page brinc exclusively ored-comic this...

FOR SAL N. ms--4 ream. h..w. h.. elect. meema. bath, tarase; celental tfrnace; colonial style. Sash. reema, bath. b-W. h.. . $ aeenh. Bt , largo roams, bath; t0; to ree; lot -I80lo; . By speetal arrangement mall thie hause tr $8.600; $3s )[ONE REALTY CO. 4. ave. N. W. C. 614-W. O. 856W TO COLORED Oedrsble $-room boun. tIle bath, beat; es T st. N. W. between Ith Sta. Reasonable terms. . M. MCNEELEY CO. 1216 U St. N. W. North 5880. WHY PAY RENT tely when it is se easy to LITE PARK at $80 down and 030 per Call and lot Me tell you about it. NEOLLIZI K. -CORY. O1 14th at. N. W. 41 6 or Clar adon 383--1. ASSACHUSETTS AVE., NEAR 7TH ST. N. E. $7,000. -room and bath house on Mas- ve.; newly painted and suitable for boarding house 3129family Vacant. Wr. R. SAUNDERS & CO., 1438 K st. N. W. BOSS I Telephone Main 4840 Unusually Desirable Mi I1 '*OL cash required as lit- ttal payment1. Drant* now dwelling. ban style centasbing oil and modern bath, hot-water heat. *tc- trio lights. Conveniem to car itse. hurcho. stars. etc. SDeadid neigh- A practically new and unusually attraettve colental type hoe Only one-half block from one of the beet ear lines. This house contains six large rooms. tile bath, eleeping Porh and first floor rear h, nt-water heat. electric light. built-i garage. New vacant. tot he SOd at once. Eay terms. r WAviug city has authortsed o dispoee this strictly modern e at a low figure. It is well sit- itd la the northwest and faces ernment Park. 88z large room* bath. enclosed sleeping porch. hardwood floors. entirely *creosed, Concrete front porch, laundry tube and lavatory. het-water heat and elsatrie lights. Telephone Main 4340 BOSS "The Home McKEEVEI Reali 1405 Eye St. L Chevy Chase, Md. Setacbed, ai. reooms and bath, front side pee. electric lights. good tangplant; spaco for garage en alley. Pries. 389.000. Terms can arragdm rEye at. Maia 4762.' Suburban. -.t&N little modern home. In good ties; n roemas and bati. sleep. porch, front and rear perches; a beating plant. electric lights, ood floers, and trim; garage. ,9.500; $1.500 sash required. McKEEVE1 E7 St. MBERS OF THE WASHIN( REAL ESTATE C $7,750. PETWORTH. dwelling. with garage. Six lorge bath. Modern heating. Electric 9 let. Possession. $15,000. CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL. home. with tile garage. Nine and bath. Deep lot to alley. Mod- Possession. $5,000. EE BRICK DWELLINGS. far business. White tenants. 9; water in house. Near lath tM. N. A. Speculation er invest- $7,500. BROOKLAND. D. C. hed home. Lot $92100 feet. Six and bath. Porch. CoUar. Near Driveway for garage. MAHORNEY Eye it. N. W. * "See Mahorniey A Sullivan- $18,500. CHEVY CHASE, D.C. aative home, located wemt of Conn,. eoataina 3 room. and 3 hathe; aIm. *a room In attie; every modern con- VACANT. ST$18,000. 8OF 14TH STREET. et Orittendea mt., a meml-detac~hed residence; 4 bedrooms. beth and porch on 2nd floor; hardwood and trim; hot-weter heat, electric owaor leaving etty, will give p..- $12,000. SAUL'S ADDITION. mew detached reaidence: con- attrective eoona and bath, hot- beat. etectrie light.; ewuer occu- TAKONKAejAiK, D. C. aeldom have an opportunity te So- medern home located in a large of oak trees at a moderate price. o oentaina 3 rooms and beth. hot water; eiectrlc light.; large utifal shade. $4,250 AND $8,000.- TWO COLORED HOUSES. sad west of 14th at. N. W.; both are ad eesata 0 reema: will be seld en terms. WM. H. SAUl K st. N. W. THIS MEAN YOUT eat employe ha. rented thA fer 86 years. Me hee paid tret Today the hense 600 and it belongs the mhrited it. Remedy: Take 'ear lean propeeltion aue pay homse, not the other man'e. *. VAN HOESEN N. W. Main 8416. ea line. Am attractive little wIth modern bath. Ga- 0. U terms. .rALsN~ lae, Pr . S 6. Bringing Up A DOES I VOKC0 TATHE THINK I 10 MA HARMLD C A FULL PAGE OF "BRINC Hovas PoR SALE PHELPS 1406 H St. N. W. >derate Priced Homes $6.2641--Blomiegdale. atr First street. Strictly modern esi-reem dwelling that Is bound to meet with your approval at the price asked. Hot- water het wired for electricity. good eendition. Room for garage. Terms. $16,00-An unusual bargain in semt detached eight-reem dwelliag alt- uMted ou wide prominent aTone* lust north of Park road. This house contain. four bedreoma Neat and rear perches, hot-water heat, electric lights. It to in per- feet conditien throughout. There in alse A large attic. Space for garage. $4.600-Vacant. A easy aix-room briek dwelling; two ater..s, osntaiaiag six room*, modern bath. furnace heat. Cloe to Western Nigh school and car lines. Only $760 required as initial payment. PHELPS 1406 H St. N. W. of Homes" t & GOSS, bra, Main 4752. Petworth. Two-story bome of seven rooms and bath, cellar and attle; front and rear porohosa, electric lights. hot-water heat, hardwood floor. and trim; screens and awainga throughout; apace for garage; hnmodlate posesstoa. Price. 06.000. Reasonable cash. McKEVER & 0058. 1465 Dye at. Main 4762. Two-Family Flat. Located in Columbia Heights; each apartment of five rooms avd bath; double rear. porehee; sleeping porch; aeparate heating plants. nadwoed flor and trim; garage; alley. A good Investment either as a home or a source of Income. Prtog. 19.600. t & GOSS, Main 4752. TON REAL ESTATE BOARD. PPORTUNITIES. $5,000. FOR. COLORED. R at. N. W., near Ith. Pit' rooms and bath. Brick dwelling. Good conditton Poesesieso. $11,500. NR. WALTER REED HOSPITAL Detached hems, with lot 6x160 feet. Nine rooms, two baths, two-car garage, chickeh house, porch. $900. ONLY NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Parm of eighteen acre., with five-reero hense. Outbuiidings. On dtyiding Viso Anne Arundel and Prince Georges cous- tie. Md. $15000 WOODRIbGi, D. C. Handsome detached home. with arg4 grounds. Modern. Near car line. Passes. slen. Garage. Bungalow type. I SULLIVAN, Tel. Main 7821. -They Know Washington." $7,350. COLUMBIA HEIGHTS. Noar 13th and Harvard at..; a 2-steri end caller resaidence; 7. rooms and bath. hot-water heat; hardwood floers. IA. RAGE. $6,800. HOLMEAD MANOR. A two-story and cellar oolonial typ, brick reaidenoe; oentaina 6 rooms and beth, heated by hot water; olootric lights owner eccupaLt HIGH IEW. c.,..I., t,,. briek reoldd.... . room. and hoth; front pereh. abeeping porch .conveaient to tweo ar line; owner oceu- pant. $6,250. TWO-FAMILY HOUSE. Only one left: splendid investament oi home; two complete apartmehte; 6-reern aad bath en oach floor; two-gtory hael porches, room for garage. 