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Page 1 of 5 The 37 th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska Meier Lake Conference Center, Wasilla, Alaska October 4-7, 2012 “Rejoice in the Lord always…and again I say Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4 In his sermon during the 7 p.m. opening Eucharist on October 4 th , the Rt. Rev. Mark Lattime used examples of the Orans prayer position and travelling with an overloaded sled to speak of journeying forward without the “rocks” that may be weighing us down. He asked those gathered to examine our “sleds” for the things like disappointment, bitterness, sin, and sorrow that we can leave behind so that we can go forward with our hands empty and our hearts full as we journey forward together. Call to Order: The Rt. Rev. Mark Lattime opened the First Session of Convention immediately following the Eucharist at 8:21 p.m. on October 4, 2012 Establishment of a Quorum: 59 out of 68 registered delegates were present for the roll call and the presence of a quorum was declared. (See attachment #1 for the list of delegates) Housekeeping. The Rt. Rev. Lattime nominated the Rev. Gail Loken as Secretary of the Convention. Motion seconded and carried by acclamation. Roberts Rules of Order were adopted. The Rt. Rev. Lattime nominated the Rev. Marilyn Duggar as Treasurer. It was moved to close with unanimous ballot, seconded and carried by acclamation. The Rt. Rev. Lattime nominated Eric Wohlforth as Chancellor. It was moved to close with unanimous ballot, seconded and carried by acclamation. The Rt. Rev. Lattime nominated Tim Middleton as Vice Chancellor. It was moved to close with unanimous ballot, seconded and carried by acclamation. The Rt. Rev. Lattime stated that we would forego the nomination of a parliamentarian until there is a need. The Rt. Rev. Lattime nominated of the members of the committees of convention as listed on attachment #2. For each committee, it was moved to close with unanimous ballot, seconded and carried by acclamation Call to receive any resolutions that were not pre-filed. None were brought forward. Mary Norton, chair of the prayer committee, stated that the committee welcomes prayer requests and that there is also a basket on the front table for prayer requests. The Rev. Wilson Valentine moved to give seat and voice to visitors. The motion was seconded and carried. The convention recessed until 9:30 a.m. on October 5, 2012. Session 2 – Bishop’s Address Gathered for Morning Prayer led by South Central Delegates

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The 37th Annual Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska Meier Lake Conference Center, Wasilla, Alaska

October 4-7, 2012 “Rejoice in the Lord always…and again I say Rejoice!” Philippians 4:4

In his sermon during the 7 p.m. opening Eucharist on October 4th, the Rt. Rev. Mark Lattime used examples of the Orans prayer position and travelling with an overloaded sled to speak of journeying forward without the “rocks” that may be weighing us down. He asked those gathered to examine our “sleds” for the things like disappointment, bitterness, sin, and sorrow that we can leave behind so that we can go forward with our hands empty and our hearts full as we journey forward together.

Call to Order: The Rt. Rev. Mark Lattime opened the First Session of Convention immediately following the Eucharist at 8:21 p.m. on October 4, 2012

Establishment of a Quorum: 59 out of 68 registered delegates were present for the roll call and the presence of a quorum was declared. (See attachment #1 for the list of delegates)

Housekeeping. The Rt. Rev. Lattime nominated the Rev. Gail Loken as Secretary of the Convention. Motion seconded and carried by acclamation.

Roberts Rules of Order were adopted.

The Rt. Rev. Lattime nominated the Rev. Marilyn Duggar as Treasurer. It was moved to close with unanimous ballot, seconded and carried by acclamation.

The Rt. Rev. Lattime nominated Eric Wohlforth as Chancellor. It was moved to close with unanimous ballot, seconded and carried by acclamation.

The Rt. Rev. Lattime nominated Tim Middleton as Vice Chancellor. It was moved to close with unanimous ballot, seconded and carried by acclamation.

The Rt. Rev. Lattime stated that we would forego the nomination of a parliamentarian until there is a need.

The Rt. Rev. Lattime nominated of the members of the committees of convention as listed on attachment #2. For each committee, it was moved to close with unanimous ballot, seconded and carried by acclamation

Call to receive any resolutions that were not pre-filed. None were brought forward.

Mary Norton, chair of the prayer committee, stated that the committee welcomes prayer requests and that there is also a basket on the front table for prayer requests.

The Rev. Wilson Valentine moved to give seat and voice to visitors. The motion was seconded and carried.

The convention recessed until 9:30 a.m. on October 5, 2012.

