pan american team handball federation ordinary

PAN AMERICAN TEAM HANDBALL FEDERATION ORDINARY CONGRESS 2012 Minutes 1. OPENING OF THE CONGRESS Due to the non attendance to the Congress of Mr. Manoel Luiz Oliveira, President of the PanAmerican Team Handball Federation, Mr. Mario Moccia, Vice President of the Pan American Handball Federation takes the floor and addresses a welcome salutation to the general assembly at 16:30 pm on September 8 th , 2012 in the facilities of Gran Hotel Soloy, in the City of Panama (Republic of Panama) who responded to the official convocation timely presented. Mr. Mario Moccia informs the general assembly that since the Extraordinary Congress ended earlier than the time anticipated, the works of the Ordinary Congress shall proceed accordingly. He congratulates the General Assembly and he expresses his satisfaction for the efficient developing of the Extraordinary Congress which enabled a fast discussion of the items in the agenda and wishes equally that the works of the Ordinary Congress shall follow the same path. The President in function request to the Secretary General of PATHF, Mr. Rafael Sepulveda to inform the General Assembly if the required Quorum has been met in order to continue with the agenda of the Ordinary Congress. 2. DETERMINATION OF THE ORDERLY CONVOCATION TO CONGRESS The Secretary General informs the General Assembly that in accordance with the official registration, 23 national federations with full membership out of 26 affiliated members are present which constitutes an official quorum. Therefore the works of the Ordinary Congress can start and shall be valid. He also informs that the persons in attendance who represent their respective National Federations are the following:

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Due   to   the  non  attendance   to   the  Congress  of  Mr.  Manoel   Luiz  Oliveira,  President  of   the  Pan-­‐American   Team   Handball   Federation,   Mr.   Mario   Moccia,   Vice   President   of   the   Pan  American  Handball   Federation   takes   the   floor  and  addresses  a  welcome  salutation   to   the  general  assembly  at  16:30  pm  on  September  8th,  2012  in  the  facilities  of  Gran  Hotel  Soloy,  in  the  City  of  Panama  (Republic  of  Panama)  who  responded  to  the  official  convocation  timely  presented.  

Mr.   Mario   Moccia   informs   the   general   assembly   that   since   the   Extraordinary   Congress  ended  earlier  than  the  time  anticipated,  the  works  of  the  Ordinary  Congress  shall  proceed  accordingly.  

He   congratulates   the  General  Assembly   and  he  expresses  his   satisfaction   for   the  efficient  developing  of  the  Extraordinary  Congress  which  enabled  a  fast  discussion  of  the  items  in  the  agenda  and  wishes  equally  that  the  works  of  the  Ordinary  Congress  shall   follow  the  same  path.  

The  President  in  function  request  to  the  Secretary  General  of  PATHF,  Mr.  Rafael  Sepulveda  to  inform  the  General  Assembly  if  the  required  Quorum  has  been  met  in  order  to  continue  with  the  agenda  of  the  Ordinary  Congress.  



The   Secretary  General   informs   the  General   Assembly   that   in   accordance  with   the   official  registration,    23  national  federations  with  full  membership  out  of  26  affiliated  members  are  present   which   constitutes   an   official   quorum.     Therefore   the   works   of   the   Ordinary  Congress  can  start  and  shall  be  valid.  

 He   also   informs   that   the   persons   in   attendance   who   represent   their   respective   National  Federations  are  the  following:  

