palaeobio of cret bony fishes, actinistian, dipnoi, actinopterygii

doi:10.1144/SP295.11 2008; v. 295; p. 165-183 Geological Society, London, Special Publications Lionel Cavin and Actinopterygii) Palaeobiogeography of Cretaceous bony fishes (Actinistia, Dipnoi Geological Society, London, Special Publications service Email alerting article to receive free email alerts when new articles cite this click here request Permission to seek permission to re-use all or part of this article click here Subscribe Publications or the Lyell Collection to subscribe to Geological Society, London, Special click here Notes Downloaded by University of Alberta on 7 April 2010 London © 2008 Geological Society of

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Page 1: Palaeobio of Cret Bony Fishes, Actinistian, Dipnoi, Actinopterygii

doi:10.1144/SP295.11 2008; v. 295; p. 165-183 Geological Society, London, Special Publications

 Lionel Cavin  

and Actinopterygii)Palaeobiogeography of Cretaceous bony fishes (Actinistia, Dipnoi 

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Page 2: Palaeobio of Cret Bony Fishes, Actinistian, Dipnoi, Actinopterygii

Palaeobiogeography of Cretaceous bony fishes (Actinistia, Dipnoi

and Actinopterygii)


Department of Geology and Palaeontology, Museum d’Histoire Naturelle, CP 6434 1211,

Geneve 6, Switzerland (e-mail: [email protected])

Abstract: Dispersal and vicariant patterns have been used as opposite concepts to explainbiogeographical histories of organisms. Vicariance has been preferred to dispersal: the formeris said to be falsifiable while the latter is regarded as a contingent hypothesis. If included in a tem-poral framework, however, a sister-group relationship between two taxa could be more parsimo-niously explained by a dispersal event if both taxa are not contemporaneous in time. Publishedphylogenies of various clades of bony fishes are compared with evolution of the palaeogeographi-cal framework during the Cretaceous, and possible causes involved in the observed patterns, suchas vicariant events, dispersal events or radiations are suggested. Most Cretaceous patterns con-cerns east–west events (vicariance and dispersal) rather than north–south events. This is probablybecause the separation of Laurasia and Gondwana is already underway in the Late Jurassic andaffected Cretaceous faunas only weakly. Late Cretaceous dispersal patterns constitute a morecommon phenomenon than previously expected. It is suggested that the entire autoecology ofthe fishes is a more significant parameter affecting dispersal ability than only their allegedlycapacity to tolerate salt waters.

Ideas about the main processes in action in histori-cal biogeography have been described as a pendu-lum swinging between two extreme points (deQueiroz 2005). One point is represented by theDarwin–Wallace biogeographic paradigm (inwhich a species has a founder population that dis-perses from a centre of origin) and the other isvicariance (supported by the validation of platetectonic and by the rise of cladism, in which aspecies is split into two by the fragmentation ofthe land mass where it lives).

The dispersal model has been criticized as a‘telling-stories science’ because it does not rest ona repeatable method. The critic is partly correctwhen looking at examples resulting from analysesof Recent clades (especially all Recent analysesresting on molecular-based phylogenies) becausevicariant models can be easily tested by searchingfor the most parsimonious pattern fitting a palaeo-geographical reconstruction. Dispersals are moreflexible patterns and can always fit a palaeogeogra-phical reconstruction by adding new hypotheticaldispersal routes. This assertion is not true,however, if we include fossil taxa in the phylogenieswithin a time framework, such as for instance in thebiochronogeographical paradigm of Hunn &Upchurch (2001). In that case, fossil distribution intime and space may sometimes be better explained(i.e. more parsimoniously) by using dispersal events.

The bony fishes are a good proxy to assess theimportance of vicariance versus dispersal eventsduring their evolutionary history because: (1) they

live, and lived in all aquatic environments makingpossible the comparison between freshwater andmarine patterns; (2) their fossil record is proportion-ally good compared to other vertebrates; and (3) thephylogenetic framework is rather well-resolved.Comparison of bony fish diversity and environ-mental features through the Cretaceous indicatesthan diversity of marine actinopterygians as awhole is correlated to sea surface temperature(Cavin et al. 2007a). Moreover, the fossil recordindicates freshwater radiations in restricted pro-vinces. Both signals, co-evolution of fish diversitywith sea temperature, and with radiation events,are pointed out in the descriptions of the evolution-ary histories of fish clades.

The Cretaceous is a period characterized by highrate of oceanic spreading that caused a ‘burst’ in thebreak-up of Pangaea. Furthermore, in the mid-Cretaceous high sea stand and continental seascrossing continents made continental provincialismgreater than today.

In this paper, published phylogenies of variousclades of bony fishes are compared with the evol-ution of the palaeogeographical framework in theCretaceous, and possible explanations for theobserved patterns are given using criteria ofspatial and temporal distribution.


Vicariance and dispersal events are regarded hereas, essentially, a distinction between observable

From: CAVIN, L., LONGBOTTOM, A. & RICHTER, M. (eds) Fishes and the Break-up of Pangaea.Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 295, 165–183.DOI: 10.1144/SP295.11 0305-8719/08/$15.00 # The Geological Society of London 2008.

