- f corner tif M;;kr-"- . lUurL,

    K.iitiunianu sir--t- Ib-:- iulu.Praw Bill- ! i ll

    The lttMi .1' iK- Pan Francisco.iniNNa I . M it & C'i., New V.-r-

    1. :s IVinm, New York.HtNKV A. IViw k, ,v Co.. H. .toll.Ti. voT N ational I'im, . M.ts.

    li:; IAL lilM t .n:f l..Tn"S, In.iu.Will receive J divMUtit rlrst-clas- s bu..mrs paper, nnd

    att-ii- 'l to crob. .tine. etc. iJl ly

    I. N. FLITNF.R.Continues ..1-- business in tin hrepr-io- Imtldint,

    hiinlimiiiiiiil Mini,i'! r"ii'iii ter rat. I by x rvatii r.s of the sun an--

    with a tr in-- it icc:ir-.:..- a Ijtisi.-- i themi ridiau of Parti.-o'a- r utt- nt. on ir.-nt-

    line "a.-- xt..--- t and 'luadrantrlas-.'- sip :o.t ti l Charts an.l

    nauli.-a- l uiif,."tl ban I an. I b r sab-- . ly

    l . WAI Kit.M VN A. CO..itmri)i-i.i- : ,J.,rrh;o:l.

    Cupn-ia-l attention paul to 'li int. n t ot tb- - Wh ihtnr FM bythe iuru.-l.:!:- ir inn-N- , jrefia..- and -- a!e of Lvl.aiurc, Oil,lton-- , O.-u- ral Ni. and ti.-- - procuring i f reight

    KKFKKKNCi:?.Messrs. '- II i iv:i Jk , C.).. New

    W . K P.'i . i:j.. .!.A I'-'- , rati Francisco.

    J. f. Mkki.::l C, do 631-l- yA LI. FN A. CON WAV,!i Il.iiaii.Wll! 1 tb ii- ! r il i. n h .nil.- in I Milj-pin- j biiin-- s

    at th.- v v.- p- rt. wti.r :b y Aft ;.repar--- to turnisbtiie ,utly K naili.i'- - P t..i ana

    sucti as areby -- hiJK. at

    not onth- - in..t r- - as- i: able terms.

    Iiroxvcorl c 3 x. Hand.o.l Isi-S..aii'- . j. it. iriiiiT.-s- . ms ...

    ca vn.i: jk. oohi:.Impiirtrr. an I l.r'ieial Mrrrii.mts

    In Fir. pn-- r.. Kiri str- - :. - the S. s I'liaj l.V.l-slC- .'VsotltM 1V-i- r.

    Jvti. s I -- I. r .t- - 1 V l i.s. . '.I.,. mors,

    1 i b M; r I i:. v.1 ! N'v l.ici in I Mot in !.! hi.-ri- ei fompniy,Tl.e Nc Pi. .in. I.,rr.- i :. 'ur-iti."-i: Conpai.y.

    i-- j lv

    ii'smtss carts.A. f. HI t i l".M. M. !.,

    Pii-iria- u ami ur'(ni.OPjc- - am! Bi I iio-- , A).!rici !! u . F. rt 521 ly

    l)K. KK.VNEKV.I'liiicixn. i4rei:u au.l irruui iicur.

    Fort "ii ir.i!-'"- . K. W iM hi Ktirnitar- - - rooms. S.! ljr

    K. llOflM AXX. M.I.Ill)-i-i:l- !l Mild urC-(iR- ,

    lakr" Ii!'L. cr r- -. r Ha u .m:J K ititsm mu sts. oZl lyUK. J. MOTT S.MITII,

    li.'li!i-t- ,OSre corni-- r c.f Fori au.l Il itrl Stn-rtf- . 612 ly

    V. II. It K II A KI)S.Delili-- i.

    Corner ff t anil :iiit IriH-m- , Honolulu. 511 ly

    IIK.XKV TlKtMI SOX,Atlorury a;u! (unnellnr t Law.

    Oifne on ijiK'tii Mn. t, i -- ir t!.c Court Ilou?o, up ft:ur!..' ly

    JOHN II. IMTV.ular i''.i'..iir,

    , llonniuhi. 11. I. Oilir- - at ilif lUnk of .V Cn. 6111

    A. F. JI'I)I.tttrirnpy a;:d ( niuirtlr at Law,

    Corner of Kort ami Merchant Mr-eta- . 513 lyJOHN TIIOS. WATKItUOrsK.

    Iiniirlrr and r in (.ciifralfi.'lO Q'l'-e- Mn-et- , linnolulu. Cm

    JOHN UITSOV.Dralrr in Viiiic-- . Sj iiilN Ale anj Porter.

    U'l liOMullllll. lyL11. 11 a ; k r 1:1. i) ii. o

    4iit-ra- l ('imuNioii Aru;,J?'l iiuiiollllll. lyC. H. LKH KKS. ' J. o. KICK.SO.N.

    LKWKR.S DICKSON.Dtalfrs iu LnKiiior and Kuiltlinx JIateilals

    &j1 Korl Slrrrl. lyTil. I'. I! KI CK.

    CimmtjI (tfiiiiiK5iin .llrnh.ut,Krl Slrrrl. ly

    K. I'. KII LKKS.leal-- r In Dry (.nods Silks, r.,

    521 Fori Slrrrl. lyK. O. II A LL & SON.


    Importer Mini Drai.-.-- in liardwarr. Dry (iowN,j I'air.t, 0, unit Urnrrat Mrretlumtise.j

    541 t;oruer r'uil an l ivinj JSU. lyC. I.. K1CIIAKOS CO..

    Slilp ( !i.;inl!i'r anJ ('oinmNiitn Mrrrli:int, andDe.iU rs iu Onrral Jlcit iiaiidi-.c- , "

    Keep constantly on han.l a fullassoituient of uierchanilie, forthe 3 i.ply ol hal- -r anil Merchant vessels,

    j 613 iy

    NKVILLK IiAllIlKTT,Plantrr aatl Oncral Sturr krcjirrs,

    Kwpuka, N .r.h Kona, Hawaii, tinr K' alakeakua Pay. Tslnmlrrxluiv Im,ii-I,- i. Willi Wm!, IVel anlother

    Agent at llonoluiu, A. S. CI.KCIIoRN. 514 lySStUHAl fKC. IT. A. P. CAKTkR. I. BAIlTLtTT

    C. IIKKWKK Af. CO.Cuimiiivsioii and Si.tpi.iu!; .llrrt'iaiits,

    1 1 00 ol I . Oiiliu, II. I.A'iKNTS

    Or Ihc II 01 on hikI Honolulu I'nckrl liur.AH KM 5

    Fortlir Mnltrr, Wniliil.nX tliinn IMaillalioiiKAUK NTS

    For Ihr I'lirelm. uml Sale-o-f Klaii! l'roilurr.11KI Kit TO

    Jonf M. I1ip, K i .. ....New York.ClIAS. liRKWFK, ii I'llJ.vlliSNKWKi.i., Kl. i Boston- -J. C. M I KKII I. Co.K. II. Swak ."i Co. ..... .San Kraneir.o.Ca ts. Uuu'urr Hho.iks Ks.. 54S ly

    Wm. JOHNSON,Dralrr iu n I u i I la nf uml ollirr Tobnrro,Cinra. Piprs, .Vr,. anil A inrririin

    mili rliniirrv, X ul. K n i ., Cn kra, 4c.I would nlS'i t ike ISismeth d of intormintr the Citizens of

    Honolulu and the is iren. rally that I have commenced theTailorimf bu-in- in connection with Th atove, anil am pre-iar-

    ii execute all ord-T- in a f .hionahle and substantialt

    luanner. imiers from the oth r Nl itids pre:. iptly attended to.Miiffoii iii'Ui.u '. One iliHir tnUiir iiiiy.55 Itm

    EUREKA RESTAURANT!lh!"i"'.l.h,':..'tl,Tp!dthe signatures of the un.Kr.-iKia-d

    P. A. LOLLr'R,j. Collins;

    Honolulu. Auir. 25, ISoC.

    Kurcna Hotel ami l.csfaumiit !S. A. I.OM.KII. ri:oii:iKToR,

    tVOfLD KKSPFCTFII.LV IXnKMT his friends ai-- tin- - public that le 19 fully prparid In

    earry on this biiHai-- .. m tie- - in".t approved style, and resiect-fi.P-a shar fif patr-.uaire-

    Neatly Il'ioms to let iijioii

    ihi 3i:i

    AO illf L LTU1AL I.M I'LE HEATS.


    And For Sale at Low Rates !

    E9IovsFLOWS. No. 2, 1, ill. 7 I.SEAGl.t:PLOW?. Kb-- Ij A. Fa-'- le O, Ea-l- e II.

    Hit L PLOW.. A X... J. A No. r,. A No. 4,STFLL PLOW --:, V. (1. 3; X 1. X 1 I". 1.Ixfrii Teetli for nhovr I'at'erii'.

    1'I.tlWS, ith ami i h .ut W. .V C.

    C'cillivsfilor.oiSTr.F.L It F V F Ul It LF. T F FT II,


    STF.KL, IRON' AND iV()(Ir..V 1()(TII HAKES


    TTiTfNn1toi-- e Vn ' V,. v..XXcly i-- I . j ltl. J. itl. a--I I : .v Ctil t ors

    Very lirpo ith puliy ati-- lmlnnCe wheelFor Cutting soruliuiu 'aiu; Top-- , Vt--. Vc.


    K')AD S RAl'LES.

    OX YOKI1, various iiiest.

    OX I'.iiWS. a-- st rtc l sizes.



    l'LANU:U"S HOES,'cl sizo.HORSE POWERS.

    LKATHLR lil'.LT I N fi. 3. I. nn ! .'. ,rcl,-- s.RFRRFR IIFLTI XU,2. 2.iX bn; i,3)t p y

    m ii Vjirii-l- y ! Sniallrr Arl 'wW.

    7 THE FAMILY LETTER SCALE.WFICIIIN; I.F.T TF.l:s S M I'LK.IIOR ap an l I'rirt-- , I .

    J lm l.ri.lely li. M Mllf.NLV

    PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANYOf San Francisco. California.

    Cash Capital, --- --- $750,000.Jonathan hi st,... ..rrvsM.-M- .11. 11. HI iH.oW, . . . .lli'iivrnl Ai-nt- .J. M. flloTWKLI fivMary.

    A. LAX UN, .Marine iwrftary.

    rilllK fM)KltiIf.KI). TIIK AITIIOIt- -fl izt-i- i Arrnis ol' tliis cou.iiny are to inurr riOn Carjjo. Commissions and Fronts !

    In itliiT iu lli-- j Kr ii;i it I itlei -- I.ln ulX rjnlc ti ana all par: s ui tiiv woii.l. Wet iuc

    Fire and ITarine Time Policiesf'ovrrinir nk- on Puliiio ISiiiMiiiL--- , Mi n s. IViu-s-I'urnitur. ami Iio-mI- in si.. re, ami ia IjuIU of notra'.in- - I .vvr th :a A. 'J.

    7..s-- . wJi's'fl md I't't'l !n I' .S'.f ItrUl i o'. i.

    N. II. r.!rri-- farni.!.".' nt once wi:hout the lel;iy of irIiiik rt t

    K"r r.itt--- a ol ireitiium :iiil mily Inil ly illcliiU' Co., Aleuts.5 :Tssaii';.i3( Tio.iec!

    A tj i,f the II I 'ir-j-lt- i ' Fire hts'intitr? CuIlu:ioliiCi, J.mitarv 1,107. j

    rilllK rMKRSH;i:i ACHMS OK THK tI ahovo Co:n. any, j:ivc noliee that l!i.y are u uuthoriziilto Lake

    RISKS HiAlXST FIRE!In nnil ahout II in lulu at

    --11 .1

    Th;' Atfrm-- of the ahove r,,ipany. Iiarinu et.ihl she.l1.! litis 'i:iev it leu years 13 Known 10 insure 011 me uioai n- -voraiiii- - e.miiiuons.