ARG:  Carlos  Ferrea  (Delegate)  -­‐  BRA:  Salvio  Sedrez  (Delegate)  -­‐  CAN:  Rick  Rill    (President)  -­‐  CHI:   Héctor   Fernandez   (Delegate)   -­‐   COL:   Oscar   Bautista   (President)-­‐   CRC:   Oscar   Perez  Guevara  (President)-­‐  CUB:  Andrés  Hurtado  (President)  -­‐  DOM:  José  Duvall  (President)-­‐  ECU:  Miguel  Nacer  (President)  -­‐  ESA:  Héctor  Alvarado  (President)  -­‐  GRO:  Kurt  Lauritsen  (Delegate)  -­‐  GUA:  Carlos  Morales  (President)  -­‐  HAI:  Carline  Choute  (President)  -­‐  HON:  Gerardo  Valerio  (President)  -­‐  MEX:  Mario  García  de  La  Torre  (President)-­‐  NIC:  Jaime  Delfs  Neira  (President)  -­‐PAN:   Ricardo   Terner   (President)   -­‐   PAR:   Gerardo   Paniagua   Occhipinti   (President)   -­‐PER:  Gustavo   del   Carpio   (President)-­‐   PUR:   Carlos   Mantaras   (Delegate)   -­‐   URU:   Julio   Noveri  (Delegate)  -­‐  USA:  Jeffrey  Utz  (President)  -­‐  VEN:  Ghassan  Mamo  (President).    Also  attending  the  General  Assembly  the  following  persons  are  present,  Mr.  Mario  Moccia  (President   to   the   Argentinean   Handball   Confederation,   Mr.   Rafael   Sepulveda   (Secretary  General  of  the  Pan-­‐American  Team  Handball  Federation,  Mr.  Brian  Hayes,  Vice-­‐President  of  the  North  Region  on  the  Pan-­‐American  Handball  Federation,  Mr.  Miguel  Zaworotny  (Current  President   of   the   PRC   Commission   of   the   Pan-­‐American   Handball   Federation)   and   Mr.  Christer  Ahl  (Second  delegate  of  the  United  States  Team  Handball  Federation).  


 The   Secretary  General   indicates   that   the  Minutes   of   the     2010   PATHF  Ordinary   Congress  form   part   of   the   documents   prepared   for   the   present   Congress   and   that   there   were  previously  circulated  to  the  affiliated  members,  hence  he  request  the  general  assembly  to  adopt  the  presented  minutes.  

 The   Minutes   of   the   2010   IHF   Ordinary   Congress   celebrated   in   Acapulco,   Mexico   were  unanimously  adopted  without  any  objections.  

 Before   continuing   with   the   following   point   in   the   agenda,   Mr.   Mario   Moccia   First   Vice  President   of   PATHF   and   President   of   the   Congress   gives   the   floor   again   to   the   Secretary  General.    The  Secretary  General   request   to   the  general  assembly   to  discharge  the  written  reports  of  the  members  of  the  executive  committee  and  of  the  commissions    contained  in  items   4,   5,   6,   8,   9   y   10,   and   asked   the   attending   delegates   that   if   there   is   a   need   of  clarification  for  any  one  the  written  reports  so  that  it  can  be  discussed.    Nevertheless  point  7  of  the  Agenda,  financial  report  will  be  presented  personally  by  the  Treasurer  Mr.  Hector  Fernandez  for  its  approval.  

 This  motion   is  presented   to   the  general   assembly.     The  motion   is  unanimously  approved.  The  written  reports  were  unanimously  approved.  


 Mr.  Hector  Fernandez  presents  his  report.  He  indicates  that  his  report  can  be  found  on  page  14   of   the   documents   prepared   for   the   Ordinary   Congress.     In   synthesis   he   details   the  financial  situation  of  the  Pan-­‐American  Team  Handball  Federation  for  the  period  November  2008  to  September  2012.  

 Mr.  Fernandez  stated  that  during  the  aforementioned  period  the  support  given  to  PATHF  by  the  IHF  was  reduced  and  although  the  affiliation  fees  recollection  has  notably  improved,  it  is  necessary  to  find  additional  sources  of  economical  resources  for  PATHF.  

 He   reminds   the   General   Assembly   that   during   the   previous   Congress   he   presented   a  proposal  with   the   aim   to   improve   the   resources  which   contemplated   the   increase   of   the  membership   fees   and   tournament   inscription   fees,   but   regretfully   this   proposal   was  rejected.  

