palm west · pdf filepalm west alive featuring news and ... inreach, john d. anderson ... lead...

Palm West Alive Featuring News and Interests of . . . . Palm West Community Church “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree . . . .Psalm 92:12 December 2015 “A Spiritual Oasis in the Desert” How far to Christmas? How Far is it to Christmas Day? The journey’s just as long as taking time to listen to a joyful angel song. It’s just as far as one can go in doing a loving deed that helps someone feel better or that meets their special need. For Christmas is a journey that the heart makes every year. It starts right with your family and those you hold so dear. It travels on to strangers ’round the world to everyone with the message that God loves us and that’s why He’s sent his Son! —Peggy Ferrell

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Page 1: Palm West · PDF filePalm West Alive Featuring News and ... Inreach, John D. Anderson ... lead pastor in three churches, my life-journey with Jesus has been the primary influencer

Palm West Alive Featuring News and Interests of . . . .

Palm West Community Church “The righteous will flourish like a palm tree . . . .”

Psalm 92:12

December 2015

“A Spiritual Oasis in the Desert”

How far to Christmas?

How Far is it to Christmas Day? The journey’s just as long as taking time to listen to a joyful angel song. It’s just as far as one can go in doing a loving deed that helps someone feel better or that meets their special need. For Christmas is a journey that the heart makes every year. It starts right with your family and those you hold so dear. It travels on to strangers ’round the world to everyone with the message that God loves us and that’s why He’s sent his Son!

—Peggy Ferrell

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Pastoral Staff:

Bruce Schipul, Senior Pastor [email protected]

Peter Kyhn, Associate Pastor of Worship, Music and Discipleship [email protected]

Dave Gallagher, Associate Pastor of Pastoral Care [email protected]

Office Staff:

Joyce Sopilnick, Church Administrator [email protected]

Ruth Czach, Church Secretary [email protected]

Nacho Zamora, Custodian

2015 Diaconate

Moderator, Tom Mutton

Vice-Moderator, Ed Rife

Clerk, Rebecca Oaks

Treasurer, Chuck Crandall

Financial Secretary, Jean Farris

Columbarium, Larry Malewiski

Education, Dr. John A. Anderson

Fellowship, Diane Koziol

Care Ministry, Sharen Walker

Finance, Gerald Schmidtke

Inreach, John D. Anderson

Media, Christine Norman

Missions, Al Tyson

Outreach, Bob Reichert

Property, Paul Hoovler

Worship, Dorcas Van Horn


Senior Pastor, page 3-5

Pastor Peter Kyhn, page 6

Pastoral Care, Dr. Dave Gal-

lagher, page 7

Moderator’s Report, page 8

Holiday Events, page 9

Outreach, page 10

Inreach, page 11

Women’s Connection, page 12-


Missions, page 14

Treasurer’s Report, Financial

Secretary, page 15

Fellowship, GriefShare, page 16

Sundays in December, page 17

Thank You’s, page 18

Prayer Ministry, page 19

Men’s Fellowship, page 20

Hope Bags, page 21

Property Ministry, page 22

Education, Library, page 22-23

Worship Sundays at 10:00 am

Sunday Nite Service, 6:00 pm

Church Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Phone: 623-546-2980 Fax: 623-546-9977

General Church Email: [email protected]


Articles for the Palm West Alive FOR DECEMBER must be sub-

mitted to the church office by the 10th of the month due to the holidays.

Thank you.

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Pastor Bruce Schipul Senior Pastor

Continued on Page 4 3

As we approach the celebration of the birth of Christ I am greatly encouraged that as a congregation we have overwhelmingly approved 1.) the forming of a Vision Leadership Team to discern the direction God has for Palm West Community Church, and 2.) the planting of a new church in the Vistancia/Trilogy housing development located just six miles from Sun City West. Christ came into the world to show us God’s love and to redeem us from sin and transform and fulfill our lives with purpose. That is why the plans for Vision Leadership and New Church are important ways we can respond to that redemptive process. While there is growing uncertainty in the world around us, there is absolute certainty of God’s call on His people. I praise God over the news of great joy by the angels “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to those on whom His favor rests!” (Luke 2:14) -bps

Learn About Our New Church Planters

We will see them very soon after the first of the year. Please pray for them as they transition from California to Arizona, especially in terms of moving and settling in.

Jim and Susan Kennon With over 30 years of pastoral experience, Jim has a passion for adding value to pastors and helping churches grow. A 1980 graduate of The Ohio State University, Jim is an avid Buckeye fan. He received his Master of Divinity from the American Baptist Seminary of the West in 1984 and has served three churches: two in California and one outside of Philadelphia. Married 34 years to Susan Fong Kennon. Sue is a Clinical Lab Scientist and Quality Systems Specialist at Children’s Hospital of Central California. Two married children: Joshua and Stefanie. Joshua is a police officer in Fairfax County, VA. Stefanie is

completing her post PhD work in neuroscience at Washington University in St. Louis. Two fantastic grandchildren, Milo and Elisabeth.

