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PAINESVILLE TELEGRAPH 1895 © Judy J. Stebbins 1/26/2019 Use control + F to search this document.

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    Judy J. Stebbins


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  • 1 © J. Stebbins 2019

    PAINESVILLE TELEGRPAH Painesville, Ohio J. P. Barden, Editor and Proprietor

    Jan. 2, 1895 Wednesday p. 1 Mentor Helen and Delia Miley, of Mansfield, spent the holidays with their cousin, Mrs. Annie Greer. Miss Addie Cherry, of Michigan, P. L. Shaw and Master Willie Shaw, of Cleveland, spent the holidays with C. E. Justus. Julius Hopkins and wife spent Christmas with his mother, Mrs. Lillian Hopkins. Chas. Rexford, of Cleveland, spent Christmas at home. Mrs. Dr. Bostwick, of Detroit, is spending the winter with her mother Mrs. Pratt. Mrs. Elsie Johnson left to spend the winter in Washington, D.C., with Mrs. Stanley Brown. Mrs. Bert Duer, of Cleveland is visiting her sister Mrs. Geo. Marsh. Miss Baily, of Warren spent the holidays at the residence of Capt. E. Burridge. Mrs. March passed quietly away last Friday at the age of 76. She will be interred in Chardon. Mentor Headlands Mrs. Slitor and family spent their Christmas with Mr. Thadford Dayton and family, of Painesville. Mr. J. W. Titus and Mrs. Titus visited Mr. & Mrs. F. Henricle on Christmas Day. Mr. L. S. Simmons and family, of Chardon, were guests of his niece, Mrs. E. W. Brooks on Tuesday of last week. Mr. Edward Brooks and Mrs. Brooks were visiting the family of Mr. S. W. Brown, of Willoughby Plains, last Saturday. West Thompson Mrs. Abbie Atkin, of Concord, has been spending the holiday with relatives here. Mr. Henry Hulbert is on the sick list George Scott has been spending a few days in North Madison. Mr. & Mrs. Guy Cone have been visiting relatives in this vicinity.

    Mr. & Mrs. George Keener spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Myers, of your city. Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Stevens took Christmas dinner with her mother out of town. LeRoy The Bedell family gathered at the old home. The Kewish family met with S. J. Potts. Election of officers of the LeRoy Grange was last Sat. Addison Bates elected Master; Miss Hattie Harrison, Overseer; Mrs. J. W. Doncaster, Lecturer; Ira Bates, Steward; John Harrison, Asst. Steward; Mrs. A. Bates, Treas.; Miss Rose Donovan, Sec.; T. W. Harrison, G.K.; Mrs. T. W. Harrison, Pomona; Miss Maggie Huston, Flora; Mrs. C. Donovan, Ceres; Miss Josephine Doncaster, L.A.S. Ad: Willimantic Star Thread, believed to be the best Spool Cotton now on the market; recommended for users of the Singer Sewing Machine. Ad: W. F. Post, Undertaking and Livery; St. Clair St., opposite Cowels House; phone 113; Fine Coaches for all Purposes Ad: Geo. W. Blackmore, Hatter and Furnisher; 306 Main St. Painesville, Ohio Ad: We have a nice stock of Ladies’ Hosiery, Equestrian Tights, Fascinators, Ice wool shawls, Leggings, Knit Knee Skirts, Mittens, etc. Children’s wool and fleece lined underwear. Haskell’s, 304 Main St., Painesville, Oho Ad: J. Rich, Painesville, Ohio. Headquarters for Optical Goods Ad: W. M. Werner & Co. Drugs, Groceries, Crockery, Lamps, Etc. 312-414 Main St.; telephone 94 p. 2 Stoves of Straw – A Device that is Employed in the Wild West How to make a stove out of a metal drum that burns straw.

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    Jan. 2, 1895 Legal Notice: Probate Court Silas L. Thompson as adm. for Elizabeth Crandall, deceased vs. W. J. Douglass, Edgar McAllister, Belle McAllister. Re: real estate to be sold to pay the debts of the estate. Legal Notice: Joanna Johnson has filed a petition in Lake Co., O., for a divorce from John Johnson, whose last place of residence was Knoxville, Tenn.; on the grounds of bigamy. Delinquent Land Tax List of 1894 Madison Township Brockway, Harriet Custin, Ellen M. Freeman, Maggie E. Harley, Nora Hart, Bessie J. Jefferson, George Jones, Newton June, D. Karns, E. J. Kimball, Charles Manchester, Orsemas Mead, E. A. Mard, Marcia Miller, Anna E. Moomey, Mary A. Paige, David R. Potter, Charles, A. Potter, H. A. Scheller, Catharine F. Serles, Mary A. Talcott, S. O. Taylor, Harriet E. Waterman, Andrew R. Winchester, Relief Madison Village Comstock, E. F. Comstock, J. E. Scott, F. A. Perry Beardslee, Arthur Beardslee, Luettie Little, Geo. A. Perry, David P. Seeley, Charlotte A.

    LeRoy Bartholomew, J. C. Canton, Nelson Craft, Alice A. Thompson, M. F. heirs Concord Carroll, Mary A. Gebeau, Amy L. King, O. S. Wilson, M. J. Reed, W. C. Loki, John Aho, Erick Morse, Willis J. Kirtland Brown, Caroline Shupe, Maria M. Campbell, Charles Curtis, C. A. Pinney, Azariah Rand, Willis H. Tinker, Chauncey Tinker, Riley Kirtland Special District Brown, Caroline K. Schupp, Maria M. Morrison, Carrie L. Yaxley, Wm. H. Mentor Township Carroll, Clara H. Craine, W. T. Hathaway, I. N. Newton, Mary A. Tyler, Willard E. Mentor Special District Hull, Edward W. Peck, Francis A. Wells, Lorain B. Mentor Village Smith, John H. Smith, Anna J. Woodford, David Willoughby Township Black, Katie Cowles, W. T. Jones, Wm. Lloyd, Wm. Lloyd, Lizzie

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    Jan. 2, 1895 Phillips, Adam Post, C. K. Post, O. Robinson, Wm. R. Schewring, Chas. Schewring, Louisa Steward, Joseph Willoughby Village Chesney, B. E. Painesville Township Austin, Ellen S. Doran, John Evins, John Guetschaw, Otto E. Mason, Amanda Meigs, Gideon, E. Nichols, Jesse Paige, David R. Prentice, Geo. H. Seeley, Charlotte A. Segleman, L. A. Shryane, J. J. Taylor, J. H. Taylor, S. B. Wilson, Z. S. Fairport Lands Carter, Samuel E. Friedeman, Herman Lawrence, Geo. W. Painesville Village Lands Amidon, Ella Loverne Brewer, Andrew J. Crofoot, Celia E. Densmore, S. A. Edwin, Chas. Frost, M. A. Harrington, Laura A. Hemminway, Jane E. Hyde, Portland Ingersoll, Geo. W. Johnson, I. Sam Joughin, John Kehankie, Sam’l Jr. Kennedy, Margaret J. Lewis, America Miller, J. L.

    Miller, Annie M. McGlynn, Anna Nellis, S. A. Paige, Ralph K. Paige, Nancy Tibbals, Horace W. Townsend, Amos, trustee Wilkinson, Ben Richmond Village Lots Averill, John W. Jr. Bates, Bradley Holmes, Wendell C. Thompson, P. F. Tibbals, Horace W. Wilson, L. S. Moodey, F. C. Fairport Lots Friedman, Herman Mattson, Carl J. R. Paige, R. K. Wilson, Z. S. Paine, Geo. E. Parish Diantha Rundell, Kate Scribner, Sarah Somppi, John Painesville Village Lots Blackmore, Thomas Briggs, Bertha L. Crofoot, Celia E. Fuller, Sarah M. House, Samuel R. Higgins, Mercy B. House, Laura M. Johnson, Mary Leonard, Elizabeth A. Lynch, Timothy Nellis, Libbie G Paige, David R. Shattuck, Ella E. Taylor, Stephen B. Thayer, A. R. White, David H. Wilder, G. N. Executor’s Notice: A. Sanborn, Jr. has been appointed executor of Charity E. Bump,

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    Jan. 2, 1895 deceased, late of Kirtland, Lake Co., Ohio. Dec. 7, 1894. Ad: Dr. Lucy S. Hertzog, rooms 17 and 18 Gage Block, State St. Hours 9 – 10 a.m. and 2 to 5 p.m. Ad: Brazilian Balm, the great South American Specific – Cures Coughs and Colds Like Magic Sold by all Painesville Druggists p. 3 The Warren Board of Health has placed a quarantine upon Ashtabula. Jack Moodey, 5 yrs. old son of F. C. Moodey, had a terrible fall Wed. while sliding down the balustrade, injuring his head and collar bone. The funeral of Miss Malissa Tracy, whose death occurred Friday morning, was Sunday afternoon at Mr. Franklin Breed’s on North Ridge. She was 64 yrs. old, had been an invalid for six years, and was the sister of Mrs. Franklin Breed. Mr. Timothy Brooks, well known in Painesville is seriously ill at his daughter’s in Kilroy, Cal. He is 87 yrs. old and all hope of his recovery is abandoned. The Ashtabula Standard states that invitations have been issued by Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Ross, for the marriage of their daughter Harriet McGiffert Ross, to Mr. George H. Thomas Tenninger on Dec. (?). The Geneva Cycle Co. will manufacture 5,000 wheels this season. One hundred men will be employed during January. Two models will be made: The Ohio and the Geneva. Mr. Abel W. Sawyer recently sold his farm in South Willoughby where his family had resided about 20 yrs. He purchased Mrs. Annie Kirby’s house and lot, No. 124 East High St. The administration will now require veterans’ widows to prove they are paupers before they can receive the pittance that is theirs by right. This is an outrage on the principle that makes the giving of a pension a duty on the part of the government. N.Y. Press Personals

    Mrs. D. B. Clayton is very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Tisdel. Mrs. G. H. Blaker, of Maumee, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. P. Keeler, of Erie St. Mr. Frank Tucker, of Washington St, was very ill but is now improving. Mrs. John W. Spencer is recovering from an illness what confined her to the house several days. Prof. Geo. W. Ready and Miss Ready returned Friday from a Christmas visit to their friends in Meadville. Mr. & Mrs. E. L. House have returned from Auburn, N.Y., where they visited their aunt, Mrs. A. E. Cowles. Mrs. C. H. Greer returned from Erie and is with Mrs. Samuel Mathews for a few days. Mr. W. E. Ricker, of Brooklyn, N.Y., spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Ricker, of Casement Ave. Mrs. Will Hull, of Warren, Ohio, was a guest of Mrs. Wall Ormes on State St. Mr. Wilcox Doolittle, of Hamilton, Ont., is a guest at the Wilcox Place. Mr. & Mrs. A. P. King returned from St. Louis, Mo., where they visited relatives. Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Ayer retuned home Friday from their wedding trip. Mrs. J. S. Casement and her son, Mr. Dan Casement, went to Florida to spend the winter. Mr. Harley Barnes, went to Barnes, Warren Co., Pa. to attend the funeral of his uncle, Erastus Barnes. Prof. F. W. Ashley, wife and infant daughter, of Hudson, were the guests of Mrs. Ashely’s mother, Mrs. H. Cole, St. Clair St. Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Stevens, who were staying at the Parmly, returned to their home in Sandusky Sat. Miss Agnes Laracy, has been confined to her room by illness. Mr. N. H. Hawley, of Hope, Idaho, arrived from the West Thursday and is the guest of his brother-in-law, Mrs. E. C. Linn, Mentor Ave. Mrs. Frances Arter, of S. St. Clair street and her guest, Mr. Dr. Rukenbrod, went to Cleveland Monday to visit friends.

