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  • 5/20/2018 Paper


    Ultramicroscopy 50 (1993) 157-170




    Effect of probe force on the resolution

    of atomic force microscopy of DNA

    Jie Yang and Zhifeng Shao *

    Bio-SPM Laboratory and Department of Physiology Uni versit y of Krgini a Box 449 Charlott esvil le VA 22908 USA

    Received 15 December 1992

    Experimental results are presented to show that the adhesion force is the single most important limiting factor in

    high-resolution atomic force microscopy of DNA in air, prepared by the cytochrome-C-assisted spreading method. It is also

    shown that humidity plays a minor role in the control of probe force. Using a pure carbon film as the substrate to clean the

    APM tip prior to imaging, it is demonstrated that 4-6 nm resolution on DNA can be routinely obtained by the atomic force

    microscope with commercial Si,N, pyramid cantilevers. We also show that in organic solvents a resolution of up to 3 nm can

    be obtained under optimal conditions

    1 Introduction

    The atomic force microscope (AFM) has been

    applied to various biological materials in air and

    in fluid. Despite the soft nature of these speci-

    mens and the relatively large probe force re-

    quired with the instruments available today, some

    remarkable results have been published, such as

    AFM imaging of native membrane fragments [ 1,2],

    synthetic lipid bilayers [3-81, purified membrane

    proteins [61, and both double-stranded and

    single-stranded DNA [9-171. For imaging DNA,

    several specimen preparatory methods have been

    developed [9-153 that yielded highly reproducible

    results with the best resolution comparable or

    exceeding those achieved by electron microscopy

    of stained or heavy-metal-shadowed specimens

    [18,191. Our preparatory method used the con-

    ventional cytochrome-C-assisted spreading of

    DNA on carbon-coated mica [20]. With this

    method without further fixation or staining or

    shadowing, the DNA molecules can be directly

    visualized by AFM either in air or in some or-

    ganic solvents, with a consistent lateral resolution

    of 4-6 nm [9] (fig. 1). A molecular width of 3 nm

    * To whom correspondence should be addressed.

    was observable in fluids, such as isopropanol and

    n-butanol. The specimens prepared by this

    method are extremely stable that, when stored in

    air for over 6 months, the same resolution can

    still be achieved without apparent sign of degra-

    dation. Repeated scanning with controlled probe

    force usually does not damage the specimen.

    Other methods have not used the protein-assisted

    DNA spreading [lo-151. To facilitate DNA adhe-

    sion to the substrate, mica was treated by various

    chemicals, such as 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane

    [15,17] and magnesium acetate [11,12,16]. With

    these methods, the specimen can also be imaged

    in air or in fluid. Using a micro-fabricated su-

    pertip 3 nm resolution was achievable in some

    organic solvents [12,161. With the silane-treated

    mica, DNA was shown to adhere rather strongly

    to the substrate [15,171. Furthermore, the silane-

    treated method also achieved DNA imaging in

    water [17]. These recent developments firmly es-

    tablished the validity of AFM results on imaging

    DNA molecules, which is in sharp contrast to the

    earlier reports of STM images of DNAs on

    HOPG [21,221. These results indicated that the

    AFM might be a useful tool in the study of

    DNA-protein interactions, DNA packing, as well

    as gene sequencing.

    0304-3991/93/%06.00 0 1993 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved

  • 5/20/2018 Paper



    J. Yrrng, Z. Shao / Effkt of probe orce on the resolution f AFM of DNA

    Fig. I. Typical AFM image of a 10 kbp plasmid DNA ob-

    tained in air, using a commercially available Si,N, pyramid

    tip with a spring constant of k = 0 06 N/m and a scanning

    speed of 4.73 Hz. The probe force was about 2 nN. Along the

    DNA molecules. the minimum measured width in many places

    was between 3 and 4 nm, when scanned at higher magnifica-

    tion (200-400 nm). The image was obtained under a humidity

    of 35%.

    So far, the limitation on the resolution achieved

    on DNA molecules has been largely attributed to

    the tip geometry [lo-121. The commercially avail-

    able Si,N, pyramid tip cantilevers have an apical

    angle of N 55 and a nominal tip radius of curva-

    ture of

    - 30 nm [23,24]. By assuming a rigid

    cylindrical chain for the DNA molecules, the tip

    broadening effect was indicated [lO,ll]. It was

    reported that,

    supertips having an apical angle

    of less than lo and a reduced radius of curvature

    at the tip yielded improved lateral resolution


    11,121 at otherwise similar conditions.

    In this article, we present a comparative study

    on the effect of the probe force and the environ-

    ment on the lateral resolution of DNA molecules

    by AFM using commercially available cantilevers.

