pals 2015 peace ambassador leadership summit

P.S.A CONTEST SHOWCASE 2015 Peace Ambassador Leadership Summit June 22 - 29 Florida International University | 11200 S.W 8th Street. Miami, FL “PALS 2014 was absolutely incredible! If I was not granted this opportunity, I would have spent life misunderstanding and never really knowing the feeling of speaking to people without holding back on my past hurt and emotions. “ This program is designed to provide daily service learning opportunities, teach leadership skills, increase self esteem and personal development, enhance public speaking ability and most of all students learn to show empathy, tolerance, and respect for others. This program is open to all students including those who have either witnessed or experienced bullying. Students participate in activities such as writing and producing public service announcements, role-playing how to positively react to dierent bullying scenarios, financial literacy, nutrition and more. HOW WILL YOUR STUDENTS REMEMBER THE SUMMER OF 2015? ENROLLMENT ENDS 6/19. SIGN UP TODAY @ NVEEE.ORG CALL 954.561.2626 | EMAIL: [email protected] | STUDENTS RECEIVE 30 SERVICE HRS

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2015 Peace Ambassador Leadership Summit

June 22 - 29 Florida International University | 11200 S.W 8th Street. Miami, FL

“PALS 2014 was absolutely incredible! If I was not granted this opportunity, I would have spent life misunderstanding and never really knowing the feeling of

speaking to people without holding back on my past hurt and emotions. “

This program is designed to provide daily service learning opportunities, teach leadership skills, increase self esteem and personal development, enhance public speaking ability and most of all students learn to show empathy, tolerance, and respect for others. This program is open to all students including those who have either witnessed or experienced bullying. Students participate in activities such as writing and producing public service announcements, role-playing how to positively react to different bullying scenarios, financial literacy, nutrition and more.


ENROLLMENT ENDS 6/19. SIGN UP TODAY @ NVEEE.ORG CALL 954.561.2626 | EMAIL: [email protected] |


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Sponsorship Kit (Includes Budget + PALS 2014 Student Feedback)

Florida International University 11200 S.W 8th Street

Miami, FL June 22 - 29 (2015)


2015 Peace Ambassador Leadership Summit

“I don’t think that any amount of words in my capacity could do the experience of PALS 2014 justice. Attending PALS was one of the best things that could have happened in my life. I came all the way from Colorado because I desperately needed something to save my life. The Be a STAR program, along with other programs taught provided me the opportunity to escape my reality for a week and ignite my sense of self and purpose. Having the opportunity to attend PALS helped me realized that I have other outlets besides self harm, a support system from people across the Country, and that friends can sometimes become family. The presenters gave me a better outlook on these issues along with a plethora of information. The students involved with PALS are phenomenal and inspirational, as well as the speakers and staff. I learned that being myself and opening up is an amazing thing. That I am not alone and never will be. I learned that not only can I make a difference here in Colorado, but that what we do can influence and bring positivity across the nation.” - Rhiannon

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HISTORY: NVEEE was founded in Wilton Manors, FL in 2009 when a survivor of bullying and multiple suicide attempts, Jowharah Sanders, saw a need to bring customized bullying and suicide prevention programs to K-12 schools that included the opportunity for students to participate as leaders, ambassadors and mentors in the bullying prevention movement. These leaders would ultimately join NVEEE's Peace Ambassador Program. Since 2009, NVEEE has trained more than 200 students through this program. In the Summer of 2014, NVEEE held its inaugural Peace Ambassador Leadership Summit (PALS) with the support of the Be A STAR grant (founded by the WWE and the Creative Coalition).

WHO IS PALS DESIGNED FOR?: This leadership program is limited to 100 students (between the ages of 14-19yrs old) and is designed for students of all backgrounds, especially those who have either witnessed or experienced bullying as either the target, aggressor, bystander, and especially students who have already proven to be UPstanders. Students participate in activities such as writing and producing public service announcements, role-playing how to positively react to different bullying scenarios, financial literacy, nutrition and more.

OUR GOAL AT PALS IS TO: • Shape future leaders • Teach leadership skills • Increase self-esteem • Enhance public speaking ability • Behavioral management, and personal development • Introduce new ambassadors and build friendships with current • Acknowledge accomplishments of current ambassadors from the past year • Teach financial literacy for personal development and college preparedness • Train students to be Peace Ambassadors who help facilitate NVEEE’s signature bullying prevention workshops

targeted to parents, teachers, students, and social service agencies.




