paducah sun (paducah, ky. : 1898). (paducah, ky) 1904-08-01 [p...

5 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN l Rudy Phillips 6 Co 4 SPECIAL f 1 1One Hour t rlTuesday i Beginning 9am I SaleAug 1 t J Hose r rI I Another chance to replenish your hose supply Fine lisle thread foreign dye lace stripe A value I worth 50c for this period I I IlICI1 Mesa I For Dr Pendlcy ring 418 Mrs E L Wbltosldei osteopath 116 North Sixth Both phone 761 Mini Quisle Smith Stenographer sail notary public 118 S Fourth St A want ad in The Sun U a small thing but it brings big results Bev O W Ferrymen has re ¬ ceived frum Mr Andrew Carnrgii a b t toerti6ed I copy of tho Manna Cbarta and the Declaration of Independence Perwhich lire to be hung on tho wells of the public library when it Is opened Lax Fos keeps your whole ins hies right Yonr druggist sells It on the money back plan Price tOo It your rook leaves you a Sun want ad will find you another Mr II U Bbodes has becnclcct pd I keeper of wampum or treasurer of tbo local Bed Mtns Lodge to sue veal MrWB Smith who hue moved to Lonisvlllo Palmer Tranifor jOo ton furnish you wlitfnVtodtoetTInitclais l llTery rigs spirited horses for fancy driving Gentle hones for laths A Chief of Police James Oolllni has been notiflod that the grand jury al Madlion Ind has Indicted Tom Tracy the alleged murderer rangbt hero recently by Officers Bogers and Johnson It D Clement eCo hue tbo books out for summer read ¬ 4newest Cost The Grousing Tbe and The Yoke Also at lowest prices Make your wants known through The Suns want columns r Another effort to snatch a purse was mad I by a negro Saturday night MM Joseph Keenan of Burnett street was approached near Seventh and Jefferson The negro snatched but did not succeed in getting her purse Dont forgot A II Carroll 200 Court street fleet free lunch and 1 I Ir r 1300 whIskey In the city Phone Johnston Denker Coal ca F S Johnston and Charles Denker your coal orders and get the test gtndo of coal Both phones 303 i A Dollar 1 Value for 75c f Agincourts Violet de Parme Toilet Water > Verily the best toilet water f quality and- quantity considered that we have ever sold tt- mCOIPOurte IiDruggists ruth and Broadway Both Phones 175 N Ending 10 a m 25cl Agent Norton of the Anams Ex press Company which yesterday closed its office here lies gone to his former home in Columbus Ohio to Ylllit before accepting another post thou with the company The business heretofore handled by the Adams Company will hereafter be bandied by the Southern on South Third street The action ofcalomel on Ibo liv er is 10 terrific that you are disquali lied for business Lax Fos gives bet- ter end quicker results by acting gently on the tttouiach kidneys liver and bowelall at once Never sickens or gripes Price 50 cent Jeff Hinchcy colored of the 10 shops herlll has filed n petition in bankruptcy giving his liabilities at 1340 Thu Illluols Central 1 Is still hay ing trcnble with rowdies in this sec ¬ lion Several stones have been thrown through car windows on the Cairo ox ¬ tension recently an engineer waH shot at and Saturday night near Wingo several rocks were thrown through the fast passenger train window which passed Paducah at 147 oolock Colonel Bad Dale entertained at tho 2iexBJcljmoajL Hotjl last WIek the second week of his rrprltorsblp 383 transient guests Colonel Dale says the hotel bUflncsH was never bet ¬ ter than now- Attorney Jesse B Moss hat been selected secretary to receive tbe Inl ¬ tlatlon fees for tbe prospective num hen of the lodge of Eagles being or ¬ ganized here by Arthur Van The initiation fee I Ii flied at ffi75 and all peisuns who have subscribed their names to the charter membership lilt will cell on Attorney Moss and pay him As soon as tbe members have paid enough In the money will be for warded to headquarters and time lodge installed Tbo work of installing the tele phone system in the Palmer House has begun under the direction of Manager A L Joynei of time East Tennessee Every room in the hotel will have a long distance phone No successor to Manager E A Roper of the Western Union has yet been secured LEFT HIS BAGGAGE Col Dale Believes He hail a Slick Duck for a Guest Man Claimed to be After Men to Aot as Strike Breakers Setting in the office or tho New Richmond Hotel aro several small grips and a suit case They wore in a room occupied by a man giving the name of Orland Marvin of Oblcago The man