parish life · 2020-05-12 · on the 25th february some of us attended the deanery meeting in...


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Page 1: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


M a ga z i n e


Page 2: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


Church Office Open 9am-12 noon Monday-Friday 721248

For Clergy, Janet Henderson, Diane Letheren


Email [email protected]

Address Kirkland, Kendal LA9 5AF

Page 3: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


Dear Friends,

As I write we are in the middle of yet another election campaign!

Despite the good motives of so many and their desire to make things

better, power (and its pursuit) is a tricky and dangerous thing. Power

gives us the ability to get things done, but it is too often used to help

some triumph at the expense of others.

Advent and Christmas help us to reflect on power. Through Advent and

Christmas, we prepare for the coming of the King of Kings. We

remember not only his coming to Bethlehem, but get ready for his

coming again as Lord of All. Advent is about a future event more than

the remembrance of one that has been. The Bible uses names for Jesus

which might make even the President of the USA blush. “Wonderful,

Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. ““Of the

increase of his rule and peace,” says Isaiah, “there will be no end.”

In Jesus, we see how power should be exercised. Though he is God, he

is prepared to be born as a humble and vulnerable child. He kneels to

wash his disciples’ feet. It is only at the point at which his actions and

words can no longer be mistaken for a power grab that Jesus admits to

being the Messiah. In God’s economy, power is not about defeating

others. It is not about glorifying oneself and lording it over others.

Power, in God’s way, is humble. It brings peace and the flourishing of all

creation. This true peace is the hope of Advent, and the culmination of

that first Christmas.

As I try and work out who to vote for and what sort of country I want

us to be, I give thanks that, ultimately, God is in charge. I give thanks

that, in the midst of anxiety and trouble, all power is given to Jesus and

that I know how he uses power. I give thanks that this ruler is good and

gentle, and that he brings healing and wholeness. I pray that the rulers of

this, and other nations, will learn again and again from him, and will seek

the wisdom and courage he can give.

And what of my own response to this ruler? This King born to a poor

couple in a room away from home, who brings healing and hope to the

lost, who submits himself to be executed as a criminal for the mistakes

Page 4: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


of all humanity, and who defeats even death for the love of us. It is

surely to give him all the praise he is due. One of my sons has a

favourite song which says it all:

If creation sings Your praises so will I

If the stars were made to worship so will I

If the mountains bow in reverence so will I

If the oceans roar Your greatness so will I

For if everything exists to lift You high so will I

Or, to quote that wonderful Advent hymn:

Yea, Amen, let all adore thee,

high on thine eternal throne;

Saviour, take the power and glory,

claim the kingdom for thine own:

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

Thou shalt reign and thou alone.

Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year,


Thank you.

Earlier this year, we asked everyone to consider their giving again for the

year. Individual letters will be going out in the new year, but we wanted to

say thank you now to all those who responded so generously. The

increase in giving, particularly through changes to standing orders, have

made a big difference to our shared finances as a church for this financial

year. Thank you.

Page 5: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church



It has been a long-standing tradition to arrange carol singing in the residential

homes to which we minister in the lead up to Christmas. We have arranged

singing at the following ones on the dates and times shown –

Summerhill – Monday 16th December at 11am

Riverside – Monday 16th December at 11am

Heron Hill – Tuesday 17th December at 11am

Edgecombe Court – Wednesday 18th December at 10am

Stonecross – Wednesday 18th December at 11.30am

Gillingreane – Wednesday 18th December at 3pm

Unfortunately some of the dates clash but we have had to fit in with the busy

schedule at each of these homes.

It would be lovely to have a good number of singers at each venue to share in

this important and valued outreach, which is greatly appreciated by both

residents and staff alike.

If you would like to join us please see the sign-up sheet on the Information

Point and add your name where you can. Meanwhile if you have any queries

the contacts are Arthur Moss (Summerhill), Mary Brown (Heron Hill), Michael

Hunter (Edgecombe Court), Philip Heyes (Gillingreane) and myself

(Stonecross and Riverside)

Many thanks,


Page 6: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


MOTHERS UNION REPORT 2019 Our busy and interesting year began with Jenny Parker demonstrating the Art

of Lacemaking. She did this by the use of visual aids showing her using lots of

different techniques and these were portrayed on the large TV screen so that

we all could see all the intricate steps taken. She had also brought many

samples for us all to look at and she had set up a sample piece so that

members could have a go at lacemaking - a very informative afternoon.

