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Dear Editor,Kenmare Special Needs Group would like to thank everyone whosupported the Cook Off event held at Brook Lane Hotel beforeChristmas, �1843.00 was raised and will be put to good use.Special thanks to Una and Staff, Pat Spillane, Jerry O’Sullivan(Radio Kerry), Senator Mark Daly, Anne Brown and all helpers.Kenmare Special needs Group is a charity group which providesactivities for children in the greater Kenmare area with physicaland cognitive impairment.Horse riding is organised under Riding for the Disabled Ireland.Swimming is organised weekly at the local pool with an instructor,and an after school ‘club’ provides occupational and physiotherapyin an informal setting.You will appreciate from the list of our main activities we have aconstant need to replenish our funds.We are grateful for the continued support from the people of theKenmare Area over the years.Thank YouJohn O Sullivan and Ann Sheehan

Kenmare Women’s GroupIt’s hard to believe that 1/12th of the year has already gone; infact by the time you read this it will be nearly 1/6th! Despite theweather I hope you are having a good year, maybe not in allways but at least in some. Spring is nearly with us and thelonger days.The Women’s Group has had a varied programme and we havebeen pleased to welcome some new members. Our formalmeetings end with the AGM. Do join us for one of them beforethat. We shall of course be having informal coffee morningsduring the summer.The programme for March;6th Archaeology of the local area with Frank Coyne.13th Women’s World - A celebration of International Women’sDay.20th All about birds with Frank King.27th March AGMPlease ring Pat Noad 6640935 or Jo Bell 6684255Quote for the monthDon’t find fault, find a remedy. Henry Ford

Baby Killian Mahony pictured in Brook Lane Hotel following hischristening this weekend in St. Patrick's Church by Rev M.Cavanagh. He is pictured with his parents Jeff and Sarah Mahonyand Godparents Thomas and Elaine O'Connor.

pic Harry Masterson

Kenmare is not a townunfamiliar with the worldof publishing as ‘The Nunof Kenmare’ was knownfor her publications,which often challengedthe accepted views of thetime.

Local artist Aia Leu,originally from Switzerlandand who has lived in Kenmarefor 24 years, has written abook on the artists in herfamily, and she has publishedthis herself under the name

SeedPress, thus continuing the link with the town’s self-publishingpast.

The Art of The Leu Family tells the story of an unusual family ofartists with four generations presented chronologically and is richlyillustrated in full colour plates. With the foreword by Danishjournalist Eva Suszkiewicz, an introduction on the family history,the book starts with modern artist grandmother Eva Aeppli who wasmarried to Jean Tinguely, famous for his delightful kinetic-machinesculptures.Copies are for sale locally from the Kenmare Bookshop.

Kenmare Mobile: [email protected]

fotoWWeeddddiinnggss,, PPrreessss,, PPoorrttrraaiittss,, PPrriivvaattee ffuunnccttiioonnss,,A revolution in thewedding album; The wedding [book] up o 70 pages, full page, imagesand two-page panoramas. CALL TO VIEW SAMPLE

See our fabulous Halloween pictures onour facebook page

Letters to the Editor....

Sports people and athletesThe training season has begun!Get off to a good start with a sports massage to increase your performanceMarch offer 75min for €45

Call Ramone on 087 2823674 Above Brosnans Pharmacy, Kenmarecovered by Laya healthcare and AVIVA

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 3

Page 4 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Research shows that 70% of smokers want to quit, so youare not alone. Apart from the financial benefits, a smokerof twenty cigarettes per day can save over € 3.200annually by quitting, it is the best thing you can do toimprove your health and wellbeing.What makes smoking so harmful is a mixture of over 4000 chemicals,

including nicotine, carbon monoxide, cadmium, tar and arsenic, many ofwhich damage cells and cause cancer. Did you know that smoking is thesingle biggest cause of cancer and that 6000 people die every year inIreland of smoking-related illnesses?It is never too late to stop smoking!However, quitting can be difficult. And it is a different experience for everysmoker: some people succeed on the first try, others try many times beforethey quit for good.Stop smoking always is a process and you need to plan when and how

you are going to start. You may also find the following hints and tips usefulto ‘survive’ the first month. Inform your family and friends and ask themfor support. Try to avoid the places and situations that will you remind youof smoking and change the activities that you usually associate withsmoking. If you a worried about putting on weight, be careful about whatyou eat and maybe take up a sport. Regular exercise is very good for yourhealth and helps you to manage stress. Reward yourself by starting asavings jar. Put in the amount of money you would normally spend oncigarettes. Write or stick a picture on it of what you are saving for.And last but not least although some of you will succeed on your own,

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products from your pharmacy candouble your chances of success by helping you to beat the craving for acigarette. There is a wide range of products available over the counter andon prescription. What works for one smoker might not suit another. NRTproducts come in the form of gum, patches, lozenges, inhalers, microtabsand nasal sprays. When discussing the type of replacement with you, yourdoctor or pharmacist will take different aspects into consideration to findthe ideal medication for you, like your own preference, any previoussmoking cessation medication or possible side effects.If you are looking for more information about how to quit smoking

please call into McSweeney Pharmacy Kenmare and we will be more thanhappy to answer any query you may have. We also carry a wide range ofsupportive leaflets and literature.

77 00 tt hh BB ii rr tt hh dd aa yyCC ee ll ee bb rr aa tt ii oo nn ssHarry Masterson'sphotograph showsPauline Harrington asshe celebrated her70th birthday inBrook Lane Hotelrecently with herfamily.

Lauren Tanner and Renee Washkowitz from Kenmare Bay SwimClub who competed in a B grade gala last month. Congratulationsto them both for knocking seconds off their original times.

Kenmare supportersflying the flagHarry Masterson's photographsshows some young Kenmaresupporters flying the flag in TheSquare for our fabulousfootballers.

with Christine Bender-Pototzki

ASK YOUR PHARMACISTQuitting for good, you can do it!

CChhrr ii sstt iiaannssTTooggee tthheerr IInn

KKeennmmaarree WWoorr lldd DDaayy OOffPPrraayyee rr SSeerrvvii cc ee

World Day of Prayer is aworldwide movement led byChristian women of manytraditions, who come togetherto observe a common day ofprayer each year. This year theservice has been prepared bythe Christian Women of Francewith the theme, “I was astranger and you welcomedme.”World Day of Prayer Servicewill be held on Friday March1st at 7.30pm in St. Patrick`sChurch Kenmare. All are verywelcome, men and women.Contacts: Marjorie (Church ofIreland) 0871 605283, Jean(Methodist) 087 2831922,Celia (Roman Catholic) 087


Kenmare News [email protected] Page 5

Blackwater News

Blackwater Women's Group AGMThe AGM of Blackwater Women's Group took place inBlackwater Tavern on Tuesday the 12th of February. Officers elected were; Chairperson; - Mairead Robinson, Vice Chairperson; - Therese Morley, Secretary;- Marie O'Connell, Correspondence Sec;- Josephine O'Neill, Joint Treasurers;- Mary O'Neill and Mary Doyle, Joint PROs Mary O'Neill Shop & Majella O'Sullivan. Annual Membership of €5 is now due for renewal. All members are welcome to attend monthly meetings, enjoyguest speakers, avail of of classes from exercise to film anddrama, enjoy social outings, Tea Dances, and an annual HarvestBall. Meetings take place in Blackwater Tavern on the secondTuesday of each month at 8.30pm. Next Meeting Tuesday 12th March. The Guest Speaker isMargaret from Willowfield with a talk on Spring Gardening.New members are welcome.

Go for Life Exercise ClassGo For Life Exercise Classes with Shirley continue inBlackwater Tavern every Monday from 7.15pm to 8.15pm fornext three weeks.

DramaDrama continues Wednesday nights from 7.30pm to 10.30pm. The play will be staged in late May/early June.

Table QuizA Table Quiz in aid of Defibrillators & Training forBlackwater/Templenoe area takes place in Blackwater Tavern Sat2nd of March at 8.30pm. Tables of 4 are €40. Ring Tavern 064-6682003 to book a table. Please Support. Everyone Welcome.

Tea DanceBlackwater Women's Group are holding a Tea Dance in KenmareBay Hotel on Sunday 24th February from 1.30 to 6pm. Music byJerry McCarthy & Autumn Gold. Choice of Leg of Lamb orFillet of Salmon, followed by Apple Pie, Tea/Coffee. The eventis open to everyone in South Kerry including Sneem/Cahirdaniel,Killarney, Glencar and the greater Kenmare/Beara area. Ticketscost €15 and must be pre booked. Ring Mary in BlackwaterTavern to book 064 6682003. Tickets also available fromcontacts in each area, Rose O'Sullivan in Bonane, Bernie Quinnin Dawros, Maura Landers Tuosist, Bridget Dillon Kilgarvan,Peggy Fitzgibbon Kenmare etc. Everyone Welcome but ticketsneed to be pre booked. Transport availeable at €3 per person.

Conor Daly, John Daly, John Michael O'Sullivan and Mark Dalypictured at the All Ireland Club Junior Semi Final in Croke Park.

• Court representation

• Purchasing or selling property

• Farm Transfers

• Site Transfers

• Debt collection

• Injury claims

• Medical negligence cases

• Wills/Probate

Tommy Granville S O L I C I T O R S

Tel: 064 6648777 Fax: 064 6648796Email:[email protected]

Head Office: Old Forge, Market Street, Kenmare, Co. KerryBranch Office: 59 High Street, Killarney,

Dublin Office: 24/26 Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin 7

• Employment law

• Family law

• Company law

• Leasing property

• Defamation

• Road traffic accidents

• Licencing

• Mortgages

The Kenmare News is now in its tenthyear, and we are still as committedto supporting our local communityas we were when we started all thattime ago.It's the very essence of what we do.

We believe reporting local news, features, politics,sport, social events and business, is the key to athriving local community. Everyone in thecommunity can contribute.

The Kenmare News believes that spending moneyin local shops is more important than ever.

So we champion this cause, with great supportfrom local businesses. What we are championing,

in two simple words, is to Shop Local. Because Local Matters. And in this, the year of ‘The Gathering’, localmatters more than ever before.

Remember, if it's happening locally.... it's in The Kenmare News.

Your Paper, Your Town.

Page 6 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Property Tax Unfair to HomeownersThis is totally unfair and it is the wrongtime to introduce such a tax when one infive households are in arrears with theirmortgages. The Revenue Commissionerswill be sending out valuations in March.Please see the grid below. If you have anyconcerns or questions regarding the LocalProperty Tax, please get in contact with me.

Student grant changes will discriminateagainst farming familiesThe Government have confirmed that it ispressing ahead with changes to theassessment criteria for student grants nextyear. It means that farm assets will now beincluded in the means-testing for third levelgrants. The plan unfairly targets the farmingcommunity, as farming families will soonbe assessed on a notional value of their landas well as on their income. The result willbe a totally inflated view of each family’swealth, pushing them beyond the criteria fora student grant.I intend to continue mystrong opposition to these grant changes. Inmy view this is yet another example of theGovernment’s unfair and unbalancededucation policies, exposing its completelack of understanding of the needs offamilies in more rural communities. If youare worried about how this may affect youor your family please do not hesitate tocontact me with any queries.