Page 3: Palaeobio of Cret Bony Fishes, Actinistian, Dipnoi, Actinopterygii

patterns; but in both cases the processes involvedin speciation events are likely to be similar atthe species or population level. Discriminationbetween both patterns is made possible by confront-ing phylogenies with the evolution of the palaeo-geographical framework through time.

Each pattern is regarded as the most parsimo-nious one depending of the observed spatial andtemporal distributions. The distinction is definedas follows (Fig. 1):

† Vicariance is assumed when a cladogeneticevent is contemporaneous with a split of the pro-vince occupied by the sister-taxa. Marine fishspecies separated by barriers, such as marinecurrents, surface gradients of temperature andsalinity, great depths or freshwater and sedimentoutflows from rivers may show vicariant pat-terns (Heads 2005) that could be detected byvicariance biogeographical tools in the sameway as for continental organisms. Practically, avicariant event is mapped when two occurrencesfrom two different contemporaneous formationsare sister-taxa (Fig. 1a), or situated in a pecti-nated position in the tree (Fig. 1b). The lattersituation is not a vicariant case sensu stricto,as the vicariance actually occurred between thebasal-most taxon and the whole sister-clade.But the approximation made here is justified,as the phylogenies used cannot attempt to getthe same resolution as modern phylogeny(Cavin et al. 2007a).

† Dispersal is assumed when a taxon shows: (1) adifferent geographic location and a younger agethan the more basal and more derived clades in apectinated pattern (Fig. 1c); and (2) a differentgeographic location than the reconstructedlocation of the common ancestor of the sistergroup and a younger age (Fig. 1d). Detection

of a dispersal event between two sister taxadoes not imply that one of these taxa effectivelydisperses from one geographic province to theother, but that members of the lineage contain-ing both taxa spread from one province tothe other.

Both patterns, vicariance and dispersals, arefalsifiable by integrating new data (new fossiloccurrence and/or new phylogenetic hypothesis).

In addition to both patterns above, regarded asthe main indicators of factors affecting historicalbiogeography, radiation events were mappedwhen several taxa with short ghost lineages withina clade occur in the same geographic area, even ifthe precise branching pattern among taxa isnot resolved.

The systematic working unit used in this study isgenerally the genus, but species may constitute theworking-unit if those are well-defined and well-resolved within a phylogenetic hypothesis.



The phylogeny of the suborder is from Forey (1998)with an addition from Clement (2005) (Fig. 2).Macropoma is resolved here as the sister-groupof Wenziaþ Latimeria, which is the pattern foundby Clement in four of the five most parsimonioustrees. Obvious events recognised in this clade arethe vicariance between African and South Africabetween Mawsonia and Axelrodichthys during theopening of South Atlantic in the Early Cretaceous,and probable dispersals for terminal Cetaceousmawsoniids. The vicariant event may have occurredbetween the two genera, but it is more likely to haveoccurred between several species within each genus(as Mawsonia is recorded from Africa and SouthAmerica, and Axelrodichthys may also haveoccurred in both landmasses; Cavin & Forey2004). In the terminal Cretaceous, mawsoniidsof uncertain affinities have been describedfrom Southern France (Cavin et al. 2005a) andMadagascar (Gottfried et al. 2004). As theseoccurrences are much younger than the all othermawsoniids, and as they occurred in geographicareas different that the expected location of theancestor of Mawsoniaþ Axelrodichthys (WesternGondwana), they possibly reach their location bydispersals from Africa.


Phylogeny and historical biogeography of post-Palaeozoic lungfishes have been recently explored(Cavin et al. 2007b) (Fig. 3). According to these

Fig. 1. Method used to detect vicariant events (a andb) and dispersal events (c and d). See text for explanation.


Page 4: Palaeobio of Cret Bony Fishes, Actinistian, Dipnoi, Actinopterygii

results, the extant Australian Neoceratodus is arepresentative of an old, pre-Cretaceous lineagewith a Gondwanan distribution (Australia, Africa,South America). A speciation event between two

species of Ferganoceratodus (based on skullmaterials), regarded as a probable vicariant eventsince both species occurred within a short timeinterval, is recorded in Asia between F. jurassicus

Fig. 2. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Latimeroidea. Abbreviations: Af, Africa; Di, dispersal event; Eu,Europe; Md, Madagascar; SAm, South America; Vi, vicariant event. Black spot, marine occurrence; white spot,freshwater occurrence.

Fig. 3. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Dipnoi. Abbreviations as in Figure 1 plus: CAs, C Asia; SEAs, SE Asia.


Page 5: Palaeobio of Cret Bony Fishes, Actinistian, Dipnoi, Actinopterygii

from the Middle Jurassic of Kirghiztan (Nessov &Kaznyshkin 1985) and F. martini from the LateJurassic–Early Cretaceous of Thailand (Cavinet al. 2007b). A well supported vicariant cladoge-netic event is the separation of Lepidosiren andProtopterus during the fragmentation of WesternGondwana into South America and Africa duringthe Early Cretaceous.


