parish mission statement we, the parishioners of st ... 26 2020-lr.pdf · we, the parishioners of...

Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St. Therese, are committed to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through prayer, worship, faith, and charity. We believe that the Eucharist should be at the center of our lives; that we are to be the stewards of God, sharing our time and talents to promote our spiritual development as individuals and a community. May St. Therese assist us that we might imitate her life of prayer, simplicity and obedience to God’s will.

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Page 1: Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St ... 26 2020-LR.pdf · We, the parishioners of St. Therese, are committed to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through prayer,

Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St. Therese, are committed to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through prayer, worship, faith, and charity. We

believe that the Eucharist should be at the center of our lives; that we are to be the stewards of God, sharing our time and talents to promote our spiritual development as individuals and a community. May St. Therese assist us that we might imitate her life of prayer, simplicity and

obedience to God’s will.

Page 2: Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St ... 26 2020-LR.pdf · We, the parishioners of St. Therese, are committed to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through prayer,

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


Reading II Romans 8:28-30 Brothers and sisters: We know that all things work for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose. For those he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, so that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined he also called; and those he called he also justified; and those he justified he also glorified.

Gospel Matthew 13:44-52 Jesus said to his disciples: “The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field, which a person finds and hides again, and out of joy goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant searching for fine pearls. When he finds a pearl of great price, he goes and sells all that he has and buys it. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net thrown into the sea, which collects fish of every kind. When it is full they haul it ashore and sit down to put what is good into buckets. What is bad they throw away. Thus it will be at the end of the age. The angels will go out and separate the wicked from the righteous and throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth. “Do you understand all these things?” They answered, “Yes.” And he replied, “Then every scribe who has been instructed in the kingdom of heaven is like the head of a household who brings from his storeroom both the new and the old.”

Readings for the week of July 26, 2020

Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12/Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-128, 129-130 [97a]/Rom 8:28-30/Mt 13:44-52 or 13:44-46 Monday: Jer 13:1-11/Dt 32:18-19, 20, 21 [cf. 18a]/Mt 13:31-35 Tuesday: Jer 14:17-22/Ps 79:8, 9, 11 and 13 [9]/Mt 13:36-43 Wednesday: Jer 15:10, 16-21/Ps 34:2-3, 4-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10-11 [2]/Jn 11:19- 27 or Lk 10:38-42 Thursday: Jer 18:1-6/Ps 146:1b-2, 3-4, 5-6ab [5a]/Mt 13:47-53 Friday: Jer 26:1-9/Ps 69:5, 8-10, 14 [14c]/Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Jer 26:11-16, 24/Ps 69:15-16, 30-31, 33-34 [14c]/Mt 14:1-12 Next Sunday: Is 55:1-3/Ps 145:8-9, 15-16, 17-18 [cf. 16]/Rom 8:35, 37-39/ Mt 14:13-21

Reading I 1 Kings 3:5, 7-12 The LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream at night. God said, “Ask something of me and I will give it to you.” Solomon answered: “O LORD, my God, you have made me, your servant, king to succeed my father David; but I am a mere youth, not knowing at all how to act. I serve you in the midst of the people whom you have chosen, a people so vast that it cannot be numbered or counted. Give your servant, therefore, an understanding heart to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong. For who is able to govern this vast people of yours?” The LORD was pleased that Solomon made this request. So God said to him: “Because you have asked for this— not for a long life for yourself, nor for riches, nor for the life of your enemies, but for understanding so that you may know what is right— I do as you requested. I give you a heart so wise and understanding that there has never been anyone like you up to now, and after you there will come no one to equal you.”

Responsorial Psalm Psalm 119: 57, 72, 76-77, 127-128, 129-130 Lord, I love your commands. I have said, O LORD, that my part is to keep your words. The law of your mouth is to me more precious than thousands of gold and silver pieces. Lord, I love your commands. Let your kindness comfort me according to your promise to your servants. Let your compassion come to me that I may live, for your law is my delight. Lord, I love your commands. For I love your command more than gold, however fine. For in all your precepts I go forward; every false way I hate. Lord, I love your commands. Wonderful are your decrees; therefore I observe them. The revelation of your words sheds light, giving understanding to the simple. Lord, I love your commands.

Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass for Use in the Dioceses of the United States of America Copyright © 2001, 1998, 1997, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. Used with permission. All rights reserved. No part of the Lectionary for Mass may be reproduced by any means without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

Please remember to pray for the members of Saint Therese, those who recently passed, those who are sick, and those who are in the hospital.

