parachronicler magazine october 2017 issue 1 halloween ... · a hint becomes a full-blown feeling...

ParaChronicler Magazine October 2017 Issue 1 Halloween Special Edition

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Page 1: ParaChronicler Magazine October 2017 Issue 1 Halloween ... · a hint becomes a full-blown feeling as the moon rises overhead – you can almost touch it. Almost. It’s then that

ParaChronicler Magazine

October 2017

Issue 1

Halloween Special Edition

Page 2: ParaChronicler Magazine October 2017 Issue 1 Halloween ... · a hint becomes a full-blown feeling as the moon rises overhead – you can almost touch it. Almost. It’s then that


(Note: I apologize for the quality of this publication. I intend to be able to publish this in different e-reader formats and add a cover maker as soon as I can. I hope you enjoy the information that I have presented to



Welcome to the first issue of ParaChronicler Magazine! Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday! I plan to

have a Bad Ball and enjoy every second of it.

I love the weird, the unexplained, but I especially love the paranormal. I also love the haunted attractions that

emerge this time of year.

I have a Trick or Treat paranormal grab bag set up for you. Reach in if you dare! Unless, of course, you are

likened to Ichabod Crane with knocking knees and such.

First Grab: Real Alien Photo Emerges From Argentina

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Here is the photo with a close up:

This photograph is said to have been taken by a police officer’s smart phone that he used to make a report on

the presence of the strange creature in the city park in Argentina. The teenagers were not the only ones to

make an emergency call to the police. The local radio station LT7 900 AM immediately began reporting on the

strange sightings of a odd man walking through the wooded park. At least 7 others had also summoned the

police, all reporting on a “strange man” wandering around the wooded area of the park except for the teenagers who had a much closer and clearer view of the being. The police approached slowly but as they got

closer to it, it took off in the direction of the river and when it reached the river it dove in and no one has

found it or any sign of it since.

If you have any information on this photo or sighting, please contact me at [email protected] .

Grab # 2 ~ The Vampi… Uh, I mean the Man Without a Reflection in Savannah, Georgia.

Page 4: ParaChronicler Magazine October 2017 Issue 1 Halloween ... · a hint becomes a full-blown feeling as the moon rises overhead – you can almost touch it. Almost. It’s then that

This is sort of like The Interview with the Vampire only in Savannah, Georgia. Well, maybe only a little. I mean

that I didn’t talk to him or anything! Who would want to actually talk to a vampire? I would! Just maybe not standing face to face.

As for this photo, I’ve researched it before years ago and I did find out that it being a fake is possible. It is possible but very hard to do. The process of recreating the mirror with the other people reflected in it and the

one guy not reflected in it is very, very complicated and very hard to pull this off. It would involve full control

of the whole room and most of what is happening outside as well. It can be done, however. I wouldn’t imagine anyone wanting to attempt doing it very often or having that elaborate of a motive to do such more

than once or twice. Still, again, it is possible.

So, that leaves us the question is he a vampire, then?

Grab #3 ~ A trip through the vamperic streets of New Orleans, Louisiana.

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the other side of new orleans


Walking through the sun-lit streets of New Orleans, there’s a feeling in the air that you just can’t put

your finger on. Whether window shopping along Magazine Street, strolling through the Garden

District, carefully making your way along the cobbled streets of the French Quarter, or riding an

historic streetcar from one end of town to the other, the feeling follows you.

As the sun sets over the meandering Mississippi River, that sense becomes stronger. What started as

a hint becomes a full-blown feeling as the moon rises overhead – you can almost touch it. Almost.

It’s then that you start to understand why New Orleans is known as America’s Most Haunted City.

Bourbon Street isn’t the only place where spirits freely flow in New Orleans. Unlike those that are

poured and enjoyed in bars and pubs throughout the city, these spirits move quietly through the

crowded streets, unseen and essentially unknown.

