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  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 4


  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 4


    P A G E 2

    We have currently

    raised $320 for Relay

    for Life

    Delta of the Week: Brittney Welch

    Relay for LIFE By Cristina PazThis weekend beginning Sat-urday April 24, 2010 UCI willbe hosting Relay For Life atAldrich Park beginning at 12

    p.m. on Saturday and endingat 12 p.m. on Sunday.

    Relay For Life is an amazingevent organized by theAmerican Cancer Society andother Cancer Societys

    around the world. It is aninternational program held byvarious groups and organiza-tions in order to raise moneyfor cancer research, to re-member the lives of thoselost to cancer, to supportthose with cancer and those

    who have overcome battleswith cancer. During relay forlife teams that have signed upto participate will walk

    around Aldrich park for 24hours straight. Throughoutthe day at least one represen-tative from each team mustbe walking, the idea is thatcancer never sleeps and thepeople walking around thepark for twenty four hoursrepresent that. Anyone canparticipate or create a team.Each year more than 3.5 mil-lion people participate inRelay For Life in the UnitedStates and around the world.

    This week there will bebooths selling food on RingRoad in order to raise moneyto donate to Relay For Life,

    also if one cannot make it toRelay For Life one can alwaysdonate online at or attend anotherRelay For Life event. Thereare many Relay For Lifeevents in multiple cities thelocation and dates of theevents can be found on therelay for life website. Formore information log on towww.relayforlife.orgorsearch Relay For Life 2010@UC Irvine on Face book.

    Most Disguising thing youve

    eaten: Miracle Whip I hate it!

    What are you afraid of? Being

    aloneWhat do you love most about

    yourself? My randomness!

    Favorite Animal: Squirrel

    Three Random Facts:

    1. I have 2 younger sisters

    and a younger brother, all

    in high school

    Hometown: Los Alamitos, CA

    Nationality: Irish/Norwegian

    Major: Biological Science

    Quote to Live By: Life is like a

    mirror, we get the best results

    when we smile at it.

    Favorite Movie/Book: Ameri-

    can Beauty

    Favorite Childhood TV Show:


    Favorite Word: Serendipitous

    2. I have 3 dogs and a parrot

    3. Ive never been to a con-


    Most Embarrassing Moment: I

    guess the clich bird poopstory. I got pooped on in high

    school, luckily I was wearing m

    sisters shirt!

    If I could live in any era, it

    would be: The 60s. I would be

    a hippie.

    What would you do for a Klon

    dike bar? Skydive

    T H E P A N S Y P R E S S

    From Page...

    Hello Beta Upsilon!

    Thank you all very much forsuch an amazing visit to Irvine! Ihad a phenomenal time gettingto know everyone and seeingyour strong bond of sisterhood!You are all very unique womenwho have such amazing qualities

    to Tri Delta! Do not feel pres-sured to be just like every othersorority on campus, but realizethat the oath you took duringyour initiation made you sepa-

    rate and different than all otherGreek organizations! ThroughTri Delta you have establisheda perpetual bond of friendsamong its members. You haveeach been there for one an-other. You have shared some ofyour highest highs and yourlowest lows. During your colle-giate years, you will define your-self as a woman more than any

    other part of your life. Holdeach other accountable to makesure that you are on the rightpath and dont forget to support

    each other!

    You were chosen for Tri Deltabecause you possess unique quali-ties of unselfish leadership, integ-rity and devotion, and moral anddemocratic principles. Do notforget the oath that you havetaken and continue to developthese qualities throughout therest of your life. It is this thatsets you apart from others! TriDelta serves its members to

    broaden the moral and intellec-

    tual life and to assist its membersin every possible way. Just aswas said before, hold each otherto a standard higher than thosearound you when it comes tocharacter, academic excellence,

    and service to your community.

    Take time to remember the purpose Tri Delta and the symbolism withinritual to remember what makes youunique as a member of Delta DeltaDelta. You have all been so welcomiand opening and it has been wonderfugetting to know you! I will miss you If you ever need anything I am just a

    phone call or an email away!

    Delta Love and All of Mine,

    Page Daniel
  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 4


    Songfest By Sandra Chu

    P A G E 3V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4

    If you havent already, I deeply

    recommend all of you to considervolunteering some of your time atOC Food Bank. It is a rewardingexperience that can really openyour eyes and find that there arethose who are less fortunate thanwe are, and whose families cant

    afford to buy groceries. Songfesthas two upcoming volunteer days

    on Saturday,April 24th from11am-1pm, andTuesday, April

    27th from 1pm-3pm. A handful

    of the girls in ourchapter, includ-ing some on cast,have alreadydonated their

    time at the Food Bank. More in-formation will be sent out but ifyou have any questions, pleasefeel free to ask Barbara or myself.