Session 2 – Bishop’s Address

Gathered for Morning Prayer led by South Central Delegates

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Page 2 of 5  Session 2 called to order at 9:31 a.m.

The report of the Bishop’s Address committee is attachment #3

Session 3 –Small Group Reflections on the Bishop’s Address

• What stood out for you? • What did you hear the Bishop saying to you? • What are you being called to do?

Noonday prayers led by delegates from the Arctic Coast

Session 4 – Small Group Discussions – Stories of Rejoicing

• Where is God a blessing in your life? The life of your church? • How is your congregation (church)/community rejoicing in the Lord? What are you celebrating?

What makes you thankful?

Session 4 – Part 2

Mark DeVries, chair of the Nominations Committee announced that nominations were open and they would close at 11:00 Saturday, at the beginning of Session #6. Nominations were open for the Disciplinary Board seats A, F, and G, Standing Committee seats #2, #4, and #6, Commission on Ministry seats for the South East position and FIT Committee Seat A. The Youth Commission is appointed by the Bishop but the convention can make recommendations for those positions.

Brenda Hewitt will moderate a discussion about Meier Lake at 6 p.m. and again at 9 p.m. in the downstairs hall.

General Convention Report: The Rev. Michael Burke reported on an overview of the work of General Convention.

The Rt. Rev. Lattime introduced our guest and keynote speaker, the Rt. Rev. Paul Lambert, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of Dallas.

Session 5 - Leadership Discernment and our Shared Heritage in Hudson Stuck - by The Rt. Rev. Paul Lambert

Bishop Lambert spoke on the topic of leadership discernment.

Evening Devotions led by South East Deanery Delegates.

Session 5 - continued Saturday morning with small group reflections on leadership discernment

The Rt. Rev. Lattime welcomed Rev. Wilfred and Vivian Lane to the convention.

Small groups shared insights from their discussions about characteristics of strong leaders in the church.

Characteristics included: sacrifice, having vision, support of followers, charisma, passion, listening, communication, finding everyone’s strengths, raising up youth, adaptable, non-judgmental, believing in

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Page 3 of 5  them, getting other people to follow, role models, consistency, calm, grace-filled, humility, collaboration, love, tie off the sled, teach, supportive, recognition, encouragement, and get out of the way

One way to raise up and nurture leaders is to give youth seat and voice on the vestry, start young, ask them to join and give them the necessary tools, encourage them, and use kind words.

Session 6

The Nominations Committee reviewed open positions and candidates, clarifying Lay and Clergy Positions and those positions which are Deanery Specific. Nominations were closed.

The Rev. Wilfred Lane announced his intention to resign from the Standing Committee. It will be received at the meeting on October 16, 2012 to allow the Arctic Coast Deanery time to nominate a cleric who will then be appointed by the Standing Committee.

It was moved to accept the ministry reports in the convention packet, seconded and passed unanimously.

Session 7

Mark DeVries, chair of the Nominations Committee conducted the elections

The Rev. Ron Kotrc was elected to the SE Clergy seat on the Commission on Ministry by acclamation. The Rev. Anna Frank was elected to Seat #2 Interior Clergy on the Standing Committee by acclamation. The Rev. Paul Smith was elected to Seat A on the Disciplinary Board for a term of 5 years by acclamation.

The Rt. Rev. Lattime made the following appointments for ongoing committees:

• Constitution and Canons Committee as listed on attachment #2 with Nancy Burke, Chair • Nominations Committee as listed on attachment #2 with Mark DeVries, Chair

The Rt. Rev. Lattime appointed the following members to the Youth Commission

• Arctic Coast: Adult – Janet Mitchell Youth – Amber Downey • Interior: Adult – Val Adams • South Central: Adult – the Rev. Gail Loken Youth – Madeline Mullikin • South East: Adult – Stephanie Snelling

The Rt. Rev. Lattime appointed the Rev. Dawn Allen Herron to the At Large Position on the Standing Committee.

The Rt. Rev. Lattime appointed the Rev. Katherine Hunt to the South Central Clergy position and Jack Stalker to the Arctic Coast Lay position on the Commission on Ministry.

The Rt. Rev. Lattime appointed Ted Laufenberg to the FIT Committee.

UTO Report by the Ven. Norman Elliott: Grant applications must be submitted by February 15, 2013. Be sure to follow all of the instructions carefully.