    We found that the lateral resolution is closely

    related to the so-called adhesion force, and to a

    much lesser degree to the probe geometry. This

    result seems to indicate that some sort of contam-

    ination on the tip, which should be directly re-

    lated to the adhesion force, may be responsible

    for the frequently observed degradation of reso-

    lution. We will present a procedure for cleaning

    AFM tips to reduce the adhesion force to as low

    as 1 nN. This method can yield a resolution of

    4-6 nm for most specimens in air, comparable to

    that obtained by supertips in organic solvents

    112,161. A practical approach using the adhesion

    force measured on a distance-versus-force curve

    as a diagnostic procedure was found quite suc-

    cessful in the assessment of the quality of the tip,

    as well as the specimen. All these results are

    directly from the experimental findings, and a

    complete theoretical analysis has not been devel-


    2. Materials and methods

    2 1 Specimen preparation

    Our specimen preparation method is a simpli-

    fied version of the Kleinschmidt method for elec-

    tron microscopy [20]. Double-stranded plasmid

    DNA (10 kbp), consisting of a cDNA encoding

    the (Nat+ K+)-ATPase a-subunit and a mam-

    malian expression factor, was used [9]. DNA solu-

    tion (_ 2 pg/ml), containing 100 Fg/ml cy-

    tochrome C, 1OmM Tris, 1mM EDTA, pH 8,

    distilled and deionized water and 50% for-

    mamide, was well mixed prior to spreading. A

    glass rod of 3.3 mm diameter, cleaned by soaking

    in chromic acid and rinsed thoroughly with dis-

    tilled and deionized water, was positioned - 45

    with respect to the horizontal level with one end

    immersed in a teflon dent (made by l/2 drill)

    filled with distilled and deionized water (- 0.5

    ml>. A droplet of DNA solution (11 ~1) was

    pipetted slowly onto the glass rod 2-3 cm above

    the subphase water surface. The droplet should

    flow down the rod freely, so that a protein film

    was formed at the air-water interface. At certain

    viewing angles, this protein-DNA film should be

    observable to the naked eye. The glass rod was

    slowly removed to minimize disturbance to the

    protein film. A minute or so later a piece of

    carbon-coated mica was used to pick up the

    monolayer by touching the water surface. This

    operation is performed in a humidity-controlled

    environment with the humidity below 35%. The

  • 5/20/2018 Paper


    J. Yang 2. Shao / Effect of probe force on the resolur ion of AFM of DNA


    specimen was left to dry in air. For carbon coat-

    ing, freshly cleaved mica was placed in a vacuum

    evaporator (Denton Vacuum, DV502A). The

    evaporation was carried out at low current (35-45

    A) and long period (30-40 min) to ensure fine

    carbon granules. The carbon-coated mica was

    then placed in an oven baked overnight at 200C.

    This procedure led the carbon film strongly bound

    to the mica surface such that it cannot float off

    the water surface when used to pick up the pro-

    tein-DNA film. The baking is not mandatory, but

    useful for more reproducible preparations.

    Cleanness is critical in this method for high-qual-

    ity specimens.

    2.2. A FM imaging

    The AFM images were obtained by a

    NanoScope II AFM (Digital Instruments Inc.,

    Santa Barbara, CA) with commercially available

    cantilevers (k = 0.06 N/m, also from Digital In-

    struments Inc.). For AFM in air, we found that

    the probe force remained stable over a period

    over 10 h for humidities below 40%. For imaging

    in an organic solvent, such as isopropanol or

    n-butanol (Sigma Chemicals, St Louis, MO), a

    home-made fluid cell retrofitted to the Nano-

    Scope II was used [6]. Different organic solvents

    did not affect the quality of AFM imaging appre-

    ciably, only that the evaporation rate is lower

    with n-butanol. It is highly advisable to use a very

    small scan area for initial approach (usually 5-10

    nm). After the tip is engaged, the distance-

    versus-force curve should be examined immedi-

    ately to minimize the probe force applied. This

    procedure will prevent specimen/tip damage by

    the very large, initial probe force. Only if the

    adhesion force is small, a larger area scan can be

    started to search for DNA molecules. The force

    curve should be constantly checked to correct for

    drifting that can cause either accidental disen-

    gagement or gradual increase of the probe force.

    3. Experimental results

    It was reported that, in the Kleinschmidt

    method, the denatured cytochrome C molecules

    Fig. 2. AFM image showing a defect on the cytochrome C

    film, with the depth of - 1.3 nm. The defect was made by

    scanning an area of 100x 100 nm2 at 78.13 Hz with a probe

    force about 10 nN. The image was obtained after reducing the

    probe force to - 3 nN using a scanning speed of 4.73 Hz, at

    45 rotation to avoid any possible drag by the tip from the

    build-up at the edge of the defect to influence the area with

    the DNA. All above operation was carried out at a humidity

    of 37%.

    formed a thin layer at the substrate surface with

    DNA adsorbed on top of it [251. Presumably the

    DNA also binds to the denatured cytochrome C

    molecules with details completely unknown [25].

