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    A definition of atopic dermatitis (AD) may be exceedingly simple: it is the

    cutaneous manifestation of atopy. There is no doubt that the definition, this time,

    is not at all easy or simple. Etymologically, "atopy" means "without" (a) "place"

    (topos), that is, something that is out of place, something that is strange,

    something that is unusual. The definition postulated by Coca and Cooke in 1923

    has become classic: for these authors, atopy is "hypersensitivity to heterologousproteins". And yet, atopy is beyond any doubt more than this, as as will be

    discussed later an understanding of this condition is achieved not only through

    immunological mechanisms but through many other non-immunological

    phenomena that are involved, such as dryness of the skin, paradoxal skin

    reactivity, microorganisms, etc., which play a significant role in its development.

    From the point of view of terminology, the most adequate term for

    defining the process is "dermatitis", as an inflammation of the skin is in truth the

    underlying phenomenon of the disease. Furthermore, the adjective "atopic" should

    be preferred to "constitutional", as the manifestations of the condition may first

    appear in adult age and with no previous antecedents, even though it is quite true

    that it may and usually does appear as a continuation of the infantile phase.

    Atopic dermatitis (AD) - also known as atopic eczema - is a chronically

    relapsing, highly pruritic, inflammatory skin disease that affects 2-5% of the

    general population. AD has the largest impact on infants and children, affecting an

    estimated 10-20% or more, but is also believed to affect 1-3% of adults. The

    mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of AD remain unclear, but numerous

    studies have demonstrated the integral involvement of immunopathology, genetic

    predisposition, and emotional and environmental stimuli in AD development and





    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic itchy, inflammatory skin disease that

    usually develops in early childhood and is commonly seen in individuals with a

    personal or family history of similar skin disease or asthma. Persistence of AD has

    been reported in 60% of adults who had the disease as children. It is notorious for

    its recalcitrant and chronically recurrent nature. Along with the usual therapy of

    topical steroids, general skin care, and topical antibiotics there are also systemic

    methods of treating this disorder, which have already been well described.

    Because effective medical treatments for this condition are limited in number,

    many patients have turned to alternative therapies, including so-called natural

    products, herbal products and OTC treatments, many of which remain unproven.







    Atopic dermatitis is a difficult condition to define, because it lacks a

    diagnostic test and shows variable clinical features. The following definition

    seems to be in accord with most consensus groups. Atopic dermatitis (which is

    synonymous with atopic eczema) is an itchy, chronic or chronically relapsing,

    inflammatory skin condition. The rash is characterized by itchy papules

    (occasionally vesicles in infants), which become excoriated and lichenified, and

    typically have a flexural distribution. The eruption is frequently associated with

    other atopic conditions in the individual or other family members.


    One of the difficulties in defining atopic dermatitis arises from the

    impreciseness of its association with atopy and the nature of atopy itself. The

    word atopy was introduced by Coca in 1923 as a convenient collective term for

    a group of diseases, chief among which are asthma and hay fever, which occur

    spontaneously in individuals who have a family history of susceptibility. Later,

    regain (IgE) antibodies were detected in these individuals, and could be

    transferred to normal individuals by the PrausnitzKstner (PK) test. The atopic

    diseases were once considered to be peculiar to humans, but it is now recognized

    that several species are susceptible. Atopic dermatitis and disorders resulting from

    anaphylaxis, for example those resulting from insect stings and food allergies,

    were found to be associated with IgE antibodies and therefore grouped with the

    atopic diseases. Such grouping is not completely acceptable, as 2040% ofindividuals with atopic dermatitis can have a normal total or specific IgE level,

    and it is rarely attributable to a specific allergic reaction; the IgE antibodies

    present in the blood often appear to be incidental to the condition.

    Recently, it has been debated whether the group with dermatitis and

    normal IgE levels can be distinguished clinically, immunologically and




    prognostically. This subgroup has been variably termed intrinsic, non-atopic

    infantile eczema or atopiform dermatitis.