came there several days ego and claimed to be getting men to go to Illinois nod take the place of sink ¬ ing miners Ho claimed thoy would get flia day but till who signed all with him had lo pay him a dollar Later some of those engaged began to become suspicious when he said they would have to go to Chicago to bo examined according to information given Colonel Dale Colonel Dale says be called the moo and said ho wanted his board bill and tine man shot out the door end hasnt been back He owed about 19 and left n collection of cheap grips that contained little except n few col Ian I 3eoil Jfrtu and About People OF INTEREST HERE Sundays Memphis Commercial Appeal sajs A borne wedding of in terest not only in Memphis but alsi In Padnoah social circles was solemn Iud last Wednesday evening at 83- oclock at the homo of the brides uncle 970 Iowa Avenue Time ceremony said by Roy Dr G W Hanks united Miss Pearl Callow a and Charles J flyer both of Mem- phis An Informal reception followed the ceremony when congratulatloni Iud good wishes were in order Mr and Mrs Flyer are now af homent 410 Vance street Mrs Fryer I Ii a Kentucky girl her old homo being in Padncab but for some little time she has made hem home in Memphis She l is a gifted al well as an attractive girl and hal won many friends in the Bluff City Mr Flyer I Ii In tho employe of the government here and is a deservedly popular young man- MARRIED YESTERDAY The marriage of Miss Uda Want land of Smllhland and Mr Charles Aken of this city took place yester- day morning at 0 oclock at time par sonago of St Franck do Sales Catho lie church Hey Father U W Jansen oHIoIntlug Judge W D Oreer hat returned from Marlon where he had been on businessMr J Bendlo circulation man nger of the Cairo Bulletin was In the city yesterday Mr O R Salt went to Paris Tenn today on business Mrs J J Lancaster went to Mo Nary Ky today at noon Mr and Mr Pat QuInlan returned to Kottnwii today after R visit to relatives here Mr William Eaden wont to Hlllsldn today on business Mr Will Wallace and wife have gene to Pryorsbnrg to visit Mr and Mrs John Schroeder have gone to St Louis to see the fair Miss Henrietta Koger Is at Deer shaba Springs Tenn on a visit Mrs George Walters and children Jiavegone to Jackson Tenn to visit Mrs Walters father Postmaster F- It Dray Miss Elva Jones of Clinton is visit Ing MM Loots Cooper her cousin Mr Louis L Bebont has returned from Lonisvlllo where he met with other offloers of tbo Great Councilof Red Men of Kentucky Mr De bout is Great Senior Sagamore Mr Frank Wagner nod family and Miss BIrdy Potter left today for Echo Spiings Mr B T Davis and two grand children Longenla and Arnold Bill Ings Are visiting in Murray Ky Miss Manila Billings of Alexander City Ala and Miss Loretta Billings of Miami Flawill arrive tomorrow to visit Mr and Mrs Ben Billings Mr Wart Claggart and children of Hoplclnsvllle who have been visit lug Mrs Richard Settle of Jefferson street have gone to Majfleld on a visit Mrs Lizzie Dlckcrson of Padnoab Ky Ii spending tho week lu the city having her eyes treated by Dr Ed wnrdsMr James B Alleniwortb loft this morning for Paducah where ho will locate to practice his profes ¬ sion Uopktnsvillo Now Era Mr Nod Baker and wlfo returned today from tbe Worlds fair Miss Latch Wyatt of Baoknsbnrg Oalloway county Is visiting her un cle Attorney D A Cross Hot Weather Headaches There are many headaches caused by heat and the ordinary headaches are aggravated and huller to get rid of than when the weather 1 Is cool HENRYS HEADACHE POWDERS are a boon to sufferers from held ache positively relieving In a few minutes after the first dose has Gun taken and rarely requiring a second dose to take away every vestige of an ache Henrys Headache Powders should be kept In the house ready at hand to take when the first sign ol a headache appears JIII OEHLSCHUEGER Druggist Sixth and Broadway PHONE 63 i A FINE RUN I Auto Club Went to Mayfield Yesterday No Accident of ConaegnenoeWRl 9go to Cairo Next Several members or the Auto clnb left yesterday morning for Mayfield in their machines The day was line and the trip was made In one hour and thirtyfive minutes and the roo tarn in one boor and forty minute There were six machines and a steam er led by Col Ben Wellle Henri Den and James Wcllle F M Fisher Will Relke and party Henry Arenz and Wilbur Hall in the steamer They found the gravel roads fine having thirteen