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Page 4 of 5  The Rt. Rev. Lattime explained that the next step toward having a Suffragan Bishop for Indigenous Ministries is to present a petition to the House of Bishops. This will be done at the March 2013 meeting of the House of Bishops.

The Rev. Marilyn Duggar presented the 2013 Budget. There was an explanation of the Small Mission Clergy Program. It was moved and seconded to accept the budget as presented. Motion carried.

The Budget Committee submitted the following resolution and explanation:

• Resolution: We call upon the Bishop and Standing Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska, to create within 90 days, a Task Force to develop and implement a sustained year-long diocesan-wide conversation on our mutual responsibility to one another in Christ, to give financially in support of our calling as a diocese, with a special emphasis on those congregations who give nothing in support of the diocesan budget.


• Stewardship is an expression of our gratitude to Almighty God, and we give back to God through the Church, the first fruits of all that God has given us.

• Over one third of our congregations are currently giving $0 in support of the mission we share together as the diocese of Alaska

• 59% of our current income is from The Episcopal Church, or the trust funds held by The Episcopal Church and only 33% from self-support.

• We believe this is spiritually unhealthy.

The resolution was approved unanimously.

The Bishop’s Address Committee presented their report as written in attachment #3.

It was moved, seconded and unanimously approved to receive the 2011 Convention Minutes.

The Rev. Belle Mickelson reported on Dancing in the Spirit. Programs were provided in 19 villages supported by grants from Tribal Councils and schools. Contributions are always welcome. The program has been going for 5 ½ years. It is one way to raise up leaders. Belle is always interested in involving more musicians who are good with children in the program.

The convention recessed for 20 minutes.

Session 8 - 3:30 p.m. Saturday

Mark DeVries, chair of the Nominations Committee reported the election results:

• FIT Seat A – Colleen Swan • Disciplinary Board Seat G – Carrie Oktollik • Disciplinary Board Seat F – Eliah Cantwareburh • Standing Committee Seat #4 – Stacy Thorpe • Standing Committee Seat #6 – Barbara Learmonth

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Page 5 of 5  Nancy Burke, Chair of the Constitution and Canons Committee explained the history and rationale of the proposed Canonical Change in Canon IX – Deputies to General Convention. The committee’s report is in attachment #4. The committee made the following motion:

MOTION: Proposed Amendment to Canon IX – Deputies to General Convention Section 1 Remain as is Section 2 Remain as is [Insert language in BOLD] Section 3 The Diocesan Convention shall strive to elect a deputation to General

Convention consisting of two (2) deputies, one clergy and one lay from each of the four Deaneries.

Section 4 Each Deanery shall nominate two (2) clergy and two (2) lay persons from their Deanery.

Section 5 The existing Section 3 becomes Section 5. Motion carried with a vote of 36 in favor, 18 opposed.

The second matter before the Constitutions and Canons committee was the following:

At the 2011 Convention, an amendment to Canon III was proposed Canon III Section (h): All clergy of this church who are canonically resident in the Diocese of Alaska, who are actively exercising a ministry in this Diocese, and have a ministry plan that has been approved by the Ecclesiastical Authority (as provided for by the Canons of the Episcopal Church), and are in compliance with the reporting requirements of those Canons, are entitled to seat, voice and vote at regular and special conventions of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska.

This motion was tabled by the convention: The committee’s recommendation is that questions raised about as outlined in attachment #4 be studied during the course of the year and that a motion be prepared for consideration at the 38th convention. The Rev. Caroline Malseed, Chair of the Next Convention Committee moved that the next convention be held at Sheldon Jackson College in Sitka on October 3-5, 2013. If Sheldon Jackson College is not available on those dates, the convention will be held in Juneau. Motion passed with 1 vote in opposition. Roberta Hanscom of the Courtesy Committee presented the Courtesy Resolutions #1 and #2 as found in Attachment #5. Motion to accept passed unanimously. Mary Norton, chair of the prayer committee, reported that the committee met after all meals to pray. They asked for ongoing prayers for the approval of the building permit for the Christ Church bell tower.

The Rev. Wilson Valentine called attention to the FIT report in the convention packet. He announced that case 4 is available for this year for projects in Youth Ministry.

Priscilla Valentine of the Review of Minutes committee reported that the Secretary, the Rev. Gail Loken, creates a draft of the minutes and sends them to the committee for review before submitting them to the Standing Committee.

The Convention recessed at 4:42 until the closing Eucharist at 7p.m. and adjourned after the Eucharist.