    The data referring to the true incidence and prevalence of AD are quite

    varied and even contradictory; this is partly due to the fact that the process may

    possibly have an evident seasonal and geographic influence, or perhaps to the fact

    that the series studied and reported by the various investigators have included very

    diverse population groups, but first and foremost to the fact that the diagnostic

    criteria lack a biochemical support that may provide a definitive diagnosis of the

    disease. This implies that the inclusion criteria may be quite diverse. AD may

    affect all races and ethnicities, as the studies performed do not reveal significantdifferences between the various ethnic or racial groups. Thus, Jaafar and Petit

    reviewed 14,342 cases seen in the Dermatology Clinics of the University of

    Malaysia, a multiracial country, among which the incidence of AD was 3.7%, and

    they did not find any significant differences between the various ethnic groups.

    Atopic dermatitis is more common in females, with a 1.5:1 female to male

    ratio. AD is possibly the earliest manifestation of atopy, as by the age of two years

    50% of all atopic patients evidence AD, and 60% by age five, while in the same

    age group only 40% have symptoms of asthma and only 25% have symptoms of

    vasomotor rhinitis. Socially, the incidence of AD appears to be greater among the

    higher classes. This, however, cannot be ascribed simply to a greater level of

    information and/or greater or easier access to medical consultation in these elite



    Non-immunologic factors

    Genetics. The genetic susceptibility to suffer respiratory atopy has been

    linked to chromosome 11 (11q13). A number of studies have demonstrated the

    presence of an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern. Uehara and Kimura

    studied 270 adults with AD and found that 60% of their offspring were also

    affected; the prevalence of the skin condition was 81% when both parents were




    affected by AD, 59% when only one parent was affected by AD and the other one

    had respiratory atopy, and 56% when only one of the parents was affected by AD.

    In a Norwegian study12 of children with AD, the authors concluded that the risk

    of evidencing the disease was 57% when the mother was affected and 46% when

    the father was the affected parent; attempts have been made to correlate these

    findings with modifications of the intra-utero immune response or with


    Characteristics of the atopic patients skin. As will be commented in

    greater detail when discussing the clinical features, the skin of the atopic patient,

    and particularly that of the AD one is dry, pruriginous, irritable, and shows a

    marked propensity to infection by viruses, bacteria and fungi. These peculiarities

    are a consequence of the loss of the barrier function. In the causation of thisconditions the following are involved:

    (a) Abnormalities in sweating. The atopic patient sweats badly, and this

    dysfunction is determinant for the presence of pruritus. It is a frequent observation

    in clinical practice that the AD patient reports pruritic crises in association to heat

    and sweating. There have been many attempts to find a correlation between

    sweating/dry skin/pruritus, without achieving any definitive conclusions. Greene

    et alstudied the sweating characteristics of atopic patients and concluded that they

    evidence abnormal sweating patterns that are responsible for or associated to the

    condition. These abnormalities appear to be due to an increased sweating response

    to metacholine, so that it might be suggested that atopic patients evidence

    hyperreactivity to cholinergic stimuli. The possibility may be postulated that when

    the atopic individual sweats, and because of a deficiency in sebum production, the

    sweat might be taken up into the stratum corneum; this would then cause an

    occlusion of the sudoriparous gland pore (acrosyringia) and thus sweat retention,

    and the latter would then condition small extravasations of the sweat fluid into the

    dermis that would then stimulate pruritus receptors. This theory has not been

    demonstrated, but the propensity of atopic patients to develop "miliaria" through

    sweat retention is well known.

    (b) Trans-epidermic water loss (TEWL). Baradesca and Maibach have studied this

    factor in atopic patients; they found an increased trans-epidermal water loss and a




    decreased water-retaining capacity of the stratum corneum, contributing to a

    deficiency in the epidermal barrier function.

