parts of a plant prince

By Prince Anucha Parts of a Plant

Upload: wolcsyvonnec

Post on 30-Jun-2015




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  • 1. By Prince Anucha

2. Seed Coat The outer protective covering around the Seed. 3. Stem The part of a Plant that holds it up and carries water and nutrients to the leaves. 4. Germinate When a seed begins to grow. 5. Roots After a seed germinates or begins to grow, it grows roots. Roots hold the plant in place.Roots bring water and nutrients or food from the soil to the stem. Roots grow down because of gravity. 6. Leaves Most leaves are green. In the Fall they change color. Use air, water, and energy from light to make food for the Plant. 7. Seedling A baby plant. 8. Pollen A powder found in flowers. 9. Fruit Grows around seeds If it is fertilized.