parity conservation in the weak (beta decay)...

Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) interaction

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Page 1: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Parity Conservation inthe weak (beta decay) interaction

Page 2: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

The parity operationThe parity operation involves the transformation

x Æ -x y Æ -y z Æ -z

r Æ r q Æ p -q( ) f Æ f + p( )

In rectangular coordinates --

In spherical polar coordinates --

Page 3: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

In quantum mechanics

ˆ P y x,y,z( ) = ±1y -x,-y,-z( )For states of definite (unique & constant) parity -

If the parity operator commutes with hamiltonian -

ˆ P , ˆ H [ ] = 0 fi The parity is a“constant of the motion”

Stationary states must be states of constant parity

e.g., ground state of 2H is s (l=0) + small d (l=2)

Page 4: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

In quantum mechanicsTo test parity conservation - - Devise an experiment that could be done: (a) In one configuration (b) In a parity “reflected” configuration- If both experiments give the “same” results, parity is conserved -- it is a good symmetry.

Page 5: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Parity operations --

ˆ P E = E ˆ P r r ⋅ r r ( ) =

r r ⋅ r r ( )Parity operation on a scaler quantity -

Parity operation on a polar vector quantity -

ˆ P r r = -

r r ˆ P r p = -

r p Parity operation on a axial vector quantity -

ˆ P r L = ˆ P

r r ¥ r p ( ) = -r r ¥ -

r p ( ) = -r L

Parity operation on a pseudoscaler quantity -

ˆ P r p ⋅

r L ( ) = -

r p ⋅r L ( )

Page 6: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

If parity is a good symmetry…• The decay should be the same whether the process

is parity-reflected or not.

• In the hamiltonian, V must not contain terms thatare pseudoscaler.

• If a pseudoscaler dependence is observed - paritysymmetry is violated in that process - parity istherefore not conserved.

T.D. Lee and C. N. Yang, Phys. Rev. 104, 254 (1956). tq puzzle

Page 7: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Parity experiments (Lee & Yang)

r p ⋅r I = 0

Parity reflectedOriginal

Look at the angular distribution of decay particle(e.g., red particle). If this is symmetricabove/below the mid-plane, then --

r p

r I

r p

r I

Page 8: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

If parity is a good symmetry…• The the decay intensity should not

depend on .

• If there is a dependence onand parity is not conserved in beta decay.

r p ⋅r I = 0

r p ⋅r I ( )

r p ⋅r I ≠ 0

r p ⋅r I ( )

Page 9: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Discovery of parity non-conservation (Wu, et al.)

Consider the decay of 60Co

Conclusion: G-T, allowed

C. S. Wu, et al., Phys. Rev 105, 1413 (1957)

Page 10: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Hb- = -



Hn =1



Hb- = -



Hn =1


Hn = -1


Hn = -1



GT : DI =1

A :1-13



F : I = 0 Æ I = 0

V :1+vc


Page 11: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Hn =1

Hb- = -


GT : DI =1

A :1-13



F : I = 0 Æ I = 0

V :1+vc



GT is an axial-vector F is a vector

Violates parity Conserves parity

Page 12: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

VN -N = Vs + Vw

ImplicationsInside the nucleus, the N-N interaction is


Can violateparity

y =ys + Fyw ; F ª10-7The nuclear state functions are a superposition

\ Nuclear spectroscopy not affected by Vw

Page 13: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Generalized b-decay

H = g y p* gmyn( ) y e

*gmyn( ) + h.c. = gV

H = g y p* gmg 5yn( ) y e

*gmg5yn( ) + h.c. = gA

The hamiltonian for the vector and axial-vector weakinteraction is formulated in Dirac notation as --

H ª g CVV + CA A( )

Or a linear combination of these two --

Page 14: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Generalized b-decay

H = g Ci y p* Oiyn( ) ye

*Oi 1+ g5( )yn[ ]i=A,V

 + h.c.

OV = gm ; OV = gmg5

The generalized hamiltonian for the weak interactionthat includes parity violation and a two-componentneutrino theory is --

g CA CVEmpirically, we need to find -- and

Study: n Æ p (mixed F and GT), and: 14O Æ 14N* (I=0 Æ I=0; pure F)

Page 15: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Generalized b-decay14O Æ 14N* (pure F)

ft =2p 3h7 log2

m5c4 M F2

g2CV2( )

g2CV2( ) = 1.4029 ± 0.0022 ¥10-49 erg cm3

n Æ p (mixed F and GT)

ft =2p 3h7 log2

g2m5c4 CV2( ) M F

2+ CA

2( ) MGT2È

Î Í ˘ ˚ ˙

Page 16: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Generalized b-decay


CV2 + 3CA

2 = 0.3566 Æ CV2

CA2 =1.53

Assuming simple (reasonable) values for thesquare of the matrix elements, we can get (bytaking the ratio of the two ft values --

Experiment shows that CV and CA have opposite signs.

Page 17: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Universal Fermi InteractionIn general, the fundamental weak interaction is ofthe form --

H µ g V - A( )

n Æ p + b- + n e

m- Æ e- + n e + nm

p - Æ m- + n m

Lo Æ p - + p

semi-leptonic weak decay

pure-leptonic weak decay

semi-leptonic weak decay

Pure hadronic weak decay

All follow the (V-A) weak decay. (c.f. Feynman’s CVC)

Page 18: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Universal Fermi InteractionIn general, the fundamental weak interaction is ofthe form --

H µ g V - A( )

m- Æ e- + n e + nm pure-leptonic weak decay

The Triumf Weak Interaction Symmetry Test - TWIST

BUT -- is it really that way - absolutely?

How would you proceed to test it?

Page 19: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Other symmetriesCharge symmetry - C

n Æ p + b- + n e fi n Æ p + b+ + ne C

All vectors unchanged

Time symmetry - T

n Æ p + b- + n e fi n ¨ p + b- + n e

ne + n Æ p + b-


All time-vectors changed (opposite)

(Inverse b-decay)

Page 20: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Symmetries in weak decayp+ at rest Note helicities

of neutrinos

r s p = 0




p +



p -

n m


n m†

p -

Page 21: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Symmetries in weak decayp+ at rest Note helicities

of neutrinos

r s p = 0

p +



p -


n m



n m†

p -†


Page 22: Parity Conservation in the weak (beta decay) …“constant of the motion” Stationary states must be states of constant parity e.g.,

Conclusions1. Parity is not a good symmetry in the weak

interaction. (P)

2. Charge conjugation is not a good symmetry in theweak interaction. (C)

3. The product operation is a good symmetry in theweak interaction. (CP) - except in the kaon system!

4. Time symmetry is a good symmetry in the weakinteraction. (T)

5. The triple product operation is also a goodsymmetry in the weak interaction. (CPT)