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  • 7/30/2019 PartA Pleasure



    Via Corsica, 12 - 16128 Genova - Italy

    Tel. +39 01053851 - Fax: +39 0105351000E-MAIL [email protected] - WEB

    Rules for the Classification of Pleasure YachtsEffective from 1 January 2011

    Part AClassification and Surveys

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    GENERAL CONDITIONSDefinitions:"Rules" in these General Conditions means the documents belowissued by the Society:- Rules for the Classification of Ships or other special units;- Complementary Rules containing the requirements for product,plant, system and other certification or containing the require-

    ments for the assignment of additional class notations;- Rules for the application of statutory rules, containing the rules toperform the duties delegated by Administrations;- Guides to carry out particular activities connected with Services;- Any other technical document, as for example rule variations orinterpretations.Services means the activities described in Article 1 below, ren-dered by the Society upon request made by or on behalf of theInterested Party.Society or RINAmeans RINA S.p.A. and/or all the companiesin the RINA Group which provide the Services.Surveyor means technical staff acting on behalf of the Society inperforming the Services.Interested Party means the party, other than the Society, havingan interest in or responsibility for the Ship, product, plant or sys-tem subject to classification or certification (such as the owner ofthe Ship and his representatives, the ship builder, the enginebuilder or the supplier of parts to be tested) who requests the Ser-

    vices or on whose behalf the Services are requested.Owner means the registered Owner, the ship Owner, the man-ager or any other party with the responsibility, legally or contractu-ally, to keep the ship seaworthy or in service, having particularregard to the provisions relating to the maintenance of class laiddown in Part A, Chapter 2 of the Rules for the Classification ofShips or in the corresponding rules indicated in the specific Rules.Administration means the Government of the State whose flagthe Ship is entitled to fly or under whose authority the Ship isauthorised to operate in the specific case."Ship" means ships, boats, craft and other special units, as forexample offshore structures, floating units and underwater craft.

    Article 11.1. - The purpose of the Society is, among others, the classifica-tion and certification of ships and the certification of their partsand components.The Society:- sets forth and develops Rules;

    - publishes the Register of Ships;- issues certificates, statements and reports based on its surveyactivities.1.2. - The Society also takes part in the implementation of nationaland international rules and standards as delegated by various Gov-ernments.1.3. The Society carries out technical assistance activities onrequest and provides special services outside the scope of classifi-cation, which are regulated by these general conditions, unlessexpressly excluded in the particular contract.

    Article 22.1. - The Rules developed by the Society reflect the level of itstechnical knowledge at the time they are published. Therefore, theSociety, though committed, also through its research and develop-ment services, to continuous updating, does not guarantee theymeet state-of-the-art science and technology at the time of publi-cation or that they meet the Society's or others' subsequent techni-cal developments.2.2. - The Interested Party is required to know the Rules on thebasis of which the Services are provided. With particular referenceto Classification Services, special attention is to be given to theRules concerning class suspension, withdrawal and reinstatement.In case of doubt or inaccuracy, the Interested Party is to promptlycontact the Society for clarification.The Rules for Classification of Ships are published on the Society'swebsite: - The Society exercises due care and skill:- in the selection of its Surveyors- in the performance of its Services, taking into account the level ofits technical knowledge at the time the Services are performed.2.4. - Surveys conducted by the Society include, but are not lim-ited to, visual inspection and non-destructive testing. Unless other-wise required, surveys are conducted through samplingtechniques and do not consist of comprehensive verification ormonitoring of the Ship or of the items subject to certification. Thesurveys and checks made by the Society on board ship do not nec-essarily require the constant and continuous presence of the Sur-veyor. The Society may also commission laboratory testing,underwater inspection and other checks carried out by and under

    the responsibility of qualified service suppliers. Survey practicesand procedures are selected by the Society based on its experi-ence and knowledge and according to generally accepted techni-cal standards in the sector.

    Article 33.1. - The class assigned to a Ship, like the reports, statements, cer-tificates or any other document or information issued by the Soci-ety, reflects the opinion of the Society concerning compliance, atthe time the Service is provided, of the Ship or product subject tocertification, with the applicable Rules (given the intended use andwithin the relevant time frame).The Society is under no obligation to make statements or provideinformation about elements or facts which are not part of the spe-cific scope of the Service requested by the Interested Party or on itsbehalf.3.2. - No report, statement, notation on a plan, review, Certificateof Classification, document or information issued or given as partof the Services provided by the Society shall have any legal effector implication other than a representation that, on the basis of thechecks made by the Society, the Ship, structure, materials, equip-ment, machinery or any other item covered by such document orinformation meet the Rules. Any such document is issued solelyfor the use of the Society, its committees and clients or other dulyauthorised bodies and for no other purpose. Therefore, the Societycannot be held liable for any act made or document issued byother parties on the basis of the statements or information given bythe Society. The validity, application, meaning and interpretationof a Certificate of Classification, or any other document or infor-mation issued by the Society in connection with its Services, isgoverned by the Rules of the Society, which is the sole subjectentitled to make such interpretation. Any disagreement on techni-cal matters between the Interested Party and the Surveyor in thecarrying out of his functions shall be raised in writing as soon aspossible with the Society, which will settle any divergence of opin-ion or dispute.3.3. - The classification of a Ship, or the issuance of a certificate orother document connected with classification or certification andin general with the performance of Services by the Society shallhave the validity conferred upon it by the Rules of the Society atthe time of the assignment of class or issuance of the certificate; inno case shall it amount to a statement or warranty of seaworthi-ness, structural integrity, quality or fitness for a particular purpose

    or service of any Ship, structure, material, equipment or machin-ery inspected or tested by the Society.3.4. - Any document issued by the Society in relation to its activi-ties reflects the condition of the Ship or the subject of certificationor other activity at the time of the check.3.5. - The Rules, surveys and activities performed by the Society,reports, certificates and other documents issued by the Society arein no way intended to replace the duties and responsibilities ofother parties such as Governments, designers, ship builders, man-ufacturers, repairers, suppliers, contractors or sub-contractors,Owners, operators, charterers, underwriters, sellers or intendedbuyers of a Ship or other product or system surveyed.These documents and activities do not relieve such parties fromany fulfilment, warranty, responsibility, duty or obligation (also of acontractual nature) expressed or implied or in any case incumbenton them, nor do they confer on such parties any right, claim orcause of action against the Society. With particular regard to theduties of the ship Owner, the Services undertaken by the Society

    do not relieve the Owner of his duty to ensure proper maintenanceof the Ship and ensure seaworthiness at all times. Likewise, theRules, surveys performed, reports, certificates and other docu-ments issued by the Society are intended neither to guarantee thebuyers of the Ship, its components or any other surveyed or certi-fied item, nor to relieve the seller of the duties arising out of thelaw or the contract, regarding the quality, commercial value orcharacteristics of the item which is the subject of transaction.In no case, therefore, shall the Society assume the obligationsincumbent upon the above-mentioned parties, even when it isconsulted in connection with matters not covered by its Rules orother documents.In consideration of the above, the Interested Party undertakes torelieve and hold harmless the Society from any third party claim,as well as from any liability in relation to the latter concerning theServices rendered.Insofar as they are not expressly provided for in these GeneralConditions, the duties and responsibilities of the Owner and Inter-

    ested Parties with respect to the services rendered by the Societyare described in the Rules applicable to the specific Service ren-dered.

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    Article 44.1. Any request for the Society's Services shall be submitted inwriting and signed by or on behalf of the Interested Party. Such arequest will be considered irrevocable as soon as received by theSociety and shall entail acceptance by the applicant of all relevantrequirements of the Rules, including these General Conditions.Upon acceptance of the written request by the Society, a contractbetween the Society and the Interested Party is entered into, whichis regulated by the present General Conditions.4.2. In consideration of the Services rendered by the Society, theInterested Party and the person requesting the service shall be

    jointly liable for the payment of the relevant fees, even if the ser-vice is not concluded for any cause not pertaining to the Society.In the latter case, the Society shall not be held liable for non-fulfil-ment or partial fulfilment of the Services requested. In the event oflate payment, interest at the legal current rate increased by 2%may be demanded.4.3. - The contract for the classification of a Ship or for other Ser-vices may be terminated and any certificates revoked at therequest of one of the parties, subject to at least 30 days' notice tobe given in writing. Failure to pay, even in part, the fees due forServices carried out by the Society will entitle the Society to imme-diately terminate the contract and suspend the Services.For every termination of the contract, the fees for the activities per-formed until the time of the termination shall be owed to the Soci-ety as well as the expenses incurred in view of activities already