    (c) Changes in the cutaneous lipids . The atopic patients skin is dry because of the

    water loss, and changes in the lipid composition of the cutaneous lipid layer.

    Rajka showed, using absorption techniques, that in the atopic skin there are

    decreased levels of the glandular lipids (waxy esters, triglycerides and squalene),

    while those of epidermal origin are increased.

    One of the more interesting findings in atopic patient is that of a serum

    deficiency of the enzyme -6 desaturase, which under normal conditions allows

    the conversion of linoleic acid into -linolenic and dihydro--linolenic acids; the

    latter is then converted through the action of the enzyme -5 desaturase into

    arachidonic acid. Because of this, linoleic acid-rich diets increasethe concentration of this acid but not those of its metabolites (-linolenic, dihydro-

    -linolenic and arachidonic acids). This metabolic abnormality would have an

    effect in the production of PGE1, which is an important factor in T-cell

    maturation after birth, with the consequent immunologic imbalance.

    (d) Lowering of the pruritus threshold. Atopic patients more readily experience

    pruritus, and a pruritic stimulus leads in them to a longer-lasting pruritus


    Genetic factors

    The importance of genetic factors in determining the expression of the

    atopic phenotype is reflected in data from twin studies. Thus, monozygotic twins

    have a concordance rate of 0.72, whereas dizygotic twins have a concordance rate

    of only 0.23. Recently, studies of genetic linkage have identified a number of

    genes related to the expression of different atopic syndromes, IgE levels, and

    cytokines relevant to the regulation of IgE levels. However, no gene of causal

    significance has yet been identified for atopic eczema.

    A gene predisposing to atopy, as defined by hyper-IgE responsiveness,

    was found on chromosome 11q13, and it may encode the chain of the high-

    affinity IgE receptor FCR1. However, there appears to be no linkage of atopic

    eczema to this gene. Genes on chromosome 5q encoding the interleukin-4 (IL-4)




    gene cluster have been linked to atopic mucosal syndromes, but this linkage has

    also not been confirmed. A gene at 16p11.212 encoding the chain of the IL-4

    receptor has been linked to atopy. The gene encoding mast cell chymase has been

    linked to atopic eczema, but this association has not been confirmed. Variants in

    the RANTES gene promoter-region have been reported to be associated with

    atopic eczema.

    Environmental factors

    The rate of increase in the prevalence of atopic eczema is too rapid to be

    accounted for by changes in population genetics. Therefore, environmental factors

    are the most likely modulating influences. The two principal aspects that have

    attracted attention are pollution and microbes.The fall of the Berlin Wall separating East and West Germany provided an

    opportunity to examine the role of industrial pollution by comparing the dirty

    East with the clean West. Cohorts of preschool children from comparable cities

    in the East (Halle) and West (Duisburg) and a rural area (Borken), were recruited

    in one study. Questionnaires assessed the personal and family history of atopic

    disease, as well as many of the relevant factors such as socio-economic status. All

    of the children were examined by dermatologists. The levels of airborne pollutants

    were compared, and sulphur dioxide was fourfold higher in Halle, whereas dust

    and nitrogen oxides were comparable between the cities. The prevalence of atopic

    eczema was 17.5% in Halle, but only 5.77.3% in Duisburg. However, conflicting

    findings emerged in a study comparing the prevalence of atopic disease in Leipzig

    (East Germany) and Munich (West Germany). A slightly lower prevalence was

    observed in Leipzig compared with Munich. The identification of relevant

    pollutants that might contribute to the expression of the atopic phenotype is still

    confused. Indoor pollution levels from cigarette smoke or nitrogen oxides in the

    gas exhaust from cookers and heaters are difficult to quantify.




    Immune dysregulation

    The defining characteristic of the atopic immune system is the capacity to

    generate IgE antibodies in response to allergens. The key disturbance to immune

    regulation that results in this IgE production appears to be the differentiation

    pathway followed by CD4+ helper T lymphocytes. Naive precursor Th0 cells are

    induced to differentiate into Th2 cells, characterized by the production of

    interleukins (IL) -4, -5 and -13. Th2 cells help or control the type of

    immunoglobulin (Ig) that B lymphocytes make, inducing synthesis of IgE.