Polypterids are regarded as the basal most livingactinopterygians, although Recent species showmany autapomorphies. They are restricted todayto the fresh waters of Africa. A handful of Tertiarypolypterid fossils have been recorded in that conti-nent (Greenwood 1984; Otero et al. 2006). Based onspiny ray morphology, Gayet et al. (2002) describeda polypterid radiation in the early Late Cretaceousin Niger and Sudan. More complete articulatedpolypterids, but with the head missing, have beendescribed from the Cenomanian of the Kem Kembeds in Morocco (Dutheil 1999). Isolated scalesfrom the Late Cretaceous and Early Palaeogene ofBolivia have been referred to two genera of

polypterids (Gayet & Meunier 1991, 1992, 1998)on the basis of histological apomorphies (Dagetet al. 2001). This is the only occurrence of polyp-terids outside Africa. Because no phylogeny includ-ing fossils has been built up so far, nopalaeogeographical pattern can be proposed forthat group. The presence of polypterids on bothside of S Atlantic in the Late Cretaceous suggestsa vicariant event during the opening of the SAtlantic. However, if polypterids are correctlyplaced as the basal most clade of actinopterygians,the lineage should have individualised in the LatePalaeozoic, and the lineage may have remainedunrecognized, possibly for not possessing autapo-morphic features that characterized its later repre-sentatives. The early Late Cretaceous hypothesisof a polypterid radiation, based on fragmentaryremains only, is pending a confirmation.


The extinct family peipiaosteids shows a freshwaterradiation in the basal Cretaceous of East Asia(Fig. 4). Palaeobiogeography of polyodontids in theLate Cretaceous is complex. According to a recent

Fig. 4. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Chondrostei. Abbreviations as in Figure 1 plus: As, Asia; NAm,N America; Ra, radiation event.


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phylogeny (Grande et al. 2002) one should eithersuppose: (1) a double vicariant events betweenPalaeopsephurus and other polyodontids, andbetween Psephurus and other polyodontids straddlingNE Asia and NW America or; (2) a series of disper-sals between NE Asia and NW America. The lattersolution is favoured in Figure 4 because there are nocontemporaneous fossil occurrences in the Late Cre-taceous of both landmasses. The N Hemisphere distri-bution of acipenserids is regarded by Choudhury &Dick (1998) as the result of Late Cretaceous and Ter-tiary dispersals. As the oldest known acipenserid,Protoscaphirhynchus, occurs in North America, Iassume that the dispersal spread from that landmass towards Asia.


Semionotiforms include the semionotids and thelepisosteids (Cavin & Suteethorn 2006), and prob-ably the macrosemiids (Olsen & McCune 1991;Brito 1997). Recently, Grande (2005) grouped thisorder with the halecomorphs within a monophyleticclade, thus resuscitating the long regarded non-monophyletic Holostei. Lepisosteids are currentlyunder study by Grande & Bemis (Grande, personalcommunication, 2005) and the important changesin the phylogeny and systematic of that order thatwill result from this study makes a search for biogeo-graphical patterns premature at present. One may,however, mention the occurrence in the Late Cretac-eous of Europe of a gar otherwise known in the earlyLate Cretaceous of Africa, ?Atractosteus africanus,indicative of a probable dispersal event betweenthese two landmasses (Cavin et al. 1996). Non-garand non-macrosemiids semionotiforms (i.e. thesemionotids sensu lato) potentially possess a goodbiogeographical signal since most species from theEarly Cretaceous occur in freshwater deposits fromEurope, South America, Africa and Asia.

However, a revision of these fishes is needed todraw any biogeographical patterns. A phylogeny ofMacrosemiids has been recently proposed byGonzalez-Rodrıguez et al. (2004). According tothis study, the Late Jurassic sister-genera Propterusand Histionotus occur in sympatry in Europe. Fivespecies have been described in each genus, indica-tive of a little radiation. The Albian MexicanMacrosemiocotzus is resolved as a trichtomy withthe Late Jurassic Macrosemius and the TriassicLegnonotus, making difficult the recognition of abiogeographical pattern. Gonzalez-Rodrıguez &Reynoso (2004) observed a radiation in Notagogusranging from the Late Jurassic to the Albian. Theysuggest two dispersal events between Central andWestern Tethys, each one corresponding to one ofthe two species recorded in Mexico. These resultsare in accordance with dispersals as defined here,

since the Mexican species are younger than theirEuropean sister taxa.


