part 2 development provisions chapter 2.2 dual occupancy ... · xiv. existing structures: including...

Part 2 Development Provisions Chapter 2.2 Dual Occupancy and Multi Dwelling Housing CHAPTER 2.2 DUAL OCCUPANCY AND MULTI DWELLING HOUSING 2.2.1 INTRODUCTION Objectives The Chapter aims to provide a practical design guide for dual occupancy and multi dwelling housing development by: encouraging the provision of a variety of dwelling types and allowing for innovation in individual design; promoting standards of design which achieve functional and aesthetic quality in development; encouraging designs of high architectural quality; encouraging residential development appropriate to the local area context; protecting and enhancing the amenity of existing residential areas by encouraging dual occupancy and multi dwelling housing which is compatible with the existing or desired future character of the locality Land to which this Chapter applies All land within the Central Coast Council Local Government Area to which Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2018 applies. Land uses to which this Chapter applies This Chapter applies to the following land uses as defined under Central Coast LEP 2018: dual occupancies semi-detached dwellings multi dwelling housing attached dwellings 2.2.2. SITE AND CONTEXT ANALYSIS Site and Local Context Analysis OBJECTIVE To encourage design that results from an analysis of the site and local character and capacity, and its suitability for the proposed development REQUIREMENTS Site Analysis a It is highly desirable that contact with neighbours be established at the site analysis stage. Talk to them about how the proposal will affect them and review the location of outdoor living areas, fencing, pools, living rooms and other specific features that may influence the design of the development. b A Site Analysis shall be carried out as the first step in the design process and the outcomes of that analysis must be reflected in the design of the development. The character of the site must determine Central Coast Development Control Plan 2018 Page 1

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Page 1: Part 2 Development Provisions Chapter 2.2 Dual Occupancy ... · xiv. existing structures: including details of existing fences, retaining walls and buildings on site. Contextual

Part 2 Development Provisions Chapter 2.2 Dual Occupancy and Multi Dwelling Housing


2.2.1 INTRODUCTION Objectives

The Chapter aims to provide a practical design guide for dual occupancy and multi dwelling housing development by:

encouraging the provision of a variety of dwelling types and allowing for innovation in individual design;

promoting standards of design which achieve functional and aesthetic quality in development;

encouraging designs of high architectural quality;

encouraging residential development appropriate to the local area context;

protecting and enhancing the amenity of existing residential areas by encouraging dual occupancy and multi dwelling housing which is compatible with the existing or desired future character of the locality Land to which this Chapter applies

All land within the Central Coast Council Local Government Area to which Central Coast Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2018 applies. Land uses to which this Chapter applies

This Chapter applies to the following land uses as defined under Central Coast LEP 2018:

dual occupancies

semi-detached dwellings

multi dwelling housing

attached dwellings

2.2.2. SITE AND CONTEXT ANALYSIS Site and Local Context Analysis


To encourage design that results from an analysis of the site and local character and capacity, and its suitability for the proposed development


a It is highly desirable that contact with neighbours be established at the site analysis stage. Talk to them about how the proposal will affect them and review the location of outdoor living areas, fencing, pools, living rooms and other specific features that may influence the design of the development.

b A Site Analysis shall be carried out as the first step in the design process and the outcomes of that analysis must be reflected in the design of the development. The character of the site must determine

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the design of the development, rather than the design of the development dominating the character of the site.

c The Site Analysis Plan identifies existing conditions relating to the development site and existing design constraints on adjacent sites, which are likely to influence design choices. The design should demonstrate that these issues have been taken into account. The site analysis plan shall be submitted in A3 size. The detail of the plan should be tailored to the size and complexity of the proposed development.

d A Site Analysis Plan shall be submitted with any Development Application. The following is an indicative checklist of issues to be addressed by the Site Analysis Plan:

i orientation: north point and aspect, consider the movement of the sun, particularly at winter solstice;

ii topography: slope of the land at 0.2m intervals where cut and fill or benching of the site is proposed, (otherwise 1.0m intervals) and direction of fall;

iii streetscape: setback patterns, position and form of existing houses and developments on adjacent and opposite lands; overall height and shadows from adjacent buildings;

iv context: location of the site in relation to transport, nearby schools, community facilities or shops. (Special consideration for prominent sites including elevated or rural land, corner sites, heritage and cultural issues);

