panorama dec. 13, 2013

Community members gathered to celebrate the holiday season at Support Site with the Holiday Village and tree-lighting ceremo- ny, Dec. 5. Families and friends gathered around the two-story-tall holiday tree for the main event as “The Five Star Brass,” a component of the U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band, performed music for the crowd. Captain Scott Gray, com- manding officer of Naval Support Activity Naples, and Dr. Andrea Moretti, the mayor of Gricignano di Aversa, spoke to welcome fami- lies in the holiday season. “My reason for being here is to wish you all peace, love and care for 2014 and to help make it a good year to come,” said Moretti. Gray took time to interact with children around the holiday tree, explaining it was made from elves and he needed their help calling Santa from the North Pole to visit. The children continuously cried out together, “Santa Claus!” A few minutes later, a familiar individual dressed in a red and white suit arrived by fire truck. Santa and other community lead- ers pulled large ceremonial power switches to light up the tree, which got the crowd cheering. Naval Support Activity Naples held its annual Pearl Harbor remembrance ceremo- ny, Dec. 6, in remembrance of the military personnel and civilians who died in the Dec. 7, 1941 attack. The ceremony featured a special demon- stration by the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples drill team that honored the ships and crews that took the greatest casualties. The drill team performed a “Battleship Row” formation, with each drill member representing one of the ships on Battleship Row during the attack. After the names of each vessel were called, two drill team members representing battleships USS Arizona (BB 39) and USS Oklahoma (BB 37) took a knee, signifying their loss during the battle. Arizona went down with 1,177 Sailors, including 37 sets of brothers, accounting for almost half of the 2,403 Americans who died during the attack. Oklahoma capsized and lost 429 Sailors, resulting in the battle’s second greatest loss of life after Arizona. NSA Naples Remembers Pearl Harbor By MC3 Robert S. Price Navy Public Affairs Support Element – East Detachment Europe Holiday Tree Lights Up Support Site Serving the Na to, Naples and Gaeta military community in italy 58th year, No. 47 Friday , december 13, 2013 See Remembering Pearl Harbor Page 5 By MC1 David R. Krigbaum, Navy Public Affairs Support Element - East Detachment Europe Weekly Crime Report Review what happened between nov. 27 and dec. 10. Page 5 W hat hat s I nsIde nsIde MWR Hosts 2013 Army- Navy Flag Football Game Page 4 Page 6 Active-Duty E-7 Exam Date Adjusted to Jan. 14 Students Travel to Germany for STEM Competition Page 7 FRIDAY FRIDAY High 56 / Low 44 Clear SATURDAY SATURDAY High 55 / Low 43 Clear SUNDAY SUNDAY High 56 / Low 41 Partly Cloudy See Tree Lighting Page 10 The School Age Care Children's Choir sings holiday music on stage at the Holiday Village, Dec. 5. The Holiday Village and tree-lighting cer- emony is an annual community event held to celebrate the holiday season. (Photo by MC3 Robert S. Price) Lt. Cmdr. Leroy Young, Capt. Scott Gray, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples, and Master Chief Master-at-Arms Nancy Brewton, command master chief of NSA Naples, salute the wreath during the NSA Naples Pearl Harbor remembrance ceremo- ny. The ceremony honored the 2,403 Americans who died at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. (Photo by MC2 Jared King)

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Panorama is a weekly newspaper that serves the NATO, Naples and Gaeta military community in Naples.


Community members gatheredto celebrate the holiday season atSupport Site with the HolidayVillage and tree-lighting ceremo-ny, Dec. 5.

Families and friends gathered

around the two-story-tall holidaytree for the main event as “TheFive Star Brass,” a component ofthe U.S. Naval Forces EuropeBand, performed music for thecrowd. Captain Scott Gray, com-manding officer of Naval SupportActivity Naples, and Dr. AndreaMoretti, the mayor of Gricignanodi Aversa, spoke to welcome fami-

lies in the holiday season.“My reason for being here is to

wish you all peace, love and carefor 2014 and to help make it a goodyear to come,” said Moretti.

Gray took time to interact withchildren around the holiday tree,explaining it was made from elvesand he needed their help callingSanta from the North Pole to visit.

The children continuously cried outtogether, “Santa Claus!”

A few minutes later, a familiarindividual dressed in a red andwhite suit arrived by fire truck.Santa and other community lead-ers pulled large ceremonial powerswitches to light up the tree,which got the crowd cheering.

Naval Support Activity Naples held itsannual Pearl Harbor remembrance ceremo-ny, Dec. 6, in remembrance of the militarypersonnel and civilians who died in the Dec.7, 1941 attack.

The ceremony featured a special demon-stration by the U.S. Naval Hospital Naplesdrill team that honored the ships and crewsthat took the greatest casualties.

The drill team performed a “BattleshipRow” formation, with each drill memberrepresenting one of the ships on BattleshipRow during the attack. After the names ofeach vessel were called, two drill teammembers representing battleships USSArizona (BB 39) and USS Oklahoma (BB37) took a knee, signifying their loss duringthe battle. Arizona went down with 1,177Sailors, including 37 sets of brothers,accounting for almost half of the 2,403Americans who died during the attack.Oklahoma capsized and lost 429 Sailors,resulting in the battle’s second greatest lossof life after Arizona.

NSA Naples Remembers Pearl Harbor

By MC3 Robert S. Price

Navy Public Affairs Support Element –

East Detachment Europe

Holiday Tree Lights Up Support SiteServing the Nato, Naples and Gaeta military community in italy58th year, No. 47 Friday, december 13, 2013

See Remembering Pearl Harbor Page 5

By MC1 David R. Krigbaum, Navy Public Affairs SupportElement - East Detachment Europe

Weekly Crime ReportReview what happened between

nov. 27 and dec. 10.

Page 5

WWhathat’’ss IInsIdensIde

MWR Hosts 2013 Army-Navy Flag Football Game

Page 4

Page 6

Active-Duty E-7 Exam Date Adjusted to Jan. 14

Students Travel to Germany for STEM Competition

Page 7

FRIDAYFRIDAYHigh 56 / Low 44




SUNDAYSUNDAYHigh 56 / Low 41Partly Cloudy

See Tree Lighting Page 10

The School Age Care Children's Choir sings holiday music on stage at the Holiday Village, Dec. 5. The Holiday Village and tree-lighting cer-emony is an annual community event held to celebrate the holiday season. (Photo by MC3 Robert S. Price)

Lt. Cmdr. Leroy Young, Capt. Scott Gray, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity(NSA) Naples, and Master Chief Master-at-Arms Nancy Brewton, command master chief ofNSA Naples, salute the wreath during the NSA Naples Pearl Harbor remembrance ceremo-ny. The ceremony honored the 2,403 Americans who died at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.(Photo by MC2 Jared King)

PanoramaPanoramaassociato all’uSPi

unione Stampa Periodica italiana

Panorama is pub lished week ly on Friday by Stampa Generale S.r.l.

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- Autorizzazione Tribunale di Napoli No. 3404 del 3.4.1985. Direttore

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2 PanoramaPanorama

december 13, 2013

Base Notes•• ••

In anticipation of the holi-days, I want to emphasize theimportance of driving safetyas the weather begins tochange. If you are planning ondriving into northern Italy orthroughout Europe, be awarethat chain requirements existfor many areas. Keep emer-gency supplies stocked in yourvehicle, in addition to themandatory reflective vestsand road triangles. Make sureyou have the emergency dis-patch (081-568-4911/5911) and non-emergency services (081-568-5638/ 5639) numbers programmed into your phone or inyour wallet. Also be mindful of maintaining a plan as we go intoholiday party mode. We have already had five DUIs this fiscalyear, after only having nine for all of the 2013 fiscal year. Fourof the five DUIs have been out in town and the one on base wasan individual who blew positive in the morning after a nightout. Know your limits, and then stay within them. If someoneneeds help, don’t just watch—intervene.

Another area of caution during the holidays is thefts andbreak-ins, which seem to spike this time of year. Be vigilant.Utilize car and home alarms, and let a trusted neighbor orfriend know when you will leave the area for holiday travel sothey can keep an eye on things in your absence. Never leavevaluables in your car, especially gas coupons. When making atrip to the mall, never bring a load of purchases out to yourvehicle and leave them to continue shopping; they may not bethere when you return. Don’t make yourself a target, or allowcomplacency to creep into your routine. If family members arein town from the states, check your maps before you leave alocation, not out in the middle of the street. Keep track of yourbelongings, especially on crowded trains and buses.

Speaking of security, we have a number of job openings cur-rently for local hires/military spouses within our security divi-sion. Security has 6 GS5 positions open for local guard force.These personnel will be a part of the Security team to helpensure the safety and security of our friends and family. Theywill be trained to operate X-Ray machines and base access pol-icy to help meet one of NSA Naples primary missions. MWRalso has a number of job openings, including recreational aides,fitness directors and facility managers. I am pleased to have somany current job openings here at the installation, after a yearthat has hit many hard financially. Please take advantage ofthis opportunity.

Keep an eye on shipmates and loved ones, as this time of yearcan be lonely for many. Never assume a statement of self-harmis empty. Ensure anyone who seems depressed or shows thewarning signs of suicide receives the help they need. Look outfor one another. There are many things to do in Southern Italyand throughout Europe as the year winds down; plug in anddon’t spend this time alone. Check out tours with ITT/MWR,the holiday chapel schedule, and what the USO has to offer.Whether you take a cooking class or go on a group ski outing,there is something for everyone. Get out and enjoy our beauti-ful surroundings, and enjoy your upcoming holiday season!

Captain’s Corner•• ••

By Capt. Scott Gray

NSA Commanding OfficerCNIC-Directed Facility Service Reductions

Beginning in January, CNIC facility reductions willimpact installation janitorial and grounds keepingservices. These are CNO-approved service level reduc-tions. For NSA Naples, sweeping, mopping and gener-al cleaning of all spaces will be impacted. Desk-sidewaste and recycling pick-up in administrative andoperational areas will no longer be performed. Thiswill require personnel to dispose of waste in centralcollection points. Restroom cleaning frequency willalso be reduced. Reimbursable tenants are notimpacted at this time. Additional details will be dis-tributed when available through leadership and infuture PAO Notes.

