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  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press


    are traitors, and

    make us lose the

    good we oft might

    win, by fearing to

    attempt ( Shake-speare). Never

    forget to take

    chances because

    that is how we


    Remember, Life is either

    a daring adventure , or

    nothing (Helen Keller).

    Great Job on DHOP


    Lets have a great spring


    As the end of another year

    approaches and some of

    our most familiar faces

    prepare to take their last

    classes here at UCI, take amoment to think about

    what youve accomplished

    and what you would still

    like to do.

    With that in mind,

    below is a compilation of

    quotes that fit together

    quite nicely to

    describe the chal-

    lenges that all of

    us are destined toface and how we

    can, and will,

    overcome them.

    Every new begin-

    ning comes from

    some other great


    end (Seneca).

    The hardest part of a jour-

    ney though, is that first

    step deciding that

    you are not going to

    stay where you

    are (Unknown). So

    many fail becausethey don't get started

    - they don't go. They

    don't overcome iner-

    tia. They don't be-

    gin (Stone). To

    climb steep hills re-

    quires a slow pace at

    first (Shakespeare),

    but dont let that

    stop you from reach-

    ing your goal. Goals

    are the fuel in the

    furnace of achieve-

    ment (Brian Tracy).

    The great and glori-

    ous masterpiece of

    man is to know how

    to live to pur-

    pose (Montaigne).

    Go back a little to leap fur-

    ther (Clarke). Our doubts

    A New Quarter: A New Start

    I N S I D E

    T H I S I S S U E :

    Relay for Life 2

    Songfest 2

    Delta of the




    pies 3

    Sports 3

    Recognition 5

    Weekly Cal-



    3 / 2 8 / 2 0 1 0 W I N T E R , W E E K 1V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1D I D Y O U K N O W ?

    Millions of trees are

    accidentally planted

    by squirrels who bury

    nuts and then forget

    where they hid them.

    The world's youngest

    parents were 8 and 9

    and lived in China in


    Each king in a deck of

    playing cards repre-

    sents a great king

    from history: Spades -

    King David, Hearts -

    Charlemagne, Clubs -

    Alexander the Great,

    Diamonds - Julius


    Apples, not caffeine,

    are more efficient at

    waking you up in the


    The Pansy Press

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press


    P A G E 2

    Updated Songfest

    Points: 3/29/10

    DG Ksig- 17,436

    DDD AEPi - 16,790

    AXO Beta/FIJI- 16,316

    KKG SigEp/Pi- 9,756

    Gphi SigNu- 6,433

    Theta EX- 5,160

    EK PIKE- 4,843

    AlphaPhi SAE- 3230

    PiPhi PhiPsi- 2161

    Relay for life goes

    from 12pm on April

    24th to 12 on April

    Grease is the Word

    Delta of the Week: Ceyda Yaramanoglu

    Tri Delta Does Relay for LifeRelay for Life has become a

    mandatory event for all

    sororities; good thing we

    were ahead of the game

    and were already planning

    on doing it.

    For those of you who dont

    know, Relay for Life is a

    chance to celebrate the

    lives of people who have

    battled cancer, remember

    loved ones lost, and fight

    back against the disease. At

    the relay, teams will camp

    out on the upper field in

    Aldrich Park and take turns

    walking or running around

    the circular path. The idea

    is to have someone walking

    at all times from your team.

    As a chapter we have a goal

    of raising $1000. No, we

    dont have to raise that

    much. Yes, it would be

    awesome and it is strongly

    encouraged but, you know.

    All that is asked is that eve-

    ryone who signs up and

    wants to go donates $1.

    You need to have paid that

    $1 to be able to participate.

    Its a great event and it isreally easy to sign up; just

    go to http://


    If you have any questions

    or concerns contact Alisa,

    our designated coach for

    this event.

    Favorite Movie: Legally Blonde

    Most Embarrassing Moment:

    My fist day in an American

    high school class the teacherputs up a paragraph on the

    board with no punctuation.

    Out of all people she calls on

    me to read the paragraph out

    loud and add in the correct

    periods and comas. Well, I

    couldnt remember the word

    period s o when it came time

    Born in Berlin

    Biochemistry & Molecular

    Biology Major

    75% Turkish

    15% German

    Attracted to Middle Eastern


    Quote to Live by: Work

    Hard, Party Hard

    Favorite Animal: Cats and


    to end the sentence I just said

    dot. The entire class laughed at


    Three Random Facts:1. She doesnt use toilet seat

    covers (they dont have

    them in Europe).

    2. She has the same disease

    as Michael Jackson


    3. She hates root beer floats.

    we won best show but lost

    when it came to winning

    Songfest. Lets change that

    this year and go all out.

    The next big thing for Song-

    fest points is cans. One

    Thousand Cans. Twohundred seemed like a huge

    number when it was for

    Greek Week, but this is

    five times that.

    For every pairing that

    brings in a thousand cans

    they get 2000 points (thats

    enough to put us in the

    lead). If you do not collect

    a thousand cans, your team

    receives no points. If your

    team gets the most cans

    out of all the parings then

    you get bonus points. In

    conclusion, bring cans.