February saw Jean Turnbull speak about “Childhood in South Lakeland in the

early 20th Century” through people she had interviewed. This encouraged

some of our own members to relate some of their own childhood memories.

On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in


On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our

church in collaboration with Sue Rowley. This was very well attended by all

the other M.U. branches in our Deanery. On the 13th March we had a

“Quiet Afternoon” with Tom Thompson.

Also in March we served Lent Lunch in the Parish Hall, attended the Lady

Day Service at the St. George’s Church and we all gathered in the Vestry to

prepare the posies for Mothering Sunday.

David Richardson came and spoke about “Emma” in April and in May, Bruce

and Friends did their usual Tom, Dick and Harry routine - a real treat for all

with their musical memories.

The June the Mother’s Union Lunch at

Stonecross Manor was a chance to meet up

with Anne Wodeman who has taken on the

role of Deanery Leader for our area in place

of Annette Brown and also fellow members

from the other branches. On the 12th June

Helen Evans, Regional Fundraising Manager

for Barnardos, explained what help there

was for young people with problems.

The Summer Outing in July took us up to

Lazonby to meet up with Mark Houston at

St. Nicholas Church .

Page 7: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


We took communion with Mark and then drove up to Houghton Hall near

Carlisle to have lunch and look around the Garden Centre before leaving to

come home via Bassenthwaite Lake.

After the Summer Break in September David Ratcliffe came to tell us all about

the “Shoe Box Appeal” and his visits to meet up with the people who receive


Jane Conlon, former M.U. Diocesan President and Janice Eadington, our new

Diocesan President, presented a workshop in October, on M.U.L.O.A. which

stands for Mother’s Union Listen, Observe, Action. They gave us a biblical

situation where a couple of people acted it out and then the rest of the

members who had been put into groups worked through the Listen, Observe

and Action points and it was surprising how many points were brought up.

Jane and Janice were very pleased with the outcome and the involvement that

had come from the various groups. These results were all going to be fed back

to M.U. Headquarters. They were also very impressed with the involvement

that some of our members have in various other projects happening in the


After the A.G.M we prepare oranges for the Christingle Service and are then

getting our Christmas Tree ready for the Annual Christmas Tree Festival

where we are sponsoring the Hydrotherapy Pool again.

Our Christmas Party is Wednesday 11th December.

We enrolled 2 new members this year which makes our membership for 2019,

33. Unfortunately 2 of our members have left the district, we wish them well

but they will be missed.

We meet the second Wednesday of the month at 2.00pm in the Vestry.

This year on behalf of the Mother’s Union we have sent Baptism Anniversary

cards to the families as follows: 5th Year - 73, 4th Year - 66, 3rd Year - 49,

2nd Year - 35 and the 1st Year - 23.

Joan Carnaffin

Page 8: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


Working with the Vulnerable –

Some of our Near Neighbours

If a brother or sister is naked and lacks daily food, and one of you says to

them, “Go in peace; keep warm and eat your fill”, and yet you do not supply

their bodily needs, what is the good of that? So faith by itself, if it has no

works, is dead. James 2.15-17

We get used from our TV screens to hearing about the great need of

many who live in other parts of the world: their suffering may stem

from natural disaster, war or injustice. We admire the work of

different individuals and charities who try to bring peace, help and

justice to those in such situations but sometimes they can seem very


But we do not have to travel a long distance to find others with major

needs. Springfield provides accommodation and support for women

at risk of homelessness because they are fleeing domestic abuse. It is the only dedicated women’s refuge in Cumbria. The women come

from many different parts of the country. Springfield also offers an

outreach service and has a community programme.

Manna House provides advice, advocacy and a drop-in support

centre for those who are homeless, vulnerably housed, lonely or just

needing help. Many of those it helps may face various social challenges.

As well as its paid staff (one of whom is a member of KPC), Manna

House has a large number of volunteers who provide help in any num-

ber of different ways.

