part ii · 2014. 11. 7. · the book of sulaym bin qays al hilali nor would they have ratified him,...

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali PART II 1 out of 47

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The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 


1 out of 47 

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 


HADITH 10 ..............................................................................................................................4

THE REASONS FOR THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE SHIITE HADITH AND THE HADITH THAT OPPOSE THEM ...............................................................................4

The twelve Imamsasws are associates of Amir-ul-Momineenasws...........................................7

2 – Acceptance of the Imamsasws to Sulaym regarding this Hadith.....................................8

Treachery of the community to the Peopleasws of the Household of its Prophetsaww ..........9

The Saqifa of Abu Bakr and Umar ......................................................................................10

The consultation of Usman....................................................................................................10

Battles of the Camel (Al-Jamal), and Siffeen and Al-Naharwaan.....................................11

The breaking (of the allegiance) and the treachery against the two Imams Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws ..................................................................................................................11

Oppression upon the Shiites during the era of Ziyad, and Ibn Ziyad, and Al-Hajjaj ....12

Concocted history and the distortion in the Hadith ...........................................................12

Samples of fabricated Hadith ...............................................................................................13

HADITH 11 ............................................................................................................................14

AMIR-UL-MOMINEEN asws ESTABLISHES THE ARGUMENT AGAINST THE MUSLIMS DURING THE ERA OF USMAN ....................................................................14

The argumentation of Amir-ul-Momineenasws.....................................................................15

Day of Ghadeer Khumm by the tongue of Amir-ul-Momineenasws ...................................20

Description of the session of the witnesses...........................................................................24

3 – Words between Amir-ul-Momineenasws and Talha - seven answers to the fabricated Hadith of Abu Bakr regarding the Caliphate .....................................................................26

Exposure of their vows on the accursed agreement............................................................26

The Second Answer – Hadith of Al-Ghadeer ......................................................................26

The Third Answer – Hadith of the Status ...........................................................................27

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The Fourth Answer – Hadith of the Two Weighty Things (Al-Saqalayn)........................27

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

The Fifth Answer – Hadith of the recognition of Aliasws being the Amir-ul-Momineen .27

The Sixth Answer – The consultation ordered by Umar....................................................28

The Seventh Answer – What Umar said during his death.................................................28

The consultation of Umar was illegal ...................................................................................29

The Caliphate and the Imamate is only for the twelve Imamsasws.....................................29

Who is more deserving for the seat of the Messenger of Allahsaww? .................................30

4 – Speeches about the collection of the Quran collected by Amir-ul-Momineenasws ......33

The Quran collected by Umar and Usman..........................................................................33

The Messenger of Allahsaww dictated the Quran of Amir-ul-Momineenasws .....................34

What was written on the shoulder (bone) by the dictation of the Messenger of Allahsaww


Support for the present Quran during our era ...................................................................35

Twelve Imams of misguidance from the tribe of Qureiysh................................................36

HADITH 12 ............................................................................................................................37

SERMON OF AMIR-UL-MOMINEENasws IN THE LAST YEAR OF HISasws BLESSED LIFE .....................................................................................................................37

Why did Amir-ul-Momineenasws not do what Usman did - keeping silent .......................38

Why Amir-ul-Momineenasws did not make a stand with the sword during the issues of Al-Saqifa .................................................................................................................................39

Steps taken by Amir-ul-Momineenasws to fight against Abu Bakr and Umar..................40

Usman helped in his own killing...........................................................................................42

Attitude of Amir-ul-Momineenasws in the battles ................................................................42

The Shiites, the Nasibis, the Weak ones...............................................................................44

HADITH 13 ............................................................................................................................46

THE PUBLIC TREASURY DURING THE ERA OF UMAR..........................................46

Reason for pardoning Qunfuz from the confiscation of his wealth...................................47

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The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 


علة الفرق بين أحاديث الشيعة وأحاديث مخالفيهم) 10 (


يا أمير المؤمنين، إني سمعت من سلمان والمقداد وأبي ذر شيئا من : قلت لعلي عليه السلام: أبان عن سليم، قال * 1* - ورأيت في أيدي الناس . تفسير القرآن ومن الرواية عن النبي صلى االله عليه وآله، ثم سمعت منك تصديق ما سمعت منهم

أشياء آثيرة من تفسير القرآن ومن الأحاديث عن النبي صلى االله عليه وآله تخالف الذي سمعته منكم، وأنتم تزعمون أن فأقبل علي : صلى االله عليه وآله متعمدين ويفسرون القرآن برأيهم؟ قالأفترى الناس يكذبون على رسول االله. ذلك باطلإن في أيدي الناس حقا وباطلا، وصدقا وآذبا، وناسخا ومنسوخا، وخاصا . يا سليم، قد سألت فافهم الجواب: فقال لي

حتى قام فيهم خطيبا وقد آذب على رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله على عهده. وعاما، ومحكما ومتشابها، وحفظا ووهماثم آذب عليه من بعده حين ). فمن آذب علي متعمدا فليتبوأ مقعده من النار. أيها الناس، قد آثرت علي الكذابة: (فقال

. توفي، رحمة االله على نبي الرحمة وصلى االله عليه وآله

1 –Sulaym narrated Abaan that I said to Aliasws, ‘O Amir-ul-Momineenasws, I heard from Salmanar, and Al-Miqdadar, and Abu Dharrar things from the commentary of the Quran, and from reports from the Prophetsaww, then I heard its ratification from youasws of what I heard. And I saw in the hands of the people, many things from the commentary of the Quran, and from the Ahadith from the Prophetsaww which were different from what I heard from you all, and you all think that those are invalid. Have the people fabricated lies against the Messenger of Allahsaww intentionally, and are interpreting the Quran by their opinions?’

Aliasws turned towards me and said to me: ‘O Sulaym, You have asked, so understand its answer. That which is in the hands of the people is valid as well as invalid, truth and lies, and abrogating and abrogated, and specific as well as general, and decisive and allegorical, and memorised and suspect. And they have lied against the Messenger of Allahsaww during hissaww era to the extent that hesaww stood up and preached to them saying: ‘O you people! A lot of lies have been attributed to mesaww. The one who forges a lie against mesaww intentionally has reserved a seat for himself in the Fire’. Then they lied against himsaww after hissaww passing away. May the Mercy of Allahazwj be upon the Prophetsaww of Mercy, and Blessings of Allahazwj be upon himsaww and hissaww Progenyasws.

رجل منافق مظهر للإيمان متصنع بالإسلام، لا يتأثم ولا : المحدثون أربعة وإنما يأتيك بالحديث أربعة نفر ليس لهم خامسفلو علم المسلمون أنه منافق آذاب لم يقبلوا منه ولم . يتحرج أن يكذب على رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله متعمدا

صلى االله عليه وآله، رآه وسمع منه وهو لا يكذب ولا يستحل الكذب على هذا صاحب رسول االله: (يصدقوه، ولكنهم قالواوإذا : (وقد أخبر االله عن المنافقين بما أخبر ووصفهم بما وصفهم فقال االله عز وجل). رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله

ل والدعاة إلى النار بالزور والكذب ثم بقوا بعده وتقربوا إلى أئمة الضلا). رأيتهم تعجبك أجسامهم وإن يقولوا تسمع لقولهموإنما الناس مع الملوك في الدنيا إلا . والنفاق والبهتان، فولوهم الأعمال وحملوهم على رقاب الناس وأآلوا بهم من الدنيا

. فهذا أول الأربعة. من عصم االله

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The narrators are four, but rather those that come to you with the Ahadith are four in number and there is no fifth of them – A hypocrite man who displays the faith to make believe that he is with Islam. He does not consider it to be a sin, and does not feel shy of lying, intentionally, against the Messenger of Allahsaww. Had the Muslims come to know that he is a lying hypocrite, they would not have accepted from him,

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

nor would they have ratified him, but they are saying, ‘This is a companion of the Messenger of Allahsaww, who saw himsaww and heard from himasws, and he is not a liar nor does he consider it permissible to lie against the Messenger of Allahsaww’. And Allahazwj has Informed about the hypocrites by what Heazwj has Informed, and Described them. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic has Said: “[63:4] And when you see them, their persons will please you, and If they speak, you will listen to their speech (They are as (worthless as hollow) pieces of timber propped up, (unable to stand on their own). They think that every cry is against them. They are the enemies; so beware of them. The curse of Allah be on them! How are they deluded (away from the Truth)!”. Then they remained after himsaww, and went near to the Imams of straying, and called towards the Fire with the deception, and the lies, and the hypocrisy and the slander. They appointed them for works and bore them as riders upon the people, and they fed themselves in the world, through them. But rather, the people are with the kings (rulers) in the world except for the one Protected by Allahazwj. So this is the first of the four.

ورجل سمع من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله شيئا فلم يحفظه على وجهه ووهم فيه ولم يتعمد آذبا وهو في يده يرويه . فلو علم المسلمون أنه وهم لم يقبلوا، ولو علم هو أنه وهم فيه لرفضه). أنا سمعته من رسول االله: (ويعمل به ويقول

And a man who heard something from the Messenger of Allahsaww. He did not memorise it on its perspective, and is unsure about it, and it is not his intention to lie, and it is with him that he is reporting and acting upon, and he is saying, ‘I heard it from the Messenger of Allahsaww’. Had the Muslims come to know that he is not sure, they would not accept it, and if he himself came to know that it is uncertain, he would reject it.

ورجل ثالث سمع من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله شيئا أمر به ثم نهى عنه وهو لا يعلم، أو سمعه نهى عن شيئ ثم أمر فلو علم أنه منسوخ لرفضه، ولو علم المسلمون أنه منسوخ إذ سمعوه . به وهو لا يعلم، حفظ المنسوخ ولم يحفظ الناسخ

. لرفضوه

And a third man, he heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww something that hesaww ordered and then forbade it and he did not know about it, or he heard the prohibition about something, but later ordered came (it being permissible) which he did not know. He memorised the abrogated (order) and did not memorise the abrogating (order). If he were to come to know that it has been abrogated, he would reject it, and had the Muslims known that it has been abrogated, which he has heard, they would have rejected it’.

ورجل رابع لم يكذب على االله ولا على رسوله بغضا للكذب وتخوفا من االله وتعظيما لرسوله صلى االله عليه وآله ولم يوهم، بل حفظ ما سمع على وجهه فجاء به آما سمعه ولم يزد فيه ولم ينقص، وحفظ الناسخ من المنسوخ فعمل بالناسخ

. ورفض المنسوخ

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And a fourth man who does not lie against Allahazwj, nor against Hisazwj Messengersaww, hated the lies and feared Allahazwj, and revered the Messenger of Allahsaww and was never uncertain, but memorised what he heard on its perspective, and came with it as he had heard it. And he never added anything to it and never left anything out, and he memorised the abrogating from the abrogated. He acted upon the abrogating, and rejected the abrogated.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

وقد آان . وإن أمر رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله ونهيه مثل القرآن، ناسخ ومنسوخ، وعام وخاص، ومحكم ومتشابهآلام خاص وآلام عام، مثل القرآن، يسمعه من لا يعرف ما : يكون من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله الكلام له وجهان

.آلهعنى االله به ومن عنى به رسول االله صلى االله عليه و

And that the order of the Messenger of Allahsaww, and hissaww Prohibitions are similar to those of the Quran, abrogating and abrogated, and general as well as specific, and decisive and allegorical. And the speech of the Messenger of Allahsaww had two perspectives – specific speech, and general speech, just like the Quran. He (the listener) heard it but did not understand what Allahazwj Meant by it, and what the Messenger of Allahsaww meant by it.

فهم، وآان منهم من يسأله ولا يستفهم حتى أن آانوا وليس آل أصحاب رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله آان يسأله فيوآنت أدخل على رسول االله . ليحبون أن يجيئ الطارئ والأعرابي فيسأل رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله حتى يسمعوا منه

صلى وقد علم أصحاب رسول االله. صلى االله عليه وآله آل يوم دخلة وفي آل ليلة دخلة، فيخليني فيها أدور معه حيث داروربما آان ذلك في منزلي يأتيني رسول االله صلى االله عليه . االله عليه وآله أنه لم يكن يصنع ذلك بأحد من الناس غيري

وإذا أتاني للخلوة في بيتي لم تقم من . وآله، فإذا دخلت عليه في بعض منازله خلا بي وأقام نساءه فلم يبق غيري وغيره.عندنا فاطمة ولا أحد من ابني

And it was not that all the companions of the Messenger of Allahsaww who asked himsaww, understood it, and among them were those who did not ask himsaww nor did they understand until they preferred and desired that out of need a Bedouin would turn up to ask the Messenger of Allahsaww, so that they would also hear (about its explanation). And Iasws used to go to the Messenger of Allahsaww every day and every night. Hesaww used to be alone with measws whenever and wherever Iasws was with himsaww. And the companions of the Messenger of Allahsaww were aware that hesaww never did that with anyone from the people apart from myselfasws. And sometimes the Messenger of Allahsaww used to come to myasws house. When Iasws came to himasws at hissaww place, the women would get up and leave, and no one would be there apart from measws and himsaww. And when hesaww came to myasws place, neither Fatimaasws, nor any of myasws sonsasws would get up and leave.

وآنت إذا سألته أجابني وإذا سكت أو نفدت مسائلي ابتدأني، فما نزلت عليه آية من القرآن إلا أقرأنيها وأملاها علي، فما نسيت آية من آتاب االله منذ حفظتها وعلمني تأويلها، فحفظته . ودعا االله أن يفهمني إياها ويحفظني. فكتبتها بخطي

الله من حلال وحرام أو أمر ونهي أو طاعة ومعصية آان أو يكون إلى يوم وما ترك شيئا علمه ا. وأملاه علي فكتبته.القيامة إلا وقد علمنيه وحفظته ولم أنس منه حرفا واحدا

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And if Iasws asked himsaww, hesaww would answer measws, and if Iasws would be silent or ask no more questions, hesaww would take an initiate. There was not a single Verse from the Quran which Came down upon himsaww except that hesaww read it out to measws and dictated it to measws. Iasws would write it down by myselfasws. And hesaww would supplicate to Allahazwj for measws that Heazwj would Make these to be understood by measws memorised by measws. Iasws did not forget a single Verse from the Book of Allahazwj ever since Iasws memorised it, and hesaww made known its explanation to measws. Hesaww made measws memorise it and dictated it to measws. I wrote it down. And Iasws did not leave out anything of the Teachings of Allahazwj from the Permissible and the Prohibited, or Order or Prohibition, or acts of obedience or disobedience that have happened and will be happening up to the Day of Judgement, except that hesaww made it known to measws, and Iasws memorised it and never forgot a single word from it.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

ثم وضع يده على صدري ودعا االله أن يملأ قلبي علما وفهما وفقها وحكما ونورا، وأن يعلمني فلا أجهل، وأن يحفظني .فلا أنسى

Then hesaww placed hissaww hand upon myasws chest and supplicated to Allahazwj that Heazwj should Fill myasws chest with (Divine) Knowledge, and understanding, and comprehension, and wisdom, and ‘Noor’, and that Iasws should know it such that Iasws would not be unaware of it, and that Iasws should memorise it such that Iasws would never forget it.

االله لي بما دعوت لم أنس شيئا مما علمتني، فلم تمليه علي وتأمرني يا نبي االله، إنك منذ يوم دعوت: فقلت له ذات يوميا أخي، لست أتخوف عليك النسيان ولا الجهل، وقد أخبرني االله أنه قد استجاب لي : بكتابته؟ أتتخوف علي النسيان؟ فقال

. فيك وفي شرآائك الذين يكونون من بعدك

One day Iasws said to himsaww: ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, since yousaww supplicated to Allahazwj for measws by what yousaww supplicated, Iasws have never forgotten anything from what yousaww have made known to measws, so why do yousaww dictate to measws and order measws to write it down? Do you fear that Iasws would miss it?’ Hesaww said: ‘O mysaww brotherasws, Isaww do not fear forgetfulness for youasws, nor fear ignorance, and Allahazwj has Informed mesaww that Hesaww has Answered mesaww regarding youasws and yourasws associatesasws who are to be after youasws’.

الأئمة الأحد عشر عليهم السلام شرآاء أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام

يا أيها الذين آمنوا أطيعوا االله : (الذين قرنهم االله بنفسه وبي معه، الذين قال في حقهم: يا نبي االله، ومن شرآائي؟ قال: قلت. ارجعوه إلى االله وإلى الرسول وإلى أولي الأمر منكمخفتم التنازع في شيئ ف(فإن ) وأطيعوا الرسول وأولي الأمر منكم

الأوصياء إلى أن يردوا علي حوضي آلهم هاد مهتد لا يضرهم آيد من آادهم ولا خذلان : يا نبي االله، ومن هم؟ قال: قلتع عنهم بهم ينصر االله أمتي وبهم يمطرون، ويدف. هم مع القرآن والقرآن معهم، لا يفارقونه ولا يفارقهم. من خذلهم

.بمستجاب دعوتهم

The twelve Imamsasws are associates of Amir-ul-Momineenasws

Iasws said: ‘O Prophetsaww of Allahazwj, and who are myasws associates?’ Hesaww said: ‘The onesasws whom Allahazwj has Made to be in Hisazwj Proximity and with Himazwj, regarding whom Heazwj has Said “[4:59] O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority from among you; then if you quarrel about anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger”. Iasws said: ‘O Prophetsaww of Allahazwj, and who are they?’ Hesaww said: ‘The successorsasws until theyasws come to mesaww at the Fountain. All of themasws are Guides and Guided onesasws. Neither will the plots of the plotters harm themasws, nor the betrayal of those that abandon themasws. Theyasws are with the Quran and the Quran is with themasws. Neither will they separate from it nor will it separate from themasws. It is due to themasws that Allahazwj will Help mysaww community, and due to themasws that Heazwj will Make it rain, and Remove from them (calamities) due to the Answering of theirasws supplications.

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ووضع يده - ثم ابني هذا - ووضع يده على رأس الحسن عليه السلام -ابني هذا : فقال. يا رسول االله، سمهم لي: فقلت ثم ابن له على اسمي، - ووضع يده على رأس الحسين عليه السلام - ثم ابن ابني هذا -على رأس الحسين عليه السلام

ثم أقبل على الحسين . في حياتك يا أخي، فاقرأه مني السلام) علي(باقر علمي وخازن وحي االله، وسيولد ) محمد(اسمه .ثم تكملة الاثني عشر إماما من ولدك يا أخي. في حياتك فاقرأه مني السلام) محمد بن علي(سيولد لك : عليه السلام فقال

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

So Iasws said, ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, name themasws for measws’. Hesaww said: ‘This son of mineasws’ – and hesaww placed hissaww hand upon the head of Al-Hassanasws – ‘then this son of minesaww’ – and hesaww placed hissaww hand upon the head of Al-Husaynasws’ – then the son of this son of minesaww’ – and placed hissaww hand upon the head of Al-Husaynasws – ‘then the son of hisasws son whose name is Aliasws, hisasws name is mysaww name (Muhammad), spreader of mysaww knowledge and treasurer of the Revelation of Allahazwj, and heasws will come to this (world) during yourasws lifetime, mysaww brother, so convey mysaww greetings to himasws’. Then hesaww turned towards Al-Husaynasws and said: ‘Then will come to youasws son (Muhammad Bin Aliasws) in yourasws lifetime, so convey mysaww greetings to himasws’. Then twelve Imamsasws will be completed from yourasws sons, O mysaww brother’.

مهدي هذه الأمة الذي يملأ الأرض - واالله يا أخا بني هلال -منهم . فسماهم لي رجلا رجلا. يا نبي االله، سمهم لي: فقلت.واالله إني لأعرف جميع من يبايعه بين الرآن والمقام وأعرف أسماء الجميع وقبائلهم. قسطا وعدلا آما ملئت ظلما وجورا

I said, ‘O Prophetsaww of Allahazwj, name themasws for measws’. Hesaww named themasws for measws, person by person. Among them – by Allahazwj, O brother of the Clan of Hilal-– is the Mahdiasws of this community who will fill the earth with peace and justice just as it would have been filled with injustice and tyranny. By Allahazwj, Isaww recognise all the ones who will pay allegiance to himasws between the Rukn and Al-Maqaam (Places by Kaaba), and recognise all their names and their tribes’.