    Cellular mechanisms

    The regulatory mechanisms that underlie the preferential development of

    Th2 cells appear to involve the interaction between dendritic antigen-presentingcells and CD4+ helper T lymphocytes. The question arises of whether there is

    something different about the dendritic cells

    (DCs) of atopic individuals and the signals they give to T cells, or whether there is

    a defect in the T cells themselves.

    Dendritic cells. Much work has gone into examining the mechanisms by which

    DCs regulate the differentiation of Th cells, and there is accumulating evidence

    that DCs may also subdivide into DC1, preferentially inducing Th1 cells, and

    DC2, inducing Th2 cells. The critical stimulus, signal 1, is given during the

    presentation of antigenic peptides held in the groove of major histocompatibility

    complex (MHC) class II molecules. Secondary signals (signal 2) come via

    interactions of co-stimulatory surface molecules such as CD80 and 86 on the

    DCs with their counter receptors CD28 and CTLA4 on the T cells. In murine

    systems, signalling via CD80 can preferentially induce Th1 differentiation, and

    CD86 can induce Th2 differentiation.

    There is evidence that signalling through CD28 gives a positive activation

    signal, whereas signaling through CTLA4 may either give an inhibitory signal or

    activate T-regulatory cells which have inhibitory (suppressor) activities. In

    addition, binding of CD40 ligand on T cells interacting with CD40 on the DC is

    one of the strongest signals for the T cell to produce interferon- (IFN-) and to

    differentiate towards a Th1 phenotype. Cytokines released from the DCs give




    signal 3, which is also important in determining the final differentiation into Th1

    or Th2 cells. IL-12 drives a Th1 response and IL-4 drives a Th2 response.

    There is little direct evidence that DC function is altered in atopic

    individuals. However, it has been observed that monocytes from atopic donors

    produce greater quantities of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) and IL-10 than cells from

    nonatopic individuals. PGE2 can suppress production of IFN-, a cytokine which

    is not only produced by Th1 lymphocytes but which also favours the

    differentiation of naive Th0 cells towards the Th1 phenotype. Similarly,

    IL-10 is both a suppressive/regulatory cytokine and also drives Th0 cells towards

    a Th2 phenotype. DCs from atopic individuals have yet to be shown to behave



    There are many factors, including allergies, infections, emotional, climatic

    and other environmental influences that contribute to the causation of atopic

    dermatitis. In early life, atopic infants develop eczema as the first of the possible

    atopic syndromes, which include eczema, asthma and rhinitis. There is evidence

    that immune sensitization occurs to food-derived allergens as well as




    aeroallergens. The infantile intestine shows increased permeability to

    macromolecules and this is greater in atopic infants. This may be due to inherent

    leakiness and also, because of the transient deficiency of IgA, the IgAmediated

    clearance mechanisms are less effective, allowing greater entry of food-derived

    macromolecules into the systemic circulation, where they may induce

    immunological sensitization. It is completely unclear why circulating T cells

    reactive with food antigens should home to the skin and generate an eczematous

    process rather than producing a gut-centred pathology. It may be hypothesized

    either that food-derived antigens somehow activate immature T cells to become

    skin-homing, or that skinhoming lymphocytes are stimulated as a result of their

    target antigens reaching the skin via the circulation.

    Perhaps because the epidermal permeability barrier is disrupted by the

    eczema, allowing penetration of environmental aeroallergens, during the first few

    years of life there is progressive development of immune reactivity to

    aeroallergens, reflected by the presence of specific IgE and

    T-cell responses.