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    Jan. 2, 1895 Mr. John Bonewell with John Rich have gone West to perfect himself in the higher branches of watch making. Mr. F. W. Wood, of North Madison, who attends Western Reserve University, is at home of the holidays. Mr. & Mrs. Eugene D. Shepard, of Perry, were given a surprise party by Painesville and Perry people; it was their 22nd wedding anniversary. At the meeting of the Humane Soc. Saturday, there were present the president, the treasurer and one lady spectator. The next meeting will be Jan. 4 at the engine house to elect officers. Horse Killed in Runaway The family of C. M. Luce started for Madison with a horse and buggy on Christmas morning to spend the day with relatives. The horse was freighted by some clothes hanging on a line and upset the carriage into a ditch. The horse fell striking its head on the frozen ground and was killed. Mrs. Luce had her limbs paralyzed in the accident and she has not yet recovered use of then. Fell Sixteen Feet Henry Lapham, in North Mentor, fell last Friday when a scaffolding gave way while he was at work on Mr. Tenbrooke’s barn. He fell 16’ and beyond breaking some ribs. He is reported doing well. Bound Over Andres Lustila and Solomon Isaacson, the men arrested on suspicion of being implicated in the disappearance of Andre Hongisto on Christmas eve, had a preliminary hearing before Mayor Riker, of Fairport and were bound over to the Common Pleas. The is no trace of the missing man. The river has been dragged and a systematic search is being prosecuted. The Snow Plow Service The snow plow service was evidently taken by surprise Thursday morning to see the ground covered with “the beautiful” and did not recover in time from the shock to be of any practical

    benefit to business men, laborers and others out in the morning. We hope it does not snow again this winter unless an alarm clock is set for the snow plow service. It should realize that it is of no earthly service unless it gets out before the reset of humanity. Death of Col. William Fitch We announced last week the death of Col. Wm. T. Fitch, of Madison, who died in Washington on Christmas Day. Though about 70 yrs. of age, he enjoyed good health. He developed what was thought to be an earache and turned into an abscess on the brain, causing his death. He has been an assistant doorkeeper in the House for many years. He leaves a widow, two sons; W. H. and Grant Fitch, of Ashtabula, and two daughters, Mrs. R. B. Swift, of Kingsville, and Mrs. Kate King, of Sandcoulee, Mont. His body arrived at Madison for burial. The Murdered Man at Fairport Returns to Life – Found Himself in a Hay Stack Andrew Hongisto, the man who disappeared from Fairport on Christmas Eve and was supposed to have been murdered, reappeared Thursday night. The last that he remembers on that night, was being in a fight with Lustila and Isaacson and receiving a blow on the head which brought on a Rip Van Winkle sleep. When he awoke, he found himself in the top of a hay stack. Evidently the sheeting covering the stack from rain had been removed and a hole dug in the hay for the body of Hogisto who was supposed dead. The sheeting was then replaced to conceal the crime. Richard Neff, who was kicked by a vicious horse on Monday, died Wednesday afternoon. He was 38 yrs. old and leaves a wife, who is the daughter of Mrs. Carlos Mason. A Tragic Ending The Geneva case of W. W. Sinclair vs J. G. Fear for defamation of character, which has been on trial in Jefferson for two weeks, had a tragic ending. The defendant was coming into court to hear the verdict and had a pain in the chest. He died the

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    Jan. 2, 1895 following day. The physicians pronounced it neuralgia of the heart. Letters uncalled for in the Painesville P. O. as of Jan. 2, 1895: Ladies Connell, Miss Hannah Craine, Mrs. Sam Darly, Mrs. A. Farrell, Mrs. King, Miss Frances Molynup, Mrs. F. L. Gentlemen Amidon, S. I. Pond Cromwell, Jas. Hurbut, W. S. Jaeger, Herman Johnston Mr. Lasie, Wm. Thurber, H. C. Williams, Curtis Court House Items Real Estate Transfers Willoughby Township Brown, S. W. LeRoy Phillips, A. G. Van Sickle, Lewis R. Concord Smith, Jas. F. estate Colburn, Flora A. Willoughby Village Andrews, Margaret M. St. J. Hengesbach, Frank Carrel, Geo. S. Carrel, Allen K. Fairport Village Lands Foster, John J. Mighton, M. C. Fairport Lots Scott, C. J. Powell, Maud Painesville Village Lots Barnes & Scott Anderson, Magnus Probate Court

    Brindle, Maud L., guardianship; final account Backus, Jean W., guardianship; second acct. Mason, Amanda - complaint filed Rice, Herbert A. – executor is Stockton, Nettie S. Humphrey, J. O. – estate; first account Crandall, Elizabeth- sale of land Hardy, Edwin - marriage license Mitchell, Clara Louise – marriage license Common Pleas Smith, J. H. vs Underwood, G. B. Tanswell, W. H. vs Wasson, W. E. Pond, Wm. J. vs P. P. & F. Railroad Grafton, Charley – divorce vs Grafton, Minnie Robinson, Henry R., receiver of Sam Phipp & Co. vs Ellen, John S. Perry Mrs. Bartholomew and daughter, spent the holidays with Earnest Bartholomew and family in the western part of the state. Arthur Cowdery, of Cleveland, was guest at the Cowdery homestead at Christmas time. Rev. F. H. Young officiated at the funeral of Frank Stratton, of Madison, last Wed. Harry Carter made a business trip to Perry from Ashtabula last week. Misses Agnes and Kate Shepard spent Christmas at Mentor. Will Barbour and family arrived in town on Friday from Seattle, Washington. They have been away from Perry ten years. Mrs. W. Ray spent the holiday in Cleveland with her sister, Mrs. William Theurer. Mr. Charles Craine, of Geneva, spent Saturday in town. Joseph Haskell, of Geneva spent Monday among his Perry friends. Mrs. George Hoyt and sister, Mrs. Cora Black, are visiting friends in Collinwood. Madison Mrs. James Pinney, of Cleveland, was a guest of Mr. & Mrs. Dr. Wilkinson.

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    Jan. 2, 1895 Miss Stella Stratton entertained her friends Monday evening in honor of her guest, Miss Turner. Miss Nellie Westcott, who has been visiting her cousin, Miss Alice Hayden, has returned to her home in Toledo. Miss Agnes Parks is a guest of friends in the Forest City. Mrs. Francis Hendry spent Christmas with her invalid son at Charity Hospital, Cleveland. Mr. & Mrs. N. D. Bailey will be in their new residence on and after Jan. 1, 1895. Ad: Dr. D. A. Pelton, specialty is disease of the nose and throat, hay fever, etc. With Dr. A. L. Gardner. Office 124, St. Clair st., Painesville, O. A.C. Pepoon, assignee of B. E. Chesney, will be selling a sewing machine. Harry P. Bosworth has been appointed executor for Thomas Rooney, deceased, late of Painesville, Lake Co., Ohio Redemption of Delinquent Lands Lewis R. Van Sickle has deposited the sum of $70.03 with the Treasure of Lake Co. to redeem from delinquent tax sale land in lot 17 in LeRoy.

    Jan. 9, 1895 Wednesday p. 1 Mentor Mrs. E. Larned is spending the winter with her son’s family in Detroit, Michigan. Mr. O. W. Loomis, Cleveland, spent New Year’s Day at the residence of R. Murray. Mr. Henry Miley, Mansfield, was a guest of Mrs. A. A. Greer. Mrs. Chas. Hart, of Mercer, Pa., is visiting the families of her brothers in town. Geneva George H. Hopper, daughter and niece, Miss Ganson, have returned to New York. Miss Jennie Blinn, has returned to Granville, Ohio. Walter L. Main and wife were in town Christmas.

    Geneva is donating liberally for Nebraska sufferers. Charles M. Duston, who was in Company F., 29th Ohio, during the Civil War, now lives in Dundee, Michigan. He sent a reminiscence of the Late War to the Editor. Hampden Mr. E. Russell, of Allegheny Co., N.Y. is visiting his sister, Mrs. Charlie Bascomb. Mr. William Radcliffe, who has been in poor health for some time, is at the hospital in Cleveland for treatment. Mrs. Aaron White spent the holiday with her son, George, in Wood County. Dell Chapman, of Troy, Ohio was calling on friends last week. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sheldon spent New Years’ Day in Painesville. Mrs. Ed. King has bought the Patchin farm. Madison Elmer Bates, of the Cleveland Press was in town over Sunday. Ed Dayton made a business trip to Hartsgrove Saturday. Mrs. Thomas Parsons is visiting friends in Cleveland. Mr. Thomas Berry’s little son, John, died Jan. 2, of scarlet fever. He was taken to Painesville for burial. Mrs. Frank Hendry went to Cleveland to spend one week with her son, William. Mr. William Ross, an old resident of South Madison died Last Wednesday night. Oscar Cady returned from a ten-day visit with his brother in Lansing, Michigan. Miss Bessie Kimball and Bernice Dayton visited friends in Cleveland last week. Ed. Throne, Lake Shore night operator, is laid up with rheumatism. Uly Lee has found an abiding place in Lynchburg, Va. Miss Stella Blair died Monday after a long illness. She was about 29 yrs. old.

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    Jan. 9, 1895 Suburban Chips Mr. H. F. Lapham who was injured in a fall from scaffolding, is convalescing. Miss Bessie Titus is spending 10 days with Cleveland friends. Mrs. William Lapham received the sad news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Stella Sinclair, of Willoughby on the 21st. Black Brook has a blacksmith shop on the Nye place. Mr. Bailer is the proprietor. His family are new residents. Capt. and Mrs. F. E. Ingraham and daughter, after spending the holidays here, returned to their home in Lorain. Capt. Ralph Byrns and family, of Cleveland, enjoyed Christmas at the Byrns’ homestead. Misses Mamie and Agatha Schwind, of Cleveland, enjoyed the holidays at home. Mr. W. Krause and Mr. Gault, of Cleveland, were guests of Chas. Schwind, at Christmas. p. 2 Letters uncalled for in the Painesville P. O. as of Jan. 9, 1895: Ladies Bartlett, Minnie Childs, Agnes Fender, Mrs. Susan McKinney, Jennie Taylor, Mrs. Lucile Gentlemen Hull, H. C. Johnston, Mr. Moffat, N G. Thompson, J. R. Legal Notice: E. C. Smart, Receiver of Painesville Brick Co. vs John N. Stewart Charley Grafton filed a petition for divorce from Minnie Grafton, place of residence unknown, the Common Pleas Court of Lake Co., Ohio. Kate M. Neff is the administratrix for R. Henry Neff, deceased, late of Painesville, Ohio. Perry