The Winter Shelter, coordinated by Manna House staff but run by

volunteers (many from local churches but others without any church

affiliation), runs from the beginning of December to the beginning of

March and provides a good meal and overnight accommodation to

those who are homeless. This year the different days of the week finds

it at 7 different venues – 6 churches and 1 local government one.

Page 9: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


So how is KPC involved with those who are locally ‘on the margins’ in these


All feature very regularly in our prayers – both through our Prayer Diary and in

our corporate prayers on Sundays.

Some KPC members volunteer at Manna House or with the Night Shelter.

By KPC’s Mission Notice Board there are boxes for donations for the work of

both Springfield and Manna House. Practical donations for both organisations

are always needed.

KPC members provide the main courses for the Sunday evening Night Shelter.

A list is on the Information Point in Church – there are still vacancies which

need filling.

Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way so far in these areas.

Michael Hunter

Just Suppose….

If you had lived in Bethlehem

All those years ago.

Would you have opened up your


To strangers at the door

If you had been a shepherd boy

On the dark side of the hill,

Would you have left your sheep and


And run to find the Child?

If you had been a wise man

Travelling afar,

Would you have gone to Bethlehem

Following a star?

If Mary came to Kendal

With Joseph at her side,

Would we open up our homes

And throw the doorway wide?

Or would we look suspiciously

And leave them standing there,

The Baby born to save us all

But we’ve no room to spare.

Once a year at Christmas time

We hear again the story.

But is that all He means to us

The wondrous King of Glory

Patricia Hovey

Page 10: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


God Outdoors

Looking back, highlights from the

past few weeks include... God

Outdoors, where we spent an

enjoyable morning in Dog Kennel

Wood pond dipping, making bird

feeders, going on a tree trail,

making leaf hedgehogs, singing

and thinking about where God is

and how he is always with us; and

the KPC Youth Group visit to X

Height indoor climbing near

Lancaster (which was a bit high!)

and McDonalds. We also

enjoyed firework and Poppy

painting and thinking about how fireworks and illuminations need darkness so

we can see them properly and how in 'dark' times we need the light of Jesus

and often through these times we can experience Him more clearly and grow

closer to him.

In December there is lots to look

forward to....Toddlers are having a party

with Santa and a visit to the Christmas

trees in Church, Messy Church is going

Christmas crazy (thank you for all the

cardboard tube donations!) and Messy

Vintage are having a Christingle at

Stonecross Care Home with the year 6's

and a toddler nativity. We are also having a

Messy Church does Messy Vintage and

inviting our families to join us at Summerhill

nursing home for a Christmas themed

afternoon Messy Church style! Do look

out for our Bible themed welcome

tree..contributed to by all our groups!!

Page 11: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


Where Is God....?

In the fallen leaves

Beside the still

small waters

Catch him in the


Swirling and twisting...

or in each breathe...

....making things new.

God Outdoors Nov 2019

Page 12: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


The course runs on Monday evenings 7.30pm-9.00pm

It runs from 13th January until February 24th with a

half-term break on February17th

At Holmcroft 13 Castle Road Kendal LA9 7AU

For more information please contact

Rev. Mat Ineson 07398 252715

email: vicar

Page 13: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


Weekly Gentle Exercise Class at Kendal Par-

ish Church Hall on Thursdays from 10.30 am-11.45 am. Come along, have some fun and try

t h i s p r e d o m i n a n t l y c h a i r b a s e d exercise class followed by tea and chat. It will

help improve your mobility, muscle strength and balance, as we also do some balance exercises behind the chair. Only £2.50! Hope to see you there! Last

session before Christmas is 19th Dec and will restart on 9th January. There will be no class on 12th December due to the election.

Over 50s Walking Netball. Weekly sessions at Kendal Leisure Centre from

3.30pm – 4. 30pm. Walking Netball is a slower version of the game; it is netball, but at a walking pace. The game has been designed so that anyone can play it

regardless of age or fitness level. Come and give it a go. We are always looking for new members. £2.05 per session. To register your interest call Age UK on 01539

728118. Last session before Christmas is 17th December and will restart on 7th January. No session on 21st January.

IT Drop - In Sessions South Lakes Foyer, Kendal - 1st Monday of the month

and Age UK Finkle Street - 3rd Thursday of the Month from 1.30pm-3.30pm. Volunteers will offer support with any queries or problems regarding Laptops,

Tablets or Smart Phones.