    61 Jin MKLfHKKS & C..., atr!it!.


    4 LL A V r' It A C K LA I l S A U I N ST SA 1 !A. I nili rwriti rs, o.vurrinr iu or about this Kingil"in. will

    have to he cerliti-- Iwlore him. 510-l-


    fSIIK I'NUKUSIIJXKO AIJKXTS OF TIIKt aimve l'oin;iany, have aiULiTi.- - il to insure risks on;c.ici.o. nti:i:iiT una 7.'Ki:.siTitr..hy CUA.TKliS from Honolulu t all lions of tin! Hawaiian

    (ironp, ami vice versa.uJ4-l- y 11 IIACKKKI.D lr CO.


    Mil K rXIK.ltSIIJNt:i HAVING i:ekxnpiiointeil A.-n'- for the ahove company, hee: leave 10

    Horrt! the the pulilie, that they are now prepared to issueM A II I N hi 1 X S V K A N C K I'O L1C1 KSon Cargo, Freight and Tivasure., to and all parts of theworld.

    II. HACKFKi.T ft CO.Honolulu, April 2 W,2. 517-l-

    FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE.National Insurance Company,

    Ol triii 11 li-nm-list--Ofiicc, No. 40S Tilontgoiiii'i-- Stri-et- . m-.- tv CalitWrni i.

    RIP IXSl'IIAXCK ti.on IIiil!. -. u pic. Treasure, Coimnisions, Profits, and otlo r suly cts

    of Insurance, to anil frmu all iorts in the worid, inlandKi..ks.

    MAKIN'K RISKS on C.m-ier- s. Also, on Freight, Cariro, kc ,to and from all mt. pints insured aaint.

    riiir: i.nm it ai t. upon itmiiiin?, .in rci anuise, ruriiTinre,Rents. Vessels iu Port and tie ir Cargoes, and other InsurableProperty.

    U'lTAL, (!M!I) I I') )K MII.I.IOX IKH.LAi;.Lows ii'uiii)tly ai!jntetl and paid In l uited States

    Culil (olu.WILLIAM PIFItCK, Pr.sident.Ii. W. C. THOMPSON,W. W. W KiUIXS, S.retary,AMOS XOYKS, Marine Officer.

    Exiruth'f Committer :ALIIKRT MP.P.LKK. Chairman. ,luS. A. PoXOHOK. R. O. j


    A". IS. Vitrt'ifnutr nlf-;)'i- to Hie Insuruiwe onI),r, Viinjs, Chiirrlts. Furnitiire. .t r.

    C. I.KKWF.U Ai Co., A Kri.i- -.dai) m Honolulu.

    the northern insurance comp--OF LONDON.

    ri'HK t XDf'.l'SKiXKl). AGKNTS FOR TIIK jS above Company, have instructions to re- - jiitice the P.ateof Preniittin ou and Prick liuddiiu:s and onMen-liandi- storeil t'n'rein. and are now prepared to issue jsjli- -ci'-- s on more favorable lernis than heretofore.

    P.i-- taken on Huildiuirs Macbinerv. .. on Suirar l'lanta--J AN ION', OKLhX V Co.,

    01 , ly Ar-- i ts. '.M i: KC1I.V NTS 31 IT I'.V I.



    rjiiiF, t M)KRSk;nki) n.tvixt; hf.knappointed s for tie- - a uvc t on, ne Kave to

    intorm the public that tln-- row prepared to issueMARIXK INSl'UAXCK I'OLICIFS ON

    CAKC.OKS, FKLMJHT mi.l 1KFASI It;7-l- WALK Fit. A I.I.KN Co.



    H'ad Olhce, M inchi su-- litiilditnts, Liv. rpisilAL'eiils at Honolulu.

    jA.rjioi'J', as Go.N". It. This Company takes risks on roods only and not on i

    vessels. o j" ot"


    Stock, - $750,000.Capital - - -CALF.!! T. FAV PkKSI tlKNT,CI! AS. I. II A V FNil rAVE TLWCUAKD... ...Ma11IN 1'lKKCToH.

    rw-- r; l" l F.RSI ii X F.I) Ian r brrn n iiiitnlam s for th-- - ainive Cotiipaiiy and re prepared to injure

    CAIit;OF.S. FK I KG I IT AND TH KASl" II E.For rat.-- i f premium, Hj.piy to5;:;-ou- i WALK Kit, ALLEN Co., Agents.

    II A MItritCII-ItllK.MK.- N

    FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY.rwlIF l N l FRS I (i N FD Airents of th above Cmg - par.:il to insure risks acainsi fire in andabout II- F jr particulars apply at the office.

    MKLCIILK5 A-- CO.Il .niiulu Oct.ll.ls5T. Wl-l- y

    Notice.rjMIF I" N I) K RHi N" F.D WILL CONTIXFKB the busiie- -s hitherto on I v the firm known asCt.tttiL- - 111- ii ,i Co., anil si ttl-- all outstalu in-.- ' Jiv-im- due by)b-- .Id t.r-n- . C1II N; HOON.

    lbin hi!u. Nov. CO. 64'. Utu

    ALMANACS!riMI F. LONDON I I.LI STRAH FD A I.M Ak X C. 7.--, Craal..

    Cliri.linia Fiaiiaily A I iiata lino, 2a Cfiil.Iltilc-hin- a i le Aliiaiaiinr. o Crnl.

    lm F-- at Ihe Pa ioKSTuU K.

    A .c-- :i nl Citoicc Assortment;;. li:i:sk i:.

    CALL AND K IMINF..I.M lm AT THK r...iK.T'!tK.

    THERMOMETERS."1ALCI I.ATKH TO SCliKi: FROM till' h it "."a I il l H I ."lm lor :i:c I li M MIIUNha.


    GEORGE LEONARD,Manufacturer o FI'KMTl Ri: of all De-


    .If nulJiiiL's of al! kii:' ton-iaiii- lj on ll.uit!.V-l-i ly


    RKCKIVKI) A LA K K AM FT" I 1.EJAVIMJ matt-riiil-. i vr'l':irril t- Li customi--an 1 i!n' .ui.: r. with the l -- I Vvllutt. Iirnn iiutlIliK- - Mi ll". Al.tsorr ati on- - so.i,In Inn.'-- or smiill qiamit:-- s ti suit.

    H. S..Hp krri'ase nl.v.iys 54T ly

    i:9:!;::'i' aii'T,"lloltl slrrrl. In! (Til nnil.J fori Mrrrl.Hoot mid SIku

    M:ule nnil repaireil in 3 vrorkrniinliki' mai.ner. 546 ly

    jas. a. in it,COOPER AND CAUCER,

    Continues the business

    At his Old Stand ou the Esplanade.w"r u"'t- - wll promi.Tiy aiicnmn 10.

    545 Chahoks Mi.dkuatk. lv

    inUM ILIrtTTT S. -wwaiiv ivvsi vm. vv.,Copper and Tin Smiths, Ornamental Iron.,. tK. I'LfMM K K I X A N XOCXt'l f5 TO

    the pulilie that they are prepared tu lurni-- h all kinds ofCopja-- r Work, rot.iiiiii); in part of ."Til i.s, stkikk tass, sor-i;ii- i

    m I'A ss, vi ohms tie., i to.We would al.--o inviie ail' ntion to our patterns f,.r oksamkx-tai- .

    1110N;, suil.ti'le f.r htiildini: or lots, whichwe can lurni-l- i at prices. Also, Hi-h- t and l;ftHand Screwi for tihteuini; wire lence.Al l. KINPS of ItlpAIKlNO POSK WITIT SKATM!S. AND Pl.HATCB.

    Orders fp'iii the other liands will meet with prompt attention.Hiop on Kaahumnnu St., one d.K.r ahove Flitm r's. Oul


    J A S La LE V I S 'OOOpor auct GnilgOl . ;

    At thf Old Stand, tOI-llc- r of XlBg and Bethfl Streets.A l ,r... SI.W.L-- r t!I. VllllltltrV :.n.l utl5v4, kinds of Covperi ujj Mmrriiils COX- -

    vgnjv ON UANb. He hoi s l.y attentionflW-- to business to merit a continuance of the patry.j.jj runaite which he has hitherto enjoyed, and for

    11 wi,ic, ,(. now returns his thanks. blS O111


    f'.HR 1MIOIM11 F.TOIl OF TIIK AIIOVKA Works is prepareii ti supply his customers, and the puh-li- cin ral, with the Lest quality V DU.tlW SOA I.SOFT SOA I jilvvnys ou hnual.

    TUK Hll.HK.-- T I'lll' K PAID H'K S'AP HlliiSK. 542 1?

    .7. i. su i5t:s,I.M I'OUTF.Ii. MAXCFAC- -LJ .j Tl UKlt of all kind of Saddlery, Car- - C'vV--f

    ri.'i-- e Trimmini;, .Mattress making .v. dLand repairing done with neatness and dispatch

    IT" A II orders promptly attended toCorner of Fort and Hotel street, Honolulu """

    G. W. NORTON &. Co.,cows-nil- s - i i:i:s, ;


    li st DoOr abOVe the CustOm-llOUS- e,Honolulu. II. I.

    5000 RARIt V.I.S At'lC AND OLD OIL CASKS. 520 ly (""pac ifTcrE n ftss Toun d ry ;

    THK I ' N I) K IIS I li UOLI.I) RK- -speitlully infnrin the public that he is prepared lo cast

    l 'J 'I and finish all kinds of brass anil composition work withvts dpaich and at reasonable rates.XT All kinds tif ship and plantation worV furnished on short

    notice.XT Constantly on hand, hose coupl.nps of the following.

    iz.-- : , 3. 1, It, and AIo, oil cups and pauge ciks.JAMLS A. IIOPPKR,

    5o4-l- iving streei.

    v. . fisiii:r,Cabinet rkerand French Polisher. Hotel Street, near th6

    Iirus of J . .Molt isiiiith Co. b&!-l- y

    ii. i. it.vir.Mi-- ist i-- ii,TAILOR Has ti.keu the stand lately occupied by II. Fischer,

    on Xuuanu strei t, where he hopes the public will favorhim Willi a share of their patronage. 6--J Iiin

    ROBERT NEWCOMB, Street, opposite the Sailor's Home,IMniu iiikI Uriiiiinrnlnl ltiniliitu executiJ at short

    5oi notice and reasonable teuns. ly !;i:olM.F, CLAItK,

    BOOT and SfiOZMjnER, Hotel street, between Nuurtnuand .llaunakea streots. 5.l-l-


    ; i:olstTi77i a. i. ,CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER,

    Shoji nu the t.sii'ittiatle, npptoitc the Court l!uce.oiy

    r c t&s if I I a M C iMauufaitun-r- . Iiupoilcr and Healer in Furniture

    tJ Erri'il ! srr'-j-lorn- .Furniture Wan r.x in on Fort street, opposite It. I. Morgan's

    Family Market; Workshop at the old standl stre-- t. near

    N. B. Orders froiu other isiauds promptly attended to. 530-l-

    J. 11. WICKK,ovitt.NTi-y- r ivivi:i,


    Funiiturc made an-- r- - paired at reasonable pries. 515 ly


    Hilly iniorm tne mm tn-- v are now mfurnish Siinr K- - aaaatl .Moliir Uitart-la- , atreaumble rat.-s- llavi:.L-- improved inach.nery th-- are pre-pared t i manufacture a sujienur article. Ail work and everySlave warrarit'-d- .

    All ord'-r- s filled with promptness aud dispatch.f,.M J. A. H'JPPKR 4- - Co.

    llioloi:iiliic IVoiicc.R K C K I A" K I) M Y K X T I R K2JAVINC STOCK OF

    Photographic Apparatus !With all the recent itnprovemttits in the art, I wish toinfotrathe resident of these Islands that it is n.y intention for thfuture to follow the

    Higher Itranuhcs of the I'rofpst-io-n only!Painting and P.ctom t.irnr Phof-raph- in my own rooms,where w ill be my constant study. Proofs will besh"-- to persons silting f- r nejativs (if reiiuestedj. Particu-lar atienti.-- paid to injr old icturi s.

