paideia school long term booklet


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TABLE OF CONTENTS: ENGLISH - P.4 FOREIGN LANGUAGE – P.11 MATHEMATICS - P.14 SOCIAL STUDIES – P.18 SCIENCE – P.24 FINE ARTS: VISUAL ARTS, MUSIC, DRAMA – P.28 ELECTIVES – P.35 High School Scheduling: Courses and placement are designed to fit the needs of students and their courses of study at Paideia. We encourage academically challenging schedules for each student, to encourage academic growth and exploration in different types of courses. A one-size-fits-all approach to scheduling does not meet individual student’s learning needs, so we ask that students balance academically rigorous courses with personal academic interests when selecting course choices for the next year. We also encourage students to find and follow their academic affinities in their elective academic courses. Many of the courses in 9th and 10th grade act as foundation courses. As students move on to 11th and 12th grade there are many different elective options and choices for students. Scheduling Changes: During the scheduling process and through the first week of a term, students may request a schedule change. Students must send an email to the director of studies, explain reasons for the desired change, and gain approval from the advisor, a parent, and the Director of Studies. In some cases, a conference may be required before a change can be approved. The proposed change must offer an equally balanced and appropriate schedule. All courses in Long Term are considered year-long courses that go through Long Term 1 and Long Term 2. Most changes requested by students to switch out of courses after more than 5 days into Long Term 1 will not be approved. Unless there are special or individual circumstances, student requests to change courses will not be approved in Long Term 2. Independent Studies: Since there are some subjects of interest that the school does not offer as courses, arrangements may be made for a student to study on an independent basis under the guidance of a Paideia faculty sponsor. Students who are interested in doing an independent study must submit a written proposal to the Director of Studies, Juan Jewell, for approval. Students in an approved independent study will be responsible to report their progress to the director of studies at least once each term.

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Required Courses in Short Term: Some Long Term courses continue during Short Term A and B for continued study. Foreign Language Short Term A French 1– 1 hr (A only) Spanish 1 – 1 hr (A only) Math Short Term A Short Term B Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Algebra 2 Intermediate Algebra (Term B only) Algebra 2 / Trig- 1 hr (A and B term) Algebra 2 – 1hr (A and B term) AP AB Calculus -1 hr (A only) Algebra 2 / Trig- 1 hr (A and B term) AP BC Calculus – 1hr (A only) Social Studies Short Term A Short Term B AP US History (A Term only) AP European History (A Term only) US History – 1hr (A and B terms) US History – 1hr (A and B terms) Science Short Term A Short Term B AP Biology- 1 hr (A Term only) No required courses in Term B. AP Chemistry -2 hr (A Term only) AP Physics -1 hr (A Term only) Humans and the Environment (S)– 1hr (A Term only)

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The English curriculum develops and improves the ability of students to read and write well and at the same time stimulates interest in the ideas and thoughts expressed in literature from various time periods and places. All English courses are year long courses. The first two years provide basic, foundational experiences in reading and writing. All ninth graders take Composition and Literature, and all tenth graders take World Literature. In the third and fourth years of high school, students must take English during long term but have choices among a variety of courses designed to suit students’ interests and needs. Students are required to take one American literature elective course either their junior or senior year. Classes that fulfill this requirement are marked in the course description.


9th Grade 10th Grade 11th and 12th Grade Composition and Literature World Literature Themes (T)

Seminar (S)

Composition and Literature: This course is required for all 9th graders and designed to build a foundation for subsequent English courses in the high school. All students read a selection of essays, short stories, and poems; additionally, students read a Shakespeare play and a novel. Composition instruction begins with small assignments based on the readings and lead to essays that cover the myriad composition forms--comparison/contrast, definition, argument, and literary analysis. The individual teacher incorporates grammar and vocabulary into the course in various ways. By the end of the year students have read works from all the major literary genres that they will encounter in the next three years and have written several academic essays. Students will have a reading or writing assignment as homework most nights. World Literature: This course is required for all 10th graders and designed to introduce students to World Literature. It continues and expands the writing skills students acquired in 9th grade, focusing on the critical analysis essay. The common texts of this course include Robert Fagles’ translation of The Odyssey, Genesis, and a Shakespeare play. Students also read a novel, short stories, and poems of the individual teacher’s choosing. Writing in the course primarily focuses on critical argument dependent on close readings of the texts and detailed use of examples for support. Over the course of the year, students write several 3-5 page analytical essays. Participation in class discussions is emphasized and expected. As in Composition and Literature, the individual teacher incorporates grammar and vocabulary as he or she sees fit. Tests and reading quizzes are a regular part of the curriculum, and reading assignments are generally 15-20 pages a night.

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For rising Juniors and Seniors the English department recommends either a Themes (T) class or a Seminar (S) class. Those students recommended for Themes must take a Themes class; those students recommended for Seminar may take either a Seminar or a Themes class. Themes: Themes (T) courses offer material designed to challenge and develop the student intellectually through reading and writing. The great variety of the themes course offerings give students the opportunity to choose courses that spark their individual interests. The pace of a themes course is moderate and requires 20-25 pages of reading per night. These classes provide guidance and assistance in academic essay composition. Seminar: Seminar (S) courses offer more advanced material and place rigorous demands on student performance. Participants in a seminar should be highly motivated learners who are insightful readers and independent writers. The rapid pace of assignments and the high level of expectation create a demanding course. The focus of the compositions in a seminar rests on literary analysis, though creative writing and personal writing may also be part of the course. Students are expected to contribute thoughtfully in class discussions. INTRODUCTION TO EAST ASIAN LITERATURE (T) Ryan Martin Using English translations of historical, religious, and fictional texts, we will investigate classical, modern, and contemporary East Asian culture and literature. The texts are wide ranging and challenging, but the survey of reading is accessible and universal. Students should expect 20-25 pages of reading per night and connecting to course themes through student led discussion, critical thinking assignments, and analytical writing. BRITISH AND IRISH LITERATURE (T) Joseph Cullen This course will explore the troubled relationship between Ireland and England through reading their distinct literatures. Both countries have a rich literary history which has played a formative role in their national identities. The division runs deep in this cultural conflict and yet there is much common ground as we will discover. We will read novels, stories, plays and poetry by authors such as Seamus Heaney, Philip Larkin, James Joyce, D.H. Lawrence, Graham Greene, William Trevor, Jane Austen, and Edna O’Brien. AROUND THE WORLD IN A NOVEL (T) Ryan Martin This course started as an online thread posted by a former colleague. She asked, “How would you guide me around the world in fewer than ten novels?” The posts were fascinating and I found myself immediately ordering the books I had yet to read. This course represents a “best of” from the resulting replies. We will start in America and work east until we finish the trip in Korea. Though the perspectives and styles are varied, the authors offer a lens of clarity in an often-perplexing world. You will find the novels demanding yet inspiring, sensitive and confrontational, local as much as they are global, familiar but at times completely foreign. Students should expect 20-25 pages of reading per night and connecting to course themes through student led discussion, critical thinking assignments, and analytical writing.

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GREAT TRADITION (T) Catharine Tipton This course will explore a variety of the classics of the western literary tradition from ancient to modern times and will attempt to discern just why these stories have retained their impact, power, and appeal over the centuries. The class will focus on such philosophical considerations as the question of truth, the nature of justice, and the meaning of greatness. Students will read and discuss classic works by such authors as Sophocles, Dante, and Shakespeare as well as modern and contemporary texts by the likes of T. S. Eliot. Students will take quizzes and tests on the material and write personal response papers and academic essays. THE MALE VOICE (T) Thrower Starr For males only. I used to introduce this course by saying that a gender-segregated class was new and experimental and that we were in the process of trying it out to see whether it would be of benefit to young men. Now, after offering this course for over ten years, the results have been satisfying, and so we continue to offer it. In this class we will read novels, plays, essays, short stories, and poems that seek to express something essential about the experience of being male. We will look at the long-standing male concerns such as courage, cowardice, love, violence, and war, as well as the question of what it means to be a man. I vary the types of writing assignments and include both informal and formal ones. The informal writing consists mostly of journal responses to the literature and then the occasional in-class free writing. The formal writing assignments are essays, both personal and critical. Over the years, the major works that we have read include The Kite Runner, Beowulf, Gilgamesh, The Things They Carried, A Lesson before Dying, and Cold Mountain. I will likely include a couple of these again and then add one or two new selections for next year. To get an idea of the workload, when we are reading a novel, I typically assign about 25 pages of reading per night. In a typical semester, a student will write about ten journal assignments and will compose 3-4 essays. As for tests, I give reading quizzes, tests after each novel, and almost always have a final exam in one form or another. SOCIETY AND IDENTITY (T) John Capute **This Class satisfies the American Literature requirement** How do we define ourselves within the confines of a particular set of expectations and rules known as American society? This question has been one of the essential ones for Americans since our colonial days. Were we British? Were we Americans? It took a war to sort that one out (bummer for the Loyalists who ended up migrating to Canada). But even war couldn’t change a central question of being American: how do we be ourselves when the all-so-human desire remains to conform to the demands and structures of the world around us? How we be ourselves when so much around us—pop culture, media, family, school, the President of the U.S.A.—says “conform,” says follow the crowd, “be like Mike,” says apply to the same five “right” colleges, choose the right frat or sorority, get the right job (you’ll know which one that is: it pays the most even if you have to work eighty hours a week)—“Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?” as Prufrock asks. To not rock the boat, to not be the squeaky wheel or the nail sticking up, to be the one who shuts up and takes one for the team—“Please, sir, can I have another?”—often pays off. So how do we find ourselves, let alone be our true self (if such a thing even exists), in such a world, in such a society? That’s the central question of this course. Expect a mixture of plays, novels, stories, poems, memoirs, and films—among them Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Awakening, The Graduate (film), Devil in a Blue Dress, Deliverance, 25th Hour (film). Four essays a semester (critical, creative or personal), midterm and final tests, much discussion.

