parents’ opinions about the importance of english


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Presented to

Kanjuruhan University of Malang

In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to Completing

The Sarjana Program in the Department of English Education



















This is to certify that thesis by Diah Fitrianah has been approved by the thesis

advisor for further approval by the examining committee as a requirement for the

sarjana degree in the teaching of English as a foreign language.

Malang, 10 February 2007

Advisor I

Mujiono, M.Pd

Advisor II

Agus Sholeh, S.Pd

This is to certify that the thesis of Diah Fitrianah has been approved by the Board

of Examiners on Friday, March 2nd, 2007

Malang, March 2nd, 2007


(Rohmatin Mahila, S.Pd)


(Mujiono, M.Pd)


(Agus Sholeh, S.Pd)

Acknowledged by

Faculty of Teacher Training and


Kanjuruhan University of Malang


Drs. Slamet Riyanto, M.Pd


First of all, I deeply express my gratitude to God, the almightily Allah

SWT for blessing me in a accomplishing the writing process of the thesis. My

prophet Muhammad SAW, you always become the guide of my life and I can not

say anything to assert thanks to you.

Having succeeded in finishing this thesis, it has been of many people. I

would like to extend my sincere graduate to those who have patiently assisted in

completing of writing the thesis and my study in Kanjuruhan University of


1. Mr. Mujiono, M.Pd and Mr. Agus Sholeh, S.Pd as the first and second advisor

whom have me suggestions, motivation, critic and help me in finishing this


2. To Mr. Bekti Sawidji as a chief of SBI-EKA (Sekolah Bahasa Inggris-English

Knowledge Achievement) at Pasirian-Lumajang.

3. My beloved Mother, Father, and Brother who give the support for me.

4. To all my friends in 2003 in take whom always give motivation, suggestion

and help me in finishing this thesis

I realize that this thesis is far from perfect, but I expect it could be used

either for the writer or the readers. For that reason is open for the constructive

criticism well advise to get that thesis better improved.

The writer


Fitrianah, Diah. 2007. Parents’ Opinion about the Importance of English Private

Course for Their Children in Learning English at SBI-EKA English

Private Course of Pasirian-Lumajang. Thesis, Department of English

Education. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Kanjuruhan

University of Malang.

Advisor (1) Mujiono, M.Pd, (2) Agus Sholeh, S.Pd.

Key Words: English private course, children, learning English

English as a lingua franca or international language is used for

communication all of people in the world. English plays a very important role in

this era for transferring science and technology especially in globalisation era next

time. It is important for Indonesian students to learn English well. But in the

reality, the implementation of English in many kinds of formal education are less.

Automatically, the students’ ability in English also less. So, after seeing this case,

raise the researcher’s inspiration to know the parents’ alternative way to increase

their children ability in learning English.

The propose of the study is to finish the researcher last assignment at

Kanjuruhan University of Malang especially in English department. The problem

statement is to know about the parents’ opinion about the important of English

private course which consist of three specific problems. There are parents’

opinion about the material used at SBI-EKA English Private Course, the quality

of the teachers who teach there and the result of their children’s ability after

following the English private course at SBI-EKA English Private Course of


The research of this study is a qualitative research, it is intended to

describe the importance of English private course for the children according the

parents. The population there are 150 student’s parents but the researcher just

takes 45 parents as the samples. The samples consist of 15 parents from English

for young learners class (EYL), 15 parents from English for junior students (EJS)

and 15 parents form English for senior students class (ESS). The instruments used

to collect the data are questionnaire, interview, documentation, and observation.

The purpose of the study are to find out the answers of parents’ opinion about the

material, the quality of the teacher and also the result of the student’s ability after

following the English private course.

The result of the study is gotten from analysis the data collection. The

parents’ opinion about the English private course are very good and very

important for the children in learning English. The material and the quality of the

teacher at SBI-EKA English Private Course are very good because most of

respondents there answered or choose very good item as their answers. And then,

the student who follow the English private course also have good improvement in

English skills than before. Finally the parents also have opinion that English

private course is one alternative way to solve their children’s problem in learning



DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP ...................................................... i

APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................ ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ iii

ABSTRACT .............................................................................................. iv

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................ v


1.1 Background of the Study ..................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Study ........................................................................ 5

1.3 Objective of the Study ......................................................................... 6

1.4 Significance of the Study .................................................................... 6

1.5 Limitation of the Study ....................................................................... 7

1.6 Definition of the Key Terms ............................................................... 8


2.1 Learning English for Children ........................................................... 9

2.1.1 Learning English by Using Stories ............................................... 9

2.1.2 Learning English by Using Pictures .............................................. 11

2.2 Relationship between Parents and Children ....................................... 12

2.2.1 Parent as a Teacher ........................................................................ 13

2.2.2 Parent as a Friend .......................................................................... 13

2.2.3 Parent as a Problem Solver ........................................................... 15

2.2.4 Parent as a Motivator .................................................................... 16 Type of Parents Motivation ........................................................... 16 Purpose of Parents’ Motivation ..................................................... 17

2.3 English Private Course ....................................................................... 18

2.3.1 Objective of English Course ......................................................... 19

2.3.2 The Material of English Course .................................................... 20

2.3.3 Teaching Learning Activities in Formal and non Formal

Education ........................................................................................ 21


3.1 Research Design ................................................................................. 25

3.2 Population and Sample ....................................................................... 25

3.3 Instrument of Data .............................................................................. 26

3.3.1 Questionnaire ................................................................................ 27

3.3.2 Interview ....................................................................................... 28

3.3.3 Documentations ............................................................................. 28

3.3.4 Observation ................................................................................... 29

3.4 Data Collection ................................................................................... 29

3.5 Data Analysis ..................................................................................... 30

3.5.1 Analysis the Data from Questionnaires ......................................... 30

3.5.2 Analysis the Data from Interview ................................................. 31

3.5.3 Analysis the Data from Documentations ...................................... 31

3.5.4 Analysis the Data from Observations ........................................... 31


4.1 Research Finding ................................................................................ 33

4.1.1 Analysis of the Questionnaires ..................................................... 33

4.1.2 Analysis of the Interview .............................................................. 43

4.1.3 Analysis of the Documentations ................................................... 44

4.1.4 Analysis of the Observation .......................................................... 44

4.2 Discussion .......................................................................................... 45

4.2.1 Parents’ Opinion about the Material used by the Teacher at SBI-

EKA English Private Course ......................................................... 45

4.2.2 Parents’ Opinion about the Quality used by the Teacher at SBI-

EKA English Private Course ......................................................... 48

4.2.3 Parents’ Opinion about the Result of Their Children’s Abilities in

English at SBI-EKA English Private Course ................................ 50


5.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................... 53

5.2 Suggestion .......................................................................................... 54

1. To SBI-EKA English Private Course of Pasirian-Lumajang ......... 55

2. To the Parents ................................................................................. 55



1. Questionnaires

2. Interview

3. Surat Persetujuan Judul

4. Surat Ijin Penelitian

5. Surat Keterangan telah melaksanakan penelitian


• The mighty, Allah SWT and my prophet Muhammad SAW.The mighty, Allah SWT and my prophet Muhammad SAW.The mighty, Allah SWT and my prophet Muhammad SAW.The mighty, Allah SWT and my prophet Muhammad SAW.

• My beloved father: Sutikno, my beloved mother: Poniyah, my brother Ririt My beloved father: Sutikno, my beloved mother: Poniyah, my brother Ririt My beloved father: Sutikno, my beloved mother: Poniyah, my brother Ririt My beloved father: Sutikno, my beloved mother: Poniyah, my brother Ririt

and my grand fathers thanks for your love, support and pray. and my grand fathers thanks for your love, support and pray. and my grand fathers thanks for your love, support and pray. and my grand fathers thanks for your love, support and pray.

• My great friends: Erika, Wati, Wenny, Nyu2n, Nia, Ita’My great friends: Erika, Wati, Wenny, Nyu2n, Nia, Ita’My great friends: Erika, Wati, Wenny, Nyu2n, Nia, Ita’My great friends: Erika, Wati, Wenny, Nyu2n, Nia, Ita’, Sun2, and the last , Sun2, and the last , Sun2, and the last , Sun2, and the last

but not the least, Geovani, Mas Irjii, you are my spirit. Inspiration and my but not the least, Geovani, Mas Irjii, you are my spirit. Inspiration and my but not the least, Geovani, Mas Irjii, you are my spirit. Inspiration and my but not the least, Geovani, Mas Irjii, you are my spirit. Inspiration and my

motivation. I love u all.motivation. I love u all.motivation. I love u all.motivation. I love u all.