v vegetation: existing trees and vegetation on the land, on adjoining land and in the street / locality and their true canopy spread within or onto the site;

vi privacy: any windows or private areas of neighbouring developments facing the land;

vii noise and light: location and extent of nearby sources of noise or light impacts (e.g. major roads, intersections, sports fields or commercial areas);

viii views: consideration of any view corridors to and from the site and neighbours’ views;

ix prevailing winds: these can vary for a particular site, eg. coastal areas. Orientation to take advantage of prevailing breezes for natural ventilation can add greatly to comfort levels within the dwelling;

x services: location of utility services (including stormwater drainage lines, electricity poles and kerb crossings);

xi vehicle access: best position for a driveway;

xii survey constraints: surveyed location of any easements, rights of way or other relevant restrictions;

xiii security: any natural surveillance opportunities to and from the site;

xiv existing structures: including details of existing fences, retaining walls and buildings on site. Contextual Analysis

a The aim of contextual analysis is to recognise why a place is as it is and to reflect that analysis in the design of the proposed development. Contextual analysis will highlight the elements that reinforce the locality’s desired identity as well as the inconsistencies that could detract from it.

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b A contextual analysis shall be submitted with applications, addressing the following:

i the social context;

ii the economic context;

iii the environmental context;

iv the urban design context, including consideration of existing built form and predominant streetscape pattern.



To ensure that buildings are compatible with the existing and desired future character of the locality

To ensure that the height of buildings maintains reasonable amenity for neighbouring properties in terms of visual bulk, access to sunlight, privacy and views

To ensure that building height is compatible with the scenic qualities of hillside and ridgetop locations


a Central Coast LEP 2018 contains a Height of Building Map for certain areas within the Local Government Area (LGA). In accordance with Clause 4.3 (2) of Central Coast LEP 2018, the height of a building in these areas is not to exceed the maximum height indicated on this map except as provided for by Central Coast LEP 2018 Clause 5.6-Architectural Roof Features.

b The maximum building height for dwellings in areas not specifically mapped by the Central Coast LEP 2018 is 10m.

c Building Height for development proposals under this chapter shall generally not exceed two storeys in height. Three storey development will generally only be supported on steeply sloping sites, where the three-storey component extends for only a small section of the development.

2.2.4 BUILDING DENSITY Lot Size Requirements


To have development sites and densities that are appropriate and compatible with the local context

To ensure that lot size and the proposed development considers the natural features of a site and locality

To ensure appropriate vehicle and pedestrian access is provided.

To provide an appropriate area on site for landscaping, outdoor activities and stormwater infiltration


a Central Coast LEP 2018 specifies the minimum lot sizes for dual occupancy development.

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b For sites where the dual occupancy development is configured in a front and rear or “battle-axe” style, the minimum area of the lot must be:

i 1000 m2 on sites with a slope from 15 to 20%,

ii 1200m2 on sites with a slope greater than 20% and less than 25%,

c dual occupancy development is unlikely to be supported on sites with a slope of 25% or more.

Note – for proposals on sloping or steep sites, applicants should contact Council to ascertain the level of geotechnical information required.

d Where a dual occupancy development is proposed on an existing battle-axe allotment, the existing lot is to have a minimum area of 800 m2 excluding the area of the access handle. On sloping sites the provisions of s. b above apply. Floor Space Ratio


To have development sites and densities that are appropriate in the zone and compatible with the local context

To ensure building bulk and site coverage provisions are compatible with neighbouring development

To ensure the intensity of the use of the site is appropriate


a Central Coast LEP 2018 contains a Floor Space Ratio map and the relevant considerations for certain areas within the Central Coast LGA.

b The maximum floor space ratio for development proposals subject to this Chapter that relate to land not included in the Floor Space Ratio Map of Central Coast LEP 2018 is specified in Table 2 below:

Form of housing Floor Space Ratio (where not specified in Central Coast LEP 2018)

Dual Occupancy and semi-detached dwellings (except in rural or environmental living zones)


Multi-dwelling housing and attached dwellings


Table 2 Floor Space Ratio requirements Site Coverage


To provide an area on site that enables soft landscaping and deep soil planting

To provide suitable internal amenity

To provide appropriate separation between buildings in the local context

To provide areas on site that permit stormwater infiltration

To protect the existing scenic quality and complement the landscape character of the locality

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a For all development types that are subject to this chapter a minimum 25% of site area at ground level shall be ‘soft’ landscaping, excluding all hardstand areas. Private Open space areas and setback areas may be included in this calculation only where these do not include hardstand surfaces.


