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  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 6


    man who dont even know wh

    the philanthropy is. But all it

    really comes down to is the


    We did our best, and I have

    personally never seen our chap

    ter come together so strongly

    for a cause. Tri Delta is a non-

    profit organization. We specia

    ize in philanthropy. After this

    we should be inspired to know

    that we can do anything!

    There is no girl in this chap-

    ter who would disagree with

    the statement that we did

    amazing in Songfest this


    No, we didnt win overall.

    No, we didnt place, but

    every girl in this chapter

    should know that when the

    cast walked off the stage afterperforming, no one was dis-

    appointed in their perform-

    ance. That was the best our

    show had ever been. Sure, it

    would have been cool to win,

    but technically we did.

    We formed a great friendship

    with our partnering fraternity

    AEPi that until this Songfest

    not many girls knew.

    The girls on cast got closer than

    ever before and have hundreds

    of unforgettable memories

    stored away.

    We personally fed hundreds of

    families in Orange County with

    our thousands of donations.

    It is inevitable that people get

    caught up in points. Girls want

    to brag about who won in Song-fest during recruitment to fresh-

    Songfest: The Wrap UpI N S I D E T H I S

    I S S U E :

    Delta of the



    Deltas M.I.A. 2

    Deltas M.I.A. 3

    Songfest 3




    Calendar 5

    Riddle Solu-



    5 / 1 0 / 2 0 1 0 S P R I N G , W E E K 7V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 6

    D I D Y O U K N O W ?

    The toothpick is the most

    choked on object by


    Armadillos are the only

    mammal, besides hu-

    mans, that can get lep-


    Blueberry Jelly Bellies

    were created especially

    for Ronald Regan.

    Dueling is legal in Para-

    guay as long as both par-

    ties are registered blood


    Like fingerprints, every-

    ones tongue print is dif-


    Polar Bears trying to

    blend in with the ice will

    cover their black nose

    with their paws.

    Reindeer like bananas.

    The Pansy Press

    Apple PolishingEveryone should be proud of

    the turn out we had for Apple

    Polishing. Not only were our

    guests happy to be there but

    every one of them, even those

    that couldnt attend, were

    honored to be invited. That

    says something about us as a

    chapter. If we have faculty

    that understands we arent

    just a stereotype but dedi-

    cated students, we are chang-

    ing a mentality that has long

    ago been established. This is a

    huge step in breaching the

    gap between faculty and

    Greek Life (not just for Tri


    As much as this event human-

    izes us to our professors, it is

    a two way street . Its nice

    getting to know these people

    who inspire, encourage and

    educate us. It can be scary

    going to a professors office

    hours. No one wants to em-

    barrass themselves, but hope-

    fully, if anything, Apple Polish-

    ing made you realize that your

    teachers do care. More than

    anything they want you to

    succeed. They really do sit in

    their office hours hoping that

    a student will drop by so they

    can help, clarify, or just chat.

    UCI is a prestigious campus

    with extraordinary faculty.

    Lets take the time to let them

    get to know us. They deserve

    it as much as we do.

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 6


    P A G E 2

    Delta of the Week: Melissa ShintaniMajor: Bio

    Nationality: Japanese

    Hometown: Torrance, CA

    Favorite Animal: Pandas

    Whats your talent? Talking

    really fast

    Favorite Holiday: Christmas

    Quote to Live By: Lifes too

    short to be anything but happy.

    Favorite Book: Truth about

    Forever & Harry Potter

    Most Embarrassing Moment: Rapping

    the Kevin G Rap from Mean Girls,

    senior year to my entire school.

    Do you know any other languages?

    A little Japanese and Espanol

    Disney Princess you most relate to:

    Sleeping Beauty

    Dream Super Power: To stop time

    Do you want kids? Yes, 3 or 4

    If you could title your life, what

    would it be? The Embarrassing Life

    What do you want to be when

    grow up? Maybe a pharmacist

    Favorite Soda: Tiki Punch

    Three Random Facts:1. Ive never had a real pet.

    2. Im learning to surf.

    3. I love basketball and volley

    T H E P A N S Y P R E S S



    Major: HistoryLyon, France


    abroad was never a question. I've

    always been interested in foreign

    affairs and in people with different

    cultural and linguistic heritages.France intrigued me because of its

    rich history, delicious breads, and

    handsome men ;)

    Best moment: I don't know that

    there is one moment that stands out

    beyond everything else. But, one

    experience that I will always remem-

    ber is my visit to Rome. I met Kasie

    Hipp when we were both freshman

    in Tri Delta and we have been really

    close ever since. After nearly 7

    months of not seeing each other it

    felt so wonderful to get out of the

    taxi and run up and give her a big

    hug. No time had passed be-

    tween us. Also, shout out to Lily

    who gave me the best historical run-

    ning tour of ancient Rome - that wasa major highlight!

    I recommend that everyone go

    abroad - it develops a sense of self

    and perspective that cannot be

    learned at home.