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LITERATURE OF THE AMERICAN WEST (T) Jim Veal **This Class satisfies the American Literature requirement** "It should not be denied that being footloose has always exhilarated us. It is associated in our minds with escape from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations, with absolute freedom, and the road has always led west." - Wallace Stegner In this course we will read drama, fiction, and non-fiction set in the American West, the land of big sky, buffalo herds, the wide Pacific, the Rocky Mountains, and Sunset Boulevard. The best Western literature not only uses the West as a setting but also explores and questions the mythology of the West as a place of escape, possibility, and rugged individualism. Some of what we read will be what is commonly thought of as the “Western,” stories of cowboys on the frontier. But we will also read about the multi-ethnic, urbanized, contemporary West. Major texts for this course include Shane (Schaefer), True Grit (Portis), All the Pretty Horses (McCarthy), Crazy Horse (McMurtry), My Antonia (Cather), The Day of the Locust (West), The Madonnas of Echo Park (Skyhorse), and True West (Shepard). Writers such as Sandra Cisneros, Sherman Alexie, Barbara Ehrereich, Joan Didion, John Steinbeck, Denise Chavez, Edward Abbey, and May Swenson will also be represented in our readings. Because movies have been so essential to the creation of the mythology of the West, we will also be watching classic films about the West, such as Fred Zinneman’s High Noon, John Ford’s The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Arthur Penn’s Little Big Man, and Billy Wilder’s Sunset Boulevard. Students in this course can expect three or four multi-draft compositions each term. Most of the compositions will be analytical in nature, but there will also be personal and creative writing. Tests (four or five per term) will be in written format: either in-class essays or short answers. Depending on the text being studied, the reading load can be as much as twenty pages per night, or considerably less. There will be occasional vocabulary quizzes and reading checks. LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY (T) Marianne Hines **This Class satisfies the American Literature requirement** The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn ends with Huck exclaiming, “But I reckon I got to light out for the Territory ahead of the rest….” Huck’s search for the “Territory” highlights one of the core conquests of Americans—forging a place of one’s own. Sometimes the search ends at a physical place, or it leads to the internal place of peace that comes with a sense of belonging. This course will study American Literature that features the individual’s search for a place in the demanding “melting pot” of American society. Potential works include Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Louise Erdrich’s Tracks, August Wilson’s Fences, and Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, along with short stories, essays, and poetry by other diverse authors that illustrate the myriad experiences of Americans on their quests. The requirements consist of an average of 20-25 pages of reading a night, study of vocabulary and grammar, quizzes, comprehensive tests, and analytical essays. Writing lessons will center on directed instruction at each step in the writing process accompanied with one-on-one conferencing. Instruction and assessment will include whole class and individual assignments.

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THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE: COLONIAL TO CONTEMPORARY (T) Catharine Tipton **This Class satisfies the American Literature requirement** "I hear America singing, the varied carols I hear." Walt Whitman. Our class will study American literature in historical context, focusing on the major movements and influential writers of each time period. Beginning with the earliest singers of life in this land, the Native Americans, we’ll study the literature and lore of the various groups who came to inhabit the country that we know as the United States. We’ll move from Native American myths and folklore to tales of political, personal, and spiritual adventure on the evolving terrain of the "New World" before investigating the brightness and brilliance of American Romantics and Transcendentalists during the Renaissance of the mid-19thcentury. Eventually, we’ll move to a study of the Naturalists and then to the writers of the Lost Generation and the Modern Period. We will end with a look at the contemporary scene. Along the way, we’ll ask questions about how the land itself and the history of this country has both affected and been influenced by the stories and songs of the people who, either by chance or choice, are designated as American. WAR AND PEACE (S) John Capute No, not the epic Tolstoy tome, though that would certainly fit here. Instead, this seminar looks at the literature—novels, short stories, drama, poetry, film—of that greatest of all human conflicts, war. No where, it can be argued, is the human spirit so challenged; no where else do we see humanity at its worst and its best; no where else do we see the great essential and eternal struggles, dilemmas, questions, and conflicts of life and living so dramatically on display for us to confront, question, and address. And conversely, as Elvis Costello singing Nick Lowe’s words asked so poignantly, “What [is] so funny about peace, love, and understanding?” Indeed, this seems to be the question of our age (as we come to the end—perhaps—of the longest war in American history, the 13 year war in Afghanistan), of our history, of our species. It’s one of the many deep and dark questions we will investigate in this class. Midterm and final essay tests; critical, creative, and personal essays, 5-6 in the fall, 3-4 in the spring, each 5 pages plus; blog; paintball if class size and interest allows; plenty of discussion. Readings include Born on the Fourth of July, The Things They Carried, The Sun Also Rises, Mother Courage and Her Children, Catch-22, Slaughterhouse Five, and In Country. Films include Saving Private Ryan, The Deer Hunter, Black Hawk Down, Munich, Alive Day Memories: Home from Iraq. FAITH, DOUBT AND THE HUMAN CONDITION (S) Clark Cloyd In this class we will examine stories, both ancient and modern, distant and familiar, of individual and collective bouts with the forces that push and pull humans between faith and doubt. We will consider stories that range from utter confidence and unquestioning conviction to those that brood in the murky muddle of uncertainty, that lead to terrifying violence and to beatific peace...something for everyone and much from which all may learn. I will draw poetry and prose from among the following authors: William Shakespeare, John Donne, George Herbert, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Mark Twain, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Bernard Malamud, Flannery O'Connor, James Baldwin, Walker Percy, Shusaku Endo, Margaret Edson, Manil Suri and others who faithfully doubt.

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MODERN MASTERS (S) Joseph Cullen This class concentrates on the new ideas of the Modernist writers who challenged society and literature at the turn of the century and in the aftermath of World War I. Writers such as James Joyce and D.H. Lawrence used language in astonishing ways to convey changing values and dangerous realities. Their influence still permeates our contemporary literature because their ideas and methods were so powerful and beautiful. We will read books from the U.S., Ireland and Britain, and the authors will include Joyce, Lawrence, Hardy, Woolf, Faulkner, Beckett, Morrison, Spark, Yeats, and Stevens. We will read novels, stories, plays and poetry covering the period from 1900 to the present. AFRICAN AMERICAN LIT: THE MAJOR WRITERS (S) Catharine Tipton **This Class satisfies the American Literature requirement** “The black American writer begins his or her career with -- and continues to exhibit -- a crisis of identity. If anything black fiction is about the troubled quest for identity and liberty, the agony of social alienation, the longing for a real and at times mythical home.” Charles Johnson, Being and Race Through their craft, Frederick Douglass, Richard Wright, Toni Morrison, and Amiri Baraka, among others, illustrate precisely and with great clarity the varied experience of black people in this country. This class will focus on those writers who, through their craft and vision, helped define and shape African American literature. Students will be expected to read the works assigned, discuss the material, and write academic essays. AMERICAN LITERATURE: PROMISE AND COMPROMISE (S) Clark Cloyd **This Class satisfies the American Literature requirement** In 1630 John Winthrop told his fellow travelers upon their arrival to the New World that

…to do Justly, to love mercy, to walk humbly with our God…, we must be knit together in this work as one man, we must entertain each other in brotherly Affection, we must be willing to abridge our selves of our superfluities, for the supply of others’ necessities, we must uphold a familiar Commerce together in all meekness, gentleness, patience and liberality, we must delight in each other, make others’ conditions our own, rejoice together, mourn together, labor, and suffer together, always having before our eyes our Commission and Community in the work.

This sounds ideal (no Tea Party here.). And others at the time and in subsequent generations have echoed his pious pleas and promises for life in this place. President Obama in his recent State of the Union Address said,

…as Americans, we all share the same proud title: We are citizens. It’s a word that doesn’t just describe our nationality or legal status. It describes the way we’re made. It describes what we believe. It captures the enduring idea that this country only works when we accept certain obligations to one another and to future generations; that our rights are wrapped up in the rights of others; and that well into our third century as a nation, it remains the task of us all, as citizens of these United States, to be the authors of the next great chapter in our American story.

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In between the declaration of these lofty sentiments stand nearly three centuries of struggle, otherwise known as reality. Fulfilling the ideals of Winthrop and his successors has been difficult. The country has continually found ways to make concessions to lesser ends. Writers along the way have kept track of the process, recalling the promise and noting the effects of compromise. We will track this enduring struggle across the literary history of this country in the poetry and prose of the nation’s most profound thinkers and provocative writers from the early seventeenth century to the early twenty-first century. Directed discussion will be our primary means of discovery. A fair amount of writing will abet our learning. Expect a handful of tests each term, and four out-of-class papers in the fall and three in the spring. Revisions will be a part of the writing process.

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FOREIGN LANGUAGES The mission of the Foreign Language Department at the Paideia School is to help its students attain an awareness and understanding of a variety of cultures; to stimulate and develop appreciation of language as a whole, including semantics and literature; to promote the understanding of language as a means to an end for social interaction and personal communication; to enhance communicative abilities while valuing accuracy, proficiency and proper usage, as well as student enthusiasm and participation; and, through innovative and enjoyable activities, to create an enriching and interesting educational experience. Paideia currently offers an opportunity to study Spanish and French. To graduate from Paideia, a student must take at least two years of a foreign language in the high school. It should be clearly understood that this is a minimum requirement; most colleges and universities prefer three or more years of foreign language study. Moreover, real fluency and enjoyment requires three or more years. Students come to Paideia High School with varying levels of foreign language experience. Therefore, we offer several different paths towards achieving the goals described above. Members of the department will work to determine the best course of study for each student. The three levels of placement in the foreign language department are: College Prep (CP), Honors (H), and Seminar (S).