 Because   of   the   aforementioned   the   Treasurer   presents   for   the   consideration   of   the  Assembly  a  proposal   for   restructuring  of   the  membership   fees.    This  proposal   shall  divide  the   national   federation   into   three   groups.     For   each   of   these   groups,   the   sports   and  economical  development  was  consider:  


Category  A:    Shall  pay  750  USD.    This  group  shall  include  the  following  countries:  ARG,  BRA,  CAN,  COL,  CHI,  USA,  GRL,  MEX,  PER,  PUR,  DOM,  URU,  VEN  

 Category  B:    Shall  pay  450  USD.    This  group  shall  include  the  following  countries:  CRC,  CUB,  ECU,  ESA,  GUA,  PAR  

 Category  C:    Shall  pay  300  USD.    This  group  shall  include  the  following  countries:  BAR,  BOL,  HAI,  HON,  NCA,  PAN,  TRI.  

 The  new  payment   structure  was  explained   to   the  general   assembly   and   submitted   for   its  approval.    This  proposal  was  unanimously  approved  by  the  Congress.  

 Additionally  as  part  of  the  treasury  proposed  project,  it  is  submitted  to  the  general  assembly  that  the  participation  fee  for  the  tournaments  of  the  Pan  American  Handball  

federation  shall  be  increased  to  $750  USD  in  the    men  and  women  senior,  junior  and  youth  categories.    This  fee  shall  also  be  applied  to  men  and  women  beach  handball  tournaments.  

 This   proposal   is   presented   to   the   general   assembly.     This   proposal   was   unanimously  approved.  

 Finally   the   report  presented  by   the   treasurer,  Mr.  Hector  Fernandez,   is   submitted   for   the  approval   of   the   general   assembly.     The   report   was   unanimously   approved   without   any  observations.  

 Subsequently  Mr.  Mario  Garcia   de   la   Torre,   IHF   Pan-­‐America   Continental   Representative,  requested  the  Congress  for  its  authorization  to  present  his  report  of  activities  for  the  period  2008-­‐2009.    Mr.  Mario  Moccia,  President  of  the  Congress  authorized  his  presentation.      Mr.  Mario  Garcia  de   la  Torre   took   the   floor  and   indicated  to   the  delegates  present   in   the  Congress  that  his  activities  report  contemplates  the  period  2008-­‐2012.    His  main  activities  were  related  mainly  to  the  following  areas:  a)  political  activities  as  Pan-­‐American  representatives  in  the  Council  Meetings  of  the  IHF,  b)    Technical  performance  as  IHF   Official   in   IHF   Championships   and   c)   political   representation   in   several   events   of   the  Olympic  Movement.  


Mr.  Mario  Garcia  de  la  Torre  presented  a  summary  of  the  IHF  Council  meetings  in  which  he  participated  and  delivered  a   visual  presentation  where   if  needed   the  Minutes  of   the     IHF  Council  can  be  consulted.    Additionally  he  described  his  participations  as  IHF  official   in  IHF  official   events   and   also   his   participation   in   several   meetings   of   the   Olympic   movement  specifically     meetings   of   the   Pan-­‐American   Sports   Organization,   PASO,   Association   of  National   Olympic   Committees,   ANOC,   and   Central   America   and   Caribbean   Sports  Organization  CACSO.    

The  report  of  Mr.  Garcia  de  la  Torre  was  submitted  for  the  approval  of  the  Congress.    This  report  was  unanimously  approved.  


4. ELECTIONS.  (This  item  of  the  Agenda  was  carried  out  before  the  presentation  of  the  written  reports.)  

It  was  proposed  to  the  general  assembly  to  celebrate  the  elections  (point  D)  directly  after  the  adoption  of  the  minutes,  since  the  following  day  several  delegates  will  depart  very  early  

in   the   morning   and   therefore   it   will   be   convenient   to   celebrate   the   elections   with   the  presence  of  all  the  delegates  attending  the  congress.  

The   congress   unanimously   approved   to   celebrate   the   elections   as   the   first   point   in  accordance  with  the  presented  motion.  

The  President  of  the  Congress  opened  the  electoral  session.    Mr  Gerardo  Paniagua,  delegate  or   Paraguay   asked   for   a   clarification   of   the   process   related   essentially   to   the   procedure  established  in  the  bylaws  approved  earlier  in  the  Extraordinary  Congress.    The  President  of  the   Congress   clarified   and   confirmed   the   procedure   approved   by   the   extraordinary  congress.    

