package ‘seedy’ - the comprehensive r archive network ‘seedy’ november 6, 2015 type package...

Package ‘seedy’ November 6, 2015 Type Package Title Simulation of Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics Version 1.3 Date 2015-11-06 Author Colin Worby Maintainer Colin Worby <[email protected]> Description Suite of functions for the simulation, visualisation and analysis of bacterial evolution within- and between-host. License GPL-3 NeedsCompilation no Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2015-11-06 23:58:19 R topics documented: seedy-package ........................................ 2 ancestors .......................................... 3 deepseq ........................................... 4 deepseqmat ......................................... 4 diversity.range ........................................ 5 estcoaltime ......................................... 6 expsnps ........................................... 7 flat .............................................. 8 gd .............................................. 9 hump ............................................ 10 librtoDNA .......................................... 10 meansnps .......................................... 11 networkmat ......................................... 12 outbreak ........................................... 13 plotdistmat ......................................... 13 plotdiversity ......................................... 15 1

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Page 1: Package ‘seedy’ - The Comprehensive R Archive Network ‘seedy’ November 6, 2015 Type Package Title Simulation of Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics Version 1.3

Package ‘seedy’November 6, 2015

Type Package

Title Simulation of Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics

Version 1.3

Date 2015-11-06

Author Colin Worby

Maintainer Colin Worby <[email protected]>

DescriptionSuite of functions for the simulation, visualisation and analysis of bacterial evolution within-and between-host.

License GPL-3

NeedsCompilation no

Repository CRAN

Date/Publication 2015-11-06 23:58:19

R topics documented:seedy-package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2ancestors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3deepseq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4deepseqmat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4diversity.range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5estcoaltime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6expsnps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7flat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8gd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9hump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10librtoDNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10meansnps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11networkmat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12outbreak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13plotdistmat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13plotdiversity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


Page 2: Package ‘seedy’ - The Comprehensive R Archive Network ‘seedy’ November 6, 2015 Type Package Title Simulation of Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics Version 1.3

2 seedy-package

plotnetwork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15plotobservedsnps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16plotoutbreak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17plotsnpfreq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19sharedvariants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20simfixoutbreak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20simulateoutbreak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22simulatepopulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26transroutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27withinhost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Index 30

seedy-package Simulation of Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics


A package of functions to simulate, visualize and assess epidemiological and pathogen genomicsample data collected during an outbreak.


Package: seedyType: PackageVersion: 1.3Date: 2015-11-06License: GPL-3


Colin Worby ([email protected])


# Load within host datadata(withinhost)

# Calculate genetic distance matrixGmat <- gd(withinhost$obs.strain, withinhost$libr, withinhost$nuc,


# Set colorscolvec <- rainbow(1200)[1:1000] # Color palette

Page 3: Package ‘seedy’ - The Comprehensive R Archive Network ‘seedy’ November 6, 2015 Type Package Title Simulation of Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics Version 1.3

ancestors 3

coltext <- rep("black", length(colvec)) # Corresponding text colorscoltext[680:970] <- "white" # White text for darker background colours

# Plot distance matrixplotdistmat(Gmat, colvec, coltext, pos="bottomleft", labels=NULL, numbers=TRUE)

# Load outbreak datadata(outbreak)sampledata <- outbreak$sampledataepidata <- outbreak$epidata

# Calculate distance matrix for observed samplesdistmat <- gd(sampledata[,3], outbreak$libr, outbreak$nuc, outbreak$librstrains)

# Now pick colors for sampled isolatesrefnode <- 1 # Compare distance to which isolate?colv <- NULL # Vector of colors for samplesmaxD <- max(distmat[,refnode])

for (i in 1:nrow(sampledata)) {colv <- c(colv,


plotoutbreak(epidata, sampledata, col=colv, stack=TRUE, arr.len=0.1,blockheight=0.5, hspace=500, label.pos="left", block.col="grey",jitter=0.004, xlab="Time", pch=1)

ancestors Vector of infection ancestors


Provides the chain of infection leading to a specified individual.


ancestors(x, ID, sources)


x Individual ID.

ID List of person IDs.

sources List of infection sources, corresponding to ID.


First element will be the ID x, last element will be zero.

Page 4: Package ‘seedy’ - The Comprehensive R Archive Network ‘seedy’ November 6, 2015 Type Package Title Simulation of Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics Version 1.3

4 deepseqmat


data(outbreak)ancestors(9, outbreak$epidata[,1], outbreak$epidata[,4])

deepseq Deep-sequenced bacterial samples


Simulated deep-sequence samples within a host. Equilibrium population 10000, mutation rate 0.001per site per generation, genome length 100kb, sampled every 1000 generations until 25000.




Deep-sequenced samples were taken at 50 time points.


data(deepseq)D <- plotdiversity(deepseq, sample.times=(1:50)*1000, xlab="Time", ylab="Expected pairwise SNPs")

deepseqmat Generate deep sequence observations


Generates a matrix of polymorphism frequencies




X Simulated complete genomic sampling data from the simulateoutbreak orsimulatepopulation functions.

