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  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 3


    more involved. Please text mor any officer, if you are everunsure.

    Well, on a good noteLaura our CDO really liked ouchapter. Even though we weall a little scared of her, she

    turned out to be a really niceperson. She said our FieldConsultant is going to bebored, because there is nothing to fix in this chapter. Woohooo isnt that amazing?! Anshe also noticed that we are way better chapter than all thothers in California hehe JLets all keep it up for whenour Field consultant comesthis week. Always rememberto stay classy, no matter whaparty you go to. Love your

    sisters. Enjoy Life. And dontstress out; there is always asister that will be there for yo

    I love you with all myheart and you all mean somuch to me!!

    All my Delta Love,

    Ceyda Yaramanoglu

    Please Cross theLine if you want to be here.Look to the people besideyou, look to the people infront ofyou.Pleasecross

    back Andeveryonecrossedthe lineYay! See-ing howmuch funeveryonewas having at retreat reallymade me happy. To mespring retreat has alwaysbeen the most importantbonding time of the year. Ihope that all of our new ba-

    bies feel a closer bond tosome girls in the chapternow. From making pictureframes, to friendship brace-lets, to Colleen gettingpooped on the face by abird I think it was a greatretreat ;).

    Well, Sam askedme to put a couple of wordstogether for the PansyPress, and I just wanted tolet all of you know how

    proud I am of our chapter.Our Songfest cast this yearis amazing. Sandra, Bar-bara and Erica are workingso hard for us, and I canttell you how much I appreci-ate that. I mean we betterbeat DG this year! (We al-ready did in soccertwice!!) Especially after allthe cans we have so far (plzbring in more) and all thepoints weve gotten, I think

    we have a good chance! Letsall make sure that we keepsupporting them with everyevent. You know that saying

    whatyou putinto it, iswhat you

    get out ofit!? Thatsaying isso true.When Iwas afreshmanI was still

    a little confused by all theevents, and it was hard for meto keep track of everything. Iwas also confused about whatwas mandatory and what wasoptional. And why would you

    even go to an optional event?But now that I have beenmore involved and gotten toknow eve-ryone a lotbetter, Ican notimagine mylife withoutTri Delta.To all thegirls whofeel likethey want

    to get in-volvedmoredont beshy! Dont hesitate to ask anyof us if you dont know wherean event is, or what it is allabout. Even though I feel likewe have great participation attimes, I am concerned thatsome dont get the memo.Soooo this is a motivation callto everyone that wants to get

    A Letter from the President

    I N S I D E

    T H I S I S S U E :

    Derby Days 2

    Delta of the



    Songfest 3


    Recognition 5

    Weekly Cal-



    4 / 5 / 2 0 1 0 W I N T E R , W E E K 2V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 3D I D Y O U K N O W ?

    The sound of E.T. walk-

    ing was produced by a

    woman squishing her

    hands in jelly.

    Elephants are the only

    mammals that cant


    Everyday more money

    is printed for Monopolythan for the U.S. Treas-


    Honey is the only food

    that doesnt spoil. Mel Blanc, the original

    voice of Bugs Bunny

    was ironically allergic

    to carrots.

    In England, the Speaker

    of the House is not al-

    lowed to speak.

    The Pansy Press

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 3


    P A G E 2

    Above is what the

    shirts look like

    Delta of the Week: Sam Elliott

    Derby DaysThis is our only philan-

    thropy this quarter so lets

    rock it!