Future for Rural Transport SchemeUncertainIn the Seanad last week I questioned theTransport Minister for State Alan Kelly onchanges to the Rural Transport Scheme inKerry, especially that 12 months contractshave been shortened to six months. Therural transport scheme in Kerry is a vitalpiece of infrastructure, especially incombatting social isolation for those whoare living alone and who, except for thescheme, would be isolated not only fromtheir towns and neighbours, but from thoseof their own age group whom the ruraltransport scheme manages to bring together.While his response did not fully alleviatemy concerns he has stated he is "hopefulthat in the future we will be able to developmore comprehensive services". I know thisis a very important issue for many in thecommunity and I will keep working on this.

On the 31st of January FG and Labour

abandoned communities as 9 KerryGarda stations closed including Lauraghand KilgarvanGovernment Senators recently have achance to stand by isolated communitiesthis week, however they have shown theyare totally out of touch with the localcommunities after they refused to backdown on severe cuts to community gardaresources. We have all seen the terribleimpact of burglaries and crime in manycommunities over the past few months and Icannot understand how Fine Gael andLabour can justify these cuts. The Ministerfor Justice Alan Shatter has now admittedthat this is not about money. He said thesavings will be negligible as the only costsare light and heat for these stations.The garda�here in our local community,

throughout Kerry and right across thisregion are under severe pressure at this timeas they go beyond the call of duty to keepour communities safe.The underhand cuts tothe garda payroll,which gardamanagement says willpush numbers in theforce below 13,000,will put anunacceptable level onour local garda�at theworst possible time.

APPLICATIONSFOR MEMBERSHIPREJECTEDThe front page of theKerryman last weektold the story of howFianna Fail partyheadquarters rejectednearly 200 applicationsfor membership of new,former and existingmembers from thisarea. The convention toselect a candidate forthe next generalelection will be decidedby each member of theparty and this is a clearattempt to ensure thatthis area has no say in

the matter. I wish to thank all those peoplewho phone and offered to join, if you wishto get a application form please contact me.We will be doing a membership drive in thecoming weeks so that over 250 membershipapplications will be with party HQ beforethe deadline of the 31st of March. I willkeep you informed of all developments

Is mise le meas,Senator Mark DalySeanadóir Marcus O’DalaighLeinster House, Teach Laighean,Kildare Street, Sráid Cill Dara,Dublin 2. Baile Átha Cliath 2.Tel: +353 (0)1 618 3830Fón: +353 (0)1 618 3830Fax: +353 (0)1 618 4669Facs: +353 (0)1 618 4669Mob: +353 (0)86 803 2612Fón Póca: +353 (0)86 803



KKeennmmaarreeEvery Saturday Morning , Sean Daly's Office, 34 Henry StKKiillggaarrvvaann::March 1st, 2nd, Kilgarvan VillageCCaahheerrddaanniieell::March, 1st, 2nd, Blind Piper & Freddies Bar,CCaassttlleeccoovvee::March 1st, 2nd, Staigue Fort Hotel,SSnneeeemm::March 1st, 2nd, Community Centre,BBllaacckkwwaatteerr::March 1st, 2nd, Blackwater Tavern,TTeemmpplleennooee::March 1st, 2nd, Pat Spillanes Bar,DDaawwrrooss::March 1st, 2nd, Sailors Bar,AArrddeeaa::March 1st, 2nd, The Lake House,LLaauurraagghh::March 1st, 2nd KilmackillogueBBoonnaannee::March 1st, 2ndCall Marks Mobile to arrange a time suitable to you.

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 7Kenmare Family Centre to open soonThere are many activities and projects planned forthis new community space.There will be a parent and toddler group, homework club and

reading club for primary school children, a low cost counsellingservice as well as parenting and many other courses coming downthe line. All of these will be low cost and affordable and availableto all. This is an exciting development for the people living inKenmare and the surrounding areas.The new Family Centre will be run by a part time family support

worker and a committee of dedicated parents and members of thelocal community as well as representatives of agencies such as theHSE, KES, SKDP and KDYS.As with all community projects, volunteers will be vital to the

success of this venture. If you would like to get involved anddonate your time and skills to any of these projects please contactJoy on 087 7086641 or e-mail [email protected] watch this space for details on the opening of the new

Kenmare Family Centre, a welcoming space for you and yours.

The Horgan Brothers, Kilgarvan, who came together at BrooklaneHotel to celebrate the 70th birthday of Ned. Harry's photograph showsbirthday boy Ned, Liam, Connie, Dennis and Johnnie who were alsojoined on the day by their family and friends. pic Harry Masterson

Shane Dalton, Pat O'Connor and Alan O'Leary enjoying a slice ofthe action with this fabulous cake made by Jam for the coffeemorning held last week at The Lansdowne Arms Hotel for the

team. pic Harry Masterson


Tel: 064 664 1 885or 087 929 9874






Tangney Carpentry LtdAll carpentry and joinery services

All areas covered in Cork and Kerry.

Contact Bobby 087 7723150

FOLDING ATTIC STAIRS,PROFESSIONALLY FITTEDFROM ONLY €199.We can also install atticflooring and velux roof lights

APPEAL FOR KENMARE LACEAs part of the Kenmare Lace Festival in October ofthis year there will be a number of exhibitions.Two of them will be exhibiting the results of the competitionsthat will be run prior to the event itself and a third will beexhibiting Irish lace of all types.The fourth will be an exhibition of Kenmare Lace and in

order to make the exhibition of Kenmare Lace as interesting aspossible we are appealing to you all for your help in locatingpieces to borrow for our display. Rest assured any lace will bewell looked after and displayed appropriately.If you have a piece of Kenmare lace, may we borrow it

please? If there is a story attached to it even better we’d love toinclude that.Please contact Lynne Brennan on 087 637 2164 if you have a

piece to contribute to The Kenmare Lace Festival, it would bereally appreciated.

Around Christmas 2000 I was on a fishing trip to NewZealand’s North and South Islands. The trout fishing that yearexceeded all my expectations, better than brilliant. What fish,some of the ones I caught were up to 12lbs in weight, to this day Istill suffer from withdrawal symptoms, especially when I spend aday catching our local quarter pounders. Not that they are notgood fun but it is impossible to explain the thrill and adrenalinerush you get when you hook a big fish, play him out, land him andthen return him carefully back into the water, be it river or lake. Inthe North Island I was fishing on small lakes outside the town ofRotorua. It is a town that is built beside hot springs and the smelloff them is like rotten eggs, so the further away I could go fishingfrom my base in town the better.One day, in the company of Pat O’Keeffe a local angler, we weredriving out to a distant lake which had a road bridge over a anarrow neck in it. Like all fishermen since the beginning of timewe stopped to have a look at the water. The two of us were leaningover the parapet of the bridge studying the lake and watching forany fish movements when we were approached by an elderlygentleman who told us his name was John Carruthers and that hewas a retired Englishman who had moved to New Zealand anumber of years previously. He asked us who we were and Pattold him that he was from Rotorua and that I was over fromIreland for a spot of fishing.‘Gosh,’ he said, ‘I met two Irishmen looking at this lake from thisvery bridge a couple of years ago. Do you know them? Vinniefrom Galway and Dick from Cork. I still keep in contact withthem.’I could not believe it as both of them were very good fishingfriends of mine. The world is such a small place after all is said

and done.The he told us the story of going for a drink with the two of them.Dick would drink and did, a bottle of Powers a day and told hislong suffering wife, who pretended to believe him, that it was athis doctors suggestion as he had a heart problem (true) and thewhiskey kept his blood thin (questionable). Vinnie on the otherhand never drank in his life and was a gold pin pioneer. They hada great night out in the bar. Dick is very gregarious and everyonewas his best friends before the night was out. Whereas Vinnie wasgetting p****ed off with the carry on. Dick had to go to the toiletand spotted a condom vending machine. Now you must remember,no condoms could be bought off the shelf in this country untilrecently. Dick got an idea to bring home an opened packet in hisfishing bag and let on to his friends that he had success at fishingfor more than fish in New Zealand. Something else that caught hisfancy was the fact that they were fruit flavoured; orange,strawberry, lemon and banana. He considered which one wouldmake the most impact when back in Cork and bought a packet ofthe banana ones.Leaving the bar in the small hours of the morning everyone was ina happy state of mind expect of course Vinnie who was moaningabout his loss of sleep and the stupidity of them all when drunk.‘Will you ever shut up Vinnie,’said Dick, ‘Here chew on one ofthese see if it would keep your quiet.’ He opened the carton andpassed him one of the condom packets (Vinnie was know for hissweet tooth).‘What is it?’ Vinnie asked, ‘Is it chewing gum?’ as he proceeded totear open the packet and chew the condom. ‘Bloody hell,’ he saidspitting it out, ‘It has a nice taste but it feel like rubber.’The lads nearly all cracked up and Vinnie got mad but, good sportthat he is, he soon saw the funny side. Talk about a laugh, it wasthe topic of discussion for several days with chewing gum beingmentioned at every opportunity. John Carruthers had tears in hiseyes from laughing at his recall of their night out and I must admitI know the two of them so well that both Pat and I were laughingas well. Imagine to be all the way out here and meet someone whoknew and could tell you a funny story about two of your ownfriends!I will aim to bring you a proper fishing report for next monthsedition - hopefully!

AnglingNotes...WithJohn O’Hare

Page 8 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

TTrruuffffllee PPiigg DDeelliiccaatteesssseenn aanndd CCaaffee1177 HHeennrryy SStt,, KKeennmmaarree

SSpprriinngg iiss SSpprruunngg aatt TThhee TTrruuffffllee PPiigg

•• WWoonnddeerrffuullllyy ffrreesshh sspprriinngg ffooooddss ffoorr AAll FFrreessccoo ddiinniinngg aanndd ppiiccnniiccss

•• GGoorrggeeoouuss EEaasstteerr ssuurrpprriisseess•• FFaabbuulloouuss rraannggee ooff IIrriisshh AArrttiissaann ffooooddss•• TTaakkee aawwaayy mmeeaallss ttoo mmaakkee yyoouurr mmoouutthh wwaatteerr•• AA rraannggee ooff cchheeeesseess aanndd ccuurreedd mmeeaattss ttoo pplleeaassee tthhee eeyyee aanndd tthhee ppaallaattee

Ring Brian Neenan on 066-7122867 / 087 2466777email: [email protected]

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 9

pics courtesy Tom Bannon Photos

Exciting month for Kenmare GAA culminates insecond visit to Corke Park on February 24th!

Page 10 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Féile Neidín, Kenmare’s IrishMusic Festival, will be happeningthis year for the very first time.

On this, their first year, the organisers arehoping that many people will make the trip tobeautiful Neidín (little nest!) to help them tomake it a great one.

The inspiration for Féile Neidín came fromthe two immensely successful MunsterFleadhs which were held in Kenmare during2008 and 2010 after which they were all leftthinking, ‘Why don’t we do this ourselvesevery year?’