• The 2003 intake of English students: Sr. Petronella, mas Hendro, Nurdin, The 2003 intake of English students: Sr. Petronella, mas Hendro, Nurdin, The 2003 intake of English students: Sr. Petronella, mas Hendro, Nurdin, The 2003 intake of English students: Sr. Petronella, mas Hendro, Nurdin,

Zaenal, Isa, Berty, Dwi, Lina, Imov, Yudi, Nurul and who caZaenal, Isa, Berty, Dwi, Lina, Imov, Yudi, Nurul and who caZaenal, Isa, Berty, Dwi, Lina, Imov, Yudi, Nurul and who caZaenal, Isa, Berty, Dwi, Lina, Imov, Yudi, Nurul and who can’t mentioned n’t mentioned n’t mentioned n’t mentioned

one by by by by one.

• My friends in las ketcup bording house: Omen manis, Citro imut, Vita My friends in las ketcup bording house: Omen manis, Citro imut, Vita My friends in las ketcup bording house: Omen manis, Citro imut, Vita My friends in las ketcup bording house: Omen manis, Citro imut, Vita

Charm, Rahma, Kecheng, Lia, Sri, Wati, Vi2, Nopek, Yi2k, Weni, Yunce, Charm, Rahma, Kecheng, Lia, Sri, Wati, Vi2, Nopek, Yi2k, Weni, Yunce, Charm, Rahma, Kecheng, Lia, Sri, Wati, Vi2, Nopek, Yi2k, Weni, Yunce, Charm, Rahma, Kecheng, Lia, Sri, Wati, Vi2, Nopek, Yi2k, Weni, Yunce,

and who can’t mentioned one by one. I love u so much.and who can’t mentioned one by one. I love u so much.and who can’t mentioned one by one. I love u so much.and who can’t mentioned one by one. I love u so much.

• My …………. Thanks for your love and youMy …………. Thanks for your love and youMy …………. Thanks for your love and youMy …………. Thanks for your love and you pray. pray. pray. pray.

• Thanks for Afans Computer (Alfiyan, Andik, Suryo), thanks lot …. For Thanks for Afans Computer (Alfiyan, Andik, Suryo), thanks lot …. For Thanks for Afans Computer (Alfiyan, Andik, Suryo), thanks lot …. For Thanks for Afans Computer (Alfiyan, Andik, Suryo), thanks lot …. For

your participation in my thesis.your participation in my thesis.your participation in my thesis.your participation in my thesis.

• And I would like to say thanks for the people who are not mentioned here, And I would like to say thanks for the people who are not mentioned here, And I would like to say thanks for the people who are not mentioned here, And I would like to say thanks for the people who are not mentioned here,

but have contributed either directly or indirectly for the contribution obut have contributed either directly or indirectly for the contribution obut have contributed either directly or indirectly for the contribution obut have contributed either directly or indirectly for the contribution of f f f

this thesis.this thesis.this thesis.this thesis.




1.1 Background of the Study

English is international language because English is one language which

is used by people in the world as communication. As an international language,

an English play is very important role in this era for transferring science and

technology especially in globalisation era next time. Most of technology

implementation in the world is using English such as in internet, television also

use English language. Only by mastering English skills, we will be able to

absorb western science and technology completely with its progress, which is

useful for the improvement of human life. English is also very important for

children. Children are young generation and our country future depends on our

young generation now. By learning English, children can absorb the new

information and new experiences which will implemented in our country.

Teaching English for young children is very effective way because children

have a fresh brain to absorb many kinds of information and always limited by

their activities Teflin (2002:14).

Many people assume that having English competence is considered

essential to get the better job, but other people also assume that learning

English is very difficult because first, English is not our own language or

mother tongue. Second, students are afraid because many kinds of roles in

learning English for example tenses. Third, they are afraid if they learn

English, the bad cultures from the west will influence our behaviour as east

people. And the last, the students’ result of study English in their school are not

maximal because the position of English subject in elementary school is still as

local content. So many ways which is done by some people to get easier in

understanding English especially the ways which is done by parents to make

their children get easier in learning English. Parents roles are very important to

support their children in learning something for example in learning English.

Dealing with cognitive development of the children, parents plays an important

role of their support. Livine (1992:112) concluding in the following statements:

Greater parental support is associated with eager cognitive

development of children greater parental coercion associated with

lower cognitive development. Greater parental support associated

with higher social competence of children, lower coercion is

association with lower social competence.

Relating to the guidance of parents to their children of their language

environment, Smith (1975:21) claims in following:

Parents who have had an unfavourable experience with foreign

language study are not likely to recommend it highly to his

children. On the other hand, the parents who has very successful

experience or is bilingual may be so over zealous about foreign

language study for his child that the drives him away from it.

After we look two statements above. We can get the point that parents

play are very important into children’s growth in learning something. Parents

also should do the best way to make their children get easier to understanding

something especially in learning English. After some parents understand and

know about the importance of English, that their children get in their school or

formal education is very less, because there are many schools that still use

English subject as local content. Some parents choose some informal

educations as alternative to increase their children ability in English. The

parents have to support their children at home. Not all of the parents is success

in educating them in accordance with their desire. In Rasuli’s thesis (2005:3)

says that, “Giving motivation to the students to study hard and do a lot of

practice is necessary for the parents because the position of motivation is

significant to the students”.

According to researcher taking English private course is very important

for the children or the students to improve their ability in English beside they

get it from their school or formal education. Something that special and

excellent from English private course are the students can get something new

which they did not get from their school, the teachers’ technique and method

more complete than formal education and the material learned more detail


According to Petunjuk Teknis Pendidikan (Kurikulum) English course

(1989:2) it is stated:

The general objective of English course is the learner has

knowledge, skill and positive attitude about English, so we can

communicate with spoken or written English.

From the explanation above, it is clear that the aim of English course is

to help students in the teaching learning process of English to get better

achievement. As we know in the society that many students of Junior and

Senior high school, who are taking formal education still need and join extra

education such as English course to increase their English achievement.

Before the 1994 curriculum was introduced, the teaching of English to

children. Before Junior High School, but only in non-formal private courses

and individual tutoring and not just in Jakarta alone. Since 1993, before the

1994 curriculum was put into place, some formal English private courses,

anticipating the teaching English to the young in formal education with the new

curriculum began to offer classes for children. At the point, department of

education also gave tacit permission for the opening of formal schools that

were, to some extent, bilingual. These schools were labelled as “curriculum

plus school” and allowed the use of English for certain subjects, in particular,

science, mathematics an especially for English. The implementation of the

1994 curriculum, the teaching of English began only with Junior High School

and continued through senior High School.

After we know about the parents roles and the position of parents in their

children education. Also after we know about the importance and the position

of English private course in learning English. The parents choose SBI-EKA

English private course as the place to improve their children’s ability in

English because they have many reasons, they are: first, SBI-EKA is the only

English private course that have professional methods in learning English at

Pasirian-Lumajang. The second SBI-EKA English private course is a famous

English private in Pasirian-Lumajang. And the last, SBI-EKA has produced

professional alumnus than others English private course. So, the researcher

takes parent’s opinion about the importance of English private course for their

children in learning English as the title of the research and take SBI-EKA

English Private Course as the place of observation in this research.

1.2 Problem of Study

Based on the background above. The researcher wants to know:

What are the parents’ opinions about the importance of learning English at

SBI EKA English private course of Pasirian Lumajang for their children?

Related to general problem of study above, the researcher will explain

more specific problem of study:

a. What are the parent’s opinions about the material used in SBI-EKA

English Private Course of Pasirian-Lumajang?

b. What are the parent’s opinions about the quality of teacher at SBI-EKA

English Private Course of Pasirian-Lumajang?

c. What are the parent’s opinions about the result of their children’s abilities

in English at SBI-EKA English Private Course of Pasirian-Lumajang?

1.3 The Objective of the Study

By conducting this research, the researcher wants:

To describe the parent’s opinion about the importance of learning

English at SBI-EKA English private course of Pasirian-Lumajang for their


a. To describe the parents’ opinion about the material used in SBI-EKA

English Private Course of Pasirian-Lumajang.

b. To describe the parents’ opinion about the quality of teachers at SBI-EKA

English private course of Pasirian-Lumajang.

c. To describe the parents’ opinion about the result of their children’s

abilities in English at SBI-EKA English private course of Pasirian-


1.4 Significance of the Study

Significance of the study on this research is divided into two. They are

theoretically and practically.

Theoretically, the significance of this study is to know about the parents’

opinion about the importance of English private course. And also to know the

English private position in our country now. So, many parents who send their

children in some English private course can understand it clearly. After

knowing about the parents’ opinion, as institution of informal education SBI-

EKA English private course should improve their teaching technique become

better than before.