    This assertion of a denatured protein film on the

    substrate is confirmed by AFM as shown in fig. 2,

    where not only a DNA molecule is shown, but

    also a 100 nm square surface defect, which was

    made by using a large probe force that pushed

    the denatured proteins to the edge of the scanned

    area. This protein film, measured from fig. 2, is

    about 1.3 nm thick in the dehydrated form, al-

    though the degree of compression is not clear.

    From the nature of this preparation method, we

    can expect that the image quality, both the con-

    trast and the resolution, should be quite sensitive

    not only to the geometry of the tip, but also to a

    range of other parameters, such as the probe

    force, humidity etc. Due to the soft nature of

    both the DNA and the protein film, it is clear

    that only under a probe force that does not

    exceed a certain limit, imaging can be successful.

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    .I. Yang Z. Shao / Effect uf prdw e on the solution of AFM of DNA


    Fig. 3. Two force curves with corresponding AFM images are presented to show the effect of electrostatic interaction. In (a), the

    electrostatic interaction became effective when the tip was about 1.8 pm away from the specimen surface. Since the magnitude of

    this force was so large that it was out of the range of the instrument, only part of it is shown to demonstrate the long-range

    characteristic of the electrostatic interaction. Two arrows indicate the tip approaching and leaving the specimen surface, which is to

    the left of the display. The curvature of the curves is due to the electrostatic attraction. The set point marks the setting of the

    cantilever during AFM imaging. The magnitude of this force ( - 17 nN) was estimated from the set point voltage change when the

    tip was engaged. The same specimen, when grounded, showed absence of any long-range interaction. In (b), the force curve after

    grounding is shown (notice the different scale). The force curve shows a straight line when the tip approaches the specimen until it

    touches the surface (indicated by the arrow). When the tip withdraws, it disengages from the specimen at a position where the

    restoring force of the cantilever overcomes the adhesion force. Such a hysteresis was well observed with specimens with a finite

    adhesion force. In (b), the adhesion force is only

    - 1.2 nN. (c) AFM image with the force curve shown in (a); (d) AFM image with

    the force curve in (b). Both (c) and (d) were obtained with the same tip on the same specimen. The humidity was 30%-35%.

    Indeed, the control of the probe force is found

    very important for AFM of DNA. But our study

    also indicated that other factors arc equally im-

    portant, if not more so. In the following, we

    present experimental results which indicate what

    factors must be carefully controlled in order to

    obtain AFM images of DNA.

    3. I. Electrostatic forces

    Static charge often accumulates on the surface

    of an insulator, with the amount sensitively de-

    pendent on location, environment and surface

    geometry. Therefore, it is virtually impossible to

    even estimate its exact effect in a given experi-

    ment. Mica, often used as the substrate in AFM

    experiments, is known to carry some negative

    surface charges after cleavage 1261. If a grounded

    conductor is placed in front of such a charged

    Fig. 4. Sketch to illustrate the grounding of the specimen. In

    the NanoScope II AFM, the steel plate is grounded, so is the

    metallic cantilever holder. The carbon paste will provide

    grounding for the carbon film on the mica surface.

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    ze, an attractive force will arise [27]. As we

    founi %,with the carbon-coated mica, a long-range

    force often occurs, as shown in fig. 3a. The de-

    cline of the base line could be attributed to this

    elect] :ostatic interaction [28], because the electro-


    charge on the surface can induce an oppo-

    J. Yang 2. Shao / Effect of probe force on the resohrt ion of AFM of

    DNA 6

    site charge in the gold coating on the cantilever

    (grounded in the NanoScope II AFM) which

    would result in an attractive force. This attractive

    force can aIso be confirmed from the fact that, as

    the cantilever was approaching the substrate sur-

    face, the differential signal (A-B voltage output

    19.94 nm div

    Fig. 5, AFM images of two DNA molecules at two different adhesion forces. Images (a) and (b) were obtained with a probe force of

    - 1.8 nN and the adhesion force of

    - 1.2 nN shown in Cc); images Cd) and (e) show the same molecules under a probe force and

    the adhesion force of

    - 17 nN. The change of lateral resolution by a factor of 3-5 on the same molecule is clearly shown. Scanning

    speed for all 4 images was 4.73 Hz. Humidity was at 32%.

  • 5/20/2018 Paper



    J .