milof theta Colonel Weille says he never law BO many buggies In hit life as they pass- ed Time people were en route to lome sort of a singing Rod the Paducah crowd had to itop and eat lunch and let about 1000 or them pass Ono or two were inclined to want to whip the PadncahaoH especially one man whose span of horses tried to climb a telegraph pole hot the Paducah man had the start and out ran him In the crowd wore I Rlln1kiD Weille Mr F M Fisher and ion Harold Mr Will Kleke and Matter Trnehearl i Mr Willie Rieke and father and deter Mist Clara Rieke soil Miss Irene Cox i Mr Henry Arenz and Bam Foreman and Wilbur halt and Lyon Roark The iteamer hid some trouble and did not get back until last night The next trip will be to Cairo Mrs Thomas Orr ii visiting in St Louts Mr Max Miohaeleon has returned from Cincinnati Mr Will Crow of Ballard county bee returned after visiting in the oltI Messr Jesse Loob and LeoFolz have gone to St Louis Mn a II Cnlley of Mayfield ii viiiting in the city Mr John Doherty has gone to New York andotber eastern alJle Inspectors McDonald and Green of Nashville are expected in this evening Mr A Quante of Metropolis 111 was here yesterday Mr Albert Roth has returned from a three weeks visit to relatives In St Louis Mr O M Stonebroaker general yardmaster of the local I 0 went to St Louis today at noon on business Aiiistnnt Yardmaiter Miller ii acting in his place Mr W A Cuter coach inspector for the local I 0 and family went to Louisville today at noon on a 20 days vacation Mr Frank Bndde is In his place Attorney Polo Scay of MavfMd Ii In the city Judge Lawrence Anderson of May- field ii in the oily Mr John Ellis leaves this evening for a two months visit to San Fran Cisco Oat anti Kl Paso Toxai Misses Laura and Mary Estc of Memphis aro guests of the Misses Byrd Mr and Mrs Wru Hailny accom ¬ parried by their son Matter Robert and daughter Miss Ruby Halley will go to St Loul tonight to attend the fair Mr Maurice Lcnihan of Barling ton returned homo today after a vis it to his brother Mr Will Lenihan of the local 100 shops Mr U II Clark chief clerk to Master Mechanic Tnrnbnll has re turned from St Louis after attending the fair The I 0 has closed Its agency at Daniel Boone itatlonon the Lonlsvllle dlvlilrn Sidney Marts a laborer on tho I- 0s new bridge over Tennessee river was hurt Saturday by a fall striking his abdomen on a pole lie was brought to the city and taken to too railroad hospital Kdileno Poor tho 12 year old girl who was taken to Hopkloivlllo but refused admittance became she was only weak minded will tomor ¬ row be taken to Frankfort by Mr Jamei Crow and placed In the initl taco for thojrceble mlnded County Judge B T Llgbtfoot ii this afternoon trying the case of HI P Moore against the Southern Mntn al Investment Co on a small amount for alleged broach of contract i M sue fan TIPS I T The price of ads In this column It u follows I Insertion lo a word- I Consecutive insertions 2e a word 6 consecutive InMrtloni I to a word B Contccutire Insertions 4o a word K ConKcutlri Insertions Co a word M Consecutive insertions lOo K word bythe Advertisements In Tips to got the benefit of the above prices must be accompanied by the cash FOR RENTNice furnished room 824 North Sixth FOR BENT Furnished rooms 414 North Sixth FOR KENT Fnrnished or nnfnr nlsbed rooms 610 Washington street FOR SALEUas range good as new 234 North Eighth For all kinds of plastering apply 1011 North Seventh itieot J Nor Iris Hai your cook left you these hot days If so nn ad In the Sun will bring you another LADIES ATTENTION Elegant woolen quilt pieces for sale by H It Dalton New phone 840 Whittemore Real Estate Free Price List Insurance Notary Pub ¬ lie Fraternity Buildings Phones 886 FOR BENT Store room In but block north side Broadway Most be rented by August 10 P K W this officeLOSTFriday afternoon at ball- park oriental silver bracelet blood itone setting Finder please return to this ofllco WANTED Uood white girl to do light house work Good wages to right person Apply 335 North Sixteenth corner Madison it A BARGAIN Furniture for three room cottage been used one month Part caili talunco easy Address X Y this office- STRAYED OR STOLBN O n e brindle cow with bell and one mnley speckled cow A liberal reward will be paid for any information W W Bn ebanan Wallace park Frank Jones and Gus Given tne twp popular baiberi and musicians have moved to 40S Broadway