Founded in 1718 and still thriving today, the Crescent City has always had a vivid culture and dark

history – this combination makes New Orleans rich with supernatural activity. According to those in

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the know, ghosts and spirits tend to remain in the buildings that are familiar to them. With nearly

40,000 buildings listed on the registry of historic landmarks, there are plenty of prime places for

spirits to haunt. Besides it being her hometown, it’s no wonder that writer Ann Rice chose New

Orleans as the setting for her famed vampire novels.

“New Orleans is one of the oldest cities in the country,” said Sidney Smith, owner of Haunted History

Tours. “We have a rich history of death – and unnatural death.

“From plagues to murders and suicides, death has been a constant companion of New Orleans.’ Even

our cemeteries are called ‘Cities of the Dead.’ The fascination lives in the fact that everyone loves a

ghost story,” Smith continued.

When my friend Traci and I were planning a trip to New Orleans several years ago, we talked about

all of the things we wanted to do during our stay. Big fans of Anne Rice’s work and the movie

“Interview With the Vampire,” we knew for certain that we had to take a vampire tour.

credit Alex Demyan

On a sweltering Friday night at 8:30 p.m., just as darkness fell, we joined a group of 20 other curious

souls in the shadows of St. Louis Cathedral. It was there that we met our guide dressed in a flowing

black dress with dark, long hair and an air of mystery about her. Kalila welcomed us and started the

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tour dispelling any myths we may have heard concerning vampires. I won’t divulge all of her

knowledge here, but just know that vampires do not turn into bats, and that their victims do not turn

into vampires unless they have been feasted upon at least seven times – and survive.

We spent the next two hours making our way through the dark streets of the French Quarter,

listening to Kalila recount the tales of vampire sightings, activities and mysteries that thrive in the


“To keep vampires and spirits out of their homes, residents would install keyholes upside down,”

Kalila explained as we stood in front of a home with an upside down keyhole in the front gate. “Never

mind the open space above the tops of these iron gates.”

Our group listened to a number of haunting tales, but it was the story of the Carter brothers that

stayed with me. These two brothers began stalking residents of the city in the early 1930s, taking

people hostage in their home and draining the blood from their bodies. In 1936, the brothers were

captured, tried and executed. However, since then, more than 20 sightings of two men who fit the

identical description of the Carter brothers have been reported to local authorities.

Of the Carter brothers’ four survivors, one went on to feast on blood himself. He disappeared from

New Orleans in 1949, but his diary was found in his Bourbon Street home during renovations. The

diary went into intricate detail about his bizarre, blood-soaked dreams. His killing and draining the

blood of 33 victims may have been the root of those dreams.

Another anecdote that Kalila shared with us was very intriguing. When supposed vampires were

executed, the carriages that carried them to the local cemeteries would zigzag their way through the

city, taking a circuitous route. By doing so, it was believed that the vampires would become confused

and wouldn’t be able to find their ways back to their homes. After all, vampires prefer the blood of

their families to that of strangers.

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Toward the end of the tour, our group was standing outside a convent where vampires have been

said to rest. As we listened to Kalila explain the vampire culture that took over New Orleans in the

1980s and 90s, and how it continues today, the sky opened up and rain started to fall – the fitting end

to a hauntingly good vampire tour.

“People are drawn to the mysticism influenced largely by voodoo, which focuses on awareness of the

spirit world,” Kalila replied when asked her why she thinks there is such a large interest in ghost and

vampire tours.

“The hauntings in New Orleans are different from other places in North America, due mostly to that

awareness,” she continued. “The honoring of the spirits and the acknowledgement of their presence

feeds energy into that realm, making it more noticeable than other cities where the spirit world is

either played down or ignored completely.”

credit Yelp

Afterwards, Traci and I got some spirits of our own – namely hurricanes at Pat O’Brien’s – and

walked through the haunted streets. Among the buildings we passed was one we’d passed on the

tour, Lafitte’s Blacksmith Shop. The oldest working bar in the United States and the second oldest

building in New Orleans, there are sure to be spirits – both alcoholic and otherworldly – residing

there. Lafitte’s candlelit tables and dark atmosphere make it an ideal vampire tavern. And its on

Fodor’s 10 Most Haunted Bars in America list.