    Mr. It. is no- - cotnpl--ti:- i arraneenients to produce Iind-s.-a.-an-- Microscopic Pictures of any size.

    JT An elegant assortment of uval and Kosewsul fnmfi;Jenny Lin-- I and Velvet Cas.-- s coniit.iMly on han-1-

    a.;: Sin ClIAS. ULRiiFi.-1- , l'hot-raphi- Artist.

    1000 Barrels of the followingIcsii'ahle Itiiildin .UntcriaN !

    HAND AND FOR SA LF IJV TIIE IX--Oi Lit.-Ui- N KIi :.!l) Iltll-I- .''Si' Il'St ildt't f'tiltl-ht.-2ii) IS-- si t'l'iftiritUt iVm'nl.loo ;(-;'- ' .'Jon li'iri'ls Ffih t W.'i-'..)- -. 'n

    Th- - ab.n--e CKM KNT ar. LI V K are partieulartv recornmendeil,of .f ijunhtij. an.l wnl be sold at I'iilCF.S MUCHl.nirr.k tl au ever here.

    5io "cn v .sII.lLT ,t II KI CK.


    ll A rriiilttiral Si.-;--t- ii'Hitv thepu'.lic that a of IIMH.K and V ALL A 1:1. K PI.a'nT.Sra. si s.. lat-l- l y I r. Ilill.-tiran- fromChma. Java. Ceylon an t India, may W purchased fr-- Mr. C.PLUIiV. at the Th'-ite- r. l. 5:;5 bin


    The Rebellion Hecord.rjMF. FIRST l: NI'MHKRS. COM I LFT- -2 i:i'4 v.ilin.T- - 1. lev., ii..-- . ri This i l.kely to beon-- , of :1c in in p:.iti il au-- l st illut rat..--l Hi, tones of theIt. - lb in ;s-- u '. a i l th 'so iri-- a n: t- should wakear!v aj . Iri.. lt m r v liinie of 11 niirnl-er-.- .611 :i.i l'..r tale by H. M HI f.N'KV.

    nv TI! SI LAST 1MI!KLT.List of Books received at the


    M Ltvingst-.iu'- I.Hsl!i,oii 1 the Laiuln-s- i and its ir.bulariiS.

    Rutedf-"'- s K. ry Hoy's Annual lStiT, illustiated, nLpetroleum V. Nasby, illustrated.The Home of ashimtoii. (;) gilt.

    s of Lord Macauly in 2 vols.Mrs. ( au He's Cuitaiu Lectures, illustrated, ilt, I y Chas Kune..o nd 11 llv. i:ilt.

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    M iynr H.-i- illnstrattsl.Taken uiui Trust, a novel.Our irs iu the Conu r (T. S. Arihurl.HeU n C.iiuleuay's Piouiise. aThe House by the Church .11 d, a novel.

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    XTKW liOOKS. IXTKXDF.I) FOR THEx lloliilays, hut which not having arrived in season.

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    Tiie Sunday Magazine bound, (jilt edjies. lhtii;U.hM Words boiiod, gilt edBes, IS6E;

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    554 lui For Sale at the BOOKSTORE.


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    Very thin white letter paper (for Kumpcan corresjioDdence).Water lined (barred) letter.

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    Best heavy blue commercial note, rub-- and unruied.Thick ivory mite, plain and r aled.

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    Thin white and blue account sales paper.Flat cap, white, ruled and plain.

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    Hoyal white, ruled and plain.Choice drawing paper, various sizes.Fancy gold and silver paper, various patterns.French tissue papers, of all colors, very choice.Tracing paper, for drawing plans of machinery, c.Vellum tracing cl.h, for drawing plans of machinery, ic.tristol Board of various siz- - s.Perforated board. Crayon paer fur drawintr

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    PriDtinif news and k paier.Printer's cards of ail styles, sizes and patterns.

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    Totrctlier nitli ri?ry other kind of Fnprr la osf.K .N VK KOI' I. S

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    Opaque colored cote and letter enve!os.s.All sizes of white note

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    Mourning letter, note and otlieial envelojies.Best heavy white, buff and canary official envelopes.

    Fine white, buff and blue cloth envelopes.Ami also rirry other Artit le required In the Station-fr- y

    Line.515 0m ForSaloby II. M. W'llITXKV.


    Tocket, Cap, Quarto and Narrow Diaries,for 1867.

    j-- y IVrms wishing On ir n mi' s eintioss. d on their Ih'aries,w.ll be served at short imtice.

    1T Orders fu.m the country promptly attended to.A I.S.J. ...

    ALMAYUS FOR IM;?, sia CETS EWII.&a0 lm 11. m. wnirxEY.

    a : it 1 : 1 : i r. nt i i i. k s .fLANK FOR M OK A C: R F F..M FN T K- -

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    I'...-- sale by 11 M. M niT.NEY




    I.very one sh mid have this book by tro-- f.w reference.Send your onbr from the other islands and Cry will bpromptly attende.1 lc.


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    CARDS and SHEET CARDS, of all kind

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    Xjf Ilaving long cnjoyeJ the conSJencs &d J ptt-rona- geof the public, in our business transactions, wt

    take the opportunity to return oar bert-fel- t thanksfur post favors, and respectfully ask a continuance of

    the same.


    FloNOi.CLr, 1SG7.

  • COMMERCIAL.sjTL ktjjr. rrsnf iKr . w.f e a. m-t- r ..f avre U"aa

    n 'r-- he'd -- i Tvu-d.- y Ut, at th- - --e .f A. J. Cart-- f'. at !. t av-ra- l v.a-- rt 1 t-- xr

    train r.r.r-er..t- w- -r- .!a 31 an.1 a.J. - I .o. T1- .- f .i; r :.i :;it--!-. IjJ.tuM ,tj over, E--i .!. -

    ... i- - --.. ti - irri if. .'.--. r r p -. - ... c .f te- i; a--i r-- r.s. .h'.; e- - a i ta ' i i-- at iuk v.. a-- ,t. y at ihe a..--a i;s.e r--t; -v- y.

    Ike'fe tit. rs ..-- e bcroe v.j i. lie: c:j:.T" cmthe rtt cf th G itian.- - ai p--r . -- - 1.-- 5 ...f

    t. Civil C"e. ha.h - e :''m f a e ala r -- rrrr. I .a : 1 e K Vt- - vasr bet l i til Tr-- a iry a: wl r.t-- a a f e M : . r of -- .a, ' rv- r- -i 'f t.ep:-.e- a-- r.o--- aai . t- a "it f t.e ." c o a .-r.l. '1- trtr. - . .e

    i a. t er re'u-e-- .u h t ta - hS taia La. tvro a- -J cfl f t-- Jf'c-a''-- J r- - aal

    l .f r.. jt. a? f by :h tj'ni'f.:, i:t rl-rc-t f If.t Af.l. ar I

    1. aa.1 a": mar r - i--i n' ta fr r.t.j ur j r -- '1 1 f luj Jt et J al .t e n;c

    ".-.I- I A. P Cut f fi- M 'ha; m cere li.ea!;t io, a: tf.e xt rf'jrf cf t?. (- -

    r to a :

    K..r u c .r; a t a cr: a: cf r. at r- - a --4 a.1 c.:i ui a..-- dj a: u..Vr. CnrM pn tx 'rf h ior: : e. tt

    Mr. W a. L. tir--- n pr artful tiv r ti-- .:s.-.- u coy Tn-a- y. r--r. ''1 : 2 a -- t ' a ix. --t t

    ar. 1' f rrh! t ( -1 '.o 1. 'r. t.nfi.lT h a -r' i :r.:..-- A ao-'-- 1 t. . J j '

    atw" a ? U7 .i;ra t- - 1 '.'. ..-- .. T n-".' !- .- ( m :V- - a ! t i arr. - h.,t

    in, 00 .jt! it a irv i irrr--i- Uj J j. T:. rna ! at ..! he -l to if. j.,

    L a ri, ajvi tL C""td-.- . sow prava-- a 1' 'V thIrvl; r.y ta ef aO ataa;.t. a. . T.l il ar 4rrv.l"i: ia Ja of ki ear 7 al-.;- . TVe iJ-- ato ta a aprctaJ trrax J, r f ac4 F"r.a;. nithr priar-.t- , to rnw Th t a.trd ; ?r-- 4 r It

    or. drrati'-.- uf vtrk a .TTcvst pr-y- u to altt.t aanl Tvar of frit tfMt t.'va t biH Mt 1 fr- - of 4 117. Thr

    p rv-r.- t t.ovr cnKai-lr- r to b TT pstM f act. on 00 ttiaif.rt. Ti rtn Uj A t&f-a- i G'.Trcm-t- .t ia lary,

    aoi ti titm of ti a Cr.fraa til l i r ir titaxra A a r t& Crat arti-V-- a tLai a U ooc - a fr.r mi act. x.,tf --ai;rj ava (a Watis r juji at? ha r.l 'n, ar r J

    :rw an. I BK,Lfa . rat tow. f 'Tr. tl tr f r tt- -OorcHft to taa ta ic.tiatiry ai I pras t'ie tta-'ic-r -

    rTcJ7. Tbi''4J! ' Aar"5.-.-a t'.r.t thjntr7aa nr Btrr rvl-- t thaa k t . J tilt !' tn ia-a- aor Ouoa eteaia drrcts ( jv: uxz.l . lo

    :rat of tSia cnaiTb plaaiT tarl ta ar m art: jo co th.ajt?, Bet uJ eapr-- a t)Wir ic. e pfc j a c p t.t. :a

    t t citol fta to ouk. mftrr O.tir ictrrrau an.1 avt l a.ararr tTra aaa a4e. Th Ccrtaioij cm b eo or.ari aaaM r a a tra:. ao far aa a.--7 -, rr- - Jt ttif..ntrm are owwyd. At the taovr t.t&e,, it es.-a- rW acr"ip BAiraa the pan--- n r tc it M nn!7 ttt r ocraiweight, hC t&e tr tacr1- - a4 maj b (xtre4.Iujiiui "cr.a. A1rW-- a Maal Kate that .:.

    f tuar ila.-U-r eteaeonl at Uat rt to cx.f-r- r vitaSir. fawia-i- m, the M'at if th a F raac sco and Fac:&c Re-f-c

    01 n. a A3 rbe p!astato?f that part of Maui tn rpre.aaBtri. aat th co&rrrx ;th tr. t. fprara to bate temfif jJ.afrtor7. wh: the i..i ih.rJUL, auicr h;a n.rt4it, in avaocactoris aaar r flarry .o. that ia can be ivalacrd (Lakinc Uao cotiti'lrr-auj-i-tt

    the (aia in "ijht to aa to pay a rou4 a prrCl aa ha.a era reatcj a th nw aruce dsr cj the pat 7ar. Mr.V. tfttna. a at oadratan.!. ta take the iDJ.r frr a thetwig c leas a atsaU tenrtutt of aouMO i drained r u4 ofthe tutch ataadarl of 10 to 12. Ttx p rr bate ia

    ith ha wMttt ra4 : that tr-A;- U i:i Ur abk t ;rootract fce frun to cuht s.uo people cf refletv aurar :.oJatiauJa-oit- .

    Tls avar er f t!. paat j't Laa ti too of Z.M f,o .Lt tueol eulutatio ar l nanofactar-.t- f ia to be Oue p'aa- - ;'ta.VJ-..returaof!0pert..o.- -ith crr--p of 4' oa.

    al the wiooa r.i of .3S, Batuf-ttum- .1 doriiith-ye-ar. Tui. errtaicly try fc.ti.facu.ry. and ao a. iteotaiowea, the U.eavot moat pay. tandacmetflt. otiiai a feapawikte aj-e- l I. here, aaJiorwl to cor tract tit rap--I lie. tit th reSnerva. U cer-.ii.-iT he 1 4 tl.e ictereat tf thep ar.tert 0ettrrif to tt aa tenj to ea-lu- le




    Maaita tug-- from the et. We facts 'Urand them d to ai istha. ar.y other ia the a a . ,ute, ter -- ill lea.

    than thoa toc! obtain 11 as Lee atthe detail, of iffcrtd ooder tie coa-e- ej

    nea contrala, bat whateer be, tains taa be ia faVor ofnot be firaoard ta ur of tLe

    to be treaty vita wasof cotracubrte--n plant-- refinery afeut, a OD the IIa!I.

    in u-tv- tne enn.oUap.-ri--.o- f the Manila crop, anl a d.mmithedhr ur train, ud the M l.l be in troLru n ta .a.-- h'change.