Their aim is to put on a music festival withelements which are open to all whether youngor old, musician or music lover.

In this first year they have been luckyenough to get some great names onto theprogramme including the Kilfenora CeiliBand, De Danann, Caladh Nua and the TinSandwich Band. Also they are are presentingtheir ‘Generations’ concert which will take

place in the lovely setting of St. PatricksChurch, more on that in future editions.

Over the course of the weekend, FeileNeidin 2013 will be host to some of Ireland'sfinest traditional music acts.

We are lucky in Kenmare to have wonderfulmusic venues for enjoying these artistsincluding the Carnegie Arts Centre and St.Patrick's Church.Other Interesting features will includeworkshops on the Saturday, an expo ofinstrument makers, ‘Sea-fari’ boat tripsessions and a ‘Guided Historical Walk’ ofKenmare.

And what better place to host a session trailthan in Kenmare's many renowned bars?Over the weekend there will be regularsessions held throughout the day in differentvenues.

They are delighted to offer a range oftraditional music and dance workshops overthe weekend, which will feature some ofIreland's foremost artists and teachers in eachdiscipline and are expected to fill quickly.

To find out more or to stay informed followFéile Neidín on facebook or take a lookonline at

Welcome to Féile Neidín, Kenmare’s Irish Music Festival

The interviews have been conducted, the stories are written, thefilming is done, the old photographs have been scanned, and all thehard work of the past year is about to come to fruition. The socialhistory of the parish of Tuosist has been collected into a beautifulbook and DVD, which will be launched at the beginning of June2013.‘Lift the Latch...Tuosist’ is bound to become a family heirloom and, asnumbers will be limited, you are urged to place your orders now so asnot to be disappointed. The book, which will include a DVD and amap of the Parish, will cost €35, and can be pre-ordered by contactingBernie on 087 6962012, or Mary on 087.221.7378.

The AGM forKenmare

Chamber ofCommerce

and Tourismwill take place on

Wednesday 6 March 2013 at 8pmin the Carnegie Arts Centre,

Shelbourne Street, Kenmare. All welcome.

Tuosist Social History Project

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 11

Page 12 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Brosnan's Pharmacy presents kit bags to the Kenmare team prior totheir departure to Croke Park for the Semi Final, which they wenton to win. Pictured are Chairman Andy O'Sullivan, James Brosnan,Angela Brosnan, team captain Paul O'Connor and Manager Pat

O'Connor. pic Harry Masterson

Due to it's phenomenalsuccess last year we aredelighted to announce that 'ATaste of Kenmare' will make areturn this year on March 9thin Dromquinna Manor. It isgoing to be a great eveningwhich will this year showcasethe best of local Kenmare andKerry food producers. Thenight includes champagne andcanapes reception on arrival,four course meal to showcasing the best of localproduce which will includewines, dancing to The Pearls,disco, and late night BBQ. Itpromises to be a great nightand was a sell out last year sobook early to avoiddisappointment.Tickets are �95 and areavailable on 064 6641200 [email protected]

DoubleCelebration!Twins JerryO'Sullivan,Ráth, and EnaO'Brien,Kenmare,whocelebratedtheir 70thbirthday onFebruary 4th.We wishthem manyhappyreturns.

Know Your RightsI bought a clock in the sales, but it has turnedout to be faulty. What should I do about this?

AnswerWhen you buy goods, you enter into a contract with the seller. Asa general rule, the seller can either repair or replace the item.Alternatively, they can refund the cost of the item. You may alsohave extra protection if you have a HYPERLINK"" guarantee orwarranty from the manufacturer.You should return the faulty item to the seller as soon as possibleand explain the problem. Some shops display “No Refunds/NoExchanges” notices, particularly during the sales, but this does nottake away your rights if the goods are faulty.It is important to remember that if you caused the fault, the selleris under no obligation to offer you any type of compensation.The shop is entitled to request proof of purchase, but this doesn'tnecessarily have to be the shop receipt.If you are not satisfied with the seller’s response, you may be ableto take a claim to the Small Claims Court.Further information is available from the National ConsumerAgency,

Citizens Information is available at our Kenmare office,at the Adult Education Centre, Bell Height, Kenmarefrom 10:00 am to 4:15 pm; Monday to Wednesday and10:00 am to 1:30 pm; Thursday and Friday. Phone uson 0761 07 7810 or e-mail: [email protected] Information is also available online:

Contact Patrick on 064 6685411/087 2543499

Prices from only €€1.65per foot (ex. vat) for fullmeter cover sheeting!

Roof Cladding?For the largest stocks of Ready to Go Roof Sheeting and Cladding in IrelandLook no further than Patrick Lynch,Kilgarvan

“A purpose built facility only minutes from Kenmare town”

Little AngelsCrecheTel: 064 6642416

Full Day Care * Limited spaces available for FreeECCE pre-school sessions 2013 & 2014

After School Care 2pm - 5pmOutdoor Play Area * Creche Open Tuesday to Friday

Fully qualified & trained staff * Fully Insured

Counselling/Psychotherapy.Michael O’leary. M.A. (CBT)

is now seeing clients at the Medical Centre Glengarriff.

CBT is recommended and accepted for most psychologicalproblems, such as depression, anxiety, OCD, phobies,

bereavement, relationship issues.Life skills and coaching.

To arrange an appointment or to get more information.Phone 085 7246044 or visit

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 13

One of the stories we areresearching at the momentfor the KenmareChronicle is the setting upof the Kenmare SecondarySchool in the 1940’s.Until then if you wanted totake your Leaving Cert examyou would have to attendschool elsewhere as there wasno school in Kenmare thatcould cater for this. The schoolwas established by Robert, (Bob) O’Connor and HelenMoore in the Old Bank Houseat the top of Main Street tocater for these students. In all 4teachers were involved in theschool with up to 40 studentsin total. This is the basicinformation we have at the

moment and would like to hearmore about the school, theteachers, the students, theclasses..etc, so if anyone canhelp us with stories or evensome old photographs pleasecontact Simon at WillowfieldGarden Centre, on 0872953990, 064 6641403 orthrough the Kenmare Chroniclefacebook page.Thanks for the photos andstories received over the lastmonth and just a reminder thatthe 2013 Kenmare Chronicle isstill available at regular outlets.The photograph above is of theKenmare Secondary School1950's, Old Bank House, MainStreet, Kenmare (Now TomCrean Restaurant.)

Kenmare Chamber of Commerce and Tourismwishes to thank all the shoppers and businessesfor talking part in the very successful NollaigNeidin loyalty card scheme. We wanted tohighlight the important of spending some ofyour money in Kenmare over the Christmasperiod and indeed throughout the year. Without

your support there will be less shops, jobs andindeed sponsorship and spot prizes available inour town.Kenmare Together - it begins with each one ofus. Think Local | Shop Local | Eat Local | EnjoyLocal

Kenmare Bay Hotel & Resort

Children’s play area in the restaurant064 66 41300 or

[email protected]

YYoouu’’rree vveerryy wweellccoommee aatt tthheeKKeennmmaarree BBaayy HHootteell ffoorr

CCoommmmuunniioonn aanndd CCoonnffiirrmmaattiioonn cceelleebbrraattiioonnss..3 course menu for adults just €25; Kids half portion/half price or

Special kids menu

Kenmare Secondary School in the 1940’s

Photographed are;Left to right, back row. Lil O'Sullivan, Betty Randles, Eileen Sweeney,Marina Brennan, Mary McDermot, Josephine Tangney, MaryO'Mahony. Front row, Sheila Gaine, Mary Murphy, Maura Randles,Carmel Downing, Nora Randles. Centre, Peg Lyne.pic courtesy of Mary Kelleher

Congratulations to Mary Sheehan, Henry Street,Kenmare on winning over €500 of Kenmare vouchers.

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 15

The Brook Lane Hotel in Kenmare was the venue chosen by the Kenmare Chamber of Commerce and Tourism to launch The KenmareFestival and Event Guide for 2013 on Wednesday 30th Janaury. A large and enthusiastic audience heard, from the organisers, about theaction packed programme of Festivals and Events taking place in Kenmare this year. A warm welcome awaits all returning to Kenmare,visiting for the first time or coming home to celebrate this special year of The Gathering.

Pictured at the launch of Kenmare Festival and Event Guide 2013 were, from left toright, Clare Thoma (Development Officer South Kerry Development PartnershipLimited), Terry O’Doherty (Kenmare Gathering Events Co-ordinator), Helen McDwyer(Chairperson Kenmare Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Social Events Committee),Raymond Ross (Chairperson Wildlife Gathering), Karen Coakley (Chairperson KenmareFood Carnival), Kit Dunlop (Chairperson Kenmare Irish Music Festival), Lynne Brennan(Chairperson Kenmare Lace Festival), Veronica Whitehead (Chairperson KenmareChoral Festival), John O’Sullivan (Chairperson Kenmare Chamber of Commerce andTourism), Mairead Cronin (Administrator Kenmare Chamber of Commerce andTourism), StevieO’Sullivan (ChairpersonGathering on the SheenBonane).

Kenmare Launches Festival and Events guide for 2013

• Large Spacious Kennels• Large 1 acre exercise area• Dogs walked daily, extra

walks can be arranged• 24hour vet cover• Kennels may be visited by

appointment only

Kilgarvan KennelsRecommended by Vets

Boarding for all breeds of Dogs and Cats

Homes always wanted for rescued animals

Leave your pets with someone who cares

Kilgarvan KennelsGortloughera, KilgarvanCall Jackie 064 6685645 / 087 2880589

Some of our work can be seen locally.For further information please call

Sean on 087 2947945

• Supply and erecting of monumentalheadstone and surroundings

• Inscribing additional names onheadstones

• Restoration and refurbishment ofgrave sites

• Supplying of personal engravedplaques and all types of colour stone

• Engraving of place names for houses, town areaand buildings

• Etching of personal designs on to headstones• A grave cleaning service & package, which will

involve cleaning, resetting, sandblasting andgrave upkeep

• Placing Treasured Memorial photographs onhead stones

• Acknowledgement Cards, In Memoriam Cards,Bookmarks, Wallet Cards.

• Grave Accessories and Candles.



[email protected]

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 17

Baby Oison Cremin who was christened this weekend in HolyCross Church pictured with his parents Shane and Kate, andGodparents Lisa and Conan. pic Harry Masterson

Killowen, Kenmare.Telephone: 064 6641100

Our family run home is located in the beautifultown of Kenmare, close to all local amenities.We offer a home away from home, allowingresidents and family members the peace of

mind of living in a comfortable, professionaland friendly environment.

We are approved by

Our services include• Music • Reminiscence • Sonas Therapy • Daily Exercise• Arts & Crafts activity • In house massage• Fun for Birthday and Special Occasions• Weekly Mass in our chapel • Daily church broadcast• In house hairstylist, or by appointment• Laundry Service

• Long Term CareFair Deal Approved

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• 50 bed purpose builtnursing home

• 3 spacious enclosedcourtyards

• 3 day rooms and2 meeting rooms

• Chapel• Mature gardens• Beautiful dining room

Fruit Trees & BushesFruit Trees & BushesVegetables & Flower SeedVegetables & Flower Seed

Seed PotatoesSeed Potatoes.. and much, much more!.. and much, much more!