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2015 Budget for PALS

Revenue # of Contributors Amount Total

Tuition Costs 100 $400.00 $40,000.00




In-Kind Contributions

Gross Total Revenue 100 $40,000.00


Cost of Goods Sold

Net Total Revenue


Staff $2,100.00 $2,100.00

Supplies (Art, Activities, Pool Use, etc.) $2,500.00 $2,500.00

Dorm Housing (Chaperones + Students) $16,550.00 $16,550.00

T-Shirts, Book Bags & Marketing Materials, Banners, etc.

$2,000.00 $2,000.00

Insurance (1,000,000) $130.00 $130.00

Food (3 meals per day x 7 days at FIU) $15,000.00 $15,000.00

Misc + Administrative Fees $1,220.00 $1,220.00

Speaker Fees $500.00 $500.00

Total Expenses $40,000.00 $40,000.00

Revenue Less Expenses 0 0

How Do Students Find Out About PALS?

In 2014, 24% of the participants learned about PALS from their friends. Additionally, NVEEE partners with Rotary and Interact student leadership clubs, and creates community partnerships with organizations such as Big Brother Big Sister, Urban Leagues, Catalyst Miami, SunServe, Pridelines Youth, OIC, Hands on Broward, among others. To have your organization participate as a community partner, contact Jowharah Sanders at [email protected] or at 954.561.2626.

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Background of Students






European/Non-Hispanic African AmericanAsian CarribeanHispanic Another Background







Miami All Stars OIC Teen Pregnancy Prevention ProgramSunServe Youth Catalyst MiamiBig Brother Big Sister NVEEE WebsiteFriend (42%) Rotary + Interact Club (Jr. Staff 17%)

How Did You Hear About PALS?

Entering Grades of Students as of Fall 2014

0 7 14 21 28

9th 10th 11th 12th c/o 2014 Graduates

0 22.5 45 67.5 90

Free 82% Reduced 13% Neither 5%

Do You Receive Free or Reduced Lunch?

0 20 40 60 80

Yes 80% No 6% I Dont Know 14%

Have You or a Close Friend/Family Been Bullied? Did your Middle School or Does Your High School Have a Bullying Prevention Program?






Yes 50% No 17% I Don't Know 33%

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Have You Ever Attended a Bullying Prevention Workshop?



Did the Conference Fulfill its Purpose for You?



NO 79% YES 21%







Never 0%Almost Never 2%All the Time 52%Sometimes 11%Almost Always 34%

Will the Topics Discussed at PALS be Helpful in Your Everyday

Interactions with Friends & Family

After PALS & the Be A STAR Program, How often Will You

Report Cyber Bullying?



16% 4%



Youth Gang Violence Bullying on a Global ScaleNutrition Gender and OrientationAll of the Above Girl to Girl + Anti-Gay Bullying

Outside of Workshops & Group Discussions, What Were Your Favorite Topics from Guest Speakers?




Poor 0% Good 7%Great 26% Excellent 67%

How Would You Rate Your Overall Experience of PALS




Never 0%Almost Never 0%All the Time 43%Sometimes 15%Almost Always 41%

After PALS & the Be A STAR Program, How often Will You be

an UPstanders for Others?

“Hello! My name is Brianna Finnk and I was one of the group leaders at PALS 2014. When some people hear about an anti

bullying conference they think it will be a snooze fest but honestly it is the best experience that some people have ever had. From the moment you walk in everyone is happy and excited and it's like a big group hug. Throughout PALS you will be surrounded by so much love and support. PALS is a safe place to be completely

yourself and not worry about being judged. Opening your heart to someone is typically hard but PALS is a magical place. You open up your heart and soul to 80 people with ease because how could you not? There is no possible way to enter the door and not be happy and excited. PALS makes vulnerability not scary but encouraged.”

“I'm sure this is said a lot, but PALS was amazing. As a large group sharing experiences that others have been through bring us even

closer as a family. You make connections with everyone you talk to because everyone is friendly. PALS is a way to escape from your troubles and figure out how to deal with them, but not alone. The support that you need is all around you to help you go through

anything. You also gain knowledge on bullying and ways to prevent it from happening, and I would recommend my friends come so they

can think twice before they judge a book by its cover.”

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Become a Sponsor 100% of sponsorship donations (monetary and in-kind) will be strictly used to cover the cost of liability insurance, housing, food, t-shirts, art supplies, materials, printing, etc related to PALS and the Peace Ambassador Program. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. For more information contact Ms. Sanders at 954.561.2626 or via email [email protected].