    Do you want to win a 14-day tripto the Mediterranean with Con-tiki? Go to and

    make sure you sign up for yourchance to partake on this amazingopportunityIve signed up!!!

    Thanksfor eve-ryones

    supportand lets

    continueto rock itout intrueDeltafashion!Please continue to bring dona-tionscanned foods, granolabars, ramen noodles, oatmeal,bottled water, etc. All donationsare due this Wednesday, April




    GET EXCITED17 days left til

    SONGFEST 2010!!!

    The long-awaited Songfest nightis just around the corner and wewill soon see all our effortsawarded on Friday, May 7th at theBren when our cast kills it on thestage! Ithasbeen along butexcitingjourneythat

    beganwhenwefoundoutabout our pairing with AEPi at thePub. Each step of the way I haveseen more and more passion ineach of our eyes for both the com-petition and for the cause. Song-fest has collectively raised morethan 5,000 lbs of food and per-sonal care items, packaged over1,200 boxes of food and invested

    300 hours of service for the Or-ange County Food Bank. You cantruly notice the impact we havealready made on the live of thosewho count on these donations.

    Tri and Stop Us By Tori Vest

    Updated Songfest

    Points: 4/13/10

    1. DDD AEPi - 18,000

    2. DG Ksig- 17,772

    3. AXO Beta/FIJI-


    4. KKG SigEp/Pi-


    5. KAT EX- 7,064

    6. Gphi SigNu- 6,505

    7. EK PIKE- 5,033

    8. Aphi SAE- 3687

    9. PiPhi PhiPsi- 2603

    Every coach, everyteam, every sport has it: a gameplan, a strategy. Get the basket-ball to the best free thrower. Play

    the soccer ball down the wings ofthe field. Get the player with thebest RBI up to bat fourth. All dif-ferent strategies with one outcome intended: a win. But some-times the win doesnt come soeasy, sometimes you have to justforget the game plan, and dowhat it takes to get the victory.Sometimes you have to go in forthat slide tackle, you have to divefor that catch, or you have to slideinto that base, cause in the last

    moments of the game everythingcounts. Its what we love though,we practice for those games, welive for those games. We dont

    want it to come easy, we want tobeat the best to be the best, andwe want to go further than everbefore. We want to be the teamthat goes there.

    No one knows this feel-ing better than the athletes in TriDelta. For the past two quarters in2009-2010 school year they havegone there, they have pushed tothe limits, they have found theenergy in them they didnt know

    they had, and they left all theyhad to give with the spirit of TriDelta on the playing field. It beganwith wins in football and volleyball

    against multiple sororities, andchampionship in soccer. Now withthe arrival of spring quarter thingsarent going to change. There willbe blood, sweat, tears andstreaks of Tri Delt blue and goldstaining wood floors of the arcbasketball courts and streakingthrough the grass of the softballfields. The spirit wont changebecause champions dontchange.

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 4


    P A G E 4

    Notable Things Happening On Campus This Week

    By Kate Hughes

    Do you like current events?What about debate? Get

    your full dose of debate atThe Olive Tree Initiative.

    Debate and Dialogue: The

    Israeli-Palestinian Conflictis aimed at raising aware-ness of different perspec-tives on the Israel-Palestine conflict throughopen and engaging dia-logue. Starting on Mon-day, April 19, 2010 with ateach-in the week will behighlighted by lecture fea-turing John Ging, UnitedNations Relief and WorksAgency director of opera-tions in the Gaza field of-fice.

    Calling all Wine Enthusi-asts! Joanie Bonfiglio,M.B.A., former director ofoperations for Vino Bravo,Italian wine and spiritsimport company who has

    achieved the first and sec-ond level sommelier fromthe Court of Master Som-meliers is teaching an edu-

    cational class calledIndigenous Italy: Italian

    Wines You've Never Heard

    of Before. Explore moreobscure wine varietiesthrough tasting, and takea look at the culture asso-ciated with the regionsthey are grown in. StartsMonday April 19th. Note:You must be 21 or older toparticipate.

    Are you a dancer? Do youlike to watch peopledance? Come do that! TheUCI Department of DancePresents: Dance Escape! Inthe Claire Trevor Theaterstarting Thursday therewill be nightly showsthrough Sunday. Pay anominal fee to be inspiredand support UCI graduateChoreographers such as:

    Kim Loveridge, Jay Carlon,and Tyler Spencer. This is agreat way to socialize withfriends while supporting

    the hard work and dedica-tion of UCI students.