    The role of airborne environmental allergens both in the initial

    sensitization of atopic individuals and the subsequent elicitation of the clinical

    features is becoming clear. Environmental allergen levels are probably the major

    determinant of whether sensitization of genetically predisposed individuals

    occurs. Thus, children born just before the birch pollen season in Scandinavia




    have a higher risk of sensitization to birch pollen than those born after the season.

    Babies born in autumn, when housedust mite (HDM) numbers are highest, have a

    greater risk of sensitization by HDM [6], and avoidance of exposure to HDM and

    food allergens for the first year of life was associated with significant diminution

    in the proportions of clinically detectable eczema and asthma. A recent Japanese

    study showed that if atopic babies (with detectable IgE antibodies to various foods

    but not HDM) were protected from contact with HDM by encasing their bedding

    in dust-proof bags, there was significantly less sensitization to HDM, reflected by

    IgE and prick test response. However, it was not followed through to see whether

    there was a reduction in associated clinical problems. It has been proposed that the

    risk of becoming sensitized to HDM is greatly increased by exposure to dust

    containing 10 g/g of Der p1, and that even 2 g/g confers a significant risk. Itappears that, in some individuals, priming of immune responses to a range of

    allergens may happen during intrauterine development. In others, the induction of

    sensitization appears to occur postnatally and during childhood. The sensitization

    is reflected by the presence of antigen-specific helper T lymphocytes and specific

    antibodies of IgE class.

    The crucial question is whether allergic reactions induced by any allergen

    or food are of pathogenic importance in the causation of lesions of atopic eczema.

    The strongest evidence that this can be the case derives from studies of the effects

    of avoidance of house-dust allergens in the domestic environment. A

    placebocontrolled, double-blind study by Tan et al. examined a combination of

    dust-mite eradication measures (sealed containment bags for the mattress, pillows

    and bedding top covers, a high-power vacuum cleaner and a spray containing

    agents to kill mites and denature their allergens).


    Atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory dermatosis that causes pruritus. Its

    clinical features therefore will be those of a cutaneous inflammation with well-

    defined chronology and topography in association to secondary lesions induced by

    scratching (excoriations, lichenification, auto-eczematisation, secondary

    infections, etc.). The lesions may range from simple erythema, through the




    presence of papules, vesicles, exsudation, scabbing and desquamation, to the

    presence of lichenified lesions.

    Classically, AD is clinically divided into two stages: early AD,

    manifesting in early infancy and thus also known as infantile AD, and late AD,

    which appears during late childhood and encompasses this period (up to the age of

    12 years), adolescence (up to the age of 23 years), and adulthood. Late AD may

    be, but not always is, a continuation of the early form. Thus, the cutaneous

    manifestations of AD may first appear at any age, without having been


    by any previous manifestations.

    Early atopic dermatitis

    The onset of this form was classically understood to occur beyond the ageof three months, and it is still usual to read or hear the lapidary sentence

    "dermatitis at an age before three months is seborrhoeic, beyond the age of three

    months it is atopic". We now know that early AD may have its onset at any age,

    and seborrhoeic dermatitis may indeed represent an initial form of AD. The age at

    onset is variable and does not correlate with genetic predisposition or with the

    severity of the disease. About 75% of the cases have their onset within the first six

    months of life, and especially between the 6th and 12th weeks.

    Three findings help in establishing the differential diagnosis between the

    two conditions: the presence of a family history of atopy, the presence of pruritus,

    and thetypical sites of occurrence of the disease. A family history is quite

    frequent, and not only in the purely cutaneous form (AD), as it may also exist in

    other forms of atopy such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis or asthma. Pruritus is severe

    and incoercible; children with AD begin scratching quite early and scratch

    themselves continuously, mainly when they are undressed and even during sleep,

    causing distress to their parents and relatives. Scratching is the fundamental cause

    of the diseases complications. In this first stage the lesions are located in the face,

    particularly on the cheeks, and show a centrifugal distribution affecting the malar

    region, the forehead, the scalp, the chin and the ears while sparing the central

    areas (nose, paranasal creases). In severe cases the condition progresses and

    spreads and may affect the trunk, the limbs and the flexures, and may even spread




    over the whole body giving rise to erythrodermic forms (Hills atopic


    In this period the differential diagnosis to seborrhoeic dermatitis is

    obligate. This may sometimes be utterly impossible (the lesions are quite often

    only transitional forms or situations in which both conditions overlap). Data that

    may help in establishing the diagnosis of seborrhoeic dermatitis are the early onset