Green Grays shop This also will be head- quarters for Jones band BUSINESS WANTEDWould buy a good cash business cIgars and to ¬ bacco or grocery preferred State full particulars Address Lock Box 22 Lovelaoovillo Ky- WANTEDGood wblto woman to assist in housekeeping in the country In family of four Pleasant home Address 333 South Fourth street for further particulars LUSTA purse between South Tenth street five mllttt out on Union Depot road also contained receipt in it bearIng owner name Finder reoI turn to city hall and receive fIIO rei ward Negotiable warehouse reioipti Issued by Southern Peanut Company tutor ¬ porated Warehousemen First and Washington streets Wo store mor ¬ chandise or all descriptions furniture etc at lowest rates private rooms It desired Phone 32 A BIG BREAK In Carterville 111 wash coal But only temporary and you should take advantage and order your coal houses filled quick with this celebrated coal for family use No soot no clinkers no slack Phones 339 Bradley Coal Grain Co exclusive agents NOTICE TO ALL ODD FELLOWS The funeral of a visiting brother A H Thorps will take place at his residence Bill Madison street at 1130 a m oclock tomorrow Aug 2 The remains will be taken to I 0 de- pot ¬ for the 1340 train to Louisville All Odd Fellow are requested to be present JOHN H WILKINSNoble U L Judd Secretary WITH THE SICK Ur Oas Bnddo l ii ill of malaria Mrs Jack Galloway Is en the sick listCaptain Theodore Sloyer of Go conda who is ill at his eondn law Dr Frank Boyds house is bettor to day Contractors aro working on the Scott Hardware Coa retail store building to get it in shape for the new stock of goods which will commence to arrive now in a few days Mr F L Scott is in New York city now pur ¬ chasing tho stock 4 t3 t A JJ d Theyre Goan 2 GO Harts Bike Sail TILL AUGUST 4 f THEN 1550l 2500 I y I I A NOW 2000 I ICEO i 0 HART SONS COJ IWHY SAVE NOT Coaster We do teeth work and give you medical treatment at the sameI I time We treat your RHEUMATISM or make you a new set of TBBTii We give you good substantial walk at the least possi ¬ 1 be price Dont have your work done until you see us We can massage your face fix your teeth and make you look 10 years younge It costs you nothing to talk to us about it j Ccme up and see us Dental and Medical I LI 1 Over Lendler Lydons Shoe Store Open Every Evening Both Phones I 10 IMPROVE AND YOUR BEAUTY I I A WATER PLANT Paducah Man I Establishes One at Greenville I Will Furnish the People There With Water Within Two Months I Mr William Hades of this city who in a halt owner in the mines at Hillside has gone into tho water works business at Grrenvlle four miles from his mlnoRhaving contract ¬ ed to install a small water works plant to tarnish Greenville with wa ¬ ter Mr Fades lert this morning for his mines and Greenville to look after the plnnt A gasoline power engine has been ordered and other material such as well caning etc and the material is to bo dellverd in ten days The work or laying the piping etc will begin at once and Mr Hade stated be thought he might have tbe plant run fling and supplying water to a majorl ¬ ty of the patrons who have subscribed within two months The Home Mission society of the Trimble street Methodist cbnruh will give nn Ice cream supper on the church liwu TnisJay evening YRa 1265 1450 IF YOU CAN I I Stamper Bros1 Institute PRESERVE NADINE FACqPOWDER THE POWDm VM r WONT FALL OFF auFcmon QUALITY CXQUIIIVCIV PERFUMED J TII ngNaaloe IrI COVER that product a beautiful son velvety appearance which remains on tbe lace until warned off Not tflrctrd by peiipititlon dust or lulthurlo Rote funned and leu Injntlont Ulan chalk ONCE TRIEDALWAYS USED cuenbon S j reloaded If not as represented Pre pared only I byw NATIONAL TOILET CO PARIS TENN Iretall 0 W Johnson has sued H Tr Hecilg for 1900 claiming It due on at t contract to manage his distillery a year He was discharged In three f months u w JEPFCK I I I i Our r Sptclallles I I HORSE SHOEING RUBBER TIRES IEW I 1I II i 1All I I Twt liual Hud Wsf in tar lilt I ITS OF LITTLE USE Ior you to fume and trti After the fire Is overact now take out a policy In one of tbe sound companies on onr list and save yourself vexation loss possi ¬ c bly ruin Dont neglect your hcmefit- la neglect if you dont insure it enda wbat it contains in the way of furniture and personal effects H H Loving 3 Co 306 Broadway Both Phones 385 ConstipatlOIJnA i SacI rl 4

