paris doctors list english speaking

1 Disclaimer: U.S. Embassies and Consulates maintain lists of physicians, health care providers, and medical facilities for distribution to American citizens needing medical care. The inclusion of a specific physician, health care provider, or medical facility does not constitute a recommendation and the Department of State assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, or the quality of services provided by, the medical professionals, medical facilities, health care providers, or air ambulance services whose names appear on such lists. Names are listed alphabetically, and the order in which they appear has no other significance. Professional credentials and areas of expertise are provided directly by the medical professional, medical facility, health care provider, or air ambulance service. The following institutions, individuals, hospitals and/or doctors, have informed the Embassy that they are qualified to practice in the categories specified, and that they are sufficiently competent in the English language to provide services to English-speaking clients. The Embassy has neither the authority nor the facilities to act as a medical grievance committee. If you encounter unsatisfactory services by parties listed, however, set forth the circumstances in writing and the complaint will be noted in our files. If errors have occurred in this list, they will be corrected in the next edition. Each person listed should bring any errors to the Embassy's attention, as well as any changes in names, addresses, telephone numbers and basic information. The information in this document is updated triennially. All corrections and modifications should be sent to: American Embassy, American Citizen Services, 4, avenue Gabriel, 75382 Paris Cedex 08 or send an E-mail to [email protected]. Important Note: Before making an appointment to see a medical professional in France, ask for consultation fees in advance in order to avoid issues concerning payment for services. A more complete list of physicians can be found in the French Yellow Pages; general practitioners are listed under Médecin Généralistes, & specialists under médecins qualifiés and their specialty, e.g. pédiatrie, cardiologue etc. See last page of this document concerning French health insurance. French emergency services are described on this website page: English-Speaking English Speaking Hospitals and Doctors in the Paris Consular District (Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Strasbourg)

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Paris Doctors list english speaking


1 Disclaimer:U.S.EmbassiesandConsulatesmaintainlistsofphysicians,healthcareproviders,and medical facilities for distribution to American citizens needing medical care.The inclusion of a specific physician,healthcareprovider,ormedicalfacilitydoesnotconstitutearecommendationandthe Department of State assumes no responsibility or liability for the professional ability or reputation of, orthequalityofservicesprovidedby,themedicalprofessionals,medicalfacilities,healthcare providers,orairambulanceserviceswhosenamesappearonsuchlists.Namesarelisted alphabetically, and the order in which they appear has no other significance.Professional credentials and areas of expertise are provideddirectlyby the medical professional,medical facility, health care provider, or air ambulance service. The following institutions, individuals, hospitals and/or doctors, have informed the Embassy that they arequalifiedtopracticeinthecategoriesspecified,andthattheyaresufficientlycompetentinthe EnglishlanguagetoprovideservicestoEnglish-speakingclients.TheEmbassyhasneitherthe authority nor the facilities to actasa medicalgrievance committee.If you encounter unsatisfactory