Phylogeny and historical biogeography of that cladehave been explored by Grande & Bemis (1998).These data were used to construct Figure 5.A freshwater radiation occurred in the basal Cretac-eous of E Asia with the sinamiids. Because the LateJurassic (Solnhofenamia) and Early Cretaceous(amiopsins) amioids occurred in Europe, one maysuggest a vicariant event between the Asian sina-miids and these amiids (the latter do not form amonophyletic group on the cladogram, but theydid in the Early Cretaceous if the ghost lineage ofother amiids are taken into account). The Early Cre-taceous vidalamiins show evidence of a triple vicar-iant event between: (1) Laurasian vidalamiinis andGondwanan calamopleurinis; (2) species of themainly freshwater or euryhaline African andSouth American Calamopleurus (Forey & Grande1998); and (3) marine species of Western andEastern Tethyan Pachyamia. In the Late Cretaceousand in the Palaeogene, Amia and Cyclurus haveboth widespread distributions in the NorthernHemisphere. Because the intrarelationships ofspecies within both genera are unresolved, it isunclear if the distribution pattern is the result of dis-persal or vicariant events (Grande & Bemis 1998).


The phylogeny of this order is from Poyato-Ariza& Wenz (2002) (with additions from Kriwet(2004) for Hensodon, Poyato-Ariza & Wenz (2004)for Turbomesodon and Poyato-Ariza & Wenz(2005) for Akromystax) (Fig. 6). One cannot detectany link between the phylogenetic history of thatclade and the changing geographical pattern.During the time interval under consideration, twolocalities show a rather high diversity of pycnodonts,the Late Jurassic localities of S Germany and theearly Late Cretaceous localities in Lebanon. Fouror the five genera present in the Cenomanian ofLebanon belong to an endemic clade, the Coccodon-tidae and may be regarded as the result of an ecologi-cal radiation. On the other hand, the six generarecorded in Germany are members of differentclade with long ghost lineages. This pycnodontassemblage is probably the result of favourableenvironment conditions, the proximity of coralreefs, but not the result of a local radiation event.


Lambers (1992) proposed a phylogeny for thepachycormiforms. As most of the genera occurred


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in the Late Jurassic of Germany, the palaeogeogra-phical signal for the time interval under concernhere is weak. Protosphyraena, regarded byLambers as the sister-genus of Orthocormus fromthe Late Jurassic of Germany, is a widespreadgenus and its large fusiform body is typical of afast swimmer pelagic fish.


The phylogeny and palaeobiogeography of thisorder has been discussed by Brito (1997). Althoughthe relationships of the numerous species of thethree genera included in that order are still unre-solved, the general pattern is a Pangaean distri-bution for the Jurassic basal Aspidorhynchus, thena vicariance event in the Late Jurassic–EarlyCretaceous between the mainly Laurasian Belonos-tomus and the Gondwanan Vinctifer.


The phylogeny and historical biogeography havebeen addresses recently (Fig. 7; Cavin & Forey2008), but the palaeogeographical signal isvery weak. The only possible patterns are a

mid-Cretaceous vicariant event between theEuropean Gillicus serridens and the Mexican‘Unamichthys’ espinosai and Late Cretaceousvicariant events between European and NorthAmerican species within the genera Prosaurodon,Saurodon, Ichthyodectes and Xiphactinus.


Although the position of osteoglossomorphs amongteleosts is still debated, the intrarelationships withinthe clade show consistency between studies basedon morphological (Hilton 2003) and molecular(Lavoue & Sullivan 2004) grounds. The phylogenyin Figure 8 is from Hilton (2003), with additionalinformation from Li & Wilson (1999) for somefossil forms. In the Early Cretaceous, an importantfreshwater radiation event is recorded in E Asiaaffecting lycopterids, some basal hiodontids andsome basal osteoglossoids. If the phylogenetic posi-tion of Ostariosoma found by Hilton is correct, itimplies important consequences for the palaeobio-geographical history of the clade because thisNorth American taxon is located in a morederived position than a series of Asian taxa, and isin a more basal position than a mainly Gondwanan

Fig. 5. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Amioidea. Abbreviations as in Figures 1–4 plus: ETe, Eastern Tethys;Eu, Europe; Gn, Gondwana; La, Laurasia; WTe, Western Tethys.


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clade. According to the Late Cretaceous–Paleocene age of Ostariosoma, and following therules defined above, I favour a dispersal eventfrom Asia to North America some time in theLate Cretaceous. The separation between the Laur-asian lycopterids, hiodontids and other basal osteo-glossomorphs with the mainly Gondwananosteoglossiforms is possibly the result of a vica-riant event between these two landmasses. Creto-phaerodus from the Late Cretaceous andJoffrichthys from the Paleocene of NorthAmerica are also regarded here as the result ofdispersals from an unknown Gondwanan landmasstowards North America. As a consequence, therelatively diverse North American osteoglosso-morph assemblage from the Late Cretaceous andPaleocene may have been the results of four,nearly isochronous, dispersal events (hiodontids,Ostariosoma, Joffrichthys, osteoglossids), includ-ing two from Asia. Although the phylogenies offossil and Recent heterotins are not resolved, theoccurrence of representatives of that lineageson both side of the South Atlantic in themid-Cretaceous (Laelichthys and Paradercetis)

indicates a likely vicariant event. Osteoglossidhistorical biogeography is discussed by Kumazawa& Nishida (2000).