Foreign Language Curriculum

9th grade 10th grade 11th and 12th grade

Language 2 (H) Language 3 (H) Cultural Themes (H)


Civilization and Culture (S), Literature and Film*(S), or

Expression (S)

Language 1 (H) Language 2 (H) Language 3 (H), then Cultural Themes (H) or

Civilization and Culture (S) or Literature and Film* (S) or

Expression (S)

Language 2 (CP) Language 3 (CP) Conversation (CP) or Cultural Themes (H) *Literature and Film will not be offered in 2013-2014

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LANGUAGE 1 and 2 (H) In the first two years of language study, equal emphasis will be placed throughout the courses on the four basic skills of all language learning: speaking, listening comprehension, reading and writing. Attendance is crucial and thirty to forty-five minutes of study per night is considered the minimum for satisfactory progress in beginning languages. New skills in the language can only be built on a firm foundation of previously mastered material. French 1 and Spanish 1 continue through Short Term A. LANGUAGE 3 (H) Building on skills from the first two years of study, third-year language courses expand on grammatical structures and vocabulary to broaden and enhance communicative skills. Students write analytical and creative essays and participate in substantial classroom discussions on topics ranging from culture to literature to current events. After completion of this level, a student may move on to an advanced level course. LANGUAGE 2 and 3 (CP) These classes will cover the same material as the honors level language courses, but will proceed at an appropriate pace for opportunities to review and master the material. Students will be recommended for Language 2 and 3 (CP) as a result of previously identified language needs in either our Junior High or first-year language courses. The class will utilize carefully designed teaching methods, which take into consideration individual learning needs. Instruction will proceed at a more deliberate pace than the honors level class, with many opportunities for practice and reinforcement of new material, and varied methods of assessment.


SPANISH CONVERSATION (CP) This class offers a rewarding and stimulating experience to those students who are coming out of Spanish 3(CP), and are eager to continue extending their vocabulary and grammar knowledge, but want to focus on improving their fluency in speaking and listening to Spanish. Over the year they will also expand and share their knowledge of certain cultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world. In this course students will develop a solid vocabulary base and improve their knowledge of grammar. They will be encouraged to speak confidently on day-to-day transactional situations through regular podcasts and interactive games and interviews. SPANISH CULTURAL THEMES (H) These honors courses are designed for students who have completed level 3 and are eager to continue expanding their knowledge of language, literature, and culture. The courses will help students develop grammatically accurate and coherent writing using a methodical approach. Students will write short pieces of around 300-500 words in a variety of styles, including descriptive, argumentative, and creative using Google Docs. In addition, students will be encouraged to speak confidently through regular podcasts and short Power Point presentations. We will analyze literary texts and films with pre-viewing and vocabulary building activities beforehand leading to comprehension and analysis questions. The Spanish course may include the following topics: cultural fusion, environment, myths and legends, and rights and responsibilities.

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SPANISH EXPRESSION (S) Seminar in Spanish Expression is an intensive conversation and composition course that focuses on improving students' ability to express themselves in the target language. In addition to a communication-based text, we will use newspapers and other Internet resources to expose students to a variety of materials produced by native speakers from many different countries. The class discussions and activities will be based on different themes such as family and friendship, media and technology, childhood and generational differences, travel and transportation, and nature and the environment. Students will be expected to use the target language for readings, discussions, presentations, papers, and journals. Students write journal entries each week. There will be 2 or 3 written tests, three 2-3-page papers and 2 or 3 oral presentations each term. Participation is very important. Advanced grammar will be reviewed weekly, but students are expected to have a good working knowledge of grammar prior to taking this class. SPANISH CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE (S) In Civilization and Culture, students will study the historical, social and cultural aspects of two countries: Spain and Mexico. We will take an interdisciplinary approach, combining the study of literature, art, music, and film within the context of each country’s history. Grammar, the history of the language, and geography will also be incorporated. Readings, lectures, and discussions will be entirely in Spanish. Participation is very important. Students should expect nightly readings, weekly blog assignments, reading quizzes, short answer tests, oral presentations and essays, and mini projects. FRENCH CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE (S) In this course students will examine the historical, social, and ideological aspects of the French-speaking world through an interdisciplinary approach combining the study of literature, the arts, and film within the context of the culture’s history. Term I will focus on France. Term II will focus on Haiti. Students read historical and literary texts. They are expected to study vocabulary, and answer questions, and be prepared to discuss them in class. There are regular tests, and students are asked to write two 2-3-page papers per term. Advanced grammar is taught weekly. Class time is spent discussing the readings or grammar. Students do at least one oral report or project per term. FRENCH EXPRESSION (S) Seminar in French Expression is an intensive conversation and composition course that focuses on improving students' ability to express themselves in the target language. In addition to a communication-based text, we will use newspapers and other Internet resources to expose students to a variety of materials produced by native speakers from many different countries. The class discussions and activities will be based on different themes such as family and friendship, media and technology, childhood and generational differences, travel and transportation, and nature and the environment. Students will be expected to use the target language for readings, discussions, presentations, papers, and journals. Students write journal entries each week. There will be 2 or 3 written tests, three 2-3-page papers and an oral presentation each term. Participation is very important. Advanced grammar will be reviewed weekly, but students are expected to have a good working knowledge of grammar prior to taking this class.

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**Students who complete AMS after their junior year may be recommended for Intro to Precal or AP Stat. Other senior math options may be offered in 2014-2015. Courses that students may take in their junior and/ or senior year are designated as College Prep (CP), Honors (H), or Seminar and AP (S) ALGEBRA I Algebra I is a standard first-year algebra course. It is offered in the high school as needed. ALGEBRA 2 Algebra 2 covers more advanced algebra topics, such as linear functions, quadratic functions, rational expressions, logarithms and exponents, simultaneous linear equations, roots of equations, coordinate geometry, and complex numbers. Trigonometry, probability, and statistics are also part of the Algebra 2 curriculum. INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA Intermediate Algebra is the first part of a two-year sequence that covers the majority of the Algebra 2 curriculum, but with greater attention to student mastery of the most important topics. The curriculum includes linear, quadratic, polynomial, and rational functions. Students will learn how to solve systems of equations, and they will study coordinate geometry.

Intermediate Algebra

Topics in Math

Algebra 2

 Algebra 2T





AP Stat  

AP Calc  

Intro to Precal  

Vector Calculus    

Algebra 1

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TOPICS IN MATHEMATICS Topics is the second course in a two year sequence that begins with Intermediate Algebra. It covers a variety of concepts from geometry, statistics, and advanced algebra. ALGEBRA2/TRIGONOMETRY A2T is offered to a limited number of ninth graders on recommendation of the high school math department. In order to prepare students to go directly to Precalculus, this course covers the material in the Algebra 2 and FTG courses in one year. The course continues through one hour of each short term. FUNCTIONS, TRIGONOMETRY, AND GEOMETRY (FTG) This course covers functions, with an emphasis both on understanding their nature and learning techniques for applying them. It includes a study of trigonometry and geometry. Prerequisite: Algebra 2 GEOMETRY/TRIGONOMETRY (GT) is a yearlong course that covers the geometry and trigonometry sections of FTG at a slower pace. APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS (AMS) (CP) This course focuses on applying mathematics to real world problems. Numerical, logical, and statistical reasoning are used to solve problems rooted in areas like finance and politics. Calculator and spreadsheet technologies are utilized. Prerequisite: GT INTRO to PRECALCULUS (H) Introduction to Precalculus will cover the most important concepts in Precalculus, with an emphasis on reinforcing and extending algebraic concepts and problem solving skills. The pace of this course will be similar to that of Algebra 2 and FTG. Upon successful completion of the course, a student may be recommended for AP Statistics or, if it is offered, a course that combines Statistics and Calculus at the non-AP level. The course does not lead to AP Calculus at Paideia, but a student coming from this course will be prepared to start a college level sequence of courses in mathematics, including calculus. Prerequisite: FTG. PRECALCULUS (S) Precalculus, a Seminar level course, will cover functions, trigonometry, graphing, solving complex equations, limits, and advanced problem solving. The course will emphasize theory and explore each topic in depth. Prerequisite: A2T or FTG with teacher recommendation. CALCULUS (H) Calculus will cover a variety of calculus topics. There will be a brief review of various functions, followed by a study of limits, derivatives, and applications of differential calculus to real-world problem areas. Students will also be introduced to the concepts and methods of integration. Prerequisite: Intro to Precalculus with teacher recommendation. AP CALCULUS – AB or BC (S) These Seminar-level courses will cover basic concepts and methods of derivative and integral calculus. Students will be prepared to take the related Advanced Placement exam in May. The BC course covers substantially more material and therefore, moves at a faster pace than the AB course. Prerequisite: Both AB and BC are open to students who have completed Precalculus and have the recommendation of their teacher. Success in Calculus is highly correlated with success in Precalculus. The calculus courses continue for one hour in Short Term A.