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diversity.range 5


The argument full=TRUE must be passed to simulateoutbreak or simulatepopulation in orderfor complete genomic data to be generated for each sample. Data of this format can be passed tothis function.


Returns a matrix, each row represents a polymorphic site, each column a sample. Frequencies ofthe mutant type (relative to the initial strain) are reported.


data(deepseq)W <- deepseqmat(deepseq)

diversity.range Range of genetic diversity over time


Generates multiple populations stochastically from an identical source, and measures the resultingdiversity over time in each.


diversity.range(m.rate, runtime, equi.pop, iterations = 10, n.points = 100,genomelength = 1e+05, bottle.times=0, bottle.size=1, feedback = 1000,makeplot = TRUE, area = TRUE, colline = "blue", colarea = rgb(0, 0, 1, 0.4),ref.strain = NULL, init.freq = 1, libr=NULL, nuc=NULL, ...)


m.rate Mutation rate (per genome per generation).

runtime Number of bacterial generations over which to simulate.

equi.pop Equilibrium effective population size.

iterations Number of populations to simulate.

n.points Number of equidistant points to sample diversity during runtime.

genomelength Genome length.

bottle.times Vector of population bottleneck times.

bottle.size Size of population bottleneck.

feedback Number of generations between each simulation report.

makeplot Should resulting diversity be plotted?

area Should 95% central quantile of genetic diversity be shaded? If FALSE, thenindividual diversity trajectories are plotted.

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6 estcoaltime

colline Colour of lines (if makeplot=TRUE).

colarea Colour of shaded area (if makeplot=TRUE and area=TRUE).

ref.strain Reference strain, if required.

init.freq Initial frequency of strains in starting population (if libr and nuc specified)

libr Library of initial sequences.

nuc Nucleotides at polymorphic sites, corresponding to libr.

... Additional arguments to be passed to plot.


Provides an empirical estimate of the expected genetic diversity (pairwise SNP distance) over time,with associated uncertainty. Initial population can be specified using the libr, nuc and init.freqarguments, otherwise population is grown from a single genotype. Resolution can be improved byincreasing n.points, and accuracy by increasing iterations (at the expense of accuracy).


A iterations by n.points matrix with diversity over time for each simulation.

See Also



iterations <- 10K <- diversity.range(m.rate=0.0005, runtime=1000, equi.pop=1000,iterations=iterations, n.points=100, genomelength=100000, feedback=100,makeplot=TRUE, area=TRUE, colline="blue", colarea=rgb(0,0,1,0.4))

estcoaltime Estimate expected time to coalescence for sampled lineages in bottle-necked population


Estimates the expected time to coalescence for two randomly sampled lineages at a particular time,given the past population dynamics.


estcoaltime(bottlesize, popsize, bottletimes, obstime)

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expsnps 7


bottlesize Effective size of population bottlenecks.

popsize Effective population size between bottlenecks.

bottletimes Vector of bottleneck times.

obstime Time of observation.


Expected coalescent time is calculated under the assumption that population remains constant atpopsize, but drops to bottlesize for a single generation at bottleneck times. The probability ofcoalescence in a particular generation is the reciprocal of the population size at the time.


Returns the expected number of generations since coalescence.


estcoaltime(bottlesize=10, popsize=10000, bottletimes=c(1000,2000,3000,4000),obstime=5000)

expsnps Distribution of genetic distances


For any pair of epidemiologically linked individuals, returns the distribution of genetic distanceseparating randomly drawn samples.


expsnps(x, m.rate, c.rate, tau)


x Vector of (non-negative integer) quantiles.

m.rate Mutation rate (per genome per generation).

c.rate Rate of coalescence prior to lineage divergence (constant).

tau Total time from lineage divergence to observations.

Page 8: Package ‘seedy’ - The Comprehensive R Archive Network ‘seedy’ November 6, 2015 Type Package Title Simulation of Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics Version 1.3

8 flat


A pair of genomes sampled during an outbreak will have an epidemiological and an evolutionaryrelationship with each other. ’Lineage divergence’ is defined to be the time at which the lineagesceased to exist within the same host (or, the latest possible time of coalescence). Mutations mayarise in two distinct time periods: (a) the time between coalescence and lineage divergence, and(b) the time between lineage divergence and observation. The latter follows a Poisson distributionwith mean equal to the mutation rate multiplied by the total time between lineage divergence andobservations (two branches). The former is not Poisson distributed, since the time to coalescenceis typically unknown (but follows an exponential distribution with a constant effective populationsize). It follows that, with a constant effective population size (and therefore coalescent rate), thenumber of mutations follows a geometric distribution. Therefore, the total number of SNPs betweentwo samples is a geometric-Poisson mixture distribution, which this function returns.


Returns the probability density for given genetic distances.