Holiday Email Scam AlertScammers are taking advantage of the holiday shop-

ping season with fake email shipping notificationsthat pose as FedEx, UPS or the United States PostalService. An email will appear in your inbox that lookslike tracking information for a package, but whenopened will download a virus. Typically, these virusesphish for personal and banking information on yourmachine. This season, don't let these scams fool youinto opening a virus on your computer.

Sojourner’s Permits Required for Holiday TravelReminder from RLSO: check your sojourner permit

to ensure that it is still valid for holiday travel. If not,come to Region Legal Service Office, Legal AssistanceDepartment, at Capodichino on the 1st floor of AdminII. Legal Assistance must be notified at least one fullweek prior to anticipated travel in order to facilitatethe process of providing you with a sojourner permitor a receipt that will allow your re-entry into Italy.Please contact Legal Assistance with any questions at081-568-4576.

AFN 360 Naples Radio Available OnlineCommunity members can now listen to AFN Naples

broadcasts online. Visit click on AFN 360 Naples or use the AFN EuropeApp with your Apple iOS or Android device to listen toup-to-date news and upcoming information for ourarea. This is another way to listen to the Commander'sSpotlight Show, Fleet Master Chief in the MorningShow, From the Bench, PAO, MWR and USO updateshows. Users can also listen to AFN 360 Global, whichprovides seven music and spoken word stations.

Holiday Greetings on SiriusXMJoint Hometown News Service (JHNS) has part-

nered with SiriusXM radio to allow military men andwomen anywhere in the world to send HolidayGreetings to their loved ones back home. Servicemembers can call a toll-free number, 888-776-2790, orDSN 312-733-4660 and leave a message for airing onSiriusXM. All that's needed is rank, full name, home-town, where you are stationed, and a quick greeting.The greetings will be aired on SiriusXM's HolidayTraditions channel now through Jan. 1, 2014.

Commissary Holiday HoursThe commissary will be open Dec. 24 from 10 a.m. –

4 p.m., closed Dec. 25, and 26, open Dec. 31 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m., and closed Jan 1, 2014.

2013 Military Mail Holiday Mailing DatesThe following are recommended mail-by dates for

best chance delivery prior to Dec. 25. From the United States to Naples and Naples to the

United States, mail by Dec. 16 for Express MailMilitary Service. Dates for First-Class Mail, PriorityMail, Space Available Mail, Parcel Post/Parcel Air Lifthave all passed. Insurance is strongly suggested on allholiday packages.

Now – Dec. 13: National Truck Driving StrikeThe national truck driving strike is scheduled until

Friday at midnight. Most unions are not taking part,so disruptions should not be as severe as previous

strikes. Community members are asked to keep theirgas tanks full and stay informed by monitoring PAONotes, Facebook and emergency messaging.

Now-Dec. 19: Support Site Power Outages forAnnual Preventative Maintenance

Annual preventative maintenance on electrical sub-station transformers requires a series of power out-ages in order to safely maintain an efficient electricaldistribution system within the Support Site. Due tobattery back-up capability, all facility and Housinglife safety systems will function under normal operat-ing conditions. The schedule for the power outages isas follows: • Monday, Dec. 16 from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Housing

Units: B2036 through B2038; B2050 throughB2056.

• Thursday, Dec. 19 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Hospital(B2082); Hospital Energy Bldg (B2086).

Now-Dec. 20: ‘Port-to-Port’ Self-Paced SwimProgram

Journey from Naples to Gaeta via the imaginarycoastline in the Capo FitZone pool. Swim laps anytimeduring regular pool hours and record your workout onyour log sheet. All participants who complete the 100km swim (4,000 lengths) by Friday, Dec. 20 willreceive a prize package. The lifeguard on duty mustverify & initial laps. For more information, call DSN626-4254 or 081-568-4254.

Dec. 14: USO Christmas Wonderland Held at the Naples High School Cafeteria from 3:30

to 5:30 p.m., stop by to meet Santa, participate in hol-iday crafts and watch a magic show. Cotton candy andholiday tokens will be available for all. Letters may bebrought to mail to Santa.

Dec. 14: Annual Christmas Cantata at Support SiteChapel

The Annual Christmas Cantata will be held in theSupport Site Chapel on Saturday, Dec. 14. The eventbegins at 6:30 p.m. and is open to the community. TheItalian Choir “Il Coro Annibale Messore” will be per-forming the concert. They are composed of 30 mem-bers and have performed at the Saint Peter’s Basilica,Abbey of Montecassino, and have accompanied theRoman Philharmonic Orchestra. Please contact theChaplain’s office at 626-3539 for more information.

Dec 14: Jingle Bell Jog at Support SiteA 1-Mile Fun Run and 5K Jingle Bell Jog will be

held on the Support Site on Saturday, Dec. 14.Registration begins at 9 a.m. at the Fit Forum gym.Show your holiday spirit by dressing up in holidaygear and the best holiday-themed costume in each agecategory will win a prize. The 1-Mile Fun Run beginsat 10 a.m. (free) and the 5K begins at 10:30 a.m. ($5).T-shirts will be available for purchase and all partici-pants will receive a small holiday gift. For more infor-mation, call Intramural Sports at DSN: 629-6528 or081-811-6528.

Dec. 15: Deadline to Register for Volunteer IncomeTax Assistance Program

The Region Legal Service Office is looking for volun-teers for the income tax assistance program. Each vol-unteer will receive IRS training and the necessarytools to assist with tax assistance. The deadline toregister is Sunday, Dec. 15. For more information or toregister, please call DSN: 626-4576, 081-568-4576 orsend a message to LTJG Hayden at [email protected].

Dec. 16: Holiday Craft Crew with Connect the TotsConnect the Tots will hold a holiday craft event for

families with young children on Monday, Dec. 16 atthe Support Site food court. We’ll create a specialmemory for this season. The event starts at 3:30 p.m.and is open to all U.S. and NATO ID card holders.All materials will be provided.

Dec. 18: Medal of Honor Recipient to Speak at CapoTheater

Col. Roger H.C. Donlon, U.S. Army (retired), thefirst American soldier to be awarded the Medal ofHonor in the Vietnam War, will speak at theCapodichino theater on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Thespeaking engagement will start at 10 a.m. and befocused on his life and experiences. During his 29years of active duty, Donlon served assignments inInfantry, Special Forces, and as a Foreign AreaOfficer. He has since served in prominent positions inmilitary and charitable organizations. For more infor-mation, please contact Ron Ress at DSN: 626-3623.

Dec. 18 - 19: Winter Youth Basketball Team Assessments Children who are already registered for Youth

Basketball must attend a mandatory team assess-ment at the Support Site Youth Center Gym as fol-lows: Juniors (age 9-11), Dec. 18 at 6:30 p.m. andSeniors (age 12-14), Dec. 19 at 6:30 p.m. If your childis unable to attend the mandatory assessment, pleaseprovide Youth Sports with a note. There will be an

additional expense of $25 collected at the assessmentto cover expenses. For more information, call YouthSports at DSN 629-4729 or 081-811-4729.

Dec. 19: NMCRS Baby Basics ClassA monthly class on newborn care and other useful

tips for expecting parents is scheduled to be held from9 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Dec. 19. The class isoffered by Navy Marine Corps Relief Society(NMCRS) Visiting Nurses and is open to U.S. military,civilians and NATO ID cardholders. It will be held atthe NMCRS office located in room G-16 of the AdminII building at Capo. To register for the class and formore information, call NMCRS at DSN: 626-3913 or081-568-3913.

Dec. 21: Navy Outdoor Recreation Single-Day Ski TripWith a minimum of 30 patrons, the NOR bus will

provide round trip transport to one of several localski resorts. Cost is $15 per adult/$10 per child 4-12and free for ages 3 and under (based on space avail-ability). For more information, call the Support SiteNOR Center at DSN 629-4947 or 081-811-4947. TheNOR is located at the Auto Wood Skills Centerbehind the Autoport. Hours are Tuesday throughFriday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Continued from Page 2 BASE NOTES


december 13, 2013



teers for a manager and treasurer position. The manager oversees the day-to-day operations of the NOSC Thrift Store on Support Site and will workclosely with and report to the vice president of fundraising on the NOSCBoard. Supervisor, retail and marketing experience is preferred, as well asa working knowledge of Excel, Word, Facebook and the Internet. The posi-tion requires 120 volunteer hours per month. NOSC Store operations train-ing will be provided. The Treasurer maintains and manages all financial,bookkeeping and banking operations of NOSC, provides full financial report-ing and oversight of funds and develops and maintains an accurate budgetwith the approval of the board. Experience in the use of Quick Books isessential and knowledge of budgetary and accounting principles is required.The treasurer positions requires 40 volunteer hours per month. If interest-ed in either position, contact [email protected].

NAPLES MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL TRACK AND FIELD program is look-ing for volunteer coaches for the varsity, junior varsity and middle schoolstaff this year. The season is from March to May with practices held Mondaythrough Friday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. There is a preference for experience atthe collegiate or high school competitive levels. If interested, contact coachMark Tyler at DSN: 629-4497.

ARGOSY UNIVERSITY is looking for participants to take part in anexploratory study on Military Vs. Civilian Leadership. Volunteers would takepart in a one-hour interview detailing previous military leadership role(s) andyour current civilian leadership role. If interested, please contact Lovell Jonesat 340-959-1173 or [email protected].

NAPLES AMERICAN RED CROSS (ARC) needs volunteers. If you are inter-ested in volunteering or in taking a CPR/First Aid class, call 081-568-4788 or626-4788 for more information. You can also "like" our Facebook page -American Red Cross Naples - to keep up with current opportunities.

FLEET AND FAMILY SUPPORT CENTER is looking for volunteers to assist in the event of an emergency. Volunteers could be called upon iffamilies are relocated to Support Site due to a natural disaster or similaremergency that exceeds what the FFSC staff can support. Volunteers maygreet families, inquire about needs, organize supplies, complete paperwork,etc. Being on the list does not obligate anyone to a future event. If you areinterested in volunteering for this, please call 081-811-6372 or [email protected].

CLUB BEYOND is searching for volunteers to serve as Adult Leaders. Leadersassist in planning, setup and conducting small group meetings with students ingrades 7 through 12. Leadership training lasts a month. If interested, please con-tact Arturo Paulino at [email protected] for an appointment.

