package ‘propagate’ - the comprehensive r archive … · package ‘propagate’ may 6, 2018...

Package ‘propagate’ May 6, 2018 Type Package LazyLoad no LazyData no Title Propagation of Uncertainty Version 1.0-6 Date 2018-05-02 Author Andrej-Nikolai Spiess <[email protected]> Maintainer Andrej-Nikolai Spiess <[email protected]> Description Propagation of uncertainty using higher-order Taylor expansion and Monte Carlo simulation. License GPL (>= 2) Depends R (>= 2.13.0), MASS, tmvtnorm, Rcpp (>= 0.10.1), ff, minpack.lm LinkingTo Rcpp NeedsCompilation yes Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2018-05-06 17:08:12 UTC R topics documented: bigcor ............................................ 2 cor2cov ........................................... 4 datasets ........................................... 5 fitDistr ............................................ 7 interval ........................................... 11 makeDat ........................................... 14 makeDerivs ......................................... 15 matrixStats ......................................... 17 mixCov ........................................... 18 moments ........................................... 20 numDerivs .......................................... 21 1

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Page 1: Package ‘propagate’ - The Comprehensive R Archive … · Package ‘propagate’ May 6, 2018 Type Package LazyLoad no LazyData no Title Propagation of Uncertainty Version 1.0-6

Package ‘propagate’May 6, 2018

Type Package

LazyLoad no

LazyData no

Title Propagation of Uncertainty

Version 1.0-6

Date 2018-05-02

Author Andrej-Nikolai Spiess <[email protected]>

Maintainer Andrej-Nikolai Spiess <[email protected]>

DescriptionPropagation of uncertainty using higher-order Taylor expansion and Monte Carlo simulation.

License GPL (>= 2)

Depends R (>= 2.13.0), MASS, tmvtnorm, Rcpp (>= 0.10.1), ff,minpack.lm

LinkingTo Rcpp

NeedsCompilation yes

Repository CRAN

Date/Publication 2018-05-06 17:08:12 UTC

R topics documented:bigcor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2cor2cov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5fitDistr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7interval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11makeDat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14makeDerivs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15matrixStats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17mixCov . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18moments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20numDerivs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


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2 bigcor

plot.propagate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22predictNLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23propagate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27rDistr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35statVec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38stochContr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39summary.propagate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40WelchSatter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Index 43

bigcor Creating very large correlation/covariance matrices


The storage of a value in double format needs 8 bytes. When creating large correlation matrices,the amount of RAM might not suffice, giving rise to the dreaded "cannot allocate vector of size..." error. For example, an input matrix with 50000 columns/100 rows will result in a correlationmatrix with a size of 50000 x 50000 x 8 Byte / (1024 x 1024 x 1024) = 18.63 GByte, which isstill more than most standard PCs. bigcor uses the framework of the ’ff’ package to store thecorrelation/covariance matrix in a file. The complete matrix is created by filling a large preallocatedempty matrix with sub-matrices at the corresponding positions. See ’Details’. Calculation time is ~20s for an input matrix of 10000 x 100 (cols x rows).


bigcor(x, y = NULL, fun = c("cor", "cov"), size = 2000,verbose = TRUE, ...)


x the input matrix.

y NULL (default) or a vector, matrix or data frame with compatible dimensions tox.

fun create either a corelation or covariance matrix.

size the n x n block size of the submatrices. 2000 has shown to be time-effective.

verbose logical. If TRUE, information is printed in the console when running.

... other parameters to be passed to cor or cor.


Calculates a correlation matrix C or covariance matrix Σ using the following steps:1) An input matrix x with N columns is split into k equal size blocks (+ a possible remainderblock) A1, A2, . . . , Ak of size n. The block size can be defined by the user, size = 2000 is agood value because cor can handle this quite quickly (~ 400 ms). For example, if the matrix has13796 columns, the split will be A1 = 1 . . . 2000;A2 = 2001 . . . 4000;A3 = 4001 . . . 6000;A4 =

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bigcor 3

6000 . . . 8000;A5 = 8001 . . . 10000;A6 = 10001 . . . 12000;A7 = 12001 . . . 13796.2) For all pairwise combinations of blocks


), the n × n correlation sub-matrix is calculated. If

y = NULL, cor(A1, A1), cor(A1, A2), . . . , cor(Ak, Ak), otherwise cor(A1, y), cor(A2, y), . . . , cor(Ak, y).3) The sub-matrices are transferred into a preallocated N × N empty matrix at the correspondingposition (where the correlations would usually reside). To ensure symmetry around the diagonal,this is done twice in the upper and lower triangle. If y was supplied, a N ×M matrix is filled, withM = number of columns in y.

Since the resulting matrix is in ’ff’ format, one has to subset to extract regions into normal matrix-like objects. See ’Examples’.


The corresponding correlation/covariance matrix in ’ff’ format.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess



## Small example to prove similarity## to standard 'cor'. We create a matrix## by subsetting the complete 'ff' matrix.MAT <- matrix(rnorm(70000), ncol = 700)COR <- bigcor(MAT, size= 500, fun = "cor")COR <- COR[1:nrow(COR), 1:ncol(COR)]all.equal(COR, cor(MAT)) # => TRUE

## Example for cor(x, y) with## y = small matrix.MAT1 <- matrix(rnorm(50000), nrow = 10)MAT2 <- MAT1[, 4950:5000]COR <- cor(MAT1, MAT2)BCOR <- bigcor(MAT1, MAT2)BCOR <- BCOR[1:5000, 1:ncol(BCOR)] # => convert 'ff' to 'matrix'all.equal(COR, BCOR)

## Not run:## Create large matrix.MAT <- matrix(rnorm(57500), ncol = 5750)COR <- bigcor(MAT, size= 2000, fun = "cor")

## Extract submatrix.SUB <- COR[1:3000, 1:3000]all.equal(SUB, cor(MAT[, 1:3000]))

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4 cor2cov

## End(Not run)

cor2cov Converting a correlation matrix into a covariance matrix


Converts a correlation matrix into a covariance matrix using variance information. It is thereforethe opposite of cov2cor.


cor2cov(C, var)


C a symmetric numeric correlation matrix C.

var a vector of variances σ2n.


Calculates the covariance matrix Σ using a correlation matrix C and outer products of the standarddeviations σn:

Σ = C · σn ⊗ σn


The corresponding covariance matrix.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


## Example in Annex H.2 from the GUM 2008 manual## (see 'References'), simultaneous resistance## and reactance

## Original covariance matrix.COV <- cov(H.2)## extract variancesVAR <- diag(COV)

## cor2cov covariance matrix.COV2 <- cor2cov(cor(H.2), VAR)

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datasets 5

## Equal to original covariance matrix.all.equal(COV2, COV)

datasets Datasets from the GUM "Guide to the expression of uncertainties inmeasurement" (2008)


Several datasets found in "Annex H" of the GUM that are used in illustrating the different ap-proaches to quantifying measurement uncertainty.




H.2: Simultaneous resistance and reactance measurement, Table H.2This example demonstrates the treatment of multiple measurands or output quantities determinedsimultaneously in the same measurement and the correlation of their estimates. It considers onlythe random variations of the observations; in actual practice, the uncertainties of corrections forsystematic effects would also contribute to the uncertainty of the measurement results. The data areanalysed in two different ways with each yielding essentially the same numerical values.H.2.1 The measurement problem:The resistance R and the reactance X of a circuit element are determined by measuring the am-plitude V of a sinusoidally-alternating potential difference across its terminals, the amplitude I ofthe alternating current passing through it, and the phase-shift angle φ of the alternating potentialdifference relative to the alternating current. Thus the three input quantities are V, I, and φ and thethree output quantities -the measurands- are the three impedance components R, X, and Z. SinceZ2 = R2 +X2, there are only two independent output quantities.H.2.2 Mathematical model and data:The measurands are related to the input quantities by Ohm’s law:

R =V

Icosφ; X =


Isinφ; Z =



H.3: Calibration of a thermometer, Table H.6This example illustrates the use of the method of least squares to obtain a linear calibration curve andhow the parameters of the fit, the intercept and slope, and their estimated variances and covariance,are used to obtain from the curve the value and standard uncertainty of a predicted correction.H.3.1 The measurement problem:A thermometer is calibrated by comparing n = 11 temperature readings tk of the thermometer,each having negligible uncertainty, with corresponding known reference temperatures tR,k in thetemperature range 21°C to 27°C to obtain the corrections bk = tR,k − tk to the readings. The

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6 datasets

measured corrections bk and measured temperatures tk are the input quantities of the evaluation. Alinear calibration curve

b(t) = y1 + y2(t− t0) (H.12)

is fitted to the measured corrections and temperatures by the method of least squares. The param-eters y1 and y2, which are respectively the intercept and slope of the calibration curve, are the twomeasurands or output quantities to be determined. The temperature t0 is a conveniently chosen ex-act reference temperature; it is not an independent parameter to be determined by the least-squaresfit. Once y1 and y2 are found, along with their estimated variances and covariance, Equation (H.12)can be used to predict the value and standard uncertainty of the correction to be applied to thethermometer for any value t of the temperature.