See Also



expsnps(3, m.rate=0.003, c.rate=1/10000, tau=1000)

plot(expsnps(0:100, m.rate=0.003, c.rate=1/2000, tau=5000), type="h")

flat Equilibrium population growth model


Provides the expected pathogen population at any point during infection


flat(x, span, eq.size)


x Time after infection.

span Total duration of infection.

eq.size Expected equilibrium population size.


Returns expected population size at x.

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gd 9


flat(1:200, span=200, eq.size=1000)

gd Genetic distance matrix


Given a set of genomic samples, returns a pairwise geentic distance matrix


gd(samp, libr, nuc, key)


samp Vector of sample IDs.

libr Library object from simulation functions. A list in which each entry representsa unique genotype, and is a vector of mutated nucleotide positions relative to thereference seqeunce.

nuc Nucleotide database from simulation functions. A list (corresponding to libr)in which each entry represents a unique genotype, and is a vector of mutatednucleotides relative to the reference sequence.

key Vector of sample IDs in the order they appear in the libr and nuc objects.


Each element of samp represents one row and column in the genetic distance matrix.


Returns a symmetric genetic distance matrix with rows and columns corresponding to the sampvector.


data(withinhost)gd(withinhost$obs.strain, withinhost$libr, withinhost$nuc, withinhost$librstrains)

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10 librtoDNA

hump Sinusoidal population growth model


Provides the expected pathogen population at any point during infection


hump(x, span, max.size)


x Time after infection.

span Total duration of infection.

max.size Expected maximum population size, attained at midpoint of infection.


Returns expected population size at x.


hump(1:200, span=200, max.size=1000)

librtoDNA Convert simulation objects to DNA sequences or Nexus/Fasta files.


Creates a character string or matrix of nucleotides (C, A, G, T), output to vector, matrix or Nexusfile.


librtoDNA(sampleID, libr, nuc, ref.strain, key, sampletime=NULL,strings = FALSE, filename = NULL, format = "nexus")

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meansnps 11


sampleID Vector of sample IDs to output.

libr Library object from simulation functions. A list in which each entry representsa unique genotype, and is a vector of mutated nucleotide positions relative to thereference sequence.

nuc Nucleotide database from simulation functions. A list (corresponding to libr)in which each entry represents a unique genotype, and is a vector of mutatednucleotides relative to the reference sequence.

ref.strain Reference strain to which the libr and nuc objects are compared (string ofintegers in 1,...,4).

key Vector of sample IDs corresponding to the order of libr.

sampletime Vector of sample times. If specified, incorporates sample times into genomename in Nexus file.

strings If TRUE, returns a character vector, each element containing one genotype. Oth-erwise, returns a (number of genotypes)x(length of genome) character matrix.

filename File to which sequence data should be written. Output format is Nexus. Notwritten out if NULL.

format File format to be exported (if filename!=NULL). Options are "nexus" and "fasta".


A character vector or matrix, depending on strings.


data(withinhost)G <- librtoDNA(sampleID=withinhost$obs.strain, libr=withinhost$libr, nuc=withinhost$nuc,

ref.strain=withinhost$ref.strain, key=withinhost$librstrains, strings=TRUE)

meansnps Mean diversity within a single population


Calculates the expected pairwise genetic distance (number of SNPs) between two randomly sam-pled genomes in a population.


meansnps(strain.log, freq.log, libr, nuc, key)

Page 12: Package ‘seedy’ - The Comprehensive R Archive Network ‘seedy’ November 6, 2015 Type Package Title Simulation of Evolutionary and Epidemiological Dynamics Version 1.3

12 networkmat


strain.log Vector of unique genotype IDs in populationfreq.log Vector of counts of genotypes in population, corresponding to strain.log.libr Library object from simulation functions. A list in which each entry represents

a unique genotype, and is a vector of mutated nucleotide positions relative to thereference seqeunce.

nuc Nucleotide database from simulation functions. A list (corresponding to libr)in which each entry represents a unique genotype, and is a vector of mutatednucleotides relative to the reference sequence.

key Vector of genotype IDs corresponding to the libr and nuc objects.


data(withinhost)meansnps(withinhost$obs.strain, rep(1, 10), withinhost$libr, withinhost$nuc,


networkmat Create adjacency matrix


For a given set of infection routes, returns an adjacency matrix.


networkmat(ID, sources)


ID Vector of infective IDssources Vector of infection sources corresponding to ID.


Returns a matrix with the [i,j]th entry equal to 1 if the ith infective in ID infected the jth infective inID.

See Also



data(outbreak)networkmat(outbreak$epidata[,1], outbreak$epidata[,4])

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outbreak 13

outbreak Outbreak data


Simulated outbreak data and genomic samples. An SIR outbreak was simulated with an infective in-dividual entering a population of thirty susceptibles. Ten genomes were sampled from each infectedindividual every 500 generations.