WillowfieldGarden CentreKenmare 064 41403

Constituency Office 62 New Street, Killarney.Open Mon - Fri 9:45am - 5:30pmClinic each Saturday 12noon - 2pmTel:064 6635819 or 064 6635837 • Mobile 087 7814781Email [email protected]

TomFleming T.D.

Neidin Indoor Bowl's ClubNeidin Indoor Bowl’s Club meet at the G.A.A. Sports Centre inKenmare every Monday and Thursday 10.45am to 1pm.2013 is looking very bright and three teams are competing in theSean Chairde Kerry Bowl's League, all re progressing well. Theplay-off final is in Castlemaine on April 8th.As members of Active Retirement Ireland our club has been invitedto take part in the All Ireland Bowl's Competition at the GleneaglesHotel from 20th to 24the May.Good luck wishes to all.On the social front a 4 day Bowl's Break to Galway in April isbeing supported by many of our members.New members and visiting A.R.I. guest bowlers are all made mostwelcome to our club.Bowls is a very enjoyable and sociable activity for all and bowlsand tuition are provided as required.Tea, coffee, biscuits etc. are supplied.

Page 18 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

NNoorrmmaa OO''SSuulllliivvaann cceelleebbrraatteess hheerr 2211sstt bbiirrtthhddaayy iinn ssttyyllee!!

Norma O'Sullivan celebrated her 21st birthday with a surprise party in Blackwater Tavern lastSaturday night. She is pictured here with her some of her many friends including herboyfriend Gavin Breen.

More surprises!Norma’s boyfriend Gavin surprised thebirthday girl with a trip to Paris duringthe party.

Timmy, Sharon, Colm, Norma and Mary O'Sullivan Myles, with Lorraine in front, at Norma'ssurprise 21st in the Blackwater Tavern. all pics Mary O'Neill

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 19

There were outstanding performance by Kenmare dancers last weekend, when twelve children competed in Mullingarand all twelve came home with amazing results.

Three of the talented youngsters won the Premiership Competition, and the overall winners wereLeon O'Sullivan U10, Reinier Offerins U12 and U15 Kitty O’Sullivan.

All the other dancers also won lots of medals and trophies.And, just when Kenmare dancers thought it couldn't get any better,

they fought off teams from Dublin and Mullingar to win the 8 hand Ceili!Congratulations to them; Aisling O'Sullivan, Freddy Offerins, Leon O'Sullivan, Jack O'Sullivan, Reinier Offerins,

Kane Reidy, Emer O'Sullivan, Eimear O'Sullivan, Diarmuid Foley, Katie O’Connell, Carlynn O'Sullivan and Kitty O'Sullivan.

Kenmare Dance Studio dancers bring home the medals!

Page 20 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

The umbilical method of Manure / Slurryhandling involves pumping the liquid from aliquid storage facility (lagoon or tank) usinga high-pressure pump unit, via a pipeline, toa tractor mounted applicator unit. Once thesystem is set up and the pipeline has beenlaid, the pump is started and the applicatorunit is then driven in straight lines, draggingthe supply pipe, known as the Drag Hose,up and down the spreading field.

The umbilical application system hasnumerous advantages over traditional tankerbased application methods, the main onesbeing :Drastically increased workrates.Work-rates of 200m3 an hour are typical(dependant on spreading equipment).Drastic reduction in field soil compaction. No heavy tanker unit is driven ontothe field.

Eliminates damage of field access area.Applicator unit is driven In and Out of thefield just once.Eliminates mud carriage onto field accessroads. Applicator unit stays in the field untilthe field is finished.To find out more contact Ian on 0876774468

Local agricultural contractors, J & D Agricultural Contractors, are spreadinginto the future by offering the revolutionary new system ‘Slurry Kat’

Big crowds attend Old Dromore Sportsfield for memorial matches;

The Templenoe/Tuosist U 14 Team whodefeated Sneem/Derrynane U 14s for theJohnny O'Sullivan Myles Cup.

Therese Morley presents the Thade MorleyCup to Richard White of Sneem/ Derrynaneafter they defeated Templenoe by a point inOld Dromore Sportsfield, with TimothyClifford Chairman of Templenoe on left.

Niamh Granville, Roisin Clancy and SheilaHallissey.

Tommy Granville, Barry Clifford and Colm Murphy.

Pat Spillane, PatSpillane Senior,Arthur O'Connor,Colm Murphy andMike Morley.

The Clifford Stauch Family at the memorial matches; Ellie Clifford,Ciara and Amber Stauch, Anne Marie Clifford, Laura and MelisaStauch, Barry Clifford and baby Saoirse Clifford in pram.

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 21Johnny O'Sullivan Myles Cup and Thade Morley Memorial Cup

Henry Court – Kenmare T: 064 66 400 80charcoal steakhouse

For Reservations, please call 064 66 40080

Open for

Mother'sDaylunch and dinnerSunday March 10th

Templenoe Senior Team who were defeated by a point by Sneem-Derrynane in the Thade Morley Memorial Cup. Back row left toright; Mike Hallissey, Thadgh Morley, Noel O'Sullivan, JohnMorley, Darren Cremin, Josh Holland, Patrick Palmer, AdrianSpillane, Teddy Doyle, John Moriarty, Martin Reilly & KieranMcCarthy. Front row left to right; Darren McCarthy, DanielO'Neill, Denis O'Neill, Patrick Clifford, Brian Crowley, KieranO'Neill, Gavin Crowley, Dan O'Connor and Colm Breen.

The Sneem/Derrynane Team who defeated Templenoe in the ThadeMorley Cup.

Mattyand NielyO'Sullivan, JordanSmithand JoeyQuinnenjoyingthematches.

Fiona O'Sullivan, Will Gudgeon Captain Templenoe U14s, accepts theJohnny O'Sullivan Myles Cup from Mark O'Sullivan and LauraO'Sullivan.

Willie Reillyand TimmyO'SullivanMyles had anelevated viewfrom the RiverBank Stand.

all photographs courtesy Mary O’Neill

Kenmare Physiotherapy ClinicHenry Street, Kenmare. 086 1068505

Back / Neck Pain • Sports InjuriesMusculoskeletal Conditions • Acupuncture

Chartered PhysiotherapistVHI / QUINN / HIBERNIAN approved

Joanne Gaffey MISCP MCSP BSc (Hons)Darren Gaffey MISCP MCSP BSc (Hons)

Page 22 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Oireachtas Committee onTransport andCommunicationsA very serious issue came before thiscommittee during the week. It wasproposed to put an annual roadworthiness test on tractors and also toreduce, from 10 years to 6 years, therequirement for all cars to have anannual NCT. Present wererepresentatives from the HSA and theRSA.

I fought vigorously against theseproposals as the vast majority oftractors in the countryside are actuallynever on the road, only on farmyardsand privately owned land. It would beextremely cost prohibitive on ourfarming community to bring thesetractors up to a standard whereby theywould past such a test. Equally withcars, financially hard pressed motoristscould well do without the additionalannual cost, after 6 years, of having totest their vehicles.

Thankfully my efforts were successfuland this matter will not go before theDail to be brought into law and

hopefully such European proposals canbe kept at bay in the interest ofcommonsense. There was also aproposal on the day that ordinary smallcar trailers should also be tested. Thiswas another insane proposal andthankfully it has also been thrown out.

We are all obviously most interested inensuring that people’s health and safetyis protected but proposals such as theseare definitely going a step too far.

Student NursesThe Minister for Health and theGovernments proposal to try and con1,000 young nurses into a cheap labourscheme can be seen for what it is – acomplete con job. The Nurses Unionshave rightfully resisted this verystrongly.

I have raised it in the Dail as I think itis a disgrace to be bullying youngnurses into contracts which they do notwant. Equal work and equal pay isproper order and the nurses have givena clear message to the Minister, despitethe fact that they extended the closingdeadline, only 84 people haveresponded to the 1,000 places on offer.

There is an even more worrying recentdevelopment where young nurses arebeing brought into meetings and toldthat their contracts will not be renewedunless they go into the forced cheaplabour scheme.

The Minister is treating these nurseswith contempt and the politicians whosupport such activity are to becondemned in the strongest possibleway.Bonane Road.I raised in the Dail with the Ministerfor Transport Leo Varadkar the fact thatsections of the Bonane road should bewidened, in the interest of safety,before they are surfaced this year.There are a number of locations on theBonane road where accidents willactually occur, and have occurred in thepast, as the width is totally inadequateif a car meets a lorry or worse again iftwo lorries meet.

Johnny Healy-Rae is also taking adeputation from Bonane to the nextarea meeting to make a case for acertain amount of road widening to beallowed. I have also contacted theNRA about this most important matter.

Clinics held in Scotts Hotel, Killarney every Saturday at3pm, the Atlantic Bar, Kenmare every Saturday night at10pm and all surrounding parishes on a regular basis.Every Sunday night Healy-Rae’s Mace, - 9pm – 10pmin Kilgarvan : Healy-Rae’s Bar - 10pm – 11pmTel: 064 66 32467 Fax : 064 6685904Mobile: 087 2461678Johnny Healy-Rae MCC – 087 2354793.E-mail: [email protected]




Tel: 026 41236021 4319790Keen Prices - Prompt Delivery

M&J Kelleher OilsJohnnyHealyRaeM.C.C.

Main Street,Kilgarvan087 235 4793

Your localCouncillor

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 23

Situations Vacant

QUALIFIED CORK WANTED.Relevant Qualifications required.

Forward CV and details to; Company Secretary,

Rockmount Day Care Centre, Kilgarvan

before March 5th 2013

Kenmare & District Garden ClubThursday February 7th was our first meeting of thenew year and very interesting it was too. Michael Phelan of Rose Cottage Fruit Farm gave us a lot of usefulinformation about growing strawberries as well as raspberries,blueberries etc. Tips for everyone as to how to produce plenty ofdelicious fruit with names of the best plants to buy. Main pointseemed to be that all fruit needs sunshine and shelter – we canprovide the latter but the former is in the lap of the gods!The Chairman went through the coming year’s programme whichhas a very varied range of topics to suit all interests and there willas usual be some exciting trips during the year. Anyone wishing tojoin this active Club can either contact Stephen at 064 6689251 orGeraldine at 064 6641341 or come along to a meeting where youwill see what a great evening we have and you can join then.The next meeting will be on Thursday 7th March, 7.30 p.m. atGateway when Joy Larkcom ‘the Queen of the Kitchen Garden’will be speaking about her European and Asian pioneeringvegetable discoveries. This promises to be an unmissable evening.

25th anniversary calls past membersThe South Kerry Rosen choir are celebrating their 25thanniversary this year and to mark the occasion they areperforming a Gala Concert on April 21st.They would like to contact all past members to join them for thatoccasion, and perhaps perform one or two pieces together. Thiswould just mean getting together for a few rehearsals before theevent. For more details contact Eileen at 087 244 8981 [email protected].