The  nomination  process  was  opened.    Mr.  Rafael  Sepulveda  nominated  Mr.  Mario  Moccia  as   candidate   for   the   Presidency   of   the   Pan-­‐American   Team   Handball   Federation   for   the  electoral  period  2012-­‐2016.  

Mr.  Mario  Moccia   accepted   the   nomination   for   said   position   and   in   accordance  with   the  established  procedure  he  presented  to  the  Congress  his  working  panel.    The  working  panel  consists  of  the  following  persons:  


President           –     Sr.  Mario  Moccia  (ARG)  

1st  Vice  President         –     Julio  Noveri  (URU)  

2nd  Vice  President       –     Rafael  Sepulveda  (PUR)  

Secretary  General        –     Hector  Fernandez  (CHI)  

Treasurer             –     Carlos  Ferrea  (ARG)  

IHF  Continental  Representative  -­‐     Mario  Garcia  de  la  Torre  (MEX)  

Chairman  of  the  PATHF  COC       –     Carlos  Gonzalez    (CUB)  

Chairman  of  the  PATHF  PRC     –     Salvio  Sedrez    (BRA).  


Once  the  working  panel  was  presented  to  the  Congress,  The  Congress  unanimously  voted  for  the  team  presented  by  Mr.  Mario  Moccia.  

After   the   approval   or   the   aforementioned   authorities   the   regional   Vice   Presidents   were  ratified  according  to  the  following:  


Vice-­‐President  North  Region         –     Brian  Hayes  (CAN)  

Vice-­‐President  Caribbean  Region       –     Jose  Duval  (DOM)    

Vice-­‐President  Central  America  Region         –     Carlos  Morales  (GUA)  

Vice-­‐President  South  Region        –     Gerardo  Paniagua  (PAR)  

Additionally   Mr.   Mario   Moccia   nominates   and   presents   to   the   general   assembly   the  representatives  of  PATHF  for  the  different  IHF  commission:  

Commission  for  Development  (CD)  member  Pan-­‐America     Rafael  Sepulveda  (PATHF  2nd  Vice  President  

Commission  of  Organizing  and  Competition  (COC)  member  Pan-­‐America  Carlos  Ferrera  (PATHF  Treasurer)  

Playing  Rules  and  Referees  Commission  (PRC)  Member  Pan-­‐America   Salvio  Sedrez  (PATHF  PRC  Chairman)  

Commission  of  Coaching  and  Methods  (CCM)  Member  Pan/America   Mohamed  Benkreira  (PATHF  CCM  Chairman)    

Medical  Commission  (MC)  Member  Pan-­‐America       Llew  Harper  (PATHF  MC  Chairman)      

All  the  aforementioned  persons  were  unanimously  ratified  by  the  General  Assembly.  

Furthermore,   Mr.   Mario   Moccia   presented   to   the   General   Assembly   his   proposal   for  President  of  the  Commission  of  the  Pan-­‐American  Team  Handball  Federation:    

Commission  for  Development         –    Rafael  Sepulveda  (PUR)  

Commission  of  Competitions         –     Carlos  Gonzalez  (CUB)  

Playing  Rules  and  Referees  Commission  –     Salvio  Sedrez  (BRA)  

Methodology  and  Coaching  Commission  –    Mohamed  Benkreira    (CAN)  

Medical  Commission           –     Dr.  Llew  Harper    (BAR)  

Juridical  Commission         –     Hector  Fernandez    (CHI)  

Ethics  and  Disciplinary  Commission    -­‐       Christer  Ahl  (USA)  President,  

                                                                               Hector  Alvarado  (ESA)    Secretary.  

Marketing  Commission           –     Jeff  Utz  (USA)    

Commission  for  Adapted  Handball     -­‐       To  be  designated  later  

Commission  for  Beach  Handball         -­‐       To  be  designated  later  

All  the  persons  presented  were  unanimously  approved  by  the  General  Assembly  


The   President   of   the   Pan   American   Team   Handball   Federation   informs   the   General  Assembly  that  only  one  proposal  was  received  by  the  Secretary  General.    The  proposal  was  presented   by   Dominican   Republic.     The   proposal   presented   by   Mr.   Jose   Duval   was  submitted   to   the   General   Assembly.     The   Proposal   contains   the   request   of   the   following  Championships.  