Consists of epidemiological data and genomic sample data.


data(outbreak)sampledata <- outbreak$sampledataepidata <- outbreak$epidata

distmat <- gd(sampledata[,3], outbreak$libr, outbreak$nuc, outbreak$librstrains)

# Now pick colors for sampled isolatescolvec <- rainbow(1200)[1:1000] # Color paletterefnode <- 1 # Compare distance to which isolate?colv <- NULL # Vector of colors for samplesmaxD <- max(distmat[,refnode])

for (i in 1:nrow(sampledata)) {colv <- c(colv,


plotoutbreak(epidata, sampledata, col=colv, stack=TRUE, arr.len=0.1,blockheight=0.5, hspace=500, label.pos="left", block.col="grey",jitter=0.004, xlab="Time", pch=1)

plotdistmat Plot genetic distance matrix


Provides a graphical representation of the pairwise genetic distance matrix for a collection ofgenomes.

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14 plotdistmat


plotdistmat(distmat, colvec, coltext, pos = "topleft", labels = NULL,numbers = TRUE, ...)


distmat Symmetrical pairwise distance matrix, the [i,j]th entry corresponding to the ge-netic distance between genomes i and j.

colvec Vector of colors to represent increasing genetic distance.

coltext Vector of colors for numerals representing geentic distance on plot (if numbers=TRUE).

pos Position of the matrix in plot. Allowed values are "topleft", "topright","bottomleft" and "bottomright".

labels Axis labels for genomes (by default, marked 1,...,n).

numbers Should the genetic distance be recorded in each cell?

... Additional arguments to be passed to plot.


Plots the upper (or lower) diagonal genetic distance matrix, with each entry colored according togeentic distance.

See Also



data(withinhost)Gmat <- gd(withinhost$obs.strain, withinhost$libr, withinhost$nuc,


colvec <- rainbow(1200)[1:1000] # Color palettecoltext <- rep("black", length(colvec)) # Corresponding text colorscoltext[680:970] <- "white" # White text for darker background colours

plotdistmat(Gmat, colvec, coltext, pos="bottomleft", labels=NULL, numbers=TRUE)

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plotdiversity 15

plotdiversity Plot genetic diversity over time


Calculates and plots the genetic diversity (mean pairwise number of SNPs between samples) indeep-sequenced samples.


plotdiversity(X, sample.times, makeplot = TRUE, filter=FALSE, ...)


X Simulated deep sequence data over time.

sample.times Vector of sample collection times.

makeplot Should diversity samples be plotted?

filter Should a subset of the sequence data be plotted? That is, should only the se-quences at sample.times be plotted, out of a larger sample set?

... Additional arguments to be passed to plot (if makeplot=TRUE).


Returns a vector of diversity values for each sample time.


data(deepseq)D <- plotdiversity(deepseq, sample.times=(1:50)*1000, xlab="Time",

ylab="Expected pairwise SNPs")

plotnetwork Plot weighted transmission network


For a given weighted adjacency matrix, plots a directed network illustrating transmission probabil-ities.


plotnetwork(probmat, labels, arrlen = 0.15, scale = 1, ...)

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16 plotobservedsnps


probmat Transmission probability matrix. The [i,j]th element represents the probabilitythat person i infected person j.

labels Labels representing row and columns in the probability matrix.

arrlen Length of arrow heads (see arrows).

scale Scaling for colors according to probability values.

... Additional arguments to be passed to plot.


data(outbreak)K <- networkmat(outbreak$epidata[,1], outbreak$epidata[,4])plotnetwork(K, labels=outbreak$epidata[,1])

plotobservedsnps Plot expected frequency of polymorphic sites in a model deep sequenc-ing project


Given an average depth of coverage and per base sequencing error rate, estimate the read frequencyof most common polymorphic sites.


plotobservedsnps(data, timepoint=1, coverage=50, error=0.001, iterations=100, maxsnp=50,legend=TRUE, ylim=c(0,1.5*coverage), ...)


data Full sequence data generated from the simulatepopulation function.

timepoint Which sampling time should be used.

coverage Coverage depth.

error Sequencing erorr rate per base.

iterations Number of iterations to generate confidence bounds.

maxsnp Number of polymorphic sites to show.

legend Should a legend be plotted?

ylim Bounds of y axis.

... Additional arguments to be passed to plot.

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plotoutbreak 17


Plots the expected number of reads containing the most frequent polymorphisms, with a 95% con-fidence interval, derived from repeated random draws. Additionally shows the frequency of falsepositive observations arising through sequencing error.


Returns an iterations x maxsnp matrix. Each column represents a polymorphic site, and eachrow one iteration. Each entry provides the number of reads containing the polymorphism in a giveniteration. Columns are ordered by frequency.


T. D. Read ([email protected])



# At the 25th time pointplotobservedsnps(data=deepseq, timepoint=25, xaxt="n", xlab="Ranked polymorphic sites",

ylab="Reads", yaxs="i", las=1)# At the 50th time pointplotobservedsnps(data=deepseq, timepoint=50, xaxt="n", xlab="Ranked polymorphic sites",

ylab="Reads", yaxs="i", las=1)

plotoutbreak Plot outbreak


Provides a graphical representation of simulated outbreak and sampled genomes.


plotoutbreak(epidata, sampledata, col = "red", stack = TRUE, arr.len = 0.1,blockheight = 0.5, hspace = max(epidata[,3])/20, labels = NULL, label.pos = "left",block.col = "grey", jitter = 0, pch = 1, ...)


epidata Simulated epidemiological data - matrix consisting of person IDs, infection andrecovery times, and infection source.

sampledata Simulated genomic sample data - matrix of person IDs, sample times and genomeID. Genomic sample data simulated with full=TRUE cannot be used.