Jim is currently serving two roles, one as Associate Pastor of First Baptist Church of Fresno, CA and the other as Director of Development and Stewardship Resources for Transformation Ministries (TM). Jim will initially continue to serve TM on a part-time basis and that salary will help hold down expenses here in the new church plant. He will be the lead pastor for preaching and teaching, and strategic planning

Jim’s personal Philosophy of Ministry: “Come, follow me.” This simple three-word invitation from Jesus has directed my life for over 45 years. From significant life-choices to the important relationships in my life, to my career as lead pastor in three churches, my life-journey with Jesus has been the primary influencer.

Life is best when lived with family, friends, and community. I strongly believe life is only fully lived when it is lived in faithful response to God’s love and grace offered through Jesus Christ.

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Bryan and Terry Hitch Bryan currently serves as Executive Pastor and Pastor of Worship Arts at First Baptist Church of Fresno, CA where he has been on staff for the past 15 years. His responsibilities include coordinating and conducting worship services, implementing vision and day-to-day operations of the church, and providing leadership for weekly small group ministries. He also frequently preaches and teaches. He has also given oversight to the church’s television ministry and is also

responsible for all technical systems at the church (computers, lighting, staging, instruments, etc.). For many years Bryan traveled across the United States as an independent Christian recording artist and songwriter, performing concerts or leading worship at various churches, youth conventions, youth camps, retreats, revivals and spiritual renewal weekends. He also recorded and produced CDs of original and popular worship songs of that era. Bryan is a graduate of Judson College in Elgin, Illinois, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Vocal Performance, minoring in composition and music theory. He and Terry have been married for 32 years and have four adult children. Terry is a tax accountant in a Fresno firm and has been training to be a Certified Public Accountant. Bryan’s Philosophy of Ministry: Bryan Hitch knew what God was calling him to: a life of ministry to the church using his gifts in music to expand the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Raised in a pastor’s home, his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Francis Hitch’s great love for music inspired their children to fully embrace a family music ministry for over 35 years together and were the same people at home and at church. That transparency, authenticity and passion for the faith and God's people created a legacy that Bryan has tried to model in his home and the church. Bryan is equally comfortable leading the great hymns of the faith from a piano and leading a band in contemporary expressions of worship and praise. He strongly embraces the idea that God continues to inspire His church and its creative artists to express their faith and theology through new songs for the Body, utilizing both the ancient and modern expressions of worship and praise of our Creator through music.

New Church Planting Launch Team

Sometime in January both the Vision Team and Diaconate will appoint those who will serve on the new church launch team. The Launch Team will give guidance and support to the new church and planters and keep our church fully informed of the progress. We hope they will serve at least for two years. Once the new church planting pastors present their vision and plans to us, they may invite others from our church and other churches to also participant on the launch team. We hope the launch team will be in place and meeting by February 1, 2016.

Continued on Page 5

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For all the cards we received with your thoughts and kind words. They were deeply appreciated!


Vision Leadership Team Formation

The Vision Leadership Team will soon be formed and begin as early as January 2016. They will meet at least monthly at the start. The purpose is to oversee the Vision and Mission of Palm West Community Church. Vision is discovered through a process of discernment of the Scriptures and prayer. A clear vision helps focus our ministries and give direction to all we do and evaluate the overall spiritual maturity of our congregation. Vision also helps any and all of the decisions we make as a church by asking: “How will this decision fulfill the vision God has for us?” Composition: The VLT will be made up of a minimum of five male and female members plus the full-time pastors of the church. There are no term limits for VLT members. We hope that they will serve at least two years and if they need to resign for any reason they may do so with at least one month’s notice being given. Qualifications: Participation is open to all regular members who are in good standing and year-round residents, and who have been members for at least one year. They must have already been involved in the church and demonstrated a willingness to serve and demonstrated spiritual maturity. They must accept and adhere to our biblical convictions (found on our website), church covenant, bylaws and constitutions of the church. They must also embrace the purpose and scope of the VLT and cannot concurrently serve on the Diaconate.

Selection Process: While some participants in the VLT will be personally invited, all those

interested must make application in writing and be interviewed by the senior pastor and

recommended through the Nominating Committee and then placed before the congregation

for their approval. An application form is available through the senior pastor.

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Peter Kyhn Associate Pastor

Christmas is about the birth of Jesus, the Christ, the promised Messiah, the Savior who was

born in humble circumstances, in fulfilment of ancient prophecies. Yes, Christmas is about the

incarnation, about God taking on human flesh to identify with His creation to accomplish the

substitutionary atonement for sin. The cradle of Christmas has great meaning because it leads

to the cross of Easter.

Ancient Christians did not give as much emphasis to the birth (to Christmas) as we moderns.

Their focal celebration of the incarnation was Epiphany, the eighth day after Christ’s birth; the

day he was presented for circumcision according to the Law of Moses. At that event the Son

was given His name, and according to the name the angel gave Him at His conception, He

was officially named Jesus. Epiphany is the great culmination of Christmas.

Luke tells us in his gospel of Simeon “who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the

consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him. It had been revealed to him by the Holy

Spirit that he would not die before he had seen the Lord’s Messiah. Moved by the Spirit, he

went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus to do for him what the

custom of the Law required, Simeon took him in his arms and praised God, saying:

“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised,

you may now dismiss your servant in peace.