تقرير الأئمة عليهم السلام لسليم في نقل هذا الحديث * 2*

ثم لقيت الحسن والحسين صلوات االله عليهما بالمدينة بعد ما قتل أمير المؤمنين صلوات االله عليه، فحدثتهما بهذا : قال سليم حفظنا ذلك عن رسول صدقت، حدثك أبونا علي عليه السلام بهذا الحديث ونحن جلوس، وقد: فقالا. الحديث عن أبيهما

.االله صلى االله عليه وآله آما حدثك أبونا سواء لم يزد فيه ولم ينقص منه شيئا

2 – Acceptance of the Imamsasws to Sulaym regarding this Hadith

Sulaym said, ‘Then I met up with Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws in Al-Medina after the assassination of Amir-ul-Momineenasws. I narrated to both of themasws this Hadith from theirasws fatherasws. Theyasws said: ‘Your Hadith is true. Ourasws father Aliasws narrated this Hadith of yours to usasws, and weasws were seated, and have memorised that from the Messenger of Allahsaww just as ourasws fatherasws has narrated it to you and it is the same, there is no addition to it nor is there any omission from it of anything’.

فحدثته بما سمعته من أبيه - وعنده ابنه محمد بن علي عليه السلام -ثم لقيت علي بن الحسين عليه السلام : قال سليمقد أقرأني أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام عن : فقال علي بن الحسين عليه السلام. وعمه وما سمعته من علي عليه السلام

وقد أقرأني جدي الحسين عليه : ثم قال محمد عليه السلام. ريض وأنا صبيرسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله، السلام وهو م. السلام- وهو مريض -السلام بعهد من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله

8 out of 47 

Then I met up with Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws - and in hisasws presence was hisasws son Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws – So I narrated to himasws of what I had heard from hisasws fatherasws and hisasws uncleasws and from Aliasws. Aliasws Bin al-Husaynasws said: ‘Amir-ul-Momineenasws conveyed greetings to me from the Messenger of Allahsaww, and hesaww was ill and Iasws was a child’. Then Muhammadasws said: ‘Myasws grandfather Al-Husaynasws conveyed to measws greetings from the Messenger of Allahsaww – and hesaww was ill’.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

صدق سليم، وقد جاء جابر بن عبد االله : فحدثت علي بن الحسين عليه السلام بهذا الحديث آله عن سليم، فقال: قال أبان. الأنصاري إلى ابني وهو غلام يختلف إلى، الكتاب فقبله واقرأه من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله السلام

Abaan said, ‘I narrated the whole of this Hadith to Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws from Sulaym. Heasws said: ‘Sulaym spoke the truth, and Jabir Bin Abdullah Al-Ansaary came to myasws sonasws and heasws was a young boy, after learning (some religious matters from him), he kissed himasws and conveyed the greetings to himasws from the Messenger of Allahsaww’.

فحججت بعد موت علي بن الحسين عليه السلام، فلقيت أبا جعفر محمد بن علي عليه السلام فحدثته بهذا الحديث : قال أبانصدق سليم، قد أتاني بعد أن قتل جدي الحسين عليه السلام وأنا : فاغرورقت عيناه ثم قال. آله لم أترك منه حرفا واحدا

صدقت، قد حدثك أبي بهذا الحديث بعينه عن أمير المؤمنين عليه : فقال له أبي.قاعد عند أبي فحدثني بهذا الحديث بعينه. ثم حدثاه بما هما سمعا من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله. السلام ونحن شهود

Abaan said, ‘I went on a Pilgrimage after the passing away of Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws. I met up with Abu Ja’far Muhammadasws Bin Aliasws (Imam Mohammed Baqirasws). I narrated to himasws all of this Hadith, not leaving out from it a single letter. Hisasws eyes filled up (with tears), then said: ‘Sulaym spoke the truth. He came to me, after the assassination of myasws grandfather Husaynasws Bin Aliasws, and Iasws was seated in the presence of myasws fatherasws. He narrated to measws this very same Hadith. Myasws fatherasws said to him: ‘You have spoken the truth. Myasws father has narrated this very same Hadith from Amir-ul-Momineenasws and weasws are witness to it. Then they bothasws narrated it as having heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww’.

صدق سليم، فقد روى لي هذا : قد ذآرت هذا الحديث عند مولاي أبي عبد االله عليه السلام فبكى وقال: قال حماد بن عيسىسمعت هذا الحديث من أمير المؤمنين : أبيه علي بن الحسين عن أبيه الحسين بن علي عليهم السلام قالالحديث أبي عن

.عليه السلام حين سأله سليم

Hamaad Bin Isa said, ‘I mentioned this Hadith in the presence of Abu Abdullahasws. Heasws wept and said: ‘Sulaym spoke the truth. Myasws fatherasws reported this Hadith from hisasws father Aliasws Bin Al-Husaynasws, from hisasws father Al-Husayn Bin Aliasws who said: ‘Iasws heard this Hadith from Amir-ul-Momineenasws, when Sulaym asked himasws’.

غدر الأمة بأهل بيت نبيها عليهم السلام * 3*

ما لقينا أهل البيت من ظلم قريش وتظاهرهم علينا وقتلهم إيانا، وما : ثم قال لي أبو جعفر الباقر عليه السلام: قال أبانلقيت شيعتنا ومحبونا من الناس إن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قبض وقد قام بحقنا وأمر بطاعتنا وفرض ولايتنا

. ن أنفسهم وأمرهم أن يبلغ الشاهد منهم الغائبومودتنا، وأخبرهم بأنا أولى الناس بهم م

Treachery of the community to the Peopleasws of the Household of its Prophetsaww

9 out of 47 

Abaan said, ‘Then Abu Ja’far Al-Baqirasws said to me: ‘What has been taken away from usasws, the Peopleasws of the Household, from the injustices of the Qureish, and what they manifested to usasws and their killing of usasws, and what was meted out to ourasws Shiites (cruelities towards them) and those that love usasws from the people. The Messenger of Allahsaww passed away, and hesaww has established ourasws rights

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

and ordered them to be obedient to usasws and obligated ourasws Wilayah1 upon them, and ourasws cordiality, and informed them that weasws are higher (status for) them than their own selves, and ordered them that those present should make it reach to those that are absent from among them.

السقيفة لأبي بكر وعمر

: فقالوا. فتظاهروا على علي عليه السلام، فاحتج عليهم بما قال رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله فيه وما سمعته العامةإنا أهل بيت أآرمنا االله عز وجل واصطفانا ولم : (ه فقالصدقت، قد قال ذلك رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله ولكن قد نسخ

عمر وأبو عبيدة ومعاذ بن جبل وسالم مولى : فشهد بذلك أربعة نفر) يرض لنا بالدنيا، وإن االله لا يجمع لنا النبوة والخلافةواحتجوا . االلهأبي حذيفة، فشبهوا على العامة وصدقوهم وردوهم على أدبارهم وأخرجوها من معدنها من حيث جعلها

.ثم ردها أبو بكر إلى عمر يكافيه بها. على الأنصار بحقنا وحجتنا فعقدوها لأبي بكر

The Saqifa of Abu Bakr and Umar

Aliasws manifested to them and argued against them by what the Messenger of Allahsaww had said with regards to it and what the general public had heard. They (the Quraish) said (Ya Aliasws), ‘Youasws speak the truth, the Messenger of Allahsaww has said it, but it has been abrogated. (The Quraish said) The Prophet of Allahsaww had said that Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic has Honoured usasws, the Peopleasws of the Household, and has Chosen usasws and never Chose for usasws the world, and that Allahazwj has not Gathered for usasws the Prophet-hood and the Caliphate’. Four of them testified to that – Umar, and Abu Ubeyda, and Ma’az Biin Jabal, and Salim Mowla Abu Huzeyfa. They confused the people who ratified them and turned them on their backs, and took it (Caliphate) out from its origin (Amir-ul-Momineenasws) from where Allahazwj had Made it to be. And they argued against the Helpers of ourasws rights and ourasws arguments. They pacified them to Abu Bakr. Then Abu Bakr returned it (Caliphate) to Umar, thereby paying him back by it.

الشورى لعثمان

ثم جعلها ابن عوف لعثمان على أن يردها عليه، فغدر به عثمان . ثم جعلها عمر شورى بين ستة، فقلدوها عبد الرحمن. وأظهر ابن عوف آفره وجهله وطعن عليه في حياته وزعم ولده أن عثمان سمه فمات

The consultation of Usman

Then Umar established a ‘Shura’2 consisting of six persons (in the matter of Caliphate). They collared it on Abdul Rahman. Then Ibn Awf (Abdul Rahman) made it (Caliphate) to go to Usman on the condition that he would return it back to him. Usman betrayed him, and Ibn Awf (Abdul Rahman) slandered him as an infidel and an ignorant one during his lifetime. His children (Abdul Rahman’s) thought that Usman had poisoned him, which (led to his) death.


1 Mastership

10 out of 47 

2 Nomination

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

حروب الجمل وصفين والنهروان

ثم نكثا وغدرا، ثم ذهبا بعائشة معهما إلى البصرة . ثم قام طلحة والزبير فبايعا عليا عليه السلام طائعين غير مكرهينثم خالفه أهل حروراء على . ثم دعا معاوية طغاة أهل الشام إلى الطلب بدم عثمان ونصب لنا الحرب. مطالبة بدم عثمان

اب االله وسنة نبيه، فلو آانا حكما بما اشترط عليهما لحكما أن عليا عليه السلام أمير المؤمنين في آتاب االله أن يحكم بكت.وعلى لسان نبيه وفي سنته، فخالفه أهل النهروان وقاتلوه

Battles of the Camel (Al-Jamal), and Siffeen and Al-Naharwaan

Then Talha and Zubayr made a stand (in the hope of getting a share in Caliphate). Initially, they paid allegiance to Amir-ul-Momineen which was (as per their will) and without being compelled. Then they broke it and betrayed, then they both went with Aisha to Al-Basra seeking (to avenge) the blood of Usman. Then Muawiya called upon the tyrants of Al-Shaam to seek (avenging) the blood of Usman and established a war against usasws. Then the people of Haroura (Kharijites) opposed Aliasws, that heasws should judge in accordance with the Book of Allahazwj and the Sunnah of Hisazwj Prophetsaww. If they had stipulated that condition of Judgement to both of them to judge by, then Aliasws would have been Commander of the Faithful in accordance with the Book of Allahazwj and the tongue of Hisazwj Prophetsaww and hissaww Sunnah. However, the people of Naharwaan opposed himasws and fought against himasws.

النكث والغدر بالإمامين الحسن والحسين عليهما السلام

ثم بايعوا الحسن بن علي عليه السلام بعد أبيه وعاهدوه، ثم غدروا به وأسلموه ووثبوا عليه حتى طعنوه بخنجر في فخذه حق قليل، فصالح معاوية وحقن دمه ودم أهل بيته وشيعته، وهم قليل. وانتهبوا عسكره وعالجوا خلاخيل أمهات أولاده

ثم غدروا به، ثم خرجوا إليه فقاتلوه حتى . ثم بايع الحسين عليه السلام من أهل الكوفة ثمانية عشر ألفا. حين لا يجد أعوانا.قتل

The breaking (of the allegiance) and the treachery against the two Imams Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws

Then they paid allegiance to Al-Hassanasws, after hisasws fatherasws and made promises to himasws, then they betrayed himasws and delivered himasws (to Muawiya) and pounced upon himasws to the extent that they stabbed himasws with a dagger in hisasws thigh, and the soldiers rampaged and looted the belongings of hisasws army. When heasws did not find helpers, heasws signed a peace treaty with Muawiya and preserved hisasws blood, and the blood of the people of hisasws Household, and of hisasws Shiites, and they were very few in numbers and so remained very little the ‘Haq’ (the Just). Then eighteen thousand of the inhabitants of Al-Kufa paid allegiance to Al-Husaynasws. Then they betrayed himasws. Then heasws went out to them. Heasws fought until heasws was martyred.

11 out of 47 

شيعة في عصر زياد وابن زياد والحجاج مظلومية ال

نذل ونقصي ونحرم ونقتل ونطرد ونخاف على دمائنا - منذ قبض رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله -ثم لم نزل أهل البيت . وآل من يحبنا

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

Oppression upon the Shiites during the era of Ziyad, and Ibn Ziyad, and Al-Hajjaj

Then the Peopleasws of the Household, since the passing away of the Messenger of Allahsaww, have been subjected to humiliation, and have been reduced (considered less important), and denied, and killed, and dismissed, and weasws feared for ourasws blood and of all those that loved usasws’.

ووجد الكاذبون لكذبهم موضعا يتقربون به إلى أوليائهم وقضاتهم وعمالهم في آل بلدة، يحدثون عدونا عن ولاتهم الماضين بالأحاديث الكاذبة الباطلة، ويروون عنا ما لم نقل تهجينا منهم لنا وآذبا منهم علينا وتقربا إلى ولاتهم وقضاتهم

من معاوية بعد موت الحسن عليه السلام، فقتلت الشيعة في آل بلدة قطعت وآان عظم ذلك وآثرته في ز. بالزور والكذب. أيديهم وأرجلهم وصلبوا على التهمة والظنة من ذآر حبنا والانقطاع إلينا

And the liars found a place for their lies by drawing close to their governors, and the judges, and the office bearers in every city. Ourasws enemies were narrating about their past friends with false and invalid Hadith, and were reporting from usasws what weasws had never said, arguing on their behalf against usasws, and lying from them against usasws, and they drew closer to their governors and their judges by bearing false witness and lying. And that was widespread and frequent during the era of Muawiya, after the martyrdom of Al-Husaynasws. They killed the Shiites in every city. They cut off their hands, and their legs, and crucified them on the accusation for believing in their love for usasws, and they cut them off from usasws.

ثم جاء الحجاج فقتلهم بكل قتلة وبكل ظنة . ثم لم يزل البلاء يشتد ويزداد إلى زمان ابن زياد بعد قتل الحسين عليه السلامشيعة الحسين (آان ذلك أحب إليه من أن يشار إليه أنه من ) مجوسي(أو ) زنديق(له وبكل تهمة، حتى أن الرجل ليقال

)صلوات االله عليه

Then the afflictions did not decline in their severity, and in fact increased up to the era of Ibn Ziyad, after the martyrdom of Al-Husaynasws. Then Al-Hajjaj came. He killed them (Shiites) for every suspicion and for every accusation, to the extent that it was more beloved to him for a man to be called an Atheist (Zindiq) or a Magian (Majoosi) rather than for him to be known as one of the Shiites of Al-Husaynasws.

تاريخ الجعل والتحريف في الأحاديث * 4 *

يحدث بأحاديث عظيمة عجيبة من تفضيل بعض من - ولعله يكون ورعا صدوقا -وربما رأيت الرجل الذي يذآر بالخير قد مضى من الولاة، لم يخلق االله منها شيئا قط، وهو يحسب أنها حق لكثرة من قد سمعها منه ممن لا يعرف بكذب ولا

يروون عن علي عليه السلام أشياء قبيحة، وعن الحسن والحسين عليهما السلام ما يعلم االله أنهم قد رووا في و. بقلة ورع.ذلك الباطل والكذب والزور

Concocted history and the distortion in the Hadith

12 out of 47 

And sometimes you will see a man who has been mentioned as being good – and he is pious and truthful – would narrate a great Hadith which would contain strange virtues of some of the past governors, although Allahazwj never Created from it anything at all, and he would consider it to be the truth for he would have heard it numerous times from the ones who are not known to be liars, nor for lack of piety. And he would be narrating from Aliasws ugly things, and from Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws, what Allahazwj Knows that they are narrating that which is invalid, and lies, and forgery.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

نماذج من الأحاديث المختلقة

أن عمر (، و)أن سيدي آهول أهل الجنة أبو بكر وعمر(رووا : قال. أصلحك االله، سم لي من ذلك شيئا: قلت له: قالأن لي وزيرا من (، و)أن عثمان، الملائكة تستحي منه(، و)أن السكينة تنطق على لسانه(، و)أن الملك يلقنه(، و)محدث

-) من أهل الأرض، و أن اقتدروا بالذين من بعدي ، و أثبت حراء، فما عليك إلا نبي وصديق وشهيدأهل السماء ووزيرا . هي واالله آلها آذب وزور: فقال عليه السلام-حتى عدد أبو جعفر عليه السلام أآثر من مائة رواية يحسبون أنها حق

Samples of fabricated Hadith

I said to himasws, ‘May Allahazwj Keep youasws well, tell me some of those things’. Heasws said: ‘They report that the Chiefs of the elderly of the inhabitants of the Paradise are Abu Bakr and Umar, and that Umar is a Muhaddith, and that the Angel teaches him, and that the tranquillity is pronounced upon his tongue, and that the Angels are embarrassed by Usman, and that there is a Vizier for measws from the inhabitants of the sky and a Vizier from the inhabitants of the earth, and that they are being managed from a remote distance from measws, and to remain steadfast, for it is not upon you except for the Prophetsaww, and a truthful and a witness’ – to the extent that Abu Ja’farasws recounted more than one hundred such reports which were regarded as being the truth. Heasws said: ‘By Allahazwj, all of these are lies and forgeries’.

إن عليك (منها موضوع ومنها محرف، فأما المحرف فإنما عنى : أصلحك االله لم يكن منها شيئ؟ قال عليه السلام: قلتيعني ) آيف لا يبارك لك وقد علاك نبي وصديق وشهيد(ومثله . يعني عليا عليه السلام، فقبلها) نبي االله وصديقا وشهيدا

. وعامها آذب وزور وباطل. عليا عليه السلام

I said, ‘May Allahazwj Keep youasws well, is there nothing from it (true)? Heasws said: ‘From these are clear (forgeries) and from these are distorted ones. As for the distorted, it is that ‘there is nothing upon you except for the Prophetsaww and a truthful and a witness’, it means Aliasws. So accept it. And similar to it, ‘How can it not be a blessing for you and upon you is a Prophetsaww, and a truthful and a witness’, it means Aliasws. And the generalisation of it is a lie, and a forgery, and invalid.

اللهم اجعل قولي قول رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله، وقول علي عليه السلام ما اختلف فيه أمة محمد من بعده إلى أن . يبعث االله المهدي عليه السلام

13 out of 47 

Ourasws Allahazwj, Make myasws speech to be the speech of the Messenger of Allahazwj, and the speech of Aliasws, in what the community of Muhammadsaww differs, in after himsaww, (and) until Allahazwj Sends the Mahdiasws’.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 


يقيم الحجة على المسلمين في عصر عثمان) ع(أمير المؤمنين ) 11 (


رأيت عليا عليه السلام في مسجد رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله في خلافة عثمان وجماعة : أبان عن سليم قال * 1* فذآروا قريشا وفضلها وسوابقها وهجرتها وما قال رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله فيهم . يتحدثون ويتذاآرون الفقه والعلم

، )لا تسبوا قريشا: (، وقوله)قريش أئمة العرب(و) الناس تبع لقريش: (، وقوله)من قريشالأئمة : (من الفضل، مثل قولهمن أراد هوان قريش أهانه : (، وقوله)أبغض االله من أبغض قريشا: (، وقوله)إن للقرشي قوة رجلين من غيرهم: (وقوله). االله

1 – Abaan says that Sulaym said, ‘I saw Aliasws in the Masjid of the Messenger of Allahsaww during the Caliphate of Usman, and there was a group which was narrating and discussing the jurisprudence (Permissible and the Prohibited) and the knowledge. They were mentioning the Qureiysh and their virtues, and their being foremost, and their migration and what the Messenger of Allahsaww had said regarding their virtues, for example hissaww statement: ‘The Imamsasws will be from Qureiysh’, and hissaww statement: ‘The people should follow the Qureiysh’, and hissaww statement: ‘Qureiysh are the Imamsasws of the Arabs’, and hissaww statement: ‘Do not be prejudicial against the Qureiysh’, and hissaww statement: ‘The strength of one man from the Qureiysh is equal to two from others’, and hissaww statement: ‘Allahazwj will be Angry with the one who angers the Qureiysh’, and hissaww statement: ‘One who intends to humiliate the Qureiysh, Allahazwj will Humiliate him’.