    W. W. Rowland and family left for Findlay on Wednesday. Mr. & Mrs. Bert Parsons returned to Conneaut Monday after visiting relatives here. John Brown purchased the Band house and is putting it in shape to rent. Fred Green purchased a donkey in the city last week for his little daughters. Cleveland parties have brought the Prouty farm near the lake. The Bennetts and Harpers were guests of George Burridge and family of Painesville on New Year’s Day. Mr. Frank Joiner, of Monroe, was the guest of his brother, Will Joiner and family last week. New officers of the O. H. Haskell Post: Thompson, John - commander Stanhope, Charles - Sr. V. P. Perry, Henry – Jr. V. P. Barret, Frank -Quartermaster Wire, T. B. – Adjutant Ray, William – Officer of the Day Fritz, Adam – delegate to state encampment Mrs. Henry Shepard was called to Ashtabula to care for her daughter, Hattie, who is very sick at that place. Tom Killcawley is back after visiting friends in Cleveland. Mr. & Mrs. John Harper spent Sat. at Willoughby. Lute Axtell was in Cleveland on business Wed. Mr. Stinchcomb’s little son was kicked by a colt on New Year’s night and lost several teeth. Frank Salkeld is back from a business trip to the West. Mrs. Dr. Todd and children were visiting relatives in town last week. p. 3 The “Comfort” Sleigh Heater, the best thing on the market for warming a cutter and keeping the feet warm. At Harrison & Stiverson’s H. N. Munson, of Mentor, who is an expert in raising corn, bought an ear with 32 rows to the editor. The usual number of rows is 24, and one with 26 is always a curiosity. The remains of Rev. Samuel W. Pierson, who died at Holmesburg, (Philadelphia) Pa., on the 5th

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    Jan. 9, 1895 will be brought to Painesville and buried in Evergreen Cemetery. He was 81 yrs. old. Will Kerr, of Richmond St. was given a surprise birthday party Sat. evening. Personals Mr. H. C. Nellis, of Piqua, was in town Wed. on business. Mr. Dick Hart was presented with a baby girl on Sunday. Mrs. N. Brink and daughter, Mrs. Pratt, will leave this week to winter in Southern California. Mr. James Kirby, of Prospect street, is convalescing. Mr. C. C. Darrow, of Butte, Mont., is visiting his parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. Q. Darrow, of the Park. Albert Button entertained the Gentlemen’s Whist Club on Friday at his home. Mr. & Mrs. Stanhope and son, Robbie, of Pearl street, left Sat. to visit her brother, Mr. Frank Gregory, at Mansfield, Ohio. Harry L. Walthour has been appointed baggage master and express messenger of the P.P. & F. in place of F. A. Bishop, resigned. Mrs. Robert C. Moodey has issued cards for Wed. evening in honor of the Misses Morse who are spending their college vacation at home. Mrs. J. H. Scott, nee Nellie Leach, of New York City, formerly a Painesville girl, was a guest at the B. A. Smith residence, Mentor. Mr. W. H. Schrader, the Cleveland manager of the A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Co., was in town Monday. Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Harrison left Sunday for Sacramento, California. He will attend the Pomological Society. Mrs. A. C. Miller will join her husband at Science Hill, Kentucky. His health is not as good as when he first went south. Mrs. N. B. Warner went to Buffalo Wed. to enter the World’s Dispensary under the treatment of Dr. Pierce. She was accompanied to Buffalo by Mr. Z. S. Wilson. Charles G. Boalt left Wed. for Ahnapee, Wis., to accept a position as representative of a furniture company there.

    Mr. Geo. M. Salkeld, of Perry, is not in good health and cannot get about due to partial paralysis the lower limbs. Dr. F. L Warren has been offered a position in the Philadelphia Dental College. Mr. & Mr. Tracy H. Paine, of Ashtabula, left Monday for Eau Gallia, Florida to spend the rest of the winter. They will be accompanied by Mrs. Kimball, of Cleveland. Mr. E. P. Keeler went to Cleveland Wed. to enter the Huron Street Hospital for treatment and perhaps an operation. Caught on the Ice Flow Dick Lewis, the oldest son of Alfred Lewis of Fairport, went out hunting in company with L. Henry and William Stangee. On the H. H. Hine farm is quite a tract of land, a hundred yards wide known as the river flats which is bounded by the river on the south and the east. The St. Clair street viaduct crosses the river near this place. Lewis had ventured on to the flats and the ice breaking up began to go out. He was in water up to his waist. Fred Chapman and friends came to the rescue, dragging a boat over huge blocks of ice to the bridge. Chapman was able to reach Lewis and get him into the boat. Dick Lewis is 21 yrs. old and employed during navigation season on the tug Annie. The meat market of C. T. Radcliffe & Co. on State St. passed into the hands of H. Woodward and W. Snedeker. Death of W. E. Wasson W. E. Wasson died at his home on Jackson street Friday morning. He was a 32nd Degree Mason and prominent in the state in Masonic circles. His illness was first diagnosed and treated as lump jaw. Three years ago, he had an operation hoping to stay the disease without successful results. It is thought to have been contracted from cattle afflicted with the disease. Officers elected for the Painesville National Bank at their annual meeting:

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    Jan. 9, 1895 Directors: Ford, Geo. H. Modey, C. A. Child, C. O. Murray, F. H. Murray, John H. Burridge, S. Ford, R. N. Officers were reelected: Child, C. O. – Pres. Burridge, S. – V. P. Frank, C. H. – Cashier Coyle, F. H. – Bookkeeper Bates, H. E. – Clerk Death of Mrs. T. W. Harvey Mrs. T. W. Harvey was the widow of the late Dr. Thomas W. Harvey. She died this morning after an illness of two weeks. She had brochities which terminated in heart failure. She was 68 yrs. old. Her funeral awaits her son, Thomas A. Harvey, from Saginaw. Purchased the Rink Captain Bosworth appeared before the County Commissioners Wed. on behalf of Company M and requested them to provide a suitable place for an armory. The law requires the commissioners to do this. The only suitable place found was the rink which will be repaired to be used by the company. Death of Miss Butler Miss Eleanor Butler died Thursday morning at the residence of her brother, Mr. Andrew Butler, of Mentor Avenue. She was 46 yrs. old. Her remains will be taken to Wellsville today for burial. Obituary Died Dec. 1, 1894 in San Francisco after a long illness, Lucy Ann Rand, wife of James McMackin and mother of Mrs. Annette Merriam. She was a native of Madison, Ohio, and a resident of Sonoma Valley. She leaves a husband, daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter. Her final resting

    place will be in the family vault, Odd Fellows Cemetery, San Francisco. Sonoma Index-Tribune Carter’s Corners Leo Pike is in the employ of the P. P. & F. railroad as a brakeman. Mrs. Sylvester had a birthday party invitation to Mr. C. A. Sylvester’s on New Year’s night. There was a masquerade at David Cooper’s last Friday in LeRoy. Court House Items Real Estate Transfers Madison Township Kirk Christy Foster, H. A. Turney, C. A. Grogan, Guy Perry Todd, Lona E. Davis, Wm. A. Painesville Township Bacon Frances Ida Bacon, Horace Concord Smith, James F. Smith, James H. Richmond Lots House, E. J. Fairport Lots House, Everett J. Painesville Village Lands Barnes Scott Osborn, Maria L. House, Everitt J. Joughin, John Stround, M. Louise Painesville Village Lots Kirby, Anna Quinn, Walter Quinn, George Sawyer, Abel W. House, Everett J. Kirby, Annie Hopkins, Josiah B. Hopkins, Lucinda A.

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    Jan. 9, 1895 Willoughby Township Jerome, F. J. Foster, E. J. Turney, John E. Schweeters, Nannie A. Painesville Township Moodey, Robert C. Kirby, Delia Probate Court Mason, Amanda – executor, H. C. Nellis, charged with concealing assets Reading, A. E. – marriage license Brown, Lizzie – marriage license Colgrove, Ebenezer – inventory and appraisal filed Gillet, C. M. – will filed for probate Carroll, Martin – first account Murphy, Edward – marriage license Carroll, May M. – marriage license Johnson, Willard – marriage license Conklin, Hannah – marriage license Roddick, George – 20th account filed Crowl, Almira R. – will admitted to probate Wilson, Stephen – hearing on real estate Joplin, Thomas – inventory and appraisal filed Warren, James – report of sale filed Paige, Mary Foote – notice filed Neff, R. Henry – Katie M. Neff, adm. Taylor, James H. – report of sale filed Warren, James – first and final account filed Common Pleas Spaulding, Charles R. – pleaded guilty to petit larceny Webb, Herbert – pleaded guilty to petit larceny Child, Carlos O. vs. John Barkinen; foreclosure Mason, Amanda – estate matter Barton, Elmer E. vs. Geo. A. Bates; money only Barton, Stanley N. by next friend vs. George. A. Bates, money only Born Mr. & Mrs. D. W. Hart, Jan. 6, 1895, a daughter Mr. & Mrs. Wilm Knox, Jan. 2, 1895, a daughter Mentor Mrs. C. M. Hart and two children are the guests of her brother, Mr. A. M. Baxter.

    Mr. & Mrs. Patchen, of Chardon, were guests of Mr. Franklin Murray and wife. Mr. I. P. Newcomer took ice from 6 – 8” thick from Rosedale Pond. Mentor has had 3 weddings in the past few days. The particulars of one have been learned. Mr. E. A. Hardy of Kirtland, son of J. H. Hardy, of Cleveland, married the daughter of Chas. Mitchell. Mr. & Mrs. Case are the uncle and aunt of the bride from Aurora; Mr. & Mrs. Eggleston, of Brussels, Ohio, Mr. Moody, wife and daughter, of Saybrook; and both grandmothers of the bride were present.

    Jan. 16, 1895 Wednesday p. 1 A Broken Heart Nora Hoffman, who formerly lived in Willoughby Township, now in South Kirtland, was to have been married on New Year’s Eve. Just before the day arrived the bridegroom announced to Miss Hoffman that due to strenuous opposition in his family to the proposed marriage, he could not fulfill his part of the agreement. The bride never recovered from the shock of it. She went to the home of her sister, Mrs. James Jacobs, in South Kirtland where she fell sick and died last Saturday. The physicians have been unable to find a cause for her death other than a broken heart. LeRoy Mr. and Mrs. David Davis have a baby boy. William Doncaster, of Hambden, is spending a few days at J. W. Doncaster’s. Mrs. Caroline Mason died last Friday at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Albert Searl. Mrs. David Upson returned home last Saturday from Cleveland where she spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Gertrude Pritchan. Kirtland Three have died from scarlet fever on Temple Hill: Miss Inez Makepeace and two sons of Elder Griffith. A wood bee was held for Mrs. Farrow and the men turned out and cut her about 20 cords.