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18 plotoutbreak

col A vector of colors to represent increasing genetic distance.

stack Should infectious periods be organized to minimize plot height? Alternatively,each period occupies one row.

arr.len Arrow length. See arrows.

blockheight The height of each bar representing infectious periods. Takes a value between 0and 1.

hspace Minimum horizontal space between two infectious period bars (in units of time).

labels Labels for each infectious episode. First columns of epidata by default.

label.pos Position of labels. Accepted values are "centre", "left" and "right".

block.col Background color for each infectious period bar.

jitter Amount of jitter to be applied to genome sample points (as a proportion of plotdimensions).

pch Point type for genome samples (see par).

... Additional arguments to be passed to plot.


Graphical representation of transmission dynamics and sampled genomes. For multiple genomesamples per time point, set jitter>0.


data(outbreak)sampledata <- outbreak$sampledataepidata <- outbreak$epidata

distmat <- gd(sampledata[,3], outbreak$libr, outbreak$nuc, outbreak$librstrains)

# Now pick colors for sampled isolatescolvec <- rainbow(1200)[1:1000] # Color paletterefnode <- 1 # Compare distance to which isolate?colv <- NULL # Vector of colors for samplesmaxD <- max(distmat[,refnode])

for (i in 1:nrow(sampledata)) {colv <- c(colv,


plotoutbreak(epidata, sampledata, col=colv, stack=TRUE, arr.len=0.1,blockheight=0.5, hspace=500, label.pos="left", block.col="grey",jitter=0.004, xlab="Time", pch=1)

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plotsnpfreq 19

plotsnpfreq Plot frequency of polymorphic sites


Returns the frequency of polymorphic sites above a probability level.


plotsnpfreq(data, timepoint=1, type="S", ...)


data Full sequence data generated from the simulatepopulation function.

timepoint Which sampling time should be used.

type Type of plot desired. See plot.

... Additional arguments to be passed to plot.


Plots frequency of polymorphic sites above each probability level.


Returns a matrix with points used for the plot.



# At the 25th time pointplotsnpfreq(data=deepseq, timepoint=25, xlab="Mutant frequency", ylim=c(0,25),

ylab="No. sites", yaxs="i", xaxs="i", las=1, bty="l", col="red", lwd=2)# At the 50th time pointplotsnpfreq(data=deepseq, timepoint=50, xlab="Mutant frequency", ylim=c(0,25),

ylab="No. sites", yaxs="i", xaxs="i", las=1, bty="l", col="red", lwd=2)

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20 simfixoutbreak

sharedvariants Shared variants matrix


Generates a matrix of shared variant counts between each sample pair.




deepseqmat Deep sequence matrix generated by the deepseqmat function.


Returns a matrix in which each entry details the number of shared intermediate frequency variantsbetween each pair of samples.


data(deepseq)W <- deepseqmat(deepseq)Y <- sharedvariants(W)

simfixoutbreak Simulate evolutionary dynamics on a given transmission tree


Simulate within-host evolutionary dynamics on top of an existing transmission tree and generategenomic samples.


simfixoutbreak(ID,inf.times, rec.times, inf.source, mut.rate, equi.pop=10000, shape=flat,inoc.size=1, imp.var=25, samples.per.time=1, samp.schedule="random",samp.freq=500, full=FALSE, feedback=500, glen=100000,ref.strain=NULL, ...)

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simfixoutbreak 21


ID Vector of unique IDs.

inf.times Vector of (integer) infection times.

rec.times Vector of (integer) removal times.

inf.source Vector of infection sources. The ith entry corresponds to the ID of the source ofinfection. For importations, the source should be 0.

mut.rate Mutation rate (per genome per generation).

equi.pop Equilibrium effective population size of pathogens within-host.

shape Function describing the population growth dynamics. See Details.

inoc.size Size of pathogen inoculum at transmission.

imp.var The expected number of mutations separating unconnected importations.samples.per.time

Number of samples taken at sampling times.

samp.schedule How should sampling be conducted? Accepted values are: "calendar" - samplesare taken from all current infectives every samp.freq generations; "individual" -samples are taken from each infective at intervals of samp.freq after infection;"random" - samples are taken at one time between infection and removal foreach infective.

full Should ‘full’ genomic sampling be returned? That is, should a vector of geno-types and their respective frequencies be stored from each individual’s samplingtimes?

samp.freq Number of generations between each sampling time (see samp.schedule).

feedback Number of generations between simulation updates returned to R interface.

glen Length of genome.

ref.strain Initial sequence. By default, a random sequence of length glen.

... Additional arguments to be passed to the shape function.


