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Upper Hunter Shire Council • Annual Report 2015 - 2016 1

PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report

PART 3 Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report

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Upper Hunter Shire Council • Annual Report 2015 - 2016 2

PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report

Key Achievements for the Year


Goal 1: Support families, the disadvantaged, children, young people and the aged for an equitable and caring society.

• Upper Hunter’s five Shire Libraries had over 61,000 visits and loaned over 44,000 books, DVDs, CDs and talking books through the year. A total of 429 new people joined the Libraries during the year, which averaged a membership of more than 3800 members per month.

• The Libraries delivered 1,733 books and resources to housebound people during the year.

• School Holiday activities at the five Shire Libraries attracted a total of 814 children including parents and carers throughout the Upper Hunter Shire.

• Successful Summer and Winter Reading Programs were conducted to keep our younger readers (K-6) reading during the holidays, and over 200 children participated across the five branches.

• Library Lovers’ day in February celebrated the love of books and encouraged exploration of different genres by borrowing books selected and wrapped by the Librarians in a lucky dip approach. Over 100 adult readers joined in the fun.

• Resources in different languages were provided for members encouraging cultural connections and opportunities for research into different cultures.

• Co-ordinated over 20 local organisations in providing Seniors Festival Program Activities and organised a new initiative of “Collector’s Roadshows” in partnership with local and regional organisations, which attracted significant numbers of seniors from our Shire.

• Successful Harmony Day events were held in March 2016: Global Village, held at Murrurundi Public School, and public art project at Blandford; Scone multicultural feast and entertainment held in partnership with the Library and Scone Neighbourhood Resource Centre.

• Established Murrurundi Meals on Wheels Committee providing hot meal service to Murrurundi Seniors commencing in October 2015.

• Merriwa Family Support Network was established and supported to aid in network and service development for Merriwa families and children. The Merriwa Create and Grow Playgroup grew from this network and has been highly successful.

• Supported the development of the Murrurundi Action Plan in November 2015 through 2 consultation meetings with more than 70 participants, supported by Murrurundi Community Leaders Forum, Murrurundi Arts Council, Murrurundi Lions Club and Murra County.

• ”Give it a Go in the Upper Hunter” Project – sports project to raise awareness of and create active recreation for young people with a disability utilizing the sport of futsal. Successful funding application and programme held.

• Gummun Place Hostel improved safety for its aged residents with the installation of a new medical alert pendant system following significant fundraising and support from the community, and facilitated future expansion of the facility through the purchase of additional nearby land.

• Scone Family Fun Day was held in partnership with local services and attracted a wide range of families provided with community information.

• Worked in partnership with State and Regional organisations to run “Frame of Mind” Mental Health Evening with local mental Health services and the community to promote mental health resilience, recognition of mental health concerns, and sources of help.

• Initial consultations with the community were organised to commence development of a Cultural Plan, and a Disability Inclusion Action Plan for the Shire.

• Upper Hunter Family Day Care (UHFDC) was nominated for ‘Service of the Year’ in the national Family Day Care ‘Excellence in Family Day Care Awards’ for the third year running.

• A number of UHFDC registered Educators were also nominated for ‘Educator of the Year’ awards.

• UHFDC held an inaugural ‘Transition to School’ community information session in collaboration with Community Services, local Early Childhood networks, and with support from Godolphin to bring a professional speaker.

• The Early Learning Centre (ELC) is implementing increased placement capacity in the infant and toddler rooms in response to community need.

• ELC was successful in securing funding to support provision of pre-school programs under the Department of Education National Partnership Grants Program.

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Upper Hunter Shire Council • Annual Report 2015 - 2016 3

PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report

• ELC participated in the research project ‘Good for Kids’ physical activity study in conjunction with Hunter New England local Health district.

• Increased ELC staff training has been supported by the Long Day Care Professional Development Program grant.

• There has been ongoing revision of plans for further playground re-development at the ELC.

• Re-introduction of full 5 day per week provision of the Scone Out of School Hours (SOOSH) Before School Care program has occurred, with steady utilisation.

• SOOSH has collaborated with Council’s Sports Facilitation Officer, Youth Council and Community Services to involve the Vacation Care program in regular sports days and community events.

• There has been introduction of new staff to the SOOSH team.

• SOOSH has purchased new equipment to supplement resources and activities for the children.

• New blinds have been installed to the SOOSH building verandah for additional sun and weather protection.

• All 3 children’s services (FDC, ELC and SOOSH) and the Gummun Place Hostel have had successful regulatory authority compliance visits.

• Youth Services secured approval to implement and expand service provision to include a counselling function.

• Youth services were also successful at securing a number of funding grants to bring a range of new and unique opportunities to young people in the Shire – NAIDOC Week Youth Stomp and a CASP grant for an Art Workshop are currently in the pipeline.

• Upper Hunter Youth Council has conducted regular meetings of young people from schools throughout the Upper Hunter. Events such as Sports Days and Anti-Bullying Days at schools have been promoted and run by the young people.

• Youth Centres providing support and recreational programs for young people aged 12 to 17. The Shire Youth Centres run information sessions for young people on relevant issues such as drug and alcohol education, safe sex and mental health support. Social events and creative activities are also run on a regular basis.

• Early Intervention and Placement Prevention program has been conducted throughout the Shire providing Advice and Referral, Casework and Skills Groups for young people. Youth Services provided a level of service for all areas of the program which exceeded targets.

Goal 2: Promote wellbeing, through health, education, recreation and culture for a healthy, vibrant and fulfilling life for our community.

• Bookweek 2015 saw 788 children from primary schools across the Upper Hunter Shire hear award-winning children’s books being read by special readers for the community. They also participated in the craft activities that followed.

• Libraries offered free use of computers and WiFi to connect community members to information through the internet.

• The Annual Quilt Show held in Aberdeen had about a 150 people pass through the Library which was one of the four show places displaying the community’s quilts.

• A Children’s Comedian (Kids’ Confidential) was watched by about 106 children at three Library locations.

• National Simultaneous Storytime saw 462 children hear the book “Brothers Quibble” by Aaron Babley being read by guest readers across all five libraries.

• Co-ordinated and supported a wide range of cultural and celebratory events including Australia Day, International Women’s Day, White Ribbon Day, NAIDOC Week, Seniors Festival, Youth Week, International Volunteers Day and Clean Up Australia Day to enrich culture, participation and caring in our Shire.

• Upper Hunter and Kia-Ora Youth Music Camp – in partnership with schools, conservatorium and other, provided administrative support for a successful camp of 200 young people.

• Established and supported the new Gymnastics Club in Scone and supported schools to promote gynmastics, providing additional sporting options for young people.

• Creative Women’s Welding Course for isolated rural women in our Shire organised in conjunction with Grants Officer utilising a CASP Grant.

• Encouraged participation through a range of sporting opportunities including Bike Week, tennis, running, football, soccer, triathlon, futsal and athletics supporting Shire schools and sporting groups.

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Upper Hunter Shire Council • Annual Report 2015 - 2016 4

PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


Goal 3: Protect the natural and built environment and plan for a sustainable future for our Shire and our planet.

• Road repair to table drains due to major erosion issues, a joint project with Local Land Services (LLS).

• Introduction of weighbridge system at Scone Landfill and updated computer management system to record landfills transactions. This system allows for greater accounting and fiscal management as well as improving reporting mechanisms for legislative and strategic planning purposes.

• Construction of resource recovery centre at Scone including ‘The Quality Shoppe’ for the sale of recycled goods.

• Rehabilitation of all landfills with particular focus on Aberdeen and Murrurundi landfills, both with special needs and requirements.

• Contract negotiations for a new collection and recycling contract.

• Involvement in community engagement activities including Dirtgirl, litter reduction, illegal dumping, garage sale, chemical collections.

• Up skilling of staff in legislative guidelines and landfill management practices.

• Adoption of an Integrated Waste Management Strategy.

• Increased recycling across the Shire to improve recycling rates in accordance with local, regional and state targets.

• No EPA notices issued for landfills.

• Risk based auditing undertaken for all landfills.

• EPA license conditions adhered to and met.

• Leachate and water monitoring undertaken.

• No environmental incidents.

• Involvement in discussions with Hunter and Central Coast Regional Environmental Management Strategy (HCCREMS) regarding mulch and green waste processing and development of an organics processing facility. Grant applications lodged.

• Effective operation of the Scone Effluent Re-use Scheme that has saved 1.9ML of water from our catchment.

• Implemented a sewer main infiltration program to reduce storm water ingress into Council’s sewer system.

• Started the process of updating our Integrated Water Cycle Management Plan.

• Aberdeen Storyboards were a finalist in 2015 Blue Star Awards run by Keep Australia Beautiful.

• Organised or supported Clean Up Australia Day activities in Scone, Merriwa and Murrurundi, and also supported some School groups in these clean-up activities.

• Dirt Girl Scrap Boy environmental awareness and sustainability program subscription – various activities implemented through the program.

• Adoption of the Aberdeen Floodplain Risk Management Study and Draft Plan in November 2015.

• Preparation of Draft Upper Hunter Land Use Strategy 2016 – Draft adopted in July 2016 and placed on public exhibition.

• Preparation of Draft Section 94 Contributions Plan 2016.

• Development and Implementation of Electronic Housing Code – July 2015.

• Development and Implementation of DA Tracking – December 2015.

• Responsible Pet Ownership Program 2016.

• LEP Amendment No. 3 - the Upper Hunter Local Environmental Plan 2013 was amended by rezoning part of Mayne Street, Murrurundi to B4 Mixed Use to increase the supply of available employment land and facilitate business growth and development in Murrurundi.