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    Jan. 16, 1895 Suburban Chips Mr. Capt. Geo. Graham, of the Headlands, is reported better. Mrs. Maria Cole, widow of the late Capt. Frank Cole, died at the family residence on Mentor Plains at an early hour on Sunday. She leaves to mourn her loss: Three sons, Ambrose, Alvah and Charles; a brother, Mr. Oliver Andrews and two sisters, Mrs. H. French and E. Wheeler, of the same place; and Mrs. John Andrews, of Nebraska. Madison Mrs. Jesse Wright is visiting friends in Buffalo. Fred Bosley visited friends in Erie. Glenn Hall, of Geneva, was at home over Sunday. Mr. A. J. Tilden was confined to the house last week by illness. George Ferguson, of Cleveland was in town on Saturday. Burnham Post held their monthly meeting in G.A. R. Hall Saturday evening. Mr. F. S. Strong, of Huntsburg, was the guest of his father, S. B. Strong, last week. E. F. Blakely returned to Ann Arbor after a brief visit with his parents. Awilla Domer and Alma Follett were guests of friends in Conneaut over Sunday. W. R. Pitkin, of Geneva, was in town Saturday. Mrs. E. Nazor with her daughter, Emma, and son, Samuel, of Vernon Junction, are guests of Mrs. F. R. Turback. Installation of new officers of the Masons: Kimball, C. L. Miller Sr., F. B. Bollard Jr. A. J. Hayden J. B. Viets, S. N. Clapp, E. J. Blair Sr., J F. Smead Jr., H. H. Ford, W. J. Pixley, E. H. Andrews, O.

    p. 2 Mentor Headlands Mr. Frank Cole, of the Plains, is staying with his grandparent, Mr. Andrus Brooks. Mrs. Titus and Mrs. E. E. Brooks spend last Wed. with Mrs. Henricle. Mr. Merle Hanson and wife were visiting friends last Thursday. Mrs. Geo. Graham was taken seriously ill with heart trouble last Thursday. Baby Helen, dau. of Mr. & Mrs. E. W. Brooks was sick last week with lung fever but is recovering. H. F. Lapham, J. W. Titus and Mrs. Graham are under the care of Dr. Root, of Painesville. Relatives of Mrs. Brown, of the Plains, gathered to celebrate her 61st birthday. Letters uncalled for in the Painesville P. O. as of Jan. 16, 1895: Ladies Barton, Mrs. Anna Cadwell, Mrs. Albert Colby, Emily Conger, Miss Alice Herendeen Mrs. W. G. Myers, Nettie Gentlemen Duffy, Wm. Ellsworth, Geo. Hinson, Wm. Hunt, Samuel Johnston, W. G. Rowland, R. Summers, Harry, Wright, Willie H. Death of Mrs. T. W. Harvey Mrs. Harvey, widow of Dr. Thomas W. Harvey, was announced Wed. Her maiden name was Louise O. Beebe; she was born in Mentor 1826. She has lived in Painesville since 1865. Thomas A. Harvey, of Saginaw Miss Mary Harvey and Mrs. F. H. Kendall, of Painesville, and Miss Louise E. Harvey, of Colorado Springs, are the surviving members to he family. Personals Miss Gault, of Geneva, is the guest of Miss Kenney, of Erie St.

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    Jan. 16, 1895 Mrs. P. N. Porter, of Elyria, is registered at the Cowles House for a few days. Miss Jessie Bond, of Ashtabula, is the guest of Miss Mathews, of Jackson street. Miss Birja Wilkins, of Geneva, is the guest of Miss Anna Sherwood, of Erie Street. Mr. Russell Pratt, of Des Moines, Ia., is the guest of Mr. & Mrs. J. A. Allen of Erie street. Prof. A. C. Miller and Mrs. Miller returned from Science Hill, Kentucky, Thursday evening. Mrs. W. G. Avery of The Parmly, has been confined to her room by illness for the past ten days. Mrs. C. H. Williams, of Geauga County, is spending a few days with the family of her brother, Mr. Harley Barnes. Rev. T. H. Armstrong and wife came from Kingsville to attend the funeral of Mrs. Thomas W. Harvey Friday. The Misses Lillie and Fannie Morse left Thursday for London, Ontario, to resume their studies in Helmuth College. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Marshall have gone to Philadelphia to spend a few days with Dr. George M. Marshall and family. Miss Maude Hibbard, of Geneva was the guest of Miss Huntington of Jackson street, Friday evening for Kris-Kringle club dance. Mr. H. J. Sweet, of La Grange, Ill., one of the seven who were frozen in the famous blizzard of 1888, is in town visiting relatives. Mr. Thomas A. Harvey has returned from Saginaw, leaving Mrs. Harvey here to spend the week at the homestead on Mentor Ave. Mrs. Geo. K. Ingersoll and children, of Cleveland, and Miss Effie Wheeler, of Chicago, spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Crofoot, of Erie St. Mr. E. P. Keeler arrived home Monday from Huron Street Hospital where he has undergone a successful operation and is much improved in health. Mr. Manning Kelley left for Dayton Monday morning leaving Mrs. Kelley here for a longer visit with her mother, Mrs. Hulbert, of North St., Clair street.

    Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Doolittle and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Doolittle, of Hamilton, Ont., are spending a few weeks in Saegertown, Pa., a noted health resort. Mr. & Mrs. S. R King left Tuesday for the South, going by way of the Ward Line from New York to Havana, Cuba and later to Mexico. They expect to be gone three months. Mrs. W. F. Smith left Tuesday for Austinburg where she goes to attend the Miller-Battles wedding Wed., evening. The bride, Dr. Mamie Miller, of Ashtabula, is a niece of Mrs. Smith and the wedding will occur in the old homestead of the Miller family in Austinburg. Kirtland Scarlet Fever Cases Mr. John Schupp, health officer of Kirtland township, was in town Tuesday and reports the scarlet fever under perfect control in that township. There have been in all six cases, four of who have died. But one case now exists and the patient is convalescing. Mr. Schupp attributes the origin of the contagion to the family of Ebenezer Miller, whose dead child was brought to Kirtland under a false permit issued in Cleveland. Death of Kate M. Gray Kate M. Gray, the youngest daughter of Hon. H. C. Gray, of Painesville, and wife of Mr. W. C. Gray, of Piqua. Mrs. Gray went to Cincinnati to have a delicate operation performed on her for gall stone. She had the operation on Thursday and passed through it successfully. The shock proved to great for her delicate system and she died the following afternoon. She will be remembered here as Miss Kate Gray. She was born and educated in Painesville. She married Mr. John Nellis, a brother of Mr. H. C. Nellis, who died very suddenly in the West after a short-married life. She afterwards married to Mr. W. C. Gray, of Piqua, a second cousin, whose initials are identical with her own brother, Will C. Gray, formerly of Painesville. She was 44 yrs. old and the mother of two sons and a daughter. Court House Items Real Estate Transfers

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    Jan. 16, 1895 Madison Township Custin, Ellen, M. Grogan, Guy Karns, Jno. W. Karns, Martha A. Shepard, Millard A. Shepard, Mary J. Cooke, C. E. Cook, Morris A. Warner, Eugene N. Scott, Adam. Hopper, Geo. H. Richmond Lots Gibeau, John House, Charles F. Bates, Geo. A. Fairport Lots Joughlin, John Kozak, Andro House, Samuel R. Baldwin, Elizabeth J. Painesville Village Lots House, Samuel R. Baldwin Elizabeth J. House, John heirs of Baldwin, Elizabeth J. Bates, Geo. A. Painesville Township Cowles, W. T. Colegrove, Wm. T. Wick, Annie C. Sturtevant, Carlos M. Fairport Village Lands Huntington, Colbert Lawrence, Edward E. Schlather. L Kirtland Township Presley, A. F. White, Nelson Crofoot, B. F. Hardy, Eugene A. Willoughby Township Gender, Goetlief Konigstow Otto Adams, grace Davis, Eliza

    Madison Village Hart, Turhand G. - executor Hart, Stephen H. Cudney, Margaret A. Probate Court Warner, Sarah E. – appointment of guardian Selby, Almena – will filed Post, Charles – adm. W. F. Sorter Jepson, Samuel H. – final account Littlejohn, Mattie G. – final account Brotzman, Philip – final account Haywood, Ettie – second account Rosa, Sophia, - final account Yaxley, Harriet – second account Yaxley, Richard – first account Cawley, John – final account Alvord, Daniel – contest of will filed Fitch, Wm. T. – will filed Petty, Ella J. – adm. W. J. Smith Shepard, Walter H. – marriage license Kintner, Ida C. – marriage license Morris, William – case of larceny Murphy, Michael – case for assault and battery Long, Jesse, - case of petit larceny Gillett, C. M. – hearing on will Wasson, W. E. – adm. Fred. E. Wasson Pierce, DeWitt C. – marriage license Ferguson, Helen C. – marriage license Belden, Emily – report of sale filed Grover, Jas. N. – first account filed Morrison, Myrtie – guardianship Hoffman, Nora – adm. J. W. Jacob Curtis, Mary A. – will filed for Probate Johnson, Cornelia – adm. Daniel Owen Warner, Sarah E. – guardian Mary E. Bliss Ross, William – adm. J. B. Hayden Cook, C. F. – marriage license Patchin, Glendora – marriage license Nettleton, Daniel V. – marriage license Waterman, Lena – marriage license Common Pleas Freeman, Lizzie M., div. vs. Eugene Freeman Green, Alonzo vs. Nathan Christy; quiet title Bosworth, Mahala M., exec. of Perry Bosworth vs. John W. Alexander, exec. of Geo. W. Steele, deceased; money only Joughin, John vs. M. W. Sullivan; foreclosure

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    Jan. 16, 1895 Rote, Marjorie Warner vs. Eugene N. Warner; re: construction of will Moodey, H. M. vs Carl J. R. Matson; foreclosure Shepard-Kintner Miss Ida C. Kintner and Mr. Walter H. Shepard were married at the home of the bride’s parents in Madisonburg, Ohio, Jan. 10, 1895. The bride is the sister of Mr. E. E. Kintner and Mr. A. E. Kintner of this place, and the groom is a successful young man of Perry, having served as treasurer of that Township. He is at present a member of the firm H. H. Shepard & Son. Rev. Samuel Willis Pierson Rev. S. W. Pierson, who died Jan. 5, 1895, was born in Kenilworth, Conn., April 26, 1813. He lived in Painesville until he moved to Philadelphia six years ago. His son was the late Samuel F. Pierson, of Holmesburg, Pa. His remains were brought to Painesville for burial. Death of Arthur B. Childs Arthur B. Childs, died at Colwich, Kansas, Jan. 4, 1895. He was a Lake county man, being born in Madison in 1838. He moved to Colwich a little more than 10 yrs. ago, engaging in the lumber business. A wife, two sons, and a daughter survive him. He was the brother of Mr. I. S. Childs, of State St. Death of Timothy Brooks Timothy Brooks, died in Gilroy, California, early this morning. A telegram came to Mrs. C. C. Viall from her mother, Mrs. C. A. Hoxett, with whom Mr. Brooks had been spending the winter. The burial will be at Evergreen Cemetery. He was the grandfather of Mrs. Viall and Mrs. Harry Clyde Brooks. Sinclair Indicted Again Wallace W. Sinclair, of Painesville, who it is claimed set fire to his saloon building in Geneva in Aug., 1892, was re-indicted by the grand jury. He is now in a cell in the county jail.

    James Cox, alias, Henry Russen, alias, James Smith, also an inmate at the jail, was indicted for assault with intent to kill Harrison Sellick, of Austinburg, Sept. 15 last. Smith and Will Buck were arrested in Cleveland a few months ago. Perry Mr. Huddy, of St. Catharines, Canada, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Hiram Lapham. Nazor Harper, the barber, is in failing health and unable to attend to business. Miss Georgia Cady, of Madison, was the guest of her cousin, Alma Gibbs, recently. Fred Hoose, of Cleveland, is at home suffering from sore eyes. Our former townsman, W. W. Barnes, spent Sunday with relatives in town. Frank Wood Jr. of Austinburg Institute was at home over Sunday. John Harper made a business trip to the city on Saturday. Walter Shepard married Miss Ida Kintner at the home of her parents in Akron last week. Miss Nellie Herrick has been on the sick list the past week. L. V. Axtell is building an ice house and is preparing to put in a quantity of ice for the purpose of cooling milk. Mentor Mr. James Tear is the guest of his sister, Mrs. A. Harrington. Thomas Northcut and family were given a surprise oyster dinner by a number of their church friends of East Mentor. Officers elected for the James A. Garfield Post and Ladies’ Relief Corps for the new year: Rexford, N. C. - Commander Curtis, P. H. – Vice Commander Stockwell, E. A. – Jr. Vice Commander _ . Case - Quartermaster Mather, D. W. – Adjutant Hawley, G. W. - Officer of the Day Chaplin Tower, G. – Chaplain Dodge, A. – Officer of the Guard Corps: Stockwell, Mrs. E. A. – President Curtis, Mrs. P. H. – Sr. Vice Pres.

