partners newsletter october 2014

SOMMARY It’s happening right here! Plenty of projects in mind! 2 A transition period for early childhood actions. 3 Objectifs : healthy lifestyle. 4 Did you know that? Healthy food in schools 5 A practical guide or tool : the AVEC approach 5 Infos & links Wixxmag 7 Rico : 7 Capsules couple et couches : 7 EDITORIAL «You can never step into the same river twice». These words by the philosopher Heraclitus remind us that the world in which we live is in constant motion. It’s a metaphor that captures the evolution of our group, which is certainly manifested in the consolidation of two entities pursuing the same goals, but also in the adoption of a new governing style. From the outside, there’s no apparent change, only a desire to do things dierently. In other words, a new purpose, the wish to put the territories first, gained momentum by giving the decision-making power back to the stakeholders. Then came a consultation process in order to harmonize our actions. In underling these actions we had the well-being of the most disadvantaged WITH whom we want to create environments that promote the development of youth and their families. At times, the means may appear dierent, but they are basically the same: identifying sector with issues based on a benchmark, the latter acting as a framework for action or intervention. And, in the process, developing a plan that is specific, mesurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Finally, assessing the outcomes to determine sustainable features that lead to the adoption of healthy lifestyles, while building on the global development of the child. With this holistic approach, and by building together WITH the partners from the dierent areas, the group is committed to achieve these objectives and pursuing it’s mission. In order to be able to do this, and keeping in mind the characteristics of said river, MeM is expanding its team. Speaking of evolution, have you joined us on Facebook? Contact Memphré en Mouvement 1011, rue Sherbrooke Magog J1X 2T2 Tél. : 819 847 3034 Tél. : 819 446 5005 Isabelle Denis Twitter : @MemenMouvement Facebook Site Internet Rédaction Denis Delbois agent de liaison et de communication Isabelle Mercieca coordonatrice MeM Partners Newsletter Partners Newsletter, October 2014

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Here is the autumn edition. Still a large part for the partnership in heathly way of life and a lot of links to have more information about heathly food and activities. Enjoy and share!


Page 1: Partners newsletter October 2014

!!!!!!! !!!! SOMMARY

It’s happening right here!!Plenty of projects in mind!! 2! A transition period for early childhood actions.! 3! Objectifs : healthy lifestyle.! 4!

Did you know that?!Healthy food in schools! 5! A practical guide or tool : the AVEC approach! 5!

Infos & links!Wixxmag! 7! Rico :! 7! Capsules couple et couches :! 7


EDITORIAL «You can never step into the same river twice». These words by the philosopher Heraclitus remind us that the world in which we live is in constant motion. It’s a metaphor that captures the evolution of our group, which is certainly manifested in the consolidation of two entities pursuing the same goals, but also in the adoption of a new governing style. From the outside, there’s no apparent change, only a desire to do things differently.In other words, a new purpose, the wish to put the territories first, gained momentum by giving the decision-making power back to the stakeholders.Then came a consultation process in order to harmonize our actions.In underling these actions we had the well-being of the most disadvantaged WITH whom we want to create environments that promote the development of youth and their families.At times, the means may appear different, but they are basically the same: identifying sector with issues based on a benchmark, the latter acting as a framework for action or intervention. And, in the process, developing a plan that is specific, mesurable, attainable, realistic and timely.Finally, assessing the outcomes to determine sustainable features that lead to the adoption of healthy lifestyles, while building on the global development of the child.With this holistic approach, and by building together WITH the partners from the different areas, the group is committed to achieve these objectives and pursuing it’s mission.In order to be able to do this, and keeping in mind the characteristics of said river, MeM is expanding its team.Speaking of evolution, have you joined us on Facebook?


Memphré en Mouvement 1011, rue Sherbrooke!Magog J1X 2T2!Tél. : 819 847 3034!Tél. : 819 446 5005 !

!Isabelle !Denis Twitter : @MemenMouvement Facebook !Site Internet


Denis Delbois agent de liaison et de communication Isabelle Mercieca coordonatrice MeM

Partners Newsletter










Page 2: Partners newsletter October 2014

It’s happening right here!!!Plenty of projects in mind!!!The back to school period went smoothly and our group has plenty of projects in mind! We have a full program ahead of us, with a collective dream for change as the underlying drive.In order to succeed, the partners adopted two action plans for all 0-17 year olds in the MRC. They will be supported by Avenir d’Enfants ($239,799) and Québec en Forme ($219,000).These actions will have a direct impact on the global development of 0-5 year olds and on healthy lifestyle habits of 0-17 year olds and their families.!In order to keep the dream alive and make it a part of every child’s daily life, the Memphré en Mouvement...partenaires pour les 0-17 ans team is expanding. This new team is committed to creating closer ties with the community.We have three positions yet to fill, but we’ve already hired:- an office agent, Suzanne Beaupré, in charge of administrative duties- an MRC liaison officer, Denis Delbois, in charge of Healthy Lifestyle initiatives and

communications- a Stanstead liaison officer (for 0-5 year olds), Julie Labrie- a support worker for Healthy Lifestyle Habits, Nadia Fredette- a coordinator, Isabelle Mercieca, who will facilitate consultations, manage human

resources and the budget, and liaise with stakeholders and regional headsYou will get to meet the entire team at the next assembly!!Also, come fall, in order to complete our merger process, we will adopt our new governing style and our mission/vision in assembly!!!