Practically, the researcher hopes that the findings or the result of this

study will be useful for:

1. Writer

a. The result of this study is to finish the last assignment or thesis in

Kanjuruhan University of Malang especially in English Department.

b. The result of this study is to know the parents’ opinion about the

importance of English.

2. SBI-EKA English private courses

The result of this study can be used for the preparation and improvement

of teaching method in SBI-EKA English Private Course to get better.

1.5 Limitation of the Study

The researcher takes the parents of SBI-EKA English Private Course of

Pasirian-Lumajang students as the subject or the population of the research.

The numbers of the students there are 150 students, it is divided by there

classes they are English for young learner class consist of 50 students junior

student class consist 50 students English for senior student class also consist

of 50 students.

The researcher takes 15 parents of English for young learner students,

15 parents of English for junior students and also 15 parents of English for

senior students as the sample or object of the research. So, from the sample of

the research, the numbers of all respondents are 45 peoples or parents from the


1.6 Definition of the Key Terms

It is important to define the key term to avoid misinterpretation of

reader. The certain term used in this research:

1. Parents’ opinion is opinion or idea that suggest by parents to give some

judgment or comment about something.

2. English private course: Is an institution for learning English.

3. Children : Young human that have childish behaviour and still need

science and advice from their parents.

4. Learning is retention of information or skill. Skill there are included by

speaking, listening, reading and writing.

5. Learning English is identified with the change of all aspect, such as:

knowledge, habit, skill and emotion (Effendi, 1984:104).

6. SBI-EKA English Private Course is one of English private course that is

located at Pasirian street No. 50 Pasirian-Lumajang.


This chapter discusses some theories related to the topics relevant to this

study, it is divided by. Firstly the relationship between parent and children.

Secondly the describing of English course or English private course.

2.1 Learning English for Children

Learning English for children is very important because English is

international language so we should prepare the children in learning English

begin young. Teacher also need preparation to teach the children for early

language programs. Preparation of teachers for early language classrooms

must address three basic areas, they are:

1. Language skills and understanding of the culture, especially children’s

culture, within which the language is used.

2. Methodology for and experiences with teaching languages to children.

3. Background in the curriculum and philosophy of the school.

2.1.1 Strategy and Method in Learning English for the Children Learning English by using Stories

1. What is a story?

Story is a form of literature which is well known and loved by

most of children (Murdibjono, 1997:179). Story always interesting,

because when people got a story he/she will ask, “What will be

happen next?” The art of story telling is as old as dancing and

singing. As soon as man began to travel, he carried with him the

songs, and the tales he knew.

2. Which story to use?

Not all stories can be used for teaching a foreign language.

There was a wide range of vocabulary involved. More over there was

nothing else for the children to do besides listening while the story

was being told. To choose an appropriate story for foreign language

teaching, the teacher is expected to consider the following criteria

Rixon (1991:56):

a. The story is interesting to the student as well as to the teacher.

b. The story is understandable; meaning it should match the learners’

age and language level.

c. The story could lead to a variety of useful activities, such as games,

drama, letter writing, etc.

d. The story has the right length. A very short story can still be all

right; on the other hand, a long one may cause problems because

young children have very short attention span.

e. The story is culturally appropriate. Teacher can make some

adaptation if they feel that some parts of the stories are difficult to

understand because of some cultural differences between the

learner and the people who speak the target language.

f. The story should have a clear and interesting story line.

g. The story has natural repetition to encourage students’

participation. It’s important to remember that for most of children

once something has been said, it just disappears.

Alexander (1988:287) suggest that in the activity is to be

effective, the teacher should keep the following points:

1. The story selected should be one that the teacher likes.

2. The teacher should know the story well so that he can read and tell

it fluently and with appropriate intonation patterns.

3. The story should be of interest to student.

4. In longer story, it is often desirable only the interesting parts.

5. At times, it is appropriate to read and interesting episode to student

to what their appetites for more reading. Learning English by Using Pictures

Picture is photographic representation of people, places, and things.

Pictures can translate abstract concepts into a more realistic or concrete

items. Teachers can get various colorful pictures from used magazines,

posters, brochures, or from newspaper and calendars. The advantage of

using pictures is they are easy to use because they do not require any

equipment and preparation. Besides that, they can use in many ways at all

levels in the elementary schools.

Realia are the visual instructional aids most closely associated with a

direct purposeful learning experience (Heinich, 1981:94). Nowadays

models of various items which are made of plastic are available. Realia are

brought into the EFL classroom to stimulate leaning young children who

like to see, to touch and to hold things. A realia box contains toy cars,

dolls, plastic fruit and kitchen utensils, will be very useful in English class

especially elementary school. Plastic fruit can be used to teach vocabulary

and colours, while toy cars for following directions on a large card with a

small magnet at the back can be stuck on a magnetig board. To make a

magnetig board takes time and money. The initial cost is greater but it can

be used for several years.

Folders containing pictures can be demonstrated to and followed by

young children. This activity can be done for groupwork and classwork as

well, e.g.: Contrasting ‘a few’ and ‘a lot of’. The teacher shows the flap

closed. The students see ‘a few pineapples’. Then the teacher opens the

flap and the students see ‘a lot of pineapples’.

2.2 Relationship between Parents and Children

Parent and children are can not be separated each other because they

have strong relationship in every aspect of life. It means that the parents have

important roles in the education and psychology of their children. A parent

may do many things to support children who have special abilities. Naturally,

there will be many specific influences related to the individual children and

the home setting (Dalton, 1992:102). In the relationship between parents and

children, we can get the function of parents for the children. They are:

2.2.1 Parent as a Teacher

In the out side of school, the position of parents is changed with the

teacher as the person who should teach them. Recognize something

surround them and developing their behavior the most important

contribution a parent can make is to recognize the child as a person. To

accept the children from any member of a family, and share with

understanding the success and disappointments that may be experienced.

Help the children to limit his or her involvement to arrange of

activities that can be reasonably managed. It is may not be possible to

produce a complete plan to care for the elderly in the district, write five

books, be involved in several clubs, follow interest and complete set

school activities. (Dalton, 1992:102) also conclude in the following


Therefore discuss options and management of time and review

priorities. Perhaps the parents or someone else may provide a

model as to the management of a range of interest. The key is to

help the children see the issues rather than be told what can or

cannot be managed.

2.2.2 Parent as a Friend

The parent plays in the children life is also as a friend. It means

that parents should have the characteristics of their friend such as hearing

their story about something. Share together and also give them some

suggestions and support. The position of friend in her/his mind is getting

high position, because a friend is very familiar with their activities

everyday. As a friend, the parents also can understand the children’s like

and dislike or agree and disagree about something. By do that, the children

will feel that anybody care them.

Concomitant with feelings of difference can be confusion in

identifying with a peer group. Being with older children may meet the

child’s needs intellectually, but the child may not fit in socially,

emotionally or physically. The child, because of advanced abilities and

interest, may have difficulty fitting in with his or her own age group.

Problems of isolation and loneliness may be experienced because of

feelings of not belonging to any group. In this kind of situation the child

need strong emotional support and to be led towards self-understanding.

By using dross age grouping it may be possible to meet needs in all areas

of development (Smith: 16).

The position of parents as a friend is not simple problem because

they should make the children feel enjoy. Talking about someone it easy

but making our friends happy when we are talking with them is very

difficult. Talking with someone new or a new friend is also difficult. Here

some tips from (Hello Magazine: May 2002) to solve that problem firstly

show interest in the person you are talking to secondly be a good listener

and ask open. Ended questions, thirdly keep the conversation going and

talk about their favorite subject. And the last keep them chatting and make

your self approachable.

After the parents play as a friend, we hope that it can be a way to

increase their motivation in learning something especially in learning

English. A friend is some one who familiar in their mind beside of their

parents, teacher and also brother or sister. Smith (1992:17) concludes in

the following statements:

Children with special abilities are usually very sensitive to

teacher and peer group attitudes. Since a feeling of belonging

and being accepted is a basic need. Some children may

conform to group expectations so that they do not appear

different. They may with draw or simply try to become one of

the crowd.

From the statements above we can conclude that there are any

reason why special abilities of children can be hard to detect.

2.2.3 Parents as Problem Solver

In the developing of children the position of parents also as a

solver problem. Children have many problems in their life side, sometime

a simple problem for us as a parents can be a serious problem for them. So

our duties here as parent are become a solver problem to help them in

solve their problem. As a solver problem, we do not finish all of the

children’s problem but we just help them to finish their problem by them

selves. The children who try to finish their problem by them selves will be

a person who has responsible in their life.