وذآروا الأنصار وفضلها وسوابقها ونصرتها وما أثنى االله عليهم في آتابه وما قال رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله فيهم وذآروا ما قال في سعد بن معاذ في جنازته وحنظلة بن الراهب غسيل الملائكة والذي حمته الدبر، حتى لم . من الفضل

). ن وفلانمنا فلا: (يدعوا شيئا من فضلهم، فقال آل حي

And they were mentioning the ‘al-Ansar’ (Helpers) and their merits, and their being foremost, and their help, and what Allahazwj has Praised them by in hisazwj Book and what the Messenger of Allahsaww had said regarding their virtues. And they mentioned what hesaww had said regarding Sa’d Bin Ma’az at his funeral, and the (funeral) washing of Hanzala Bin Al-Raahib by the Angels, and the one who was protected at the end, until they had not left anything out from their virtues. And each of them was saying, ‘So and so is from us’.

منا رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله ومنا حمزة بن عبد المطلب ومنا جعفر ومنا عبيدة بن الحارث وزيد بن : (وقالت قريشفلم يدعوا أحدا من الحيين من أهل السابقة إلا ). حارثة وأبو بكر وعمر وعثمان وسعد وأبو عبيدة وسالم وابن عوف

. سموه

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And the Qureiysh said, ‘From us is the Messenger of Allahsaww, and from us is Hamza Bin Abdul Muttalib, and from us is Ja’far, and from us is Ubeyda Bin Al-Haaris, and Zayd Bin Haaris, and Abu Bakr and Umar, and Usman and Sa’d, and Abu Ubeyda and Saalim and Ibn Awf. They did not leave out anyone from the two districts (Mecca and Al-Medina) from the previous ones, but they named him.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

علي بن أبي : فكان ممن حفظت من قريش. وفي الحلقة أآثر من مأتي رجل، منهم مسانيد إلى القبلة ومنهم في الحلقةطالب صلوات االله عليه وسعد بن أبي وقاص وعبد الرحمن بن عوف والزبير وطلحة وعمار والمقداد وأبو ذر وهاشم بن

وابن عباس ومحمد بن أبي بكر وعبد االله بن جعفر وعبيد االله بن عتبة وعبد االله بن عمر والحسن والحسين عليهما السلامالعباس،

And in a circle of more than two hundred men, some of whom were facing the Qiblah, and from among them from what I can remember from the Qureiysh were Ali Bin Abu Talibasws, and Sa’d Bin Abu Waqaas, and Abdul Rahman Bin Awf, and Al-Zubeyr, and Talha, and Amaar, and Al-Miqdadar, and Abu Dharrar, and Hashim Bin Utba, and Abdullah Bin Umar, and Al-Hassanasws, and Al-Husaynasws, and Ibn Abbas, and Muhammad Bin Abu Bakr, and Abdullah Bin Ja’far, and Ubeydullah Bin Al-Abbas.

أبي بن آعب وزيد بن ثابت وأبو أيوب الأنصاري وأبو الهيثم بن التيهان ومحمد بن مسلمة وقيس بن سعد : ومن الأنصاربن عبادة وجابر بن عبد االله وأبو مريم وأنس بن مالك وزيد بن أرقم وعبد االله بن أبي أوفى وأبو ليلى ومعه ابنه عبد

. الرحمن قاعد بجنبه، غلام أمرد صبيح الوجه

And from the Helpers were – Ubay Bin Ka’ab, and Zayd Bin Saabit, and Abu Ayyub Al-Ansaary, and Abu Al-Haysam Bin Al-Tayhaan, and Muhammad Bin Muslamat, and Qays Bin Sa’ad Bin Abaadat, and Jabir Bin Abdullah, and Abu Maryam, and Anas Bin malik, and Zayd Bin Arqam, and Abdullah Bin Abu Awf, and Abu Layli, and with him was his son Abdul Rahman seated by his side, a young boy of a bright face, not yet having a beard.

فجعلت أنظر إليه وإلى عبد : قال. وجاء أبو الحسن البصري ومعه ابنه الحسن غلام أمرد صبيح الوجه معتدل القامةفأآثر القوم، وذلك من بكرة إلى حين . الرحمن بن أبي ليلى، فلا أدري أيهما أجمل، غير أن الحسن أعظمهما وأطولهما

وعلي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام ساآت لا ينطق هو ولا أحد من - وعثمان في داره لا يعلم بشيئ مما هم فيه-الزوال . أهل بيته

And Abu Al-Hassan Al-Basry came and with him was his son Al-Hassan, a young boy not yet having a beard and of a bright face and moderate stature. I went and looked at him and at Abdul Rhman Bin Abu Layli. I could not make out who was more handsome of them, apart from the fact that Al-Hassan was bigger and taller. There were a lot of people, and that was from the morning up to the mid day – and Usman was in his house, not knowing anything from what they were doing – and Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws remained silent. Neither heasws nor anyone from hisasws Household spoke.

احتجاجات أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام * 2*

ما من الحيين أحد إلا وقد ذآر فضلا وقال : يا أبا الحسن، ما يمنعك أن تتكلم؟ قال عليه السلام: فأقبل القوم عليه فقالوااتكم، أم يا معاشر قريش، يا معاشر الأنصار، بمن أعطاآم االله هذا الفضل؟ أبأنفسكم وعشائرآم وأهل بيوت: ثم قال. حقا

فكل فضل أدرآناه في . بل أعطانا االله ومن علينا برسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله وبه أدرآنا ذلك آله ونلناه: بغيرآم؟ قالوا. دين أو دنيا فبرسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله لا بأنفسنا ولا بعشائرنا ولا بأهل بيوتاتنا

The argumentation of Amir-ul-Momineenasws

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The people addressed himasws saying, ‘O Abu Al-Hassanasws, what has prevented youasws from speaking?’ Heasws said: ‘There is not one from the two groups, but that he has mentioned the virtues and has spoken the truth’.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

Then heasws said: ‘O group of Qureish, O group of ‘Al-Ansar’ (Helpers), due to whom has Allahazwj Given to you all these virtues? Due to your own selves, and your clans, and the people of your households, or by those apart from you?’ They said, ‘But, Allahazwj has Given to us, and is upon us due to the Messenger of Allahsaww, and it is by himsaww that we have realised it all and got it. So, all the virtues that we have realised regarding the world and the Hereafter is by the Messenger of Allahsaww, not due to ourselves, and not by our clans, and not by the people of our households’.

دونكم - أهل البيت -أتقرون أن الذي نلتم به خير الدنيا والآخرة منا خاصة . صدقتم، يا معاشر قريش والأنصار: قال؟ قال أهل )إني وأخي علي بن أبي طالب بطينة واحدة إلى آدم: (جميعا، وأنكم سمعتم رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله يقول

. سمعنا ذلك من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآلهنعم،: بدر وأهل أحد وأهل السابقة والقدمة

Heasws said: ‘You have spoken the truth, O group of Qureish and the ‘Al-Ansar’ (Helpers). Do you acknowledge that due to that which you have acquired the good of the world and the hereafter is from usasws especially – Peopleasws of the Household – apart from you altogether, and you have all heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww say: ‘Isaww and mysaww brother Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws are of one clay to Adamas?’ The people of Badr, and the people of Ohad, and the people who preceded and the former ones said, ‘Yes, we heard that from the Messenger of Allahsaww’.

إني وأهل بيتي آنا نورا يسعى بين يدي االله، قبل أن يخلق : (أتقرون أن ابن عمي رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قال: قالفلما خلق آدم وضع ذلك النور في صلبه وأهبطه إلى الأرض، ثم حمله في السفينة في . االله آدم بأربعة عشر ألف سنة

ثم لم يزل االله ينقلنا من الأصلاب الكريمة إلى الأرحام الطاهرة ومن . يمصلب نوح، ثم قذف به في النار في صلب إبراه؟ فقال أهل السابقة والقدمة )الأرحام الطاهرة إلى الأصلاب الكريمة بين الآباء والأمهات لم يلتق واحد منهم على سفاح قط

. نعم، قد سمعنا ذلك من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله: وأهل بدر وأهل أحد

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that son of myasws uncleas, the Messenger of Allahsaww said: ‘Isaww and the Peopleasws of mysaww Household were a Light in front of Allahazwj even before Allahazwj Created Adamas by fourteen thousand years. When Adamas was Created, that Light was placed in hisas ‘Sulb’ (forehead), and sent down to the earth, then it was borne in the ship within the forehead of Noahas, then it was within the forehead of Ibrahimas when heas was thrown in the fire. Then Allahazwj did not Cease to Transfer it from the foreheads of honourable onesas and the purified mothers, and from purified mothers to the honourable ‘Sulb’ between the fathersas and the mothersas, never did any one of themas ever came to this world in an un-Islamic way?’ The people of the preceding ones, and the former ones, and the people of Badr, and the people of Ohad all said, ‘Yes, we have heard that from the Messenger of Allahsaww’.

فأنشدآم االله، أتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله آخى بين آل رجلين من أصحابه وآخى بيني وبين نفسه : قال. اللهم نعم: ؟ فقالوا)أنت أخي وأنا أخوك في الدنيا والآخرة: (وقال

Heasws said: ‘So, bearing Allahazwj as your Witness, do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww established brotherhood between each of the men from hissaww companions, and established brotherhood between myselfasws and himselfsaww and said: ‘Youasws are mysaww brother, and Isaww am yourasws brother in the world as well as in the Hereafter?’ They all said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

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أتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله اشترى موضع مسجده فابتناه ثم بنى عشرة منازل، تسعة له وجعل لي : قالما أنا : (فتكلم في ذلك من تكلم، فقال صلى االله عليه وآله. عاشرها في وسطها وسد آل باب شارع إلى المسجد غير بابي

ولقد نهى الناس جميعا أن يناموا في المسجد غيري، ). أبوابكم وفتح بابهسددت أبوابكم وفتحت بابه، ولكن االله أمرني بسدوآنت أجنب في المسجد، ومنزلي ومنزل رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله واحد في المسجد، يولد لرسول االله صلى االله عليه

. اللهم نعم: وآله ولي فيه أولاد؟ قالوا

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww acquired a place for hissaww Masjid. So hesaww built it and constructed ten houses, nine for himselfsaww and made the tenth one for measws in the middle of it, and closed all the doors leading to the Masjid apart from myasws door. So the ones who spoke about that, spoke about it. The Holy Prophetsaww responded (to their disgust), ‘It was not Isaww that closed your doors and kept Ali door open (into Masjid), but it was Allahazwj Who Ordered mesaww to close your doors and leave open hisasws door’. And the all the people were prohibited from sleeping in the Masjid apart from measws, and Iasws used to be in pure status at all times (hence it was appropriate for me to stay) in the Masjid, and myasws house and the house of the Messenger of Allahsaww was one in the Masjid, and our children were came to (this world), for both the Messenger of Allahsaww and for measws within it?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

: أفتقرون أن عمر حرص على آوة قدر عينه يدعها من منزله إلى المسجد فأبى عليه، ثم قال صلى االله عليه وآله: قالإن االله أمر موسى أن يبني مسجدا طاهرا لا يسكنه غيره وغير هارون وابنيه، وإن االله أمرني أن أبني مسجدا طاهرا لا (

.اللهم نعم: ؟ قالوا)يسكنه غيري وأخي وابنيه

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that Umar was keen to have a niche the size of his eye to let him see from his house into the Masjid, but hesaww refused it to him, then hesaww said that: ‘Allahazwj Ordered Musaas that heas should construct a pure Masjid, no one apart from himselfas and Harounas and two of hisas sons should live in it, and that Allahazwj Ordered mesaww that Isaww should construct a pure Masjid, none should live in it apart from myselfsaww and mysaww brotherasws and two of hisasws sonsasws?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

. ليبلغ الشاهد منكم الغائب: أفتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله دعاني يوم غدير خم فنادى لي بالولاية، ثم قال: قال. اللهم نعم: قالوا

Heasws said, ‘Do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww called measws on the Day of Ghadeer Khumm, so hesaww called towards myasws Wilayah, then said: ‘Those who had witnessed it should make it reach to those of you who are absent?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

ت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى، وأنت ولي آل أن: (أفتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قال في غزوة تبوك: قال. اللهم نعم: ؟ قالوا)مؤمن بعدي

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww said regarding myselfasws in the expedition of Tabuk: ‘Youasws are unto mesaww at the status which Harounas had with Musaas, and youasws are the Guardian of all the believers after mesaww?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

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إنه لم يأت إلا بي وبصاحبتي - حين دعا أهل نجران إلى المباهلة -أفتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله : قال. اللهم نعم: وابني؟ قالوا

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww – when hesaww called the People of Najraan to the imprecation (Al-Mubahila) – hesaww never came except with measws, and with myasws wifeasws and myasws two sonsasws?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

لأدفعن الراية غدا إلى رجل يحبه االله ورسوله ويحب االله ورسوله، ليس : (ن أنه دفع إلي لواء خيبر ثم قالأتعلمو: قال.اللهم نعم: ؟ قالوا)بجبان ولا فرار يفتحها االله على يديه

Heasws said: ‘Do you know that hesaww handed over to measws the flag of Khyber, then said: ‘Isaww shall be giving the banner tomorrow to a man who is Beloved of Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messengersaww, and Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messengersaww will be beloved to himasws, neither is heasws a coward nor does heasws flee. Allahazwj will Grant himasws victory by hisasws hands’. They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’

: بوحي من االله وقال- بعد أن آان بعثه -أفتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله بعثني بسورة براءة ورد غيري : قال. اللهم بلى: ؟ قالوا)إنه لا يبلغ عنك إلا رجل منك: إن العلي الأعلى يقول(

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww sent measws with the Chapter of Repentance (Surah Al-Bara’a), and rejected the other one (Abu Bakr) – after having sent him – due to the Revelation from Allahazwj, and said that: ‘The Most High has Said: “It should not be preached from yousaww except from a man from yousaww”? They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

أفتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله لم تنزل به شديدة قط إلا قدمني لها ثقة بي، وأنه لم يدعني باسمي قط إلا : قال. اللهم نعم: ؟ قالوا)ادعوا لي أخي(و) يا أخي: (أن يقول

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww, never did a severity come down upon himsaww at all, but hesaww always placed measws in front of it, relying upon measws, and hesaww never called measws by myasws name at all except that hesaww used to say: ‘O mysaww brotherasws’, or ‘Call mysaww brotherasws for mesaww’?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

يا علي، أما أنت مني : (أفتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قضى بيني وبين جعفر وزيد في ابنة حمزة فقال: قال. اللهم نعم: ؟ قالوا)وأنا منك، وأنت ولي آل مؤمن بعدي

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww judged between myselfasws, and between Ja’farar and Zayd with regards to the daughter of Hamzaar, so hesaww said: ‘O Aliasws, but youasws are from mesaww and Isaww am from youasws, and youasws are the Guardian of all the believers after mesaww?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

فتقرون أنه آانت لي من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله في آل يوم وليلة دخلة وخلوة، إذا سألته أعطاني وإذا سكت أ: قال. اللهم نعم: ابتدأني؟ قالوا

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Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that Iasws used to meet up with the Messenger of Allahsaww during every day and night, in solitude. If Iasws asked himsaww, hesaww would give measws the answer, and if Iasws remained silent, hesaww would initiate (the conversation)?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

إني زوجتك خير : (عليها السلامأفتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله فضلني على جعفر وحمزة، فقال لفاطمة : قال. اللهم نعم: ؟ قالوا)أهلي وخير أمتي وأقدمهم سلما وأعظمهم حلما وأآثرهم علما

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww preferred measws over Ja’farar, and Hamzaar, so hesaww said to Fatimaasws: ‘Isaww have married youasws to the best of mysaww Family, and the best of mysaww community, and heasws preceded them in submitting (to Allahazwj), and greater than them in forbearance, and more abundant than them in knowledge?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

أنا سيد ولد آدم وأخي علي سيد العرب وفاطمة سيدة نساء أهل : (تقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قالأف: قال. اللهم نعم: الجنة وابناي الحسن والحسين سيدا شباب أهل الجنة؟ قالوا

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww said: ‘Isaww am the chief of the Children of Adamas, and mysaww brother Aliasws is the Chief of the Arabs, and Fatimaasws is the head of the women of the inhabitants of the Paradise, and myasws two sons Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws are the Chiefs of the youths of the inhabitants of the Paradise?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

اللهم : أفتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله أمرني أن أغسله، وأخبرني أن جبرئيل يعينني على غسله؟ قالوا: قال. نعم

Heasws said: ‘Do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww ordered measws to wash himsaww (for funeral), and informed measws that Jibraeelas would be helping measws for washing himsaww?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

أيها الناس، إني قد ترآت فيكم : (أنشدآم باالله، أفتقرون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قال في آخر خطبة خطبكم: قال. اللهم نعم: ؟ قالوا)آتاب االله وأهل بيتي: أمرين لن تضلوا ما تمسكتم بهما

Heasws said: ‘With Allahazwj as your Witness, do you acknowledge that the Messenger of Allahsaww said in the last of hissaww sermons to you: ‘O you people, Isaww am leaving behind among you all two matters. You will not stray if you attach to them both – Book of Allahazwj and the Peopleasws of mysaww Household?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

أنشدآم االله، أتعلمون أن االله عز وجل فضل في آتابه السابق على المسبوق في غير آية، وإني لم : ثم قال علي عليه السلام. اللهم نعم: الله عليه وآله أحد من هذه الأمة؟ قالوايسبقني إلى االله عز وجل وإلى رسوله صلى ا

Then Aliasws said: ‘With Allahazwj as your Witness, do you know that Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic has Preferred the ‘السابق’ who have passed over the ‘المسبوق’ who would yet to come in Hisazwj Book in another verse, and nobody has preceded measws to Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic, and to Hisazwj Messengersaww, from this community?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

ابقون أولئك والسابقون الس(، ) والسابقون الأولون من المهاجرين والأنصار(فأنشدآم االله، أتعلمون حيث نزلت : قالأنزلها االله تعالى ذآره في الأنبياء وأوصيائهم، فأنا أفضل : ، سئل عنها رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله، فقال)المقربون

. اللهم نعم: أنبياء االله ورسله وعلي بن أبي طالب وصيي أفضل الأوصياء؟ قالوا

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Heasws said: ‘With Allahazwj as your Witness, do you know when the Verses “[9:100] And (as for) the foremost, the first of the Muhajirs and the Ansars”, and “[56:10] And the foremost are the foremost, [56:11] These are they who are

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

drawn nigh (to Allah)”, the Messenger of Allahsaww was asked about these, hesaww said: ‘Allahazwj has Sent these down Mentioning regarding the Prophetssaww and theiras successorsas, so Isaww am the highest of the Prophetsas of Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messengersas, and Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws, mysaww successorasws, is the highest of the successorsas?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

يوم غدير خم على لسان أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام

، وحيث نزلت )يا أيها الذين آمنوا أطيعوا االله وأطيعوا الرسول وأولي الأمر منكم(فأنشدآم، أتعلمون حيث نزلت : قالأم حسبتم أن (، وحيث نزلت )ون الصلاة ويؤتون الزآاة وهم راآعونإنما وليكم االله ورسوله والذين آمنوا الذين يقيم(

يا رسول : ، قال الناس)تترآوا ولما يعلم االله الذين جاهدوا منكم ولم يتخذوا من دون االله ولا رسوله ولا المؤمنين وليجةأن يفسر لهم من الولاية ما االله، خاصة في بعض المؤمنين أم عامة لجميعهم؟ فأمر االله عز وجل أن يعلمهم ولاة أمرهم و

أيها الناس، إن االله أرسلني : (فنصبني للناس بغدير خم، ثم خطب وقال. فسر لهم من صلاتهم وزآاتهم وصومهم وحجهم).برسالة ضاق بها صدري وظننت أن الناس تكذبني فأوعدني لأبلغها أو ليعذبني

Day of Ghadeer Khumm by the tongue of Amir-ul-Momineenasws

Heasws said: ‘With Allahazwj as your Witness, do you know that when the Verse “[4:59] O you who believe! obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority from among you” Descended, and when the Verse “[5:55] Only Allah is your Guardian, and His Messenger and those who believe, those who keep up prayers and pay the poor-rate while they bow.” Descended, and when the Verse “[9:16] What! do you think that you will be left alone while Allah has not yet known those of you who have struggled hard and have not taken any one as an adherent besides Allah and His Messenger and the believer.” Descended, the people said, ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, are these regarding certain special believers or the generality of all of them?’ Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Ordered himsaww to teach them about the those in authority (Wali Al-Amr) among them, and explain for them about the Wilayah as hesaww had explained to them about their Prayers, and their Zakaat, and their Fasts, and their Pilgrimage. Hesaww established measws to the people at Ghadeer Khumm, then preached to them, and said: ‘O you people, Allahazwj Sent mesaww with a Message which has constricted mysaww chest, and Isaww thought that the people would deny it. Heazwj Called upon mesaww to deliver it or else Heazwj would Punish mesaww’.