Also, please remember to pray for the terminally ill and homebound.

Page 3: Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St ... 26 2020-LR.pdf · We, the parishioners of St. Therese, are committed to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through prayer,

Divine Mercy Chaplet The Divine Mercy Chaplet will be said every Friday at noon. This Chaplet will be said for the end of the Covid-19 pandemic and for the protection of our community. It will be live-streamed also for those who are unable to attend.

Live Stream Masses St. Therese Parish Live-streamed on the St. Therese Facebook page and our website so you can join in spiritually from your home. Sunday - Mass at 10 a.m. Tuesday - Friday Mass 8 a.m.

Please recite the prayer below during the time of communion. Spiritual Communion Prayer

My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you in my soul.

Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart.

I embrace you as if you were already there and unite myself wholly to you.

Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen.



SANCTUARY LAMP Week of July 26 - Aug 1

St. Therese Sanctuary Lamp burns in memory of: Ray Wrycha

Month of August The Maritime World We pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them sailors, fishermen and their families. Prayer Chain

Do you have someone who needs prayers? Members of St. Therese Prayer Chain are here to aid in your time of need. Just phone Ellen Raczkowski @ 715-359-4643 to be added to the prayer list. Be it, medical, financial, emotional or personal issues, please call so we can help you.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is taking place Tuesday - Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to noon.

If you are in need of pastoral or spiritual assistance, please contact the

parish office or Father Albert. Office: (715)359-2421

Fr. Albert: 1-715-897-3570

Sanctuary Lamp The Sanctuary Lamp is available by the week for your prayers and concerns. Contact the office to reserve your special time to remember someone, to pray for assistance, or perhaps to give thanks for graces received. Simply provide $5 for the cost of the candle. Your intention will be listed in the bulletin. All during your week, stop at the Church and know that special comfort that comes only from Jesus and prayer.

Page 4: Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St ... 26 2020-LR.pdf · We, the parishioners of St. Therese, are committed to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through prayer,

JULY 26, 2020


If only all the Christians of the world felt the same way. In some parts of the world, Christians are still being martyred for their faith. Others must worship underground and avoid the government-led police. Then there are those who seem to take faith for granted, and because little is asked by their friends or parish, they give nothing. It is quite a contrast of situations. On this day, it may seem like little is being asked of you and I by God. Is that because we aren’t being asked or because we aren’t listening? If you are counting on me and I am on you, we should figure this out sooner than later. Of course, I suspect we actually do know the answer, don’t we?

— Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS ©LPi

Why Do We Do That? Catholic Life Explained: Question: Why do Catholics light candles in church? Answer: Candles have been part of the Church’s worship from the earliest times. In the days before electricity, candles and oil lamps were the ways that people lighted buildings. Even today, we often still depend on candles during power outages, relying on their flickering flames to bring light into the dark. Like our ancestors, we also light candles on special occasions. Think about a festive family meal or a romantic dinner for two — there will often be candles on the table, special objects for a special event. We light candles on birthday cakes and carry them in processions. We also place candles at makeshift memorials that appear when there has been an accident or act of violence. In these moments, their light casts aside a different kind of darkness — the darkness of grief, fear, and death. The custom of the early Christians lighting candles and lamps at the tombs of the martyrs gave way to the practice of having candles at Mass, honoring the sacredness of the celebration. As Christians decorated their worship spaces with statues and icons, they would burn candles in front of sacred images and the relics of the saints, basically “shining a light” on what they held to be sacred. When pilgrims would visit these shrines, they would often bring candles to light before the image or relic. These candles came to be a symbol of the person, and their prayer and the burning these candles came to be understood as an extension and continuation of the prayer that was offered. What began as a practical way to provide light has come to be a symbol of the hopes, desires, loves, losses, fears, and faith of everyday Christians offering their prayers to God and his saints. ©LPi