The diversity of elopomorphs as a wholeco-evolves with sea surface temperature (Cavinet al. 2007a). Belouze (2002) proposed a phyloge-netic hypothesis of the Late Cretaceous anguilli-forms. She found a pectinated pattern forEnchelurus (Abisaadia (Luenchelys (Anguillavus(Hayenchelys, Urenchelys)))) indicative of aCenomanian radiation in C Tethys (Abisaadia,Luenchelys, Anguillavus, Hayenchelys), with apossible extension of the genus Urenchelys west-wards with U. anglicus in the Cenomanian Chalkand U. abditus in the Coniacian–SantonianNiobrara Formation. The genus, however, is stillpresent in the Santonian–Campanian of C Tethyswith U. avus alongside the basal Enchelurus.There is no recent investigation of the phylogeneticrelationships within other Cretaceous elopomorphclades (elopids, megalopids, osmeroidids, albulids,

Fig. 6. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Pycnodontiformes. Abbreviations as in previous Figures.


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pterothrissids, ?phyllodontids), preventing thedetection of palaeogeographical signal.


The phylogeny and biogeography of tselfatiiformshave been recently addressed by Taverne & Gayet(2005). Biogeographic patterns are difficult todetect because the group as a whole ranges in ashort time interval (Albian–Campanian) and thephylogenetic hypothesis available is not stronglysupported. Two patterns are however discernablein the historical biogeography of that clade: a wide-spread Tethyan distribution of the genus Tselfatia inthe Cenomanian–Turonian and an important LateCretaceous marine radiation of species in theWestern Interior Sea.


The phylogeny of this clade in Figure 9 is fromCavin (2001) with addition from Blanco & Cavin(2003). Pachyrhizodus has a long stratigraphicrange, from the Albian to the Maastrichtian, andshows a radiation of species with a worldwide

distribution. The only historical biogeographicevent detected in that clade is a Turonian vicariantevent between the Central Tethyan species Goulmi-michthys arambourgi and the Western speciesG. roberti. However, a revision of the complexRhacolepis–Pachyrhizodus–Goulmimichthys ispending and could lead to modifications of thehistorical biogeographical patterns proposed here.Although relatively common in the mid-Cretaceousfossil record, pachyrhizodontid fishes appear to beabsent from the very rich Lebanese assemblages.


Protobramids, placed either as the basal most cladeof tselfatiiforms (Taverne & Gayet 2005) orgrouped with Araripichthys and Acanthichthyswithin the protobramoids (Cavin 2001, fig. 9),show a little radiation event in Eastern Tethyswith three genera and four species. Species of thegenus Araripichthys offer evidence of vicariancebetween S and C Atlantic in the mid-Cretaceouswith two South American species (Maisey &Moody 2001), a Mexican one (Blanco & Cavin2003) and an African one (Cavin 1997).

Fig. 7. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Ichthyodectiformes. Abbreviations as in previous Figures.


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Phylogeny and biogeography of basal clupeo-morphs and Paraclupeidae have been recentlyaddressed by Chang & Chen (2000), Maisey(2000), Chang & Maisey (2003), Zaragueta Bagils(2004) and Forey (2004). The phylogenetic patternsfrom these studies differ from each other and heresome recurrent patterns found in most of thestudies are commented on, together with theirpalaeobiogeographical implications. The sister-species Ellimmichthys longicostatus and E. goodi,respectively in the Early Cretaceous of Brazil andEquatorial Guinea, are indicative of vicariancebetween both side of S Atlantic (Maisey 2000).The occurrence in the Early Cretaceous of China

of the sister-genus of Ellimmichthys and Paraclu-pea, is hard to explain from a palaeobiogeographi-cal point of view, as well as the distribution of thespecies of the non-monophyletic Diplomystus:these patterns are discussed by Chang & Chen(2000). As for other freshwater clades, dispersalsbetween NE Asia and NW North America aresuspected in the Late Cretaceous.


Phylogeny of the suborder has been computed fromdata from Grande & Poyato-Ariza (1999) with theaddition of a new taxon from the mid-Cretaceousof Morocco currently under description (Fig. 10).Two main events are detected in that clade: the

Fig. 8. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Osteoglossomorpha. Abbreviations as in previous Figures.


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Fig. 9. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Pachyrhizodontoidei and Protobramoidei. Abbreviations as inprevious Figures.

Fig. 10. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Chanoidei. Abbreviations as in previous Figures.


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basal most chanoids are all from Early Cretaceousfreshwater or brackish deposits of Europe, withthe exception of the mid-Cretaceous new Moroccangenus occurrence, indicative of a dispersal fromEurope to Africa; The second event is a vicariancebetween South American (Tharrhias, Dastilbe)and African (Parachanos) chanids in themid-Cretaceous.


Otophysan fishes are expected to provide a goodpalaeogeographical signal because they areprimary freshwater fishes. Recent biogeographicstudies of otophysans as a whole (Saitoh et al.2003; Briggs 2005) or of otophysan subgroups(Diogo 2004 for catfishes; Orti & Meyer 1997 forcharaciforms for instance), based on phylogeniesand geographic distributions of Recent taxa only,suggest an old, pre-Cretaceous Pangaean diversifi-cation of modern lineages.