    M..T1orCai.rr,.a.-T- ie cf WalkerAllen ft . the Gi:Htt, attended th II oo Jutt'ce fcoiv

    f it the porpne of preamg their claim., on fatoria7,ti.e Zi icat. Ai n aaail vi:h .ucb iau:at r.Ifc6ct.ard.tfce firia.aod each other,counced te.ral ispectant opioi.i ; aoate apparecitiy of hi.o taUA. aa the lavyera aay, ael aome in renpnnae to theilMitM mtf i oi taa lexal (vrokvieii prevent. F.rac,

    e ehaf, in i. t.e, it n or be am--af i t M- - i.IW.ik1 ttie tl.e but that be I

    r. .(i- -i the t-- 'ft t ctit.ue fra i.y today until Tnet.- -. . . i - . .... ' '- - .

    itt io..netnr d ike pgriK-- of ttimmir aaifneea ;b itterled to roe the fini boticeof the meetir.

    .f ere4-..- r -- v, -- i .r th-- .r det.u rco :..h..j ,aVlataiay loA. Ttiirt. that be 'ImH r'TP" furtbr :

    the proamc of cUtma, after thia caice. an.1a.ethal h" 'ie.-vje-d Uae iEU4-U-u : trt tt.ere boCbn..idVttiMa.l..-e.itrre.l.tor.fnlheh.r.UT- Mat- - r rej.r-tenv-- .t. l t.t e w, tie th-- m fua cpi.r--ta. ay u. prove claiaa. a.t imt aiU v ana reunipti.n to ariet at tVy trrl b. rea vt fe. 71 of the I .til Cl- - ;luurt, be anouel v pr-e- vorJu. of the llavai- -ian 1m.I'X.. and a.'i' v aJl er--ri a. e. u prove their dttt. t thepurj--- 4 takicc a part the etroice 4 atcr.ea, IrrerfetiTeof u.e fact that the, ,, he or partial!, rami. At thea me l. we th- - II J e- - t.- - a wraai'Mi to that.b-- a titi.teid th'Miel he iua.1- - a t.' e.ta'e. the hoM-- rt of j

    th. aam by tt-- . it ep ae. m .- -. iur.l full .V, ea- -

    on .the ao aa-- r to I a--1

    their aemrttiea. he n.K h thataft ir.ticx tif iO be Tr cHmr fi:ret. ll i'thret y be hckien to hate roaed hi d-- ht anaaut- - W. tut thatthe VJ-'- 4 bere-- a- only token ,r,. and toe trtiKai. Irw-- nKt Li i..M i I ..o-- e of ibf O t Iti.e Cocrta of the eoonlry, it hoot pr f .f ir..Ut.t--a,r.eA in I K : . ntvtreeilin a.lialil to b rtt iirt tre m n ta rUiua at tame, va.aed thereby acy lien, aa a mai.-ri.i-l

    aad ihen if he .1 : t"o. proae b claim, b, see. 7l. h-- be lab-- M fc. bare vaeed it. aa afa.nat lh eatale lint, in hi. . pin-S.n. ihoae aha thonsht the, bad iiena. prove th'.rIt tne, intend-- d. at to Vl the mir, in raw th- - ii- -o !Wl a-- j Th--' ant of icJrttlre .veil nr TjmJh ! a J..1 71.

    Jale K..o rtaon aa nrulertb' tt mi. Ta--a Jar. thatFe nr. J eitct all the rrlibw vh- - ar-- m II tre.lulu ii tle Id t if:t--t. to appear an 1 e in

    hat tot vith a vriuen auih.-.!- to fur them.COMMERCIAL

    The ta bart raja arrived on ralnrU; laat, 13i!ay.frri Lond'Mi. vith a aaMv-- mr-- haiIir, en--

    to Mr. J. T. Watcrbntiae. She ia a nevA I tventy year, at laoyd., and torna out h'r carro io thebeat crvier. Th gnot. .elected lately bv thtahooae Lave

    to the I.iacd trade a.--l r' in: ate. I rof the Off) cfthi. veasel ve r er a.lvert Jeroei-t- ."

    Th hr.f a . J the juaoo trale. re-- 1taraeJ trm Uer Iao4 unUar

    W so arrival to arir-oo'v-e fr' tn fanwh ch port oor Utest da. lie. are to Jai.oarv l.-.h- . The bar af latrj .,11 t au dt tie 1.111 lurf.

    aa.U at n-- e o San Franc. ... olSou bKcfprxlacj the wrecked (

    the l,i-ldr-

    Ti.e barks D C. .Warra, It ,'oU.v, aa-lir- faiurlay. eiiiat.

    "Tie British hark Tfttrr or. the V.-- 1 1Lateat of r.kl in 13.L n

    IM PORTS.Fa- v V r Iriau. FK t 41 e. url 1- .- .. our

    w in--, lie., 4. 1 r fh-- 1 17 Ike ai- -' Ir. I e ihov ear.l. . j ks :l, iron. Cl r-- no

    a ! y. 1 rk oao-r-y. il pkca 1 trunk prt-'o- l..T.'a at lur.i 1,.? I til.! rrmrrt. ft.1 li ,iit. 1 I k.11 drotna oil. r: ok wbitir.. 4 putty. 1 a Un.p

    . a . 1 , . . . . .

    iri htacharroal - o. is pk. ipius. 1 pkc be-l- -pk a ar.vila. 1 ttaod. 7 kri, 10 kj-- rial-- 1 -- a.e I oa ;ueeta-nc- . Il- -t d' ir.u Iw teis nrln-rt- .! bdl -

    baakt.'. .ao bnofca. II tii -.- r-. .. ir.n basinsfi iven. eovera, 1 ir poc. p a.

    etrpty bbla. a bx saauo aartpk, bdl. aiJ 1 JO lt-- s 1roil cauicr.

    "T forin

    t... wm.,k r f . i . . r.K x ln - r. IBrit i. uavia. of ii i

    I'-- and ra. II . K irrblvn'. W C. J n. , Chas. Lake, T. W.M. ait ; deck paw-nT- i. thi, . . . . ,r i . 1. I Ti'r 'W Ulll 4j . .s - r JY !W 11 i:iru. , ..... . - . " - 'v.fe an--1 cii.M. Ml y. Vr. Lai-- . Mr. I'ann. 3d Ha- - pti.

    ...r-,.:.,"..!--- ., 1 .2iMyFitoM ,o P- - ar. P r K lar-e.- . 0 Vir. and Mrs. "reickensf-n- , R. uoo. Mr. j--r- u. la- i.te c-- r,

    II. X W... Mr. Royr Capt. Br dark '

    Sla'pa .Mail.Fa. aFfc'l P r a O .4 !r.r a Li ft w .t s .,: - r. Per h..iau'.Karaitvr Xe - Mere..;. V .otav.

    OF HONOLULU. 21.Alt AI.

    'r V; .a2-- :" r X.-- i. . a. - K ci.

    -,- I.

    L an-- If .4- - ., t.u . - J- -4 r i... K :.. -- 7. r.-- K I a.TKlJ; . H ..' T.(l,..iL' r A r.- - - .. ......

    f T : Ii . :. r sr. s..'"rK 1. ;"ir-- . r'-r.- .

    dki' u 1 1 ia.J A- - ?.r fan I . r r

    K :.. !. .r:. ' r K r4 -' rK....-i- . 1 ' - j r, f r W . I !4 r.r .rj. f r K4 - r U.,-a.-- c. ' r M

    r l;--- r.. -- . '. r V: '.Ji - ' r Kr Lr-- . u j. I r ii.i - .r ;rr t.. .-. r Ua..

    MbMOK M).,v -

    Ifakrr lilaad It rl.Jarar 1. 1t7.

    5:a I iar --.r.t y-- 3 a f f ;-h- tie .1t3Lctt- - i3 a-- - tit1, r.a.'t1. ; ' a ca.J a: ti.e :

    t 7;T t-- - M.r.a. rf I!- - ;i cSV T. r. r ; ; r M - rn ?.. f ii ...

    O--c. T tt. w. r.,-- i - . f rt -- .1.t;'. m a t 1 N y . . . ii fr r. II r.- .; a.

    ' : .- i,.,;. i i 4 u :tT" r . 1 -... .: . 1 j f-- 01 ?. F r'.-x- ti.l,sl'.r Kix a . a j ..-

    rD.N .. t. ".: T p'"' i V M:ra. ,f j. f j fx!-- r

    r.. K. t ! r - r a ' ' z i T..U I'rt-..- M.ry v . i a.f r vt j nots' .li...r, t-.- .I.f r l,ju:,-- j 1.1

    1 t.-- t Kff'1 rr.? V , w.-.- r.: ra nii rr.-.-ir-r f - t '. ' r . 1m

    Ltcr-!- , w- - - - j k.:.I ir rv.;-c:r- -.. J,

    H. Lilt.. - -- r r.

    ItlRTIl.Is th rn tf.e Zvm Jr. ry, U tre a .V of tt a. W.

    IICI.E 5" At K !.' i. Jr.. vi w . k..--.Lv.xtv. la H . .;o:o. J.-uar- y Iv.h. Mr. Vt Jum lr!j. I!

    hat trn id . ' r n fl a cut f port.(nrcti -- t: tt,-i- i- ' II--- M.r.url f '.r-- ra. a P'r-tu--I:' 7 r. 1 ?.-- ra aa Aa-ra.- n atba b pKr t- '. ."1 the Trr. r z 0. 17th Jir.irr. at t'.

    Mr A frt t. iu S K :.. lia:i. MrKul r.t j1, y-- a. r. a a na'. f K-:- .t-i. ta f" t a '. fc.i r u;e c. t.iectrl auithe Or. B-- a iiirn .:.ta"i .r, at ii .o.'THE PACiriC

    Commercial Advertiser.

    5.4 TIT.DA Y. FKIiH VA R Y 0."ow rr tli IornliiK.

    Th L". S. lid iir,?. Caj t. Wrn. n-- y-noils arrive.! t6li tii'.rr.!:: Xrf.Ol W. HlaVU

    tott'-ti.-- a Lahalaa v.Ia tiie ahy-n'-- e of f'.r.-i;- i v five ua our- wLoMv to uu'tr of l ca! intt-r--- t

    aa,1 to alverti-- . m.-r.t- . all !.: h worth v ,.f Slt.fnwve peru-a- i. ia- - wr f..-,r..;y. r.a IDNew 1 ork mai. of 1- -t. wi.I be da- -nxt we.

    taewa.r ..i-.-- n. u'ifh v t..itrrab V CLief Jtl-t- ji e A I.I IN n Irt-- f. L'lS a- -tb. tbeti,--o- f u u-Moa the .- -k:ad tie aaxiely to e It. has u to 11

    ia full. It will be found on the fourth pa.:- -, andas t- -; b-- o- ii- ;- th- - law of the Uttd. itsLoU!d be r ad and I.'c.--el V ed bv" a.l ia- -

    lerf..a in w-u- .rA iroin ;ir. .11 vt-- r on ir-- .1 ,; ;ai

    will be found on the lir.--t j a-- e. It -- jvs the

    i .n,u Tf... .?,. r,t- a .... io i ithrt r.!.. nn-- f. .rt.. :.n.1 ?t. l.liriuii im.-r?- ,.r Tun-- i - -- "ior three fongs w,-r- e !"in'r ''-- v an a!D'ltflir vocall-t- .