H.4: Measurement of activity, Table H.7This example is similar to example H.2, the simultaneous measurement of resistance and reactance,in that the data can be analysed in two different ways but each yields essentially the same numericalresult. The first approach illustrates once again the need to take the observed correlations betweeninput quantities into account.H.4.1 The measurement problem:The unknown radon (222Rn) activity concentration in a water sample is determined by liquid-scintillation counting against a radon-in-water standard sample having a known activity concen-tration. The unknown activity concentration is obtained by measuring three counting sources con-sisting of approximately 5g of water and 12g of organic emulsion scintillator in vials of volume22ml:Source (a) a standard consisting of a mass mS of the standard solution with a known activity con-centration;Source (b) a matched blank water sample containing no radioactive material, used to obtain thebackground counting rate;Source (c) the sample consisting of an aliquot of mass mx with unknown activity concentration.Six cycles of measurement of the three counting sources are made in the order standard - blank- sample; and each dead-time-corrected counting interval T0 for each source during all six cyclesis 60 minutes. Although the background counting rate cannot be assumed to be constant over theentire counting interval (65 hours), it is assumed that the number of counts obtained for each blankmay be used as representative of the background counting rate during the measurements of the stan-dard and sample in the same cycle. The data are given in Table H.7, wheretS , tB , tx are the times from the reference time t = 0 to the midpoint of the dead-time-correctedcounting intervals T0 = 60 min for the standard, blank, and sample vials, respectively; although tBis given for completeness, it is not needed in the analysis;CS , CB , Cx are the number of counts recorded in the dead-time-corrected counting intervals T0 =60 min for the standard, blank, and sample vials, respectively.The observed counts may be expressed as

CS = CB + εAST0mSe−λtS (H.18a)

Cx = CB + εAxT0mxe−λtx (H.18b)

whereε is the liquid scintillation detection efficiency for 222Rn for a given source composition, assumedto be independent of the activity level;AS is the activity concentration of the standard at the reference time t = 0;Ax is the measurand and is defined as the unknown activity concentration of the sample at the ref-erence time t = 0;

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fitDistr 7

mS is the mass of the standard solution;mx is the mass of the sample aliquot;λ is the decay constant for 222Rn: λ = (ln2)/T1/2 = 1.25894 · 10−4 min−1(T1/2 = 5505.8 min).(...) This suggests combining Equations (H.18a) and (H.18b) to obtain the following expression forthe unknown concentration in terms of the known quantities:

... = ASmS


Cx − CBCS − CB

eλ(tx−tS) (H.19)

where (Cx − CB)eλtx and (CS − CB)eλtS are, respectively, the background-corrected counts ofthe sample and the standard at the reference time t = 0 and for the time interval T0 = 60 min.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess, taken mainly from the GUM 2008 manual.


Evaluation of measurement data - Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement.JCGM 100:2008 (GUM 1995 with minor corrections).

Evaluation of measurement data - Supplement 1 to the Guide to the expression of uncertainty inmeasurement - Propagation of distributions using a Monte Carlo Method.JCGM 101:2008.


## See "Examples" in 'propagate'.

fitDistr Fitting distributions to observations/Monte Carlo simulations


This function fits 32 different continuous distributions by (weighted) NLS to the histogram of MonteCarlo simulation results as obtained by propagate or any other vector containing large-scale ob-servations. Finally, the fits are sorted by ascending BIC.


fitDistr(object, nbin = 100, weights = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,brute = c("fast", "slow"), plot = c("hist", "qq"), distsel = NULL, ...)

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8 fitDistr


object an object of class ’propagate’ or a vector containing observations.

nbin the number of bins in the histogram.

weights numeric or logical. Either a numeric vector of weights, or if TRUE, the distribu-tions are fitted with weights = 1/(counts per bin).

verbose logical. If TRUE, steps of the analysis are printed to the console.

brute complexity of the brute force approach. See ’Details’.

plot if "hist", a plot with the "best" distribution (in terms of lowest BIC) on topof the histogram is displayed. If "qq", a QQ-Plot will display the differencebetween the observed and fitted quantiles.

distsel a vector of distribution numbers to select from the complete cohort as listedbelow, e.g. c(1:10, 15).

... other parameters to be passed to the plots.


Fits the following 32 distributions using (weighted) residual sum-of-squares as the minimizationcriterion for nls.lm:1) Normal distribution (dnorm) => Skewed-normal distribution (propagate:::dsn) => Generalized normal distribution (propagate:::dgnorm) => Log-normal distribution (dlnorm) => Scaled and shifted t-distribution (propagate:::dst) => GUM 2008, Chapter Logistic distribution (dlogis) => Uniform distribution (dunif) => Triangular distribution (propagate:::dtriang) => Trapezoidal distribution (propagate:::dtrap) => Curvilinear Trapezoidal distribution (propagate:::dctrap) => GUM 2008, Chapter Gamma distribution (dgamma) => Inverse Gamma distribution (propagate:::dinvgamma) => Cauchy distribution (dcauchy) => Laplace distribution (propagate:::dlaplace) => Gumbel distribution (propagate:::dgumbel) => Johnson SU distribution (propagate:::dJSU) => Johnson SB distribution (propagate:::dJSB) => Three-parameter Weibull distribution (propagate:::dweibull2) => https://en.wikipedia.

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fitDistr 9

org/wiki/Weibull_distribution19) Two-parameter beta distribution (dbeta2) => Four-parameter beta distribution (propagate:::dbeta2) => Arcsine distribution (propagate:::darcsin) => Von Mises distribution (propagate:::dmises) => Inverse Gaussian distribution (propagate:::dinvgauss) => Generalized Extreme Value distribution (propagate:::dgevd) => Rayleigh distribution (propagate:::drayleigh) => Chi-square distribution (dchisq) => Exponential distribution (dexp) => F-distribution (df) => Burr distribution (dburr) => Chi distribution (dchi) => Inverse Chi-square distribution (dinvchisq) => Cosine distribution (dcosine) =>

All distributions are fitted with a brute force approach, in which the parameter space is extended overthree orders of magnitude (0.1, 1, 10)×βi when brute = "fast", or five orders (0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100)×βi when brute = "slow". Approx. 20-90s are needed to fit for the fast version, depending mainlyon the number of bins.

The goodness-of-fit (GOF) is calculated with BIC from the (weighted) log-likelihood of the fit:

ln(L) = 0.5 ·

(−N ·

(ln(2π) + 1 + ln(N)−


log(wi) + ln



wi · x2i


BIC = −2ln(L) + (N− k)ln(N)

with xi = the residuals from the NLS fit, N = the length of the residual vector, k = the number ofparameters of the fitted model and wi = the weights.

In contrast to some other distribution fitting softwares (i.e. Easyfit, Mathwave) that use residualsum-of-squares/Anderson-Darling/Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics as GOF measures, the applica-tion of BIC accounts for increasing number of parameters in the distribution fit and therefore com-pensates for overfitting. Hence, this approach is more similar to ModelRisk (Vose Software) and asemployed in fitdistr of the ’MASS’ package. Another application is to identify a possible distri-bution for the raw data prior to using Monte Carlo simulations from this distribution. However, adecent number of observations should be at hand in order to obtain a realistic estimate of the properdistribution. See ’Examples’.The code for the density functions can be found in file "distr-densities.R".

IMPORTANT: It can be feasible to set weights = TRUE in order to give more weight to binswith low counts. See ’Examples’. ALSO: Distribution fitting is highly sensitive to the number of

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10 fitDistr

defined histogram bins, so it is advisable to change this parameter and inspect if the order of fitteddistributions remains stable.


A list with the following items:

stat: the by BIC value ascendingly sorted distribution names, including RSS and a list of the results from nls.lm for each distribution model, also sorted ascendingly by BICvalues.par: a list of the estimated parameters of the models in a list of the parameters’ standard errors, calculated from the square root of the covariance ma-trices diagonals.dens: a list with all density function used for fitting, sorted as in fit.bestfit: the best model in terms of lowest BIC.bestpar: the parameters of bestfit.bestse: the parameters’ standard errors of bestfit.fitted: the fitted values of bestfit.residuals: the residuals of bestfit.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


Continuous univariate distributions, Volume 1.Johnson NL, Kotz S and Balakrishnan N.Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 2.ed (2004).

A guide on probability distributions.R-forge distributions core team.

Univariate distribution relationships.Leemis LM and McQueston JT.The American Statistician (2008), 62: 45-53.