On the basis of the complex geographic distri-bution of catfish families, (their phylogeneticrelationships showing no obvious vicariant events,and the presence of basal characiforms andchanids in the early Cretaceous) Diogo (2004)argued that catfishes should have an old,

pre-Cretaceous, Pangaean origin that was followedby a complex series of Early Cretaceous dispersalevents. Referring to the same evidence, a youngerradiation and dispersals are suggested here forRecent catfish families, as well as for Recent char-aciform families (Fig. 11), although the structure ofthe phylogenetic reconstruction implies a commonancestor of otophysans, and of otophysans plus ana-tophysans (ostariophysans), in the Late Jurassic(Arratia [1997] described a possible basal ostario-physan in the Late Jurassic locality of Solnhofen,Germany). The hypothesis proposed here rests onfour points: (1) the catfish phylogenetic hypothesisof Diogo shows the three basal-most pectinatedclades represented by South American familiesonly, the diplomystids, the loricaroids and thecetopsids (loricaroids represented by six SouthAmerican families). This pattern implies on theone hand that the first stage of the evolution ofsiluriforms occurred in South America, and on theother hand that South America was already partlyor completely isolated from other continentalblocks preventing vicariant events among represen-tative of this first radiation. A South Americanorigin for catfishes is also supported by the factthat more than half the catfish species occur todayon that continent; (2) although rare, the Cretaceous

Fig. 11. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Characiformes and Siluriformes. Abbreviations as in previous Figures.


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fossil record of otophysi is not lacking, but consistsof stem taxa with no obvious relationships to Recentfamilies. These stem groups are the clupavids, basalostariophysean from the Central Tethyan (Gayet1982a), and Santanichthys, the basal most characi-foms according to Filleul & Maisey (2005). Clupa-vids and Santanichthys have been found in marinedeposits and represent stem groups rather thanmembers of Recent clades, indicating that extantfamilies were likely not individualized at that time(for characiforms at least); (3) fossil catfishes areknown in the Late Cretaceous of South America(Cione 1987; Gayet & Meunier 2003), Europe (dela Pena & Soler-Gijon 1995) and India (Cione &Prasad 2002). This widespread distribution maycorrespond to the first dispersal event of catfishesvia unknown routes (a more exact scenario couldbe made clear once affinities of these taxa will besorted out. However, affinities between SouthAmerican and European faunas have already bepointed out in the Late Cretaceous, as well as dis-persal events between India and mainland Asia[Rage & Jaeger 1995]). Based on other evidence,Hardman (2005) suggests a dispersal event for theictalurids from NE Asia to NW North America inthe Late Cretaceous; and (4) eventually, althoughI agree with the statement that ‘absence of evidenceis not evidence of absence’, this assertion should notbe used as justification to refute all data provided bythe distribution of taxa extracted from the fossilrecord. Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous fresh-water fish assemblages are known from China(Jehol biota), SE Asia, Africa, South Americaand Europe. These assemblages systematicallyshow the same range of taxa, mainly chondrostei,freshwater semionotiforms, amiiforms, basalosteoglossomorphs and some rarer clades, e.g.siyuichthyids and ichthyodectiforms. Consideringan early phylogenetic and geographic radiation ofostariophysans implies that representatives ofmost Recent lineages are present, but are still undis-covered, in all these fossil assemblages. Althoughpossible, this hypothesis looks unparsimonious.

Ability of dispersal in catfishes has generallybeen attributed to the heuryaline mode of life ofthe representatives of some families. Diogo (2004)however, refuted this hypothesis by showing thatthe marine taxa are well nested in the catfish phylo-geny and that marine taxa are not able to crossocean basins. Good dispersal capacities of catfishesmay be related to the ability of several representa-tives of the group to live in oxygen poor watersand even, in some cases, to travel overland and dis-perse from one basin to another. This physiologicalcapacity of several siluriform fishes allows them toeasily disperse within continental areas.

Ability for fishes to disperse between freshwaterbasins within a continent is probably a more

significant advantage than the ability to crossshort marine barriers. It has been shown thatecology may be far more important than distancein determining large-scale biogeographic patterns,e.g. hylid frogs disperse remarkable distanceswithin a similar climatic regime, but are unable todisperse even short distances if major transitionsin climatic regimes are involved (Smith et al. 2005).

The pattern of characiform biogeographichistory is problematic to explain too. It has beensuggested that several vicariant events occurredbetween Africa and South America, with Africanfaunas experiencing more extinctions than SouthAmerica afterwards (Orti & Meyer 1997). Characi-forms have been reported in the Late Cretaceous(Taverne 2003) and in the Palaeogene of Europe(Cappetta et al. 1972). European occurrences areprobably the result of dispersals from southern con-tinents (Gaudant 1980; Gayet et al. 2003) becauseall the Cretaceous forms, and some of the Tertiaryones, are marine or euryhaline. For the samereasons as discussed above for siluriforms, andbecause the Cretaceous fossil record of characi-forms is mainly restricted to terminal Cretaceouswith marine or euryhaline forms, the radiation ofRecent families is suggested to have occurred inthe terminal Cretaceous and was rapidly followedby dispersal events (Fig. 11).