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New Orleans is certainly a city for everyone. World-class dining, boutique and antique shopping that

rivals any European city, nightly street parties that thrive until dawn, inspiring architecture and

people-watching beyond compare.

But just remember. While you’re enjoying yourself in the Crescent City, perhaps sipping café au lait

and nibbling beignets at Café du Monde, someone may be watching you.

You can just feel it.

Article generously given by Susan B. Barnes

[email protected]

Grab #4 ~ What kind of fangs do you wear?

Okay, so now we know that there is a man in Savannah, Georgia who, for whatever reason, does not have a

reflection in the mirror in the photo farther back in the article about it, and we know not to worry about

traveling in the French Quarter in New Orleans after dark because the only way a vampire bite can turn you

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into one is to be bitten and survive seven times. We also know that it seems that even the State of Louisiana`s

most effective execution method, the electric chair in my opinion, is somehow not relevant and ineffective to some people like the Carter Brothers.

Mark my words, the Carter Brothers were executed by the State of Louisiana. The thing that is most

disturbing is that they were checked out by the State doctor upon execution and declared dead but when the next family member was buried in the above ground family tomb, no trace was found of the brothers` bodies,

no dried fluids, no bones, and their burial coffin liners were still clean with no stains of any kind. Like these

two coffins had not ever touched a dead body! To boot, this wasn’t just one freaky coffin, it was two freaky coffins!

Think about this, there were over 20 police reports from witnesses in and around their former French Quarter home from people who couldn’t have known what the Carter Brothers looked like and by some who

didn’t know that they had ever existed, however, all reports pointed to these same two men. These men were

not apparitions, either! They were flesh and blood solid.

Also, an escape attempt from the police was witnessed and it was one of the brothers jumping down to the

concrete from their 3rd floor apartment balcony. And the clicker of the matter is….. ..there were survivors of

the Carter Brothers` reign of terror. These survivors did not create a support group, but instead one of them ended up a serial killer, taking the lives of more than 32 people. It is reported that he drank the blood of his

victims just like his sire, `eh, I mean his captors and former tormentors.

This is not the only amazing real vampire encounter in the New Orleans French Quarter.

Grab #5 ~ Comet Saint Germain & Son!

Comet Saint Germain, was born in 1691 and died 1784, was said by Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel to have been the best philosopher that ever lived.

St. Germain used a variety of names and titles, an accepted practice amongst royalty and nobility at the time.

These include the Marquis de Montferrat, Comte Bellamarre, Chevalier Schoening, Count Weldon, Comte Soltikoff, Graf Tzarogy and Prinz Ragoczy. In order to deflect inquiries as to his origins, he would invent

fantasies, such as him being 500 years old, leading Voltaire to sarcastically dub him "The Wonderman".

His birth and background are obscure, but towards the end of his life he claimed that he was a son of Prince Francis II Rákóczi of Transylvania. His name has occasionally caused him to be confused with Claude Louis,

Comte de Saint-Germain, a noted French general, and Robert-François Quesnay de Saint Germain, an active


The Count claimed to be a son of Francis II Rákóczi, the Prince of Transylvania, possibly illegitimate. This

would account for his wealth and fine education. The will of Francis II Rákóczi mentions his eldest son,

Leopold George, who was believed to have died at the age of four. The speculation is that his identity was safeguarded as a protective measure from the persecutions against the Habsburg dynasty. At the time of his

arrival in Schleswig in 1779, St. Germain told Prince Charles of Hesse-Kassel that he was 88 years old. This

would place his birth in 1691, when Francis II Rákóczi was 15 years old.

St. Germain was supposedly educated in Italy by the last of Medicis, Gian Gastone, his alleged mother's

brother-in-law. It is believed that he was a student at the University of Siena.

He appears to have begun to be known under the title of the Count of St Germain during the early 1740s.

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According to David Hunter, the Count contributed some of the songs to L'incostanza delusa, an opera

performed at the Haymarket Theatre in London on all but one of the Saturdays from 9 February to 20 April 1745. Later, in a letter of December of that same year, Horace Walpole mentions the Count St. Germain as

being arrested in London on suspicion of espionage (this was during the Jacobite rebellion) but released

without charge.