أيها الناس، أتعلمون أن االله عز وجل مولاي وأنا مولى المؤمنين وأنا : (ثم أمر فنودي بالصلاة جامعة، ثم خطب فقالمن آنت مولاه فعلي هذا مولاه، اللهم : (فقمت، فقال). قم، يا علي: (قال. بلى، يا رسول االله: ؟ قالوا)أولى بهم من أنفسهم

). وال من والاه وعاد من عاداه

Then hesaww ordered the Call to congregational Prayer, then preached. Hesaww said: ‘O you people, do you know that Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic is mysaww Master, and Iasws am the Master of the believers, and Iasws am higher to them than their own selves?’ They said, ‘Yes, O Messenger of Allahsaww’. He aww said: ‘Arise, O Aliasws’. Iasws stood up. Hesaww said: ‘The one whom Isaww am the Master of, this Aliasws is his Master. Our Allahazwj, Befriend the one who befriends himasws, and be Inimical to the one who is inimical to himasws’.

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). ولاء آولايتي، من آنت أولى به من نفسه فعلي أولى به من نفسه: (يا رسول االله، ولاء آما ذا؟ فقال: فقام سلمان فقالفكبر النبي صلى االله ). اليوم أآملت لكم دينكم وأتممت عليكم نعمتي ورضيت لكم الإسلام دينا: (فأنزل االله تعالى ذآره

). االله أآبر، تمام نبوتي وتمام دين االله ولاية علي بعدي: (العليه وآله وق

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

Salmanar stood up. Hear said, ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, befriend like what?’ Hesaww said: ‘Befriend like having befriended mesaww. The one to whom Isaww am higher to than his own self, Aliasws is higher to him than his own self’. Allahazwj Sent down its Reminder “[5:3] This day have I perfected for you your religion and completed My favor on you and chosen for you Islam as a religion” The Prophetsaww Magnified Allahazwj and said: ‘Allahazwj is Great! Mysaww Prophet-hood is completed, and the Religion of Allahazwj is completed by the Wilayah of Aliasws after mesaww’.

يا : قالا. بلى، فيه وفي أوصيائي إلى يوم القيامة: يا رسول االله، هذه الآيات خاصة في علي؟ قال: فقام أبو بكر وعمر فقالاعلي أخي ووزيري ووارثي ووصيي وخليفتي في أمتي وولي آل مؤمن بعدي، ثم ابني : قال. رسول االله، بينهم لنا

الحسين واحد بعد واحد، القرآن معهم وهم مع القرآن، لا يفارقونه ولا الحسن، ثم ابني الحسين، ثم تسعة من ولد ابني . يفارقهم حتى يردوا علي حوضي

Abu Bakr and Umar stood up and said, ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, is this Verse especially regarding Aliasws?’ Hesaww said: ‘Yes, regarding himasws and regarding mysaww successors up to the Day of Judgement’. They said, ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, introduce them to us’. Hesaww said: ‘Aliasws, mysaww brother, and mysaww Vizier, and mysaww inheritor, and mysaww successor, and mysaww Caliph in mysaww community, and the Guardian of all the believers after mesaww. Then mysaww son Al-Hassanasws, then mysaww son Al-Husaynasws, then nine from the sonsasws of mysaww sonasws Al-Husaynasws, one after the other. The Quran will be with themasws and theyasws will be with the Quran, it will not separate from themasws nor will theyasws separate from it until theyasws return to mesaww at mysaww Fountain’.

قد حفظنا جل ما قلت ولم نحفظه آله، وهؤلاء : وقال بعضهم. اللهم نعم، قد سمعنا ذلك وشهدنا آما قلت سواء: فقالوا آلهمصدقتم، ليس آل الناس يستوون في الحفظ، أنشد االله من حفظ ذلك : فقال علي عليه السلام. فاضلناالذين حفظوا أخيارنا وأ

. من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله لما قام فأخبر به

All of them said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes. We have heard that and we bear witness that it was just as youasws said it’. And some of them said, ‘We have memorised most of what youasws have said and did not memorise all of it’, and these were the best of our memorizers and the preferable ones of us. Aliasws said: ‘You have spoken the truth, all the people are not equal in the memorisation. With Allahazwj as your Witness, the one who has memorised that from the Messenger of Allahsaww should stand up and inform about it’.

وهو -نشهد لقد حفظنا قول النبي صلى االله عليه وآله : فقام زيد بن أرقم والبراء بن عازب وأبو ذر والمقداد وعمار فقالوايا أيها الناس، إن االله أمرني أن أنصب لكم إمامكم والقائم فيكم بعدي : ( وهو يقول-قائم على المنبر وأنت إلى جنبه

وإني . المؤمنين في آتابه طاعته فقرنه بطاعته وطاعتي، وأمرآم فيه بولايتهووصيي وخليفتي والذي فرض االله على .راجعت ربي خشية طعن أهل النفاق وتكذيبهم، فأوعدني لتبلغنها أو ليعذبني

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Zayd Bi Arqam and Al-Bara’a Bin Aazib, and Abu Dharrar, and Al-Miqdadar, and Ammarar stood up and said, ‘We bear witness that we have memorised the speech of the Prophetsaww – and hesaww was standing on the Pulpit and youasws were by hisasws side – and hesaww said: ‘O you people! Allahazwj has Ordered measws that Isaww should establish for you, your Imamasws whoasws will remain among you after mesaww, and will be mysaww successor, and mysaww Caliph, the obedience to whomasws has been Obligated upon the believers by Allahazwj in Hisazwj Book, and has Combined it with obedience to Himazwj and obedience to mesaww, and Ordered you in it for hisasws Wilayah. And Isaww reviewed it with mysaww Lordazwj for fear of taunts of the hypocrites

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and their denying it. Heazwj Called upon mesaww to deliver it or else heazwj would Punish mesaww.

د بينتها لكم، وبالزآاة والصوم والحج فبينتها لكم وفسرتها، وأمرآم بالولاية أيها الناس، إن االله أمرآم في آتابه بالصلاة فق ثم لابنيه بعده ثم للأوصياء من بعدهم - ووضع يده على علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام -وإني أشهدآم أنها لهذا خاصة

. من ولدهم، لا يفارقون القرآن ولا يفارقهم القرآن حتى يردوا علي حوضي

O you people! Allahazwj Ordered you in Hisazwj Book for the Prayers. Isaww have mentioned it for you, and for the Zakaat, and the Fasts, and the Pilgrimage. Isaww mentioned these to you and explained them, and Ordered you for the Wilayah, and Isaww bear witness that this is for himasws especially’ – and placed hissaww hand upon Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws – ‘then for hisasws sonasws after himasws, then for the successorsasws after himasws from hisasws sonsasws. Neither will theyasws get separated from the Quran, nor will it separate from themasws, until theyasws return to mesaww at mysaww Fountain.

أيها الناس، قد بينت لكم مفزعكم بعدي وإمامكم بعدي ووليكم وهاديكم، وهو أخي علي بن أبي طالب وهو فيكم بمنزلتي االله من علمه وحكمته فسلوه وتعلموا منه ومن فقلدوه دينكم وأطيعوه في جميع أمورآم، فإن عنده جميع ما علمني. فيكم

ثم ). أوصيائه بعده ولا تعلموهم ولا تتقدموهم ولا تخلفوا عنهم، فإنهم مع الحق والحق معهم لا يزايلونه ولا يزايلهم.جلسوا

O you people! Isaww have mentioned for you, your shelter after mesaww, and your Imamasws after mesaww, and your Guardian, and your Guide, and heasws is mysaww brother Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws, and heasws is with you at mysaww status among you. Emulate himasws (Do hisasws Taqleed) in your religion, and obey himasws in all of your affairs, for in hisasws possession is the totality of what Allahazwj has Taught mesaww from Hisazwj Knowledge and Hisazwj Wisdom.

Submit to himasws and learn from himasws and from hisasws successorsasws after himasws, and do not (try to) teach them, and do not precede themasws and do oppose themasws, for theyasws are with the Truth and the Truth is with themasws, it will not subside from themasws nor will theyasws subside from it’. Then they sat down.

إنما يريد االله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل (:أيها الناس، أتعلمون أن االله أنزل في آتابه: ثم قال علي عليه السلام: قال سليمهؤلاء أهل بيتي ولحمتي، : (فجمعني وفاطمة وابني حسنا وحسينا، ثم ألقى علينا آساء وقال). البيت ويطهرآم تطهيرا

وأنا : فقالت أم سلمة). يؤلمهم ما يؤلمني ويؤذيني ما يؤذيهم ويحرجني ما يحرجهم، فأذهب عنهم الرجس وطهرهم تطهيراأنت إلى خير، إنما نزلت في وفي أخي وفي ابنتي فاطمة وفي ابني وفي تسعة من ولد ابني الحسين : (ل االله؟ فقاليا رسو

نشهد أن أم سلمة حدثتنا بذلك، فسألنا رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله : ؟ فقالوا آلهم)خاصة ليس معنا فيها أحد غيرهم. فحدثنا آما حدثتنا به أم سلمة

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Sulaym said, ‘Then Aliasws said: ‘O you people, do you know that Allahazwj Sent down in Hisazwj book “[33:33] Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O people of the House! And to purify you a (thorough) purifying.” Hesaww gathered measws, and Fatimaasws and myasws sons Hassanasws and Husaynasws, then covered usasws with a garment and said: ‘These are the Peopleasws of mysaww Household and mysaww flesh, whatever displeases themasws displeases mesaww, and whatever hurts them hurts mesaww, and whatever troubles themasws troubles meas, the uncleanness has never reached themasws and theyasws have been Purified by a thorough Purifying’. Umm Salmaar said, ‘And (what about) mear, O Messenger of Allahsaww?’ Hesaww said: ‘Youar are on ‘good’, but this has Descended especially

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regarding myselfsaww, and regarding mysaww brotherasws, and regarding mysaww daughter Fatimaasws, and regarding mysaww two sonsasws, and regarding nine from the sonsasws of mysaww son Al-Husaynasws. There is no one along with usasws in this apart from themasws?’ They all said, ‘We bear witness that Umm Salmaar narrated that to us. We asked the Messenger of Allahsaww, so hesaww narrated to us just as Umm Salmaar had narrated to us’.

فقال ). أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا االله وآونوا مع الصادقينيا (أنشدآم االله، أتعلمون أن االله أنزل : ثم قال علي عليه السلامأما المأمورون فعامة المؤمنين أمروا بذلك، وأما : (يا رسول االله، عامة هذا أم خاصة؟ قال صلى االله عليه وآله: سلمان

. اللهم نعم: ؟ قالوا)الصادقون فخاصة لأخي علي وأوصيائي من بعده إلى يوم القيامة

Then Aliasws said: ‘With Allahazwj as your Witness, do you know that Allahazwj Revealed “[9:119] O you who believe! be careful of (your duty to) Allah and be with the true ones”, so Salmanar said, ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, is this general or special?’ Hesaww said: ‘But the ordered ones are the general believers who have been ordered with that, and the truthful are especially for mysaww brother Aliasws, and mysaww successorsasws from after mesaww up to the Day of Judgement?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

إن المدينة لا تصلح : (لم خلفتني؟ قال: أنشدآم االله، أتعلمون أني قلت لرسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله في غزوة تبوك: قال. اللهم نعم: ؟ قالوا)إلا بي أو بك، وأنت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى إلا أنه لا نبي بعدي

Heasws said: ‘With Allahazwj as your Witness, do you know that Iasws said to the Messenger of Allahsaww during the expedition of ‘Tabuk’: ‘Why did yousaww leave measws behind?’ Hesaww said: ‘Al-Medina cannot be in a suitable state except by myselfsaww or by youasws (being there) and youasws are unto mesaww of the status which Harounas had with Musaas except that there will be no Prophetas after mesaww?’ They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

يا أيها الذين آمنوا ارآعوا واسجدوا واعبدوا ربكم وافعلوا الخير : (أنشدآم االله، أتعلمون أن االله أنزل في سورة الحج: قاللعلكم تفلحون وجاهدوا في االله حق جهاده هو اجتباآم وما جعل عليكم في الدين من حرج ملة أبيكم إبراهيم هو سماآم

ول شهيدا عليكم وتكونوا شهداء على الناس، فأقيموا الصلاة وآتوا الزآاة المسلمين من قبل وفي هذا ليكون الرسيا رسول االله، من هؤلاء الذين أنت عليهم شهيد : فقام سلمان فقال). واعتصموا باالله هو مولاآم فنعم المولى ونعم النصير

عنى بذلك ثلاثة : أبيهم إبراهيم؟ قالوهم شهداء على الناس، الذين اجتباهم االله ولم يجعل عليهم في الدين من حرج، ملة اللهم : قالوا). أنا وأخي وأحد عشر من ولدي: (بينهم لنا يا رسول االله؟ فقال: قال سلمان. عشر رجلا خاصة دون هذه الأمة

. نعم

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Heasws said: ‘With Allahazwj as your Witness, do you know that Allahazwj Revealed in the Chapter ‘The Pilgrimage’ (Surah Al-Hajj): “[22:77] O you who believe! bow down and prostrate yourselves and serve your Lord, and do good that you may succeed. [22:78] And strive hard in (the way of) Allah, (such) a striving a is due to Him; He has chosen you and has not laid upon you an hardship in religion; the faith of your father Ibrahim; He named you Muslims before and in this, that the Messenger may be a bearer of witness to you, and you may be bearers of witness to the people; therefore keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and hold fast by Allah; He is your Guardian; how excellent the Guardian and how excellent the Helper!”, so Salmanar stood up and said, ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, who are the onesasws upon whom yousaww are a witness and theyasws are witness upon the people, whomasws Allahazwj has Chosen, and did not Make in their Religion any hardship, the Creed of theirasws father Ibrahimas?’ Hesaww said: ‘It means

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by that thirteen men especially apart from this community’. Salmanar said, ‘Introduce them to us, O Messenger of Allahsaww?’ Hesaww said: ‘Isaww, and mysaww brotherasws and eleven from mysaww sonsasws’. They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’.

يا أيها الناس، إني : (أنشدآم االله، أتعلمون أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قام خطيبا ثم لم يخطب بعد ذلك فقال: فقالفتمسكوا بهما لن تضلوا، فإن اللطيف الخبير أخبرني وعهد إلي أنهما لن . كم الثقلين، آتاب االله وعترتي أهل بيتيتارك في

يا رسول االله، أآل أهل أهل بيتك؟ : فقال- وهو شبه المغضب -فقام عمر بن الخطاب ). يفترقا حتى يردا علي الحوضهو أولهم، ثم . ري ووارثي وخليفتي في أمتي وولي آل مؤمن بعديأولهم أخي علي ووزي. لا، ولكن أوصيائي منهم: (قال

شهداء االله في أرضه . ابني الحسن، ثم ابني الحسين، ثم تسعة من ولد الحسين واحد بعد واحد حتى يردوا علي الحوضنشهد أن : ؟ فقالوا آلهم)من أطاعهم أطاع االله ومن عصاهم عصى االله. وحججه على خلقه وخزان علمه ومعادن حكمته

. رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قال ذلك

Heasws said: ‘With Allahazwj as your Witness, do you know that the Messenger of Allahsaww stood up to give a sermon, then never gave a sermon after that, so hesaww said: ‘O you people! Isaww am leaving behind among you two weighty things, Book of Allahazwj and mysaww Family, the Peopleasws of mysaww Household. So attach yourselves to these two and you will never go astray, for the Kind, the Aware has Informed mesaww and Promised to mesaww that these two will never separate until they come to mesaww at the Fountain’.

Umar Bin Al-Khattab stood up – and he was angry – he said, ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, all the members of yoursaww Household?’ Hesaww said: ‘No, but mysaww successorsasws from them. The first of themasws being mysaww brother Aliasws, mysaww Vizier, mysaww inheritor, mysaww Caliph in mysaww community and the Guardian of every believer after mesaww. Heasws is the first of themasws, then mysaww son Al-Hassanasws, then mysaww son Al-Husaynasws, then nine from the sonsasws of Al-Husaynasws, one after the other until they return to mesaww at the Fountain; witnesses of Allahsaww in Hisazwj earth, and Hisazwj Proofs over Hisazwj creatures, and the treasurers of Hisazwj Knowledge, and the Mines of Hisazwj Wisdom. The one who obeys themasws has obeyed Allahazwj and the one who has disobeyed themasws has disobeyed Allahazwj?’ They all said, ‘We bear witness that the Messenger of Allahsaww said that’.

وصف مجلس المناشدة

ا إلا ناشدهم االله فيه وسألهم عنه حتى أتى على آخر مناقبه وما قال له ثم تمادى بعلي عليه السلام السؤال، فما ترك شيئ. رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله آثيرا، آل ذلك يصدقونه ويشهدون أنه حق

Description of the session of the witnesses

Then Aliasws went further with the questions, so heasws did not leave anything except that heasws made them bear witness to Allahazwj with regards to it, and questioned them about it until heasws came to the end of hisasws numerous merits, and what Messenger of Allahsaww had said to himasws, all of that was ratified by them and they testified that it was the truth.

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فلم يدع شيئا مما أنزل االله فيه خاصة أو فيه وفي أهل بيته في القرآن ولا على لسان رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله : قالويقول الذين سكتوا ) اللهم نعم: (ومنه ما يسكت بعضهم ويقول بعضهم) نعم: (فمنه ما يقولون جميعا. إلا ناشدهم االله فيه

. د حدثنا غيرآم ممن نثق به أنهم سمعوه من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآلهأنتم عندنا ثقاة، وق: للذين أقروا

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

Sulaym said, ‘Heasws did not leave anything from what Allahazwj had Revealed regarding himselfasws especially or regarding the Peopleasws of hisasws Household in the Quran, nor on the tongue of the Messenger of Allahsaww, except that he made them bear witness to Allahazwj with regards to it. From them were those who said in unison, ‘Yes’, and from them were those who were silent about some of it and said about some of it, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’. And the ones who were silent, said to those who had acknowledged it, ‘You all are reliable ones, and other reliable ones have also narrated it as having heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww’.

اللهم اشهد أنا لم نقل إلا حقا وما قد سمعناه من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله، : قالوا. اللهم اشهد عليهم: ثم قال حين فرغ: أتقرون بأن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قال: قال. وقد حدثنا من نثق به أنهم سمعوه من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله

وآيف ذاك يا رسول : فقال له قائل- ووضع يده على رأسي -) عليا فقد آذب وليس يحبنيمن زعم أنه يحبني ويبغض (لأنه مني وأنا منه، ومن أحبه فقد أحبني ومن أحبني فقد أحب االله، ومن أبغضه فقد أبغضني ومن أبغضني فقد : (االله؟ قال.ت بقيتهم، وسك)اللهم نعم: (؟ فقال نحو من عشرين رجلا من أفاضل الحيين)أبغض االله

Then heasws said when heasws had finished: ‘Our Allahazwj, Iasws bear witness upon them’. They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, Be Witness that heasws never related except for the truth, and what we have heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww, and what has been narrated to us from the reliable ones of what they had heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww’. Heasws said: ‘Do you accept that the Messenger of Allahsaww said: ‘The one who thinks that he loves mesaww and hates Aliasws has actually lied and does not love mesaww’ – and placed hissaww hand upon myasws head – so a questioner said to himsaww, ‘And how is that so, O Messenger of Allahsaww?’ Hesaww said: ‘Because heasws is from mesaww and Isaww am from himasws, and the one who loves himasws has loved mesaww and the one who loves mesaww has loved Allahazwj, and the one who hates himasws has hated mesaww and the one who hated mesaww has hated Allahazwj?’ Approximately twenty virtuous men from the two groups (Helpers and Emigrants) said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes’, and the rest of them remained silent.