    Yang Z. Shao / Effect of probe force on the resolut ion of AFM of DNA

    from the NanoScope II AFM) decreased to a very

    large negative value before tip engagement. Fig.

    3a shows that this force becomes effective when

    the tip is 1.8 pm away from the surface. The

    magnitude of this electrostatic force varies for

    different preparations, but is almost always pre-

    sent. With the electrostatic force shown in fig. 3a,

    no stable images of DNA were obtained (fig. 3c),

    possibly because the initial engagement has so

    large a probe force that the tip punched through

    the protein film right after engagement; it is very

    likely to have some pieces from the specimen

    attached to the tip or to have some damage on

    the tip. Furthermore, with the force curve shown

    in fig. 3a, the smallest probe force one could use

    is no less than 15-20 nN (estimated from the

    change of set point voltage during tip engage-

    ment), otherwise the tip would disengage from

    the specimen quite easily, due to the non-uni-

    formity of the specimen. However, since the car-

    bon film on the mica surface is conductive, any

    surface charge can be totally shielded if the car-

    bon film is electrically short-circuited to the

    ground, as shown in fig. 4. By doing so, charges

    on the carbon film are also removed, and charges

    on the protein film will be balanced by the in-

    duced charge in the carbon film (thus its effect is

    very much reduced). Fig. 3b is the force curve

    after grounding with fig. 3d as an example of the

    effect of grounding for AFM imaging of DNA.

    The long-range interaction is totally eliminated.

    This procedure, as we found, is crucial for obtain-

    ing any images of DNA with this kind of speci-

    men. We should stress that the images in fig. 3

    were obtained from the same specimen and with

    the same cantilever under identical conditions,

    with the only difference being the grounding. The

    effect of grounding on image quality is quite

    apparent when operated in air.

    3.2. Adhesion force and i ts effect on resolut i on

    For many substrates, such as mica, gold and

    HOPG, there is always a quite large adhesion

    force between the probe and the specimen sur-

    face [29]. This force is often many orders of

    magnitude larger than the van der Waals force,

    which strongly pulls the probe towards the speci-

    men surface. The origin of this force has been

    attributed to the existence of a water layer at the

    surface 1291. The meniscus formed between the

    probe and the water surface would produce such

    a force 130-321. However, for a protein film, such

    as the specimens used here, it is not clear whether

    the adhesion force is solely due to such a menis-

    cus attraction.

    We have found, through experiments, that the

    success of AFM imaging of DNA is directly re-

    lated to the magnitude of the adhesion force. Fig.

    5 shows a pair of DNA molecules on the same

    specimen and with the same tip under two differ-

    ent adhesion forces. The force curves are also

    shown below the DNA images for comparison.

    The difference in the measured molecular width

    is quite apparent: 4-5 nm averaged along the

    DNA molecule for the small adhesion force and

    about 15 nm for the larger one. To avoid confu-

    sion, we define the lateral resolution as the half-

    height full width along the direction perpendicu-

    lar to the molecule throughout this article. When

    the adhesion force was small, such as the one

    shown in fig. 5c with a peak value of 1.2 nN, the

    lateral resolution routinely achieved was 4-6 nm

    when operated in air. With a large number of

    specimens, we found there was a general trend

    that a larger adhesion force was always related to

    a lower resolution. A factor of 3-5 on the same

    DNA molecules in measured lateral resolution

    (as shown in fig. 5) was quite common. In order

    to quantitate this effect, it would be ideal to use

    the same tip on the same molecule while imaging

    at various adhesion forces. Unfortunately, the

    adhesion force cannot be controlled at will.

    Sometimes, a reengagement of the cantilever

    would cause an increase in the adhesion force,

    with the increment mostly in the range between 7

    and 30 nN. In addition, any given tip has a finite

    usable life span. It is virtually impossible to use

    the same tip for too long, because accidental

    damage does occur during engagement or even

    during imaging (particularly on poor specimens).

    In fig. 6, we plotted the data of adhesion force

    versus lateral resolution, obtained from a large

    number of specimens and commercially available

    cantilevers. Among the data shown, some were

    from the same tip over several specimens at vari-

  • 5/20/2018 Paper


    .I. Yang Z. Shao / Effect of probe force on the resolut ion of AFM of DN A



    I 10

    Adhesion Force (nN)

    Fig. 6. Log-log plot of the adhesion force versus lateral

    resolution. Each data point in this plot was obtained by

    averaging along the DNA molecule of one specimen under

    one adhesion force. The error bar is the standard deviation

    which indicates the non-uniformity of cytochrome C binding.

    For those data points with adhesion forces below 6 nN, the

    lateral resolution was measured from small scan areas (200x

    200 nm to


    nm2). For those data points of larger

    adhesion forces, the resolution was measured directly from

    images of typically 1 1 Fm2. A least-squares fitting indicated

    that the lateral resolution is proportional to (adhesion

    force),48. See section 4 for a discussion of this result.