Goal 4: Preserve the local heritage of Indigenous and modern cultures for the benefit of future generations.

• NAIDOC Week 2015 was the inaugural Indigenous Flag-raising ceremony at Council. Special Guest Aunty Ros conducted a Dreamtime Story session at Scone Library. Across the five libraries a total of 112 persons participated in Indigenous Craft activities.

• NAIDOC Week Events – developed and organised successful NAIDOC Week events in partnerships with Library, Scone Neighbourhood Centre, Family Day Care including Flag Raising in Council forecourt, Indigenous displays and children’s activities.

• NAIDOC Week Youth Stomp held at Scone Youth Centre providing young people with a cultural experience using Indigenous Songlines and promoting Aboriginal artists.

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Upper Hunter Shire Council • Annual Report 2015 - 2016 5

PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report

• Local Heritage Assistance Fund Program – ongoing.

• Enhanced partnerships with the local Aboriginal community and collaboration with Community Services for holding a second NAIDOC Week celebration event.


Goal 5: Enhance Economic and Employment Opportunities and Promote Development.

• 99,671 visits to Council’s website.

• The 4 most popular website pages in order of popularity are: Event Calendar, Home, News and Positions Vacant.

• E-Newsletter subscriptions increased from 142 to 208 and is steadily increasing.

• Preparation of Draft Upper Hunter Land Use Strategy 2016 – Draft adopted in July 2016 and placed on public exhibition.

• Preparation of Draft Section 94 Contributions Plan 2016.

• Development and Implementation of Electronic Housing Code – July 2015

• Development and Implementation of DA Tracking – December 2015

• LEP Amendment No. 3 - the Upper Hunter Local Environmental Plan 2013 was amended by rezoning part of Mayne Street, Murrurundi to B4 Mixed Use to increase the supply of available employment land and facilitate business growth and development in Murrurundi.

• Implementation of a compulsory saleyards induction.

• Completion of the Scone and Upper Hunter Airport Masterplan.

• Production of a new visitor guide and increased membership of UHCT.

• Professional video production for major events.

• New Airport invoicing procedures.

• Saleyards design for upgrade.

Goal 6: Maintain and enhance civil infrastructure and community assets to meet the needs of current and future generations.

• Replaced plant and motor vehicle to the value of $3.1 million compared to $2.4 million (2014/2015) and $1.3 million (2013/2014).

• Enhancement and modernisation of the Merriwa Office which entailed relocation of Council’s customer service centre and all other office staff work out of the Merriwa office to one location.

• Better facilities for community interacting with staff, better RMS Agency facilities, reduced long term operating costs for facility.

• Further implementation of the Technical Services Review.

• Continued roll out of the new key system implementation for Council buildings and facilities across the Shire.

• Support the Rural Fire Service (RFS) and State Emergency Service (SES).

• Carry out fire hazard reduction programs for road side slashing and fire trail maintenance.

• Carry out RFS and SES building maintenance.

• Commenced the review of the DISPLAN/EMPLAN review for Upper Hunter Shire.

• Paradise Park toilet block upgrade.

• Shade sails over community equipment such as Murrurundi pool, Wilson Park playground and Jefferson Park playground.

• Merriwa No1 Oval toilet block upgrade.

• Merriwa Showground upgrade.

• Aberdeen Sports Hub and tennis court upgrade.

• Completion of Garlands Bridge Stewarts Brooks Road.

• Commencement of Moonan Cutting project.

• Extension of the Satur Road footpath towards TAFE.

• Haydon Street Murrurundi rehabilitation.

• Haydon Street Murrurundi footpath.

• Started concept designs for the Scone to Murrurundi pipeline.

• Increased involvement with the Upper Hunter Water Utility Alliance.

• Review of critical control points of our Drinking Water Quality Management Plan.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report

• Achieved 100% conformance with Australian Drinking Water Guideline limits.

• Met NSW Health requirements under the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

• Water mains upgrade in Walker St Aberdeen.

• Relining of 5.8km of sewer mains.

• 777 water meters replaced.

• Telemetry upgrade at Murrurundi and Cassilis.

• Water mains extension in Bernard St Murrurundi.

• Water mains extension in Mount St Murrurundi.

• Rail underbore in Kingdon St, Scone to improve system capacity to cater for educational development west of the rail corridor.

• Water mains upgrade in Kingdon St (Kelly to Park) Scone.

• Water mains upgrade Hill Street (Kingdon to Liverpool) Scone. This project increased firefighting capacity for the educational development west of the rail corridor.

• Water mains upgrade in Segenhoe St (St Heliers to Perth) Aberdeen.

• New water rising main in Widden Close.

• Investigated the feasibility of a rural water scheme between Scone and Murrurundi.

• Upgrade of the Moobi Rd sewer pump station in Scone.

• Review of Asset Management Plans for all asset classes including roads, bridges, stormwater, parks, buildings, water and sewer. These plans look at future needs and focus on improving and maintaining assets to ensure long-term viability.

• Development of ten year capital work programs for all major asset classes.

• Development of a documented condition asset management strategy. Good asset management practices require ongoing condition assessment of assets. That will allow Council to make informed decisions on infrastructure renewal and replacement of assets. The frequency of condition assessment depends on a number of factors including the age, life, risk and criticality of the asset. In taking these factors into account and the current revaluation cycle for assets Council has determined a condition inspection frequency of each asset class.

• Development of an overarching risk management framework for infrastructure assets. Council recognises risk management as an integral part of sound management practice. Risks arise out of uncertainty, and whilst Council acknowledges that it is not possible to have a totally risk free environment, it is

possible to manage risk by avoiding, reducing, transferring or accepting risks.

• Revaluation of other assets including swimming pools, sports grounds, parks, aerodrome, saleyards, depots and cemeteries.

• Continued consultation with RMS and other stakeholders in the development of the Scone bypass and internal Kelly Street rail overpass.


Goal 7: Provide community leadership through open, accountable and efficient governance.

• Library Network Agreement between Muswellbrook and Upper Hunter Shire Council was supported.

• Joint responsibilities with Muswellbrook Council for running of the Upper Hunter & Muswellbrook Community Interagency.

• Upper Hunter Shire Council represented by community services staff on a range of regional committees including: Local Area Health Committees, Upper Hunter Youth Network, Regional Community Drug Action Team, Regional Domestic Violence Committee, Regional Liquor Accord, Homelessness Support Service and Hunter Councils’ Social Planning and Community Development Forum.

• Preparation of Draft Customer Services Strategy.

• Declared as “Fit for the Future” by the NSW State Government.

• Risk Appetite for Strategic Risks implemented.

• Strategic Risk Management Plan implemented.

• Internal Audit Charter implemented.

• Audit Advisory Committee Charter implemented.

• Internal Audit Plan implemented.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report

Goal 8: Advocate for the community to other levels of Government and non-government organisation

• Council has successfully advocated for the community, which has resulted in large infrastructure projects such as the Scone to Murrurundi Water Pipeline, which in 2015 was granted $11.543 million from the NSW Government’s Water Security for Regions towards the $14.2 million project.

• The Hunter Region was selected as one of five successful Joint Organisation pilots to be rolled out across the State, as part of the Fit for the Future reforms to strengthen local government and communities.

• Council has continued to advocate on behalf of the community for the best possible outcome for the Scone Bypass and Overpass Project.

• A range of grant applications has been submitted advocating for financial support of community projects in the Upper Hunter. Successful grant applications this year have included a Disability Inclusion Grant, Seniors Week Grant, Volunteer Grant and CASP Grant, with some outcomes still pending on Government decision making. Significant grants are also received for the Community Builders (renewable) programme which supports the building of local capacity and connectivity, and Early Intervention and Placement Prevention (EIPP) programme which supports some aspects of youth services.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Provide secure potable water supply and sewerage services to meet the demands of future generations to urban areas of the Shire.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure.• Encourage an open and participatory Council, with an emphasis on community engagement, action and response.

OBJECTIVES• Establish and maintain assets which enhance the public domain and improve the amenity of the Shire.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provide cost effective Strategic Asset Management Plans that are compliant with legislative requirements.• Develop a comprehensive maintenance and renewal strategy for all Council assets.• Develop and maintain long term asset renewal and enhancement programs (long term financial plans) that reflect the full assessed cost of adopted Asset

Management Plans.• On track delivery of scheduled activities in the adopted Continuous Improvement section of the Asset Management Plans each year.• Data collection for the updating of Geographic information system (GIS) across Council asset databases.• Provide Project Development and Designs for capital works programs.


Incorporate asset management plans into four year DPOP. Achieved Completed

Annual review and update of Asset Management Plans. 30 April 2016 70% completed

Completion of scheduled revaluation of other Assets and Community Land. 31 March 2016 Completed

Develop and implement continuous improvement for Asset Management by 31 December 2015. Achieved Undertaken by external consultant

LEVEL OF SERVICETo a satisfactory level for both internal and external customers.

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Upper Hunter Shire Council • Annual Report 2015 - 2016 9

PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure.• Encourage Shire and local area recognition through promotion and marketing.• Encourage an open and participatory Council with an emphasis on community engagement, action and response.

OBJECTIVES• Promote and communicate Council’s brand, functions and identity.• Improve Council’s relationship with the community and encourage community involvement.• Promote the Upper Hunter Shire to visitors and new residents.• Effectively utilise all forms of media.• Deliver effective internal communication.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Media releases.• Website management and maintenance.• Corporate branding.• Graphics design.• Internal and external communication.• Community engagement.• Corporate planning.