30,000. -RI VERDALE, MD. Another beautiful home with en ahund, a pee of shade; contains 9 rooms and bath hbated by het water; eleotrie ights; eitt improvements. let 130 feot wide and facei on two streets. [DERS & CO., Phone Main 1016. HOMES FOR COLORED. VERY EASY TERMS. Thee homes are aceellently locate, northwest sod contain feur and five iarge reoms good front yard and book yard ti aedalley. New coal ranges are beinj ntalled is the kitchen. They are Ia veri deed condlties. Thi. in your opportunity to buy a horn because the homne Ie right; the pries.t raaPf h nd th ass :nST. N. W. OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY. R3PRESUNTATIVE ON PREMISES. J1. DALLJAS GRADY, 30Z Maryland bd. 1410 H at. N. W Main 7ell 7ather mE S GOING 1 FIND OLr IP ' WPOse IA IFE- jNG UP FATHER" APPEAR HOUSES FOR SALI REASONABLY PRICED HOMES $4.750-Near 16th and F sts. N. E. Well built I-room and bath brick house., with new me-tal garage for two cars. 45ee cash required. $4.360-Near lot and Florida ave. N. W. Substantially built brick of %-room and tile bath. hardwood trim throughout, latrobe heat. $500 cash, balance very easy terms. $4.60-Detached home In Woodridge. D. .. six-rooms and bath; large lot &01466; Flenty of room for chickene, garden, etc.; front and ride porches. $600 cash dows. balance like rent. HOWENSTEIN BROS., 7th and H sts. N. E. Phone Linc. 897-898 TO COLORED $sO per month will buy up-toedate I. room brick house in N. W. ee"ton; se sash payment required. A I E. M. McNEEL CO. 1216 U St. N. W. North 5880. BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR SALE BARGAIN ON PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N. W. Large brick store and dwelling on Pennsylvania ave.. suitable for wholesale business or light manufac- turing. Lot 25x130 to 30-foot, alley. Offered at a sacrifice price. $11,500. WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO., 1483 K at. N. W. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WILL trade my equity of 40.050 in 43% acre of beautiful wooded land In the most desirable section of Chevy Chase. ). C.. for a business house, an apartment o* a desirable dwelling. land 53.000 an acre. ddrese BOX $28 Times Offle PROPERTY WANTED HAYS special client fer suburban piace. Virginia or Maryland; 6 or mere rooms; large let preferred. Let us knew what you have to offer. LOVE REALTY CO.. Main 6766. 410 Dis. Nat. Bank bldg. AT ONCE-Georgotown section preferred; modern 6 er 7 room house; would like one with h.-w. h.. electricity and hardwood fleers, and maust hare garage or space for one; not over $13.000. Addrese BOX A-31. Times ofce. WB WANT MORN P0O# 0 AL. Owners of preery 4401101 to make ek sales ohekld list prserty with us at ease. _RM. P. NOR~QYL_k1 ele a t._M. W. OHN F. DONOWON 0 DON1, 814 Pena lvania ave. 6. 3. Let Us Submit List et onmes ans investments Bere Teu Prehase. REAL ESTATE IOANS 0N31 TO LuAX-ssee to 11110.41,11 an O. real estlate. Nover*4 Wiet ftna. A* o'n. aMMM0 a C,. .. e.. . 1111h , W CLAIRVOTANTI. L4ewwed by the D.irect of Columbis 50c MADAME ALLEN 60. CLAIRVOTANT AND PALMIST. 701 6th St. N. W. (cor. 0th and 0). Guaranteed to read your entire life-past. present. snd future; gives true advise en business, love, health. and family affairs. This ad and Zfo entitie yOU to 83 reading. RIZPAH ELDO N Spiritual medium cud clairvoyant of wide reputation. Tells about your personal and business affairs as never told before Readings daily. Over Poeaho" tas candy -11 1t4th at. N. W._ 50C MADAME SELIA 50C EGYPTIAN PALMIST AND MEDIUM pives true &&vie* in business, love. health and family affairs; tells the name of future husband or wife and how to win the one you love; makes up lovers' quarrels or family troubles. tells what business and what part of the world to lockiest for you and how to avoid all trouble. Phone Franklin 3371-.J. Special reeding. 50 centa. 831 7th et. N. W., next to Eye at. Opp. MoCrery's lee store. * MADAM D'ASHMAN Washingten's greatest and genuine etair- voyant, cryetal ganer and card reader. Ad- vice on all troubles. Daily, Sunday. 6-7. Phone P'rank. 634. 733 113th ct. N. W.* 50e MME. BELLE. .50 Egyptian palmuist. givee true advice in busines., love. healtha end family affairs. Conifidentlal readingu daily. 10.a. m. -5 p ta 1124 7th at. N. W., betwecan L and M. - washngtone eaoritei'emn--elr, MARGURETTE MAE, Peycholegiet and advisor ,in busines., love, health end family affairc. It in treuble, counult her. Office. 1233 Pa. ave. N. W. flours. 9 a. mn. to 3 p. a,. Batietaction gusranteed. -. MADA)ME MAVIS YTPTIAN PALMfIST AND MEDIUM. Shodsee what ethers claIm te de. Ge a true bletery of your life aed b the "Queen et Palmistry." This gifted woman will read your life. cheraeter, ter- tune and bent of gour diepedtlen by the setenee ofet mistry. SE REA DTOU LIF LIED A 3OO0. Ser works speake for itself. If yeu haye be0a croseed in love. if interferere have broken your dearest and tendereet ties Ia every affair, it ii see tse oesult a palulst who gives you reliable and important SI. .ice en busimess .ehanges, $eurneys, siet. mess, will, deeds, mortgages, love. gourt- chip, marriage, diverce-telle if leu will amarry the one you love. Everythinu strictly seetidential. Saticfactien gnawe.- teed. 536 14th at. N. W.. between U and -MADAME VASHTI. Palarnit and clalrveyat: gives advie en all affaire of lit.. "TeIls year inner- mest affairs." Reedira daIly and peta- da.73? 0th Nt., nestar t. MADAME PARKER Gifted elalrveyant and medium. gives tint advice en betames health. 1o9s and fawnly afars. Tell. the name of your fuari b n aod or wife. What te de to be se een in life. Remove. evil inflenes Satfactiou or no harge. 111 Ne t NW. MADAME JEANETTE Gifted Dgbptien Clairveysat and Palm- 1st guarantee to read your emtUr lfe pest, present and ftre; Mao asks at estions, but will tell you what you warn to haow. giving nans.e date. ad fasts si Sbusinees matters. love, health and fasel Saffairs. Tele the amse ef who you wt matry and when. If tbe eo ieu love ii lim orsr fale. What part 0t the eeumtry iS the luckiest te you and jutwhat to de Sto be sosefutl in lifle. Drings the sepa- Srated together, remeeves troubles of all nature so yeea aawia ad hold the oe you leve. e0Ft.a.. bot. 41h and 9th, nest Chubert-Garrich. 50e MADAM FONEDA 60c Rgyptien palmist with singular powers can advie you hew i to besueceseful ii buainee., henlth and $alsly affairs; aveu aS of ga yo w' iwyan we MAR.OLD, I'LL PLAY YCM) A TMOUSAN D DOLLAR PREEE-OWT- ON- 0 S EXCLUSIVELY IN THE C CLAMROYANTS by the District or CoLiturs 50e MADAM WORTEN 50C You are Invited to consult this gifted lady born with a natural gitt to advise you en buslaesq. leve. famiy attairs; tells nme of whom you will marry and whos. $1 reading. 50, 110 Ith a.. N. W. * PROF. BELMONT Neted Ctairvoyant nd Palmist. ean rea your life by the lines In yeouf palm, whisk are the record of your life. Being a gra- uste of two collages of Mihastry and his wonderful gift et ascend eight eonablea. b to lift the vell ot MYS9r4 sand reveal to you important Matters of ror guture tife. Gov" atvie en everythiag pertaaing to life. tell8 the "Crag of having peraonel Influence with your associates. fret. Del- ment in a Peycholegist of World Raew. Readins, $1. 1214 New York ave. aw.. aset door to Mae"ste Temple. * 50c LET MADAM ROYAL 50e agyptiaa palmolt, give you the secret of souce in business, love affat s. Tell cause of your treubles. Now to overcome themn. Name of whom you will marry *ad who. ReInovo evil Influence se you oan be euesessful. $3 readings with ad.. boo. 09 oth at. N. W.. bet. I and New ork awe. MRS. JAS. O'BRIEN, Spiritual reading@ daily by appointment. Sel Eye at. N. W. PheeFrank.1400. - WAS. J. E. MALTnY-Daily readings. i1 per halt heer. III 10th at. N. N. Tele- thneInein 502. MRS. WHITE will helb seance on Mon- day and riday eventaigs at I *'cloek; Wednesday afternoon* at 2 e'cleck. 