    ~_.,., ,.. .~. ., _~ ~ _,_.. ~ .,_.., ..,. , _.,

    19.94 nm/div

    ous adhesion forces. These data were accumu-

    lated over a period of several months with some

    specimens stored in a desiccator for up to 10

    months. Each data point in fig. 6 was obtained

    under one adhesion force averaged along the

    DNA molecule. To avoid complications from

    other factors, the humidity in the imaging cham-

    ber was controlled to within 30%-40% for all

    experiments included in fig. 6. Despite the fact

    that the specimen preparation conditions were

    not identical and that the tip geometry must vary

    for individual cantilevers, the correlation between

    the adhesion force and the lateral resolution is

    clearly recognizable in fig. 6. The variation in the

    lateral resolution for the same adhesion force

    may be an indication of the variation in the tip

    geometry and/or in the specimen preparation.

    The latter is expected to give some noticeable

    deviation for the lateral resolution, because there

    is no control of the amount of cytochrome C

    binding on the DNA which should definitely af-

    fect the molecular width. To ensure the consis-

    Fig. 7. Three images of the same DNA molecule under probe forces ot (a) 2, (b) 9 and tc) 12 nN, as shown by the force curves

    below. For (b) and cc), dashed lines were drawn to indicate the relative levels of the probe forces, because they were out of the

    range of the display. The horizontal dashed line for (b) and (c) were positioned according to a linear extrapolation of the set point

    voltage calibration. The resolution remained approximately constant. But in (cl, the molecule appeared damaged in many places.

    Scanning speed for these three images was 4.73 Hz. Humidity was 38%.

  • 5/20/2018 Paper



    J. Yang Z. Shao / Effect of probe force on the resolut ion of AFM of DN A

    tency in these measurements and to reduce the

    effect just mentioned above, only those speci-

    mens that showed smooth and continuous

    molecules were plotted in fig. 6. For adhesion

    forces larger than 30 nN, DNA images were no

    longer obtainable, even when the probe force was

    set below the maximum value of the adhesion

    force. A very practical conclusion from fig. 6 is

    that the adhesion force may be used as a diagnos-

    tic method to evaluate whether the imaging con-

    ditions are proper for a given experiment. If the

    peak value of the adhesion force is above 30 nN,

    the best solution would be to change either the

    specimen or the cantilever. Another conclusion is

    that the commercially available cantilevers are

    quite consistent in performance. Almost all the

    cantilevers we have used can yield 4-6 nm resolu-

    tion when properly cleaned as indicated by a

    small adhesion force (see below for details). It is

    interesting to note that, when the adhesion force

    is below

    - 3 nN, the lateral resolution reached a

    range of 4-6 nm, with many tips even capable of

    a resolution of - 3 nm under optimal conditions.

    Due to the binding of cytochrome C, it is not

    clear whether this broadening is caused by the tip

    size or the protein binding. But it is safe to

    conclude that if the adhesion force is small, the

    tip broadening is unexpectedly small for most

    cantilevers, considering the radius of curvature of

    most tips. Based on these results, the merit of a

    supertip at this resolution scale is not apparent, if

    one considers that, even in liquid, the supertips

    only achieved a similar resolution [12,16].

    3.3. Absol ut e probe for ce and adhesion for ce

    The adhesion force, regardless of its origin, is

    due to an interaction between the tip and the

    specimen. Therefore it is intrinsic and depends

    on the specimen preparation and the tip condi-

    tion rather than the instrument. Logically, one

    would assume that, even for a small adhesion

    force, the resolution would deteriorate in a simi-

    lar fashion as in fig. 6, if the probe force (the

    absolute force) is raised to a similar level as the

    peak value of the adhesion force. This can be

    easily examined by changing the set point voltage

    on the NanoScope II AFM. Surprisingly, the ex-

    periment did not comply with this expectation.

    Fig. 7 shows a series of 3 images with a probe

    force of 2, 9 and 12 nN, respectively. Despite the

    change in probe force by a factor of 6, the resolu-

    tion remained roughly the same. However, at a

    probe force of 12 nN, part of the DNA molecule

    was damaged as indicated by the discontinuity

    along the contour of the DNA molecule. Further

    increase of the probe force to 15 nN resulted in a

    sudden degradation in resolution, with an in-

    crease of the adhesion force to 20 nN at the same

    time. For all experiments conducted, it was found

    consistently that the resolution is related to the

    absolute probe force in an all-or-none fashion.