OBJECTIVES To ensure that setbacks are compatible with adjacent development and complements the character,

streetscape and natural areas

To ensure the visual focus of a development is the dwelling, not the garage

To ensure views, privacy and solar access of adjacent properties are reasonably maintained

To reasonably maintain view corridors to coastal foreshores and other desirable outlooks

To maintain the scenic and environmental qualities of natural waterbodies and their foreshores and respond to site attributes such as topography

To provide deep soil areas sufficient to provide new landscaping

To provide appropriate articulation of facades and horizontal elements reduce the appearance of bulk and provides visual interest to the building and subsequent streetscape where they face a street frontage/s.


For all development proposed under this chapter the following setbacks shall apply:

Aspect Minimum Setback Required

a Front setbacks i Classified roads: 7.5m

ii Local roads: The average distance of the front setbacks of the nearest 2 dwelling houses having the same primary road boundary and located within 40m of the lot on which the dwelling house is erected, or if 2 dwelling houses are not located within 40m of the lot - 4.5m

Note: For the purpose of calculating the setbacks of the nearest 2 dwellings any ancillary development is to be disregarded

iii Roads where the road reserve is less than 12m wide: 6.0m

b Side setbacks i for any part of the building with a height of up to 4.5m—0.9m, and

ii for any part of the building with a height of more than 4.5m—0.9m plus one-quarter of the height of the building above 4.5m

Note: Unbroken lengths of wall exceeding 10m in length and 3 m in height shall not be permitted.

c Rear setbacks 4.5 m

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Aspect Minimum Setback Required

d Garages i Local Roads 5.5m applies to garages where they are accessed directly from the road system, except

ii Classified roads - 7.5m applies

e Corner Allotments 2.0m, plus compliance with sight preservation lines

Note: On corner allotments the side street is generally taken to be the boundary with the greater frontage.

f Waterfront setback (absolute water frontage)

i In accordance with the Foreshore Building Line Map and the provisions of Clause 7.8 of Central Coast LEP 2018

ii Where a setback is not specified as outlined above, development is to be setback from the waterbody or from land that is unzoned land or zoned public recreation or open space which adjoins the waterway as follows:

6m for the ground storey 10m for any storey above the ground storey 30m from the Hawkesbury River or any of its


Where a property is affected by coastal hazards additional setbacks may apply.

Table 3 – Setbacks

2.2.6 BUILT FORM & ARTICULATION Facades & Articulation


To ensure design of development is of a high quality which contributes positively to the streetscape

To ensure design of development consistent with the desired character of the area

To ensure design of development visually interesting, offering variety to the observer whilst presenting an integrated design outcome


a Facades are to be articulated in length and height. Unbroken lengths of wall exceeding 10 metres in length and 3 metres in height shall not be provided. In development of two or more storeys, physical design elements shall be used to provide visual interest to the building. These elements may include roof, wall and eave projections and indentations roofed decks, pergolas, awnings and other permanent shading structures, etc. A mixture of building materials including masonry, timber and glass is encouraged.

b Garage prominence is to be minimised:

i For multi-dwelling housing or attached dwellings garages are to be located behind the front setback of the building so as not to visually dominate the streetscape. Garages which are visible from the street shall not exceed 50% of the lineal frontage of the building, must respect the architectural qualities of the building and integrate with the overall presentation of the development.

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ii For dual occupancy development or semi-detached dwellings, the total width of all garage doors openings when within 7.5m and facing a primary road or parallel road must not exceed: 6m if:

the lot has a width measured at the building line of 12m or less, or

6m, or 60% of the width of the building (whichever is the greater) if the lot has a width measured at the building line of more than 12m. Roof Elements


To ensure that roof top structures and roof design do not detract from the architectural merit of the building and to maintain the privacy of adjoining sites.


a Roof design is to respond to the orientation of the site. For example by using eaves and skillion roofs to respond to solar access.

b Roof top gardens, terraces, decks and enclosures shall be suitably set back from the building edge to maintain the privacy of adjoining sites.

c Minimise the impact of service elements by integrating them into the design of the roof. Residential Address