    programmed; this is without prejudice to the right to compensa-tion due to the Society as a consequence of the termination.With particular reference to Ship classification and certification,unless decided otherwise by the Society, termination of the con-tract implies that the assignment of class to a Ship is withheld or, ifalready assigned, that it is suspended or withdrawn; any statutorycertificates issued by the Society will be withdrawn in those caseswhere provided for by agreements between the Society and theflag State.Article 55.1. - In providing the Services, as well as other correlated infor-mation or advice, the Society, its Surveyors, servants or agentsoperate with due diligence for the proper execution of the activity.However, considering the nature of the activities performed (seeart. 2.4), it is not possible to guarantee absolute accuracy, correct-ness and completeness of any information or advice supplied.Express and implied warranties are specifically disclaimed.Therefore, except as provided for in paragraph 5.2 below, and also

    in the case of activities carried out by delegation of Governments,neither the Society nor any of its Surveyors will be liable for anyloss, damage or expense of whatever nature sustained by any per-son, in tort or in contract, derived from carrying out the Services.5.2. Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph 5.1 above,should any user of the Society's Services prove that he has suffereda loss or damage due to any negligent act or omission of the Soci-ety, its Surveyors, servants or agents, then the Society will paycompensation to such person for his proved loss, up to, but notexceeding, five times the amount of the fees charged for the spe-cific services, information or opinions from which the loss or dam-age derives or, if no fee has been charged, a maximum of onehundred thousand Euro. Where the fees charged are related to anumber of Services, the amount of the fees will be apportioned forthe purpose of the calculation of the maximum compensation, byreference to the estimated time involved in the performance of theService from which the damage or loss derives. Any liability forindirect or consequential loss, damage or expense is specifically

    excluded. In any case, irrespective of the amount of the feescharged, the maximum damages payable by the Society will notbe more than 1 million Euro. Payment of compensation under thisparagraph will not entail any admission of responsibility and/orliability by the Society and will be made without prejudice to thedisclaimer clause contained in paragraph 5.1 above.5.3. - Any claim for loss or damage of whatever nature by virtue ofthe provisions set forth herein shall be made to the Society in writ-ing, within the shorter of the following periods: THREE MONTHSfrom the date on which the Services were performed or THREEMONTHS from the date on which the damage was discovered.Failure to comply with the above deadline will constitute an abso-lute bar to the pursuit of such a claim against the Society.

    Article 66.1. - Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Rules orwith the Services of the Society, including any issues concerningresponsibility, liability or limitations of liability of the Society, willbe determined in accordance with Italian Law and settled througharbitration assigned to a board of three arbitrators who will pro-ceed in compliance with the Rules of the Chamber of National

    and International Arbitration of Milan. Arbitration will take placein Genoa, Italy.6.2. - However, for disputes concerning non-payment of the feesand/or expenses due to the Society for services, the Society shallhave the right to submit any claim to the jurisdiction of the Courtsof the place where the registered or operating office of the Inter-ested Party or of the applicant who requested the Service islocated.

    In the case of actions taken against the Society by a third partybefore a public Court, the Society shall also have the right to sum-mon the Interested Party or the subject who requested the Servicebefore that Court, in order to be relieved and held harmlessaccording to art. 3.5 above.

    Article 77.1. - All plans, specifications, documents and information pro-vided by, issued by, or made known to the Society, in connectionwith the performance of its Services, will be treated as confidentialand will not be made available to any other party other than theOwner without authorisation of the Interested Party, except as pro-vided for or required by any applicable international, European ordomestic legislation, Charter or other IACS resolutions, or orderfrom a competent authority. Information about the status andvalidity of class and statutory certificates, including transfers,changes, suspensions, withdrawals of class, recommendations/conditions of class, operating conditions or restrictions issued

    against classed ships and other related information, as may berequired, may be published on the website or released by othermeans, without the prior consent of the Interested Party.Information about the status and validity of other certificates andstatements may also be published on the website or released byother means, without the prior consent of the Interested Party.7.2. - Notwithstanding the general duty of confidentiality owed bythe Society to its clients in clause 7.1 above, the Society's clientshereby accept that the Society will participate in the IACS EarlyWarning System which requires each Classification Society to pro-vide other involved Classification Societies with relevant technicalinformation on serious hull structural and engineering systems fail-ures, as defined in the IACS Early Warning System (but not includ-ing any drawings relating to the ship which may be the specificproperty of another party), to enable such useful information to beshared and used to facilitate the proper working of the IACS EarlyWarning System. The Society will provide its clients with writtendetails of such information sent to the involved ClassificationSocieties.7.3. - In the event of transfer of class, addition of a second class orwithdrawal from a double/dual class, the Interested Party under-takes to provide or to permit the Society to provide the other Clas-sification Society with all building plans and drawings, certificates,documents and information relevant to the classed unit, includingits history file, as the other Classification Society may require forthe purpose of classification in compliance with the applicablelegislation and relative IACS Procedure. It is the Owner's duty toensure that, whenever required, the consent of the builder isobtained with regard to the provision of plans and drawings to thenew Society, either by way of appropriate stipulation in the build-ing contract or by other agreement.In the event that the ownership of the ship, product or system sub-

    ject to certification is transferred to a new subject, the latter shal lhave the right to access all pertinent drawings, specifications, doc-uments or information issued by the Society or which has come tothe knowledge of the Society while carrying out its Services, evenif related to a period prior to transfer of ownership.Pursuant and owing to Italian legislative decree 196/2003, theInterested Party declares that it has read the information sheet con-cerning the processing of personal data published on the society'swebsite and gives its consent to such processing, also for commer-cial information purposes.

    Article 88.1. Should any part of these General Conditions be declaredinvalid, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.8.2. - In the event of doubts concerning the interpretation of theseGeneral Conditions, the Italian text will prevail.

    Article 99.1. When the Society provides its Services to a consumer - i.e. anatural person who does not act within the scope of his businessor professional activity - the following provisions do not apply: art.3.2. (as far as the Society is solely entitled to the interpretation ofthe Rules); art. 4.2., (as far as the payment of the fees is also duefor services not concluded due to causes not attributable to the

    Interested Party); art. 5.1. (as far as the exclusion of liability is con-cerned); art. 5.2.; art. 5.3.; and art. 6.1. (as far as the jurisdictionof a Board of Arbitrators based in Genoa is concerned).

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    1. Reference edition

    The reference edition of these Rules is the edition effec-tive from 1 January 2007.

    2. Effective date of the requirements

    2.1 All requirements in which new or amended provi-sions with respect to those contained in the refer-ence edition have been introduced are followed bya date shown in brackets.

    The date shown in brackets is the effective date ofentry into force of the requirements as amended bythe last updating. The effective date of all thoserequirements not followed by any date shown inbrackets is that of the reference edition.

    2.2 Item 4 below provides a summary of the technicalchanges from the preceding edition. In general, this

    list does not include those items to which only edi-torial changes have been made not affecting theeffective date of the requirements containedtherein.

    3. Rule Variations and Corrigenda

    Until the next edition of these Rules is published, RuleVariations and/or corrigenda, as necessary, will be pub-blished on the RINA web site ( Except inparticular cases, paper copies of Rule Variations or cor-rigenda are not issued.

    4. Rule subdivision and cross-references

    4.1 Rule subdivision

    The Rules are subdivided into five parts, from A to E.Part A: Classification and Surveys

    Part B: Hull and Stability

    Part C: Machinery, Electrical Installations and FireProtection

    Part D: Materials and Welding

    Part E: Additional Class Notations

    Each Part consists of:

    Chapters Sections and possible Appendices Articles Sub-articles Requirements

    Figures (abbr. Fig) and Tables (abbr. Tab) are numberedin ascending order within each Section or Appendix.

    4.2 Cross-references

    Examples: Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 1, [3.2.1] or Pt A, Ch 3,App 1, [3.2.1]

    Pt A means Part A

    The part is indicated when it is different from the part in

    which the cross-reference appears. Otherwise, it is notindicated.

    Ch 3 means Chapter 3

    The Chapter is indicated when it is different from thechapter in which the cross-reference appears. Other-wise, it is not indicated.

    Sec 1 means Section 1 (or App 1 meansAppendix 1 )

    The Section (or Appendix) is indicated when it is differ-ent from the Section (or Appendix) in which the cross-reference appears. Otherwise, it is not indicated.

    [3.2.1] refers to requirement 1, within sub-article 2

    of article 3.Cross-references to an entire Part or Chapter are notabbreviated as indicated in the following examples:

    Part A for a cross-reference to Part A Part A, Chapter 1 for a cross-reference to Chapter 1

    of Part A.

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    5. Summary of amendments introduced in the edi-tion effective from 1 January 2011


    This edition of the Rules for the classification of pleasureyachts contains amendments whose effective date is 1

    January 2011, with the exception of some modificationsalready issued with Circular 3585/A effective from 1January 2010 and with Rule Variation PLCS/2009/02effective from 1 October 2009.

    The date of entry into force of each new or amendeditem is shown in brackets after the number of the itemconcerned.