Population growth dynamics are defined by the function called by ’shape’. This function returns theexpected population size at each time step, given the total simulation time. By default, the popula-tion is expected to grow exponentially until reaching an equilibrium level, specified by equi.pop(flat). Alternatively, the population can follow a sinusoidal growth curve, peaking at runtime/2(hump). User-defined functions should be of the form function(time,span,equi.pop,...),where span is equal to the duration of infection in this setting.


Returns a list of outbreak data:

epidata A matrix of epidemiological data with columns: person ID, infection time, re-moval time, source of infection.

sampledata A matrix of genome samples with columns: person ID, sampling time, genomeID.

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22 simulateoutbreak

libr A list with an entry for each unique genotype observed. Each entry is a vectorof mutation positions relative to the reference genome.

nuc A list with an entry for each unique genotype observed. Each entry is a vectorof nucleotide types (integer between 1 and 4).

librstrains A vector of unique genotype IDs corresponding to the libr object.

endtime End time of the outbreak.


# Simulate a transmission chaininf.times <- (0:20)*100rec.times <- inf.times + 100 + rpois(21,50)inf.source <- 0:20inf.source[c(3,11)] <- 0 # Two importationsmut.rate <- 0.001

# Now simulate evolutionary dynamics and samples on top of this treeW <- simfixoutbreak(ID=1:21, inf.times, rec.times, inf.source, mut.rate, equi.pop=1000, shape=flat,

inoc.size=10, imp.var=25, samples.per.time=5, samp.schedule="random",samp.freq=500, full=FALSE, feedback=100, glen=100000,ref.strain=NULL)

sampledata <- W$sampledataepidata <- W$epidata

# Calculate distance matrix for observed samplesdistmat <- gd(sampledata[,3], W$libr, W$nuc, W$librstrains)

# Now pick colors for sampled isolatescolvec <- rainbow(1200)[1:1000] # Color paletterefnode <- 1 # Compare distance to which isolate?colv <- NULL # Vector of colors for samplesmaxD <- max(distmat[,refnode])

for (i in 1:nrow(sampledata)) {colv <- c(colv,


plotoutbreak(epidata, sampledata, col=colv, stack=TRUE, arr.len=0.1,blockheight=0.5, hspace=60, label.pos="left", block.col="grey",jitter=0.004, xlab="Time", pch=1)

simulateoutbreak Simulate transmission and evolutionary dynamics

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simulateoutbreak 23


Simulate within-host evolutionary dynamics on top of an SIR transmission process and generategenomic samples.


simulateoutbreak(init.sus, inf.rate, rem.rate, mut.rate, nmat = NULL,equi.pop = 10000, shape=flat, init.inf = 1, inoc.size = 1,samples.per.time = 1, samp.schedule = "random",samp.freq = 500, full=FALSE, mincases = 1,feedback = 500, glen = 1e+05, ref.strain = NULL, ...)


init.sus Initial number of susceptible individuals.

inf.rate SIR rate of infection.

rem.rate SIR rate of removal.

mut.rate Mutation rate (per genome per generation).

nmat Connectivity matrix. Entry [i,j] gives the relative rate at which person i maycontact person j.

equi.pop Equilibrium effective population size of pathogens within-host.

shape Function describing the population growth dynamics. See Details.

init.inf Initial number of infected individuals.

inoc.size Size of pathogen inoculum at transmission.samples.per.time

Number of samples taken at sampling times.

samp.schedule How should sampling be conducted? Accepted values are: "calendar" - samplesare taken from all current infectives every samp.freq generations; "individual" -samples are taken from each infective at intervals of samp.freq after infection;"random" - samples are taken at one time between infection and removal foreach infective.

samp.freq Number of generations between each sampling time (see samp.schedule).

full Should ‘full’ genomic sampling be returned? That is, should a vector of geno-types and their respective frequencies be stored from each individual’s samplingtimes?

mincases Minimum final size of outbreak to output. If final size is less than this value,another outbreak is simulated.

feedback Number of generations between simulation updates returned to R interface.

glen Length of genome.

ref.strain Initial sequence. By default, a random sequence of length glen.

... Additional arguments to be passed to the shape function.

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24 simulateoutbreak


Population growth dynamics are defined by the function called by ’shape’. This function returns theexpected population size at each time step, given the total simulation time. By default, the popula-tion is expected to grow exponentially until reaching an equilibrium level, specified by equi.pop(flat). Alternatively, the population can follow a sinusoidal growth curve, peaking at runtime/2(hump). User-defined functions should be of the form function(time,span,equi.pop,...),where span is equal to the duration of infection in this setting.


Returns a list of outbreak data:

epidata A matrix of epidemiological data with columns: person ID, infection time, re-moval time, source of infection.

sampledata A matrix of genome samples with columns: person ID, sampling time, genomeID.

libr A list with an entry for each unique genotype observed. Each entry is a vectorof mutation positions relative to the reference genome.

nuc A list with an entry for each unique genotype observed. Each entry is a vectorof nucleotide types (integer between 1 and 4).

librstrains A vector of unique genotype IDs corresponding to the libr object.endtime End time of the outbreak.


