palace of water sports in kazan

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Post on 08-Aug-2018




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  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    Palace Of Water Sports In Kazan / SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov

    Architects:SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov


    Architect In Charge: Sergei Tchoban, Sergey Kuznetsov

    Design Team: Tatiana Varyukhina, George Glebov, Tatiana Logunova, Alexey Shubkin

    Area: 10,387 sqm

    Year: 2012

    Photographs: Ilya Ivanov
  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    From the architect. Palace of water sports is planned in the territory of Student games park and included

    in the complex of sport constructions, raised in Kazan city within the frames of preparation to the conduct
  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    of worldwide summer student games in 2013. During student games there will be organized contests in

    water polo, swimming, platform diving, synchronized diving, synchronized swimming, and after the

    conduct of international contests the citizens will be able to play sports, and students of Tatar state

    academy of physical culture, sport and tourism will be training here.

  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    Palace building (length 187.5 meters, width 84 meters), elongated along the embankment of Kazanka

    river represents a hall with pools and the tribunes, covered by a dynamic roof, reminding a wave
  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    movement by its outlines (maximum height 25 meters). In total therea redesigned 3 basins: universal

    (5225 meters, depth 2.2 meters); basin for water jumping (33.325 meters, depth 5.5 meters), and one

    more standard basin (5225 meters) separated from two others with the glass divider and intended for

    trainings as well as for fitness center visitors. The fixed tribunes, including VIP-zone, can seat

    approximately three thousand of people and nearly one thousand of seats can be added by special

    collapsible tribunes.

  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    The main functional block of the palace of water sports is located parallel to the line of the pools. The fifth

    floor of the building is occupied by all the main and serving spaces that are necessary for conduct of the

    contests of all the levels and for everyday use by Kazan residents as well. Maximum capacity of the

    palace reaches 3 540 seats, almost 2 thousands of which are stationary seats including commentators
  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    cabins and seats in VIP-zone, and 1.5 thousands of additional seats may be installed in the special

    demountable tribunes.

    The main expressive element of the building is a unique covering which constructive solution was

    developed jointly by the specialists of bureau SPEECH Tchoban & Kuznetsov, Ove Arup and Central

    Research, Design and Construction Laboratory of Wooden Constructions (CRDC LWC). As bearing

    elements here are used three hinges laminated wood arcs from pair curved crossbars forming structure

    resembling lancet arches traditional for the Tartar architecture. Choice of laminated wood structures for

    cover of the pool is not occasional. Specially processed wood excellently fits in the conditions of

    heightened humidity, besides this material adds to the interior a special expressiveness and warmth that

    is not the least in the conditions of severe climate.
  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    Translucent constructions are actively used in the facades of the palace of water sports. Apertures

    between wooden frames on the facade, looking on the river, butts of the building and 5-storey vertical

    openings in the main faade are filled with stained-glass windows. In addition to glass, in the facades

    were used stainless steel panels, processed by grinding, due to which geometric design of alternate mat

    and glossy bands appears in the faade that remind ripples from waves on the surface of the water.
  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    First Floor Plan

    Ilya Ivanov

    Ilya Ivanov

    Ilya Ivanov
  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    Ilya Ivanov

    Ilya Ivanov

    Ilya Ivanov

    Ilya Ivanov
  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    Ilya Ivanov

    Ilya Ivanov

    Ilya Ivanov

    Ilya Ivanov

    First Floor Plan
  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan


    Second Floor Plan

    Fifth Floor Plan

    Roof Floor Plan

    Site Plan

  • 8/22/2019 Palace of Water Sports in Kazan