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    Part A

    Classification and Surveys

    Chapters 1 2 3 4



    Chapter 3 SCOPE OF SURVEYS


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    RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011 3


    Section 1 General Principles of Classification

    1 Principles of classification 15

    1.1 Purpose of the Rules1.2 General definitions1.3 Meaning of classification, scope and limits1.4 Request for services

    2 Rules 16

    2.1 Effective date2.2 Equivalence

    2.3 Novel features2.4 Interpretation2.5 Disagreement and appeal

    3 Interested Parties Responsibilities 16

    3.1 International and national regulations3.2 Surveyors intervention3.3 Operation and maintenance of yachts3.4 Use of measuring equipment and of service suppliers3.5 Spare parts

    Section 2 Classification Notations

    1 General 19

    1.1 Purpose of the classification notations1.2 Types of notations assigned

    2 Main class symbol 19


    3 Construction marks 19

    3.1 General3.2 List of construction marks

    4 Service notations 20

    4.1 General

    5 Navigation notations 20


    6 Additional class notations 20

    6.1 General6.2 Automated machinery systems (AUT -UMS (Y))6.3 Sea and air pollution prevention (GREEN PLUS (Y)/GREEN PLUS (Y)

    (GOLD)/GREEN PLUS (Y) (PLATINUM))6.4 Comfort on Board (COMF(Y))6.5 In-water survey arrangements (INWATERSURVEY (Y))

    6.6 Monitoring system (MON-SHAFT (Y))6.7 Secure yacht

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    4 RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011




    Section 1 Assignment of Class

    1 General 23


    2 New building procedure 23

    2.1 Yacht surveyed during construction2.2 Documentation

    3 Yachts classed after construction 24

    3.1 General3.2 Yachts classed with a QSCS Classification Society3.3 Yachts not classed with a QSCS Classification Society

    4 Date of initial classification 26

    4.1 Definitions

    5 Reassignment of class 26

    5.1 General

    6 Double or dual class procedure 26

    6.1 Definitions

    6.2 Procedure

    Section 2 Maintenance of Class

    1 General principles of surveys 27

    1.1 Survey types1.2 Change of periodicity, postponement or advance of surveys1.3 Extension of scope of survey1.4 General procedure of survey1.5 Appointment of another Surveyor

    2 Definitions and procedures related to surveys 28

    2.1 General2.2 Procedures for thickness measurements2.3 Agreement of firms for in-water survey2.4 Conditions for surveys2.5 Access to structures2.6 Equipment for surveys2.7 Surveys at sea and anchorage2.8 Repairs and maintenance during voyage2.9 Prompt and thorough repairs

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    RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011 5

    3 Certificate of Classification: issue, validity, endorsement and renewal 31

    3.1 Issue of Certificate of Classification3.2 Validity of Certificate of Classification, maintenance of class3.3 Endorsement of Certificate of Classification3.4 Status of surveys and recommendations

    4 Class renewal surveys 31

    4.1 General principles

    5 Other periodical surveys 31

    5.1 General5.2 Annual surveys5.3 Hull intermediate surveys5.4 Bottom survey5.5 Tailshaft survey5.6 Boiler survey5.7 Links between anniversary dates and annual, intermediate and class renewal

    surveys6 Occasional surveys 33

    6.1 General6.2 Damage and repair surveys6.3 Conversions, alterations and repairs6.4 Quality System audits

    7 Change of ownership 34

    7.1 General

    8 Laid-up yachts 34

    8.1 General principles

    Section 3 Suspension and Withdrawal of Class

    1 General 35

    1.1 Discontinuance of class1.2 Suspension of class1.3 Withdrawal of class1.4 Suspension and withdrawal1.5 Suspension/withdrawal of additional class notations

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    6 RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011

    Appendix 1 Thickness Measurements

    1 General 37

    1.1 Aim of the Appendix1.2 Scope of the Appendix

    2 Rule requirements for the extent of measurements 37

    2.1 General2.2 Class renewal survey

    3 Number and locations of measurements 37

    3.1 General3.2 Locations of points

    4 Acceptance criteria for thickness measurements 38

    4.1 General4.2 Criteria4.3 Local and global strength criteria4.4 Buckling strength criterion4.5 Pitting

    Appendix 2 Compulsory Tests on Materials, Machinery and Appliances

    1 General 44


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    RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011 7



    Section 1 Annual Survey

    1 General 49


    2 Hull 49

    2.1 Scope2.2 Hull and hull equipment2.3 Shell and inner doors2.4 Suspect areas2.5 Ballast tanks

    3 Machinery and systems 51

    3.1 General machinery installations3.2 Boilers3.3 Electrical machinery and equipment3.4 Fire protection, detection and extinction3.5 Sailing yachts

    Section 2 Hull Intermediate Survey

    1 General 54


    2 Hull 54

    2.1 Hull and hull equipment

    3 Sailing yachts 54


    Section 3 Class Renewal Survey

    1 General 56


    2 Hull and hull equipment 56

    2.1 Bottom survey2.2 Decks and equipment2.3 Dry compartments2.4 Tanks2.5 Thickness measurements

    3 Machinery and systems 59

    3.1 General3.2 Main and auxiliary engines and turbines

    3.3 Reduction gears, main thrust and intermediate shaft(s)3.4 Pumps and other machinery items

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    8 RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011

    3.5 Systems in machinery spaces3.6 Electrical equipment and installations3.7 Controls3.8 Fire protection, detection and extinction3.9 Sailing yachts

    Section 4 Bottom Survey

    1 General 63


    2 Bottom survey in dry condition 63

    2.1 General requirements

    3 Bottom in-water survey 63

    3.1 General

    3.2 Sailing yachts

    Section 5 Tailshaft Survey

    1 Survey of tailshafts 65

    1.1 General1.2 Complete survey1.3 Modified survey

    2 Periodical survey of other propulsion systems 65

    2.1 Rotating and azimuth thrusters2.2 Vertical axis propellers2.3 Pump jet systems

    Section 6 Boiler Survey

    1 Steam boilers 67


    2 Thermal oil heaters 67


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    RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011 9

    Appendix 1 Additional Scope of Survey for Yachts with Reinforced Plastic


    1 General 68


    2 Periodical surveys and relevant frequency, anticipationsand postponements 68

    2.1 Surveys in general

    3 First Classification Surveys 68

    3.1 First Classification Surveys of yachts built under RINA supervision3.2 First Classification Surveys of yachts built without RINA supervision

    4 Periodical hull surveys 69

    4.1 Annual and intermediate surveys4.2 Class renewal survey (hull) and bottom survey in dry condition

    Appendix 2 Additional Scope of Survey for Yachts with Aluminium Alloy Hulls

    1 General 70


    2 Periodical surveys and relevant frequency, anticipationsand postponements 70

    2.1 Surveys in general

    3 First Classification Surveys 70

    3.1 First Classification Surveys of yachts built under RINA supervision

    Appendix 3 Additional Scope of Survey for Yachts with Wooden Hulls

    1 General 71


    2 Periodical surveys and relevant frequency, anticipationsand postponements 71


    3 Periodical hull surveys 71

    3.1 Annual and intermediate surveys3.2 Bottom surveys3.3 Class renewal survey No. 13.4 Class renewal survey No. 23.5 Class renewal survey No. 3

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    10 RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011




    Section 1 General

    1 General 75


    2 Additional class notations subject to additional surveys 75


    Section 2 Automated Machinery Systems

    1 General 76


    2 Annual survey 76


    3 Class renewal survey 76


    Section 3 Sea and Air Pollution Prevention

    1 General 77

    1.1 Application

    2 Annual and class renewalsurvey 77


    Section 4 Comfort on Board

    1 General 79


    2 Renewal survey 79


    Section 5 Monitoring Equipment

    1 General 80

    1.1 Application

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    RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011 11

    2 MON-SHAFT (Y) 80

    2.1 Tailshaft survey

    Section 6 Secure Yacht1 General 81


    2 Periodical survey 81

    2.1 Annual survey

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    RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011 13

    Part A

    Classification and Surveys

    Chapter 1





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    Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1

    RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011 15


    1 Principles of classification

    1.1 Purpose of the Rules

    1.1.1 (1/1/2011)

    These Rules give the requirements for the assignment, main-tenance and withdrawal of class for yachts engaged in pri-vate use of a length (see Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.2.1]) LLL of 16

    m and over.

    Class assigned to a yacht reflects the discretionary opinionof RINA that the yacht, for the declared conditions of use

    and within the relevant time frame, complies with the Rulesapplicable at the time the service is rendered.

    Note 1: The general conditions of classification are laiddown in the Preamble.

    The application criteria of the different parts of the presentRules are the following:

    Part A - Classification and Surveys

    Part B - Hull and Stability

    Part C - Machinery, Electrical Installations and Fire Pro-tection

    Part D - Materials and Welding

    Part E - Additional Class Notations.