Undertake a community engagement survey and report results to the community. By 30 June 2016 Completed

Review format and update Community Strategic Plan for new Council term. By 31 August 2016 Underway

LEVEL OF SERVICEAll media information is provided promptly and within a relevant timeframe.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• To efficiently and effectively manage the business of the council within its charter.• To encourage an open and participatory Council, with emphasis on community engagement, action & response.• To participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other councils, government or non-government partners.• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Encourage and build local community capacity within the context of the Shire.

OBJECTIVES• Provide necessary support to the General Manager and Councillors to fulfil their respective roles.• Provide internal audit function to Council as a whole.• Exercising effective financial control in relation to the Operating and Capital budgets as set out in the Delivery & Operational Plan.• Provide policies and administrative principles that are both current and meet the needs of Council.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Corporate – provide advice, policy development and decision making support to Council and the General Manager; implement Council policies and General

Manager’s administrative principles, priorities and decisions; provide primary input into development, maintenance and review of Council’s corporate plans.• Risk Management – policy renewals by due dates, timely submission of insurance claims.• Department - co-ordinate the Department’s operations and performance, ensure output is monitored and services provided in an effective and cost - efficient



Finance Committee review of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan’s budget and performance indicators.

Monthly Completed monthly

Annual Report (prior year) prepared and furnished to the minister. By 30 November Completed by due date

Percentage of Policies that are current. >95% 92.5%

Percentage of Administrative Principles that are current. >95% 95.3%

Percentage of outstanding correspondence requiring a response within agreed timeframes. >96% completed 97.3%

LEVEL OF SERVICEAll statutory reporting and insurance requirements are met within necessary timeframes.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• To efficiently and effectively manage the business of the council within its charter.• To encourage an open and participatory Council, with emphasis on community engagement, action and response.• To participate in & encourage regional and local alliances with other councils, government or non-government partners.

OBJECTIVES• Provide policies and administrative principles that are both current and meet the needs of Council.• To provide a range of efficient and effective services to internal and external customers. • To ensure that customer requests and enquiries are responded to in a timely manner. • To improve Council’s overall relationship with the community.• To ensure a consistent standard of service to customers across all Council offices.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Manage Council’s customer request system. • Provide a first point of contact service. • Manage enquiries for processing and referral to appropriate staff.• Investigate options for better delivery of customer service.• Identify customer service needs, share information and provide opportunities for active participation and community consultation.


Number of justified complaints regarding customer service provided or action taken. 0 0

Review and update CRM system. By 31 December Pending

LEVEL OF SERVICETo provide a level of service that meets or exceeds customer expectations.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Encourage and implement systems for minimisation of the of the environmental footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency and consumption of natural

resources.• Promote a sense of responsibility within our community to care for our environment and provide for a sustainable future.

OBJECTIVES• Maintain the Upper Hunter Shire Council depots at Merriwa, Murrurundi and Scone in a manner which will facilitate the safe and efficient movement of pedestrians,

vehicles, machinery and materials.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provide a safe and secure environment for the movement and storage of Council plant and materials.• Provide a safe environment for employees that comply with WHS legislative requirements at all of Councils depots.• Provision of adequate facilities for the maintenance and repair of Council plant and equipment.


Ensure all depots comply with current regulations and legislation for safety and environmental standards for high risk areas.

>98% 80%

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Trade waste management practices and continued improvement to fueling facilities in line with current regulations.• Manage the operational issues and environmental upgrades of the Council Depots. Undertake WHS initiatives within the Depot compounds to ensure compliance

with WHS Regulations and Legislation.• Improve overall amenity of depot facilities to better reflect corporate image.• Provide storage facilities for Council materials and equipment to facilitate economies on worksite.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• To effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its charter.• To encourage an open and participatory Council, with emphasis on community engagement, action and response.• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.

OBJECTIVES• Provide a general ledger, budgetary control, financial management and reporting regime for the organisation which is effective and cost efficient in its operation

while being regarded as better than satisfactory in overall service delivery by managers and other users of the finance systems.• Provide efficient administrative service to the organisation and Council.• Maintain Council’s Administration buildings for the safety of staff and public.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Ensure that Council and statutory reporting requirements are adhered to.• Provide Council with a timely, efficient and accurate accounts payable service.• Monitor allocation of revenues and expenses in the general ledger for reporting processes.• Ensure “Fit for the Future” benchmarks and any improvement program instigated is maintained for Council’s financial sustainability.


Financial Statements completed. By 31 October 2016 24 October 2016

Operating performance ratio. >-2 7.66%

Own Source operating revenue. >60% 68%

Building Infrastructure Renewals Ratio. >95% 172%

Backlog Ratio. <2% 0.85%

Maintenance Ratio. >100% 101%

Debt Service Ratio. <20% 4.50%

LEVEL OF SERVICEMaintain integrity of financial reporting in accordance with Office of Local Government and Council.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• To effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its charter.• To encourage an open and participatory Council, with emphasis on community engagement, action and response.• To participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other Councils, Government or non- government partners.• Encourage and build local community capacity within the context of the Shire.• Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources & provision of government services for the community.

OBJECTIVES• To effectively and efficiently manage the business of Council.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Support for the Mayor and Councillors to fulfill their respective roles.• Prepare and implement a ten year Community Strategic Plan and 10 year Financial Plan.• Prepare and implement an annual Delivery Program and Operational Plan including the Annual Budget.• Review Policies and procedures.• Manage Council operations.


Draft Community Strategic Plan prepared and delivered. 31 August 2016 Underway as at 30 June

Delivery Program and Operational plan prepared and delivered. By 30 June 2016 Adopted 27 June 2016

Percentage of Delivery Program and Operational Plan outcomes achieved. >95% 95%

LEVEL OF SERVICEAll of Council’s functions carried out at a level that meets the community needs and within authorised budgets.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• To effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council with its charter.

OBJECTIVES• To provide appropriate human resources, work a health and safety service that meets Council’s requirements and assist in the achievement of the organisation’s


MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Staff recruitment and selection.• Provide advice and support to management on human resources and industrial relations matters.• Training and development of the organisational training plan.• Review and implementation of workforce planning strategies.• Administration of Council salary system and job evaluation and Performance Management System.• Ensure Council’s Equal Employment Opportunity requirements are met.• Review and implement organisational human resources policies and procedures.• Work Health and Safety.


Average sick leave hours as a % of all paid hours (excluding casual hours). <3.5% 3.28%

Average workers compensation hours as a % of all paid hours (includes hours worked by all staff). <0.5% 0.44%

Staff turnovers – as a percentage of EFT’s. <15% 8.7%

LEVEL OF SERVICEAll Human Resources functions undertaken in a timely and efficient manner.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• To effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council with its charter.• To encourage an open and participatory Council, with emphasis on community engagement, action and response.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure.

OBJECTIVES• To provide effective information and communication systems which meet the current and foreseeable technological needs of Council.• To provide an efficient Records Management function for compliance and accountability of business records.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• To upgrade councils Wide Area Network.• To complete records archival of old records at Merriwa, Murrurundi and historical records, and to implement automated procedures for scanning, to minimise

ongoing physical storage requirement and streamline operations using Eziscan.• To investigate and implement more effective mobile technologies in a field environment.• Develop and implement strategy for improving council’s internal and external mapping systems (GIS). • To review and implement improved electronic file management strategies. Review to include Trim utilisation, file system storage, intranet, onsite physical storage

and external storage.


Computer system availability and performance downtime (minutes/month). < 20 Average 2.5 per month

LEVEL OF SERVICECouncil’s technology is sourced and maintained at a level that meets Council’s increasing requirements.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs. • Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.• Encourage an open and participatory Council, with an emphasis on community engagement, action and response.

OBJECTIVES• To efficiently manage the capital, labour, plant and materials resources made available to the Department and so allow the four operational divisions to maximise

their delivery of Infrastructure services to the community in accordance with Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Manage the Infrastructure Services activities of Council.• Exercising effective financial control in relation to the Maintenance and Capital Works Programs set out in Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan.• Managing the Department’s Action Request systems (Infrastructure and Water/Sewer).• Managing the public liability risk management exposure of the Department.• Coordinating the preparation of Council and Committee reports for the Department.• Providing administrative and technical assistance to Department’s managers.• System development to enhance competitive provision of services.


Monitor the Capital Works Programs to ensure they are completed on time. >90% 89%

Monitor the maintenance Works Programs to ensure they are completed on time. >95% 90%

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Improved systems to assist managers in meeting customer requirements.• To efficiently manage the capital, labour, plant and materials resources made available to the department and so allow the four operational divisions to maximize

their delivery of infrastructure services to the community.• Improved customer communication systems.• Development of systems to meet the Department’s needs.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Promote a sense of responsibility within our community to care for our environment and provide for a sustainable future.• Encourage and implement systems for minimisation of the environment footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency and consumption of natural resources.

OBJECTIVES• To efficiently manage Council’s plant fleet in accordance with Council’s Delivery Program & Operations Plan and the 10 year plant replacement program.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Managing the maintenance and scheduled replacement of Council’s plant fleet.• Establish and maintain a Plant Replacement Reserve.• Monitor plant operating costs; maintain a mechanical workshop and associated staff and equipment.• Ensure all plant and vehicle items are inspected for RMS registration.