A.  2013  Women  Senior  Pan-­‐American  Championships  

This  Championship  shall  be  played  during  the  first  quarter  in  June  2013.    By  an  unanimous  resolution  of   the  General  Assembly   the  2013  Women  Senior  Pan-­‐American  Championship  was  awarded  to  the  Dominican  Republic  

B. 2014  Women  Youth  Pan-­‐American  Championships    

This  Championship  shall  be  played  during  the  second  quarter  in  April  2014.  Additionally  this  championship  shall  serve  as  the  qualifier  event  for  the  Youth  Olympic  Games.    By  an  unanimous  resolution  of  the  General  Assembly  the  2014  Women  Youth  Pan-­‐American  Championship  was  awarded  to  the  Dominican  Republic.  

Additionally,   the  General  Assembly  after   the  corresponding  debate  and  analysis,   awarded  the  following  championships    


Men  Junior  Pan-­‐American  Championship  –  Second  quarter  March  2013  –  Argentina  

Men   Youth   Pan-­‐American   Championship   –   Second   quarter   April   2013   –   Brazil/   substitute  site  Venezuela  

Pan-­‐American  Clubs  Championship  –  To  be  designated  

Beach  Handball  Men  Championship  –  Uruguay  or  Venezuela  


Men   Senior   Pan-­‐American   Championship   –   Second   quarter   June   2014   –   Uruguay  (participation  fee  25usd/  person/day)  

Women  Junior  Pan-­‐American  Championship  –  Second  quarter  March  2014  –  Argentina  

Pan-­‐American  Clubs  Championship  –  To  be  designated  

Beach  Handball   Pan-­‐American  Championship     (men  and  women)  –  Uruguay   (participation  fee  20usd/  person/day)  eventual  substitute  site  Argentina.  

The  sites  of  the  aforementioned  Championships  were  unanimously  awarded  by  the  General  Assembly.  

7.  Miscellaneous    

Under   Miscellaneous,   Mr.   Rafael   Sepulveda   informs   that   the   following   items   were  registered  in  order  to  be  discussed  by  the  general  assembly.  

A. Beach  Handball  Project  registered  by  Mr.  Eduardo  Gonzalez  (URU)  B. Presentation  of  Adapted  Handball  registered  by  Mr.  Mario  Moccia  (ARG)  C. Presentation  of  Future  Competitions  Project  registered  by  Mr.  Miguel  Zaworotny  (ARG)  D. Panama  Statement  

The   Beach   Handball   Project   was   presented   and   unanimously   approved   by   the   general  assembly.  In  the  following  weeks  a  Commission  shall  be  integrated  which  will  be  in  charge  of   the   development   of   this   important   activity.     Pan-­‐America,   proudly,   has   among   his  members  Brazil,  who  is  among  the  leading  countries  in  this  modality.  Once  the  commission  is   integrated   the   information   about   the   same   shall   be   circulated   among   the   affiliated  members.  

The  Project  of  adapted  Handball  was  presented  by  Mr.  Mario  Moccia.    His  report  presents  a  visual  summary  of  the  activities  carried  out   in  Argentina  and  South-­‐America.  The  highlight  of   this   report  was   the   importance  of   this  project   in   relation   to   the   social   responsibility  of  PATHF.    PATHF   is   creating  a   special   commission   related   to   this   subject  which   shall  be   the  first  one  worldwide,  with  the  objective  to  include  this  modality  in  the  Paralympics  Games.    The   executive   committee   of   PATHF   will   continue   to   work   further   on   this   topic   and   will  inform  accordingly  to  the  affiliated  members  about  the  advancement.  

The  Future  Competitions  Project  was  presented  by  Mr.  Miguel  Zaworotny.    He  informs  the  general   assembly   that   this   project   is   based   on   information   discussed   in   several  meetings  with   Mr.   Mario   Moccia   (President   of   this   Assembly),   Mr.   Hector   Fernandez   (former  President   of   the   Pan-­‐American   Team   Handball   Federation   and   President   of   the   South  American   Handball   Federation)   and   Mr.   Carlos   Gonzalez   Aldea   (President   to   the  Commission  of  Competitions  of  the  Pan-­‐American  Team  Handball  Federation)    

This   project   establishes   the   dissolution   of   the   current   system   of   Elite   and   First   Division  Tournaments  since  the  general  vision  is  that  this  system  has  not  worked.      