Grab #6 ~ Real Vampire in North Carolina!

The Vampire of Dillsboro, North Carolina

One of the best documented real vampire encounters happened over a year period between 1788 to 1789 in Dillsboro, North Carolina.

It was Spring 1788 in the small mountain town of Dillsboro, North Carolina and the Alfort family moved in. It

was rumored that the Alfort family were descended from royalty.

Buying land and building a colonial house down by the river, Mr. Alfort opened up a doctor’s office with

pharmacy making the people of the town very happy.

The happiness soon wore off when two men went to the new doctor and were treated for gout. These two unfortunate men, who were pillars of the community, died. The people were pissed. Even so, the doctor was

able to make peace with the people again. This proved to be short lived as well.

That Fall the young daughter of the Minister was found dead in bed with a puncture marks on her throat. The Minister’s wife swore that she had seen a dark figure hovering over her daughter. She screamed too late and

her daughter was dead.

The people were in a panic and began to believe that a vampire or group of vampires were in their midst.

Search parties were organized by the men and went out many nights but were continually unsuccessful. Some

of the men in the search party claimed to have seen a large bat like creature fly over them.

After the strange reports from the men in the search party, a young boy ran down the hill to his grandfather’s house and told his grandfather that something was up the hill attacking his mother and father. The

grandfather summoned other men and they ran up the hill but the man, woman, and two daughters age 3 and

9 were dead with puncture marks on their necks.

Soldiers were sent into the area and they searched it. In February 1789 things had calmed and suddenly

screams were heard again. When men had arrived they saw a black form of a human run from the house and down the hill and into the Alfort house. They found the bodies of a young couple with vicious bite marks on

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their throats. Shortly more men came and they were informed that the murderer had ran down the hill and

into the Alfort house, and when they arrived at the Alfort house Mr. Alfort refused to let them in. Right when the Sheriff arrived at the Alfort house, the men dragged Mr. Alfort out and tied him to a tree!

When they entered the house they found some strange things. The bedrooms upstairs had beds that no one

had slept in. When they got downstairs they found 3 caskets and Mrs. Alfort dressed in black in one of the caskets and very much alive. She hissed and cursed at them for pulling her out. Must not have been a morning


Night fell in Dillsboro and the Sheriff and the village Minister announced to the people outside the Alfort house that Mr. Alfort, Mrs. Alfort, and their son were vampires!

The Alforts were hanged that very night and then their bodies were placed back into the Alfort house and it was set on fire and burned to the ground. The 15 year old son was never found and never seen in the area


After that night, there were no more vampire murders again in the small town of Dillsboro, North Carolina.

Grab #7 ~ Personal Experience With A Vampire Driving From California to Denver, Colorado

My Personal Brushes with the Unexplained

Brent SwancerJune 19, 2017

In my years of writing about all aspects of the world of the weird I have often been asked if I myself have ever

seen something I could not explain or if I have ever had my own strange experiences or encounters. I have

typically always been rather vague and evasive on this point, not really giving a clear answer to this, and certainly not divulging anything of import. Until now that is. You see my answer to the question of whether I

have ever had experiences with the unexplained is, in short, yes. Quite a resounding yes, in fact. I am not sure

why, but I have always kept these strange experiences to myself. I suppose it is the same for many others out there, and I guess everyone has their own reasons for this. Maybe they think that no one will believe them.

Maybe they think that those around them will think them to be crazy or treat them as some sort of pariah if

they were to come forth with their bizarre stories. Maybe they just think these are things best left to the confines of their minds.