THE AMERICAN SOCCER CLUB (ASC) OF NAPOLI is looking for qualifiedcoaches. Those interested in coaching should e-mail [email protected].


ANIMALS WITHOUT LIMITS (AWL) is searching for volunteers who want tohelp at our Animal Hospice in Lago Patria. We also need volunteers for differ-ent projects on the Support Site base. For more information, please contact usat [email protected] or [email protected].


improve competent communication and leadership skills. Meetings are at 6:30 p.m. on the first & third Tuesdays of the month at the Support SiteCommunity Center. Guests are always welcome. For more information, or like us on Facebook"Toastmasters Naples Italy."

NAPLES AREA FIRST CLASS PETTY OFFICERS ASSOCIATION is com-posed of members from different rates with one mission. As a service organiza-tion, we enhance community relations, promote awareness of our duties asSailors, and fortify the professional and social welfare of our service members.We normally convene every other week alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays.Visit us and learn how you can participate and feel free to bring a friend! Formore information, please contact YN1 Gordon at DSN: 626-7733.

NAVY LEAGUE NAPLES has three missions: to enhance the morale of activeduty personnel and their families; to inform Congress and the American pub-lic on the importance of strong sea services; and to support youth through pro-grams such as the Junior ROTC that expose young people to the values of oursea services. Personnel interested in joining or participating with the NavyLeague should contact Betty Reese at 081-526-8051.

PROTESTANT WOMEN OF THE CHAPEL (PWOC) meet every Tuesdayfrom 9 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall for worship and bible Study.Stay up-to-date with current events at our Facebook page PWOC Naples orcontact us at [email protected] to be on our email distribution.

CLUB BEYOND is a youth group run by Naval Support Activity NaplesReligious Ministries. Club Beyond is open to children in grades 7 through12, and meets Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. in the Chapel Fellowship Hallat the Support Site. For more information, please contact Arturo at [email protected].

BOY SCOUT TROOP 007 holds troop meetings every Monday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Support Site Community Center. E-mail the Scoutmaster [email protected] or visit the website at

More “Inside Page” on Page 9


Italian News Briefs•• ••

Compiled by Teresa Merola

Colosseum Visitors withSmartphones Can Skip Long Lines

Tourists can now buy digitaltickets at Rome’s Colosseum andskip the lines with their smartphones. A service fee of one euro isadded to the new e-ticket.Organizers said this new systemwill help keep the lines moving,especially on very busy days.

Neapolitan Camorra GarbageTrafficker Arrested Tuesday

The Neapolitan Camorra mas-termind blamed for a series ofenvironmental and health crimesdue to garbage disposal in theprovinces of Naples and Casertawas arrested Tuesday. He isaccused of illegal trafficking ofgarbage and burning of garbageand other toxic materials. Policealso said that the man offered onemillion euro to anyone who wouldkill the lead prosecutor who wasinvestigating him and his activi-ties. The man who was to carry itout was arrested before he com-mitted the crime.

General Named to Guide PompeiiRedevelopment

A general from the paramilitaryCarabinieri police was named toguide the redevelopment of theancient ruins of Pompeii.Giovanni Nistri led the culturalasset-protection division from2007 to 2010, which is the branchof the Italian police responsiblefor combating art and antiquitiescrimes. Regional and local author-ities signed a management proto-col in line with UNESCO stipula-tions last month as the deadlinegiven to apply a series of upgrademeasures or face having Pompeiiremoved from the prestigious list

of World Heritage sites. Themeasures include video surveil-lance of 50 percent of the area anda buffer zone around the site.Unions at Pompeii have repeated-ly alerted authorities to new dam-age surfacing in the past month.Sections of structures have fallenin the past two years and havetriggered new concerns aboutItaly's ability to protect the 2,000-year-old treasure from furtherdegradation. Critics complainthat not enough is being done topreserve and protect the site,which has been plagued fordecades by accusations of mis-management, neglect and evenmafia infiltration.

Priest Turns On Giant ChristmasTree Display in Umbria

On a hill above the medievaltown of Gubbio in the Umbriaregion, a giant light display,known as the “World BiggestChristmas Tree,” was turned onSaturday. A priest used a tabletcomputer to switch on the treedisplay made up of some 1,000multi-colored lights arrangedacross a hillside and stretches to aheight of 2,461 feet. The installa-tion of the lights began in 1981.

Bronze Statues Going Back onDisplay in Calabria Region Museum

A 2,500-year-old pair of ancientGreek statues called the RiaceBronzes is back in a Calabriaregion museum after four years oflying on their backs with theregional government. The publiccan again admire two of the moststunning works ever recoveredfrom the ancient Greek civiliza-tion. They were discovered in1972 by a scuba diver off theCalabria coast and are the most

famous examples of southernItaly’s cultural links withHellenic civilization. The statuesare one of Italy’s most importantarchaeological finding in the last100 years. They have not been onpublic display since 2008 whenthe museum embarked on a reno-vation project that was delayeddue to high costs, accusation ofcorruption and mismanagement.Italy’s minister of cultureannounced that the statues willbe on display even though renova-tion works have not yet been com-pleted. The statues were previ-ously viewed by an average of130,000 visitors a year at themuseum.

Passer-by Catches Boy afterSudden Fall from Balcony

A three-year-old boy fell from abalcony in the northern town ofCantu in the Lombardy region.Thanks to a quick-witted passer-by,the boy was caught in time and thechild and passer-by were taken to alocal hospital with slight injuriesafter the incident. The boy’s parentdidn’t notice the child who climbedthrough a window of the second-floor apartment and leaned fromthe balcony before losing his bal-ance and falling off.

Underground Tunnel Leading toBank Vault Found in Naples

Naples is famous for its under-ground sites, but this time policediscovered a four-meter-long under-water tunnel leading to a bankvault. Police said that whoever dugthe tunnel crossed an undergroundelectric grid maintenance tunnel,used a high-power drill and wentthrough a cement wall. Many bankrobberies in Naples have used thesetypes of tunnels.

4 PanoramaPanorama

december 13, 2013

On a sunny afternoon, Armydefeated Navy in the 13th-annual Army-Navy FlagFootball game at the NaplesHigh School Stadium on theSupport Site with a 12-0 finalscore, Dec. 7.

The local game is intendedto mirror the Army-Navy col-lege football game set to takeplace this year on Dec. 14 atLincoln Financial Field inPhiladelphia and was spon-sored by the Morale, Welfareand Recreation’s (MWR)intramural sports program.

On the first play from scrim-mage, Army attempted areverse that turned into atrick play when the widereceiver threw a long passdown the field. Navy inter-cepted the pass and had earlymomentum with hopes of win-ning for a third straight year.

Navy has won eight timesfrom 2000 to 2012.Unfortunately for this year’sNavy team, the great defensiveplay to start the game wouldbe one of their few highlightsand Army’s victory comes withbragging rights and ends atwo-year Navy win st reak.

During the game, egged onby wacky mascots, the Armyhalf of the bleachers chanted,“Let’s go Army!” Only to beanswered from the other sideof the bleachers with “Let’s goNavy!”

“I love the friendly rivalry,”

Army Blanks Navy 12-0By MCSN Weston Jones, Navy Public Affairs Support Element-EastDetachment Europe

The Army football team stands victorious after being awarded their trophies after the Army-Navy Flag Football game

at the Naples High School Stadium, Dec. 7. The Army-Navy Flag Football game is organized by MWR and is an annu-

al event. (Photo by MCSN Weston Jones)

said Katye Cairn, a student atNaples High School.“Everybody’s having fun anddancing around with mascots.It brings us all together, it’sjust great.”

Army scored both of theirtouchdowns in the first halfand let their defense take overand secure the win in the sec-ond half.

“I’ve played in this game forthe last three years,” saidStaff Sgt. Thaddeus Moton.“We took a loss in last twogames, but we finally cameaway with a victory; I’ve beentalking smack all week, so I’mglad we won.”

Navy struggled to get any-thing going on offensethroughout the game. Most ofthe team’s struggles came fromthe quarterback position.

“The quarterbacks weplanned to use and practicedwith were injured and could-n’t play in the game,” saidHospital Corpsman 2nd ClassMarvin Holden, center for theNavy team.

The annual Army-Navy flagfootball game gives servicemembers the opportunity torepresent their branch andlets fans enjoy some friendlycompetition.

See Army Blanks Navy Page 13

Information Systems Technician 1st Class Lawrence Brown makes acatch during the 13th annual Army-Navy flag football game at NaplesAmerican High School Stadium, Dec. 7. (Photo by MC2 Josh Bennett)

Fleet and Family Support CenterEvents this Week From the Fleet and

Family Support Center

For more information about local Fleet and Family SupportCenter (FFSC) events, visit


december 13, 2013

From the NSA Naples Command Investigative Division and NCIS

Crime Report for Nov. 27 - Dec. 10

UPCOMING FFSC NAPLES EVENTSCall 081-811-6372 for more information or to register.

All classes require registration.

• Dec 13: Legal Assistance, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., (appointmentsonly), Support Site FFSC.

• Dec 13: Visit Christmas Alley & the Cathedral of Naples, 8:30a.m. to 2 p.m. (Leaves from Capo – Meeting point inside McDonalds

• Dec 13: SAPR P.O.C., 8 a.m. – 12 p.m., Support Site FFSC • Dec 13: SAPR D.C.C., 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., Support Site FFSC • Dec 15: Alateen Support Group (ages 12-18), 9 a.m. to 10 a.m.,

Support Site FFSC. • Dec 16 - 20: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m., Transition GPS Workshop: Mixed (Pre-

Retirement/Pre-Separatee), Support Site FFSC• Dec 17: Explore Vomero Area, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., (Leaves from

Capo – Meeting point inside McDonalds)• Dec 17: Nurturing Touch Child & Infant Massage, 9 a.m. to

10:30 a.m., Support Site FFSC • Dec 17: Al-Anon Support Group, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Support Site

FFSC• Dec 18: Conflict Management, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., Support Site

FFSC • Dec 18: Retirement Planning w/TSP, 10:30 a.m. to noon, Support

Site FFSC • Dec 18: Saving and Investing, 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., Support Site

FFSC • Dec 18: AA Support Group, 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., Support Site FFSC

UPCOMING FFSC GAETA EVENTSCall 081-568-8354 for more information or to register.