The U13 Munster Champions who got first place in the U13 8 handCeili dance last Sunday in the Munster Ceol and Gheimhridh finalin Cappamore, Co. Limerick.Sarah Randles, Leah Moynihan, Ave O' Sullivan, Seanagh Cronin,Karis Koscan, Rachel Moynihan, Aoibhe O' Shea and Niamh NiCheallaigh, who attend the Hegarty and Mangan school of dancing,are pictured with their teachers Lisa and Maureen Hegarty andMairead Mangan.

We are inviting applications from experienced, highly motivated,enthusiastic, proactive hospitality professionals for the following positions:-Experienced Reservations Co-Coordinator and MarketingAssistantThe role is responsible to sell, promote and take reservations andmanage events at Sheen Falls Lodge. The role also involvesassisting the Sales &Marketing Manager in marketing areas such ase-zine design and fulfilment and managing the social media activitiesfor the hotel including Face-book and Twitter.The ideal candidate should have an outgoing, positive attitude and bea highly focused and disciplined individual, be a good enterpriser andget a buzz from being competitive while having the ability to work aspart of a team.

Previous reservations experience in a similar role and establishment is essential, along with strongnetworking and interpersonal skills. The ideal candidate should have previous yield managementexperience.This is a unique opportunity for the right person to join one of Irelands Leading hotels.This position require daily 8 hour shifts rostered up to 8pm and is roster 5 over 6 days to include Saturday

Experienced Front Office ReceptionistThis role is to ensure the efficient operation of the Reception / Front Office and to ensure that all guests’needs are catered for and communicated to the relevant departments. To offers a warm welcome and aspeedy, efficient check-in and check-out to all guestsThe ideal candidate must have a courteous and professional manner, excellent presentation andcommunication skills and have previous experience in Front Office/Reception in a Hotel environment.To be considered for this role you MUST: * Have previous Hotel Reception experience* Have the ability to work as part of a teamThis is a position that requires shift work and is rostered over the weekend period to include Sundays andBank-Holidays.

Only applicants who meet the criteria for the roles and are fluent in English both oraland written and have full legal permission or status to work in Ireland will beconsidered for both positions. Interested applicants may apply in confidence to: ThePersonnel Department, Sheen Falls Lodge, Kenmare, Co. Kerry, or [email protected]

Sheen Falls Lodge is a member of Relais & Chateaux since opening in 1991 and is an AA Five Red StarHotel which has received many prestigious awards and accolades since it opened.

Kenmare, Co Kerry,

Employment Vacancies at Star Outdoors Kenmare

Restaurant Supervisor RequiredMin. 3 years experience

Front Office Assistant RequiredExperience in similar position

Both positions are seasonal March to October andinclude weekend work.

Expressions of interest and cv’s, please email to;[email protected]

Senator Marie MoloneyConstituency office open Monday - Friday Conroy Hall, Killarney 064 6632034

CLINICS HELD Conroy Hall, KillarneyEvery Saturday from 11am

Page 24 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Business of the Month – is an event management andconsultancy company. This business providesa high quality service to its customers for alllevels of events. is a Kenmare based business but offertheir services nationwide and can run events from any location is owned and solely run by Irene Carey. Irene has

more than an entrepreneurial spirit, she has a creative vision. Irene’sstrategy and vision is underpinned by flawless execution anddelivery, flexibility and attention to detail and value for money. Ireneanalyses her client’s goals and objectives at the start of a project andinvests time and expertise in devising brilliant customised concepts,stories and events that will meet their needs.Irene herself has been inspired both by having her own two

children and also by the poem “The Clock” by Robert H Smith,which depicts how precious life is and how important it is to creatememories. To this end, any event organised by Irene, is nothing shortof true artistry that will create a happy memory to reflect on. Recentexamples of Irene’s work include Bonane Sheep Shearing, FamilyFun Day and Barn Dance. Irene can be contacted for further detailson or 086 062 8892This exciting new enterprise has emerged in 2012 with the help ofthe Back to Work Enterprise Allowance (BTWEA) facilitated bySouth Kerry Development Partnership Ltd (SKDP). This schemeencourages people getting certain social welfare payments to takeup self employment opportunities by allowing them to retain aproportion of their social welfare payment, plus secondarybenefits. For further information on the BTWEA, please contactan Enterprise Officer from SKDP in your area. Joanne Griffin(Killorglin and Kenmare) on 087 615 2660.

The winter weather means roads are gritted, pet owners walk theirdogs through all the stuff left by gritters, but did you know this canbe harmful to your dog? Cats will walk through substances left by carowners trying to de-ice their cars and then licking them off theirpaws. This can be deadly for your cat. The RSPCA states thathundreds of pets become seriously ill and in some cases die becauseof the rock salt and antifreeze being used during the cold snap. If adog (or cat) eats rock salt spread by the gritters this can causedehydration, liver failure and pancreatitis. Antifreeze, used by carowners contains the chemical ethylene glycol, which can be lethalwhen ingested. The RSPCA said receives hundreds of calls aboutcases involving cats and dogs during the winter period. They seemany cases where cats have died due to antifreeze poisoning anddogs died after licking rock salt off their paws. The charity urges allcar owners to take extra care when using antifreeze and mop up anyspillages and if you own a pet, clean the animals’ paws if they havebeen outside. It advises that symptoms of ingesting antifreeze includevomiting, seizures, appearing sleepy and a heightened breathing rate.Symptoms of eating rock salt include burns to the mouth and throatand excessive salivating and drinking. Seek help from a vetimmediately if you suspect your pet may have been in contact withthe substances or if they see warning signs or symptoms. The soonerthey are treated, the better their chances of surviving

Aoibhe O’Shea, KatiePalmer andNiamh NiCheallaighfrom TheHegartyschool ofdancingattendingtheir classfeis thismonth.

Kenmare& Locality AnimalWelfare Society

Benefit Dance /Mixed Céilíin aid of The Family ofBaby EvanO’SullivanKenmare Bay Hotel

March 3rd 2013 from3pm- 6pmMusic By Uí Bhríain

Admission €10 including teaDonations / Enquiries to Eileen O’Leary


Page 26 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

gigguideTo include your gigs in our

Gig guide [email protected]

Page 28 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Blackwater TavernMusic and DancingFebruaryFriday 22nd Southern PrideMarchFriday 1st Catriona and Hi CountyFriday 8th Ui BhriainFriday 15th O’Connor TrioSunday 17th St Patrick’s’ NightLive MusicFriday 22nd Singing JarveySunday 31st Easter Sunday Ui Bhriain

Lansdowne Arms HotelFebruarySaturday 23rd Wallop The CatMarchSaturday 2nd Singing JarveySaturday 9th The Two MikesSaturday 16th O’Connor TrioSunday 17th The Two Mikes

Lake House, TuosistDance at the Lake House Tuosiston Friday 1st of MarchMusic by Eddie Lee and JamesKelleher

Thankyou!We at the Tuosist Dance Clubwould like to thank all ourPatrons who have supported usthroughout the past year, and welook forward to your continuedsupport during 2013.Eddie Lee and James Kelleherplayed for our opening nightand they will be back to play forour 1st Anniversary Dance onFriday March 1st.We look forward to seeing youall there.

Chairman of the Kenmare Shamrocks Andy O'Sullivan picturedwith Mark Daly and Manager Pat O'Connor at the Kenmare GAAcoffe morning held in aid of the clubs All Ireland Junior final team.

AA ddaatteeffoorryyoouurrddiiaarryyKKeennmmaarreeRRoowwiinngg aannddBBooaatt CClluubb wwiill llllaauunncchh aannddnnaammee tthheeiirrnneeww bbooaattss oonntthhee SSaattuurrddaayyMMaarrcchh 2233rrdd aatt22ppmm aatt tthheeppiieerr.. AAllllwweellccoommee!!

• Six large indoor kennels. Heated.• Long daily walks on 40 acres of farm and

woodland.• Secure outdoor exercise and play area.• Located in Killaha (Castletownbere road).

Just 2 km from Kenmare town.• Viewings welcome.


Proprietor Shane DignamContact 087 - 9196660

064 6682003

The Atlantic BarFebruarySunday 24th Jerry McCarthyMarchSunday 3rd Ui BhriainSunday 10th Marino SoundSunday 17th One for the RoadSunday 24th Singing JarveySunday 31st Jerry McCarthy

Brooklane HotelFebruarySat 23rd 9pm -11.30pm Tom Deam and

Emer FinneganMarchFriday 1st 8pm Brains of Kenmare Table Quiz Sat 2nd 9pm -11.30pm Tom Deam and Emer FinneganSat 9th 9pm -11.30pm Tom Deam and Emer FinneganSat 16th 9pm -11.30pm Tom Deam and Emer FinneganSat 23rd 9pm -11.30pm Tom Deam and Emer FinneganSat 30th 9pm -11.30pm Tom Deam and Emer Finnegan

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 29Sunday 3rd March @ 8pm The Tailor of InvernessMatthew Zajac’s phenomenal play about hisPolish father has entranced audiences acrossthe world. With a stunning violin accompaniment, The Tailor of Invernesstells an extraordinary and moving story of survival in war-torn Europe. Admission �15/�13Thursday 7th March @ 8pm The Snows of Kilimanjaro 107minsFrench with English subtitlesUltimately the fans uncover a convolutedand unbelievable true story of success,obscurity, politics, and the power of musicitself. Admission �7Friday 8th March @ 8pm International Women’s Day Debate Debate to be relevant to women, motion tobe confirmed. One team from Pobalscoiland one team from the Community. Q & A after debate. Admission free / Donation box at receptionSaturday 9th March @ 8pm Jon KennyBe prepared to laugh your socks off withthis show from one of Ireland’s best lovedcomedians. Admission �20

Tuesday 12th March @ 8pm Lenten TalksLiving Lives of Hope todayPresented by Sr. Consilio.A native of Brosna, Sr. Consilio is a MercySister. She is founder of Cuan Mhuire andshe is well known for her lifelong work inhelping the homeless and addictions infamilies. Admission free. All welcome.Thursday 14th March @ 8pm Tea with Mussolini (1999) 117mins Semi-autobiographical tale from the earlylife of director Franco Zeffirelli looks atthe illegitimate son of an Italianbusinessman. The boy's mother has died,and he is raised by anEnglishwoman in pre-WWIIFascist Italy. Admission free / Donationbox at reception

Saturday 16th March @ 8pm St Patrick’s Night Variety ConcertAdmission price to be confirmedThursday 21st March @ 8pm The Imposter (2012) 95 minsA Texas family is seemingly convinced thata Frenchman found on the streets of Spain is their long-lost son, despite thedifferences in looks… and age… and accentAdmission �7Friday 22nd March @ 8pm ‘At Large’ Dave AllenA Journey through Life is performed by Newry actor Kieran Cunningham.Recreating the wit and wisdom, laced withcontroversy, satire and good old-fashionedstorytelling, the show is a magical andfitting homage to the ‘chair man’ of Irishcomedy. Admission price to be confirmedThe Carnegie Theatre is open fromThursday to Saturday from 10am to 5pmand for all events

Calling all Kenmare artists The Gathering 2013 Exhibition by Kerry Artists in theDepartment of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht.Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Jimmy DeenihanT.D. wishes to host an exhibition of paintings by Kerry basedartists that reflects work which connects with the County’sdiaspora. The exhibition will take place in the Department of Arts,

Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Killarney from June to August 2013.A catalogue of the exhibition will be produced.Artists are invited to submit one proposal each. The work selectedwill reflect the connections between Kerry and its diaspora.Images and dimensions of artworks ready for display should be

submitted to The Arts Office, Kerry County Council, Rathass,Tralee, Co. Kerry or by email to [email protected] by 5pm,Friday, 10th May 2013. Work selected will be determined by an independent panel,

Chaired by Artist Emir O’Connor, Member of the Arts Council.

