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Page 1: Part 1. Course descriptionPart 1. Course description 1.1. General information Full course title: Parliamentary Law and Legislative Lobbying Type of course: Elective Level of education:
Page 2: Part 1. Course descriptionPart 1. Course description 1.1. General information Full course title: Parliamentary Law and Legislative Lobbying Type of course: Elective Level of education:
Page 3: Part 1. Course descriptionPart 1. Course description 1.1. General information Full course title: Parliamentary Law and Legislative Lobbying Type of course: Elective Level of education:

Part 1. Course description

1.1. General information

Full course title: Parliamentary Law and Legislative Lobbying

Type of course: Elective

Level of education: Master Degree program

Year of study: 2nd

Number of ECTS credits allocated: 2


Yan I. Vaslavskiy, PhD in Political Science

Boris I. Ananyev, Lecturer at Political Theory Department

Office hours: every Thursday, from 1 p.m. till 4 p.m.

1.2. Course aims and expected outcomes

The course provides students with an in-depth knowledge of parliamentary work, legislative process, structure of lobbying networks. The theoretical part of the course is combined with an empirical study of real parliamentary process and lobbying situations, analytical and research cases. The course is divided into blocks that show the stadial character of legislative process in Russia and illustrate the specifics of B2G dialogue within parliamentary work. Learning outcomes:

The students will be able to get skills in analyzing legislative process, work of party factions, and interest groups.

At the end of the course, a student is expected to:


• the basics of legislative process; • the structure of the parliament and the stages of parliamentary work;

be able:

Page 4: Part 1. Course descriptionPart 1. Course description 1.1. General information Full course title: Parliamentary Law and Legislative Lobbying Type of course: Elective Level of education:

• to produce analytical materials/reports on the specifics of B2G dialogue within parliamentary work.

gain skills in:

• in analyzing legislative process, work of party factions, and interest groups.

1.3. Course requirements and grading plan

Students are required to attend at least 90% of classes and be prepared for discussion classes. Conscientious reading of the assigned materials is compulsory. Students will also be required to prepare their own analytical report on parliamentary work and basics of legislative process.

Grading plan: • Class participation, tests – 30% • Analytical report – 50% • Essay presentation – 20% 2. Course content

2.1. Forms of work

Forms of work Academic hours Credits Total 84 2

Total for lectures, seminars


Lectures 6 Seminars 26

Homework (self-preparation,

Analytical e-governance report)


Course assessment Work at seminars, analytical project

2.2. Discipline contents

Units and Topics Academic hours

Page 5: Part 1. Course descriptionPart 1. Course description 1.1. General information Full course title: Parliamentary Law and Legislative Lobbying Type of course: Elective Level of education:

Lectures Seminars


Academic hours

per topic

Section 1. Parliament as a subject with the right of legislative initiative

2 8 16 26

Topic 1.1. Theory of parliamentarism 4 4

Topic 1.2. Parliament as representative institution

2 4

Topic 1.3. Comparative review of parliaments

2 8

Section 2. Stages of legislative process in Russia

2 8 16 26

Topic 2.1. Parties and factions: its role and interconnection within parliamentary work

4 4

Topic 2.2. Readings within parliamentary work 2 4

Topic 2.3. Intra-cameral connection within legislative process 2 8

Section 3. Analytics within the work of parliament 2 10 20 32

Topic 3.1. Committees and commissions in parliament: role and functions

4 6

Topic 3.2. Council of parliament: role and functions

4 6

Topic 3.3. Representation of business-community’s and civil society’s interests within the work of parliament

2 8

Total: 6 26 52 84

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2.3. Course in briefs

Section 1. Parliament as a subject with the right of legislative initiative

Parliament as representative institution. Subjects with the right of legislative initiative. Genesis of parliamentarism: comparative review. Parliament within the system of state institutions. Parliaments of the world: common and specific features. Politics as a profession.

Topic 1.1. Theory of parliamentarism

Issues for discussion

• Parliamentary republic: the basics of connection between main political institutions • The role of parliament in decision-making process Topic 1.2. Readings within parliamentary work

Issues for discussion

• Genesis of Russian parliamentarism • Legislative process in Russia: key subjects of legislative initiative Topic 1.3. Intra-cameral connection within legislative process

Issues for discussion

• Unicameral and bicameral parliaments: common and specific features; • Intra-cameral connection within legislative process.