For my eyes have seen your salvation,

which you have prepared in the sight of all nations:

a light for revelation to the Gentiles,

and the glory of your people Israel.”

The child’s father and mother marveled at what was said about him. Then Simeon blessed

them and said to Mary, his mother: “This child is destined to cause the falling and rising of

many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be spoken against, so that the thoughts of many

hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your own soul too.” (Luke 2:25-35)

Christmas is about the birth of The Baby and the fulfilment of God’s promise to restore His

creation to its proper place of Shalom – God’s blessed wholeness. Jesus will will bring Shalom,

but not without shedding His own blood. As He faithfully appeared 2000 years ago, so we wait

for His appearing again. Come, Lord Jesus!

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Stephen Ministers will meet at 1:00 pm on Monday, December 14th (Note the day change for December) in the Hoover Hall classroom. Please be sure

to turn in your reports as you make your contacts.

Dr. Dave Gallagher PASTORAL CARE

“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.”

1 John 3:1

Billy Graham wrote in Hope for Each Day, “Mary and Joseph deeply loved the Child God gave them, even becoming refugees to spare His life when King Herod tried to kill Him (Matthew 2:13). But the love was almost nothing compared with the infinite love of God for His Son.” Graham continues, “God loves the Son – and He loves you as well.” [Jesus the Light of the World, Thomas Nelson, 2009, page 14].

God’s love has been lavished on us and we share His love with others. That’s exactly what Stephen Ministers and Pastoral Assistance Team leaders do. Stephen Ministers each has one care receiver over an extended period to encourage while PAT leaders have one or more care receivers to contact and encourage over a short period. Both teams focus on homebound and shut-in members and friends of Palm West.

Some may wonder what the difference is between what the Pastoral Assistance Team leaders do and what the Stephen Ministers do? There are some significant differences:

Upcoming SM and PAT Meetings in 2016

Pastoral Assistance Team Stephen Ministry

A short term commitment Longer term commitment (2 years)

Little training needed More extensive training needed

Make telephone calls or make home or care center visits to one or more individuals to encourage and say we care

Establish a longer-term relationship with one person to show love and friendship and help them through a much more challenging time

Month Stephen Ministers 1:00 pm Pastoral Assistance Team 2:30 pm

January 4 4

February 1 No Meeting

March 7 7

April 4 No Meeting

May 2 2

Mary Ann and I want to thank you for the love shown to us Sunday, November 1, in the morning worship service. Thank you for all of the cards, words of encouragement and kindness expressed for Pastor Appreciation month.

We also thank all who were able to attend our open house on November 2. We had twenty-eight for a sit-down Stephen Minister & Pastoral Assistance Team lunch followed by many Palm West folks stopping in throughout the afternoon to extend greetings.

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Everything Through Prayer


This is my last Moderator’s Moment. Where has the year gone? I must say it has been both rewarding and spiritual for me. It was a privilege serving you as the moderator. We have a wonderful group of Diaconate members that are hard-working and dedicated. That also goes for those who serve through the ministries. As the year opened the Diaconate began to discuss and pray about Planting a Church and a VLT team. The many discussions and prayers along with Discovery Teams 1 and 2 at our side led to you making a commitment to support both programs. That’s exciting! I would be amiss to not single out Pastor Bruce for showing all of us the spiritual side of our endeavors. His insight was inspirational. He is a fantastic leader! Pastors Peter and Dave, you have certainly added quality of life for each of us. Your talents are appreciated. We are very blessed to have both of you with us. Joyce and Ruth, thank you for always being there to make sure things are done right. It was a delight working with both of you. We can look forward to next year with great anticipation. Working together is what it is all about. When people ask me to describe Palm West, I always tell them we are a Bible-based church made up of loving, caring and generous people. In closing, I would like to ask those of you who have not made a commitment to serve as yet to please step up and be part of the team! It’s fun and rewarding! Remember, working for God is wonderful. He offers a great retirement program! See you in church!


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Sunday Evening Programs in December December 6 – “Clueless at Christmas” Presented by the Drama Team December 13 – Our Choir presents a “Tapestry of Light: A Celtic Christmas Celebration” December 16 – Fellowship Christmas Banquet 5:30 pm. The Christmas banquet program will be presented by “The Broad’s Way” – four marvelous Christian ladies. December 20 – A Candlelight Communion December 24 – Candlelight Christmas Eve Service (Thursday evening at 6:00 pm) December 27 – Contemporary Christmas Worship Service


Wishing you all a blessed Christmas and Health and Happiness for the New Year!

The staff at Palm West Community Church

Holiday Church Office Hours The church office will close at noon on Thursday, Christmas Eve and will be closed through Friday, New Year’s Day, January 1. It will re-open Monday, January 4, 2016. If you have a group that might be meeting during that week, please check with the facilitator to see if the meeting has been cancelled.

The pastors will be available for emergencies. Please contact them on their cell phones, the numbers are listed in the directory.