فقال . هؤلاء الذين شهدوا عندنا ثقاة في صدقهم وفضلهم وسابقتهم: ما لكم سكوت؟ فقالوا: فقال علي عليه السلام للسكوتاللهم إنا لم نشهد ولم نقل إلا ما سمعنا من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله وما : فقالوا. اللهم اشهد عليهم: علي عليه السلام

. وغيرهم أنهم سمعوه من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآلهحدثنا به من نثق به من هؤلاء

Aliasws said to the silent ones: ‘What has kept you silent?’ They said, ‘Those who have borne witness are the reliable ones among us regarding their truthfulness, and their virtues, and their precedence’. Aliasws said: ‘Our Allahazwj, Iasws bear witness upon them’. They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, heasws not borne witness, nor has heasws related except for what we heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww, and what has been narrated to us by the reliable ones from these and others what they heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww’.

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آلمات بين أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام وطلحة سبعة أجوبة عن حديث أبي بكر المختلق في * 3* الخلافة

فكيف نصنع بما ادعى أبو بكر وعمر وأصحابه الذين صدقوه : -) داهية قريش( وآان يقال له -فقال طلحة بن عبيد االله ، فاحتججت بما احتججت به من الفضل والسابقة، )بايع: ( لكوشهدوا على مقالته يوم أتوا بك تعتل وفي عنقك حبل، فقالوا

إن االله أبى أن يجمع لنا أهل البيت النبوة : (ثم ادعى أنه سمع نبي االله صلى االله عليه وآله يقول. فصدقوك جميعادعيت حق آل الذي ذآرت وا: ، فصدقه عمر وأبو عبيدة بن الجراح وسالم ومعاذ بن جبل؟ ثم أقبل طلحة فقال)والخلافة

:وما احتججت به من السابقة والفضل نحن نقر به ونعرفه، وأما الخلافة فقد شهد أولئك الخمسة بما سمعت الجواب الأول

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

3 – Words between Amir-ul-Momineenasws and Talha - seven answers to the fabricated Hadith of Abu Bakr regarding the Caliphate

Talha Bin Ubeydullah – and he used to be called ‘the shrewd one of Qureiysh’ – said, ‘What should we make of what Abu Bakr and Umar had claimed and their companions had ratified and testified on their words, the day they brought youasws when (the situation) deteriorated and there was a rope around yourasws neck. So they said to youasws, ‘Pay allegiance’. Youasws argued with what youasws argued with, from the virtues and the precedence, so they all agreed with youasws. Then he (Abu Bakr) claimed that he had heard from the Prophetsaww having said that: ‘Allahazwj has Refused to Gather together for usasws the Peopleasws of the Household, the Prophet-hood and the Caliphate’. This was ratified by Umar, and Abu Ubeyda Bin Al-Jarrah, and Saalim, and Ma’az Bin Jabal?’ Then Talha came forward and said, ‘All that youasws have mentioned and claimed is true, and what youasws have argued by from the precedence and the virtues. We accept it and recognise it, but as for the Caliphate, those five have testified with the answer that youasws have heard before’.

فضح تعاهدهم على الصحيفة الملعونة

فأخرج شيئا قد آان يكتمه وفسر شيئا قد آان قاله يوم مات - وغضب من مقالة طلحة -فقام عند ذلك علي عليه السلام ألقى االله بها يوم يا طلحة، أما واالله ما من صحيفة: فقال- والناس يسمعون -عمر لم يدروا ما عنى به، وأقبل على طلحة

إن قتل االله محمدا : (القيامة أحب إلي من صحيفة هؤلاء الخمسة الذين تعاهدوا على الوفاء بها في الكعبة في حجة الوداع) أو مات أن يتوازروا ويتظاهروا علي فلا أصل إلى الخلافة

Exposure of their vows on the accursed agreement

So Aliasws stood up at that – and heasws was angry from the words of Talha – so heasws took out something which heasws had kept hidden, and explained something about it, and said about the day Umar died, and he (Talha) did not understand what heasws meant by it, and came in front of Talha – and the people were listening – so heasws said: ‘O Talha, but by Allahazwj, there is none from the parchments, that Iasws shall meet Allahazwj with, which is more beloved to measws than the parchment (agreement) of those five who had vowed to remain faithful to it, which they placed in the Kaaba during the farewell Pilgrimage that, ‘If Allahazwj Kills Muhammadsaww or heasws were to pass away, they would collectively plot against measws so that Iasws would never arrive to the Caliphate’.

حديث الغدير : الثانيالجواب

من : ( على باطل ما شهدوا عليه قول نبي االله صلى االله عليه وآله يوم غدير خم- يا طلحة -والدليل : وقال عليه السلام، فكيف أآون أولى بهم من أنفسهم وهم أمراء علي وحكام؟ )آنت أولى به من نفسه فعلي أولى به من نفسه

The Second Answer – Hadith of Al-Ghadeer

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And heasws said: ‘O Talha, ‘It is on falsehood what they have testified upon. The words of the Prophetsaww on the day of Ghadeer Khumm were: ‘The one to whom Isaww am higher that his own self, similarly Aliasws is also higher to him than his own self’. So, how can Iasws be higher than them than their own selves, whilst they are the Emirs over measws and rulers?’

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حديث المنزلة : الجواب الثالث

، أفلستم تعلمون أن الخلافة غير )أنت مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى غير النبوة: (وقول رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله.النبوة؟ ولو آان مع النبوة غيرها لاستثناه رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله

The Third Answer – Hadith of the Status

And the words of the Messenger of Allahsaww: ‘Youasws are unto measws at the status which Harounas had with Musaas, apart from the Prophet-hood’. Do you not know that the Caliphate is other than the Prophet-hood? And had it been together with the Prophet-hood, the Messenger of Allahsaww would have excluded it’.

حديث الثقلين : الجواب الرابع

إني ترآت فيكم أمرين لن تضلوا ما تمسكتم بهما آتاب االله وعترتي لا تتقدموهم ولا تتخلفوا : (وقوله صلى االله عليه وآله: ، فينبغي أن لا يكون الخليفة على الأمة إلا أعلمهم بكتاب االله وسنة نبيه وقد قال االله)عنهم ولا تعلموهم فإنهم أعلم منكم

وزاده بسطة في العلم : (، وقال)أفمن يهدي إلى الحق أحق أن يتبع أمن لا يهدي إلا أن يهدى فما لكم آيف تحكمون(ما ولت أمة قط أمرها رجلا : (أو أثارة من علم إن آنتم صادقين وقال رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله: ، وقال)والجسم

، فما الولاية غير الإمارة على الأمة؟) يرجعوا إلى ما ترآواوفيهم أعلم إلا لم يزل أمرهم يذهب سفالا حتى

The Fourth Answer – Hadith of the Two Weighty Things (Al-Saqalayn)

And hissaww words: ‘Isaww am leaving among you two matters, you will never go astray if you attach yourselves to them both, Book of Allahazwj and mysaww Family. Do not be in front of themasws, and do not oppose themasws, and do not (try to) teach themasws for theyasws are more knowledgeable than you are’. So it is befitting that none should be the Caliph over the community except for the one who is more knowledgeable than them of the Book of Allahazwj and the Sunnah of its Prophetsaww, and Allahazwj has Said: “[10:35] Is He then Who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who himself does not go aright unless he is guided? What then is the matter with you; how do you judge?” and Said: “[2:247] and He has increased him abundantly in knowledge and physique,” and Said: “[46:4 or traces of knowledge, if you are truthful.” And the Messenger of Allahsaww said: ‘No community has ever been ruled by men, despite that there is a more knowledgeable one amongst them, except that its affairs never ceased to deteriorate to the extent that they return to where they had left’. So what is Al-Wilayah apart from the Emirate (ruling) over the community?’

حديث التسليم عن علي عليه السلام بإمرة المؤمنين : الجواب الخامس

والدليل على آذبهم وباطلهم وفجورهم أنهم سلموا علي بإمرة المؤمنين بأمر رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله، وهي الحجة - وأشار إلى سعد وابن عوف -ى هذين وعلى الأمة رأسا وعل- يعني الزبير -عليهم وعليك خاصة وعلى هذا الذي معك

. - يعني عثمان -وعلى خليفتكم هذا الظالم

The Fifth Answer – Hadith of the recognition of Aliasws being the Amir-ul-Momineen

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And the evidence against their lies, and their falsehood, and their corruption is that they greeted measws as Amir-ul-Momineen by the order of the Messenger of

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Allahsaww, and this is a proof against them, and against you especially and the one who is with you’ – meaning Al-Zubayr – ‘and against these two leaders of the community’ – and indicated towards Sa’d and Ibn Awf – ‘and against this unjust Caliph of yours’ – meaning Usman’.

الشورى التي أمر بها عمر : الجواب السادس

وإنا معشر الشورى الستة أحياء آلنا، فلم جعلني عمر في الشورى إن آان قد صدق هو وأصحابه على رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله؟ أجعلنا في الشورى في الخلافة أم في غيرها؟ فإن زعمتم أنه جعلها شورى في غير الإمارة فليس لعثمان

علينا ولا بد من أن نتشاور في غيرها لأنه أمرنا أن نتشاور في غيرها؟ وإن آانت الشورى فيها فلم أدخلني فيكم؟ إمارة؟ )إن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله أخرج أهل بيته من الخلافة فأخبر أنه ليس لهم فيها نصيب: (فهلا أخرجني وقد قال

The Sixth Answer – The consultation ordered by Umar

And the consultative group (which Umar nominated for the 3rd Caliph) consisted of six in number and all of us are alive. Why did Umar include measws in the consultation when he and his companions had testified against the Messenger of Allahsaww (by fabricating a Hadith that Prophet-hood and Caliph will not be together)? Did he include me in the consultation regarding the Caliphate or for something else? And if you think that he made the consultation to be for something other than the Emirate, so it is not for Usman to be the Emir over us, and is it necessary for us to have a consultation for something else because he ordered us to have a consultation for something else? And if the consultation was regarding it (Caliphate), why did he include measws among those (the nominees)? Did he not take measws out by saying that the Messenger of Allahsaww had taken out the Peopleasws of the Household from the Caliphate and informed that there is no share for themasws in it (the fabricated Hadith)?’

ما قال عمر عند موته : الجواب السابع

: أنشدك باالله، ما قال لك حين خرجنا؟ فقال عبد االله- وها هو ذا - لابنه عبد االله - حين دعانا رجلا رجلا -ولم قال عمر ) همإن بايعوا أصلع بني هاشم حملهم على المحجة البيضاء، وأقامهم على آتاب ربهم وسنة نبي: (أما إذ ناشدتني فإنه قال

فما رد : أن تستخلفه؟ قال- يا أبه -فما يمنعك : قلت له: يا بن عمر، فما قلت أنت عند ذلك؟ قال: ثم قال عليه السلامرد علي شيئا أآتمه : عليك؟ قال

The Seventh Answer – What Umar said during his death

And Umar never said it when he called each man separately what he said to his son Abdullah – and here he is – Iasws adjure you to solemnly swear by Allahazwj, what did he say to you when we came out?’ Abdullah (son of Umar) said, ‘But since you have asked me to bear Allahazwj as a Witness, he said that, ‘If they pay allegiance to the shaved headed one of the Clan of Hashim heasws will lead them to clear arguments and establish them on the Book of their Lordazwj and the Sunnah of their Prophetsaww’. Then heasws said: ‘O son of Umar, What did you say about that?’ He said, ‘I said to him, ‘So what prevents you – O father – from making himasws the Caliph?’ Heasws said: ‘So what did he reply to you?’ He said, ‘He replied to me something that I am concealing’.

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ومتى أخبرك؟ قال عليه : قال. كل ما قال لك وقلت لهفإن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قد أخبرني ب: قال عليه السلامأخبرني في حياته ثم أخبرني به ليلة مات أبوك في منامي، ومن رآى رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله في المنام فقد : السلام

أو : قال. صدقنيأنشدك االله يا بن عمر، لئن حدثتك به لت: فما أخبرك؟ قال عليه السلام: قال له ابن عمر. رآه في اليقظةالصحيفة التي آتبناها بيننا والعهد الذي : قال-) فما يمنعك أن تستخلفه؟: ( حين قلت له-فإنه قد قال لك : أسكت قال

أسألك بحق رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله لما أمسكت عني : تعاهدنا عليه في الكعبة في حجة الوداع فسكت ابن عمر فقال. عمر في ذلك المجلس وقد خنقته العبرة وعيناه تسيلان دموعافلقد رأيت ابن: قال سليم

Aliasws said: ‘The Messenger of Allahsaww has informed measws of everything what he said to you and you said to him’. He (Abdullah ibn Umar) asked, ‘And when did hesaww inform youasws?’ Aliasws replied: ‘Hesaww informed measws during hissaww lifetime, then hesaww informed measws about it on the night your father died, in myasws dream, and the one who sees the Messenger of Allahsaww in the dream, it is as if he has seen him whilst being awake’. Ibn Umar said to himasws, ‘So what did he inform youasws?’ Heasws said: ‘Iasws hold you to Allahazwj as a Witness, O son of Umar, if Iasws narrate it to you about it, will you ratify measws?’ Abdullah ibn Umar said, ‘Or I shall remain silent’. Aliasws said: ‘He (Umar) had said to you, when you said to him, ‘So what prevents you from making himasws the Caliph?’, he said, ‘The parchment (agreement) which we had written stands between us, and the vow that we vowed upon it in the Kaaba during the farewell Pilgrimage’. Ibn Umar was silent. Heasws said: ‘Iasws ask you, by the right of the Messenger of Allahsaww, what keeps you silent from (testifying) measws?’ Sulaym said, ‘I saw Ibn Umar in that gathering, and he was choking on his tears which were flowing’.

شورى عمر غير الشرعية

واالله إن آان أولئك الخمسة آذبوا على رسول االله : ثم أقبل علي عليه السلام على طلحة والزبير وابن عوف وسعد قال أن تدخلوني معكم في الشورى - أيها الخمسة -صلى االله عليه وآله فما يحل لكم ولايتهم، وإن آانوا صدقوا ما حل لكم

. خلاف على رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله ورغبة عنهلأن إدخالكم إياي فيه

The consultation of Umar was illegal

The Aliasws turned towards Talha, and Al-Zubayr, and Ibn Awf, and Sa’ad. Heasws said: ‘By Allahazwj, if those five lied against the Messenger of Allahsaww then it is not permissible for you to hold their friendship, and if they spoke the truth then it is not permissible for you – O you five – to include measws along with you in the consultation, for myasws inclusion in it is against the Messenger of Allahsaww, and away from himsaww’.

الخلافة والإمامة فقط للأئمة الاثني عشر عليهم السلام

أخبروني عن منزلتي فيكم وما تعرفوني به، أصدوق أنا عندآم أم آذاب؟ : ثم أقبل علي عليه السلام على الناس فقالمنا أهل البيت فواالله الذي أآر: قال عليه السلام. بل صديق صدوق، لا واالله ما علمناك آذبت في جاهلية ولا إسلام: فقالوا

بالنبوة فجعل منا محمدا وأآرمنا من بعده بأن جعلنا أئمة المؤمنين، لا يبلغ عنه صلى االله عليه وآله غيرنا ولا تصلح .الإمامة والخلافة إلا فينا، ولم يجعل االله معنا أهل البيت لأحد من الناس فيها نصيبا ولا حقا

The Caliphate and the Imamate is only for the twelve Imamsasws

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Then Aliasws addressed the people. Heasws said: ‘Inform measws of myasws status among you, and what you recognise measws by, am Iasws truthful among you or a liar?’

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They said, ‘But, youasws sincere truthful one. No, by Allahazwj, we do not know youasws of having lied during the (days of) ignorance nor the (days of) Islam’.

Heasws said: ‘By Allahazwj, Who has Honoured usasws, the Peopleasws of the Household by the Prophet-hood, so Heazwj Made Muhammadsaww to be from usasws, and Honoured usasws from after himsaww by Making usasws as Imamsasws of the believers, none can preach from himsaww apart from usasws, nor is the Imamate and the Caliphate correct except within usasws, and Allahazwj never Made a share in it with usasws for anyone from the people, nor any right for them’.

أما رسول االله، فخاتم النبيين ليس بعده رسول ولا نبي، ختم الأنبياء برسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله إلى يوم القيامة، وختم بالقرآن الكتب إلى يوم القيامة، وجعلنا من بعد محمد خلفاء في أرضه وشهداء على خلقه وفرض طاعتنا في آتابه وقرننا

واالله جعل محمدا نبيا وجعلنا خلفاء من بعده في خلقه وشهداء على خلقه . ة من القرآنبنفسه ونبيه في الطاعة في غير آي. وفرض طاعتنا في آتابه المنزل، ثم أمر االله جل وعز نبيه أن يبلغ ذلك أمته، فبلغهم آما أمره االله عز وجل

But, the Messenger of Allahsaww was the last of the Prophetsas, there is neither a Rasoolsaww nor a Nabias after himsaww. The Prophet-hood came to an end with the Messenger of Allahsaww up to the Day of Judgement, and the Books came to an end with the Quran up to the Day of Judgement, and weasws were Made to be after Muhammadsaww as Caliphs in Hisazwj earth and as witnesses over Hisazwj creatures, and obedience to usasws has been Made Obligatory in Hisazwj Book and Joined usasws along with Himselfazwj and Hisazwj Prophetsaww regarding the obedience as per the Verse from the Quran. And Allahazwj Made Muhammadsaww to be a Prophet and Made usasws to be Caliphs after himsaww among Hisazwj creatures, and Made obedience to usasws to be obligatory in Hisazwj Book that Came down, then Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic Ordered Hisazwj Prophetsaww to preach that to hissaww community. So hesaww preached to them just as Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic had Ordered himsaww to do so.

من هو الأحق بمجلس رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله؟

فأيهما أحق بمجلس رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله وبمكانه، وقد سمعتم رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله حين بعثني ببراءة عليه وآله؟ ؟ فأنشدآم االله، أسمعتم ذلك من رسول االله صلى االله)إنه لا يصلح أن يبلغ عني إلا أنا أو رجل مني: (فقال. اللهم نعم، نشهد أنا سمعنا ذلك من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله حين بعثك ببراءة: قالوا

Who is more deserving for the seat of the Messenger of Allahsaww?

Which of the two is more deserving for the seat of the Messenger of Allahsaww and of hissaww place, and have you heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww when hesaww sent measws with (Surah) Al-Bara’a, so hesaww said: ‘It is not correct for it to be preached except for myselfsaww or a manasws from mesaww? So, Iasws hold you to Allahazwj, did you hear that from the Messenger of Allahsaww? They said, ‘Our Allahazwj, yes, we testify that we heard that from the Messenger of Allahsaww when hesaww sent youasws with (Surah) Al-Bara’a’.

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فلم يصلح لصاحبكم أن يبلغ عنه صحيفة قدر أربع أصابع ولم يصلح أن يكون المبلغ لها غيري فأيهما أحق بمجلسه : قالومكانه؟ الذي سماه خاصة أنه من رسول االله أو من خص من بين هذه الأمة أنه ليس من رسول االله؟ ألم يقل النبي صلى

قد سمعنا ذلك من رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله، ففسر لنا آيف لا يصلح : حةليبلغ الشاهد الغائب؟ فقال طل: االله عليه وآله. لأحد

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

Heasws said: ‘So if it was not correct for your companion (Abu Bakr) that he should preach a Parchment the size of four fingers, and it is not correct that it should be preached by anyone apart from measws. So, which of the two is more deserving with hissaww seat and hissaww place? The one who was specially named that heasws is from the Messenger of Allahsaww or the one who may be considered special within the community but he is not from the Messenger of Allahazwj? Did not the Prophetsaww say: ‘Those who have witnessed it should make it reach to those who are absent?’ Talha said, ‘We have heard that from the Messenger of Allahsaww, so explain for us, how is it nor correct for anyone else?’