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AP STATISTICS (S) This Seminar-level course presents four major themes in statistics: exploratory analysis, planning data production, probability, and statistical inference. Exploratory analysis of data makes use of graphical and numerical techniques. Methods for valid data collection through surveys and experiments are explored. Probability is studied to anticipate how data should be distributed under a given model while statistical inference investigates the reliability of conclusions from empirical results. This course will prepare students for the Advanced Placement exam in May. Prerequisite: Intro to Precalculus, Precalculus, or Calculus, and teacher recommendation VECTOR CALCULUS (S) This Seminar-level course explores a variety of advanced topics in mathematics. These may include introductory topics in abstract algebra and topology, mathematical analysis of sound and images, and the mathematics underlying modern physics. Computers will be used frequently, allowing students to tackle a wider range of problems. Prerequisite: AP Calculus (AB or BC)

Deciding Between Courses

Teachers recommend the math course for the following academic year. Sometimes there is only one appropriate course. Other times, there may be two courses. When a choice must be made, students will have help from their advisors and math teachers. Below are the most common scenarios that require choosing between courses along with information helpful in making the decision. CHOOSING BETWEEN FTG AND GT Students who have completed Algebra 2 or its equivalent will take either FTG or GT. FTG is an appropriate placement for students who have not only thoroughly mastered Algebra 2 material but who also have the ability to analyze and apply their knowledge to a wide variety of problems. The pace of the FTG course is significantly faster than that of GT. Typically, an FTG student has an Algebra 2 test average of B or better. The course emphasizes reasoning and creativity in problem solving as well as an ability to think abstractly. Formulas and algorithms alone are frequently not sufficient for the exercises and problem sets. GT is an appropriate placement for a student whose Algebra 2 test average was lower than a B and for most students coming from Topics in Mathematics. The course moves at a slower pace, as it covers only geometry and trigonometry. In addition to moving more slowly, the course does not delve as deeply into the material as FTG, resulting in problem sets that are more straightforward and can be solved by literally applying formulas and rules.

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CHOOSING A SENIOR YEAR COURSE FOR JUNIORS IN PRECALCULUS Juniors in Precalculus can take either AP Calculus (AB or BC) or AP Statistics as seniors. The choice should be based on: 1) math ability and performance in Precalculus, 2) preparation necessary for future studies, and 3) interests. AB vs. BC Calculus If a student’s interests are in the areas of math, physics, and/or engineering, he or she should definitely take calculus senior year. AP AB Calculus is equivalent to about 2/3 of a first-year college calculus course. The AP BC course is equivalent to a full-year college calculus class. The level of difficulty and work for AB Calculus is about the same as for Precalculus. The BC Calculus course goes faster than the AB course, covers more topics, and requires a deeper look at the underlying concepts. In general students who are earning an A- or higher in Precalculus should be able to succeed in BC if they are interested and feel confident taking a faster paced course. Students earning a B+ or higher should be able to do well in AB if they want to take calculus. Sometimes students who COULD take BC choose to take AB in order to balance their schedule. More information about AP Calculus and AP Statistics Colleges treat AP courses differently. Some give course credit, some give placement credit, and some view them as requirement fulfilling. Getting any of these types of credits depends on the AP course taken, score on the AP exam, the college, and the major. The level of work and difficulty in AP Statistics is different from that in calculus. The actual math used does not get past Algebra 2 and FTG. However, maturity as a math STUDENT is required. The concepts, definitions, and procedures must be learned exactly and that means the student must keep up with homework and review. Students who have not earned at least a B- in Precalculus or a B+ in Intro to Precalculus will likely have some difficulty doing well in statistics, unless they have excellent study habits. Many students find the material studied to be quite interesting. Examples in the course range from health studies to racial bias studies. Statistics is extremely useful in fields such as psychology and other social sciences. It is also used in business. Science courses use statistics in lab courses, since statistics is about determining the meaning of measured data. A student who is interested in engineering or physics or math, and who must choose between statistics and calculus, should, however, choose calculus. A few students have chosen to take BOTH calculus (usually AB) and statistics in their senior year. This works if a language or social studies is dropped and should be done only if that is the right decision for the student’s goals.

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SOCIAL STUDIES History and social studies are fundamental to a liberal education. Knowledge of the past and of the present state of society helps students to develop a sense of their own identity and provides them with information and perspectives necessary to become effective citizens. Skills in reading, writing, critical thinking and research increase their competence in school and in their lives.

Social Studies Curriculum

9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade/ 12th Grade Recommendations are based on grades and teacher assessment of appropriate placement. If a student is recommended for a seminar class in his or her junior year, he or she must have at least a B or better in their social studies course and have demonstrated strong analytical writing and reading skills to continue in a seminar class senior year. A student in a themes class as a junior must earn a grade of B+ or better and the recommendation of the teacher to be recommended for a seminar class senior year.

9th Grade Topics in World Civilizations is required of all 9th graders and serves as a survey of world history. Special emphasis is placed on connecting the past with the present in all areas studied. For example, when Africa is studied, we progress from Ancient Africa to modern day. Each part of the world is studied, with the respective units lasting six to eight weeks. Students are required to take notes daily and to keep a class notebook. Three writing assignments are required: a short paper, a major paper and a book report. In addition, three or four objective exams will be given during each term, as well as an all-essay final exam. US Politics is a one-hour short-term course required of all 9th graders and serves as a brief survey of US government. US Politics will go beyond the basics and look at the many forces that influence the US federal government (media, lobbyists, money, elections and citizens). This course takes a brief look at all three levels of government, with a focus on the three branches of the federal government. US Politics requires a few short writing assignments and one test.

10th Grade American History/Government is a required course for 10th grade students and will survey American history and government from colonization through the present. American History/Government will introduce major themes and interpretations along with information on events. Historical research and writing will receive special emphasis, with each student writing

World Civilization &

US Politics American History

Themes (T) or Seminar/AP (S)

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essays and at least one long research paper interpreting a primary document. Tests will include both multiple-choice and discussion questions. The course will continue through both short term A and B as a one-hour class. With some additional work, students will be prepared for the American History SAT II test.

11th & 12th Grade Students in eleventh and twelfth grades choose from a wide range of elective seminar and themes courses in history and social studies. Themes (T): Themes courses require students to: write short papers, take multiple choice tests, answer discussion questions and essays and often complete reading assignments from upper level high school textbooks, biographies and primary documents. Themes courses also expect students to be active participants in class, and have instructional time dedicated to developing students’ abilities to write persuasive analytical essays. The workload of these courses can range from three to four hours per week. Seminar (S) or AP courses: Seminar and AP courses require multiple papers with one paper in the five to seven page range, readings from advanced reading level texts, multiple choice tests, discussion questions and essays. Seminar/AP courses expect students to participate actively in class and to complete regular reading and writing assignments with a workload that can range from five to six hours a week. The texts for Seminar/AP courses can require multiple readings and are tied to writing assignments that incorporate numerous primary and secondary sources in which students are expected to produce strong analytical essays. Students in AP/Seminar courses are expected to be strong writers. One Seminar/AP course that requires additional skills is AP European History. AP European History uses a complicated text and moves at a fast pace that can be challenging. The social studies department will stop offering AP courses in 2014-2015. AP Economics, AP Psychology, AP US, AP European History will not be offered. As the department prepares for these changes, students will have opportunity to take AP Psychology, AP US, and AP Euro in 2013-2014. Teachers will continue to develop strong Seminar level courses that have been mainstays in the curriculum, such as: Art and Society, Political Philosophy, War, Economics of Globalization, Totalitarianism, and Modern America. These courses offer critical thinking, skill development, and content knowledge essential to college study and have been well received by college admissions for years. As the social studies department makes these curricular changes in the next two years, the department will be developing teacher written curriculum in these subject areas that will continue to have the same level of rigor and academic study. The department will continue to offer upper level elective courses in psychology, European history and economics. For those courses that may be comparable to an AP course in social studies students may be able to take the AP exam if they wish to do so. The school and the department will help prepare any student who chooses to take an AP exam.

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ANTHROPOLOGY (T) Tom Pearce Anthropology is the study of human beings and their societies. This course will survey its four major divisions: physical anthropology, which is the study of human physical character, in both the past and present; cultural anthropology, which deals with the study of human culture in all its aspects; archaeology; and linguistics. Students will learn major concepts in a textbook and in class discussion, and apply them in case studies of such varied groups as the !Kung of southern Africa, the Yanimami of Venezuela, seafarers of New England, and a social group that gathers at a Chicago cafeteria. Reading will include the textbook, reports from scholarly and other periodicals, and a book on a particular culture. Written work will include tests, one approximately every three weeks, quizzes, a final examination, and a six- to eight page research report. FREEDOM FIGHTERS-BIOGRAPHY (T) Nisha Simama This course will explore the lives and stories of several important figures who fought for liberty and justice in different parts of the world during tumultuous times. We will analyze the intellectual and political philosophies that guided their respective struggles for human rights, liberation, and anti-colonialism and the impact their movements had upon their countrymen. Some of the notable leaders we will discuss are: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, Angela Davis, Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hammer, Walter Rodney. We will read biographies and autobiographies, as well as view and discuss film, video, and other new media. This course will be student-centered. Readings include Conversations With Myself by Nelson Mandela and others linked on our class blog. Students will be required to post regularly on the blog. WORLD RELIGIONS (T) Cullen Sacha Why study religion? We live in a multicultural society with a diversity of opinions, and religion shapes beliefs and customs. Understanding about the major religious traditions can help one connect and relate to others. Literature and art abound with allusions to sacred texts and religious figures. The study of history is inextricably tied to developments and interpretations in the major religions. In short, the comparative study of religions gives a person a broader understanding of the world in which we live. This course will serve as a basic introduction to the major religions of the world: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. We will also spend some time addressing the nature of religious study, and learning some of the basic principles and practices found in the religious traditions of the indigenous people of Africa and the Americas. We will also touch briefly on the traditional Eastern religions, and some of the new religious movements in the West. The purpose of this class is not to espouse any particular religion, but to objectively examine the great religions of the world in order to better understand cultural and ethical differences brought about by religious traditions and beliefs. Its goal is not to praise or condemn particular religions, but rather to understand them. Students are expected to complete nightly reading assignments, usually from a college World Religions textbook, and to contribute actively in class discussions. Students will write 2-3 short papers in the first long term, and a longer 6-8 page research paper in the second long term. I will also assess students through homework checks, blog posts, and tests, which include essay and short answer questions.