    In other words, the resolution would remain al-

    most the same, up to a threshold force at which

    both the adhesion force and the molecular width

    suddenly jumped to a larger value. These results

    seem to indicate that the larger probe force ap-

    plied to the specimen induced some kind of con-

    tamination on the tip, presumably from fragments

    of the specimen, which appeared as an increase

    in the adhesion force. Our experiments consis-

    tently showed that, for a larger adhesion force,

    the specimen could normally withstand a much

    larger probe force (up to 30 nN) compared with

    the case of a very small adhesion force. These

    observations are consistent with the results dis-

    cussed in section 3.2. Apparently, the adhesion

    force should be used as an indicator for the

    condition of the tip during AFM imaging.

    Rubber Glove Opening

    Gas Outlet

    Fig. 8. Illustration of the humidity control. Valves at dry

    nitrogen inlet and gas outlet on the top of the humidity

    chamber were used to control the speed of nitrogen gas influx,

    therefore, to regulate the humidity. A rubber glove opening at

    the top of the chamber was used to adjust AFM detector

    position if necessary.

  • 5/20/2018 Paper


    Fig. 9. 1

    and (d)

    J. Yang Z. Shao / Effect of probe

    f o rce on


    r e so l u t i o n f





    19.94 nm/div

    19.94 nm/div

    I a


    . ..> .

    :::: :

    ./ .i 1 (Arb Unit)

    ./ .i..

    I .:::/Q: _ /.. : :_: ...I. / ,,y;:,


    ..i. ,....i,.....:,..i.,,: .. / :... .., i.

    _ - ._ 7

    ,..../ _i. .

    -0 (Set Point)


    ,:::: 1;:. 1:: ::::/j:. .::;

    * :

    . i:: .j: f _;. .j: i ::I

    ; ..; ,. . .,..... j ,:::

    19.94 nm/div

    19.94 nm/div

    Four AFM images of the same DNA molecule with corresponding force curves, at humidities of (a) 37%, (b) 60%

    90%. Neither the lateral resolution nor the adhesion force showed any appreciable change. Since the adhesion

    not change with the humidity, it is not clear whether it is from the capillary force. Scanning speed was 4.73 Hz.




    orce did

  • 5/20/2018 Paper



    J. Yung Z. Shao / Effect of probe force on the molut ion of AFM of DNA

    3.4. Effect of humidity

    Although the effect on resolution due to the

    adhesion force and absolute probe force was

    studied under a controlled humidity, the effect of

    humidity has been indicated to change both the

    adhesion force [30-321 and the resolution of AFM

    on DNA with different specimen preparatory

    methods [11,33]. With the cytochrome C spread-

    ing method, we carried out a series of experi-

    ments in a humidity-controlled chamber where

    the relative humidity can be adjusted continu-

    ously (see fig. 8 for an illustration). To minimize

    the effects due to other factors, such as tip con-

    tamination, every effort was made to ensure that

    the adhesion force was less than 3 nN before

    humidity variation was started. To our surprise,

    we found that within the experimental error, the

    resolution of DNA molecules was unchanged over

    a range from less than 5% to about 95% in

    humidity. One example is shown in fig. 9 where

    the images were taken at humidities of 37%,

    60%, 80% and 90%, respectively, over a period of

    - 7 h while the tip remained in contact with the

    specimen surface. The corresponding force curves

    are also shown at these conditions. At least for

    this kind of specimen, the change in adhesion

    force versus humidity is insignificant, which seems

    to indicate that the so-called capillary force is

    unimportant in this case. The reason might be the

    protein film present at the surface which has

    quite different properties from those materials

    we are familiar with. We should also point out

    that, for higher humidities (> 50%), long-time

    disengagement of the tip often resulted in a much

    increased adhesion force with much degraded

    resolution when reengaged. However, as long as

    the tip was engaged, high humidity did not show

    significant degradation on image quality, even

    over a long period of several hours.

    3.5. Imaging in organic solvents

    In organic solvents, like isopropanol and


    butanol (also known as isopropyl alcohol and

    n-butyl alcohol), both cytochrome C and DNA

    are insoluble. Therefore, under such liquids DNA

    molecules should be stable at the substrate-liquid

    4.83 nmldiv

    Fig. 10. AFM image of a DNA molecule taken in a fluid cell

    under isopropanol, with the corresponding force curve. The

    distance between two arrows in the force curve was about IO

    nm, corresponding to a probe force of 0.6 nN for a cantilever


    k =

    0.06 N/m. Scanning speed was 4.73 Hz. Notice that

    the adhesion force is absent.

    interface. These solvents can also be used as

    dehydrating agents. The role of dehydration in

    AFM imaging is not clear at present. However,

    there is one advantage for AFM of DNA in these

    organic solvents: the capillary force, if any, is

    entirely eliminated, so that the probe force can

    be further decreased. For AFM of DNA in these

    liquids, we found an interesting phenomenon:

    usually within the first half hour or so after

    engagement of the tip, no DNA molecules were

    found and the probe force fluctuated a great

    deal. 30-40 min later, the fluctuation gradually

    damped down, and only then could the probe

    force be set to sub-nN range. The adhesion force

    was normally absent. Shown in fig. 10 are an

    image of a DNA molecule in isopropanol and the

    corresponding force curve. The resolution of

    DNA molecules obtained in organic solvents is

    quite similar to those obtained in air, i.c. 4-6 nm.

