part five the nervous system

Department of Anatomy ,Qingdao Univers ity Medical College W.S.B 2003.11.11 Part Five Part Five The Nervous System The Nervous System

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Part Five The Nervous System. Department of Anatomy ,Qingdao University Medical College W.S.B 2003.11.11. Chapter 14 General Description. (page279). It regulates & integrates activities of all the body ballanc of enviroments internal & external in the body. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Department of Anatomy ,Qingdao University Medical College

W.S.B 2003.11.11

Part FivePart Five

The Nervous SystemThe Nervous System

Chapter 14 General DescriptionChapter 14 General Description(page279)

It regulates & integrates activities of all the body

ballanc of enviroments internal & external in the body

ⅠⅠ.The organization of the Nervou.The organization of the Nervous systems system

1.The peripheral nervous system 1.The peripheral nervous system (( PNSPNS ))

(( 周围神经系周围神经系 ))

2.The central nervous system 2.The central nervous system (( CNSCNS ))

(( 中枢神经系中枢神经系 ))

ⅠⅠ.The organization of the Nervou.The organization of the Nervous systems system

Division of nervous system 1. Central nervous system ( 中枢神经系 ) (1) brain ( 脑 ) (2) spinal cord ( 脊髓 ) 2. Peripheral nervous system ( 周围神经系 )

(1) cranial nerves ( 脑神经 ) (2) spinal nerves ( 脊神经 ) (3) visceral nerves ( 内脏神经 )

Ⅱ. Composition of the nervous system 1). Neurons ( 神经元 ) 2). Neuroglia ( 神经胶质 )

Classification;Pseudounipolar N. Bipolar N.Multaipolar N Elements; Membran Cytoplasm Nucleus

Neuroglia Classify

Macroglia astrocyte

Microglia oligodendrocyte

Ependyma Schwann cell

2. Composition of the nervous system 1. Neurons structure .

Cell body dendrite

Processe— axon+myelin= nerve fiber

Synapse .

Chimecal synapses

Electric synapses



Fuction: Conduct impuls,

Excitation or


Axoplasmic transport:

slow rate 1~3mm/d

rapid rate


Axo-tracing technique

anterograde retrograde


Lesion Weller

anterograde retrograde

Ⅲ. Reflex arc and Reflex ( 反射弧和反射 )

Receptors( 感受器 ) Afferent nerve ( 传入神经 )

Centres( 中枢 )

Effectors( 效应器 ) Efferent nerve( 传出神经 )

Ⅳ.Terminology of the nervous system 1). Nucleus ( 神经核 ) & ganglion ( 神经节 )

2). Gray matter ( 灰质 ) & white matter ( 白质 )

3). Nerve ( 神经 ) & fasciculus ( 纤维束 )

Ⅴ.Neuronanatomical methods

1.Histological technics

Stain: Cox. Golgi. Cajal. Nissl.

Weigert. Marchi. Nauta.


Koelle(AChE). Falck.

3.Axon tracing ARG. HRP.

Kuyper(Ny. FB)

4.Immunocytoche- mistry

Ⅵ. Functions of the nervous system

1. It regulates ( 调节 ) and intergrates ( 整 合 ) the activities of all the bodily system for the benefit of the organism as a whole.

2. The nervous system is also the seat of all mental activity, including consciousness ( 意识 ), memory ( 记忆 ) & thinking ( 思维 ).


围神经围神经 ))

• The Spinal Nerves ( 脊神经 )

• The Cranial Nerves ( 脑神经 )

• The Autonomic Nervous System ( 自主神经系 ) (The Visceral Nervous Sy

stem 内脏神经系 )


Section 1 Section 1 The Spinal Nerves (The Spinal Nerves ( 脊神经脊神经 ))

1. Composition (组成 ):

1) anterior root (前根 ):

efferent fibers (传出纤维 )

2) posterior root (后根 ):

afferent f ibers(传入纤维 )

3) spinal ganglia (脊神经节 )

The Spinal Nerves (The Spinal Nerves ( 脊神经脊神经 ))2. Classification ( 分类 ): 1) cervical nerves (颈神经 ): C 1 - C 8

2) thoracic nerves (胸神经 ): T 1 - T 12

3) lumbar nerves (腰神经 ): L 1 - L 5

4) sacral nerves (骶神经 ): S1 - S 5 5) coccygeal nerve (尾神经 ): Co 1

( 皮节 )

A. Cervical plexus (CA. Cervical plexus (C1-41-4))1. Location ( 位置 ) Opposite C 1-3, ventral to the levator scapulae

and middle scalene muscle and covered by sternocleido-mastoid ( 肩胛提肌和中斜角肌之前 , 被胸锁乳突肌覆盖 ).