## Not run:## Linear example, small error## => Normal distribution.EXPR1 <- expression(x + 2 * y)x <- c(5, 0.01)y <- c(1, 0.01)DF1 <- cbind(x, y)RES1 <- propagate(expr = EXPR1, data = DF1, type = "stat",

do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)fitDistr(RES1)

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interval 11

## Ratio example, larger error## => Gamma distribution.EXPR2 <- expression(x/2 * y)x <- c(5, 0.1)y <- c(1, 0.02)DF2 <- cbind(x, y)RES2 <- propagate(expr = EXPR2, data = DF2, type = "stat",

do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)fitDistr(RES2)

## Exponential example, large error## => Log-Normal distribution.EXPR3 <- expression(x^(2 * y))x <- c(5, 0.1)y <- c(1, 0.1)DF3 <- cbind(x, y)RES3 <- propagate(expr = EXPR3, data = DF3, type = "stat",

do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)fitDistr(RES3)

## Rectangular input distributions result## in Curvilinear Trapezoidal output distribution.A <- runif(100000, 20, 25)B <- runif(100000, 3, 3.5)DF4 <- cbind(A, B)EXPR4 <- expression(A + B)RES4 <- propagate(EXPR4, data = DF4, type = "sim",

use.cov = FALSE, do.sim = TRUE)fitDistr(RES4)

## Fitting with 1/counts as weights.EXPR5 <- expression(x + 2 * y)x <- c(5, 0.05)y <- c(1, 0.05)DF5 <- cbind(x, y)RES5 <- propagate(expr = EXPR5, data = DF5, type = "stat",

do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, weights = TRUE)fitDistr(RES5)

## Using only selected distributions.EXPR6 <- expression(x + sin(y))x <- c(5, 0.1)y <- c(1, 0.2)DF6 <- cbind(x, y)RES6 <- propagate(expr = EXPR6, data = DF6, type = "stat",

do.sim = TRUE)fitDistr(RES6, distsel = c(1:10, 15, 28))

## End(Not run)

interval Uncertainty propagation based on interval arithmetics

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12 interval


Calculates the uncertainty of a model by using interval arithmetics based on a "combinatorial se-quence grid evaluation" approach, thereby avoiding the classical dependency problem that inflatesthe result interval.


interval(df, expr, seq = 10, plot = TRUE)


df a 2-row dataframe/matrix with lower border values Ai in the first row and upperborder values Bi in the second row. Column names must correspond to thevariable names in expr.

expr an expression, such as expression(x/y).

seq the sequence length from Ai to Bi in [Ai, Bi].

plot logical. If TRUE, plots the evaluations and min/max values as blue border lines.


For two variables x, y with intervals [x1, x2] and [y1, y2], the four basic arithmetic operations 〈op〉 ∈{+,−, ·, /} are

[x1, x2] 〈op〉 [y1, y2] =

[min(x1〈op〉y1, x1〈op〉y2, x2〈op〉y1, x2〈op〉y2),max(x1〈op〉y1, x1〈op〉y2, x2〈op〉y1, x2〈op〉y2)]

So for a function f([x1, x2], [y1, y2], [z1, z2], ...) with k variables, we have to create all combi-nations Ci =


), evaluate their function values Ri = f(Ci) and select

R = [minRi,maxRi].The so-called dependency problem is a major obstacle to the application of interval arithmeticand arises when the same variable exists in several terms of a complicated and often nonlin-ear function. In these cases, over-estimation can cover a range that is significantly larger, i.e.minRi � min f(x, y, z, ...),maxRi � max f(x, y, z, ...). For an example, see under "Dependency problem". Apartial solution to this problem is to refine Ri by dividing [x1, x2] into i smaller subranges to ob-tain sequence (x1, x1.1, x1.2, x1.i, x2). Again, all combinations are evaluated as described above,resulting in a larger number of Ri in which minRi and maxRi may be closer to min f(x, y, z, ...)and max f(x, y, z, ...), respectively. This is the "combinatorial sequence grid evaluation" approachwhich works quite well in scenarios where monotonicity changes direction (see ’Examples’), obvi-ating the need to create multivariate derivatives (Hessians) or use some multivariate minimizationalgorithm.If intervals are of type [x1 < 0, x2 > 0], a zero is included into the middle of the sequence to avoidwrong results in case of even powers, i.e. [−1, 1]2 = [−1, 1][−1, 1] = [−1, 1] when actually theright interval is [0, 1], see curve(x^2, -1, 1).


A 2-element vector with the resulting interval and an (optional) plot of all evaluations.

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interval 13


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


Wikipedia entry is quite good, especially the section on the ’dependency problem’:

Comparison to Monte Carlo and error propagation:Interval Arithmetic in Power Flow Analysis.Wang Z & Alvarado FL.Power Industry Computer Application Conference (1991): 156-162.

Computer implementationInterval arithmetic: From principles to implementation.Hickey T, Ju Q, Van Emden MH.JACM (2001), 48: 1038-1068.

Complete Interval Arithmetic and its Implementation on the Computer.Kulisch UW.In: Numerical Validation in Current Hardware Architectures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science5492 (2009): 7-26.


## Example 1: even squaring of negative interval.EXPR1 <- expression(x^2)DAT1 <- data.frame(x = c(-1, 1))interval(DAT1, EXPR1)

## Example 2: A complicated nonlinear model.## Reduce sequence length to 2 => original interval## for quicker evaluation.EXPR2 <- expression(C * sqrt((520 * H * P)/(M *(t + 460))))H <- c(64, 65)M <- c(16, 16.2)P <- c(361, 365)t <- c(165, 170)C <- c(38.4, 38.5)DAT2 <- makeDat(EXPR2)interval(DAT2, EXPR2, seq = 2)

## Example 3: Body Mass Index taken from## <- expression(m/h^2)m <- c(79.5, 80.5)h <- c(1.795, 1.805)DAT3 <- makeDat(EXPR3)interval(DAT3, EXPR3)

## Example 4: Linear model.EXPR4 <- expression(a * x + b)a <- c(1, 2)

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14 makeDat

b <- c(5, 7)x <- c(2, 3)DAT4 <- makeDat(EXPR4)interval(DAT4, EXPR4)

## Example 5: Overestimation from dependency problem.# Original interval with seq = 2 => [1, 7]EXPR5 <- expression(x^2 - x + 1)x <- c(-2, 1)DAT5 <- makeDat(EXPR5)interval(DAT5, EXPR5, seq = 2)

# Refine with large sequence => [0.75, 7]interval(DAT5, EXPR5, seq = 100)# Tallies with curve function.curve(x^2 - x + 1, -2, 1)

## Example 6: Underestimation from dependency problem.# Original interval with seq = 2 => [0, 0]EXPR6 <- expression(x - x^2)x <- c(0, 1)DAT6 <- makeDat(EXPR6)interval(DAT6, EXPR6, seq = 2)

# Refine with large sequence => [0, 0.25]interval(DAT6, EXPR6, seq = 100)# Tallies with curve function.curve(x - x^2, 0, 1)

makeDat Create a dataframe from the variables defined in an expression


Creates a dataframe from the variables defined in an expression by cbinding the correspond-ing data found in the workspace. This is a convenience function for creating a dataframe to bepassed to propagate, when starting with data which was simulated from distributions, i.e. whentype = "sim". Will throw an error if a variable is defined in the expression but is not availablefrom the workspace.




expr an expression to be use for propagate.

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makeDerivs 15


A dataframe containing the data defined in expr in columns.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


## Simulating from uniform## and normal distribution,## run 'propagate'.EXPR1 <- expression(a + b^c)a <- rnorm(100000, 12, 1)b <- rnorm(100000, 5, 0.1)c <- runif(100000, 6, 7)

DAT1 <- makeDat(EXPR1)propagate(EXPR1, DAT1, type = "sim", cov = FALSE)

makeDerivs Utility functions for creating Gradient- and Hessian-like matrices withsymbolic derivatives and evaluating them in an environment


These are three different utility functions that create matrices containing the symbolic partial deriva-tives of first (makeGrad) and second (makeHess) order and a function for evaluating these matricesin an environment. The evaluations of the symbolic derivatives are used within the propagatefunction to calculate the propagated uncertainty, but these functions may also be useful for otherapplications.


makeGrad(expr, order = NULL)makeHess(expr, order = NULL)evalDerivs(deriv, envir)


expr an expression, such as expression(x/y).

order order of creating partial derivatives, i.e. c(2, 1). See ’Examples’.

deriv a matrix returned from makeGrad or makeHess.

envir an environment to evaluate in. By default the workspace.

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16 makeDerivs


Given a function f(x1, x2, . . . , xn), the following matrices containing symbolic derivatives of f arereturned:


∇(f) =


∂x1, . . . ,




H(f) =



∂2f∂x1 ∂x2

· · · ∂2f∂x1 ∂xn

∂2f∂x2 ∂x1


2· · · ∂2f

∂x2 ∂xn


. . ....

∂2f∂xn ∂x1

∂2f∂xn ∂x2

· · · ∂2f∂x2



The symbolic or evaluated Gradient/Hessian matrices.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


The Matrix Cookbook (Version November 2012).Petersen KB & Pedersen MS.