Platinum Sponsor - $5,000

•Industry Exclusivity •Underwrite boarding, food and supplies for 12 students •Title sponsor banner on home page at website • Brand recognition on all promotional materials including:

• all print materials • logo on pop-up banner and thank you banner •logo on t-shirt provided to students •email promotions pre-and post event

• Social media mention (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Linked-In) • Corporate item in welcome and take-home bags • Opportunity to promote company at PALS with a 10 minute presentation • Company logo on monthly NVEEE E-Newsletter as presenting sponsor (“Distribution to 10,000+ emails)

Gold Sponsor - $3,500

•Underwrite boarding, food and supplies for 8 students •Brand recognition on:

• logo on t-shirt provided to students and chaperones • logo on Thank you banner

• Social media mention (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Linked-In) • Corporate item in welcome and take-home goody bags • Company logo on monthly NVEEE E-Newsletter

Page 8: PALS 2015 Peace Ambassador Leadership Summit

Become a Sponsor Silver Sponsor- $2,000•Underwrite boarding, food and supplies for 5 students •Logo on • Logo on t-shirt provided to students and chaperones • Logo on Thank you banner • Corporate item in welcome and take-home goody bags • Company logo monthly NVEEE E-Newsletter

Bronze Sponsor- $1,000• Underwrite boarding, food and supplies for 2 students • Corporate item in welcome and take-home goody bags • Logo on • Company name on T-shirt • Logo on Thank you banner

Page 9: PALS 2015 Peace Ambassador Leadership Summit

Myself or my company is making an in-kind sponsorship/donation of a product or service of

___________________________________________________ for a total of _____ days valued at $__________. describe the product or service

Name: ________________________________ Company: _________________________________

Title: __________________________________ Email: ____________________________________

Phone: ________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________

Address: _______________________________ Suite: _____________

City: __________________________________ State: _____________ Zip Code: ______________

Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________________

I have enclosed a check for $ _______________________ made payable to NVEEE/ PALS2015

Please charge $___________ to my (circle one): Visa Master Card American Express Discover

Card Number: ________________________________________Expiration Date: ______ / _______

Name as listed on the card: _________________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________________

Please complete this form as the information should appear in printed materials, and send to:NVEEE | P.O Box 23837 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33307

Email: [email protected] P: 954.561.2626 NVEEE, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

All contributions are tax-deductible within the limits provided by law

I wish to be a PALS Platinum Sponsor $5,000 I wish to be a PALS Gold Sponsor $3,500 I wish to be a PALS Silver Sponsor $2,000 I wish to be a PALS Copper Sponsor $1,000 I wish to sponsor a specific student ________________________________ for the full amount of tuition + meals in the amount of $465 I wish to sponsor a specific student ________________________________ for the partial amount of tuition, minus (-) meals, in the amount of $325 I am unable to sponsor at the above amounts, but please accept our donation of $ _________

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Page: News_2, Pub. date: Sunday, July 27 Last user: cci

Edition: 1st Section, zone: , DadeSW Last change at: 15:50:7 July 25 | MIAMI HERALDSW4SW | SUNDAY, JULY 27, 2014

Waking up at 4 a.m. on aThursday, Dominic Quarleshopped on the Tri-Rail inFort Lauderdale then tooktwo buses to Florida Inter-national University’s Mod-esto Maidique Campus foran experience that changedhis life forever.

Domenic, 17, was among100 other students who at-tended the National Voicesfor Equality, Education andEnlightenment’s inauguralpeace ambassador leader-ship conference July 17-20.

“It was really emotional,”said the aspiring fashion de-signer, who spoke about hisidentity struggles with hissexual orientation and beingborn HIV positive.

NVEEE was founded inOctober 2009 and aims toprevent bullying, violenceand suicide.

The conference was de-signed to empower studentsthrough leadership and so-cial skills and serve as a sup-port system for students ag-es 14 to 21. The four-dayevent began each day at 8:30a.m. and ended about 9 p.m.

“They were there be-cause they wanted the infor-mation. They didn’t want alot of breaks,” said JowharahSanders, founder of NVEEE.“They wanted intenseconversations.”

For Lauren Bruss, 17, thatcouldn’t be more true. Thesenior class president atBayside High School trav-eled from Melbourne, hop-ing the conference wouldprovide insight on her life.