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Now, obviously many people out there do indeed come forward with their accounts, but I suspect that there

are even more who have not. I have long been one of these. This may seem strange for you to hear, considering I am a writer on these very mysteries, but I have my reasons. However, I recently had an

exchange with someone on the topic of why people keep their paranormal experiences to themselves and it

was quite profound, to say the least, and it made me think. I did a bit of soul-searching and I decided that I would come out with my own experiences. These are things which I have never told anyone, not even my

closest friends or family. They have remained caged up within me, anomalies that have sat like awkward,

jagged rocks upon the landscape of my mind for far too long. They are deeply personal, and even now it feels odd to let them out and put them out there, like I should hold onto them and keep them hidden. Even now as I

write this I am hesitant to let them go, wary of loosing them into the wilderness of public knowledge, but I

have resolved myself to doing this, for better or worse. It just seems for some reason like it is finally time, and

that this is the right thing to do. I am tired of feeling so alone with it.

I have actually had three separate occasions where I have witnessed, well, something beyond what I can

explain. The first, most dramatic, and perhaps most utterly inexplicable of my experiences is actually a hard one to write about since it was so traumatic for me, still inspires fear in me, and I am still unable to really

wrap my head around it even after all of these years. This happened to me when I had just turned 18 years

old, just before I was to head off to college, and I had decided to take a road trip from my home town in California to Denver, Colorado to visit a friend of mine there. I did not have much money, and my parents

thought it was a bit of a whimsical idea, but they let me go through with it anyway. I thought at the time that I

could handle myself, and at 6’3″ and pretty muscular I suppose I have a somewhat intimidating enough presence, even then, that I foolishly thought I would not run into too many problems along the way, that no

one would mess with me. Anyway, it was just to be a drive out there, after which I would stay two days and

then come back. Simple. There was no real reason to think it was a particularly bad idea at the time.

Along the way, somewhere in the wilds of Nevada, it became obvious that the drive was to be a lot longer than

I had expected, I had left my home too late, and I was getting tired and sleepy. If you have ever taken this drive then you might know that there are vast swaths where there is not a soul in sight for miles around. It

might as well be the surface of the moon. Therewas really not much to see along this route, it was dark and empty, and with the endless, monotonous road ahead and the hypnotizing lane lines flickering by I caught

myself nodding off at the wheel on several occasions. I did not really have the money for a hotel to stay at, I

barely had enough money for food and gas, and so I decided to pull over at a highway rest area off the highway and take a nap in my car. I only planned to sleep for a couple of hours and then head off along that

dark, desolate highway once more. The area was actually rather remote, with nothing around, and at the time

there were no other vehicles there at that rest stop, giving it all a rather bleak and imposing atmosphere that made me wonder if it was a good idea to be there or not, but I ended up parking, putting my chair back, and

falling asleep even as I turned over the idea of just continuing on my way in my head.

I awoke to a tapping on my car window. I jumped awake, and it was light enough that I at first thought it was

early morning. I was somewhat startled to see a young man standing there peering in at me. He was a skinny

young man who looked to be perhaps in his early twenties or late teens, not much older than myself at the time, and he was dressed normally, certainly not a vagrant or appearing particularly threatening in any

noticeable way, although I immediately wondered why he was out there in the middle of nowhere and what

he wanted. He then simply and calmly said “Open the door.” At this I immediately had a distinct sense of palpable menace, some undefinable feeling of threat, and was glad that I had locked the doors of my vehicle. I

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simply said no. He demanded again, “Open the door,” this time in almost a growl, and I soon noticed that there

were two others with him lurking in the background, and that there was also a pick-up truck nearby, which I assumed to be theirs. Upon this truck was mounted a spotlight that was turned on and pointed at the ground,

which was why the whole area seemed to be surprisingly illuminated. In actuality it was still the middle of the


This is where things get bizarre indeed. Thinking that it was just some kids screwing around, I took out a

knife I had brought with me and just held it there where he could see it, which I guess was pretty stupid in retrospect, but remember I was just a dumb teenager and I thought this would maybe scare them away. It in

fact had quite the opposite effect. The young man became absolutely infuriated, and let out what I can only describe as an animalistic howl or wail, quite chillingly inhuman in its intensity, as he violently shoved my car

to send the vehicle quaking, and I actually felt it lift from the ground a bit. It was breathtakingly horrifying,

totally out of nowhere, and was a jarring, frightening display of strength I never would have expected from a person, let alone someone with such a slim frame. It is hard to describe just the amount of alarm I felt at that