    Tuesday 4/13Part one of coin count ends

    at 3pm

    - Team who wins part 1 of

    coin drive will receive limo

    ride to Thursdays party

    Bus leaves Upper AV lot at

    8:30 for Miss Derby Days

    Lip Sync/Skit Competition

    Wednesday 4/8

    Sig Saw- On ring road at the booth

    from 10am-10pm (start of

    Pub Night)

    - Multiple girls from each

    sorority allowed to sit on

    Sig Saw at one time

    - More points are awarded

    the longer they stay on the

    Sig Saw

    Pub Night

    - Begins at 6pm, ends at 10


    - Sign in for points

    Thursday 4/9

    Part 2 of coin count ends at



    - Busses leave Upper AV at


    - Guest list strictly en-

    forced, sign up any day of

    the week at the booth

    - Girls get in free, Guys pay


    - Winner of the entire

    week will be announced



    - Regular kidnapping hours

    are 8am in the morning

    through 3am at night

    - The booth, the student

    center terrace, the Anthill

    pub, official Derby Days

    events and sorority houses

    are safe zones

    - You need a group of at

    least 5 girls in the picture

    to earn points for a kidnap

    - For each additional girlafter 5, points will be


    - Pictures must be e-mailed

    to etasigmaderby-

    [email protected] by 3pm

    on Thursday


    - Sign in for points and get

    on the guest list for Thurs-

    days party

    - T-shirts and sunglasses

    available for sale for points

    - T-shirts: $15

    - Sunglasses: $5

    - T-shirt and sunglasses

    Combo deal: $18

    Derby Hat Grab

    - Grab a Derby Hat from a

    Sigma Chi and return it tothe booth to answer or

    complete the task inside

    the hat for points

    - Not grab-able in same

    safe zones as kidnapping

    - Turn in a decorated hat

    for double points

    Coin Drive

    - Change counts as positive


    - Paper bills count as nega-tive money

    - Checks can be written


    chore and you're not smiling

    on a regular basis, try another


    Three Random Facts:1. Im allergic to almonds.

    2. I have a metal replica

    replacing a bone in my


    3. Im an extra in the movie

    Bad Santa

    Most desired pet: A Highland

    Disclaimer: This part completely slipped

    my mind and in an attempt to get this out

    faster Ive stepped up to bat.

    Nationality: Polish, Scottish

    and Viking

    Major: Criminology, Law and

    Society and Political Science

    Hometown: Temecula, CA

    Disney Crush: Aladdin

    Quote to Live By: You've got

    a lot of choices. If getting out

    of bed in the morning is a


    Most desired item: A Sherlock

    Holmes pipe/ a Charizard card

    (the one I never got)

    Most Embarrassing Moment: Imanaged to rip off a good por-

    tion of my cheek snowboarding

    down a black diamond run. The

    result of which was me wearing

    a band-aid on my cheek. Beside

    having children run away crying

    from me at the lift, I was called

    Nelly for two weeks back at


    T H E P A N S Y P R E S S

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 3


    Songfest: Show Summaries

    P A G E 3V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 3

    Rock of Ages: A small town girl

    meets a big city rocker in Los

    Angeles most famous nightclub and they fall in love to

    some of the best songs of the

    decade. The story is told

    through the iconic, mind-

    blowing love songs of the era

    including some of the greatest

    hits from artists like Journey

    and Bon Jovi.

    Chicago: Roxie Hart, an ambi-

    tious chorus girl, murders her

    lover. She then convinces her

    gullible husband, Amos, thather lover was in fact a burglar.

    Amos agrees to take the rap

    until the police convince him

    that the burglar was in fact

    Roxie's lover. Thus, Roxie goes

    to jail and joins another fa-

    mous stage performer and

    murderess, Velma Kelly. Both

    Roxie and Velma are headline

    hunters seeking to capitalize

    on pre-trial publicity for the

    sake of acquittal and stagecareers.

    Xanadu: A stage spoof of the

    outrageously bad movie from

    1980 about a painter and his




    at a



    in Los



    Fame: FameThe Musical is

    bittersweet but ultimately in-

    spiring story of a diverse group

    of students as they commit to

    four years of grueling artisticand academic work. With can-

    dor, humor and insight, the

    show explores the issues that

    confront many young people


    9 to 5: An office trio form an

    alliance against their "sexist,

    egotistical, lying, hypocritical

    bigot" boss and his fascistic

    assistant and office snoop and

    finally make the company

    world safe for the fairer sex.

    Across the Universe: A love story

    to the sound of the Beatles.