“I’ve always known that Iwant to help people,” Lau-ren said. “I’m hoping stufflike this is going to drive meto where I want to go.”

Although she has neverbeen bullied, Lauren hasseen the repercussions of it.

“Two of my friends havecommitted suicide, so that’s

a big part of my life,” Laurensaid. Through this confer-ence, she learned about thehuge impact people canhave on each other. “Wetalked about how if youmeet 10 people and you im-pact their lives in some way,and they change the lives of10 other people, eventuallythe entire world will bechanged.”

For Danielle Mazzuchi,20, a college student fromNorthern Virginia studyingelementary education, thisconcept is crucial.

“I love seeing a change,”Mazzuchi said. “I think it’sso important for the young-er generations.”

Mazzuchi, a Pacific Islan-der, was discriminatedthroughout her school lifeand aims to incorporate ac-ceptance and culturalawareness into her future

classrooms. “I don’t want to just teach

who fought the Civil War,”Mazzuchi said. “I want toteach why and why it’s soimportant.”

She describes her experi-ence at the conference aseye opening and powerful.She vividly recalls the firstday where students sharedtheir personal stories. Theyspoke of experiences withgang violence, sexual as-sault, harassment and sui-cide.

“There were times when

we were all together andthere was not a dry eye inthe room,” Mazzuchi said.“We hadn’t even been therefor 24 hours.”

The group felt like a fam-ily from the very beginning.By the end of the weekend,students were calling Sand-ers “mom” and Grisel Oliva,a board member of NVEEE,“dad.”

This is why Jacob Car-penter, 18, a recent graduateof Mavericks High-NorthBroward in Pompano Beach,has been a peace ambassa-

dor for NVEEE for the pastfour years.

“I’m here for help andsupport,” said Carpenter,who was recruited to the or-ganization after he raisedmoney for Josie Lou Ratley,a 15-year-old girl who wasassaulted in 2010.

Carpenter grew up in arough home life and washeavily bullied in school. Hewas teased constantly andkids did not want to be asso-ciated with him because ofhis sexual orientation.There were instances where

he ended up in the hospitalfrom heavy beatings.

“You never know whatpeople go through, theyshould act like everyone isequal,” Carpenter said.

Sanders, who had manytraumatic experiencesgrowing up, wants to teacheveryone that they are notvictims.

“Things happen to you;they are not you,” Sanderssaid. “You get to choosefrom this day forth who youwant to be.”

Empowering youth about bullyingLEADERSHIP CONFERENCE

ResourcesFor more informationabout National Voices forEquality Education andEnlightenment and futureevents, visit

BY CRYSTAL [email protected]

LISTENING, LEARNING: Christian Izquierdo, 17, Stacy Jaikaran, 18, and LaurenBruss, 17, discuss information gleaned from guest speakers at the conference.

PHOTOS BY MATIAS J. OCNER/FOR THE MIAMI HERALD LIKE A ‘MOM’: Jowharah Sanders, founder of NVEEE,speaks about her traumatic past and how she is anot a victim, but a survivor.

TEAMWORK: Nedjie Monel, 17, Dominic Quarles, 17, and Sophia Conde, 17, left, work on a public serviceannouncement as part of the conference. At right, Jazmine Thomas, 15, talks to her peers about her lifeand experiences with being bullied.

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A speaker at the 2014 Peace Ambassador Leadership Summit (PALS), a Summer youth leadership program targeted towards bullying and bystander prevention, said boldly that if you impact 10 people to make a change in their lives, that in 100 years, that change could multiply exponentially and reach millions of people. Through the Be A Star Grant, this incredible goal became a reality. Through this amazing opportunity, I and so many others not only were impacted, but permanently changed.

I had been badly bullied through Elementary and High School but never found a community where I felt warmly welcomed and embraced in love and compassion. Through guest speakers, students sharing their personal stories, and even role-playing exercises of how to be a STAR, I was able to heal from many negative experiences I had in the past. In the process, I learned about bystanders, upstanders, the types of

bullying, why people bully and much more. Additionally, I met some of my now best friends, Sophia Conde and Sara Matthews, who not only understood what I had experienced but had been there themselves.

Recently, I started my own non-profit organization, Her Voice Inc., which wouldn't have been possible without the encouragement and support I received from everyone at PALS, especially Jowharah Sanders (NVEEE and PALS founder). The Be A Star Grant changed my life and so many more in 2014, and I hope to touch more through what I have been blessed to learn and experience.