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A GLOBAL HISTORY OF MODERN TIMES FROM 1815 TO THE PRESENT (T) Carl Rosenbaum This class will begin where the Topics in World History class material ended. Units will include general areas of study in Europe, Asia, Latin America, Africa, and the Middle East. Specific topics will include The Versailles Treaty, creation of the Modern Middle East, World War II, the Cold War, and China. We will also study the role of human behavior in history through the use of case studies with The Armenian Genocide and The Holocaust. A World History textbook will be the basis of the class and students will be expected to complete homework on a regular basis. This class will help students to develop academic discipline in preparation for college life. This class will also appeal to students who want to spend more time on recent history topics in World History. AP US HISTORY (S) Cullen Sacha AP US History is a survey history course with emphasis on the different interpretations of major events in US History. This course will study the political, economic, social, and cultural development of the United States with a focus on the forces that caused the nation to change and grow. Students will learn to assess historical materials—their relevance to a given interpretive problem, reliability, and importance—and to weigh the evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. AP US History requires a lot of reading, discussion, and writing and is a fast paced course where students are asked to process a lot of information and then produce short analytical essays similar to the essays they will see on the AP Exam. In addition to the AP style essays, students will also produce a short research paper, approximately 4-6 pages in length. As one goal of AP US History is to prepare students for the AP Exam in May, this course runs through January short term. Students enrolled in this course are required to take the AP Exam. Placements for this course have been made in 9th grade. AP EUROPEAN HISTORY (S) Jeanne Lee AP European history begins in 1450 with Europe at the cusp of an intellectual, cultural and political Renaissance. The course follows the development of European Culture all the way through the Cold War. The course introduces students to cultural, economic, political, and social developments that played a fundamental role in shaping the western world. The purpose of the course is to develop an understanding of some of the principal themes in European History, an ability to analyze historical evidence and interpretation, and develop writing skills. Students will be required to do independent reading, analyze supplemental texts and primary documents, and participate in daily class discussions. Quizzes and tests in this class are designed to prepare students to take the AP exam in May focusing on multiple choice, Document Based Essay Questions and Free Response Essays. Class will be a combination of reading, lecture, group presentations, and class discussion. AP PSYCHOLOGY (S) Tom Pearce This course offers an introduction to the problems, methods and concepts of psychology, the science of behavior. Major topics will be the history, methods and ethics of the discipline, biological foundations, perception, motivation and emotion, learning, memory and thinking, individual differences, intelligence, personality, social behavior, behavioral disorders and their treatment, and change. Students will learn about these topics by studying how psychologists identify and study a range of human problems, including how others can shape what we think, feel and believe; the psychological processes that contribute to bias, prejudice and discrimination; human sociability and aggression; the use and abuse of drugs; sexual orientation and behavior; and diagnosis and treatment of abnormal thinking, emotions and behavior. Readings will include

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the textbook, a book on psychological misconceptions, and reports from periodicals. Written work will include tests, one approximately every three weeks, quizzes, a final examination, and a six- to eight page research report. Students will be prepared to take the AP Psychology exam, though this is optional. ECONOMICS OF GLOBALIZATION (S) Brett Hardin The purpose of this course is to examine the roots and impact of Globalization. We will review possible definitions, look at the historical forces and analyze what Globalization means in the developed and less developed world. This course will analyze the varying perspectives on Globalization and why there are so many differences of opinion on its impact. While there are many ways to look at Globalization, this course will focus on the key economic forces driving Globalization and how this has impacted currency markets, trade, access to goods, relations between nations and the most recent economic crisis. This course will use multiple college texts and requires two 5-7 page papers. CASTE, CLASS AND EMPIRE (S) Donna Ellwood This class will seek to analyze and understand class in England and caste in India and how the two societies impacted each other during the colonial and post- colonial period. The first semester will focus on class by taking a look at the work of historians as well as writers of fiction who concentrated their efforts on class. We will read books by Orwell, Lawrence and Shaw. It will end with a study of the British Empire and its impact on both the life of English citizens as well as the influence it had on the people and states it dominated. Second semester we will turn to an in depth study of India. We will study the origins and the impact of the caste system on Indian society. Then we will look at how colonization changed the history and culture of the Indian subcontinent. Included in this semester will be works by both English and Indian writers. We will mirror the first semester by reading both history and fiction. One of the books we will read is The Ramayana and there will be a couple of contemporary short stories. This course will finish with a look at the independence movement that occurred in India and the creation of India and Pakistan. There will also be a few carefully placed films including a Bollywood film. Students will be required to do the assigned reading, write academic papers and take tests. The reading will be assigned weekly and will fluctuate according to the difficulty levels, the papers will require a synthesis of ideas and authors points of view and the tests will be objective in nature. An example of a reading assignment might be 40 pages of history over a week-long period (7 days) while a literary assignment might be a bit more. ELECTIONS, PUBLIC OPINION AND PUBLIC POLICY (S) Jeanne Lee This seminar will look at modern U.S. politics. In order to understand modern issues it is necessary to look at the government established by the Constitution and the theoretical perspectives relating to the adoption of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. How have changes in society changed the way civil liberties are viewed? We will also look at the variety of political beliefs and behaviors in the U.S., how they formed and the processes by which they are transmitted. What leads citizens to differ from one another in their political beliefs and behaviors? What mechanisms allow citizens to organize and communicate their interests and concerns? What is the role of media in our political system? This seminar should prepare students to be successful on the AP Government and Politics exam.

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MODERN AMERICA: HISTORY AND POLITICS (S) Paul Bianchi This course examines the American experience in the last 50 years with particular attention to major social issues and political responses to them. Topics include poverty and welfare, women's history, McCarthyism and the Cold War. Reading in primary and secondary sources most nights. There are several papers each semester, including one long personal profile of a woman. Essay tests. This class encourages participation. The workload is probably average for an upper level honors course. STEALING FIRE – HISTORY & CULTURE (S) Donna Ellwood This seminar will study three different historical periods with an emphasis on the cultural links and ideas that connect them. We will start with the Archaic and Classical periods in Greek history using the book, Classical Greece and the Birth of Western art. We will analyze select pieces of art and architecture that illuminate the culture of the two time periods in Greece. We will then turn to study some of the myths from the Greek culture. We will focus ultimately on the myth of Prometheus who stole fire from the gods and overreached his status in the world’s hierarchy. We will look at a number of aspects of Prometheus’ story, including how and why it emerged at this particular time. The course will then move to the reemergence and adaptation of Greek classical ideas in the history and art of the 18th century. Here the focus will be on France and its cultural, intellectual, and historical influences on the countries surrounding it. After studying this era in French history, we will finally turn to the tensions that arose as intellectuals contested the predominance of French culture. These tensions will inform our study of the early 19th century. We will take back up the story of Prometheus and the theme of man’s impulse to overreach his status through the study of some of the Romantic writers including Mary Shelly’s work Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus, while also looking at the art and history of the Romantic period. Included in this part of the course will be the film adaptation of the Frankenstein story. Second semester we will turn to WWII to explore and reflect on the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in yet another attempt by man to challenge our boundaries. We will not only study the history of the decision to drop the bombs, but also the impact of the bombs viewed in both American and Japanese culture and film. The class will explore the post-nuclear cultural impact in Japan as represented in films such as Godzilla. We will then read By the Bomb's Early Light: American Thought and Culture at the Dawn of the Atomic Age. Here we will consider how the Promethean myth plays out once again in the use of such an explosive device. Finally, we will investigate Abstract Expressionism, an art movement that grew out of the WWII and post WWII experience in America. We will discuss the impact that this period had on the many artists that created an American art movement. According to Russian abstract artist Kandinsky, “the more frightening the world becomes…the more art becomes abstract.” Students will be required to do the assigned reading, write academic papers and take tests. The reading will be assigned weekly and will fluctuate according to the difficulty levels, the papers will require a synthesis of ideas and authors’ points of view and the tests will be objective in nature. An example of a reading assignment might be 40 pages of history over a week–long period, while a literary assignment might be a bit more.

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SCIENCE The mission of the science department is to promote the understanding of the process of science as a way of thinking and knowing about ourselves and the world around us; to provide analytical problem-solving tools and information to encourage lifelong learning in a technological society; and to foster knowledgeable and responsible citizens who understand the wider social impact of their individual decisions. Students graduating from Paideia must complete a minimum of six long-term semesters of laboratory science, though most students take eight or more. The department offers a variety of courses designed to help students gain an interest and an understanding of science.

Science Curriculum

9th Grade 10th Grade 11th and 12th Grade Biology I Chemistry I College Prep (CP) Honors (H) Seminar / AP (S)

11th & 12th Grade Elective Courses

College Prep courses (CP) generally require students to: participate in several interactive labs, take multiple choice as well as short answer tests, be able to research and present presentations and focus in depth on one topic at a time. These courses are designed for students who may have difficulty in a more analytical science course. Honors courses (H) frequently require: 2 to 3 hours of homework a week, the ability to read a more advanced text, the ability to process abstract concepts after instruction, and the ability to work independently in the lab. These courses are designed for students who are able to work independently and have good organizational skills but are not yet ready for or do not want to take an AP course. Tests often cover 2 chapters of material at a time and occur every 2 to 3 weeks. These courses may prepare a student for the SAT II. Seminar (S) and AP courses frequently require: five to six hours of homework a week, the ability to read and process a college level text, the ability to understand complex abstract concepts, the ability to perform independently and think critically in the lab, the ability to prepare for exams on 4-5 chapters of material, possession of excellent organizational and time management skills and a love of the subject being studied. Two AP courses that require additional skills are AP Chemistry and AP Physics. AP Chemistry uses a complicated text and moves at a fast pace that can be challenging, while AP Physics has a calculus requirement.

