paramore website research


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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Page 1: Paramore website research


Page 2: Paramore website research

On Paramore’s website there are links to different pages which show videos of their live performances, music videos, merchandise, tour and show dates, photos and links to blogs. Also there is an Instagram link which takes you to the bands Instagram page and further down the page there are links to the bands pages on You Tube, Facebook and Twitter. This means that their fans can connect to them through the internet and social media.

The black and white gives Paramore a classic representation. However, Paramore have shown there alternative side through funky fonts and borders.


Page 3: Paramore website research

BlogOn this page updates are posted daily about new about the band and what they have been up to. This keeps their fans up-to-date with their activities. Also, there are posts promoting their work and merchandise such as their back to school sale on their merchandise. This page is set out in a list format conforming with the classic blog look, rather than the modern day style of a grid look blog. This portrays the bands classic style.

Page 4: Paramore website research

VideosOn this page Paramore posts videos of all of their music videos, live performances and announcements. They also use this page as a Vlog page by uploading Vlog’s that they have filmed, which inform their fan about competitions, awards that the band have won or are nominated for and announcements about their releases. This allows their fans to feel connected to them.

Page 5: Paramore website research

PhotosThe layout of this page is in a modern day grid blog style. Every square shows pictures of Paramore’s promotions for their merchandise and their release and pictures that the band members have taken the selves showing events that have happened in their lives. This give their fans an insight into their lives. This age contrast against the classic look because of the layout of the gallery. However, the black and white colour scheme balances the two themes. Which suggests that even though Paramore are a classic band, they are not and oldies band and act like they were born in the present day.

Page 6: Paramore website research

Music and LiveOn Paramore’s music page there is a list of all of Paramore songs and albums. The page allows their fans to listen to their songs online for free, view the lyrics to each song and view the music videos for the songs that have one. The page also allows their fans to download their songs On the websites show page there is a list of the bands upcoming shows informing their fans of where and when they are performing, advertising their concerts. It also allows their fans to purchase tickets on their website for their concerts.

Page 7: Paramore website research

StoreOn Paramore’s website fans are able to purchase their music by either buying their albums on CD’s, on vinyl or buying digital albums. Their store also sells clothing, which includes hoodies, t-shirts and bottoms. Their clothing merchandise either has the bands name on, pictures of the band, song/album names on, their logo or their graffiti art. These things make an obvious link between the band and their merchandise. The store also sells accessories such as books, blankets, posters, bracelets, necklaces, phone cases and bags. As Paramore has a wide product portfolio their merchandise is targeted at all the possible types of people that are in their target audience.

Page 8: Paramore website research

AboutOn this page Paramore have introduced themselves to their website viewers by showing them who they are, telling them the story of how they became a band and how they came to fame. At the right hand side of all the pages apart from the store page there are links to the bands store, links to their Facebook and Twitter page and a section where their fans can sign up for their newsletter. Even though these things have their own pages this bar makes them more accessible to the viewr.

Page 9: Paramore website research

CommunityThis page is all about the Paramore fan community. This page has all the links to Paramore’s social pages allowing their fans to follow them easily. The page also has a section about the bands newsletter and allows their fans to subscribe to be emailed their newsletter. The page also informs the viewers about the Paramore community and how you can become a member of the community.

Throughout the whole website the same colour scheme and font has been used showing the bands style continuously throughout the website.

Page 10: Paramore website research

Digi Pak

Paramore’s album follows the characteristics of a album. This is because it has a image of the band on the front, has the band name is big writing, which is in a style that is unique to them, has a track list on the back of the album and has production and copyright details on the back. The black portrays Paramore as a rock group but the bright colours represent them as a loud, alternative rock band.