Mindful Meditation – Going Deeper on Mondays 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th January & 3rd, 10th, 24th Feb & 2nd March from 2pm- 3.30pm in The

Detached Room, Castle Street Centre, Kendal. If you have already followed an introductory course or already meditate, you may like to spend some time

deepening your practice. Come and meditate in a group where you'll be able to participate in: longer meditations and with reduced guidance, walking

meditation, mindful movement, poetry and music. Suggested donation of £2,50 per session. For more information and to book your place, please contact Age UK

South Lakeland on 01539 728118.

Chat and Craft - a monthly craft session on the first Friday of each month (6th December and 3rd January) from 10.30- 12.noon at Kendal Town Hall. Come

along and enjoy a sociable morning of chat, craft, and creativity. Bring along your own craft, knitting, sewing or art projects. These sessions are incorporated into

our monthly Age UK coffee morning.

Snooker, Pool, Dominoes and Darts Group meets at the Albion Social and Snooker Club on Sandes Avenue in Kendal every Thursday 1.30pm-3.30pm.

Come along and join us for a sociable afternoon and a very warm welcome !

To find out about any of the above or any services which Age UK South Lakeland can offer older people, or if you would like to volunteer for us please call us on

01539 728118.

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Churchwardens’ Fund for Education and Training?

At times various members of the congregation become

involved in Education and Training opportunities from which

both they and the church benefit.

The Churchwardens are aware that this may involve some

occasional extra expense for the individual. Unfortunately

there are no funds within the present church accounts to


We have decided to create a fund which will be ‘ring fenced’

within the church accounts the Vicar being solely responsible

for its distribution.

This Coffee Morning on January 11th is in aid of this project.

So there we are, a new venture and one which we

hope members of the congregation will support.

Dick, Joan, David R. & David D.

Page 15: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


News for churches

There’s a lot happening this month! The handmade petition is being

exhibited in the Chapter House at Westminster Abbey. Standing Strong

events have been happening throughout the UK and Ireland. And, like a huge

snowball rolling down a hill, Christmas is on its way! It’s a joyous time for

churches, but also a lot of hard work is going on.

As always, we’re so grateful for the faithful support of churches in the UK

and Ireland. Don’t forget, as well as the goodies in this email, there are

resources for all age groups on our website. So please share this email with

others in your church who might be interested.


Last month we told you about the huge number of handmade petition

squares we had received expressing solidarity and support for persecuted

Christian women. (The total has gone up again, by the way - we’re now at

an astonishing 16,000 fabric squares!) A huge selection of these wonderful

petitions are on public display in Westminster Abbey’s Chapter House from

17-24 November 2019.

As well as the handmade petitions, on

display will also be Tears of Gold

portraits and self-portraits of Nigerian

women who have experienced

persecution. The Chapter House can be

accessed free of charge via the cloisters

entrance of the Abbey. You can find

more information about the exhibition opening times on our website.

Page 16: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


Wherever you are, please pray for the

impact of this exhibition. We’ve created a

downloadable prayer guide to help

churches pray across the week.

Please also pray that we can present the

petition to the UK Government. Unfortunately, due to the coming

election, the Preventing Sexual Violence in Conflict (PSVI) conference at

which we were planning to present the petition has been postponed.

Please pray with us that we can present the petition to the Government

after the election, and that it will influence those who have the power

to bring about change for the women the handmade petition represents.

Many of you have raised your voices in support of our persecuted

sisters by signing the handmade petition and participating in our See.

Change Campaign. Let’s continue to raise our voices in prayer as well.


Signs of Hope: The Open Doors Carol Sheet 2019 features the lyrics to

nine well-known carols and includes inspiring stories, and a reflection on

why people choose to follow Christ despite the cost. But along with the

carol sheet, there are also other resources to help you stand with the

persecuted church throughout Advent.