[local anesthesia (toponarcosis) 局部麻醉 ]

Cervical plexusCervical plexus (C(C1-41-4))

1) lesser occipital n. (枕小神经 ) (C2)

2) great auricular n. (耳大神经 ) (C2,3)

3) transverse n. of neck (颈横神经 ) (C2,3)

4) supraclavicular nn. (锁骨上神经 ) (C3,4)

2. Superficial branches ( 浅支 )

Cervical plexus (CCervical plexus (C1-41-4)) 3. Deep branches ( 深支 ) 1) phrenic n.

( 膈神经 ) (C3-5)

[phrenico tripsy 膈神经压轧术 ] [hiccup, hiccough 呃逆 ] 2) accessory phrenic n. ( 副膈神经 ) 48%

Cervical plexusCervical plexus (C(C1-41-4))

B. The Brachial PlexusB. The Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11))

1. Location : interscalenus space ( 斜角肌间隙 )

2. Formation : ( 根 , 干 , 股 , 束 , 支 )

C 6



middle trunk

后 股

post.division( 股 ) post.cord( 后束 )


T 1

lat. cord ( 外侧束 )


med.cord( 内侧束 )


ant.division ( 股 )

inferior trunk( 下干 )

superior trunk( 上干 )

anterior division( 前股 )

musculocut. n( 肌皮神经 )


Ulnar n. ( 尺神经 )

桡 n.

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11))

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11))

1) long thoracic n.

( 胸长神经 ) (C5 -7) [winged scapula 翼状肩 ] 2) suprascapular n. ( 肩胛上神经 )

3) dorsal scapular n. ( 肩胛背神经 )

3. BranchesBranches above the clavicle ( 锁骨上支 )

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11))

2) medial and lateral pectoral nn.

( 胸内侧和胸外侧神经 )

3) thoracodorsal n. ( 胸背神经 ) (C6 -8)

4) axillary n. ( 腋神经 ) (C5,6)

[squired scapula 方形肩 ]

Branches below the clavicle ( 锁骨下支 ) 1) subscapular n. ( 肩胛下神经 )

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11)) 5) musculocutaneous n. (肌皮神经 ) (C5-7) → lateral

ante- brachial cutan- eous n. (前臂外 侧皮神经 )

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11))6) 6) . median n. ( 正中神经 ) → recurrent branch ( 返

支 ) → common palmar digital nn. ( 指掌侧总神经 ) → proper palmar digital nn. ( 指掌侧固有神经 )

[monkey paw, ape-like hand 猿形手 ]

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11))7) ulnar n. ( 尺神经 ) (C8-T1) → superficial branch ( 浅支 ) → common palmar digital n. ( 指掌侧总神经 ) → proper palmar digital n. ( 指掌侧固有神经 ) → deep palmar branch ( 掌深支 ) → dorsal branch ( 背支 ) [claw hand 爪形手 ]

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11))7) ulnar n. ( 尺神经 ) (C8-T1) → superficial branch ( 浅支 ) → common palmar digital n.( 指掌侧总神经 ) → proper palmar digital n. ( 指掌侧固有神经 ) → deep palmar branch ( 掌深支 ) → dorsal branch ( 背支 ) [claw hand 爪形手 ]

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11))

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11)) 8) radial n.

(桡神经 ) (C5-T1)

→ post. brachial cutaneous n.

(臂后皮神经 )

→ muscular branches (肌支 )

→ extensor mm.

of the arm

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11)) → superficial branch (浅支 )

→ dorsal digital nn.

(指背神经 )

→ deep branch

(深支 )

→ extensor mm. of the forearm

[carpoptosis (wrist drop) 垂腕 ]

The Brachial PlexusThe Brachial Plexus (C(C55-T-T11)) 9) medial brachia

l cutaneous n.

( 臂内侧皮神经 )

10) medial antebrachial cutaneous n.

( 前臂内侧皮神经 )

C. The Anterior Branches of C. The Anterior Branches of Thoracic NervesThoracic Nerves

1. Intercostal nn. ( 肋间神经 ) → lateral cutaneous br. ( 外侧皮支 ) → anterior cutaneous br. ( 前皮支 ) [intercostal neuralagia 肋间神经痛 ] [intercostal n. Block 肋间神经封闭 ]2. Subcostal n. ( 肋下神经 )

D. The Lumbar PlexusD. The Lumbar Plexus (T(T1212-L-L44))1. Location(位置 ): Between transverse

processes of the lumbar vertebrae & psoas major (腰椎横突与腰大肌之间 )

2. Branches ( 分支 ): lumbosacral trunk ( 腰骶干 ) 1) iliohypogastric n.

( 髂腹下神经 ) (T12-L1)

2) ilioinguinal n.

( 髂腹股沟神经 ) (L1)

3) lateral femoral cutaneous n.

( 股外侧皮神经 ) (L2-3)

The Lumbar PlexusThe Lumbar Plexus (T(T1212-L-L44))

The Lumbar PlexusThe Lumbar Plexus (T(T1212-L-L44))

The Lumbar PlexusThe Lumbar Plexus (T(T1212-L-L44)) 4) femoral n. ( 股神经 ) (L2-4)

→ muscular branches

( 肌支 )

→ cutaneous branches

( 皮支 ):

saphenous n. ( 隐神经 )

[femoral n. Injury

股神经损伤 ]

The Lumbar PlexusThe Lumbar Plexus (T(T1212-L-L44)) 5) obturator n. ( 闭孔神经 ) (L2-4) → anterior branch ( 前支 ) → posterior branch ( 后支 ) [scissors gait 剪刀步态 ]

6) geniofemoral n. ( 生殖股神经 ) → genicular branch ( 生殖支 ) → femoral branch ( 股支 )

E. The Sacral PlexusE. The Sacral Plexus (L(L44 - Co - Co11))

1. Location: in the pelvis, where it is closely to the anterior surface of the piriformis (盆内紧靠梨状肌前面 ).

E. The Sacral PlexusE. The Sacral Plexus (L(L44 - Co - Co11))2. Branches (分支 ):

1) superior gluteal n. (臀上神经 ) (L4-S1)

2) inferior

gluteal n.

(臀下神经 )


The Sacral PlexusThe Sacral Plexus (L(L44 - Co - Co11)) 3) pudendal nerve ( 阴部神经 ) (S2-4) → anal nn. ( 肛神经 ) → perineal nn. ( 会阴神经 ) → dorsal n. of penis (clitoris) ( 阴茎背神经 )

4) posterior femoral cutaneous n.

( 股后皮神经 ) [syndrome of piriformis

梨状肌综合征 ] [sacral anesthesia

骶管麻醉 ]

The Sacral PlexusThe Sacral Plexus (L(L44 - Co - Co11))

The Sacral PlexusThe Sacral Plexus (L(L44 - Co - Co11))5) sciatic n.

(坐骨神经 )

[sciatica (ischialgia neuralgia)

坐骨神经痛 ]

[sciatic neuritis


坐骨神经炎 ]

→ tibial n. ( 胫神经 ) → medial plantar n.

( 足底内侧神经 ) → lateral plantar n.

( 足底外侧神经 ) [unciform foot 钩状

足 ] [talipes calcaneus 仰趾足 ] [calcaneovalgocavus 仰趾外翻足 ]

The Sacral PlexusThe Sacral Plexus (L(L44 - Co - Co11))

The Sacral PlexusThe Sacral Plexus (L(L44 - Co - Co11))→ common peroneal nn. ( 腓总神经 ) → superficial peroneal n. ( 腓浅神经 ) → muscular and cutaneous branches → deep peroneal n. ( 腓深神经 ) → lateral sural cutaneous n. ( 腓肠外侧皮神经 ) → sural n. ( 腓肠神经 ) [steppage gait 跨阈步态 ] [equinovarus (talipes equinovarus) 马蹄内翻足 ]