Declan O’Rourke pictured with Debs Elder, following his recentconcert in Carnegie Hall. pic Brian Dunne

Carnegie Arts Centre, Shelbourne Street, Kenmare

[email protected] T: 064 6648701

Baby massage greatly enhances the early bondingrelationship between parents and caregivers andtheir babies. Infant Massage benefits your baby

in the following specific ways:

Baby Massage Kenmare


in Kenmare Medical Centre.Why not come along and treat

you & your little one & meet new mums.

Relief StimulationColic & Wind Build Immunity Emotional Stress Help Gain Weight

Relaxation InteractionAid Sleep Patterns Aids The Bonding ProcessSoothes Baby Assists recovery from

Post-Natal Depression

For booking & further information contact:Caitríona 0876981030

See also: Gift vouchers also available.

Next course: TUE: 19/26 MARCH/ 2/9 APRILSAT: 30 MARCH / 6/13/20 APRIL

SSppoorrttss Round Up...Page 30 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

APFSHarrierswant you tojoin them forthe 2013APFSHarriers 5kfun run inaid of Bee forBattens,Make a WishIreland andDownSyndromeIreland; thethree staffcharities atthe DAADublin andCorkAirport.

On August25th at 12noonthey want youto join them for a charity 5km fun run. All proceeds from this willbe given to the DAA staff charities of the year committee for thethree great charities named above. The route will be a flat 5kmroad surface and is ideal for a PB or couch to 5k or families or funrunners. Free parking is available at this event at the back ofDublin Airport (R108). Registration will be available at the BootInn from 10am - 11.30am for �20 or online at Run Ireland for �15.Families can register on the day. Deadline for online entries isAugust 23rd at 10pm; online entries must collect their race numberon the day at the Boot Inn. Please arrive early to give yourself timeto collect your number and warm up.

Please allow enough time to register on the day as registration is10 minute walk from start/finish line. A medal will be given toeach participant the finish line. Pixels Promotions will be coveringthe run and taking photos of the event, you will be able tag onFacebook low res pics for free afterwards.

The emphasis on the day is to have fun for both the novice andthe more experienced runner, families and friends spending timetogether and making a difference. Please come out and support three fantastic charities, they reallyhope to see you on the day.

The Bay Health Club would like to congratulate allchildren who participated in our community games onFebruary 6th. All swimmers swam to a very high standard, and this is due toparents who bring their children swimming, and take part inswimming lessons with all our instructors who work hard to get thebest results for all children involved. A special thanks to all people who organised and ran the event, itwas very much appreciated. A big thank to Kenmare Bay Hotel and Resort for accommodatingthe event, and to our members at The Health Club. We wish all our swimmers every success in the upcomingCommunity Games being held in Tralee on March 18th.


Bee for Battens to benefit from fun run

Well done toMikaelaMulcahy,LauraHallissey andDenis Croninof PobalscoilInbhear Sceinewho competedin the Munster

Schools Cross-Country in Waterford on Thursday February 7th. Lauraand Denis have qualified for the All-Ireland Schools Cross-Country inthe University of Ulster, Derry on Saturday March 9th.

Swimathon for Women:The Kenmare Bay Health Club is hosting this on

Sunday, 8th September 2013Swim 500m, 1000m or 1500m.

The Swimming Mile (1500m) equates to 90 lengths of the Health Club’s pool.

SSeett aa ggooaall ffoorr yyoouurrsseellff aanndd aacchhiieevvee aannyy ooff tthhee ddiissttaanncceess aabboovvee!!

Bay Health Club, Kenmare Bay Hotel & Resort064 66 42599 [email protected]

New for February Women in Sport Starting Feb 20th & 21stMeet & Swim Programme, aimed at women who can swim

a little and would like to progress. If you can swim 25 meters (1 length of a standard swimming pool)

on your front or back, then this is for you.Enjoy the benefits of swimming in a social environment

in the company of other women.Wednesday & Thursday mornings, 11 – 12 pm. €8

– Pay as you go for 10 weeks

Is Masters swimming for you?Masters Swimming, the fun option for women and men.Masters swimming in Ireland is a growing sport. We recognise however that often the mere suggestion of a club andthe fact that there is a competitive section in Masters often leadspeople to presume that there is not a recreational element to theprogramme. Most, if not all, Swim Ireland Masters Clubs are madeup of many recreational members who are welcomed andencouraged. If you are interested in joining our Masters Club, we will be startingwith early mornings on Wednesday 27th February from 8am - 9amand Thursday 28th February evenings from 7.45pm - 8.45pm.Special offer pay as you go €8 for one session or two sessions for€12.

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 31A Beginner’s Guide toTriathlon. For anybody outthere who does not know whata triathlon is, or who has notexperienced the buzz andsense of achievement ofcompleting ones first event, Ihope this rough guide will help debunk some of themyths surrounding the very positive and sociablesport of triathlon.

What is Triathlon?A triathlon is a multi-sport endurance event consisting ofswimming, cycling, and running in immediate succession overvarious distances. Triathletes compete for fastest overall coursecompletion time, including timed “transitions” between theindividual swim, bike, and run components.History of triathlonTriathlon grew in popularity throughout the 70s and 80s; and in1989 the ITU was formed to govern the sport globally. Within only6 years the ‘International Triathlon Union’ (ITU) had managed togain agreement from the IOC that Olympic status would be given tosport (the Olympic distance Triathlon is cleverly based on threeexisting Olympic events; the 1500m freestyle swim, 40Km cycleand 10K run). The first official Olympic event taking place at theSydney Olympics in 2000.Triathlon today is one of the fastest growing sports in the world.There are over 100 national bodies funding and supporting localclubs and events. Internationally, two significant bodies havedeveloped. The ITU mainly promotes Olympic style short coursetriathlon and the ‘World Triathlon Corporation’ (WTC) whichmainly promotes long distance Ironman triathlon.Triathlon DistancesThere are many different distances and types of Triathlon, fromchildren’s distances and super-sprint distances, through to the mostcommon distances Super-Sprint, Sprint and Olympic and the longerHalf and Full distances (aka Half-Ironman, Ironman).Most races conform to these distances:Super Sprint/Try-a-Tri – Swim 400m-500m, cycle 15km-20km, run3-5km Sprint – Swim 750m, Cycle 20K, Run 5K Standard/Olympic– Swim 1500m, Cycle 40K, Run 10K.Half/Half Ironman/Ironman70.3 -Swim 1900m, Cycle 90K, Run21.09K.Full/Ironman – Swim 3800m, Cycle 180K, Run 42.2KNote: the overwhelming majority of triathlons are Sprint orOlympic distance, making up 80-90% of all triathlons in Ireland.Kenmare tri club hosts an Olympic distance event annually knownas the Little Bo Peep.Triathlon in IrelandThe Irish Triathlon race calendar now has over 200 events all yearround, but it’s really packed from May to September, with three ormore races every weekend. Locally we have an Olympic and halfiron man distance event in Kenmare, a sprint distance event inSneem, Waterville and Valentia and a full iron distance event hostedin Killarney annually.JargonA few of the terms that you’ll come across and what they mean:Transition: the forth disciple of triathlon. Getting slick at thetransition from swim to the cycle called T1 and the transition fromthe cycle to the run (T2) is an art in its own right. Sprint triathlonsare often won and lost in transition.Brick session: a cycle followed by a run session to prepare yourlegs for the jelly like feel of running after a hard cycle.Tri-Bike: the top end bikes with cow horn handlebars used by thetop competitors to get an aerodynamic position on the bike.

So what do I need to get started?Basic equipment required with basic costs are:Swim: wetsuit, goggles and a hat. (basic cost ~ €200)Cycle: Racing bike and helmet (basic cost ~ €700. The ‘cycle towork’ scheme will half this price)Run: Road running shoes (basic cost ~ €70) Race Clothing: the bestoption is a tri-suit (basic cost ~ €80)But don't forget your level of fitness is a lot more important thanwhat you are wearing or riding and a lot of gear can be picked up athalf the price second hand.Join your local Tri clubJoin Kenmare Tri club early in the year. I can’t emphasise howmuch more you will enjoy training and racing when you are part ofa group. Dragging yourself out of bed for a long cycle on your ownon a Sunday morning requires motivation, whereas popping alongand joining in on the cheeky banter on our club spin is much easier.Also a great way to meet new friends, get fit and possibly lose afew pounds not to mention setting a good example for your kidsand family. But be warned it’s very addictive.

MembershipMembership for 2013 is now open. Your membership helps to fundthe club and the various competitions and training eventsthroughout the year. For details, pleasevisit

For information on all club activities, remember to follow us onFacebook

Mike Wallenjoying aSundaymorning cycle

Page 32 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

It has been an exciting month for theclub with a three-game semi finalcoming to a conclusion in CrokePark. For the players it was surelyexhausting as it surely was for uswatching on. Amazingly for acountry that seems to bepermanently drenched, all threegames were played in the dry, and inthe case of the Mitchelstown andCashel games, there was evensunshine!

Mitchelstown GameThe first game in Mitchelstown was the firstreal test Kenmare have had since comingout of Kerry (many months ago now). Itended all square and after another grippingtwenty minutes it was all square after extra-time, Kenmare 0-15, Castleknock 1-12 . Agreat game of ball we all said and headedfor Kenmare wondering about venues forthe replay.

Day Two.The Rock. Cashel on a sunny day made afine back-drop to the second instalment andyet again football fans were rewarded fortheir journey with another fine display from

both teams. Good atmosphere, another bigcrowd and plenty to talk about as the gameended with nothing to separate the teams.Extra time and still no budge from eitherside - Kenmare 0-21, Castleknock 1-18. Westill had no goal scored but a 21 point haulwould and should win most matches - notthis one however.

Castleknock GameWord began to trickle out almost straightaway that Croke Park was on the cards. Itcaught the imagination instantly. ‘Why not?’most of us thought, ‘and let the chips fallwhere they will.’ ‘A Night to Remember’ isthe famous Titanic film and many haddescribed this struggle between ourselvesand Castleknock as ‘titanic’ and so we hadour second replay and by half timeCastleknock were holed below thewaterline. A fantastic first half and a solidsecond half display and we were in the final- Kenmare 1-17 to 1-12. Castleknock wentdown heroically and the respect betweenthe two sides was obvious at the finalwhistle.

