pakistan & china

Pakistan & China 2010-2012 Muhammad Omer Mirza

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Post on 22-Jan-2015




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  • 1. Pakistan & China 2010-2012 Muhammad Omer Mirza

2. Rate of Inflation2010:2011:2012: 3. Rate Of Inflation2010:2011:2012: 4. Rate of Unemployment2010:2011:2012:Close to none. 5. Rate of Unemployment 2010: 2011: 2012: 6. Population 2010: 173 million 2011: 176.7 million 2012: 185 million (2.03% growth rate) 7. Population 2010: 1.34 billion 2011: 1.37 billion 2012: 1.374 billion (Fall in growth due to one child policy) 8. Birth Rate 2010: 27.28 2011: 24.3 2012: 24.3 9. Birth Rate 2010: 12.12 2011: 12.29 2012: 12.31 10. Death Rate 2010: 7.46 2011: 6.8 2012: 6.8 11. Death Rate 2010: 7.03 2011: 7.17 2012: 8.7 12. Tax to GDP Ratio 2010-2013: 12.7% 13. Tax to GDP Ratio 2010-2012: 22% 14. GNP 2010: 107.28 billion dollars 2011: 252 .11 billion dollars 2012: 211.20 billion dollars 15. GNP 2010-2012: 431.6 billion dollars 16. GDP 2010: 174.8 billion dollars 2011: 211.09 billion dollars 2012: 1426.0 billion dollars 17. GDP 2010: 5.87 trillion dollars 2011: 7.29 trillion dollars 2012: 7.298 trillion dollars 18. Real GDP Real Gdp Of Pakistan To Grow To$196.58bn In 2010-11 19. Real GDP Annual real GDP growth rate: 9.5% 20. Nominal GDP Nominal Gdp Of Pakistan To Grow To$196.58 billion dollars In 2010-12 21. Nominal GDP Nominal GDP of China to increase by9.7% 22. Balance of payments 2010: -$3.94 billion 2011: -$2.17 billion 2012: -$3.3 billion 23. Balance of Payments 2010: $-10.56 billion 2011: $-15.6 billion 2012: $-22 billion 24. Literacy Rate 2010: 48% 2011: 49.9% 2012: 50% 25. Literacy Rate 2010: 91.6% 2011: 98.2% 2012: 99% 26. Major Industries Mining and quarrying Fuel extraction industry Manufacturing Construction Electricity, gas and water supply 27. Major Industries Machinery manufacturing Energy industry Automobile Steel 28. Major Exports 1. Raw cotton, Textile products and Cotton yarn. 2. Rice. 3. Leather and leather products. 4. Carpets and rugs, Tents. 5. Synthetic textiles. 6. Surgical instruments. 7. Sports goods. 8. Readymade garments. 9. Vegetable, fruit and fish. 10. Engineering goods. 11. Chemicals and Pharmaceutical products. 29. Major Exports 1. Agriculture 2. Energy and mineral resources 3. Mining 4. Hydroelectric resources 5. Coal 6. Oil and natural gas 7. Metals and non metals 8. Industry and manufacturing 9. Steel industry 10. Automotive industry 30. Status of medium-small businesses Pakistan has emerged as the second rapidly growingeconomy in Asia after China in 2004 2005, as claimed bygovernment and well accepted by international raters andfinancial institutions. The assessment of the role of smallbusinesses in Pakistan is of vital importance. In Pakistan thesmall business sector is not only the minor sharer till yet,reality is that Pakistans whole economy is highly dependableon the pace and productivity of small businesses. Out ofPakistans 3.2 million enterprises 95% are those who possess99 employees in private industrial sector and employ about78% of non agriculture labour force. We have to talk about themain potential they are capable of, to boost the progress andefficiency of Small-medium businesses. The real potentialgrowth in the country is the deprived people of this countrywho are quite keen to raise their standard of living. 31. Status of medium-small businesses Structured CompetitionThese dichotomies help explain the countrys incredibledrive and business energy. The country is incrediblycompetitive, with 1.6 billion people striving for a still-limited number of opportunities. Relentless competitioncentered on price has an unfortunate tendency to crowdout all other values, including quality, service, and mostimportant, trust. Traditional Chinese business practiceswere built on around establishing long-term relationshipswith business partners that could foster trust among allparties. At the same time, China is also home towidespread counterfeiting of everything from DVDs andiPods to those very same luxury goods .