EXPR <- expression(a^b + sin(c))ENVIR <- list(a = 2, b = 3, c = 4)

## First-order partial derivatives: Gradient.GRAD <- makeGrad(EXPR)

## This will evaluate the Gradient.evalDerivs(GRAD, ENVIR)

## Second-order partial derivatives: Hessian.HESS <- makeHess(EXPR)

## This will evaluate the Hessian.evalDerivs(HESS, ENVIR)

## Change derivatives order.

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matrixStats 17

GRAD <- makeGrad(EXPR, order = c(2,1,3))evalDerivs(GRAD, ENVIR)

matrixStats Fast column- and row-wise versions of variance coded in C++


These two functions are fast C++ versions for column- and row-wise variance calculation on ma-trices/data.frames and are meant to substitute the classical apply(mat, 1, var) approach.




x a matrix or data.frame


They are coded in a way that they automatically remove NA values, so they behave like na.rm = TRUE.


A vector with the variance values.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


## Speed comparison on large matrix.## ~ 110x speed increase!## Not run:MAT <- matrix(rnorm(10 * 500000), ncol = 10)system.time(RES1 <- apply(MAT, 1, var))system.time(RES2 <- rowVarsC(MAT))all.equal(RES1, RES2)

## End(Not run)

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18 mixCov

mixCov Aggregating covariances matrices and/or error vectors into a singlecovariance matrix


This function aggregates covariances matrices, single variance values or a vector of multiple vari-ance values into one final covariance matrix suitable for propagate.




... either covariance matrices, or a vector of single/multiple variance values.


’Mixes’ (aggregates) data of the following types into a final covariance matrix:1) covariance matrices Σ that are already available.2) single variance values σ2.3) a vector of variance values σ2

1 , σ22 , ..., σ


This is accomplished by filling a m1 + m2 + . . . + mn sized square matrix C succesively withelements 1 . . .m1,m1 +1 . . .m1+m2, . . . ,mn+1 . . .mn+mn+1 with either covariance matricesat,

or single variance values on the diagonals at Cmn,mn.


The aggregated covariance matrix.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


Evaluation of measurement data - Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement.JCGM 100:2008 (GUM 1995 with minor corrections).

Evaluation of measurement data - Supplement 1 to the Guide to the expression of uncertainty inmeasurement - Propagation of distributions using a Monte Carlo Method.JCGM 101:2008.

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mixCov 19


######################################################### Example in Annex H.4.1 from the GUM 2008 manual## (see 'References'), measurement of activity.## This will give exactly the same values as Table <- 60lambda <- 1.25894E-4Rx <- ((Cx - Cb)/60) * exp(lambda * tx)Rs <- ((Cs - Cb)/60) * exp(lambda * ts)

mRx <- mean(Rx)sRx <- sd(Rx)/sqrt(6)mRxsRx

mRs <- mean(Rs)sRs <- sd(Rs)/sqrt(6)mRssRs

R <- Rx/RsmR <- mean(R)sR <- sd(R)/sqrt(6)mRsR

cor(Rx, Rs)

## Definition as in H.4.3.As <- c(0.1368, 0.0018)ms <- c(5.0192, 0.005)mx <- c(5.0571, 0.001)

## We have to scale Rs/Rx by sqrt(6) to get the## corresponding covariances.Rs <- Rs/sqrt(6)Rx <- Rx/sqrt(6)

## Here we create an aggregated covariance matrix## from the raw and summary data.COV1 <- cov(cbind(Rs, Rx))COV <- mixCov(COV1, As[2]^2, ms[2]^2, mx[2]^2)COV

## Prepare the data for 'propagate'.MEANS <- c(mRs, mRx, As[1], ms[1], mx[1])SDS <- c(sRs, sRx, As[2], ms[2], mx[2])DAT <- rbind(MEANS, SDS)colnames(DAT) <- c("Rs", "Rx", "As", "ms", "mx")

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20 moments

## This will give exactly the same values as## in H.4.3/H.4.3.1.EXPR <- expression(As * (ms/mx) * (Rx/Rs))RES <- propagate(EXPR, data = DAT, cov = COV, nsim = 100000)RES

moments Skewness and (excess) Kurtosis of a vector of values


These functions calculate skewness and excess kurtosis of a vector of values. They were taken fromthe package ’moments’.


skewness(x, na.rm = FALSE)kurtosis(x, na.rm = FALSE)


x a numeric vector, matrix or data frame.

na.rm logical. Should missing values be removed?



∑ni=1(xi − x)3(


∑ni=1(xi − x)2

)3/2(excess) Kurtosis:


∑ni=1(xi − x)4(


∑ni=1(xi − x)2

)2 − 3


The skewness/kurtosis values.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


X <- rnorm(100, 20, 2)skewness(X)kurtosis(X)

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numDerivs 21

numDerivs Functions for creating Gradient and Hessian matrices by numericaldifferentiation (Richardson’s method) of the partial derivatives


These two functions create Gradient and Hessian matrices by Richardson’s central finite differencemethod of the partial derivatives for any expression.


numGrad(expr, envir = .GlobalEnv)numHess(expr, envir = .GlobalEnv)


expr an expression, such as expression(x/y).

envir the environment to evaluate in.


Calculates first- and second-order numerical approximation using Richardson’s central differenceformula:

f ′i(x) ≈ f(x1, . . . , xi + d, . . . , xn)− f(x1, . . . , xi − d, . . . , xn)


f ′′i (x) ≈ f(x1, . . . , xi + d, . . . , xn)− 2f(x1, . . . , xn) + f(x1, . . . , xi − d, . . . , xn)



The numeric Gradient/Hessian matrices.


The two functions are modified versions of the genD function in the ’numDeriv’ package, but a bitmore easy to handle because they use expressions and the function’s x value must not be defined assplitted scalar values x[1], x[2], ... x[n] in the body of the function.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess

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22 plot.propagate


## Check for equality of symbolic## and numerical derivatives.EXPR <- expression(2^x + sin(2 * y) - cos(z))x <- 5y <- 10z <- 20

symGRAD <- evalDerivs(makeGrad(EXPR))numGRAD <- numGrad(EXPR)all.equal(symGRAD, numGRAD)

symHESS <- evalDerivs(makeHess(EXPR))numHESS <- numHess(EXPR)all.equal(symHESS, numHESS)

plot.propagate Plotting function for ’propagate’ objects


Creates a histogram of the evaluated results from the multivariate simulated data, along with adensity curve, alpha-based confidence intervals, median and mean.


## S3 method for class 'propagate'plot(x, logx = FALSE, ...)


x an object returned from propagate.

logx logical. Should the data be displayed on a logarithmic abscissa?

... other parameters to hist.


A plot as described above.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess

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predictNLS 23


EXPR1 <- expression(x^2 * sin(y))x <- c(5, 0.01)y <- c(1, 0.01)DF1 <- cbind(x, y)RES1 <- propagate(expr = EXPR1, data = DF1, type = "stat",

nsim = 100000, alpha = 0.01)plot(RES1)

predictNLS Confidence/prediction intervals for (weighted) nonlinear modelsbased on uncertainty propagation


A function for calculating confidence/prediction intervals of (weighted) nonlinear models for thesupplied or new predictor values, by using first-/second-order Taylor expansion and Monte Carlosimulation. This approach can be used to construct more realistic error estimates and confidence/predictionintervals for nonlinear models than what is possible with only a simple linearization (first-orderTaylor expansion) approach. Another application is when there is an "error in x" setup with uncer-tainties in the predictor variable (See ’Examples’). This function will also work in the presence ofmultiple predictors with/without errors.


predictNLS(model, newdata, newerror, interval = c("confidence", "prediction", "none"),alpha = 0.05, ...)


model a model obtained from nls or nlsLM (package ’minpack.lm’).

newdata a data frame with new predictor values, having the same column names as inmodel. See predict.nls and ’Examples’. If omitted, the model’s predictorvalues are employed.

newerror a data frame with optional error values, having the same column names as inmodel and in the same order as in newdata. See ’Examples’.

interval A character string indicating if confidence/prediction intervals are to be calcu-lated or not.

alpha the α level.

... other parameters to be supplied to propagate.

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24 predictNLS


Calculation of the propagated uncertainty σy using ∇Σ∇T is called the "Delta Method" and iswidely applied in NLS fitting. However, this method is based on first-order Taylor expansion andthus assummes linearity around f(x). The second-order approach as implemented in the propagatefunction can partially correct for this restriction by using a second-order polynomial around f(x).Confidence and prediction intervals are calculated in a usual way using t(1 − α

2 , ν) · σy (1) or

t(1− α2 , ν) ·

√σ2y + σ2

r (2), respectively, where the residual variance σ2r =



n−ν (3). The

inclusion of σ2r in the prediction interval is implemented as an extended gradient and "augmented"

covariance matrix. So instead of using y = f(x, β) (4) we take y = f(x, β) + σ2r (5) as the

expression and augment the n × n covariance matrix C to an n + 1 × n + 1 covariance matrix,whereCn+1,n+1 = σ2

r . Partial differentiation and matrix multiplication will then yield, for examplewith two coefficients β1 and β2 and their corresponding covariance matrix Σ:





] σ21 σ1σ2 0

σ2σ1 σ22 0

0 0 σ2r

















≡ σ2y + σ2

r , where σ2y + σ2

r then goes into (2).The advantage of the augmented covariance matrix is that it can be exploited for creating MonteCarlo simulation-based prediction intervals. This is new from version 1.0-6 and is based on theparadigm that we simply add another dimension with µ = 0 and σ2 = σ2

r to the multivariate t-distribution random number generator (in our case rtmvt). All n simulations are then evaluatedwith (5) and the usual [1− α

2 ,α2 ] quantiles calculated.

