part 2 - digital transformation: secrets of the successful c-suite

Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C- suite Part 2 #ConnectedFutures

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Page 1: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suitePart 2


Page 2: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

Peter HighPresident, Metis

Strategy, Author, and Speaker

Connected Futures Podcast Featuring:

Ted ColbertCIO, The Boeing



Page 3: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

“The role that I’m in is exciting every single day, the business we’re in, if I

may, it’s growing, it’s challenging, it’s super diverse, very complex, and

change happens at a pace that is very fast.”



- Ted Colbert, CIO, The Boeing Company

Page 4: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

“My credit sectors have started a very significant change effort to help…

from the people and leadership and the organization… help move that forward and create development

programs, bring in new talent, and help the way that we get things done.

We call it functional excellence.”- Ted Colbert, CIO, The Boeing Company


Page 5: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

“As big as this organization is, this diverse, with the goal of becoming

more aligned with the strategic plans of the different parts of the

organization… how do you do that organizationally?”



- Peter High, President, Metis Strategy, Author, and Speaker

Page 6: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

“The approach to driving the alignment and getting our agenda

situated in a right way, requires work in all dimensions.

It’s a process that drives almost unconditional, what I call, transparency. For example-

modernizing our data centers.”


- Ted Colbert, CIO, The Boeing Company

Page 7: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

“How do you think about the driving commonality versus those things that are unique? And I know the answer to

that must be incredibly complex, as diverse as this organization is.”


- Peter High, President, Metis Strategy, Author, and Speaker

Page 8: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

“So if I think about enterprise enabling infrastructure. We are maturing to see ourselves—I’ll call it, as a commercial

service provider—we’ve got to drive costs down

while delivering high quality service.

From an enabling solution perspective, where we see the common thread is

through data. Data and information and the solutions that wrap around those things in the company… really bringing all of that


- Ted Colbert, CIO, The Boeing Company

Page 9: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

“Have you spoken about how the planes that are taking off… that

they’re essentially like flying data centers, and the wealth and

information that is available is almost endless at this point.”


- Peter High, President, Metis Strategy, Author, and Speaker

Page 10: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

“Part of my role, which is a lot of fun, is trying to figure out what goodness from one

side of the business can be leveraged by the other side.

The ability to harness the value of large amounts of data.

And one of the things we’re doing is trying to

figure out approaches, other than technology,

that we’ve leveraged on one side of the business that can be used on the other side-

from defense to commercial.”


- Ted Colbert, CIO, The Boeing Company

Page 11: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

“Although we’ve just been discussing with regards to digital transformation, what skills are rising in importance to facilitate some of the IT opportunities,

digital opportunities, data analytics opportunities?”


- Peter High, President, Metis Strategy, Author, and Speaker

Page 12: Part 2 - Digital Transformation: Secrets of the Successful C-suite

“I think it’s across the entire board.

The aspect of partnering is so much more important. Whether you’re

partnering with a large traditional IT company and leveraging their skill and breadth, or you’re at the Silicon Valley

evaluating an emerging set of capabilities that may provide you

some differentiation.”


- Ted Colbert, CIO, The Boeing Company