    1.2 General definitions

    1.2.1 (1/7/2009)

    The following general definitions are used in these Rules:

    a) Yacht means a vessel which is engaged in a private use(such as sport or pleasure) of a length of 16 m and over;the vessel may be propelled mechanically, by sail or bya combination of both;

    b) Rules means these Rules for the Classification of Pleas-ure Yachts;

    c) Surveyor means technical staff acting on behalf of RINA

    to perform tasks in relation to classification and surveyduties;

    d) Survey means an intervention by the Surveyor forassignment or maintenance of class as defined in Chap-ter 2, or interventions by the Surveyor within the limitsof the tasks delegated by the Administrations;

    e) Administration means the Government of the Statewhose flag the yacht is entitled to fly;

    f) Interested Party means a party, other than RINA, havingresponsibility for the classification of the yacht, such asthe Owner of the yacht and his representatives, or theShipbuilder, or the Engine Builder, or the Supplier of

    parts to be tested. Owner means the Registered Owneror the Disponent Owner or the Manager or any otherparty having the responsibility to keep the yacht seawor-

    thy, having particular regard to the provisions relating tothe maintenance of class laid down in Chapter 2;

    g) QSCS Classification Society means a Classification Soci-ety which is subject to verification of compliance withthe IACS Quality System Certification Scheme (QSCS);

    h) Approval means the examination and acceptance byRINA of documents, procedures or other items relatedto classification, verifying solely their compliance withthe relevant Rule requirements;

    i) Type approval means an approval process for verifyingcompliance with the Rules of a product, a group of

    products or a system, and considered by RINA as repre-sentative of continuous production;

    j) Essential service is intended to mean a service necessaryfor a yacht to proceed at sea, be steered or manoeuvred,or undertake activities connected with its operation, andfor the safety of life, as far as class is concerned.

    1.3 Meaning of classification, scope and


    1.3.1 The classification consists of:

    the development of Rules, guidance notes and otherdocuments relevant to the yacht, structure, material,equipment, machinery and any other item covered bysuch documents;

    the examination of plans and calculations and the sur-veys, checks and tests intended to ensure that the yachtmeets the Rules (refer to Ch 2, Sec 1);

    the assignment of class (see Ch 2, Sec 1) and issue of aCertificate of Classification, where the above Rules aremet;

    the periodical, occasional and class renewal surveysperformed to verify that the yacht in service meets theconditions for maintenance of class (see Ch 2, Sec 2).

    1.3.2 The Rules, surveys performed, reports, certificates

    and other documents issued by RINA are in no wayintended to replace or alleviate the duties and responsibili-ties of other parties such as Administrations, Designers,Shipbuilders, Manufacturers, Repairers, Suppliers, Contrac-tors or Sub-contractors, actual or prospective Owners orOperators, Charterers, Brokers and Underwriters.

    RINA cannot therefore assume the obligations arising fromthese functions, even when RINA is consulted to answerinquiries concerning matters not covered by its Rules, orother documents.

    The activities of such parties which fall outside the scope ofthe classification as set out in the Rules, such as design,engineering, manufacturing, operating alternatives, choice

    of type and power of machinery and equipment, numberand qualification of crew or operating personnel, hull vibra-tions, spare parts including their number, location and fas-

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    tening arrangements, life-saving appliances, andmaintenance equipment, remain therefore the responsibilityof those parties, even if these matters may be given consid-eration for classification according to the type of yacht oradditional class notation assigned.

    The classification-related services and documents per-formed and issued by RINA do not relieve the parties con-cerned of their responsibilities or other contractualobligations expressed or implied or of any liability whatso-ever, nor do they create any right or claim in relation toRINA with regard to such responsibilities, obligations andliabilities.

    In particular, RINA does not declare the acceptance or com-missioning of a yacht or any part of it, this being the exclu-sive responsibility of the Owner.

    Unless otherwise specified, the Rules do not deal withstructures, pressure vessels, machinery and equipment thatare not permanently installed on board. During periods of

    construction, modification or repair, the unit is solely underthe responsibility of the builder or the repair yard. As anexample, the builder or repair yard is to ensure that the con-struction, modification or repair activities are compatiblewith the design strength of the yacht and that no permanentdeformations are sustained.

    1.3.3 In the case of a dual classed yacht, certificatesrelated to statutory requirements may be issued by the otherclassification society, provided it is recognised in a formaldual class agreement with RINA and provided that is alsoauthorised by the national authority.

    1.4 Request for services

    1.4.1 Requests for interventions by RINA, such as surveysduring construction, surveys of yachts in service, tests, etc.,are in principle to be submitted in writing and signed by theInterested Party. Such request implies that the applicant willabide by all the relevant requirements of the Rules, includ-ing the Preamble.

    RINA reserves the right to refuse or withdraw the class ofany yacht for which any applicable requirement of theRules is not complied with.

    2 Rules

    2.1 Effective date

    2.1.1 The effective date of entry into force of any amend-ments to the Rules is indicated on the inside front page ofeach Part of the Rules.

    2.1.2 In principle, the applicable Rules for assignment ofclass to a new yacht are those in force at the date when theshipyard makes an application for surveillance of construc-tion of a new yacht.

    2.1.3 Special consideration may be given to applying newor modified Rule requirements which entered into forcesubsequent to the date of request of interventions by RINA

    from the shipyard, at the discretion of RINA and in the fol-lowing cases:

    when a justified written request is received from theparty applying for classification

    where it is intended to use existing previously approvedplans for a new contract.

    2.1.4 If modifications are carried out, the date of buildremains assigned to the ship. Where a complete replace-ment or addition of a major portion of the ship (e.g. forwardsection, after section) is involved, the following applies:

    the date of build associated with each major portion ofthe ship is indicated on the Certificate of Classification

    survey requirements (such as thickness measurements)are based on the date of build associated with eachmajor portion of the ship.

    2.1.5 The Rule requirements related to assignment, main-tenance and withdrawal of the class of a yacht already in

    operation, as detailed in Ch 2, Sec 1 to Ch 2, Sec 3, areapplicable from the date of their entry into force.

    2.2 Equivalence

    2.2.1 RINA may consider the acceptance of alternatives tothese Rules, provided that they are deemed to be equivalentto the Rules to the satisfaction of RINA.

    2.3 Novel features

    2.3.1 RINA may consider the classification of yachtsbased on or applying novel design principles or features, towhich the Rules are not directly applicable, on the basis of

    experiments, calculations or other supporting informationprovided to RINA. The specific limitations may then be indi-cated on the Certificate of Classification.

    2.4 Interpretation

    2.4.1 RINA alone is qualified to decide upon the meaning,interpretation and application of the Rules and other classi-fication-related documents. No reference to the Rules orother classification-related documents has any value unlessit involves, accompanies or follows the intervention ofRINA.

    2.5 Disagreement and appeal

    2.5.1 Any technical disagreement with the Surveyor inconnection with the performance of his duties should beraised by the Interested Party as soon as possible.

    The Interested Party may appeal in writing to RINA, whichwill subsequently consider the matter and announce itsdecision according to its established procedure.

    3 Interested Parties Responsibilities

    3.1 International and national regulations

    3.1.1 The classification of a yacht does not absolve theInterested Party from compliance with any requirementsissued by Administrations and any other applicable interna-

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    tional and national regulations for the safety of life at seaand protection of the marine environment.

    3.1.2 When authorised by the Administration concerned,RINA will act on its behalf within the limits of such authori-sation. In this respect, RINA will take into account the rele-

    vant national requirements, survey the yacht, report andissue or contribute to the issue of the corresponding certifi-cates.

    The above surveys do not fall within the scope of the classi-fication of yachts, even though their scope may overlap inpart and may be carried out concurrently with surveys forassignment or maintenance of class.

    3.1.3 In the case of a discrepancy between the provisionsof the applicable international and national regulations andthose of the Rules, normally, the former take precedence.

    However, RINA reserves the right to call for the necessaryadaptation to preserve the intention of the Rules or to applythe provisions of [1.4.1].

    3.2 Surveyors intervention

    3.2.1 Surveyors are to be given free access at all times toyachts which are classed or being classed, shipyards andworks, to carry out their interventions within the scope ofassignment or maintenance of class, or within the scope ofinterventions carried out on behalf of Administrations,when so delegated.

    Free access is also to be given to auditors accompanying theSurveyors of RINA within the scope of the vertical audits asrequired in pursuance of RINA's internal Quality System oras required by external organisations.

    3.2.2 Interested Parties are to take the necessary measuresfor the Surveyors' inspections and testing to be carried outsafely. Interested Parties - irrespective of the nature of theservice provided by the Surveyors of RINA or others actingon its behalf - assume with respect to such Surveyors all theresponsibility of an employer for his workforce such as tomeet the provisions of applicable legislation. As a rule, theSurveyor is to be constantly accompanied during surveys bypersonnel of the Interested Party.

    Refer also to Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.4] to Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.7].