servicesbypartieslisted,however,setforththecircumstancesinwritingandthecomplaintwillbe noted in our files.If errors have occurred in this list, they will be corrected in the next edition.Each personlistedshouldbringanyerrorstotheEmbassy'sattention,aswellasanychangesinnames, addresses,telephonenumbersandbasicinformation.Theinformationinthisdocumentisupdated triennially.All corrections and modifications should be sent to: AmericanEmbassy, American Citizen Services, 4, avenue Gabriel, 75382 Paris Cedex 08 or send an E-mail to [email protected]. ImportantNote:BeforemakinganappointmenttoseeamedicalprofessionalinFrance, askforconsultationfeesinadvanceinordertoavoidissuesconcerningpaymentfor services. A more complete list of physicians can be found in the French Yellow Pages; general practitioners are listed under Mdecin Gnralistes, & specialists under mdecins qualifis and their specialty, e.g. pdiatrie, cardiologue etc. See last page of this document concerning French health insurance. French emergency services are described on this website page: English-SpeakingEnglish Speaking Hospitals and Doctors in the Paris Consular District (Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Strasbourg) . 2 Hospitals with English-Speaking Staff in the Paris Consular District (Paris, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Rennes, Strasbourg) Paris American Hospital: 63 bd. Victor Hugo, 92202 Neuilly sur SeineTel: 01 46 41 25 25 Website: Hertford British Hospital: 3 rue Barbes, 92300 Levallois-Perret Tel: 01 46 39 22 22 Website: Hpital Foch: 40 rue Worth, 92150 SuresnesTel: 0826 20 72 20 Website: Other Cities in the Paris consular district: BordeauxHpital du Groupe Pellegrin-Tripode (adults and children)Tel: 05 56 79 56 79 Place Amlie Raba-Lon, 33076 Bordeaux Hpital Haut-Lvque: Avenue de Magellan, 33075 Bordeaux CedexTel: 05 57 65 65 65 Hpital Saint-Andr: 1, rue J. Burguet, 33075 Bordeaux CedexTel: 05 56 79 56 79 Polyclinique Bordeaux Nord Aquitaine: 15 rue Claude Boucher, Tel: 05 56 43 71 11 33300 Bordeaux Lyon and vicinity (Pinel, Bron, Pierre Benite) Htel-Dieu: 1, place de lHpital, 69002 LyonTel: 08 20 08 20 69 (Will close in November 2010) Hpital Edouard Herriot: 5, place dArsonval, 69003 LyonTel: 08 20 08 20 69 Hpital de La Croix-Rousse: Centre Livet, 10, gde rue de la Croix-Rousse, Tel: 08 20 08 20 69 69004 Lyon Centre Hospitalier St Joseph Et St Luc: 20, quai Claude Bernard, 69007 Lyon Tel: Website: Hpital Neurologique et Neurochirurgical Pierre Wertheimer (Neurology)Tel: 08 20 08 20 69 59, boulevard Pinel, 69500 Bron Hpital Cardiovasculaire et Pneumologique Louis PradelTel: 08 20 08 20 69 (Heart and respiratory reanimation) 59, boulevard Pinel, 69500 Bron Hpital Femme-Mere-Enfant (mothers and children) Tel: 08 20 08 20 69 59, boulevard Pinel, 69500 Bron 3 Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud: chemin du Grand Revoyet, 69310 Pierre BeniteTel: 08 20 08 20 69 Service de Consultations et de Traitements Dentaires (Dental service)Tel: 08 20 08 20 69 6-8, place Depret, 69007 Lyon More information on each of the hospitals in the vicinity of Lyon is available at: Rennes and vicinity (Angers, Brest Caen, Le Mans, Nantes) CHU Hpital Pontchaillou: 2, rue Henri Le Guilloux, 35033 Rennes Cedex 9Tel: 02 99 28 43 21 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire dAngers: 4, rue Larrey,Tel: 02 41 35 36 37 49933 Angers Cedex 9 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brest: 2, avenue Foch, 29200 BrestTel: 02 98 22 33 33 Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Caen: avenue Cte de Nacre, Tel: 02 31 06 31 06 14033 Caen Cedex 9 Hpital du Mans: 194, avenue Rubillard, 72037 Le Mans Cedex 9Tel: 02 43 43 43 43 Hpitaux du CHU de Nantes-Htel Dieu: 1, place Alexis Ricordeau,Tel: 02 40 08 33 33 44000 Nantes