To encourage positive social interaction between new residents,

To promote a safe residential environment by providing for surveillance and by distinguishing private, semi-private and semi-public areas within new developments

To provide easy identification for visitors and emergency services


a For all dwellings located at the front of each development ensure that the street can be seen from windows of regularly occupied rooms, as well as from upper-storey balconies and private terraces or courtyards at ground level.

b Above-ground parking carports and fully-enclosed garages must not be located within any facade facing a street, a park or major communal open space, where they would block desired sight lines.

c Street number and building access to be easily identified from the street. Design Integration


To ensure that building elements are integrated into the overall building form and façade design

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a Where existing buildings are to be retained as part of an overall proposal, they shall be sufficiently upgraded to integrate with the new development. The integration of old and new shall be carefully considered in terms of:

i architectural features and form;

ii roof form;

iii external building materials colours and finishes;

iv Location and orientation; and

v Dwelling curtilage.

Details of how the proposed development responds to these items are to be included in the Statement of Environmental Effects.

b Development proposals which incorporate existing buildings shall be accompanied by a floor plan and elevations of the existing building, as well as a schedule of externals colours and materials for the development.



To facilitate view sharing outcomes

To have opportunities for public vistas and public views from streets and public places protected and enhanced through building design, location and landscape design

To protect views by permitting development which minimises the obstruction of such views where enjoyed from internal and external living areas


a Development is to be sited and designed to enable a sharing of views with surrounding private properties, particularly from habitable rooms.

b The design of the roof form is to provide for view sharing. This may be achieved by consideration of the roof pitch and type (including flat roofs), increasing the setback on an upper level or by lowering the proposal in whole or in part.

c Applicants shall demonstrate that buildings have been designed ‘from the ground up’, with floors located at or near to natural ground level and incorporating reasonable ceiling heights and roof pitch.

d A visual analysis illustrating the impacts of the proposed development upon views may be required for developments which have the potential to obstruct views. The analysis will be required to outline the impact of the development on the views of all affected properties.

e Where there is a potential loss of view for nearby properties, applications are to address the NSW Land and Environment Court Planning Principles relating to view sharing.

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Figure 2A - Examples of potential solutions to maintain views

Figure 2B - Examples of potential solutions to maintain views

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Figure 2C Examples of potential solutions to maintain views Privacy


To provide and maintain reasonable levels of visual privacy both internally and externally, during day and night

To maximise outlook and views from living rooms and private open space without compromising visual privacy

To ensure a high level of amenity by protecting the privacy of residents both within dwellings and in private open space areas


a Direct overlooking of internal living areas and private open space and from surrounding dwellings must be minimised by building layout, location and design of windows and balconies, screening devices and landscaping.

b Where living area windows or balconies of dwellings are proposed within 12 metres of and facing living area windows or balconies of adjacent dwellings, windows should offset from the edge of the opposite window and balconies be screened or oriented to ensure visual privacy.

Window openings at first floor level and above should be orientated or designed to minimise the potential for overlooking of adjacent properties and this consequent loss of privacy.

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Windows which are orientated towards adjoining properties and do not adequately restrict overlooking will be required to be opaque finish or located at appropriate heights above floor level to minimise overlooking of adjoining properties. See Figure 3.

Figure 3 Examples of potential solutions for maintaining privacy Acoustic Privacy

a Site layout should separate active recreational areas, parking areas, vehicle access ways and service equipment areas from bedroom areas of dwellings.

b Development adjacent to potential sources of high levels of external noise shall minimise the entry of that noise through building design window placement, noise attenuation measures and external wall treatment.

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Part 2 Development Provisions Chapter 2.2 Dual Occupancy and Multi Dwelling Housing Private Open Space Areas


To ensure private open space areas are functional and responsive to the environment, thereby promoting the enjoyment of outdoor living for residents

To ensure private open space areas (in particular balconies) integrate with the overall architectural form and detail of the development


a Private open space for each dwelling is to have with a minimum area of 45 square metres and a minimum dimension of 4.5 metres. These areas are required to be generally located at ground level, directly accessible from a living area within the dwelling.

b Required private courtyards shall not exceed a maximum grade of 1:14 to optimise useability for residents.

c Wherever a dimension is less than the required minimum width (i.e. 2 metres for balconies or 4.5 metres for courtyards) it shall not be counted as part of the calculation for private open space areas.

d Required ground level private open space may be provided in up to two locations for each dwelling, subject to compliance with the minimum dimension.

e Ground level courtyards are not permitted within the front building setback area fronting local roads. Common Open Space – Multi Dwelling Housing and Attached Dwellings


To ensure adequate open space areas is provided for the enjoyment of residents in larger developments

To encourage a greater sense of community within larger developments providing a gathering point for residents

To ensure common open space areas are functional and responsive to the environment, thereby promoting the enjoyment of outdoor living for residents


a Communal open spaces is to be provided for developments with more than ten dwellings

b Communal open space shall be provided in no more than two locations at a minimum rate of 10 square metres per dwelling and with a minimum width of 5 metres.

c The location and design of communal open space shall:

i protect the privacy of adjoining dwellings

ii provide for both sunlight access and shaded areas

iii be usable and accessible to all occupants

iv include landscaping works and planting

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Part 2 Development Provisions Chapter 2.2 Dual Occupancy and Multi Dwelling Housing Sunlight Access


To facilitate solar access to the living areas and private open space areas of the dwelling and neighbouring dwellings


a On June 21, 50% of the required principal private open space area for all dwellings should receive at least 3 hours of unobstructed sunlight access between 9am and 3pm.

b Dwellings should be orientated to allow optimum solar access for internal living areas.

c On June 21, 50% of the required principal private open space on adjoining land should receive at least 3 hours of unobstructed sunlight access between 9am and 3pm. Any proposed variation to this provision must demonstrate:

i the proposed development complies with the building height and building setback requirements of this chapter

ii the proposal adequately considers site constraints including slope and site orientation

iii that the adjoining development has not sufficiently considered likely future development and site constraints such as lot orientation in the location of private open space.

d Developments that are 2 or more storeys in height or greater shall provide shadow diagrams based on a survey of the site and adjoining development, showing shadow casting at 9 am, 12 noon and 3 pm on June 21 (winter solstice). The shadow diagrams must show the impact of shadowing from the proposed development, fencing, cut and fill as well as existing development, on the proposed development and adjoining properties. Storage


To ensure that adequate, well designed storage is provided in each apartment


a Designated storage should be provided for each dwelling:

i One and two bedroom apartments: 3m3

ii Three bedrooms or more: 6m3

Note: This storage is in addition to kitchen or linen cupboards and wardrobes.

b At least half of the designated storage should be provided inside each dwelling. The balance of required storage may be provided within garages or basement areas provided that parking spaces would not be obstructed and the area is reasonably secure.

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2.2.8 PARKING AND ACCESS Car Parking


To have car parking designed in sympathy with the development without becoming the dominant feature on the streetscape.

To provide adequate on-site parking that relates to the environmental and physical constraints of the site

To have car parking areas that minimise the potential for pedestrian and vehicle conflict

To design connections to alternative transport modes such as walking, cycling and public transport

To provide adequate on-site parking relative to the occupancy of the dwelling.


a Car parking within setbacks to classified roads shall not be permitted.

b Where parking is proposed within a side or rear building setback and is exposed to adjoining properties, suitable landscaping shall be provided along the boundary to soften the visual impact of the parking and to provide for stormwater infiltration.

c One of the required resident car parking spaces shall be provided in the form of an enclosed space for each dwelling with minimum dimensions of 3 metres width by 5.5 metres length and a minimum opening of 2.7 metres width.

d Consideration should be given to separate access driveways on corner allotments.

e All car parking calculations are to be rounded up to the next whole number.

f Resident car parking is to be provided in accordance with the parking rates identified in Chapter 2.13 Transport and Parking

g Visitor parking shall be provided for all multi dwelling housing and attached dwelling development at the rate of 1 space per 5 units, with a minimum of 1 visitor space per development. In addition:

i Visitor parking must be clearly identifiable, delineated by stencilling “VISITOR” on the space(s) and is to remain available for use at all times.

ii One (1) visitor space where required is to be available for car washing and have appropriate tap and drainage facilities provided for that purpose.

iii Visitor car parking is generally not encouraged within the front setback. Where this is considered to be the only feasible alternative, the space(s) shall be setback a minimum of 3.0 metres from the frontage and only where suitably screened by landscaping.

h All geometric standards applicable to site access and car parking layout shall be in accordance with Chapter 2.13 – Parking and Access and Australian Standard AS/NZS 2890.1. Applicants should obtain a copy of the relevant vehicle turning circles from Australian Standard AS/NZS 2890.1 to ensure compliance with the 85th percentile vehicle.

i For sites to be accessed from a classified road or where car parking is proposed along or at the end of a common driveway, an adequate manoeuvring area must also be provided on-site so that the vehicles

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of residents can enter and leave the site in a forward manner using no more than a 3 point turn. Applications should include turning templates on the plans to demonstrate compliance.

