parte i- relationship building in a vast social and mobile world

Relationship Building In A Vast Social And Mobile World Comment Now Follow Comments Friends, family, candidates for hire, new hires, employers, employees, managers, vendors, colleagues, algorithmic bots, cookies: the climate of social and mobile is cluttered and rich and very complex. We are a truly social and mobile world now. But in terms of true relationship building, now that some of us have engaged or even mastered social, let’s think about it. Having just returned from Ireland and the amazing IT @Cork European Conference , I’m excited with new developments and friendships forged, such as the way we can bring more women into the field , and support my sisters on their way up the STEM ladder. But the gorgeous “paradox” was that here we were, humans all, doing the face to face thing. Everyone there was in a great mood. It made me think about where we’re going from here. I’m always trying to improve the quality of networking in business, especially where it relates to HR, social business and technology — the front lines of talent and branding, the rankings. HR is transforming itself due to technology, and trying hard to do the same in terms of mobile and social. Still, here are three trends in networking that may yet change the way we build lasting relationships: 1. It’s vast. Here are some numbers that, by virtue of proportion, are kind of remarkable. Networking on mobile and social has reached incredible proportions. By January of this year, the world population was more than

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Post on 25-Sep-2015




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  • 19/5/2015 Relationship Building In A Vast Social And Mobile World

    data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3Chgroup%20class%3D%22prevent_widows%22%20style%3D%22box-sizing%3A%20border-box%3B%20display%3A%20block 1/2

    Relationship Building In A VastSocial And Mobile World

    Comment Now Follow Comments

    Friends, family, candidates for hire, new hires,

    employers, employees, managers, vendors,

    colleagues, algorithmic bots, cookies: the

    climate of social and mobile is cluttered and rich

    and very complex. We are a truly social and

    mobile world now. But in terms of true

    relationship building, now that some of us have

    engaged or even mastered social, lets think

    about it. Having just returned from Ireland and

    the amazing IT @Cork European Conference,

    Im excited with new developments and

    friendships forged, such as the way we can bring

    more women into the field, and support my

    sisters on their way up the STEM ladder.

    But the gorgeous paradox was that here we were, humans all, doing the

    face to face thing. Everyone there was in a great mood. It made me think

    about where were going from here. Im always trying to improve the

    quality of networking in business, especially where it relates to HR, social

    business and technology the front lines of talent and branding, the

    rankings. HR is transforming itself due to technology, and trying hard to

    do the same in terms of mobile and social. Still, here are three trends in

    networking that may yet change the way we build lasting relationships:

    1. Its vast.

    Here are some numbers that, by virtue of proportion, are kind of

    remarkable. Networking on mobile and social has reached incredible

    proportions. By January of this year, the world population was more than

  • 19/5/2015 Relationship Building In A Vast Social And Mobile World

    data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3Chgroup%20class%3D%22prevent_widows%22%20style%3D%22box-sizing%3A%20border-box%3B%20display%3A%20block 2/2

    7.2 billion. The world had more than 2 billion active social media

    accounts thats 29% of the worlds population. And 1.65 billion of those

    accounts are accessed via mobile.

    Photo credit: Real Cocktail Baltimore 2 via photopin (license)

    2. Its going vertical.

    Vertical, or niche social networks, are a moment,

    particularly in the world of work. Its a highly

    human tendency to tribe up into groups of like-

    minded, similarly trained bands of co-

    professionals. Not surprisingly, we trust them more

    as a means to share valuable professional

    information, though well see if thats a myth or a

    truth. For doctors, for example, the niche network

    Doximity states that apparently half of the 800,000

    doctors in the U.S. use it. For purposes of

    recruiting, it may be tricky format: narrowing the

    focus may inadvertently squeeze out some great

    talent. Or it may enable better metrics and more

    successful hires.