If errors are supplied to the predictor values in newerror, they need to have the same column namesand order than the new predictor values.


A list with the following items:summary: The mean/error estimates obtained from first-/second-order Taylor expansion and MonteCarlo simulation, together with calculated confidence/prediction intervals based on asymptotic nor-mality.prop: the complete output from propagate for each value in newdata.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


Nonlinear Regression.Seber GAF & Wild CJ.John Wiley & Sons; 1ed, 2003.

Nonlinear Regression Analysis and its Applications.Bates DM & Watts DG.Wiley-Interscience; 1ed, 2007.

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predictNLS 25

Statistical Error Propagation.Tellinghuisen J.J. Phys. Chem. A (2001), 47: 3917-3921.

Least-squares analysis of data with uncertainty in x and y: A Monte Carlo methods comparison.Tellinghuisen J.Chemometr Intell Lab (2010), 47: 160-169.

From the author’s blog:


## In these examples, 'nsim = 100000' to save## Rcmd check time (CRAN). It is advocated## to use at least 'nsim = 1000000' though...

## Example from ?nls.DNase1 <- subset(DNase, Run == 1)fm3DNase1 <- nls(density ~ Asym/(1 + exp((xmid - log(conc))/scal)),

data = DNase1, start = list(Asym = 3, xmid = 0, scal = 1))

## Using a single predictor value without error.PROP1 <- predictNLS(fm3DNase1, newdata = data.frame(conc = 2), nsim = 100000)PRED1 <- predict(fm3DNase1, newdata = data.frame(conc = 2), nsim = 100000)PROP1$summaryPRED1## => Prop.Mean.1 equal to PRED1

## Using a single predictor value with error.PROP2 <- predictNLS(fm3DNase1, newdata = data.frame(conc = 2),

newerror = data.frame(conc = 0.5), nsim = 100000)PROP2$summary

## Not run:## Using a sequence of predictor values without error.CONC <- seq(1, 12, by = 1)PROP3 <- predictNLS(fm3DNase1, newdata = data.frame(conc = CONC))PRED3 <- predict(fm3DNase1, newdata = data.frame(conc = CONC))PROP3$summaryPRED3## => Prop.Mean.1 equal to PRED3

## Plot mean and confidence values from first-/second-order## Taylor expansion and Monte Carlo simulation.plot(DNase1$conc, DNase1$density)lines(DNase1$conc, fitted(fm3DNase1), lwd = 2, col = 1)points(CONC, PROP3$summary[, 1], col = 2, pch = 16)lines(CONC, PROP3$summary[, 5], col = 2)lines(CONC, PROP3$summary[, 6], col = 2)

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26 predictNLS

lines(CONC, PROP3$summary[, 11], col = 4)lines(CONC, PROP3$summary[, 12], col = 4)

## Using a sequence of predictor values with error.PROP4 <- predictNLS(fm3DNase1, newdata = data.frame(conc = 1:5),

newerror = data.frame(conc = (1:5)/10))PROP4$summary

## Using multiple predictor values.## 1: Setup of response values with gaussian error of 10%.x <- seq(1, 10, by = 0.01)y <- seq(10, 1, by = -0.01)a <- 2b <- 5c <- 10z <- a * exp(b * x)^sin(y/c)z <- z + sapply(z, function(x) rnorm(1, x, 0.10 * x))

## 2: Fit 'nls' model.MOD <- nls(z ~ a * exp(b * x)^sin(y/c),

start = list(a = 2, b = 5, c = 10))

## 3: Single newdata without errors.DAT1 <- data.frame(x = 4, y = 3)PROP5 <- predictNLS(MOD, newdata = DAT1)PROP5$summary

## 4: Single newdata with errors.DAT2 <- data.frame(x = 4, y = 3)ERR2 <- data.frame(x = 0.2, y = 0.1)PROP6 <- predictNLS(MOD, newdata = DAT2, newerror = ERR2)PROP6$summary

## 5: Multiple newdata with errors.DAT3 <- data.frame(x = 1:4, y = 3)ERR3 <- data.frame(x = rep(0.2, 4), y = seq(1:4)/10)PROP7 <- predictNLS(MOD, newdata = DAT3, newerror = ERR3)PROP7$summary

## 6: Linear model to compare conf/pred intervals.set.seed(123)X <- 1:20Y <- 3 + 2 * X + rnorm(20, 0, 2)plot(X, Y)LM <- lm(Y ~ X)NLS <- nlsLM(Y ~ a + b * X, start = list(a = 3, b = 2))predict(LM, newdata = data.frame(X = 14.5), interval = "conf")predictNLS(NLS, newdata = data.frame(X = 14.5), interval = "conf")$summarypredict(LM, newdata = data.frame(X = 14.5), interval = "pred")predictNLS(NLS, newdata = data.frame(X = 14.5), interval = "pred")$summary

## 7: compare to 'predFit' function of 'investr' package.## Same results when using only first-order Taylor expansion.

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propagate 27

require(investr)data(Puromycin, package = "datasets")Puromycin2 <- Puromycin[Puromycin$state == "treated", ][, 1:2]Puro.nls <- nls(rate ~ Vm * conc/(K + conc), data = Puromycin2,

start = c(Vm = 200, K = 0.05))PRED1 <- predFit(Puro.nls, interval = "prediction")PRED2 <- predictNLS(Puro.nls, interval = "prediction", second.order = FALSE, do.sim = FALSE)all.equal(PRED1[, "lwr"], PRED2$summary[, 5]) # => TRUE

## End(Not run)

propagate Propagation of uncertainty using higher-order Taylor expansion andMonte Carlo simulation


A general function for the calculation of uncertainty propagation by first-/second-order Taylor ex-pansion and Monte Carlo simulation including covariances. Input data can be any symbolic/numericdifferentiable expression and data based on summaries (mean & s.d.) or sampled from distribu-tions. Uncertainty propagation is based completely on matrix calculus accounting for full covari-ance structure. Monte Carlo simulation is conducted using a multivariate t-distribution with covari-ance structure. Propagation confidence intervals are calculated from the expanded uncertainties bymeans of the degrees of freedom obtained from WelchSatter, or from the [α2 , 1 −

α2 ] quantiles of

the MC evaluations.


propagate(expr, data, second.order = TRUE, do.sim = TRUE, cov = TRUE,df = NULL, nsim = 1000000, alpha = 0.05, ...)


expr an expression, such as expression(x/y).data a dataframe or matrix containing either a) the means µi, standard deviations σi

and degrees of freedom νi (optionally) in the first, second and third (optionally)row, or b) sampled data generated from any of R’s distributions or thoseimplemented in this package (rDistr). If nrow(data) > 3, sampled data isassumed. The column names must match the variable names.

second.order logical. If TRUE, error propagation will be calculated with first- and second-orderTaylor expansion. See ’Details’.

do.sim logical. Should Monte Carlo simulation be applied?cov logical or variance-covariance matrix with the same column names as data. See

’Details’.df an optional scalar with the total degrees of freedom νtot of the system.nsim the number of Monte Carlo simulations to be performed, minimum is 10000.alpha the 1 - confidence level.... other parameters to be supplied to future methods.

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28 propagate


The implemented methods are:

1) Monte Carlo simulation:For each variable m in data, simulated data X = [x1, x2, . . . , xn] with n = nsim samples is gen-erated from a multivariate t-distribution Xm,n ∼ t(µ,Σ, ν) using means µi and covariance matrixΣ constructed from the standard deviations σi of each variable. All data is coerced into a newdataframe that has the same covariance structure as the initial data: Σ(data) = Σ(Xm,n). Eachrow i = 1, . . . , n of the simulated dataset Xm,n is evaluated with expr, yi = f(xm,i), and sum-mary statistics (mean, sd, median, mad, quantile-based confidence interval based on [α2 , 1−

α2 ]) are

calculated on y.

2) Error propagation:The propagated error is calculated by first-/second-order Taylor expansion accounting for full co-variance structure using matrix algebra.The following transformations based on two variables x1, x2 illustrate the equivalence of the matrix-based approach with well-known classical notations:First-order mean: E[y] = f(xi)First-order variance: σ2

y = ∇Σ∇T :

[j1 j2]


1 σ1σ2

σ2σ1 σ22

] [j1j2

]= j1

2σ21 + 2j1j2σ1σ2 + j2





i + 2




︸ ︷︷ ︸classical notation







Second-order mean: E[y] = f(xi) + 12 tr(HΣ):



[h1 h2

h3 h4

] [σ2

1 σ1σ2

σ2σ1 σ22





21 + h2σ1σ2 h1σ1σ2 + h2σ


h3σ21 + h4σ1σ2 h3σ1σ2 + h4σ





21 + h2σ1σ2 + h3σ1σ2 + h4σ

22) =








Second-order variance: σ2y = ∇Σ∇T + 1

2 tr(HΣHΣ):



[h1 h2

h3 h4

] [σ2

1 σ1σ2

σ2σ1 σ22

] [h1 h2

h3 h4

] [σ2

1 σ1σ2

σ2σ1 σ22

]= . . .