Page 10: Palm West · PDF filePalm West Alive Featuring News and ... Inreach, John D. Anderson ... lead pastor in three churches, my life-journey with Jesus has been the primary influencer

Greetings for Christmas, December 2015

This month we celebrate the best birthday ever! As we recall the visitation of the Holy Spirit to Mary and that she birthed our Savior, Jesus, let us be thankful for the gift of love and life. As Ambassadors of Christ, we can take this time of celebration of the best birthday ever and share our joy with the unchurched in our community. Here are some of the ways you can act on your thankful heart: • Wear the PWCC shirt in the community where you speak and interact with the unchurched. If someone asks what PWCC is, you can invite them to church! It is the rapport and the relationship you want to create and build but think of the blessings you and the unchurched can experience by coming to church together! Shirts can be pre-ordered at the sign-up table in the Narthex or Hoover Hall foyer. When 20 shirts are pre-ordered, the order will be filled within two weeks. There are 12 in pre-order status right now. The shirt might be just the perfect Christmas gift for someone you know. They come in four colors! • Take a new neighbor a welcome gift like pumpkin bread or a small bag of cookies. Give them an Outreach Business Card (found on the sign-up table in the Narthex or in the church office) where you can write in your name (and optionally your personal phone number) to welcome them into the neighborhood. • Extend a hand of friendship to a visitor sitting in the pew in front of you or behind you or beside you. Let them know your name and express your joy to have them visit the church. • Invite a friend, neighbor or visitor to the Symphony of Praise event or Choir Christmas Celebration • Invite a friend and/or neighbor or visitor out for a meal after church or to the monthly potluck dinner. • Go to a professional team “Faith and Family Night” taking an unchurched friend or family member. The next opportunity is the Arizona Coyotes vs Los Angeles Kings hockey game on Saturday, January 23, 2016, at the Gila River Arena at 7:00 pm. Tickets range from $22 to $55 per person. Contact: Ryan Katz, Coyote Hockey Club, 623-772-3347 or [email protected]. A post game testimonial from Coyotes Captain Shane Doan will be worth the trip. He was the Canadian Olympic Team Captain and works with organizations that promote Christian faith and values in primarily athletic venues. These are just a few of the ideas of how you can be an Ambassador for Christ and have fun doing something you love...serving Christ, making disciples, and having fun! Your Outreach team prays that the Holy Spirit will nudge you to take a chance to reach the 82% of the population in the United States that is unchurched. We will help you any way we can.

Team Members: Don Baker, Claudia Burr, Ernestine Glenn, Jeff Grant, Beverly Morgan, Paul Nagelson, Alice Paluch, and Bob (Chair) and Wilma Reichert.


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John D. Anderson, Chair

The INREACH Committee is about caring for the needs of Palm West members and friends. We will be conducting a group of medical seminars with topics of interest to our members. We will continue to provide tours of independent and assisted living facilities to educate people as to what is available when independent living is no longer an option. Christian fellowship is also important to our members. We are planning "field trips" with transportation to various events of interest in the greater Phoenix area. We continue to seek interested members to join our committee. Please contact our chairperson, John D. Anderson, or any other committee member if you are interested.

If you have an interest in exploring the columbarium/niche option, please contact Marshall Oaks or the church office. The cost is $1,000 for a double niche, $750 for a single niche, or $250 for a memorial plaque. We are interested in more persons who desire to be a part of this ministry regarding future goals and plans. Anyone with a question or interest in purchase of a memorial plaque or niche should contact the church office..


ANGEL BENEVOLENCE FUND Are you having a hard time making financial ends meet? Did you have an unusually large prescription bill that was hard to pay? Are there times when you have to choose which bill to pay? Your church may be able to help! Did you know we have a benevolence fund that can help? We have a fund set up to assist our people who are in need. The biggest challenge is that people are afraid to ask for help. We under-

stand that. And that is why the process is strictly confidential. You can speak privately to one of the pastors. Only a pastor needs to know the name and one key leader needs to be able to co-sign a check to provide support to you. If you are not in need or perhaps you know some-one who is a member, associate member or regular attender who does need help, please let one of the pastors know and they will indeed follow-up on this. While there is a set limit of the amount we give at any one time, any amount we give is considered a gift and never a loan.

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MONTHLY LUNCHEON AND BENEFIT Our WORLD VISION FARM PROJECT has continued to grow. We have 11 ducks, 2 sheep, 1 goat, 3 rabbits, 8 chickens and 2 pigs. In the months of March, June, July and August, we have purchased parts for wells for fresh water! Since January 2015, the total contributions are over $1,900. On Monday, December 14, at 11:30 am. we will be meeting for lunch at Le Petite Café (Memo’s Bistro), 14417 W. Meeker Blvd., Bldg. 13. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Narthex. All women are welcome!

Questions? Call Dee McCurdy – or Venita White.


Women meet every Monday at 10:00 am at Birt’s Bistro in Surprise for casual, directed conversation. Food is available for purchase at Birt’s. This is a great way to meet and connect with other women in our community.