    (neonatal), the absence of a family history of atopy, the absence of pruritus and

    the location of the lesions: retroauricular, diaper area, scalp (milk scab) or


    Late atopic dermatitis

    This form may represent a continuation of the early one or debut in the

    absence of foregoing dermatosis. The clinical features resemble those of the early

    stage, although lichenification predominates: hardened, dry skin with markedly

    evident creases and scratching stigmata. The sites of the lesions also change,

    leaving the face and appearing mainly in the flexures (the antecubital and

    popliteal ones are most frequently involved. However, extensive forms may also

    occur with involvement of other skin structures, as well as, of course, generalized

    erythrodermic forms.




    Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease with a "flare and subsidence"

    evolutionary course, affecting mainly the young and the adolescents but also

    many adults. For the patients it may be a stressing situation to be told that the

    have a "for life" disease; this affects their psychological development and causes a

    number of peculiarities, to be discussed later.


    As no biochemical criteria exist that may firmly establish the certainty

    diagnosis of atopic dermatitis, clinical criteria must be reverted to. The universally

    accepted criteria are those postulated in 1983 by Hanifin and Rajka. These criteria

    have been examined by a number of investigators, and their reliability has been

    fully validated.

    Diagnostic criteria for Atopic Dermatitis


    - Pruritus

    - Characteristic morphology and distribution

    - Flexure lichenification in adults




    - Involvement of face, flexures and extensor surfaces in children and adolescents

    - Combination of the two patterns in children and adults

    - Chronic and recurrent character

    - Personal or familial history of atopy


    - Xerosis

    - Ichthyosis / exaggerated palmar creases / keratosis pilaris

    - Immediate (Type I) skin reactivity on skin testing

    - Increased serum IgE levels

    - Early onset age

    - Tendency to skin infections and cell-mediated immunity deficiency

    - Tendency to non-specific hand and foot dermatitides- Nipple eczema

    - Cheilitis

    - Recurrent conjunctivitis

    - Infraorbitary (Dennie-Morgan) skin fold

    - Keratoconus

    - Anterior subcapsular cataract

    - Eye rings ("shiners"), periocular darkening of the skin

    - Facial pallor or erythema

    - Pityriasis alba

    - Skin folds on the anterior aspect of the throat

    - Pruritus induced by sweating

    - Intolerance to wool and to fat solvents

    - Perifollicular enhancement

    - Intolerance to some foods

    - Course influenced by environmental and emotional factors

    - White dermographism

    Three or more major and three or more minor criteria must be met for diagnosis.





    In the large majority of the cases, the complications of atopic dermatitis

    are consequences of the pruritus and of the proneness to bacterial

    (impetiginisation, folliculitis) or viral (herpetic eczema or Kaposis varicelliform

    erup-tion) infection. Some particular clinical events, e. g. sudden death, are more

    frequent among atopics than in the general population. A relation has been

    suggested to anaphylactic shock, but, fortunately, it is a rather infrequent


    A wide variety of disease processes are associated to AD; some of them

    are also associated to other manifestations of atopy or are a consequence of the

    fact that this is an immune disease, while others represent only associations with

    as yet no established linkage. A discussion of all these conditions would beexcessively detailed and burdensome.