    "'J performance hardly up to the expectationsof the but ap.d. --y it should be ad tedthat neither the ball nor the save sati-f4Ct;,jn to the j,iaai.-t-, wbo SV the concert solely 'at urgent reip-n-t- .

    the by the s!eaai r en alon- -day lat. vre notiet-.- l II. n. IU. C f?. Ce.usulat ; II a. F. U' Teag. r. r t.idi Cotinil. ai; l

    . ,. . ,r A. t--.. i rli-l.l- a t.oiiui. i n t olatt.-- r to Vi.-- :t tL. crater f.I Mlain-a- . w Lien, ae--

    .to OUT late-- t advice. Wa active. a!;d

    ' TWlRg. The prt-e-nt U a good tim- -for vL-lt:r-:g this great natural Cllrio!ty.

    Theft are Wci!a:a . .1'"'- - agaia.:.. a, TjISusual Lea the laaaf.--. Lis aiiimal raid" t" emrty purges i f tl.e portion

    0f the V. native ai.d foieiiMl. TLe IiOiiceare not and tLe'?- - wto Lave valuables.fe,. .u!j hLi r fertile their or keep a sharpLookout for ro'ies.

    The bark 'oi.uie. leaves f.r -"a a Fraac;-c- o to-da- y i

    ,jU .J.t tu run OV.T in fo-i- r W.t ks. WLfll she u aas a packet ship l teen NW 1 i.i k and

    LiyTp.'d. she v. a c'.a-- e.l as of the fa.--L st ofllir fl'ft. lf.-a-e i Il t IK.w. it i.-- no fault of (."apt.

    il. who to o- ui'.i. .U-- as a pas- -s'lljer :p. 1, t no ! :al. and is worthy of the

    ire-l- s then. ;

    A s. Il-- at; n ll ril rtl-.- r if .ll tlisooTeri-- S r.n this:Island IS eurretit. a:id we e It tor Lai 1 1 mav be

    b thjt ,M Calif- - riiia mill". TS.a!ur fr vrj dav Lave found n- -

    - .";f.e go.d ia Kaw a..- a a..ey. a fe w bae K ofWaiaiua on t!.U They j.n bably Lave notheard f the Koolau diseo mad.-s- - Ii.e

    siacf. a.L-- Late f..rjroTt. a the saw"all is a.t g-- ! 1 that jr'i'.T.-r-.-

    .in .. mTl3 AVaU-- r lllulit Dcelloii. 1

    We furnish our readers in full on otir fourth, ..r.. n- - ... .4.... ,n ..I II . r F 11 1 ..n

    San Frarcaco can prwijee already laid betor ia a fuVora-co- raar. Uy a ia fo Fraco cheaper bu. a Vgn r.,jaia ,.f Haltli po.l!,.l.t, aa.J er.nae-(u.c- e . .hnt ,n "am f,.trit tLe prt-Vlotl- accvanls-ris- kthoa.reflaeri-,tt..tofcU- .n their ,.pl

    and cc them elsewhere. appears if it Lad a prepared the ceWe hate out the terira pro- - of the Minister of the Interior, and probably

    they B.ay Lheir.t.-a.:- all that sai l thisa. to deprive t platiler. bei nAte h"

    f.t from any reciprrjaty the Coiled '.An concert civen bv Madam?fratea l,x-- Ba; be aii'ipteil. In eaae lanre beir.(cUhI aor and the r.e iu JafTa at Pliblie


    aeditcr. Mewr..Co., aay

    berttco,Honolulu, the


    dy cfpr- -


    da of ha-- l

    v-- re


    sunn.! remark



    taair. them to their own aer. r their aa at li o clx.k. taking the al taall. Ac-pre- iltheir fe. and v.nH final., be aiWv.1 t uk a .. . . . .4 lend only oo balance (k.nn.1 the COruiDg ILe paa,--e tati- - ia our ls.-u- e,


    m.u the



    thtnud leMa.aa, tia.

    he natenahle.tuma rrawbe




    ranr ofvo-l- , rate.1

    prTedparticularly a.laptedparticular, to

    er.-ij-- inu lart,but briracar;o.


    Thebk-taive- - aT

    laainjaboat andSaaf.

    v. of.ail. YaJparai.



    erO-nwar- oaldry l,


    . . . .. .



    .'l'.par. firebciira,



    mmi tapt. -,



    Wnnvn. It. rights

    11. 50

    .!--- ..



    :r I'or'j




    . j.u-.-J.



    alparaL-- J f"he


    January early





    io.i-.- n.

    audience, ia


    Cording Very



    Mi:L ia'er.d- -


    T,...TX,.,lpru-p.rtir- .g

    old thai


    uafortU-.hoa- al


    Chancellor ot the Kllig-- tn..n tl.e Case ol 1 ec0wr..-r- s of the Wailuku Plantation,

    3(j:,lsi E. Iiail-- y. Toe till Was Cled oil the 9thJune, I'OO, ine answer III iwiuy Itierc- -

    after. The cose C-- . at ailukil Oil thel;th of July, and the cl js-.-- on the 1st

    Augut, sonic f rty-si- w itrns.-- s Laving as.examinet. Tie- - argument place ia II 'Uolulu

    the Mb of I e-- . tale-r- .

    Il is aj rtrent to a'.I this eae is .f themost im.-r:an- t that ha-ec- iij i. tlieatt-nti'-- a .f tin

    1 iwtiiiiu f 'otirt.-'- . an-- thi- - !! will,doubt, t ud greatly t the

    many '(Ue-si- i n- - that aree ntanfly ari-in- g oni lautati .us, and Nuuanu all-- ' eir -1 t- - gr.

    labored IS the Jaet t.'.at ti..- - Countries wfl.TO the toi'.y CXl.-t- s, an l W.'i. iSC T- - are rc- - an

    j , ; al-- tell.l-r.i- teJ 1climat'-- , aad ii N rar- - ly resorted to for

    agriculture. The tc-A-t writers ot i.ngiand andyr,c I s clarify the ri'ht to U.--? Water prirrigating uris.s as aa right, but b.

    arid clim ite--s as ours, and in seeti.ns ( the forecountry where the bind is va. ti. vvat-.r- , .line.

    un'jii'-.--iior.a- v a ni.i.i u iigm.Ill t!ie ill-ln- et Ol VV alilt'lil, the il''V in yti. .l ..- lai.ds wlie-.-- w..tT ri l.ts U1I- -

    . ,-stiolie.l, .'.o p.i.el:. N.-.-- s.M f..f

    an acre, while hii d ;f- - of water 'are Worth scirit-i- AT" i r acre. with

    Judge dec d-- d that of the tlon

    t i !.tr I J I'm- - t t yf li,.; ui- -luku r a: hu will aii-- i l"oL;re. We wereiwaj i.f :. cj irii .i ti.ut iri'" tr.-- orir.iiiti .nof .: i.Vnmlf in 140, all arbitr.irv an i

    I - rIj-,.- whi.'ti :!. air;" ir.i cJii-ji- s f t- -r.v-rl- iri'-vJ- of f p r-- si; tii-.-;- .prar !:r tat.rz avrjv tli? rs .t t Wa'.cff irriiti.'D. A'..C'--j-'- 1 to exUt, anl the T:htt j drinlci:. z T anl' water, ar.i theriJ.t of war." wa to the.--r of kx'-n,o- : vt :..-- act of S,aIizU.-t-, 154G.It i- - lj a !:iw th- use of water!r tw.i.rv if rsvri-i- s l v. e- -1 1: li-- 1 - f. riht h-- J r-- - ri :i n. li : t t ;e o J .11- -i . :i j : '- - ...-r- r tart: r. ar. i(Tuii'tio r cj!ii! w.t-- r fr- aar-- . tr,:i:I-.- i to aia . uii: f wat-.- r ti. tt Lsi! jir- - in thrLii frvro :r.o;.-r.- t t::u.s ; and wo aj- -

    the jrlncijl-- j in this way: the curaj whichcurrvwat- - r 'rta our Nuuana Vallt-- tr-:-u- tothe kc'o t jtch.- - .f r.ativi- - ar ! 'trJen of f ,r- -r'lzr.'T-'- . are tritj:l-.--- i j a njcch wt-- r a. l.a run

    th- - ra r.r twentv ve-ir- s .r m jti the.f the H J erEiiuoct to tj tr. Wdt-- r Lr thewater jir-'-- s t contrary not withstandir.;. Ofcjure the wattr J re tak-;- e:.'i:aer.t'ii:nain " f,r the u- -j cf the S:ut- - but t:.ea cvia- -j- - r.-- jn inc-- t l- -i u..Je f .r the N? tt It.

    The cue!, v.-ir- i:r.jr:act uesti n of theriht t ) trar -- fer water fr 'ia one of Ir.r. Jt r, i? staMif !.- -! v t .1 n. euiii-ri-- ui. ! that it is riot ut.fftqtient Uau;arrlir.ter Xj jurc!.ae a rative's ko'o iovr.J-:- r that he maj ue the water, usually 2 win nto them, on Lh cane e!d.--t contiguous. It is htrea.jr.ab: that thi-- j fhouid aU- wvd, j r ..videdti.e r:'hts of others are riot thereby infrin' d.- r

    It would Je aVurd sntrarv to the jrinci- -tl-- a of civilized and cgriculture, to say


    that Ucsum a man Lad acquired a r.Sht to uwater f.-- ia'o, that therefore l.U land must fjra'.I a; xt jIuc; kato and that if J.e at- -teii.j t' n ruse suar-cane- . , crn. or anyother cr:-p- . he theref re forfeit his right t i u-- ewut. r at all. The law. which h l.ut " coiatnonxe, i- - not (j technical, hut, as

    Allen ay. a chat.e the rii)?f of trj ynit-t.-t ofa ri-h- t. "without wrkin an ahand fluent.

    Ue car.not Ciou ail ti.e joints ablyelaborated Tv IIvRur, but recuiijiiiend a care--ful rrrual of this declM n tj a'.I of our readers.In explanation, we would Mt that K-- d.iki nicmean4 in r,rtrnn arlaiice. the owiier of theAhur uaa, wher-- a fjruiirly it wat n j j.Jioi to theLead iaan in cLare, ui:d-.- r th tin or chief.Aliur uaa is the terra a jIi-- J to certain diti-io- r.of land in this country, varying ianame of th iwcai, or ditch, Wt.ieii aarj.lies Mr.

    . . . - t- - -Iull-- y 8 TianUi.Ujn WUH w .tier, IS ll.iuu:tu al,i:,o,.:i Tr .Ir-,.- , ;,.f,..a

    K.L'nn wri4 f.tif. fif M.-iui- cirlUt Kinw, , , . , . , ,I'jng wiirc me rvauienam-r.- a ovnaiT. -- n oij

    , ".: aoJ WwU knjWQ " run lLl3 WJ ;

    " Ilaatii o e,Uui o K.rr.a ; "

    an.j ;n poetical lanuae a:con tlie Hawaiian,Kati.a is a name freourntlv arrlied to Maui."There is ny doubt that this amrat, or art.fceial

    - - -IS U ancient as any Clvi!i.atl n On tbe-- e

    Kalaniauwai, wLich ifri'ite the main. ., , . , .

    I aouiu I .intution. IS a.-K- ) ancient,an-- hjU t,,w :o','I;5 are remarkable achiev- -mentd of onirjeering, wl,.,-.- e only guide was theeje. In Sme fM.vtionS are four.d traCv-o- f ditches

    . , , . ,. ,.luaiun, auiu i..iuni- -

    ky tlptriii.?7it that water Would not run UJ hill.Judge Alien refuf-.- s to grant an ir.ju::ction

    azairir--t Mr. ISai'ev. Of course an ir. unctionshutting Mr. llailty's water c urw, and drivingLim back to the cultivation of Ids " twelve acresof kalt,'1 would ruin hos pugar-can- e fields aseffectually as a blar-- t from some deadly Sirocco- - i

    ; We can hardly uuderstand. however, bow thelearned Judjje, though the case iu favurof the defendant, arrives at the conclusion thateJt)i firtJ mUft f,,ar Lis own CoK. This IDST. ,ejuuy, inoug't i j us it is a new vt-r?- i n 01 it.We Lear that the cnul.tin .nts may pal thiseae. in order to pet ruling of lull benchon the point, of law involved, and thus set atrCst qu.tiuns.