Engaging Women Judie Amen

At our first Engaging Women meeting of the fall and winter session we viewed a compelling video of women who have been called by God to reach out to help women who have been victims of human trafficking. Many of these victims had been as young as 5 and 6 when their abuse began. We were challenged to become more aware of this kind of activity, as it may also be taking place in some of our communities. Information on praying for or being involved in this outreach ministry is available. Contact Judy Blake. Phone number in Church directory. We also made available at this meeting applications and a handbook for volunteering at a number of Dysart Schools. These will be available at all of our Engaging Women’s meetings. At our December meeting, women from MOM’S PLACE shared the way God is meeting the needs of women and their children through this ministry. We also discovered how we can personally help to meet those needs; therefore, Engaging Women will be hosting a Baby Shower at Palm West for Mom’s Place in January. The Saturday date will be announced in the church bulletin. This will be an opportunity to buy those cute little baby things or the practical items that moms

and babies need but can’t afford. We will have available a list of new and gently used items

that are needed. Shower games and food will be a part of this special celebration. You won’t

want to miss this special time to ENGAGE in helping connect women to one another and to


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Fall Event - A Taste of Christmas

What a blessing I had representing Women’s Connection, women’s ministry, on a recent Sunday morning. As we prepared to dedicate the beautiful gift baskets for shut-ins, I was able to share that every ministry under Women’s Connection, whether it is the Monday morning Birt’s Bistro Coffee and Conversation, the monthly Women’s Lunch and Benefit, A Place to Belong small group ministry or Engaging Women Outreach Ministry that meets the first Tuesday evening of every month – we all share the same Ministry Vision: to “Connect Women to Jesus as They Connect With Each Other.” We endeavored to do just that at our recent “A Taste of Christmas Tea.” We began by asking four women to connect with several other women to decorate, one of four tables with their own Christmas decorations. The tables were stunning, beautifully blending pieces that were special to each of those women. We also asked them to bake Christmas cookies and other goodies to place on their tables for our guests to enjoy.

We then asked our guests to bring a gift to place in the baskets on each of the guest’s tables. These were to be filled and delivered to our shut-ins. However, the women responded with such an abundance of items our baskets couldn’t hold them all. So, Carol Brown, from Women’s Connection, called Claudia Smith, from Hope Bags Ministry and the abundance will be filling Hope Bags in the near future. What an opportunity to connect with one another! But we also wanted to connect in a more personal way with the shut-ins who would be receiving our baskets, so we asked Pastor Dave Gallagher, our Pastoral Care Pastor at Palm West, and his wife, Mary Ann, to share some of these women’s lives with us. They did so beautifully, with overheads of each individual woman; a lovely picture of her and wonderful insights into her life; including her years at Palm West, her family and her prayer needs. And then—they asked someone to stand and pray for this woman.

As they prayed for each woman, our hearts were deeply touched. We felt a connection with her, but we also knew our prayers were connecting her with Jesus as well. Therefore, we pray as each woman opens her basket and takes out the items inside -- as she reads the note included in each basket: “This basket of goodies is wrapped with the love of Jesus and your friends at Palm West Community Church,” she too will feel the connection with Jesus and with us.

Judie Amen


Judie Amen & Judi Brook

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World Mission Offering

Special thanks to all who supported the World Mission Offering to support the missionary outreach of International Ministries. Total received: $5,311. Praise God and thank you!


A Song for Stephen Ministers Fannalou Guggisberg

Candles burn out. Love never dies. Love causes grief. Want raises fears Caring restores lost joy to hopeless eyes. Unyielding pain brings depression and Listening empowers the healing to start, tears. And understanding brings peace to the heart. Loneliness aches for friendship to share; Our Stephen Ministers know how to care. Classes we take, Training we do Our skills allow us to be there for you. Hurting is real. Wounding runs deep. Touches and hugs bring comfort that lasts; Love breaks down walls, gives permission We’ll surely stay till the crisis is past. to weep. There is no shame, and there is no price: We serve for love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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Samaritan’s Purse Samaritan's Purse is an evangelical Christian humanitarian organization that provides aid to people in physical need as a key part of Christian missionary work; founded by Franklin Graham and Robert Pierce. Christmas Child

Shoebox is the largest Christmas project in the world. Since its founding in 1993 it has delivered over 113 million shoeboxes lovingly made by volunteers to over 150 countries. A special thank you to each person who participated in this year’s offering. As of November 16: Our campaign for filling Samaritan’s Purse Shoeboxes for children worldwide, 564 Shoeboxes filled and returned, 30 outstanding. The Shoeboxes that have been filled by PWCC will be going to Nepal, Panama, Madagascar, Philippines, Mongolia, Indonesia, and the Ukraine.

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The envelopes for 2016 have arrived and will be available for pickup in December. We will be reassigning some of the numbers, so please check carefully for your box.

If you are new to PWCC or have just not used envelopes in the past, we encourage you to request them. You may sign up on the sheet in the Narthex. This makes recordkeeping much easier if you give weekly. For those of you who give monthly, we can give you a packet with only 12 envelopes for the year if you so request.

As you consider your year-end giving, remember that December 27 will be your last opportunity to get your check deposited for the year 2015.

Thank you to those who are using envelopes. We in the finance office really appreciate it.

Giving appreciated stock or securities you've held for more than a year can be a

tax-wise way to support our ministry. Your gift is deductible at the full market value of the securities, and the capital gain avoids taxation. Donors requesting credit for stock sale or securities during the current calendar year should make the donation prior to December 1 of that year due to the required time by the brokerage firm for selling of stock/securities, the settle price, issuing the check and mailing the check to the church. Email or call the office for how to make the transfer.