Kenmare go to Croke ParkFor the travelling hoards from Kenmare itwas a great evening (and night...and

morning!) without everlosing sight of the finalagainst Ballinasloe. It wasan occasion to be savoured and thephotographs told their own story of the craicin and around Croker. One more match(replays aside!) one more trip to the bigsmoke....

Coffee Morning.To offset the huge cost involved in thevarious replays the club held a coffeemorning in the LandsdowneHotel last Friday. It was incredibly wellsupported and thanks to Ann Duncan andthe many others who ensured that the clubhas the wherewithal to keep the whole showon the road. The All Ireland Final is on@2pm in Croke Park on Sunday 24th ofFebruary as a curtain raiser toInterprovincial Football Final.

Club MembershipJust a reminder to everyone that Clubmembership is due and is payable to anyofficer of the club. If you wish to contact theclub you can do so through the PRO JamesMcGann at 087 2025395. Any informationcan also be put up on the club’s Facebookpage, Kenmare Shamrocks GAA. KenmareAbu.


Team photograph courtesy of Anois Photography

Kenmare Shamrocks GAA

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 33

The Jack and Jill Foundation provides respite care forseverely ill children, up to the age of four, and theirfamilies, in the Republic of Ireland.

Many children and families in Kerry and surrounding Counties havebenefited from this caring and active charity.

The Kenmare Jack and Jill Run up the Hill is a family friendly event.Children, mums and dads (with or without buggies), teenagers, granniesand doggies (on a lead) are all welcome.

Now in its sixth year, this event has grown in popularity since thechallenging and scenic course was first used in 2008. Over the last fiveyears thousands of people have taken to the hills to raise money toenable the Jack and Jill Foundation to support children and familieswhen they are at their most vulnerable.

The Jack and Jill Foundation need your help more than ever this year.Is 2013 the year YOU run or walk up the hill?

Please support this event, you will be helping the Jack and JillFoundation to help others. The event is open to runners and walkers ofall ages.

The entry fee is �20.00, under 16’s must be accompanied and canenter for a minimum of �5.00. All entrants are asked to bring a friend.The run/walk begins on Saturday April 27th at 3pm, and it starts andfinishes in the Square in Kenmare.Entertainment and refreshments (waterstation and coffee/cookies) willbe provided at the Top of the Hill and at the finish line.The hill is challenging and a certain level of fitness is required.Entry forms are available at Kenmare Post Office, and online entry willbe at (follow link)

Is 2013 the year that YOU run or walk up the hill? Is 2013 the year that YOU run or walk up the hill?

More than 100 runnerstook part in this year'sKenmare Athletic Cluborganised KenmareBridge 10K road racewhich took place earlierthis month.

Shane Simcox won with atime of 34:49, followed byArthur Fitzgerald, second, andWillie Reidy in third place. First woman home was MauraRegan with a time of 40:10,followed by Deirdre O'Leary,second, and Siobhan Daly inthird place.

One of Kenmare’s mostnotable athletes, Robert Whyte,was the first ‘native’ home,whilst the first Kenmarewoman home was JoanO'Sullivan.

More than eighty youngpeople then took part in theCharity Fun Race for U18’swhich was won by LauraHallissey, followed by ConorO'Brien in a close secondplace.Kenmare Athletic Club paidtribute to the many people whohelped before, during and afterthe event, and the manysponsors.

For a comprehensive list ofresults take a look online

Page 34 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Kerry Biofuels Youths ReviewInter Kenmare Youths are at the midway point in their season, so it isan appropriate moment to review their progress. The emphasis at thisstage of a players career is developing an understanding of team shapeand the appreciation of what each player should be doing in thedifferent phases and areas of the game. When a player is tasked with aparticular role in the team he needs to be confident he is being backedup by his team mates and that his efforts are not in isolation. In thisregard, Inter Youths are making good progress and are competing wellin the top division in Kerry, thus far in eight games played Inter havebeen in contention right to the end in all but one fixture. Perhaps thebest display so far was away to Listowel FC, who are currently top ofthe table, a game which saw Inter leading 1 nil for nearly 70 minutes ina controlled and disciplined performance.It is hoped that the experience of this season will stand to the ladswhen they progress to the senior ranks. Scorers so far this season are;Fintan Kennedy 2 goals, Dean Cassidy 2, Conor Maye 2, DavidCrowley 1, Killian Harrington 1, Josh Crowley Holland 1. Inter have 8games remaining at this level and a concerted push by all members ofthe panel should see them make progress up the table. The panel is:Ray O'shea, Alan Reeve, Sean Sheehy, Conor Murphy, Josh CrowleyHolland, Ryan van Deventer, James de Silva, Fintan Kennedy, KillianHarrington, Ronan Lucey, Paudie O'Sullivan, Dean Cassidy, ConorMaye, Bryan O'Shea, David Crowley, Johnny Breen.By John Holland

Sunday 3rd February Tommy Healy Memorial Cup Round 1Inter B's 4 - 2 Classic B'sInter B's recent good form continued with the team beating Classic Bin the first round of the Tommy Healy Cup at home. Despite Interdominating the first half they were only 1 - 0 up at half time with SteveShea scoring.The second half was more even with Classic making it 1 - 1. Soon afterMike Hussey put Inter 2 - 1 up but sloppy defending let Classic in foran equaliser. Inter finished the game stronger with 2 more goals; DanCahalane scored from a penalty and Wayne Hayes scored to give Interthe 4 -2 finish.By Donal O'Sullivan Casey

Saturday 26th January Moriarty's Centra 11's4 Listowel - 3 InterThe Inter Kenmare U11 team travelled to Listowel on Saturday the26th still reeling from defeat in the cup to Kingdom boys. A 17 strongsquad lined out and although the weather was terrible spirits were high.The first 5 minutes of the game were uneventful with both teams tryingto grab hold of the midfield, eventually Padraig Cronin and DanielCrowley got the upper hand of the Listowel midfield and the chancesbegan coming. First Cian Hanley came close and shortly after DanielCrowley brought a great save out of the Listowel Keeper.Unfortunately, Inter got caught wrong side at the back and somehowfound themselves 1-0 down after 20 minutes of playing with Listowelsonly shot on target. Inter rose to the challenge and when Colin Crowleysent in a pin point cross Cian Hanley smashed the ball home to levelthe match.Again Inter faltered at the back and incredibly found themselves 3-1down with 2 minutes to play in the first half. The changes were comingfast and furious from the bench and no sooner had Oisin Fox steppedafoot on the field of play he had opened his account for Inter 3-2 at thebreak.The second half went the same way as the first with Inter piling on the

pressure early on. Senan Sheehy had come out of goals at half time totry his luck on the right side of the midfield. The Midfield pairing ofCaleb Brosnan and Aodhan MacGearalit worked their socks off to winthe ball back and set up attack after attack. Eventually, Inter drew level.Great work down the right from Senan, who beat his man and sent alow cross into the box to Colin Crowley who stabbed it home. 3-3 with10 minutes to play.The final 10 minutes was a whirl wind, Inter piled on the pressure withCian, Colin, Simon and Oisin all having great chances to steel avictory. Sadly, with 2 minutes remaining, Listowel broke with Intercaught up the field and although Daniel Crowley pulled off a greatsav,e he could do nothing about the rebound. Once again the Inter teamleft the field wondering how they had got nothing from the game, theyout played, out fought but couldn’t out score their opponents. The littlebit of luck has yet to appear this season but here’s hoping it does sosoon.By John Horgan

Saturday 19th January 11's Kerry CupKingdom Boys B 4 - 1 Inter

15's Kerry Cup Park B 0 - 6 InterOne goal each to Kevin Price, Dan Taylor, Will Sheehy, Tom POO'Sullivan and 2 goals for Denis Cronin

Internazionale FC KenmareChairman: Dennis O'Brien, Secretary: Majella O'Sullivan, Treasurer: Paul Cassidy,

PRO: Charlie Vaughan, Youth Liaison Officer: Ronan O Tuama

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 35


• Stairs• Shop Fronts• Doors, 1/2 Doors• Sash Windows• Timber Fascia

• Bars (mini bars)• Timber machined to size and design

• Window boards & panelling

• Solid Wood Furniture(Beds, Tables, TV Units, Desks, Benches etc.)

Holbein Carpentry & Joinery Ltd.

Just ask & we will help - 3 generations since 1949Contact Oliver 087 9255935 • E: [email protected]

All aspects of carpentry, joinery & furniture

Barraduff MemorialsBarraduff, KillarneyTel: 064 7754021

Mobile: 087 2598664

All types of headstones suppliedErected and cleaned

Additional names engravedPersonal attentionContact: Tom Murphy

Tel: 064 7754021

Kenmare House CareProperty Maintenance Services Tel: 087 2272205For a safe, reliable & prompt servicewith over 25 yearsexperience in repairs and maintenanceCarpentry • Decorating • Electrical • Plumbing Powerwashing • Tiling • Keyholding Service

Contact Tim 087 2272205E-mail: [email protected]

• home maintenance, improvement & repair• painting, carpentry, electrical & plumbing• kitchen fitting, wardrobes, tiling & timber flooring• property management & key holder services

for quality, reliability & service you can trustdon 087 9219576 or sheilagh 087 9325971

the house doctors


Slurry spreading and agigating.All types of farm sheds supplied and erected

including all shuttering, tanks and wallsMACHINES FROM 3 TON - 22 TON FOR HIRE


Vat and C2 Registered • Hourly and contract rates

Phone 087 2425504

Have you got Foggy orstained double glazedwindows?


Contact Donie @ 087-9777333CAPPANACUSH, TEMPLENOE, KENMARE

MOBILE 087 [email protected]



Joe Harrington PROPRIETOR

• General Building Contractors• New House• Extensions• Quality Craftsmaship Guaranteed• C2 Registered

For all your building requirements

Satellite and aerialsInstallations, repairs and services

Saor view/saorsatFree to air systemsGalvanised dishes

Magic eyesTel: 0874154529

Colm Brosnan,

Tuosist,Kenmare, Co. Kerry

Do you offer atrade or service?TToo aaddvveerrttiissee yyoouurr bbuussiinneessss ttoooouurr 2244,,000000 rreeaaddeerrss ccoonnttaacctt

Kate @ 087 2330398Dick @ 087 2513126

Page 36 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Trades&ServicesBill McCarthy

General repairs and HomeMaintenance

For all handyman requirements ringBill @ 064 6641684 / 087 6443003


• Painting & Decorating• Light Construction• Gutters Cleaned & Replaced• GraveMaintenance

Contact Colin @ 027 63588 / 087 [email protected][email protected]

• Emergency Nationwide Services• All aspects of tree care• Dangerous tree removal• Overgrown shelter belts• Stump grinding / Wood chipping• Hedges trimmed and restored• Surveys, Legal advice, Free estimates• Comprehensive

Tiernaboul, Killarney,Co. Kerry.Tel: 064 6633043Mobile: 087 2821034


Lissyclearig, Kenmare, Co. Kerry.(H) 064 6640900 (M) 087 2441900Office phone & Fax 064 6642346 • gmail: [email protected]

P L U M B I N G & H E A T I N G L T D .