This is when I noticed that the two other people with him in the background had something quite off about

them. I could see that their eyes were either glowing or reflecting light like those of a cat, I don’t know which,

which either way you might recognize as something that human eyes do not do. It also seemed that they were, I don’t know how to describe it, blurry? Fuzzy? Do you know how when you are watching a TV program with

bad transmission and the people on the screen look jumpy and distorted? Can you imagine that? It was like

that. They seemed distorted, broken, and vague, as if infused with some sort of static. It was almost as if they were tenuous, having trouble with staying in focus, staying in reality, having difficulty existing, or that they

were quivering or moving to and fro at great speed. It was really very strange and although I suppose I am a

decent writer I find it quite hard to fully describe in words. The next thing I knew, one of them, a girl around the same age as the man, who was now panting and scowling like a rabid dog, his visage twisted and

contorted beyond the thin pane of window separating us, was suddenly just there beside him. One moment

she was standing in the background some distance away, and then she just was right there in the blink of an eye. It was abrupt and disorienting to say the least. Then she also said “Open the door now.”

This is when I snapped out of my shock and started my car. I didn’t honestly didn’t think it would start,

thinking that surely they must have done something to it to cripple it, and that I would be stuck there in its

metal prison until they smashed their way in or someone came along to help, which was a slim possibility considering the sheer emptiness of the road and the fact that the chance that few vehicles passing by in the

night would even know something was wrong was a remote possibility at best. To my genuine surprise the

car did start, and I tore out of there as fast as I could. As I did so, the spotlight on the pick-up truck

immediately sprung to life and swung up to home in on me, blinding in its brightness and following my car

with perfect precision.

I stepped on the gas, and as I did I was shocked to see that one of them, not the original man or woman,

probably the other one or even another hiding in the shadows who I had not seen, was running along side my

car. I think it is important to mention that at this point I was almost to the actual highway and steadily picking up speed, perhaps going 40 miles an hour at that moment, yet there this person was, another young man,

easily pacing me as the spotlight pierced forward to track me. As he ran, barely even looking tired, he reached

out to knock on my window, and it was all so totally strange and frightening that I remember I let out a scream, something that I usually do not do and which I can probably count on one hand how many times I’ve

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done it. As I reached the highway and picked up speed he tried to keep up with me, banging on my window

the whole time with increasing force, and probably made it up to around 50 miles per hour before he finally fell behind and faded into the distance. It was all absolutely mind boggling.

I just drove off as fast as I could, my foot heavy on the pedal, and although that persistent spotlight stayed on me until I was out of sight, the truck oddly did not give chase. I hauled ass until I reached an off-ramp into a

populated place, and I must have sat there at a diner for about 3 hours, shaking and trembling at the whim of

the adrenaline that was coursing through me. I could not keep my hands still, I must have looked a mess, and I remember the waitress asking if I was alright on numerous occasions, but I lied and said that I was just

frightened because I had almost crashed out on the road. I don’t know why I didn’t tell anyone or call the police. It is probably because I didn’t think they would believe me, hell I barely believed it, and also the fact

that I was eager to reach my destination and did not want to deal with the hassle, especially since I was in one

piece despite my rattled state.

I never did tell my friend in Colorado about it, and indeed I have never told anyone at all about it until now. I

was terrified to tell anyone about what really happened. This may all sound very dramatic, but I assure you it did happen, I am not exaggerating, and to this day it is rather traumatic to think about. I truly feel that I was

not meant to make it out of there alive, and that I should have died or even worse at that rest area. My life was

surely in some form of danger. I often find myself wondering how many other travelers along that desolate stretch of highway were confronted by those odd strangers, and what would have happened to me if I had

opened my door as they had demanded. To this day, it gives me duress just to bring up these memories.

Adding to this is that I have never been able to figure out just what exactly happened there on that highway or

just who or what it is that I encountered. It is so bizarre and inexplicable, and doesn’t even clearly fit any

strange phenomena I know of. Who were those people? Were they even people at all? If not, what were they?