Gospel Meditation 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

A single mother who has a child with special needs works two jobs and sacrifices much of her own pleasures in order to be available for her son. Being the best mother possible is important to her and brings her joy. We are willing to make great and often heroic sacrifices for those people

and things that matter most to us. Unless there is something of obvious importance to us in our immediate path, we can easily approach life in a more haphazard and chaotic way. We jump from one thing to another, responding to whatever it is that is competing for our attention at that moment. When everything is important, nothing is important. If we do not wear the right pair of glasses, we can get all too easily caught up in the superficial stuff and neglect paying attention to the things that really matter. The kingdom of God is like the pearl of great price that is worth selling everything for so that it can be obtained. Based on where I invest my time and energy each day, I really wonder whether I am serving God’s kingdom or my own. Have you ever considered tracking how you spend your time? You may be surprised! We allow our agendas to set the clock of our lives. We forget that joy and a true sense of purpose are not going to be found in following that timepiece. Joy is the expression of the happiness that is discovered when living in the kingdom of God. When our agenda matches God, not only do we leap for joy but God leaps with delight as well. Our well-being is what matters most to God. Can you imagine God delighting in you? It is easy to deaden our senses to the whole reality of God and the joy that living the Gospel can bring. The demands of secular life and the agendas competing for our attention can quickly do that. We can get tired and spiritually apathetic. But if we can see our way through all of the conflicting voices and hear the voice of God, we can rediscover our zeal and passion and redirect our efforts. When we begin to see as God sees, we can rise each day and notice what really needs our attention and embrace it with exuberance. Be careful, though. It may not be what we originally had on our list. Responding to it, however, will be worth putting everything else aside. ©LPi

Everyday Stewardship What Is God Asking of You? What are you willing to give for the sake of the kingdom of God? Often, we begin a discussion like this with a story or a few leading thoughts. However, if we are to be serious about who we claim to be as Christians, there should be no beating around the bush. The question is not only important for each of us and our relationship with our God, but it should be important for the relationship each of us has with the entire Body of Christ. Like any good team or family, I need you to have my back, and I need to have yours. If one of us is going to lay it on the line and be all in for our faith, then we all need to be as well.

Page 5: Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St ... 26 2020-LR.pdf · We, the parishioners of St. Therese, are committed to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through prayer,

Knights of Columbus Rosary Litany The month of July is dedicated to the Precious Blood of Jesus. The Knights of Columbus are holding the Eleventh Annual

Precious Blood of Jesus Litany and Holy Rosary. This last event will take place on Wednesday July 29 at 6:00 p.m. in the Mother of Jesus Christ Grotto behind the church. All are welcome. Bring your smiles and prayer intentions. Please bring a blanket or lawn chair. We know the Holy Rosary is the most powerful weapon against Satan. This event is hosted by the Knights of Columbus Council 4628 of St. Agnes, St. Mark and St. Therese parishes. In case of inclement weather, we will meet inside St. Therese Catholic Church. We encourage all to pray with us. This Wednesday, we will have desserts and refreshments.

Silver Rose Service Share the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and promote respect for life by participating in this meaningful pilgrimage. The Silver Rose program demonstrates the unity between Knights of Columbus in Canada, the United States and Mexico, through a series of prayer services promoting the dignity of all human life and honoring Our Lady. Each year, from early March through mid-December, Silver Roses are

stewarded by Knights of Columbus councils along routes from Canada to Mexico. Every stop the Silver Rose makes throughout the pilgrimage is a rosary-centered occasion for Knights, parishioners and community members to pray for respect for life, for the spiritual renewal of each nation, and for the advancement of the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe. This year on July 29 at 6:00 p.m. the Silver Rose will pass through St. Therese parish located at 113 W. Kort St. Rothschild.



St. Joseph’s Powerful Intercession In this diocesan Year of St. Joseph, it is inspiring to note that St. Teresa of Avila was miraculously healed through his intercession, and she had this to say: “To other saints, the Lord seems to have given grace to help us in some of our necessities. But my experience is that St. Joseph

helps us in them all … I only request, for the love of God, whoever will not believe me will test the truth of what I say, for he will see by experience how great a blessing it is to recommend oneself to this glorious patriarch and to be devoted to him.”

Retrouvaille Marriage Help Weekend August 7-9, 2020 ”Our Retrouvaille experience helped us so much to better deal with the problems we were facing.” Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel disillusionment, coldness or conflict in their marriage. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even communicate with their spouse about it. Visit for this couple’s story and online inquiries. For information or to register for the next program in Central Wisconsin, see website or Call (Confidential) 1-877-922-HOPE(4673).

From the Diocese

St. Therese Circle of Joy Food Pantry During this time of financial hardship, we would like to remind you that St. Therese Food Pantry is open. If you or anyone you know is in need of help with food, please call the parish office at (715) 359-2421.

Please note at this time all weekday Masses will also follow the guideline of 25% occupancy. Masses will continue to be live streamed. Confessions will be heard Tuesday through Friday at 7:30 a.m. until time of Mass or by appointment.