The children are very sensitive with the problem that they faced,

and it will influence for their motivation in study. Parent as a solver

problem here should find and try help the problem that they get to keep

their temperature of motivation in their mind. Do not make the children be

afraid to their problem or try to intimidate them because it can make they

afraid to face something that should they do, and they will run away from

the problem which should they solve by selves. We also should make them

have creative abilities in thinking to make they are more dependent to

solve their problem by them selves. To support this sentence, (Dalton,

1992:49) also says that:

Creative abilities can be developed in a number of different

ways by developing creative thinking skills, by using specific

creatively and divergent questioning techniques, and by

helping children learn to use creative problem solving


From the statement above, we can conclude that developing

creative thinking for children is very important to help them in solve their


2.2.4 Parent as a Motivator

Motivation is something that makes the children has a spirit in do

something. Motivation usually is given by the parents to their children

because it is very important in their children’s development of skill,

attitude or thinking. Type of Parent Motivation

There two type of parent motivation; those are intrinsic motivation and

extrinsic motivation.

1. Intrinsic motivation

Lerner (1983:35) defines intrinsic motivation is the motive being part

of the nature of character of someone. All form of study might be

regarded as intrinsically motivated although students’ learning is also

affected by extrinsic motivation.

We realize that society places important so much on what an

individual can do, but how well he does it relative to other person. The

essential is to growth and development of students’ knowledge.

2. Extrinsic motivation

Extrinsic motivation is a motive of value or quality not forming a part

of or not really belonging to any ones’ personality, but it is connected

with others. Extrinsic motivation rewards have become more important

than others.

The interaction of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards is not simple one.

They do not just add together in producing motivation. The

introduction of external motivation appears undermine intrinsic

motivation. Suppose a student has been busy to study around with

abandon, enjoying intrinsically rewarding properties of activities.

Then, at some points parents begin to praise and reward the students

for study (extrinsic motivation). In the future, it will be found that the

students will be less likely to study and will be more likely only study

when external reward is expected. That is what we mean extrinsic

reward undermine intrinsic motivation, and it is referred as the over

justification effect. Purpose of Parents Motivation

Our discussion now, turns to the purpose of parents’ motivation.

Program and organization for families of young children exceptionally

have multiple goals. Some programs provide primarily support the

learning, and some parents’ methods to help their children learning new

skill or other programs.

1. To increase students’ learning accuracy and something to do with

improvement. There are differences in motivation between first and

second language learning. It is the lack of motivation that produces

little or no differences in students’ performance in response to improve

English material.

2. To drive spirit of learning English more intensively. The important

dimension is especially English achievement at SBI Eka English

Private Course of Pasirian Lumajang. I this case, the student learn

English (second language) with their desire to identify himself with

native speaker and to enrich his life by contact with another culture.

3. To accept one’s self in positive or dynamic environment. To adapt new

situation or condition easily or make suitable for new needs with

different condition, human life in society should repair the weakness or

shortage to make students have animation or enthusiasm to study

English greatly.

4. To understand one’s self circumstance and to be able to take decision

or solve problem one’s self. It means that to know the capability and

fault ones self to be more independent in thinking. On the other hand,

students try to solve their problem in controlling of parents and to

make students independent to solve their learning problems


2.3 English Private Course

English private course is one kinds of non-formal education. As

mentioned before that this activity is conducted outside of school, although

the process of teaching and learning is similar with formal education. Non-

formal education as like English private course can prepare the development

of manpower more flexible. The characteristics of non-formal education are

as follow:

1. The content and the objective are community’s need oriented, fit on their

social and cultural condition and based on the area need, situation, and


2. The education program and materials can be more effective and efficient

for many knowledge and skill fields that are necessary for creating and

developing personal development.

3. The result of the study can be used directly.

According to Pola Pembinaan Teknis PLSM (1984:3), that non-formal

education is the activity that is organized and handled for community, with

their own power and fee.

Furthermore, our government gives wide opportunity to community

who wants to participate in National Objective as stated in UU RI. NO.

2/1989 (1989:21):

Community can participate widely in organizing and developing

national education based on the government and implementation


From the information above, it can be concluded that there is

opportunity for any one who wants to organize an English Private Course.

2.3.1 Objective of English Course

According to Petunjuk Teknis Pendidikan (kurikulum) English

course (1989:2) it is stated:

The general objective of English course is the learner has

knowledge, skill, and positive attitude about English, so that he

can communicate with spoken or written English.

From above explanation, it is clear that the aim of English course is

to help students in the teaching learning process of English to get better

achievement. As we know in the society that many students of Junior and

Senior High School, who are taking formal education still need and join

extra education such as English course to increase their English

achievement at school.

Basically, the English course Institute has five levels (Elementary I

and II, Intermediate I and II, and advance), and each level has their own


1. The target/objective of elementary I, the learner can communicate by

using English.

2. The target/objective of elementary II, the learner can communicate by

using English in wider aspects.

3. The target/objective of intermediate I, the learner can communicate by

using English correctly.

4. The target/objective of intermediate II, the learner can communicate

and write by using English.

5. The target/objective of advance, the learner can communicate and

write by using English in wider aspects correctly.

Based on the objective of English course stated above, the writer

concludes that after finishing all level, the learners are able to

communicate by using good English.

2.3.2 The Material of English Course

In the curriculum of English course (PLSM), it is stated that there

are two kinds of subjects; General and Specific. The general subjects are

Pedoman Penghayatan dan Pengamalan Pancasila and the specific subjects

are English skill. It consists of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

The teaching materials that are given to the students in English course are

as follow:

1. Pronunciation

2. Conversation

3. Reading comprehension

4. Structure

The materials that are presented to the students depend on the students’

need. The necessary of the students who have graduated from the formal

education (school) is different from the students who still learn on formal

education. The materials that are given to the students will be suited on

their English lesson at school. It is hoped that the students can overcome

their problem and add their knowledge, so the students obtain good


2.3.3 Teaching Learning Activities in Formal and Non Formal Education

Teaching-learning activities are “Any effort made by learning

resources that makes the students able to perform learning activities”

(Sujana, 1983:34). The interaction in teaching-learning activities is

considered effective if the students and the learning resources interact to

each other on their job. According to Trimansyah, (1986:18):

The role of the learning source is as an assistant, while the roles

of the students are performing the learning activities seriously

and they are responsible for teaching-learning activities and also

giving feedback to learning resources.

Thus, it is advisable that a teacher does not only transfer the

knowledge but also encourage the students to learn harder. The learning

activity is the central position of process of learning. The students in the

learning a lesson should carry out the activities, and they must also spend

the time to do practical jobs or exercises (David, 1966:113). It means that

it is not sufficient for the students to obtain information from the formal

education only.

The teachers play important role in the formal education and non-

formal education. The teacher show his/her positive attitude and reaction

toward the student’ effort. According to Gagne (1994:27), the teacher has

three functions in teaching:

1. Master Plan of Teaching:

A teacher should make plan preparation and select the materials.

2. Teaching Analyst:

A teacher should be able to create a good atmosphere for better

teaching and learning activities.

3. Evaluator:

A teacher needs to evaluate how many students have achieved of what

they learned. This can be done by giving test or asking the students to

complete a task and the teacher gives score to the weak of completing

the task.

In order to carry out teachers’ jobs and the function, they have to

have knowledge of teaching and learning as basic way of working.

However, students’ participation in teaching-learning activities is

definitely the key in making the success of teaching learning process. The

students must be more active than the teacher. There will be no

achievement if the students are not involves actively in it, although the

teacher has good knowledge. Therefore, teachers’ and students must make

good interaction in teaching and learning activities.

In many ways, the teaching and learning activities in English

course (non formal education) is different from formal education

(teaching-learning activities at school), for example; in selecting groups,

curriculum, technique and method of teaching and learning, selecting

handbooks and employing teacher. One of the qualifications of course

person or master teacher English Instructor in an English course is to their

capability with or without teaching training experience background.

Particularly, in teaching in the course, the teacher should consider:

1. To teach elementary I, an instructor should have certificate of teaching

English in SMU should have certificate of teaching in Intermediate


2. To teach elementary II, a teacher should have the knowledge of

method of teaching SMU level and should have certificate of teaching

in Intermediate II.

3. To teach Intermediate I and II, and instructor should be a bachelor of

English degree in education or he has the certificate of teaching

advance level.

4. To teach advance level he should have bachelor art degree of English

education or having good experience in teaching at least three years

teaching English at SMU (curriculum PLSM of English, 1978).

From the above qualification, it is clear that a person who has

certificate of teaching the higher level can teach the lower level.