100 4th at. S. *. AUCTION SALES THOMAI . CARTER, AL'CTIuNEER. AUCTION PALE OP STEAMER MAJESTIt' Pursuant to a decree rendered by the Corporation Court of the City of Ales- andria. Virginia. on the 23rd day of 1ep- tember, 1921. in the chancery cause therein depending. wborein Howard 8. Reeside, at al., are Plaintiffs, and the Colonial Beach Company Is Defendant. the undersigned Receivers for the Colonial Beach Company will ofter for sale at pub- lie auction, at Roberts' Dock. between King and Prince Streets. In the City of Alesandria, Virginia. on Tuesday. October 11. 1921, at 11 ecieck a. in.. the steamer "Malestic," belonging to the Colonial Beach Company. This steatner Is built of steel and was constructed in 1903 at Elisabethport, New Jersey, She was not completed until May, 1900, and within the past two years has been thoroughly overhauled at a cost of approximately thirty-five thousand dollars. The engines and betters were built by W. & A. Pletcher Company. Thin steamer has three decks, electric light. search light, running water. all first-class equipment for freight and passenger businese. has forty-two state- rooms and a dinag room. Her length Is two hundred feet. her breadth fifty-four feet over all; her draft i six feet one inch, light; she is equipped with feathering wheels. and the- W. & A. Fletcher beam surface condensing engine. about seven hundred and fifty horse- power; Legg boiler. fifty-two pounds I steam pressure (original); her coal bunk- era will hold about slaty tons of coal; she has a large freight deck. aI will carry about three hundred tone oead weight; Ler speed Is fourteen miles per hour. TERM@ OF AAL119: Cash. A deposIt of $2.600 will be required on the day of sale. and the balance of the purchase money must be paid within five days thereafter. CHARLES H. ST. JOHN, CHARLES P. DOUGLAS. GARDNER L. BOOTHE. Receivers. OPICE OF PURI.C BUILDINGS ANIl GROUNDS, Washington. D. C.-Sealed p r0p020,11 wtill be received here until - p m. October .3. 1021. and then opened for furnishing cut stone for a granite coping te surround a retlectiag pool in Went Pa- tomac Park. Further information en ap- plication. semOBRT A LL, 410 BlobIet Matn~oal e Bldg. Male 3t47 STEAKSRIPS NEW YORK TO EUROPE 8. S. 0... We Rtn and Auser. ws (Piesa: 1, Heobekes) - aseepted.- P.TMM~eU-easanoe-aian AMERICA: ..Sept. I--Wow. I--Ne,. 4 GEORGE WASHINGTON: Oe,. 4-Woo, S--Dee, I ag.-La.w.s.--eeomgrfebe ICBNTMNNIAL STATE: 5'AUADL bO. 11--Ne,. IS--bee. I No. S-fv. O--Wee, g1 ?IUDON : 00*. ISo'-a. 3. PRINCESS KATOIKA: Oet, fg--Dee. gg, POTOMAC: Nlov. 5--Dee. 04. UNITED STATES UNES, 4s Bow..a.. N. Y. 3e50 wbku.Ian MOORE M IACK (lae.~ AMERICAN LINEM8, fee anoagelsg Operators for' the I.Ibdim Stmasa AS mina Smi- NOW WE'L- PLAY I'M ANOTIHE i-- CEI test., e ta cr. ORED-COMIC SUPPLEMi WIFE'S SECRET HOPELESS LOVE FOUND IN 91ARY Husband Who Read Notes Ad- mits Mate Did No Wrong in Hidden Passion. NEW YORK. Sept. 24-The strange story of a love that was little more than a dream, but which lay deeper in a young wife's heart tha*T her love for husband and two little faughters, is told in a tear-statned diary which became part of the record yeaterday in Mrs. Alice B. Vierhaus' suit for separation from Engelbert Vierhaus. of Mt. Vernon. She resides in Brooklynl. Vierhaus, who is a salesman and well to do, discovered an he read the diary that his wife's secret love had only grown after her marriage-and that its object was Peter Tower. a mutual friend. He asserted his faith in his wife, however, in an affidavit accompanying the dairy, waying he knew she had been innocent of actual wrong-doing. Mrs. Vierhaus mays her husband beat and abused her on sev- aral occasions. Under date of January 14. 1916. the diary received thin confidence: "How my mind runs on Peter' seem to be really crazy on the sub- ject. I enjoy thinking of him and &bout a life with him. anl yet he .oesn't love me and my . wn Bert does. Peter wouldn't ever understand me. He'd tease me and make fun of me and treat me rotten because I am crazy about him. Every other man I can handle and make dance to my piping. I suppose that's why-aren't I a goose?" An entry of a few days before ran: "Bert said: 'You knew Alice when ahe was quite a child.' And Pete an- swered: 'Yes. I knew her when she tiaed to cry.' Ile meant that awful day when the world was one black. aching sea of trouble. when I told him I was engaged and he didn't care. My heart wax torn for love of Mm and I knew I had to get action, action or go crasy from longing. He thi-ks it's all over. If he but knew! AnJ he loves fun and teasee just as much as ever." In leptember, 1917. she entered 'the following in her diary: "Received quite a shock in Peter Tower's wedding. While Bert was here and in the first excitement I was able to laugh and take it all calmly, but during the long day when I was alone I broke down. it does not mean so much to me. Maybe I really had a feeling that I would run away to him and maybe not." A letter addressed to Peter Tower. Ic also offered. "l)earest Peter. I have always loved you best of, anyhody in the world, so imagine. if you can, how it hurt me that day when I told you that I was going to n'arry another man. "Of course, 1 erioed. But you don't 'know about the hopeless bitter cry- lng that I did when f was alone. I~te for me had been very happy until then, but since that dark day even my happiest hours are just a bit sad. ISigned) A aLCE." RWOOED HER IN GRAVEARD WITH REVLVER "Marry Me or Be Buried," Swain Passionately Cried to 16-Year-Old, So She Wed. CIliCAGO. Sept. 24.-Sylvia Bra- dasn Christ, sixteen years oldI, had a most unusual courtahip and marriage and yesterday she asked the c'ourte to annul the marriage and set hear free. The girl say. thai on luly 14 Thomas B. Christ offered to take her riding through the pejks in a taxi- cab he had hired and she accepted. But Instead of showing her tne beau- tiful parks he had the chauffeur drive direct to Elmwood Cemetery. He took the girl to an open grav'e, pushed a revolver against nor side. and, without further preliminaries said: "I love you: marry me at onc~e or here's your grave." Soared half to death, she consented, and they drove hack to the city, where he secured a marriage licease, cautioning her to give her age as nineteen years. A half hqur later Judge H. Sterling Pomeroy united them in marriage. Immediately fol- lowing the ceremony Sylvia slipped away and returned to her perente. They hid her away and today l.ega -y Geo Nr OF THIS APER EVER BALL HENT LAW WILL BE TESTED IN OWNER'S SUIT Edward P. Mertz Would Enjoin Tenants From Collecting Excess Rentals. Edward P. 'Mertz, owner of the Prine Karl apartment hou,- at 1901 K street northwest, today filed suit in the District Supreme Court against the member of the Rent Commission and the fifteen tenants of his building to enjoin them from attemlpting to collect the so-called excesa rentals. He asked that the court declare the leases under which the tenants occupy their. respective apartments valid and t'naffected by the decision o, the rent commission. The constitutionality of suction 123 of the re-enacted Ball rent naw is by this suit disputed. Section 123 pro- vides for the return to the tenants of all excess rentals over the rate set by the rent commission Th- law also provides that failure to make such re- turns today makes the owner liable to suit in the Municipal Court with penalties as mentloned In th.