Wednesday, July 29 6:00 p.m. - Knights of Columbus Rosary Litany In the Mother of Jesus Christ Grotto Saturday, August 1 (First Saturday) 8:00 a.m. - Public Mass 4:30 p.m. - Public Mass Sunday, August 2 8:00 a.m. - Public Mass 10:00 a.m. - Public Mass

On the Lighter Side

Page 6: Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St ... 26 2020-LR.pdf · We, the parishioners of St. Therese, are committed to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through prayer,


Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Newman Catholic Schools Job Posting Notice

Hours: 5-6 hours per day / approximately 26-28 hours per week; Monday – Friday school year position Requirements Education: Minimum – High School diploma. At least 2 years of prior experience in quantity food preparation Qualifications and General Duties: Support the vision, mission, and beliefs of Catholic Education. Responsible for preparation and service of all foods for the school lunch program. Maintain accurate records and inventory, Plan meals and order food and supplies. Maintain and exceed standards for production, facility maintenance, safety and sanitation set forth and directed by local and state regulatory agencies and/or NCS. Serve meals with speed, efficiency, and in a pleasant and congenial manner. Ensure meal pattern requirements are met. Supervise other food service personnel and volunteers effectively. Ability to adjust to a variety of unplanned Situations. Motivated to seek professional improvement. Physically able to lift up to 40 lbs. Application Procedure: Send cover letter and completed employment application to: Newman Catholic Schools 619 Stark St. Wausau, WI 54403 (715) 845-5735 Ext. 2033 Current NCS employees need only send letter of interest. Application and job postings can be found on the Newman Catholic Schools website under: About NCS & Career Opportunities

Kitchen Manager/Head Cook @ Newman Catholic Schools


From 7/18 - 7/19 Tithing $5,183.00 Reunite Rebuild Rejoice Appeal 7,475.00 Children’s Envelope 2.00 Offertory 94.00 Church Upkeep 350.00 Music 10.00 School Subsidy 325.00 Diocesan Annual Appeal 10.00 Food Pantry 10.00 Picnic 100.00 Fr. Choice 400.00 Catholic Life 30.00 Total $6,564.00

Commitment Weekend! Appeal Update

This is an exciting week in our Reunite, Rebuild and Rejoice Recovery Appeal as we begin to celebrate the success of the Appeal and invite others to join in this important effort. To date, we have had 65 families make a Recovery Appeal Gift as well as 39 families who have graciously increased their offertory giving. We are truly coming together as a family of faith to strengthen our parish and prepare ourselves for growth in a post-pandemic environment. This Appeal invites us, as we return to the public celebration of the Eucharist, to reflect upon how each of us may positively impact the future mission of our parish through our personal and financial commitment. We express our gratitude to our parishioners who already responded to our call during this most unique time. Your generosity and commitment to our parish is truly appreciated. Please see the insert in this bulletin for further information. A pledge card has been attached to the insert for your convince. Extra cards are also available in the parish office.

St. Therese Parish Endowment Fund Have you thought about leaving a gift to your parish that would last the life of the parish? A gift to the parish endowment fund will remain as long as the parish exists, be carefully invested and permanently preserved, with only its earnings to be used to support parish projects and operations. The parish endowment fund was established in 1986 and has grown to $190,000. A legacy gift from you will help this fund to continue to grow and provide perpetual support for the parish. How can you help? Contact your estate planning professional or attorney to include applicable language in your will to designate a specific dollar amount or percentage of the residue of your estate as a gift to the St. Therese of the Child Jesus Endowment Fund. Give a direct gift by sending a check to St. Therese of the Child Jesus Endowment Fund, 112 W. Kort St., Schofield, WI 54476 or by dropping off at the parish office in the school building, with a note that your gift is specifically for this fund.

Page 7: Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St ... 26 2020-LR.pdf · We, the parishioners of St. Therese, are committed to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through prayer,

JULY 26, 2020



Parochial Administrator Rev. Joseph Albert 715-359-2421 ext .130

Emergency Only Cell # 1-715-897-3570 e-mail: [email protected]

Deacon Michael Lambrecht Emergency Only Cell # 715-573-2310

e-mail: [email protected]