Hpital Saint Jacques: 85, rue Saint-Jacques, 44093 Nantes Cedex 1Tel: 02 40 08 33 33 Strasbourg and vicinity (Luneville Metz, Mulhouse, Nancy, Toul) Hpital Universitaire de Strasbourg: 1, place de lhpital, 67000 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 11 67 68 Hpital de Hautepierre: 1, avenue Molire, 67100 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 12 80 00 Clinique Sainte Odile: 6, rue Simonis - 67100 StrasbourgTel: 08 25 12 45 00 Clinique des Diaconesses : 2, rue Sainte Elisabeth, 67000 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 14 42 42 Hpital Sainte Blandine : 3, rue Cambout, 57000 MetzTel: 03 87 39 47 47 Centre Hospitalier de Belfort-Montbliard: 14 rue de Mulhouse - BelfortTel: 03 84 98 80 00 C.H.U de Nancy (Hpital Central) Rue Lionnois, 54000 Nancy Tel: 03 83 85 85 85 Maternit Rgionale de Nancy: 10, rue du Dr Heydenreich, 54042 Nancy Tel: 03 83 34 44 44 Hpital Saint Julien: 1, rue Foller, 54035 NancyTel: 03 83 85 85 85 4 C.H.U de Nancy (Hpital de Brabois) rue du Morvan,Tel: 03 83 15 30 30 54511 Vandoeuvre-Les- Nancy (adults and children) Hpital Jeanne d'Arc (CHU de Nancy) Tel: 03 83 65 60 60 Route Nationale, avenue Le Clerc, Dommartin-Les-Toul, 54200 Nancy Centre Hospitalier de Lunville: 2 Rue Level, 54300 Luneville Tel: 03 83 76 12 12 Clinique Jeanne d'Arc: 26 Rue Charles Vue, 54300 Luneville Tel: 03 83 76 36 36 Centre Hospitalier Saint-Charles: 1, Cours Raymond Poincar, 54201 Toul Tel: 03 83 62 20 20 More information on hospitals and emergency services in the vicinity of Strasbourg is available at: English-Speaking Doctors In the Paris Consular District Paris and vicinity: Allergists Dr. Patricia Abello: 147, avenue Malakoff, 75016 ParisTel: 01 45 00 23 22(Mtro: Victor Hugo) Dr. Patricia Abello: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Tel: 01 46 41 28 37 Cardiologists Dr. Jean-Michel Jais: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Tel: 01 46 41 27 93Dr. Ari Lieber: Hospital Hotel Dieu: 1, place du Parvis Notre-Dame, 75004, ParisTel:0142348025Fax:0142348632Cell: 06 70 07 75 81 Dr. Jean-Pierre Usdin: American Hospital 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Tel: 01 46 41 27 93 ChiropractorsMs. Nadine Steinik Foresman (D.C.) 22, rue des Canettes, 75006 ParisTel:01 43 54 26 25

Dr. Denis Alemi: 11 Avenue Fremiet, 75016 ParisTel:0951104941 Tel:0147070260 Dentists Dr. Patrick Bauer: 71, avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 ParisTel: 01 42 25 76 30(Mtro: St-Philippe du Roule)Tel: 01 42 25 08 41 Dr. Serge Cohen: 91, rue Jouffroy dAbbans (courtyard, 3rd fl.) 75017 ParisTel: 01 42 27 86 00 5 Dr. Virginie Hery: 19, rue Jean Giraudoux, 75116 ParisTel: 01 47 20 86 57 Dr. Mark Shulman: 38, avenue Hoche, 75008 Paris Tel: 01 45 61 06 42(Mtro: Charles de Gaulle-Etoile) Dentists Pediatric Dr. Lorraine Arav: 60, avenue d'Iena, 75116 Paris (Mtro: Iena)Tel: 01 40 70 98 48 Dermatologists Dr. Isabelle Dousset-Faure: 6, rue de la Grande Chaumire, 75006 ParisTel: 01 40 20 94 07Dr. Marc Pinto: 10, rue du Mont-Thabor, 75001 Paris Tel: 01 42 60 71 09(Mtro Tuilleries-Concorde) Dr. Michle Wolter-Desfosses: 21, rue Tronchet, 75008 ParisTel: 01 42 66 17 83 Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists (E.N.T.) Dr. Stephane De Corbieres: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Tel: 01 46 41 27 22Dr. Stephane Liwarek, 15 rue Spontini, 75016 Paris (Mtro: Porte Dauphine)Tel: 01 45 53 03 50 Gastroenterologists-Proctologists Dr. Herv Gompel: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 27 26Dr. Herv Gompel: Private off: 11, rue Paul Chatrousse, Neuilly Tel: 01 46 41 01 36(Mtro: Pont de Neuilly) Dr. Jacques See: 20, av. Charles de Gaulle 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 47 47 53 51Dr. Jean-David Zeitoun: 7 rue Challigny, 