Although the curriculum provides various teaching methods but the

methods of teaching used in English course are not the same as those used

on formal education. However, in some course that native speakers of

English, the various method used may be applies in teaching, for example

in PPIA (Perhimpunan Persahabatan Indonesia America). Particularly, a

course is aimed at improving the students speaking ability. Consequently,

the students do not learn the technique of answering the tests.

However, the students’ achievement is still measured by using test

device. Beside the test given by the institute, there is also a test

administered by the state (Department of Education) periodically. The

students’ graduates will obtain certificate telling that he or she has

completed a particular level or course. The certificate is for future need,

especially when he or she wishes to apply for a job. However, it does not

guarantee that he or she will get a job easily, but his or her capability will

determine it. The state examination for all nationally registered and

administered by local department of education.



Methodology is the way or the method which is used by the researcher to

get the information or the data which necessary to do the research in this chapter,

the researcher presents the research design, population and sample, instrument,

data collection, and data analysis.

3.1 Research Design

The purpose of this study is to get objective description of the importance of

English private course for the children in accordance with parent’s opinions.

Related to this purpose, the appropriate design of this study is descriptive.

Qualitative research has the natural setting, as the direct source of data and the

researcher is the key instrument. Qualitative research is descriptive. Qualitative

researchers concern with process rather than simply with outcomes or products.

Qualitative research tend to analyze their data inductively, “meaning” is of

essential concern to the qualitative approach. According to Ary, (1972:290),

descriptive research is designed to reveal the current status of phenomena and is

directed toward the time of the study and to describe what actually exist.

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

The researcher takes the parents of SBI-EKA English Private Course of

Pasirian-Lumajang students as the subject or the population of the research. The

numbers of the students there are 150 students, it is divided by three classes they

are English for young learner class consist of 50 students junior student class

consist 50 students English for senior student class also consist of 50 students.

3.2.2 Sample

To take the sample among the population there, the researcher have different

ways to distribute the questionnaires and giving the interview between EYL, EYS

and ESS class parents. To gives the questionnaires for English young learner’s

parents, the researcher gives the questionnaires directly to them. It means that the

researcher distributed the questionnaires to the parents who accompany their

children go to English private course. After giving the questionnaires for them, the

researcher also gives some questions of interview directly. Beside that, the

researcher also gives the parent of EYS and ESS class some questionnaires

through distributed them to the students. The questionnaires will completed by the

parents at home and submit again by collected to their children.

The researcher takes 15 parents of English for young learner students, 15

parents of English for junior students and also 15 parents of English for senior

students as the sample or object of the research. So, from the sample of the

research, the numbers of all respondents are 45 peoples or parents from the


3.3 Instrument of Data

In collecting data, the researcher used four instruments. Those are

questionnaires, interview, documentation, and observation. The questionnaires as

the main research instrument to answers the research problem. In answering the

questionnaires, the respondents were free answer them based on what they really

had in their main and really happened. The questionnaire contains the opinion of

parents about the importance of English private course for their children. And

then the second instrument is interview. Interview can support and supplement the

data from questionnaires. The content of the interview are about the parents’

opinion about the quality of teacher in the SBI-EKA English Private Course and

also their students’ ability in English after take English private course.

3.3.1 Questionnaires

The functions of the questionnaires are to get the data from parents of

EYL, EJS, ESS class from SBI-EKA English Private Course. Kind of

questionnaires which is used by the researcher is open-close questionnaires it

means that the respondents not just choose the answer from multiple choice but

also fill the other alternative or another possible answers. The questionnaires

consist of 14 items. Question number1,2,3 consist of the question about the

parents opinion about the importance of English, question number 4 until 6

consist of question about parents opinion about the importance of English private

course for their children, question number 7 until 9 consist of the question about

the parents opinion about the parents’ opinion about the children’s abilities after

take the English private course. The question about the parents’ opinion about the

method and the teachers quality is describes in the question number 10 until 14.

The questionnaires are written in Indonesia to avoid misunderstanding of the item


In constructing the questionnaires, three steps have been done. They are:

(1) Collecting parents’ opinion, (2) Studying some questionnaires which are

concerned with the topic of English at private course that had been conducted,

constructing the questionnaires, and (3) Revising the questionnaires.

3.3.2 Interview

The function of interview are to get the data about the parents’ opinion

about the quality of the teacher and the result of the students’ abilities by taking

English private course. Interview is conducted after giving questionnaires. In this

condition, the researcher give the opportunity to the parents to answer the

question freely. A list of question was used as guide. The questions in the

interview are consist of 10 questions. The question 1 until 3 are about the quality

of teacher, 4 until 7 are about the result of the study by choosing English private

course and question 8 until 10 are about the material with implemented by the

teacher there. The students’ ability by choosing English private course. The

researcher does the interview to complete the data which necessary beside from

giving some questionnaires.

3.3.3 Documentations

The function of documentations are to get the data about the material used

by the teacher at SBI-EKA English Private Course and to know about the result of

the student’s ability after following English private course. Documentation here

consists of material which used there, books that relevant in the teaching learning

process and also the student’s score recapitulation to know about the result of the

student’s ability. Documentation was done on December 16th 2006 by the

researcher collaborate with the teachers and the principle there.

3.3.4 Observation

Observation is conducted by the researcher to get the data about the

quality of the teacher at SBI-EKA English Private Course. The researcher follows

the teaching and learning process to get the data related to the teacher quality. In

this observation, the researcher watches closely the way or the method which used

by all of the teachers there. Observation was done on December 15th 2006.

3.4 Data Collection

The data collected through the use of instruments, they are questionnaires

and interview. The questionnaires are distributed to the sample of research, the

sample here means that the parents of the students who are study at SBI-EKA

English Private Course. The questionnaires were answered by the parents who

accompany their children in SBI-EKA English Private Course and taken them at

home. All of questionnaires distributed to the students’ parents and fill them with

two days. It was done on December 15th to 16

th 2006 and all of the questionnaires

are submitted.

The interviews were also conducted by giving some direct questions to the

parents after they fill the questionnaires. The researcher gives the questions and

writes the parents’ answer in the note book and the question consists of 10

questions. All of the questions should answers by the parents freely and by their

own opinion. To collect the data about the parents’ opinion about the importance

of English private course for their children the procedure as bellow:

1. Recommendation of doing the observation from the Rector of Kanjuruhan

University of Malang was send to the SBI-EKA English Private Course of

Pasirian-Lumajang as the place of the observation.

2. The leader of SBI-EKA English Private Course received this research by

giving the signature on this recommendation.

3. The researcher or the writer got the information by consulting with the leader

of SBI-EKA English Private Course of Pasirian-Lumajang.

4. The writer makes a list of question to measure the parents’ opinion about the

important of English private course for their children in learning English.

3.5 Data Analysis

3.5.1 Analysis the Data from Questionnaires

The data from the questionnaires are analyzed by using table of frequency

and percentage. The data are grouped and classified based on the characteristics of

items and the researcher inserted in each item. The item are counted by using


The formula used in analyzing the questionnaires is:

P = 100%xN


P = Percentage

f = Frequency of the respondent answer

N = The number of correspondent

Based on the scoring of each items and opinions, it could be analyzed with

the percentage of the parents who choice options that indicated they are in favor,

less in favor, or not favor of English private course for their children in learning


3.5.2 Analysis the Data from Interview

The data from interview are analyzed by describing the result of interview.

The results of interview are not compare by using the percentage like using

questionnaires but it also describing it.

In the interview the researcher just describes about the result of interview

such as the quality of teacher, the material and the result of study to the students

based on parent’s opinion. The data to know about the quality of teacher consist

of the teacher’s certificate teaching and the method which used by teacher in the

teaching English. The results of children’s achievement here consist of parents’

opinion about the improvement of their children ability in English after following

English private course.

3.5.3 Analysis the Data from Documentations

The data from documentations are analyzed by describing the result of

documentation such as analysis the material, books, and the student’s score

recapitulation. The results of documentation are not comparing by using

percentage like using questionnaire but just describing it.

3.5.4 Analysis the Data from Observation

The data from observation are analyzed by describing the result of observation

also like interview and documentations. The researcher describes the data from

her notebook which used on the observation process. The important things that

related with the quality of the teacher were written by the researcher on the




The chapter is intended to present findings related to the data obtained

from the respondents’ answer of the question in the questionnaires and from the

interview with the respondents. The result will be presented in the following:

a. Analysis of the questionnaires.

b. Analysis of the interview.

c. Analysis of the documentation

d. Analysis of the observation

4.1 Research Finding

4.1.1 Analysis of the questionnaires

This chapter presents the finding of the study based on the result of

analysis the parents’ opinion to the questionnaires. The data collected are analysed

in a descriptive and statistic format. The researcher uses tables to clarify

descriptive statistic to discuss questionnaires.