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    Jan. 16, 1895 Rexford, Mrs. N. C. – Jr. Vice Pres. Ely, Mrs. J. – Treasurer Lamb, Mrs. C. W. – Secretary Wright, Mr. C. O. – Chaplain Baker, Miss Minnie – Conductor Tower, Mrs. G. – Asst. Conductor Burridge, Mrs. Levi – Guard Soldiers’ Relief Committee Hopkins, M. V. Martendale, Harrison Rexford, N. C. Unionville Mrs. E. N. Warner is convalescent. Mrs. A. J. Bancroft entertained her sister, Mrs. Shepherd, of Ashtabula. Miss Hulett entertained Conneaut friends recently. Mrs. R. M. N. Taylor, Mrs. Miller, and Mrs. Joselyn are visiting friends in Cleveland. Mr. Charles Kimball, who is spending the winter with his son in Ashtabula, spent a few days at his home in this place. Mr. & Mrs. I. W. Cone spent a few days with their son, Earl Cone and family in Mentor last week. Rev. W. H. Morton’s infant daughter has been quite ill but is recovering. Mr. & Mrs. James Phillips and family are home from a visit in Cleveland. Miss Hopper entertained a “house party” over New Year’s week. Mr. Osborne entertained St. Michael’s Guild last Friday evening. Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Farmer celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary last Saturday. Died L. J. Miller Sr., age 76 yrs., 11 months, died of congestion of the lungs in his home on South State St., Jan. 13, 1895. Kate M. Neff, adm., will be selling the horses and other animals, farm equipment, etc. of the estate of R. Henry Neff deceased on Wed., Jan. 30, 1895.

    Thomas A. Harvey has been appointed executor of Louisa A. Harvey, deceased, late of Painesville, Lake Co., Ohio. F. E. Wasson is the executor of W. E. Wasson, deceased, late of Painesville, Lake Co, Oho.

    Jan. 23, 1895 Wednesday p. 1 Mentor Mr. Fred Cadle is visiting his sister, Mrs. Brooks in Kansas City, Mo. Robert Tanswell recently spent a week with his sister in Kipton, Ohio. Miss Helen Doty, of the county seat, is visiting the families of her brothers. Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Mead had a son, Jan. 15. Mrs. Laura Root, of Painesville, was visiting her relatives in town during the last week. Mrs. Fred Hart is expected to return this week from a visit with her parents in New York State Miss Marie Dawson left last week for a visit with friends in New York and Conn. Hon. R. M. Murray and wife of the city were spending Sunday with his parents. Two large new sign boards direct people to places of business in East Mentor: A boarding and feed stable at the Avenue House, and a wagon and repair shop at W. H. Shumaker’s. Mr. Robert Northcut’s horse did a runaway last Saturday and fell breaking its leg—then was shot to end its sufferings. Mr. J. Ely, long time Mentor station agent, has left and returned to the home of his parents near Chicago. Mr. Miller will temporarily fill the position. LeRoy Mrs. Edgar Ray is very ill Mr. Addison Chamberlain, of Auburn, Geauga Co., has been visiting at Addison Bates and another friend in town. Mrs. Jerusha Loveridge, from Ashtabula, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Jane Wilson. Mr. E. B. Beardsley spent last week at Huntsburg. Mrs. Hattie Bartlett and son, of Painesville, are guests at her father’s Mr. S. J. Potts.

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    Jan. 23, 1895 The officers of LeRoy Grange were installed last Tuesday. Mrs. C. J.s Richardson, of Willoughby, was installing officer. Mrs. Ida Crocker, of Thompson, spent last Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Wilson. Thompson Mrs. Fred Griswold is very sick with erysipelas. Fred Wallace has sold his store at Bostwick Corners. Mrs. Fletcher Tuttle is better and has returned to her home at the Center. Mrs. Myra Moseley died recently at her mother’s home in Madison. Mr. & Mrs. Ward Basquin have a new member in their family. Mrs. Jane E. Smith has returned from Painesville where she has been staying since the death of her daughter, Mrs. Petty. The new Commander of the Maccabees is R. C. Smith. Mentor Headlands Mr. Hugh Henricle and Mrs. Frank Henricle, of Michigan, are on the Headlands for a visit. Mrs. Hailstone, wife of the superintendent of the water works, expects to visit her former home in Scotland this spring. Mr. E. D. Slitor had been very ill but is better and is back at work again. Mrs. Capt. John Tear had her old enemy, rheumatism, return. Mr. H. F. Lapham is improving slowly. Madison Mr. Herman Tobey, of Cleveland, was in town to settle affairs relative to the sale of his house on Safford street. Mrs. George Hardy, who is seriously ill, is being cared for by her niece from Michigan. T. J. Williams, a former Madison boy, died in Florida last week and the body was brought to Clyde for burial. Mrs. W. J. Ford entertained the M. E. Society last Wednesday.

    Mrs. Myra Moseley, died at the home of Charles Woodworth last Tuesday evening. She had been ill a long time. Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Stocking visited relatives Sunday at Nelson, Portage Co. Miss Welch is sick at the residence of Mrs. E. Preston and at last reports is improving. Rev. Jacob Sanford, of Oswego, N. Y., has accepted a call from the Baptist church, Middle Ridge and has entered upon his labors. Mrs. & Mrs. Allen Benjamin have gone to Nelson to visit Mrs. Benjamin’s father. The ice houses of the meat shop and drug store were filled with a good quality of ice last week. Mr. Charles Gunther has established a barber shop on the second floor in the Bailey block. p. 3 T. P. Winslow, an old Lake Shore conductor, died at his home in Silver Creek, N.Y., on Thursday. On Jan. 17th, the K. of P. organized a lodge in town. It is an organization of colored men. They start with eighteen charter members. Officers of the Dexter Williams’ Post No. 734, of LeRoy for the new year: Basquin, O. W. Cope, John Taylor, R. V. Sees, J. H. Cooper, D. Bedell, B. H. Upson, D. Sweet, Peter Green, James Gray, James E. Herroun, Alexander Sheriff Pierce, of Ashtabula Co., came to Painesville Sat. to arrest W. W. Sinclair and took his prisoner to Ashtabula that night. They spent the entire night out in that blizzard and nearly perished with the cold. This is unnecessary cruelty.

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    Jan. 23, 1895 Personals Mr. George Gardner, one of the mail carriers is on the sick list. Mrs. Frank Means, of South State street has the influenza. Mrs. T. H. Wilson, of Cleveland, was Mrs. T. L. Perrine’s guest over Sunday. Mrs. Peter M. Hitchcock of Cleveland was a guest at the Wilcox Place Friday. Mr. Will F. Means, of the City Drug Store, has been shut in for a few days by illness. Mrs. A. S. Holmes, of Chicago, is the guest of Mrs. C. C. Viall, Mentor Avenue. Mrs. Z. S. Wilson is gradually recovering from her illness. Mr. Charles Willard, of Muncie Ind., was the guest of Mrs. S. C. Warner, of St. Clair street, Friday. Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Shepard have returned to their home in Perry after a short wedding trip. Mrs. S. A. Haskell and infant son, and Miss Mamie V. Smith have the prevailing influenza. Mrs. Minnie F. Reed, of the Park, went to Cleveland to visit Mrs. F. L. Sumner. Miss Joan Turnball, of Clark Ave., Cleveland, is the guest of Mrs. A. L. Wilcox, Washington street. Mrs. Frank W. Gilbert and Miss Alma Barrett, of Cleveland are guests of Mrs. R C. Moodey, Mentor Ave. Mrs. S. H. Tolles, of Cleveland, spent Monday with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. H. King, of Mentor Ave. Mrs. Winona Gallaher will take a sleighing party to Madison Friday. They will dine at the Paige House. Miss Margaret Adams, of State street, was given a surprise party Monday for her birthday. Mr. C. M. Luce has accepted a position to travel for a saddlery hardware firm in Syracuse. Mrs. J. B. Hopkins has had pneumonia and is slightly better. Mr. & Mrs. William G. Storrs will leave the last of the week for Florida where they will spend Feb. and March.

    Mr. & Mrs. S. T. Crapo, of Saginaw, Michigan, spent Sunday with Mrs. Crapo’s parents, Mr. & Mrs. John R. Morley, of State street. Mr. Alfred Jayne, the Avenue Nurseries, returned last week from a trip through northwestern Ohio. Mrs. H. N. Amidon Sr. and wife went to Cleveland to visit their daughter who is a teacher in the High School of that city. Mr. Harley Barnes and Mr. Vaughn Wyman, of the Realty Title and Investments Co., went to the Chardon Tuesday to do some abstracting in Geauga Co. Mrs. H. B. Green of Erie street, left Monday for Redlands, Cal, where she will spend the winter with her daughter Mrs. McAbee. She was accompanied by Miss Mary McAbee. Mr. C. E. Russell and son, Master Carl, passed through here Sat. morning. They have returned from South American, where Mr. Russell has a government telephone contract. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wilson, of Concord, have issued cards for the marriage of their daughter, Katherine, to Mr. Emanuel M. Hindes, of Murray, Iowa, Feb. 6th. They will live in Murray. Mr. D. R. Davis left Monday for Cadiz, O., in response to a telegram announcing he death of his father, Mr. Henry Davis, which occurred Sunday in Harriman, Tenn. The remains will be brought to Cadiz for burial. Death of Mrs. M. H. W. Carpenter Mrs. Maria H. W. Carpenter passed away at an early hour Wednesday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. S. King, of South street. Mrs. Carpenter was ill but four days. She died of congestion of the lungs. She was born in Berg Hill, Trumbull Co., in 1818. For the last 25 yrs., she has been a resident of Painesville. Interment was in the family lot at Andover on Saturday. Simeon Hovey, a former resident of Mentor, was knocked down by a motor car at Collinwood Tuesday and died Thursday from his injuries. The funeral was at Collinwood. Interment was in Mentor.