Readings for Section 1.

Essential Readings:

1. Diermeier, D., Razvan V. Executive Control and Legislative Success. The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 78, no. 3, 2011, pp. 846–871. 2. Martin, Lanny W., and Georg Vanberg. “Parties and Policymaking in Multiparty Governments: The Legislative Median, Ministerial Autonomy, and the Coalition Compromise.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 58, no. 4, 2014, pp. 979–996. 3. Rosenfeld M., Sajo A. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law. Oxford University Press:, 2012, 1396 p.

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4. Siaroff A. Varieties of Parliamentarianism in the Advanced Industrial Democracies. International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique Vol. 24, No. 4 (Oct., 2003), pp. 445-464 5. Thomson, Robert, et al. “The Fulfillment of Parties' Election Pledges: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Power Sharing.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 61, no. 3, 2017, pp. 527–542. 6. Will J., Wlezien C. “The Timeline of Elections: A Comparative Perspective.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 60, no. 1, 2016, pp. 219–233.

Additional readings:

1. GR и лоббизм: теория и технологии : учебник и практикум для бакалавриата и магистратуры / [В.А. Ачкасова и др.] ; под ред. В.А. Ачкасовой, И.Е. Минтусова, О.Г. Филатовой. - Москва : Юрайт, 2018. - 315 с. 2. Актуальные вопросы развития российского парламентаризма на современном этапе: материалы круглого стола (Санкт-Петербург, 22 марта 2012 г.) / Совет Федерации Федер. Собр. Рос. Федерации, Гос. Дума Федер. Собр. Рос. Федерации, Межпарламент. Ассамблея государств-участников Содружества Независимых Государств. - М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА: Закон и право, 2012. - 118 с. 3. Верхние палаты парламентов в системе институтов государственной власти: отечественный и зарубежный опыт: к 15-летию Совета Федерации Федер. Собр. Рос. Федерации / [ред. совет: С. М. Миронов (пред.) и др. ; редкол.: В. В. Свинарев (гл. ред.) и др. ]. - М. : Олма Медиа Групп, 2008. - 357 с. 4. Вильданов Р. Р. Парламент в дореволюционной и постсоветской России: сравнительно-политологический анализ / Р. Р. Вильданов. - Уфа; Бирск: БирГСПА, 2011. - 139 с. 5. Гаман-Голутвина О. В. Российский парламентаризм в исторической ретроспективе и сравнительной перспективе / О.В. Гаман-Голутвина // ПОЛИС: Политические исследования. - 2006. - № 2. - C. 27-39; № 3. - C. 67-74. 6. Парламентское право России : монография / [рук. авт. кол. Т.Я. Хабриева и др.] ; под ред. Т.Я. Хабриевой ; Гос. Дума Федер. Собр. РФ, Ин-т законодательства и сравн. правоведения при Правительстве РФ. - Москва : Изд. Гос. Думы, 2013. - 400 с. 7. Российская Государственная Дума: исторический опыт и перспективы развития парламентаризма / Федер. собрание РФ, Гос. Дума ; [под общ. ред.

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С.Е. Нарышкина ; отв. сост. М.И. Кротов]. - Москва : Изд. Гос. Думы, 2012. - 239 с. 8. Фоменко, С.С. Институт парламентаризма в политической системе современной России: этапы, факторы и тенденции развития : монография. - Елец : Елецкий государственный университет им. И. А. Бунина, 2011. - 226 с. - URL:

Section 2. Stages of legislative process in Russia Political parties: approaches towards classification. Genesis of political parties and party systems. Chambers of parliament: role and functions. The stages of legislative process. Topic 2.1. Parties and factions: its role and interconnection within parliamentary work

Issues for discussion

• Parties in Russian parliament. Evolution of Russian party system;

• Interfaction connection in Russian parliament.

Topic 2.2. Readings within parliamentary work

Issues for discussion

• Pre-readings in Russian legislative process;

• The role of readings in Russian political process.