2σ41 + 2h1h2σ

31σ2 + 2h1h3σ

31σ2 + h2


22 + 2h2h3σ


22 + h3


22 + 2h1h4σ



+2h2h4σ1σ32 + 2h3h4σ1σ

32 + h4

2σ42 =



21 + h2σ1σ2 + h3σ1σ2 + h4σ




( 2∑i=1





with E(y) = expectation of y, σ2y = variance of y, ∇ = the p x n gradient matrix with all partial

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propagate 29

first derivatives ji, Σ = the p x p covariance matrix, H the Hessian matrix with all partial secondderivatives hi, σi = the uncertainties and tr(·) = the trace (sum of diagonal) of a matrix. Note thatbecause the Hessian matrices are symmetric, h2 = h3. For a detailed derivation, see ’References’.The second-order Taylor expansion corrects for bias in nonlinear expressions as the first-order Tay-lor expansion assumes linearity around xi. There is also a Python library available for second-ordererror propagation (’soerp’, The ’propagate’ packagegives exactly the same results, see last example under "Examples".Depending on the input expression, the uncertainty propagation may result in an error that is notnormally distributed. The Monte Carlo simulation, starting with a symmetric t-distributions of thevariables, can clarify this. For instance, a high tendency from deviation of normality is encounteredin formulas in which the error of the denominator is relatively large or in exponential models witha large error in the exponent.

For setups in which there is no symbolic derivation possible (i.e. e <- expression(abs(x)) =>"Function ’abs’ is not in the derivatives table") the function automatically switches from symbolic(using makeGrad or makeHess) to numeric (numGrad or numHess) differentiation.

The function will try to evaluate the expression in an environment using eval which results in asignificant speed enhancement (~ 10-fold). If that fails, evaluation is done over the rows of thesimulated data using apply.

cov is used in the following ways:1) If µi, σi are supplied, a covariance matrix is built with diagonals σ2

i , independent of cov = TRUE, FALSE.2) When simulated data is supplied, a covariance matrix is constructed that either has (cov = TRUE)or has not (cov = FALSE) off-diagonal covariances.3) The user can supply an own covariance matrix Σ, with the same column/row names as in data.

The expanded uncertainty used for constructing the confidence interval is calculated from theWelch-Satterthwaite degrees of freedom νWS of the WelchSatter function.


A list with the following components:

gradient the symbolic gradient vector∇ of partial first-order derivatives.

evalGrad the evaluated gradient vector ∇ of partial first-order derivatives, also known asthe "sensitivity". See summary.propagate.

hessian the symbolic Hessian matrix H of partial second-order derivatives.

evalHess the evaluated Hessian matrix H of partial second-order derivatives.

rel.contr the relative contribution matrix, see summary.propagate.

covMat the covariance matrix Σ used for Monte Carlo simulation and uncertainty prop-agation.

ws.df the Welch-Satterthwaite degrees of freedom νws, as obtained from WelchSatter.

k the coverage factor k, as calculated by t(1− (α/2), νws).

u.exp the expanded uncertainty, kσ(y), where σ(y) is derived either from the second-order uncertainty, if successfully calculated, or first-order otherwise.

resSIM a vector containing the nsim values obtained from the row-wise expression eval-uations f(xm,i) of the simulated data in datSIM.

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30 propagate

datSIM a vector containing the nsim simulated multivariate values for each variable incolumn format.

prop a summary vector containing first-/second-order expectations and uncertaintiesas well as the confidence interval based on alpha.

sim a summary vector containing the mean, standard deviation, median, MAD aswell as the confidence interval based on alpha.

expr the original expression expr.

data the original data data.

alpha the otiginal alpha.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


Error propagation (in general):An Introduction to error analysis.Taylor JR.University Science Books (1996), New York.

Evaluation of measurement data - Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement.JCGM 100:2008 (GUM 1995 with minor corrections).

Evaluation of measurement data - Supplement 1 to the Guide to the expression of uncertainty inmeasurement - Propagation of distributions using a Monte Carlo Method.JCGM 101:2008.

Higher-order Taylor expansion:On higher-order corrections for propagating uncertainties.Wang CM & Iyer HK.Metrologia (2005), 42: 406-410.

Propagation of uncertainty: Expressions of second and third order uncertainty with third and fourthmoments.Mekid S & Vaja D.Measurement (2008), 41: 600-609.

Matrix algebra for error propagation:An Introduction to Error Propagation: Derivation, Meaning and Examples of Equation Cy = Fx-CxFx^

Second order nonlinear uncertainty modeling in strapdown integration using MEMS IMUs.Zhang M, Hol JD, Slot L, Luinge H.2011 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION) (2011).

Uncertainty propagation in non-linear measurement equations.Mana G & Pennecchi F.Metrologia (2007), 44: 246-251.

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propagate 31

A compact tensor algebra expression of the law of propagation of uncertainty.Bouchot C, Quilantan JLC, Ochoa JCS.Metrologia (2011), 48: L22-L28.

Nonlinear error propagation law.Kubacek L.Appl Math (1996), 41: 329-345.

Monte Carlo simulation (normal- and t-distribution):MUSE: computational aspects of a GUM supplement 1 implementation.Mueller M, Wolf M, Roesslein M.Metrologia (2008), 45: 586-594.

Copulas for uncertainty analysis.Possolo A.Metrologia (2010), 47: 262-271.

Multivariate normal distribution:Stochastic Simulation.Ripley BD.Stochastic Simulation (1987). Wiley. Page 98.

Testing for normal distribution:Testing for Normality.Thode Jr. HC.Marcel Dekker (2002), New York.

Approximating the Shapiro-Wilk W-test for non-normality.Royston P.Stat Comp (1992), 2: 117-119.


## In these examples, 'nsim = 100000' to save## Rcmd check time (CRAN). It is advocated## to use at least 'nsim = 1000000' though...

## Example without given degrees-of-freedom.EXPR1 <- expression(x/y)x <- c(5, 0.01)y <- c(1, 0.01)DF1 <- cbind(x, y)RES1 <- propagate(expr = EXPR1, data = DF1, type = "stat",

do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,nsim = 100000)


## Same example with given degrees-of-freedom## => third row in input 'data'.EXPR2 <- expression(x/y)x <- c(5, 0.01, 12)y <- c(1, 0.01, 5)DF2 <- cbind(x, y)RES2 <- propagate(expr = EXPR2, data = DF2, type = "stat",

do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE,

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32 propagate

nsim = 100000)RES2

## With the 'summary' function, we can get the## Welch-Satterthwaite DF's, coverage, expanded uncertainty,## Gradient and Hessian matrix etc.summary(RES2)

## Example using a recursive function:## no Taylor expansion possible, only Monte-Carlo.a <- c(5, 0.1)b <- c(100, 2)DAT <- cbind(a, b)

f <- function(a, b) {N <- 0for (i in 1:100) {N <- N + i * log(a) + b^(1/i)



propagate(f, DAT, nsim = 100000)

## Not run:################# GUM 2008 (1) ########################## Example in Annex H.1 from the GUM 2008 manual## (see 'References'), an end gauge calibration## study. We use only first-order error propagation,## with total df = 16 and alpha = 0.01,## as detailed in GUM H.1.6.EXPR3 <- expression(ls + d - ls * (da * the + as * dt))ls <- c(50000623, 25)d <- c(215, 9.7)da <- c(0, 0.58E-6)the <- c(-0.1, 0.41)as <- c(11.5E-6, 1.2E-6)dt <- c(0, 0.029)DF3 <- cbind(ls, d, da, the, as, dt)RES3 <- propagate(expr = EXPR3, data = DF3, second.order = FALSE,

df = 16, alpha = 0.01)RES3## propagate: sd.1 = 31.71## GUM H.1.4/H.6c: u = 32

## Expanded uncertainty, from summary function.summary(RES3)## propagate: 92.62## GUM H.1.6: 93

## Proof that covariance of Monte-Carlo## simulated dataset is "fairly"" the same## as from initial data.

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propagate 33

RES3$covMatcov(RES3$datSIM)all.equal(RES3$covMat, cov(RES3$datSIM))

## Now using second-order Taylor expansion.RES4 <- propagate(expr = EXPR3, data = DF3)RES4## propagate: sd.2 = 33.91115## GUM H.1.7: u = 34.## Also similar to the non-matrix-based approach## in Wang et al. (2005, page 408): u1 = 33.91115.## NOTE: After second-order correction ("sd.2"),## uncertainty is more similar to the uncertainty## obtained from Monte Carlo simulation!