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Placements Placements are based on science grades, math grades, and teacher assessment of appropriate placement. To be recommended for AP Chemistry, AP Biology, or Humans and the Environment, the student must have earned at least an A- in FTG or a B in Precalculus or calculus, as well as an A- test average in Chemistry I. The grade requirements are the same for AP Physics, but the student must also have taken calculus or be planning to take calculus concurrently. For Honors courses (Chemistry II, Biology II, or Computer Science), the student must have earned at least a B in FTG or a higher level math course, as well as a B or higher in Chemistry I.

9TH GRADE BIOLOGY I Ecology, human genetics, evolution, and botany are the primary topics covered in Biology I. Students are required to complete homework on each chapter, as well as to write three News Summaries each term. In addition, students perform lab and class activities. Most tests cover one chapter. All 9th grade students take this class, which is the foundation for more advanced biology and environmental science classes. 10TH GRADE CHEMISTRY I Chemistry 1 is required for all 10th grade students and serves as a yearlong introductory course to the field. Topics covered include laboratory skills and safety, atomic theory, periodic table and periodic trends, chemical reactions and balancing equations, molecular structure, moles and molarity, gas laws, and acid/base theory. Lab activities are scheduled throughout the year. Homework is assigned for each chapter and includes reading and problem solving. Although many laboratory assignments are completed in class, lab reports and other homework depend on independent study time (up to 30 minutes of study time daily). Each test is on one to two chapters of material from the textbook. There are about 10 chapter tests, two final exams, and the occasional quiz.


ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY (CP) In this course we will take a human approach to studying biology. Anatomy (the science of structure and the relationship among structures) and Physiology (the science of body functions) will provide an introduction to the structure and function of the human body through a systems approach. The first semester will be spent looking at the different levels of organization within our bodies as well as how we move and how we control our movements. The second semester we will study the cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary and reproductive systems. Assessment will be based on chapter tests, quizzes and lab reports. This course will be lab intensive. FORENSIC SCIENCE (CP) Forensic Science is an introduction to and a broad survey of the science of crime scene investigation. This course is designed to be interactive and informative. It will draw on your past science classes. We will be learning about and using many of the tools that professional crime scene investigators use and we will hear directly from visiting local and national forensic experts. There will be a weekly lecture followed by lots of time in the lab learning practical and realistic

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crime solving techniques and skills and the science behind them. There are three tests per term and a final. Each test covers from 2 to 6 chapters. Most of the 60 labs for the year are 1-2 days each and are done in class. Write-ups of labs are usually started in class, but completed outside of class time. The textbook is a college level introductory text. There are no prerequisites for this course, but an open mind is helpful. Grades will be based on lab activities, weekly quizzes (on readings and guest lectures), unit tests, several projects, and frequent practical demonstrations of crime scene analysis. Knowledge of CSI TV shows not needed.

PHYSICS (CP) This course is designed to introduce the student to a variety of physics topics, including kinematics, dynamics, fluids, energy methods, periodic motion, and electricity. An emphasis will be placed on exploratory learning through a challenge-based curriculum. Students will apply their knowledge in constructing devices that will have to satisfy certain challenge criteria. In order to allow class time to work on these challenges the course will offer a portion of the content through online videos. Hewitt's Conceptual Physics will be used as a baseline text for some content and homework, supplemented with other materials as needed. The course will require students to be proficient with Algebra, and have a basic knowledge of geometry. COMPUTER SCIENCE (H) This course will introduce students to computer science and the Python programming language. Students will learn about object-oriented programming, data structures, and algorithms. Assignments will include a variety of programming challenges and student-selected projects. No previous programming experience is required. This course does not fulfill the six semester laboratory science requirement. CHEMISTRY II (H) This is an honors-level course in chemistry that continues where the 10th grade Chemistry course left off. New topics will include chemical kinetics, reaction rates, solutions and solubility, equilibrium, electrochemistry, and organic chemistry. We will use the same book as Chemistry I, but class lectures will often cover the material at a higher level than the book. There will be about 5 or 6 chapter tests per term and a comprehensive final exam at the end of each term. Students will do about one lab per week in addition to a longer lab project each term. This course, along with Chemistry I, will prepare students to take the SAT II test in Chemistry. Students planning to enroll in AP Chemistry should not enroll in this course. BIOLOGY II (H) In this course we will take a molecular approach to studying biology. We will begin term 1 with biological molecules and move on to a consideration of respiration, photosynthesis, and molecular genetics. Term 2 will include a review of animal physiology and human anatomy. As an honors course, students will be expected to have a good knowledge of 9th grade biology, the ability to read and process a college level text and the ability to understand abstract concepts. Assessment will be based on 5-6 exams covering 1 or 2 chapters, biweekly quizzes and lab reports. This course will prepare students for the SAT II Biology subject test. AP CHEMISTRY (S) This class is equivalent to a first-year college course in general chemistry. Inorganic chemical concepts are studied in depth. College-level laboratory exercises are performed to supplement the lecture. Students enrolled in this course must have a high interest and aptitude in both chemistry and math as indicated by an A or A- in previous chemistry and math courses. There will be about 8 tests per term covering approximately 20 chapters over the course of the year. The textbook used is a college level chemistry book. To be successful in this course, on average, one hour of

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studying is recommended per night. AP Chemistry continues for two hours through Short Term A and it is expected that all students take the AP Chemistry exam in the spring. HUMANS AND THE ENVIRONMENT: MEASURING, ANALYZING, AND EVALUATING OUR IMPACT ON THE PLANET (S) In this course students will identify and analyze environmental problems both natural and human-made, and evaluate the risks associated with these problems, as well as potential solutions. Themes to be covered include: population, resource use, water, energy, and food. Students will perform extensive field studies, design and conduct group experiments, and evaluate case studies. Students use a college-level text, as well as articles from scientific and popular journals, and will complete 14-16 news summaries during the year. Assessment will be based on written exams, quizzes, lab practicals, and lab write-ups. While this course is not specifically designed to prepare students for the AP exam, those students wishing to take the exam may do so with some additional preparation. This course continues for one hour in Short Term A and is open to both Juniors and Seniors. AP BIOLOGY (S) AP Biology is equivalent to a college-level introductory course. The topics and prerequisites are similar to those in Biology II Honors. However, the material in AP Biology is covered more rapidly and in greater detail, and requires a deeper level of conceptual understanding and time commitment. Students should have a high interest in biology to enroll in the course and should be mature enough to work independently and responsibly. The tests usually cover several chapters, and some of the labs require students to come in on their own time. This course continues for one hour in Short Term A. Prerequisite: Grade of A in FTG or successful enrollment (B or higher) in precalculus or calculus. AP PHYSICS C (S) This course is designed to approximate the content of a single semester introductory course about mechanics, typically taken by students majoring in physics or engineering. The previous AP Physics course, AP Physics B, was similar to a survey physics course taken by life-science majors. AP Physics C has a narrower scope but greater depth and mathematical rigor. It requires the student to concurrently be taking (or have taken) AP Calculus, and calculus topics will be introduced in this class as needed for the material. The goal of the course is to learn the material presented in preparation to take the AP Physics C: Mechanics exam in the spring. The course will use a combination of reading form the book, in-class and virtual labs, and other directed study to teach the topics of Kinematics, Newton's Laws, Energy Methods, Systems of Particles, Circular Motion and Oscillation. During short term the course will cover non-test topics of circuits, electricity and power. Homework will be done on a weekly basis, and labs on a bi-weekly basis.

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VISUAL ARTS High school students can choose from a variety of beginning, intermediate, and advanced courses, including specialized one and two-semester classes in drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, design & drawing and advanced art. Both portfolio development and advanced photography classes are geared toward more experienced students, or students preparing portfolios for college applications. Students considering applying to art schools after Paideia should take an Advanced Art course in their junior year. Beginning high school art students experience a broad foundation of skills and techniques. The context of art history and critiques are introduced as well. Teachers of the intermediate and advanced courses guide students in concept development, material choices and personal creativity. With faculty support and direction, students are encouraged to experiment, take risks and develop their own personal visions. All art courses are year long courses. Year One: Design and Drawing , Beginning Drawing and Painting, Beginning Photography, Ceramics I Year Two: Design and Drawing, Beginning Drawing and Painting, Printmaking, Beginning Photography, Advanced Photography (if student has had Beginning Photography), Ceramics I, Ceramics II Year Three: Any of the above, or if the student has completed at least two courses and the teacher approves, Advanced Drawing and Painting, Independent Study/TA Photography Year Four: Same as Year Three or, with teacher approval, Independent Study. Teachers are available to supervise the Independent Study of seniors who are advanced and truly independent students interested in exploring a particular project in greater depth. The prerequisites to the Portfolio Development class offered to senior year students only after the completion of the Beginning Drawing and Painting, and Advanced Drawing and Painting. Students must also obtain teacher permission for the Portfolio Development class. DESIGN AND DRAWING Elizabeth Lide In this course, students focus on both Design and Drawing, working with a wide variety of mediums in both two and three-dimensions, including, but not limited to, collage, found materials and artists’ books. Observational drawing in black and white, as well as in color, is emphasized. Students work with charcoal, graphite, colored pencils, ink, oil pastels, watercolor and acrylic paints. Learned skills of using and understanding line, form, texture, composition and other elements of design offer a strong foundation for students interested in graphic or other design fields. Students will learn about artists and begin the process of thinking about subject matter, concept, and appropriate materials to develop their own personal directions. Enrollment is open to students before or after taking other studio courses. Beginning to advanced art students are welcome.