، وقال بعرفة حين حج )ليبلغ الشاهد منكم الغائب: (أن يبلغ عن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله وقد قال لنا ولسائر الناسرحم االله امرء سمع مقالتي فوعاها ثم أبلغها عني، فرب حامل فقه ولا فقه له ورب حامل فقه إلى من هو : (حجة الوداع

إخلاص العمل الله، والسمع والطاعة والمناصحة لولاة الأمر، ولزوم : ن قلب امرء مسلمأفقه منه، ثلاثة لا يغل عليه؟ )ليبلغ الشاهد الغائب: (، وقام في غير موطن فقال)جماعتهم فإن دعوتهم محيطة من ورائهم

That he should preach from the Messenger of Allahsaww and hesaww has said to us and to the rest of the people: ‘Those who have witnessed it among you should make it reach to the absentees’, and said at Arafaat during the farewell Pilgrimage: ‘May Allahazwj have Mercy on the person who heard mysaww speech, memorised it and preaches it from mesaww.

It may be so that the bearer who memorised it has little understanding in it and similarly, a memorizer with better understanding would pass it on to the one who is of higher level than him (in understanding of this Divine Message). Three have no deceit in them – The heart of a Muslim, sincerity in a deed for the sake of Allahazwj, and listening and obedience to the advice of Wali Al-Amrasws, and it is, therefore, necessary that theirasws call encompasses all people who are either there or away (from themasws), and Prophetsaww stood up with regard to this and said: ‘The ones who witness it should make it reach to those who are absent?’

إن الذي قال رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله يوم غدير خم ويوم عرفة في حجة : فقال علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلامإني قد ترآت فيكم أمرين لن تضلوا ما إن تمسكتم بهما، آتاب : (فانظر في آخر خطبة خطبها حين قال. الوداع ويوم قبض وأشار -أنهما لن يفترقا حتى يردا علي الحوض آهاتين الأصبعين فإن اللطيف الخبير قد عهد إلي . االله وأهل بيتي

فإن إحديهما قدام الأخرى فتمسكوا بهما لا تضلوا ولا تزلوا، ولا تقدموهم ولا تخلفوا عنهم ولا -بمسبحته والوسطى ).تعلموهم فإنهم أعلم منكم

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So, Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws said that: ‘The Messenger of Allahsaww said on the Day of Ghadeer Khumm, and on the Day of Arafaat during the Farewell Pilgrimage, and on the Day that hesaww passed away, therefore look at the last sermon of hissaww sermons where hesaww said: ‘Isaww have left among you two matter, you will not go astray if you were to attach yourselves to both of them – Book of Allahazwj and the Peopleasws of mysaww Household, for the Kind and the Aware has Promised mesaww that these two will never separate until they return to mesaww at the Fountain like these two fingers’ – and hesaww indicated by hissaww index and middle finger – ‘for one of them proceeds the other. Attach yourselves to both of them and neither will you go astray not will you lead (anyone) astray, and do not go ahead of themasws, nor oppose themasws, and do not teach them for theyasws are more knowledgeable than you all’.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

وإنما أمر العامة أن يبلغوا من لقوا من العامة بإيجاب طاعة الأئمة من آل محمد عليهم السلام وإيجاب حقهم، ولم يقل ذلك امة بحجة من لا يبلغ عن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله وإنما أمر العامة أن يبلغوا الع. في شيئ من الأشياء غير ذلك. جميع ما بعثه االله به غيرهم

But, rather hesaww ordered the general public that they should make this reach to anyone they meet from the general public of the obligation to obey the Imamsasws from the Progenyasws of Muhammadsaww, and the obligation of theirasws rights, and hesaww never said this about a matter from the matters, other than that. But, rather hesaww ordered the general public that they should make it reach to others, by the argument that the one who did not make it reach to others from the Messenger of Allahsaww, had not made reach all of what Allahazwj Sent himsaww with.

يا أخي، إنه لا يقضي عني ديني ولا : - وأنتم تسمعون -ألا ترى يا طلحة، إن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله قال لي فلما ولى أبو بكر هل قضى عن رسول االله صلى ). أنت تبرئ ذمتي وتؤدي أمانتي وتقاتل على سنتي. يبرئ ذمتي غيرك

ولم يكن . وأخبرهم أنه لا يقضي عنه دينه وعداته غيري. االله عليه وآله دينه وعداته؟ فأثبتهم جميعا فقضيت دينه وعداته.عداته هو الذي أبرء ذمته وقضى أمانتهما أعطاهم أبو بكر بقضاء لدينه وعداته، وإنما آان قضاي دينه و

Don’t you see, O Talha, that the Messenger of Allahsaww said to measws, and you were listening: ‘O mysaww brotherasws, none shall fulfil mysaww debts, nor take care of mysaww responsibilities apart from youasws. Youasws will absolve mysaww responsibilities, and return the trusts held by mesaww, and youasws will fight on mysaww Sunnah’. When Abu Bakr became the ruler, did he pay back the debts of the Messenger of Allahsaww and return the trusts? But Iasws dispensed (Prophetsaww’s) will all of that. Iasws fulfilled hissaww debts and hissaww trusts. And hesaww had informed them that no one apart from measws will be fulfilling hissaww debts and hissaww trusts. And whatever Abu Bakr did not give to them (anything on behalf of Prophetsaww), he never paid back hissaww debts and nor returned hissaww trusts, but the one who paid back hissaww debts and returned hissaww trusts is the one who absolved himsaww from the responsibilities, and returned the entrusted properties.

يهم السلام هم مبلغوا أوامر االله إلى الناس وإنما يبلغ عن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله جميع ما جاء عن االله الأئمة عل. عز وجل الأئمة الذين فرض االله طاعتهم في آتابه وأمر بولايتهم، الذين من أطاعهم أطاع االله ومن عصاهم عصى االله

The (Infallible) Imamsasws are the (Divine) preachers, the onesasws about whom Allahazwj Ordered to the people, and they preached from the Messenger of Allahsaww all what hesaww came with from Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic. The Imamsasws are the onesasws the obedience to whom has been Made obligatory by Allahazwj in Hisazwj Book, and Ordered for theirasws Wilayah so that the one who obeys themasws has obeyed Allahazwj, and the one who has disobeyed themasws has disobeyed Allahazwj’.

فجزاك االله يا أبا . ه بذلك حتى فسرته ليفرجت عني، ما آنت أدري ما عنى رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآل: فقال طلحة. الحسن خيرا عن جميع الأمة

Talha said, ‘Youasws have expounded for me what I used to understand what the Messenger of Allahsaww meant by that, to the extent that youasws have made it easier for me. So, may Allahazwj Reward you, O Abu Al-Hassanasws, better than all of community’.

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آلمة عن جمع القرآن جمع أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام * 4*

يا أيها الناس، إني لم أزل مشغولا : (رأيتك خرجت بثوب مختوم عليه فقلت: للقرآن يا أبا الحسن، شيئ أريد أن أسألك عنهثم شغلت بكتاب االله حتى جمعته، فهذا آتاب االله مجموعا لم يسقط . وآله، بغسله وتكفينه ودفنهبرسول االله صلى االله عليه

. ، فلم أر ذلك الكتاب الذي آتبت وألفت)منه حرف

4 – Speeches about the collection of the Quran collected by Amir-ul-Momineenasws

(Talha then said) O Abu Al-Hassanasws, I would like to ask youasws something about the Quran. I saw youasws coming out with a sealed cloth to them (Abu Bakr and his companions in the Masjid-e-Nabavi). Youasws said: ‘O you people! Iasws had been busy in looking after (at the Shahadat of) the Messenger of Allahsaww with matters such as washing himsaww, and shrouding himsaww, and burying himsaww. Then Iasws occupied myselfasws with the Book of Allahazwj until Iasws collected (all of) it, so this is the Book of Allahazwj collected without a letter missing from it’. I (Talha) have never seen that Book which youasws wrote and composed (where it is?)’.

جمع عمر وعثمان للقرآن

فدعا عمر الناس، فإذا شهد اثنان على آية . أن ابعث به إلي، فأبيت أن تفعل- حين استخلف -ولقد رأيت عمر بعث إليك إنه قد قتل يوم اليمامة : (- وأنا أسمع -يها غير رجل واحد رماها ولم يكتبه وقد قال عمر قرآن آتبها وما لم يشهد عل

فأآلتها وذهب ما - وآتاب عمر يكتبون -، وقد جاءت شاة إلى صحيفة )رجال آانوا يقرؤون قرآنا لا يقرأه غيرهم فذهبفيها، والكاتب يومئذ عثمان فما تقولون؟

The Quran collected by Umar and Usman

And I (Talha) have seen Umar, when he became the Caliph, sent someone to youasws that youasws should send it (the Quran) to him. Youasws refused to do it. Umar called the people, so when two people bore witness to a Verse of the Quran, he would write it down, and what no more than one person bore witness to, he threw it out and he did not get it written, and Umar said – and I was listening: ‘On the Day of Yamama (a battle), men who would recite of the Quran (who had memorised it) were killed, and what they did not recite has been lost’. And a goat came to the Parchment and ate it – which Umar had made them (people) to write down, and what was in it had been lost, and the Book today written by Usman, what do youasws say about it?

إن الأحزاب آانت تعدل سورة البقرة، والنور ستون : (حابه الذين ألفوا ما آتبوا على عهد عثمانوسمعت عمر يقول وأص أن تخرج إليهم ما قد ألفت للناس؟ وقد شهدت - يرحمك االله -فما هذا؟ وما يمنعك ) ومائة آية، والحجرات تسعون آية

احدة ومزق مصحف أبي بن آعب وابن مسعود عثمان حين أخذ ما ألف عمر فجمع له الكتاب وحمل الناس على قراءة وفما هذا؟ . وأحرقهما بالنار

And I (Talha) heard Umar say, as well as his companions who composed it in the era of Usman that, ‘Al-Ahzaab (Chapter 33) was equal to Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2)3, and Al-Noor (Chapter 24) had one hundred and sixty Verses, and Al-Hujuraat


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3 The Holy Quran which we have in our hands today contains 73 Verses in ‘Al-Ahzaab (Chapter 33) as compared with Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2) which has 286 Verses

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(Chapter 49) had ninety Verses, so what is this? And what prevented youasws – may Allahazwj have Mercy on youasws – to bring out to the people what youasws had composed? And I witnessed Usman when he took what Umar had composed, so he composed the Book and made the people agree over one recitation and ripped the Parchments of Ubay Bin Ka’ab and Ibn Mas’ood and burnt both of these in the fire. So what is this?’

ير المؤمنين عليه السلام إملاء رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله للقرآن على أم

يا طلحة، إن آل آية أنزلها االله في آتابه على محمد صلى االله عليه وآله عندي بإملاء : فقال أمير المؤمنين عليه السلامرسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله وخطي بيدي، وتأويل آل آية أنزلها االله على محمد صلى االله عليه وآله وآل حلال أو حرام

. حكم أو أي شيئ تحتاج إليه الأمة إلى يوم القيامة عندي مكتوب بإملاء رسول االله وخط يدي حتى أرش الخدشأو حد أو

The Messenger of Allahsaww dictated the Quran of Amir-ul-Momineenasws

Amir-ul-Momineenasws said: ‘O Talha, All the Verses which Allahazwj Sent down in Hisazwj Book upon Muhammadsaww is in myasws possession, by the dictation of the Messenger of Allahsaww and in myasws writing by myasws hand, and the explanation of all that Allahazwj Sent down upon Muhammadsaww, and all the Permissible or Prohibitions, or Limits, or Orders, or anything which the community will need up to the Day of Judgement is in myasws possession in a written form by the dictation of the Messenger of Allahsaww, and in myasws writing, to the extent of the compensation for a scratch’.

نعم، : ل شيئ من صغير أو آبير أو خاص أو عام، آان أو يكون إلى يوم القيامة فهو مكتوب عندك؟ قالآ: قال طلحةولو . وسوى ذلك أن رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله أسر إلي في مرضه مفتاح ألف باب من العلم يفتح آل باب ألف باب

. ومن تحت أرجلهم رغدا إلى يوم القيامةأن الأمة منذ قبض االله نبيه اتبعوني وأطاعوني لأآلوا من فوقهم

Talha said, ‘All things, small or great, or specific or general, has occurred and will be (happening) up to the Day of Judgement, so it is written, and is in yourasws possession?’ Heasws said: ‘Yes, and that the Messenger of Allahsaww divulged a secret to measws during hissaww illness, which opened a thousand doors of the knowledge, each of the doors opened to a thousand (further) doors. And had the community, since Allahazwj Captured Hisazwj Prophetsaww, had followed measws, and had obeyed measws, they would have eaten (sustenance) from above them and from under their feet, plentifully, up to the Day of Judgement’.4

ما آتب في الكتف بإملاء رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله

ين دعا بالكتف ليكتب فيها ما لا تضل الأمة ولا تختلف، فقال يا طلحة، ألست قد شهدت رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله حفإنكم : قال. بلى، قد شهدت ذاك: فغضب رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله ثم ترآها؟ قال) إن نبي االله يهجر: (صاحبك ما قال

فأخبره . ها العامةلما خرجتم أخبرني بذلك رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله وبالذي أراد أن يكتب فيها وأن يشهد علي، ثم دعا بصحيفة فأملى علي ما أراد أن يكتب في الكتف )أن االله عز وجل قد علم من الأمة الاختلاف والفرقة: (جبرائيل

سلمان وأبا ذر والمقداد، وسمى من يكون من أئمة الهدى الذين أمر االله بطاعتهم إلى يوم : وأشهد على ذلك ثلاثة رهط. القيامة


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4 As was the case with ‘Man o Salava’ where the nation of Prophet Musaas could easily pick food by hands without having to exert any effort. 

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

What was written on the shoulder (bone) by the dictation of the Messenger of Allahsaww

O Talha, are you not a witness to the Messenger of Allahsaww when hesaww called for a piece of ‘paper’ (cloth/parchment) so that hesaww would write on it what will ensure that the community will neither go astray not will it have differences, so your companion (Umar) said what he said, ‘That the Prophetsaww of Allahazwj is deranged’. So the Messenger of Allahsaww became angry, then left it?’ He said, ‘Yes, I have witnessed that’. When you all left, the Messenger of Allahsaww informed measws of that which hesaww had intended to write on that, and make the community a witness to it. Jibraeelas informed himsaww that, ‘Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic has Knowledge of the differences of the community and the sects’. Then hesaww called for a Parchment, and dictated to measws what hesaww wanted to write on the ‘paper’ (earlier) and got a group of three to bear witness to that – Slamanar, and Abu Dharrar, and Al-Miqdadar, and named the onesasws who are to be the Imamsasws of guidance, the obedience to whomasws Allahazwj has Ordered, up to the Day of Judgement’.

آذلك آان يا . - يعني الحسين - ثم الحسين ثم تسعة من ولد ابني هذا - وأدنى بيده إلى الحسن -فسماني أولهم ثم ابني هذا واالله لقد سمعت من : فقال طلحة. نشهد بذلك على رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله: اموا وقالواأبا ذر وأنت يا مقداد؟ فق

ما أظلت الخضراء ولا أقلت الغبراء على ذي لهجة أصدق من أبي ذر ولا : (رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله يقول لأبي ذر. وآثر عندي منهما، وأنا أشهد أنهما لم يشهدا إلا على حق، ولأنت أصدق)أبر عند االله

So hesaww named measws first, then this sonasws of mineasws – and lowered hisasws hand on Al-Hassanasws – ‘then Al-Husaynasws, then nine from the sonsasws of this sonasws of mineasws’ – meaning Al-Husaynasws. It was like that, O Abu Dharrar, and you, O Miqdad?’ They stood up and said, ‘We bear witness to that on the Messenger of Allahsaww’. Talha said, ‘By Allahazwj, I have heard from the Messenger of Allahsaww saying to Abu Dharrar: ‘None has been shaded by the green (sky) nor carried by the dusty (ground) who has a truer tone than Abu Dharrar, nor a kinder person with Allahazwj’, and I bear witness that hear has not testified except on the truth, and youasws are more truthful and more preferable with me than these twoar’.

إتق االله يا طلحة وأنت يا زبير وأنت يا سعد وأنت يا بن عوف، اتقوا االله وآثروا : لسلام على طلحة فقالثم أقبل عليه ا. رضاه واختاروا ما عنده ولا تخافوا في االله لومة لائم

Then heasws turned to Talha. Heasws said: ‘Fear Allahazwj, O Talha, and you O Zubeyr, and you O Sa’ad, and you O Ibn Awf, fear Allahazwj and opt for Hisazwj Pleasure and what Heazwj has Chosen from Himselfazwj and do not fear the accusation of the accuser’.

سند القرآن الموجود في زماننا

يا طلحة، : تظهره للناس؟ قال عليه السلام أجبتني عما سألتك عنه من أمر القرآن ألا - يا أبا الحسن -ما أراك : قال طلحةبل هو : فأخبرني عما آتب عمر وعثمان، أقرآن آله أم فيه ما ليس بقرآن؟ قال عليه السلام: قال. عمدا آففت عن جوابك

. قرآن آله، إن أخذتم بما فيه نجوتم من النار ودخلتم الجنة، فإن فيه حجتنا وبيان أمرنا وحقنا وفرض طاعتنا

Support for the present Quran during our era

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Talha said, ‘What is yourasws opinion – O Abu Al-Hassanasws – answer measws to what I have asked you about the matter of the Quran, will youasws be displaying it to the

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people?’ Heasws said: ‘O Talha, Iasws intentionally held back from answering you’. He said, ‘So inform me of what was written by Umar and Usman, is it all the Quran, or there is in it which is not the Quran?’ Heasws said, ‘But rather, all of it is the Quran. If you were to take to it with what is in it, you will be rescued from the Fire and will enter the Paradise, for in it are ourasws Proofs, and the explanation of ourasws matters and ourasws rights, and the obligation of obedience to usasws’.

ي عما في يديك من القرآن وتأويله وعلم الحلال فأخبرن: ثم قال طلحة. حسبي، أما إذا آان قرآنا فحسبي: فقال طلحةإلى الذي أمرني رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله أن أدفعه : والحرام، إلى من تدفعه ومن صاحبه بعدك؟ قال عليه السلام

ني هذا وصيي وأولى الناس بالناس بعدي، ابني هذا الحسن، ثم يدفعه ابني الحسن عند موته إلى اب: من هو؟ قال: قال. إليهوهم . الحسين، ثم يصير إلى واحد بعد واحد من ولد الحسين، حتى يرد آخرهم على رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله حوضه

.مع القرآن والقرآن معهم، لا يفارقونه ولا يفارقهم

Talha said, ‘It is sufficient if it is the Quran, so it is sufficient for me’. Then Talha said, ‘So, inform me about the Quran which is in yourasws hands, and its explanation, and the knowledge of the Permissible and the prohibited, to whom will youasws be handing it over to, and who is yourasws companion after youasws?’

Aliasws said: ‘To the oneasws the Messenger of Allahsaww has ordered measws to hand it over to himasws’. He said, ‘Who is heasws?’ Heasws said: ‘Myasws successor and the first of the people to the people after measws, this sonasws of mineasws Al-Hassanasws, then myasws sonasws Al-Hassanasws will hand it over, during his passing away, to this sonasws of mineasws Al-Husaynasws, then it will be passed to one after the other from the sonsasws of Al-Husaynasws, until the last of themasws will return it to the Messenger of Allahsaww at hissaww Fountain. And theyasws are with the Quran and the Quran is with themasws, it will not separate from themasws nor will theyasws separate from it’.

اثنا عشر إمام ضلالة من قبائل قريش

أبي العاص، واحدا بعد واحد تكملة اثني عشر أما إن معاوية وابنه سيليان بعد عثمان، ثم يليهما سبعة من ولد الحكم بن إمام ضلالة، وهم الذين رآهم رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله على منبره يردون أمته على أدبارهم القهقرى، عشرة منهم

االله يرحمك االله يا أبا الحسن وغفر لك وجزاك: فقالوا. من بني أمية ورجلان أسسا ذلك لهم، وعليهما مثل أوزار هذه الأمة . أفضل الجزاء عنا بنصحك وحسن قولك

Twelve Imams of misguidance from the tribe of Qureiysh

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As for that, Muawiya and his son will manage after Usman, and these two will be followed by seven from the sons of Al-Hakam Bin Abu Al-A’as, one after the other thereby completing the twelve Imams of misguidance, and they are the ones whom the Messenger of Allahsaww had a ‘Vision’ (that they had ascended disrespectfully) upon hissaww Pulpit, reverting the community to their past ways (of disbelief) backwards. Ten from among them from the Clan of Umayya, and the two men who laid that foundation for them, and to both of them will be the sins the like of this entire community. They said, ‘May Allahazwj have Mercy on you, O Abu Al-Hassanasws, and Forgive you, and may Allahazwj Reward you with the best of the Rewards, than ours, for yourasws advice, and the good words of yoursasws’.