    But, occasionally, on poorly prepared specimens

  • 5/20/2018 Paper


    .I. Yang Z. Shao / Effect of probe force on the resolut ion of AFM of DNA


    Fig. 11. Close up of a DNA molecule taken under n-butanol.

    Arrows indicate where a lateral resolution of - 3 nm was


    that DNA appeared discontinuous in air, a reso-

    lution around 3 nm was obtained (fig. 11, as

    indicated between the arrows>. The clumps along

    the DNA molecules may be the bound cy-

    tochrome C molecules. Since the double helix

    should have a diameter of - 2 nm (although 2.7

    nm was reported by electron diffraction studies

    [34]), the measured molecular width still shows

    some broadening. It is not clear whether this

    residue broadening is caused by the cytochrome

    C molecules or the AFM tip itself. Should the

    former be the primary contribution, the tip

    broadening would be exceedingly small. It should

    also be stressed that such a good resolution was

    only obtainable with those specimens considered

    rather poor for AFM imaging in air. Since the

    amount of broadening is comparable to those

    observed on native DNA molecules with super-

    tips [12,16], whether a supertip will improve upon

    this resolution with these specimens is not clear.



    Based on the experimental findings presented

    so far, it is plausible to conclude that, at least for

    the DNA specimens using the cytochrome C

    spreading method, the contamination on the

    probe tip is the single most important factor in

    limiting the resolution achievable by AFM, rather

    than the tip geometry it is often attributed to.

    This conclusion may be understood by the follow-

    ing: the adhesion force is related to the contact

    area and the contamination near the tip would

    increase this contact area. When the contact area

    becomes exceedingly large, the resolution must

    be degraded. If this is correct, we would have:

    resolution a \/adhesion force. In fact, the data

    presented in fig. 6 are quite consistent to this

    notion with the power as 0.48 after a least-squares

    fit. Furthermore, the observation that specimens

    can only withstand a rather small probe force

    (< 15 nN1 for a clean tip provided another

    support for this conclusion, because for a contam-

    inated tip (large contact area), the pressure would

    be much smaller than a clean tip (small contact

    area) for the same probe force, while the speci-

    men damage should be directly related to the

    pressure, rather than the force itself.

    For a tip that showed a very large adhesion

    force (contaminated), we found that scanning

    the substrate (carbon-coated mica) can often lead

    to a dramatic reduction of the adhesion force

    which, in turn, provided a much improved resolu-

    tion. Details of depositing a carbon film on mica

    have already been described in section 2.1 and

    the thickness of the carbon film is unimportant. It

    was found that a scanning size of 10 pm or larger

    was more effective, and the typical scan speed

    was 5.79 Hz. Only when the adhesion force re-

    mained small and stable (most often it did) dur-

    ing subsequent scanning for at least 2 min, we

    considered the tip as clean. For such a clean

    tip, the adhesion force on the carbon film often

    remained small (- 2 nN) for hours with only

    small variations (< 10%). Most tips can be

    cleaned two to three times. Interestingly, such

    a procedure required the ambient humidity below

    40%, and prolonged disengagement of the tip

    could render the procedure ineffective. For higher

    humidities (> 45%), such a procedure did not

    work well. In these cases, the scanning of the

    carbon film can still reduce the adhesion force.

    But after the change of the specimen, the adhe-

    sion force returned to the larger value. A DNA

    specimen may also be used for this cleaning

  • 5/20/2018 Paper


    J. Yang, Z. Shao /

    f fec t of

    probe force on the resolution qf




    .:/. 2

    , 1 (Arb Unit)

    j.. ;. :

    i_/ -L

    --_-.+- -- __/

    I--L-lc- 0 (Set Point)

    24.17 nm/div

    j i


    ail::- ~~111:1:~~~r-_


    21.75 nm/div

    3.02 nrhiv

    Fig. 12. Four images of DNA molecules obtained by the same tip on the same specimen. (a) At an adhesion force of 27 nN. the

    DNA molecule showed a resolution about 1X nm. (b) After cleaning the tip using the procedure described in the text, a typical