W <- simulateoutbreak(init.sus=10, inf.rate=0.002, rem.rate=0.001, mut.rate=0.0001,equi.pop=2000, inoc.size=1, samples.per.time=10,samp.schedule="calendar", samp.freq=500, mincases=3)

sampledata <- W$sampledataepidata <- W$epidata

# Calculate distance matrix for observed samplesdistmat <- gd(sampledata[,3], W$libr, W$nuc, W$librstrains)

# Now pick colors for sampled isolatescolvec <- rainbow(1200)[1:1000] # Color paletterefnode <- 1 # Compare distance to which isolate?colv <- NULL # Vector of colors for samplesmaxD <- max(distmat[,refnode])

for (i in 1:nrow(sampledata)) {colv <- c(colv,


plotoutbreak(epidata, sampledata, col=colv, stack=TRUE, arr.len=0.1,blockheight=0.5, hspace=500, label.pos="left", block.col="grey",jitter=0.004, xlab="Time", pch=1)

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simulatepopulation 25

simulatepopulation Simulate a pathogen population


Simulates a pathogen population undergoing a Wright-Fisher discrete-time evolutionary process.


simulatepopulation(m.rate, runtime, equi.pop, sample.times, n.samples=1,genomelength=100000, shape=flat, bottle.times=0, bottle.size=1, full=FALSE,feedback=1000, init.freq=1, libr=NULL, nuc=NULL, ref.strain=NULL, ...)


m.rate Mutation rate (per sequence per generation).

runtime Number of generations for simulation to run.

equi.pop Equilibrium effective population size of pathogens within-host.

sample.times Vector of times at which to sample population.

n.samples Number of samples to take at each sampling point (if deepseq=FALSE).

genomelength Length of genome.

shape Function describing the population growth dynamics. See Details.

bottle.times Vector of population bottleneck times.

bottle.size Size of population bottleneck (if bottle.times!=0).

full Should complete samples (all genotypes and their frequencies) be returned?

feedback Intervals between R feedback on simulation progress.

init.freq Vector of initial frequencies of genotypes, if initial population should be speci-fied. By default, the population grows from a single, randomly generated geno-type.

libr Initial list of genotypes, if initial population should be specified. Must havesame length as init.freq.

nuc Initial list of mutations, if initial population should be specified. Must have samelength as init.freq.

ref.strain Reference strain. By default, this is randomly generated.

... Additional arguments to be passed to the shape function.

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26 transmission


Simulation of a bacterial population. Population is by default initially clonal, and initiated by asingle genotype. Population is prevented from extinction at all times. Population can be passedthrough repeated bottlenecks using the arguments bottle.times and bottle.size. Populationgrowth dynamics are defined by the function called by ’shape’. This function returns the expectedpopulation size at each time step, given the total simulation time. By default, the population isexpected to grow exponentially until reaching an equilibrium level, specified by equi.pop (flat).Alternatively, the population can follow a sinusoidal growth curve, peaking at runtime/2 (hump).User-defined functions should be of the form function(time,span,equi.pop,...), where spanis equal to runtime in this setting.


Returns a list of sampling data;

libr List of unique genotypes observed. Each entry is a vector of mutant loci relativeto the reference strain.

nuc List of mutation types corresponding to libr. Each entry is a vector of nu-cleotides mutated from the reference strain, corresponding to entries in libr.

librstrains Vector of unique genotype IDs corresponding to the libr object.

obs.strain If full=TRUE, list of observed genotypes, each entry corresponding to the sample.times.If full=FALSE, a vector of genotype IDs, corresponding to the returned vectorobs.time.

obs.freq List of observed genotype frequencies returned if full=TRUE.

obs.time Vector of observation times returned if full=FALSE.

ref.strain Reference strain used.


# Generate 5 genome samples at 5 time pointsX <- simulatepopulation(m.rate=0.0005, runtime=10000, equi.pop=2000,

sample.times=(1:5)*2000, n.samples=5,genomelength=10000, full=FALSE)

# Generate complete observations at 5 time pointsX <- simulatepopulation( m.rate=0.0005, runtime=10000, equi.pop=2000,

sample.times=(1:5)*2000, genomelength=10000,bottle.times=5000, bottle.size=1, full=TRUE)

transmission Outbreak data


Simulated outbreak data and genomic samples. An SIR outbreak was simulated with an infectiveindividual entering a population of thirty susceptibles. A single genome was isolated from eachindividual during their infectious period.