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في السنة الأخيرة من عمره المبارك) ع(خطبة أمير المؤمنين


يا أمير : آنا جلوسا حول أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام وعنده جماعة من أصحابه، فقال له قائل: بان عن سليم قالأألا إني قد استنفرتكم فلم تنفروا ونصحتكم فلم تقبلوا، ودعوتكم فلم : فقام وخطب فقال. المؤمنين، لو استنفرت الناس

. تسمعوا

Abaan reports that Sulaym said, ‘I was seated around Amir-ul-Momineenasws and in hisasws presence was a group of hisasws companions. Someone said to himasws, ‘O Amir-ul-Momineenasws, if only youasws had mobilised the people (for Jihad)’. So heasws stood up and gave a sermon.

Heasws said: ‘Nay, Iasws had mobilised you but you never got mobilised, and Iasws advised you but you never accepted it, and Iasws called you but you never listened.

فأنتم شهود آغياب وأحياء آأموات وصم ذوو أسماع، أتلو عليكم الحكمة وأعظكم بالموعظة الشافية الكافية وأحثكم علىالجهاد لأهل الجور، فما آتي على آخر آلامي حتى أراآم متفرقين حلقا شتى، تتناشدون الأشعار وتضربون الأمثال وتسألون عن سعر التمر واللبن تبت أيديكم، لقد سئمتم الحرب والاستعداد لها، وأصبحت قلوبكم فارغة من ذآرها،

. شغلتموها بالأباطيل والأضاليل والأعاليل

So, you are present as if you are absent, and living as if you are dead, and deaf despite having ears. Iasws preach to you the wisdom and preach to you with a preaching which is a sufficient healing, and Iasws urge you towards the Holy War against the people of oppression. Iasws do not reach to the end of myasws speech and Iasws see you are dispersing in groups. You are reciting the poetry and striking the examples, and asking about the price of the dates and the milk. May your hands be broken. You have got bored of the war and the preparation for it, and your hearts are empty and you have stopped mentioning it. You have busied yourselves with the invalidities and the vanities and the excuses.

يم االله ما أظن أن تفعلوا حتى يفعلوا وأ. ويحكم، أغزوهم قبل أن يغزوآم، فواالله ما غزي قوم قط في عقر دارهم إلا ذلوافما أنتم إلا آإبل جمة . ثم وددت أني قد رأيتهم فلقيت االله على بصيرتي ويقيني واسترحت من مقاساتكم ومن ممارستكم

آأني بكم واالله فيما أرى، لو قد حمس الوغى واستحر الموت قد . ضل راعيها، فكلما ضمت من جانب انتشرت من جانب. علي بن أبي طالب انفراج الرأس وانفراج المرأة عن ولدها لا تمنع يد لامسانفرجتم عن

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Woe be unto you, fight against them before they fight against you, for by Allahazwj, no community was fought in its own houses except that they were humiliated. By Allahazwj, Iasws don’t think that you will do it until they do it, then Iasws wish, Iasws had seen them. So Iasws will meet Allahazwj on myasws insight and myasws conviction and be at rest from your sufferings and your practices. You are nothing but like camels whose shepherd has strayed, so if all of you are gathered on one side, you spread out from the other side. By Allahazwj, from what Iasws can see, if war is encouraged and the death is intensified, you have broken away from Aliasws Bin Abu Talibasws like the breaking away of the head which parts the body, like the woman giving birth

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desires the child (inside) leaves her sooner and does not prevent the hand which touches it.

لما ذا لم يفعل أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام ما فعل عثمان من السكوت؟

يا عرف النار، أو آما فعل ابن عفان : ت آما فعل ابن عفان؟ فقال علي عليه السلامفهلا فعل: قال الأشعث بن قيس الكنديرأيتموني فعلت؟ أنا عائذ باالله من شر ما تقول، يا بن قيس، واالله إن الذي فعل ابن عفان لمخزاة لمن لا دين له ولا الحق

واالله إن امرء مكن عدوه من نفسه حتى في يده، فكيف أفعل ذلك وأنا على بينة من ربي وحجته في يدي والحق معي؟ يجز لحمه ويفري جلده ويهشم عظمه ويسفك دمه وهو يقدر على أن يمنعه لعظيم وزره وضعيف ما ضمت عليه جوانح

أن أعطي بيدي ضرب بالمشرفي تطير له فراش الهام وتطيح منه - واالله -فكن أنت ذلك يا بن قيس فأما أنا فدون . صدره.عل االله بعد ما يشاءالكف والمعصم ويف

Why did Amir-ul-Momineenasws not do what Usman did - keeping silent

Al-Ash’as Bin Qays Al-Kindi said, ‘Why did youasws not do what Ibn Affan did?’ Aliasws said: ‘O one who is known to the Fire, do you see me doing what Ibn Affan did? Iasws seek Refuge in Allahazwj from the evil of what you are saying, O Ibn Qays. By Allahazwj, that which Ibn Affan did, does not even befit the one who has no religion to him, nor truth in his hands.

So, how can Iasws do that and Iasws am on the clear evidence from myasws Lordazwj, and Proofs in myasws hand, and the truth is with measws? By Allahazwj, the man who strengthens his enemy over himself until he cuts his flesh, and rips his skin, and breaks his bones, and spills his blood whilst he had the ability to prevent it, has a great sin upon him, and weak are the wings of his chest. So you are like that, O Ibn Qays. As for myselfasws, by Allahazwj, if Iasws come with myasws hands and strike them by myasws honourable (sword), the important seats will be overthrown and from it hands and wrists will be cut off, and Allahazwj will Do what Heazwj so Desires to.

ويلك يا بن قيس، المؤمن يموت بكل موتة غير أنه لا يقتل نفسه، فمن قدر على حقن دمه ثم خلا بينه وبين قاتله فهو قاتل .نفسه

Woe be unto you, O Ibn Qays, a believer dies of every (kind of) death apart from that he does not kill himself (suicide). Therefore, the one who has the ability of saving his own blood, then leaves opportunity between himself and his killer, so he has killed himself.

. الأمة تفترق على ثلاث وسبعين فرقة، فرقة واحدة منها في الجنة واثنتان وسبعون في النارويلك يا بن قيس، إن هذه قد أمر االله عز وجل بقتال هؤلاء الباغين . ، وآذبوا)لا قتال: (وشرها وأبغضها إلى االله وأبعدها منه السامرة الذين يقولون

. في آتابه وسنة نبيه وآذلك المارقة

Woe be unto you, O ibn Qays. This community will divide into seventy-three (73)sects. One sect from it will be in the Paradise, and seventy-two (72) will be in the Fire. And the worst ones of it, and the most abhorrent ones of it to Allahazwj, and the most distant ones from it are the ones who are saying, ‘Do not fight them’, and they are liars. Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic has Ordered for the killing of these rebels, in Hisazwj Book, and the Sunnah of Hisazwj Prophetsaww, and similar is the case for the renegades.

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قم أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام بالسيف في قضايا السقيفة لما ذا لم ي

فما يمنعك يا بن أبي طالب حين بويع أخو تيم بن مرة وأخو بني عدي بن : - وغضب من قوله -فقال الأشعث بن قيس قلت إلا وقد - منذ آنت قدمت العراق -آعب وأخو بني أمية بعدهما، أن تقاتل وتضرب بسيفك؟ وأنت لم تخطبنا خطبة

). واالله إني لأولى الناس بالناس وما زلت مظلوما منذ قبض االله محمدا صلى االله عليه وآله: (فيها قبل أن تنزل عن منبركفما منعك أن تضرب بسيفك دون مظلمتك؟

Why Amir-ul-Momineenasws did not make a stand with the sword during the issues of Al-Saqifa

Ash’as Bin Qays said that he was angered from hisasws words - : ‘So, what prevented youasws, O Ibn Abu Talibasws, when allegiances were given to the brother of Taym Bin Marat (Abu Bakr), and the brother of the Clan of Udayy Bin Ka’ab (Umar), and the brother of the Clan of Umayya (Usman) after these two, to fight and strike by the sword? And youasws have never preached us with a sermon – since youasws came to Al-Iraq – except that youasws have said in it, before youasws came down from yourasws Pulpit: ‘By Allahazwj, Iasws am the highest of the people than the people themselves, and Iasws have not ceased to be an oppressed one since Allahazwj Captured Muhammadsaww’. So what prevented youasws to strike by yourasws sword to do away with being oppressed?’

لم يمنعني من ذلك الجبن ولا آراهية للقاء ربي، وأن لا أآون : يا بن قيس، قلت فاسمع الجواب: لامفقال له علي عليه الس. أعلم أن ما عند االله خير لي من الدنيا والبقاء فيها، ولكن منعني من ذلك أمر رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله وعهده إلي

بأعلم مني ولا أشد - حين عاينته -بي بعده، فلم أك بما صنعوا أخبرني رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله بما الأمة صانعة يا رسول االله، : فقلت. يقينا مني به قبل ذلك، بل أنا بقول رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله أشد يقينا مني بما عاينت وشهدت

ا فاآفف يدك واحقن دمك حتى إن وجدت أعوانا فانبذ إليهم وجاهدهم، وإن لم تجد أعوان: فما تعهد إلي إذا آان ذلك؟ قال. تجد على إقامة الدين وآتاب االله وسنتي أعوانا

Aliasws said to him: ‘O Ibn Qays, you have said, so now listen to the answer. Neither was it the cowardice that prevented measws nor was it abhorrence of meeting myasws Lordazwj, and it was not the knowledge that what is with Allahazwj is better for measws than the words and what remains within it, but what prevented measws from that was the order of the Messenger of Allahsaww and hissaww oath to measws.

The Messenger of Allahsaww informed measws of what the community will be plotting against measws after himsaww. There was none more knowledgeable than myselfasws of what they were going to do – when Iasws saw it with myasws own eyes – and more intensely convinced than myselfasws about it even before that, but Iasws had more conviction on the words of the Messenger of Allahsaww than what Iasws saw with myasws own eyes and witnessed. Iasws said: ‘O Messenger of Allahsaww, so what is yoursaww oath to measws, if that were to happen?’ Hesaww said: ‘If youasws find helpers, then reject them and struggle against them, and if youasws do not find helpers, hold back yourasws hand and save yourasws blood, and until such time as youasws find helpers for the Establishment of the Religion, and the Book of Allahazwj, and mysaww Sunnah’.

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وأخبرني صلى االله عليه وآله أني منه بمنزلة . وأخبرني صلى االله عليه وآله أن الأمة ستخذلني وتبايع غيري وتتبع غيرييا : (هارون من موسى، وأن الأمة سيصيرون من بعده بمنزلة هارون ومن تبعه والعجل ومن تبعه، إذ قال له موسى

يا : (، وقال)نعك إذ رأيتهم ضلوا ألا تتبعن أفعصيت أمري قال يا بن أم إن القوم استضعفوني وآادوا يقتلوننيهارون، ما م).بن أم لا تأخذ بلحيتي ولا برأسي، إني خشيت أن تقول فرقت بين بني إسرائيل ولم ترقب قولي

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And hesaww informed measws that the community will be abandoning measws and will pay allegiance to someone else and follow him. And hesaww informed measws that Iasws am to himsaww at the status which Harounas had with Musaas, and that the community will end up becoming, after himsaww, in a similar position that Harounas faced and the ones that followed himas, and the calf and the ones that followed it, when Musaas said to himas: ‘O Harounas, what prevented youas, when youas saw them going astray and disobeying myas orders?’ Heas said “[7:150] Son of my mother! Lo! the folk did judge me as weak and almost killed me.”, and said: ‘Do not hold meas by myas beard and myas head, Iasws was afraid to tell the dispersed ones of the Children of Israel, and they did not wait for myas words’.

إن ضلوا فوجد أعوانا أن يجاهدهم، وإن لم يجد أعوانا أن -ليهم حين استخلفه ع-إن موسى أمر هارون : وإنما يعنيلم فرقت بين : (وإني خشيت أن يقول لي ذلك أخي رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله. يكف يده ويحقن دمه ولا يفرق بينهم

؟ )كالأمة ولم ترقب قولي وقد عهدت إليك إن لم تجد أعوانا أن تكف يدك وتحقن دمك ودم أهل بيتك وشيعت

And it means that Musaas ordered Harounas – when heas made himas to be the Caliph – that when they go astray, so if heas were to find helpers then heas should strive against them, and if heas does not find any helpers then heas should hold back hisas hand and save hisas blood and not cause friction between them. And Iasws am afraid that myasws brothersaww the Messenger of Allahsaww would say to measws that: ‘Why did youasws create friction between the community and did not heed mysaww words and what Isaww had covenanted to youasws that if youasws do not find helpers then youasws should hold back yourasws hand and save yourasws blood, and the blood of the Peopleasws of yourasws Household, and yourasws Shiites?’

ي بكر وعمر إقدام أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام لمحاربة أب

فلما قبض رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله مال الناس إلى أبي بكر فبايعوه وأنا مشغول برسول االله صلى االله عليه وآله . ثم شغلت بالقرآن، فآليت على نفسي أن لا أرتدي إلا للصلاة حتى أجمعه في آتاب، ففعلت. بغسله ودفنه

Steps taken by Amir-ul-Momineenasws to fight against Abu Bakr and Umar

When the Messenger of Allahsaww passed away, the people turned to Abu Bakr. So they paid allegiance to him, and Iasws was preoccupied with the washing and the burial of the Messenger of Allahsaww. Then Iasws occupied myselfasws with the Quran. Iasws took it upon myselfasws that Iasws shall not wear (a cloak) except for the Prayer until Iasws collect it in a Book. So Iasws did that.

لأنصار إلا ثم حملت فاطمة وأخذت بيد ابني الحسن والحسين، فلم أدع أحدا من أهل بدر وأهل السابقة من المهاجرين واسلمان وأبو ذر والمقداد : فلم يستجب لي من جميع الناس إلا أربعة رهط. ناشدتهم االله في حقي ودعوتهم إلى نصرتي

والزبير، ولم يكن معي أحد من أهل بيتي أصول به ولا أقوى به، أما حمزة فقتل يوم أحد، وأما جعفر فقتل يوم مؤتة، فأآرهوني وقهروني، فقلت . العباس وعقيل، وآانا قريبي العهد بكفر: ن عاجزينوبقيت بين جلفين جافيين ذليلين حقيري

فلي بهارون أسوة حسنة ولي بعهد رسول االله ). يا بن أم، إن القوم استضعفوني وآادوا يقتلونني: (آما قال هارون لأخيه. صلى االله عليه وآله حجة قوية

Then Iasws got Fatimaasws to ride (on a mule), and took myasws sonsasws Al-Hassanasws and Al-Husaynasws by the hand, and there was none from the people of Badr, and the former ones from the ‘المهاجرين والأنصار

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’ (Emigrants and the Helpers) except that Iasws got them to bear witness to Allahazwj for myasws rights and called upon them to help measws. None answered measws from the whole of the people except for a group of

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four – Salmanar, and Abu Dharrar, and Al-Miqdadasws, and Al-Zubayrasws, and there was no one with measws from the people of myasws Household that Iasws could attack by or derive strength from. As for Hamzaar, hear was killed on the Day of Badr, and as for Ja’farar, hear was killed on the Day of Mu’ta, and Iasws remained in between two weak ones, fearful ones, disgraced ones, lowly ones, helpless ones – Al-Abbas and Aqeel, apart from them all around me had committed to disbelief. So they (Abu Bakr and Umar and the people) forced measws and overpowered measws. So Iasws said as Harounas had said to hisas brotheras (Musaas) “[7:150] Son of my mother! Lo! the folk did judge me as weak and almost killed me.” So to measws, with Harounas was the best example (to give), and for measws with the oath to measws of the Messenger of Allahsaww was a strong argument (to present).

قال . ، استغاث بالناس ودعاهم إلى نصرته فلم يجد أعوانا فكف يده حتى قتل مظلوماآذلك صنع عثمان: فقال الأشعث) نقتلك البتة: ( لو قالوا لي- حين قهروني واستضعفوني وآادوا يقتلونني -ويلك يا بن قيس، إن القوم : عليه السلام

نا عنك وأآرمناك وقربناك وفضلناك إن بايعت آفف: (لامتنعت من قتلهم إياي ولو لم أجد غير نفسي وحدي، ولكن قالوا حين -فلو آان عثمان . فلما لم أجد أحدا بايعتهم، وبيعتي إياهم لا يحق لهم باطلا ولا يوجب لهم حقا). وإن لم تفعل قتلناك

حتى ، فكف يده عنهم)فإنا قاتلوك: (قالوا). لا أخلعها: ( خلعها لم يقتلوه، ولكنه قال-) اخلعها ونكف عنك: (قال له الناسولعمري لخلعه إياها آان خيرا له، لأنه أخذها بغير حق ولم يكن له فيها نصيب وادعى ما ليس له وتناول حق . قتلوه. غيره

Al-Ash’as said, ‘That is what Usman did. He sought help of the people and called them to his help. So when he could not find helpers, he held back his hand until he was killed as an oppressed person. Aliasws said; ‘Woe be unto you O Ibn Qays, the people – when they overpowered measws and considered measws to be weak, and almost killed measws – had they said to measws, ‘We will kill youasws regardless’, Iasws would have stopped them from killing measws even though Iasws would not have found anyone (for help) apart from myselfasws, but they said to me, ‘If youasws give allegiance, we will hold back our hands from youasws, and will honour youasws, and consider youasws as a near one, and will give youasws preference, and if youasws do not do it, we will kill youasws’. So when Iasws did not find anyone (for help) Iasws was forced for allegiance, and myasws allegiance to him (that way when he forcefully touched myasws hand) does not make his falsehood to be true nor does it obligate any of his rights (upon measws). When the people said to Usman, ‘Leave it (Caliphate) and we will hold back from you’, had he left it he would not have been killed, but he said, ‘I will not leave it’.

They said, ‘Therefore we will kill you’. So he held back his hand from them until they killed him. And by myasws life, had he left it, it would have been better for him, because he had grabbed it wrongfully, and there was no share in it for him, and he sought that which was not for him, and had swallowed up somebody else’s right.

عثمان أعان على قتل نفسه

إما أن يكون دعا الناس إلى نصرته فلم ينصروه، وإما أن يكون : ويلك يا بن قيس، إن عثمان لا يعدو أن يكون أحد رجلين أن ينصروه فنهاهم عن نصرته، فلم يكن يحل له أن ينهى المسلمين عن أن ينصروا إماما هاديا مهتديا لم القوم دعوه إلى

وبئس ما صنع حين نهاهم وبئس ما صنعوا حين أطاعوه وإما أن يكون جوره وسوء سريرته . يحدث حدثا ولم يؤو محدثا.ةقضى أنهم لم يروه أهلا لنصرته لجوره وحكمه بخلاف الكتاب والسن

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Usman helped in his own killing

Woe be unto you, O Ibn Qays, Usman’s position cannot be void of two situations; either he called upon the people for his help but they did not help him, or the people called upon him to offer their help but he prevented them from helping him. So it was not permissible for him to prevent the Muslims to help a guiding Imamasws, who is guided one, and who did neither innovate nor did he ever help an innovator. And it was evil what he did when he prevented them, and evil was what they did (to kill him) after having obeyed him, but it was his oppression and his bad personality that made them judge that he was not deserving of help due to his cruelty and rulings against the Book and the Sunnah.

