parts of a plant (detailed)

Parts of the plant and their functions

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A quick look at the parts of a plant.


Page 1: Parts of a plant (detailed)

Parts of the plant and their functions

Page 2: Parts of a plant (detailed)

Importance of plants

• Without plants life on earth would not exist

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• Primary source of food for people and animals

• Produce oxygen

• help to keep us cool

• renew the air

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• slow wind speed

• provide a home for wildlife

• beautify surroundings

• perfume the air

• furnish building materials and fuel

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Parts of a plant

• Four basic parts–leaves




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• the food factory of the plant

• produce the food used by the plant or stored for later use

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Shape and size of leaves

• vary among plants

• used for identification of plants

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Leaf arrangement

• alternate

• opposite

• whorled–arranged in a circle around the


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External leaf structure

• petiole - leaf stalk

• leaf blade (leaf)–has veins

–forms structural framework of the leaf

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• large center vein from which all other leaf veins extend

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• edges of leaves

• assists in plant identification

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Internal leaf structure

• epidermis–skin of the leaf

–single layer of cells

–protects leaf from loss of too much moisture

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Guard Cells

• open and close the small pore on the underside of the leaf

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• allow the plant to breathe and transpire–give off moisture

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• contain chlorophyll

• located inside the food making cells

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• process by which CO2 and H2O in the presence of light are converted to sugar and oxygen

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Chemical formula

• 6CO2 + 6H2O

• -----> in reaction with sunlight and chlorophyll ------>

• C6H12O6 (glucose) + 6O2

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• manufactured in the leaves moves downward through the stem to the roots–used by the plant

–stored in stem or root and leaf in the form of sugar, starch or protein.

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• plants respire 24 hours a day

• consume O2 and give off CO2

• plants produce more O2 through ps. Than they consume during respiration and growth.

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• have two main functions–movement of water and minerals

from the roots upward and movement of manufactured food down

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Stem functions

• support of leaves and reproductive structures

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Stems also

• used for food storage and reproduction of plants involving cuttings

• Green stems manufacture food just as leaves do

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External Stem Structure

• lenticels- breathing pores

• bud scale scars-indicate where terminal bud has been located previous year.

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Leaf Scars

• shows where leaf was attached

• Distance between the two represents one year of growth.

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Internal Stem Structure

• phloem- bark, carries manufactured foods down.

• Xylem- wood, carries water and minerals up.

• Cambium- separates the 2 and produces all new cells.

• Characteristic of dicots

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Internal Stem Structure

• dicot- dicotyledon, a plant with 2 seed leaves

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• Monocotyledon - a plant with one seed leaf.

• Have vascular bundles, contain both xylem and phloem in each small bundle

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• stems have no cambium

• cells enlarge to create size of mature stem

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Economic Importance

• food

• building materials

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• Usually underground• functions:

–anchor plant and hold upright–absorb water and minerals form

soil and conduct to stem–store food, & propagation

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Root Structure

• internal

–similar to stems

–older roots have xylem, phloem and cambian

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–root cap

•produces continuous supply of new cells

•protects roots as they push through soil

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• root hairs

–absorb moisture and minerals

• small roots

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Functions other than water and mineral absorption

• cash crops for food




–sweet potatoes• propagation

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Type of root systems

• fibrous-grasses

–easier transplanting

–shorter, smaller, more compact

• lap root-carrot

–longer and fewer roots

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Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds

• pollination- color of flower attracts insects to fertilize flower– beginning of fruit and seed formation

• fruits and seed are attractive to birds who eat and spread seeds.

– Reproduces plant– some seeds carried on animals coats

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Parts of the Flower

• differ in size, shape, and color, some basic parts

• sepal

–green leaf-like part, covers and protects bud before opening

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• are actually leaves

• usually bright colors to attract pollinating insects.

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Parts of the Flower

• stamens

–male part of flower

–has two parts


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• anther- sac-like structure on top of filament, contains pollen

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Parts of the Flower

• Pistil - female part

• in the center of flower

• has three parts

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• three parts

• stigma - top - sticky

• style - tube leading from stigma to ovary

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• egg cells develop here

• grows to become fruit or seedcoat

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Types of Flowers

• complete

–contains 4 main parts

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• does not have all 4 main parts

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• has stamens and pistils

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• lacks stamens or pistils

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Types of Flowers

• monoecious

–stamens and pistils are found in separate flowers on the same plant

•ex: Corn

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• male or staminate flowers found on one plant, female or pistilate flowers on another plant

• ex: holly