All classes require registration.

• Dec. 13: Novello Wine and Olive Oil Making, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

• Dec. 16: Christmas Field Trip to Naples, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.• Dec. 18: Field Trip to Caserta Vecchia, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Continued from Page 1


“It is a great honor to performand represent one of the ships,”Hospital Corpsman 2nd ClassJaden Sandi, assigned to U.S.Naval Hospital Naples, who rep-resented Arizona in the drillteam formation.

“It was an important part of ourhistory.”

After the performance aremembrance wreath was placedbefore the stage which was hon-ored with salutes as two buglersplayed echo “Taps.”

Dec. 7, 2013 is the 72ndanniversary of the attack, inwhich the Imperial JapaneseNavy’s air raid on Pearl Harborbrought the United States intoWorld War II.

“Seventy two years ago, theUnited States Navy suffered thisdevastating surprise attack by amassive force bent on destroyingour fighting force and demoraliz-ing our nation,” said Capt. ScottGray, NSA Naples commandingofficer. “Through the trials andtribulations of a hard won warand a harder won peace, we haveforged the enduring bonds offriendship with our EuropeanAllies and Italy in particular.”

He compared the pre-WorldWar II U.S. military situation tothat of today and also spoke ofhow the war’s effects are still felttoday before finishing his speechwith a reminder.

“Remember the many who losttheir lives to protect the free-doms that define us asAmericans; those same freedomswe continue to protect today.Remember Pearl Harbor.”

Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Jaden Sandi, assigned to U.S. NavalHospital Naples, took a knee in honor of battleship USS Arizona(BB 39) during the Naval Support Activity Naples Pearl Harbor remem-brance ceremony. The U.S. Naval Hospital Naples Drill Team per-formed a special "Battleship Row" drill in which each team memberrepresented a ship present on Battleship Row during the Battle ofPearl Harbor. The ceremony honored the 2,403 Americans who died atPearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941. (Photo by MC1 David R. Krigbaum)

In this 'Pearl Harbor Then and Now' image, the battleship USS California (BB 44) burns in the foregroundas the battleship USS Arizona (BB 39) burns in the background after the initial attack on Pearl Harbor.(Photo illustration by MC3 Diana Quinlan)

FFSC Tip of the Week: Communication SkillsCommunication is powerful and directly affects our quality of life and

relationships. Our ability to express what we think and feel withoutclouding our ability to listen and respect how others think and feel is thegreatest factor of success in our work and home life. Yet, communicationis an everyday activity that is easily taken for granted. People use thepower of communication to strengthen relationships at work and athome by practicing skills that build effective two-way communication.

Unmanaged conflict has caused many hardships in the workplace andat home. It can cause people to suffer, missions to fail and families toseparate. Yet, conflict is inevitable. People manage conflict by examin-ing their attitudes and behaviors when faced with conflicting situations;practicing skills that prevent conflict from escalating; and working withothers to solve problems, allowing people to grow, missions to succeedand families to strengthen.

From the Fleet and Family Support Center

Roughly 35,000 first classpetty officers are scheduledto take the exam. Changingthe date will ensure theprocess is fair and orderlyfor all involved.

"It makes absolute sense toenact proper planning andtake the necessary steps toset our first class petty offi-cers up for success," saidMaster Chief Petty Officerof the Navy Mike Stevens.

Chief of Naval Personnelofficials announced that theCycle 222 active-duty E7exam date has been changedfrom Jan. 16 to Jan. 14.

The change is to avoid dis-ruption of the testingprocess due to a potentiallapse in government fund-ing.

Personnel SupportDetachments staffed by civil-ians and contractors could beforced to reduce services with-out funding, making examadministration unfeasible.

6 PanoramaPanorama

december 13, 2013

CPO Exam Date Changed Active Duty E7 Exam Date Adjusted

Naples CommunityHealth Awareness

By Chief of Naval Personnel

Public Affairs

The Naples Public Health Evaluation (PHE)was an extensive effort to learn more about thepotential environmental health risks present inthe Campania region of Italy. The Navy estab-lished health protective policies based on thestudy’s findings to protect the health of U.S. per-sonnel and their families, which includes bottledwater advisories and health protective leaseclauses.

The PHE found the potential health risks for living off-base can be mitigated by following established risk-managementactions.

The enduring health protection policies are as follows: • Maintain the July 2008 bottled water advisory for U.S. personnel

living off base. • Maintain the New Lease Suspension Zone (NLSZ) areas, based on U.S.

Navy and Italian environmental sampling data. In these zones, U.S.Navy personnel are not permitted to sign new rental home leases.

• Maintain the U.S. Naval Support Activity Naples PHE website andthe U.S. Navy Regional Water Quality Board.

• Maintain the health-protective U.S. Navy lease clauses for privateoff-base rental homes: – Landlords must provide containerized water service from a Navy-

approved vendor. – Leased homes must be supplied by city water or permitted wells.

Landlords must disconnect all non-permitted wells and provideproof of connection to the city water system or that the well is per-mitted.

– Landlords must clean and disinfect domestic water holding tanksevery six months.

• The U.S. Navy will continue to share data with designated Italianpublic health officials.

Throughout the Public Health Evaluation, the U.S. Navy establishedhealth protective policies and took immediate action, when necessary,to protect the health of U.S. personnel and their families. The riskmanagement analysis determined that many of the health protectivepolicies established during Phase I and Phase II will continue, as wellas new policies implemented to ensure continued health protection.

The Phase I and II reports, along with fact sheets addressing com-monly asked questions and a detailed timeline of study components,are available through a link on the Naval Support Activity Napleswebsite: If you have a concern about yourspecific health risk and how the study relates to you, please contact the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples at DSN: 629-6299 or commercial: 081-811-6299.

From Naval Support Activity Naples Public Affairs

Roughly 35,000 first classpetty officers are scheduledto take the exam, changingthe date will ensure theprocess is fair and orderly

for all involved.For information on exam

guidance and requirementsread NAVADMIN 288/13

The F/A-18 Hornet community celebrated the 35thanniversary of the aircraft's first flight during a cere-mony Dec. 9 in the Rear Adm. William A. Moffettbuilding atrium at Naval Air Station Patuxent River,Md.

Sponsored by the F/A-18 and EA-18G ProgramOffice (PMA-265), the celebration highlighted theaccomplishments and continued impact of the U.S.Navy's longest running tactical aircraft program.

"The F/A-18 and EA-18G program continues tothrive, it is by far the predominant tactical force fornaval aviation," said Capt. Frank Morley, PMA-265program manager, "and it will continue to be for manyyears to come."

Originally designed to replace the F-4 Phantom andthe A-7 Corsair II, the F/A-18 Hornet took its firstflight Nov. 18, 1978. Today, the F/A-18 platform,including the Hornet, Super Hornet and EA-18GGrowler, operate in 44 Navy and 11 Marine CorpsStrike Fighter and Electronic Attack Squadronsworldwide.

Since its maiden voyage 35 years ago, the F/A-18family of aircraft has flown 8,692,167 flight hoursaveraging nearly 250,000 flights hours per year sincethe historic journey.

"The success of this program rests on the shouldersof many that have come before us, and many that havespent a lifetime supporting this program," Morley saidduring the ceremony.

The ceremony's keynote speaker, retired Vice Adm.Jeffrey A. Wieringa, shared a number of "sea" storiesbased on his experience as a past program manager(April 2000 to May 2003).

"I became a naval aviator in 1977 - just one yearbefore the Hornet entered into service," said Wieringa."So, you could say that both the F/A-18 and I earnedour wings right about the same time."

Rear Adm. Donald (B.D.) Gaddis, program executiveofficer for Tactical Aircraft Programs, also sharedthoughts about his time as PMA-265's program man-ager and what he believes has made the F/A-18 andEA-18G program so successful.

"We have always had very, very good leadershipinside the Hornet industry team, PMA-265 and in thecompetencies," said Gaddis. "That successful cultureis going to keep us flying as a team until probably2030 or 2035."

The ceremony was followed by a luncheon and toursof Hangar 201, home of Air Test and EvaluationSquadron (VX) 23. Four static aircraft displays wereon exhibition, each representing an iteration of theF/A-18. Boeing also provided guests the opportunity to"fly" the F/A-18 Super Hornet via its mobile simulator.

Navy Honors F/A-18 for35 Years of DistinctionFrom Program Executive Office for

Tactical Aircraft Public Affairs Office

(U.S. Navy file photo)


december 13, 2013

March 2014 E4-E6 AdvancementExams Announced

The March 2014 Navy-wide enlisted examina-tions for Active Duty, Full Time Support andCanvasser Recruiter Sailors who are advance-ment eligible to the paygrades of E4-E6 havebeen announced in Naval AdministrativeMessage (NAVADMIN) 312/13, released Dec. 11.

Each Navy examination consists of 25Professional Military Knowledge and 150 job-specific technical questions. The examinationdates are March 06, 2014 (E6), March 13, 2014(E5) and March 20, 2014 (E4). Examinationresults are posted on the Navy EnlistedAdvancement System (NEAS) website.

"The best way to prepare for an advancementexamination is to know your job better thanyour peers," said Master Chief Electrician'sMate Eric Riddle, command master chief of theNaval Education and Training ProfessionalDevelopment and Technology Center (NET-PDTC).

"When the rating Subject Matter Expertsdevelop your examination content, they areinstructed to write questions that Sailors needto know in order to perform their jobs," saidRiddle. "With that in mind, I would strongly

recommend Sailors study with the intent ofincreasing job knowledge and not study solelyfor the exam."

During Advancement Examination ReadinessReviews held at NETPDTC, visiting E7 andabove fleet SMEs in each enlisted rating ensureall examination questions can be linked to ref-erences and publications. As rating SMEs selectquestions for the examination, an examinationbibliography is developed based on the sourcereference for the question. NAC updates bibli-ography information as fleet instructions andmanuals change, and it is recommended thatcandidates check their bibliography a few timesprior to the exam administration date.