    -- 51 HI

    The report, brought by the Covf t. that thesteamer --4jaz wan Iein refitted in fiiin Francisco,preparatory to a return to tho Hawaiian trade.

    . .we consider reliable, in the absence of anvmations to the Contrary, as this is almost the only

    on which ehe can le trcloyeJ with anyclianc? of raying. It is stated that " she Lasbeen thoroughly overhauled, cleaned ar.d re air-ed, Las Lad a fine saloon built on deck in lace ofthe former two rows of state-room- s, and Las gouu ;to Mare Island to have her coj-re- scraped."

    Until Congress Las taken final aetion on thismatter of steam communication SanFrancisco and this j w ill 1k useless to makeany definite though sagger-tion- s may not lie

    ut of jdacc. A vesst 1 of le.--. cajacity than theAjai would jrobably be Utter fitted f.r the Ser-vice. Two vess Is of smaller iiz- say l.U'O tonseach to leave every twenty days, would servethe interes-L- of the Islands mueli andj rove more profitable than of 1,500 tons likethe A jar. A monthly erv ice Would give littlesatisfaction, and certainly not insure success,even with a subsidy of 1U,IH0.

    lie-- i des the regular I!and trade to San Fran --elsco, which now amounts t at L ast io.i'OO tors1teT annum, it is not in; i r ih.ihle t! at a portion ofthe lahitl fruit trade may hie diverte-- l to tiil

    , and be secured to tl.e rs, after tin--Lave become established. The ayer- -aje fa-sa- made twenty vessels ltwen Ta- - 'futi an.l San rraneiseo during l?"jt was a'.utlorty dav. Lavir.jr Ktn overffiv davs. The -

    .ss to the owners of fruit on these lor - passagesis often larjie, rendering the fruit trade

    . , ... .,Hf rei Ii'i7:ir.l.i ! i.ti.) I I ..v. r ' 'rlalotl U, lor Irst cla-e- s Sai.ers, is i..rtwenty davs, so that fruit might U-- d-.- -livered Lore for tLe rs a few days before the,i.,..,,fc ,;i;, 1 t . ,. - . I 1 .r- - "e"n, ana

    r-- d in S an Francisco after a j as.-.i- of tenor'twelve days, or thirty-fiv- e from Tahiti, in nearlv

    j rirae c nditi n as w fi. n t ut e"n b ard. Ther.i attending this trade w..uld thus 1.- - almostentirely r.-- .vid, and t!.e orange trale, from be-ing Ia m--- t jr- carious cr- -. would b c ai-? a safe

    1 a- that of sugar r m..l.i s. I ido, 'avth.- - fruit, whkl. is t.r.vv j.ii-- I sis'y div.b'-.i- ' ill , so to gourd against Y'wz. IIIiiay e gatlitTfl in latter orl-Tll- . e..n-.-

    - 'ii.) and sut tli'.-- in the an F"r.nicico market1 I

    lie Oaten . ' to ti eir t so voit "tra'e1 to--s.s- s none iT t"ae flavor they Lave in their

    native country. 1!'While on this subj.x-t- . we may add that the

    work on the new steamboat wharf is raj id.' v.gre.-si-r g, under the management of Mr. Tr- -

    rt, witli a fair jrsjct - f being Comrletedit will be required f.r the us-- the new B

    Ihedittfi of water along-il- e the li.r it" I Ii. r.niuaii mer- - using to at a tiistanef The

    1 II ei t 1 Tolll Hie 1 x. 1 lie term cf thirty Iveaix. during which this 'overnnietit ir.i I

    . - Thet.tinl H'l! to til ? t lima .dad I inr-any- , tind Ii.grant t!i- - si. tl.led to in th- - ci.iitr.i-- t a'iv

    it. has l"-e- n thought too lon. A- certainly a f T w!:i.:i t. Imd t . t...

    " ". ' vi,b,a - -- v.- a mm a . a .iiu u. ' a k a.a.aa A a aa e a lia..a-vjiivia-..... . ..

    , . . . . 1




    .as .




    . ,




    ar.j ";o tj eoi.tnct. lit if theirf,r:.? what it r'- - s to I to furr.Nh

    ruail as J j iwnjer fieiliti-- - thi? pvrtar. i aa rvr:ci-..- -. with.'t faVi-j- j ;t fbjuli- c ---i i rJ an aj;e on--- 1 f r t.--e j rivi:-'- -.if the C'uu.j-an- f.i:t!.f..II v jrt.The rnaia o' xti .n i t Tl - srvtcf towhicj the C..i:ijafiy when jart:-- : hrre11.37 U-- f.unJ wiilir. fe vear h', to j:r--rriu .1 .m; or lv s...rvire f r the tatuerrii---- s, !..ut ? rrcver,tf-- i hy the ruiir.gof the auth ri:i. in f.iv.. r of the jcrties t t:iefrL-- c-- tract, t!:at the irhiiej-.- s wt-r- uuder-f- -t

    i t'j he exclusive. la any future action on... .ia .? a j- -. . .1.1. j -

    c.VtrIc.eJ . it ir.riy eventually wc-r- aa;astte real jet-Treat- s of the gr-.-np-

    M.OIV-- ; A. l;H r. T - -.: 1 v..c.t:-:- .v p.-i- f ..rr::jte-- - ::i t: .1-- city i: V.'.-.t- -r fph :a thf tr. !iiory ! oi.r arriveil in

    !! r.k..'. ;n ( .. ;.. K..T la-- u A::er retke--.a W.ik l- -i i:;.. w 'he I t

    I r c.-- o ! 5 .j C .nnj. where -- be a- - I t-: j! u:otil? : th-- u vi .i to!ln. A:n hsr.s-La- e

    ttr,d tht-- IIoCjTkcr.r. I'rc-t- wb'uL -- !.erea-I-- u. a I::;ei. which tv;.l ia:er-s- : o::r reai-t:- s


    H .s.;k..o. Cm. I?. Ir-'-o- .r . .ir. i;--,- .-

    31y I'kai: Vi.:.r w-- h letter and1 o'atne duly t. hai.d a::-- a- - there

    - . r!ii; fr 1 ra:.ei-.-- .. 1 a:I L;.-'- r.f t i r..i:.. r.. . .i v....r a::i.l r' r.:: ht of

    m. and itih.e. Vo-- i h:.v- - ere this t ..r.rar.d I a:n f:re w v Lave haij. ur

    Thank the Ah-nh'y-. !iy.- werej, jo renl.-- r o.r rr'-r- - to Ii:ra t:.e ui-ro- -

    of oi;r t.iiiz. V.. ;; wardrel.r.c- - Ac. tay !itt je-'.r- wa.ated lv b-- in tbr-v-vr- i uVero..ard' Cw?;i.t;5e? a::d, . ,.oilier vu:Uat...-- s u-r- - the t. r- -t to ijV!::j I'eent !ae- - l in the i art of thf v. --- -!. It i- - a Lard

    l!'.i.k r"- 1 " l and thusfir we Lave I .ne v rv xteli. vr. i n weljav r.vt a n'.v ,av,-- tUe Oi e. a- -.f .V.rtn.-- .and I.;:er-zi.t- . a;.-- U'iM Lit J -ta! c-- f. k-- j.t a.iv. t:.f t!M.-- - we.-- we,;, z t;. Cah:-.- i ::ia f. a-; ;.!, ri . :: d

    Y-y- i L tv read n. d .:.;t. t.n- - l. i.n.l that we'v; it' ia? i( 1 at u ia "h "f J

    - cani t Atn..v. I --o L.,w. M.aa.'hao. and ar- -rlw d oa tLe .:h ir.-- -. V, e t avr njet wit"'!Il;,ch kia',I-7!- ' a::u1 -V 5 , .tLO ' ' r

    ih.-- p.t. e.-- e i o, at;d so ..a toCab.-iitta- . V' i..ii!d in ieh gr::t..".e.J to re. eive

    (ihe my kind x z m! a!! th- - l.iH- - rfai.d o:Ln-- r fi!t-nds- . Wi;h I,.-- t i eitu-tnl--i s

    -i- i-i aj.oli z'-- for t!)i- - Lunir--d writinu'. believe ttie...r.eert-- ! v vours. Anka 1'!h-- ."?t uvix.


    er. let ..ur d-- : en t.'ia-- : to C(.t. P l "X. t it. ariaiii.lark (K-.- f. f.T t. j-'- -r. uj i....;:i-i.- t (t T.(,..r. A -

    . t a; t. SfoN fc .rn o: if the Km mi.ui 5th. f r rnt n i- -.H a: Eni.-r- f ury t.U:.u. t - I.t..c of our

    ... . . . . . .r.x.'w..K. (.-- I 1 f Lit l.U. O :ea f rtLe.r Minwi aul kin Siis.

    arr. K. II TII'M AIII.A CIMVINf. MaTB.T. C Clir KVEl.f. ii Mir.II. f. JAU l aND It tl.ll.KK.AI.AM OK KOUEP.T5.f. V.. M M.Kf.J. A. M li"L.-0-J OIN riK'Ki'K.Ai i LAIL-- Kl.E JAX asr FaviLT.

    C sf.O. II. Ill" RG ESS. PHUT R A IT painter.M te.r.? avjt II. :i..:n. a f-- f :i rrricisco id a lev:nes inform h .i:-j:- tLt h- - hut a

    FEW ELEGANT FRAMES Ilcai.i.-- . fcUnpt.. to the :ylrs ol

    iVatrr (olor, furtclaiii anJ Imr) T jo Portri'.itnre

    NEW STORE, NEW GOODS !Fort Street, near Hotel.



    ladies embroidered dresses, c ollars jvdHAyDKERt uiEFS



    And a Large Variety of Sundries.C59 5l GRI XWALD ft SCHETTE.


    rtili.KS foil SETTINC Sid K K F.TTI.ES,11. KH.I.I) Co.

    AM ERICA X Tl II i.f: SALT.Cses I'.--t sen-M- v.- -! Cae Lu.-l.j- Pie FroiW,Ca--i .

    Barrcis I'mry S.i!t, C'ir on Syrup,Cities ofcn.ici eiivt.-- f.ap,

    , Cru-J- . d Sujr.-- ji 6t Fofli r.y C. Bl.EVV Ml & Co.


    JLJ L'l.t Cumii-- ss V;ip..c9, Concc-r- Wagons,llavy Butcher ai:

    4- - F r ii- - t.y C. 1:11 EW Fit ft Co.


    ""I 'H f r fie y C. BREWER A Co.


    UAhliEI.S OHILAMJ lEMEST.F r sale by C. :RKtt ER Co.

    LANTERNS1 X ASSORTMENT 'K DIFFERENT MZES..Ik ot F r t'.r ly 1. Ilill.WI.IU u.


    S A CCII A ROM ETliKS. M ICR OM OPES.c 4 . i it l--i 'iu 'ici r. a rex. i.'j. tj.,io-- ' tOO.i.A, . t I y 4; ft.

    E k.n ES.C. BKLWEK 4-- Co.

    c "t 1 G C5RS. VIS t V I" ittnuvJ n:M sa.n fka.m. i.--r.

    Pli VsiciA N."tnu ijriiu'i!' 'jj in u- - i ori nei,. .Hit f'oye.iun:.i. ..i i . i.r ... .i. i.ri..- - j,,,, o4 I r !..- - .if

    l'1"- "- - ' r. ..1.1 - i . 1 1;f.i :v . - r !. --- f .,. N I ' K s ' w' .V T.vr 1M I .. . 1- rv- - ir t - r- i.ira'' 'fK 'VrTUTJt '"i ' 'r" 'i .the Vny, IIum luruirtlr arcupird by VI r.Ayrrn. olm

    liiiport:mf Police.ON RETIRING FROM HI'siiskss TAKEo; of ret u t .u... p-- . - c ,.f

    f r t e iar.-- . ptTT;tj- - i:iv. r.-- iv .1 .lurr tie 77.year. 1 hv- - -n .tT.i. l,r., a rj J a j.l r errutaefel I.fv .r.oie .. E Ptl.KMAK ft c.... t . a h rahave ti.: day Ji-- I ..f ti y u- - ... t a- -t w,.;rl t.. ti.- - tii aupj.-r- a.i.'i w.' y u have J i.rto ly.. l nIl ti .uiu. &.h. -7. R. GILI.II.ANI'. A

    In r -- f- - 0 to t' - e it f r:n V, I'u i;c oful'l e w r: u t. -

    PAINTINC BUSINESS!I:i ai! its I rir.-h- s.