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The winter session of GriefShare will begin on Tuesday, January 5 through March 29 in the Hoover Hall classroom at 10:00 am. This 13-week session includes a video seminar featuring top experts on grief recovery, plus real-life case studies and reenactments. After each video presentation, we will spend time as a group discussing what was presented and how it applies to what is going on in your lives. This group is open to anyone in or outside of our church. GriefShare facilitator is Cindy Antonik. If you have any questions, please call the church office at 623-546-2980.

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December, the last month of the year, is a time to reflect on the blessings that this year has brought upon us and to anticipate the Lord’s plan and direction for our future, both as church family and individually. These past few weeks we were able to serve for the Men’s Fellowship Breakfast, an after-church reception for Polly White’s visit, the Fellowship turkey dinner, the GriefShare’s special day of “Surviving the Holidays”, a memorial reception for our Mary Gordon. What an enormous blessing to work with a “kitchen team” who share servants’ hearts. I will be passing the “kitchen baton” over to Mary Stinson as our incoming Fellowship Chair; I will assist her as Vice-Chair for the coming year. Sharen Walker and Jan Barker will co-lead the Memorial Reception group. Carolyn Whitfield and Ann Owen have offered to co-lead the Meal Assistance group. We are always open to new ideas about improving our ways to serve, menu ideas and we sincerely want each member to know that we come together as family. Because of His Grace, Diane Koziol, Fellowship Chair


The ladies currently planning and preparing the Men’s Fellowship Breakfasts are asking for a small group of individuals to volunteer to help with the breakfasts that are held on the second Friday of the month. Your volunteering would be greatly appreciated in that it would give the current volunteers an occasional break. Please contact Diane Koziol in reference to this request. The Men’s Fellowship appreciates a delicious breakfast and says thanks and God bless.

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Morning Bible Study—8:30 am Hoover Hall Classroom

Bill Barker will continue his class on Galatians


10:00 am Worship December 6 Second Sunday in Advent: When Jesus Comes to Live with Us – John 1:14 December 13 Third Sunday in Advent: When Jesus Comes to Make Us Ready – John 3:22-26 December 20 Fourth Sunday in Advent: When Jesus Comes I Will Follow Micah 1:2-3; 5:4-5

December 24 Christmas Eve: When Jesus Comes it Won’t Be Easy – Isaiah 9:2; Titus 2:11-14; Luke 2:1-20 December 27 When Jesus Comes He’ll Bring Justice – Isaiah 25:6-26:6

Sunday Nite @ 6 Hoover Hall

December 6 The Readers Theatre of PWCC presents “Clueless at Christmas” A humorous mystery with a message of love and hope. There’s a prob- lem with the crèche: the baby Jesus figurine is missing with no clues as to its whereabouts. Plan to experience this engaging drama!

December 13 “Tapestry of Light: A Celtic Christmas Celebration” Worship Center The lilting melodies and joyful harmonies of familiar and favorite British and Irish tunes are woven together with the Scriptures that proclaim the appearing of the promised Messiah into a glorious tapestry. The PWCC Chancel Choir and Celtic Consort Instrumental Ensemble, along with narration and soloists, tell the eternal story of God’s trustworthy word to bring salvation through the Christ, Jesus – the Light of the world. You won’t want to miss this delightful presentation of the true meaning of

Christmas. Worship Center

December 20 A Candlelight Communion Service

December 24 Candlelight Christmas Eve Service Worship Center (Thursday evening at 6:00 pm) December 27 Contemporary Christmas

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Dear Pastor Bruce, Pastor Peter, Joyce and staff, I can’t tell you how much it means to me that my mother (Diana Orlan-do) belonged to such a wonderful church. She was blessed to be surrounded by lov-ing people. My family and I were truly moved by the beautiful service. All your special touches did not go unnoticed. Thank you for your prayers and compas-sion. Warmest regards, Debra Mondrow

We would like to thank Pastor Bruce, Pastor Peter and all the members of the church for recognizing our 76th anniversary. We are grateful for the loving and nurturing culture of Palm West and the many friends we have within the congregation. It is truly an example of Christianity at its best and it provides a joyful experience each SUNDAY. Thank you dear friends, Mary and Irv Robertson, the 76th anniversary couple!

Dear Church Family, Your cards and warm thoughts of sincere

condolences have been much appreciated. My dad was a wonderful man and I miss his

humor, his smile and our talks but the promise of everlasting life and your outpouring of love does wonders!

Sincerely, Claudia Burr

Sandy and I want to thank Pastor Bruce, Pastor Dave and our church family for their prayers, visits, calls and cards during my recent heart attack. Thank you and God Bless, Ed Rife

What a Blessing to have a wonderful bas-ket delivered Sunday, November 8, from the Women’s Connection. It lifts my heart to know you all are thinking and praying for us during this difficult time. Another exam-ple of how caring Palm West is when we need some encouragement that we are all family and care for each other. God Bless You All, Nancy and Fred Skiotis.

Thank you all for the cards, calls and visits, they were very much appreciated.