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Attachment #1 to Convention Minutes

37th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska Delegates in Attendance

The Rt. Rev. Mark Lattime

The Rev. Jim Basinger

Bill Batson

Mark Devries

The Rev. Katherine Hunt

Nancy Brandt-Erichsen

The Rev. Benedict Massillem

Roberta Hanscom

The Rev. Michael Burke

The Rev. Sara Gavit

Nancy Burke

Heather Hall

Nancy Paton

Thelma Snow-Jackson

Florence Newnan

Naomi Tritt

Paul Williams, Sr.

Irene Roberts

The Rev. Belle Mickelson

Joy Rawlins

The Rev. Paul Smith

Edward Thielen

The Rev. Scott Fisher

The Rev. Bella Jean Savino

Valerie Adams

Casey Smith

The Rev. Teresa Thomas

The Rev. Jan Hotze

Jean Chapman

Nell Gustafson

Gladys Derendoff

Brenda Hewitt

Priscilla Valentine

The Rev. Caroline Malseed

Daisy Davenport

Lori Wright-Seymour

The Rev. Marian Nickelson

Anne Louise Gillilan

The Rev. Ron Kotrc

The Rev. Gordon Blue

Ellen Lester

The Rev. Wilfred Lane

Mary Norton

The Rev. Marilyn Duggar

Jeanette Dementi

Jack Stalker

Barbara Gorman

Glenn Galloway

The Rev. Dawn Allen-Herron

Joyce Bergmann

The Rev. Carrie Oktollik

Martin Oktollik

Pauline Downey

Irma Hunnicutt

The Rt. Rev. Carol Gallagher

Ted Laufenberg

Brian Massey

Sarah Williams

Marjorie Noble

The Rev. Helen Peters

Stephanie Buffington

Kimberlee Michaud

Gary Simple

The Rev. Ann Whitney

Christine Jenkins

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Attachment #2 to the Minutes Episcopal Diocese of Alaska

37th Convention Committees

Dispatch of Business Bishop’s Address Nominations Prayer Resolutions

Edward Thielen – Chair Jean Chapman Marjorie Noble

Gordon Blue – Chair James Basinger Sara Gavit Barbara Gorman Nell Gustafson Jack Stalker

Mark Devries – Chair Daisy Davenport Jeanette Dementi Belle Mickelson Martin Oktollik Florence Newman

Mary Norton – Chair Irma Hunnicuttt Marian Nickelson Nancy Paton Helen Peters Joy Rawlins Naomi Tritt Wilson Valentine

Thelma Snow-Jackson –Chair Bill Batson Joyce Bergman Scott Fisher Jan Hotze Ronald Kotrc Ted Laufenberg Kimberlee Michaud Paul Smith Paul Williams, Sr.

Constitution and Canons Minutes Review Budget Courtesy Next Convention

Nancy Burke – Chair Dawn Allen-Herron Brenda Hewitt Katherine Hunt Wilfred Lane Benedict Massillem Teresa Thomas Casey Smith

Gail Loken - Chair Irene Roberts Priscilla Valentine Ann Whitney

Marilyn Duggar – Chair Valerie Adams Nancy Brandt-Erichsen Michael Burke Anne Louise Gillilan Brian Massey Carrie Oktollik Bessie Titus Lori Wright-Seymour

Roberta Hanscom – Chair Gladys Derendoff Carol Gallagher Christine Jenkins Ellen Lester Deboreah Waisanen

Caroline Malseed – Chair Stephanie Buffington Pauline Downey Glenn Galloway Heather Hall Bella Jean Savino Gary Simple Sarah Williams

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After quoting the prophet Isaiah, the Bishop asked, “How would you sustain the weary, with one word?” Having received responses, he said, “Jesus is the answer.” Invoking the Baptismal Covenant, he continued, “We need to grow into the full stature of Christ.” To do this, we must identify, support, nourish, form and raise up more leaders.

He described two events which helped to shape and confirm his thinking on this.

• The first was the formation of the new ‘Bishops Native Collaborative’ between the Dioceses of North Dakota, South Dakota, Navaholand and Alaska. The members of the Collaborative will work together to raise up more leaders and support for these four dioceses, as they share similar needs in their Native Ministries. Bishop Carol Gallagher, serving as Intentional Interim Priest of St. Peter’s by-the-Sea, in Sitka, will also help to build curricula for development and formation of leaders for ministry. Bishop Mark said we need to return to our communities, and identify among the next generation of leaders people like David Salmon, Titus Peter and Walter Hannum. Then we need to nurture them and assist in their formation.