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Page 1: Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1904-08-01 [p ] · former home in Columbus Ohio to Ylllit before accepting another post


l Rudy Phillips 6 Co4 SPECIAL

f 11One HourtrlTuesday


Beginning 9am




t J HoserrII Another chance to replenish your hose supply Finelisle thread foreign dye lace stripe A value

Iworth 50c for this period


IIlICI1 Mesa I

For Dr Pendlcy ring 418

Mrs E L Wbltosldei osteopath

116 North Sixth Both phone 761

Mini Quisle Smith Stenographer

sail notary public 118 S Fourth St

A want ad in The Sun U a small

thing but it brings big resultsBev O W Ferrymen has re ¬

ceived frum Mr Andrew Carnrgii a

b ttoerti6edI copy of tho Manna Cbartaand the Declaration of Independence

Perwhich lire to be hung on tho wells ofthe public library when it Is opened

Lax Fos keeps your whole ins hies

right Yonr druggist sells It on themoney back plan Price tOo

It your rook leaves you a Sun wantad will find you another

Mr II U Bbodes has becnclcctpdI keeper of wampum or treasurerof tbo local Bed Mtns Lodge to sueveal MrWB Smith who hue movedto Lonisvlllo

Palmer Tranifor jOo ton furnishyou wlitfnVtodtoetTInitclais lllTeryrigs spirited horses for fancy drivingGentle hones for laths


Chief of Police James Oolllni hasbeen notiflod that the grand jury alMadlion Ind has Indicted TomTracy the alleged murderer rangbthero recently by Officers Bogers and

JohnsonIt D Clement eCo hue tbo

books out for summer read ¬

4newest Cost The Grousing Tbeand The Yoke Alsoat lowest prices

Make your wants known throughThe Suns want columnsr

Another effort to snatch a pursewas mad I by a negro Saturday nightMM Joseph Keenan of Burnettstreet was approached near Seventhand Jefferson The negro snatchedbut did not succeed in getting herpurse

Dont forgot A II Carroll 200Court street fleet free lunch and

1 IIrr1300 whIskey In the city

Phone Johnston Denker Coal caF S Johnston and Charles Denkeryour coal orders and get the test gtndoof coal Both phones 303

i ADollar

1 Value for75c

f AgincourtsViolet de ParmeToilet Water

>Verily the besttoilet water

f quality and-

quantity consideredthat we haveever sold



IiDruggists ruth and BroadwayBoth Phones 175


Ending 10 a m


Agent Norton of the Anams Express Company which yesterdayclosed its office here lies gone to hisformer home in Columbus Ohio toYlllit before accepting another postthou with the company The businessheretofore handled by the AdamsCompany will hereafter be bandied bythe Southern on South Third street

The action ofcalomel on Ibo liver is 10 terrific that you are disqualilied for business Lax Fos gives bet-ter end quicker results by actinggently on the tttouiach kidneys liverand bowelall at once Never sickensor gripes Price 50 cent

Jeff Hinchcy colored of the 10shops herlll has filed n petition inbankruptcy giving his liabilities at1340

Thu Illluols Central 1Is still haying trcnble with rowdies in this sec ¬

lion Several stones have been thrownthrough car windows on the Cairo ox ¬

tension recently an engineer waH shotat and Saturday night near Wingoseveral rocks were thrown throughthe fast passenger train windowwhich passed Paducah at 147 oolock

Colonel Bad Dale entertained attho 2iexBJcljmoajL Hotjl last WIekthe second week of his rrprltorsblp383 transient guests Colonel Dalesays the hotel bUflncsH was never bet ¬

ter than now-

Attorney Jesse B Moss hat beenselected secretary to receive tbe Inl ¬

tlatlon fees for tbe prospective numhen of the lodge of Eagles being or ¬

ganized here by Arthur Van Theinitiation fee IIi flied at ffi75 and allpeisuns who have subscribed theirnames to the charter membership liltwill cell on Attorney Moss and payhim As soon as tbe members havepaid enough In the money will be forwarded to headquarters and time lodgeinstalled

Tbo work of installing the telephone system in the Palmer House hasbegun under the direction of ManagerA L Joynei of time East TennesseeEvery room in the hotel will have along distance phone

No successor to Manager E A

Roper of the Western Union has yetbeen secured


Col Dale Believes He hail a

Slick Duck for a Guest

Man Claimed to be After Men to Aot

as Strike Breakers

Setting in the office or tho NewRichmond Hotel aro several smallgrips and a suit case They wore ina room occupied by a man giving thename of Orland Marvin of OblcagoThe man came there several days egoand claimed to be getting men to goto Illinois nod take the place of sink ¬

ing miners Ho claimed thoy wouldget flia day but till who signed allwith him had lo pay him a dollar