    And well, you know that last

    one GREASE!!!!

    Watching a 12 minute speed ver-

    sion of a show you dont even

    know can be a little confusing, so

    here are a list of summaries of the

    shows you can look forward to

    seeing May 7th.

    Little Shop of Horrors: Seymour

    works at a flower shop, at-

    tending a plant who he has

    named Audrey II. This plant is

    no normal plant. It came from

    outerspace and requires a diet

    of fresh blood. Seymour starts

    by giving the plant his own

    blood, but, when people start

    dying, the plant wants more

    than a few drops of blood.

    We Will Rock You: On Planet Mall

    all the musical instruments are

    banned. Its an age of Boy

    Bands . But Resistance is grow-

    ing. Legend persists that

    somewhere on Planet Mall

    instruments still exist. Some-

    where, the mighty axe of a

    great and hairy guitar god lies

    buried deep in rock. The Bohe-mians need a hero to find this

    axe and draw it from stone. Is

    the one who calls himself Gali-

    leo that man?

    For a Good Cause: Grocery Day

    Updated Songfest

    Points: 4/12/10

    DG Ksig- 17,436

    DDD AEPi - 16,790

    AXO Beta/FIJI-


    KKG SigEp/Pi- 9,756

    Gphi SigNu- 6,433

    Theta EX- 5,160

    EK PIKE- 4,843

    AlphaPhi SAE- 3230

    PiPhi PhiPsi- 2161

    On Saturday April 10th, Barbara, Sandra, Hillary, Kristen, Jason, and I participated in

    "Grocery Day" for Songfest. We were assigned to the Ralphs on Harvard and when we

    got there, we were all a little nervous. We were given no specific instructions, only to

    collect non-perishable food items for the OC Food Bank. Then we decided to make two

    big, bright green posters that matched our spring retreat shirts! We were so amazed

    that so many people were so generous. Some customers brought out two or three bags

    of cans and other food items. We also met a Tri Delta from Miami, who brought us two

    bags of groceries. We ended up filling two carts of groceries and getting 430 items! Eve-

    ryone who participated and donated helped feed many families and also gave Grease

    430 items towards our 1,000!

    Delta Love, Rhiannon

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 3


    P A G E 4

    Love Tri Delta, but

    never forget that

    you are at college

    to be a student.

    What you do and

    achieve here affects

    your future. There

    is no harm in doing

    well, but doors will

    close when you let

    opportunity pass

    you by.

    To broaden the moral and intellectual life

    First, I would like to recog-

    nize the girls who received

    a 3.5 or above last quarter.

    Kat Andrusco

    Rachel Bohunis

    Rhiannon Brown

    Catherine Cahill

    Kathy Crawford

    Shayona Dhanak

    Lindsey Eddow

    Sam Elliott

    Allene Fonseca

    Nicole Furr

    Puja Gohel

    Melyssa Griffin

    Baylee Hannah

    Tamana Kaderi

    Michelle Kim

    Zelly Lodin

    Roya Moheimani

    Elizabeth McDuffee

    Kelsey Nass

    Christina Paz

    Ellen Peck

    Rachel Proud

    Lauren Schoneman

    Brittany Sitzer

    Jacqui Takeda

    Melissa Tom

    These are the girls that are

    holding up our chapter to

    its highest standard. Thank

    you for that.

    UCI, as I hope everyone

    has come to realize, is a

    good school. Yearly, peo-

    ple get denied who other-

    wise would have loved to

    come here. I will admit

    that average people slip

    between the cracks. I ac-

    knowledge that boy in

    class that speaks total gib-berish every time he opens

    his mouth is the strange

    exception of acceptance.

    But know this, you didnt

    get into Tri Delta because

    you were average. Being a

    member of Tri Delta is an

    honor. When you received

    that letter asking you to

    become a member you

    were being told that you

    were of a higher caliber.

    Great things are expected

    of you because you are a

    member of this chapter.