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BEGINNING DRAWING AND PAINTING Madeleine Soloway In the first half of this class, students will learn basic technical elements critical to drawing-line, tone, composition, proportion, and color. Students will utilize their developing skills to create descriptive and imaginative imagery on paper while experimenting with a variety of media. During the second half of the year students will study the fundamentals of color through painting principles, methods and materials. Students will learn to create and organize forms, colors, textures, and tones in tempera, oil and acrylic paint. Throughout the year students will work from still-life setups, the figure, and landscape. Beginners are welcome. PRINTMAKING Madeleine Soloway This intermediate class is designed for the serious student to begin to discover and develop a personalized expression through drawing and printmaking. Printmaking offers many options for rich visual effects and experimentation with drawing. Students will expand their drawing experience while exploring the tactile, process oriented mediums of linoleum, monoprints, collagraph, copper plate etching, chine colle, solvent transfer, screen printing, and polyester lithography. Prerequisites: Beginning Drawing and Painting or Design and Drawing. ADVANCED DRAWING AND PAINTING Madeleine Soloway This class is designed for the serious Junior and Senior student interested in continuing to develop more advanced drawing, painting, printmaking and mixed media skills, techniques and ideas. During the first semester students will work from direct observation creating drawings and paintings of self-portraits, the human figure, interior and exterior spaces, and the complex still life. During the second semester, students will develop a small body of work based on a self-initiated theme. The primary purpose of this class is for students to develop greater technical skills while developing personal imagery. A student must feel comfortable working independently and maintain focus. Prerequisites: Beginning Drawing and Painting or Design and Drawing and a short-term figure class. This class is for juniors and seniors only. PORTFOLIO DEVELOPMENT Madeleine Soloway This class is designed for seniors only, needing focused time to work on a college art portfolio. In the first half of the year students will have the opportunity to work in class on college portfolio requirements for specific college art programs. Students will learn how to document their work, develop a presentation of their work for the college process, and create a personal artist statement. In the second half of the year, the students will work on their senior art show presentations. A student must feel comfortable working independently. ADVANCED PHOTOGRAPHY Holly White Advanced Photography is a course designed especially for those students who excelled in Beginning Photography, and are serious about continuing their photographic education. This course is project-oriented, with each student delving deeply into photographic techniques, and aesthetics. Students work more independently than they did in beginning photography, and special attention is paid to technical detail, and concepts. Students will work in both film and digital. In order to take this course, the student must have made at least a B + in Beginning Photography or have special permission from the teacher. A student may take advanced photography only once.

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BEGINNING PHOTOGRAPHY Holly White Students will learn the use of a 35mm camera and its functions, how to develop and print black and white film, and learn creative darkroom techniques. Second semester, students will learn the fundamentals of digital photography and software. In Beginning Photography, the student is expected to develop a thorough working knowledge of both the aesthetics and technical components of both fine black-and-white and digital photography. First semester is devoted to darkroom, while second semester students will move to digital photography. INDEPENDENT STUDY/TA Holly White This is a course for the most highly motivated students who have already taken Beginning and Advanced Photography. Students provide assistance in areas of the classroom/lab while pursing independent projects with guidance from the instructor. Since these students are at a more advanced level, this course teaches them to go through the process of developing their ideas, implementation, problem solving, and follow through. The Teacher's Assistant also assists in mixing chemicals, hanging shows, maintaining equipment, and assisting beginning students in the learning process. Prerequisite: At least a B+ (or permission from teacher) in Advanced Photography. CERAMICS I Dianne Bush In this class students are introduced to basic techniques of hand building including pinch, coil, slab and mold techniques, finishing techniques, methods of surface design, and glazing. Sculptural and functional ideas are explored throughout the year. Students of all levels welcome. CERAMICS II Dianne Bush This ceramics class is for students who have worked in ceramics previously and want to seriously explore more advanced techniques and concepts in their work. Building upon basic construction and finishing techniques, students will work with alternative firing processes, combining non-ceramic materials with clay to create mixed media three-dimensional pieces, and working with installation and conceptual work. ART INTERN/ASSISTANT There is an opportunity for a student to be an art intern or art assistant in an Elementary School art class for any periods in any term next year. Expectations: It depends on the strengths of the students, but you must (1) like and want to work with elementary kids, (2) have much, little or no experience in Art, but just want to work with kids in the art room, and (3) be willing to do the “dirty” work in the art room…that is, clean up, make and mix paint, mat and hang art work, design bulletin boards around school, and/or just about anything to help the activities in the art room run more smoothly. Working as an Art Assistant may provide up to 20 hours of credit towards fulfilling the internship requirement.

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MUSIC The Paideia music department is dedicated to the education of all High School students, who wish to further their music education, by offering music classes in the short terms and by directing performing groups during the long terms. All Long Term courses are year long courses. Students involved in the high school music program at Paideia are supported by a team of four musician/teachers who have knowledge and training appropriate to their teaching areas, and perform in professional and community musical activities. These teachers strive to: *Have specific goals/objectives in mind for each class and group *Support and enhance the musical skills and talents of the students

*Provide exposure to different styles of music *Offer nonperformance and performance classes *Encourage outside music opportunities *Offer internships for high school students Every high school student at Paideia is welcomed to be a part of a music class and/or performing ensemble. Some advanced ensembles require an audition to determine the student’s musical and instrumental or vocal ability. Music classes are offered during the school day and are part of the regular curriculum. Short-term course offerings have included music history, musicals, music appreciation, individual instrument instruction, and improvisation. Long-term performing ensembles are year-long classes and include the High School Chorus, Madrigals, Chamber Chorus, Chamber Orchestra, Jazz Ensemble, and Wind Ensemble. Music courses are non-academic except Seminar Music Theory. In addition to numerous performances at school, in the second long term the entire high school music department performs at an off-campus venue noted for its outstanding acoustic properties and historical significance. This event may include a weekend trip. MUSIC THEORY (SEMINAR) Scott Morris Music Theory is a year long academic course for students who possess some basic knowledge of the fundamentals of music. A traditional study of harmony in both 18th and 19th centuries will be explored, as well as ear training (sight singing and aural dictation) and compositional techniques (four part writing and figured bass). This class will be evaluated with homework, chapter tests, quizzes, pop tests, sight singing, dictation, and the semester exam. Students who take this course will be prepared to take the AP Music Theory Exam at the end of the year. This class is open to seniors who have completed their academic graduation course requirements. Junior acceptance into the course will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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WIND ENSEMBLE John Abert The Wind Ensemble affords study and performance opportunities for students playing instruments not traditionally included in the jazz ensemble or those who are interested in idioms other than jazz. Instrumentation includes flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, horn, baritone, trombone, tuba, and concert percussion. Depending on instrumentation, music for the full ensemble will be performed as well as for smaller groups (duets, trios, etc.) Performances include Grandparents' Day, the Holiday Concert, and Solo/Ensemble Festival. Participation in enrichment activities sponsored by the Georgia Music Educators' Association is encouraged. For a special performance early in the second long term, the Wind Ensemble joins with the Jazz Ensemble to form a full Concert Band. JAZZ ENSEMBLE John Abert This instrumental organization studies and performs jazz literature of all styles and eras for big band and combo. Included are historical and cultural aspects of the music. Music theory and technical exercises are presented to improve the students' musicianship and abilities as improvisers. Practice outside of class is necessary. Enrichment activities are available to accelerated students through the Georgia Association of Jazz Educators and other organizations. Since there is a prescribed instrumentation, acceptance into this ensemble is only by audition. For a special performance early in the second long term, the Wind Ensemble joins with the Jazz Ensemble to form a full Concert Band. CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Georgia Ekonomou This course is a study of a wide variety of literature for the string orchestra. Emphasis is placed on advanced skill development, and is geared to performance. This course focuses on ensemble playing, listening skills, personal technique and an understanding of theory and historical styles. The orchestra performs a minimum of three concerts a year. Students are encouraged to participate in appropriate enrichment opportunities, such as private lessons, All-State Orchestra, AJCO, EYSO, ASYO, MYSO, and other community orchestras. Rehearsals and performances outside of school hours will be required. Outside practice is essential. All students are welcome to audition for one of the two Chamber Orchestras at Paideia. Interested students are required to audition for the director. CHORAL PERFORMING GROUPS AT PAIDEIA All students are welcome to audition for one of the choral groups listed below regardless of previous choral experience. Placement of students is at the discretion of the directors based on the student’s grade, ability, and voicing of the performing ensemble. Students should be aware that each group is a yearlong course and not a semester course; therefore, dropping the course midyear is not an option. Each group will perform at least three concerts during the school year. A combined concert tour with band and orchestra is planned approximately every other year. Recent tours have included performances at The Magic Kingdom in Orlando; Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, and Alice Tully Hall in New York City. During non-tour years the choruses have performed in venues in and around Atlanta including Spivey Hall, Glenn Memorial on the Emory Campus, and Bailey Performing Arts Center, Kennesaw State University. Dedication, hard work, discipline, and passion for performing great choral literature are the continuing hallmarks of the choral organizations at Paideia.

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THE HIGH SCHOOL CHORUS This yearlong performing ensemble is open to all freshmen and sophomores. Students will study vocal technique, ensemble singing, music theory, and music history. Previous choral experience is not required. Students will receive class voice lessons by professional singers/voice teachers twice a month. The Paideia Chorus will perform highly diverse repertoire spanning the gamut of musical styles and will combine with the Paideia Chorale to perform one large-scale choral work at some point during the academic school year. THE CHORALE This yearlong performing ensemble is open primarily to juniors and seniors by audition only. Students will study vocal technique, ensemble singing, music theory, and music history. The Chorale will perform highly diverse repertoire spanning the gamut of musical styles. One large-scale choral work will be performed at some point during the academic school year. This group will sing highly diverse, difficult repertoire spanning the gamut of musical styles. Students will receive class voice lessons by professional singers/voice teachers twice a month.