“Parents’ opinion about the importance of English language”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Very important 41 91 %

B. important 4 9 %

C. Less important 0 0 %

D. Not important 0 0 %

Total 45 100 %

Based on the table above, the parents who have opinion that English is

very important are 41 respondents (91 %), 4 respondents (9 %) answered that

English language is important and none answered that English language are less

important and not important. It implied that most of parents have opinion that

English is very important.


“The frequency of English subject which got by the students at the school”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Very enough 4 9 %

B. enough 7 15,5 %

C. Quite enough 20 44,4 %

D. Not enough 14 31,1 %

Total 45 100 %

In terms the frequency of English subject is quite enough shows that 20

respondents (44,4 %), the respondents who answered not enough are 14

respondents (31,1 %), the number who answered enough are 7 respondents (15,5

%) and the respondents who answered that the frequency of English in the school

is very enough are 4 respondents (9 %). It indicated that the frequency of English

subject in the school are still not enough because most the respondents answered



“Parents’ opinion about the statement that learning English is difficult”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Agree very much 7 15,5 %

B. Agree 35 77,9 %

C. Quite agree 2 4,4 %

D. Disagree 1 2,2 %

Total 45 100 %

In addition of the data about the statement that says that learning English

is difficult when the respondents are answered agree are 35 respondents (77,9 %),

answered agree very much are 7 respondents (4,4 %) and answered disagree just 1

respondent (2,2 %). From that items we can know that most of parents or

respondents are agree with statement which explain that learning English is



“The alternative way done by the parents to improve their children’s ability

in English beside getting from their school”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Send their children to some English Private Courses 41 91,1 %

B. Teach them in the home 2 4,4 %

C. Give then instruction to learn by them selves 2 4,4 %

D. Doing nothing 0 0 %

Total 45 100 %

Based on the table above shows that 41 respondents (91,1 %) choose send

their children to some English private courses as their alternative way, 2

respondent (4,4 %) stated teach their children in the home and 2 respondent (4,4

%) answered that they will give their children some instructions to learn English

by them selves. And also no respondent (0 %) answered that doing nothing. It

shows that most of parents are sending their children to English private course to

improve their children abilities in English.


“Parents’ opinion about the importance of English Private Course

for their children at SBI-EKA English Private Course”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Very important 43 95,6 %

B. important 2 4,4 %

C. Less important 0 0 %

D. Not important 0 0 %

Total 45 100 %

This table inform about the parents’ opinion about the importance of

English private course for their children, 43 respondents (9,5 %) answered that

English private course is very important, 2 respondents (4,4 %) answered

important and no respondent who answered that English private course are less

important and not important. So, English private course is very important for the

children because most of respondents answered those.


“Parents’ reason why English Private Course is very important”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. To improve students’ abilities in English 0 0 %

B. To prepare them in the free trade era 0 0 %

C. To increase their score in English 0 0 %

D. All of items are right 45 100 %

Total 45 100 %

For further information is about the data of parents’ reason why English

private course is very important. All of respondents or 45 respondents (100 %)

answered that English private course very important because it is can improve

student’s abilities in English, prepare the students in the free trade era or

globalisation era and also to increase their score in English in the school.


“The development of English ability of their children after following English

private course at SBI-EKA English Private Course”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Very good 24 53,4 %

B. Good 19 42,2 %

C. Quite good 2 4,4 %

D. Fair 0 0 %

Total 45 100 %

In term of development, discuss about the development of the students

after following English private course shows that 24 respondents (53,4 %)

answered very good, 19 respondent (42,2 %) stated good, 2 respondents (4,4 %)

answered quite good and no respondent answered fair.

From the data above the researcher concludes that there are any

development of students achievement in English because many respondents who

answered that their development are very good.


“Kinds of development that can be analysed by the parents after their

children following the English Private Course at SBI-EKA English Private


Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Their abilities in English are increase 2 4,4 %

B. Their English score in school are increase 2 4,4 %

C. The answered of A and B are right 40 89 %

D. Their behaviour are like English people 1 2,2 %

Total 45 100 %

This data informs about the kinds of development that can be analysed by

the parents after their children following the English private course. It shows that

2 respondents (4,4 %) answered their abilities in English are increase, 2

respondents (4,4 %) answered that their score in school are increase. 40

respondents (89 %) from the number of respondents answer that the students

abilities in English are increase and their English score in school also increase.

Just one respondent answered that the students who follow the English private

course have behaviour like English people. From the data above the researcher

conclude that the respondents can analysed that their children’s abilities and their

English score in the school are increase.


“Children achievement in English skills (speaking, writing, reading and

listening) after following English private course according to the parents”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Improved rapidly 3 6,7 %

B. Better than before 42 93,3 %

C. Same as before 0 0 %

D. No improvement 0 0 %

Total 45 100 %

This items about the children’s achievement in English skills after

following English private course. The data shows that 42 respondents (93,3 %)

answered better than before, 3 respondents (6,7 %) answered improved rapidly

and no respondent who answered same as before and no improvement. Based on

the information above, the researcher concludes that the children’s achievements

in English skills are better that before after they following in English private



“Parents’ opinion about SBI-EKA English Private Course

of Pasirian Lumajang”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Very good 25 55,6 %

B. Good 20 44,4 %

C. Quite good 0 0 %

D. Fair 0 0 %

Total 45 100 %

This table inform about the parents’ opinion about SBI-EKA English

Private Course of Pasirian-Lumajang. There are 25 respondents (55,6 %)

answered very good and 20 respondents (44,4 %) choose good as their answered.

They do not answer the quite good and fair. So the researcher can conclude that

SBI-EKA English Private Course is one of very good or good English private

course in Pasirian-Lumajang. After knowing the result of respondents’ answers,

the parents will choose SBI-EKA English private course as the place of their

children to improve and learn English.


“Parents’ opinion about the quality of education

at SBI-EKA English Private Course”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Very good 41 91,1 %

B. Good 4 8,9 %

C. Quite good 0 0 %

D. Fair 0 0 %

Total 45 100 %

From the data above inform about parents’ opinion about the quality of

education at SBI-EKA English Private Course. 41 respondents (91,1 %) choose

very good as their answer and 4 respondents answered that the quality of

education there is good. There are no respondent who choose quite good and fair.

From the data above the researcher also get the information that the quality of

education SBI-EKA English Private Course is very good because most of

respondents choose that answer.


“Parents’ opinion about the quality of teachers who teach

at SBI-EKA English Private Course”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Very good 33 73,3 %

B. Good 7 15,5 %

C. Quite good 5 11,2 %

D. Fair 0 0 %

Total 45 100 %

This table inform about the parents’ opinion about the quality of the

teacher who teach at SBI-EKA English Private Course. There are 33 respondent

(73,3 %) answered that the quality of teachers there are very good, 7 respondents

(15,5 %) choose good as their answers and 5 respondent (11,2 %) choose quite

good, there are no respondent who answered that the quality of the teacher there is

fair. From the information above, and after analysing the parents’ or the

respondents’ answer the researcher can conclude that the quality of the teachers

there are very good.


“Parents’ opinion about the professionalism of teacher

at SBI-EKA English Private Course English Private Course”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Very professional 9 19,9 %

B. Professional 35 77,9 %

C. Quite professional 1 2,2 %

D. Not professional 0 0 %

Total 45 100 %

Based on the table above, the parents or the respondents who have opinion

that the method which used by the teachers at SBI-EKA English Private Course

English Private Course is very professional are 9 respondents (19,9 %), after

then 35 respondents (77,9 %) answered professional and 1 respondent (2,2 %)

answered that the method there is quite professional. No respondents answered

that the method there is not professional. After looking that case, the researcher

conclude that the method of teaching at SBI-EKA English Private Course English

Private Course is professional.


“Parents’ opinion about whether the teachers education is full fill the

requirement for teaching at SBI-EKA English Private Course”

Items Number of

Respondents Percentage

A. Yes, very much 45 100 %

B. Yes, much 0 0 %

C. Enough 0 0 %

D. No 0 0 %

Total 45 100 %

In the last data inform the teachers’ certificate to teach the students in the

SBI-EKA English Private Course English Private Course from the result of the

analysed the table. The researcher find that all of the respondents are choose the

first item (A) as their answer. It mean that the teacher who teach SBI-EKA

English Private Course English Private Course have certificate that necessary and

able to requirement for teaching the students.

4.1.2 Analysis of the Interview

From the result of interview which do by the researcher, the researcher get

some information from the respondents to support the data which get by using the

questionnaires. By using interview, the researcher also gets some information

about the opinion about the material which used at SBI-EKA English Private

Course English Private Course.

