parasomnia enuresis

Parasomnia Enuresis Sleep Disorders of Pediatrics and Special Populations Professor: John Murray Student: Felix Alonzo School: Northern Essex Community College

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Sleep Disorder (enuresis. Pictures and information taken from the internet


Page 1: Parasomnia Enuresis

ParasomniaEnuresisSleep Disorders of Pediatrics and Special Populations

Professor: John Murray

Student: Felix Alonzo

School: Northern Essex Community College

Page 2: Parasomnia Enuresis

Table of Content

• Definition

• Etiology, Causes

• Evaluation

• Treatment

• Age related treatment

Page 3: Parasomnia Enuresis

Table of Content (continue(


•Age Stats Graph

•Gender Stats Graph



Page 4: Parasomnia Enuresis


•Enuresis: The involuntary release of urine from

the bladder. Nocturnal enuresis refers to wetting

the bed during sleep. This usually occurs during

stage N3 in the first third of the night.

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Etiology, Causes

•Anatomic problems

•Diabetes insipidus

•Diabetes mellitus

•Endocrine dysfunction

•Child abuse

•Drinking habits

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Etiology, Causes (continue(

•Urinary tract infection

•Spinal cord abnormalities with associated neurogenic


•Ectopic ureter in females

•Posterior urethral valves in males

•Psychiatric symptoms

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• History: check family history of enuresis, check patient

sleeping patterns, check patterns of when the patient wets

the bed, patient medical condition, does the patient

urinate during the day, how often the patient uses the

bathroom during the day.

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Evaluation (continue(

• Physical Examination: Perform a complete

examination, focus on the urogenital, neurologic and

gastrointestinal system. Palpate bladder, look for signs

of sexual abuse, look for signs of mouth breathing

because it might indicate sleep apnea, it might indicate


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Evaluation (continue(

•Laboratory/Imaging Studies: Have urinalysis of a clean

catch midstream urine specimen done on the patient, to

rule out diabetes or diabetes mellitus. Urine culture to

see if there is a urinary tract infection.

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• Patient needs to be willing to get treatment or be

motivated, and acceptance.

• Support from family is important.

• Generate a treatment plan that fits the patient age group.

• Building the patient self-esteem.

• Develop a copying mechanism.

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Treatment (continue(

•Pharmacotherapy: Drugs used to treat enuresis, for

example, Imipramine, Desmopressin (DDAVP), and


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Treatment (continue(

•Imipramine: Tricyclic antidepressant that’s used for

treatment of enuresis.

•DDAVP: Synthetic analog of arginine vasopressin, it

increases water reabsorption.

•Oxybutynin: Anticholinergic and antispasmodic drug

that has a role in reducing uninhibited bladder


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Treatment (continue(

• Behavioral Therapy: The use of an alarm system to

wake the patient up at a specific time. Hypnotherapy

maybe implemented, teaching patient and family.

• Motivational Therapy: Educating family about enuresis,

giving printed handouts with instructions on how to

manage the condition. Positive reinforcement, rewards.

Page 14: Parasomnia Enuresis

Age related treatments

•Younger than age 8: Two important things with this age

group are, reassurance and education.

•Ages 8 through 11: Using the alarm system would work

best for this age group, and also medication.

•Ages 12 and older: Aggressive intervention is necessary,

the alarm system and or medication.

Page 15: Parasomnia Enuresis


•15% of children still wet the bed at age 5

•7 to 10% of children still wet the bed at age 7

•3% of boys and 2% of girls still wet the bed at age 10

•1% of boys and very few girls still wet the bed at age 18

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Age Stats Graph

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Gender Stats Graph

Page 18: Parasomnia Enuresis


Enuresis or bedwetting can have a big impact on every

aspect of that person life. One must learn to identify the

problem and treat it appropriately according to the age

group. The most effective way to treat enuresis is probably

the alarm system and with medication.

Page 19: Parasomnia Enuresis


Works Cited

Michael R. Lawless, M. a. (2001). Nocturnal Enuresis: Current

Concepts. Article Urology , 22 (12), 399-406.

Pack, M. a. (2007). Pediatric Parasomnias. Sleep , 30 (2), 147-148.

Vicent Iannelli, M. (2008, 11 24). Bedwetting-Bedwetting Statistics.

Retrieved 2 13, 2014, from Pediatrics: