participate. ccc2: things to know before we get started · phone. during the training, we will call...

CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started 1 1. At the start of the training, we will call roll to see who is on the phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2. Please make sure you have the In Class Exercises printed out (on paper) and ready. 3. You may ask questions at any time. Please identify yourself when you speak up. 4. We will record the webinar for our training and quality control purposes. 5. Please be sure you know how to mute your phone if you need to

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Page 1: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class

CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started


1. At the start of the training, we will call roll to see who is on the phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate.

2. Please make sure you have the In Class Exercises printed out (on paper) and ready.

3. You may ask questions at any time. Please identify yourself when you speak up.

4. We will record the webinar for our training and quality control purposes.

5. Please be sure you know how to mute your phone if you need to

Page 2: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class

....................Combat Communications for Conservationists

Part 2: Meet the Movers and Shakers

Page 3: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class

Combat Communications: The Key Takeaway


Sooner or later, the water will get hot and your reputation and success will be on the line. In this beginner-friendly workshop, you will to tell your side of the story during heated debates around rate increases, land management decisions, policy changes, lawsuits, legislation, and emergencies.

Page 4: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class

You will explore hot topics from the movers and shakers’ perspective. Then you will learn the dos and don’ts of the

influence game for government and nonprofit employees.


Page 5: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


● Three Quickfire Challenges● Confusing Terms and Blurry

Lines● The Slope

○ Target Audience○ Impressions○ Conversion○ Cultivation

● Wrap Up


Page 6: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #1: U.S. House of Representatives

In 2013, the Huffington Post reported on a leaked memo from the Democratic party to their members of Congress, with recommendations for how they spend their time.

Page 7: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class

7P.8 in your In Class Exercises

Quickfire #1: U.S. House of Representatives

Page 8: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Guess how the representatives should allocate their time

Quickfire #1: U.S. House of Representatives





Page 9: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


If you want to talk to a representative about an issue, you face fierce

competition for a tiny sliver of their time

Page 10: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


But if you can bring a constituent to your meeting, you have less competition for

more time

Page 11: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


And if you involve a donor in the conversation, you have even less competition for even more time

Page 12: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #2: Local “Movers and Shakers”

A survey of local movers and shakers along the coast, which asked how much time they spend working on natural resource issues each week

Page 13: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #2: Local “Movers and Shakers”

P.9 in your In Class Exercises.

Page 14: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #2: Local “Movers and Shakers”

Guess how many hours per week they answered?




Page 15: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class

Movers and shakers make quickfire decisions. They care more about who you

know than what you know.


Page 16: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Page 17: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

P.9 in your In Class Exercises.

Page 18: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers


Page 19: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Page 20: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Social media is great for you to distribute messages to everybody except movers

and shakers! And she didn’t even mention noise in the press...

Page 21: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Trust in the media is at an all time low. Politicians care less about media coverage than they used to

Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Page 22: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Page 23: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Movers and shakers may not read or respond to emails, letters, and petitions personally, but their staff are reading and tracking the content

Page 24: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Page 25: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

An activist mobilizing supporters to make phone calls!

Page 26: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Page 27: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Like this!

Page 28: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Page 29: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Government agencies can invite politicians, journalists, and their staff on field trips, too.

Page 30: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Quickfire #3: Influencing Movers and Shakers

Page 31: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


● Three Quickfire Challenges● Confusing Terms and Blurry

Lines● The Slope

○ Target Audience○ Impressions○ Conversion○ Cultivation

● Wrap Up


Page 32: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Many conservationists avoid hot topics because they are unsure about what is

and isn’t allowed

Page 33: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Confusing Terms and Blurry Lines

This is an introduction to basic concepts and principles.

If you need legal advice on your specific

situation, consult with a lawyer!

Page 34: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Confusing Terms and Blurry Lines

Term Colloquial Usage In the Eyes of the Law

Politics Anything having to do with the government Votes and elections

Policy Anything having to do with the government

Government actions and decisions other than votes

(regulation, procedure, permits, grants, zoning, etc.

etc. etc.)

Page 35: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Confusing Terms and Blurry Lines

Term Colloquial Usage In the Eyes of the Law

Lobbying Influencing movers and shakers

Influencing votes on a specific bill

LobbyistAnyone who tries to

influence movers and shakers

A paid professional who is registered to influence bills

Page 36: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Confusing Terms and Blurry Lines

Term Colloquial Usage In the Eyes of the Law

PartisanA confrontational and/or

assertive approach to politics and policy

Something that benefits a candidate or political party

CampaignA short term effort, e.g. a fundraising campaign or a

boycott campaignAn attempt to win an election

Page 37: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Confusing Terms and Blurry Lines

Term Colloquial Usage In the Eyes of the Law

501(c)3Nonprofit organization,

nongovernmental organization

A “charitable” organization, donations are tax deductible.