    There is at present no curative therapy for atopic dermatitis. Nevertheless,

    a number of measures are available that help palliate the diseases manifestations

    and will help the patients lead a normal life. Atopic dermatitis remains as one of

    the therapeutic challenges facing the Dermatologist, the Allergologist or the

    Paediatrician in his everyday clinical practise. Current therapies aimed at

    controlling the disease are not as effective as we would wish, and particularly so

    in the severe forms that still represent a considerable therapeutic problem. In most

    cases, the actual management must be based on a number of measures.

    General hygienic measures

    Bathing. The question whether the AD patient may bathe, and how, is obligate.

    According to Hanifins recommendations and depending on the severity of the

    disease, bathing should be preferred, in the severe and pruriginous forms, to

    showering, the latter being reserved for those cases in which the skin has

    improved as to erythema, pruritus and desquamation. The patient should remain

    immersed in the bath for 20 minutes (until the fingertips become creased and

    prune-like); adding to the water emollient substances that mitigate pruritus and

    soften the skin is quite adequate. The most widely used emollients are oat-derived




    colloids, but some tar preparations (at present highly controversial) or mineral or

    vegetable oils may also be useful. The soap used should maintain an acidic pH

    and be devoid of irritant and sensitising substances; for these reasons, the so-

    called "syndets" (soapless soaps) are the most adequate ones. Soaps that have an

    antiseptic action help in preventing Staphylococcus aureus overpopulation, so that

    chlorhexidine soaps or preparations may be useful.

    The sponge or terrycloth used should be soft and cause no irritation of the

    skin. After bathing, the skin should be dried carefully using always soft towels.

    Rubbing or hot air dryers should not be used, as they will further dehydrate the

    skin. An emollient cream should be applied after bathing, not immediately but

    some minutes later. A large variety of such products are commercially available;

    the most useful ones are perhaps those containing fatty acids (primrose oil,linoleic and/or linolenic acid) or ceramides.

    General measures. Clothing should be recommended that does not increase the

    itching sensation; the garments used should therefore be light and not tight fitting,

    and whenever possible should contain neither wool nor synthetic textile fibres;

    cotton and linen should be recommended.

    Care should be taken to remove the labels stitched to the clothing, which

    have a strongly irritant action on the atopic skin. Atopic patients do not tolerate

    heat, as they sweat abnormally and the itching sensation increases. They should

    therefore be advised to be moderate regarding physical exercise and exertion and

    to avoid warm and excessively dry environments. The adequate environmental

    conditions for these patients are 18C temperature and 50% relative humidity.

    Atopic patients should avoid contact with irritant and/or sensitising

    substances; this must be borne in mind when considering possible topical

    therapies, and this possibility should be considered whenever a patient

    experiences an exacerbation while under local topical therapy. Substances that

    should be avoided in topical preparations are mainly the antihistamines,

    neomycin, sulfamides and perfumes, and one should always remember that some

    topical corticosteroids, as well as some preservants and stabilisers, may trigger

    local intolerance.




    Topical therapy

    Corticosteroids. The use of topical corticosteroids is absolutely recommended in

    AD. Their use requires experience as a choice must be made, depending on the

    clinical manifestations, the location of the lesions and the type of skin, between

    the more and the less potent ones, considering both the potential benefits and the

    side effects, so as to achieve a balance between them. In selecting the most

    adequate corticosteroid it must be remembered that their use will be required over

    long periods of time; those with less side effects should therefore be preferred.

    The new-generation steroids provide good results, acceptable potency and a low

    transcutaneous absorption. The combined use of corticosteroids and antibiotics,

    and particularly mupirocine and fusidic acid, may be useful in those cases where

    secondary infection is suspected, and always during short periods of time.Classical antipruritic therapies (camphor and menthol lotions). These may help

    in palliating and controlling the itching sensation and can be beneficial for the

    evolution of the disease. As already stated, topical antihistamines should not be

    used because of their sensitising ability. However, a number of studies have

    demonstrated the usefulness of 5% doxepine because of its marked antipruritic

    effect; nevertheless, with the passage of time a certain degree of sensitising ability

    has been demonstrated also for this substance, so that it should be used cautiously,

    if at all. A number of topical therapies such as 10% disodium cromoglycate or 10-

    30% anhydrous caffeine were the target of considerable interest in the past

    decade. Interest regarding these substances has waned, however, as they have

    been demonstrated not to be more effective than placebo.