Topic 2.3. Intra-cameral connection within legislative process

Issues for discussion

• The role and functions of Russian parliament’s chambers;

• Intra-cameral connection within legislative process;

• Parliamentary diplomacy.

Readings for section 2.

Essential readings:

Page 9: Part 1. Course descriptionPart 1. Course description 1.1. General information Full course title: Parliamentary Law and Legislative Lobbying Type of course: Elective Level of education:

1. Diermeier, D., Razvan V. Executive Control and Legislative Success. The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 78, no. 3, 2011, pp. 846–871. 2. Martin, Lanny W., and Georg Vanberg. “Parties and Policymaking in Multiparty Governments: The Legislative Median, Ministerial Autonomy, and the Coalition Compromise.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 58, no. 4, 2014, pp. 979–996. 3. Rosenfeld M., Sajo A. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law. Oxford University Press:, 2012, 1396 p. 4. Siaroff A. Varieties of Parliamentarianism in the Advanced Industrial Democracies. International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique Vol. 24, No. 4 (Oct., 2003), pp. 445-464 5. Thomson, Robert, et al. “The Fulfillment of Parties' Election Pledges: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Power Sharing.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 61, no. 3, 2017, pp. 527–542. 6. Will J., Wlezien C. “The Timeline of Elections: A Comparative Perspective.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 60, no. 1, 2016, pp. 219–233.

Additional Readings:

1. Роль молодежи в развитии парламентаризма в России: Междунар. интернет-конф., проходившая 25 февр.-30 марта 2004 г. на портале : Сб. материалов/ под общ. ред.: М.А. Сигутиной, М.Ю. Мижинского; Моск. представительство Фонда им. К. Аденауэра, Межрегион. обществ. орг. "Молодая Европа". - М.: Кнорус, 2005. - 261 с. 2. Скоморохова О. Ю. Комитеты и комиссии палат парламента Российской Федерации как субъекты конституционно-правовых отношений / О. Ю. Скоморохова // Государство и общество: вчера, сегодня, завтра. Серия: Право. - Курск, 2011. - вып. 6 (3). - C. 82-90. 3. Современный парламентаризм: взгляды, оценки, тенденции. Хрестоматийное пособие. Том 1./ Бакушев В.В., Коляскин И.Е., Литвинов Е.А.; Научн. ред. проф. Бакушев В.В., М., Издат. гр «Граница», 2013. 234 с. 4. Современный парламентаризм: возможности выбора государственности, российские парламентские модели. Хрестоматийное пособие. Том 2./ Бакушев В.В., Коляскин И.Е., Литвинов Е.А. / Под науч. ред. проф. В.В. Бакушева. – М.: Издательская группа «Граница», 2013. – 310 с. 5. Современный парламентаризм: обеспечение межпарламентского сотрудничества. Хрестоматийное пособие. Том 3. / Бакушев В.В., Коляскин

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И.Е., Литвинов Е.А. Под науч. ред. проф. В.В. Бакушева. – М.: Издательская группа «УЦ Перспектива», 2013. – 276 с. 6. Юбилейное издание к 15-летию Совета Федерации / Комис. Совета Федерации по взаимодействию со Счет. Палатой Рос. Федерации. - М., 2008. - 63 с. 7. Юбилейный год Российского парламента : сборник / под общ. ред. Ю. Е. Шувалова. - М. : Голден-Би, 2006. - 151 с.

Section 3. Analytics within the work of parliament

Analytical bodies of world’s parliaments. Legislative lobbying: representation of interests within legislative process. Instruments and methods of legislative lobbying.

Topic 3.1. Committees and commissions in parliament: role and functions

Issues for discussion

• The role and functions of committees and commissions in parliament;

• Committees and commissions in the framework of legislative lobbying.

Topic 3.2. Council of parliament: role and functions

Issues for discussion

• The role and functions of the Council of parliament

Topic 3.3. Representation of business-community’s and civil society’s interests within the work of parliament

Issues for discussion

• Legislative lobbying in Russia: instruments, mechanisms, cases

Readings for section 3

Essential readings:

1. Diermeier, D., Razvan V. Executive Control and Legislative Success. The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 78, no. 3, 2011, pp. 846–871. 2. Martin, Lanny W., and Georg Vanberg. “Parties and Policymaking in Multiparty Governments: The Legislative Median, Ministerial Autonomy, and the Coalition Compromise.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 58, no. 4, 2014, pp. 979–996.