#################### GUM 2008 (2) ################### Example in Annex H.2 from the GUM 2008 manual## (see 'References'), simultaneous resistance## and reactance

## This gives exactly the means, uncertainties and## correlations as given in Table H.2:colMeans(H.2)sqrt(colVarsC(H.2))/sqrt(5)cor(H.2)

## H.2.3 Approach 1 using mean values and## standard uncertainties:EXPR6a <- expression((V/I) * cos(phi)) ## REXPR6b <- expression((V/I) * sin(phi)) ## XEXPR6c <- expression(V/I) ## ZMEAN6 <- colMeans(H.2)SD6 <- sqrt(colVarsC(H.2))DF6 <- rbind(MEAN6, SD6)COV6ab <- cov(H.2) ## covariance matrix of V, I, phiCOV6c <- cov(H.2[, 1:2]) ## covariance matrix of V, I

RES6a <- propagate(expr = EXPR6a, data = DF6, cov = COV6ab)RES6b <- propagate(expr = EXPR6b, data = DF6, cov = COV6ab)RES6c <- propagate(expr = EXPR6c, data = DF6[, 1:2],

cov = COV6c)

## This gives exactly the same values of mean and sd/sqrt(5)## as given in Table H.4.RES6a$prop # 0.15892/sqrt(5) = 0.071RES6b$prop # 0.66094/sqrt(5) = 0.296RES6c$prop # 0.52846/sqrt(5) = 0.236

######### GUM 2008 Supplement 1 (1) ######################### Example from 9.2.2 of the GUM 2008 Supplement 1## (see 'References'), normally distributed input## quantities. Assign values as in

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34 propagate

EXPR7 <- expression(X1 + X2 + X3 + X4)X1 <- c(0, 1)X2 <- c(0, 1)X3 <- c(0, 1)X4 <- c(0, 1)DF7 <- cbind(X1, X2, X3, X4)RES7 <- propagate(expr = EXPR7, data = DF7, nsim = 1E5)## This will give exactly the same results as in##, Table 2.RES7

######### GUM 2008 Supplement 1 (2) ######################### Example from 9.3 of the GUM 2008 Supplement 1## (see 'References'), mass calibration.## Formula 24 in and values as in, Table 5.EXPR8 <- expression((Mrc + dMrc) * (1 + (Pa - Pa0) * ((1/Pw) - (1/Pr))) - Mnom)Mrc <- rnorm(1E5, 100000, 0.050)dMrc <- rnorm(1E5, 1.234, 0.020)Pa <- runif(1E5, 1.10, 1.30) ## E(Pa) = 1.2, (b-a)/2 = 0.1Pw <- runif(1E5, 7000, 9000) ## E(Pw) = 8000, (b-a)/2 = 1000Pr <- runif(1E5, 7950, 8050) ## E(Pr) = 8000, (b-a)/2 = 50Pa0 <- 1.2Mnom <- 100000DF8 <- cbind(Mrc, dMrc, Pa, Pw, Pr, Pa0, Mnom)RES8 <- propagate(expr = EXPR8, data = DF8, nsim = 1E5)## This will give exactly the same results as in##, Table 6RES8RES8

######### GUM 2008 Supplement 1 (3) ######################### Example from 9.4 of the GUM 2008 Supplement 1## (see 'References'), comparioson loss in microwave## power meter calibration, zero covariance.## Formula 28 in and values as in <- expression(X1^2 - X2^2)X1 <- c(0.050, 0.005)X2 <- c(0, 0.005)DF9 <- cbind(X1, X2)RES9a <- propagate(expr = EXPR9, data = DF9, nsim = 1E5)## This will give exactly the same results as in##, Table 8, x1 = 0.050.RES9a

## Using covariance matrix with r(x1, x2) = 0.9## We convert to covariances using cor2cov.COR9 <- matrix(c(1, 0.9, 0.9, 1), nrow = 2)COV9 <- cor2cov(COR9, c(0.005^2, 0.005^2))colnames(COV9) <- c("X1", "X2")rownames(COV9) <- c("X1", "X2")RES9b <- propagate(expr = EXPR9, data = DF9, cov = COV9)## This will give exactly the same results as in##, Table 9, x1 = 0.050.

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rDistr 35


######### GUM 2008 Supplement 1 (4) ######################### Example from 9.5 of the GUM 2008 Supplement 1## (see 'References'), gauge block calibration.## Assignment of PDF's as in Table 10 of <- expression(Ls + D + d1 + d2 - Ls *(da *(t0 + Delta) + as * dt) - Lnom)Lnom <- 50000000Ls <- propagate:::rst(1000000, mean = 50000623, sd = 25, df = 18)D <- propagate:::rst(1000000, mean = 215, sd = 6, df = 25)d1 <- propagate:::rst(1000000, mean = 0, sd = 4, df = 5)d2 <- propagate:::rst(1000000, mean = 0, sd = 7, df = 8)as <- runif(1000000, 9.5E-6, 13.5E-6)t0 <- rnorm(1000000, -0.1, 0.2)Delta <- propagate:::rarcsin(1000000, -0.5, 0.5)da <- propagate:::rctrap(1000000, -1E-6, 1E-6, 0.1E-6)dt <- propagate:::rctrap(1000000, -0.050, 0.050, 0.025)DF10 <- cbind(Ls, D, d1, d2, as, t0, Delta, da, dt, Lnom)RES10 <- propagate(expr = EXPR10, data = DF10, cov = FALSE, alpha = 0.01)RES10## This gives the same results as in, Table 11.## However: results are exacter than in the GUM 2008## manual, especially when comparing sd(Monte Carlo) with sd.2!## GUM 2008 gives 32 and 36, respectively.RES10

########## Comparison to Pythons 'soerp' ##################### Exactly the same results as under## !EXPR11 <- expression(C * sqrt((520 * H * P)/(M *(t + 460))))H <- c(64, 0.5)M <- c(16, 0.1)P <- c(361, 2)t <- c(165, 0.5)C <- c(38.4, 0)DAT11 <- makeDat(EXPR11)RES11 <- propagate(expr = EXPR11, data = DAT11)RES11

## End(Not run)

rDistr Creating random samples from a variety of useful distributions


These are random sample generators for 22 different continuous distributions which are not readilyavailable as Distributions in R. Some of them are implemented in other specialized packages(i.e. rsn in package ’sn’ or rtrapezoid in package ’trapezoid’), but here they are collated in a waythat makes them easily accessible for Monte Carlo-based uncertainty propagation.

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36 rDistr


Random samples can be drawn from the following distributions:1) Skewed-normal distribution: propagate:::rsn(n, location = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0)2) Generalized normal distribution: propagate:::rgnorm(n, alpha = 1, xi = 1, kappa = -0.1)3) Scaled and shifted t-distribution: propagate:::rst(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, df = 2)4) Gumbel distribution: propagate:::rgumbel(n, location = 0, scale = 1)5) Johnson SU distribution: propagate:::rJSU(n, xi = 0, lambda = 1, gamma = 1, delta = 1)6) Johnson SB distribution: propagate:::rJSB(n, xi = 0, lambda = 1, gamma = 1, delta = 1)7) 3P Weibull distribution: propagate:::rweibull2(n, location = 0, shape = 1, scale = 1)8) 4P Beta distribution: propagate:::rbeta2(n, alpha1 = 1, alpha2 = 1, a = 0, b = 0)9) Triangular distribution: propagate:::rtriang(n, a = 0, b = 1, c = 0.5)10) Trapezoidal distribution: propagate:::rtrap(n, a = 0, b = 1, c = 2, d = 3)11) Laplacian distribution: propagate:::rlaplace(n, mean = 0, sigma = 1)12) Arcsine distribution: propagate:::rarcsin(n, a = 2, b = 1)13) von Mises distribution: propagate:::rmises(n, mu = 1, kappa = 3)14) Curvilinear Trapezoidal distribution: propagate:::rctrap(n, a = 0, b = 1, d = 0.1)15) Generalized trapezoidal distribution:propagate:::rgtrap(n, min = 0, mode1 = 1/3, mode2 = 2/3, max = 1, n1 = 2, n3 = 2, alpha = 1)16) Inverse Gaussian distribution: propagate:::rinvgauss(n, mean = 1, dispersion = 1)17) Generalized Extreme Value distribution: propagate:::rgevd(n, loc = 0, scale = 1, shape = 0)with n = number of samples.18) Inverse Gamma distribution: propagate:::rinvgamma(n, shape = 1, scale = 5)19) Rayleigh distribution: propagate:::rrayleigh(n, mu = 1, sigma = 1)20) Burr distribution: propagate:::rburr(n, k = 1)21) Chi distribution: propagate:::rchi(n, nu = 5)22) Inverse Chi-Square distribution: propagate:::rinvchisq(n, nu = 5)23) Cosine distribution: propagate:::rcosine(n, mu = 5, sigma = 1)

1) - 12), 17) - 22) use the inverse cumulative distribution function as mapping functions for runif(Inverse Transform Method):(1) U ∼ U(0, 1)(2) Y = F−1(U, β)

16) uses binomial selection from a χ2-distribution.