Later some of those engaged beganto become suspicious when he said

they would have to go to Chicago tobo examined according to informationgiven Colonel Dale

Colonel Dale says be called the mooand said ho wanted his board billand tine man shot out the door endhasnt been back He owed about 19

and left n collection of cheap gripsthat contained little except n few colIan I

3eoil Jfrtu andAbout People

OF INTEREST HERESundays Memphis Commercial

Appeal sajs A borne wedding of interest not only in Memphis but alsiIn Padnoah social circles was solemn

Iud last Wednesday evening at 83-

oclock at the homo of the bridesuncle 970 Iowa Avenue

Time ceremony said by Roy Dr G

W Hanks united Miss Pearl Callow a

and Charles J flyer both of Mem-

phisAn Informal reception followed the

ceremony when congratulatloni Iudgood wishes were in order

Mr and Mrs Flyer are now afhoment 410 Vance street

Mrs Fryer IIi a Kentucky girl herold homo being in Padncab but forsome little time she has made hem

home in Memphis She lis a gifted alwell as an attractive girl and halwon many friends in the Bluff City

Mr Flyer IIi In tho employe of thegovernment here and is a deservedlypopular young man-

MARRIED YESTERDAYThe marriage of Miss Uda Want

land of Smllhland and Mr CharlesAken of this city took place yester-

day morning at 0 oclock at time parsonago of St Franck do Sales Catholie church Hey Father U W JansenoHIoIntlug

Judge W D Oreer hat returnedfrom Marlon where he had been on

businessMrJ Bendlo circulation man

nger of the Cairo Bulletin was In thecity yesterday

Mr O R Salt went to ParisTenn today on business

Mrs J J Lancaster went to Mo

Nary Ky today at noon

Mr and Mr Pat QuInlan returnedto Kottnwii today after R visit torelatives here

Mr William Eaden wont to Hlllsldntoday on business

Mr Will Wallace and wife havegene to Pryorsbnrg to visit

Mr and Mrs John Schroeder havegone to St Louis to see the fair

Miss Henrietta Koger Is at Deer

shaba Springs Tenn on a visitMrs George Walters and children

Jiavegone to Jackson Tenn to visitMrs Walters father Postmaster F-

It Dray

Miss Elva Jones of Clinton is visitIng MM Loots Cooper her cousin

Mr Louis L Bebont has returnedfrom Lonisvlllo where he met withother offloers of tbo Great CouncilofRed Men of Kentucky Mr De boutis Great Senior Sagamore

Mr Frank Wagner nod family andMiss BIrdy Potter left today for EchoSpiings

Mr B T Davis and two grandchildren Longenla and Arnold BillIngs Are visiting in Murray Ky

Miss Manila Billings of AlexanderCity Ala and Miss Loretta Billingsof Miami Flawill arrive tomorrowto visit Mr and Mrs Ben Billings

Mr Wart Claggart and childrenof Hoplclnsvllle who have been visitlug Mrs Richard Settle of Jeffersonstreet have gone to Majfleld on avisit

Mrs Lizzie Dlckcrson of PadnoabKy Ii spending tho week lu the cityhaving her eyes treated by Dr Ed

wnrdsMr James B Alleniwortbloft this morning for Paducah whereho will locate to practice his profes ¬

sion Uopktnsvillo Now EraMr Nod Baker and wlfo returned

today from tbe Worlds fairMiss Latch Wyatt of Baoknsbnrg

Oalloway county Is visiting her uncle Attorney D A Cross

Hot WeatherHeadaches

There are many headaches causedby heat and the ordinary headachesare aggravated and huller to get ridof than when the weather 1Is cool


are a boon to sufferers from heldache positively relieving In a fewminutes after the first dose has Guntaken and rarely requiring a seconddose to take away every vestige of anache Henrys Headache Powdersshould be kept In the house readyat hand to take when the first sign ola headache appears


DruggistSixth and Broadway





Auto Club Went to Mayfield


No Accident of ConaegnenoeWRl9go to Cairo Next

Several members or the Auto clnbleft yesterday morning for Mayfieldin their machines The day was lineand the trip was made In one hourand thirtyfive minutes and the rootarn in one boor and forty minuteThere were six machines and a steamer led by Col Ben Wellle HenriDen and James Wcllle F M FisherWill Relke and party Henry Arenzand Wilbur Hall in the steamer Theyfound the gravel roads fine havingthirteen milof theta