75012 PARISTel: 01 43 47 26 50 Dr. Herv Zylberberg: 3, avenue du President Wilson, 75016 ParisTel: 01 56 62 10 78 General Practitioners Dr. Julia Bache: 5 rue Lon Cogniet, 75017 ParisTel: 01 47 63 42 07Dr. Gunita Jolly: British Hospital 3, rue de Barbs, 92300 Levallois-Perret Tel: 01 46 39 22 34Dr. Anne-Valerie Meyers: 10, rue Royale (stairway C, 4th fl), 75008 ParisTel: 01 42 66 47 82Dr. Nancy Salzman: 1, avenue Lowendal, 75007 Paris Tel: 01 45 63 18 43(Metro: Ecole Militaire) . Dr. Francis Slattery: 10, avenue Eylau, 75116 Paris (Mtro Trocadro) Tel: 01 47 42 02 34Dr. Stephen Wilson: 54, rue des Archives, 75004 Paris Tel: 01 48 87 21 10(Mtro: Htel de Ville or Rambuteau) Gynecologists Dr. Jerome Berard, American Hospital of Paris, office 21, Tel: 01 46 41 27 44Private office: 5 rue Paul Valry, 75116 ParisTel: 01 47 27 04 13 (Mtro: Victor Hugo) Dr. Albane de Quillacq: 49, rue de la Tour 75116 ParisTel: 01 45 03 30 86 Dr. Anne-Isabelle Richet, 109, rue de l'Universit 75007 ParisTel: 01 45 51 82 32Dr. Diane Winaver: 109, rue de l'Universit 75007 ParisTel: 01 45 51 82 32 6 Neurologists Dr. Bertrand Pertuiset: American Hospital of Paris,Tel: 01 46 41 28 2192200 Neuilly-sur-SeineDr. Milton Risvegliato: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 28 21 NeuropsychologistMrs. Seta Kazandjian: 11, rue Bosio, 75016 ParisTel:09 70 46 04 80 (Mtro: Michel-Ange Auteuil or Molitor) and;Cell: 06 60 30 27 62 24, rue Barbet-de-Jouy, 75007 Paris(metro: Varenne) and; 8, boulevard Magenta, 75010 Paris (Metro: Jacques Bonsergent) Nutritionists Dr. Catherine Serfaty-Lacroisniere: 8 rue Jean Richepin, 75016 ParisTel: 01 45 04 34 34 Dr. Karen Dente: 69 ave. Georges Mandel, 75116 ParisTel: 01 45 03 26 23 Cell: 06 24 68 50 11 Obstetricians Dr. Jerome Berard, American Hospital of Paris, office 21, Tel: 01 46 41 27 44Private office: 5 rue Paul Valry, 75116 ParisTel: 01 47 27 04 13 (Mtro: Victor Hugo) Dr. Charles Brami: 16, Ave Paul Daumer 75016 Paris Tel: 01 42 25 30 66Dr. Albane de Quillacq: 49, rue de la Tour 75116 ParisTel: 01 45 03 30 86 Dr. Florence Herv: Private office: 151, avenue de Wagram, 75017 Paris Tel: 01 46 22 24 95(Mtro: Wagram) Dr. Florence Herv: American Hospital of Paris, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 26 98Dr. Franois Rolet: American Hospital of Paris, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Tel: 01 46 41 26 88Dr. Eric Sedbon: Private office: 17, rue Petrarque, 75116 ParisTel: 01 45 53 71 60(Mtro: Trocadero) Dr. Eric Selbon: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Tel: 01 46 41 26 88Dr. Charles Tibi: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 27 44 Obstetrician Surgeon - Gynecologists Dr. Jerome Berard: 5, rue Paul Valry, 75116 ParisTel: 01 47 27 04 13Dr. Jerome Berard: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 26 57Dr. Albane de Quillacq: 49, rue de la Tour 75116 ParisTel: 01 45 03 30 86 Dr. Jocelyn McGinnis: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 26 99 Ophthalmologists Dr. Howard Cohn: 45, rue Vineuse 75016 Paris (Mtro: Trocadero)Tel: 01 53 65 68 10Dr. Howard Cohn: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine .Tel: 01 46 41 27 09Dr. Jean-Franois Faure: 6, rue de la Grande Chaumire, 75006 ParisTel: 01 40 20 94 07Dr. Dan A. Le Buisson: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 27 09 7 Orthodontists Dr. Patrick Curiel: 109, bis, avenue Charles de Gaulle,Tel: 01 46 40 01 0292200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Dr. Jean-Luc Pruvost: 98, avenue Klber (Mtro: Trocadero) 75116 ParisTel: 01 45 53 84 84Dr. Eric Serfaty: 20, avenue Kleber 75116 ParisTel: 01 45 00 50 00 Orthopedic Specialists Dr. Daniel Benjamin:Centre Medical Luxembourg, 103, bd St Michel, Tel: 01 80 98 99 99 75005 Paris (Mtro: Luxembourg) Dr. Georges