    For anyone who hasnt had

    the chance to stop by the

    house when the cast is re-

    hearsing, the show so far

    looks great. Not only are

    we ahead of the game but

    we have a show that could

    really win. That being said,

    the show is only 60% of the

    points that go into actually

    winning Songfest. Last year

    T H E P A N S Y P R E S S
  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press



    P A G E 3V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

    Gamma and won both1-0. Special thanks goes

    out to Kelsey and Mau-

    reen who were the two

    goal score-ers that night.

    Great Job Tri Delta and

    congrats on those yellow


    Grab your bats and grab your

    mits, next in line for Deltadomination in the sports line is


    On another note that we all

    know and have bragged about

    on Facebook statuses chapter

    wide is that we won the soccer

    championships. No easy feat

    since our girls had to play two

    games in a row against Delta

    the OrangeCounty Founda-

    tion for Oncol-ogy Childrenand Families.Consists of:Video gametournie, Cam-puswide BBQ,raffle & t-shirtsales.Schedule (Week3):April 10th:Stussy SampleSaleApril 12-15th:Booth onCmapus: Sup-

    port w/ Raffle tickets and tshirtsalesApril 14th: Campus Wide BBQApril 15th: Videogame Tourna-ment (Super Smash Bros, MarioKart, Rockband,Call of Duty etc.)Prizes: PS3, Digital Camera, GirlsNight Out Package, XBox360 etc.

    Alpha Epsilon Phi:

    Manicure for the Cure on Thurs-day April 15th, 2010 from 11 am -3pmPink Shabbat on Friday April 16thfrom 7-9 pmBoth events will be held in the

    Cross Cultural CenterFind and AEPhi sister on Ring

    Road the week of the events tofind out moreinfo and purchase raffle tickets

    Sigma Chi:

    Derby DaysWill take place 3rd week fromApril 10th til April 15thWeeklong events--info wasn'tstated on the packet but I assumemost of ourgirls know enough about thecoach capturing, the Sig Saw, etc.

    Pi Phi:

    Arrowdaze Speed soccer tourna-ment benefitting First Book a non-profitinternational organization givingchildren from low income familiestheopportunity to read and own theirfirst new books.May 15thEach team needs at least 7 playersand check in time on the date is9:30 am

    Read the following to get an un-

    derstanding of the philanthropies

    that other chapters throw and

    what we may want to participate

    in. There may be additions to this

    list throughout the quarter and

    we will let you know of those as

    they show up.

    Gamma Phi Beta:

    Crescent Classic 2010Proceeds go to Campfire USA Non-Profit Youth Leadership Organiza-tion and

    Sports Update

    Philanthropy (n)

    The effort orinclination toincrease the well-being of humankindas by charitable aid

    or donations.

    Love of humankindin general.

    Something, such asan activity orinstitution, intendeto promote humanwelfare.

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press


    P A G E 4

    Greek god Poseidon

    (Neptune, in

    Roman mythology)

    is best known as

    the God of the Sea,

    but he was also the

    god of earthquakes

    and horses.

    Poseidon, Lord of the Seas,

    Known by Many Names,

    Earth-Shaker, Rain-God,

    Cloud-Gatherer, And Posei-

    don of the Thunderbolt.

    Getting to know PoseidonAt first there was only

    Chaos. The first god to

    come into existence was

    Gaea, Mother Earth, thoughno one knows where she

    came from or how she came

    into being. Uranus, Father

    Sky, became her husband,

    and together they had many


    Their first-born children

    were, Hecatonchires, huge,

    powerful monsters with

    fifty heads and one hundred

    hands. Along the Hundred-Handed Ones, the Cyclopes

    were born. The second born

    children, the Titans were

    born huge and powerful,

    like the Hecatonchires, but

    they were not hideous and

    uncontrollably destructive.

    Uranus, was harsh and cruel

    toward the Hecatonchires,

    he did not approve of their

    wild and destructive behav-ior. They played with thun-

    der, lightening, and earth-

    quakes like weapons, and

    they were always fighting. It

    was believed that Uranus

    feared that his powerful

    sons might topple him from

    his position as Lord of the

    Universe. Eventually, out of

    fear and ravenousness, Ura-

    nus locked the Hundred-Handed Ones into a prison

    deep within the earth.

    Gaea was upset that Uranus

    had imprisoned her sons so

    she turned for help to her

    youngest, Cronus (Time),

    the only one who had the

    courage to challenge Ura-nus. After defeating his fa-

    ther, Cronus took his place

    as Lord of the Universe. But

    Gaea was sorely disap-

    pointed to discover that

    Cronuss real reason for

    overthrowing Uranus was

    simply to fulfill his own am-

    bition. Now that he ruled

    the universe, Cronus had no

    intention of releasing his

    hundred-handed brothers

    from their dark prison.