Note: Council may require forward egress where local conditions such as average vehicle speed, sight lines and traffic volume cause a safety concern

j An adaptable parking space is to be provided for any adaptable unit. Access Design


To position street vehicular crossings and driveways to minimise adverse visual impact

To use existing rear lanes for vehicular access where appropriate

To ensure safe entry and exit from the site

REQUIREMENTS General Requirements

a Driveways and vehicular access shall be designed in accordance with relevant Australian Standard and provisions of Council’s Civil Works Specification

b Use of plain concrete for driveways and open car parking areas is not supported by Council. Details of the proposed treatment shall be provided in the development application.

c Where appropriate, parking may be accessed from a laneway however no reliance can be given to a laneway for the purposes primary pedestrian access, waste collection and mail collection. Ground Level Parking

a Fully enclosed garages must not visually dominate any building elevation.

b Driveways must not be continuous straight lines and shall be offset by landscaped sections

c A minimum pavement width of 3m is required

d Driveways shall be offset from any side boundary by 2 metres at the front boundary, and may taper back to 1m side setback within the front building line as illustrated in Figure 1. This offset area, and a minimum of 1m side setback for the length of the remaining driveway must be landscaped with trees and shrubs to soften the hardstand areas and provide for infiltration and provide visual appeal to the streetscape.

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Figure 4: Driveway Offset

e The subdivision of a dual occupancy development into a battle-axe arrangement, where permitted will only be supported where a minimum access way width of 3.5 metres is available.

f Parking or access which is visible from any street or laneway elevation must not visually dominate the street and must respect the architectural qualities of the building and integrate with the overall presentation of the development. Basement Car parking

a Driveway access to basement car parking must be designed to minimise adverse visual impacts on the streetscape and should be complimented by the landscape design for the site.

b Basements may extend up to 1m above ground level existing, provided that they are integrated with architectural and landscape design of the development.

c Basement car parking must be setback from site boundaries so as not to interfere with the provision of deep soil planting zones at ground level.

d Basement car parking must not create inappropriate streetscape impacts due to tall retaining walls, or entrances that create the appearance of a third storey in areas where development is limited to only two storeys.

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To accommodate the proposed development on site, without the need for excessive cutting and filling of the site or construction of high retaining walls

To control surface water and / or stormwater on the subject land with any changes to water flows, as a result of cut or fill, not impacting upon any adjoining properties

To ensure that the design of the development is appropriate for site conditions with consideration given to slope, stability of the land and the privacy of adjoining properties

To ensure all boundary fencing is erected at natural ground level, permitting light and ventilation to ensure reasonable amenity to adjacent developments


a Excavation for the purposes of development must not exceed a maximum depth measured from existing ground level of 1m if less than 1m from any boundary, or 3m if located more than 1m from any boundary.

b Fill for the purpose of erecting a dwelling must not exceed 1m above existing ground level. No retaining wall for fill is to be within 1m of a side or rear boundary unless within 1.5m of any external wall of a dwelling.

c Where a property is burdened by stormwater or water and sewerage mains then Council will generally preclude any excavation or filling within that easement Retaining walls and structural support

a Retaining walls that are more than 600mm above or below existing ground level and within 1m of any boundary, or more than 1m above or below existing ground level in any other location, must be designed by a professional engineer.

Note: The height of a retaining wall is measured from the base of the retaining wall to its uppermost portion and may include a combination of height above and below ground level (existing).

b Earthworks not structurally supported by a retaining wall having an unprotected sloping embankment or batter must:

i not have an embankment slope greater than that required by the BCA for its soil type

ii generally not extend by more than 3m from the dwelling or have the toe of the embankment or batter within 1m from a side or rear boundary.