Percentage of Plant replacement achieved according to the plant replacement schedule. >90% 99%

Ensure that applicable registrations are maintained and current for Council’s plant and vehicle fleet. 100% 100%

Percentage of all servicing completed within 48 hours or 500 km’s of manufacturers specification. >98% 99%

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Review of existing and new models for fleet and operational cost efficiencies. • Obtain best pricing for purchase and trade of plant items with consideration of market conditions and operational and environmental factors.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• To effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its charter.• To encourage an open and participatory Council, with emphasis on community engagement, action and response.

OBJECTIVES• To achieve Council’s budgeted rate and annual charges revenues within budgetary constraints, while providing a responsive billing and property enquiry service.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• The issue, reconciling and recovery of Accounts Receivable amounts.• The timely collection and instigation where necessary of legal recovery action against outstanding debts greater than 90 days (without arrangements or outside of

other policies).• Accounts Receivable, Water, Rates and Property enquiry service.• Provision of a parcel based property database with a (limited) mapping interface to generate a visual representation of land based features.


Rates follow-up work undertaken promptly to ensure minimum outstanding at year end. <6% 6.29%

Number of Annual Rate notices not issued by 31 July each year. 0 0

Average days per quarterly water billing cycle. 90 89.5

Percentage of Residential Water User Charge against Access Charge. >70% 70.31%

Value of unarranged Accounts Receivable greater than 90 days old. <$200k $54k

LEVEL OF SERVICERates levied by due dates and recovery action taken to ensure that the levels of outstanding rates are kept at an appropriate level. Water accounts are issued on a timely basis, four times a year.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• To effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its charter.• Participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other Councils, government or non-government partners.• To encourage an open and participatory Council, with emphasis on community engagement, action and response.

OBJECTIVES• To efficiently manage Council’s procurement function and so allow the other divisions and departments to maximise their delivery of services to the community in

accordance with Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provide a supply contract administration, purchasing, storage and distribution facility which is cost effective.• Participate in joint purchasing and contract functions with Hunter Councils and other prescribed entities whenever possible and where applicable.• Rationalise purchasing and contracts to ensure most cost effective results are obtained.• Review the inventory to identify opportunities to ensure stock levels are appropriate and that stock holdings are minimised where possible.


Stocktakes completed during year. 6 6

Maximum value of Stock on Hand as at 30 June 2016. <$800k $846k

Percentage of stock lines with variances at Stocktake. <10% 15%

LEVEL OF SERVICEProvision of Stores Officers in Scone and Merriwa and minor facilities at Murrurundi. Reduced service level at Merriwa.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.• Form partnerships and participate in networks which address the needs and interest of disadvantaged groups in our community.• Advocate for, support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• To encourage an open and participatory Council, with emphasis on community engagement, action and response.• To participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other Councils, Government and non-government partners.• Facilitate and provide for a growing population, including, for example, affordable housing, community amenities, and health and welfare services.• Promote a sense of responsibility within our community to care for our environment and provide for a sustainable future.• Advocate for, develop and implement programs, services and facilities for our ageing community.• Encourage and build local community capacity and connectivity, within the context of both the Upper Hunter Shire and local areas.

OBJECTIVES• To support children, young people, individuals and families so they can enhance their independence, safety, self-esteem and or quality of life within the community.• To build strong communities and social capital, undertaking community development, so that communities are well informed, resourceful, connected, trusting,

respectful and participatory.• To monitor emerging demographic trends in the community.• To ensure sustainable projects are undertaken by community groups that work towards addressing community objectives.• To encourage a clean and tidy community, which has pride in and an understanding of its environment.• To administer relevant community services related committees.• To support community organisations in accordance with the Department Community Services Community Builders Program Service Specifications.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provide a range of Community and capacity building activities to meet Departmental Service Specification targets.• Encourage community organisations and individuals to participate in programs to enhance the physical environment. • Participate in local and regional networks and interagencies to encourage collaboration and advocate on community issues and related social justice issues affecting

local and regional communities.• Support and resource Section 355 Committees and other committees working in partnership with Council Update community profiles, information and promotional

documents of Council.• Enhance community physical infrastructure to support community activities.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report



Number of participants undertaking Environmental activities per annum. >35 402

Number of organisations engaged in partnership programs per annum. >110 142

Number of grant applications to enhance community physical infrastructure per annum. >8 19

LEVEL OF SERVICECommunities are kept informed of opportunities available to them and participate in those opportunities provided.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Advocate for, develop and implement programs, services and facilities for our ageing community.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of Council within its Charter.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• Form partnerships and participate in networks which address the needs and interest of disadvantaged groups within the community.

OBJECTIVES• Maintain Gummun Place Hostel as an accredited 16 bed care facility in Merriwa.• To provide aged care facilities that is self-sufficient over the long term.• To promote accessible aged services and facilities in the Shire.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provide high quality residential care to the aged.• Operate an accredited Aged Hostel in accordance with Commonwealth guidelines.• Maintain policies, procedures and standards to ensure Aged Care Accreditation is achieved at each 3-year review.• Operate within approved Food Standards and Food Accreditation is met.


Percentage of year that rooms are occupied. >98% 98.1%

Government funding per calendar day per bed. >$82 $113

Satisfaction of residents (excluding food). >96% 97.35%

Satisfaction of residents with food service. >97% 100%

LEVEL OF SERVICEProvision of 16 bed care facility in Merriwa that meets all accreditation standards by regulatory agencies.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Advocate for, develop and implement programs, services and facilities for our ageing community.• Form partnerships and participate in networks which address the needs and interest of disadvantaged groups in our community.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.

OBJECTIVES• To provide safe, comfortable and affordable living for residents aged 55 years and over, in the Merriwa and Murrurundi areas through the provision of independent

living units.• To provide accessible services for people with disabilities living in the Shire including affordable accommodation where possible (ILU’s in Merriwa & Murrurundi).• To provide for the maintenance and asset refurbishment of current units.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Oversee maintenance and upkeep of 16 units and one cottage (8 units – Merriwa; 8 units & one house – Murrurundi).• Operate in accordance with Residential Tenancies Act.• Annual Inspections to be carried out to determine any works that need to be completed.


Percentage of year that units are tenanted. >95% 100%

Number of positive inspection reports received. >17 38

LEVEL OF SERVICEIndependent living units are provided and maintained for older residents and people with a disability who live in our communities.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Form partnerships and participate in networks which address the needs & interests of disadvantaged groups in our community.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of Council within its Charter.• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by and in partnership with the community in sports, cultural activities and active lifestyles.• Advocate for, support and provide services & facilities for families, children and young people.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.

OBJECTIVES• To provide high quality services for children aged 5 – 12 years in a fun, safe and caring environment that will meet the child care needs of families within the Scone

district and foster the growth and development of each child.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provision of Before and After School Care during school terms.• Provision of Vacation Care during school term holidays.• Operation of the service in accordance approved standards and council policies.• Maintenance of a supportive and collaborative partnership with the venue providers, St Mary’s Primary School, Scone.


Before School Care utilisation per day. >5 3.7

After School Care utilisation per day. >15 9.6

Vacation Care utilisation per day. >20 17.2

SOOSH attains satisfied or highly satisfied user feedback on annual survey. >95% 100%

LEVEL OF SERVICENo change to the current level of service from that previously provided. BSC provision to be optimised if demand allows.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of Council within its Charter.• Support existing education facilities and enhance learning opportunities.• Form partnerships and participate in networks which address the needs & interest of disadvantaged groups in our community.• Advocate for, support and provide services & facilities for families, children & young people.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.

OBJECTIVES• To provide high quality long day care services through Upper Hunter Early Learning Centre for children from 6 weeks to 5 years in a fun, safe and caring environment

that will meet the child care needs of families within the Scone district and foster the learning and development of each child.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provision of Long Day Care for up to 51 weeks.• Operation of the service in accordance with approved standards and council’s policies.


Average utilisation as a percentage of full licence. >92.5% 94.7%

ELC attains satisfied or highly satisfied user feedback on annual. >95% 100%

LEVEL OF SERVICENo change to the current level of service from that previously provided.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of Council within its Charter.• Form partnerships and participate in networks which address the needs and interest of disadvantaged groups in our community.• Advocate for, support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.

OBJECTIVES• To provide home and venue-based child care which reflects a high quality standard of children’s service which is able to meet the diverse child care needs of families

within the Muswellbrook and Upper Hunter Shires.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Operation of the Upper Hunter Family Day Care (UHFDC) scheme in accordance with approved standards and council’s policies.


Average Equivalent Full Time (EFT) utilisation. >50 44

FDC attains satisfied or highly satisfied user feedback on annual survey. >95% 100%

LEVEL OF SERVICELevel of service to be maintained at previous levels, with opportunities for value added services under investigation.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Advocate for, support & provide services and facilities for families, children & young people.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure.• Support existing education facilities and enhance learning opportunities.• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by and in partnership with the community in sports and cultural activities.

OBJECTIVES• To support young people and their families so that they can enhance their independence, safety, self-esteem and/or quality of life within the community.• To provide effective youth services that meet the needs of young people and comply with Department of Human Services EIPP funding and relevant legislation.• To liaise with schools in the area to encourage partnerships to promote the planning and development of a range of community services which respond to the needs

of young people in the Shire.• To support new youth initiatives and encourage self-driven activities for young people.• To provide young people with new and unique experiences aimed at enhancing leadership and team work skills.• To create community connections with young people.• To provide an early intervention casework and referral service for young people at risk or harm to reduce the need for Departmental intervention and placement.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Plan, promote and implement a range of social, educational and recreational programs in consultation with youth.• Meet the Service Specification for EIPP funding for casework.• Provide opportunities for young people to enhance leadership and key life skills. • Develop partnerships with schools and organisations to promote wellbeing, safety, connectedness and community recognition of our youth.


Number of attendances of young people at Drop In Centres per annum. >3,200 3,744

Early Intervention and Placement Prevention Program targets (units) met per annum. >208 327

Youth participation in teamwork / leadership events per annum. >425 476

Working partnerships implemented with schools/organisations per annum. >12 14

LEVEL OF SERVICEGreater focus on Casework with continued same levels of service for Drop in Centres.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Form partnerships and participate in networks which address the needs and interest of disadvantaged groups in our community.• Advocate for, support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by and in partnership with the community in sports & cultural activities.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.

OBJECTIVES• To advocate for and promote access to services and facilities available within the Upper Hunter Shire community for special target groups, as identified in the Social/

Community Plan.• To work with local organisations and community groups to provide a safe community, encouraging a healthy lifestyle through education and promotion to residents

of Upper Hunter Shire. • To promote and facilitate volunteering in the Shire.• To advocate and lobby to ensure the community has access to essential health services.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• To develop and facilitate Social programs on behalf of the community.• To promote the awareness of services and facilities available to vulnerable members of the community.• Work in partnership with Government and local organisations to identify and develop solutions to address anti-social and criminal behaviours in the Shire.• Participate in Transport Working Group to develop strategies and ideas and investigate opportunities Implement and encourage healthy lifestyle opportunities.


Number of organisations/services included in Seniors Week program. >10 22

Number of social protection meetings where Council is represented. >50 66

LEVEL OF SERVICEInformation, services, facilities and activities are available within the Upper Hunter Shire community for special target groups.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Advocate for support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by and in partnership with the community in sports, cultural activities and active lifestyles. • Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.

OBJECTIVES• To provide camping areas which provide a basic level of services to users of the facilities.• To provide a valuable service to the Merriwa Caravan Park users and to the town.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Undertake routine maintenance of the amenities building and associated park infrastructure and make improvements where identified. • Promote the Shires camping areas and caravan parks.


Review of Caravan Park operations by 30 June 2016. Achieved Review undertaken

Minimise the number of justifiable complaints in regard to Caravan Park and Camping Ground area. <5 0

LEVEL OF SERVICESafe and healthy camp areas and caravan parks available.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Advocate for, support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure.• Advocate for, develop and implement programs, services and facilities for our ageing community.• Support existing education facilities and enhance learning opportunities.• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by and in partnership with the community in sports and culture.

OBJECTIVES• To promote and encourage access and use of information technology to the community.• To encourage and offer training opportunities and skills development in information technology to the community.• Provision of other Government services to the community.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• To provide affordable access to high-speed internet, access to computers and software.• To provide access to a range of new technologies and services that would otherwise not be available in the community.• To provide training facilities to meet the needs of the community, especially the disadvantaged.


Number of customers using the Centres per annum. >4,000 3,812

Number of training participants per annum. >100 118

Internet usage per annum. >1,200 890

LEVEL OF SERVICECTC Centres are appropriately staffed to meet the demand requirement on the service.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of Council within its Charter.• Encourage Shire and Local Area Recognition through promotion and marketing.• Support and develop a thriving and growing business community with increased employment and available commercial and industrial land.• Encourage a diverse economy whilst promoting and preserving our agricultural and equine industries.• Establish the Shire as a preferred destination for visitors.• Facilitate and provide for a growing resident population, including, for example, affordable housing, community amenities, and health and welfare services.• Support and develop a thriving and growing business with increase employment.

OBJECTIVES• To deliver outcomes as identified in the Economic Development and Tourism Strategic Plan.• To provide a reasonable level of support for the economic promotion of the Shire.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Encourage sustainable economic development in the Upper Hunter Shire.• Develop relationships with key stakeholders to enhance economic development activities within the Shire.• Development and maintenance of an Upper Hunter Shire Economic Development and Tourism Plan that is consistent with Council’s Community Strategic Plan.


Council external grant funding secured. >$3.0 million $15.8 million

Community external grant funding secured. >$150,000 $65,350

Number of community organisations worked with and assisted with grant applications (per annum). >150 155

Number of grant applications lodged or assisted with (per annum). >50 69

Percentage of successful grant applications. >30% 38%

LEVEL OF SERVICEFifteen hours of grant assistance available to Council and the community per week.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Support and develop a thriving and growing business with increase employment.• To effectively and efficiently manage the business of Council within its charter.• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Encourage and implement systems for minimisation of the environmental footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency and consumption of natural resources.• Encourage a diverse economy whilst promoting and preserving our agricultural and equine industries.

OBJECTIVES• To provide all residents access to services at commercial rates.• To generate additional revenue for Council by undertaking appropriate work for profit.• To increase the utilization of Council’s plant and equipment.• To provide a high level of competence for all works undertaken.• To undertake all works in accordance with the relevant standards and legislative requirements.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Infrastructure design and construction for developers, business, individuals and other government departments.• Road/driveway maintenance and construction activities.


Level of Return acheived. >20% 23.29%

LEVEL OF SERVICEDependant on the level of requests for private works to be carried out not expected to vary greatly from 2014/15.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Support and develop a thriving and growing business community with increased employment and available commercial and industrial land.• Facilitate and provide for a growing population, including, for example, affordable housing, community amenities, and health and welfare services.• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.

OBJECTIVES• To deliver outcomes as identified in the Economic Development and Tourism Strategic Plan.• To provide a reasonable level of support for the economic promotion of the Shire.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Cost effective development and sale of residential land. • The purchase, tenancy and maintenance of residential and commercial properties as required.• Strategic property management.


Number of residential lots sold per annum. >5 0

Percentage of commercial and residential properties occupied. >90% 90%

LEVEL OF SERVICECouncil owned buildings are maintained to a standard expected by the community and tenants given reasonable cost to Council.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Encourage Shire and Local Area Recognition through promotion and marketing.• Encourage and implement systems for minimisation of the environment footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency and consumption of natural resources.• Encourage a diverse economy whilst promoting and preserving our agricultural and equine industries.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.

OBJECTIVES• To operate a quality livestock selling facility that observes all regulations, legislation, codes of practice governing the handling, movement, welfare, disposal and sale

of livestock which operates at no cost to ratepayers and generates income to undertake improvements.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Operate the Scone and Upper Hunter Regional Saleyards and promote it to the livestock industry.• Undertake asset management in accordance with Council’s Strategic Works Program.• Implementation and management of Environmental Management and WHS systems.


Increased Cattle throughput per annum. >60,000 57,503

Number of Workcover reportable incidents. 0 2

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Operate and maintain a safe saleyard operation including managing animal. • Manage a saleyard operation that maintains approved environmental standards.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Encourage Shire and Local Area Recognition through promotion and marketing.• Encourage and build local community capacity and connectivity, within the context of both the Upper Hunter Shire and local areas.

OBJECTIVES• To deliver outcomes identified in the Economic Development and Tourism Strategic Plan 2010.• To provide a visitor information service through the Merriwa (Level 2 accreditation), Murrurundi (Level 3 accreditation), Aberdeen (Local I) and the Scone Visitor

Information Centres (Level 1 accreditation), as an important component of the economic growth of the Upper Hunter Shire.• To deliver this service through impartial representation of all Shire operators to the Hunter, intra-state, interstate and international visitors and the community.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Manage the Shire’s visitor information centres.• Promote the Upper Hunter Shire as a tourist destination.• Foster partnerships between Council and tourism stakeholders.• Develop partnerships with community event organisers in the Upper Hunter, and co-ordinate tourism events.


Visitors through the Visitor Information Centres. >18,000 18,750

Referrals to accommodation. >2,500 2,612

Referrals to local attractions. >10,000 9,821

Bookings to stud tours. >500 521

LEVEL OF SERVICETo maintain a high level of professional and impartial tourism services to visitors and the community alike for the benefit of the Upper Hunter Shire and to work in partnership with other like-minded departments and organisations to implement the Economic Development and Tourism Strategic Plan 2010.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs. • Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• Participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other Councils, Government or non-government partners.• Encourage and implement systems for minimisation of the environmental footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency and consumption of natural resources. • Promote a sense of responsibility within our community to care for our environment and provide for a sustainable future.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.

OBJECTIVES• To achieve and maintain environmentally sound waste management practices to meet community and statutory expectations.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• The provision and maintenance of a waste pick up and disposal service to domestic and commercial premises.• Promotion of waste reduction, reuse and recycling, including resource recovery.• Minimization of pollution of the environment due to waste disposal.• Investigation of future waste management operations as identified in the waste management strategy including the provision of an organic waste collection service• Development of an organics processing facility at Scone Landfill.• Involvement in regional initiatives for waste reduction and improved recycling and collection facilities.• Implementation of new collection contract for domestic waste services across the Shire.• Development and delivery of community education campaign for waste disposal and recycling.• Develop Management Plans for all landfill sites and implement Waste Management Strategy.


Complete all funded capital works within budget and timeframe. >90% 90%

Conduct community education campaigns promoting the benefits of recycling. >3 4

Licence requirements reviewed and up-to-date. By 30/06/2017 All licences current

Number of justified complaints received about non-availability of waste services (per annum). <20 8

Kerbside recycling (tonnes per annum) diverted from landfill. >1,050 999

Regional regulated area reported waste to landfill (tonnes per annum). <7,000 5,554

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Provision of a weekly Domestic Waste Management (DWM) collection and a fortnightly recycling collection within the designated collection area and where 98% of

all bins are collected on the due dates. Review of levels of service across all areas of Solid Waste Management.• Introduction of additional services to meet recycling targets.• Implementation of Integrated Waste strategy.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other councils, governments or non-government partners. • Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.