    Need some money? Get ajob! The UCI Career Centeris hosting its quarterly Ca-reer Fair this Thursday.RSVP on Zotlink and viewthe participating employ-ers on the website. Let megive you a sneak peak ofsome of the employers:AutoNation, Immigration

    and Customs Enforce-ment, Laserfiche, TacoBell, and Orange CountyTransportation Authority.See! There is a job to suiteveryone! Each companyhas a table and you canbrowse and talk to yourfuture boss. A tip: Bring alot of copies of your re-sume!

    T H E P A N S Y P R E S S

    Philanthropy By Amanda DAvila

    For my first devotional section I wantto focus on one of Tri Deltas greatest

    passions: philanthropy. Last quarterour involvement in DHOP was amazingand I know the entire chapter put theirheart and soul into making our philan-thropy event a success. I was so proudof our accomplishments and couldnthelp but imagine how many amazingchildrens lives we would be able totouch with just the flip of a pancake. Ishare with you an excerpt from MayaAngelous book Letter to My Daughterexplaining her view on philanthropy.Here she shares with us her experiencewith philanthropy and how it has madean impact on not only her life but also

    the lives of those she has touched.Philanthropy is all about bringing joy toothers and feeling the reward of sheerhappiness as you share your gift ofgiving with those in need.

    The word philanthropy was takenfrom the two Greek words, philolover of; and anthro mankind. Sophilanthropists are lovers of humanity.They build imposing edifices for peopleto work in and to play in. Theysupport organizations which offer bet-ter health and education to the society.They are the principal patrons of thearts.

    The mention of philanthropy elicitssmiles, followed by the sensation of

    receiving unexpected good fortunefrom a generous but faceless source

    I [have] learned that I could be a giverby simply bringing a smile to anotherperson. The ensuing years have taughtme that a kind word, a vote of supportis a charitable gift. I can move over andmake another place for someone.

    With that I leave you lovely deltaswith a smile, and I hope you rememberthat, we, Tri Delta women, are lovers ofhumanity. So go out and share yourlove and joy for a cause greater thanyourself! See how many people you canshare your beautiful smile with today.

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 4


    V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4 P A G E 5

    By Carla Herreria

    Picture this: a mansion-esquehouse at noon. Boys in muscle

    tanks and backward-turned hats are

    waking up mounds of

    empty bottles, and

    reaching for their first

    beer of the day. Just

    out the window,

    sprawled across the

    lawn lies empty beer

    cans and a sleeping

    student with a fresh

    sharpie-drawn face.

    Out on the sidewalk,

    girls with matching

    outfits, pearls, lip

    stick and gossip are

    making their walk of shame back

    home. With a fake smile and con-

    ceited glare, they proudly strut back

    to their house, heels in hand. And

    then the camera pans out. Above it

    all, Greek letters belligerently spell

    out Hollywoods version of the

    Greek stereotype.

    This stereotype has become so

    deeply embedded into our society,

    that the image of the belligerent

    frat boy and sorority drama-

    queens are consistently placed

    onto realmen and women ofreal

    Greek organizations. We have to

    realize that these exaggerated

    stereotypes are drawn from the

    publics perception of the things we

    do. It is our responsibility, as

    Greek influences on campus, to

    show that there is more to our or-

    ganizations than partying and so-

    cializing amongst each other. This

    week, I interviewed Diego Aviles

    from Pi Kappa Alpha about his

    experience a member of a Greek

    organization at UCI:

    What do you think isthe worst part of the

    Greek stereotype?I think the worst part

    of it is that a large

    group of people be-

    lieve that all we do is

    party and drink.

    Greek life has a muchbigger side to it that alot of people choose to


    How do you respondto people that choose

    to take on that belief?I usually tell them about all the

    other things we do, such as com-pete in sports and our philan-

    thropy events. I usually give them

    specific examples of things I have

    been a part of, like songfest andthe food bank. And also thingslike beach clean-ups, study hours,

    and minimum amount of commu-

    nity service hours to participate inevents (specific to KA).

    How has being in a fraternity im-pacted you personally?I personally have been able to justhold myself more accountable in

    nearly every aspect of my life.

    Having so many things going onwhile keeping up with my studies

    and job has allowed me to reallylearn about time management. It

    has taught me the importance of

    prioritizing and the benefits of aclose group of friends within such

    a large school

    What do you think of the term"frat boy"?

    I think it just adds to the stereotype. The term really just empha-

    sizes all the stigmas that people

    attach to Greek life.

    What do you think the best part ofbeing in a fraternity is?I think its just being a part of

    something bigger than yourself.