Telephones 715-359-2421 Parish Office 715-359-2421 Religious Ed / RCIA 715-355-3088 FAX 715-355-5254 Childcare PARISH STAFF Parish Secretary 715-359-2421 ext. 100 Colleen Ryan Bookkeeper 715-359-2421 ext. 103 Amy Tishken Director of Religious Ed / RCIA 715-359-2421 ext. 110 Dcn. Mike Lambrecht Musicians 715-551-7176 Kandace Elmergreen 715 -551- 0188 Lynn Hildebrandt 715-581-0405 Sara Zieglmeier PARISH CONTACTS Buildings & Grounds 715-359-0644 Tim Markstrum 715-573-8421 Chris Reedy

Eucharistic Adoration 715-573-0134 Janet Juoine 715-432-5611 Mary Wachtel [email protected] Finance Council 715-359-6955 John Meidl Gate of Heaven Cemetery 715-470-0764 Jeffrey A. Beever (Manager) 715-359-2421 Parish Office 715-573-5987 Andrea Sczygelski (Lot Sales)

Knights of Columbus 715-573-0646 Nate Krautkramer Little Flower Council President 715-574-0785 Lee Ann Seitz Parish Council 715-571-5309 Donna Rule Prayer Chain 715-359-4643 Ellen Raczkowski Stewardship 715-359-6955 John Meidl


Parish Office: 112 W. Kort Street, Schofield, WI 54476 Secretary: [email protected] Bookkeeper: [email protected]

Religious Ed: [email protected] Bulletin Articles: [email protected] Bulletin article deadline: Tuesdays by noon

Anointing of the Sick Call the Parish Office if you are ill and in need of healing. Also, call if you would like to be on the list for weekly Communion at home. Baptism Baptisms are celebrated on the first Sunday of the month. To register for a preparation class, call Father Albert at the Parish Office.

Marriage Call the Parish Office as soon as possible after you are engaged for the initial interviews, arrangements, and preparations. Couples Preparing to Celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage In the Diocese of La Crosse (as in all the dioceses in Wisconsin), one expectation is a couple's participation in a diocesan marriage preparation retreat. The diocesan retreat entitled, Married Love: Two Becoming One would be completed 4-6 months before the celebration of the sacrament. Married Love: Two Becoming One retreats scheduled in 2020: October 31st in the Wausau Deanery. To register, contact: Saint Mark Parish, [email protected] or 715-359-5206.

For July 25 & 26

Saturday: 4:30 † Betty Hintz Sunday: 8:00 † For the Parish Family 10:00 † Gary Kurtzweil

Week of: July 28 - August 2 Tuesday: 8:00 † Raymond Wrycha Wednesday: 8:00 † Robert, Kurt and Jeff Gorski Thursday: 8:00 † Irene Kaminski Friday: 8:00 † Dennis Kelnhofer Saturday: 8:00 † Evelyn Peterson 4:30 † John and Clark Barry Sunday: 8:00 For the Parish Family 10:00 † Betty Stepanik Please note at this time all weekday Masses will also follow the guideline of 25% occupancy. Masses will continue to be live streamed. Confessions will be heard Tuesday through Friday at 7:30 a.m. until time of Mass or by appointment.

For August 1 – 2

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

4:30 pm Linda Strehlow 8:00 am Dcn. Mike Lambrecht 10:00 am Dcn. Mike Lambrecht

Lectors 4:30 pm Natalie Goeden 8:00 am Ken Ligman 10:00 am Peter Spychalla Servers 4:30 pm Joe Proulx

8:00 am Donna Rule

10:00 am John Meidl

Ushers 4:30 pm Richard Besaida, Mike Skalecki, Larry Zschernitz, 1 volunteer 8:00 am Diane Ligman, John and Barb Olson, 1 volunteer 10:00 am Emory Budzinski, Rick Kleman, Larry Vesely, Ross Vesely,


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Mass Schedule 4:30 p.m. (Sunday Liturgy) 8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m. Tuesday - Friday Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday - Thursday 9 a.m. - 8 p.m Friday 9 a.m. - Noon

Reconciliation Tuesday - Friday at 7:30 a.m.

Meetings on the first Monday of the month at 7:00 pm Sept. - May

Page 8: Parish Mission Statement We, the parishioners of St ... 26 2020-LR.pdf · We, the parishioners of St. Therese, are committed to continue the ministry of Jesus Christ through prayer,


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Meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm.

Contact Nate Krautkramer at 715-573-0646

St. Therese Church

Gate of Heaven Cemetery & Veteran’s Cemetery & Columbarium

1399 Gate Of Heaven Drive Kronenwetter, WI 54455

Manager Jeffrey A. Beever 715 470-0764 [email protected]

Cemetery is Open from Dawn to Dusk For more details go to

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