    3.2.3 The Certificate of Classification and/or other docu-ments issued by RINA remain the property of RINA. All cer-tificates and documents necessary to the Surveyor'sinterventions are to be made available by the InterestedParty to the Surveyor on request.

    3.2.4 During the phases of yacht design and construction,due consideration should be given to Rule requirements inrespect of all necessary arrangements for access to spacesand structures with a view to carrying out class surveys.Arrangements of a special nature are to be brought to theattention of RINA.

    3.3 Operation and maintenance of yachts

    3.3.1 The classification of a yacht is based on the under-standing that the yacht is operated according to the Manu-facturer's recommendations, in a proper manner by

    competent and qualified crew or operating personnelaccording to the loading, environmental, operating andother criteria on which classification is based.

    In particular, it will be assumed that the draught of the yachtin operating conditions will not exceed that correspondingto the maximum approved for the classification, that theyacht will be properly used taking into account both its sta-bility and the stresses imposed on its structures, whereapplicable, that the speed and course of the yacht areadapted to the prevailing sea and weather conditionsaccording to normal prudent seamanship and that the yachtis operated in accordance with the applicable internationaland national regulations for the prevention and contain-ment of marine pollution.

    3.3.2 Any document issued by RINA in relation to its inter-ventions reflects the condition of the yacht as found at thetime and within the scope of the survey. It is the InterestedParty's responsibility to ensure proper maintenance of the

    yacht until the next survey required by the Rules. It is theduty of the Interested Party to inform the Surveyor when heboards the yacht of any events or circumstances affectingthe class.

    3.3.3 Any damage or defect which could invalidate theconditions for which the class has been assigned is to becommunicated to RINA without delay.

    3.4 Use of measuring equipment and of

    service suppliers

    3.4.1 General

    Firms providing services on behalf of the Interested Party,such as measurements, tests and servicing of safety systemsand equipment, the results of which may form the basis forthe Surveyor's decisions, are subject to the acceptance ofRINA, as deemed necessary.

    The equipment used during tests and inspections in work-shops, shipyards and on board yachts, the results of whichmay form the basis for the Surveyor's decisions, is to be cus-tomary for the checks to be performed. Firms are to individ-ually identify and calibrate to a recognised national orinternational standard each piece of such equipment.

    3.4.2 Simple measuring equipment

    The Surveyor may accept simple measuring equipment (e.g.

    rulers, tape measures, weld gauges, micrometers) withoutindividual identification or confirmation of calibration, pro-vided it is of standard commercial design, properly main-tained and periodically compared with other similarequipment or test pieces.

    3.4.3 Shipboard measuring equipment

    The Surveyor may accept measuring equipment fitted onboard a yacht (e.g. pressure, temperature or rpm gauges andmeters) and used in examination of shipboard machineryand/or equipment based either on calibration records orcomparison of readings with multiple instruments.

    3.4.4 Other equipment

    The Surveyor may request evidence that other equipment(e.g. tensile test machines, ultrasonic thickness measure-

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    ment equipment, etc) is calibrated to a recognised nationalor international standard.

    3.5 Spare parts

    3.5.1 It is the Owner's responsibility to decide whether

    and which spare parts are to be carried on board.

    3.5.2 As spare parts are outside the scope of classification,the Surveyor will not check that they are kept on board,maintained in a satisfactory condition, or suitably protectedand lashed. However, in the case of repairs or replacement,the spare parts used are to meet the requirements of theRules as far as practicable; refer to Ch 2, Sec 2, [6.3.2].

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    1 General

    1.1 Purpose of the classification notations

    1.1.1 The classification notations give the scope accordingto which the class of the yacht has been based and refer tothe specific Rule requirements which are to be compliedwith for their assignment. The classification notations areassigned according to the criteria which have been pro-vided by the Interested Party, when applying for classifica-tion.

    RINA may change the classification notations at any time,when the information available shows that the requested oralready assigned notations are not suitable for the intendedservice, navigation and any other criteria taken into accountfor classification.

    Note 1: Reference should be made to Sec 1, [1.3] on the limits ofclassification and its meaning.

    1.1.2 The classification notations assigned to a yacht areindicated on the Certificate of Classification.

    1.2 Types of notations assigned

    1.2.1 The types of classification notations assigned to ayacht are the following:

    a) main class symbol

    b) construction marks

    c) service notation

    d) navigation notations

    e) additional class notations (at the Interested Party'srequest)

    Types of notations from a) to d) are assigned to a yachtdesigned and built in accordance with the requirements ofthe Rules (Parts A to D) or other rules recognised as equiva-

    lent, and maintained in a condition considered satisfactoryby RINA.

    1.2.2 As an example, the classification notations assignedto a yacht may be as follows:


    Unrestricted Navigation

    COMF (Y)



    (main class symbol, construction marks)

    Unrestricted navigation

    (navigation notation)

    COMF (Y)

    (additional class notation).

    The different classification notations and their conditions ofassignment are listed in [6.2] to [6.6] below, according totheir types.

    2 Main class symbol


    2.1.1 The main class symbol expresses the degree of com-pliance of the yacht with the Rule requirements as regardsits construction and maintenance. There is one main classsymbol, which is compulsory for every classed yacht.

    The symbol C with the 5 year class period is to be under-stood as being the highest class granted by RINA.

    2.1.2 The main class symbol C may be accompanied bythe notation "E" (Experimental) to be assigned to yachtsdesigned and built according to criteria which are novel orunusual, either wholly or in part, though judged satisfactoryby RINA on the basis of design plans, laboratory tests andtests in working conditions after construction. The notation

    implies a class period to be assigned which will be evalu-ated by RINA for each case.

    3 Construction marks

    3.1 General

    3.1.1 The construction mark identifies the procedureunder which the yacht and its main equipment or arrange-ments have been surveyed for initial assignment of theclass. The procedures under which the yacht is assignedone of the construction marks are detailed in Ch 2, Sec 1.

    3.1.2 Construction marks defined below are assigned sep-arately to the hull of the yacht and its appendages, and tothe machinery installation. The construction mark is placedbefore the symbol HULL for the hull and before the symbolMACH for the machinery installations.

    3.1.3 Construction marks refer to the original condition ofthe yacht. However, RINA may change the constructionmark where the yacht is subjected to repairs, conversion or


    3.2 List of construction marks

    3.2.1 Hull construction mark(1/7/2009)

    a) Construction mark is assigned to the hull, when it hasbeen surveyed by RINA during its construction in com-

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    pliance with the new building procedure detailed inCh 2, Sec 1, [2.1].

    b) Construction mark is assigned to the hull, when it wasbuilt under the survey of another QSCS ClassificationSociety.

    c) Construction mark is assigned to the hull in all casesother than those detailed in [a] and [b].

    3.2.2 Machinery construction mark

    a) The construction mark is assigned when the propel-ling and auxiliary machinery has been designed, con-structed, certified, installed and tested in accordancewith RINA Rules.

    b) The construction mark is assigned when the propel-ling and auxiliary machinery has been designed, con-structed and certified in accordance with the rules ofanother Society and installed and tested under the sur-

    vey of RINA.

    c) For yachts more than 24 metres construction mark isis assigned in all cases other than thoswe detailed in (a)and (b).

    d) For yachts not more than 24 metres with reference tomachinery, only the ball construction mark is to beassigned.

    4 Service notations

    4.1 General

    4.1.1 The service notation Y is assigned when the yachtcomplies with Parts A to D.

    5 Navigation notations


    5.1.1 The navigation notation "unrestricted navigation" isassigned to a yacht intended to operate in any area and anyperiod of the year.

    5.1.2 For yachts not more than 24 m for which, accordingto the essential safety requirements of Directive 94/25/EC asamended by Directive 2003/44/EC, category B is assigned,the equivalent navigation notation is to be applied: specialnavigation (operative conditions: wind force up to, andincluding, 8 on Beaufort scale, significant wave height(H1/3 metres) up to, and including, 4 metres).

    6 Additional class notations

    6.1 General

    6.1.1 An additional class notation expresses the classifica-tion of additional equipment or specific arrangement,

    which has been requested by the Interested Party. Theassignment of such an additional class notation is subject tocompliance with additional Rule requirements, which aredetailed in Part E.

    6.1.2 The different additional class notations which maybe assigned to a yacht are listed in [6.2] to [6.6], accordingto the category to which they belong.

    6.2 Automated machinery systems (AUT -

    UMS (Y))

    6.2.1 The additional class notation AUT-UMS (Y) may beassigned to yacht that are fitted with automated installationsenabling machinery spaces to remain periodically unat-tended in all sailing conditions including manoeuvring.

    6.3 Sea and air pollution prevention(GREEN PLUS (Y)/GREEN PLUS (Y)


    6.3.1 (1/1/2011)

    The additional class notations GREEN PLUS (Y), GREENPLUS (Y) (GOLD) or GREEN PLUS (Y) (PLATINUM) areassigned to yachts fitted with efficient means to control andprevent the emission of polluting substances in the sea andin the air, in accordance with the requirements of Part E, Ch1, Sec 3, [6.1].