    Returning: I have mixed feelings

    about my return. I miss my family

    and friends, but France really fits.

    I've developed really strong ties to

    Lyon over the past 8 months and

    there are many things that will be

    really difficult to leave behind. Fortu-

    nately, I have a lot to look forward to

    in California, one of them being

    Mexican food - which is nonexistent

    in Europe (I've not met one Califor-

    nian studying abroad who doesn't

    talk about their longing for a giant


    Learned: To have a little faith. That

    things work out when you let go ofwanting to control the outcome of a

    situation. Being in a new culture with

    different customs, both formal and

    informal, can be challenging and

    things are often not quite what you

    think they are - but once I learned to

    accept the differences and the things

    I did not understand everything fellperfectly into place. Also, humility. I

    take all of my classes in French with

    French students, so my oral compre-

    hension is just fine. However, while

    my verbal communication skills are

    better than average, it is a little de-

    pressing when I hear 4 year old

    French children express themselves

    more clearly and grammatically cor-

    rect than I do at the age of 20.

    Message: I remember being a sopho-

    more and seeing the study abroad

    girls return - everyone in my pledge

    class whispered "Who's that?!" but

    we were all too afraid to approach

    them and find out. I have a tendency

    to be a bit shy when I first meet new

    people, but I will make my best ef-

    fort to be more outgoing than usual.

    So to all the girls I have not met:

    please don't be shy! I'm very muchlooking forward to meeting every-

    one and reconnecting with the girls I

    already know.

    Deltas M.I.A.

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 6


    P A G E 3

    Deltas M.I.A continuedLily HajialiakbarHistoryROME, Italy

    I don'treally know what made me actu-

    ally study abroad. My passion isAncient Roman History and Romewould obviously be the idealplace to study but I'm a totalhomebody and was really hesi-

    tant about going. Turns out, it wasthe best decision of my life!

    Best Moment: Honestly, there are

    so many 'best' moments. Beinglegal (obviously), raging, trying toget by with what little Italian Iknow/have learn't, learning how touse public transportation, figuringout we had prostitutes living on ourstreet, randomly running into anancient building. But one of my fa-vorite parts has been that[practically] every night I would goon a evening run and would runpast the Colosseum, the Forum, theCircus Maximius and a bunch of

    other totally awesome sites that Iwould never be able to do any-where else.

    Message to the chapter: STUDYABROAD. Honestly, if I can do it,you can. Ask anyone.

    Returning: I am SO excited tocome home! I mean, I'm actually

    really sad about having to leavehere, it's just been so wonderful,but I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE EVERY-ONE.

    I've learned so much and (ascheesy as this sounds) grown as anindividual. I can make more thaneasy mac and toast- I can actuallycook now which is pretty cool andI can sort of semi do things on myown (most of the time Kasie iswith me), to name a few.

    I can't wait to see you guys andmeet the newbs!!

    T H E P A N S Y P R E S S

    Songfest Thanks By Barbara TownI would like to thank each and every one ofmy gorgeous sisters for all the hard work youput in the last 7 months. I would like to recog-nize the following for donating canned goods

    or money to be donated to the O.C. FoodBank. Total we have donated 8105 items.

    Sam ElliotKelsey NassVeronica WilliamsStephanie YaoBarbara Town*CeydaCathy TeohLindsey BondAllie BarronTori Vest*Amanda NguyenCarla Herreria

    *Jenn Lee*Ellen PeckJulie MelgozaMirielle-RoseMaggie DurkinMelissa ShintaniKristen BollingmoDiana YuShaina SheidenbergCassie Jones

    Stephanie WongPuja Gohel*Aubrey WorleyAshley Rippolone

    Jessica WeaverJessica CalvaryHillary KoopAlleneYaseeKate HughesSuzi OrtegaColleen Lopez*Jacqui TakedaLauren SchonemanColleen EnnisMaureen McLoughlinTanya AnayaBritney WeltchAdri Anaya

    Jenna GarzaMichelle HortonBaylee HannahKimsa TruongHiamKimmie HemarMichelle ChewBrooke MandellElizabeth McDuffeeCameryn Kaylor

    * Stared sisters donated over 100 items. GoodJob Ladies!

    I would also like to congratulate Stephanie

    Wong as the winner of the raffle to eat first atthe rest of Monday Night meetings for thequarter.

    Recognition to the cast for all their dedicationand multiple hours they put in to produceGrease is also in store.