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    Jan. 23, 1895 The Singer Manufacturing Co. will remove its office to the Dress Making parlors of Miss M. C. Huntoon, No. 335 Main street, upstairs over Pratt’s store. Mr. Tracy H. Paine, who is spending the winter in Florida for the benefit of Mrs. Paine’s health, was in St. Augustine the other day. While there, Mr. Paine visited the cemetery where his grandfather, Benjamin F. Tracy, was buried, way back in the thirties. Dr. Case, of Ashtabula, had noticed the name on this headstone when there last winter and told Mr. Paine about it. Death of Mrs. David B. Clayton Mrs. Mary A. Clayton, widow of the late D. B. Clayton, died early Wed. at the residence of her daughter Mrs. Walter C. Tisdel, having been confined to her room about three weeks. She was 79 yrs. old and has lived in this village since childhood. She was the daughter of Rev. James Hitchcock, who came to this village with his family from Tioga Co., N.Y., several years before the organization of Lake Co. In 1837, she married D. B. Clayton and survived him about two years. Her surviving children are Mrs. W. C. Tisdel and D. B. Clayton, of Painesville, Mrs. N. K. Hubbard, of Fargo, North Dakota, W. E. and H. E. Clayton, of Chicago, and F. W Clayton, of Waterville, Minn. Among the relatives out of town were Mrs. N. K. Hubbard, of Fargo; Mr. H. E. Clayton, of Chicago; Mrs. W. F. Wilson, the only sister of the deceased, her son, Mr. W. C. Wilson, and daughter, Mrs. C. C. Ackley, of Willoughby; Mrs. Clayton E. Hickox, of Cleveland, and Mr. & Mrs. J. B. Hayden, of Madison. The pall bearers were W. A. Blair, J. A. Babcock, F. Gates, J. Chapman, L. A. Trumbull and F. A. Cone. Stranded on the Desert Mrs. E. B. Root has received a letter from her mother, Mrs. N. Brink, written last Tuesday on the Colorado desert in Southern California, where their train was stranded by the wash-out on the Southern Pacific. This was not the only experience Mrs. Brink and her daughter, Mrs. C.

    E. Pratt, had on their California trip. At Tecos the famous outlaw, Bill Cook, who had just been captured in the mountains was taken on board their train and rode as far as El Paso. The letter was mailed at Indio, San Diego Co., and arrived here Tuesday. Right of Way Secured The committee of the Board of Trade has at last secured an option of the right of way across the land of Thomas Killcawley for the File Works switch. Mr. Killcawley for a time blocked the switch scheme as he had inflated ideas on the value of the right of way over his land. A change of mind was affected and the contract for the right-of-way was signed. Mr. Killcawley got $200 and the deed of a lot in Richmond. Louisa O. Harvey Mrs. Louisa O. Harvey, wife of the Hon. Thomas W. Harvey, died Jan. 9, 1895 at her home on Mentor Ave. She has been an invalid for the past 13 yrs. but the immediate cause of her death was an attack of acute bronchitis which she had suffered from since Christmas. Mrs. Harvey was the daughter of Alvaro and Nancy Beebe, and was born in Mentor, March 20, 1826. She received her education in the Willoughby Seminary; was married in Chardon to Thomas W. Harvey, Feb. 6, 1849. The first two years of her life was spent in Republic, Ohio. They then moved to Massillon until 1865 when they moved to Painesville. The surviving members of the family are Thomas A. Harvey, of Saginaw, Mich; Mary B. Harvey, Louisa E. Harvey, and Mrs. F. H. Kendall. An Old Timer Mr. C. A. Avery has an interesting relic in the form of an old-fashioned sleigh which has attracted much attention upon the streets lately. The sleigh is 75 yrs. old and was the first “swell box” ever brought to Painesville. Mr. Storrs, who formerly owned the Avery Place, was counted among the early “Aristocrats” of this place and his appearance upon the streets in this ancient swell box with “Jim” Thompson in charge of the reins, was considered quite a thing. The

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    Jan. 23, 1895 sleigh was handed down with the property to its present owner and has been unused for 25 yrs. A Brilliant Event The Board of Trade gave its first annual party Friday evening. In spite of the untimely rain which prevailed much of the evening, three hundred guests were present for a dancing and to hear Beck’s orchestra. Guests from out of town: Hart, Mr. & Mrs. J. M. - of Collinwood Carter, Mr. & Mrs. F. H. - of Casselton, North Dakota Gilbert, Mrs. F. W. – of Cleveland Barrett, Miss – of Cleveland Coates, Miss – of Cleveland Keener, Miss – of Madison Hoag, Miss – of Unionville Warden, M. Fred - Geneva Martin, Mr. Elmo – of Geneva Death of Justin W. Titus The death of Justin W. Titus, of Mentor Headlands, occurred Thursday evening. He had not been well and then had an attack of influenza. With the exception of a few years spent in Iowa, Mr. Titus was a life-long resident of Mentor township; he had served many years as trustee and school director. He was born in Warrensville, Cuyahoga Co., in 1827 and was one of a large family, of whom eight brothers and three sisters still survive. He leaves a wife, a son, and a daughter to mourn his loss. Afternoon Reception More than one hundred ladies Friday attended a reception given by Mrs. Thomas L. Perine, Mrs. C. F. Blackmon and Mrs. S. F. Streator at the residence of the former. In the dining room, Miss Jessie Lee, Miss Blackmon, and the Misses Barkwill, of Cleveland, served refreshments. Mrs. W. F. Smith and Mrs. Frank Curtiss ushered the guests to the dining room. Among the guests from out of town: Wilson, Mrs. T. H. Barkwill, Mrs. Charles

    Maedje, Mrs. Charles Canfield, Mrs. George Stafford, Mrs. Edmund F. Evarts Mrs. Charles O. Brown, Mrs. William Streator, Miss Ingersoll, Mrs. George L. Sawyer, Mrs. James Sawyer, Mrs. Orando Jurors for the February Term Grand Jury Storm, Fred Basquin, A. O. Slocum, W. B. Murray, Thomas Metcliff, C. E. Hayes, Charles Sargent, J. D. Loomis, N. J. Keeler, E. P. Vrooman, J. B. Johnson, Wm. Hardy, E. G. Call, S. W. Hoose, George Malin, F. D. Petit Jury Spaller, A. Burr, Fred Baker, O. C. Hoyt, George Fitch, A. J. Bogar, Milo Williams, D. E. Sawyer, E. V. Brewer, A. J. Rockafellow, G. W. Balch, C. M. Davis, C. N. Talesman Haywood, W. D. Mullett, J R. Kenney, E. O. Kent, I. E. Wilson, Zenas S.

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    Jan. 23, 1895 Thomson, J. J. Gunn, A. W. Blair, F. E. Obituary – Nelson Hoose Nelson Hoose was born in Mentor, near Little Mountain, Oct. 9, 1831, and died in Perry, Ohio, Oct. 25, 1894. He was the fourth son and the fifth child in the family of eleven children, ten of whom lived to and beyond the years of majority, but only three of whom now survive--Mr. Cornelius Hoose, of Waite Hill, Mrs. Lucy Hill, of Indiana, and Mrs. Olive Hopkins, of Mentor Plains. His parents, Jacob and Sabine Hoose, were among the pioneers of Mentor, having purchased a new farm at a very early day in that part of Mentor near Little Mountain. Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Hoose were natives of New York state. Mrs. Hoose being connected by her mother with the numerous family of Messengers, some of whom settled near Little Mountain in 1815 and 1817. Jacob Hoose died in 1853. Nelson Hoose was twice married. His first wife, Martha Griffeth, was a daughter of Dr. Samuel Griffeth, and Mrs. Dr. Stebbins, of Painesville, is her sister. By his first marriage, Mr. Hoose had three sons, one of whom, Frank died in childhood and the others, Will and Fred survive. Mrs. Martha Hoose died in 1882. In 1886, Mr. Hoose married Mrs. Ida A. Ruggles, of Cleveland, who survives him. Soon after his first marriage, Mr. Hoose moved to Arkansas where he lived some time, and he also lived for a time in Illinois. He had a diseased condition of his eyes which prevented him from entering the army as a soldier, he entered the employ of the government as a teamster and saw and suffered much of the hardships of army life in several of the Virginia campaigns. After the war, Mr. Hoose lived for a time in Concord, later in Painesville, and in the fall of 1869, he purchased the property in Perry when he established a business in manufacturing cider and cider vinegar. Burial of Timothy Brooks

    The burial of Timothy Brooks, who died in California a week ago, were brought to this city Sat., accompanied by his daughter, Mrs. C. A. Hoxett, of Gilroy, Cal. Mr. C. C. Viall joined Mrs. Hoxett at Chicago and Mr. John Brooks joined them at Elyria. The body was interred at Evergreen Cemetery. A new grocery business will be at the corner of Main and St. Clair streets. The business will be conducted by Albert Button and Hylas B. Gladwish. It is in the former store of Higgins & Co. drug firm. Court House Items Real Estate Transfers LeRoy Summers, D. Otis Riedthaler, Henry Riedthaler, Maria A. Kirtland Township Brown, Caroline Schupp, Maria M. Schupp, Minnie M. Kirtland Special District Brown, Caroline K. Schupp, Maria M. Schupp, Minnie M. Yaxley, Wm. H. Schupp, J. W. Painesville Township Ford, Stephen N. Wilson, Stephen Boyd, David F. Bacon, Horace Paine, Mary R. Flanagan, Anna Willoughby Township Brown, S. W. Gender, Gottlieb Elwell, Alfred Belden, Emily Carroll, Frank C. Painesville Village Lots Noble, Eliza J. Clark, S. L. Brooks, Timothy Brooks, John F. Hoxett, Caroline Amelia

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    Jan. 23, 1895 Willoughby Village Law, O. F. – heirs Williams, E. H. Ellen, J. S. Williams, E. H. Painesville Lots Brooks, Timothy Brooks, John F. Probate Court Harvey, Louisa, O. – Thomas A. Harvey, executor Lees, J. J. – marriage license Aberhams, Sarah M. – marriage license Fitch, William T. – commission issued Selby, Almena – J. V. Winans adm. Wiechert, Augustus – marriage license Brush, Anna – marriage license Long, Jesse – petit larceny, discharged Viall, C. A. – inventory and appraisal filed Ferguson, Harriet L. – lunacy inquest; to asylum Curtis, Mary A. – will admitted to probate Babcock, John – final account Murphy, Michael – assault and battery Baldwin, James – assault and battery Bailey, Arthur C. – final account filed Babcock, Martha O. – final account Wicker, Chancy, C. – final account filed Adams, Ichabod – fourth account filed Nash, Ida – lunacy inquest; to hospital Sprague, Frank – marriage license Craine, Ida – marriage license Averill, John W. – notice filed for estate Marko, Jacob – notice filed for estate Smith, James F. – notice filed for estate Hoose, Nelson – notice filed for estate Frisbie, Caroline P. – notice filed for estate Averill, Clara J. – notice filed for estate Colgrove, Ebenezer S. – notice filed for estate Belden, Emily – sale of land confirmed Watson W. E. – inventory and appraisal filed Hardy, George – inventory and appraisal filed Hardy, Nettie – Agnes M. Hardy, guardian Hardy, John – Agnes M. Hardy, guardian Court of Common Pleas F. C. Moodey and L. C. Seelye vs Mary A. Higgins; foreclosure

    Allie L. Warner vs Frank C. Warner; divorce Ullman Einstein & Co. vs J. H. Jones; foreclosure State of Ohio vs Will H. Morrison; money only L. S. Burridge vs Albert Perry; replevin Ezra B. Bailey, adm. of Prudence M. Armstrong, deceased vs Victor J. Hungerford; money only Letters uncalled for in the Painesville P. O. as of Jan. 23: Ladies Davis, Mrs. Henry Marsh, Miss Vivian Wilson, Mrs. G. M. Wilson, Mrs. E. Gentlemen Clarkson, Arthur Costco, Cas. Edot, Trasey Goldsmith, E. Barton, A. C. Hopkins, E. S. Kurnor, John McKehvey, Edward Perry William Starkey has moved to Geneva the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Shepard reached Perry Thursday after a brief bridal tour. Miss Lena Marvin has been obliged to leave school, on account of ill health. Mrs. Frederick Nichols was called to LeRoy last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Caroline Nichols Mason. Mrs. Mason was raised in Perry and her married life has been spent in the adjoining town, LeRoy. Mr. Guy Barbour, who has been at the Barbour homestead for a few weeks past, left for Blackwell, Oklahoma, on Monday. Mrs. Daniel Tucker, of West Painesville, is visiting her daughter Mrs. Garry Lockwood. G. M. Salkeld is not improving. Miss Potter, of Fredericksburg, is spending a week with her cousin, Mrs. E. S. Belknap and other relatives. Died Mrs. Thomas C. Green, died Jan. 15, of nervous prostration.