• Second was the ‘Church Pension Fund- Planning for Tomorrow’ event in Anchorage. We have faithful, hardworking, dedicated clergy, many of whom have been laboring for years without financial support. This is wrong. We need to nourish and strengthen the clergy. The clergy are needed to nourish and strengthen the laity with the sacraments. The laity are the ministers of the church, and all are strengthened by the Spirit of God. To address this, a budget line has been added for the ‘Care and Feeding of Clergy in Small Missions.’

The Bishop described the Diocesan staff as a “great team, strong and working like crazy.” Suzanne Krull is now titled Canon for Finance and Administration. Gina Verbanac, the Bishop’s Assistant, continues to provide scheduling, coordination and much else. Lynnette Winfrey provides IT support and more, and was complimented as the “mortar of the building.”

The Bishop described the history of the struggles to retain the Meier Lake Camp and Convention Center. “It is a sacred and wonderful place.” After years of struggling and failing to meet payroll and cover costs, studies showed that $2.5 million in capital would be necessary for improvements. The Meier family told the Bishop that the property was given as a gift to support the mission and ministry of the church. If it is draining resources from the Diocese, it is not accomplishing the intent of that gift. Regretfully, the Meier Lake Board and the Diocesan Standing Committee agreed to a “warm close down” of operations. A Meier Lake Task Force has been created, which is charged to develop the next steps towards the conveyance of the property. They must resolve $150,000 of accumulated debt. It is intended to use a Request for Proposals process in subdividing 120 acres. It is hoped that 80 acres surrounding Meier Lake and the Conference Center may be preserved as a unit.

Finally, the Bishop expressed his gratitude for the patience, prayers and abiding faith of the people of the Diocese. After two years here, he said, “... I have learned I still have a lot to learn.” Bishop Mark’s vision is that we continue to grow and raise up leaders, and make Christ’s healing presence real in our Diocese and in our communities. He concluded, “I love you guys.”

The Bishop’s Address

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DRAFT Attachment #4 to Convention Minutes 2012 Episcopal Diocese of Alaska 37th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska Report from the Constitutions and Canons committee October 6, 2012 Committee membership: Nancy Burke Benedict Masillem (designee John Hanscom) Dawn Allen-Herron Teresa Thomas Brenda Hewitt Casey Smith Katherine Hunt _________________________________________ The Constitutions and Canons committee had two items forwarded from the 2011 Convention in the form of 2 Canonical changes

1) Canon IX, regarding Deputies to General Convention 2) Canon III – Diocesan Convention

1. Canon IX Regarding Deputies to General Convention

Background: AT the 2010 Diocesan Convention, the resolution listed below was forwarded to the committee:

“BE IT RESOLVED that the Canons of the Diocese of Alaska be amended to allow for two (2) deputies, consisting of one(1) clergy and one (1) lay representative selected from each of the four Deaneries in the state of Alaska to ensure each deanery proper representation at a national convention.”

The Constitutions and Canon committee recommended the following changes, which were approved:

“BE IT RESOLVED that the Committee on Constitution and Canons consider an amendment to the Canons of the Diocese of Alaska to allow for deanery representation among the deputies to General Convention and report back to the 36th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska.”

This item was not addressed by the Convention in 2011 2011 and 2012 Committee work and discussion: The committee took this work up and held discussion, prayer and discernment on the matter. There were several concerns that were raised:

We have a culturally diverse Diocese. We also have mobility of members of the Diocese – between urban areas and village communities and throughout the road system. A question arises that a person who grew up in a village but is residing in a larger

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DRAFT community may be a very suitable representative at the General Convention but would be limited by the selection by Deanery. Is there a way to phrase the language so the Deaneries have discretion to choose a nominee that represents them well?

Diversity is at the heart of this motion. Diversity is a broad thing: age/gender/familial history/location of residence/location of birth/income/education, etc. The wording of an amendment may result in disenfranchisement of some communities and may also burden communities that have a limited pool of people to volunteer.

See committee minutes or the newsprint notes sheets hanging in the stair well for more detail on the discussion.

Language was drafted in 2011 but was not forwarded to the convention for consideration. The 2012 committee provides the following amendment for the body to consider: MOTION: Proposed Amendment to Canon IX – Deputies to General Convention Section 1 Remain as is Section 2 Remain as is [Insert language in BOLD] Section 3 The Diocesan Convention shall strive to elect a deputation to General

Convention consisting of two (2) deputies, one clergy and one lay from each of the four Deaneries.