- set. Plaintiff declares that the decision fixing the rentals was made in Junu- ary. 192o. in a suit filed against Chao Is D. Mager, then agent for the building. without making the owner of the build- ing a party to the suit. The bullding was not acquired by plaintiff until Sep tember. 1910. and he alleges he was without knowleoie of the decision ot the Rent Commission. Mr. Mertz say. that if the tenants a a &Howe dto r- cover the alleged excess over the rents fixed by the commission when the house was out of repair and had no elevator service, which he said he in- stalled, he will suffer irreparabile dam- age and a penalty will be enforced on 1im which is without warrant of law. OFFERS TO SELL SELF AS SLVE TO KEEP BABY Can't Get Work, So She Adver- tises in Order to Support Her Child. SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Sept. 24.- Springfield has two women who be- lieve In using- newspaper ads to keep the wolf away now that winter is near. One of the women inserted a want ad in a morning paper offering to sell herself to the highest bidder, while the other offers to gamble on her earniags for one year by offering 2 per cent of her wages In exchange for a room In some quiet home. The woman offering herself to the highest bidder inserted the following advertisement: "FOR &Al.M-Woman: have walked the streets looking for decent em- ploy ment until my money Is gone; my shoes are so worn out and my feet are so tired: I have a beautiful gift of God, seven years old: there asems to be no place for us to earn. olur living: will offer nt.,tself to the highest bidder In order td support my angel." EPISCOPALIANS URGED TO STAND SOLID FOR MORALITh PITTSBURGil. Pa.. 8tept. 24.- Bishop CTharlee H. Brent. of the west- ern New York diocese of the Protenmt- ant Episcopai Church. wddressilng the eleventh general council of the All!- ance of Reformed Churches Holding the Presbyterian Aystem, here yester- day, told thne delegates that church unity was necessary that the Christ- Ian church might present a unitedt front on four moral questin. The questions he cited, were, the home. the Industrial, the educational and international peace. Bishop Brent's statements on chnurch unity were Included in a greeting to th~e allinne from the Protestant Epis- copal Church of P~nigland, and that of the United States. Unusual Inter- est marked his address, as the bishop has been one of the leader. of the wnovement of the Anglican church in preparing the "IAmbeth appeal," which suggested a union of thbe Angelican nhuroh ahd those included in the I'an-Presbyterian anliance. GRANDPA CLASSES WIVES AS OOOD,- BAD, WORSE CHICAGO. Sept. 24. -' There are three grades of wives, according to Ambrose J. Rose, ninety-one years eld, who was just granted a divorce from wife No. 3, The grades are "pretty good," 'just medium," and "no good at all." Here Is the way Rose fit the scale to his own wives: "My finrst was pretty good, the seoond just medium and the third no good at all." The fourth, he insisted, would be "im...sel." rge McManus NO0,MA6(IlE- RE CANr' AXriOq1D A WIFIE-I Y SUNDAY MORNING EDUCATIONAL COLUMBIA SCHOOL OF DRAFTING ROY C. CLAFLIJl, Pres. 14th and T Sta. Phome North 272 Learn drafting and enter this profession of good pay and coagenial work. Day or night sessions. Individual Instruction. Course in 8 to 9 nonths. Fa iformaion on request. Get Latest Cataiogue. ENROLL THIS WEEK Crochet Beading Taught! $5.00 6 Leson Pupils Wanted Ladies loar to make crochet beaded bags anid to bead your vwn dresse. anits and many other articles spotal terms to schoes forming .class in or out of town. Write or colt maw. C. .J. 31OR11TON. 4406 Doglas Avv. N. K. KeaUmftb. D. C. CORPORATION ACCOUNTING A sour"o treating Ilk a practical way the difficult am interesting prblyms of the odernI1&5 rig gas busiteaso *- Dat the 'Prtosat educettosal program of THE NATIONAL SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Edwin C. eewesvth. Presdeet. 100-11 Iaternatlemal Building, 1319-21 F Street N. W. Pthom K. -00. wPAXAATOUT. languages. mathemattca, seoteae. pubico speaking. shorthand; day. i -4.. moderate. O AA ST. ALBANS The Natieal Cathedra ledfor By 12th year begins sopt e 11 21. 1 t21. Telephone Cleveland 470 For C&t&t.@ and other informsation apply to the Used. m .a e .' tr. SPANISH WAONT. Pe.. . . IL Rapepogram 81-1 . K U Y. W. C. A. School 13S3 F St. N. W. Opens Oct. 4th Day and Evening Classes. Cultural'and Vocational Courses to fit you for the job ahoad! Gyrnnasti, ten.Sports, Dancing. Swimnng. Coipetenit Instruct ors -A de'quate Eiquipmeont-Moderate Rate. REGISTER NOW H 1333 P St. N.~W. 1ESt. N. W. LAKE SCHOOL MOVING, PACKING & Er0EAGE Witer Building Storage aquippe to rtd fi l rse e loin G el N 8 reb.4d4to1441 1? Ut. N. W. SEPARATE OM *L? 104 1 . e -MOVENw 'UNITED STATES* w .- a:CD~I EDUCATIONAL EMERSON INSiTUTE '140 F L S.W. - Pbemaest Freahs 444146 REGISTER NOW -OR THE FALL SEMESTER Na er annaDa. and UvaIesei S.6 ass Pes.. A...a... asu NPILOMAW. CU0LAR IS"B"M. Cases asdtehmis es4:13M as ;rIess Geor Washington :=Wity Cb~t~kvA 11gy es% 4n 2 001 131 offers ON IURAL AET'S BNGINZERING LAW ARC IITECTUEB EDUCATION PB Act arn agoss. to asses duwg 'he G= a... mod smely aflougeg-e. -em has Claes IN bewen fve-tes For eatalegs and other aformatles Apply tgi The Registrar,. Limer Hall 223 G Street N. W. TelpioeM West 1440. Research University Fall Quarter Now Open lII 3$IV subieeto canmain verasi s Jhaelm Pmiao Facing Lrta ytte Sqiupre and Wbit. House naRlaITUR rs WxxM. GE ORG ETOWN LAW SCHOOL foisM ox A 011111110sh seems wol be AT G 1 10. at &%5 60e* eh p. Na. EINGlNNING KOXIDA1. SC0SZ8 3. let. AFTERS N nomres or *sad. as. poUsionds9 see m be s~m lion NEW NORMINas esen ler g ear dame t* a eiEs a. M. Per . 09 As aseeve ,e HUGJC . FES .A-LL a. ab B Georgetown Law Scbmel 3Id& soea te ft. W. Phase. Masa 7M. YMCA SCHOOLS Co-etestmal-8531 St-ets Lest Year. Assmsaasy Sebase se raem Geem Law (Bar Cears) A esetiwv Sbse Comeretal seftes *Eaissed Sees ambed Pnearessy assel 86" s ay S ep asm Call er Addres., I4s a ow. Maim 3ame. GIErWMINTH *EVERSIIT LAW SIMI algasiv T uw se Suda Nseeni N Am -dtlsaaS Aie ma i..61 senesay. Te e tme n aLowmi Afo:" dbet o Ks. ofw C. suusmwaa ig.ul i d:v 1enw F s.adS 111as Laee Atoays Dishmso 5:C0 SP and Cerc e eatment. u Tu tion feas oexsrme. Tmaen aom en MMU . LAW BUI&tN4S Wf T96 .W E~N!. LER. N W. K. of C. EVENING SCHOOL 14F St. iW 1311 e Ave. Registration open for entrance in Elementary, High Scool. 2Ilegean7 Commercial Departments. Tuition fre to ez-er'vie men and women. CNAT OCIAL LT Phen 'e ine"f Day and Eveig Clase Chilren S tr Class 1 Xx LL NOW C l SSes Ladiid ul trMIe- 1i5n,14rf-.aNw.l Crses.0 CN-DUATIONAL T&ttAPPLI ED ARTe Besion 19At O i t a . e ra10to Tp Ne Ottie ur-1 aC.. A, . A . 1 P6e st. W. Phn u 9 D.y ... 4 ... eningmlams DeinMUieDsiCn, lor. ELeont -ro esd val Courses. 7our fo' a Tereksri: IIs ---2an 4t -6ABA TDil WANGTiON COLPEGE