Colonel Weille says he never law BO

many buggies In hit life as they pass-

ed Time people were en route to lomesort of a singing Rod the Paducahcrowd had to itop and eat lunch andlet about 1000 or them pass Ono ortwo were inclined to want to whipthe PadncahaoH especially one manwhose span of horses tried to climb atelegraph pole hot the Paducah manhad the start and out ran him

In the crowd wore I

Rlln1kiDWeille Mr F M Fisher and ionHarold Mr Will Kleke and MatterTrnehearl i Mr Willie Rieke andfather and deter Mist Clara Riekesoil Miss Irene Cox i Mr HenryArenz and Bam Foreman and Wilburhalt and Lyon Roark

The iteamer hid some troubleand did not get back until last night

The next trip will be to Cairo

Mrs Thomas Orr ii visiting in StLouts

Mr Max Miohaeleon has returnedfrom Cincinnati

Mr Will Crow of Ballard countybee returned after visiting in the oltI

Messr Jesse Loob and LeoFolzhave gone to St Louis

Mn a II Cnlley of Mayfield iiviiiting in the city

Mr John Doherty has gone to NewYork andotber eastern alJle

Inspectors McDonald and Green ofNashville are expected in this evening

Mr A Quante of Metropolis 111

was here yesterday

Mr Albert Roth has returned froma three weeks visit to relatives In StLouis

Mr O M Stonebroaker generalyardmaster of the local I 0 went toSt Louis today at noon on businessAiiistnnt Yardmaiter Miller ii actingin his place

Mr W A Cuter coach inspectorfor the local I 0 and family wentto Louisville today at noon on a 20

days vacation Mr Frank Bndde isIn his place

Attorney Polo Scay of MavfMd IiIn the city

Judge Lawrence Anderson of May-

field ii in the oily

Mr John Ellis leaves this eveningfor a two months visit to San FranCisco Oat anti Kl Paso Toxai

Misses Laura and Mary Estc ofMemphis aro guests of the MissesByrd

Mr and Mrs Wru Hailny accom ¬

parried by their son Matter Robertand daughter Miss Ruby Halley willgo to St Loul tonight to attend thefair

Mr Maurice Lcnihan of Barlington returned homo today after a visit to his brother Mr Will Lenihanof the local 100 shops

Mr U II Clark chief clerk toMaster Mechanic Tnrnbnll has returned from St Louis after attendingthe fair

The I 0 has closed Its agency atDaniel Boone itatlonon the Lonlsvllledlvlilrn

Sidney Marts a laborer on tho I-

0s new bridge over Tennessee riverwas hurt Saturday by a fall strikinghis abdomen on a pole lie wasbrought to the city and taken to toorailroad hospital

Kdileno Poor tho 12 year oldgirl who was taken to Hopkloivlllobut refused admittance became shewas only weak minded will tomor ¬

row be taken to Frankfort by MrJamei Crow and placed In the initltaco for thojrceble mlnded

County Judge B T Llgbtfoot

ii this afternoon trying the case of HIP Moore against the Southern Mntnal Investment Co on a small amount

for alleged broach of contract


M sue fan


TThe price of ads In this column It u followsI Insertion lo a word-I Consecutive insertions 2e a word6 consecutive InMrtloniI to a wordB Contccutire Insertions 4o a word

K ConKcutlri Insertions Co a wordM Consecutive insertions lOo K wordbytheAdvertisements In Tips to got the

benefit of the above prices must beaccompanied by the cash

FOR RENTNice furnished room824 North Sixth

FOR BENT Furnished rooms 414North Sixth

FOR KENT Fnrnished or nnfnrnlsbed rooms 610 Washington street

FOR SALEUas range good asnew 234 North Eighth

For all kinds of plastering apply1011 North Seventh itieot J Nor


Hai your cook left you these hotdays If so nn ad In the Sun willbring you another

LADIES ATTENTION Elegantwoolen quilt pieces for sale by H ItDalton New phone 840

Whittemore Real Estate FreePrice List Insurance Notary Pub ¬

lie Fraternity Buildings Phones886

FOR BENT Store room In butblock north side Broadway Most berented by August 10 P K W this

officeLOSTFridayafternoon at ball-

park oriental silver bracelet blooditone setting Finder please return tothis ofllco

WANTED Uood white girl to dolight house work Good wages to rightperson Apply 335 North Sixteenthcorner Madison it