Casanova: American Hospital of Paris, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel:0146412761 Dr. V. Gasiunas, Clinique de l'Alma, 166 rue de l'Universit, 75007 ParisTel: 01 45 56 97 80 Fax: 01 45 55 04 20 Cell: 06 77 44 53 80 Dr. Philippe Paillard: 9, rue le Tasse, 75116 Paris Tel: 01 77 71 25 55 Fax: 01 77 71 25 56 Pediatricians Dr. Pierre Bitoun: 6, rue Jarente (Mtro: St Paul) 75004 ParisTel: 01 42 77 74 37Dr. Ham Cohen: 76 bis, rue de Suffren, 75015 ParisTel: 01 40 56 03 33(Mtro: La Motte Piquet /Grenelle) Dr. John Lovejoy: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 27 67Dr. Brigitte Pacault: 3, bis Blvd Jean Jaurs, 92100 Boulogne-BillancourtTel: 01 46 05 02 88Dr. Olivier Philippe: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Tel: 01 46 41 27 67Dr. Michel Robin: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 27 67 Periodontists . Dr. Jean-Paul Djian: 37, rue des Acacias 75017 ParisTel: 01 47 04 43 43Dr. Catherine Dorange: 3, rue Eugene Manuel, 75116 ParisTel: 01 40 50 92 82(Mtro: rue de la Pompe) Dr. Georges Krygier: 63, avenue Franklin D. Roosevelt, 75008 ParisTel: 01 43 59 47 67(Mtro: St-Philippe de Roule) Pharmacies British Pharmacy Villa Mayor: 1, rue Auber, 75009 ParisTel: 01 42 65 88 29Anglo-American Pharmacy: 37, avenue Marceau, 75016 ParisTel: 01 47 20 57 37British Pharmacy: 62 avenue des Champs Elyses, 75008 ParisTel: 01 43 59 22 52Tel: 01 43 59 82 30Pharmacy Swann (Anglo-American) 6, rue de Castiglione, 75001 ParisTel: 01 42 60 72 96 8 Physical Therapist Mr. Paul Beurskens: 34, rue Dauphine, 75006 ParisTel: 01 44 07 04 97 Tel: 06 28 34 92 98 Pneumologist Dr. Elie Touaty: American Hospital, 63, Blvd Victor Hugo, Tel: 01 46 41 28 3792200 Neuilly-sur-Seine PodiatristDr. Daniel Benjamin: 120, rue Oberkampf, 75011 ParisTel: 01 43 57 02 00 (specialist in orthopedic treatment and sports therapy) Psychiatrist/Adults Dr. Ludwig Sitzmann: 121, rue de Rennes, 75006 ParisTel: 01 45 48 86 56 Psychotherapists / Psychologists Ms. Debra Berg (DESS) 7, rue Edgar Quinet, 92240 MalakoffTel: 01 46 55 96 96 Ms. Vivienne Harvey (MA) 120, Avenue Champs lyses, 75008 Paris Tel: 06 20 55 17 56 Ms. Minna Kim: 11, rue du Cherche-Midi, 75006 ParisTel: 01 42 22 18 01 Cell: 06 06 68 53 48 Ms. Ursula Knapp-Mcinnes: 14, rue Gambetta, 92100 Boulogne-BillancourtTel: 01 46 03 04 19 Ms. Laura Neulat (Ph.D): 144, bd Exelmans, 75016 ParisTel: 01 47 43 08 68 Mrs. Beatrice M. Patsalides (Ph.D): 240, rue Saint Jacques, 75005 ParisTel: 01 46 33 81 12Ms. Marina Perruchot (DESS): 1, alle Mathlide de Garlande, 78960 Voisins Cell: 06 72 38 31 32 le Bretonneux Ms. Valerie A.G. Ventureyra (Ph.D): 68, rue Julien Lacroix, 75020 ParisTel: 06 42 06 01 40 Radiologist Dr. Antoine Hakime: 5, rue Antoine Arnauld, 75116 ParisTel: 06 21 39 60 36 Rheumatologists Dr. Alain Nys: American Hospital of Paris, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 27 63 Social Workers Ms. Melinda Fogel (MSW) 55, avenue Marceau, 75016 Paris Tel: 01 40 50 33 00Mr. Michael Farley (MSW) 26, rue Daubigny, Paris 75017Tel: 09 52 00 26 51 Cell: 06 51 60 89 87 Speech and Language Therapist Dr. Julie Morris Tuil: 9, rue Lon Vaudoyer, 75007 ParisTel: 01 42 56 59 05 Tel: 01 45 66 51 47Stomatologists (tooth extraction)Dr. Walter Green: 68, avenue d' Ina (Mtro: Kleber), 75116 Paris Tel: 01 47 20 22 22 Dr. Stephane Luc-Sebaoun: 56, avenue Klber, 75116 ParisTel: 01 47 04 41 41(Secretary Virginie: Cell: 06 14 37 50 00) 9 Surgeons (G.I) and/or hands and maxillo-facial, plasticDr. Alain Bzowski: 6, rue de l'Alboni, 75016 Paris Tel: 01 45 25 44 00(Mtro: Passy) Dr. Krishna Clough: 7, avenue Bugeaud, 75016 ParisTel: 01 45 63 00 00 Dr. Jean-Louis Pailler: American Hospital, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 26 82 Dr. Pascal Wintringer, American