Were they wraiths of some sort? Black Eyed Kids? Shadow people? Vampires, for Pete’s sake? What? I mean,

what in the world was going on there? Who were they? I have no answers for it, and the whole incident leaves

me baffled and not a little frightened to this day. Now, I like to think of myself as a reasonably intelligent and rational person, I was not drinking at the time, and I was not doing drugs. I would really like there to be a pat,

mundane explanation for it all, but I can find none. I can’t even really find any known phenomenon out there in Forteana and the world of the weird that really fits in with what I saw. It is all completely and utterly

bizarre and confounding to me.

Now For The Much Awaited Announcement!


and for the most important announcement….. ….



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Are they gone yet?


Are they gone yet?


Are they gone yet?


Are they gone yet?

Welcome all of you paranormal kids to the Paranormal for Kids section of ParaChronicler Magazine!

In this section you will learn how to be a paranormal detective and develop your skills to become a junior paranormal investigator and have some fun doing it.

There are no awards, no titles, and best of all, no money in this.

Knowledge is the only reward worth keeping anyway!

Let’s get going. You never know what you might be able to teach the adults around you if you keep learning.

You will need the following:

Your eyes

Your ears

Your brain

So, lend your whole self to the material and let’s get started!

First here is a list of facts that kids need to know especially on Halloween Night!

The must-have facts!

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1. Gwyneth Paltrow is selling Vampire Repellent. Carry some cash for Gwyneth Paltrow because I don’t

know if this stuff is cheap or expensive. In case your parents don’t believe you and won’t give you any money, you can always retreat to the old standby, iron! (Okay I looked it up and it’s expensive! Forgot

Gwyneth Paltrow!)

2. Don’t lick blood during class! A Vampire Expert and a professor were caught licking blood in class and got caught! They both were thrown out! If this happened to you I’d bet you would catch more

than that from your parents and miss Halloween altogether!

3. If you see any Black Eyed Kids….. Run, run away like the wind! Even parents should be afraid of those BEK`s!

4. If you think that the Vampire Repellent Spray from Gwyneth Paltrow is innovative, there is also a

Vampire Repellent Soap to Keep Blood Suckers At Bay! PoJo`s Pure Vermont sells the soap for $10 a

bar. (We might just forget about PoJo`s too! It seems that only the rich kids can get Vampire

protection products! PoJo isn’t really “Po”, it seems. Only Edgar Allan is. 5. Word on the streets of New Orleans is that you won’t turn into a Vampire when one bites you right

away. You must be bitten 7 nights in a row and survive. Don’t worry about the first one at all. Just

wear running shoes under your costume and run. Same as seeing a BEK.

6. Don’t go to Australia, kangaroos have fangs.

7. Don’t go to Chicago, a huge Man-Bat creature is flying around up there and it ain’t Batman!

8. Don’t stand in a dark bathroom with a lit candle in front of the mirror and say, “Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary!”. She will appear in the mirror and do bad, scary things! And if you repeat her

words to your parents you will be grounded or worse!

9. Girls, don’t get a candle, light it, and get a hand mirror and walk backwards up stairs because the face

of your future husband will appear, so they say. I only did it once and the face of my present husband

at the time appeared and I can’t repeat his words either!

10. Get a Jack-O-Lantern! All Jack-O-Lanterns, from scary to weird to cute, protect you, your home, and everyone in your family safe from evil spirits and will never allow them to enter your house.

Is there any connections to nature from the legend of the vampire?

Let’s take a gander, shall we?

Mystery 1 ~ The Venus Flytrap and Other Strange Vegetation

Photo courtesy of Wiki Commons

Page 18: ParaChronicler Magazine October 2017 Issue 1 Halloween ... · a hint becomes a full-blown feeling as the moon rises overhead – you can almost touch it. Almost. It’s then that

I would love to own a Venus Flytrap! It eats the things that I hate, therefore it screams that it would be

considered a guardian of my sleep since I practically live in the woods. It also screams Mortica Addams but, um, yeah.