A BARGAIN Furniture for threeroom cottage been used one monthPart caili talunco easy Address XY this office-

STRAYED OR STOLBN O n ebrindle cow with bell and one mnleyspeckled cow A liberal reward will bepaid for any information W W Bnebanan Wallace park

Frank Jones and Gus Given tnetwp popular baiberi and musicianshave moved to 40S Broadway GreenGrays shop This also will be head-quarters for Jones band

BUSINESS WANTEDWould buya good cash business cIgars and to ¬

bacco or grocery preferred State fullparticulars Address Lock Box 22Lovelaoovillo Ky-

WANTEDGood wblto woman toassist in housekeeping in the countryIn family of four Pleasant homeAddress 333 South Fourth street forfurther particulars

LUSTA purse between SouthTenth street five mllttt out on UnionDepot road also contained receipt init bearIng owner name Finder reoIturn to city hall and receive fIIO reiward

Negotiable warehouse reioipti Issuedby Southern Peanut Company tutor ¬

porated Warehousemen First andWashington streets Wo store mor ¬

chandise or all descriptions furnitureetc at lowest rates private rooms Itdesired Phone 32

A BIG BREAKIn Carterville 111 wash coal But

only temporary and you should takeadvantage and order your coal housesfilled quick with this celebrated coalfor family use No soot no clinkersno slack Phones 339 Bradley Coal

Grain Co exclusive agents

NOTICE TO ALL ODD FELLOWSThe funeral of a visiting brother

A H Thorps will take place at hisresidence Bill Madison street at 1130a m oclock tomorrow Aug 2

The remains will be taken to I 0 de-


for the 1340 train to LouisvilleAll Odd Fellow are requested to

be present JOHN HWILKINSNoble

U L Judd Secretary


Ur Oas Bnddo lii ill of malariaMrs Jack Galloway Is en the sick

listCaptainTheodore Sloyer of Go

conda who is ill at his eondn lawDr Frank Boyds house is bettor today

Contractors aro working on theScott Hardware Coa retail storebuilding to get it in shape for the newstock of goods which will commenceto arrive now in a few days Mr FL Scott is in New York city now pur ¬

chasing tho stock

4t 3 t A JJ


Theyre Goan

2 GO

Harts Bike SailTILL AUGUST 4













We do teeth work and give you medical treatment at the sameII

time We treat your RHEUMATISM or make you a new set of

TBBTii We give you good substantial walk at the least possi ¬ 1

be price Dont have your work done until you see us Wecan massage your face fix your teeth and make you look 10

years younge It costs you nothing to talk to us about it j

Ccme up and see us

Dental and MedicalI LI1

Over Lendler Lydons Shoe Store

Open Every Evening Both Phones




Paducah Man IEstablishes One

at Greenville


Will Furnish the People There With

Water Within Two Months

I Mr William Hades of this citywho in a halt owner in the mines atHillside has gone into tho waterworks business at Grrenvlle fourmiles from his mlnoRhaving contract ¬

ed to install a small water worksplant to tarnish Greenville with wa ¬

ter Mr Fades lert this morning forhis mines and Greenville to look afterthe plnnt

A gasoline power engine has been

ordered and other material such as

well caning etc and the material isto bo dellverd in ten days The workor laying the piping etc will beginat once and Mr Hade stated bethought he might have tbe plant runfling and supplying water to a majorl ¬

ty of the patrons who have subscribedwithin two months

The Home Mission society of theTrimble street Methodist cbnruh willgive nn Ice cream supper on the churchliwu TnisJay evening




Stamper Bros1 Institute




CXQUIIIVCIV PERFUMED JTIIngNaaloeIrICOVER that product a beautiful sonvelvety appearance which remains ontbe lace until warned off Not tflrctrdby peiipititlon dust or lulthurloRote funned and leu Injntlont Ulanchalk



reloaded If not as represented Prepared onlyIbywNATIONAL TOILET CO

PARIS TENNIretall0 W Johnson has sued H TrHecilg for 1900 claiming It due onattcontract to manage his distillerya year He was discharged In three f

monthsu w


II i





I Twt liual Hud Wsf in tar lilt I


Ior you to fume and trti After the fireIs overact now take out a policy Inone of tbe sound companies on onr listand save yourself vexation loss possi ¬


bly ruin Dont neglect your hcmefit-la neglect if you dont insure it endawbat it contains in the way of furnitureand personal effects

H H Loving 3 Co306 Broadway Both Phones 385

ConstipatlOIJnA iSacIrl