Hospital of Paris, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 26 82 Urologists Dr. Roland Chiche: Private office: 51, avenue Montaigne, 75008 ParisTel: 01 42 56 26 66Dr. Roland Chiche: American Hospital of Paris, 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine Tel: 01 46 41 26 93 Vein Specialist Dr. Jean-Charles Benzimra: 4, rue Roquepine, 75008 Paris .Tel: 01 42 65 21 56(Mtro: St Augustin) Veterinarians Dr. Jean-Franois Bardet: 32, rue Pierret, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 41 05 93 Dr. N.R Caspard-Chappey: 47, rue St Charles, 75015 Paris Tel: 01 40 59 04 76Dr. Christian Rodriguez: 58, rue du Cherche Midi, 75006 ParisTel: 01 45 44 19 27 Drs. Legmann/Benaim Bedossa: 10/12, rue Bailly, 92200 Neuilly-sur-SeineTel: 01 46 24 25 84Tel: 01 46 24 08 34 Other cities and vicinity in the Paris Consular District (Bordeaux, Lyon, Rennes, Strasbourg) English-Speaking Doctors Bordeaux and vicinity CardiologistDr Marc Bemurat: 150, avenue Pasteur, 33600 PessacTel: 05 56 07 00 28 Dentists Drs. Normand/Bonnet/Dufour: 124, rue Croix de Seguey, 33000 BordeauxTel: 05 56 52 28 68 Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Dr. Didier Portmann: Fondation Portmann, Service O.R.L, Tel: 05 56 24 30 15 114, avenue d'Ars, 33000 Bordeaux Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)Dr. Jacques Verhulst: Clinique St Augustin, 112, avenue d'Ars,Tel: 05 56 00 30 3033000 Bordeaux 10 GastroenterologistsDr. Jean-Marc Perarnau: Tour CHU Trousseau, 33044 Tours, Cedex 09 Tel: 02 47 47 46 09 (switchboard)Tel: 02 47 47 47 47 General Practitioners Dr. Bernard Coadou: 105, Cours. Edouard Vaillant, 33000 BordeauxTel: 05 56 39 47 20Dr. Jacques Gayet: 88, rue Enerst Renan, 33000 BordeauxTel: 05 56 52 58 52Dr. Christian Martre: 18, rue du Vlodrome, 33000 BordeauxTel: 05 56 08 13 25 Gynecologists Dr. Claude Abcassis-Wilson: 14, rue Richard Wagner, 33700 MerignacTel: 05 56 47 11 47Dr. Sylvia Kirsch: 2, rue Berruer, 33000 BordeauxTel: 05 56 51 47 32 Pediatrician Dr. Franck Dugravier: 88, avenue Pasteur, 33600 PessacTel: 05 56 45 35 85 Psychiatrist Dr. Hlne Mancini: Cabinet: 51 rue Georges Mandel, 33082 BordeauxTel: 05 56 93 01 52

Psychologist Jennifer Millington: Cabinet de Psychologie O. Grondin, 58 rue Fondaudge Tel:06 67 60 88 08 33000 Bordeaux More information on doctors and emergency services in the vicinity of Lyon is available at ( LilleDermatologist Tel: 03 20 37 22 36 Dr. Eric Ehrsam: 2, rue de la Baignerie, 59800 Lille France Lyon and vicinity Allergist Dr. Alain Voloch: Centre Medical P.A.R.O.T., 54, rue Duquesne, 69006 LyonTel: 04 78 94 24 74 (For pneumologie - allergologie, cancerologie, pneumo-pediatrie) Art Therapist Art Therapeuthe Julie Korp: 49, rue de Crqui, 69006 Lyon Tel: 06 84 20 48 98 Dermatologist Dr. Chantal Gavaud-Kennedy: 73, rue Vauban, 69006 Lyon Tel: 04 72 74 23 18 Dentists Dr. Alexandre Baroud: 74, rue Pierre Corneille, 69003 LyonTel: 04 78 60 36 68 Fax: 09 57 90 39 31 11 Dr. Joseph Benamran: 25, rue Bugeaud, 69006 Lyon Tel: 04 78 52 25 48 Dr. Alain Crez: 38, quai Jayr, 69009 Lyon Tel: 04 78 83 76 81 Dr. Bruno Tedesco: 18, place Ambroise Courtois, 69008 Lyon Tel: 04 78 76 66 66 Ear, Nose and Throat (E.N.T.) Dr. Jean-Jacques Naville: 5, cours Franklin Roosevelt, 69006 Lyon Tel: 04 78 89 51 25 Emergency medical assistance SOS Doctors: 289, rue Garibaldi, 69007 Lyon Tel: 04 78 83 51 51 General Practitioners Dr. Dominique Faysse: 25, rue Garibaldi, 69006 Lyon Tel: 04 78 93 13 25 Dr. Alain Gaillard: 30, rue des Remparts d'Ainay, 69002 Lyon Tel: 04 78 38 00 31 Dr. Blandine Ravel: 14, place Jean Mac, 69007 Lyon Tel: 04 72 73 59 12 Fax: 04 72 73 59 15 Cell: 06 85 61 95 93 Dr. Ruth Rouach: 25, rue Bugeaud, 69006 Lyon Tel: 04 78 52 25 48 Oncologist Dr. Benot You: Centre Hospitalier Lyon Sud, 