    Execute i iai p" rrprita le ar.I Havin? f.n huM aui p.y -- r I'..:,;,: M ...i f a! k.r.ii, v- - s':,:i.i te

    etia- U-- l t lultil: a.i ri-- r- tt.tru-t-- d to Us with, ut delay. ALive at R. 0. ..:aMl". 0. l ft.-- , !. Street.

    ot E. M.LtM AR Co.


    B ol I n.icr- -

    "oroia Iiivuranre C o in (i.i n y ,M e re Ii a ii t .Mutual .Murine lu-uran-

    II' I itritir ee Company,he aliforniit I.lovI. and

    tir.W bsta iHtch. oamen'. atorta. 17 0.1!. rope..--, Ig water rig. ts anl privileges. t r..' UihieUity in a umf.' iroli and palatable State. "no-h- alf Faprr II.IDL'iu.--; lJynr. sJjh. (arrive and Oina-sZZZu- Z

    unl" wl,ich bjlh th" C'rt th0 c,,un ang- -, sold in that market are totally unfit mental Faiotiu.




    ra-- anJ

    a!:iif.- -t





    uaysmm-nc-- l



    sugar in



    d- - rtit

    Ail'-- n Las











    ajthe the


    mti- -













    Home Mutual Insurance Company.i- - v- - t ir f na M rs of . j a a .. Vls-KI- S r.i.l .

    I i v i iti,. r f t i. :. . r ' ' :. -- a 't r- -r : . f other s. at r : .r t- i- 'far I;.-:-, V. have

    v. rtfieel I v'Z'l'lza , If. IIACKFF.I.I ft tV


    iT A- -i " T Oi


    OARS, assorted sizes;JLST R EC Eli EV ' ffliO.V.

    F r fa.- EOLLEf i Co.

    Portland Ceraent. Rosendale CementJai I J LI tO riy I A LIME.

    AJ. aaJ i Ori.r. 'or -: ty EjLLiftC-a-

    Preserved Heats and Vegetables,OVSTFRS. LOSSTEF.. V jliJVG . 4c.

    5i- 5t r fi e ty l.uLLtf Jt faANCHORS AND CHAINS !

    rrn ii:azi"' fjimm LivEiiroor.RON STOCK ANCHORS. WtlGlIT FKOM

    . 171 t-Cf.a-- Oat ,r. r tp in. tc 5 iuch.fii.a.i Oria:u :- -. . i

    Hi 5i 1 - fi!e L--a ty KOLLE; Co.

    Sail Canvas.1ST RKCKIVEP A FKW BI.KS BKST.1 f .IL CAVAr. a;i r.g 11. a ery

    56? 5; F t fai hj PLL & Co.Tar and Fitch.

    ET rorKIIOI.M TAR IN IMRRF.I.S.I tt.-J- . :a H.!

    F.r j. hy EOiLLF.f Co.

    Just Received and For Sale byT!!E VXPEUfl3SED,

    ItEVCE WIRE. No. 4. 5.V i la ii. UACKFIXP

    Just Received and For Sale by theUNPEF.f IGNEl

    flEAVV NEW OAK BARRELS. Suilnblrh I f-- Mi-ij.-s ltmrs. II. IIACKr F.LP Co.

    Just Received and For Sale byTHE CXDERsIGXED,

    lOOO I3arr?ls HnlmoiilWarri.:ci frr?h a:.U ir p- - ier.

    .53 m II. II Af KFELD 4 Co.

    1 6 a IRAZU!''

    .!rt-- . ;


    Now Landing and For Sale !A

    CHOICE LOT OF&GODS!ELECTED AND M A XV MADE TOTIIEs orjtr of the l ii'U I. o ot a wry

    vjr.-'.- i:ic!jin:

    A geceral ao,-ta)C--nt of It, G.Feverdl decr: t:ot i of llir.lware,

    Several of Cutlery,

    Curli. ft Harvey". Gaiipcv-ler-

    Paper of rariou. Wi:iJ,

    The lest aor.ment of M:'s liar, in the town,The best aurtoient of Wotneii'd liata in the town.


    For Whalers' or I'Imtera o.aA great variety of Woole-- Orerahirts, Drawer ft Cuutrsbirt..

    French Calf B ts,

    Ecgiiih Kip Uiuchcr, j t the thii:s native traJ-- ,

    Carpets, ftc,Oil Cioih, .,

    Bias Cotti-ns- Tick,

    Furaitart Stripes.Asv)rtcd color extra larpre t'te original H a iojri'i Bay Blan-

    ket., not to be tuatcht ! f..r iire ami weight in the towu.Atmo-p- h ric CKann.

    The Best assortment of Saddlery in Town.


    Xev Tie Fruits, P.ckies,

    Peas, Oatmeal,

    Fancy Biscuits. Wl.i e Wir.e and Ma!l Vin- - irar,

    Eiigiiih Herbs Capers

    f alid Oii,!-rtu- Cuator Oil,Baspherry, strawberry and asuortel Ja:cs

    pi?es various tihi.i.ii, Ei .'ys:er,E; mral-- , Sju.e,

    S.iULe various rait in'jirs,Liverp'...! Ccar-ea:- .J Fine s.iit,

    V'rk Hams. Cai-ar- f.-- i, f aim .n Cuticu.C- - Praa.. tpec aily i np in B r.leaax.Cases farJii.e., tpee'iaiiy put up in Bcri-aui-

    Ca-- Claret, .pee-i'.i- p.i; up iu B. r leuut.

    Ct r.Aim fr--tn Pr:,pjii.t". Tar, I'::c!., ! : , Ch.'k. V.r:iifh- - i.

    I'ortlaiid Ceiiuiil !Cenuine STOURBRIDGE EIRE BRICKS.

    GALVANIZEI IRON' PAILS,th- - Hi oe j r ir 1' '1 .'oii the L-,- . rs

    f j:- - '.V- -Haaa Paie Aie. tl.e i.iv; ej.iart. by or orixirml pack ie.Bats' Paie A'.- -. I ir.ta. by tl.e inv, i e or on.i-.i- l

    Barclay ft ft ut, I j- the w ur ciralpai.k-t.-- e.

    liarci.y ft Per..:.'. Stout, pit.'... ly tr.e invoice r originalFekase.

    A is ;."s Paie Aie. quarts, ly the it.v-.ic- or or irir.a! pa tare.A:i-tp- '. Paie Aie, pit.ts, I y tl.e i:.Tf ice or cri.-- pack r- -.

    is ;!. ...!. I-- r L'r'r:..j. ?.. '.. .fii. :' J'f.'f.

    La-lir- , Gerit. a.'.-- l th.iirT.s II - ts a:..'. fr.;great var:eiy of Youth's a:. 1 ('!.:! lrer.'s C:.,:.ii. ,

    La.l-.e- French Felt H it-- ,

    A fr-- f. ajp- - iy ..f F..!.-i-t. and It.?, ni-r- i.

    Tu. k- -1

    Cotton l'n.i r l as. S..a ln.r-.reiia-

    SiietUa 1 W., I Shaw:.,

    r.l Woo: Scarfs.ta-gi- in in C! ,aki.

    F'ret.cli Ca'.f fkir.s,

    Car'-oy'- 0.1 of Vitriol.


    Immense Variety of Novelties as well asStaple Goods!

    M v y j I'M I rr.'.e H.tin.- -' Irf.s.

    Order from Country Storekeeper Es-

    pecially Solicit .

    J0I1 TifOM.lS

    for Valpsiraio- -- Al Fr.-.-.- r.rk

    Teazel", Misr.G !. 203 Tn per l!rilrt oa or lM3t SATt'K-1AV- .r;!.t'tiW;:: s:i ,!in-.- lf

    Hilh itil. :v toJ A MOV. GKKKS Co.


    Scliooner lrince,V..!; run si a :...L.:r PaCat; t theal-vr- I-- ft- - for fftilt

    Sc.. oiU WALKER 4- - ALLKN.A?'-- -

    For Hilo and Oaomra. Hawaii.. .L 11 V A A. A A A. A 9

    W .ii run as a ; i.;r TiCatt to t. abvte pors. F.r Freightcr V i I 'S to

    WAIKKR ft ALLKX. A;er.'..

    Tor Ililo and Kaiipakup.1, Hawaii..,4 Scliooner rVctive.

    W ill run k. a KruUr I'ac-kt-- ta the abore n. atLAHAINA. F:-- r Frc..? : or r.-H- f? aff.y to

    5; J Sra WALKLK i ALLEX. Afrent.a r. ia. aV c.xi:c-i:rKi:- -,

    Tinainith and Plumber,uaku Strtrf. nrar tir H'kff STOVES an.l LEAD PIPEa;ys or. liuJ. Jr.l.i of ail kir.-i- . tu. tiJ Ij


    Krtcafhi"g durie id tt.e J' V. masacr, aua on the mustrr.4S.r:i!'le

    A! for of the Crnlcm Kilnufia an.!Ilnlraknlu. ana other Iiiar.J feeaes; tLe Kl.Ntis KAMt-HAMLU-

    sc.. 4c.At the (.allery on Fort strfft.

    II. L. CIIAfE.P. Hsr-n- rurchs.1 ti e P.irtr:t frm Mr.

    Wrel. duplicate cj.,e ciin i haj t y th i wul initII. L. C.f- r tie S..II"-- . 5;9 -- m


    ai)o-ra!.- ce tiie

    Metallic Paint,559 2m S.-- ly C. BKEWER Co.


    II e I'oarer !ir!.in9.59 :a F .r f!e bv C. FR ft Co.


    59 fit F.r Sale by C. BREWER ft Co.


    f 4 IIOCR.SD AV AND 3 DA V CLOCKS,mwr Fan.-- an.l rli.?! rn-- 9.Fr ie by C. BREtt ER ft Co.


    ID 2m P r a! t y C. BKEWER ft Co.


    ONLY TWO LEFTK o av i ii x achines !

    VPtT. SIMPLE. EFFECTIVE, WILLa. . do ar.y atit..i of w.jrK with strc tiij stitch.THE WILLIAMS ft OKYLS MACHINE,

    It has irivt-- frf--ot sti'ai.tien in every mriuf-:tir- e f this cuct.ine Las been at. ppe.1 by an

    ir j inctioa irri.t .1 y a I", f f"..urt in favor of ft Haker.wh ?e pa'e-i:- t vas aiiefd to be iafrit.ged and do urnre will beI n.u,:l.t hre for

    A fiood Sevvins Machine for Ct Api-i- ...n to C. BREWER ft Co.


    M !A3 . --1 .7 --5,





    11 alHesi ssiicl CometRECEIVED:


    Cal. Leaf UrJ, ril!ir.g Suirar Cur-f- Hams, ;

    CutiiLg'a J. liics in g!a.sCa!a. Mattard, Pearl Stsreh,

    McM-Jrray'- Oyster., Pure Lemon Syrup,

    Pure Midras Curry,

    Caiif-.rui- Peaches.

    Eastern Cranhrrries, PaciCc Coifi-h- . '

    Sal. so.ia. Sacks Oats, Cal. Onions j

    Buekahikt F'l.ur, H. mir.y,Kre M. al. Col leu Gate Flour, trail.

    Susar Crackers, Waf. r Crackers.