    There should be no dis-

    honor when you walk into

    a classroom with your let-

    ters on. Your letters are a

    symbol that youre part of

    an elite organization.Every sorority and frater-

    nity member has this

    honor. What makes the

    difference between the

    organizations is the con-

    nection between one girl

    and the family she decided

    to pledge to. We all

    choose Tri Delta, but re-

    member, Tri Delta chooseyou too because it saw

    something great in you.

    Getting good grades will

    reflect well on this chap-

    ter. I would love to be top

    in grades, but more than

    anything realize that get-

    ting good grades is a gift

    you give to yourself. Who

    hasnt felt amazing afterseeing a new A pop up

    on their transcript?

    If you got into UCI... If you

    got into Tri Delta; you are

    completely capable of do-

    ing well in school. This

    doesnt mean staying in

    every night and missing

    out on life. It means priori-

    tizing. Acknowledging

    your weakness and not

    being afraid to ask for


    Getting good grades will

    never hurt you, but get-

    ting bad or even average

    grades can. In a way, this

    is a call to arms. This is not

    a competition with other

    sororities but a personal

    statement that we are

    better than what we have

    shown so far.

    Lets prove it.

    Good luck on Midterms.

    T H E P A N S Y P R E S S

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 3


    Brittany Sitzer

    While Brittany may be

    a Songfest alumnae,

    she is not on cast this

    year. But that doesnt

    stop her from coming

    into practice and help-

    ing out with every-

    thing from cleaning toactual choreography.

    She is also one of our

    girls spearheading

    Derby Days. Thank

    you for always putting

    in the extra work, it

    means a lot.

    Steph Loftus

    For putting on an

    amazing retreat! We

    all know a lot of hard

    work went into plan-

    ning this weekend

    outing, and it turned

    out to be a huge suc-

    cess. Everything fromgetting into the aquar-

    ium for only $5 to

    getting to stay at the

    Marriott. Thanks for

    all your hard work.

    All the girls who

    stepped up to help

    out with the Pansy


    The Pansy Press will

    only get better with all

    of your help. I truly

    appreciate all of your

    dedication and excite-

    ment. It can only get

    better from here.

    Keep an eye out for

    the Pansy Press Staff

    Facebook group!


    6pm Social Hour & Meeting


    Mandatory 6-8pm @ House


    Paige (Field Consultant) Arrives

    First Softball Game @ 8pm vs. AXO

    AEPi Exchange: Around the WorldBuses

    Leave at 9:30 from the ARC

    Money for Songfest tickets due


    KSig & DG Event: Doheny Beach A from 5-



    Rho Lambda Applications due


    Parents Day/ Wayzgoose


    6pm Make-Up School

    8pm OC

    Outstanding Deltas

    V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 3

    APRIL 2010

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 Jewelry


    2 Le


    3 NewMember




    5 Formal


    6 Man-

    datory 6-


    7 DeltasOnly: Song-

    fest Game

    8 9 RC



    10 Spring


    11 OC

    DD Field Day

    12 Bus.


    13 Man-

    datory 6-


    14 F.C.



    15 16 AEPI




    18 Par-

    ents Day

    19 Open



    20 Man-

    datory 6-


    21 TBtN @ 7



    22 Com-



    23 24 Relay

    for Life

    25 Relay

    for Life

    26 Social

    hour w/


    27 28 Sin-



    29 30

    P A G E 5

    Disclaimer: All times and dates and subject to change.

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 3


    Beta Upsilon Chapter

    University of California Irvine


    establish a perpetual bond of friendship among

    its members, to develop a stronger and more

    womanly character, to broaden the moral and

    intellectual life, and to assist its members in every

    possible way.


    DELTA DELTA DELTA to promote and de-

    velop mutually beneficial relationships be-

    tween the Fraternity and the colleges and uni-

    versities where the Fraternity has established

    chapters, to develop qualities of unselfish

    leadership among its members, and to en-

    courage them to assume, with integrity and

    Delta Delta Delta

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Let Us Steadfastly Love One Another