Page 17: PARISH LIFE · 2020-05-12 · On the 25th February some of us attended the Deanery meeting in Milnthorpe. On the 1st March we hosted the World Day of Prayer at 2.00pm in our church


There are four Stories of Hope to tell on Sundays throughout December while

lighting the Advent candle, and videos featuring Christmas Bible readings by

Christians in Syria. There’s even a video of children in Aleppo singing a

Christmas song. (Among the young carol singers is Abraham, who features in

the Signs of Hope Carol Sheet.)

For children and families there’s

the Be a Sign of Hope activity to

help you to walk and pray with

Abraham and his mother Jina. God

with us, a Christmas themed youth

session outline is the perfect

pre-Christmas gift for all busy

youth workers. And don’t forget

the carol sheet has a cut out star

that you can hang on the tree and

use to send a Christmas message to Syrian Christians.

You can order the song sheets and download all the additional resources from

the website. Your support makes a real difference, so please continue to stand

with Syria this Christmas and be a Sign of Hope.


The 2020 World Watch List launches on 15 January. If you received our

November magazine, you should have also received a tear-off

invitation enabling you to invite your MP to this event. Please do this if you can,

it’s a fantastic opportunity for us to raise awareness of the needs of the

persecuted church, and encourage key decision makers to do more to support

our brothers and sisters around the world.

You can find out more about all our church resources on our website. And if

your church is supporting Open Doors, please write in and let us know what

you are doing. You never know who you might inspire!

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Sunday Services – December 2019

Sunday 1st December - The First Sunday of Advent – Advent Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Choral Communion (BCP)

11.15am The Gathering

4.00pm Christingle

6.00pm Advent Carol Service

Sunday 8th December - The Second Sunday of Advent

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Parish Communion (Common Worship)

11.15am The Gathering

2.00pm Kentdale District Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Carol service

6.00pm Evensong (BCP)

Sunday 15th December - The Third Sunday of Advent

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Parish Communion (Common Worship)

11.15am The Gathering

6.00pm Evensong (BCP)

Sunday 22nd December - The Fourth Sunday of Advent

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Parish Communion (Common Worship)

11.15am The Gathering

6.00pm A Service of Nine Lessons and Carols

Tuesday 24th December - Christmas Eve 4.00pm Family Crib Service 11.15pm Midnight Communion (Common Worship)

Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day 9.00am Holy Communion (BCP) 10.30am Parish Communion (Common Worship)

Sunday 29th December - The First Sunday of Christmas

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.30am Parish Communion (Common Worship)

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Sunday 5th January - The Epiphany

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Epiphany Carol Service

11.15am The Gathering

6.00pm Evensong (BCP)

Sunday 12th January – The Second Sunday of Epiphany

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Parish Communion (Common Worship)

11.15am The Gathering

6.00pm Evensong (BCP)

Sunday 19th January - The Third Sunday of Epiphany

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Parish Communion (Common Worship)

11.15am The Gathering

6.00pm Evensong (BCP)

Sunday 26th January - The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

9.30am Parish Communion (Common Worship)

11.15am The Gathering

6.00pm Evensong (BCP)

From the Registers


3rd November Elsie Rose Waller & Jessica Magean

17th November William Hayton & Esme Maxwell


23rd November Graham Nelson and Gina Townley


4th November Ann Holden

14th November Alan Billington

15th November Hilda Taylor

26th November Phyllis Alice Travis

28th November Andrew Wilkinson

29th November Val Carradus © Holy Trinity Kendal Parish Church 2019 Any views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editors or the Anglican Parish Church

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Holy Communion (BCP) 8.00am

Parish Communion (Common Worship) 9.30am

(most 1st Sundays Choral Communion)

The Gathering 11.15am

(Café Church 1st Sundays; with Communion most 2nd & 4th Sundays)

Evensong 6.00pm

Mid Week

Morning Prayer Tuesday, Thursday 9.00am

Morning Prayer Wednesday 10.00am

Meditation Tuesday 10.00am

Holy Communion (BCP) Thursday 10.30am

Kendal Tea Service (Dementia Friendly) 2.30pm

3rd Thursday

(Saints Days and Holy Days as announced)

Kendal’s oldest building, one of England’s widest churches

Lots to see - open daily for visiting, worship and prayer

Details in the porch and at