ALTERNATIVE ECOSYSTEMSDerryreag, Clonkeen, Killarney.

Phone: 064 7753470 Fax: 064 7753873 Mobile: 087 2552221E-mail: [email protected]

All types of plumbing and heatingOil Boiler Servicing

Installer of Solar Panel; tubes or flat plateRepairs & Installations • Domestic • Commercial • Industrial

T: 064 66 89399M: 086 827 8349

• Weeding• Grasscutting• Strimming

• Pruning• Hedge Cutting

and Shaping

• Planting• Regular


Ben ScottGarden

MaintenanceThe Complete Garden S



Kenmare Cleaning Services• Power Washing

Houses, footpaths & roofs• Window Cleaning• Chimney Cleaningalso stoves and ranges

Tel: 086 3090154

House Green & Grubby? No need to paint, just wash!

Do you offer atrade or service?TToo aaddvveerrttiissee yyoouurr bbuussiinneessss ttoooouurr 2244,,000000 rreeaaddeerrss ccoonnttaacctt

Kate @ 087 2330398Dick @ 087 2513126

When there isn't enough hours in the daySAME DAY SERVICEFor all your Ironing needs

Open Monday - Friday 10am - 5pm087 7558802

Mrs Laundry's Ironing Service(located next to Barber Shop, Henry Street)

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 37


Satellite &Ariel Engineer•SKY Digital•SAORVIEW•Free to Air•Installations, Services & RepairsBilly Tythner066 9766284 / 086 [email protected]

Kenmare085 1132225email: [email protected]

JP Painting & Wallpaper Specialists

Authorised Service Agents for Kenmare AreaFalvey Oil Burner Services

Kenmare / KillarneyPhone: 087 2386276 • 087 8296288 • 087 1222091


Industrial, Commercial & Domestic InstallationsLauragh, Kenmare

Mobile: 087 7922340 • Home: 064 6683126Email: [email protected]

C2 Registered Installer

JJoohhnn KK..OO’’SSuulllliivvaannB L A C K W A T E R , K E N M A R E

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• Various Machine Sizes• Tractor & Dump Trailer Hire

C2 & VAT RegisteredTel: 087 2268772

Plant Hire & Groundwork ServicesKelly Tree Services


Experienced Tree Surgeon offering a broadrange of services, including removal of problem

trees to topping, pruning and mulchingFor a quote call Eoin on 087 6651216

Stanley Oil Cookers Firebird Boilers

Unit 2 Whitebridge, Ballycasheen, Killarney064 6639180 / 087 2844518

MirrorobeBuilt-In & Fitted Furniture

Let us save you money this WinterTalk to us about Wind-Do Seal

Shut out the cold, keep in the heat andreduce noise levels by up to 70%.

Do you offer atrade or service?

TToo aaddvveerrttiissee yyoouurr bbuussiinneessss ttoooouurr 2244,,000000 rreeaaddeerrss ccoonnttaacctt

Kate @ 087 2330398Dick @ 087 2513126

Kenmare Veterinary CentrePet – Equine – Farm

From this summer on full Farm animal serviceincluding calls, testing, reproduction work

SHOP & SUPPLIES: Experience our service and very sharp prices on worming, feed and supplies

064-6642695 (24 hour emergency service)

Mart Road, Kenmare -

It could be argued that dragging a heavytank full of slurry across a field is not agood idea, even given the best of groundconditions.

The umbilical application system has numerousadvantages over traditional tanker based applicationmethods, the main ones being;

• Drastic Reduction in Field Soil Comp ActionNo heavy tanker unit is driven onto the field.

• Eliminates Damage of Field Access AreaApplicator unit is driven in and out of the field just once.

• Eliminates Mud Carriage onto Field AccessRoadsApplicator unit stays in the field until the field is finished.

• Can be Spread in Very Wet Conditions• More suitable for higher ground than the

traditional tanker and can cover harder toreach areas

Slurry Kat - Revolutionary New SystemUmbilical Slurry Spreading

Contact Ian on 087 6774468

J & D Agricultural Contractors Ltd• Silage Harvesting• Silage and Precision Chop• Conditioner Silage Mowing• Umbilical Slurry Spreading• Tractors and Tankers (2000 and 1300 gallon

Raingun Tankers)• Agitating (8ft, 5ft and Propellor Agitator)• Muckspreading• Lime Spreading• Tractor and Dump Trailer

Page 38 Phone 087 2513126 • 087 2330398 Kenmare News

Thinking of trading inyour car for a new orsecond hand modelfor the new year?Times are tough but even inan economic downturn carsbreak down and need to bereplaced. If you areplanning on changing yourcar in 2013 then call intoKenmare Credit Unionwhere an unbelievable rateof 7% is on offer for alimited time only. Don’t missout on this incredible offer,call in to speak to ourfriendly staff today to findout more or phone 0646642111.

MonthlyM toring...

3 years FREE servicing with every car purchased until the end of February 2013.Offer extended by Bowlers Garage, Killarney

GET YOUR CAR READY FOR 2013FREE Pre NCT test until April 30th 2013

Avail of our €120 service, free collection and deliveryFull range of tt yyrreess aanndd bbaatt ttee rriieess to suit all cars at competitive prices


OPEN 6 DAYSTel: 064 6641502 • Fax 064 6641750

Trading in your car?Kenmare Credit Union can help

Kenmare News [email protected] Page 39

Aloe Vera

Property To LetServices

For Sale

Sheltered Housing

Roughty Plant Hire Ltd.,Machines and 6 ton swiveldumpers for hire. Mini diggers, track machines,tractor and trailers. Self Hire also available.Contract work undertaken.Estate maintenance contractsundertaken. Grass cuttingcontracts undertaken.Contact Ian087 630 4241 or 064 6685982

English Summer School InKenmare is looking for TEFLteachers, activity co-ordinatorsand host families for June /July 2013 in Kenmare.For more information, look atthe job/host family descriptionsonwww.KenmareSchoolofEnglishor contact Anne-Marie Clearyon 086 2400484

Aloe Vera GelPoor diet, stress, caffeine,over-processed foods etc. canall lead to less than tip-tophealth. Aloe Vera, with itswealth of essential nutrients,can help redress the balance.Aloe works on our immunesystem, replenishing thenutrients as required.Aloe Vera contains amazinghealing properties such asinhibiting pain and reducinginflammation. It is excellent asa coagulant, cicatrisant, cellregenerator, digestor,detoxifier, rehydrator, isnutritious and also contains 17of the 23 amino acids requiredby the body.To order contact Suzanne on087 2286182 for furtherinformation.

French period carved mirroredarmoireFrench carved single bed frameFrench carved wall panel 1 x2MTony Gelder Templenoe064 6682006 / 087 1911713

Classified & Personal..

CLASSIFIEDS & PERSONALPersonal Classifieds Free,Thanks givings €10Business Classifieds, prepay €10 for 20 wordsName..............................................................Address...................................................................................................................................Contact Number............................................. My Classifieds Advertisement is........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Send your classifieds advertisements to Kenmare News, 4 Davitt Place, Kenmare,County Kerry or email us [email protected]


Output 1100 Watt.50cm x 120cm.Price €50 Suzanne

087 2286182

Larch Timber Mantlepiece2.12m long x 22.5cm wide x 10.5cmwide (also 2 sides 60cm (L) x 10cm

(W) x 23cm (H)) Price €50 Contact Suzanne 087 2286182

Over 55’s Kenmare ShelteredHousing Vacancy In Taobh Linn1 Bed, First Floor apartment for rent in Taobh Linn

2 Bed Ground Floor apartment also available.

Taobh Linn is situated across from SuperValu and the medicalcentre on Railway Road and supports older persons to live

independently and is managed by Cluid Housing Association. There is a full time Scheme Manager on site and there is also a

Social Centre and Meals service facility which is run byKenmare Community Care.

For information and viewing contact Elizabeth White 064 6640008

ESSENTIALSERVICESEMERGENCY SERVICESAmbulance, Fire, Gardai 999Marine, Mountain Rescue

6641177Kenmare Gardai 6631222Brosnans Pharmacy 6641318 POST OFFICEKenmare 6641490 Tousist 6684201Blackwater Bridge 6689245ACUPUNCTUREBarbara O’Leary086 3809067COMPLIMENTARYMEDICINEKathrina O’Sullivan 087 7579294CAREER SERVICESPauline Lane 087 9066350

MEDICAL SERVICESDr Vincent Boland 6641303Dr Rose Crushell 6641514Dr R & B O’Driscoll 6641333Dr D Waterhouse 6645204Dr. Maria Quille 6641544Health Service, Henry St. 6642414Community Hospital 6641088DENTISTSGerry McCarthy 6641650Con O’Leary 6642621PHARMACIESBrosnans Pharmacy 6641318McSweeney’s Pharmacy 6679880Sheahan’s Pharmacy 6641354PHYSIOTHERAPYChristina Foley The Medical Centre 087 9220292Kenmare Physiotherapy Clinic,Henry Street. Darren Gaffey 086 1068505

HOMOEOPATHSPam Mullers 086 3009109

PSYCHOTHERAPY/COUNSELLINGMichele O’Brien 064 6642503CHIROPODYJoan Lynch Purcell 6641158CHIROPRACTICBobbi Kestler, DC

087 2982697HYPNOTHERAPYLee Tiller 6642919NURSING HOMESTir na nOg 6641315St Josephs 6641100 VETERINARY SERVICESLesley Dignam 6641436Jimmy Duggan 6641202Henk Offereins 087 7710360 OTHER SERVICESChamber of Commerce & Tourism 6642615Citizens Information 0761 077810Community Welfare Officer

6641091Kenmare Community AlertTeddy O’Sullivan-Casey 087-6705108CHIMNEY CLEANINGKenmare Chimney & StoveCleaning 086 3090154

Kenmare Girl Guides is re-startingafter Easter in the GatewayMethodist Hall in Kenmare, everyFriday from 5.30pm - 6.45pm. Tofind out more take a look at theirfacebook page.

2 bed Apartment, Cuirt Cleady,Glanerought, Kenmare€375 per month2 Bed Townhouse, HenryCourt, Kenmare€375 per month2 Bed Apartment, Palm Grove,Kenmare,€400 per month4 Bed Gortamullen Heights,Kenmare€450 per month3 Bedroom house, Riversidevillas, Kenmare€500 per month4 Bed House, Killoween Road,Kenmare€550 per month3 Bed Bungalow, Parc Clonee,Kenmare€550 per month3 Bedroom, Atlantic Gateway,Sneem€600 per Month2 Bed Town House, BarrNeidin, Kenmare€800 per monthLuxury 3 Bed House with SeaViews, Killaha, Kenmare€1200 per month

ContactElaine Daly (064) 6641213