OBJECTIVES• To provide stormwater drainage systems to manage flows.• To provide kerb and gutter networks as an adjunct to the drainage network.• To maintain flow conditions in main creeks.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Inspect, repair, maintain and improve drainage structures across all urban areas.• Support community groups in maintaining and enhancing creeks and water ways.• Review of Stormwater Management Plans for the Shire.


Percentage of urban stormwater network inspected. >25% 50%

Number of justified complaints due to drainage overflows received annually. <20 11

Complete all funded capital works within budget and timeframe. >90% 100%

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Ongoing replacement of stormwater infrastructure will result in a reduction of works requests resulting from stormwater/flooding events.• Maintain the drainage system to its current condition.• Capital upgrade of stormwater drainage across the Shire.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Promote a sense of responsibility within our community to care for our environment and provide for a sustainable future.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter. • Encourage and implement systems for minimisation of the environmental footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency and consumption of natural resources.

OBJECTIVES• To provide clean local roads while minimising environmental and flooding risks.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provide street cleaning services within the urban and CBD areas.• Graffiti removal.• Remove litter and empty bins in street and public places.


Percentage of urban roads swept per annum. >90% 100%

Percentage of Graffiti removed from public assets within 24 hours of reporting. >90% 90%

Number of justified complaints concerning the state of street verges, bins, ash trays, seats, posters, graffiti and footpath cleanliness (per annum).

<10 0

LEVEL OF SERVICEClean streets and remove litter from streets and public places on a regular basis.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• To effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its charter.

OBJECTIVES• To maximise Council’s ability to secure appropriate funding for General Fund Projects.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Issue of rates and charges.• Investment of Council’s surplus funds.• Ensure appropriate levels of income received through the distribution of the Federal Grants.


Number of occurrences interest not invested as per Council policy and Minister’s order. 0 0

LEVEL OF SERVICEIncome is maximised to achieve best financial outcomes for Council.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• To encourage an open and participatory Council, with emphasis on community engagement, action and response.• To participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other Councils, Government or non- government partners.• Encourage and build local community capacity within the context of both the Upper Hunter Shire and Local Areas.• Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of government services for the community.

OBJECTIVES• To provide community leadership and ensure efficient, effective local government within Council’s Vision/Mission/Charter and Community Strategic Objectives.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Review Community Strategic Plan. • Review Delivery Program & Operation Plan - Annually.• Review Policies, Codes and Delegations.• Continued advocacy for state and federally funded programs, developments and projects that benefit the Shire.• Review and implement outcomes from the Local Government reform proposal, where applicable.• Review and implement outcomes of the review of the Local Government Act.


Number of justified complaints about the non-delivery of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan received.

0 0

Number of justified Code of Conduct complaints. <1 0

LEVEL OF SERVICECompliance with Policies and Strategic Direction.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of Council within its Charter.• Facilitate and provide for a growing population, including, for example, affordable housing, community amenities, and health and welfare services.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community. • Provide efficient and effective advisory, assessment and regulatory services focused on being customer “friendly”, responsive and environmentally responsible.

OBJECTIVES• To efficiently and effectively administer regulatory functions as required by relevant legislation, regulation and Council policies. • To provide cost effective management of resources in addressing the priorities of Council.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Public health education, complaints investigation, inspections of regulated premises and related services.• Ongoing implementation of requirements of on-site waste disposal legislation and On-site Sewage Management Strategy 2015. • Continue with the inspection program of all on-site waste management systems within the Shire to ascertain their impact on the environment.


Number of health inspections undertaken per annum. >120 106

Average time taken to respond to health complaints (Hours). <48 <48

Number of On Site Sewer Management Systems (OSSMS) inspections undertaken per annum. >375 172

Average time taken to respond to OSSMS complaints (Hours). <48 <48

LEVEL OF SERVICEHealth and nuisance complaints will continue to be a priority and resources available may impact on the number of on-site sewer management system inspections undertaken.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Form partnerships and participate in networks which address the needs and interests of disadvantaged groups in our community.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.

OBJECTIVES• To provide safe and comfortable accommodation for people of low income who cannot access the private rental market.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• To provide low income housing units. • To maintain the units to a safe and comfortable standard.• Annual inspections carried out to determine any works that need to be completed.


Average number of days for maintenance requests to be performed. <10 0.8

Percentage of time tenanted. >95% 49%

LEVEL OF SERVICETwo affordable units are provided for the Merriwa community to ensure access to adequate accommodation.Units empty for 4 months while repairs undertaken under insurance claim for fire damage.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs. • Identify and preserve heritage items through appropriate planning instruments.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure. • Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.

OBJECTIVES• To provide a cost effective and sympathetic cemetery service and facility to the community.• To provide, improve and maintain public cemeteries.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Maintain Council’s cemetery facilities and cemetery record database.• Improve aesthetic impact of cemeteries and facilities.


Number of justified complaints about cemetery services. <60 36

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Inspect, maintain and improve Councils cemeteries to agreed frequency. • Provide plaque service to customers to agreed standard.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.

OBJECTIVES• To provide and maintain public conveniences for the local community and travelling public to a satisfactory and acceptable standard.• Improve the appearance and presentation of public conveniences.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provide clean, accessible and safe public conveniences.


Number of justified complaints of unsatisfactory cleanliness per annum. <6 0

LEVEL OF SERVICEInspect, maintain and improve public toilet facilities across the Shire.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement on community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Develop intergenerational plans for future infrastructure through best practice and risk management.

OBJECTIVES• To promote safe vehicular and pedestrian passage at night by achieving adequate lighting in residential and arterial roads in accordance with Australian Standards.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Minimising total life cycle costs.• Receive street light enquires and liaise with Electricity Authorities.


Average number of days taken to liaise with Electricity Authority on maintenance of unserviceable street lights.

<5 0

Number of justifable complaints received on street lighting per annum. <5 0

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Ensure all street lights achieve minimum Australian Standards.• Request any unserviceable street lights are repaired to agreed standard by provider.• Council’s Street Lighting Policy updated and implemented across the Shire.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs. • Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.• Participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other Councils, government or non-government partners.• Encourage an open and participatory Council, with an emphasis on community engagement, action and response.• Encourage and implement systems for minimisation of the environmental footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency, and consumption of natural resources.• Identify and preserve heritage items through appropriate planning instruments. • Implement and regularly review Comprehensive Local Environmental Planning Instruments which reflect the needs and expectations of the broad community.• Provide efficient and effective advisory, assessment and regulatory services focused on being customer “friendly” and responsive.• Support and develop a thriving and growing business community with increased employment and available employment land. • Promote a sense of responsibility within our community to care for our environment and provide for a sustainable future. • Facilitate and provide for a growing population, including, for example, affordable housing, community amenities health and welfare services. • Provide incentives and preserve heritage items by provision of adequate information and funding opportunities.

OBJECTIVES• To provide efficient and effective statutory planning activity, which processes and assesses all development applications in a timely and appropriate manner and

complies with all relevant State and local planning legislation.• To provide an ongoing review to the local planning instruments to ensure that they are appropriate for current local and regional circumstances.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Assessment of planning applications.• Advisory service to the community.• Preparation of planning proposals, flood studies and associated management plans. • Issue of Subdivision Certificates and Planning Certificates.• Review of strategic planning documents. • Development compliance monitoring.

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Number of development applications lodged per annum. >180 181

Average time taken to determine applications (days). <40 33

Percentage approved in 40 day statutory period. >80% 74%

Average 149 Certificate processing time (days). <5 4.8

Average Subdivision Certificates processing time (days). <14 13

LEVEL OF SERVICETown Planning functions provided to the community at levels that meet their expectations within approved budget.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.• Encourage an open and participatory Council, with an emphasis on community engagement, action and response.• Participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other Councils, government or non-government partners.• Provide efficient and effective advisory, assessment and regulatory services focused on being customer friendly, responsive and environmentally responsible.• Promote a sense of responsibility within our community to care for our environment and provide for a sustainable future. • Encourage and implement systems for minimisation of the environmental footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency, and consumption of natural resources.

OBJECTIVES• To enhance the quality of the environment and public health, planning and building standards, through ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and approvals

and to maintain and enforce regulatory and compliance controls administered by Council.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provision of building assessment, control, inspectorial and advisory services.


Number of construction certificates lodged per annum. >140 122

Average time taken to process construction certificates (days). <14 10

Building inspections undertaken within 48 hours of request. >90% 100%

LEVEL OF SERVICEBuilding control functions provided to the community at levels that meet their expectations within approved budget.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.

OBJECTIVES• To effectively and responsibly manage, maintain and develop Council’s quarry operations.• To win, produce and supply quality road making materials for internal and external works at a competitive cost.• Safe operation of Council’s quarries to meet legislative requirements.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Operate the quarries in accordance with relevant regulations and license agreements.• Review Council’s gravel production to improve final product.• Continued review of mine safety management plan.


Compliance with Mines Safety Management Plan. >90% 90%

Target annual production – ensure all construction and maintenance sites have required materials. >90% 99%

Mines safety WHS reports submitted annually. 2 2

Investigate new gravel pits to maintain supply(per annum). >1 1

LEVEL OF SERVICEOperate Council’s quarries in accordance with the Mine Safety Management Plan.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of Council within its Charter. • Promote a sense of responsibility within our community to care for our environment and provide for a sustainable future.• Provide efficient and effective advisory, assessment and regulatory services focused on being customer “friendly” and responsive.