    Systemic therapy

    Antihistamines. These are by themselves insufficient for the management of AD,

    but they can be useful as a complementary therapy. Their efficacy is derived from

    both their antihistamine and their sedative effects; for these reasons, the most

    useful ones in this context are still hydroxyzine hydrochloride and ciproheptadine

    hydrochloride. Among the new-generation antihistamines, loratadine, terfenadine,

    acrivastine and cetirizine have been shown to be more effective. The combination

    of these drugs to membrane-stabilising agents such as ketotifen, when a




    participation of airborne allergens is suspected, or disodium cromoglycate in the

    case of suspected food allergy, may enhance their effects.

    Corticosteroids. Systemic corticosteroids are not the therapy of first choice in AD,

    but they should be used in definite situations when other measures are ineffective.

    The administration of systemic corticosteroids over short periods of time may

    help reduce the severity of the disease and facilitate the institution of less

    aggressive measures.

    Interferon. The altered balance between the Th-1 and Th-2 lymphocyte

    subpopulations, with predominance of the latter, causes the AD patients to

    evidence a deficient -interferon production; it thus appears to be reasonable to

    consider that the systemic administration of this substance may be beneficial in

    this disease. Several studies have demonstrated that therapy with -interferon at adose of 5 g/m2 per day for three months achieves good results with scarce side


    Other therapies

    Hypnosis. Some reports have commented on its usefulness. Logically, there are no

    studies of extensive series in support of its application.


    The variety in the expression, severity and extent of involvement in atopic

    dermatitis has led to the establishment of parameters or criteria for assessing the

    severity of the disease. The currently and universally accepted criterion is the

    Scoring Index of Atopic Dermatitis, or SCORAD67, which considers a number of

    variables: extent of the lesions, objective symptoms and subjective symptoms.

    This scoring index is particularly useful in clinical trials. The evolution of the

    disease is unpredictable, but in most cases it shows a trend towards resolution or

    improvement with the passage of time. There have been a number of attempts to

    establish criteria that may help predict the course of the disease; the first work in

    this context was the one by Vickers68. Based on the follow-up of 2000 atopic

    dermatitis patients, he underscored the following aspects: (1) Adverse factors: late

    onset (after the age of 15 months), inverted pattern, discoid-like eczema and social




    problems and disagreements between the parents; (2) Favourable factors: early

    onset, seborrhoeic pattern, and appropriate use of appropriate medication.

    Rystedt, in 1985, proposed the following signs of adverse prognosis:

    occurrence of severe episodes during childhood, positive family history (the

    natural history of the disease in relatives may be informative regarding the course

    of the disease in the index case), presence of other manifestations of atopy, female

    gender, young age (persistence after the age of 15-20 years is a sign of

    chronicity), persistent dry skin in the adult, the patients own personality traits and

    the psychology of the patients parents.

    We should always bear in mind that all these data are only orientative, and

    that there is no single criterion or set of criteria that may reliably establish the

    future course of the disease in the particular AD patient sitting in front of us.






    Atopic dermatitis (which is synonymous with atopic eczema) is an itchy,

    chronic or chronically relapsing, inflammatory skin condition. The rash is

    characterized by itchy papules (occasionally vesicles in infants), which become

    excoriated and lichenified, and typically have a flexural distribution. The eruption

    is frequently associated with other atopic conditions in the individual or other

    family members.

    There are so many factors that played in AD. It is important not only know

    about the factors but also know how to avoid them. We need patience enough to

    deal with AD, we should care in manage them. Actually there is no definitive

    treatment that can eradicate AD from patient, but since we can control the factors

    AD will be disappear and can not be happen.





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