By using interview, there are 93 % from the number of respondents

answered that the material which implemented there are very good. It is means

that the materials have good quality and the material also suitable with student’s

needs. The researcher also understand about the important of English private

course by interviewed the respondent. The parents send their children into English

private course because they wan to find the solution from their problem in

learning English.

4.1.3 Analysis of the Documentations

From the result of documentations, the researcher gets some information

related to the material and the result of student’s ability at SBI-EKA English

Private Course English Private Course. After analysing the copy of the material

there, the researcher conclude that the material which used at SBI-EKA English

Private Course English Private Course are very suitable with student’s need and

also still have correlation with the material at their school. The researcher also

analysed the student’s score in the recapitulation of English score and gets the

information that there ability in English are better than before. There are very

improvements in the student’s ability in English.

4.1.4 Analysis of the Observation

After following the teaching learning process, the researcher gets the

information about the quality of the teachers who teach at SBI-EKA English

Private Course English Private Course. The qualities of the teacher are very good

because they have good technique teaching and good method in the teaching

English. The teachers also have high achievement in English and mastery the

material. According to the researcher, the teachers also have good approach to

make the students have good motivation in learning English. All of the teachers

there have good class management to control the condition of class.

4.2 Discussion

The researcher found three things that must be discussed in this case. They

are consist of:

4.2.1 Parents’ opinion about the material used by the teacher at SBI-EKA

English Private Course English Private Course

To found the information about the material used there, the researcher

used interview as a instrument. By interview the parent after giving the

questionnaires, the researcher gets a lot of information about the material that

used by that institution. The parents always check and control the notebooks of

their children after they study at that SBI-EKA English Private Course English

Private Course. The parents also compare the material that their children get from

English private course with the children get from their school from this

phenomena, the parents conclude that the material there are very suitable with

their children need.

From the result of interview, 93 % from the number of respondent

answered that the material that implemented at the SBI-EKA English Private

Course English Private Course are good. It means that the material are very

suitable with the students’ need and also still have relation with the material at the

school. The implementation of material there also can make the student easier

about learning English than before. Material of the teaching which suitable are can

make the students have high motivation to learn English. To support that

statement, Brown (1998:46) concludes in the following statements:

Excellency of material of the teaching children are the material

should interest, up to date, systematic and should suitable with

students’ needs. And also the material should make the students can

be creative and innovative.

From the statements above, the researcher conclude that the material that

used at SBI-EKA English Private Course English Private Course are very suitable

with the main requirement of the good material. Material also can make the

quality of the institution competition because in the reality of life, good quality of

material in the some institution shows that the quality of that institution is good.

The material which used at SBI-EKA English Private Course English

Private Course are divided into two parts, there are:

a. General English skills

General English skills are the English skills that have important position or

basic of learning English. General English skill such as:

1) Speaking

2) Listening

3) Writing

4) Reading

b. Specific English skills

Specific English skills are skills that have important role in the learning

English and cannot separated from the learning general English skill, kinds of

specific English skill always support the general English skills. Specific

English skill such as:

1) Pronunciation

2) Vocabulary

3) Structure

4) Grammar

The material that implement at SBI-EKA English Private Course English

Private Course are combine between the material about general English skills and

specific English skills. So that, the students get easy to understand and learn

English. The parents also have opinion that the materials of English at school are

still quite enough because many schools that still implement the English subject

still as a local content, especially in primary schools level.

To over come the problem that the material at the school are still quite

enough, 91 % from the number of respondents send their children to English

private course. So, the children can add their lack of material by following the

English private course. By following the English private course, the parents hope

that their children can improve their English skill and able to communicate with


According to Petunjuk Teknis Pendidikan (kurikulum) English course

(1989:2) it is states:

The general objective of English course is the learner has knowledge,

skill, and positive attitude about English, so that he or she can

communicate with spoken or written English.

From explanation above, it is clear that the aim of English course is to help

students in the teaching learning process o English to get better achievement. As

we know in the society that many students of Junior and Senior High School, who

are taking formal education still need and join extra education such s English

course to increase their English achievement at school.

4.2.2 Parents’ opinion about the quality of the teacher at SBI-EKA English

Private Course English Private Course

To found the information about the quality of teacher at SBI-EKA English

Private Course English Private Course, the researcher use the questionnaires as a

main of instrument and interview as a support instrument. From analyse the

questionnaires, the researcher gets information that 73,3 % from the number of

respondents give answers that the quality of the teacher there are very good. The

researcher also gets the information about the reason why the parents answered

that the quality of the teacher are very good from the interview. The teacher there

are very professional and mastering all of the material. So that, the students can

understand the material easy.

The teachers at SBI-EKA English Private Course English Private Course

was do the duties of the teacher as the figure of the students. The teacher who

teach at SBI-EKA English Private Course English Private Course have good

method in the teaching learning process and also were implement the function as

the teacher. The good teachers are the teacher who can do their function as a

teacher. The function of teacher here are teacher as a master of teacher, teacher

are as teaching analyst it means that a teacher should be able to create a good

atmosphere for better teaching and learning activities, and the last teacher as

evaluator, Gagne (1994:27).

The parents also explain that the teacher there are have the point of pre-

requirement as a teacher because the teacher should the certification of teaching.

To support that statement, here education constitution about the teacher number

14, 2005.

(Pasal 8) teacher should have academic qualification, competency, teacher

certification, health in physic and psychology, and have ability to

do the purpose of national education.

From the education constitution above, the teacher should have academic

qualification Strata 1 or Diploma 4. And it is false if there are any teacher that

have qualification of academic still Diploma 2 or Diploma 3.

Beside the quality of the teacher there, the parents also give their opinion

about the quality of education there. From the result of the questionnaires, there

are 41 respondents (91,1 %) answered that education at SBI-EKA English Private

Course English Private Course is very good. The evidence that the quality there

good are: that English course private receive a lot of trophies from the Lumajang

Officer and also the students there are have many kinds of academic prestation.

Improving the quality of the education now is very important because it is

also the purpose of our country to improve and increase the quality of education.

Quality of education can make the quality of our country is high in the

international country. So if we want to make the quality of our country is good,

we must increase the quality of our education.

The method which used by the teachers there are also very good or

professional according the parents. Because the parents also controlled the

progress of their students special ability every time. The students’ achievement

that had joined English private course could be seen from the good quality or the

teacher and they can get the mark better than before in their English ability. The

quality of teacher there, can make program are useful for the students in

improving their ability in understanding English skills.

4.2.3 Parents’ opinion about the result of their children’s abilities in

English at SBI-EKA English Private Course English Private Course

The researcher gets the information about the parents’ opinion about the

result of their children’s ability in English are by using the questionnaires and

interview as the instrument. Before the researcher discusses it, the researcher

wants to explain about the student’s condition and student’s ability before they

follow this program. Most of the students can not understand English before they

study there, the motivation of the students are less and they always have

assumption that English is difficult subject. The students get difficulty to

understand the English subject in the formal education or in their school.

After following the English private course program, there are many kinds

of progress that happen to the students. The parents also have opinion that their

children that follow with English private course have good development. From the

result of questionnaires, 24 respondent or (53,4 %) answered that their children

development are very good. It can be seen from the student’s ability in English are

progress, they begin feeling that English as interesting subject and also they

have high motivation in learning English. Another progress also can seen by the

score of English subject at the school are increase.

From the researcher’s observation, 40 parents (89 %) answered that their

students who following the English private course can improve their abilities in

English and can increase their English score at the school. It can make the parents

have assumption that English private course are very important for their children

in learning English. Beside the parents want to improve their children ability in

English, the parents also want to prepare their students in the globalisation era in

the future. This statement will supported by Wishon (1980:104) says that:

Top position at globalisation will filled by the accountant and the

peoples who have high ability in English. They will get high position

also by raising their special ability.

From the explanation above, the researcher conclude that the people who

master English will get high position in the globalisation era like the Wishon’s

statement above. Special ability also important rule there, because the special

ability of some one will determine the good or bad position.

42 respondents or 93,3 % also have opinion that the student’s English skill

are increase or better than before student’s abilities in speaking, reading, writing,

and listening are shown progress because most of students who follow with this

program are having progression also. The students who can not speak English

before, now the can speak English well than before. And beside that it is happens

to another English skills like writing, reading, and listening. The student’s also

having progression, it is can seen by the student’s special ability in the formal

education for example getting high score in rapport, getting some special ability

from another contest such as: English speech, debate or speaking contest. After

knowing about the student’s progression, the duty of the teachers are how to

improve again their ability and also how to implement their science in the society

and surround of them.

