paired choice

Paired-Choice Response

Upload: ebenimzo

Post on 07-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Paired-Choice Response
  • 2. Defend a choice between two actions or ideas
  • 3. Prep : 15 seconds Response: 45 seconds
  • 4. Some think TV should focus primarily on education, while others believe it should focus primarily on entertainment. Which side do you support and why? Which do you prefer foreign or domestic films? Give reasons and examples to support your response. It is better to study online than on campus. Do you agree or disagree? All human inventions are good for mankind. Do you agree or disagree? You have come into some extra money. Do you save it or spend it? Why? Do you prefer a long vacation or a short vacation Government should spend money on art and art classes. Do you agree or disagree?
  • 5. Students should not use cell phones in classes. Do you agree or disagree? Some people believe students should attend courses full-time, while others believe they should attend courses part-time. Which one do you think is best? Use reasons and details to support your response. Do you prefer to spend your time doing indoor activities or outdoor activities? Do you prefer to be a leader of a group or part of a group? Which do you prefer, getting your information from internet sources or published sources? Physical activity should be required in school. Do you agree or disagree?
  • 6. Some people think that wildlife does not belong outside of its natural habitat. They do not think that zoos should exist. Others believe that zoos serve an educational purpose that is more important than the rights of the wild animals. Which side of this argument do you support and why? Include details and examples in your explanation. Some people stick to tasks they know, while others like to take risks. Which do you prefer and why? Use details and examples in your response. Some people think attending classes and learning from school is better than getting information outside the class. Do you agree or disagree? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: We can learn a lot about a place from going to it and visiting its historical sites. Do you think it is ok to keep some animals in the zoo, or do you believe
  • 7. Introduction
    • Language of preference
      • I prefer to live by myself for the following reasons.
      • I would rather cook for myself than eat out.
      • I agree that animals should be kept in zoos.
      • In general, studying in class is better than online.
      • Make a comparison between the two items that highlights why you chose what you did.
  • 8. Response
    • Choose 1 item to argue for
    • Plan 2 general reasons with examples as support
    • Try to include examples or details that come from your personal experiences
    • Have a conclusion that summarizes your reasons
    • Make a comparison between the two items that shows why your choice is better.
    • Use transitions of contrast
  • 9. Do you prefer to be in a large class or a small class I would rather be in a small class for the following two reasons. First, in a small class you get more attention from the teacher. Once I was in a class with 5 students and I was able to ask the teacher many questions, and I didnt feel like I was monopolizing all of the class time. Second, there is a greater chance to speak. In another large class I had, I could only speak a couple of times per class, but in a small class I took, I spoke a lot, which really helped me. In the end, this was really helpful to me and my speaking greatly improved In conclusion, a smaller class is better for me based on the 2 above reasons . .
  • 10. Would you like to take a trip by plane or train? I would prefer to take a trip by train for the following two reasons. The first reason is fear. When I was young my dad told me about a horrible plane ride he took where he almost crashed. There was a big rainstorm with thunder and lightning and everyone was screaming. Ive been afraid of planes ever since. The second reason is riding by train is more comfortable. Once I rode a train cross country. I could get up and walk around as long as I want. On the contrary, a plane doesnt allow this. Therefore, it is less comfortable. In summary, fear and comfort are two reasons why I prefer to take a train rather than a plane.
  • 11. Paired-choice 3.54 I agree my parents my grandparents life were a lot harder than mine. First, there were a lot of wars at that time. The life is not a peaceful. For example, my grandfather used to be in the war and all the family worry about him. Second, there were not a lot of technology at that time. For instance, there were no internet, no tv at that time. People didnt have a lot of entertainment and I think we have better live than them. In conclusion, those are the reasons I agree my grandfathermy grandparents life were a lot harder than mine.