    When I stop and think of how my

    life would be without its Greek

    aspect, I am reassured that I made

    the correct choice. It just sort of

    gave me my niche here at UCI

    Do you think Greeks can takesteps to try and erase this Greekstereotype?I think we can, but as a whole we

    have to remember that one small

    mistake from any chapter affects

    the entire Greek community at

    large. We just have to continue to

    improve our community through

    combined efforts and working

    closely with other groups on cam-pus.But it

    will be a

    long timebefore



    type can

    be elimi-

    nated, if

    at all. I




    know unless they experience how

    Greek life really is and how itsnothing like how it is portrayed in

    the media.

    Above: Diego Aviles

    Breaking the Greek Stereotype


  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 4


    P A G E 6

    T H E P A N S Y P R E S S

    P A G E 6

    4/23 R.E.A.C.H. Facilitator applications due THIS Friday at 5 pm.

    R.E.A.C.H. = Reaffirming Ethnic Awareness and Community

    Harmony Educational outreach program at the Cross-Cultural Center,

    devoted to increasing awareness and knowledge of the issues

    related to community harmony in the multicultural world Program involves a weekly class on Mondays from 2 to 5 pm Application at

    Want to get more involved on Campus

    By Steph Wong

    4/23 Dean of Students Internship applications due THIS Friday at 11 pm

    26 positions available! Intern for Campus Organizations (CORE), Center for Service in Action (CSA), Cross-Cultural Center (CCC), or Lesbian Gay

    Bisexual Transgender Resource Center (LGBTRC).Application at

    5/7 ASUCI applications due at 5 pm

    Several different commissioner positions and intern positions available under the President, Executive VP, Student Services

    VP, Academic Affairs VP, Administrative Affairs VP.Application at

    4/19 4/22 Earth Day events at the Anteater Plaza 10 am 2pm

    Be a part of the Green Movement at UCI!4/20 Sustainability Seminar Series

    Find more info at Care-A-Thon this Friday from 12 noon to 12 midnight at Crawford Hall

    Dance cause you careRaises money for UCI Medical Centers Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)NICU does research and has teaching programs to improve the s tandard care at NICUs

    everywhere and save the lives of babies in crisis locally, nationally, andglobally. Live bands, DJs, food, FREE giveaways, celebrity appearances and more!More info available at

    Academics and Future Careers

    4/22 Spring Career Fair in the Student Center

    5/17 Next UC EAP deadline for Winter Quarter 2011

    If youre interested in studying abroad NEXT academic school year

    Other cool events happening on campus

    4/21 Showing of10 Things I Hate About You at 7pm in HIB 100 for FREE

    4/21 24-Hour Mad Film Dash 6 Registration closes

    More info at mfd.computerstore.uci.edu4/24 Mad Film Dash Competition!4/27 4/29 UCI Bookstore Sidewalk Sale 10 am 3pm

    Items for up to 50% off!
  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 4



    6:30pm Open Meeting


    Mandatory 6-8pm @ House


    Take Back the Night (Silver) @


    Composite Photos


    Composite Photos



    Relay for Life, starts at noon


    Relay for Life, ends at noon

    Disclaimer: All times and dates and subject to change.

    P A G E 7V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 4

    Outstanding Deltas

    APRIL 2010

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 Jewelry


    2 Le


    3 New





    5 Formal


    6 Manda-

    tory 6-


    7 DeltasOnly: Song-

    fest Game

    8 9 RC

    Apps Due

    10 Spring


    11 OC

    DD Field Day

    12 Bus.


    13 Man-

    datory 6-


    14 F.C.



    15 16 AEPI



    18 Par-



    19 Open



    20 Man-

    datory 6-


    21 TBtN @ 7



    22 Com-



    23 24 Relay

    for Life

    25 Relay

    for Life

    26 So-

    cial hour

    w/ AXO

    27 28 Sin-



    29 30



    All the house girls know

    that the food was amaz-

    ing, but the actual event

    was even nicer. Thanks

    go out to Kristin for

    organizing such a beauti-ful Parents Day. This is

    but one of the amazing

    things you do for the

    chapter. We appreciate

    everything you do!

    Michelle Chew

    For always putting in

    the extra effort. From

    playing on sports teams

    to organizing the Field

    Consultants schedule,

    everything you do is

    precise and for thegood of Tri Delta.

    Thank you for all of

    your hard work.

    Michelle Horton

    Thank you for always

    looking out for the best

    for your sisters and try-

    ing to take everyones

    opinion into considera-

    tion. It cant be easy do-

    ing your job with such atough economy, not to

    mention our own major

    slump, but you are do-

    ing a wonderful job. .

    There is no fear when

    we say, Formal is going

    to be amazing.

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 4