OBJECTIVES• Monitor and enforce NSW Acts and Regulations and Council’s policies in the areas of animal and stock control, impounding, and other regulatory functions.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Administer the Companion Animals Act. • Maintain an efficient and effective complaint investigation system relating to companion animals and stock.• Provide an emergency-only after-hours animal control service.


Number of companion animals impounded. <150 119

Number of companion animal customer requests investigated. <180 228

Number of other customer requests investigated including straying stock. <60 49

Percentage of impounded animals released or re-homed. >80% 70%

Average time taken to respond to more serious and/or urgent complaints (hours). <1 <1

Percentage of customer complaints/inquiries responded to within 24 hours. >90% 97%

LEVEL OF SERVICEAnimal control functions provided to the community at levels that meet their expectations within approved budget.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• Facilitate and provide for a growing population.• Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.

OBJECTIVES• To maintain an efficient and effective local emergency system for the protection of life and property.• To protect life, property and the environment from the effects of natural and man made disasters.• Ensure appropriate integration of emergency services activities in accordance with the State Emergency Management and Rescue Act.• Provide adequate assistance to SES and VRA.• Provide appropriate emergency management facilities.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Disaster and emergency management including convene meetings of the Upper Hunter Emergency Management Committee.• Review Council responsibilities in relation to Emergency Services.• Support emergency operations in consultation with agencies.


Meet the requirements of the partnership agreement with the SES for buildings and facilities achieved by:

30/6/2016 Met as agreed up to 30/6/2016

Number of justifiable complaints about the non-delivery of service level agreed requirements. 0 0

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Review of Emergency Risk Management process for natural, biological and technological hazards within the Shire.• Update of DISPLAN and operating procedures in accordance with state guidelines.• Undertake emergency management exercises and training.• Participation in regional activities by arranging Local Emergency Management Committee meetings.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• Facilitate and provide for a growing population.• Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.

OBJECTIVES• To protect life, property and the environment from the effects of bushfire disasters within the Shire area.• Maintain local representation and autonomy of volunteer brigades.• Ensure Council’s WHS responsibilities are met.• Remove Council from obligations and liability for bush fire management.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Support the Rural Fire Service and provide commitment to the Volunteer Fire Service network.• Implementation of council’s responsibilities under the Liverpool Range Zone Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Service Delivery Model (SDM).• Provide input and support to development of bushfire planning and mapping activities within the Shire area.• Participate in required disaster planning management and training exercises.


Meet agreed requirements for buildings and facilities maintenance achieved by: 30/6/2016 Met as agreed up to 30/6/2016

Provide plant maintenance services to RFS for fee for service achieved by: 30/6/2016 Met as agreed up to 30/6/2016

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Update EMPLAN and operating procedures in accordance with state guidelines.• Develop Local Emergency Operations centres in cooperation with Rural Fire Service (RFS).• Develop additional stations/sheds in cooperation with Rural Fire Service (RFS).• Fire trails maintained and upgraded to extent funds allow.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of Council within its Charter.• Advocate for, support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.• Provide efficient and effective advisory, assessment and regulatory services focused on being customer “friendly”, responsive and environmentally responsible.• Promote a sense of responsibility within our community to care for our environment and provide for a sustainable future.

OBJECTIVES• To enhance the quality of the environment and public health, planning and building standards, through ensuring compliance with relevant legislation and approvals

and to maintain and enforce regulatory and compliance controls administered by Council.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Maintain an efficient and effective complaint investigation system relating to abandoned vehicles and articles, overgrown properties and other nuisance complaints. • Monitoring and inspection service for private swimming pools.


Number of inspections of private swimming pools per annum. >150 164

Number of reasonable significant, formal complaints concerning the service levels provided or action taken.

<5 0

Average time taken to respond to more serious and/or urgent complaints. <1hr <1hr

Percentage of customer complaints/inquiries responded to within 48 hours. >90% 98%

LEVEL OF SERVICERegulation enforcement functions provided to the community at levels that meet their expectations within approved budget.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by an in partnership with the community in sports and cultural activities.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• Form partnerships and participate in networks which address the needs and interests of disadvantaged groups in the community.• Advocate for, develop and implement programs, services and facilities for our ageing community.• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Advocate for, support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.

OBJECTIVES• To provide and maintain public halls for the use of the community for social, recreational, educational and cultural activities.• To ensure asset refurbishment of facilities.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Enhance and maintain current facilities in accordance with asset maintenance schedule and requests.• Provide safe and accessible facilities as a meeting place for the community.• Provide subsidised facilities in accordance with Council policy and as per Council’s adopted Fees and Charges.• Facilitate the partnerships between organisations co-located in the building.


Number of bookings per annum >600 659

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Public Halls and facilities are provided and maintained for the use of the community for social, recreational, educational and cultural activities.• Facilities are functional and historic items are safely preserved, displayed and housed.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Advocate for, support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure.• Advocate for, develop and implement programs, services and facilities for our ageing community.• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by and in partnership with the community in sports and cultural activities.• Support existing education facilities and enhance learning opportunities. • Encourage and build local community capacity, within the context of the Upper Hunter Shire, i.e. Horse Capital, local festivals, local Progress Associations / Chambers

of Commerce. etc.

OBJECTIVES• To promote and financially support cultural activities in the Shire and encourage civic pride.• To promote citizenship and celebrate Australia Day and other national days as appropriate to Upper Hunter Shire community.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Facilitate and, develop cultural partnerships with the community.• Work with target groups in the community to initiate culturally appropriate activities.• Facilitate and manage community cultural.• Develop and implement a community Cultural Plan.


Number of cultural community activities facilitated annually. >8 19

LEVEL OF SERVICETo support and encourage participation in cultural activities in the communities of the Upper Hunter Shire.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide incentives and preserve heritage items by provision of adequate information and funding opportunities.• Connect our communities through activities and events, inline technologies and infrastructure.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by an in partnership with the community in sports and cultural activities.• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.

OBJECTIVES• To provide and maintain suitable space for the display, preservation and storage of items of historical and cultural importance to the local areas.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Enhance and maintain current museum facilities in accordance with asset maintenance schedule and requests.• Managing the relationship between Council and the museum users.


Percentage of maintenance inspection carried out for each building per annum. >95% 100%

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Museums are provided and maintained for the use of the community for social, recreational, educational and cultural activities.• Facilities are functional and historic items are safely preserved, displayed and housed.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by and in partnership with the community in sports and cultural activities.• Advocate for, support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.• To increase the number of young people involved in organised sport within the Shire.• Advocate for, develop and implement programs, services and facilities for our ageing community.

OBJECTIVES• To provide educational, recreational and sporting opportunities for residents and visitors.• To ensure that Upper Hunter Shire residents and visitors have the opportunity to participate in a diverse range of passive recreational pursuits.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Promotion of sporting activities and healthy lifestyles within the Shire.• Develop and implement strategies to increase people’s awareness of sporting organisations within the LGA.


Number of Sports activity days in school holidays. > 25 26

Number of Sports Development and Participation Programs per annum. >25 40

Number of initiatives with Schools to encourage sports participation per annum. >16 30

LEVEL OF SERVICEOne part-time staff member funded from Sports User fees.

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COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter. • Encourage and implement systems for minimization of the environment footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency and consumption of natural resources. • Advocate for, support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.• Advocate for, develop and implement programs, services and facilities for our ageing community.

OBJECTIVES• Provide quality open spaces, parks and reserves that are suitable and accessible for the community.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Manage and implement parks and open space maintenance program across Council.• Upgrade parks and playground equipment and safety standards.


Percentage of Capital Works within budget. >90% 58%

Percentage of Capital Works completed on time. >90% 66%

Number of justified complaints of unsatisfactory ground condition per annum. <10 5

LEVEL OF SERVICEMaintain all Council’s passive parks to agreed standards.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Advocate for, support & provide services & facilities for families, children & young people.• Facilitate partnerships which create and support a caring community.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure.• Provision for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Support existing education facilities & enhance learning opportunities.• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by and in partnership with the community in sports & cultural activities.• To participate in & encourage regional & local alliances with other Councils, Government or non-government partners.

OBJECTIVES• To provide an effective accessible library service for recreational and informational needs of the residents.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Increase the use of library services.• Management of library buildings and maintenance.• Management of library agreement between the Upper Hunter Shire Council and Muswellbrook Shire Council.


Number of loans per annum. >43,000 44,645

Number of Library members. >3,900 3,831

Number of visits per annum. >58,500 61,247

Loans per capita. >2.6 2.7

Operating costs per loan. <$14.00 $14.02

Operating costs per capita (13,754 population). <$45.85 $47.54

LEVEL OF SERVICEHigh quality, accessible library facilities and services are maintained for the recreational and informational needs of the residents of the Upper Hunter.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Advocate for, support and provide services and facilities for families, children and young people.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure. • Advocate for, develop and implement programs, services and facilities for our ageing community.

OBJECTIVES• Provide high-quality sporting grounds and venues suitable and accessible to all.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Maintain all Council’s Sporting grounds and venues.• Seek grants for the development of sporting and recreational facilities through Government and private sources.


Percentage of capital works completed within budget. >90% 88%

Percentage of capital works on time. >90% 89%

Number of justified complaints of unsatisfactory ground condition per annum. <10 5

LEVEL OF SERVICEMaintain all Council’s sporting grounds and venues to agreed standards.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Facilitate healthy lifestyles through participation by and in partnership with the community in sports and cultural activities.• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Facilitate and provide for a growing population.• Advocate for, develop and implement programs, services and facilities for our ageing community.