Study material for advancement examinationpreparation is available six months prior to theadministration dates. To download the bibli-ographies for an upcoming exam, go to theNavy Advancement Center's Web portal onNKO at

The NEAS website enables EducationServices Officers to verify and correct the listof eligible candidates for their command,delete and forward examinations when neces-sary, and confirm examination ordering infor-mation. The NEAS Web address is

Left:Megan Monachelli,a 9th grader at NaplesHigh School, ridesWhiskey while competingin the B100 class at the"Concorso Salto Ostacoli"(Show JumpingCompetition) inArco Felice, Italy, Dec. 8.Megan finished the B100class competition in thirdplace and finished insecond place in the B80class while riding Delfina.(Photos by Fred Monachelli)

Right::Joelle Monachelli,a 5th grader at NaplesElementary School, ridesWhiskey while competingin the L60 class at the"Concorso Salto Ostacoli"(Show JumpingCompetition) inArco Felice, Italy, Dec. 8.Joelle finished first in herclass.

Sisters Compete in Horse Show Jumping

By Katrina Gergely,

Naval Education and Training Professional Development

and Technology Center Public Affairs

A comet has crashed and now a mysterious illness is spreading inthe refugee camp; how are you going to manage the disaster? Thiswas the scenario posed to teams of six engineers including DanielByrnes, Miguel de Frutos, Megan Lucci and Jane Reasland fromNaples Middle/High School.

The four students were chosen to compete in a Science, Technology,Engineering and Mathematics competition in Germany Nov. 17-22.Students from schools around the Region studied six engineeringfields -green tech, civil, computer aided design, robotics, biomedical,and environmental.

Students learned that only by collaborating could they find the bestsolution to manage the disaster. Students made study trips and hadguest speakers that allowed them to gather information from expertsin their fields.

Lucci's team, Team Iota and Reasland's team, Team Beta were eachrecognized as having one of the best four solutions. Reasland's teamwas the overall winner based on their strong solution, engineeringcompetitions and exemplary professionalism.

By Dawn Peterson, Math and Science Teacher at Naples Middle/High School

Naples Students Travel to Germany for STEM Competition

Team Delta works together in a team building exercise. (Photos cour-tesy of Department of Defense Dependents Schools-Europe)

Emergency personnel simulating a decontamination.


december 13, 2013

ONGOING/ON THE HORIZON continuedALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS hosts English-speaking AA meetings on and

off base in the Naples area. For more information, please call 339-267-7075or visit

NATO LIONS RUGBY CLUB is looking for new players. All abilitieswanted. Practice is held every Wednesday at Carney Park at 5:45 p.m.Show up with shoes, shorts and a mouth guard. Training and develop-ment will be provided. If you have any questions, email Mark Woodall orco-manager Andrew Bohnsack at [email protected] [email protected].

NAPLES OFFICIALS ASSOCIATION NEEDS REFEREES Anyoneinterested should contact Nigel Alexander at 081-721-5413 or 346-680-3282or by e-mail to [email protected].

HARRY S. TRUMAN LODGE No. 649 meets 6:30 p.m. every 2nd and 4thFriday of the month at 6:30 p.m. FMI, contact Kevin Baker at 338-479-7023or [email protected], or visit group/HST649.

THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, San Gennaro council 14853, meets at 7 p.m. the second and fourth Thursday of each month at the Support SiteFleet and Family Support Center. Email Robert Kenney [email protected] or visit

WOMEN, INFANTS, CHILDREN (WIC) OVERSEAS PROGRAM isoffered at NSA Naples. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, postpar-tum or have an infant or child under the age of five may qualify for the pro-gram. WIC Overseas is a nutrition education program that provides nutri-tious supplemental foods. Contact WIC Overseas at 081-811-4962.

THE NAPLES AREA SECOND CLASS PETTY OFFICERS ASSOCIA-TION meets twice a month to discuss upcoming community outreachopportunities and charity events. For more information, contact MA2Aaron Kurschner at DSN 626-2871 or ABH2 Brent Paucke at DSN 626-5382.

NAPOLI NATION FAN CLUB is a group that helps community membersattend SSC Napoli soccer games, promotes intercultural relations and pro-vides SSC Napoli information to the community. Membership benefitsinclude SSC Napoli gear, discounted tickets and entry to Napoli Nationfunctions. FMI, visit

SAIL WITH THE NAPLES NATO YACHT CLUB (NNYC) AMERICANTEAM. We are looking for Americans interested in participating in dinghyraces sailed at the NNYC facilities on the island of Nisida. Experience notrequired. FMI, contact Bob & Shauna Bunnell at [email protected] [email protected]

SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST WORSHIP SERVICE takes place Saturdaysat Support Site Chapel from 9 a.m. to noon. The schedule is: Sabbath Schoollessons, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.; songs and praise, 10:45 to 11 a.m.; Divine Service,11 a.m. to noon. For more information, please contact Paolo Fleurant at 328-194-6897 or [email protected].

CONNECT THE TOTS CLUB unites families with children from newborn topre-school age within the Naples military community. Club events includemonthly coffee mornings and birthday parties, weekly playgroups, craft activ-ities and more. For more information, visit Connect-the-Tots-Club.

CATHOLIC WOMEN OF THE CHAPEL meets monthly in the Support SiteFellowship Hall for prayer, fellowship, and learning. Child care provided. Wealso meet Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. for Rosary and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m.for bible study. For more information, e-mail [email protected] or checkout our Facebook page: Catholic Women of the Chapel - NSA Naples, Italy.

PUBLIC SPEAKING WITH TOASTMASTERS The Naples ToastmastersClub meets the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Meetings are held atthe Support Site Community Center at 6:30 p.m. FMI, contact theToastmasters president at 342-010-6263.

GAETA/NAPLES AREA GIRL SCOUTS Now accepting registration for the2012-13 school year. We are still in need of leaders and co-leaders. Trainingand support provided. FMI, contact [email protected].

FILIPINO-AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NAPLES, ITALY meets atnoon the first Sunday of every month at the Support Site Fellowship Hall. Formore information, contact Ron Nacianceno at 081-568-1746 or 335-760-4446.Also check out the group’s Facebook page, Fil-Am Naples.

THE U.S. MILITARY RETIREE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN ITALY(USMRA-SI) is the only association in Southern Italy representing the inter-ests of U.S. retired military personnel and their survivors. If you are not amember and are eligible, please join the USMRA-SI at of contact: Wylie Miller, 329-208-7315.

THE NAPLES CHRISTIAN HOMESCHOOL ASSOCIATION meets everymonth to support families who have chosen to educate their own children. Weoffer weekly park/pool days, a moms’ night out and field trips to explore BellaNapoli and beyond! Interested? Need more information? Considering home-schooling? Please contact Natalie Mack at [email protected].

MEDITATION SITTING GROUP is held from 7 to 7:30 p.m. every Mondayat the side chapel at the Support Site. Newcomers should stop by at 6:30 p.m.Participation is free. FMI, e-mail Laura Hitchcock at [email protected].

REGISTER FOR GRADUATE DEGREE ON-SITE PROGRAMS TheUniversity of Oklahoma offers the Master of Human Relations on-site gradu-ate degree program. Courses meet in a series of four evenings and one week-end. For more information, contact the OU office at DSN: 626-6672 or visitthe office at Capodichino in the Admin II building.

REGISTER FOR ON-SITE UNDERGRADUATE CLASSES Visit the col-leges for more information about what classes and programs are offered.UMUC Maryland can be reached at 081-568-6673/74/75; Central TexasCollege is at 081-568-6761.

CALLING ALL NAPLES NURSES! Please consider joining the Naples AreaNurses Association (NANA). NANA is an organization of nurses that worktogether to fundraise, participate in social events, and provide supportthroughout the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples and NSA Naples community.FMI, contact Lt. Shelley Beltz at shelley.beltz or Lt. JennyPaul at [email protected].

THE WELFARE & RECREATION ASSOCIATION is available to meetassociates every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at its location on the firstfloor of Building 450 upstairs from Capo Landing. FMI, visit

SECURITY NOTE: All DoD military or civilian personnel hosting an event offbase must complete a Special Event Force Protection Plan (SEFPP) 45 daysin advance, regardless of organization, if the event will involve 50 or morepersonnel, include distinguished visitors or involve personnel wearing uni-forms. FMI, contact the AT/FP Division at 081-568-5525 or visit the divisionoffice in the Capodichino Security Precinct, Bldg. 403.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES AT U.S. NAVAL HOSPITAL NAPLES TuesdaySilent prayer (7:15-7:45 a.m.) in the hospital chapel. Traditional hymn andpraise and worship music will be provided during this time. WednesdayRoman Catholic Mass (11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.) in the hospital chapel. Call 081-811-6451 to confirm that Mass is being held. Thursday Men’s Fellowship andBible Study (6-7 a.m.) in the hospital galley.

SURE START is a unique program committed to providing the highest quali-ty of education for command-sponsored children of enlisted personnel (prior-ity to E1-E4) who are 4 years old by Sept. 1. FMI, call Karen Rodrigues at081-811-4682 or the school at 081-811-4037.

THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OFSMAUG, PG13, Cast: Martin Freeman, Orlando

Bloom, Cate Blanchett, Hugo Weaving, ElijahWood. Action/ Adventure, 161 min. The second in atrilogy of films adapting the enduringly popularmasterpiece The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, this filmcontinues the adventures of the title characterBilbo Baggins as he journeys with the WizardGandalf and thirteen Dwarves, led by ThorinOakenshield on an epic quest to reclaim the lostDwarf Kingdom of Erebor.

TYLER PERRY’S: A MADEA CHRISTMAS, PG-13, Cast: Tyler Perry, Kathy Najimy, Chad

Murray, Anna Horsford, Tika Sumpter. Comedy,Holiday 105 min. Madea is coaxed into helping afriend pay her daughter a surprise visit in the coun-try for Christmas, but the biggest surprise is whatthey'll find when they arrive. As the small, ruraltown prepares for its annual Christmas Jubilee,new secrets are revealed and old relationships aretested while Madea dishes her own brand ofChristmas Spirit to all.