The historical biogeography of cypriniforms ismore puzzling. According to modern distributionand diversity, cypriniforms have been thought tooriginate in Asia, where the Tertiary fossil recordis rather good. Based on the currently recognizedphylogenetic position of the order, however,Briggs (2005) suggested that ancestral forms onceoccupied South America and Africa, where theybecame extinct possibly due to competitionwith characiforms.

Gymnotiforms, regarded as the sister-group ofsiluriforms (Fink & Fink 1996) or of characiforms(Saitoh et al. 2003), have no fossil record in theMesozoic. That their distribution is restricted toSouth America (and Central America for somefamilies) strengthens the assumption that otophy-sans originated on this continent.

To summarize, the phylogenetic positions of themajor clades of otophysans imply their ancientorigin, no later than the Late Jurassic and possiblyin South America (Briggs 2005). However, Ihypothesize that these lineages remained crypticand weakly diversified and were representedmainly by stem groups confined in restricted geo-graphical areas until the Late Cretaceous. Thesegeographic provinces could be South America forcatfishes and characiforms, and an unknownlocation for cypriniforms. This ecologically andgeographically limited extension may have beencaused by competition with dominant freshwater


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clades of that time. The radiation and individualiza-tion of modern families occurred in the Late Cretac-eous and in the Tertiary, and was rapidly followedby geographical spreading, mainly through disper-sals. Although these dispersal events imply thecrossing of some marine barriers, these wererelatively rare and short in distance. The ability tocolonize new environments and/or ecologicalniches, which were rather common in the basal-most Tertiary, is regarded as a more important par-ameter for dispersal than the ability to cross amarine barrier.

If this scenario is right, so it is relativelywell-documented by the fossil record: the fossilrecord of freshwater non-ostariophysean taxa inthe Cretaceous, as well as the freshwater fossilrecord of ostariophysans in the Tertiary, isboth diversified and abundant, as expected dueto a Late Cretaceous and Tertiary ostariophysanworldwide radiation.


Phylogenies of aulopiformes in Figure 12 are fromFielitz (2004) for the enchodontids at the specieslevel and Gallo et al. (2005) for the dercetids,with the additions from Taverne (2005a and b).According to the definitions of the biogeographicalevents above, there is one vicariant event betweenboth sides of the South Atlantic in the mid-Cretaceous (Cyranichthys and a new Braziliangenus) and one between North Africa and NorthAmerica at the same time (Enchodus venator andE. shumardi). In the Late Cretaceous, there aretwo vicariant events between Europe and NorthAmerica (Enchodus gracilis and the more derivedEnchodus on one hand, Cimolichthys levisiensisand C. nepaholica on the other). A mid-Cretaceousradiation of Rhynchodercetis is observed in theTethys, with several species (5 at least) widely dis-tributed in Tethys, as well as a Late Cretaceous

Fig. 12. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Aulopiformes. Abbreviations as in previous Figures.


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radiation of Enchodus in North America. To theseevents may be added a possible vicariantevent between Eastern and Central Tethys inthe mid-Cretaceous (E. lewesiensis/E. brevisþParenchodus). Taverne (2005a and b) reported thepresence of four species representing four generain the Campanian–Maastrichtian of Nardo, Italy.Because the two species described, up to now, arenot closely-related, they are not evidence of a radi-ation event in that area. Taken as a whole, the diver-sity of aulopiforms correlated with sea temperature(Cavin et al. 2007a) and the various eventsdescribed above form part of a major teleost radi-ation starting in the mid-Cretaceous.

Basal acanthomorphs

This non-monophyletic group comprises myctophii-forms, ctenosquamata incertae sedis, polymixiiformsand sphenocephaliforms. The intrarelationshipswithin these groups and the interrelationshipsbetween them are poorly resolved and theirpalaeogeographical signal cannot be assessed. Asa whole, this grade shows a radiation in the

mid-Cretaceous follows by a slight regular decreasethat correlates well with variation of sea temperature(Cavin et al. 2007a).


Gayet (1982b) provided a hand-drawn cladogram forthe Cretaceous beryciforms. In Figure 13 these datahave been used, with the addition of thetrachichthyoid Antarctiberyx (without phylogeneticplacement) (Grande & Chatterjee 1987), of thelissoberycinae Hgulichthys (Otero et al. 1995),of the holocentroids Paracentrus and Pelotius(without phylogenetic placement) (Forey et al.2003; Gallo-da-Silva & de Figueiredo 1999 respect-ively) (Fig. 13). Few palaeogeographical patternsare detected. A vicariant event possibly occurredbetween Northern and Southern Tethys in themid-Cretaceous (Caproberyx and Stichoberyx) andtwo radiation events: the alloberycins (with threegenera and five species in the locality of SahelAlma) and the genus Hoplopteryx with eight species.