Section 4 Each Deanery shall nominate two (2) clergy and two (2) lay persons from their Deanery.

Section 5 The existing Section 3 becomes Section 5. _______________________________________________________________

2. Canon III – Diocesan Convention, Regarding seat, voice and vote of clergy at conventions of the Diocese of Alaska.

At the 2011 Convention, an amendment to Canon III was proposed Canon III Section (h): All clergy of this church who are canonically resident in the Diocese of Alaska, who are actively exercising a ministry in this Diocese, and have a ministry plan that has been approved by the Ecclesiastical Authority (as provided for by the Canons of the Episcopal Church), and are in compliance with the reporting requirements of those Canons, are entitled to seat, voice and vote at regular and special conventions of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska. Questions that will require further examination by the committee: a) What constitutes a ministry plan b) How many clergy would this impact? c) Who would pay for the clergy to attend? And what do the other Dioceses who have such a

policy do to support travel expenses? d) How would this impact the budget? e) Are we referring to all people in the clergy order? Priests and Deacons?

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DRAFT f) How would this impact the balance of clergy and lay members of the convention? Are the other

ways to manage an imbalance of orders at convention, i.e. an amendment of Canons to allow for votes by order, etc.?

This motion was tabled by the Convention. Committee recommendation: The 2012 Canons and Constitution committee recommends referring this motion to the Canons and Constitution committee for study, research, prayer and reflection in order to prepare an amendment for the 38th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Alaska

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Attachment #5 to Convention Minutes 2012

Courtesy Committee Resolution #1

BE IT RESOLVED that we express our sincere thanks to all those involved in organizing,

hosting and participating in the 37 Convention of the Diocese of Alaska.

BE IT RESOLVED that we thankfully recognize the congregation of St. David’s in Wasilla, St.

Bartholomew in Palmer, the Board of Meier Lake and committee members, including Betty

Jean Owen, Glenn and Meg Galloway for their hard work at preparing for this large gathering.

We thank the gracious host families, drivers and workers in the community, especially John

White and the Reverend Katherine Hunt for arranging transportation.

Special thanks to all volunteers and the wonderful meals. We gratefully thank the team of

Sue Caswell, Penny Mazonna, Yvonne Lamm, and Ralph Hensley for their work in the kitchen.

BE IT RESOLVED that we express our thanks to the Right Reverend Mark Lattime for

planning and leading the clergy conference, and Gina Verbanac for her clerical expertise.

BE IT RESOLVED that we thank the Diocesan staff for their preparations and support of

this Convention: Gina Verbanac, Canon Suzanne Krull, Lynette Winfrey.

BE IT RESOLVED that we express our thanks to the Gail Loken, Secretary; all the chairs and

committees, especially the Dispatch of Business chaired by Ed Thielen and Budget Committee

by Marilyn Duggar, for work in making the meetings of this Convention run smoothly and


BE IT RESOLVED we express our deep appreciation to the Right Reverend Mark Lattime for

his address and for presiding at the Convention, and visiting guest, the Right Reverend Paul E.

Lambert. We extend sincere thanks for their listening, insights, prayers guidance,

leadership, kindness, sense of humor and giving of themselves.

BE IT RESOLVED we thankful for the inspirational music from Gary Simple, Belle Mickelson,

Jack Stocker, Mary Norton, Ariel Hunt-Bell, Mark Boesser, and John Hanscom.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we express our sincere appreciation to the clergy,

delegates, and visitors who have gathered here in the Name of Jesus to do the work of the

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Church. Above all we thank God, in the person of the Holy Spirit, in whose hands we are held

and whose guidance leads us with hope into the future.

Courtesy Committee Resolution #2

BE IT RESOLVED that we send our condolences to Mrs. Valerie Mathew, on the passing of

her huband, the Rev. Stephen Matthew; Mrs. Louise Hannon, on the passing of her husband,

Archdeacon Walter W. Hannom; the Rev. Deacon Theresa Thomas, on the the death of her

husband, John Thomas; and the Rev. Anna Frank, on the death of her husband, Richard,

expressing our thanksgiving for their life and ministry in the Diocese of Alaska.

Submitted by the Courtesy Committee

Roberta Hanscom

Gladys Derendoff

Christine Jenkins

Ellen Lester

Deborah Waisanen