    Rhiannon BrownSam ElliottVeronica WilliamsJordan StrangmeyerAlisa GreenfieldAmanda DAvilaAmanda NgyenErica Steinberg

    I also want to give a shout out to the girl whohas been here from the beginning SandraChu, Tri Delta couldnt have done it with out


    So Thank You ladies for letting me be a part of

    such a wonderful production and represent our


  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 6


    V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 6 P A G E 4

    By Carla Herreria

    Spring Quarter isnearing its end, and all of

    Panhellenic is preparing for

    fall recruitment. As we all try

    are hardest to do the best

    we can, a few things should

    be kept in mind. And it

    comes in the form of expec-


    Alex Robles of SAEshares some insight behind

    expectation, giving the old

    idea a fresh take. Being a

    new member during winter

    quarter, Alex kept a low ex-

    pectation, keeping in mind

    that different organizations

    have different things to of-

    fer- a thought that most

    people looking to go Greek

    sometimes overlook. Alex

    admits that he was curious

    about the image of a frater-

    nity vs. the reality, but told

    me Going in without expec-

    tations allows you to receive

    the whole out of the experi-

    ence. He confidently re-

    minds me, You cant expecteverything to fit the image

    and to take experiences as

    they come.

    Demystify the Ex-

    pectation. We invest our-

    selves. We prepare for the

    best to act our best, and

    want receive the best. Theideal of what is to be experi-

    enced, and how it is to be

    thebest, creates an expecta-

    tion to achieve that certain

    kind of something; perfectly

    visualized and set high to be

    achieved. But have we ever

    stopped to think, What is the


    Expectations can

    blind us from the goodness

    of reality. It creates an ex-

    pectation that blocks any-

    thing below the ideal, less-

    ening the value to experi-

    ences, people, and rewards

    that still deserve the same

    love and attention. Expecta-

    tions and goals should bekept separate- a

    goal is an inner,

    personal achieve-

    ment, and an ex-

    pectation is how

    you want things

    to affect you.


    tions should notlessen the value

    of any other ex-

    perience that is

    to be- there is no ideal

    pledge class, there is no

    ideal sorority, there is no

    idea experience: perfection

    is only in the eye of the be-holder, and it is important to

    keep that in mind next time

    you think you dont get what

    you want. As Kelly Kirchner

    once shared with our chap-

    ter, things wont always go

    the way you expect, so you

    have to be flexible in life.

    Aiming for the moon

    and still missing the target is

    just fine. We need to remem-

    ber that if we choose to take

    life as it comes and adjust

    accordingly, then regardless

    of the outcome we will al-

    ways land in the stars.

    Breaking the Greek Stereotype


  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 6



    8:00pm Basketball Game

    Mandatory 6-9pm @ House


    8:00pm Softball Game



    Songfest Exec Apps Due





    Senior Week Begins


    Disclaimer: All times and dates and subject to change.

    P A G E 5V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 6

    FIJI Islander: How to Play

    MAY 2010

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    2 3 4 5 6 7



    9 10 Apple


    11 Bas-

    ketball @


    12 Soft-

    ball @ 8

    13 14 Song-

    fest Exec

    Apps Due


    16 Sen-

    ior Week



    18 Jamai-

    can Me


    19 20 Date





    at Beach



    23 OC 24 For-



    25 Man-

    datory 6-


    26 Man-

    datory 6-


    27 28 29

    30 31

    Event Schedule

    Monday May 10th

    Booth: Limbo Challenge

    Tuesday May 11th

    Booth: Pearl Diving

    7pm 10pm: Anthill Pub Fund-


    Wednesday May 12th

    Booth: Treasure Map Puzzle

    Night: Luau/Coach makeover

    Thursday May 13th

    Booth: FIJI Fishing

    Night: FIJI Islander Party

    Weeklong events include sign-

    ins at booth, penny wars, lei steal-

    ing, and the FIJI Tiki find!

    The Lei Stealing Competition:

    Each lei is worth 5pts.

    Leis worn by coaches are worth


    Everyday there will be one FIJI

    Man whose lei is worth 50pts.

    A coachs lei will be distin-

    guished by a pendent with the

    sororities name; the FIJI Mans

    lei will be purple with a Tiki


    A FIJIs lei cannot be stolenunless 5 pearls are presented to





    Each sign-in earns 1 pearl, each

    sign-in with Islander gear earns

    2 pearls.

    A coachs lei cannot be stolen if

    he is accompanied by 2 guards.

    Guards are any 2 sorority

    women from the same chapter.

    If a coach still has his lei at the

    end of the day, an additional

    25pts will be awarded.

    All profits go to

    ALS (Lou Ge-

    hrig's Diseas)Association of


    Zelly is our FIJI I slander Princess


  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press 6


    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Riddle me this, riddle me


    If you look into a mirror

    you will see what I'm not

    If you read a written story

    you will know I lack a plot

    but combine the two together

    to create a reliquary of memories


    What am I? FacebookI breathe fire and ice

    and everything nice

    Im not friendly to green

    but even hippies would scream

    if they had to return to packing

    on ice

    What am I? Air Conditioning

    Im a shoulder to hang on when

    you're feeling exposed

    but not a laundry for your dirty


    I'm most comfortable in the

    racks of the closest sale

    Yet we often stay in the closet

    for fear of folded betrayal

    What am I? A Coat Hanger

    devotion to moral and democratic principles,the highest responsibilities of college women.