It is surprising that the diversity of thisexclusively marine family, with an important

Fig. 13. Cretaceous historical biogeography of Beryciformes. Abbreviations as in previous Figures.


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diversification in the mid-Cretaceous, is not corre-lated with sea temperature (Cavin et al. 2007a).


Actinopterygians belonging to other clades are knownin the Cretaceous (crossognathids, gonorynchids,salmoniforms, stomiiforms, perciforms, amongstothers), but their phylogenetic relationships are toouncertain so far to provide palaeogeographic signals.


Figure 14 synthesizes all the patterns detected inthe various bony fish clades from the Late Jurassicto the Late Cretaceous. As a preliminarycomment, the global pattern shown here suffersfrom various biases dependent on the quality ofthe fossil record and of the resolution of the avail-able phylogenies. However, because the resultsare based on testable data, they constitute a prelimi-nary hypothesis that may be tested by further fossildiscoveries and/or phylogenies. The amount ofevents detected increases through time, with only2 detectable events in the Late Jurassic and 15 atleast in the Late Cretaceous. This rise is related tothe richer Late Cretaceous fossil record and tothe better resolved phylogenetic relationshipsof these taxa, but not to a genuine rise ofgeographically-assignable cladogenetic events.Most of the observed patterns concerned east-westevents (both vicariance and dispersal) rather thannorth-south events. This is probably because theseparation between Laurasia and Gondwana isalready underway in the Late Jurassic and affectsonly weakly the Cretaceous faunas. The east-westpattern concerns mainly taxa from Africa versusSouth America and Central versus Western Tethysin the mid-Cretaceous, and Europe versus NorthAmerica in the Late Cretaceous. These results arein accordance with the time of the opening of theAtlantic Ocean starting in the South then extendingnorthwards. Dispersals appear to be abundantbetween NE Asia and NW North America in theLate Cretaceous, as exemplified by other ver-tebrates such as dinosaurs. Dominant direction ofdispersals is from Asia to North America. Althoughthe richest Mesozoic fish assemblages occur in themid-Cretaceous of Lebanon, the taxa from theselocalities show few biogeographical patterns.I suggest that this fact reflects a genuine phenom-enon indicative of a genuine diversification of mid-Cretaceous marine fishes in that area that are mainlyaffected by physical parameters, such as sea temp-erature, and not by palaeogeographic events, suchas land mass separation or connections. If true,this region may correspond to a centre of

origination as existing today (Briggs 2003; Briggs2006; Cavin et al. 2005b).

Vicariance is often preferred to dispersal in bio-geographic reconstructions because the former issaid to be falsifiable while the latter is regarded asa contingent hypothesis. If included in a temporalframework, however, a sister-group relationshipbetween two taxa may be more parsimoniouslyexplained by a dispersal event if both taxa are notcontemporaneous in time. The direction of thedispersal is indicated by age succession, from thegeographic area of the older taxon to the geographicarea of the younger one. As for vicariance

Fig. 14. Schematic representation of bony fish vicariant(double-headed arrows) and dispersal (single-headedarrow) events from the Late Jurassic to the LateCretaceous. Width of the arrows is in proportion to theamount of events.


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hypothesis, this dispersal hypothesis is falsifiable bythe discovery of new fossils that could: (1) modifythe phylogenetic hypothesis and subsequently theresulting biogeographical pattern; or (2) modifythe temporal succession, and consequently eitheralters the direction of the dispersal or favours avicariant event over a dispersal one if both taxaappear to be contemporaneous in time.

Dispersals of freshwater fishes in the LateCretaceous are probably a more common phenom-enon than previously expected, because most ofthe marine barriers were still relatively narrowand likely susceptible to width variations in relationto sea level fluctuations at that time. Moreover, it issuggested that the fish autoecology as a whole is amore significant parameter allowing an assessmentof dispersal ability rather than simply their capacityto tolerate salt waters. Reproductive strategy(K versus r modes), physiological machinery(air breathing ability) and thermal flexibility arefundamental factors that allow dispersal within,and in between, continental landmasses.

Another trend that is detectable in this survey isa tendency in several clades to start their evolution-ary history in marine environments, then to confineit to freshwater environments. This trend is obviousfor the dipnoi (although the marine phase is muchmore ancient in the Devonian), chondrosteids,semionotids, aminoids and aspidorhynchids and itis suspected to be present in characids and possiblypolypterids. Searching for the cause of such a trendis risky. One hypothesis is that: if exhaustion ofmorphological characters (Wagner 2000) is con-firmed for bony fish clades, the consequence is adecrease in morphological diversification throughtime and then there is a decrease of competitiveability, especially in the marine environmentwhere the rate of origination is high. The rapidmarine species turnover may lead most ancientclades to become extinct, while they endure infreshwater environments.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to Peter L. Forey,for his supervision and collaboration at the start of mycareer, and for his friendship. I thank P. and J. C. Briggs(Philomath) for their comments on this manuscript.


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