    Wit. Cr.vkr. Ms'.k Crackers.I'icnic Cra.-ker- Boston Crackers

    Sol Crackers,

    Xw Year Cake. Ginc--rvea- , Jnmbics,CI., ice I.e.,r.Is; in Tea,Choice Xataral Leif Japan Tea, iCl.'-io- e Natural Ltaf J..p-e- V- un Ilysnn,


    CLoi.-- Cones Tea. j

    Very I'eiicate Savor Teai. ;j


    i:ra 1I10 Teaze i" Meats f.r lat.r-V- vy ard rloater Paste,

    Jam., 1 t il ii lb. jars;I!eca.-.ter-s SaiaJ Oil.

    C tron. ar. l n Pt-..- M.i tar.l. E: s.'-- h Verraic iii and Macaroni,

    Frh faro r,- -s. Et.ii-- h A- - red Sxupa.F'.i.tiipii icpper, Cir.t.aiu-:i- . Ginger, ftc.

    To Arrive per Syren !Barreis Pure C J- -r Vir.ej-r- , Nests B u.keu. IB .t :: Su,-a- r Cur-- 1 HatasK.-- : X-- . 1; Kif. Tor.ju. . and cu.tJs,Kilts IU!-,- u Fir-.- , an Ta.ry f h- - se,

    Kirg.f .rd C-r- St.-irr-

    Fresh Fr,-.- Yean Powder,j


    F K O M TIIE


    Dairies of Myers and Dwight.ALSO FROM THE

    Dairy of Mr. Sara'l AndrewsAT KA.'Ll'A.


    "li lt0 I. CART WRIGHT.

    It j


    II A S


    FPtOI loxdox..THE.


    - T . ... - l- t I


    GHOCEHIES!S E L. i: C. T E I


    siirooms in 1 porxn tins.

    FREXCn PEAS, in 1 lb. tin.;


    FIXE SCOTCH OATMEAL, 2 lb. tint;




    MT5TARD l.a!f pound liottle.!

    W HITE W INE VINEGAR, quart;



    AffORTED HERBS, in La:fiun.I

    CAPERS, SALAD OIL, pints. La'.f " lnu, q- -. ptjib--j .

    GROUND CINXAM0X", half ur.d bcltlet-- ,

    GR0FXD GINGER, I.aT pound botilefj

    CASTOR OIL, quart;


    J RS CARB. SODi,

    RASPBERRY JAM. 1 pound jars;

    STRAWBERRY JAM, 1 pound jrs(

    MIXED JAM, 1 pootid jar.





    SARDINES, Laif tit.s;

    SARDINEi, quarter tins;








    S A I" C E.

    TAkT FRl ITS.




    2 2 YORK HAMS.

    SAM'L SAVIWC-fK- .

    55- St



    1 i

  • i






    sJ . CARTOW.

    REGULAR SALE !ON WEDNESDAY. - - - Feb. lGth.

    . l' n'c k. A. M , at S i'es Km. wi I he f.' I

    t limuil iwsiiT'MAr n Mi:i:iiii!:f::An inii7e if ;i:o r:i:ii:s, c.

    ALSO I I'd f snnerior Ua-w- arr. Ft Irtrtr.


    1 1 si i U 11 Plant a lion!F V. sAI.K C1IK I I;V

    it SlM'L SAVIIH.K. Ai-i.- t.

    j I st ::s:ra;i vi.iRKSII MOI.IIK II lM'TTKH,I

    yy .atk at?, b sac km,

    rMsttK' DAiirxv, itfj? cor.x,

    M !m r ?! S. M. S t Y I lC: K.

    2isn!o;i S:ill1.MIK SILK IN Ul AVTITIKi TOM IT.fc :in i; '. I.. K: II Alll.-- .v Co.

    aotu:i:.rpilF. I'MlF.KMCXKI) INTKNDS lll'.Kr..

    M ait-- r to pr.--n- t aii.l t:i luttn Diotuhty, inslraij ufinrtrly. conim-iifi- n on l!if firt 'if riru.try.

    OKOItiiK CLIKK,SVi 2t ll-i-t ami Mio. maker. Iloti l

    aotsci:.riii ik i'M)i:iiM(;vf: iiviv w?i'sr:i1 In. n.l-r-- .t ii. i!.- - -i II f t K .tl.liKKM. amiceatl to I j.'.-i,- t f..r ll. ii.l 1. l jr ii..fu..-- . ail ..titi4iri.l.tiiil t. l.'.e V....-- .. iii.iK- - uuiiit-it- i .tr nvn.e:it. aul allb..r.i. Ilitiii e:atn. anl them t.r . td-ni- . nt.

    :;t I. Mi'l.l t'Ni).

    t ii i: i a : i: ai i a a s; iOUT!; FOR SALE

    TO ARRIVE Pin IRAZU!The Following Desirable Articles:

    4tii:s(ll.l.j.MIXF.II l'ICKLF.S,t;it-- H I'trkletl Oliiont,

    I'irkled f'aulillovver,

    ' I!nglib Pie Fruit..Mushroom Ketchup.

    In liiSoT. AsMirtcl Saucrs.Le 5; IVrrio Wcrcestcrshire Suce.Cbutnej S ince.Curry Vow ler. Capers.

    R.wj.Jjf ry Vinegir, I'ngtish Moet.irJ,

    White Wine Vinegir,J-- Assorted in tins and jtr;II. et Sootch Salmon. EnglwU Oyst.Tt.

    French Green IV w.

    Kresh Herrings, 1 11 tins;

    Finm.D Hi l lock.

    Freh Mackerel. 1 lb tins;Asi.rte I Fancy I!iscuits. 1! lb tins;

    Q'inrter au 1 half boxed Sardines,

    Canary S.--e J.

    U t MrC.tMH.tS JL .

    iowb:tt & Co.,OFFEU Fiji: salf tiik


    I tlOM Pl'OCT SOf XI).i

    t'itii'ii,t'ii.j t Arl'td' fv.. ? 1'.... 1iiui liri lauiuuii .Hrtmmia

    ad I'lank, I, Ii, Ii an 1 2 la.ISo'ir.!, surf .ee.I pt.ine l.

    Scantlinx, a full assortment of

    Fkinrine, tonu- - .I ami groov-il- , 1 an.I H in.

    C.tteiis. 1 aii l li inch.Mi.r.l. s, best Cclar shaveil.

    1'it kets and IAlha.

    REDWOOD, cx Monitor IScanttlnj, full as"rtnictit; an I I'lank. r.ut;!i and plane.!.

    T.inr-;r-. ar..l Jr.e.l Ii:irtls 'In..l.C t:.i.--' S.lirnf,

    Cl:iptar N. r."ts. Ratten, Uutirv, '

    r.ui;h. ai. I pU.-ie.- l on l.ili aides with fancy it..r h. a

    A Fall Aoitment of HOOKS!I'.a.n, M. ul ami Sa.h.

    F.'Wh Wlii'l'ifl Hml Ii'lutll, tll'ne .Vil'..


    Of Nails and Builder's Kardxvare.


    tl.wk, Yfltow, r.!a.R.;.- - Pink. l'.i.t-- T, F. -- l Oaid- -,

    lanrraK lireeii, Chn me Cren,

    I'ark ..reen, V enetian Ke.. 'Knirlish Oil in 4 to fill. cais.

    Whiiiii;, Jtc, c., k.c. 'i


    5.i.M. U.k-r-f r..'. Sh ep-ki- - Leather of Taricoaclora. Ca!f f'in, Xc.

    It W All AN pLT f lest qtatity, e., &c.

    Sperm and Yh.ale Oil of superior quality..

    hi:t oiiia nitr.wooii.S.VI Im p.)W.KTT Co., F.-r- t 5tre- -t

    . ;,.--. 1AS1I.Y ON HAM).

    MUT iw ti.i iiii.K.nt .ir.TI.M. 1AI'Tlr,!,it. It...l-- r. r.. s'.:un F.r.K-- :k. Cast I'iowg. lh us

    Fcr.ees. r.. ste.nn. r.AM Al.l.OTIIKK IKON mr WOOD WORK.

    F r byVifl.n C. HICF.VKU Sc Co.

    1'OKEt ami SALVAGES.:C. Bornhold A. Co., ;

    Hit: TO XUTIt . IM). ' llia.r.....a l!. :i. !u!u til l ;eni IT. in.l ir.ey . -pren.i..s kixn a tl.e CI IV MAKKI.r, n Kui!r: i. r.. r- - t!,.y inle.-- i 1 to r.rry on


    I:i all i t.ra.l,es. 1 wnl ; are no pains to sa'ifacti nto th.e wl... m iv f .T. r tl.. m with their patr.uage. Constant- - j)y on hr.d a suje-r.-.- r j .l.ty if

    F, h t,,-- l ..' V-- . ir-r- k s-t--s i.j.i. ..;tut .v.f'.s ':'. :;'.,. .o;.; .;-- . r j'ihi;ij. '

    H.,i,( C!:set 'e.. !:Pat up with the utia ,.: r. jar 1 tu cl laliu.i. 5i6 3m


    ON TUESDAY, --- Feb. 12th,At li".: .1. A. V .. at ' w::i n

    KM Uil. nm)UTMI:T l Ml U(lIlM;lE !i .,... n v ,f

    IryG !. nr--.r- :. W' -, .vlierTWr. Sidilef,Li. . 5 M-- i I'e- - Is. sprui 0a:idi"9,

    AO.. Ac . Jlc . Ac.

    OX EEIDAY, -- . - Teb. 15th.r" .. .1. i'.i. ; .iT .."At Wir.iwk, a. m., I '.M


    !M-")- I l I V.,rlr -- ". F ir--an Tnl.'..I'. r I. I !.jir. Kvf s ..ii !: n i T -, Cr I Vw .re. Kit.t :r.,i;..r- -, OAfOOOi Ai-- mjluim:,

    !!''- - Si.'.V If,rst-s- . ihif JJ lLirit-ss- .

    9T O




    A Select Lot of

    TV i c n O O T !WHICH AUK oFFEIU'I)

    For Sale at Reduced Prices.Consisting of


    Li'lies French Kid Slippers,

    Li, lies' Iu-'aiii- s,

    French and American Frints.

    Horrocksea Stout White Cotton, 1 yard wiJo ;

    Barrel Mudins,

    H ir Cor 1 Mulius,, Leno.

    Brown Linen,

    Brown Hol'an 1,

    Linen Slicetins. 2, '2 an! - yards wide;

    Pillow Linen, 1 yard wide;

    C ttou Sheeting, SI. C3. 72. 80 & 00 inches wide.

    I'ieces Fine Linen, 1 yarJ wide;

    Linen Napkins,

    Linen Table Cloths, '

    Elegant Linen IMnper, 1 yard wide;

    Linen Pocket Kerchiefs,

    Brooks Spec! Cotton.

    Tearl Shirt Button-?- , Lsdies' Furs,

    Musquitfo Netting.

    Agate Buttons, Elegant Steel Scissors,

    Ladies', Mi?s' n 1 Childieu's Hose.


    Gent's Eh gmt Scwcl Boots and Shoes,

    nn.fs Surerior r.uuo!l i G liters.Gent's I'egfjeJ I.oots and Shoes,

    Gcut's Hoivy Carpet Slippers,

    Gent's Elcgaut Bhick Casiuiere Hits.

    Gent's Grey and Drab Cassimere IIts,New aud Farhi. uable Pants.

    Elegtiut Black Silk Vests,

    Superior Whte Marseilles Vests, BUck Sack Coats,

    American Rubber Company's Web Suspcuders.

    Iijvis x Jones' Shirts, asst 1. sizes;

    Ehgiat Liuen Collars.

    Fine Opera Flannel L'n.lcrshirls.

    Shaker Flannel Undershirt",

    Fiue Merino Uu lerehins anl Drawers,

    Shaker Knit Socks,

    XVhite Linen Drawers,

    Brown I'rill Drawers,

    II gat t Shirts, Neck Ties,

    Linen II an Jkerrhiefs, hemmcl;

    Turkish Bath Towels,

    Li ncu Huckabuck Towels,

    Silk Umbrella.

    Bty's Sok.Boy's and Youth's Buts,'

    Boy's XVh