13) - 15), 23) employ "Rejection Sampling" using a uniform envelope distribution (AcceptanceRejection Method):(1) Find Fmax = max(F ([xmin, xmax], β)(2) Umax = 1/(xmax − xmin)(3) A = Fmax/Umax(4) U ∼ U(0, 1)(5) X ∼ U(xmin, xmax)(6) Y ⇐⇒ U ≤ A · U(X,xmin, xmax)/F (X,β)

These four distributions are coded in a vectorized approach and are hence not much slower thanimplementations in C/C++ (0.2 - 0.5 sec for 100000 samples; 3 GHz Quadcore processor, 4 GByteRAM). The code for the random generators is in file "distr-samplers.R".

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rDistr 37


A vector with n samples from the corresponding distribution.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


Inverse CDFs were taken from:"The Ultimate Univariate Probability Distribution Explorer"

Rejection Sampling in R:Rejection Sampling.

An example of rejection sampling.

Rejection Sampling in general:Non-uniform random variate generation.Devroye L.Springer-Verlag, New York (1986).

Distributions:Continuous univariate distributions, Volume 1.Johnson NL, Kotz S and Balakrishnan N.Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics, 2.ed (2004).

See Also

See also propagate, in which GUM 2008 Supplement 1 examples use these distributions.


## Not run:## First we create random samples from the## von Mises distribution.X <- propagate:::rmises(1000000, mu = 1, kappa = 2)

## then we fit all available distributions## with 'fitDistr'.fitDistr(X, nbin = 200)## => von Mises wins! (lowest BIC)

## End(Not run)

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38 statVec

statVec Transform an input vector into one with defined mean and standarddeviation


Transforms an input vector into one with defined µ and σ by using a scaled-and-shifted Z-transformation.


statVec(x, mean, sd)


x the input vector to be transformed.

mean the desired mean of the created vector.

sd the desired standard deviation of the created vector.


Calculates vector V using a Z-transformation of the input vector X and subsequent scaling by sdand shifting by mean:

V =X − µXσX

· sd + mean


A vector with defined µ and σ.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


## Create a 10-sized vector with mean = 10 and s.d. = 1.x <- rnorm(10, 5, 2)mean(x) ## => mean is not 5!sd(x) ## => s.d. is not 2!

z <- statVec(x, 5, 2)mean(z) ## => mean is 5!sd(z) ## => s.d. is 2!

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stochContr 39

stochContr Stochastic contribution analysis of Monte Carlo simulation-derivedpropagated uncertainty


Conducts a "stochastic contribution analysis" by calculating the change in propagated uncertaintywhen each of the simulated variables is kept constant at its mean, i.e. the uncertainty is removed.


stochContr(prop, plot = TRUE)


prop a propagate object.

plot logical. If TRUE, a boxplot with the original and mean-value propagated distri-bution.


This function takes the Monte Carlo simulated data Xn from a propagate object (...$datSIM),sequentially substitutes each variable βi by its mean βi and then re-evaluates the output distributionYn = f(β,Xn). Optional boxplots are displayed that compare the original Yn(orig) to thoseobtained from removing σ from each βi. Finally, the relative contribution Ci for all βi is calculatedby Ci = σ(Yn(orig))− σ(Yn), and divided by its sum so that

∑ni=1 Ci = 1.


The relative contribution Ci for all variables.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


a <- c(15, 1)b <- c(100, 5)c <- c(0.5, 0.02)DAT <- cbind(a, b, c)EXPR <- expression(a * b^sin(c))RES <- propagate(EXPR, DAT, nsim = 100000)stochContr(RES)

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40 summary.propagate

summary.propagate Summary function for ’propagate’ objects


Provides a printed summary of the results obtained by propagate, such as statistics of the first/second-order uncertainty propagation, Monte Carlo simulation, the covariance matrix, symbolic as wellas evaluated versions of the Gradient ("sensitivity") and Hessian matrices, relative contributions,the coverage factor and the Welch-Satterthwaite degrees of freedom. If do.sim = TRUE was setin propagate, skewness/kurtosis and Shapiro-Wilks/Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests for normality arecalculated on the Monte-Carlo evaluations.


## S3 method for class 'propagate'summary(object, ...)


object an object returned from propagate.

... other parameters for future methods.


Calculates the "sensitivity"" Si of each variable xi to the propagated uncertainty, as defined in theExpression of the Uncertainty of Measurement in Calibration, Eqn 4.2, page 9 (see ’References’):

Si = eval



)The "contribution" matrix is then C = SSTΣ, where Σ is the covariance matrix. In the implemen-tation here, the "relative contribution" matrix Crel is rescaled to sum up to 1.


A printed output with the items listed in ’Description’.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


Expression of the Uncertainty of Measurement in Calibration.European Cooperation for Accreditation (EA-4/02), 1999.

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WelchSatter 41


EXPR1 <- expression(x^2 * sin(y))x <- c(5, 0.01)y <- c(1, 0.01)DF1 <- cbind(x, y)RES1 <- propagate(expr = EXPR1, data = DF1, type = "stat",

do.sim = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, nsim = 100000)summary(RES1)

WelchSatter Welch-Satterthwaite approximation to the ’effective degrees of free-dom’


Calculates the Welch-Satterthwaite approximation to the ’effective degrees of freedom’ by usingthe samples’ uncertainties and degrees of freedoms, as described in Welch (1947) and Satterthwaite(1946). External sensitivity coefficients can be supplied optionally.


WelchSatter(ui, ci = NULL, df = NULL, dftot = NULL, uc = NULL, alpha = 0.05)


ui the uncertainties ui for each variable xi.

ci the sensitivity coefficients ci = ∂y/∂xi.

df the degrees of freedom for the samples, νi.

dftot an optional known total degrees of freedom for the system, νtot. Overrides theinternal calculation of νws.

uc the combined uncertainty, u(y).

alpha the significance level for the t-statistic. See ’Details’.


νeff ≈u(y)4∑ni=1



, k = t(1− (α/2), νeff), uexp = ku(y)


A list with the following items:

ws.df the ’effective degrees of freedom’.

k the coverage factor for calculating the expanded uncertainty.

u.exp the expanded uncertainty uexp.

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42 WelchSatter


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


An Approximate Distribution of Estimates of Variance Components.Satterthwaite FE.Biometrics Bulletin (1946), 2: 110-114.

The generalization of "Student’s" problem when several different population variances are involved.Welch BL.Biometrika (1947), 34: 28-35.


## Taken from GUM H.1.6, 4).WelchSatter(ui = c(25, 9.7, 2.9, 16.6), df = c(18, 25.6, 50, 2), uc = 32, alpha = 0.01)

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∗Topic algebrabigcor, 2cor2cov, 4fitDistr, 7interval, 12makeDat, 14makeDerivs, 15mixCov, 18moments, 20numDerivs, 21predictNLS, 23propagate, 27rDistr, 35statVec, 38stochContr, 39WelchSatter, 41

∗Topic arraymakeDerivs, 15mixCov, 18moments, 20numDerivs, 21predictNLS, 23propagate, 27

∗Topic datasetsdatasets, 5

∗Topic matrixbigcor, 2cor2cov, 4interval, 12statVec, 38stochContr, 39WelchSatter, 41

∗Topic modelsplot.propagate, 22summary.propagate, 40

∗Topic multivariatebigcor, 2cor2cov, 4interval, 12

makeDerivs, 15mixCov, 18moments, 20numDerivs, 21predictNLS, 23propagate, 27statVec, 38stochContr, 39WelchSatter, 41

∗Topic nonlinearplot.propagate, 22summary.propagate, 40

∗Topic univariatefitDistr, 7makeDat, 14rDistr, 35

∗Topic univarmatrixStats, 17

apply, 29

BIC, 7, 9bigcor, 2

cbind, 14colVarsC (matrixStats), 17cor, 2cor2cov, 4cov, 2cov2cor, 4

datasets, 5Distributions, 35distributions, 27

environment, 21eval, 29evalDerivs (makeDerivs), 15

fitDistr, 7


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H.2 (datasets), 5H.3 (datasets), 5H.4 (datasets), 5hist, 22

interval, 11

kurtosis (moments), 20

makeDat, 14makeDerivs, 15makeGrad, 29makeGrad (makeDerivs), 15makeHess, 29makeHess (makeDerivs), 15matrix, 3matrixStats, 17mixCov, 18moments, 20

nls, 23nls.lm, 8, 10numDerivs, 21numGrad, 29numGrad (numDerivs), 21numHess, 29numHess (numDerivs), 21

plot.propagate, 22predict.nls, 23predictNLS, 23propagate, 7, 14, 15, 18, 22–24, 27, 37, 39, 40

rDistr, 27, 35rowVarsC (matrixStats), 17rtmvt, 24runif, 36

skewness (moments), 20statVec, 38stochContr, 39summary.propagate, 29, 40

var, 17

WelchSatter, 27, 29, 41