    AFM image of a DNA molecule is shown, with an improved lateral resolution and a much reduced adhesion force ( - 1.4 nN). (c)

    The same molecule as in (b) when the adhesion force was increased to 25 nN with a probe force of 22 nN. (d) Another cleaning

    recovered the better resolution and the smaller adhesion force. Scanning speed for the above images was 4.73 Hz. Humidity was


  • 5/20/2018 Paper


    .I. Yang Z. Shao / Effect of probe force on the resolut ion of AFM of DNA


    procedure, but the results were less consistent,

    presumably due to the variation of the specimen

    preparation and the soft nature of the cy-

    tochrome C film. Fig. 12 shows an example. In

    fig. 12a, we see an image obtained with a fairly

    large adhesion force at a rather poor resolution.

    In fig. 12b, a high-resolution image is shown

    which was obtained on the same specimen with

    the same tip after the cleaning process. The ad-

    hesion force now is only 6% of that in fig. 12a,

    while the resolution is improved by a factor of

    3-5. During prolonged imaging, sometimes the

    resolution became suddenly degraded, accompa-

    nied with an increased adhesion force (fig. 12~).

    In this case, another cleaning process can often

    restore the image quality, as shown in fig. 12d

    which was the result of the second cleaning.We

    found that, following this procedure, the same tip

    can be repeatedly used on several specimens.

    The mechanism of the cleaning procedure

    cannot be determined based on these experi-

    ments. Although it is possible that the scanning

    on carbon film caused some structural change to

    produce some sort of a supertip, several argu-

    ments would favor the interpretation that con-

    tamination at the tip was removed by such a

    procedure. First, that at higher humidities the

    cleaning procedure did not work well and that

    the cleaning was more effective with a short

    specimen switching time indicated that the treated

    tip had a finite life time standing in air and

    shorter life time at higher humidities. This would

    argue against a restructured supertip, which

    should be insensitive to air exposure or humidity

    change. It may be further argued that, at higher

    humidities, water condensation on the tip should

    be more significant that could backmigrate the

    contamination pushed aside by the cleaning

    procedure to the tip when suspended from the

    specimen surface. Secondly, when imaging in or-

    ganic solvents, the tips were not treated by the

    cleaning procedure. Still most of them showed

    high-resolution images of DNA, although it would

    take some time after initial engagement (a few

    minutes). This is consistent with the assumption

    that contaminations on the tip, presumably some

    organic materials, were dissolved away by the

    solvent. Since the adhesion force does not change

    with humidity appreciably, and high-resolution

    images were also obtained in organic solvents, the

    contamination is most likely due to hydrocarbons

    abundant in air. If this is indeed the case, some

    experimentation with different tip materials,

    clean-room storage and operation, as well as tip

    cleaning with other solvents or laser ablation,

    may prove to be a fruitful approach. Despite the

    above arguments, the possibility of structural

    change due to such a cleaning procedure can-

    not be entirely ruled out. A direct visualization of

    the treated tip would be required before we can

    fully understand the mechanism of such a proce-


    In conclusion, experimental results have shown

    that the adhesion force is the most important

    factor in obtaining high-resolution AFM images

    on DNA. The commercially available cantilevers

    are sufficient to provide resolutions up to 3 nm

    for DNA and 1.8 nm for fully hydrated mem-

    brane proteins [6]. Humidity control is much de-

    sirable if the ambient humidity is above 40%.

    Elimination of the electrostatic interaction is the

    first crucial requirement for obtaining prelimi-

    nary images on these specimens. As long as these

    procedures are followed, reproducible high-reso-

    lution DNA images can be obtained by AFM

    routinely with minimal requirements on the envi-

    ronment and the operator skill. Further improve-

    ment on the resolution may require the use of the

    so-called supertips. However, for the same probe

    force, the pressure will be drastically increased.

    whether these specimens can withstand such a

    pressure to give even better resolution is un-

    known. But, if the specimen strength eventually

    becomes the limiting factor in resolution, other

    techniques might be introduced, such as limited

    chemical fixation and low-temperature AFM. The

    most important conclusion is that, at room tem-

    perature and nN force level, small broadening on

    these DNA molecules can be achieved by AFM

    with commercially available instruments.


    We are grateful to Drs. A.P. Somlyo and A.V.

    Somlyo for helpful discussions. We would also

  • 5/20/2018 Paper



    J. Yang Z. Shao / Effect of probe force on t he resolution of AFM o f DNA

    like to thank Drs. H. Yu and K. Takeyasu for the

    gift of DNA. This work is supported by grants

    from the Whitaker Foundation, US Army Re-

    search Office (DAAL03-92-G-0002), the National

    Institutes of Health (POl-HL-48807), and the

    Jeffress Memoral Trust (J-265).


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