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Page 1: PAGE BRINC EXCLUSIVELY ORED-COMIC THIS … SAL N. ms--4 ream. h..w. h.. elect. meema. bath, tarase; celental

FOR SALN. ms--4 ream. h..w. h.. elect.

meema. bath, tarase; celentaltfrnace; colonial style.

Sash.reema, bath. b-W. h..

.$ aeenh.Bt , largo roams, bath;

t0; to ree; lot -I80lo;. By speetal arrangement

mall thiehause tr $8.600; $3s

)[ONE REALTY CO.4. ave. N. W. C. 614-W.O. 856W

TO COLOREDOedrsble $-room boun. tIle bath,beat; es T st. N. W. betweenIthSta. Reasonable terms.

. M. MCNEELEY CO.1216 U St. N. W.

North 5880.WHY PAY RENT

tely when it is se easy to LITEPARK at $80 down and 030 per

Call and lot Me tell you about it.NEOLLIZI K. -CORY.O1 14th at. N. W.41 6 or Clar adon 383--1.


$7,000.-room and bath house on Mas-

ve.; newly painted andsuitable for boarding house

3129family Vacant.Wr. R.SAUNDERS & CO.,

1438 K st. N. W.

BOSS ITelephone Main 4840

Unusually Desirable MiI1 '*OL cash required as lit-ttal payment1. Drant* now dwelling.ban style centasbing oil and

modern bath, hot-water heat. *tc-trio lights. Conveniem to car itse.hurcho. stars. etc. SDeadid neigh-

A practically new and unusuallyattraettve colental type hoe Onlyone-half block from one of the beetear lines. This house contains sixlarge rooms. tile bath, eleepingPorh and first floor rear h,nt-water heat. electric light.built-i garage. New vacant. tothe SOd at once. Eay terms.

r WAviug city has authortsedo dispoee this strictly moderne at a low figure. It is well sit-itdla the northwest and facesernment Park. 88z large room*bath. enclosed sleeping porch.hardwood floors. entirely *creosed,

Concrete front porch, laundry tubeand lavatory. het-water heat andelsatrie lights.

Telephone Main 4340 BOSS"The Home


1405 Eye St.L Chevy Chase, Md.

Setacbed, ai. reooms and bath, frontside pee. electric lights. good

tangplant; spaco for garage enalley. Pries. 389.000. Terms canarragdm

rEye at. Maia 4762.'

Suburban.-.t&N little modern home. In good

ties; n roemas and bati. sleep.porch, front and rear perches;a beating plant. electric lights,ood floers, and trim; garage.,9.500; $1.500 sash required.




dwelling. with garage. Six lorgebath. Modern heating. Electric9 let. Possession.


home. with tile garage. Nineand bath. Deep lot to alley. Mod-



far business. White tenants.9; water in house. Near lath

tM. N. A. Speculation er invest-

$7,500.BROOKLAND. D. C.

hed home. Lot $92100 feet. Sixand bath. Porch. CoUar. Near

Driveway for garage.MAHORNEY

Eye it. N. W.* "See Mahorniey A Sullivan-

$18,500.CHEVY CHASE, D.C.

aative home, located wemt of Conn,.eoataina 3 room. and 3 hathe; aIm.

*a room In attie; every modern con-VACANT.

ST$18,000.8OF 14TH STREET.

et Orittendea mt., a meml-detac~hedresidence; 4 bedrooms. beth and

porch on 2nd floor; hardwoodand trim; hot-weter heat, electricowaor leaving etty, will give p..-

$12,000.SAUL'S ADDITION.mew detached reaidence: con-

attrective eoona and bath, hot-beat. etectrie light.; ewuer occu-

TAKONKAejAiK, D. C.aeldom have an opportunity te So-medern home located in a large

of oak trees at a moderate price.o oentaina 3 rooms and water; eiectrlc light.; large

utifal shade.