This leads me to an important issue with these Vampire-like plants and it is a very serious one that we all

need to remember:

Venus Flytraps are an endangered species of plant.

Family: Droseraceae

Species: D. muscipula

Vampires and Plants that Bite: A Strange, Carnivorous Symbiosis

Micah HanksJanuary 31, 2011

The definition of symbiosis, according to Wikipedia, “is in flux,” with the word having been used to describe a broad range of unique interactions between species (famously and most often depicted between sea

anemones and clownfish). While some species benefit mutually between such interactions, occasionally

symbiosis can entail relationships between living things that are parasitic, as well.

When it comes to the study of myth and folklore, one of the gravest and most terrifying parasitic mainstays

from various cultures is that of the vampire. Something about monstrous (and yet manlike) beings that suck the essence of life right out of us has always both intrigued and terrified humankind, as evidenced by ancient

interpretations of vampiric beings dating back to ancient Sumerian folklore (and perhaps earlier, though any

record of such would be hard to come by).

Vampires are also associated with a number of animals, though none so much as the bat. Hence, it is quite

unique that a new discovery has linked the behavior of one species, Hardwicke’s woolly bat, to a strange new kind of symbiosis with a carnivorous plant; only the second pairing between carnivorous plants and

mammals known to exist.

“The bat roosts and relieves itself in the plant’s prey-trapping pitchers, feeding the plant,” Discovery News

recently reported. The bats do not, however, do so with hope of consuming the insects that gather below in

the pitcher fluid. According to Ulmar Grafe, lead author of a study on the creatures in the Royal Society

Biology Letters, told Discovery News that “the pitcher tapers too much to allow the bat access,” causing the bats to get stuck if they attempt to reach the putrefying insects the plant consumes.

The fascinating part, however, deals with the interrelationship between the two species, and the

accommodating nature of the plants themselves. While the plants draw more than 30% of their nutrient from

the waste of the bats, they expend little energy producing digestive fluids and attractants intended to bring

bugs close by for consumption. Instead, they seem to “focus” on growing leaves and pitchers that provide

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shelter better suited for the bats, which can fit down into the pitchers, without being able to actually reach the

insects below where the pitcher narrows.

Though neither of these creatures is actually a “vampire,” we do know that varieties of bats exist that live by

leeching blood from their victims. Strange though it may sound, certain species of rare, albino redwood trees are able to live off their “hosts” in the absence of chlorophyll. Discover Magazine’s blog featured a piece about

the strange, “creepy” plants, describing how they leech energy off of nearby redwoods, since their roots

remain attached by virtue of the asexual reproduction this species is capable of. In this way, the albino instances of the plant are able to survive for up to a century, in the absence of chemicals within necessary for


From the strangely symbiotic, to the verily vampiric, nature never ceases to amaze with it’s many wonders.


So, in conclusion of that, maybe if your adults think that they have seen a vampire you can use your new

knowledge and say, “Maybe it wasn’t a vampire, maybe it was vegetation!”

Mytery #2 & 3 ~ Have the aliens landed?

Well, we all know that they have landed and are real but we still have to play to those pesky disbelieving parents and other adults. They don’t believe, you know?

So, we might as well show them some proof that they have indeed landed, or have they?

Source: Wiki-Commons

Oh, wow! Look! I knew that Sci-fi stuff could be real! There’s aliens living in this cave!

Oh, oh no. It says Wiki-Commons. You mean that this is natural? Oh, my. I’m afraid so.

This is a cave full of Glowworms or Glow Worms.

It’s formal name is Arachnocampa flava.

They glow through something that’s called “bioluminescence.” They are not aliens at all. They are almost as

known as the glo sticks that you need to carry Halloween night for safety.

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Ahhhhh! Save me from the alien shark!!!!!

Well, it’s not alien. It is also lit up with bioluminescence!

Hey, I’ve had a great time with you guys and I hope that you have too! Looking forward to the next issue.

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***All ownership of the work presented remains that of the respective owners. If not credited, the ownership rights belong to me, Angelia W. Brown.

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