(e.g. watershed associations, land trusts)

501(c)4Nonprofit organization,

nongovernmental organization

A “social welfare” organization, donations are

not tax deductible. (e.g. League of Conservation Voters)

Page 38: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Private citizens enjoy complete freedom to participate in politics and policy in any

lawful manner

(Including being trolls, unfortunately)

Page 39: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Non-tax exempt organizations (for-profit companies and 501c4 nonprofits) have few restrictions on how they participate

in politics and policy

Page 40: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Tax exempt 501c3 organizations give up most (not all) rights to engage in politics, but retain their rights to influence policy.

501c3 organizations or employees that break the rules jeopardize their

tax-exempt status.

Page 41: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Civil servants, who are paid by tax dollars, must steer completely clear of politics and lobbying but may participate in policy and

“educate” politicians.

Civil servants who break these rules can be disciplined or fired.

Page 42: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Confusing Terms and Blurry Lines

P.10 in your In Class Exercises

Page 43: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Confusing Terms and Blurry Lines

✔ if allowedX if not allowed:-( if legal but frowned upon? if not sure

Page 44: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


501c3 organizations can legally spend up to 5% of the budgets on lobbying...

Page 45: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


...AND because the legal definition what counts towards that 5% is so narrow...

Page 46: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


...AND because most lobbying activities are so inexpensive…

Page 47: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


...501c3s largely have a free hand to lobby and advocate for their missions, so

long as they are extra careful around elections

Page 48: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Public agencies have more limited options to influence policy, but their

hands are NOT tied

Page 49: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


● Three Quickfire Challenges● Confusing Terms and Blurry

Lines● The Slope

○ Target Audience○ Impressions○ Conversion○ Cultivation

● Wrap Up


Page 50: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class

“The Slope” is a framework for mobilizing grassroots support for your

policy and political positions.


Page 51: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope”

}Overlook, Forget, Ignore(Only rarely refuse)

Page 52: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


● Three Quickfire Challenges● Confusing Terms and Blurry

Lines● The Slope

○ Target Audience○ Impressions○ Conversion○ Cultivation

● Wrap Up


Page 53: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope”

}Overlook, Forget, Ignore(Only rarely refuse)

Page 54: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The Slope: Target AudienceI love nature and care about your mission, but I

have never gotten involved in politics or

policy in any other way

I go to town halls, write my county council, and volunteered for the

mayor’s campaign. I’m not outdoorsy. I don’t know much about the


Imperfect Targets

Page 55: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The Slope: Target Audience

The Perfect Target

I need to change out of these waders and go collect

my lifetime achievement award from the Chamber of


Page 56: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


P.11 in your In Class Exercises

The Slope: Target Audience

Page 57: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


People who care about your mission and will speak up to movers and shakers are

rare and precious! So if you find one, hold on to their contact information!

Page 58: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


● Three Quickfire Challenges● Confusing Terms and Blurry

Lines● The Slope

○ Target Audience○ Impressions○ Conversion○ Cultivation

● Wrap Up


Page 59: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope:” Impressions, Conversion, Cultivation

}Overlook, Forget, Ignore(Only rarely refuse)

Page 60: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope:” Impressions, Conversion, Cultivation

6 examples of nonprofit and government agencies collecting contact information as part of their activities

Page 61: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope:” Impressions, Conversion, Cultivation

Page 62: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope:” Impressions, Conversion, Cultivation

Page 63: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope:” Impressions, Conversion, Cultivation

Page 64: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The rest of the items in the packet are all jumbled up. Please put them together in

the appropriate sequence!

Page 65: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope:” Impressions, Conversion, Cultivation

Arizona DOT has my email address. What else could they do with it?

Page 66: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope:” Impressions, Conversion, Cultivation

Mojave Desert Land Trust has my email address. What else could they do with it?

Page 67: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope:” Impressions, Conversion, Cultivation

U.S. EPA has my contact information. What could they do with it?

Page 68: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


The “Slope:” Impressions, Conversion, Cultivation

League of Conservation Voters has my cell phone #. What next?

Page 69: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


● Three Quickfire Challenges● Confusing Terms and Blurry

Lines● The Slope

○ Target Audience○ Impressions○ Conversion○ Cultivation

● Wrap Up


Page 70: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class

(Optional) Homework


If you want to earn CEUs for this course (or just learn as much as possible), you can complete this homework assignment.

Page 71: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Click Here to Open the Homework Assignment

Page 72: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class


Would your organization, coalition, committee, partnership, or association

enjoy this course?

Hosting is convenient and affordable. Contact me offline if you are interested.

Page 73: participate. CCC2: Things to Know Before We Get Started · phone. During the training, we will call on individuals by name to participate. 2.Please make sure you have the In Class

In this session, we learned how organization gain and exercise clout in hot topic situations. Any questions or