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Figure 5 - Cut and Fill



To improve habitat for native indigenous flora and fauna

To provide for softening of building forms and enhancement of the urban environment

To assist in the reduction of stormwater runoff from a site

To improve urban air quality

To relate landscape design and fencing to the desired proportions and character of the streetscape

To retain existing significant native vegetation on site

To improve the amenity of open space areas

To contribute to streetscape character and the amenity of the locality

To design landscape which contributes to the site’s particular and positive characteristics,

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REQUIREMENTS Landscape Design - General

a A suitably qualified landscape professional is to be engaged to undertake the design and construction of landscaping for the development is required. The landscape design is to demonstrate consideration of the following:

i provision of appropriate shade from trees or structures;

ii provision of accessible routes within the site and between buildings;

iii screening of car parking communal drying areas, swimming pools and courtyards on ground level.

iv the use planting, fencing and other landscape elements appropriate to the scale of the development;

v the visually softening the bulk of large development for the person on the street;

vi the incorporation of suitable deep soil zones;

vii the visually softening hardstand areas associated with car parking, including paving design / unit paving and shade tree planting.

viii the incorporation of native trees, shrubs and ground covers endemic to the area;

ix the retention and incorporation of changes of level, visual markers, views and any significant site elements;

x the retention of existing vegetation on site. Street Trees

a All development shall incorporate street tree plantings at a rate of at least two semi-advanced trees per 15 metres of frontage. Details of the proposed street tree planting including species and locations shall be submitted with the development application and included as part of the landscape plan. Street trees are to be maintained and nurtured until established.

b A street tree planting plan shall be included as part of the landscape design report. Deep Soil

a A minimum 50% of the required soft landscaped area of the site at ground level shall be a deep soil zone. This may be achieved by optimising the retention provision of consolidated deep soil zones within a site by:

i the design of any basement and sub-basement car parking, so as not to fully cover the site;

ii the use of setbacks for deep soil planting. Planting should be selected and located to minimise negative impacts on adjoining properties.

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Part 2 Development Provisions Chapter 2.2 Dual Occupancy and Multi Dwelling Housing Fencing


To ensure fencing meets the requirements of residents in terms of privacy and security, as well as contributing positively to the streetscape

To carefully select fencing to integrate with the overall development and to ensure that a site is not separated from its surrounds by high front walls


a Details of the material, height, type and extent of all proposed fencing shall be shown on the development application plans. Design considerations shall include:

i materials selection, including percentage of solid to transparent materials;

ii height;

iii location from site boundary.

iv avoiding the use of continuous lengths of blank walls at street level;

v using planting to soften the edges of any raised terraces to the street, such as over sub-basement car parks, and reduce their apparent scale.

b Dividing fencing shall not adversely affect flow of surface water or create flooding problems to adjoining properties.

c Decorative fencing of maximum 1.2 metres height is permitted along the front boundary

d Where a courtyard is proposed, the enclosing fence shall be of a decorative nature and 1.8 metres in height. Where a courtyard in the front setback area is considered acceptable the fence shall be erected no closer than a minimum of 1.5 metres from the front boundary alignment and this 1.5 metre setback shall be properly landscaped. Fences staggered with planting over the 1.5 metre setback may also be considered.

e Fencing should not detract from the streetscape or character of the area. Plain colourbond and /or timber paling fences are unacceptable in this regard. A combination of materials and articulation of the fence plane is required in order to achieve better presentation to the public domain, as illustrated above.

f The cost of upgrading common boundary fences rests with the developer.

g No structures or landscaping exceeding 1 metre in height are to be located within the triangle formed by a sight line 12 metres x 6 metres from the intersection of the two street boundary lines. Any existing or proposed tree in this area is to be maintained with a clean trunk under a height of 2.0 metres.



To ensure that all development sites have adequate services to cater for future occupants

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Part 2 Development Provisions Chapter 2.2 Dual Occupancy and Multi Dwelling Housing

REQUIREMENTS Services - General

a All sites shall be provided with adequate water and sewer services, as well as telecommunications and power.

b All applications shall provide details of the proposed method of sewerage disposal from the site. For all forms of residential development the preferred method is gravity-fed connection to the reticulated sewer system.

c All applications shall provide details of potential impacts on existing services, for example nearby drainage, water or sewer lines.

d All external attachments should be fully integrated with the façade design e.g.: stormwater downpipes, meter boxes and other services.