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    Jan. 23, 1895 p. 4 Migrating Tarantulas (by Rev. J. D. Gillilan) An old military friend told me not long since that in the summer of 1859, he and a companion were traveling before day one morning to escape the terrible heart of the later house along the bank of the Gila river, on the Arizona side. Jogging along and charging as they went, their horses suddenly snorted and stopped short, and endeavored to turn about. They brought their guns into position and peered into the darkness expedient to see some varmint or an Indian, but nothing appeared to view. They urged their horse, but not a step did or would they budge, except in the wrong way. Then their saw a long, black, flat, serpentine-looking zone of stretching as far as the eye could reach in either direction directly across their path. One of them dismounted and found it been nothing more than a mighty multitude of tarantulas, migrating somewhere. Their animals would not leap over or go thought them so they returned to cap about two miles back. Coming back later in the day, they found the multitude had passed but left in their wake thousands that had been killed by the small bird that follows them and stabs the spider to death wherever it is found.

    Jan. 30, 1895 Wednesday p. 1 Evening Advertiser Will Suspend The Evening Advertiser will suspend daily publication after the present week. because it does not pay. The Evening Telegraph is now left alone in the field of daily journalism in Painesville. Ohio Man Found Murdered Ft. Smith, Arkansas, Jan. 29. The body of a dead man with a bullet in his head was found yesterday ten miles out in the Indian Territory and identified as James Cox, whose father lives in Findlay, Ohio. He was last seen with his traveling companion, Thurman Brouthers, of Canton, Ohio. Brouthers is suspected, but not yet apprehended. Kirtland

    There was a box social at Floyd Allen’s on the 16th. Mr. Edwin Sanborn is quite sick. Mrs. Ethelda Dunwell Hunkins passed away Thursday the 14th of puerperal fever, leaving a little daughter of a few days old. Her only sister arrived from Painesville about 15 mins. after she breathed her last. Willoughby Plains Another, cold, story, rainy, windy week. Mr. O. Perry is no better. Miss Ellen Abbott is very sick with the measles; so sick that she sent for her mother, Mrs. R. Abbott, who is with her now. Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Dunbar are stopping with her sister, Mrs. John Kelley. Mr. E. N. Hyde goes to Kent today. Miss Jennie Youmans give music lessons every Friday afternoon to Miss Jessie Turney’s school. p. 2 Madison Mrs. Abigail Hitt, of North Madison, died suddenly at her home Friday. She was 65 yrs. old. Madison has sent eight barrels of useful merchandise to the destitute people of Eastern Nebraska and has appointed a committee of fifteen to solicit subscriptions to make up a car load of provisions for the same. Mr. J. B. Hayden died suddenly on Sunday. He was one of the older residents of the village. The funeral was delayed awaiting a son from California and other relatives from a distance. Lee Cushman, a youth of 15 yrs., whose home has been with Mr. J. B. McDonald, is about to enter the naval service and expects to board a training ship at Philadelphia. F. M. Scott, of Cleveland, is visiting his father for a few days. Court House Items Real Estate Transfers Madison Township Lott, Geo. Dunsha, Celia Norton, Lewis Norton Sarah F.

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    Jan. 30, 1895 Concord Crofoot, B. F. Morse, Willis J. Painesville Village Lands Dow, R. F. West, Libbie M. Painesville Village Lots Ayer, Catherine Shepard Wells, Nellie Shepard Shepard, W. L. Mentor Township Griswold, William Monroe, Ida M. Willoughby Village Ierlan, Frank Saxon, C. A. Madison Village Pyle, F. T. Scott, F. A. Probate Court Bacon, Mary E. – Homer H. Hine adm. Dunsha, Mary A. – estate; application dismissed Morrison, Myrtie – guardianship Gillett, C. M. – will admitted to probate Post, Burton - guardian Augusta Post Post, Robert – guardian Augusta Post Post Charles – petition to sell real estate Bacon, Wm. L. – final account Baldwin, James – guilty of carrying a concealed weapon Murphy, William – assault and battery; defendant discharge Darrow, Sarah M. – estate Alvord, Julia A. – first and final account filed Hindes, E. M. – marriage license Wilson, Katharine J. – marriage license Court of Common Pleas Barnes Co. vs Lucinda Larned; foreclosure Perry Mr. Elsworth Owen has moved his family to Parkman, Geauga Co. Isaac Shook purchased five acres of Geo. Watts, formerly a part of the Chas. Thompson farm.

    Ex-Judge Shepherd, of your city, was visiting his brother, James on Monday. Mrs. Walter Woodhead and son, Perry, attended the masquerade party at Mentor last Thursday. Philander Race’s house burned last Friday night. John Brown was at the city on business on Friday. Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Wood have a new granddaughter in the family of their son, Joe, of Cleveland. p. 3 Mrs. Virginia H. Whelpley purchased a lot on Bank St where she intends to build a house for herself and family. Pat Cusick was arrested Wednesday by Sheriff Barber and Marshal Sidley at the home of his grandfather in South Painesville. Pat got drunk and pounded a little man called “Grampa.” Personals Mrs. G. H. Higgins is confined to her room by illness. Mrs. Thomas A. Harvey left Friday for her home in Saginaw. Mr. John Malin, of the Erie Iron Works, is at home for a day or two. Miss Cornelia Gray is spending the winter in Philadelphia was the guest of Mrs. D. Carroll Gray. Mrs. C. H. Green went to Ashtabula to spend a month with her daughter, Mrs. B. B. Seymour. Mrs. M. J. Leland is slowly recovering from an illness that has confined her to the house for several weeks. Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Doolittle and Mr. & Mrs. Charles Doolittle returned from Saegertown, Pa., Saturday. Mrs. F. W. Gilbert and sister, Miss Barrett, the guests of Mr. Robert C. Moodey, returned to Cleveland Sunday. Mrs. L. A. Thorp entertained a company of ladies Wed. to tea, in honor of Mrs. F. W. Gilbert and Miss Barrett. Mr. & Mrs. George P. Steele and Mrs. F. C. Moodey left Thursday for Melbourne, Florida. Mr. & Mrs. William G. Storrs started Friday for Jacksonville, Florida. Their trip will extend as far south as Key West.

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    Jan. 30, 1895 Mr. George D. Herrick, of Mentor Av., is visiting his sisters, Mrs. E. J. Spencer and Mrs. F. M. Stevens, in Springfield, Mass. Mr. George W. Lee, of the Cleveland Electric Street Car Co. came to attend the funeral of Prof. A. C. Miller. Mr. Carl Stockwell arrived from Duluth Sunday and will spend a vacation of three or four days at his home, the Avery Place, on State Street. Mr. E. C. Burgess went to Cleveland Tuesday to attend the first board meeting of the Diamond File Company, of which he is a member. Mrs. W. F. Hewins, of Warren, is at the home of H. H. Shepard. She was called here by the illness of her sister, Mrs. Hotchkiss. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Weitzman, of Grant street, gave a party Friday in honor of Miss Farmer, of Geneva. The Misses McGregor, of Geneva, were among the guests. Mrs. B. L. Stafford is in Cleveland at the Huron Street Hospital where she had a severe and painful surgical operation. J. C. Barton, S. D. Poxon, W. L. Miller and C. E. Plaisted entertained the gentlemen’s whist club at the Cowles House Friday. Twenty-eight were there for dinner. Miss Julia A. Dickinson will return to her home in Grand Rapids, Mich., the latter part of the week. Mrs. J. H. Casement and son, Mr. Dan Casement, are domiciled at the Royal Poinciana, in Palm Beach, Florida. They came there after a week spent in Melbourne with Mr. & Mrs. Ed. L. Branch. They also met at Melbourne, Mr. & Mrs. Tracy Paine, who are at Eau Gallia which is four miles up the river. Runaway Accident Mr. David Jerome, of LeRoy, was injured Tuesday morning in a runaway accident near the Nickel Plate station. Mr. & Mrs. Jerome have been spending some time with their daughter, Mrs. T. H. Palmer, of this city. An Expensive Duck Wednesday afternoon, James Scribner and Ed Sullivan shot a duck off the pier at Fairport which

    dropped into the lake and the two men went out in a boat to reclaim it. Their boat became wedged in by the ice and they were unable to get back by land. Two other men went to their rescue and their boat, too, got stranded in the ice. Captain Babcock, of the Life Saving crew, then took a hand in the duck adventure. It was after dark when the outfit return to shore. All effort to find out what became of the duck has failed. Accident at the Seminary Miss Whitney, of the junior class, was walking along on the second-floor south porch when she backed up and slipped on the ice. As she slipped, she went backward over the railing and fell to the ground, twenty feet below. She was not seriously injured and not even rendered unconscious by the fall. Death of Prof. A. C. Miller Prof. A. C. Miller, of the Citizens’ Band, died Sunday morning. He struggled manfully for a year against disease. Prof. Miller was born in Millersburg, Ind. Aug. 16, 1852. He leaves a wife and five children. Obituary – Merrill Lucy A. Carruthers was born in Canada, Nov. 19, 1863, and died at her home in Pleasant Dale, Nebraska, Dec. 6, 1894. She came with her parents to 1875 in Painesville. In the spring of 1886, removed to Nebraska. She married J. H. Merrill, Sept. 14, 1886. She leaves three children, a husband, a widowed mother, four brothers and three sisters. Carpenter Mrs. Maria H. W. Carpenter passed to the higher life at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. S. King, Painesville, O., Jan. 16th, 1895, age 78 yrs. She was born in Hartford, Trumbull Co., Ohio, Dec. 13, 1817. She was a daughter of Col. Richard Hayes, March 15th, 1837, she was married to Joseph F. Whitmore and lived at West Andover until the fall of 1867 when they moved to Painesville, Ohio. In Nov. 1873, she was left a

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    Jan. 30, 1895 widow. In the winter of 1875, she married Benjamin F. Carpenter, of Crystal, Lake, Ill., formerly of Conneaut, Ohio. Since his death, she has made her home with her daughter. She died of congestion of the lungs. Suddenly Called J. B. Hayden, a Prominent Citizen of Madison, Found Dead Mr. J. B. Hayden, vice-president of the Exchange Bank, of Madison, was found dead in his bed Sunday morning. Heart failure is supposed to be the cause. He was about 65 yrs. old. When a boy, he lived in the family of his uncle, the late David B. Clayton, of Painesville, and learned from him the tinner’s trade. He followed that trade in Madison selling out a few years ago and has led a somewhat retired life, having only nominal duties to perform in the bank in which he was a large stockholder. He has an only son in California, and a wife and daughter left at home. Mentor Mrs. Henry Lewis is visiting with friends in Ashtabula. Mrs. Geo. Wheeler has returned from an extended visit in New Haven, Conn. Bert Gulliford, of the city, has been spending the past week at the residence of his brother. A party of young people gave Miss Sybil Butler a surprise party last Tuesday evening. A lamp exploded in the kitchen of Mr. Lon Ritter last Thursday night. Thompson Melvin Keener and family, of Perry, are storm-bound at the home of his brother, George. Dellow Blakeslee made a visit to Cleveland the last part of the week. Henry Hulbert is still on the sick list. Mrs. Darius Tillotson is lying very low at the home of her son, Edwin Tillotson. Mrs. Homer Smith, of Ashtabula, is spending a few days with her mother. Born

    Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Morley, West South street, has a daughter, Jan. 28, 1895. Letters uncalled for at the Painesville P. O. as of Jan. 30: Ladies Baker, Mrs. Eliza A. Beebe, Miss Mary Scott, Mrs. Mary Van Avery, Mrs. N. R. Gentlemen Clarkson, Arthur Durand, Ralph Harris, J. N. Kendall, J. H. McGuire, J. M. Nelson, J. N. Reynard, Prof. Jno. Smith, M. S. Wood, John Lake Zink, Albert H.