165, Chemin du Grand Revoyet,Tel: 04 78 86 43 18 69495 Pierre-Bnite cedexFax: 04 78 86 43 19 Orthodontists Dr. Muriel Galloy: 54, avenue Marchal de Saxe, 69006 Lyon Tel: 04 72 83 93 60 Dr. Philippe H. Tartaix: 23, rue Centrale, 38230 Pont-de-Chruy Tel: 04 72 02 33 23 Pediatricians Dr. Francois Payot: 51, rue Waldeck Rousseau, 69006 LyonTel: 04 78 24 85 09 Dr. Jean Stagnara: 46, cours Franklin Roosevelt, 69006 Lyon Tel: 04 78 24 47 68 Dr. Marc Lafont: Cial Center, 20, rue de Chavril, 69110 Ste Foy ls Lyon Tel: 04 78 25 65 70 Dr. Michel Goldberg: 55, avenue Alsace-Lorraine, 38000 Grenoble Tel: 04 76 46 38 41 Psychologist Ms. Karen Cain: Cabinet Brac de la Perrire, 122, rue Bossuet, 69006 LyonTel: 06 84 54 22 73 Ms. Emmanuelle Niollet- Metcalfe: 2, rue Abb Lemire, 69300 CaluireTel: 06 73 66 22 34

Psychotherapist Ms. Diane Webb: 18F, rsidence Rose lHaye, 90 av. Clmenceau, Tel: 04 72 24 11 61 69230 St Genis Laval Fax: 04 72 31 04 87 Surgeons Dr. Donne: Hospital (Private) St Louis: 100, rue du Bourbonnais, 69009 LyonTel: 04 72 19 29 29 More information on doctors and emergency services in the vicinity of Lyon is available at ( ) 12 Rennes and vicinity General Practitioners Dr. Mac Nary Dennis Grald: 9, rue de la Libration, 35290 GaelTel: 02 99 07 72 13 Dr. Sidonie Chhor: av. du 41me Rgiment dInfanterie, 35000 RennesTel: 02 99 67 67 33 Dr. Julien Bahuahd: 27 av. du 41me Rgiment dInfanterie, 35000 RennesTel: 02 99 67 67 33 Dr. Catherine Le Thanh: 26, place Lices, 35000 RennesTel: 02 99 35 05 05 Physical Therapist Mr. Franois Le Corre: (MWF) 29, avenue Jean Janvier, 35000 RennesTel : 02 99 01 00 53 Tel: 06 08 67 24 02 Gynocologist Dr. Marie-Therese Corbel: 7, rue dArmagnac, 35000 RennesTel: 02 99 54 45 44 Dentist Centre de Soins Dentaires: 2, place Pasteur, 35000 RennesTel: 02 99 38 84 22 General Practitioners Dr. Patrick Ouvrard: Centre Commercial Grand-Maine,rue de Grand Launay, Tel: 02 41 36 18 10 49000 Angers Dr. Eric Furet: 2, rue Colbert, 29200 BrestTel: 02 98 43 03 38 Dr. Patrick Balouet: 2, rue Colbert, 29200 BrestTel: 02 98 43 03 38 Dr. Stephane Debelle: 2, avenue de 6 juin, 14000 CaenTel: 02 31 50 33 33 Dr. Pascal Villechalane: 2, avenue de 6 juin, 14000 CaenTel: 02 31 50 33 33 Dr. Bruno Baudart: 12, avenue Lon Bolle, 72100 Le MansTel: 02 43 74 02 40 Dr. Pascal Lavaud: 12, avenue Lon Bolle, 72100 Le MansTel: 02 43 74 02 40 Dr. Georges Charlotte: 23 rue Racine, 44000 Nantes Tel: 02 51 55 47 68 Dentist Dr. Veronique Cochet: 171, rue Jean Jaures, 29200 BrestTel: 02 98 43 40 14 Dr. Sylvie Devys: 11, rue du Gnral Duez, 44230 Staint-Sbastien-sur-LoireTel: 02 40 80 56 99 Pediatricians Dr. Deo Rugemintwaza: 4, rue du Bourg Bas, 72100 Le MansTel: 02 43 84 35 32 Dentistes (Dentists) Centre de Sant Dentaire Mutualiste: 22, Boulevard Ren Levasseur, Tel: 02 43 28 05 93 72000 Le Mans More information on doctors and emergency services in the vicinity of Rennes is available at: ( 13 Strasbourg and vicinity Cardiologist Dr. Philippe Soskin: 1, rue Goeth, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 24 24 04Dr. Philippe Germain: 1, rue 1re Armee, 67000 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 36 13 50 Dentists Dr. Flaviu Chis: 43, blvd dAnvers, 67000 StrasbourgTel: 06 63 54 65 87 Dr. Nicholas Fuchs: 5, rue de Londres, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 60 64 76Dr. Yves Houot: 5, Place Clment, 67100 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 32 06 15Dr. Thierry Roos: 9, bd de la Dordogne, 67000 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 36 00 10 Dr. Jean-Luc Schneider: 2, Place de Broglie, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 32 82 09Dr. Eric Steimle: 17, Boulevard Jacques Preiss 67000, Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 35 07 64 DermatologistsDr. Marc