    6.4 Comfort on Board (COMF(Y))

    6.4.1 The additional class notation COMF (Y) is assignedto yachts satisfying levels of noise and vibration measuredon board during navigation and at berth.

    6.5 In-water survey arrangements (INWA-


    6.5.1 The additional class notation INWATERSURVEY (Y)is assigned to yachts provided with suitable arrangements tofacilitate the in-water survey.

    6.6 Monitoring system (MON-SHAFT (Y))

    6.6.1 The additional class notation MON-SHAFT (Y) isassigned to yachts which are fitted with a temperature mon-itoring system for the tailshaft sterntube aft bearing. Theassignment of this notation allows the yacht to be granted areduced scope for complete tailshaft survey.

    6.7 Secure yacht

    6.7.1 (1/1/2010)

    The additional class notation SECURE YACHT DESIGN isassigned to yachts having security equipment accordingwith the requirements of Part E, Ch 8, Sec 1.

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    RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011 21

    Part A

    Classification and Surveys

    Chapter 2









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    RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011 23


    1 General


    1.1.1 (1/7/2009)

    Class is assigned to a yacht upon a survey, with the associ-ated operations, which is held in order to verify whether it iseligible to be classed on the basis of the Rules of RINA (seeCh 1, Sec 1). This may be achieved through:

    the completion of the new building, during which a sur-vey has been performed;

    a survey carried out according to the IACS ProceduralRequirement PR 1A, when a yacht changes class fromone QSCS Classification Society (see Note 1) to theSociety, or the Society's class is added to a yacht alreadyin class with another QSCS Classification Society, or

    a specific admission to class survey, in cases where ayacht is classed with another Society or is not classed atall.

    Note 1: The obligations of the Procedural Requirement PR1A applyto QSCS Classification Societies.

    2 New building procedure

    2.1 Yacht surveyed during construction

    2.1.1 (1/1/2009)

    When a yacht is surveyed during construction, it is to com-ply with those requirements of the Rules which are in forceand applicable depending on the class of the yacht, takinginto account the provisions of Ch 1, Sec 1, [2.1].

    HULL class notation is to be assigned to a new buildingsurveyed during construction.

    MACH class notation can be assigned to a new buildingsurveyed during construction when required by the

    Owner's representative.

    2.1.2 RINA:

    approves the plans and documentation submitted asrequired by the Rules

    proceeds, if required, with the appraisal of the design ofmaterials and equipment used in the construction of theyacht and their inspection at works

    carries out surveys or obtains appropriate evidence tosatisfy itself that the scantlings and construction meetthe Rule requirements in relation to the approved draw-ings

    attends tests and trials provided for in the Rules

    assigns the construction mark (refer to Ch 1, Sec 2,[3.2].

    2.1.3 RINA defines in specific Rules which materials andequipment used for the construction of yachts built undersurvey are, as a rule, subject to appraisal of their design andto inspection at works, and according to which particulars.

    2.1.4 The Surveyor in charge is to be satisfied of the overallconditions of constructions of the shipyard, its capabilityand workmanship.

    2.1.5 As part of his interventions during the yacht's con-struction, the Surveyor will:

    conduct an overall examination of the parts of the yachtcovered by the Rules

    examine the construction methods and procedureswhen required by the Rules

    check selected items covered by the Rule requirements

    attend tests and trials where applicable and deemednecessary.

    2.1.6 Use of materials, machinery, appliances anditems (1/1/2009)

    As a general rule, all materials, machinery, boilers, auxiliaryinstallations, equipment, items etc. (generally referred to as"products") which are covered by the class and used or fit-

    ted on board yachts surveyed during construction are to benew and, where intended for essential services as defined inCh 1, Sec 1, [1.2.1], tested or accepted by RINA.

    They are to be tested according to the requirements given inAppendix 1 depending on the Constructional Mark to beassigned.

    Tests are to be witnessed by a RINA Surveyor.

    Second hand materials, machinery, appliances and itemsmay be used subject to the specific agreement with theOwner.

    The requirements for the selection of materials to be used inthe construction of the various parts of a yacht, the charac-

    teristics of products to be used for such parts and the checksrequired for their acceptance are to be as stated in Part Cand Part D, as applicable, or in other Parts of the Rules or asspecified on approved plans. In particular, the testing ofproducts manufactured according to quality assurance pro-cedures approved by RINA and the approval of such proce-dures are governed by the requirements of Part D of theRules.

    2.1.7 Defects or deficiencies and their repair

    RINA may, at any time, reject items found to be defective orcontrary to Rule requirements or require supplementaryinspections and tests and/or modifications, notwithstandingany previous certificates issued.

    All repairs are subject to preliminary agreement with RINA.When the limits of tolerance for defects are specified in the

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    Rules or by the Manufacturer, they are to be taken intoaccount for repairs.

    It is incumbent upon the Interested Party to notify RINA ofany defects noted during the construction of the yachtand/or of any item not complying with the applicable

    requirements or in any case unsatisfactory. Proposalsregarding remedial actions intended to be adopted to elimi-nate such defects or unsatisfactory items are to be submittedto RINA and, if accepted, carried out to the Surveyor's satis-faction.

    2.2 Documentation

    2.2.1 Documentation relevant to the class applied for is tobe submitted for the approval of RINA.

    2.2.2 The design data, calculations and plans to be sub-mitted are listed in the relevant chapters of the Rules. RINAmay also call for additional information according to thespecific nature of the yacht to be classed.

    2.2.3 The documentation submitted to RINA is examinedin relation to the class applied for in the request for classifi-cation.

    Note 1: Should the Interested Party subsequently wish to have theclass, in particular the service notation or navigation notation,granted to the yacht modified, plans and drawings are generally tobe re-examined.

    2.2.4 A copy of the submitted plans will be returned dulystamped, with remarks related to the compliance with theRule requirements should the need arise.

    2.2.5 As a rule, modifications of the approved plansregarding items covered by classification are to be submit-ted.

    2.2.6 Design data to be submitted to RINA are to incorpo-rate all information necessary for the assessment of thedesign of the yacht for the purpose of assignment of class. Itis the responsibility of the Interested Party to ascertain thatthe design data are correct, complete and compatible withthe use of the yacht.

    2.2.7 Design calculations are to be provided, when calledfor, as supporting documents to the submitted plans.

    2.2.8 Design data and calculations are to be adequatelyreferenced. It is the duty of the Interested Party to ascertainthat the references used are correct, complete and applica-ble to the design of the yacht .

    2.2.9 The submitted plans are to contain all necessaryinformation for checking the compliance with the require-ments of the Rules.

    2.2.10 In the case of conflicting information, submitteddocumentation will be considered in the following order ofprecedence: design data, plans, design calculations.

    2.2.11 It is the responsibility of the Interested Party toascertain that drawings used for the procurement, construc-

    tion and other works are in accordance with the approved


    3 Yachts classed after construction

    3.1 General

    3.1.1 When an Owner applies to RINA for a yacht alreadyin service to be admitted to class, the application will beprocessed differently depending on whether the yacht is:

    classed with a QSCS Classification Society, or

    not classed with a QSCS Classification Society

    3.2 Yachts classed with a QSCS Classifica-

    tion Society

    3.2.1 General

    In this case the yacht will be admitted to RINA class uponsatisfactory surveys and verification of documentation. Forthe extent and scope of the surveys to be carried out and thelist of documentation to be submitted by the InterestedParty, reference is to be made to [3.2.2] and [3.2.3] below.

    3.2.2 Surveys

    Surveys to be carried out are based on the age of the vesseland the updated current class status as provided by the pre-vious QSCS Classfication Society. In general and at the dis-cretion of RINA, the extent of these surveys is to be at leastthe following.

    a) Surveys of hull:

    for vessels of age less than 10 years the survey is tohave the scope of an intermediate survey;

    for vessels between 10 and 15 years of age, in addi-tion, the survey is to include the inspection of a rep-resentative number of internal compartments, theinspection of the chain locker (cleared and cleaned)and thickness measurements , if considered neces-sary by the Surveyor. The interior of the yacht is tobe sufficiently opened out by the removal of liningand ceiling/cabin sole at the discretion of the Sur-veyor, who is to be satisfied of the condition of thestructure. In the context of applying this case, if a

    bottom survey in dry condition of the vessel is notdue at the time of transfer, consideration can begiven to carrying out an underwater examination inlieu of the bottom survey in dry condition;

    for all yachts which are 15 years of age and above afull class renewal survey, together with a dry bottomsurvey, is to be carried out. In exceptional casesconsideration can be given to carrying out an under-water examination in lieu of the bottom survey indry condition;

    b) Survey of machinery

    A general examination of all essential machinery is tobe held including at least the following:

    Insulation resistance, generator circuit breakers,preference tripping relays and generator prime

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    mover governors are to be tested and paralleling andload sharing to be proved;

    Navigating lights and indicators are to be examinedand their working and alternative sources of powerverified;

    Bilge pumps, emergency fire pumps and remotecontrols for fuel oil valves, fuel oil pumps, lubricat-ing oil pumps and forced draught fans are to beexamined under working condition;

    The main and all auxiliary machinery necessary foroperation of the vessel at sea together with essentialcontrols and steering gear is to be tested underworking conditions. Alternative means of steeringare to be tested;

    A short sea trial is to be held, at the Surveyor's dis-cretion, if the yacht has been laid up for a longperiod;

    Initial start arrangements are to be verified

    If main engines are subject to a planned overhaulingscheme in accordance with the engine Manufacturer, therecord book with all the works carried out is to be checkedby the Surveyor in order to verify compliance with the Man-ufacturer's Instructions.