$4,250 AND $8,000.-TWO COLORED HOUSES.sad west of 14th at. N. W.; both aread eesata 0 reema: will be seld en


WM. H. SAUlK st. N. W.

THIS MEAN YOUTeat employe ha. rented thAfer 86 years. Me hee paid

tret Today the hense600 and it belongs themhrited it. Remedy: Take'ear lean propeeltion aue payhomse, not the other man'e.

*. VAN HOESENN. W. Main 8416.

ea line. Am attractive littlewIth modern bath. Ga-0. U terms.

.rALsN~ lae,Pr . S 6.





PHELPS1406 H St. N. W.

>derate Priced Homes$6.2641--Blomiegdale. atr First street.

Strictly modern esi-reem dwellingthat Is bound to meet with yourapproval at the price asked. Hot-water het wired for electricity.good eendition. Room for garage.Terms.

$16,00-An unusual bargain in semtdetached eight-reem dwelliag alt-uMted ou wide prominent aTone*lust north of Park road. Thishouse contain. four bedreomaNeat and rear perches, hot-waterheat, electric lights. It to in per-feet conditien throughout. There inalse A large attic. Space for garage.

$4.600-Vacant. A easy aix-room briekdwelling; two ater..s, osntaiaiagsix room*, modern bath. furnaceheat. Cloe to Western Nigh schooland car lines. Only $760 required asinitial payment.

PHELPS1406 H St. N. W.

of Homes"

t & GOSS,bra,

Main 4752.Petworth.

Two-story bome of seven rooms andbath, cellar and attle; front and rearporohosa, electric lights. hot-waterheat, hardwood floor. and trim;screens and awainga throughout; apacefor garage; hnmodlate posesstoa.Price. 06.000. Reasonable cash.

McKEVER & 0058.1465 Dye at. Main 4762.

Two-Family Flat.Located in Columbia Heights; each

apartment of five rooms avd bath;double rear. porehee; sleeping porch;aeparate heating plants. nadwoedflor and trim; garage; alley. Agood Investment either as a home ora source of Income. Prtog. 19.600.

t& GOSS,Main 4752.



FOR. COLORED.R at. N. W., near Ith. Pit' rooms and

bath. Brick dwelling. Good condittonPoesesieso.

$11,500.NR. WALTER REED HOSPITALDetached hems, with lot 6x160 feet.

Nine rooms, two baths, two-car garage,chickeh house, porch.


DOLLARS.Parm of eighteen acre., with five-reero

hense. Outbuiidings. On dtyiding VisoAnne Arundel and Prince Georges cous-tie. Md.

$15000WOODRIbGi, D. C.Handsome detached home. with arg4

grounds. Modern. Near car line. Passes.slen. Garage. Bungalow type.

I SULLIVAN,Tel. Main 7821.

-They Know Washington."


Noar 13th and Harvard at..; a 2-steriend caller resaidence; 7. rooms and heat; hardwood floers. IA.RAGE.


A two-story and cellar oolonial typ,brick reaidenoe; oentaina 6 rooms andbeth, heated by hot water; olootric lightsowner eccupaLt

HIGH IEW.c.,..I., t,,. briek reoldd.... . room.

and hoth; front pereh. abeeping porch.conveaient to tweo ar line; owner oceu-pant.


Only one left: splendid investament oihome; two complete apartmehte; 6-reernaad bath en oach floor; two-gtory haelporches, room for garage.

30,000.-RIVERDALE, MD.

Another beautiful home with en ahund,a pee of shade; contains 9 rooms and bathhbated by het water; eleotrie ights; eittimprovements. let 130 feot wide and faceion two streets.

[DERS & CO.,

Phone Main 1016.


VERY EASY TERMS.Thee homes are aceellently locate,northwest sod contain feur and five iargereoms good front yard and book yard tiaedalley. New coal ranges are beinjntalled is the kitchen. They are Ia verideed condlties.Thi. in your opportunity to buy a horn

because the homne Ie right; the pries.traaPfhndth ass :nST. N. W.OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY.


Main 7ell




REASONABLY PRICED HOMES$4.750-Near 16th and F sts. N. E. Well

built I-room and bath brick house., withnew me-tal garage for two cars. 45ee cashrequired.$4.360-Near lot and Florida ave. N. W.

Substantially built brick of %-room and tilebath. hardwood trim throughout, latrobeheat. $500 cash, balance very easy terms.

$4.60-Detached home In Woodridge. D... six-rooms and bath; large lot &01466;

Flenty of room for chickene, garden, etc.;front and ride porches. $600 cash dows.balance like rent.

HOWENSTEIN BROS.,7th and H sts. N. E.Phone Linc. 897-898TO COLORED

$sO per month will buy up-toedate brick house in N. W. ee"ton; sesash payment required. A I


BARGAIN ONPENNSYLVANIA AVE. N. W.Large brick store and dwelling on

Pennsylvania ave.. suitable forwholesale business or light manufac-turing. Lot 25x130 to 30-foot, alley.Offered at a sacrifice price.

$11,500.WM. H. SAUNDERS & CO.,


WILL trade my equity of 40.050 in 43%acre of beautiful wooded land In the

most desirable section of Chevy Chase.). C.. for a business house, an apartment

o* a desirable dwelling. land 53.000 anacre. ddrese BOX $28 Times Offle

PROPERTY WANTEDHAYS special client fer suburban piace.

Virginia or Maryland; 6 or mere rooms;large let preferred. Let us knew whatyou have to offer.

LOVE REALTY CO..Main 6766. 410 Dis. Nat. Bank bldg.

AT ONCE-Georgotown section preferred;modern 6 er 7 room house; would like

one with h.-w. h.. electricity and hardwoodfleers, and maust hare garage or space forone; not over $13.000. Addrese BOX A-31.Times ofce.WB WANT MORN P0O#0 AL.Owners of preery 4401101 to makeek sales ohekld list prserty with us

at ease._RM. P. NOR~QYL_k1ele at._M. W.

OHN F. DONOWON 0 DON1,814 Pena lvania ave. 6. 3.Let Us Submit List et onmes ans

investments Bere Teu Prehase.

REAL ESTATE IOANS0N31 TO LuAX-ssee to 11110.41,11 an

O. real estlate. Nover*4 Wiet ftna. A*

o'n. aMMM0 a,. .. e... 1111h , W

CLAIRVOTANTI.L4ewwed by the D.irect of Columbis50c MADAME ALLEN 60.

CLAIRVOTANT AND PALMIST.701 6th St. N. W. (cor. 0th and 0).

Guaranteed to read your entire life-past.present. snd future; gives true advise enbusiness, love, health. and family affairs.This ad and Zfo entitie yOU to 83 reading.