DELIVERY MAN, PG-13, Cast: Vince Vaughn,Chris Pratt, Cobie Smulders, Jack Reynor, Glenn

Fleshler. Comedy, 105 min. This is the story of affa-ble underachiever David Wozniak, whose mundanelife is turned upside down when he finds out that hefathered 533 children through sperm donations hemade twenty years earlier. In debt to the mob,rejected by his pregnant girlfriend, things couldn'tlook worse for David when he is hit with a lawsuitfrom 142 of the 533 twenty-somethings who want toknow the identity of the donor. As David strugglesto decide whether or not he should reveal his trueidentity, he embarks on a journey that leads him todiscover not only his true self but the father hecould become as well.

THE FIFTH ESTATE, R, Cast: BenedictCumberbatch, Daniel Brhl, Anthony Mackie,

David Thewlis, Alicia Vikander. Drama, 128 min.Triggering our age of high-stakes secrecy, explosivenews leaks and the trafficking of classified infor-mation, WikiLeaks forever changed the game. Now,in a dramatic thriller based on real events, the filmreveals the quest to expose the deceptions and cor-ruptions of power that turned an Internet upstartinto the 21st century's most fiercely debated organ-ization. The story begins as WikiLeaks founderJulian Assange and his colleague DanielDomscheit-Berg team up to become undergroundwatchdogs of the privileged and powerful. On ashoestring, they create a platform that allowswhistleblowers to anonymously leak covert data,shining a light on the dark recesses of governmentsecrets and corporate crimes. Soon, they are break-ing more hard news than the world's most leg-endary media organizations combined. But whenAssange and Berg gain access to the biggest troveof confidential intelligence documents in U.S. his-tory, they battle each other and a defining questionof our time: what are the costs of keeping secrets ina free society-and what are the costs of exposingthem?"

LAS VEGAS, PG-13, Cast: Morgan Freeman,Robert De Niro, Michael Douglas, Kevin Kline,

Mary Steenburgen. Comedy, 104 min. Billy, Paddy,Archie, and Sam have been best friends since child-hood. So when Billy, the group's sworn bachelor,finally proposes to his thirty-something (of course)girlfriend, the four head to Las Vegas with a plan tostop acting their age and relive their glory days.However, upon arriving, the four quickly realizethat the decades have transformed Sin City andtested their friendship in ways they never imag-ined. The Rat Pack may have once played the Sandsand Cirque du Soleil may now rule the Strip, but it'sthese four who are taking over Vegas.

FROZEN, PG, Cast: Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel,Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, Santino Fontana.

Animation, Family 108 min. Fearless optimistAnna sets off on an epic journey-teaming up withrugged mountain man Kristoff and his loyal rein-deer Sven to find her sister Elsa, whose icy powershave trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternalwinter. Encountering Everest-like conditions, mys-tical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf,Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race tosave the kingdom.

ENDER’S GAME, PG-13, Cast: Asa Butterfield,Hailee Steinfeld, Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley.

Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Adaptation, Action/Adventure,114 min. In the near future, a hostile alien racecalled the Formics has attacked Earth. If not forthe legendary heroics of International FleetCommander Mazer Rackham, all would have beenlost. In preparation for the next attack, the high-ly esteemed Colonel Hyrum Graff and theInternational Military are training only the bestyoung minds to find the future Mazer. EnderWiggin, a shy but strategically brilliant boy, isrecruited to join the elite. Arriving at BattleSchool, Ender quickly and easily masters increas-ingly difficult challenges and simulations, distin-guishing himself and winning respect amongst hispeers. Ender is soon ordained by Graff as the mil-itary’s next great hope, resulting in his promotionto Command School. Once there, he’s trained byMazer Rackham himself to lead his fellow soldiersinto an epic battle that will determine the futureof Earth and save the human race.

THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE, PG-13, Cast: Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson,

Liam Hemsworth, Elizabeth Banks, WoodyHarrelson. Action/Adventure, 146 min. The filmbegins as Katniss Everdeen has returned homesafe after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Gamesalong with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark. Winningmeans that they must turn around and leave theirfamily and close friends, embarking on a "Victor'sTour" of the districts. Along the way Katniss sens-es that a rebellion is simmering, but the Capitol isstill very much in control as President Snow pre-pares the 75th Annual Hunger Games (TheQuarter Quell) - a competition that could changePanem forever.

If you have been sexually assaulted or need to speak with a S.A.P.R. victim advocate,call 335-640-6621 24/7 for information and support. The DoD Safe Helpline can be reached toll-free at 001-877-995-5247.

Friday, Dec. 13 4:30 p.m. The Hobbit: The

Desolation of SmaugPG13 (3D)

6:30 p.m. The Hobbit: TheDesolation of Smaug, PG13

7:30 p.m. The Best Man Holiday, R,Premiere Showing

Saturday, Dec. 143 p.m. The Hobbit: Desolation of

Smaug, PG13 4 p.m. Tyler Perry's: Madea

Christmas, PG-13Premiere Showing

6:30 p.m. The Hobbit: TheDesolation of SmaugPG13 (3D)

7 p.m. Delivery Man, PG-13Premiere Showing

Sunday, Dec. 153 p.m. The Hobbit: The

Desolation of SmaugPG13

4 p.m. Delivery Man, PG-136:30 p.m. The Hobbit: The

Desolation of SmaugPG13 (3D)

7 p.m. The Best Man Holiday, R

Monday, Dec. 16Closed, No Movies

Tuesday, Dec. 17Closed, No Movies

Wednesday, Dec. 184:30 p.m. Ender’s Game, PG-136 p.m. About Time, R7 p.m. The Fifth Estate, R

Last Showing

Thursday, Dec. 194:30 p.m. The Hunger Games:

Catching Fire, PG-136 p.m. Last Vegas, PG-137 p.m. The Counselor, R

Last Showing

Friday, Dec. 204:30 p.m. Walking with Dinosaurs,

PG (3D) Premiere Showing

6 p.m. The Hobbit: TheDesolation of Smaug,PG13

7 p.m. Anchorman 2: LegendContinues, PG13Premiere Showing

Movie Descriptions No Children Under 10

Admitted to R-Rated Movies

Upcoming USO ToursCapodichino Office 081-568-5713Support Site Office 081-811-4903



Dec. 20-27Med Christmas Cruise . . . . . . . . . . . . .€717

Dec. 24-25Christmas in Rome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€187

Jan. 18-19Florence and Pisa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€178

Feb. 14-17Canevale in Venice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .€228



Dec. 15 A Day at the SPA in Contursi ............................ €59

Dec. 21 Salerno Christmas Lights................................ €25

Dec. 22 Rome of the Caesars...... €57Dec. 27 Afternoon at the Circus €23Dec. 28 Underground Rome .......€86Dec. 29 The Ancient Ruins of

Pompeii ............................. €49



december 13, 201310

Community members can now receive our local AFN Naples stationplus eight additional music and information channels using your com-puter, Apple iOS or Android device.

AFN 360 improves AFN quality where you get mobile data or inter-net. Using the best in audio encoding technology, they are able to deliv-er near-CD quality programming while using minimal bandwidth.

The local shows to stay up-to-date on what’s happening aroundNaples:

From the Bench (Sports) airs Mondays from 8-9 a.m.USO Naples airs Wednesdays from 1-2 p.m.NSA Naples PAO airs Wednesdays from 7-8 a.m.MWR Naples airs Wednesdays from 3-4 p.m.Fleet Master Chief in the Morning airs Thursdays from 7-8 a.m. NSA Naples Commander’s Spotlight airs Fridays from 7-8 a.m. Visit and click on AFN 360 to get started

or download the AFN Europe App to your smartphone.

AFN 360 Internet Radio GotBigger, and More LocalFrom American Forces Network

Continued from Page 1


For Gray this is his third and finaltime participating in the tree-light-ing ceremony and he said he hasfound this event to be the most funand the biggest. He has been toother bases and said the events arenot as big or popular and he enjoysseeing everyone come together forthe holidays to have a great time.

“For many of us we are spendingChristmas away from home,” saidGray. “We are our extended familyout here.”

For many visiting the event, itwas their first time celebrating theholidays with the community onthe naval base.

“It was so nice being out heretonight and being able to visit withfamily,” said Marcos Cachiero. Hecame to the U.S. base fromBarcelona, Spain to visit his mili-tary family members in Naples.

“This is our first time here,” saidGunner’s Mate 2nd Class AdrianLassiter as he walked through thevillage with his family. “We’ve livedoverseas in Japan before and havenever experienced something likethis before. There is a great senseof community here; they treat oneanother as extended family to helpget through tough times.”

New to this year’s event is theHoliday Village organized by theWelfare and Recreation Asso -ciation. The village had boothssetup to bring Italian holiday cul-ture and customs from around theregion to the American community.

At the village the AmericanForces Network played music forthe crowd and the School Age CareChildren’s Choir performed holidaysongs such as, “All I Want For

Santa Claus celebrates lighting the holiday tree at the Support Site,Dec. 5. (Photo by MC3 Robert S. Price)

Christmas Is My Two Front Teeth.”The U.S. Naval Forces Europe

Band concluded the night with theannual Holiday concert at thechapel. A series of holiday tuneswere played representing multiplefaiths and the band encouragedaudience members to sing along toconclude the concert.

“On most occasions if you hearthe Navy band, you will hear anafternoon of brass quintet, or a

night of rock band,” said Musician3rd Class Alexis Thompson,French horn player.

“At our holiday concerts we playan array of styles of music includ-ing classical, jazz, and pop all inthe same concert,” said Thompson.“Holiday performances are myfavorite concerts during the year.They bring the most smiles andeach holiday tune brings memoriesto oneself.”

Capt. Scott Gray, commanding officer of Naval Support Activity Naples, talks with children waiting forSanta and the holiday tree to be lit. (Photo by MC3 Robert S. Price)

Members of the U.S. Naval Forces Europe Band perform at the annual Holiday Concert at the Support Sitechapel. (Photo by MC3 Robert S. Price)

Except for those living at the Support Siteand Capodichino, bottled water is recom-mended. Treated water is provided free ofcharge at a dispenser located outside theCapodichino east parking garage. All econo-my leases negotiated through the Housingoffice have a bottle water clause, whichrequires the landlord to provide bottledwater. Work with landlords to have anywater holding tanks disinfected twice a yearand ensure your tap water is disconnectedfrom non-permitted wells and connected

only to the city water system.

bottled Wateradvisory From U.S. Naval Support Activity Naples Public Affairs

The holidays are upon us and many of usare planning on cooking. The averagehousehold uses three times the energy onThanksgiving Day than it does theThursday the week before. No matter ifyou are a family of four or fourteen, thereare some green rules you can follow whilecooking throughout the holidays.