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transroutes 27




Consists of epidemiological data and genomic sample data.


data(transmission)W <- transmission

ID <- unique(W$sampledata[,1])GD <- gd(W$sampledata[,3], W$libr, W$nuc, W$librstrains)

sample.times <- W$sampledata[,2]inf.times <- numeric(length(ID))rec.times <- numeric(length(ID))truesource <- numeric(length(ID))for (i in 1:length(ID)) {

inf.times[i] <- W$epidata[which(W$epidata[,1]==ID[i]),2]rec.times[i] <- W$epidata[which(W$epidata[,1]==ID[i]),3]truesource[i] <- W$epidata[which(W$epidata[,1]==ID[i]),4]


colvec <- rainbow(1200)[1:1000] # Color paletterefnode <- 1 # Compare distance to which isolate?colv <- NULL # Vector of colors for samplesmaxD <- max(GD[,refnode])for (i in 1:length(ID)) {

colv <- c(colv, colvec[floor((length(colvec)-1)*(GD[refnode,i])/maxD)+1])}

plotoutbreak(W$epidata, W$sampledata, col=colv, pch=16)K <- transroutes(ID=ID, GD=GD, sample.times=sample.times, inf.times=inf.times,

rec.times=rec.times, mut.rate=0.01, eq.size=5000,bottle.size=1, p.level=0.95, summary=TRUE)


transroutes Assessment of transmission routes using theoretical SNP distribution


Calculates likelihood and posterior probability of each potential transmission route using a geometric-Poisson approximation of SNP distance.

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28 transroutes


transroutes(ID, GD, sample.times, inf.times, rec.times=NULL, mut.rate, eq.size,bottle.size=1, p.level=0.95, geninterval=NULL, summary=TRUE)


ID Vector of individual IDs.GD Matrix of genetic distances, with the [i,j]-th entry corresponding to the genetic

distance between samples from the ith and jth entry of ID.sample.times Vector of genome sampling times (same length as ID).inf.times Vector of infection times (same length as ID).rec.times Vector of recovery times (same length as ID if specified).mut.rate Mutation rate.eq.size Equilibrium within-host effective population size.bottle.size Size of population bottleneck.p.level Probability level at which to reject potential transmission routes.geninterval Generation interval (if bottle.size>1).summary Should a summary for each ID be printed to screen?


Calculates the likelihood and posterior probability (given a flat prior) for each potential transmissionroute, as well as indicating which transmission routes would be rejected at a given probability level.If recovery times are not specified, each individual is assumed to be infectious for the duration ofthe outbreak.


Returns calculated values:

maxpostsource Vector of maximum posterior probability transmission sources corresponding toID.

likelihood A matrix of likelihood values from the geometric-Poisson distribution. The[i,j]th entry provides the likelihood that the i-th individual infected the j-th indi-vidual.

posterior A matrix of posterior transmission probabilities. The [i,j]th entry provides theposterior probability that the i-th individual infected the j-th individual.

closestsource A list of the individuals carrying the most genetically similar genotype. Eachentry corresponds to ID.

reject Matrix indicating whether a transmission route would be rejected at the specifiedprobability level. The [i,j]th entry is equal to 1 if the route from i to j is rejectedat this level.

See Also


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withinhost 29


data(transmission)W <- transmissionID <- unique(W$sampledata[,1])GD <- gd(W$sampledata[,3], W$libr, W$nuc, W$librstrains)

sample.times <- W$sampledata[,2]inf.times <- numeric(length(ID))rec.times <- numeric(length(ID))truesource <- numeric(length(ID))for (i in 1:length(ID)) {

inf.times[i] <- W$epidata[which(W$epidata[,1]==ID[i]),2]rec.times[i] <- W$epidata[which(W$epidata[,1]==ID[i]),3]truesource[i] <- W$epidata[which(W$epidata[,1]==ID[i]),4]


K <- transroutes(ID=ID, GD=GD, sample.times=sample.times, inf.times=inf.times,rec.times=rec.times, mut.rate=0.01, eq.size=5000,bottle.size=1, p.level=0.95, summary=TRUE)


withinhost Within-host genomic data


Simulated within-host bacterial genomic samples.




Two bacterial samples were taken every 2000 generations up to time 10000.


data(withinhost)Gmat <- gd(withinhost$obs.strain, withinhost$libr, withinhost$nuc,


colvec <- rainbow(1200)[1:1000] # Color palettecoltext <- rep("black", length(colvec)) # Corresponding text colorscoltext[680:970] <- "white" # White text for darker background colours

plotdistmat(Gmat, colvec, coltext, pos="bottomleft", labels=NULL, numbers=TRUE)

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ancestors, 3, 12arrows, 16, 18

deepseq, 4deepseqmat, 4, 20diversity.range, 5

estcoaltime, 6, 8expsnps, 7, 28

flat, 8, 21, 24, 26

gd, 9, 14

hump, 10, 21, 24, 26

librtoDNA, 10

meansnps, 11

networkmat, 12

outbreak, 13

par, 18plot, 18, 19plotdistmat, 13plotdiversity, 6, 15plotnetwork, 15plotobservedsnps, 16plotoutbreak, 17plotsnpfreq, 19

seedy (seedy-package), 2seedy-package, 2sharedvariants, 20simfixoutbreak, 20simulateoutbreak, 4, 5, 22simulatepopulation, 4, 5, 16, 19, 25

transmission, 26transroutes, 27

withinhost, 29