    3.2.3 Documentation

    In general and if available, the documentation to be sup-plied for information is the following:

    a) Main plans:

    General arrangement

    Capacity plan Hydrostatic curves


    b) Hull structure plans:

    Midship section

    Longitudinal and transverse sections

    Scantling plan

    Profile and deck plan

    Watertight bulkheads

    Shell expansion/lamination schedule

    Rudder and rudder stock

    c) Machinery plans:

    Machinery arrangement

    Intermediate, thrust and screw shafts


    Main engines, propulsion gears and clutch systems(or Manufacturer's make, model and rating informa-tion)

    Bilge and ballast piping diagram

    Wiring diagram

    Steering gear system piping and arrangements andsteering gear Manufacturer's make and model infor-mation

    d) Plans required for vessels assigned the additional classnotations AUT - UMS (Y):

    Instrument and alarm list

    Fire alarm system

    List of automatic safety functions (e.g. slowdowns,

    shutdowns, etc.)

    Function testing plan.

    Alternative technical data may be accepted by RINA in lieuof specific items of the listed documentation not available atthe time of the transfer of class.

    3.2.4 For yachts of less than 100 gross tonnage, specialconsideration will be given to the scope of surveys and doc-umentation to be supplied.

    3.3 Yachts not classed with a QSCS Classifi-

    cation Society

    3.3.1 In general, the class of the yacht will be assignedupon a preliminary review of the documentation (or part ofit) listed in [3.3.3] and subsequent satisfactory completionof the surveys, the extent and scope of which are givenbelow.

    3.3.2 Surveys

    The extent and scope of the admission to class survey is tobe not less than those required at the class renewal surveyof a yacht of the same age and type.

    3.3.3 Documentation

    As a general rule, the documentation to be supplied toRINA is not to be less than the following.

    a) Main plans:

    General arrangement

    Capacity plan

    Stability documents

    b) Hull structure plans:

    Midship section

    Longitudinal and transverse sections

    Scantling plan

    Profile and deck plan

    Watertight bulkheads

    Shell expansion/lamination schedule

    Rudder and rudder stock

    c) Machinery plans:

    Engine room general arrangement

    Diagram of fuel- (transfer, service), bilge-, ballast-,lubricating oil-, cooling-, steam- and feed-, generalservice and starting compressed air piping

    Diagram of fire-fighting systems

    Drawings of boilers and air receivers

    Drawings of shaft line, reduction gear and propeller

    Drawings of steering gear

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    26 RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011

    d) Electrical installation plans:

    Master plan of power distribution, lighting andemergency power circuits

    Location and arrangement of electrical equipment inhazardous areas

    List of automatic safety functions (e.g. slowdowns,shutdowns, etc.)

    Function testing plan.

    Alternative technical data may be accepted by RINA in lieuof specific items of the listed documentation not available atthe time of the transfer of class.

    3.3.4 Where appropriate within reasonable limits, aproven service record of satisfactory performance during aperiod of adequate length may be used as a criterion ofequivalence. Special consideration will be given to yachts

    of recent construction.

    3.3.5 For installations or equipment covered by class nota-tions, RINA will determine the documentation to be submit-ted.

    3.3.6 In addition, RINA may base its judgement upon doc-umentation such as certificates issued or accepted by theformer Classification Society, if any, and statutory certifi-cates issued by the flag Administration or by a recognisedorganisation on its behalf; moreover, other documentsand/or plans may be specifically required to be supplied inindividual cases.

    4 Date of initial classification

    4.1 Definitions

    4.1.1 Date of build

    For a new building the date of build is the year and monthin which the new construction survey process is completed.

    Where there is a substantial delay between the completionof the construction survey process and the yacht commenc-ing active service, the date of commissioning may be alsospecified.

    If modifications are carried out, the date of build remainsassigned to the yacht. Where a complete replacement oraddition of a major portion of the yacht (e.g. forward sec-tion, after section) is involved, the following applies:

    the date of build associated with each major portion ofthe yacht is indicated on the Certificate of Classification;

    survey requirements are based on the date of build asso-ciated with each major portion of the yacht.

    4.1.2 Date of initial classification for new buildings

    As a general rule, for new buildings the date of initial classi-fication coincides with the date of build.

    4.1.3 Date of initial classification for existing


    In principle, for existing yachts the date of initial classifica-

    tion is the date of completion of the admission to class sur-


    4.1.4 Period of class (1/7/2009)

    The assigned period of class is never to exceed five (5)

    years. The 5 year period is granted only upon completion of

    the new building procedure and, for yachts classed after

    construction, upon satisfactory outcome of a survey with

    the scope of a renewal survey. If a yacht classed after con-

    struction was previously classed with a QSCS Classification

    Society [3.2], the assigned period of class is never to go

    beyond the due date of the renewal survey assigned by the

    previous Society.

    5 Reassignment of class

    5.1 General

    5.1.1 At the request of the Owner for a yacht previously

    classed and subsequently withdrawn from class may have

    the class reassigned subject to an admission to class survey.

    Details of the admission survey will be considered by RINA

    for each single case and if applicable and appropriate,

    account may be taken of any periodical surveys held in the

    former period of class.

    6 Double or dual class procedure

    6.1 Definitions

    6.1.1 A "double class" yacht is one which is classed by two

    Classification Societies, where each one works as if it is the

    only Society classing the yacht, and does all surveys in

    accordance with its own requirements and schedule.

    6.1.2A "dual class" yacht is one which is classed by twoClassification Societies between which there is a written

    agreement regarding sharing of work, reciprocal recogni-

    tion of surveys carried out by each of the Societies on behalf

    of the other and full exchange of information on the class

    status and survey reports.

    6.2 Procedure

    6.2.1 (1/7/2009)

    The procedure of admission to class of a yacht already

    classed with another QSCS Classification Society, under

    double or dual class arrangement, is to be the same as that

    provided for single class arrangement.

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    1 General principles of surveys

    1.1 Survey types

    1.1.1 All classed yachts are submitted to surveys for themaintenance of class. These surveys include the classrenewal survey, intermediate survey, bottom survey (eithersurvey in dry condition or in-water survey), tailshaft survey,boiler survey, and surveys for the maintenance of additionalclass notations, where applicable.

    Such surveys are carried out at the intervals and under theconditions laid down in this Section. In addition to theabove periodical surveys, yachts are to be submitted tooccasional surveys whenever the circumstances so require;refer to [6].

    1.1.2 The different types of periodical surveys are summa-rised in Tab 1. The intervals at which the periodical surveysare carried out are given in the items referred to in the sec-ond column of Tab 1. The relevant extent and scope aregiven in Chapter 3 while surveys related to additional classnotations are given in Chapter 4.

    Where there are no specific survey requirements for addi-tional class notations assigned to a yacht, equipment and/orarrangements related to these additional class notations areto be examined, as applicable, to the Surveyor's satisfactionat each class renewal survey for the class.

    The surveys are to be carried out in accordance with the rel-evant requirements in order to confirm that the hull,machinery, equipment and appliances comply with theapplicable Rules and will remain in satisfactory conditionbased on the understanding and assumptions mentioned inCh 1, Sec 1, [3.3].

    Where the conditions for the maintenance of class andadditional class notations are not complied with, the classand/or the additional class notations as appropriate will besuspended and/or withdrawn in accordance with the appli-cable Rules given in Sec 3.

    Note 1: It is understood that requirements for surveys apply tothose items that are required according to the Rules or, even if notrequired, are fitted on board.

    Table 1 : List of Periodical Surveys (1/1/2011)

    1.2 Change of periodicity, postponement or

    advance of surveys

    1.2.1 RINA reserves the right, after due consideration, tochange the periodicity, postpone or advance surveys, takinginto account particular circumstances.