Thawing your turkey or ham in the fridge increases the refrigera-tor’s cooling demand for every four to five pounds. Buy fresh or thawit in cool water for 30 minutes per pound.

Try not to open the oven door to take a peek inside. Use theinstalled light to keep track of your bird though the viewing win-dow. Constant opening and closing of the door can affect cookingtemperature by as much as 25 percent, which translates to addi-tional time needed to cook thoroughly. The heating element now hasto produce more heat in order to re-adjust the temperature.

Leave your home thermostat on a cooler setting while cooking fordinner or having lots of people over. The lack of heating will bemade up for through the efforts in the kitchen and extra bodies.

Once you are nearing the end of cooking your main dish, use theextra space to cook smaller dishes. This will not only make yourcooking efforts more efficient, you’ll also get to eat faster.

Be sure to match pot sizes with burners accordingly. Properlymatch pot diameter to burners makes better use of the flame. Notdoing so can waste up to 40 percent in lost energy on the burner sizealone.

These are just a few tips to get you in the right direction and keepcost and energy use down.

Energy Conservation

From the NSA Naples Energy Management Team

Holiday Cooking


december 13, 2013 11

Tiger Sharks Place 4thin Long-DistanceChampionships

The European Forces SwimLeague (EFSL) held their longdistance championships inAntwerp, Belgium, Nov. 23-24, with 16 teams.

The Naples Tiger Sharkstook fourth place behind theirnorthern competitors, andlarger teams; KaiserslauternKingfish, Stuttgart Piranhas,and the NATO Marlins.

The Tiger Sharks had 23swimmers compete in a totalof 40 events and earned 402points, dropping a total cumu-lative time of 7 minutes 19seconds with zero disqualifica-tions.

“Competing at the LongDistance Championshipsrequires months of endurancetraining, discipline and men-tal preparation,” said JaneHiggins, Tiger Sharks headcoach. “Our swimmers werean outstanding representa-tion of their team.”

Ingrid Bidwell, SydneyBidwell, Drake McGuinn,Houlton McGuinn, MaxMilton, Brandon Oetereicher,Paul Patterson, Sean Quirk,Alex Ruppe, John Ruppe,Lauren Snodgrass and JordanTraucht were all first-timelong-distance competitors.Returning competitors includ-ed, Emily Patterson, Luke

Patterson, Maura Patterson,Marshall Saunders, CarlySharp, Lindsey Sharp, JohnSherer, Nick Sherer, andLeslie Traucht, NathanTraucht, and StephenTraucht.

Swimmer Lindsey Sharp seta new EFSL record for the 10-year-old girls 400m freestyleevent. She finished the race in6:03.11, dropping 15.23 sec-onds, and beating the oldrecord by 1.4 seconds.

Gold medal winners includ-ed:Sean Quirk, 10-year-old boys

400m freestyleAlex Ruppe, 8 and under girls

400m freestyleLindsey Sharp, 10-year-old

girls 400m freestyleCarly Sharp, 12-year-old girls

800m freestyle

Silver medals were awardedto:Carly Sharp, 12-year-old girls

400m individual medleyNick Sherer, 12-year-old boys

400m individual medley,800m freestyle, and1,500m freestyle

Lauren Snodgrass, 9-year-oldgirls 400m freestyle

A bronze medal was awardedto Paul Patterson in the 8 andunder boys 400m freestyle.

By Jamie Yenco

December has been designat-ed as National Drunk andDrugged Driving PreventionMonth, a time to raise aware-ness about the consequences ofdriving under the influence ofalcohol and drugs, announcedDorice Favorite, director, NavyAlcohol and Drug AbusePrevention Office.

"The month of December isone of the busiest on thenation's roadways, and alsoone of the most dangerous, dueto a high incidence of alcoholand drug-related traffic crash-es," said Favorite. "Accordingto the National HighwayTraffic Safety Administration,an average of 25 people die each day in drunk driving crashes during December." That meansapproximately 775 people aren't making it home for the December holidays.

"Impaired driving crashes are one hundred percent preventable," continued Favorite."Everyone can practice responsible drinking and Keep What They've Earned." It's within every-one's ability to make and keep to a plan, whether at a party, at the bar, or anywhere that willrequire you to travel home.

If you decide to drink this holiday season, designate a driver that will not drink any alcohol thatnight. A designated driver will help you get home safely.

Have a plan. Make the decision on who will be the designated driver before going out, and stickto the plan. Know how much you are going to drink in advance and stop when you reach yourpre-planned limit.

Be a good shipmate. "If you notice someone who is about to drive or ride with a driver who isimpaired, take the driver's keys and help them make other arrangements to get to where theyare going safely," concluded Favorite. "Simple planning in advance can bring everyone throughDecember safely."

A DesignatedDriver Is thePerfectHoliday GiftFrom Chief of Naval Personnel Public



december 13, 201312

Italian law requires all foreign personnel working or living within Italy, other thanan active-duty member under military orders, to obtain a Sojourner Permit withineight days of arrival in Italy. This is different from a visa, which is merely an approvalfor entry into the country.

All applicants over 14 years of age must apply in person, as each person's signatureis required at the time of application.


As part of the Area Orientation process, the U.S. Region Legal Service Office (RLSOEURAFSWA) assists in the preparation and oversees the acquisition of the SojournerPermit for all personnel attached to U.S. Navy commands in the Naples area. Armyand Air Force personnel stationed at JFC must apply through the Carabiniere at theJFC Provost Marshall's Office, Building L.

Contact Connie Henderson, RLSO EURAFSWA liaison advisor, at 081-568-4639 formore information.

Obtaining your Sojourner Permit

In the SpotlightLCDR ROBERT P. SENKOLt. Cmdr. Robert P. Senko was born in NewCastle, Pa. He attended Gannon University inErie, Pa. where he graduated with a Bachelor ofScience degree in Biology. He earned his Doctorof Optometry degree from The PennsylvaniaCollege of Optometry in 2004 while on a four-year scholarship from the Navy. Senko is also agraduate of the Naval War College non-residentGraduate Degree Program. He completed the training to be qualified as anaviation optometrist at the Naval AerospaceMedical Institute and was recognized by theNavy as the Junior Optometrist of the Year in2009. Senko is currently the department head ofOptometry at U.S. Naval Hospital Naples. He isalso the vice chairman of the ExecutiveCommittee of the medical staff. He enjoys trav-eling with his wife, Shelia, in addition to run-ning and cycling when able.

HM3 KEVIN CLAUSENHospital Corpsman 3rd Class Kevin Clausen wasborn and raised in Grand Rapids, Mich. He joinedthe Navy in January 2010 after working as aForeman in a Freightliner Dealership. Upon com-pletion of recruit training, he attended ‘A’ school inGreat Lakes, Ill. Before coming to U.S. NavalHospital Naples, Italy, Clausen was stationed atU.S. Naval Hospital Okinawa, Japan. He currently works at Staff Education andTraining as a command training representativeoverseeing training for 543 personnel. Clausenassists in all facets of command training programsand volunteers as an emergency medical technicianinstructor for the hospital’s Emergency Medicineprogram. He manages ordering of all the suppliesfor his department and is also the customer servicerepresentative.When he is not at work, he enjoys traveling aroundEurope, volunteering in the community, and read-ing books. His current goals are to make PettyOfficer Second Class, continue off duty college edu-cation, and consider applying for one of the manycommissioning programs available in the Navy.


h O U K K s d a P G P Q R O GJ J G e I Y L X a e F X R I IP a F n e L a V L h K t B C OU a n L e X W V L G s B Z L CU e L n K V n F a e Q Y V a at L a L F X R G n R U K d C tV R O s a a G a Y a U M t K Oe Q C t h V C n M B O F V O Rh I J t t a O e I V Y n P M eM P M X L a h L F t U R Y P sY I G L n J R O O Y O L Y O Ot P a e Q U I t a Z I O n e CU P W I C Q d h d e a L F h XL L a B e s a B M I F Q Q s OM X Y n U O t O I B W G X a C

Practice your vocabulary. Find the Italian words.



NEVE / Snow

NEVICARE / To snow

NUVOLA / Cloud



PIOVERE / To rain

SOLE / Sun

VENTO / Wind


Answer to last week’s puzzle


Gli sport / Sports

ALLENARE / To train

BASEBALL / Baseball

CALCIO / Soccer

EQUITAZIONE / Horseback rid-


FOOTING / Jogging


LOTTA / Wrestling

NUOTO / Swimming

PALLA / Ball


PALLAVOLO / Volleyball

SCI / Skiing

TENNIS / Tennis

Capt. Matthew W. Pommer, Jr., center, commanding officer of U.S. Naval Hospital Naples, Italy, poses withhospital leadership and staff in front of a "Go Navy, Beat Army" sign to show support for a Navy victoryefore the annual football game between the United States Military Academy and the Naval Academy takesplace Saturday. (Photo courtesy of U.S. Naval Hospital Naples)

Spirit Spot from the Hospital


december 13, 2013 13

Continued from Page 4ARMY BLANKS NAVY 12-0Although the Navy lost this year, they’ll have their chance for

redemption next year.“I had a lot of fun,” said Holden. “This was my first year play-

ing, but I’m definitely playing again next year.” The game isn’t just for the competitors, but it is also for the

members of the community.“I was glad to look into the stands and see all people who came

out to support the event,” said Moton. “The families love thiskind of stuff.”

The Army-Navy flag football game is just one of many eventsorganized by MWR that service members and their families lookforward to every year.

“The Army-Navy game is a very big morale booster; it bringsout everyone’s competitiveness, but in a good way,” said CaitlynKnapp, intramural sports manager for MWR. “I love watchingsports. It feels great to bring a piece of America to Italy.”

The Army quarterback passes the ball while the Navy attempts to intercept during the Army-Navy Flag football game

at the Naples High School Stadium. The Army-Navy Flag football game is organized by MWR and is an annual event.