It’s happening right here

Page 3: Partners newsletter October 2014

A transition period for early childhood actions.!!Avenir d’Enfants will once again support our group for an amount of $239,799! Almost all of our requests were granted, with the exception of the support given to the Coop des Petits Ziboux, in Potton. The coordinating committee is looking into the reasons behind this refusal in order to explore possible solutions. !Many actions will be continuing, while others will be initiated shortly. The new activity designed to promote a successful kindergarten entry had some success last June. Four primary schools in Magog took part in the project. The kindergarten teachers offered a get-together activity to 11 future students (selected by schools and CPEs) and their parents. The latter really appreciated it, and the teachers are eager to renew the project!This fall, 10 new educators are expected to receive training from Brindami, followed by support in setting up the program.The Playgroup at Princess Elizabeth School started up again at the beginning of September. This activity, which meets the need of parents to get together and share, also stimulates and socializes 10 or so young Anglophone children every week. Coming soon:- the family drop-in program will start- the Maison de la Famille will be relocated- the Équipe Ressource Relais will be expanding in order to reach parents of young

children.The other actions will begin progressively now that a new early childhood partnership consultant has been hired, as well as liaison officers (for 0-5 year olds) in Stanstead and Potton.!!











It’s happening right here

Page 4: Partners newsletter October 2014

Objectifs : healthy lifestyle.!!The group’s plan when it comes to healthy lifestyle habits is really a continuation of last year’s. Québec en Forme accepted our total request in the amount of $219, 000!!A reorganization of human resources is also part of the plan. From now on, Denis Delbois will be in charge of supporting the partners in setting up measures and in implementing certain actions.Nadia Fredette is continuing her contract with us and will be supporting schools in their various projects, after having supported several summer camps with Meyranie R. Rodriguez this summer. Furthermore, 2014 was a very busy summer, with the different camps in the MRC competing with creativity to make healthy lifestyle habits part of their daily routine: outdoor activities, cooking workshops, gardening and all kinds of active games! The group will also be getting a new support worker to complement Nadia’s work.Finally, communications actions will be carried out and/or supported by Denis, our communications officer. Coming soon:- TVCogeco capsules highlighting our Healthy Lifestyle Habit initiatives- articles by our group in the Reflet du Lac - support in implementing communications actions regarding healthy eating within

your organizations.And, of course, we will be launching all the other actions in our calendar!!!!!!!!!!












It’s happening right here

Page 5: Partners newsletter October 2014

!!Did you know that?!!Healthy food in schools!!Healthy eating is a topic of conversation on television, on the radio, in newspapers and in grocery stores.We hear about it everywhere, even at school, in the classroom, and in daycare! But what’s the actual situation in cafeterias?As of now, two more concessions have shown an interest in our territory. Their approach is based on a food policy that fits within the framework policy and meets the requirements of the Canada Food Guide. With the help of the CSSS nutritionist, Caroline Patry, and the group’s healthy eating officer, Denis Selbois, the two concessions received training on the basic principles in order to help them improve their menus.During a board meeting, this same policy was presented to parents.It was met with great enthusiasm, highlighting the importance of cohesiveness between the different educational components.Broadly, there are nine quality criteria that cooks can work on and on which everyone can base their evaluation.These points will be emphasized throughout the school to show adherence to the

project and consistency.New menus are already in place, and further improvements will be made throughout the year.Attitudes toward food will be addressed later on in the school year. This will round out our global approach regarding the food policy.For more information, please feel free to contact the group.!!!!!!!!

A practical guide or tool : the AVEC approach!!�5










Did you know that?

Page 6: Partners newsletter October 2014

The following is a brief overview of AVEC’s (Agir et Vivre Ensemble le Changement) companion guide:«The AVEC approach and practices put experience experts at the heart of the project».The guide is meant to accompany support workers and organization leaders, in community and institutional settings, as well as researchers and students who want to combat poverty and social exclusion alongside experience experts. It is intended for any person who wants to work toward social inclusion and knowledge enhancement.It also allows individuals who think «inside the box» to meet with those who think «outside the box». The AVEC approach encourages an encounter or reconciliation between these two viewpoints and a recognition of each one’s value when it comes to thinking collectively and differently.For academic experts, the AVEC approach represents an opportunity to (re-)discover different forms of knowledge, those gained through personal experience and practice. Even though, at times, this approach can weaken their status and the authority that accompanies it, the academic experts acknowledge the usefulness of the approach when experience experts share their expertise and methodological or ethical knowledge.The AVEC approach often goes against leading social practices. Consequently, embarking on this course raises issues and presents challenges in connection with financing, recognition of experience expertise and power relations.If you wish to learn more about the AVEC approach: email us and we will send you the complete PDF guide (in French only).Email: [email protected]


Page 7: Partners newsletter October 2014

!Infos & links!!Wixxmag!Because some of you are parents as well as youth workers, this website is for you. It’s full of tips to get 9-13 year olds moving. Sign up to receive the!Rico :!This video shows a consolidation approach for implementing a project that promotes language development in children 0-5 years old.Le monde de Rico is part of a mobilization initiative undertaken by the Partenaires pour la petite enfance de Magog.!Capsules couple et couches :!A web series aimed at parents, this initiative is led by La Constellation 0-5 ans, the early childhood group in Granit.


Infos & linksPa


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