Page 11: Part 1. Course descriptionPart 1. Course description 1.1. General information Full course title: Parliamentary Law and Legislative Lobbying Type of course: Elective Level of education:

3. Rosenfeld M., Sajo A. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law. Oxford University Press:, 2012, 1396 p. 4. Siaroff A. Varieties of Parliamentarianism in the Advanced Industrial Democracies. International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique Vol. 24, No. 4 (Oct., 2003), pp. 445-464 5. Thomson, Robert, et al. “The Fulfillment of Parties' Election Pledges: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Power Sharing.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 61, no. 3, 2017, pp. 527–542. 6. Will J., Wlezien C. “The Timeline of Elections: A Comparative Perspective.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 60, no. 1, 2016, pp. 219–233.

Additional readings:

1. Парламентаризм в России: исторический опыт, проблемы и перспективы : курс лекций / [науч. ред.: Н. В. Поправко, К. Н. Ширко ; авт. идеи и рук. проекта: С. Д. Кузнецов]. - Томск : dart, 2007. - 220 с. 2. Представительная власть в России: история и современность/ Под ред. Л.К. Слиски. - М.: РОССПЭН, 2004. - 591 с. 3. Роль молодежи в развитии парламентаризма в России: Междунар. интернет-конф., проходившая 25 февр.-30 марта 2004 г. на портале : Сб. материалов/ под общ. ред.: М.А. Сигутиной, М.Ю. Мижинского; Моск. представительство Фонда им. К. Аденауэра, Межрегион. обществ. орг. "Молодая Европа". - М.: Кнорус, 2005. - 261 с. 4. Скоморохова О. Ю. Комитеты и комиссии палат парламента Российской Федерации как субъекты конституционно-правовых отношений / О. Ю. Скоморохова // Государство и общество: вчера, сегодня, завтра. Серия: Право. - Курск, 2011. - вып. 6 (3). - C. 82-90. 5. Современный парламентаризм: взгляды, оценки, тенденции. Хрестоматийное пособие. Том 1./ Бакушев В.В., Коляскин И.Е., Литвинов Е.А.; Научн. ред. проф. Бакушев В.В., М., Издат. гр «Граница», 2013. 234 с.

3. Methodical provisions

3.1. Questions for exam

1. The Russian Parliament: its formation procedure, structure, powers and its term of powers.

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2. The sessions’ procedure of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. 3. Majoritarian, proportional and mixed electoral systems. Their notions and the practice of implementation. 4. Committees (commissions) in a parliament: their kinds, formation procedure and their role in the process of lawmaking. 5. The lawmaking initiative and its subjects. The stages of lawmaking in Russia. 6. The inner structure and bodies of a parliament. The governance of the chambers of a parliament and its functions. 7. The Council of the State Duma. Parliamentary factions. Interfactional working groups. 8. The Central Office of the State Duma and its structure. Its departments’ jurisdictions. 9. Expert support of the State Duma’s activities. The key areas of analytics and expertise. 10. The jurisdiction (questions in the sphere of competence) of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Russian Federation. 11. The procedure of MP candidates’ nomination in Russia and abroad (at the student’s discretion). The constitutional status of a State Duma member. Common requirements to the nominees and the State Duma members. 12. The procedure of introducing legislation into the State Duma and its preliminary consideration, the consideration of bills by the State Duma; the procedure of considering bills that have been rejected by the Federation Council, the procedure of considering federal laws that have been rejected by the President of the Russian Federation. 13. The procedure of considering foreign policy matters. Ratification, denunciation and suspension of the Russian Federation’s international treaties. Relations with foreign MPs. 14. International ties of the State Duma. The international parliamentary organizations with which the State Duma cooperates. 3.3. Assessment of different types of works

Type of work Grading system Criteria in-class test

А (90-100%) Student answered correctly 9 or more

questions out of 10. B, C (75-89%) Student answered correctly 7-8

questions out of 10.