    Feb. 6, 1895 Wednesday p. 1 Mentor The Board of Health had another special meeting called Friday night in consequence of another case of scarlet fever being reported from the Murray residence. The quarantine was ordered continued and a sanitary policeman re-engaged. W. S. Kerr was given a surprise party last Wed., on his 73rd birthday. Supper was served and a most enjoyable evening spent. New officers elected for this year for the I.O.GT.: Keck, Rev., J. M. – Chief Templar Burridge Jr., Mrs. E. – Vice Templar Filmer, Mrs. Kittie – Chaplain Smith, Frank M. – Recording Sec. Rexford, Miss Abbie, - Asst. Sec. Northcut, Robert – financial Sec. King, H. C. – Treasurer Curtis, Charles – Marshal Sinclair, Miss Agnes – Deputy Marshal Lowman, V. – Guard Conklin, Elmer – Sentinel

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    Feb. 6, 1895 Luse, Mrs. L. H. – Super. Jr. Templars. Luse, Dr. L. H. – Past Chief Templar Thompson Rev. Ira Goodrich and wife, of Geneva, are spending a few days with relatives. Harry Flahaven and Miss Augusta Skinner, of Cleveland, spent last Sunday at the home of their uncle, Hon. E. J. Clapp. Mrs. & Mrs. Elmer Stevens, Mrs. Eva Keener, Miss Lettie Keener, Miss Alice Blakeslee and George Scott attend the meeting of the county Grange last Thursday. Ira Atkin has been on the sick list this week. Eddie Grant, of Warren, visited his friend, Walter Cone, of Northeast LeRoy. The funeral of Mrs. Darius Tillotson was held in the M.E. Church Jan. 29. She was loved and esteemed by all who knew here. Mrs. Maria Fredebaugh, a former resident of this place, died at her home in Fairport last Tuesday. Mr. Gilbert Chaffee, who had been ill, is able to be out again. Mrs. Lydia Main and Mr. Bert Loomis, from New York, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Luna Loomis. Madison Miss Hoyt, of your city, has been a guest of friends here. Mr. E. J. Eggleston and two daughters from Huntsburg were guests of S. B. Strong last week. Mr. & Mrs. F. T. Pyle, of the county seat, were present with us over Sunday. Mr. M. C. Rathburn entertained a dancing parry Friday evening. Miss Lina Sunderland, of Cleveland, is visiting her parents for a few days. E. D. Keener, of your city was at guest at the home of his mother this week. Will Burke, of the Lake Shore general office, Cleveland, is visiting his father and sister this week. Mrs. Scott, of River street, is seriously ill. Mr. W. H. Stocking, of Painesville, is a guest of his son on Safford street.

    Mrs. Theresa Shouts, of Faribault, Minn., Miss Ella Hayden, of Stillwater, Minn., and Mrs. Martha Bronson of Macon City, Mo., came to the funeral of their brother, J. B. Hayden, which was on Sunday afternoon. Mr. W. A. Dorsey, of St. Paul, Minn., was a guest at the home of Mrs. W. H. Smead last week. Miss Frances Ensign is engaged in temperance work in New York City, Baltimore, Washington, West Virginia, and then will be coming home. Mr. Ralph Adams, our former agent on the Nickel Plate is now established at Girard Junction on the same line. Perry Alfred Uden, of Thompson, came over to attend the lodge Friday evening and visited Perry friends. Attorney Hoyt, of Ashtabula, was a guest of Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Wire recently. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Hadden have two little daughters now instead of one. Mrs. Mary Wood Casler, of Michigan, and Mrs. Ellen Smalley, of Illinois, have been guests of their brother Frank Wood and family the past two weeks. Isaac Haines, an old resident of this township, was stricken with paralysis on Wed., and is in a dangerous condition. Mr. Jackson Gray, who was raised in Perry, was sand-bagged in Cleveland, his present home, as he was going home from his work. His gold watch was stolen. Several members of Prof. Fosket’s family have been quite sick. One little daughter being ill with pneumonia. Mr. Anthony VanBoven and family visited relatives in Cleveland on Sunday. Mrs. Thomas Thompson is recovering from injuries caused by falling on the ice. G. M. Salkeld, one of our most esteemed citizens who has been in business here since the war, is now confined to his house with the uncommon disease of locomotor ataxia. It has been coming on for a long time and he is partially helpless.

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    Feb. 6, 1895 Leroy Mr. & Mrs. W. P. Warren were guests of Mrs. Warren’s parents, M. & Mrs. C. Donovan, last weekend. Mrs. Ida Kelley, of your city, visited her mother, Mrs. Jane Wilson, last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Lura Doncaster is spending a week or two with friends in Willoughby. Mr. Thomas Clague, of Alliance, spent a few days last week with his cousins, Mr. William Tear and Mrs. Jane Bates. Mr. W. M. Baker made his family a short visit last Sunday. Mr. Foote, the present owner of the old Carter farm, has sold all the saw timber on the place to Cleveland parties. Abe Adams has taken the job of cutting and sawing the logs and delivering the lumber to the railroad. He is giving employment to a good many men and teams just now. James Woodin, of Thompson, visited his sister, Mrs. Arthur Wilson, last Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Landphair, of Perry, spent last Sunday at Stephen Nighman’s. Frank Crofoot had the misfortune to break his leg while at work in the Carter woods last Friday. p. 2 The Nursery Mr. Will Harrison, son of J. J. Harrison, has been sick for a week with an attack of la grippe. His is now convalescent. Arthur Splan, one of the green-house boys, got a ducking last week when he was skating with friends. Also, Rubie Hacker was in the water. Real Estate Transfers Madison Village Saxton, H. J. Cottam, J. V. Perry Daykin, F. W. Daykin, Ann Rowland, Willis W. Dustin, Lillian W. Concord Pease, G. C. Pease, George M.

    Willoughby Township Bassett, A. L. LeRoy Thompson, M. F. Kirtland Township Metcalf, George Webster, C. C. Painesville Village Lands Duffee, James Mullen Martha A. Edgecomb, H. D. Shea, Margaret Painesville Village Lots Leonard Elizabeth A. Madison Township Jones, William G. Probate Court Wood, Mariah – will filed for probate Thomas, Charles H. – marriage license Blight, Flora – marriage license Gillett, C. M. - and Viets, F. M. – his executor Rooney, Thomas – petition to sell land Eaton, Eva E. – and ______, Celia E. – her guardian Belden, Hattie E. – first account Sawdey, Henry – guardianship, 7th account Sawdey, Cyrus – guardianship, 7th account Sawdey, Martha – guardianship, 7th account Bill, Truman – first account Post, Charles K. – inventory and appraisal filed Bartlett, Adrian J. – 3rd account Miller, Carrie P. – and Miller, Curtis E. – her guardian Hardy, George – report of real estate sale filed Komar, C. J. – report of real estate sale filed Post, Charles K. – notice filed for estate Warren Bros. – report of sale filed Bigler, Simon – petition to sell land Wilson, Jerusha – and Ford, S. N. – his adm. Ross, William – and Saxton. H. J. – adm. of Wm. Ross Titus, Justin W. – and Titus, Rebecca – his adm.

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    Feb. 6, 1895 Common Pleas Plaisted, C. E. vs Horace Alvord – appeal to J.P. Webb, Marie Anna vs. John W. Webb; Divorce Carpenter, Stephen C. – trustee of Geo. Roddick, dec. vs. Harriet J. Sherman; Foreclosure Rote, Marjorie W. vs. Asa S. Stratton; equitable relief Unionville Mrs. Eugene N. Warner is ill in Cleveland after having been called there by the illness of her son, Otto Warner, of Western Reserve Medical College. Miss Church, of Geneva, is visiting her mother in this place. Mrs. G. H. Hopper will spend a part of this week in Buffalo where Mr. Chas. Hopper will present his own play, “The Vale of Avoca” in which he is starring. He will fill a week’s engagement at the Cleveland Opera House sometime in March. Mrs. Hutchins sold a valuable grape farm to Mr. Dillie, of Cleveland, last week. Mr. Dillie is station agent at the Nickel Plate, Cleveland, and the place here will be occupied by his parents. Letters uncalled for in the Painesville P. O. as of Feb. 6: Ladies Boalt Miss Frances Brown, Mrs. E. Graham, Mrs. L. G. McKinney, Miss Jennie Merrill, Miss Jennie Potter, Mrs. M. A. Reed, Mrs. H. A. Serasan, Mrs. H. E. Wood, Miss B. Rebecca Titus has been appointed adm. of Justin W. Titus, deceased, late of Mentor, Ohio. p. 3 W. W. Sinclair has furnished bail and has been released from the Jefferson jail. Two of George Downing’s sons were on the Chicora which was lost in Lake Michigan. The

    boys were born and brought up on Mentor Plains. Notice is given that all accounts with the Littlejohn Millinery store are to be paid to Miss V. E. Baker, who has purchased the stock. About eighty cars a day are being loaded with ore at Fairport for shipment to the furnaces and the demand seems to be increasing. James Hennessy, the horseshoer, is prepared to do first-class work at reduced prices at his old stand on East Main street. J. D. Friedman, who for the past few weeks has carried on a sale of clothing at Ashtabula Harbor, has now gone to Lorain, Ohio, where he will engage in business. The 3-yr. old son of Louis Berger, of Fairport, fell down stairs Monday, dislocated his shoulder and broke his arm. Orlo Tainter, whose timely interference with the work of burglars prevented the robbing of the Chardon Bank has been presented by the bank officials with a handsome gold watch. Mrs. R. W. Fisher has received word of the death of her sister, Mrs. Norman Loomis who died the 20th of this month in her 87th year. She was formerly a resident of Painesville but since 1882 has resided in New Carlisle, Ind. Her husband and four children still survive her. Personals Mr. Harry W. Fowler is shut in by an attack of influenza. Miss Grace E. Williams, of Cleveland, is the guest of Miss Mary Wass. Mr. & Mrs. George Gridley have moved back from Hampden to their Bank street home. Miss Margaret Kilbourne will entertain the Fin de Siècle Club on Thursday. Mrs. Laura C. Janvier and her two children left Monday afternoon for their home in Brooklyn. Mrs. J. B. Burrows will entertain the Utile Dulci Club on Wednesday afternoon evening. Mr. Myron Durfee, of the firm of Post & Durfee, is very sick at his home on Nebraska street. Mr. J. A. Allen returned Sunday from a business trip through the Pittsburgh field of his territory. Mr. E. S. Gurney, a Mentor boy, is representing Caldwell Co., Missouri, in the State legislature.