Jo Ruck

Polly White and Pastor Bruce , enjoying her visit on November 8. Thank you to all the wonderful Palm West members who made this possible!

Pastor Bruce and PWCC, I want to express my thanks for everyone who prayed for me and sent me encourag-ing cards during my recent illness. Thank all of you for the prayer shawl you made for me. I also want to thank Hope for bringing the shawl to my home and praying with me. What a wonderful ministry this is. After four surgeries I am now cancer free. Praise God! God bless each one of you, Tom Ellis

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Our Wednesday night prayer group meets at 6:30 pm in the Hoover Hall classroom. Everyone interested in joining us to pray for personal, congregational, local, national, and global concerns is invited.

Anyone with a prayer request is encouraged to use the red cards in the pew racks during Sunday worship. Simply place the completed card in the offering plate. All requests will be prayed for during the Friday morning intercessory prayer gathering that meets at 9:30. (All prayer requests are kept confidential.) Questions? Contact Judy Blake 623-271-2716.

Pray in the Spirit in every situation. Use every kind of prayer and request there is. For the same reason be alert. Use every kind of effort and make every kind of request for all

of God’s People.

Ephesians 6:18

Prayer Shawl Group The Prayer Shawl group will meet on Thursday, December 10, at 1:00 pm in Hoover Hall. All who knit or crochet are welcome to join us. If you crochet, we could especially use your help with our new ministry project! Contact Joyce Asimus or Judy Blake for questions or more information.


Each Sunday we provide a group of leaders who will be available at the end of each service at the front of the sanctuary to be ready to pray for any need you have.

If you need prayer for any reason whatever, please feel free to seek out someone to pray with you. We provide both males and females. If you’d like to join the worship prayer

team, please contact Judy Blake 623-

271-2716. People generally serve for

one month at a time. (We could really

use some more men.)

“We tend to use prayer as a last resort,

but God wants it to be our first line of


Oswald Chambers

If you have a prayer request you would like to share with your Palm West family, please send it to: [email protected]. We will be happy to add it to our email prayer update. We would appreciate re-ceiving an update or notification when it is time to take the request off the list. If we do not hear from you, the request will be left on for one month. Thank you.

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There were 28 men and women that attended the November 13, 2013 breakfast held in Hoover Hall. The breakfast was opened with a prayer by the guest speaker, Donald Carlson. Mary Stinson, Carol Pollard, Diane Koziol, Jan Barker, and Chris Coolidge planned and prepared the breakfast that the men enjoyed. Andy Stinson provided the audio and video equipment used in the presentation.

Donald Carlson, a retired banker who specialized in Consumer Lending was the guest speaker. His banking career spans some 46 years, from 1961 to 2007. Don and his wife Ginny live in Sun City, Arizona, and they have been blessed with three daughters and one granddaughter. Don retired in 2007 and joined the Gideon Ministry in 2009. Don is a member of the Maricopa Northwest Camp in Surprise, Arizona, where he has served as the Chairman of the Faith Fund, President, and is currently the Treasurer. Don and Ginny are members of the Bellevue Heights Church, where they sign in the choir. Don is the Church Moderator, a Deacon, and member of the Foundation Board.

The focus of his presentation was a story about the Gideons, including a video on how an entire family of atheists come to the Lord as a result of a copy of God’s Word that was placed by the Gideons. The video illustrates how the distribution of a Scripture can dramatically change lives. Another video was in reference to the Gideon Card Bible Program where Scriptures can be purchased throughout the year by using Gideon Cards. The Gideons International is a missionary arm of the Church and that Gideons do not duplicate or interfere with

programs of the individual churches, but complement them. Gideons have a singular focus on the objective of winning others to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Gideons International distributes scriptures to schools, motels, hotels, hospitals, military personnel, police, fire, and to medical personnel.

Chuck Crandall gave the Treasurer’s Report, which was followed by a summary of the Men’s Fellowship 2015 Soldier’s Project that will provide the funds to train service dogs for veterans living with PTSD and to support the ministries of the Cadence International Hospitality Houses in Seoul, Korea, and Vilseck, Germany. A motion was made and seconded that authorized the ad hoc committee the authority to determine the amount of money that would be allocated to each ministry. The ad hoc committee will meet at the end of December 2015 to determine the amount of money that will be applied to train service dogs and to support the ministries of Cadence International.

It was also noted that Jack Coolidge has accepted to be the Chair of the Mother’s Day Luncheon that will be held in May 2016. Jack will need the support of the Men’s Fellowship in organizing the luncheon.

The December 11 guest speaker is a team leader of the Campus Crusade for Christ at Arizona State University. Their mission is connecting people to Christ.


Recordings of Sunday Sermons are on the web. If you are out of town or not able to attend services, visit our website and listen to the sermon.

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We just had to begin this month with a sincere THANK YOU to some sisters in Christ who have made some very special and unique contributions to the abused women we serve. Following is an excerpt taken from a note from Konstance Smith, Program Director of the Hope Wing, which includes Sofia’s House, of the Phoenix Dream Center: “Thank you so much for the donation today. It was so needed. PWCC has come alongside us in a big way and we really appreciate everything you do. Blessed to have you.” Thank you to the Women’s Connection for their generous donations. A special Thank You to Martha Malewiski and her daughter for the lovely pillows they made. They have donated these beautiful pillows to the abused children of Sofia’s House and we have been told how much they were appreciated and cherished. Each pillow has a soft stuffed toy to cuddle and put in the pocket.