Thank you for changing my life and bringing me new hope. Now I truly have a voice.

- Elizabeth Westphal

Student testimonials of the Impact of the Peace Ambassador Leadership Summit (PALS) Made Possible by the Be A STAR Grant

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Mahatma Gandhi once said “Be the change you wish to see in the world”, that’s why I was honored to be one of 20 students selected to be Junior Staff at NVEEE’s Peace Ambassador Leadership Summit (PALS) during the Summer of 2014. This was my chance to BE that Change by impacting the lives of younger students and sharing the stories of how I’m an upstander when I see students being bullied in school. Although I was never bullied I feel that it is a priority to stand up against bullying because it is never right under any circumstances.

Walking into PALS I was expecting the Junior Staff to share some of their experience as well as learn more about bullying, but it was so much more then that, it was truly life changing. I got to be around all these positive students who were sharing their testimonies on how they overcame their individual life struggles. I enjoyed the open discussions, presentations by guest speakers, and especially creating the public service announcements because it was a very creative way to learn more about the types of bullying, the ways it can affect you, how to handle conflict in different situations and more importantly how each of us can have a hand in stoping or even preventing it. Attending PALS was such an impactful experience, especially for me, because I came from a school were a lot of bullying takes place, and it wasn't often that anyone did anything about it. Now I was in a room with 99 other students who were committed to change. None of this would have been possible without the support of the “Be A Star” campaign and the Honors College at Florida International University. They are the real change makers. And thanks to them, and of course NVEEE, I am proud to say I feel confident to go out into the world being the change I wish to see, especially when it comes to bullying.

- Chason Lang.

As a Peace Ambassador in training at PALS 2014 I had many amazing experiences, made memories, and learned things that I will cherish for years and years. I definitely gained valuable leadership skills, and learned how to deal with conflict and certain situations, such as being bullied or witnessing another person being bullied. I also learned from the Be A STAR movie clips and speakers that whatever I may experience – I am not alone in it. PALS was a life changing experience, and 6 months later I still feel inspired. That’s how you know you’ve made an impact on students, when we remember what you taught and crave even more. The Be a STAR founders should know that each student who attended PALS left feeling like STARS in our own way, and I personally think all students should have the opportunity to attend so they can

show the world how they have learned to Show Tolerance And Respect.

- Jenna Lynn Mannix

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I don’t think that any amount of words in my capacity could do the experience of PALS 2014 justice. Attending PALS was one of the best things that could have happened in my life. I came all the way from Colorado because I desperately needed something to save my life. In Colorado, bullying and gangs are huge problems. In fact, the town I live in is the 2nd most dangerous city in Colorado.

The Be a STAR program provided me the opportunity to escape my reality for a week and ignite my sense of self and purpose. Having the opportunity to attend PALS helped me realized that I have other outlets besides self harm, a support system from people across the Country, and that friends can sometimes become family. The presenters gave me a better outlook on these issues along with a plethora of information. The students involved with PALS are phenomenal and inspirational, as well as the speakers and staff. I learned that being myself and opening up is an amazing thing. That I am not alone and never will be. I learned that not only can I make a difference here in Colorado, but that what we do can influence and bring positivity across the nation.

PALS helped me grow in a variety of ways, it changed my outlook on LIFE in general. I saw so many talents and got to show people what I have hidden for a long time, my talents. I learned that although I endure bullying, and other hate crimes, that I am not alone. That I have a voice and I have the power to change what the outcome is. My only fear is that I will never have another experience like PALS. We grew together as a family. We laughed, cried, bonded together, and we have something that others can never have unless they experience PALS for themselves.

- Rhiannon Winch

Most teenagers I know think that they are the only ones going through or have been through difficult times and that no one else their age could possibly understand. When you're in your own thoughts you don't get to hear the experiences of others and you tend to feel so alone.

From the very beginning of PALS a conversation starts that so many people are too scared to talk about, even with themselves. Being able to spend a week surrounded by others who are sharing their stories about bullying, thoughts of suicide, or their journey in general, is completely life changing - and it may seem odd but it's also encouraging. Having the ability to talk to someone about their

complete story and all of the obstacles they have faced and then seeing them smile and laugh with their new friends is so precious and indescribable. The

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significant effect that PALS has had on me can not be put into words. PALS removed the feeling of loneliness and when the feeling creeps back up again months after the conference is over, you know that you still always have 99 other people your age that you can talk to.

- Brianna Finnk