The result of the student’s study here are make the parents belief that send

their children to English private course is alternative to solve their problem.

Because all of the student’s problem in learning English can solve by taking

English private course. The parents are very happy because they were getting the

solution to give the better education for their children especially in English.



This chapter present conclusion of the findings stated in the previous chapter.

It also provides suggestion to the parents and the institution of English private


5.1 Conclusion

Generally, parents’ opinion about the importance of English private course

for their children are good because, most of parents as respondents answered that

English private course is very important to improve their children’s ability in

learning English.

From the result of finding research, it concluded that 41 respondents (91,1 %)

answered that English private course is one alternative which do by the parents to

increase their children’s ability in learning English. Parents opinion in this

research are consist of:

1. Parents’ opinion about the material used by the teacher at SBI-EKA English

Private Course.

According to the parents’ answer in the interview, most of them answered

that the material which used by the teacher there is very suitable with

students’ need. Beside that, the material there is also has relation with the

material at their school.

2. Parents’ opinion about the quality of the teacher who teach at SBI-EKA

English Private Course.

From the result of questionnaire, 73,3 % from the number of respondents

answered that the teacher there are very professional. From the result of

observation, the researcher can be see from the teaching and learning process.

The teacher can make the students enjoy in learning English and they also

having good class management.

3. Parents’ opinion about the result of their children’s ability in learning English

at SBI-EKA English Private Course.

After following the English private course, the children are getting

progression in their English ability. It can be seen by the improvement of their

ability in English, the improvement of English score at their school and they

also feel that English as interesting subject.

Parents also have opinion that English private course is one alternative way or

problem solver to increase their children’s ability in learning English. And the last

but not the least, by taking English private course automatically the parents were

prepare their children face globalisation era or free trade era future.

5.2 Suggesting

After analysing the result of the study, the researcher wants to give some

suggestions as consideration to improve the quality of teaching learning English

in the classroom of English private course to be better and also to increase the

students’ ability in English. The researcher’s suggestion are as following:

1. To SBI-EKA English Private Course

After analysing the parents’ opinion about the important of English private

course, the researcher wants to give some suggestions to the teacher at SBI-

EKA English Private Course. The teachers should improve and increase the

teaching technique to make the students get easier to understanding the


The teachers should using some medias to support the teaching learning

process and also to make the students enjoy and feel that English is interesting

subject. It is very important to raise their motivation in learning English.

Motivation is intrinsic factor that important in student’s temperature in

learning English.

2. To the parents

The researcher wants to give some suggestions to the parents related to the

students’ improvement in their education. The parents should give their

children support to study English and also complete the facilities that will

support their study. Parents roles are very important to motivate their children

in learning, because parents are someone who have close relationship with the

children and automatically their behaviour will imitate by the children.

The parents should control the children’s emotional in leaning English. It

means that the parents should keep and make the children’s brain become

fresh. Among the teacher and parents, should be any cooperative and

conducive relationship, because the success of the study does not only depend

on the individual aspects. The researcher hopes that the parents also find

another way or alternative to improve their children’s ability in English beside

send them into English private course, because no limitation to improve an



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1. Angket ini dimaksudkan untuk menyusun skripsi yang berjudul “Parent’s Opinion about

the importance of English private course for their children in learning English at SBI-


2. Angket ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapat orang tua tentang pentingnya kursus

bahasa Inggris bagi putra-putri mereka.

3. Kejujuran bapak/ibu dalam mengisi angket ini sangat saya harapkan.

Petunjuk Pengisian

Dalam angket ini ada dua macam cara menjawab pertanyaan yaitu mengisi dan melingkari

jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan pendapat Bapak/Ibu.

a. Mengisi sebagai alternatif

Contoh: Jika pertanyaan “Kursus Bahasa Inggris sangat penting” bagaimana pendapat

Bapak/Ibu terhadap pernyataan tersebut?

a. Benar sekali

b. Benar

c. Tidak benar

d. Sangat tidak benar

e. ..................................

b. Melingkari jawaban

Contoh: Bila ada pertanyaan “Kursus Bahasa Inggris sangat penting” bagaimana pendapat

Bapak/Ibu terhadap pernyataan tersebut?

Jawab: Jika jawaban Bapak/Ibu sangat setuju lingkari jawaban (a)

a. Saya sangat setuju

b. Saya setuju saja

c. Saya tidak setuju

d. .....................................

1. Bagaimana menurut anda apakah belajar Bahasa Inggris penting?

a. Sangat penting c. Kurang penting e. .............................

b. Penting d. Tidak penting

2. Apakah pelajaran Bahasa Inggris yang didapat oleh putra/putri anda di sekolah sudah


a. Cukup sekali c. Kurang e. .............................

b. Cukup d. Kurang sekali

3. Setujukah anda tentang pendapat bahwa belajar Bahasa Inggris itu sulit?

a. Setuju sekali c. Kurang setuju e. .............................

b. Setuju d. Tidak setuju

4. Alternatif apa yang anda lakukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris

putra/putri anda selain mendapatkan dari sekolah?

a. Mengirimkan ke sebuah kursusan Bahasa Inggris

b. Mengajarinya sendiri di rumah

c. Menyuruhnya belajar sendiri

d. Membiarkan saja

e. .............................

5. Menurut anda, apakah kursus Bahasa Inggris perlu untuk putra/putri anda?

a. Sangat perlu c. Kurang perlu e. .............................

b. Perlu d. Tidak perlu

6. Mengapa kursus Bahasa Inggris perlu, apa alasan anda?

a. Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris mereka

b. Mempersiapkan mereka menghadapi era globalisasi

c. Meningkatkan nilai Bahasa Inggris di rapor

d. Semua jawaban benar

e. .............................

7. Bagaimana perkembangan Bahasa Inggris putra/putri anda setelah mengikuti kursus

Bahasa Inggris?

a. Sangat baik c. Biasa saja e. .............................

b. Baik d. Kurang baik

8. Perkembangan apa yang bisa anda amati dari putra/putri anda setelah mengikuti kursus

Bahasa Inggris?

a. Kemampuan berbahasa inggrisnya semakin meningkat

b. Nilai rapornya meningkat

c. Jawaban a dan b benar

d. Tingkah lakunya mulai seperti orang Inggris

e. .............................

9. Bagaimana kemampuan Bahasa Inggris (speaking, writing, reading and listening)

putra/putri anda setelah mengikuti kursus?

a. Meningkat pesat

b. Lebih baik dari sebelumnya d. Tidak ada pe

c. Tetap saja

d. Tidak ada peningkatan sama sekali

e. .............................

10. Bagaimana pendapat anda tentang SBI-EKA English Private Course?

a. Baik sekali c. Biasa saja e. .............................

b. Baik d. Kurang baik

11. Bagaimana kualitas pendidikan di SBI-EKA English Private Course?

a. Baik sekali c. Biasa saja e. .............................

b. Baik d. Kurang baik

12. Bagaimana kualitas para guru di SBI-EKA English Private Course?

a. Baik sekali c. Biasa saja e. .............................

b. Baik d. Kurang baik

13. Bagaimana cara yang digunakan oleh para guru untuk mengajar putra/putri di SBI-EKA

English Private Course?

a. Sangat profesional c. Biasa saja e. .............................

b. Profesional d. Kurang profesional

14. Menurut anda, pendidikan terakhir para guru di SBI-EKA English Private Course sudah

memenuhi syarat untuk mengajar di lembaga tersebut?

a. Sangat memenuhi syarat

b. Biasa saja

c. Kurang memenuhi syarat

d. Tidak mememuhi syarat

e. .............................


1. Menurut pendapat anda, bagaimana kualitas guru pengajar di SBI-EKA Pasirian-


2. Apakah kemampuan mengajar para guru sudah bisa dikatakan profesional?

3. Apakah mereka telah menggunakan metode yang profesional pula untuk mengajar anak-

anak di lembaga ini?

4. Bagaimana perkembangan belajar putra-putri anda setelah mengikuti kursus Bahasa

Inggris di SBI-EKA?

5. Apakah setelah mengikuti kursus nilai Bahasa Inggris di rapor mereka meningkat?

6. Bagaimana pula kemampuan Bahasa Inggris mereka setelah mengikuti kursus?

7. Apakah dengan mengikuti kursus Bahasa Inggris beban belajar putra-putri mereka

menjadi lebih ringan?

8. Menurut anda bagaimana materi yang diajarkan di SBI-EKA?

9. Apakah materi yang diajarkan di SBI-EKA ada hubungannya dengan materi yang didapat


10. Apakah materi yang diajarkan tersebut bisa dimengerti secara mudah oleh putra-putri