Page 13: Part 1. Course descriptionPart 1. Course description 1.1. General information Full course title: Parliamentary Law and Legislative Lobbying Type of course: Elective Level of education:

D, F (60-74%) Student answered correctly 5-6 questions out of 10.

E (less than 60%) Student answered correctly less than 5 more questions out of 10.

participation in class discussion, in-class individual presentation

A (90-100%) Outstanding presentation of independent work, active participation and critical participation in the discussion

B (82-89%) Outstanding presentation of independent work with limited participation in the discussion.

C (75-81%) Standard (sufficient) presentation with limited participation in the discussion.

D (67-74%) Standard presentation with no participation in the discussion.

E (60-66%) Standard presentation with visible errors and no participation in the discussion.

F (less than 60%) Lack of understanding of the subject in the presentation and discussions

final presentation of the report

A (90-100%) Thought-provoking and informed answers to the questions in the ticket and two additional questions.

B (82-89%) Student gives correct answers to questions in the ticket and two additional questions.

C (75-81%) The correct answers to the questions in the ticket and to two additional questions are given, provided there are inaccuracies and occasional gaps in knowledge.

D (67-74%) The right answers for ticket questions are combined with inaccurate answers to additional questions.

E (60-66%) The correct answer to one of the ticket

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questions and one additional question.

F (less than 60%) Incorrect answers to ticket questions and additional questions.

4.1. Bibliography Essential Readings: 1. Diermeier, D., Razvan V. Executive Control and Legislative Success. The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 78, no. 3, 2011, pp. 846–871. 2. Martin, Lanny W., and Georg Vanberg. “Parties and Policymaking in Multiparty Governments: The Legislative Median, Ministerial Autonomy, and the Coalition Compromise.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 58, no. 4, 2014, pp. 979–996. 3. Rosenfeld M., Sajo A. The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law. Oxford University Press:, 2012, 1396 p. 4. Siaroff A. Varieties of Parliamentarianism in the Advanced Industrial Democracies. International Political Science Review / Revue internationale de science politique Vol. 24, No. 4 (Oct., 2003), pp. 445-464 5. Thomson, Robert, et al. “The Fulfillment of Parties' Election Pledges: A Comparative Study on the Impact of Power Sharing.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 61, no. 3, 2017, pp. 527–542. 6. Will J., Wlezien C. “The Timeline of Elections: A Comparative Perspective.” American Journal of Political Science, vol. 60, no. 1, 2016, pp. 219–233. Additional Readings: 1. GR и лоббизм: теория и технологии : учебник и практикум для бакалавриата и магистратуры / [В.А. Ачкасова и др.] ; под ред. В.А. Ачкасовой, И.Е. Минтусова, О.Г. Филатовой. - Москва : Юрайт, 2018. - 315 с. 2. Актуальные вопросы развития российского парламентаризма на современном этапе: материалы круглого стола (Санкт-Петербург, 22 марта 2012 г.) / Совет Федерации Федер. Собр. Рос. Федерации, Гос. Дума Федер. Собр. Рос. Федерации, Межпарламент. Ассамблея государств-участников Содружества Независимых Государств. - М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА: Закон и право, 2012. - 118 с. 3. Верхние палаты парламентов в системе институтов государственной власти: отечественный и зарубежный опыт: к 15-летию Совета Федерации Федер. Собр. Рос. Федерации / [ред. совет: С. М. Миронов (пред.) и др. ;