    Cronus married Rhea, an-

    other Titan, and together

    they had five children, who

    became gods: Demeter,

    Hestia, Hera, Hades, and

    Poseidon. Yet like Uranus,

    Cronus feared that his chil-

    dren might one day over-

    throw him. So each timeRhea gave birth, Cronus

    would swallow the new-

    born god. However, since

    gods are immortal, they did

    not die, but continued to

    grow inside of Cronus.

    Determined to protect her

    sixth child from his father,

    Rhea gave birth in secret.

    She named the infant Zeus

    and sent him to the island of

    Crete, to be raised by

    nymphs. Then, pre-

    tending to obey her

    husbands cruel com-

    mand that she surren-

    der all their children to

    him, Rhea wrapped a heavy

    stone in a baby blanket and

    carried it to Cronus, who

    swallowed it without anynotice.

    As the young god Zeus ma-

    tured, he became more and

    more powerful. When Rhea

    thought him mighty enough

    to challenge Cronus, she

    told him about his five

    brothers and sisters trapped

    inside their fathers body,

    and about how narrowly he

    had escaped the same fate.With the help of his Grand-

    mother Gaea, Zeus tricked

    Cronus into drinking an

    emetic that made him vomit

    out his brother and sisters,

    as well as the stone. Under-

    standably miffed with their

    father, his offspring immedi-

    ately made plans to get

    even for the way they had

    been treated and began abattle to remove Cronus

    from his throne. However,

    Cronus was not left de-

    fenseless, he was backed by

    most of his brothers and

    sisters, the Titans.

    The war between the gods

    and the Titans was so terri-

    ble that it nearly destroyed

    the universe. The Titan Pro-

    metheus, whose very name

    means forethought,




    Amphitrite is the

    ersonification of

    he sea. She was

    rst a sea nymph,

    ut because of

    er marriage to Poseidon she

    ecame known as a sea god-

    ess. Amphitrite always loved

    olphins. So Poseidon first

    ame up to the earth to see

    T H E D E L T A D I V E
  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press


    Amy Rice

    A congratulations goes out

    to Amy Rice for throwing

    an amazing and successful


    It was long planned out

    and a strenuous procedure

    but her efforts resulted in

    us making a major leap to

    our ultimate contributiongoal of $62,500 to St. Jude.

    Thank you for being so

    consistent and pushing

    everyone to do their best

    and show UCI how great

    Tri Delta really is.

    Sandra Chu

    One of the most involved

    members in the chapter.

    She has been spotted by

    multiple people doing any-

    thing from Songfest Rep

    duties to making sure her

    room is extra clean for

    Lauras visit. Every day

    during COB, Sandra was

    without fail there and

    ready to take down the

    booth. She also designed a

    beautiful Grease booth for


    Thank you for all your

    hard work and commit-

    ment to Beta Upsilon.

    Barbara Town

    If anyone is unaware, Bar-

    bara is one of our new

    Songfest Reps. This is the

    first time she has stepped

    up to do something for the

    chapter either.

    It was her handiwork (no

    pun intended since a lot of

    those hand prints on the

    table papers were hers)

    that DHOP looked the

    way it did.

    Thank you for always being

    willing to give a helping

    hand, be it with a particu-

    lar sister or the chapter.

    Whats Happening Now


    6pm Social Hour & Meeting

    Committee Meetings After





    Jewelry Party w/ AXO @ DDD

    house @ 4pm


    Le Carnival


    New Member Mandatory Event 10-

    2pm @ Tri Delta House


    8pm OC

    Outstanding Deltas

    V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1

    MARCH/APRIL 2010

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat



    29 Bus.


    30 31 1 Jewelry


    2 Le


    3 New





    5 Formal


    6 Man-

    datory 6-


    7 Deltas

    Only: Song-

    fest Game

    8 9 10



    12 Bus.


    13 Man-

    datory 6-


    14 F.C.


    15 AEPi



    16 17

    18 Par-

    ents Day

    19 Open


    20 Man-

    datory 6-


    21 Com-



    22 Com-



    23 24 Relay

    for Life

    25 Relay

    for Life

    26 Social

    hour w/


    27 28 Sin-



    29 30

    P A G E 5

    Disclaimer: All times and dates and subject to change.

  • 8/9/2019 Pansy Press


    Beta Upsilon Chapter

    University of California Irvine


    establish a perpetual bond of friendship among

    its members, to develop a stronger and more

    womanly character, to broaden the moral and

    intellectual life, and to assist its members in every

    possible way.


    DELTA DELTA DELTA to promote and de-

    velop mutually beneficial relationships be-

    tween the Fraternity and the colleges and uni-

    versities where the Fraternity has established

    chapters, to develop qualities of unselfish

    leadership among its members, and to en-

    courage them to assume, with integrity and

    Delta Delta Delta

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Let Us Steadfastly Love One Another

    A Codebreaker is a crossword puzzle with no

    clues! Instead, every letter of the alphabet has

    been replaced by a number, the same number

    representing the same letter throughout the

    puzzle. All you have to do is decide which let-

    ter is represented by which number! To start

    you off, we reveal the codes for two or three

    letters. When these letters have been entered

    throughout the puzzle, you should have

    enough information to start guessing words

    and discovering other letters.