The  new  project  proposes  to  divide  the  Pan-­‐American  continent  into  three  regions  :  NORCA  constituted   by   the   following   countries:     USA   –   CAN   –   GRO   –   PUR   –   CUB   –   DOM   –  MEX,  CENTRAL  constituted  by  GUA  –  ESA  –  HON  -­‐  NIC  –  CRC  –  PAN  ,  and  SOUTH    constituted  by  ARG  –  BRA  –  CHI  –  PAR  –  URU  –  PER  –  COL  –  VEN  –  ECU.  

Additionally   a   fourth   “region”   shall   be   formed   which   shall   include   all   the   new   handball  emerging   countries   BOL   –  HAI   –   BAR   –   TRI   and   all   potential   new  members  which  will   be  added   in   the   near   future.     For   these   countries   a   especial   competition   program   will   be  developed.  

 For   the   Pan   American   Championships   5   places   will   be   awarded   to   the   South   American  Region,  four  (4)  places  to  NORCA  (North  America  and  Caribbean)  and  1  (one)  place  to  the  Central   Region.     Pan-­‐American   Championship   will   be   played   with   a   maximum   of   ten  participants.  

As  an  important  conditional  measure  this  project  contemplates  that  all  the  countries  taking  part   in   a   Pan-­‐American   Championship   shall   come   from   the   regional   qualifier   events.     IN  ORDER   TO   PLAY   IN   THE   PAN   AMERICAN   CHAMPIONSHIPS,   THE   COUNTRIES   MUST   PLAY  BEFORE  IN  THEIR  REGIONAL  QUALIFIER  EVENTS  

The   three  aforementioned  projects:  Beach  Handball,  Adapted  Handball  and  PATHF  Future  Competitions   Project   were   submitted   for   its   approval   to   the   General   Assembly.     The  delegates  present  unanimously  approved  the  three  projects.  


The  executive  committee  of  the  Pan  American  Team  Handball  Federation  taking  advantage  of   the   Ordinary   Congress   presented   to   the   General   Assembly   a   written   statement   that  reaffirms   its   position   in   relation   that   the   Pan-­‐American   Games   are   and   shall   remain   the  qualification  tournament   in  Pan  America  for  the  Olympic  Games.    Additionally  the  written  statement  expresses  that  the  relationship  with  the  national  Olympic  committees  and  values  of  the  Olympic  movement  is  highly  respected  and  appreciated.      

This   document   from   now   on   known   as   the   PANAMA   STATEMENT   was   unanimously  approved   and   signed   by   all   the   representatives   of   the   countries   attending   the   ordinary  congress.    This  document  shall  be  delivered  to  the  International  Handball  Federation  (IHF),  the  Pan-­‐American  Sports  Organization  (PASO)  and  to  all  the  National  Olympic  Committees  that  form  part  of  PASO    

Finally,  Mr.  Mario  Moccia  (new  elected  President  of  the  Pan-­‐American  Handball  Federation)  thanks   all   the   delegates   attending   the   congress   for   their   trust   given   to   him   in   order   to  

preside   this   organization   for   the   next   four   years   and   formally   thanks   and   recognizes   the  labor   of  Mr.  Manoel   Luiz   Oliveira  who  was   the   President   for   sixteen   years   and  who  was  responsible   for   the   growth   and   development   of   our   sport   in   Pan-­‐American   during   the  aforementioned  period.  

After   having   discussed   all   the   points   in   the   agenda   the   official   closure   of   the   Ordinary  Congress   or   the   Pan-­‐American   Team   Handball   Federation   is   proposed   at   8   o’   clock   on  September  8th,  2012  ,  which  is  unanimously  approved  by  all  the  present  delegates  with  an  applause.  

Panama-­‐City,  September  8th,  2012.  




                               Héctor  Fernandez  Bogdanic                                      Lic.  Mario  Moccia  

                     General  Secretary                                                                      President