فلم نهاهم . أآثر من أربعة آلاف رجل، ولو شاء أن يمتنع بهم لفعل-اليه وأصحابه من أهل بيته ومو-وقد آان مع عثمان عن نصرته؟ ولو آنت وجدت يوم بويع أخو تيم تتمة أربعين رجلا مطيعين لي لجاهدتهم، وأما يوم بويع عمر وعثمان

. فلا، لأني قد آنت بايعت ومثلي لا ينكث بيعته

And there were with Usman – from his family and friends and companions – more than four thousand men. And had he so desired, he could have refrained by them to do it (killing him). So why did he prevent them from helping him? And had I found, on the day that the allegiance was paid to the brother of Taym (Abu Bakr), forty men obedient to measws, Iasws would have fought them, and on the day of the allegiance to Umar and Usman. Nay, because Iasws was (forced to) pay allegiance, and a person like measws does not break his allegiance.

مير المؤمنين عليه السلام في الحروب مواقف أ

ويلك يا بن قيس، آيف رأيتني صنعت حين قتل عثمان إذ وجدت أعوانا؟ هل رأيت مني فشلا أو تأخرا أو جبنا أو الملعون من معه، الملعون من قتل حوله، الملعون من رجع بعده لا تائبا . تقصيرا في وقعتي يوم البصرة وهم حول جملهم

وسرت إليهم في اثني عشر ألفا وهم نيف على . فإنهم قتلوا أنصاري ونكثوا بيعتي ومثلوا بعاملي وبغوا عليولا مستغفرا، . عشرين ومائة ألف، فنصرني االله عليهم وقتلهم بأيدينا وشفى صدور قوم مؤمنين

Attitude of Amir-ul-Momineenasws in the battles

Woe be unto you, O Ibn Qays, how did you see measws react when they killed Usman, if Iasws had found helpers? Did you see from measws any failure, or hesitation, or cowardice, or negligence at what took place on the Day of Al-Basra and they were around their camel? He is the accursed, the one who was with them; the accursed, the one who was killed around it; the accursed, the one who returned after it and did not repent nor sought Forgiveness, for they killed myasws helpers, and broke their allegiance to measws, and mutilated myasws workers, and rebelled against measws. And Iasws went against them and Iasws had with measws twelve thousand (men) and they were just over twenty thousand of them. So, Allahazwj Helped measws against them, and got them killed by our hands and healed the chests of the believing people.

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وآيف رأيتنا . وقعتنا بصفين وما قتل االله منهم بأيدينا خمسين ألفا في صعيد واحد إلى النار- يا بن قيس -وآيف رأيت يوم النهروان، إذ لقيت المارقين وهم مستمسكون يومئذ بدين الذين ضل سعيهم في الحياة الدنيا وهم يحسبون أنهم يحسنون

. بأيدينا في صعيد واحد إلى النار لم يبق منهم عشرة ولم يقتلوا من المؤمنين عشرةصنعا؟ فقتلهم االله

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

O Ibn Qays, how did you see measws at the occurrence of Siffeen5, and what Allahazwj Killed from them by our hands, fifty thousand in one place who proceeded to the Fire. And how did you see measws on the day of Nahrwaan6, when Iasws met the renegades and they were attaching themselves, on that day, to a religion which strayed them in the life of this world and they were reckoning that they were acting in a good way? So, Allahazwj Killed them by our hands in one place and they proceeded to the Fire. Not even ten of them remained, and they did not even kill ten of the believers.

له ويلك يا بن قيس، هل رأيت لي لواء رد أو راية ردت؟ إياي تعير يا بن قيس؟ وأنا صاحب رسول االله صلى االله عليه وآفي جميع مواطنه ومشاهده والمتقدم إلى الشدائد بين يديه، لا أفر ولا أزول ولا أعيى ولا أنحاز ولا أمنح العدو دبري،

. لأنه لا ينبغي للنبي ولا للوصي إذا لبس لامته وقصد لعدوه أن يرجع أو ينثني حتى يقتل أو يفتح االله له

Woe be unto you, O Ibn Qays, did you see measws turn back or return the flag? Are you taunting measws, O Ibn Qays? And Iasws was the companion of the Messenger of Allahsaww in all the places and witnessed it, and Iasws advanced in the face of extremities facing himsaww. Neither did Iasws flee, nor eased off, nor got exhausted, nor aligned myselfasws with the enemies, nor turned myasws back on them, because it does not befit for the Prophetsaww nor for the successorasws, when theyasws dress up for battle against the enemies that heasws should turn back or fold (surrender), until heasws is either killed or Allahazwj Grants victory to himasws’.

لو وجدت أربعين رجلا مثل الأربعة يا بن قيس، هل سمعت لي بفرار قط أو نبوة؟ يا بن قيس، أما والذي فلق الحبة وبرأ أربعين رجلا آلهم على مثل بصيرة الأربعة -ولي في بيعته الذي عيرتني بدخ-النسمة، إني لو وجدت يوم بويع أخو تيم

. الذين قد وجدت لما آففت يدي ولناهضت القوم، ولكن لم أجد خامسا فأمسكت

If only Iasws could have found forty men like the four, O Ibn Qays. Have you ever heard for measws to have fled at all or even hesitate? O Ibn Qays, but by the Oneazwj Who Split the grain and Created the species, if Iasws could have found, on the day the allegiance was paid to the brother of Taym (Abu Bakr) – that which you are taunting measws with by including measws in the allegiance to him – forty people, all of whom having the ‘بصيرة’ (knowledge and understanding) of the four which Iasws did find, Iasws would not have held back myasws hand and would have fought against the people, but Iasws could not find even a fifth one, so Iasws kept quiet’.

سلمان وأبو ذر والمقداد والزبير بن صفية قبل نكثه : فمن الأربعة، يا أمير المؤمنين؟ قال عليه السلام: قال الأشعثأما بيعته الأولى التي وفى بها فإنه لما بويع أبو بكر أتاني أربعون رجلا من المهاجرين : بيعتي، فإنه بايعني مرتين

بير، فأمرتهم أن يصبحوا عند بابي محلقين رؤوسهم عليهم السلاح، فما وفى لي ولا صدقني والأنصار فبايعوني وفيهم الز. سلمان وأبو ذر والمقداد والزبير: منهم أحد غير أربعة

Al-Ash’as said, ‘So who are the four, O Amir-ul-Momineenasws?’ Heasws said: ‘Salmanar, and Abu Dharrar, and Al-Miqdadar, and Al-Zubeyr Bin Safiya before he broke his allegiance to measws, for he had paid allegiance to measws twice. As for the first allegiance, he was faithful to it. So when allegiance was paid to Abu Bakr, forty men from the ‘ ’ (Emigrants and the Helpers) came up to measws. They المهاجرين والأنصار                                                            

5 War which took place at the place of Siffeen 

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6 War at the place of Nahrwaan 

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

paid allegiance to measws and Al-Zubayr was among them. So Iasws ordered them to be at myasws door in the morning, with their weapons and having shaved off their heads. No one was faithful to measws, nor ratified measws from among them anyone except for four – Salmanar, and Abu Dharrar, and Al-Miqdadar, and Al-Zubyarar.

وأما بيعته الأخرى إياي، فإنه أتاني هو وصاحبه طلحة بعد ما قتل عثمان فبايعاني طائعين غير مكرهين، ثم رجعا عن فثبتوا - سلمان وأبو ذر والمقداد -وأما الثلاثة . فقتلهما االله إلى الناردينهما مرتدين ناآثين مكابرين معاندين خاسرين،

. على دين محمد صلى االله عليه وآله وعلى ملة إبراهيم حتى لحقوا باالله يرحمهم االله

As for his second allegiance to measws, so he came up to measws along with his companion Talha after the killing of Usman. So he paid allegiance to measws obediently, not grudgingly. Then they turned back from their religion as two apostates, breakers (of allegiance), and stubborn, obstinate, losers. So Allahazwj Killed them both and they proceeded to the Fire. And as for the three – Salmanar, and Abu Dharrar and Al-Miqdadar – they were steadfast on the Religion of Muhammadsaww, and on the Creed of Ibrahimas until they met Allahazwj. May Allahazwj have Mercy on themar’.

و أن أولئك الأربعين الذين بايعوا وفوا لي وأصبحوا على بابي محلقين يا بن قيس، والذي فلق الحبة وبرء النسمة، لولو وجدت قبل بيعة عثمان أعوانا . رؤوسهم قبل أن تجب لعتيق في عنقي بيعته لناهضته وحاآمته إلى االله عز وجل

عليه عند موته، وأما لناهضتهم وحاآمتهم إلى االله، فإن ابن عوف جعلها لعثمان واشترط عليه فيما بينه وبينه أن يردها. بعد بيعتي إياهم فليس إلى مجاهدتهم سبيل

O Ibna Qays, by the Oneazwj Who split the grain and Created the species, had those forty of them who had paid allegiance to measws been faithful to measws, and came up to myasws door with shaved heads, before the allegiance to Ateeq (Abu Bakr) was forced upon myasws neck, Iasws would have confronted them, and left their judgement to Allahazwj Mighty and Majestic. And had Iasws found helpers, before the allegiance to Usman, Iasws would have confronted them and left their judgement to Allahazwj. So, Ibn Awf made it (Caliphate) to go to Usman, and made a deal with him for it to remain between the two of them, and that he shall return it back to him at the time of his death, and after myasws (forced) allegiance to them, there was no way of fighting against them’.

الشيعة، النواصب، المستضعفون

فقال له علي . واالله لئن آان الأمر آما تقول لقد هلكت أمة محمد صلى االله عليه وآله غيرك وغير شيعتك: فقال الأشعث هلك من الأمة إلا الناصبون والناآثون والمكابرون والجاحدون وما. فإن الحق واالله معي يا بن قيس آما أقول: عليه السلام

والمعاندون، فأما من تمسك بالتوحيد والإقرار بمحمد صلى االله عليه وآله والإسلام ولم يخرج من الملة ولم يظاهر علينا م ينصب لنا عداوة، فإن الظلمة ولم ينصب لنا العداوة وشك في الخلافة ولم يعرف أهلها وولاتها ولم يعرف لنا ولاية ول

.ذلك مسلم مستضعف يرجى له رحمة االله ويتخوف عليه ذنوبه

The Shiites, the Nasibis, the Weak ones

Al-Ash’as said, ‘By Allahazwj, if the matter is as youasws are saying, the community of Muhammadsaww will be destroyed apart from youasws and yourasws Shiites’.

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Heasws said to him: ‘As for the truth, by Allahazwj, it is with measws, O Ibn Qays, as Iasws have said. And none from the community will perish except for the Nasibis, and the Breakers (of the allegiance), and the stubborn, and the deniers, and the obstinate

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

ones. So, as for the one who adheres to the Oneness (Al-Tawheed), and accepts Muhammadsaww, and the Islam, and does not exit from the nation, and does not perpetrate injustices against usasws, and does not establish enmity to usasws, and they have doubts in the Caliphate, and do not recognise its deserving onesasws, and its governors, and did not recognise ourasws Wilayah, but did not establish enmity against usasws, so those are the weak Muslims, there is hope for the Mercy of Allahazwj for them, and there is fear for their sins (whether they will be Forgiven or not)’.

فلم يبق يومئذ من شيعة علي عليه السلام أحد إلا تهلل وجهه وفرح بمقالته، إذ شرح أمير : قال سليم بن قيس: قال أبانولم يبق أحد من القراء ممن آان يشك في الماضين . المؤمنين عليه السلام الأمر وباح به وآشف الغطاء وترك التقية

ولم يبق حوله . ويكف عنهم ويدع البراءة منهم ورعا وتأثما إلا استيقن واستبصر وحسن رأيه وترك الشك يومئذ والوقوفثم . هممن أبى بيعته إلا على وجه ما بويع عليه عثمان والماضون قبله إلا رئي ذلك في وجهه وضاق به أمره وآره مقالت

. إنه استبصر عامتهم وذهب شكهم

Aban said that Sulaym said, ‘On that day, there did not remain anyone from the Shiites of Aliasws except that he had joy on his face and was happy with hisasws words when Amir-ul-Momineenasws explained the matters, and revealed it and uncovered the mask, and left the ‘Taqqiya’ (dissimulation). And there did not remain anyone from the reciters (of the Quran) who had doubts with regards the people of the past, and had paused from then and stayed away from them thinking it to be a sin except that they now had conviction in their perceptions and corrected their opinions, and on that day they left their doubts and their hesitation.

And there did not remain anyone from those who had refused to pay allegiance to himasws although they had paid allegiance to Usman and those before him, but you could see the disgust on their faces due to their abhorrence of hisasws words. Then, gradually their eyes were opened, and their doubts disappeared.

س العامة آان أقر لأعيننا من ذلك اليوم، لما آشف أمير المؤمنين عليه فما شهدت يوما قط على رؤو: قال أبان عن سليمالسلام للناس من الغطاء وأظهر فيه من الحق وشرح فيه من الأمر والعاقبة وألقى فيه من التقية، وآثرت الشيعة بعد ذلك

غير علم بمكانه من االله المجلس من ذلك اليوم وتكلموا، وقد آانوا أقل أهل عسكره وسائر الناس يقاتلون معه علىشهادة أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام وذلك بعد وقعة أهل . ورسوله، وصارت الشيعة بعد ذلك المجلس أجل الناس وأعظمهم

ثم لم يلبث أن قتل صلوات االله عليه، قتله ابن ملجم لعنه االله غيلة وفتكا، . النهروان وهو يأمر بالتهيئة والمسير إلى معاوية . وصلى االله على سيدنا أمير المؤمنين وسلم تسليما. يفه مسموما قد سمه قبل ذلكوقد آان س

Aban said that Sulaym said, ‘I had never witnessed a day which was more pleasing to our eyes, on the chiefs of the people, than that day, when Amir-ul-Momineenasws uncovered from the people, the cover and exposed the truth and explained in it the matters and the outcome of having left the ‘Taqqiya’ (dissimulation). After that, the Shiites became more numerous in their gatherings from that day onwards and used to speak freely, and they used to be very few in hisasws army and among the rest of the people, who would object himasws due to lack of their knowledge about hisasws position from Allahazwj and Hisazwj Messengersaww.

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After that, the Shiites became to be more respectable and of elevated status. Then, it was not long before heasws was assissinated. Ibn Muljim, may Allahazwj Curse him, martyed himasws in cold blood with a deadly strike of his poisoned sword which he had applied posion to beforehand. And Peace of Allahazwj be upon Amir-ul-Momineenasws, and Greetings’.

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 


بيت المال في عصر عمر) 13(


* ألا أبلغ أمير المؤمنين رسالة : آتب أبو المختار بن أبي الصعق إلى عمر بن الخطاب هذه الأبيات: عن أبان، قال سليمأمينا لرب الناس يسلم له صدري فلا تدعن أهل الرساتيق * وأنت أمين االله فينا ومن يكن فأنت أمين االله في المال والأمر

وأرسل إلى حزم وأرسل إلى بشر وأرسل * يخونون مال االله في الأدم الحمر وأرسل إلى النعمان وابن معقل * والقرى وصهر بني غزوان في * ابعين آليهما وذاك الذي في السوق مولى بني بدر ولا تنسين الت* إلى الحجاج واعلم حسابه

وقد * ولا ابن غلاب من رماة بني نصر واستل ذاك المال دون ابن محرز * القوم ذا وفر وما عاصم فيها بصفر عيابه * آان منه في الرساتيق ذا وقر فأرسل إليهم يصدقوك ويخبروا

Aban said that Sulaym said, ‘Abu Al-Mukhtar Bin Abu Al-Sa’aq wrote these verses to Umar Bin Al-Khataab: - ‘May this letter reach Amir-ul-Momineen (Umar). ‘You are the trustee of Allahazwj in the wealth and the affairs, and you are the trustee of Allahazwj with regards to us, and the ones to come. For the trustee of the Lordazwj of the people, my chest bows down to him. Do not leave the inhabitants of the towns and the villages who have betrayed the wealth of Allahazwj regarding food and the animals, and send a message to Al-No’man and Ibn Ma’aqal. And send a message to Hazam, and a message to Bishr, and a message to Al-Hajaaj and get to know their accounting. And that is also for the one who is in the market, Mawla the son of Badr, and do not forget all of their followers. And Sahr the son of Ghazwaan, who is affluent in the community, nor Aasim whose bag is not empty, nor Ibn Ghalaab the archer of the clan of Nasr, and the wealth which has accumulated with Ibn Mahraz, and he used to be affluent in the town. So, send a message to them to tell you the truth.

سيرضون إن قاسمتهم منك بالشطر ولا تدعوني للشهادة * لمال من آان ذا فكر وقاسمهم أهلي فداؤك إنهم أحاديث هذا اوخطية في عدة النمل والقطر ومن ريطة * أغيب ولكني أرى عجب الدهر أرى الخيل آالجدران والبيض آالدمى * إنني

من المسك راحت في مفارقهم تجري * ء بفأرة ومن طي أبراد مضاعفة صفر إذ التاجر الداري جا* مطوية في قرابها فإن لهم مالا وليس لنا وفر * ننوب إذا نابوا ونغزو إذا غزوا

This is the talk about the wealth from the one who is worried about that, and distribute it among my relatives and they will sacrifice themselves for you. They will be pleased to get a share of the distribution from you, but do not call upon me as a witness for I am hidden, but I see strange things of the times. I see horses like hosts (numerous), and the whiteness like my blood, and errors like the number of ants and the drops of rain, and the folded sheets and what is kept near it, and the merchants who have kept double, and the Musk (perfume), the aroma of which flows into the head if you smell, invades others if you let it flow. So the wealth is for them, and it’s provision is not for us’.

ولم أك ذا قربى لديه ولا صهر وما آان عندي من تراث ورثته * ألا أبلغ أبا المختار إني أتيته : فقال ابن غلاب المصريوصبري إذا ما الموت آان ورا السمر بسابغة يغشى * ولا صدقات من سبي ولا غدر ولكن دراك الرآض في آل غارة *

أآفكفها عني بأبيض ذي وفر حكم عمر بمصادرة نصف أموال عماله * هااللبان فصول

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Ibn Ghalaab Al-Misry said, ‘May it reach Abu Al-Mukhtar that I approached him, and I was not a relative of his nor through in-laws, and there was no inheritance in my

The Book Of Sulaym Bin Qays Al Hilali 

posession, nor any charity from the captives nor any treachery, but I participated in every raid. And my patience in the death when it was behind the spears, and the shields which were covering the chests to stop the spears from reaching it. I held back and will be happy with the Judgement of Umar if he were to confiscate half the wealth of his workers’.

- فأغرم عمر بن الخطاب تلك السنة جميع عماله أنصاف أموالهم لشعر أبي المختار ولم يغرم قنفذ العدوي شيئا : قال سليمشره ولا نصف عشره وآان من عماله ورد عليه ما أخذ منه وهو عشرون ألف درهم ولم يأخذ منه ع-وقد آان من عماله

. فأحصى ماله فبلغ أربعة وعشرون ألفا، فأغرمه اثني عشر ألفا- وآان على البحرين -الذين أغرموا أبو هريرة

Sulaym said, ‘Umar Bin Al-Khataab, during that year fined all of his workers half of their wealth due to the verses of Abu Al-Mukhtar, but he did not fine Qunfuz Al-Adawyy anything – and he was from his workers – and returned to him what was taken from him, and it was twenty thousand Dirhams, and neither took from him a tenth nor half of the tenth. But, one of his workers who he penalised was Abu Hureira – and he was upon (governor of) Bahrain. So he examined his wealth and it had reached forty thousand, so he fined him twenty thousand.

علة العفو عن قنفذ من مصادرة أمواله

هل تدري لم آف عن قنفذ ولم يغرمه شيئا؟ : ع عمر، فقالفلقيت عليا عليه السلام فسألته عما صن: قال سليم: قال أبانلأنه هو الذي ضرب فاطمة عليها السلام بالسوط حين جائت لتحول بيني وبينهم، فماتت صلوات االله عليها : قال. لا: قلت

.وإن أثر السوط لفي عضدها مثل الدملج

Reason for pardoning Qunfuz from the confiscation of his wealth

Aban narrates that Sulaym said, ‘So I met Aliasws and asked himasws about what Umar had done. Heasws said: ‘Do you know why he held back from Qunfuz and did not fine him anything?’ I said, ‘No’. Heasws said: ‘Because he is the one who struck Fatimaasws with the whip when sheasws came in between myselfasws and them. So sheasws passed away, with the effect of the whip on herasws shoulder having still remained, like the swelling.

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