e Site services and facilities (such as letterboxes and drying yards) should be designed:

i to enable safe and convenient access by residents;

ii in an aesthetically sensitive way;

iii to have regard to the amenity of adjoining developments and streetscape;

iv to require minimal maintenance; and

v to be visually integrated with the development.

vi be accessible for postal deliveries Civil Works

a To preserve and enhance the existing high quality landscape of street frontages, the construction of kerb and guttering, associated street drainage, pavement construction and foot paving across the street frontages is a standard requirement for development on the Central Coast, where these do not currently exist. The only exceptions to this requirement are where, in Council’s opinion:

i it is technically impractical to construct kerb and guttering due to uncertainty as to the appropriate levels to be adopted or an isolated section will present a hazard to road traffic safety; or

ii the street drainage necessary to provide kerb and guttering is an unreasonable impost on the development; or

iii kerb and guttering is not the most suitable streetscape treatment for the area on the basis of existing and anticipated development.

b In the event that the development is determined to be within the above categories of exception, an alternative treatment to kerb and gutter such as mountable kerb, concrete dish drain, cemented paving stones or other treatment will be required with the exact type based upon the characteristics of the site.

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Part 2 Development Provisions Chapter 2.2 Dual Occupancy and Multi Dwelling Housing Stormwater Management


To ensure that land can be adequately drained for the health and convenience of residents, and that the development does not contribute to drainage or flooding problems elsewhere


a All proposed development is to comply with Council’s Civil Works Specification

b A stormwater management plan is to be submitted with the development application, incorporating one of the following:

i the provision of on-site stormwater detention with delayed release into the stormwater system; or

ii site design to minimise impervious areas and maximise on-site infiltration so increased run-off does not reach the stormwater system; or

iii a combination of both. Due consideration will be given to the location of the development and the impacts a detention system will have on the catchment drainage.

c Site works are not to obstruct or divert overland flows from upstream properties.

d All excess stormwater runoff from roof and paved areas shall be directed via gravity fed systems into inter-allotment or street stormwater drainage system. Charged systems will not be accepted.

e Where easements over downstream properties are required, evidence of agreement with the relevant property owners is to be submitted with the development application. Garbage and Waste Services


To avoid the generation of waste through design, material selection and building practices

To plan for the types, amount and disposal of waste to be generated during demolition, excavation and construction of development

To encourage waste minimisation, including material separation, reuse and recycling

To ensure efficient storage and collection of waste and quality design of facilities


a All proposed development is to comply with Chapter 2.14: Site Waste Management.

b Waste management systems for residential development are to be provided in accordance with Council’s Waste Control Guidelines. Details of waste recycling arrangements must also be included in the Waste Management Plan.

c Where it is proposed that bins are to be located in a common area, developments are to include the design and construction of a suitably screened bin storage area that integrates with the overall development and landscape plan. Where bins need to be wheeled or conveyed from the storage point to the collection point, consideration should be given to the slope and its impact on manual handling or motorised handling requirements.

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Part 2 Development Provisions Chapter 2.2 Dual Occupancy and Multi Dwelling Housing

d Pedestrian and traffic safety must be considered in the design of the storage and collection points for bins.



To facilitate dual occupancy in rural and environmental living areas

To encourage integration of building form to achieve the appearance of a single dwelling, or to cluster buildings adjacent to the principal dwelling

To minimise the impacts of additional occupancies in rural and environmental living areas


Additional special requirements apply to dual occupancy housing in rural and environmental zones where permissible as follows:

a Attached dual occupancies shall have an integrated appearance which gives the impression of a single dwelling house, unified by similar materials, colours, textures, massing and roof pitches.

b Where the proposal involves detached dual occupancy:

i Buildings are to be “clustered” with the principal dwelling and farm buildings, i.e., within a maximum distance of 50 metres.

ii Each building is to be accessed from a common driveway. Additional separate access crossings will not be supported for dual occupancy development.

Note: Dual occupancy development shall not be used as grounds to support subdivision of the land;

c The minimum setbacks required to the nearest building wall are:

i 20 metres from either frontage (road) boundary;

ii 10 metres from the site’s side and / or rear boundaries;

iii 40 metres from the top of the bank of creek lines or as mapped under Central Coast LEP 2018

iv 50 metres from the crest, or highest point, of ridgelines.

d In areas that are not serviced by Council’s reticulated sewerage system, all proposals are to meet the requirements of Chapter 3.7 On-site Sewer Management.

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