Abensour: 80, Alle de la Robertsau, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 36 79 31 Fax: 03 88 25 68 96 Dr. Patrick Caussade: 19, rue de l'Observatoire 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 60 13 12 Dr. Jean Marie Dallara: 8, rue de Londres, 67000 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 61 10 78Fax: 03 88 60 05 21 Dr. Corinne Muller-Storck: 31, rue du faubourg National, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 75 11 16 Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Dr. Guy Bronner: 62, rue du Faubourg National, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 32 33 70Dr. Philippe Bilger: 11, place du Temple Neuf, 67000 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 32 14 48 Gastroenterologist Dr. Jean-Marc Simler: 2, avenue des Vosges, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 35 30 18 Fax: 03 88 35 32 48 General Practitioners Dr. Nathalie Baur: 16, rue du docteur Maurice Freysz, 67000 - Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 31 48 13Dr. Susanne Essayag: 30, Quai Rouget de l'Isle, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 36 50 26Dr. Pierre Ritter: 16, rue du docteur Maurice Freysz, 67000 - Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 31 48 13 Dr. Bernard Rohmer: 46, Boulevard d'Anvers, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 60 69 69 14 GynecologistsDr. Catherine Gay: 7, boulevard Paul Droulde, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 35 19 19Dr. Jean-Pierre Guikovaty: 9, bd du Prsident Edwards, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 36 06 14Fax: 03 88 35 42 87Dr. Philippe Klein: 7, boulevard Paul Droulde, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 35 19 19 Neurologist Dr. Pierre North: 5, rue Gustave Dor, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 32 69 22Dr. Sebastien Froelich: C.H.U. Hautepierre, Service de NeurochirurgieTel: 03 88 12 76 19avenue Moliere BP 49, 67098 Strasbourg Cedex(switchboard)Tel: 03 88 12 80 00 Ophthalmologist Dr. Claude Benichou: 12, rue du Fosse des Tanneurs, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 32 18 01Fax: 03 88 23 05 82Dr. Francis Ferrari: 19, rue de la Glacire, 67300 Schiltigheim Tel: 03 88 33 15 40Fax: 03 88 81 44 60 Dr Chahrokh Elahi: 1 rue Des Tonneliers, 67000 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 23 40 40 PediatriciansDr. Laurent Mengus: 24, rue Fischart, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 61 54 30Fax: 03 88 60 18 76Dr. BernardDe Geeter: 3, rue Simonis, 67000, StrasbourgTel: 03 88 34 23 23 Psychiatrists Dr. Patrick Gauthier-Lafaye: 10, rue Massenet, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 60 28 15Dr. Isabelle Pivard: 63 avenue des Vosges, 67000 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 37 07 64Dr. Frdric Grabli: 77, avenue Jean Jaurs, 67100 Strasbourg Tel: 03 88 34 39 18 Clinical PsychologistsMs. Brigit Soubrouillard (Ph.D) 1, rue Saint Lon 67400 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 22 08 08 (Illkirch) Mr. Robert Woods: 7, rue Schoch, 67000 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 36 41 48 1, rue Schongauer, 68000 ColmarTel: 03 89 23 37 41 RhumatologistsDr. Jean Marc Hoechstetter: 15, rue Ehrmann, 67000 StrasbourgTel: 03 88 35 56 61Fax: 03 88 25 01 45 More information on doctors and emergency services in the vicinity of Strasbourg is available at:( ) 15 French Health Insurance For information on French health insurance you may visit the website of lAssurance Maladie or call 0 811 36 36 46 (toll call) in EnglishFrom abroad dial 0033 811 36 36 46 (toll call) Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. United States Embassy American Citizen Services 4, avenue Gabriel 75382 Paris Cedex 08 France Website: June 2014