Jimmy, Linda Baker and I have been busy sorting and counting the many items already received for the next Hope Bag Operation. We will soon publish a current list of items needed. We are hoping to fill 900 bags this year (this number includes 350 smaller bags for the Kid’s Bible Kamp). With most of the bags having about 20 some items, you can do the multiplication yourself and see we still have a long way to go to reach our goal. Please continue to place your items in the “RED CONTAINER” in Hoover Hall and we will continue to sort and count them so we know exactly what particular things we may be short of. You read the statistics in last month’s PWA, so you know the need is growing for these victims of abuse. We continue to praise God for His direction and guidance in this ministry. For thirty years He has provided everything needed to fill the bags. His Word is powerful and we realize as the women and children read His story, both in the Bible and children’s Bible coloring books and children’s Christian story books, His Word does not go void. Many, many have been brought to the saving knowledge of Jesus. Jimmy often says we only make a little scratch in the black and evil world of those less fortunate, but, if everyone together make a scratch…… soon becomes a big hole which

allows the light of God to shine. YES, YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE!!!

HOPE BAGS Claudia Smith


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The fall clean-up has been completed thanks to 14 volunteers, partially from our committee and about an equal participation from other members. To date we have replaced three of the large bushes that were located on the islands in the parking lot with new palm plantings. The existing bushes died and were totally removed (bush and roots) before the new plantings. Most of the remaining bushes are 20 plus years old and we anticipate more of them passing on during this next year’s summer months. We will replace them with additional palm bushes/trees as needed. The sanctuary lighting is being evaluated to determine if it’s feasible to change out the scoop lights and replace them with new, lower wattage, equally or better illumination, and longer lasting bulbs; the latter a continuing, almost weekly replacement chore. We have several qualified members who are making this evaluation at the present time. We are preparing to replace the roses that died during this past summer with more heat tolerant plants that will require much less water and labor but will remain a bright corner of our church grounds. This will be completed as time and labor is available, hopefully before year end. Respectfully submitted, Paul Hoovler, Chair


The library has four copies of this book and the DVD has been pre-ordered and will arrive around December 29th. Juggling motherhood and her job as a real-estate agent, Elizabeth Jordan wishes her husband could help more around the house. But Tony’s rising career as a pharmaceutical salesman demands more and more of his time. With a nice home in the suburbs and a lovely young daughter, they appear to have it all―yet they can’t seem to spend time together without fighting. Hoping for a new listing, Elizabeth visits the home of Clara Williams, an elderly widow, and is both amused and uncomfortable when Clara starts asking pointed questions about her marriage and faith. But it’s Clara’s secret prayer room, with its walls covered in requests and answers, that has Elizabeth most intrigued . . . even if she’s not ready to take Clara’s suggestion that she create a prayer room of her own. As tensions at home escalate, though, Elizabeth begins to realize that her family is worth fighting for, and she can’t win this battle on her own. Stepping out in blind faith, putting her prayers for her family and their future in God’s hands, might be her only chance at regaining the life she was meant for. The education committee and library staff would like to thank the individual who donated a new printer to the library. We were greatly in need of one.

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EDUCATION MINISTRY John A. Anderson, Chair

SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE CLASSES: December-January: Bill Barker will continue teaching on Galatians.

February: Barbara Lawrence teaching on the Old Testament Tabernacle March-April: Dr. John Anderson presenting Knowing God’s Will, a detailed study of heaven and the after-life, and if time permits, the work and nature of angels.

The small group program has about 14 available groups. If you haven’t decided to join a group or would like more information, please call Sally Bettesworth 623-584-7129 or Mark Barnett 425-223-7042. Some groups are doing the Ortberg discipleship study. There is a need for more small group Bible study leaders. Interested new leaders can let Peter Kyhn or Sally Bettesworth know of your experience or interest in being trained as a leader.

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY continues their study on The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer.

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY is going strong focusing on the Ortberg discipleship study."

There will be no book fair this year; however, there may be a list of needed books put in the church newsletter if people want to donate. A new printer was donated to the library which will facilitate making new labels for all the books. Recruits are being sought to serve on the CE team. If you are interested, please contact me.


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The Women’s Bible Class beginning January 7 will be led by Judi Preuss on Thursdays from 9:30 to 10:30 am. The topic will be Cynthia Heald’s newest book, “Becoming A Woman Whose God is Enough”. Books will be available at the first session. Freewill offerings to assist in defraying expenses will be accepted. All women of Palm West, along with friends and neighbors, are invited to attend these sessions. Plan on learning with us as we explore this very interesting application on living the Christian life. If you have any further questions please contact Judi at 623.214.8431 or the church office.

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Palm West Alive Palm West Community Church 13845 W. Stardust Blvd. Sun City West, AZ 85375 Phone: 623.546.2980 Fax: 623.546.9977 Church e-mail: [email protected]

“A Spiritual Oasis in the Desert”