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DRAMA FILM I Jesse Evans In this class students will write, direct and edit their own short films. Through the use of digital cameras and computers the students will get a glimpse of what it is like to be a filmmaker. The first film you make will be silent, as you will learn to use the camera to tell a story. For the second film you will be able to add music to your final product. We will look at how music enhances films and the effects it has on the viewer. Then you will write and direct a scene using dialogue to convey your character development and plot. The next film you direct will be written by one of your fellow classmates. You will also be required to act in the films you are not directing as well. We will also watch films to compare editing styles, cinematography, characters development and plots throughout the year. FILM II /III Jesse Evans In this class students will write, direct and edit their own short films. Through the use of digital cameras and computers the students will get a glimpse of what it is like to be a filmmaker. The first film you make will be silent, as you will learn to use the camera to tell a story. For the second film you will be able to add music to your final product. We will look at how music enhances films and the effects it has on the viewer. Then you will write and direct a scene using dialogue to convey character development and plot. The next film you direct will be written by one of your fellow classmates. You will also be required to act in the films you are not directing. We will watch films throughout the year to compare editing styles, cinematography, character development and plots. More advanced film students will work on detailed assignments. Students will write scripts based on songs, locations and characters. The script writing process will be more detailed for those students in Film III as will the requirements in filming. ACTING WORKSHOP Jesse Evans This class is an introduction into Drama. We start off working on improvisation games, which leads to different scenes that are created from Improv. You will create a Choose your own Adventure Scene, where you have a tree diagram of your play and different options for each pathway. You will create a Scary Tale. You'll take the story of a fairy tale and try and make it as creepy as you possibly can. Then we will work on monologues and the audition process. In the second term you will write and direct your own scripts as well as other students’ scripts. ACTING: SCENE STUDY Jesse Evans In this course the main focus will be scene work. Students will work on a variety of scenes throughout the year. They will range from 12 line scenes, to silent scenes, to scenes from different plays. The scenes will be from Proof, Doubt , Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf, Waiting for Godot and more. We will spend more time of developing characters, dissecting the scenes and working on blocking. It is much more focused than the Acting Workshop. PLAYWRITING/SCREENWRITING Jesse Evans During the first term students will study a variety of plays and playwrights, while working on their own full length play. We will workshop these plays over the course of the term. We will read plays from Ibsen, Chekhov, Sheppard, Pirendello, Letts and more. During the second term the focus will be on screenwriting. We will read a variety of screenplays, as well as watch the films from those scripts. Students will also work on writing a full length screenplay as well. Students should only take the class if they are ready to write, and write a lot.

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ELECTIVE COURSES FITNESS Ivan Asteghene This course will take place in the Fitness Center and it will introduce students to basic strength training techniques and enable them to identify major and secondary muscle groups being contracted. Students will gain an understanding of different training strategies/techniques and be able to set up an individual regimen or program. Cardiovascular training including aerobic, low/high intensity, low/high duration, circuit and interval training will also be included in this course. Students will study, learn, and use spotting techniques, other safety procedures used in the Fitness Center and in any other physical activities. THE FORUM (JOURNALISM) Jennifer Hill This year long course is for students interested in reporting, writing, and editing news stories, features, editorials, and opinion columns and in learning the basics of publication production and management. Those enrolled will work on the school’s monthly student newspaper, The Forum. Reporters, news writers, sportswriters, arts and entertainment writers, all-purpose writers, editors, critics, designers, computer specialists, photographers, managers, and fans of the First Amendment are welcome. YEARBOOK Janet Sowers In Yearbook Term 1 editors and staff will decide on the theme of the yearbook and figure out ways to incorporate that theme into the cover and each of the ten sections. Creative design, special fonts, photography and art will all come into play as we work toward a specific look for next year. Deadlines will begin in October and end in February. Senior pages and Dedication pages will be a big part of Term 1. Yearbook staff will take photos of many school events not covered by the school photographers and candids for each school section. You will learn to manually layout a page, crop photos, use InDesign and learn how to proof and correct pages. Homework during the week is rare but there will be weekend workdays as we meet a series of eleven deadlines. An interest in design or photography is helpful, but the most important requirement is a willingness to work as a team to design and produce the annual. STUDY HALL Study Hall is available on a semester basis each period. Students may not have more than one period of study hall in a term. Students are free to work in the library, computer room, or to visit in the commons during this period unless they have “restricted” study hall as first-term freshmen or by request of teachers, parents or advisor. CROSS-AGE TEACHING Laura Magnanini There are many wonderful opportunities to work with younger children in home base classrooms, art, science, math, music, and physical education. Students who sign up for this elective will work with individual home base classrooms throughout the elementary school. Students may sign up for this elective on a semester basis. Depending on the type of work done in the home base classrooms, students may be approved for internship credit. SCIENCE TEACHER ASSISTANT As a Science Teacher Assistant, the student will help a science teacher through lab preparation, supplemental course instruction and in-class tutoring. A limited number of positions are available

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upon recommendation by a teacher. The assistantship may be done on a semester basis. Under current policy, high school student-teaching assistantships do not earn internship credit. TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANT Tami Oliver A large part of the success of the computer program at Paideia has been the willingness of students to take an interest in the operation of the computer labs and the school-wide network. Responsibilities include assisting people in finding software or other materials, helping newcomers use the computers, answering questions, and maintaining and installing equipment. The assistant may use free time to work on his/her own assignments from other classes and the assistantship may be done on a semester basis. LIBRARY ASSISTANT Anna Watkins Students willing to take an interest in its operation can contribute to their own knowledge of the library--what it contains and how it works--as well as its smooth functioning. Responsibilities may include assisting others in locating materials and using equipment, shelving books and magazines, repairing them, and varied clerical duties. They may also include special assignments depending on interest--assembling bibliographies for classes, arranging displays, etc. The assistant may use free time to work on his/her own assignments from other classes. This course may be taken on a semester basis. PEER LEADERSHIP Joseph Cullen, Joanna Gibson This is a year-long course. Peer Leadership is a course for which seniors are selected to work together cooperatively both in groups and in partnerships. The class meets five days a week led by the two teachers; the seniors meet once a week with their ninth grade groups. The partners are responsible for planning the sessions and development of their own group in concert with all the others. Their goals include helping the younger students feel more comfortable and confident in their academic and social life, and encouraging them to talk more openly to each other in order to build trust and friendship in their class. As part of this process, the seniors respond to journals from the ninth graders. Seniors also exchange journals, as this program is designed to reflect itself. INTERNSHIP Lisa Fierman The Paideia high school internship is a component of a larger, school-wide initiative designed to strengthen the community stewardship ethic and deepen learning through volunteerism and civic involvement. The internship serves different purposes for the 3 constituent groups involved: high school students, community agencies, and Paideia. Students learn first-hand about social/environmental issues, gain experience beyond the school environment, and experience personal growth and expanded self-awareness. Community agencies benefit from expanded capacity, potential staff recruitment, and increased visibility. Through this program, Paideia is able to support/engender contributions to the broader community, strengthen our resource network, and nurture a service ethic in the school body. The internship is a graduation requirement; students must complete 60 hours of service. Short-term internships are worth 30 hours of internship credit, with the exception of on-campus service, which is worth 20 hours. The internship operates as an independent study course; credit is awarded for completing the service hours, keeping a journal which is submitted with an essay, and attending a lunchtime reflection session. Please visit the Paideia website regularly for details regarding the internship process and a list of potential community partner agencies, and see the Civic Involvement folder on your First Class desktop for time-sensitive volunteer opportunities.

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PAIDEIA GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS The following are the MINIMUM requirements for graduation from Paideia. 1. Residency - Students are to have four years of high school study. 2. Annual Progress and Distribution - Students are to take and pass at least 19 credits each year, except for senior year, when students must take and pass at least 16 credits. Students are expected to take courses in at least four of the five major academic areas each long term. The five major areas are English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science. 3. Cumulative Progress and Distribution - Students must accumulate at least 59 credits to become senior and at least 75 credits to graduate. Students must accumulate the following minimum number of credits in each category. We recommend, and most colleges require, more than the minimums shown.

a. English 12 b. Mathematics 9 c. American History 4 d. Other Social Studies 6 e. Science 9 f. Foreign Language in H.S. 6 g. Art/Music/Drama 3 h. Physical Education/Health 3 i. Service Internship NOTES: 1. There is no early graduation. Even if a student accumulates the minimum number of

credits before the end of senior year, she or he must complete four full years of study. 2. A long term course earns 1.5 credits per semester, so that a course taken both long

terms earns 3.0 credits. Two hours of a short term course earns 1.0 credit. A one-hour short term course earns 0.5 credits and is shown with an "M" on the transcript.

3. Students enrolling in Paideia after the ninth grade will have these requirements adjusted in accord with their previous high school record. Students enrolling from a school with a different curriculum sequence should check with the Director of Studies about non-Paideia requirements, such as for the University of Georgia.

4. The Mathematics Requirement includes a geometry course. 5. Extracurricular work in art, music, dance, fencing, or other out-of-school activity may

count toward distribution requirements with prior approval. However, they will not count toward progress requirements.

6. Courses taken at a college on a joint-enrollment basis may count toward progress and distribution requirements with prior approval.

7. The Physical Education Requirement may be met by participation on a school sports team (one credit for each season on a team) or by outside activity (see #5 above).

8. The current Internship requirement is 60 hours of service credit in a monitored and preapproved internship. Students may arrange this as early as the summer before 9th Grade.