    1.2.2 When a survey becomes overdue during a voyage,the following applies:

    a) In the case of a class renewal survey, RINA may, underexceptional circumstances, grant an extension to allow

    for completion of this survey provided there is docu-mented agreement to such an extension prior to theexpiry date of the Certificate of Classification, adequate

    arrangements have been made for the attendance of theSurveyor at the first port of call and RINA is satisfied thatthere is technical justification for such an extension.

    Such an extension will be granted only until arrival atthe first port of call after the expiry date of the Certificateof Classification.

    b) In the case of intermediate surveys, no postponement is

    granted. Such survey is to be completed within its pre-scribed windows; see [2.1.3].

    c) In the case of all other periodical surveys and recom-mendations, extension of class may be granted until thearrival of the yacht at the port of destination.

    Type of Survey Reference in this Section Reference to scope of survey

    Class renewal- hull [4] Ch 3

    Class renewal - machinery [4] Ch 3

    Annual Survey (hull and machinery) [5.2] Ch 3

    Intermediate - hull [5.3] Ch 3

    Bottom - dry condition [5.4] Ch 3

    Bottom - in - water [5.4] Ch 3

    Tailshaft complete [5.5] Ch 3

    Tailshaft modified [5.5] Ch 3

    Boiler [5.6] Ch 3

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    28 RINA Rules for Pleasure Yachts 2011

    1.3 Extension of scope of survey

    1.3.1 RINA and/or its Surveyors may extend the scope ofthe provisions in Chapter 3 and Chapter 4, which set forththe technical requirements for surveys, whenever and so faras considered necessary, or modify them in the case of spe-

    cial yachts or systems.

    1.3.2 The extent of any survey also depends upon the con-dition of the yacht and its equipment. Should the Surveyorhave any doubt as to the maintenance or condition of theyacht or its equipment, or be advised of any deficiency ordamage which may affect the class, then further examina-tion and testing may be conducted as considered necessary.

    1.3.3 Should it have cause to believe that its rules are notbeing complied with, RINA reserves the right to performunscheduled surveys.

    1.4 General procedure of survey

    1.4.1 The general procedure of survey consists in:

    an overall examination of the parts of the yacht coveredby the Rule requirements

    checking selected items covered by the Rule require-ments

    attending tests and trials where applicable and deemednecessary by the Surveyor.

    1.4.2 RINA's survey requirements cannot be considered asa substitute for specification and acceptance of repairs and

    maintenance, which remain the responsibility of theOwner.

    1.4.3 In accordance with the provisions of Ch 1, Sec 1,[3.1], RINA will, at the request of the Owner, apply the reg-ulations of Administrations concerning the scope and perio-dicity of surveys when they differ from those laid down inPart A.

    1.4.4 During the surveys, the Surveyor does not check thatspare parts are kept on board, maintained in working orderand suitably protected and lashed.

    1.5 Appointment of another Surveyor

    1.5.1 In compliance with the provisions of Ch 1, Sec 1,[2.5.1], should a disagreement arise between the Ownerand the Surveyor during a survey, RINA may, at the requestof the Owner, designate another Surveyor.

    2 Definitions and procedures relatedto surveys

    2.1 General

    2.1.1 Period of class

    Period of class means the period starting either from thedate of the initial classification (see Sec 1, [4]) or from the

    credited date of the last class renewal survey, and expiringat the limit date assigned for the next class renewal survey

    2.1.2 Anniversary date

    Anniversary date means the day of the month of each year

    in the period of class that corresponds to the expiry date ofthe period of class.

    2.1.3 Survey time window

    Survey time window, or more simply window, means thefixed period during which annual and intermediate surveysare to be carried out.

    2.1.4 Overdue surveys

    Each periodical survey is assigned a limit date specified bythe relevant requirements of the Rules (end of survey inter-val or end date of window), by which it is to be completed.A survey becomes overdue when it has not been completedby its limit date.

    2.1.5 Recommendations

    Any defect and/or deficiency affecting the class and to bedealt with within a specific period of time is indicated as arecommendation. A recommendation is pending until it iscleared. Where it is not cleared by its limit date, the recom-mendation is overdue and the class is automatically sus-pended.

    2.1.6 Memoranda

    Those defects and/or deficiencies which do not affect the

    maintenance of class and which may therefore be cleared atthe Owner's convenience and any other informationdeemed noteworthy for RINA's convenience are indicatedas memoranda. Memoranda are not to be regarded as rec-ommendations.

    2.1.7 Ballast tank

    A Ballast tank means a tank that is used primarily for saltwa-ter ballast.

    2.1.8 Spaces

    Those spaces which are intended to separate hull compart-

    ments including integral tanks.

    2.1.9 Overall survey

    An overall survey is a survey intended to report on the over-all condition of the hull structure and determine the extentof additional close-up surveys.

    2.1.10 Transverse section

    A transverse section includes all longitudinal members con-tributing to longitudinal hull girder strength, such as plating,longitudinals and girders at the deck, side shell, bottom,inner bottom, longitudinal bulkheads, as well as relevant

    longitudinals. For a transversely framed yacht, a transversesection includes adjacent frames and their end connectionsin way of transverse sections.

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    2.1.11 Suspect areas

    Suspect areas are locations showing substantial corrosionand/or considered by the Surveyor to be prone to rapidwastage and may include:

    a) For steel hulls, areas of substantial corrosion and/or

    fatigue cracking.b) For aluminium alloy hulls, areas of fatigue cracking and

    areas in the vicinity of bimetallic connections.

    c) For composite hulls, areas subject to impact damageand/or slamming.

    d) For wooden hulls, areas subject to deterioration as aresult of fresh water ingress or poor ventilation.

    e) For sailing craft, areas subject to high local stresses dueto rigging loads and ballast keel attachments.

    2.1.12 Substantial corrosion

    Substantial corrosion is an extent of corrosion such thatassessment of the corrosion pattern indicates a wastage inexcess of 75% of allowable margins, but within acceptablelimits.

    2.1.13 Protective coatings

    A corrosion prevention system is normally consideredeither:

    a full hard coating, or

    a full hard coating supplemented by anodes.

    Protective coating should usually be epoxy coating orequivalent. Other coating systems (soft coating) may beconsidered acceptable as alternatives provided that they areapplied and maintained in compliance with the Manufac-

    turer's specifications.

    2.1.14 Coating condition

    Coating condition for steel yachts is defined as follows:

    GOOD: condition with only minor spot rusting

    FAIR: condition with local breakdown at edges of stiff-eners and weld connections and/or light rusting over20% or more of areas under consideration, but less thanas defined for poor condition

    POOR: condition with general breakdown of coatingover 20% or more of areas or hard scale at 10% or moreof areas under consideration.

    2.1.15 Prompt and Thorough RepairA Prompt and Thorough Repair is a permanent repair com-pleted at the time of survey to the satisfaction of the Sur-veyor, there by removing the need for the imposition of anyassociated recommendation.

    2.2 Procedures for thickness measurements

    2.2.1 When required as per the scope of surveys definedbelow, thickness measurements are normally to be carriedout on the responsibility of the Owner, in the presence ofthe Surveyor. The Surveyor is to be on board to the extentnecessary to control the process.

    2.2.2 In general thickness measurements are to be carriedout by a company recognised by RINA.

    2.2.3 A thickness measurement report is to be prepared.The report is to give the location of measurements, thethickness measured and the corresponding original thick-ness.

    Furthermore, the report is to include the date when themeasurements were carried out, the type of measuringequipment, the names and the qualification of the operatorsand their signatures.

    The report is to be validated by the Surveyor.


    For acceptance criteria applicable to structural corrosiondiminution levels, reference is to be made to App 1.

    2.2.5 The Surveyor may extend the scope of thicknessmeasurements if deemed necessary. Suspect areas, asdefined in [2.1.11], which may include areas where thecoatings are found to be FAIR or POOR, may be inspectedevery time the Surveyor considers it necessary.

    2.3 Agreement of firms for in-water survey

    2.3.1 The in-water surveys referred to in the Rules are tobe carried out by a certified company accepted or recog-

    nised by RINA.

    2.4 Conditions for surveys

    2.4.1 The Owner is to provide the necessary facilities forthe safe execution of the surveys, as per Ch 1, Sec 1,[3.2.2].

    2.4.2 For their internal examination, tanks and spaces are

    to be safe for access, i.e. gas freed, ventilated and illumi-nated.

    In preparation for survey and thickness measurements andto allow for a thorough examination, all spaces are to becleaned including removal from surfaces of all loose accu-mulated corrosion scale. Spaces are to be sufficiently cleanand free from water, scale, dirt, oil residues etc. to revealcorrosion, deformation, fractures, damage, or other struc-tural deterioration. However, those areas of structure whoserenewal has already been decided by the Owner need onlybe cleaned and descaled to the extent necessary to deter-mine the limits of the renewed areas.

    Illumination is to be provided to reveal significant corro-

    sion, deformation, fractures, damage or other structuraldeterioration.

    2.4.3 A tank entry permit is to be issued prior to enteri