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редкол.: В. В. Свинарев (гл. ред.) и др. ]. - М. : Олма Медиа Групп, 2008. - 357 с. 4. Вильданов Р. Р. Парламент в дореволюционной и постсоветской России: сравнительно-политологический анализ / Р. Р. Вильданов. - Уфа; Бирск: БирГСПА, 2011. - 139 с. 5. Гаман-Голутвина О. В. Российский парламентаризм в исторической ретроспективе и сравнительной перспективе / О.В. Гаман-Голутвина // ПОЛИС: Политические исследования. - 2006. - № 2. - C. 27-39; № 3. - C. 67-74. 6. Грызлов Б.В. Традиции российского парламентаризма / Б.В. Грызлов // Федеральный справочник. Политика. Экономика. Управление: государство и бизнес. - М.: ФС: политика, экономика, упр. - 2008. - [вып. 4]: январь - декабрь. 2008 г. - C. 153-156. 7. Дюверже М. Политические партии / Пер. с франц. - М.: Академический Проект, 2000. - 538 с. 8. Казакова А. А. Основные цели и принципы двухпалатного парламента в России / А. А. Казакова // Вестник Саратовской государственной академии права. - 2009. - № 1 . - C. 39-43. 9. Нарышкин С. Е. Демократия и парламентаризм. Запрос на перемены без политических кризисов / С. Е. Нарышкин // Российская газета. - 2012. - 12 апреля. 10. Парламентаризм в России: исторический опыт, проблемы и перспективы : курс лекций / [науч. ред.: Н. В. Поправко, К. Н. Ширко ; авт. идеи и рук. проекта: С. Д. Кузнецов]. - Томск : dart, 2007. - 220 с.

11. Парламентское право России : монография / [рук. авт. кол. Т.Я. Хабриева и др.] ; под ред. Т.Я. Хабриевой ; Гос. Дума Федер. Собр. РФ, Ин-т законодательства и сравн. правоведения при Правительстве РФ. - Москва : Изд. Гос. Думы, 2013. - 400 с. 12. Представительная власть в России: история и современность/ Под ред. Л.К. Слиски. - М.: РОССПЭН, 2004. - 591 с. 13. Роль молодежи в развитии парламентаризма в России: Междунар. интернет-конф., проходившая 25 февр.-30 марта 2004 г. на портале : Сб. материалов/ под общ. ред.: М.А. Сигутиной, М.Ю. Мижинского; Моск. представительство Фонда им. К. Аденауэра, Межрегион. обществ. орг. "Молодая Европа". - М.: Кнорус, 2005. - 261 с. 14. Российская Государственная Дума: исторический опыт и перспективы развития парламентаризма / Федер. собрание РФ, Гос. Дума ; [под общ. ред. С.Е. Нарышкина ; отв. сост. М.И. Кротов]. - Москва : Изд. Гос. Думы, 2012. - 239 с.

Page 16: Part 1. Course descriptionPart 1. Course description 1.1. General information Full course title: Parliamentary Law and Legislative Lobbying Type of course: Elective Level of education:

15. Скоморохова О. Ю. Комитеты и комиссии палат парламента Российской Федерации как субъекты конституционно-правовых отношений / О. Ю. Скоморохова // Государство и общество: вчера, сегодня, завтра. Серия: Право. - Курск, 2011. - вып. 6 (3). - C. 82-90. 16. Современный парламентаризм: взгляды, оценки, тенденции. Хрестоматийное пособие. Том 1./ Бакушев В.В., Коляскин И.Е., Литвинов Е.А.; Научн. ред. проф. Бакушев В.В., М., Издат. гр «Граница», 2013. 234 с. 17. Современный парламентаризм: возможности выбора государственности, российские парламентские модели. Хрестоматийное пособие. Том 2./ Бакушев В.В., Коляскин И.Е., Литвинов Е.А. / Под науч. ред. проф. В.В. Бакушева. – М.: Издательская группа «Граница», 2013. – 310 с. 18. Современный парламентаризм: обеспечение межпарламентского сотрудничества. Хрестоматийное пособие. Том 3. / Бакушев В.В., Коляскин И.Е., Литвинов Е.А. Под науч. ред. проф. В.В. Бакушева. – М.: Издательская группа «УЦ Перспектива», 2013. – 276 с. 19. Фоменко, С.С. Институт парламентаризма в политической системе современной России: этапы, факторы и тенденции развития : монография. - Елец : Елецкий государственный университет им. И. А. Бунина, 2011. - 226 с. - URL: 20. Юбилейное издание к 15-летию Совета Федерации / Комис. Совета Федерации по взаимодействию со Счет. Палатой Рос. Федерации. - М., 2008. - 63 с. 21. Юбилейный год Российского парламента : сборник / под общ. ред. Ю. Е. Шувалова. - М. : Голден-Би, 2006. - 151 с. 5. Material and technical support Technical equipment is necessary for this course. Computer, projector, Microsoft PowerPoint software are required for both lectures and seminars. Students are required to have Internet-access.