RIZPAH ELDONSpiritual medium cud clairvoyant ofwide reputation. Tells about your personaland business affairs as never told beforeReadings daily. Over Poeaho" tas candy

-111t4th at. N. W._50C MADAME SELIA 50CEGYPTIAN PALMIST AND MEDIUMpives true &&vie* in business, love.

health and family affairs; tells the nameof future husband or wife and how to winthe one you love; makes up lovers' quarrelsor family troubles. tells what business andwhat part of the world to lockiest foryou and how to avoid all trouble. PhoneFranklin 3371-.J. Special reeding. 50 centa.831 7th et. N. W., next to Eye at. Opp.MoCrery's lee store. *

MADAM D'ASHMANWashingten's greatest and genuine etair-

voyant, cryetal ganer and card reader. Ad-vice on all troubles. Daily, Sunday. 6-7.Phone P'rank. 634. 733 113th ct. N. W.*

50e MME. BELLE. .50Egyptian palmuist. givee true advice in

busines., love. healtha end family affairs.Conifidentlal readingu daily. 10.a. m. -5 p ta

1124 7th at. N. W., betwecan L and M. -

washngtone eaoritei'emn--elr,MARGURETTE MAE,

Peycholegiet and advisor ,in busines., love,health end family affairc. It in treuble,counult her. Office. 1233 Pa. ave. N. W.

flours. 9 a. mn. to 3 p. a,.Batietaction gusranteed. -.

MADA)ME MAVISYTPTIAN PALMfIST AND MEDIUM.Shodsee what ethers claIm te de.Ge a true bletery of your life aed b

the "Queen et Palmistry." This giftedwoman will read your life. cheraeter, ter-tune and bent of gour diepedtlen by thesetenee ofet mistry.SE REA DTOU LIF LIED A 3OO0.

Ser works speake for itself. If yeu hayebe0a croseed in love. if interferere havebroken your dearest and tendereet ties Iaevery affair, it ii see tse oesult a palulstwho gives you reliable and important en busimess .ehanges, $eurneys, siet.mess, will, deeds, mortgages, love. gourt-chip, marriage, diverce-telle if leu willamarry the one you love. Everythinustrictly seetidential. Saticfactien gnawe.-teed. 536 14th at. N. W.. between U and

-MADAME VASHTI.Palarnit and clalrveyat: gives advie

en all affaire of lit.. "TeIls year inner-mest affairs." Reedira daIly and peta-

da.73? 0th Nt., nestar t.MADAME PARKER

Gifted elalrveyant and medium. gives tintadvice en betames health. 1o9s and fawnlyafars. Tell. the name of your fuarib n aod or wife. What te de to be seeen in life. Remove. evil inflenesSatfactiou or no harge. 111 Ne t NW.

MADAME JEANETTEGifted Dgbptien Clairveysat and Palm-

1st guarantee to read your emtUr lfepest, present and ftre; Mao asks atestions, but will tell you what you warn

to haow. giving nans.e date. ad fasts siSbusinees matters. love, health and faselSaffairs. Tele the amse ef who you wtmatry and when. If tbe eo ieu love iilimorsr fale. What part 0t the eeumtryiS the luckiest te you and jutwhat to deSto be sosefutl in lifle. Drings the sepa-Srated together, remeeves troubles of allnature so yeea aawia ad hold the oeyou leve. e0Ft.a.. bot. 41h and 9th,nest Chubert-Garrich.50e MADAM FONEDA 60cRgyptien palmist with singular powerscan advie you hew i tobesueceseful iibuainee., henlth and $alsly affairs; aveuaS of ga yo w' iwyan we




S EXCLUSIVELY IN THE CCLAMROYANTS by the District or CoLiturs50e MADAM WORTEN 50CYou are Invited to consult this gifted

lady born with a natural gitt to adviseyou en buslaesq. leve. famiy attairs; tellsnme of whom you will marry and whos.$1 reading. 50, 110 Ith a.. N. W. *

PROF. BELMONTNeted Ctairvoyant nd Palmist. ean rea

your life by the lines In yeouf palm, whiskare the record of your life. Being a gra-uste of two collages of Mihastry and hiswonderful gift et ascend eight eonablea. bto lift the vell ot MYS9r4 sand reveal toyou important Matters of ror guture tife.Gov" atvie en everythiag pertaaing tolife. tell8 the "Crag of having peraonelInfluence with your associates. fret. Del-ment in a Peycholegist of World Raew.Readins, $1. 1214 New York ave. aw..aset door to Mae"steTemple. *

50c LET MADAM ROYAL 50eagyptiaa palmolt, give you the secret ofsouce in business, love affat s. Tellcause of your treubles. Now to overcomethemn. Name of whom you will marry *adwho. ReInovo evil Influence se you oanbe euesessful. $3 readings with ad.. boo.09 oth at. N. W.. bet. I and New ork awe.

MRS. JAS. O'BRIEN,Spiritual reading@ daily by appointment.Sel Eye at. N. W. PheeFrank.1400. -

WAS. J. E. MALTnY-Daily readings. i1per halt heer. III 10th at. N. N. Tele-

thneInein 502.

MRS. WHITE will helb seance on Mon-day and riday eventaigs at I *'cloek;

Wednesday afternoon* at 2 e'cleck. 1004th at. S. *.


AUCTION PALE OP STEAMERMAJESTIt'Pursuant to a decree rendered by the

Corporation Court of the City of Ales-andria. Virginia. on the 23rd day of 1ep-tember, 1921. in the chancery causetherein depending. wborein Howard 8.Reeside, at al., are Plaintiffs, and theColonial Beach Company Is Defendant. theundersigned Receivers for the ColonialBeach Company will ofter for sale at pub-lie auction, at Roberts' Dock. betweenKing and Prince Streets. In the City ofAlesandria, Virginia. on Tuesday. October11. 1921, at 11 ecieck a. in.. the steamer"Malestic," belonging to the ColonialBeach Company.This steatner Is built of steel and was

constructed in 1903 at Elisabethport, NewJersey, She was not completed until May,1900, and within the past two years hasbeen thoroughly overhauled at a cost ofapproximately thirty-five thousand dollars.The engines and betters were built by W.& A. Pletcher Company.Thin steamer has three decks, electric

light. search light, running water. allfirst-class equipment for freight andpassenger businese. has forty-two state-rooms and a dinag room.Her length Is two hundred feet. her

breadth fifty-four feet over all; her draftisix feet one inch, light; she is equippedwith feathering wheels. and the- W. & A.Fletcher beam surface condensing engine.about seven hundred and fifty horse-power; Legg boiler. fifty-two poundsIsteam pressure (original); her coal bunk-era will hold about slaty tons of coal; shehas a large freight deck. aI will carryabout three hundred tone oead weight;Ler speed Is fourteen miles per hour.TERM@ OF AAL119: Cash. A deposIt of

$2.600 will be required on the day of sale.and the balance of the purchase moneymust be paid within five days thereafter.



OPICE OF PURI.C BUILDINGS ANIlGROUNDS, Washington. D. C.-Sealedpr0p020,11 wtill be received here until - p

m. October .3. 1021. and then opened forfurnishing cut stone for a granite copingte surround a retlectiag pool in Went Pa-tomac Park. Further information en ap-plication.

semOBRT A LL,410 BlobIet Matn~oal e Bldg.



8. S. 0... We Rtn and (Piesa: 1, Heobekes)- aseepted.-


..Sept. I--Wow. I--Ne,. 4GEORGE WASHINGTON:

Oe,. 4-Woo, S--Dee, I

ag.-La.w.s.--eeomgrfebeICBNTMNNIAL STATE:

5'AUADL bO. 11--Ne,. IS--bee. INo.S-fv. O--Wee, g1

?IUDON : 00*. ISo'-a. 3.PRINCESS KATOIKA: Oet, fg--Dee. gg,POTOMAC: Nlov. 5--Dee. 04.