(Photo by MCSN Weston Jones)

Sgt. Edward Jackson goes up for a catch during the 13th annual Army-Navy

flag football game at Naples American High School Stadium, Dec. 7. (Photo

by MC2 Josh Bennett)

Hopsitalman Dominic Andrews runs the ball up field during the 13th annu-

al Army-Navy flag football game at Naples American High School Stadium,

Dec. 7. (Photo by MC2 Josh Bennett)

To find out what positions are cur-rently open, please contact ourfront desk at DSN 626-5409 or com-mercial 081-568-5409. Copies ofvacancy announcements will beposted at the Human ResourcesOffice, located in the Admin Ibuilding at Capodichino, first floor.The customer service hours areMonday through Friday, from 8a.m. to 3 p.m. The Fleet and FamilySupport Center (FFSC) at SupportSite will also have vacancyannouncements and they can beeasily viewed the HRO Website:

Applications are accepted at theSecurity Pass and ID Office atCapodichino, or at the HRO, located inAdmin 1, Capodichino, or by mailing to:HRO, PSC 817 Box 29, FPO AE 09622,or at Fleet and Family Service Center(FFSC) located on the TLA first floor, atSupport Site. HRO must receive mailedapplications by closing date of thevacancy announcement.

PLEASE NOTE: Customer serviceoperation hours for the following HROservices are Monday, Wednesday andFriday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from1 p.m. to 3 p.m.:• ID/CAC Cards (DD1172-2)• Requests for an Official Passport

(DD1056)• Logistical Support Letters• Work Certificates

tive is available for the bi-week-ly "Meet & Greet" at the SupportSite food court area. Please feelfree to come by, pick up a copy ofa vacancy announcement thatyou may be interested in apply-ing for, or ask questions. If theHRO representative is unable toprovide you a response, he or shewill bring the question back tothe HRO office and you will beprovided an answer or a callback the same day. The next"Meet & Greet" is from 8-9 a.m.Dec. 16.


Fleet & Family Readiness NAFLocal Naples job announcementswithin CNREURAFSWA may beviewed at: necessary application formsare also available online. Forany questions you have, you mayreach us at 081-568-5612/4164.The applications may beemailed to [email protected].


Education Aid/Technician,CY-1702-I/II, ANN#14-005,(Multiple Positions) regular fulltime (Eligible for Post Allow -ance) part time & flexible, ChildDevelopment Centers, SchoolAge Care, Youth Programs,Teen Center and Youth SportsCapodichino/Support Site. Prov -ides appropriate developmentalcare and instruction for chil-dren and youth ranging in agefrom six weeks to eighteenyears in a Child and YouthProgram setting Performs rou-tine, day-to-day care of infantsand children ranging from6weeks to 5 years old. Assem -bles of gathers materials andequipment necessary to executeSchool Age Care for childrenranging from 6 years old to 9years old, School-Age Care Pre-Teen for children ranging from10 years old to 12 years old,Teen Center Program for chil-dren ranging form 13 years oldto 18 years old. Receives andreleases children to/fromauthoriz ed parents, guidance.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#12-002, flexible, Auto/Skills Center, Support Site.Provides information concerningfacility, operation and regula-tions. Ensures adherence to reg-ulations and safety procedures.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01(Theater Concessionaire) ANN#13-015, flexible, Reel TimeTheater II, Support Site. Thisposition transacts the sale ofrefreshments at the theatersnack bar.Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#13-035, flexible FitnessBranch, Capodichino/SupportSite. Performs maintenance onvarious types of recreation andathletic equipment to ensurethat all equipment is in good con-dition and safe for patron use. Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01ANN#13-128, flexible part time,Bowling Center, Support Site.Provides oversight of activitiesand necessary services toauthorized patrons.Food Service Worker, NA-7408-04, ANN#13-126 flexiblepart time, Bowling Center,Support Site. Performs a vari-ety of tasks such as grilling orfrying pancakes, hamburgers,hot dogs, bacon, eggs, sausage,by watching while the items arecooking, turning as required;regulating temperature andremoving when done.Recreation Assistant, NF-

U.S. POSITIONSNOTE: CONUS hires currentlyresiding in the Naples/Gaetacommuting areas must applythrough USAJOBS in order toreceive consideration.

CLOSING DATE: Dec. 19Program Analyst, GS-0343-13, ANN#EUR14-717552-AV,Full Time PermanentSupv Equipment, Facilities& Services Specialist, GS-2150-13, ANN#EUR14-720114-AV, Full Time PermanentSupv IT Specialist, GS-2210-12, ANN#EUR14-707291-JC,Full Time Permanent

CLOSING DATE: Dec. 26Engineering Technician(Me chanical), GS-0802-12,ANN#EUR14-721092-AV, FullTime PermanentDeputy Director of Protocol,GS-0301-13, ANN#EUR14-726-755-EG, Full Time PermanentPersonnel Security Spe -cialist, GS-0080-11, ANN#EUR14-726937-EG, Full TimePermanentProgram Analyst, GS-0343-13, ANN#EUR14-727618-EG,Full Time PermanentBallistic Missile DefenseCoordinator, GS-0301-13,ANN#EUR14-727620-EG, FullTime PermanentManagement & ProgramAnalyst, GS-0343-11 KPP 12 orGS-0343-12, ANN#EUR14-728-888-EG, Full Time PermanentSupv Financial MgmtAnalyst, GS-0501-14, ANN#EUR14-710075-KB, Full TimePermanentFire Protection Spec, GS-0081-14, ANN#EUR14-726843-KB, Full Time Permanent


No VacanciesIf you have any questions, con-tact the front desk at 081-568-5409. You will be contactedwithin 24 hours, so please besure to provide your contactinformation. Thank you and weappreciate your input, whethernegative or positive so that wecan find ways to improve theHRO services or continue to pro-vide excellent service. As areminder, an HRO representa-

ensuring merchandise is prop-erly stocked and displayed forthe Electronics, Housewares,Domestics, Furniture, and Giftsdepartments.Ann#1300023U Sales Clerk/CL/NF-01/FPT- Open UntilFilled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50.Responsible for selling generalmerchandise to customers andensuring merchandise is proper-ly stocked and displayed for theCosmetics, Health & PersonalCare, Sporting Goods, Garden,Christmas Shop , Pets, andCough and Cold departments.Ann#13000241 Sales Clerk/SL/NF-01/FPT- Open Until Fil -led. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50. Re -sponsible for selling generalmerchandise to customers andensuring merchandise is prop-erly stocked and displayed forthe Jewelry, Mens, Ladies,Shoes, Cosmetics, Handbags,and Children’s departments.Ann#130001L4 Store Worker/W3/NA-02/Flex – Open UntilFilled. Pay Rate: $10.23. Per -forms various duties includingloading/unloading merchandiseand cart retrieval in an Ex -change store, storeroom and/orlocation.Ann#130001T2 SecurityGuard/52/NF-01/Flex. OpenUntil Filled. Pay Rate: $9.00-$11.00. Ensures enforcement ofsecurity measures; conductsinspections; prepares reportsconcerning security related inci-dents, etc. Ann#130003WN LP/ SafetyInvestigative Asst (Trainee)/52/NF-01/Flex–Open Until Fil ledPay Rate: $9.50-$11.00. Res -ponsible for the protection of NavyExchange assets through inves-tigative strategies and the audit-ing of controls designed to preventand minimize loss potential.Ann#130004J5 LP/SafetyInvestigator (Detect i ve)/52/

NF-02/RFT. Open Until Filled.Pay Rate: $9.50-$11.50. Res -ponsible for the protection ofNavy Exchange assets throughinvestigative strategies and theauditing of controls designed toprevent and minimize losspotential. Utilizes various sur-veillance techniques.

EARTH & VINE WINE SHOPAnn#120002QJ Sales Clerk/PS/NF-01/Flex- Open UntilFilled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50Responsible for selling generalmerchandise to customers andensuring merchandise is prop-erly stocked and available.Candidates must be at least 18years old to apply.

GRICIGNANO MINI MARTAnn#12000343 Sales Clerk/MM/NF-01/Flex. Open untilfilled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50.Responsible for selling generalmerchandise to customers andensuring merchandise is prop-erly stocked and available.Candidates must be at least 18years old to apply.

CAPODICHINO NEX MARTAnn#130001NR Sales Clerk/MM/NF-01/Flex- Open UntilFilled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50.Responsible for selling generalmerchandise to customers andensuring merchandise is prop-erly stocked and available.Candidates must be at least 18years old to apply.

ROME EMBASSY MINI MARTAnn#1300024L Sales Clerk/MM/NF-01/Flex- Open UntilFilled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50.Job Summary: Responsible forselling general merchandise tocustomers and ensuring mer-chandise is properly stockedand available. Candidates mustbe at least 18 years old to apply.

Jobs•• ••

0189-01 KPP-02, ANN#14-018flexible, Fleet & Family Read -iness Center, Gaeta, Italy. Serv esas a primary front line customerservice representative of theoverall program as such, mustcontinually present informationin a high professional and cus-tomer friendly style. Closingdate: Opening Until FilledRecreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#14-021 flexible, MWROutdoor Recreation Program,Support site/Carney Park.Prov ides and maintain recre-ation and athletic equipmentissue. Closing date: OpeningUntil FilledRecreation Aid, NF-0189-01,ANN#14-022, flexible, MWRLiberty Division, Naples, Italy.Employee helps customers inthe recreation center withrecreational event. Closingdate: Open until filled.


Gricignano, Building 2091-BCall 081-813-5253/5254

Hours: Monday throughFriday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

For a current list of U.S. vacan-cies and the on-line application,please visit our website at:


GRICIGNANO MAIN STOREAnn#130002F2 CustomerSer vice Clerk/CS/NF-02/Flex-Open Until Filled. Pay Rate:$8.50-$10.00. Performs a varietyof customer service duties in -cluding special orders, foreigncurrency exchange, Western Un -ion, merchandise returns, etc.Ann#1300023Z Cashier Check -er/CC/NF-01/Flex- Open UntilFilled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50.Associates are engaged in theoperation of cash registers torecord sales in retail checkoutareas. Ann#13000240 Sales Clerk/HL/NF-01/Flex- Open UntilFilled. Pay Rate: $8.00-$9.50.Responsible for selling generalmerchandise to customers and


december 13, 201314


In the event of an emergency or to report acrime, please call the Emergency Dispatch

Center at 081-568-4911 or 5911.(On-Base Dial 9-1-1)