OBJECTIVES• To provide recreational facilities for the Upper Hunter community, which are operated in a safe, efficient and effective manner.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• To undertake routine maintenance to the plant and facilities.• Manage lease contracts for Scone and Murrurundi pools.• Ensure compliance with Water Safety legislation and Best Practice Guidelines.


Number of entries to Swimming Pools – Season Ticket holders. >30,000 35,678

Number of entries to Swimming Pools – Non-Season Ticket holders. >12,000 11,817

Number of entries to Swimming Pools – School Sports days. >10,000 8,819

Days lost due to water quality standards not being met. 0 0

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Swimming Pools level of service increases annually. Contract management, where deemed appropriate, in accordance with Council’s requirements.• Seek additional funding options for the continual development of swimming pools.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Advocate, facilitate and provide traffic management and public transport facilities to meet the needs of the community.• To effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.• Support and develop a thriving and growing business community with increased employment.

OBJECTIVES• To provide a registered airport; approved by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority that caters for private and commercial aviation operators.• An airport facility is provided which operates on a user pays basis. • To continue development and sale of airport light industrial land and hangar sites.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Conduct regular and statutory inspections and address identified issues to meet CASA requirements.• Maintenance of airport, grounds and facilities.• Progress Airport Strategic Plan.• Attract additional air industries relocated to Scone Airport.


Percentage of time airport maintained to CASA standards. 100% 100%

Number of landings per year. >4,000 4,871

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Obstacle limitation survey (OLS) completed annually.• Implement operational plans including drainage study, strategic plan and master plan.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement on community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure. • Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.

OBJECTIVES• Provide and maintain a cycleway / footpath network that will contribute to the accessibility, safety and amenity of streets in Council’s towns and villages.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Ongoing assessment of paved footpaths in accordance with Council’s Maintenance and Inspection Policy.• Maintain paved and unpaved footpaths.


Percentage of network rated as in satisfactory condition. >90% 80%

Percentage of capital works within budget. >90% 96%

Percentage of capital works completed on time. >90% 75%

Number of justifiable complaints received concerning unsafe conditions. <10 15

LEVEL OF SERVICEProvide and maintain a safe cycleway and footpath network across Council.

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Upper Hunter Shire Council • Annual Report 2015 - 2016 65

PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter. • Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure. • Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Advocate, facilitate and provide traffic management and public transport facilities to meet the needs of the community.• Advocate to State and Federal government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• Encourage and implement systems for minimisation of the environmental footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency and consumption of natural resources.

OBJECTIVES• To undertake bridge maintenance and construction works to Council standards and specifications, so as to improve safety and minimise future expenses.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Maintain Council’s bridge network. • Increase effectiveness of preventative maintenance work.


Inspect timber bridges annually on Local Roads. >90% 40%

Number of justifiable complaints received concerning condition of bridge network. <10 14

Percentage of capital works on budget. >90% 100%

Percentage of capital works completed on time. >90% 99%

LEVEL OF SERVICE• All bridges to be inspected and maintained in accordance with Councils standards and specifications.• The level of service provided to bridges is affected by variations in weather and limited financial resources.

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Upper Hunter Shire Council • Annual Report 2015 - 2016 66

PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter. • Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure. • Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Advocate, facilitate and provide traffic management and public transport facilities to meet the needs of the community.• Advocate to State and Federal government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• Encourage and implement systems for minimisation of the environmental footprint of the Shire, including energy efficiency and consumption of natural resources.

OBJECTIVES• To undertake roads maintenance and construction works to Council standards and specifications, so as to improve road safety and minimise future expenses.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Maintain Council’s urban and rural sealed, unsealed road networks.• Increase effectiveness of preventative maintenance work as part of maintenance management works practices.• Determine construction and quality specifications for road construction.


Percentage of length of sealed pavement network (460kms) inspected. >90% 80%

Percentage of length of gravel unsealed pavement network (1,154kms) inspected. >90% 80%

Percentage of capital works projects on budget. >90% 86%

Percentage of capital works projects completed on time. >90% 90%

Length of unsealed grading completed (kms). >970km 1,383kms

Length of local road sealed network resealed (kms). >26kms 42kms

LEVEL OF SERVICE• All roads and bridges to be inspected and maintained in accordance with Councils standards and specifications.• The level of service provided to roads is affected by variations in weather and limited resources.

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Upper Hunter Shire Council • Annual Report 2015 - 2016 67

PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement on community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Advocate, facilitate and provide traffic management and public transport facilities to meet the needs of the community.• Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure.

OBJECTIVES• To undertake roads and bridge maintenance and construction works to Councils standards and specifications so as to improve road safety and minimise future


MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Maintain Council’s regional urban and rural sealed and unsealed road networks.• Maintenance tasks.• Continue to lobby for increased road funding.• Determine construction and quality specifications for road construction.


Percentage of length of regional networks road pavement (174kms) inspected. >90% 90%

Percentage of regional Bridges & Major Culverts (45) inspected annually. >90% 15%

Percentage of pavement surface rated as in satisfactory condition each year. >80% 70%

Percentage of capital works completed on budget. >90% 93%

Percentage of capital works completed on time. >90% 95%

Length of regional road network resealed. >15kms 16kms

LEVEL OF SERVICE• All roads and bridges to be inspected and maintained in accordance with Councils standards and specifications.• The level of service provided to roads and bridges is affected by variations in weather and limited resources.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure. • Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.

OBJECTIVES• Remain a core service provider to the RMS.• Provide a value for money service to the RMS.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Undertake maintenance and construction works on State Highway No.27 (Golden Highway).• Actively pursue work orders to improve the quality of the Golden Highway and maximise the safety of the road users.


Average days after end of month contract claim lodged with RMS. <7 6

Percentage of operational maintenance and IPWO projects completed with agreed timeframe. >95% 100%

LEVEL OF SERVICEAs per RMS Road Maintenance Council Contract works schedule.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement on community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter. • Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• Connect our communities through activities and events, online technologies and infrastructure.

OBJECTIVES• To promote traffic and pedestrian safety by the provision and maintenance of regulatory and advisory signage and pavement markings. • To maintain street furniture.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• Provide management support to the Traffic Committee.• Inspect and maintaintraffic and street signs andpavement markings.• Assessment of street trees and road side furniture in accordance with Council’s Maintenance and Inspection Policy.


Percentage of traffic signs/markings maintained in good condition. >90% 80%

Average response time for replacing destroyed/damaged signs (days). <10 5

Percentage of capital works completed on time. >90% 84%

Percentage of capital works on budget. >90% 80%

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Signs will be changed on an average of 15 year cycle (manufacturers recommended cycle is 12 years) and pavement markings will be repainted as required.• Transport service assets will be maintained to acceptable standards.

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PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide secure potable water supply to meet the demands of future generations to urban areas of the Shire.• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice.• Develop intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• To participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other Councils, Government or non-government partners.

OBJECTIVES• To provide an adequate and secure potable water supply to recognised standards in defined areas on a cost effective basis.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• The provision and maintenance of reticulated potable water supply.• The provision of a water quality monitoring service to safeguard the public health as per NSW Health requirements.• Asset replacement and renewal program. • Continued investigations into requirements to ensure that an adequate water supply can be maintained into the future.• Development of an Integrated Water Cycle Management strategy (IWCM).• Scone to Murrurundi water supply pipeline.


Percentage of capital works within budget. >90% 97%

Percentage of capital works completed on time. >90% 74%

Number of justifiable complaints of poor water quality. <5 0

Asset renewal as a percentage of depreciation. >100% 145%

LEVEL OF SERVICEProvision of suitable water supply from Scone/Aberdeen, Murrurundi and Merriwa/Cassilis Water Supplies that meets the demands of the users and the requirements of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines.

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Upper Hunter Shire Council • Annual Report 2015 - 2016 71

PART 3 - Delivery Program and Operational Plan Report


COMMUNITY STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES (CSO’S)• Provide for replacement and improvement of community infrastructure through best practice and risk management.• Effectively and efficiently manage the business of the Council within its Charter.• Promote a sense of responsibility within our community. • Develop economic and intergenerational plans for future infrastructure needs.• Advocate to State and Federal Government for a fair and equitable share of fiscal resources and provision of Government services for the community.• Participate in and encourage regional and local alliances with other Councils, Government or non-government partners.• Increase the level of effluent re-use across the Shire.

OBJECTIVES• To maintain a sewerage system for the transportation and treatment of sewage to licence requirements and encourage appropriate further expansion of services.

MAJOR ACTIVITIES• The provision and maintenance of sewer network systems.• Improve effluent quality for discharge.• Eliminate discharge of fats and greases into the reticulation system.• Reduce infiltration and inflow into reticulation system.• Implement long-term asset replacement strategy.• Operate sewerage schemes to meet licence requirements. • Ongoing approval and inspection process for trade waste management across the Shire.• Planning for the upgrade to the Scone Sewage Treatment Plant.


Percentage of capital works completed on time. >90% 82%

Percentage of capital works within budget. >90% 95%

Licence renewal completed. By 30/06/2017 Renewed on time

Asset renewal as a percentage of depreciation. >85% 128%

Average response time to system failures (hours). <2 1

LEVEL OF SERVICE• Provision of efficient Sewerage systems for Scone/Aberdeen, Murrurundi and Merriwa that meet both the health standards and the demands of the users.• Legislative reporting and license requirements are met as required.