UNITED STATES UNES,4s Bow..a.. N. Y. 3e50 wbku.IanMOORE M IACK (lae.~

AMERICAN LINEM8, feeanoagelsg Operators for' theI.Ibdim Stmasa AS mina Smi-



test., e ta cr.



Husband Who Read Notes Ad-mits Mate Did No Wrong in

Hidden Passion.NEW YORK. Sept. 24-The strange

story of a love that was little more

than a dream, but which lay deeperin a young wife's heart tha*T her lovefor husband and two little faughters,is told in a tear-statned diary whichbecame part of the record yeaterday inMrs. Alice B. Vierhaus' suit forseparation from Engelbert Vierhaus.of Mt. Vernon. She resides inBrooklynl.Vierhaus, who is a salesman and

well to do, discovered an he read thediary that his wife's secret love hadonly grown after her marriage-andthat its object was Peter Tower. a

mutual friend. He asserted his faithin his wife, however, in an affidavitaccompanying the dairy, waying heknew she had been innocent of actualwrong-doing. Mrs. Vierhaus mays herhusband beat and abused her on sev-aral occasions.Under date of January 14. 1916. the

diary received thin confidence:"How my mind runs on Peter'

seem to be really crazy on the sub-ject. I enjoy thinking of him and&bout a life with him. anl yet he.oesn't love me and my . wn Bertdoes. Peter wouldn't ever understandme. He'd tease me and make fun ofme and treat me rotten because I amcrazy about him. Every other man Ican handle and make dance to mypiping. I suppose that's why-aren'tI a goose?"An entry of a few days before ran:"Bert said: 'You knew Alice when

ahe was quite a child.' And Pete an-swered: 'Yes. I knew her when shetiaed to cry.' Ile meant that awfulday when the world was one black.aching sea of trouble. when I told himI was engaged and he didn't care. Myheart wax torn for love of Mm and Iknew I had to get action, action or gocrasy from longing. He thi-ks it's allover. If he but knew! AnJ he lovesfun and teasee just as much as ever."

In leptember, 1917. she entered'the following in her diary:

"Received quite a shock in PeterTower's wedding. While Bert washere and in the first excitement Iwas able to laugh and take it allcalmly, but during the long daywhen I was alone I broke down. itdoes not mean so much to me.

Maybe I really had a feeling that Iwould run away to him and maybenot."A letter addressed to Peter Tower.

Ic also offered."l)earest Peter. I have always

loved you best of, anyhody in theworld, so imagine. if you can, howit hurt me that day when I told youthat I was going to n'arry anotherman."Of course, 1 erioed. But you don't

'know about the hopeless bitter cry-lng that I did when f was alone.I~te for me had been very happyuntil then, but since that dark dayeven my happiest hours are just a

bit sad. ISigned) A aLCE."


"Marry Me or Be Buried,"Swain Passionately Cried to16-Year-Old, So She Wed.

CIliCAGO. Sept. 24.-Sylvia Bra-dasn Christ, sixteen years oldI, had amost unusual courtahip and marriageand yesterday she asked the c'ourte toannul the marriage and set hear free.The girl say. thai on luly 14

Thomas B. Christ offered to take herriding through the pejks in a taxi-cab he had hired and she accepted.But Instead of showing her tne beau-tiful parks he had the chauffeurdrive direct to Elmwood Cemetery.He took the girl to an open grav'e,pushed a revolver against nor side.and, without further preliminariessaid:

"I love you: marry me at onc~e orhere's your grave."Soared half to death, she consented,

and they drove hack to the city,where he secured a marriage licease,cautioning her to give her age asnineteen years. A half hqur laterJudge H. Sterling Pomeroy unitedthem in marriage. Immediately fol-lowing the ceremony Sylvia slippedaway and returned to her perente.They hid her away and today l.ega

-y Geo



Edward P. Mertz Would EnjoinTenants From Collecting

Excess Rentals.Edward P. 'Mertz, owner of the

Prine Karl apartment hou,- at 1901K street northwest, today filed suitin the District Supreme Court againstthe member of the Rent Commissionand the fifteen tenants of his buildingto enjoin them from attemlpting tocollect the so-called excesa rentals.He asked that the court declare the

leases under which the tenants occupytheir. respective apartments valid andt'naffected by the decision o, the rentcommission.The constitutionality of suction 123

of the re-enacted Ball rent naw is bythis suit disputed. Section 123 pro-vides for the return to the tenants ofall excess rentals over the rate setby the rent commission Th- law alsoprovides that failure to make such re-turns today makes the owner liableto suit in the Municipal Court withpenalties as mentloned In th.- set.

Plaintiff declares that the decisionfixing the rentals was made in Junu-ary. 192o. in a suit filed against Chao IsD. Mager, then agent for the building.without making the owner of the build-ing a party to the suit. The bulldingwas not acquired by plaintiff until September. 1910. and he alleges he waswithout knowleoie of the decision otthe Rent Commission. Mr. Mertz say.that if the tenants a a&Howe dto r-cover the alleged excess over the rentsfixed by the commission when thehouse was out of repair and had noelevator service, which he said he in-stalled, he will suffer irreparabile dam-age and a penalty will be enforced on1im which is without warrant of law.


Can't Get Work, So She Adver-tises in Order to Support

Her Child.SPRINGFIELD, Mo., Sept. 24.-

Springfield has two women who be-lieve In using- newspaper ads to keepthe wolf away now that winter is near.One of the women inserted a want adin a morning paper offering to sellherself to the highest bidder, while theother offers to gamble on her earniagsfor one year by offering 2 per cent ofher wages In exchange for a room Insome quiet home.The woman offering herself to the

highest bidder inserted the followingadvertisement:"FOR &Al.M-Woman: have walkedthe streets looking for decent em-

ploy ment until my money Is gone; myshoes are so worn out and my feet areso tired: I have a beautiful gift of God,seven years old: there asems to be noplace for us to earn. olur living: willoffer nt.,tself to the highest bidder Inorder td support my angel."


Bishop CTharlee H. Brent. of the west-ern New York diocese of the Protenmt-ant Episcopai Church. wddressilng theeleventh general council of the All!-ance of Reformed Churches Holdingthe Presbyterian Aystem, here yester-day, told thne delegates that churchunity was necessary that the Christ-Ian church might present a unitedtfront on four moral questin. Thequestions he cited, were, the home.the Industrial, the educational andinternational peace.Bishop Brent's statements on chnurch

unity were Included in a greeting toth~e allinne from the Protestant Epis-copal Church of P~nigland, and thatof the United States. Unusual Inter-est marked his address, as the bishophas been one of the leader. of thewnovement of the Anglican church inpreparing the "IAmbeth appeal,"which suggested a union of thbeAngelican nhuroh ahd those includedin the I'an-Presbyterian anliance.


CHICAGO. Sept. 24. -' There arethree grades of wives, according toAmbrose J. Rose, ninety-one yearseld, who was just granted a divorcefrom wife No. 3,The grades are "pretty good,"

'just medium," and "no good at all."Here Is the way Rose fit the scale

to his own wives:"My finrst was pretty good, the

seoond just medium and the third nogood at all."The fourth, he insisted, would be


rge McManusNO0,MA6(IlE- RECANr' AXriOq1DAWIFIE-I



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